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Curriculum Vitae
Department of Biostatistics | School of Public Health | The University of Alabama at Birmingham |
RPHB 327 | 1665 University Boulevard | Birmingham AL | [email protected]
Current Research Interests
Complex trait prediction using whole genome markers, quantitative and evolutionary genetics, high
dimensional data analysis, disequilibrium mapping, genetic relatedness and coancestry.
PhD Biostatistics (graduate research
MS (thesis)-Plant and Soil Sciences
(graduate research assistantship)
MS Statistics (graduate teaching
assistantship and graduate industrial
BSc. (Honors) Statistics
Aug 12 - present
University of Alabama at
Sep ’10 - Jul ’12
University of Delaware
Aug ’07 – May ’09
July ’03 – May ’06
Lady Shri Ram College for
Women, University of Delhi
* Completed a year of MS in Stat from University of Delhi (Aug ‘06-Jun ‘07) before enrolling at NCSU.
Work Experience
Graduate Research Assistant at Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of
Delaware: Plant breeding and Genetics Laboratory, Supervisor Dr. Randall Wisser, Oct ’09 –
Jul ‘12
• MS Thesis: Development of a statistical framework for association mapping in recurrently
selected populations in maize.
• Other:
o Examining the utility of multivariate analysis in plant pathology in achieving multiple
scopes of temporal inference, using a multi-environment maize population recurrently
selected for resistance to northern leaf blight disease.
o Performing statistical analyses for studying fungal morphology by evaluating traits
indicative of pathogenesis of Cochliobolus heterostrophus on maize.
o Assisting with the development of a statistical framework for analyzing clinal variation and
studying crop adaptation in maize.
Statistical consultant, NC State University: Jan ’09 - May ’09
• Analysis of the effect of interaction between maize plant lines and fungal strains on lesion
• Analysis of the bicultural identity effects on assignment success for American expatriates.
Biostatistician I at Gilead Sciences Inc., Durham, NC: Aug ’08 - May ’09
• Analyzing and reporting data collected from clinical trials investigating chemical compounds
used for the treatment of HCV and HPV in humans using statistical methodologies and SAS
Performing interim analyses of compounds for efficacy and futility endpoints; working with
superiority/inferiority trials; performing group sequential tests, multiple comparisons and
simulations for power and sample size calculations; using fixed allocation and adaptive
randomization methods; creating summary tables and listings, and reviewing CRF SAS
datasets using Base SAS 9.1.
Graduate Teaching Assistant at the Department of Statistics, NCSU: Aug ’07 - July ’08
• Grading, holding weekly office hours, and conducting lab sessions for Experimental Statistics
for Biological Sciences I (Fall ’07), Introduction to Mathematical Statistics II (Spring ’08) and at
the Summer Institute for Training in Biostatistics (NCSU and Duke Clinical Research Institute
collaboration - Summer ’08).
Research Intern at the United Nations Development Program, India (Vulnerability Division and
Sustainable Environment Division): June ’06 - Aug ‘06
• Prepared a preliminary Vulnerability Report for the State of Uttar Pradesh in India, with
geographical and temporal analyses of disasters in the state and with statistical analyses and
inferences that would help in evolving a disaster preparedness and risk reduction strategy for
UN interventions more specific to the UNDMT (UN Disaster Management Team) role in Uttar
Awards and Distinctions
Best student poster award at the 2nd Annual University of Delaware Bioinformatics and
Systems Biology Research Symposium (May 24 ’12).
The University of Delaware Professional Development Award for Graduate Students ($700) to
attend the 54th Annual Maize Genetics Conference at Portland, OR (Mar 15-18, ’12).
Travel grant ($1200) and full tuition scholarship ($2500) awarded by the Dept of Biostatistics,
University of Washington to attend the 16th Annual Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics
(Jul ‘11).
Travel grant ($300) from Kansas State University to attend the 23rd Annual Conference on
Applied Statistics in Agriculture.
Class project for Database systems (Fall ‘10) with a fellow student, Xia Bi, on creating an
interactive online program to monitor, curate and populate a cancer database, selected for
presentation at the 2011 2nd World Congress on Computer Science and Information
Engineering in China and publication in IEEE Xplore.
University topper in Integral Calculus (Mathematics II) (‘04), Probability theory II (‘05) and
Programming in C (‘05) courses at Delhi University.
Board topper in Mathematics for the state of Tamil Nadu in Class X Matriculation exams (‘00)
Passed two national level exams in Indian Carnatic Music (conducted by the Akhil Bhartiya
Gandharva Mahavidhyalay Mandal) with distinction (’97).
Veturi, Y., Kump, K., Walsh, W., Ott, O., Poland, J., Kolkman, J.M., Balint-Kurti, P.J., Holland,
J.B., and Wisser, R.J. 2011. Multivariate Mixed Linear Model Analysis of Longitudinal Data:
An Information-Rich Statistical Technique for Analyzing Plant Disease resistance.
Phytopathology 102(11) 1016-1025.
D’Souza, M.J., Alabed, G.J., Wheatley, J.M., Roberts, N., Veturi, Y., Bi, X., Continisio, C.H. A
database developed from information extracted from chemotherapy drug package inserts to
enhance future prescriptions. CSIE 2011. IEEE Conference Record #17768; IEEE Catalog
Number: CFP1160F-PRT. Presented at the 2011 2nd World Congress on Computer Science
and Information Engineering, Changchun, China (Jun 17 – 19 ’11).
Poster presentations
The Maize ATLAS Project: Implementation of An Experimental Framework for Studying
Adaptation - Wisser, R.J., De Leon, N., Flint-Garcia, S., Holland, J.B., Lauter, N., Murray, S.,
Xu, W., Weldekidan, T., Teixeira, J., Veturi, Y., Kumar, N., Rogers, K., Kanchi, R., Peddicord,
L., Lopez, M., and Sood, S. Visions for a Sustainable Planet, Cincinnati, OH (Oct 21-24 ‘12)
Development of a statistical framework for association mapping in recurrently selected
populations - Veturi, Y., Wisser, R.J. 2nd Annual University of Delaware Bioinformatics and
Systems Biology Research Symposium, Newark, DE (May 24 ’12)
Development of a statistical framework for association mapping in recurrently selected
populations - Veturi, Y., Wisser, R.J. 54th Annual Maize Genetics Conference, Portland, OR
(Mar 15-18 ’12).
A Decade of Tropical to Temperate Maize Adaptation Reveals a Potential Mechanism for
Broad Adaptation - Teixeira, J., De Leon, N., Flint-Garcia, S., Holland, J.B., Lauter, N.,
Murray S., Xu, W., Hessel, D., Weldekidan, T., Kleintop, A., Veturi, Y., Wisser, R.J. 54th
Annual Maize Genetics Conference, Portland, OR (Mar 15-18 ’12).
Characterizing genetic architecture in recurrently selected populations- a new estimator for
coancestry - Veturi, Y., Wisser, R.J. International Plant and Animal Genome XX, San Diego,
CA (Jan 14-18 ’12).
Use of RAS(response to artificial selection) mapping as an experimental approach for
characterizing the genetic architecture of adaptation – Teixeira, J., Veturi, Y., Rogers, K.,
Wisser, R.J. International Plant and Animal Genome XX, San Diego, CA (Jan 14-18 ’12).
Efficient workflows to study natural genetic variation in fungal populations – Roy, S., Jackson,
M., Veturi, Y., Turgeon, G., Wisser, R.J. University of Delaware Research Foundation (UDRF)
poster session, Newark, DE (Nov 16 ’11).
Statistical framework for association mapping in recurrently selected populations – Veturi, Y.,
Wisser, R.J., Holland, J.B. 23rd Annual Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture, Kansas
State University (May 1-5 ’11).
Longitudinal mixed model analysis of plant disease resistance data; an examination of
northern leaf blight of maize- Veturi, Y., Wisser, R.J., Walsh, E., Poland, J., Kolkman, J.M.,
Nelson, R.J., Ott, O., Kump, K., Balint-Kurti, P.J., and Holland, J.B. Plant and Soil Sciences
Research symposium, University of Delaware (May 05, ’10).
Meeting abstracts
Characterizing the selection response by selection and association mapping Wisser, R.J.,
Veturi, Y., Walsh, E., Poland, J., Kolkman, J. M., Nelson, R. J., Ott, O., Kump, K., Balint-Kurti,
P. J., and Holland, J. B. Presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Genomics of Plant
Genetic Resources, Bologna, Italy (Apr 24-27 ‘10).
Invited talks
Development of a statistical framework for association mapping in recurrently selected
populations - Veturi, Y., Wisser, R.J., presented at the 2nd Annual University of Delaware
Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Research Symposium, Newark, DE (May 24 ’12).
Conference proceedings for Applied Statistics in Agriculture, KSU, 2011.
Conferences attended
Emerging Trends and Paradigm Shifts in Plant Breeding, University of Wisconsin – Madison,
Madison, WI (Sep 28 ’12)
54th Annual Maize Genetics Conference, Portland, OR (Mar 15-18 ’12)
International Plant and Animal Genome XX, San Diego, CA (Jan 12-18 ’12)
23rd Annual Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture, Kansas State University,
Manhattan, KS (May 1-5 ’11)
Joint Statistical Meeting 2009, Washington DC (Aug 1-5 ’09)
Workshops attended
Presenting Data and Information-Edward Tufte, Manhattan Center Studios, New York, NY
(Oct 07 2011)
16th Annual Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics, Dept of Biostatistics, University of
Washington, Seattle (Jun 13-Jul 1 ’11)
Short Course on Systems Genetics, The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME (Oct 19-26 ’09)
Professional Societies
Member of American Statistical Association: Sep ’07 – present
Member of the Genetics Society of America: Oct ‘11 – present
Organizational roles
Orientation Team member, Office of International Services at NCSU (Dec ‘07-Aug ‘08).
Member of the Indian Cancer Society for creating cancer awareness in New Delhi, India (Jun
2003- Jun 2006).
References will be supplied on request.
Fly UP