
Governing and Managing Enterprise Models Part 3 - Unified Change ClearQuest Procedures

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Governing and Managing Enterprise Models Part 3 - Unified Change ClearQuest Procedures
Enterprise Model Driven Development,
Management, and Governance
December 2009
Governing and Managing Enterprise
Models Part 3 - Unified Change
Management with ClearCase &
ClearQuest Procedures
Part 3C: Edit & Harvest model changes from Project2 to
Enterprise Model
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In this a (second) Project Model Manager (PMM2) works on a separate copy
of the models in a separate, second project (Project2) being executed in
parallel to Project1 and PMM1’s changes to the models. The Enterprise Model
Manager (EMM) will harvest changes from Project2 and create a new, merged
recommended baseline version of the models from both projects. All work is
done using Rational Software Architect or Modeler (RSA/M), and Rational
Unified Change Management (UCM) enabled ClearCase and ClearQuest
This article consists of the following major activities:
2.1: Check-out, change, check-in Industry Models: Associate a Project2 check-out, change, save, and check-in of the industry models with a
UCM-enabled CC/CQ activity assigned to PMM2.
2.2: Harvest Changs from Project2 Models stream to Enterprise
Models stream: Harvest (deliver and merge) the changed models from the
Project2 Models stream to Enterprise Models stream within Rational Software Architect using UCM CC/CQ
2.3: Create New Enterprise Model Baseline with Merged Changes
from Projects 1 & 2: Create a new recommended baseline from the merged
results from Project 1 & 2 changes.
Lab Workflow
The following diagram depicts the flow of activities in this lab which are
performed by the second Project Model Manager/Practitioner (PMM2) and
Enterprise Model Manager. Use this diagram as a guide while performing the
lab steps.
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The execution of the steps in this article is intended to be completed in 90
1. Governing and Managing Enterprise Models Part 3 Unified Change Management with ClearCase & ClearQuest Procedures Part 3a. and Part 3b
articles executed (environment setup ready and EMM delivered changes
performed by PMM1 in integration stream
2. Project2 Model Manager (PMM2) used native RSA Import utility (File
> Import->General->Existing Project Into Workspace ) to import the
Industry Models project from his CC View into his RSA workspace
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The figure below represents the lab workflow with respect to UCM streams:
PMM2 checks-out the model from the Project Models stream
PMM2 makes changes to the project model (represented in figure as
“Practitioner Changes” 1.2-1.4)
PMM2 checks-in his final change (1.4) to the Project2 (Project Models)
EMM harvests (deliver/merge Project Models v1.4) from the Project2
models stream to the Enterprise Models:
Check-out, change, check-in Industry Models
This section is performed by the PMM2 using Rational Software Architect
(RSA). As mentioned, we will assume that we work on small projects and
that the Project Model Manager (PMM) and Modeler Practitioner (MP)
are the same. To simplify the lab, we will edit the models from Project2’s
integration stream (this is a model development stream in the repository that
multiple model developers would deliver their work to for integration into a
common, merged project model.
In this section we will check-out the Industry Modeling Project in Project2’s
Integration View. A UCM CQ activity has been assigned to Project Model
Manager 2 (PMM2). It is this activity against which the PPM2 will perform
all work.
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Start Rational Software Architect
__1. Launch Rational Software Architect in Project2 workspace. (from
Start ->Program Files->IBM Software Delivery Platform -> menu)
__2. Expand the “BFMPS80 [Project2_view]” folder in the “Project
Explorer” view by clicking on the icon next to the folder and then
expand the “Models” folder.
__1. Double-click on each of the models root nodes above to open the
industry models. When all models are opened, collapse the model folders as
Check-out models
__2. To support the change management needs of the enterprise, all
models are controlled through Unified Change Management (UCM) version
control. In order to modify the APM and BOM models, select both the
BFM_APM and BFM_BOM model root elements in the “Project Explorer”
view then click the “Check-out” tool from the Rational Software Architect
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__3. In the “Check Out Element(s)” dialog window, click OK to check out
the model file for modification.
__4. Since an activity based change management system, Unified Change
Management (UCM), is being used by the enterprise, a change activity must
be selected. The “ClearCase – Select Activity” window is displayed. Since
no default activity has been set, browse ClearQuest activities by selecting
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__5. Select the ClearQuest Activity you want to work on
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__a. Use the scroll bar to move the query list down in the “Activity
Entity Browser”.
__b. Select the “All Defects” query at the bottom of the list.
__c. Click Run to see the results of the query in the bottom portion of
the window.
__d. Left-click once on the activity you selected to work on (in our
example “FSSCQ00000057 | Submitted | Headline/Description: Identify/
Customize required services from process model in Project2”.)
__e. Click OK to select the activity.
__6. Back in the “ClearCase – Select Activity” window, click OK to select
this activity.
__7. ClearCase checks out all of the model files. Please wait until
ClearCase has finished checking out the model files. When completed, a
checkmark decorator ( ) appears on both the BFM_APM and BFM_BOM
model folders. UCM tracks the changes made to each of the models and will
provide compare/merge capabilities in order to bring work from the project
to the enterprise.
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Make Changes to the Models
In this section, changes will be made to a RSx UML Model by PMM2.
Two types of changes will be introduced to illustrate key model integrity
• a change that is automatically detected as conflicting with a change
made in parallel on another project (in another model development
stream). This conflict will need to be resolved manually and the model
management system automatically launches a compare/merge session
for this change conflict resolution prior to delivery of the change to a
common integration stream.
• a change that is NOT automatically detected as conflicting with a
change made in another model development stream (e.g., another
project).In these labs, two modelers working in two different projects
model the same concept but in two different ways. Modeling the same
concept in two different ways creates a model integrity concern because
it creates, in effect, two different definitions for the same concept which
can complicate re-use and undermine establishment of a common
NOTE: Normally, business process model changes are made within
WebSphere Business Modeler but, for the purposes of these articles – which
are focused on how to use RSA’s model compare/merge capabilities to
maintain the integrity of models being modified in parallel model driven
development projects – all work is done within the RSA Modeling perspective
including, in our case, changes to the process models (which are represented
in RSA utilizing UML Activity Diagrams and related constructs).
Change 1:
In lab1 (article 3b), Project1 Modeler (PMM1) deleted a model element
-- a business activity named ‘Analyze Customer Relationship’ from a
diagram /model and updated the diagram to connect the remaining
business activities. In this Lab/article (article 3c), a parallel “Project2”
Modeler (PMM2) will rename the same activity element. This will cause a
“Delete/Modify” conflict that will automatically be detected by the model
management system, ClearCase when the Project2 changes are delivered to
the Enterprise Models stream.
Initial Diagram (before modification done by PMM1 and PMM2) – PMM2
will modify “WFChart for Provide Loan Arrangement Offer” activity
diagram below by renaming the highlighted element.:
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Resulting Diagram (after PMM2 changes): the “Analyze Customer
Relationship” activity will be renamed as “Analyze Customer Relationships’
and changes will be reflected in both Project Explorer and in the “WP Chart
for Provide Loan Arrangement Offer” activity diagram.
PMM2 also modified the text in Documentation Property for “Analyze
Customer Relationships” (in our case, by removing the word “To “ from the
beginning of the “Definition” line then uppercase the “e” in “examine”.)
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Change 2:
The second change to the model that PMM1 has made and PMM2 will
make , will not cause a change that is automatically detected as a change
conflict. In our case, both PMM1 and PMM2 will add a new class, with
slightly different name and description. This causes an Add/Add type of
non-conflicting change. Later in this Lab (article 3c) the Enterprise Model
Manager (EMM) will use the model compare merge capability to discover
these competing definitions of the same concept and then reconcile them
using the “Edit Model” function. Specifically, the EMM will merge the two
sets of changes by keeping the element name addition from one contributor
and the description of the element from the second contributor.
Initial set of classes in “Business Terms” Package (before addition of a new
class by PMM2 ):
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Resultant set of classes in “Business Terms” package (after addition
of a new class named “Product Usage Information” by PMM2):
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PMM2 also added new documentation to this new class element (as in
screenshot below)
Save Model
The Analysis Process Model is now dirty, needing saved.
__8. In the Project Explorer view, collapse all folders until only the
Model packages are visible.
__9. Review the “dirty” flag indication, noted by the asterisks (*), in
the Project Explorer view. This indicate that some portion, in the case the
BFM_APM model, need saving.
__10. Select “File -> Save All” from the menu to save all changes.
Alternately, press the Ctrl+Shift+S key combination on the keyboard.
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The Project Explorer view should now reflect that all changes have been
saved. No asterisks should be visible next to any of the folder names or on
the Project Explorer title.
Check-in Updated Models
It is time to check all changed files into the projects version control
(Unified Change Management). Later, these changes will be merged into the
enterprises change management system, Rational ClearCase.
__11. Check-in models
__a. With the Project root node selected in Project Explorer, From the
ClearCase menu, select “Find Check-outs”.
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__b. In the “Find Criteria” window, keep all defaults then click OK.
ClearCase finds all checked-out files with in the selected path.
__c. Select all rows in the find results list by clicking the first item,
holding down the shift key, then clicking the last item in the list.
__d. With all items selected, click the “Check In…” button on the
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Resolve Change Request
The Model Practitioner changes the UCM ClearQuest activity record state
to “Resolved” when the activity is completed. This indicates a resolution
of “fixed”. He can also assign the defect back to the EMM manager. This
way the EMM Manager will get notified that the state of defect was changed
and defect was fixed, and he can then examine the information in the
Rational ClearQuest user database to see the resolution notes and any other
information from that defect.
__12. In the “Check In” window, click Properties to bring up the change
request record for modification.
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__13. The “View Defect …” dialog appears. Click on the Action dropdown list button then select Resolve.
__14. The ClearQuest change request record becomes modifiable. On
the Main tab, select a new activity owner (in our case the EMM - Enterprise
Model Manager) from the Owner drop down list.
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__15. Next, click on the “Resolution” tab. The red block ( ) icon next to
Resolution indicates information is required to be entered on that tab.
__16. On the Resolution tab, select Fixed from the Resolution field dropdown list.
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__17. Finally, in the “View Defect FSSCQ00000057” dialog, click OK
once to save the changes.
__18. Complete the check in
__a. In the “Check In” window, you might want to select the “Check-in
even if identical to previous version” check-box (in case you have some
model files that are not modified in your project) and then click “Apply to
__b. Close the “Find Checkouts” window by selecting “File -> Exit” from
the menu.
Refresh Model Status
Since changes have been checked into Rational ClearCase, update Rational
Software Architect with the model status from ClearCase.
__19. Refresh model status
__a. Right-click on the root “BFMPS80 [Project2_view]” folder and
select “Team -> Refresh Status…” from the context menu.
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__b. In the “Refresh Source Control Status” dialog, click OK for
Rational Software Architect to use the BFMPS80 logical root storage for
__20. The Project 2 model developer is now finished with their work. Exit
Rational Software Architect by select “File -> Exit” from the menu.
Harvest from Project2 Models to Enterprise Models stream
This lab section is performed by Enterprise Model Manager (EMM) in the
Rational Software Architect (RSx) EMM workspace. The EMM harvests (ClearCase (CC) “deliver” and then “merge”) the models from Project2 Models stream
to the Enterprise Models stream within Rational Software Architect using UCM
enabled ClearCase & ClearQuest.
As a general rule, to ensure model integrity Model Managers will want to force
visual compare merge during model delivery so that model changes can be
inspected to ensure they do not undermine model integrity.
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There could be hundreds of deltas (changes) detected during a typical model
delivery operation but only a subset of them relevant to model integrity concerns.
Fortunately, RSx’s model compare capabilities enable filtering out different types
of deltas – like a “move delta” resulting from moving elements on a diagram –
that do not impact model integrity. This filtering capability was illustrated, stepby-step, in this previous lab (article 3b).
Additionally, these Labs purposely highlight how to use RSx’s model compare
merge capabilities with changes made to activity diagram elements – which are
among the most challenging types of model changes to manage.
In the previous Lab (article 3b) the EMM accepted all of Project1’s changes.
There were two changes that were made in Project2 that the EMM will now
• Changes to the “Analyze Customer Relationship” business activity. This activity, which was deleted in Project1, was modified in this Lab by refactoring/
renaming it and changing its description – these are changes that conflict
with the accepted deletion change previously made in Project1. The EMM
will resolve these conflicting changes to “Analyze Customer Relationship” by
rejecting the delete change from Project1 and accepting the rename change
from Project2 as well as accepting the description change from Project2, so
in the final merged IFW Process Model we will have the business activity as
“Analyze Customer Relationships” and the description modified.
Addition of a new business concept. The EMM also wants to accept the
single new business concept that was added by both projects – but was
modeled in slightly different ways by the two projects. The EMM decides
to accept the new class element added in Project1 (Product Usage
Details) but update its documentation with PMM2’s Product Usage
Information class documentation. To accomplish this task, the EMM
will use RSA/M 7.x.’s capability that enables minor edits to be made to
the merged model during a graphical merge (see “Note” below). This
merge is done in the subsequent model merge section, as described in
steps below.
Note: In RSA/M 6.x model merge support, there is no opportunity during a
ClearCase Merge session to run model validation or edit the merged artifact
before the check-in completes, so a bad model version could easily be checked
in. In RSA/M 7.x, you can edit the merged modeling artifact at any time
after the unresolved conflict count reaches zero. While in this edit session,
model validation can be used as a guide to cleaning up the merge session.
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The 3-way compare merge upon delivery workflow is represented below:
Execute Deliver Operation
Now the Industry Models changes are checked-in in Project2 Integration
stream, and opened in RSA (PMM2’s workspace). This lab section will be
performed by Enterprise Model Manager (EMM) from the EMM workspace
in Rational Software Architect.
__21. Launch Rational Software Architect in EMM workspace (from Start
->Program Files->IBM Software Delivery Platform -> menu)
__22. Once the project is connected to ClearCase, Rational Software
Architect will display the project root (including the view tag, in our case
“BFMPS80 [administrator_ENTERPRISE_View]” as the root node in the
Project Explorer view). DO NOT select the node. From the Rational Software
Architect menu, select “ClearCase -> Deliver Stream…”.
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__23. In the “Deliver from Stream” dialog, expand the “ENTERPRISE”
node and then select the “Project2” child stream. Click OK to make the
__24. The EMM can view the details of activities and files which will
be delivered to the ENTERPRISE stream. In the “Deliver from Stream
Preview” dialog, select the “Identify/Customize required services from
process model in Project 2” activity then click the Properties button.
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__25. The ClearQuest activity is displayed. You may click on each of
the tabs in this view dialog to see information gathered on the activity.
One place of interest might be the “Unified Change Management” tab. All
artifact changes associated with activity are listed there. When done, click
Cancel to continue with the deliver process.
__26. Ensure the “Stream:” is “ENTERPRISE” and that “Merge elements
graphically” is selected. Click OK to deliver.
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The ClearCase “Graphical Compare Merge” feature will launch since “Merge
elements graphically” checkbox was selected.
HINT: You may click the “Details >>” button to see details of the ClearCase
merge operation as they happen
Notice that the BFM_APM.emx model is not merged in ClearCase to deliver
dialog (under Details section – see below)
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Graphically Merge Models
__27. When ready for graphical merging, Rational Software Architect
will display a new “Merge” view. The “Delivering to View ‘C:\CCViews\
ENTERPRISE_View’” status dialog may display in front of the Rational
Software Architect window. To be able to complete the merge, set the focus
to Rational Software Architect by clicking on the “*Merge …\BFM_AMP.
emx@@\...” view in Rational Software Architect to bring it to the front.
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Merge Changes to UML Elements
__28. Merge the Analysis Process model (BFM_APM) model
__a. Double-click on the “*Merge …\BFM_AMP.emx@@\...” view tab to
expand it to the full screen in Rational Software Architect.
Your Rational Software Architect window should appear as below.
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__29. Review the conflicting changes within the “Conflicts” tab.
Conflicting changes were made by the PMM1 and PMM2 users in Project1
and Project2, respectively. In Project1, the “Analyze Customer Relationship”
element was deleted and in Project2 it was modified.
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__30. Click on “Right Changes” tab (next to the Left Changes tab) to
review the changes made by the PMM2 user in the Project2 stream. Expand
folders as necessary to review the changes.
__31. Click on the “Left Changes” tab (next to the Conflicts tab) to see
changes made in the Project1 stream. Expand the folders as necessary to see
the changes.
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__32. Filter out irrelevant changes (in our case we decide to filter out
Diagram position changes)
EMM would like to filter out Diagram position changes (using the ‘Delta
Tree Configuration’ toolbar button - see highlighted items in screen below )
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Starting with Rational Software Architect, irrelevant differences can
be filtered or hidden in the Compare editor during a compare and merge
session which dynamically changes the set of visible differences reducing
complexity. Use the Delta Tree Configuration button from Structural
Change Pane in the Compare Merge session to make the change.
To set preferences for comparing and merging models, click the menu “Window
-> Preferences”.
In the Preferences window, expand General, expand Compare/Patch, and click
Modeling Compare/Merge. On the Modeling Compare/Merge page, and the pages
beneath it, select the Delta Tree Configuration preference (where you can set preferences for default filters, or configure a set of rules, to filter irrelevant differences,
or in fact anything that a particular user community considers irrelevant, now
it can be suppressed, to reduce the scope of information to be processed during a
merge or compare session). Click OK in Preference Dialog.
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__a. Click the “Delta Tree Configuration…” toolbar button, not the
arrow next to the button, in “Structural Changes” pane to display the
“Delta Tree Configuration” dialog.
__b. In the “Delta Tree Configuration” dialog, click the “Filter out
Diagram Position and Size Changes” to select it then click OK.
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__33. Review that the “Structural changes” pane display has removed the
diagram changes and that the number of Left Changes is 32 out of 34 – the
two diagram changes are filtered out.
__34. Show the diagram position changes by unselecting the filter
__a. From the “Delta Tree Configuration” menu, select the “ Filter out
Diagram Position and Size Changes” item. Doing so will remove the
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__b. Review that the two diagram changes are now shown.
__35. Return to the Conflicts tab and then expand all folders.
In the steps below we will show that deltas with conflicts will remain visible
in the Conflicts pane, even if Compare Merge Filters (that matches those
filters) are applied.
__36. Click the “Delta Tree Configuration…” drop down ( ) and select the
“Filter out Delete Changes” menu option.
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Notice that we still see the Conflicting changes in Conflicts tab even if we
have a Delete conflicting change and we tried to suppress these Changes.
The Delete deltas will get reflected in Left Changes tab, since we have
model element(s) deleted from Project 1 stream. The Right Changes tab will
still show 5 visible changes since we do not have model elements deleted in
Project 2 stream. (see image below)
__37. Click the “Delta Tree Configuration…” drop down and select the
“Filter out Modify Changes” menu option.
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Notice that we still see the Conflicting changes in Conflicts Tab even if we
have Modify deltas in Conflicts tab, and we tried to suppress these Changes.
The modify deltas will get reflected in Left and Right Changes Tab (as in
image below).
In the Delta Tree Configuration dialog box, besides selecting existing filters,
a sorting method, or a grouping type, you can also add new filters to the
current compare and merge session or edit a filter that you created. To add a
new filter, follow the instructions below.
__38. Adding a new custom filter
__a. Click the “Delta Tree Configuration…” toolbar button, not the
arrow next to the button, in “Structural Changes” pane to display the
“Delta Tree Configuration” dialog.
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__b. In the “Delta Tree Configuration…” dialog that pops-up, click
__c. The “Add New Filter” dialog window appears. Type or select the
following information:
__i. Filter name: Try to Filter out Analyze Customer Relationship
__ii. Select “Type of change”: “Delete change” and “Modify change”
__iii. Search delta label string pattern: Analyze Customer Relationship*
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This custom filter dialog allows the selection of several advanced filtering
The filter instance must have a name (by which it can be applied and
unapplied). The filter can be a “match” or “not match” filter, which
basically means inclusive or exclusive. Match these things, or match anything
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else. Remember that, no matter how each result set is arrived at, a filter
always suppresses or hides what it matches. Once a delta is matched, it is
invisible. That goes for the sections within the advanced dialog, i.e. a single
custom filter, and for all applied filters. Anything that matches a delta,
suppresses it. The custom filter dialog allows fairly fine-grained matching.
Specific delta types and specific element types can be included, and a
string can be added that will be applied to the summary line for the delta.
Advanced used could have access to regular expressions.
__d. Click OK to add the new filter.
__e. In the “Delta Tree Configuration” dialog window, scroll down and
select the “Try to Filter out Analyze Customer Relationship Changes”
__f. Change the Structure selection to “Group by Delta Type”.
__g. Click OK to select the filter.
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__39. Review Filter In Structural Changes Pane
Conflicts are still displayed and there are no other changes filtered out in
Left and Right Changes pane (since we already filtered out any Delete /
Modify changes, and these filtered out deltas also matches the string
that we’ve added in Custom filter above (in our case: Analyze Customer
__40. Right-click on the “Modify Analyze Customer Relationship<Call
Behavior Action>.Name from "Analyze Customer Relationship" to "Analyze
Customer Relationships" item and then choose Accept from the context
__41. Review that the “Modify” nodes have been marked with a green
check mark indicated that these changes will be accepted. The blue X on
the “Delete” nodes means these changes are being rejected.
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Note: the acceptance of this change cascades to related change (in this case,
the modify/delete documentation change conflict). The merged model will
also be updated with the changes from the Project2 contributor in Merged
Results Pane (top right corner) - as in screen below (Analyze Customer
Relationship changes to Analyze Customer Relationships in Merged Results
Pane-> Properties tab.
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Note: Now the left pane in the lower left portion of the tool (the pane title
starts with “Left:”) displays the model content for the version modified by
PMM1 (activity element deleted from BFM_APM model , new class added
as well as new connector added in diagram) and already delivered to the
EMM’s integration stream. It is this version of the EMM that the merge
operation is merging Project2’s model “to”. The pane in the lower right
portion of the tool (pane title starts with “Right:”) will displays the model
content for the version modified by PMM2 (activity element renamed and
documentation changed in BFM_APM model, and new class added). This is
the version that is currently being delivered to the EMM’s integration stream.
It is the version that the merge operation is merging “ from”.
So the left contributor is the “deliver case” – it contains the last checked-in
and delivered version of the model file (in our case the EMM updated with
PMM1's version). The right contributor is Project2’s version of the model file
that is now delivered by EMM (PMM2 l version).
__42. Click on the Explorer view in “Merged results” pane to review
changes in merged model.
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The “Analyze Customer Relationship” element name will show as changes
to “Analyze Customer Relationships” in “Merged Results Pane -> Explorer”
tab. If the Explorer does not show the change, click the Undo button, and
then the Redo button. A redraw problem in the Explorer might occur.
The user can see changes from the Description field for “Analyze Customer
Relationships” activity using the “Compare as Text” context menu since
these changes cannot be seen well in the “Structural changes” in Compare
Merge or in “Merged results” pane or Properties tab.
__43. To compare the properties as text, right-click on the “Modify
<<documentation>>”SHORT NAME: Analz Cus…”<Comment>.Body…”
node in the tree, the last item in the list.
__44. Review the changed documentation of the “Analyze Customer
Relationship” activity.
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__45. Exit the “Compare as Text” mode by clicking the “Close Sub
Compare Session” button in the upper right corner of the “Text Compare”
__46. At this point, the EMM will merge all non-conflicting changes.
Click the “Accept All Non-Conflicting Changes” button in the “Structural
changes” view.
__47. Adding a new custom filter to filter out Class Changes
__a. Click the “Delta Tree Configuration…” toolbar button ( ), not the
arrow next to the button ( ), in “Structural Changes” pane to display the
“Delta Tree Configuration” dialog.
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__b. In the “Delta Tree Configuration…” dialog that pops-up, click
__c. The “Add New Filter” dialog window appears. Type or select the
following information:
__i. Filter name: Filter out Class Changes
__ii. Select “Meta-Model classes of changed elements”: Class
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__d. Click OK to add the new filter.
__e. In the “Delta Tree Configuration” dialog window, uncheck all
the filters currently selected and then select the new “Filter out Class
Changes” filter.
__f. Make sure the Structure selection is “Group by Delta Type”.
__g. Click OK to select the filter.
To make changes to a filter that you created, select the user defined filter in
Delta Tree Configuration Dialog and click Edit; then modify the Filter in
the Edit Filter dialog box and click OK.
To remove a filter that you created, select the user defined filter and click
You cannot edit or remove the predefined filters only the ones you’ve created.
__48. Review filter changes in “Structural changes” pane. Make sure that
“Product Usage Details” class is filtered out in Left and Right Changes tabs
in Structural changes pane.
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__49. Remove all remaining filters by selecting “ Filter out Class
Changes” from the “Delta Tree Configuration…” menu. Selecting this filter
will remove the check mark and the filter.
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__50. Review that the “Product Usage Details” class is no longer filtered
out Right Changes tab.
__51. Review the Left Change tab, too, to ensure the “Product Usage
Details” class is no longer filtered out.
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Page 49
__52. Finally, reset the “Structure changes” pane view back to a
hierarchy style view by selecting “Hierarchy Structure” from the “Delta Tree
Configuration…” menu.
__53. Review that the “Structural changes” pane returns to the previous
view with “Model view” and “Diagram View” nodes in both Left and Right
Changes tab.
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Review merged results
The EMM reviews the merged results and notes that the same concept has
been modeled in two different ways in the two different modeling projects.
__54. Change to the right changes by clicking on the “Right Changes”
__55. Click on the “Explorer” tab then expand the “Business Terms”
package to view that both “Product Usage Details” (from Project1) and
“Product Usage Information” (from Project2) are both included. The EMM
will need to make the choice of which one to use.
Edit Merge Results and Commit Model Merge
EMM realize that both classes are similar and decide to explore the model
and edit merged model.
__56. To edit the merged results, click “Edit Merged Results” found in the
upper right of the “Merged results” pane.
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Page 52
__57. A “Validate Merged Result Session” dialog appears. Click OK to
Attention: When you edit a merged model, do not invoke any operations
that create or remove new files because you will lose data and corrupt your
As mentioned in the Warning Dialog, this is a temporary edit model, so do
not create references to other models, add fragments, or create files under the
temporary model/project and save changes.
__58. Exit full-screen mode by double-clicking on the “merge_
edit_10562.keep.BFM.APM.emx” tab.
__59. Expand the “Project Explorer” view to show the “Models ->
<<Analysis Process Model>> BFM_APM” contents, as see below, which is
the contents of the merged model.
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Page 53
__60. The temporary merged model is loaded in EMM Project stream. To
make modifications to this merged model, click the “Link opened editors
with content in the Navigator” toolbar button.
__61. Expand the BFM_APM Merged model to review the accepted
changes. Expand the “<<Business Items>> Business Items -> Business
Terms” folder and note the two Product Usage classes from both project
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Page 54
__62. Check Documentation Property for both “Product Usage” classes
by clicking on the class then selecting the Properties tab, and finally the
Documentation tab. See steps below.
__a. Click on the “Product Usage Details” class in the Project Explorer
view, the Properties tab, and then the Documentation tab.
__b. Click on the “Product Usage Information” class in the Project
Explorer view.
__63. The EMM decides to keep the documentation from the Project2
changes (Product Usage Information class) and class name from Project1
changes (Product Usage Details class)
__a. While still on the “Product Usage Information” class properties,
copy the text by selecting the Documentation text and then pressing
Ctrl-C or by right-clicking and selecting Copy from the context menu.
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Page 55
__b. Next, click on the “Product Usage Details” class in the Project
Explorer view.
__c. Select the Documentation text then press Ctrl-V or right-click and
select Paste from the context menu.
__d. Review the results to ensure the copy and paste went fine.
__64. Now delete the “Product Usage Information” class element from
merged model. Right-click on “Product Usage Information” class element
and then select “Delete from Model” from the context menu.
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Page 56
__65. Verify that only the “Product Usage Details” class now exists in the
Project Explorer view. At this point, the changes from both Project1 and
Project2 are in the final merged model.
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Page 57
__66. Save the merged model changes by selecting “File -> Save All” from
the menu.
__67. Close the merge editor by clicking the on the “merge_
edit_10562_.keep.BFM_APM.emx” view tab.
__68. The “Edit Merged result” dialog appears. Commit the merged model
edits by clicking “Commit Result” in the dialog.
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Page 58
__69. ClearCase continues the merging process with the “Deliver from
Stream – Merge Complete” dialog. Click OK to complete the merge.
__70. After completing the merging of all model files, complete Deliver
operation from the “Delivering to View ‘C:\CCViews\ENTERPRISE_View’”
dialog by clicking Complete.
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Page 59
__71. Click Close to exit the Deliver dialog.
__72. The BFM_APM model appears to still be checked out, but that is not
the case. Right-click on the “BFMPS80 [administrator_ENTERPRISE_View]”
root node and then select “Team -> Refresh Status…” from the context menu.
This refreshes the model status as checked-in.
__73. Click OK to the “Refresh Source Control Status” dialog.
__74. Review that the “BFMP_APM” model no longer indicates being
checked-out with the green check mark.
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Page 60
__75. Exit Rational Software Architect by selecting “File -> Exit” from
the menu.
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Page 61
2.3 Create New Enterprise Model Baseline with Merged Changes from
Projects 1 & 2
Up to now, Project1 and Project2 have contributed model changes to the
Enterprise stream, but both projects need to realize one another’s changes.
To accomplish this task, the Enterprise stream must set a new “baseline”
from which projects can pull from. This lab will take the user through
recommending a new Enterprise baseline.
Start ClearCase Project Explorer
__76. Launch Rational ClearCase Project Explorer by starting the
program from the Windows Start menu. Select “Start -> All Programs ->
IBM Rational -> IBM Rational ClearCase -> Project Explorer” from the
Windows menu.
Create New Enterprise Model Baseline
From the Project Explorer, create a new Enterprise baseline for all projects
to use as a starting point and to rebase their existing projects.
__77. In Project Explorer, right-click on the “ENTERPRISE” stream and
select “Make Baseline…” from the context menu.
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Page 62
__78. In the “Make Baseline” dialog window, type in the name of the new
baseline in the form of “P1P2_merged_ddmmyyyy”. For example, P1P2_
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Page 63
__79. Click OK to confirm the creation of the baseline.
__80. ClearCase confirms the baseline creation. Click OK to miss the
confirmation window.
__81. Click Close on the “Make Baseline” dialog.
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Set New Baseline as Recommended Baseline
With the new Enterprise baseline created, this lab section walks through
making the new baseline the recommended baseline for all projects using
the Enterprise models.
__82. Right-click on the “ENTERPRISE” integration stream and select
“Recommend Baseline” from the context menu.
__83. In the “Recommend Baselines” dialog window, click the “Seed
List” button to add the latest baseline to list of “Recommended baselines for
stream: ENTERPRISE”.
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Page 65
Seed List replaces the recommended baseline with the latest baseline.
__84. Click OK to select the new baseline as the recommended baseline.
__85. Exit ClearCase Explorer by selecting “File -> Exit” from the menu.
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Page 66
This first part of this Lab was performed by PMM2 working on the models
in a project model stream (Project2) separate from and executed in parallel
with Project1 and the changes made to the models on that project. The
Enterprise Model Manager (EMM) then harvested and resolved conflicting
changes from Project2 and created a new, merged version (recommended
baseline) of the models from both projects. All work was done using
Rational Software Architect or Modeler (RSx), and Rational Unified Change
Management (UCM) enabled ClearCase and ClearQuest.
Lab two consisted of the following major activities:
2.1: Check-out, change, check-in Industry Models: Associate a Project2
check-out, change, save, and check-in of the industry models with a
UCM-enabled CC/CQ activity assigned to PMM2
2.2: Harvest from Project to Enterprise Stream: Harvest (deliver and
merge) the changed models from the Project2 Stream to Enterprise
Stream within Rational Software Architect using UCM CC/CQ
2.3: Create New Enterprise Model Baseline with Merged Changes from
Projects 1 & 2: Create a new recommended baseline from the merged
results from Project 1 & 2 changes.
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