
Accessing DB2 UDB data in Browser Based Applications

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Accessing DB2 UDB data in Browser Based Applications
Accessing DB2 UDB data in Browser Based Applications
using IBM Rational Application Developer
By Nitin Raut ([email protected])
Certified Consulting IT Specialist
IBM Corporation
April 2010
Skill Level: Intermediate
Skill Level: Intermediate
Accessing DB2 UDB data in Browser Based Applications Scenario
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Accessing DB2 UDB data in Browser Based
JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a framework that simplifies building user interfaces for
Web applications. Service Data Objects (SDO) is a data programming architecture and API for
the Java platform that unifies data programming across data source types.
In this lab you will see how you can use JavaServer faces to create user interface to represent
the data. We will also see how Service Data Objects can simplify the access to data on IBM i.
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EM Sandbox for Power
JSF Client Consuming Service Data Objects
In this lab you will build a Web application that uses JavaServer Faces (JSF) and Service Data
Objects (SDO) technology to access data on IBM i.
What you should be able to do:
o At the end of the lab, you should be able to:
• Create JSF Input from with actions.
• Create Service Data Object to query iSeries table.
o The steps in this lab are:
ƒ Create Faces JSPs
ƒ Define Service Data Objects (SDOs)
ƒ Test JavaServer Faces Application in WebSphere Application Server Test
Skill Prerequisites
o Prerequisite skills for this lab are:
ƒ Understanding of Java programming language concepts and beginner Java
programming skills
Accessing DB2 UDB data in Browser Based Applications Scenario
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Required Materials
o Client system requirements:
ƒ IBM Rational Application Developer V7.5
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Lab information sheet:
Demonet IBM i
Team Number
IBM i hostname
IBM i user ID
IBM i password
Application library
Application Library Modules
Team directory local
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Start Rational Developer for Power Systems (RDp)
Skip to next section if ….
You are already in Rational Developer for Power
Systems and you have started WebSphere
Application Server Test Environment
Start Rational Developer for Power Systems (RDp)
Go to Start => All Programs => IBM Software Development Platform => IBM
Rational Developer for Power Systems Software V7.5 => IBM Rational Developer
for Power Systems Software
In the workplace launcher window, enter <workspace> (shown by default) in the
workspace field and press OK. (Please make sure that Use this as a default and do not
ask again is NOT checked)
Please make sure that Use this as a default and do not ask again is
NOT checked
On the Welcome page. Click X to close or press Workbench icon.
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Start WebSphere Application Server Test Environment
Start WebSphere Application Server Test Environment
This is very important before invoking the web services wizard,
as the wizard will fail.
In current perspective (Remote System Explorer by default). Select Window => Open
Perspective => Other. Select Web Perspective and click OK.
In the Web Perspective, click on Servers tab (bottom of screen). Select WebSphere
Application Server 7.0 and press Start button.
You should see console view with startup messages. Once WebSphere Application
Server is started you will see Server view with status “Started”.
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Another way to make sure WebSphere Application Server Test Environment is started is
to see the console view with message “Server server1 open for e-business”.
If the WebSphere Application Server Test Environment does not
start. Please check server connection type and admin port.
To check configuration, double click on WebSphere Application
Server 7.0 under server view. You may manually provide the
connections settings and select SOAP connector port instead of
RMI port which is more compatible with firewalls.
Click on X and save the configuration when prompted.
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Create a Web Project
Open Web Perspective
Go to Window => Open Perspective => Other. In the Open Perspective window, select
Web and click OK.
Create a Web Project
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Create a Web project: Select File => New => Dynamic Web Project
EM Sandbox for Power
In Dynamic Web Project window,
Enter Project Name: FSxxSDO (where xx is your team number)
Select Target Runtime : WebSphere Application Server V7.0
Select Configuration : Java Server Faces IBM Enhanced Project
(Since we will be creating JSF pages, this adds Java Server faces support to
the project)
Enter EAR Project Name : FSxxSDOEAR (where xx is your team number)
Click Next.
In Configure web module settings window, it allows you to change the context root and
other parameters for the project. Click Next.
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In JSF Capabilities window, it let’s you add component libraries, shows configuration file
and JSF servlet name. Click Finish.
Under Project Explorer Expand FSxxSDO project => Click on WebContent folder.
Create Faces JSPs
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From the menu bar, go to File -> New -> Web Page
EM Sandbox for Power
In the New Web Page window,
Enter File Name : FSSDOInput
Make sure JSP under Basic Templates is selected
Click Finish.
Click on WebContent folder.
Next let’s create result page. From the menu bar, go to File -> New -> Web Page. In the
New Web Page window,
Enter File Name : FSSDOResult
Make sure JSP under Basic Templates is selected
Click Finish.
Next, let’s edit input page. Click on FSSDOInput.jsp window title.
Type heading Flights Search and press Enter.
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Select text “Flights Search” by pressing SHIFT+ARROW key on the keyboard and click
on the Properties view at the bottom.
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The properties view allows you change the properties for the selected component in the
edit window. Select Heading 1 in paragraph field. You may also change the color and the
Save you work by going to File -> Save from the menu bar or by pressing CTRL+S on
the keyboard.
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Define Session Scope Variables to hold input data
In the page data view on the left side bottom area.
Page data view
If page data view is not seen then open the Page
Data view. Select Window => Show View => Page
Page data view also might be available on the right
hand side where pallet drawer is located.
Right click on Scripting Variables, and select New -> Session scope variable.
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EM Sandbox for Power
In Add Session Scope Variable window, enter following details:
__a. Variable Name: fromCity
__b. Type: java.lang.String
__c. Click OK
Add another variable: toCity. In the page data view, right click on Scripting Variables,
and select New -> Session scope variable. In Add Session Scope Variable window,
enter following details:
__a. Variable Name: toCity
__b. Type: java.lang.String
__c. Click OK.
Expand Scripting variables -> Session scope node to see the defined variables.
Save you work by going to File -> Save from the menu bar or by pressing CTRL+S on
the keyboard
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Make sure your cursor is just below the heading. Add an HTML table with 1 row and 5
columns. In the Palette view, expand HTML Tags drawer. Click on the Table component
and just move the cursor onto the JSF page and drop it under the heading as shown
On the Insert Table dialog enter the number of rows: 1, and the number of columns: 5.
Click OK.
Next, we will add some labels. Complete the following steps:
__a. Type in From City: in the first column of the table
__b. Type in To City: in the third column of the table.
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EM Sandbox for Power
In the Palette view expand Enhanced Faces Components. Select the Input component
and move the cursor into 2nd column of the table and drop it in the 2nd column.
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Drop another Input component to the 4th column of the table.
Drop a Button - Command component into the 5th column of the table.
Save you work by going to File -> Save from the menu bar or by pressing CTRL+S on
the keyboard.
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Change the properties of input fields
Select the first input field (2nd Column) on the JSF and switch to the Properties View. Set
the Id field to fromCity.
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Bind fromCity scripting variable to the fromCity input field on the JSF page. Binding will
allow us to save input field values and pass them to the Relational Record List JSF
component that will perform a database query.
On the JSP, make sure that fromCity input field is selected. Go to the Page Data view,
expand Scripting variables -> Session scope and select fromCity field. Right mouse
click and select Bind to ‘fromCity’.
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It is important that this binding is correct, check the properties view, you will see session
scope variable is defined in the value field.
EM Sandbox for Power
Select the second input filed (4th Column) on the JSF and switch to the Properties View.
Set the Id field to toCity.
On the JSF, make sure that toCity input field is selected. Go to the Page Data view,
expand Scripting variables -> Session scope and select toCity field. Right mouse click
and select Bind to ‘toCity’
Save you work by going to File -> Save from the menu bar or by pressing CTRL+S on
the keyboard.
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Modify Button Properties
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Click on the submit button. Enter Id: search
EM Sandbox for Power
Next we are going to define the Action Rule for this button. Scroll to right in the properties
view, click Add Rule.
In the Add navigation rule window:
__a. Select FSSDOResult.jsp in page field from the drop down list
__b. Under when the action returns the outcome, Select The Outcome named radio
__c. Enter search in the outcome named field and click OK.
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Click Display options on the properties view. Enter Button Label: Search.
Click on Quick Edit tab next to properties and click inside the Quick Edit view to enter
the code snippet.
__a. Enter following code snippet in Quick Edit view:
// TODO: Return outcome that corresponds to a navigation rule
return "search";
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Save you work by going to File -> Save from the menu bar or by pressing CTRL+S on
the keyboard.
EM Sandbox for Power
Modify FSSDOResult.jsp page
Click on FSSDOResult.jsp window title.
Type heading Flights Search Result and press Enter.
Select text “Flights Search Result” by pressing SHIFT+ARROW key on the keyboard
and click on the Properties view at the bottom.
The properties view allows you change the properties for the selected component in the
edit window. Select Heading 1 in paragraph field. You may also change the color and the
Save you work by going to File -> Save from the menu bar or by pressing CTRL+S on
the keyboard.
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Add Relational Record List Component
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Make sure your cursor is just below the heading. In the Palette view, expand Data
drawer. Click on the SDO Relational Record List component and just move the cursor
onto the JSF page and drop it under the heading.
EM Sandbox for Power
Add Relational Record List dialog is displayed.
Enter name: flightsData
Uncheck Reuse metadata definition from an existing record or record list (if it is
Click Next.
Since there are no connection defined earlier, click New next to the Connection Name
Accessing DB2 UDB data in Browser Based Applications Scenario
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Select a connection dialog is displayed. If there is already defined the connection to IBM i
then you could use that connection here by selecting the connection under connections
box. We are going to define new connection here so click New next to connection box.
EM Sandbox for Power
Complete the following steps on the Specify Connection Parameters dialog
__a. In the Select a database manager list expand the DB2 for i5/OS
__b. In the Host field: enter <IBMi> (Please refer to lab information section of the lab)
__c. Under specify user information, enter <IBMi_userid> and <IBMi_password>
(Please refer to lab information section of the lab)
__d. Check Save password
__e. Click on Test Connection to test the database connection.
You will see Connection to DB2 UDB iSeries was successful. Click OK.
__f. Click Next to proceed.
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On Filter screen,
__a. First uncheck disable filter checkbox.
__b. Check Selection checkbox to select the database schema
__c. Scroll down and check <App_lib> (Please refer to lab information section of the lab)
and click Finish.
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EM Sandbox for Power
Back in select a connection window, make sure the newly created connection is selected
and click Finish.
IBack in Add Relational Record List dialog, select the <App_lib>.FLIGHTS table from the
list of tables. Click Next.
You will see a error message “ The table selected does not have a primary key”. To
specify the primary key click on Modify Primary key link under tasks.
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In the Edit primary keys window, select FLIGHT_NUMBER and click right arrow key.
Click Close.
Back in Add Relational Record list window, click Filter Results to add conditions.
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EM Sandbox for Power
In the Filters window, click on the plus icon to add a condition.
Conditions dialog is displayed. In the column drop down select DEPARTURE. In the
value field we will specify the session scope variables we captured on the Input page.
Check variable radio button and click the … push button next to the value field.
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Select Page Data Object dialog is displayed. Expand sessionScope node and select
fromCity field. Click OK
Back in Conditions dialog click OK.
In the Filters window, click on the plus icon to add another condition (for the arrival city).
Conditions dialog is displayed. In the column drop down select ARRIVAL. In the value
field we will specify the session scope variables we captured on the Input page. Check
variable radio button and click the … push button next to the value field.
Select Page Data Object dialog is displayed. Expand sessionScope node and select
toCity field. Click OK
Back in filters window, click Close.
Back in Add Relational Record List window, click Next.
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EM Sandbox for Power
On the Configure Data Controls dialog, rearrange the order of columns and deselect
some of the fields. Use arrows to move the fields.
Column order:
Deselect the rest of the fields. Click Finish.
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Your JSF page should look similar to this. You will also see Relational Record entry
under page data view.
Save you work by going to File -> Save from the menu bar or by pressing CTRL+S on
the keyboard.
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Change Column Headings, Pagers and Add Back Button
Change column headings to make them more readable. Select a column heading
Flight_number. In Properties view, change the value field.
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Change other column headings as shown below:
To add pagers, we need to select hx:dataTableEx property. The easiest way to select it
is: Click on any of the column heading in dataTable to select it. You should see
h:outputText tab selected in the properties view.
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EM Sandbox for Power
Click on hx:dataTableEx to edit dataTable properties.
__a. Click on Display options tab under hx:dataTableEx
__b. Enter Rows per page: 10
__c. Click on icons under Paging. There are 4 different pagers available. Select one or all
if you like by clicking on the icons.
Save you work by going to File -> Save from the menu bar or by pressing CTRL+S on
the keyboard.
Accessing DB2 UDB data in Browser Based Applications Scenario
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Scroll down to the bottom of the FSSDOResult.jsp. Press down arrow to place the cursor
below the data table. Select Button - Command from Enhanced Faces Component
drawer under Palette view and drop it onto FSSDOResult.jsp just below the data table.
If the button is not already selected. Click on the Submit button.
Enter Id: back.
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EM Sandbox for Power
Next we are going to define the Action Rule for this button. Scroll to right in the properties
view, click Add Rule.
In the Add navigation rule window:
__a. Select FSSDOInput.jsp in page field from the drop down list
__b. Under when the action returns the outcome, click The Outcome named
__c. Enter back in the outcome named field and click OK.
Click Display options on the properties view. Enter Button Label: Back.
Click on Quick Edit tab next to properties and click inside the Quick Edit view to enter
the code snippet.
__a. Enter following code snippet in Quick Edit view:
// TODO: Return outcome that corresponds to a navigation rule
return "back";
Save you work by going to File -> Save from the menu bar or by pressing CTRL+S on
the keyboard.
Close FSSDOInput.jsp and FSSDOResult.jsp by clicking on ‘X’.
Accessing DB2 UDB data in Browser Based Applications Scenario
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Test JavaServer Faces Application in WebSphere Application
Server Test Environment
In this step, we will run the Application in WebSphere Application Server Test
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In the Project Explorer view, under FSxxSDO => WebContent node, right click on
FSSDOInput.jsp and select Run As -> Run on Server option.
EM Sandbox for Power
In the Server selection window, choose an existing server and select WebSphere
Application Server V7.0 under localhost and click Finish.
After a while, you should see a browser displaying the FSSDOInput page with input form.
Double click Web Browser window title to expand the window.
Enter following inputs:
From City: Albany
To City: Atlanta
Click Search.
Try out various pagers which you added earlier.
Press Back button to go back to input form and try another search criterion.
Double click on the Web Browser window title to go back to original size.
Close the web browser window.
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You have completed this lab.
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EM Sandbox for Power
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