
Parent Manual Extended School Day Program 2016-2017

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Parent Manual Extended School Day Program 2016-2017
Extended School
Day Program
Grades K-5
Parent Manual
Denton ISD Extended School Day Program
1400 Malone St. Portable 53  Denton, TX 76201
(940) 369-0080
ESD Site Program Hours: 2:50-6:00 pm school days
Denton Independent School District
Extended School Day Program
2016-2017 Tuition Due Dates
Due Date:
$60 Late Fee
Assessed on:
Withdrawal due to nonpayment date:
July 31, 2016
August 6, 2016
August 9, 2016
September 30, 2016
October 3, 2016
October 5, 2016
October 31, 2016
November 3, 2016
November 5, 2016
November 30, 2016
December 3, 2016
December 5, 2016
December 31, 2016
January 7, 2017**
January 10, 2017
January 31, 2017
February 3, 2017
February 5, 2017
February 28, 2017
March 3, 2017
March 5, 2017
March 31, 2017
April 3, 2017
April 5, 2017
April 30, 2017
May 3, 2017
May 5, 2017
*August/September 2016 tuition payment is prorated to include 8 days of school in August.
**Late fee assessed on a later due to the holiday.
***Tuition and late fees not received by the 3rd of the month at 11:59 pm will result in a $60 late fee. After the 5th of the
month, student will be withdrawn from the program. The parent may re-enroll the student by paying the tuition ($200), late
fee ($60), and a re-enrollment fee ($60). You must contact the program director before the tuition due date to avoid your
child(ren) being automatically released from the Extended School Day program.
2016-2017 Tuition Formula
The fee for the school year is $1,870 (school closings are not included; therefore, you are not paying for ESD
during the weeks schools are closed.) Tuition payments have been divided equally for eight (8) months at $200
per month (October 2016-May 2017) and $270 for August/September 2016. Our staff will be at each site to
take care of the children on early release days. There will be no refunds or credits given for bad weather days.
Instead of being charged for the early release school days, these days will be used to cover inclement weather
days or other unscheduled district school closings days.
Tuition Exception: August/September tuition will be pro-rated and combined
into one payment as follows: August/September 2016: $270.
Please note:
Completing the registration process will hold your child’s place until August 9th per 2016-2017 Tuition
Payment Due Date/Withdrawal chart. Tuition for August/September 2016 is due July 31, 2016 ($270).
Denton Independent School District
Extended School Day Program
Mission Statement & Goals
The Denton ISD Extended School Day program’s mission is to ensure our students have the
opportunity for educational, recreational, and enrichment programs. This program will provide a
supervised environment that promotes educational competence, physical and social development,
and community involvement.
To provide educational, enrichment, and recreational activities that develop each child’s
educational competence, physical and social development, and community involvement.
To provide a program that addresses the immediate safety needs of Denton ISD students.
To provide a flexible program that can fit the needs of the students and those of today’s busy
To help students better relate to others and recognize the differences that make a person
unique by working and playing together.
Denton ISD reserves the right to update this Parent Manual as necessary. The
information and guidelines supplied in this Parent Manual are based upon
conditions at the time of printing and are subject to change in order to better operate
our program.
All participants will be notified in writing of any changes made and the date any
change will go into effect.
Please keep this Manual in a safe place so that you may refer to it during your
child’s enrollment with our Extended Day Program.
Thank you for your
cooperation, Extended
School Day Staff
The Denton Independent School District does not discriminate
on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or
age in its programs and activities. The following persons have
been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies.
El Distrito Escolar Independiente de Denton, en sus programas
y actividades, no discrimina por motivos de raza, color de piel,
origen nacional, sexo, discapacidad ni edad. Se han
designado a las siguientes personas para tratar las preguntas
referentes a las políticas de no discriminación
Title IX & Section 504 Coordinator:
Amy Lawrence, Director of Counseling Services
1307 N. Locust Street, Denton, TX 76201
(940) 369-0000
Coordinador de Titulo IX $ Section 504:
Amy Lawrence, Director of Counseling Services
1307 N. Locust Street, Denton, TX 76201
(940) 369-0000
Title II & Title IX Coordinator:
Dr. Richard Valenta, Deputy Superintendent
1307 N. Locust Street, Denton, TX 76201
(940) 369-0000
Coordinador de Titulo II y IX:
Dr. Richard Valenta, Deputy Superintendent
1307 N. Locust Street, Denton, TX 76201
(940) 369-0000
Due to district security procedures, please have your
driver’s license available for review at all times.
If your child will be absent from Extended School Day,
please contact our ESD main office before 2:00PM.
Our phone number is 940-369-0080.
Table of Contents
Section I: Program Information ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Daily Schedule of Activities ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Community Involvement – Programs and Presentations ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Snacks/Food Allergies ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Homework Time: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Staff/Training ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Movies ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2016-2017 Extended School Day Important Dates...................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Extended School Day Site Locations ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Section II: Registration & Enrollment – Requirements ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Registration.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Enrollment Form Requirements ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Participant’s Information Files ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Section III: Payment Information ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
2016-2017 Tuition Fees.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Tuition Payment Methods: Convenient Ways to Pay ............................................................................................................................................................... 12
Late tuition payment fee ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Checks ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Refund Policy .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Delinquent Accounts ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Damages ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Non-Call-In Fee.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Late Pick-Up Fees............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Withdrawal Procedures ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
ESD Parent Portal Payment Information ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Section IV: Extended School Day Policies & Procedures ............................................................................................................................................................ 18
Attendance and Absences ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Extra-Curricular Activities .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Emergency Contact .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Child Abuse........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 19
Code of Conduct – Program Rules............................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Electronics Policy............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Parent/Legal Guardian Conduct and Communication ............................................................................................................................................................. 20
Reports................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
Accident Report ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
Care and Concern Report ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Discipline ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21
Health/Illness of Participants ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Release Policy ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Staff ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Student Transfers ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Weather Policy .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Quick Reference Page .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
2016-2017 Tuition Due Dates ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Due to district security procedures, please have your
driver’s license available for review at all times.
If your child will be absent from Extended School Day,
please contact our ESD main office before 2:00PM.
Our phone number is 940-369-0080.
Section I:
Program Information
Denton ISD Extended School Day Program
1400 Malone St. Portable 53  Denton, TX 76201
(940) 369-0080
ESD Site Program Hours: 2:50-6:00 pm school days
Section I: Program Information
The Extended School Day (ESD) programs at Denton ISD elementary schools are funded through
program fees to provide one of the best after-school programs in the area. Our program is an
academic enrichment program that helps our students in grades K-5 to discover and cultivate their
We realize that parents’ schedules are rarely the same as a school’s schedule. We also realize that
many students leave school each day and return home to spend hours of unsupervised time in front
of the television. In our Extended School Day program, students participate in academic, enrichment,
and recreational activities along with dedicated homework study time.
Extended School Day Office:
1400 Malone St. Portable 53, Denton, TX 76201
(940) 369-0080
Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:30 am – 6:30 pm
Website: http://www.dentonisd.org/esd
ESD Staff:
Robert Gonzalez
Extended School Day Director
Kay Peters
Extended School Day Coordinator
Parrish Butler
Extended School Day Coordinator
Cheryl Estes
Extended School Day Coordinator
Extended School Day Program Hours and Days of Operation:
(Refer to District Calendar and Denton ISD web site. Go to www.dentonisd.org and click on ESD)
Monday through Friday: 2:50 pm – 6:00 pm on school days
School holidays, winter break, and spring break
The ESD program is closed
Early Release Days: Instructors will report to campuses at 12:20 pm so that when the children are
released at 12:50 pm, instructors are present. The ESD program will close at 6:00 pm.
2016-2017 Early Release Days:
October 3, 2016 – October 7, 2016
June 1, 2017
Please note: Instead of being charged a dollar fee for early release school days, these days will be used to cover
inclement weather days or other unscheduled district school closing days.
Due to district security procedures, please have
your Driver’s License available for review at all times.
Daily Schedule of Activities
The ESD daily schedule of activities is structured so that the children attending our program may learn in a
safe, academic, and enriching environment. For an example of a weekly rotation schedule, please see the
chart below:
SAMPLE Extended School Day Rotation Schedule
Homework  Organized and Cooperative Recreational Play
Homework  Organized and Cooperative Recreational Play  Craft
Reading Groups
Choice Activity Time  Clean Up
Friday is “Fun Day”! No academic activities will take place.
Community Involvement – Programs and Presentations
The ESD curriculum is enhanced with additional programs and presentations provided by various community
organizations. The following are just some of the agencies that visit the campuses to educate the children
about their community: The Denton County Master Gardeners/Naturalists, FFA, Denton Animal Shelter
Foundation, Denton Police Department, the Denton Fire Department, Texas State Troopers, Denton
Courthouse Museum, Humane Society, and the City of Denton Recycling Center. In addition, the University of
North Texas and Texas Women’s University conduct various teacher education programs at our ESD sites.
Snacks/Food Allergies
Please be sure to provide a nutritional snack every day for after school consumption.
We do not have access to microwaves at any of the sites, so any food that requires
heating will not be served to the children. Students will not be allowed to access the
vending machines in the teacher’s lounge. Students will also be asked to clean up their
area after snack time is over.
Please make sure that all food allergies are brought to the attention of your ESD instructors and that all
allergies are properly documented in the main ESD office. Students are not allowed to drink sodas or eat
potato chips at any elementary campuses.
Please help us to remind students not to share snack due to food allergies. Please be sure to supply a
“hefty” snack for your student as Denton ISD lunches begin as early as 10:30 am. (Example: sandwich,
fresh fruit, bottle of juice, water bottle, etc.)
Please supply ESD with an Epi-Pen or inhaler if required for allergies or medical allergic reactions. ESD
does not have access to the campus nursing office.
Homework Time:
ESD schedules 30 minutes to 1 hour only for students to work on their daily homework assignments. ESD staff
will be present to assist or answer questions that the students have about their homework assignments. If the
child tells the ESD staff that they do not have homework for that day, we will take their word. IT IS THE
Everyone knows that great instructors are the key to our great Extended School Day program. Therefore, we
look for the very best when we hire. Characteristics that we look for in an instructor are:
Education major or equivalent experience working with children
Good role model
High moral values
An outgoing personality
Leadership abilities
Desire to work with children
CPR/First Aid certified
The ESD coordinators make every effort to make sure that our instructors are willing to make a commitment for
the entire school year, but from time to time, due to personal and college schedules, an instructor will resign.
Please be assured that we will make every effort to make this transition a positive and smooth one.
We will periodically show movies at the ESD sites related to our weekly themes.
Only “G” rated movies will be shown.
Due to district security procedures, please have
your Driver’s License available for review at all times.
2016-2017 Extended School Day Important Dates
July 2016
31st – August/September tuition due ($270)
August 2016
22nd – First day of school
September 2016
5th – No School (Labor Day)
30th – October tuition due ($200)
October 2016
3rd-7th – Early Release week
10th – No School (Staff Development Day)
31st – November tuition due ($200)
November 2016
21st-25th – No School (Thanksgiving Break)
30th – December tuition due ($200)
December 2016
19th-30th – No School (Winter Break)
30th – January tuition due ($200)
January 2017
2nd – No School (Staff Development Day)
16th – No School (MLK, Jr. Day)
31st – February tuition due ($200)
February 2017
28th – March tuition due ($200)
March 2017
13th-17th – No School (Spring Break)
31st – April tuition due ($200)
April 2017
14th & 17th – No School (Bad Weather Makeup Day)
30th – May/June tuition due ($200)
May 2017
29th – No School (Memorial Day)
June 2017
1st – Last Day of School (Early Release)
Extended School Day Site Locations
Adkins Elementary
1701 Monahan Dr.
Lantana, TX 76226
(940) 369-1300
Hawk Elementary
2300 Oakmont Dr.
Corinth, TX 76210
(940) 369-1800
Pecan Creek Elementary
4400 Lakeview Blvd
Denton, TX 76208
(940) 369-4400
Bell Elementary
601 Villa Paloma Blvd.
Little Elm, TX 76227
Hodge Elementary
3900 Grant Pkwy
Denton, TX 76208
(940) 369-2800
Providence Elementary
1000 FM 2931
Aubrey, TX 76227
(940) 369-1900
Houston Elementary
3100 Teasley Ln.
Denton, TX 76205
(940) 369-2900
Rivera Elementary
701 Newton St.
Denton, TX 76205
(940) 369-3800
Lee Elementary
800 Mack Dr.
Denton, TX 76209
(940) 369-3500
Savannah Elementary
1101 Cotton Exchange Dr.
Aubrey, TX 76227
(940) 347-7400
McNair Elementary
1212 Hickory Creek Rd.
Denton, TX 76210
(940) 369-3600
Stephens Elementary
133 Garza Rd.
Shady Shores, TX 76208
(940) 369-0800
LA Nelson Elementary
3909 Teasley Ln.
Denton, TX 76210
(940) 369-1400
Wilson Elementary
1306 E. Windsor Dr.
Denton, TX 76209
(940) 369-4500
Newton Rayzor Elementary
1400 Malone St.
Denton, TX 76201
(940) 369-3700
WS Ryan Elementary
201 W. Ryan Rd.
Denton, TX 76210
(940) 369-4600
Blanton Elementary
9501 Stacee Ln.
Argyle, TX 76226
(940) 369-0700
Borman Elementary
1201 Parvin St.
Denton, TX 76205
(940) 369-2500
Cross Oaks Elementary
600 Liberty Rd.
Crossroads, TX 76227
(940) 347-7100
EP Rayzor Elementary
377 Rayzor Rd.
Argyle, TX 76226
(940) 369-4100
Evers Park Elementary
3300 Evers Pkwy.
Denton, TX 76207
(940) 369-2600
Ginnings Elementary
2525 N. Yellowstone Pl.
Denton, TX 76209
(940) 369-2700
Paloma Creek Elementary
1600 Navo Rd.
Aubrey, TX 76227
(940) 347-7300
Section II:
Registration &
Denton ISD Extended School Day Program
1400 Malone St. Portable 53  Denton, TX 76201
(940) 369-0080
ESD Site Program Hours: 2:50-6:00 pm school days
Due to district security procedures, please have your
driver’s license available for review at all times.
If your child will be absent from Extended School Day,
please contact our ESD main office before 2:00PM.
Our phone number is 940-369-0080.
Section II: Registration & Enrollment – Requirements
• Registration must be done by the child(ren)’s legal parent or guardian. The legal guardian must provide
a legal document showing they are the legal guardian.
ESD Registration is completed 100% online. If you do not have access to internet/a computer, parents
can access a computer in the ESD main office for registration purposes.
In office registration hours are Monday-Friday from 10:00 am – 5:30 pm at the ESD main office. There
will be a 48 hour turnaround time for children starting the Extended School Day program.
Please note: Parents/legal guardians will be blocked from enrolling any child(ren) in future ESD
programs until all past due payments are paid in full.
Enrollment Form Requirements
• Parents/legal guardians must complete the online registration form for each child in our program. The
registration forms must include the child’s personal information, emergency information, information for
all authorized pick up persons, a medical release, photo release, and liability waiver.
We cannot release your student to individuals if we do not have their driver’s license numbers
on file. This information must come from you. You cannot give this information directly to ESD
staff at the campus. This information must be documented in the main ESD office initially and
the ESD staff will relay this information to the staff on the campus.
Authorized pick up persons must be 18 years old or older and have a valid state driver’s license,
valid state ID, passport, or military ID. Any person designated to pick up your child(ren) must
show ID to our staff before students will be released.
A copy of the enrollment form will be kept on file in the ESD main office and a copy will be kept in the
student’s group binder at his/her designated ESD campus.
The ESD main office and your child’s school do not share children’s file information, so please
be sure to update your student’s school and the main ESD office of any changes throughout the
school year.
Participant’s Information Files
• Current information: Parents are required to and are responsible for providing the ESD office with
updated information in writing. Failure to supply the ESD office with updated information may lead to
dismissal of your child(ren) from the program. Parents can updated information by calling the main ESD
office, emailing [email protected], or by logging in to the Parent Portal.
• Driver’s license numbers: DL numbers must be supplied for each authorized pick-up person,
including the parent or guardian. Names without driver’s license numbers on the form will be removed
as an authorized pick up.
• Divorce/custody documents: Divorce/custody documents that prohibits or limits a parent or other
individual from picking up a child/children from the ESD program must be on file in the main ESD office.
o These documents must have a judge’s signature and seal.
• In the event that a child spends time with each parent during the week, it is the parent/guardian’s
responsibility to furnish a schedule to the ESD office. Simply stating “my child is with her/her mom/dad
every other week” is not acceptable. The child’s schedule can be faxed, emailed, or brought into the
main ESD office.
Please note: These documents may be reviewed by the DISD attorney for clarification if necessary.
Due to district security procedures, please have your
driver’s license available for review at all times.
If your child will be absent from Extended School Day,
please contact our ESD main office before 2:00PM.
Our phone number is 940-369-0080.
Section III:
Denton ISD Extended School Day Program
1400 Malone St. Portable 53  Denton, TX 76201
(940) 369-0080
ESD Site Program Hours: 2:50-6:00 pm school days
Due to district security procedures, please have your
driver’s license available for review at all times.
If your child will be absent from Extended School Day,
please contact our ESD main office before 2:00PM.
Our phone number is 940-369-0080.
Section III: Payment Information
2016-2017 Tuition Fees
$200.00 per month (October through May)
$270.00 for August/September 2016
Please remember that all tuition payments must be
received in our office by the last day of the month.
Example: October payment would be due in the
main ESD office by September 30th.
The ESD program operates for 37 weeks.
The fee for the school year is $1,870.
You are not paying for ESD during the weeks that schools are closed.
We have divided the $1,870 year’s tuition into nine (9) payments.
This eliminated fluctuation in tuition rates each month. We are not a drop in program. Although you may utilize
the program at your discretion, you must pay on a monthly basis.
Tuition Payment Methods: Convenient Ways to Pay
Drop off payment at our office:
Check, money order, cashier’s check, or cash
• Mail-in payments (must be received by the 3rd of the month to avoid late payment fee):
Check, money order, or cashier’s check
• ESD Parent Portal
Tuition payments can be made online at www.ezchildtrack.com/dentonisdesd/parent
• Payments cannot be made at the ESD campus
In the event of inclement weather or a holiday, tuition payments can still be made in the drop box of the ESD
main office or by going online.
All tuition payments to be made at DISD Extended School Day Office:
1400 Malone St. Portable 53, Denton, TX 76201
Monday through Friday between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm
Payment box available 24/7 (box is located next the ESD portable)
Parent Portal
ESD Parent Portal information can also be found on the internet at www.dentonisd.org/esd
(follow the links to ESD Parent Portal)
Credit card/debit card payments should be made through the ESD Parent Portal
Repeated credit card declines will result in tuition payments being accepted by cash or money order only
See page 15 for “how to” instructions on using the ESD Parent Portal for payments.
Online payments cannot be made until after July 16, 2016.
Mail-in payments must be received in our office by the tuition due date to be considered “on-time.” It is suggested that
mail-in payments be made before the end of the month to allow for mailing time. Example: mail payment on the 21st of the
month to ensure it will not be late. Mail-in payments received after the due date will be assessed a $60 late fee.
Note: This includes online bill payment via banking.
• Mail-in payments should be mailed to Denton ISD ESD, PO Box 2387, Denton, TX 76202
Tuition Payment Due Dates: “Tuition Due” reminder notices are sent each month
• Tuition is due on the last day of the month. If you have not paid your tuition payment by 11:59 pm
on the 3rd of the month, you will owe tuition plus a $60 late fee ($200 tuition + $60 late fee = $260). If,
by the 5th of the month at 11:59 pm, Extended School Day has received your tuition and late fee ($200
+ $60 late fee = $260), your student will be dismissed from the ESD program. It will be your
responsibility as the parent/guardian to make other after school arrangements. Should you want to reenroll your student, you will need to contact the ESD main office. You will be charged a $60 reenrollment fee to re-enroll your student.
If an emergency or financial issue arises, you must contact Robert Gonzalez, ESD Director at
(940) 369-0080 to make payment arrangements before the end of the month.
Late tuition payment fee
• A $60 late fee per student will be assessed for all tuition payments made after the 3rd of each month.
• Non-sufficient funds (NSF) checks are charged a late tuition fee of $60.
Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Checks
• NSF checks will automatically be processed through our check recovery service Envision Payment
• If your bank returns your check unpaid, Envision Payment Solutions may redeposit your check
• The returned check fee for the district is $32.50 plus an additional charge for Envision Payment
• The use of check for payment of our program fees is your acknowledgement and acceptance of this
policy and the terms of Envision Payment Solutions.
• Contact 1-877-290-5460 or 940-369-0080 if you have questions.
• After 2 NSF checks, tuition can only paid by cash or money order.
• Once contacted, parents will have two (2) days to make cash payment or child(ren) will be
automatically dismissed from the program.
Refund Policy
• Withdrawal from program
o You will not be responsible for a full month’s tuition if proper written notice is given by the 25th of
the previous month.
o No refund is given if notice is not given/given after the 25th of the previous month.
• Suspension
o In the event that your child is suspended from their home campus or the Extended School Day
program, no refunds or pro-rated tuition will be given.
Delinquent Accounts
• Tuition is due on the last day of the month. If you have not paid your tuition payment by 11:59 pm
on the 3rd of the month, you will owe tuition plus a $60 late fee ($200 tuition + $60 late fee = $260). If,
by the 5th of the month at 11:59 pm, Extended School Day has received your tuition and late fee ($200
+ $60 late fee = $260), your student will be dismissed from the ESD program. It will be your
responsibility as the parent/guardian to make other after school arrangements. Should you want to reenroll your student, you will need to contact the ESD main office. You will be charged a $60 reenrollment fee to re-enroll your student.
• If an emergency or financial issue arises, you must contact Robert Gonzalez, ESD Director at
(940) 369-0080 to make payment arrangements before the end of the month.
• Parents/legal guardians will be responsible for the repair or replacement costs of damages incurred by
an ESD participant or parent/authorized pick-up. The cost of repair/replacement items will be
determined by Denton ISD’s operational department.
Non-Call-In Fee
• 3 incidents during one calendar month of not calling your student in absent before 2:00 pm on the day
of his/her absence will result in a $5.00 administrative fee. Each incident after the 3rd will result in an
additional $5.00 administrative fee per non-call-in. This will reset every calendar month.
Late Pick-Up Fees
ESD program hours are from the time school lets out until 6:00 pm every day that school is in session. The
following late pick-up fee policy is in effect each month:
ESD official closing time is 6:00 pm per the school clock.
A late pick-up charge of $20.00 is assessed for the first fifteen minutes or any part of the fifteen minutes
(i.e. 6:01 pm – 6:15 pm = $20).
There is an additional $1.00 charge for each additional minute after 6:15 pm
(i.e. 6:01 pm – 6:15 pm = $20; 6:16 pm = $20 + $1 = $21)
Late pick-up fees must be paid online through the ESD Parent Portal of at the main ESD office. Late
pick-up fee payments cannot be paid at the ESD campus.
Failure to pay late pick-up fees will result in suspension or dismissal from the program.
At 6:15 pm, if the parents have not picked up the student, emergency contacts will be notified.
Arrangements to authorize individuals to pick up participants by 6:00 pm may be made by contacting
the main office. Do not give this information to the ESD staff at your student’s campus.
Major traffic or weather incidents will be considered on a case by case basis.
If a child has not been picked-up one hour after the program has ended and there has not been any
contact from the parent, the child will be considered abandoned. Staff will contact the Police or
Sheriff’s Department to pick up the child.
Withdrawal Procedures
Any parent requesting to withdraw their student(s) from the ESD program
• Must notify the ESD main office in writing by email, fax, or by submitting the online form by the 25th of
the month.
Notifying the instructors at the sites is not acceptable for withdrawal.
Notice given after the 25th of the month will result in a $65 administrative fee.
Parents can come by the ESD office at 1400 Malone St. Portable 53 in person to give notification.
Any student withdrawn from the program may be readmitted by calling the main ESD office.
Full tuition reimbursement will be given prior to the beginning of a new month, provided written
notice has been given. Example: if you have paid in April for May and you withdraw on April
25th, you will be reimbursed.
Parents/guardians will be blocked from enrolling any student(s) in future ESD programs until all past
due payments are made.
Due to district security procedures, please have your
Driver’s License available for review at all times.
ESD Parent Portal Payment Information
Section IV:
Extended School Day
Policies & Procedures
Denton ISD Extended School Day Program
1400 Malone St. Portable 53  Denton, TX 76201
(940) 369-0080
ESD Site Program Hours: 2:50-6:00 pm school days
Due to district security procedures, please have your
driver’s license available for review at all times.
If your child will be absent from Extended School Day,
please contact our ESD main office before 2:00PM.
Our phone number is 940-369-0080.
Section IV: Extended School Day Policies & Procedures
Attendance and Absences
The Instructors, upon arrival to the program, will take attendance of the students who are enrolled in the ESD
program. The ESD program is not responsible for students until they have entered the ESD program.
You must call the ESD main office when your student is going to be absent
When you student is going to be absent: call (940) 369-0080
When a student is going to be absent from the ESD program, the parent must call before 2:00 pm and
leave a message at the ESD office to inform the staff of the student’s absence. Voice messaging is
available 24 hours a day.
When you call, please speak clearly and slowly and state the following information:
o Child’s name, child’s ESD campus, and grade
o Your name and call back number.
If the parent/legal guardian does not notify the office, an ESD main office staff member will be
contacting the parent/legal guardian to verify where the child is for that day.
Repeated failure to call in absences will result in an administrative fee. After the 3rd non-call-in
during one calendar month, you will be assessed a $5.00 administrative fee. Each non-call-in
after that will result in an additional $5.00 administrative fee.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Student safety is our top priority. Failing to keep us informed of where your student will be creates safety
concerns within the program.
You must notify the ESD main office in writing if your child will be attending any extra-curricular
activities during the ESD program hours of 2:50-6:00 pm. The Teacher/Time Activity Form must be
filled out. Please follow these steps:
• Go to the main Denton ISD website: www.dentonisd.org
• Scroll down to “Quicklinks”  Click on “Extended School Day”  Scroll down to “Extended School Day
• Print out the Teacher Time/Activity Form
• Parent/Guardian signature is required
• Teacher/activity sponsor signature is required
• Return to ESD instructor
• Email or bring to ESD main office: Bring it to the office at 1400 Malone St. Portable 53, Denton, TX, or
email it to [email protected]
If your student attends the ESD program and participates in any after school activity (i.e. choir, tutoring,
orchestra, Girl Scouts, etc.) please make sure your student report directly to the ESD program first to check in
with their ESD instructor. After checking in with ESD, they can then proceed to the afternoon activity. If the
activity ends during ESD hours, the teacher/activity sponsor is required to escort the student back to ESD due
to security reasons. If a student leaves the campus for an extra-curricular activity during ESD, they must be
signed out by an authorized pick-up. The student will not be allowed to return to ESD that day.
Students are not allowed to leave the ESD program on their own.
Students and/or parents are not allowed to return to their daytime classroom after schools has
ended for any reason.
Emergency Contact
• When a parent needs to contact their child at the program, for emergency reasons only, the parent
must call the ESD main office at (940) 369-0080. The office will then contact the student’s instructor to
relay the message. Please do not contact the school.
Child Abuse
It is our obligation as an after-school program provider to report any suspected child abuse to Child Protective
Code of Conduct – Program Rules
The Extended School Day program is not a behavior modification program. Students who continually disrupt or
do not follow the Code of Conduct will be suspended or dismissed depending on the behavioral infraction.
We ask that all parents review the Code of Conduct rules listed below:
• All ESD participants must be able to interact in a group setting, follow directions, and rotate
with the group from one activity to the next.
• One-on-one supervision is not available.
• The student should listen to the instructors.
• The student should always ask the instructor to go to the bathroom or to leave an activity.
• The student is not allowed to leave the school site/ESD group, unless it is with a parent/legal guardian
or authorized pick-up individual.
• The student should be polite and courteous to all.
• The student should be respectful to other students and staff.
• No foul or rude language should be used at any time during the ESD program.
• There should be no fighting, biting, horseplay, or excessive physical behavior.
• The student should participate in ESD activities.
• There should be no arguing – only discussion about incidents/concerns.
• There should be no negative comments or attitudes directed towards anyone in the program.
• The use of cell phones/electronic games, toys, etc. is prohibited by ESD participants.
• There will be no destruction of Denton ISD or Extended School Day property.
• There will be no inappropriate touching of other ESD participants or ESD staff.
Electronics Policy
Students are not permitted to possess or use personal electronic devices such as cell phones, radios, MP3
players, video or audio recorders, DVD players, cameras, games, e-Readers, or other electronic devices at
school or in the ESD program, unless prior permission has been obtained and there is an instructional purpose
to such use. If permission for these devices has not been granted, ESD instructors will collect the items and
turn them in to the ESD director’s office. The ESD instructor will return the items to students when the
parent/designated pick-up person arrives to sign the student out of the ESD program for that day. The ESD
program is not liable for damage or loss of any personal electronic devices.
Parent/Legal Guardian Conduct and Communication
Parents/legal guardians need to address issues and concerns with the staff in an appropriate manner. At no
time are parents/legal guardians allowed to address a discipline issue with another ESD participant at the ESD
• All discipline issues are to be handled by the ESD instructors. If you do not feel that the ESD instructor
has resolved your concerns, please feel free to contact the ESD coordinator at (940) 369-0080.
• If you would like to discuss discipline issues at length with your student’s instructor, please contact the
ESD Coordinator for that campus to schedule a meeting when the instructor’s students have gone
home for that day.
• It is unacceptable for a parent/legal guardian to express hostility or demonstrate a lack of judgement
when approaching/talking to an ESD staff member or ESD participants. This will result in immediate
suspension or dismissal of the parent/legal guardian/authorized pick-up person from picking up their
child from the program along with possible Police contact.
o This behavior includes, but is not limited to, the use of foul language, physically touching an
ESD instructor, expressing anger in front of the students, expressing anger towards an ESD
participant, using an aggressive tone of voice, etc.
o In the event that a parent has been prohibited from picking a student up, if there is not an
available authorized pick-up for student, your student will be suspended or dismissed from the
ESD program. Depending on the severity of the situation, your student can be suspended or
dismissed from the ESD program at the discretion of ESD administration.
• Please be aware that communication is a vital part of the ESD program. Please be respectful when
addressing the ESD staff as they are in a teaching environment. Any lengthy communication should be
scheduled after the ESD program ends at 6:00 pm. If parents/guardians choose not to communicate
with ESD staff concerning any of the above conduct rules, your student can be suspended until a
meeting between parent/guardian and the ESD director can occur. There will be no refunds or pro-rated
tuition given.
• ESD allows program observations by parents/legal guardians for periods up to 30 minutes, once a
week. These observations must be prearranged (with at least 24 hour notice) and will be stopped
if/when the instructor/administrator says that any disruption to the program is occurring. We do not
allow parents/legal guardians to play with the children while on the playground or in the gym.
Parents/legal guardians are only permitted to observe their child(ren). It should be noted that Extended
School Day will comply with any and all timelines stated on court documents. For example, ESD will
adhere to court documentation specifying 6:00 pm as the start time on specific days for parent/legal
guardian custody. Please refer to the District Board Policy GKC (local) for further explanation of these
All reports will be signed by the parent or authorized pick-up signing the student out that day.
Accident Report
If an ESD participant is involved in an accident involving a head injury, regardless of how minor the
head injury may seem, the parent will be contacted for immediate pick up.
Care and Concern Report
Care and Concern Reports are written about students who have expressed an emotional concern to the
ESD instructors. Depending on the severity of the concern, we will contact the school counselors for
follow-up support for the child and family.
The Extended School Day program takes a positive and preventative approach to discipline. We
cultivate an environment where all students/parents/staff are encouraged and empowered,
communication is open, and expectations are known. This ensures a positive environment which
minimizes behavioral issues. The ESD program is conducted on most campuses in the gym, cafeteria,
and outdoor play areas. If your child struggles with activities that are conducted in large open spaces,
please be sure to contact one of the ESD coordinators.
The Extended School Day policy is applicable to all students:
As we are part of Denton ISD, all school rules and behavioral standards will be followed as they are
during the school day.
Students will participate in the activities and rotation process of Extended School Day.
Students will not be permitted to have electronic devices or toys during Extended School Day.
Students will be held responsible for their behavior.
Although we understand that at times, children may still struggle with their behavior, the following
guidelines are in place to address such issues:
Verbal reminder from instructor
Time out based on age
Discipline/incident report
Dismissal from Extended School Day program
Please note that a program coordinator will contact you when a student received three (3) discipline
reports except in the event of serious offenses which will receive an immediate phone call.
Please be aware that depending on the behavioral infraction, these guidelines may be altered as
deemed appropriate by Extended School Day administration.
Students must have permission from their instructor to use electronic devices during Extended School
Students will not be permitted to have toys during Extended School Day.
When applicable, ESD coordinators will communicate with the school administration and staff
concerning ESD student behavior in order to ensure their well-being (i.e. bullying, persistent use of foul
language, etc.)
Extended School Day is not a behavior modification program. Students consistently exhibiting
noncompliant behavior will be released from the program.
Depending on the seriousness of the infraction, parents/legal guardians will be contacted for immediate
pick up. You must have an authorized pick up available to pick your student up immediately.
Depending on the severity of the infraction, students can be suspended or dismissed from ESD
immediately, even if it is the first occurrence. An example of immediate suspension or dismissal may be
fighting or leaving an area without permission. All suspensions/dismissals will have Extended School
Day Director/Coordinator’s approval before being implemented. As we are part of Denton ISD, we reserve
the right to work in conjunction with daytime school staff to help in the resolution of conflicts that arise in
the Extended School Day program. All Extended School Day parents will receive a discipline/incident
report upon the infraction of the ESD participant. In the event of a child being suspended from the ESD
program, monthly tuition will not be prorated or refunded.
ESD will not implement disciplinary action for incidents that are not related to ESD.
Child can’t participate in gym time because s/he didn’t clean room.
The student didn’t complete daytime assignments so s/he can’t play outside.
Health/Illness of Participants
Parents are responsible for informing the ESD office of any special needs, concerns, or information regarding
their child’s health. ESD is not given copies of 504 plans or IEPs. It is up to the parents to share this
information with Extended School Day. ESD makes every effort to make each student successful in ESD by
adhering to as many accommodations as possible. 504 plans and IEPs will require a meeting with an ESD
coordinator and/or director to determine which accommodations ESD will be able to provide to your student.
All students must be able to participate in the full range of activities offered by ESD. All students are expected
to participate in all rotations unless there is a health concern accompanied by a doctor’s restriction. Any child
meeting any of the following criteria will not be admitted to the program:
1. The needs of the child prevent him/her from participating comfortably in the program activities.
2. The needs of the child results in greater need for care than the staff can provide without compromising
the health, safety, and supervision of the other children or staff.
3. Children must be able to go outside with their group. They will not be allowed to stay inside or by
themselves or with another age group.
Parents will be notified by phone if the participant becomes ill while at the program. If the parent cannot be
reached, the emergency contact will be called. Any child experiencing fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or contagious
skin or eye infections, will be removed from the common areas and should be picked up within one hour of
contact with the parent.
Parent must provide a written statement from the doctor stating the child is free from contagious disease
before returning after a contagious illness. Medical information can be faxed to the ESD office.
In the event of critical illness or injury, proper medical personnel and parents will be notified. At the discretion
of the medical personnel, the child may be transported to an emergency room or clinic by ambulance or by the
parent. Parent will be responsible for any expenses incurred.
The ESD program follows the health guidelines set forth by Denton ISD Health Services when
applicable to the program.
Denton ISD Health Services
Standard of Practice: Signs and Symptoms for Exclusion from School
The major (but not only) criteria for exclusion from attendance is the probability of spread from person to
person. A child may have a non-excludable condition, but is still unable to participate in the educational
process until the interfering symptoms have been resolved.
Students who exhibit the following signs and symptoms will be excluded from school until the symptoms are
gone for 24 hours or a physician provides written information that the condition is not contagious or that the
student is under treatment and may return to school.
1. Fever (oral equivalent) of 100 degrees or more
2. Persistent vomiting (two or more episodes)
3. Diarrhea – two or more watery or loose stools, whether or not associated with fever
4. Skin rashes if purulent, weeping, or associated with fever
5. Purulent or crusting discharge from eyes with reddened conjunctiva
6. Evidence of active pediculosis (head lice)
7. Persistent cough with bloody sputum
These signs and symptoms below require school RN consultation and assessment, and may result in
• Inflamed or watery eyes
• Green/yellow nasal discharge
• Skin rashes not already defined above
• Itching or lesions of scalp, nits
• Incontinence of feces or urine
The school RN will make the decision to send a student home based on her assessment of the potential risks
to that student and others at school, her knowledge of the student’s medical history, and information from other
school personnel regarding the student’s ability to participate in the classroom.
If the school nurse has already left for the day, parents will be called for immediate pick up based on any of the
symptoms listed above.
The Extended School Day program will adhere to the medication policy set forth by Denton ISD Health
No employee shall give any student prescription medication, non-prescription
medications, herbal substances, or dietary supplements, except as provided
All medications, including dietary supplements*, administered at school by school
personnel must be accompanied by a doctor’s order, including all prescription
and over the counter medications such as cough drops, vitamin supplements,
pain relievers, etc. Medication will not be administered at school unless it is
essential to the health of the child and/or the student’s ability to function
successfully in the classroom. Three-times-a-day or less medications will not be
given during the school day unless the doctor’s order specifically states it must
be given during the school day. Doctor’s orders are defined as an M.D.,
Podiatrist, Dentist, or a Nurse Practitioner working under doctor’s orders. Labels
on medicine and parent request must match. When an elementary student must
take medicine during the school day, it is the responsibility of the parent/legal
guardian to administer it. When that is not possible, the parent/legal guardian
may arrange with the principal or his/her designee for school personnel to give
the medication. These arrangements must be made in writing by completing the
registration packet and from school office personnel. No medication will be given
unless this form accompanies the medication in the original, properly marked
container. Any change in the medication requires a new form and a newly
labeled container, which reflects the change. Parents are responsible for bringing
medication to the school themselves.
Elementary students may carry inhalers with them if they have specific doctor’s
written orders to do so. No other medications may be carried with an elementary
student. Medication not picked up by the parents at the end of the school year
will be discarded after parent notification.
*Dietary/herbal supplements are not regulated by the FDA to ensure quality standards, nor have they been
tested for safety or effect on school-aged children. The school nurse will administer these preparations on a
case by case basis only after careful consideration with the student’s physician, with parental consent and her
own agreement to do so in accordance with Board of Nurse Examiners Rules and Regulations 217.11(3) and
The ESD program staff does not dispense medication. If you child requires medication during ESD
program hours, please make arrangements with the campus nurse so medication can be given prior to
arrival at ESD. Inhalers, EPI-Pens, and diabetic supplies are to be given to ESD instructors for use by
the child, as needed. Please make sure all inhalers, EPI-Pens, and diabetic supplies are labeled. If your
child(ren) has an life-threatening illnesses, please contact the nurse at your child’s campus so that
procedures may be put in place at the ESD program.
The ESD program will not allow any unauthorized individual to enter the campus. Doors will remain
locked at all times. Please have your driver’s license readily available at pick-up each day to present
when entering the building.
Release Policy
Parent/authorized person/legal guardian release policy:
• Children are not allowed to leave the ESD program on their own.
• The registration form includes a section for the parent/legal guardian to provide the names of those
persons allowed to pick up their child(ren) from the ESD program. You may not give this information
directly to ESD staff at the campus. This information must be documented in the main ESD office
initially and the ESD office will relay this information to the staff on the campus.
• Driver’s license numbers must be supplied for each authorized pick up person, including the parent or
guardian. Please call the main ESD office to add additional pick-up persons.
• Divorce/custody documents that prohibits or limits a parent or individual from picking up a child from
the ESD program must be on file with the ESD main office.
• Authorized pickups must be 18 years or older and have a valid state driver’s license, valid state ID,
passport, or military ID.
The following procedures will be followed at all times:
1. When a parent/legal guardian/authorized person comes to pick up the child(ren), they are to sign the
student out. Honking or waving for the student(s) to come out is not acceptable.
2. Parents/authorized pick-ups must go to the rotation area to sign out their child(ren) from the designated
ESD instructor.
3. Children are not allowed to sign themselves out of the program nor are they allowed to leave the site
without being accompanied by an adult, parent, or guardian. Children are not allowed to walk home
from the ESD program.
4. Until familiarity is established, identification will be requested at pick up. This includes parent(s)/legal
guardians. Please bring your ID every day throughout the year.
5. Children who plan to walk home are not allowed to leave our program if they come and check in. They
will have to remain in the ESD program. Please remind your student(s) to walk directly home from
6. When a child is signed out, they must leave the campus with their authorized pick up.
7. Students will not be allowed to be signed back in to the ESD program after being signed out by their
authorized pick up.
8. An authorized pick up (including one time pick-ups) will receive all the info that needs to be relayed to
the parent/guardian that day. This includes correspondence from the office, reports, communications
from the staff, and/or any other information deemed necessary.
When an unauthorized person comes to pick up a child, the following procedures will be followed:
1. To enter the building, you must ring the doorbell. This will be the silver box located near the ESD door.
2. Instructors will ask for ID (driver’s license) on anyone they are not familiar with and refer to the
information they have on site. If they do not have information about this individual, they will contact the
ESD office.
3. The sign-out policy and the reason for it will be explained to the person desiring to take the child(ren).
4. Staff in the ESD main office will contact the parent/legal guardian at work or at home to inform them of
the person on site asking to pick up the student(s). The parent/guardian will be asked for their DL
number also, to verify that staff is talking to the parent/legal guardian.
5. The parent/guardian will be asked to grant permission for their child(ren) to be released to the person
on site. The parent/guardian will be asked to call the ESD office and give the name, phone number, and
DL number for the person picking up the child.
6. Once permission is granted, the child will be released to the person on site.
7. If the parent/guardian cannot be reached or does not grant permission, the child will not be released to
the unauthorized person.
8. If the unauthorized person takes the child(ren) without permission, the police will be notified and the
situation will be handled as a criminal incident.
Participants may not be transported to and from activities or home by staff’s personal vehicles.
ESD instructors are prohibited from babysitting ESD participants during the school year.
Student Transfers
Our ESD program policy allows parents to only register their children into their zoned home school. Transfers
are the parent’s option and are conditional upon the school administrator’s approval. ESD participants who
receive a transfer to another school campus may continue with our ESD program at the newly enrolled school
campus. Please call the main ESD office to complete the ESD transfer.
Weather Policy
• The ESD program will follow the Denton ISD schedule for closing during bad weather.
• Cable TV channel 25, radio stations WBAP 820 AM, KRLD 1080 AM, KNTU 88.1 FM, or TV channels
4, 5, 8, and 11 will carry news about school closing in case of bad weather or some disaster.
• If bad weather develops during the school day and schools are closing early or if bad weather develops
during ESD program hours, please make arrangements for your student(s) to be picked up
• This information can also be found on the district’s website at www.dentonisd.org
• Temperature limits:
o Children will go outside daily with their group unless the temperatures are below 45 degrees
o Children will go outside daily with their group unless the temperature/THI is above 100 degrees
and/or the air quality is not acceptable.
o Children must remain with their assigned group and will not be placed with other groups during
their outside rotations.
• No refunds will be given for inclement weather days or other unscheduled district school closing days.
Section V:
Reference Pages
Denton ISD Extended School Day Program
1400 Malone St. Portable 53  Denton, TX 76201
(940) 369-0080
ESD Site Program Hours: 2:50-6:00 pm school days
Due to district security procedures, please have your
driver’s license available for review at all times.
If your child will be absent from Extended School Day,
please contact our ESD main office before 2:00PM.
Our phone number is 940-369-0080.
Denton ISD Extended School Day Program
1400 Malone St. Portable 53  Denton, TX 76201  940-369-0080  www.dentonisd.org/esd
Office Hours: 9:30 am to 6:30 pm (Monday through Friday)
Quick Reference Page
Times you will need to call the ESD main office at (940) 369-0080
When your student(s) will be absent from the ESD program
The ESD number can be called 24 hours a day to report an absence.
Please list the child’s name, parent name, campus, and grade.
Change of address
New home/work number or pick up person
Issues/concerns regarding your student
Late pick up of a student
If your student is attending an activity somewhere else on campus during ESD
hours. (Must have signed teacher activity form)
Please make sure your
student is wearing
clothing and tennis
Payments to the ESD Program
Tuition payments are due on the last day of the month
August/September 2016 tuition: $270
October – May tuition: $200
Methods of payment: credit card, cash, check, cashier’s check, or money order
Tuition late fee
Tuition late payment fee is $60.00. This fee will be assessed if tuition payment is not received by the 3rd of the month.
Late pick-up fee
Late charge of $20.00 is assessed for the first fifteen minutes or any part of the fifteen minutes
(i.e. 6:01 pm – 6:15 pm = $20)
There is an addiational $1.00 charge for each additional minute after 6:15 pm
(i.e. 6:01 pm – 6:15 pm = $20.00; 6:16 pm = $20.00 + $1.00 = $21.00).
Methods of payment for late pick up fee is credit card, cash, or check. Payments cannot be made on campus.
Non-call-in Administrative Fee
Failure to call your student in absent 3 times during one month will result in a $5.00 administrative fee with an additional $5.00
administrative fee for every non-call-in after that during the month.
Important Dates
Early Release Days
October 3-7, 2016
June 1, 2017
ESD staff will be on campus when students are released from school. The program will remain open until 6:00 pm. Instead of
being charged for the early release school days, these days will be used to cover inclement weather days or other
unscheduled district school closing days.)
ESD/School Holidays
September 5, 2016 (Labor Day); November 21-25, 2016 (Thanksgiving); December 19-30, 2015 (Winter Break); January 16,
2017 (MLK, Jr. Day); March 13-17, 2017 (Spring Break); April 14 & 17, 2017 (Bad Weather Makeup Day); May 29, 2017
(Memorial Day)
Bad Weather Days
There will be no refunds or credits given for bad weather days. Instead of being charged for the early release school days,
these days will be used to cover inclement weather days or other unscheduled district school closing days.
Please remember to provide a healthy snack every day (your student is hungry when they arrive). ESD participants may not
share food so if they do not bring a snack, they will not be able to eat.
Parent Reminder
If you are called for a child pick-up (accident, discipline, etc.) someone must be able to be there within 20 minutes.
Extended School Day Staff
Robert Gonzalez, Extended School Day Director
Kay Peters, Parrish Butler, and Cheryl Estes, Extended School Day Coordinators
Due to district security procedures, please have your
driver’s license available for review at all times.
If your child will be absent from Extended School Day,
please contact our ESD main office before 2:00PM.
Our phone number is 940-369-0080.
Denton Independent School District
Extended School Day Program
2016-2017 Tuition Due Dates
ESD Payments
Due Date:
$60 Late Fee
Assessed on:
Withdrawal due to nonpayment date:
July 31, 2016
August 6, 2016
August 9, 2016
October 5, 2016
September 30, 2016
October 3, 2016
October 31, 2016
November 3, 2016 November 5, 2016
November 30, 2016
December 3, 2016
December 5, 2016
December 31, 2016
January 7, 2017**
January 10, 2017
January 31, 2017
February 3, 2017
February 5, 2017
February 29, 2017
March 3, 2017
March 31, 2017
April 30, 2017
March 5, 2017
April 3,2017
April 5, 2017
May 3, 2016
May 5, 2017
*August/September 2016 tuition is prorated.
**Late fee Assessed on a later date due to the holiday.
**** Tuition and late fees not received by the 3rd of the month at 11:59 pm will result in a
$60 late fee. After the 5th of the month, student will be withdrawn from the program. The
parent may re-enroll student by paying the tuition ($200), late fee ($60), and a reenrollment fee ($60). You must contact the program director before the end of the month to
avoid your child(ren) being automatically released from the Extended School Day
For the 2016 school year, your tax
statement will be mailed on
January 31, 2017
Please note:
Completing the registration process will hold your child’s place until August 9th, 2016 per
the 2016-2017 Tuition Payment Due Date/Withdrawal chart. Tuition for August/September 2016
is due July 31, 2016.
The Parent Handbook policies are subject to change throughout the school year in order to
better operate the program. The most up-to-date version of the ESD Parent Manual can always
be found on the ESD webpage.
Robert Gonzalez
Director of Extended School Day
1400 Malone St. Portable 53
Denton, TX 76201
(940) 369-0080
Extended School Day Locations
Adkins Elementary
1701 Monahan Dr.
Lantana, TX 76226
(940) 369-1300
Hawk Elementary
2300 Oakmont Dr.
Corinth, TX 76210
(940) 369-1800
Pecan Creek Elementary
4400 Lakeview Blvd
Denton, TX 76208
(940) 369-4400
Bell Elementary
601 Villa Paloma Blvd.
Little Elm, TX 76227
Hodge Elementary
3900 Grant Pkwy
Denton, TX 76208
(940) 369-2800
Providence Elementary
1000 FM 2931
Aubrey, TX 76227
(940) 369-1900
Houston Elementary
3100 Teasley Ln.
Denton, TX 76205
(940) 369-2900
Rivera Elementary
701 Newton St.
Denton, TX 76205
(940) 369-3800
Lee Elementary
800 Mack Dr.
Denton, TX 76209
(940) 369-3500
Savannah Elementary
1101 Cotton Exchange Dr.
Aubrey, TX 76227
(940) 347-7400
McNair Elementary
1212 Hickory Creek Rd.
Denton, TX 76210
(940) 369-3600
Stephens Elementary
133 Garza Rd.
Shady Shores, TX 76208
(940) 369-0800
LA Nelson Elementary
3909 Teasley Ln.
Denton, TX 76210
(940) 369-1400
Wilson Elementary
1306 E. Windsor Dr.
Denton, TX 76209
(940) 369-4500
Newton Rayzor Elementary
1400 Malone St.
Denton, TX 76201
(940) 369-3700
WS Ryan Elementary
201 W. Ryan Rd.
Denton, TX 76210
(940) 369-4600
Blanton Elementary
9501 Stacee Ln.
Argyle, TX 76226
(940) 369-0700
Borman Elementary
1201 Parvin St.
Denton, TX 76205
(940) 369-2500
Cross Oaks Elementary
600 Liberty Rd.
Crossroads, TX 76227
(940) 347-7100
EP Rayzor Elementary
377 Rayzor Rd.
Argyle, TX 76226
(940) 369-4100
Evers Park Elementary
3300 Evers Pkwy.
Denton, TX 76207
(940) 369-2600
Ginnings Elementary
2525 N. Yellowstone Pl.
Denton, TX 76209
(940) 369-2700
Paloma Creek Elementary
1600 Navo Rd.
Aubrey, TX 76227
(940) 347-7300
Fly UP