
908 KAR 1:340 Narcotic Treatment Programs Mark A. Fisher, MS

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908 KAR 1:340 Narcotic Treatment Programs Mark A. Fisher, MS
908 KAR 1:340
Narcotic Treatment Programs
Mark A. Fisher, MS
State Opioid Treatment Administrator
If a NTP voluntarily decides to establish a
medication station, the program shall notify in
writing the D E A, CSAT, the SNA and the
Division of Licensing and Regulation (O I G)
within 90 days of the proposed relocation.
A Medication Station shall;
Be opened no closer than forty-five (45) miles
and no further than ninety (90) miles to the main
Statement of Purpose ;
To ensure Regulatory Compliance of all Narcotic
Treatment Programs across the state.
Obtain a certification of occupancy and a local
business license.
* Please note* Public forums of city approvals, other that that required for
certification of occupancy are not a regulatory requirement. However, it is
strongly encouraged by SOTA ( State Opioid Treatment Authority) to
make the intent to open a facility as transparent as possible to all City,
County, and Civic Leaders during this process.
Apply for a CSAT (Center for Substance Abuse Treatment)
Submit accreditation of early intent to O I G (Office of
Inspector General)
Apply for AODE (Alcohol & Other Drug Entity) outpatient
license from O I G
Licensing procedures and standards for the operation of alcohol
and other drug abuse prevention programs can be found at
Inspection of facility by O I G then AODE license is obtained
Apply for Narcotic treatment license with CSAT in
Washington, D.C.
Obtain MOA (Memorandum of agreement)
from law enforcement, hospital, mental health,
vocational rehabilitation, and private therapist.
Obtain a D E A inspection after building alarms
and sage are in place at facility.
Obtain a facility inspection from the Division of
Behavioral Health and Developmental
Obtain D E A forms 222 for ordering
Kentucky has increased overall OTN capacity
since August 2013 by adding six new facilities.
State wide census is up from 2906 in 2012 to
over 4500 individuals served (August 2014)
Mark A. Fisher
State Opioid Treatment Administrator
Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and
Intellectual Disabilities
275 East Main Street 4 W-G
Frankfort, KY 40621
Phone: (502) 782-6162
Fax: (502) 564-9010
[email protected]
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