
An Entrepreneurial Career Path – working Dan Paterson

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An Entrepreneurial Career Path – working Dan Paterson
Michael J. and Ann Sherman Center for Engineering
Entrepreneurship Education
Dan Paterson
Chief Business Officer
An Entrepreneurial Career Path – working
without a map (or a net)
Thursday, November 21st, 7:00pm
10 Behrakis Health Sciences Center
Pizza served.
Mr. Paterson has over 20 years of experience in management roles
at healthcare and biotechnology companies, including as COO and
CEO, and specific expertise in oncology drug and diagnostic product development. Mr. Paterson was the founding CEO of The DNA
Repair Company (acquired by On-Q-ity) which develops oncologyfocused molecular diagnostics. Mr. Paterson was Head of Global
Strategy for Specialty Market and Patient-Level Data at IMS
Health after playing a key role in the acquisition of PharMetrics by
IMS Health as VP, Marketing and Corporate Development. Mr.
Paterson was on the founding management team of CareTools, a
healthcare information systems company, OnCare, an oncology
physician practice management company with $100 million in annual revenue, and Axion, a oncology pharmaceutical and clinical
service firm with an annual revenue of over $250 million when acquired by Bristol Myers Squibb. Mr. Paterson has designed and
managed clinical trials in both industry and academic settings and
holds a B.A. in Biology from Boston University.
RSVP at www.coe.neu.edu/coe/rsvp/speaker.html
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