
Document 1139474

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Document 1139474
Many things cause hate such as: race, religion,
sexual orientation, and countless other reasons
that are significant factors in daily lives.
College students 
WHY: College students are on their own for the
first time and must determine their own values,
morals, and ethics individually without the
influence of their parents and family.
Reminder: Student projects cannot use
College students as their audience.
Today we are all about being equal and skin
color and ethnicity should NOT matter, yet it
Trayvon Martin shooting Feb.2012
Family doesn’t want it described as a “race”
killing”, but rather a “hate” crime/killing it has
racial overtones.”
Zimmerman found not guilty
Michael Dunn, 45, allegedly shot and killed
Davis after a verbal altercation over loud music
playing from the SUV that Davis and three of
his friends were sitting in at a Jacksonville gas
station, according to police.
Hate is a strong and fierce reaction that is a
learned response. "To hate is to refuse to accept
another person as a human being, to diminish
him, to limit your own horizon by narrowing
his, to look at him - and also at yourself - not as
a subject of pride but as an object of disdain
and of fear..."
- Excerpt from The Oslo Declaration
The Anatomy of Hate: A Dialogue to Hope
Because someone looks different than another,
it causes fear and irrational behavior leading to
Because one does not understand another
culture it causes another to seek out and
destroy that culture and put his/hers in place
because of hate.
Elie Weisel says it best “Hate knows no
frontiers, neither racial nor ethnic. Hate is
contagious. Wearing different masks, it can be
found among all religions and social
Many things are said and done in the name of
religion; any religion it does not matter if one is
Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, or Muslim.
Religion has caused hate to grow within people
for centuries.
From the Crusades, Holocaust, September
An 88-year-old white supremacist known for his
hatred of Jews and African Americans shot and
killed a security guard this week (June 10) at the
US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington.
June 12, 2009 (PBS.ORG).
The incident left hundreds questioning why an
elderly man would go into a museum and begin
shooting; especially with children present. The
answer: Hate.
He thought “all Jews were evil” (Syeed & Espo).
Allowing his resentment to fester until he
committed the ultimate act, murder.
Hate leads to crime, which gives police the
name: hate crime.
October 7, 1998 would become one of the most
notorious anti-gay hate crimes in America
Results in the passage of the Matthew Shepard
and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention
Act, a federal law against bias crimes directed
at lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered
Two men, Aaron McKinney and Russell
Henderson, abducted Matt and drove him to a
remote area east of Laramie, Wyoming.
He was beaten and left to die in the cold of the
18 hours later, he was found by a bicyclist who
initially mistook him for a scarecrow.
Matt died on October 12 at 12:53 a.m.
“The FBI is implementing changes to collect
additional data for crimes motivated by a bias
against a particular gender or gender identity,
as well as for hate crimes committed by or
directed against juveniles”(Hate).
Society is falling apart because hate crimes are
now being committed by younger people.
FBI Press Release for 2012 link
Of the 6,008 known
offenders, 58.6 percent were
white and 18.4 percent were
black. For 12.0 percent, the
race was unknown, and the
remaining known offenders
were of other races.
The ironic statement contradicts what many
believe to be false; hate should be the opposite
of love; the antithesis of what is good in the
But hate must start somewhere.
LEYDEN: Well, you know, my father the first time I ever felt real affection,
real love, kind of like a joy from my dad
was when I severely injured my cousin
in a fight that we had had. My father
came over and gave me a big hug,
kissed me on the forehead and told me
he loved me….So I started to equate
violence with love.
“Anyone who hates an individual is almost
always capable of succumbing to group hatred
or even of spreading it,” Havel warned. “I
would even say that group hatred be it
religious, ideological or doctrinal, social,
national or any other kind is a kind of funnel
that ultimately draws into itself everyone
disposed toward hatred.” (Havel)
One cannot avoid hate, but one can certainly
avoid being hateful.
How to help stop Hate; Go visit ADL
Students often forget to announce who their
audience is at the start of the presentation.
Quick Check: Who was the audience for this
presentation and why?
Students forget the thesis or have a jumbled,
unclear thesis! 
Students use too much text! (Like this power
point) It is BORING! Don’t do it! Use pictures,
music, video clips!
Students rush through the project. Take your
time- you have 7-10 minutes
“The Anatomy of Hate.”Elie Weisel Foundation for Humanity.
3 Dec. 2012.
“Hate Crimes for 2011”. FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation. 3
Religion and Ethics: NewsWeekly. 9 June 2012. 3 Dec. 2012.
Syeed, Nafeesa, and David Espo. “Holocaust Museum
Shooting In Washington D.C.” Huffington Post. 11 June.
2009. 3 Dec. 2012 . Online.
Lee, Trymain. “Attorney for Jordan Davis’ family says it’s
about hate, not race” MSNBC Online. 30 Nov. 2012. 3
Dec. 2012. http://tv.msnbc.com/2012/11/30/attorney
Neary, Lynn. “The Anatomy of a Hate Group.”
Talk of the Nation. National Public Radio. 14
August 2012. 4 Dec.
2012. Online.
Shepard, Matthew. Official Website.
Wehner, Peter. “Politics and The Anatomy of
Hate.” Commentary Magazine. 6 June 2011. 3
Dec. 2012. Online.
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