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NEW YORK Greek-American Monthly Review
I AY90PMHTEE, inripoxu;, e'PI1£<; tKdqMJo",; roi) "11"
roix; 52 tJVtl1tarpIWTu; jiac;, nov varepa
d1l'o 444 ~J1tpeC; rpplKrqc; KGKOJiETaXf,lpqauoc;. ani xepra
pdppapwv. arravOpw1tWV, tpGVarlKWv avapX'Kwv, anoKr11aav Ti,v
UwOepia fOv.;. Jtll elxa\! rinore TO drpV(]IKO, TinoTE nov va &iXV1J
/ilaoe; ...
'Em/3£.paiwaav, 0IW)(;. of
aT" (w"
reVv av()pwTrWV avrwv, riJv G'1f.Laaia TrOD anoJic5ovv
aVIl7rOA/Twv rour;. Tilv Wplfl()r"ra Kai, ro.oc;. il,a
0J10ip u fa .
Of Gph:plJru; G1Jll-aiec; TrOD n}J/I1/.lIJplaaV 5),£<; ric; aj1£.plKGWKec;
no).elC; Kai xwpui. oj tmypa<pec; /1t Ta KaJ..waopiullara arove; avroK1V'lroOPO/LOVC; ritc; tmaiOpou Kai ric; J..ewrpopOlX; !WV noJ.ewv Kat
01 Kirplvec; Kopt5I;}.)'. e<; n:ov t5eOr,Kav ae KOP/-lOV<; oevt5pwv. an:' o,XpOU
at axpo rij<; xwpa<;. {nu;vOUjuaav rJ<; dn:..1..eiwre<; ~jlipe<; rij<; dva/-IOVij<; reav O/KeiWV rrov Kparovjlivwv d}J..d Ka; r;,v IltyaAOlJlvxia. r;,v
d"U1}ACYYU'l Ka; ri<; aAAe<; dpere<; aurou roii AaoB . . .
nOAb Aiy'l a'lllaaia eXel ~ dnpoOvllia Kai ~ dVIKaVOr1}<; n:OAAroV
vd KaroJ..dPovv Ylari ro "Eevor; eC'laE. roao dV1}aVX'lrlKee; WpE.r;.
Ylari trruPVJ..dxO'lKav aro~ tmarpeipav re<; roaee; !llle<; Kai Ylari oi
n:pdJr,v OIl'lPOl a/aOdVO'lKaV orr ~<n:ore roao UYOI dXpE.l}.av roaG n:o.-\.Aa ae r6aov<; lto}J..oU<;, . . . ».
To n:eplOt5IKO aVro. nob napaKo.-\.o60'lae pa(j pe O..1..0K..1..'lPO
rov aj.1£pIKGVIKO Aao r;,v rpa ywJfa trov 52. aevel Kt' auro pld KirpIV'l
KOpt5EAJ..a arb t¢wcpvJ..-\.o rov. aav tAdXlar'l. aV/1pOA1K;' aVPfJ..erol.;'
or~v "'Y6.A~ xapO. r;;, 'AI1'PIK;;<;.
0EAEtE Va E1tEV(iUO'EtE O'OlO'ta Kat
O'iyoupa ta IPtlJ.1ata O'a~ O'ttlv rEAAa(ia;
TO. rpo<pEia 'E~1tOPIKWV Kal KtllJ.latlKWV ' E1tlX£IPrl0erov •• KTHMATEMnOPIKH .. , navEltlOtllIJ10U 59,
' A9~VClI , ode; 1tPOO<pEPOUV 0rlj.1Epa t" VOuvaTOtlltO va t 01t09EttlOETE 0 W0 Ta KClt 0 l you pa to. XPrlj.1atci
oae; O't Ti v • Eh.h.cioa. EiolKa OTllV 1tt pi1ttooOll 1tOO o Kt1t1'£o9€ va t1tlotpbjl£t€ OtTiv 1taTpioa. tKtOe; tOW
1tpaYIJCltlKWV EUKatPIWV oTie; a yo pEe; tWV OKIvrln ov (O taj.1tpiO'j.1aTCl - olK61teoa - KaTaOTrllJata K.Ln .)
IJnopouIJt va ode; npOTtlVOUIJE . J.l£ 1tArlPll OIOO<pCiA.lOll . tTiv oyopa OYIWV Kai £nlKtpOWV ' E1tIXt lPtlOt WV.
KanoTEpw ode; 1tPOttlVOUJ.lE 6PI0j.1£V£e; O ~ l OAOYte; 1tt Pl1tTWOEle;:
•Ayo pciCovtcle; TPlOOPOtpOV KtiplOV Kal
OiK01tEOOV. J.l109wJ.lEVOV o t ' EpyoonlOtoV Kai rpmpEia yvWOt OtaT'lC; tpipJ.lac;
A.E. •Avwvuj.1oU • EtalpEiae;. Mt tyYUlljlt vov £VOlKIOV a vw T(iw 10.000.000
0PX . ttlloiwC;. 4>aVtaOnKTi 1tEpi nTWOlC;
a:yopoC; Kat yui j.1t AAOVTlKrl iO lOEKjlEta n<uo~
CENTER K./..n.). f pa1jlatt "a, Yla
0XEO ICl Kat 1tAll POtpo pi Ee;.
133 T.M. l:THN NEA l:MYPNH
Mt j}Epavn:c; Koi j.11taAKOVlCl (6:1tEPIOPlOT'l 9ECl), 3 U1tvooooj.1cinQ - Living
Roo m KJ•. 1t. l upp61l€va a AoullivICl I'apl'apa - EYXPWl'a do~ UYl<1 v~ , 9upo TV - napKlvYK - av< ~ apT~T~
9Ep~avOle;. Tl~rl J.lOva olKii ~ EUKatpiac;.
rlVOVtCll EUKoAIEe; 1tAllPWj.1'ilC;.
KATAl:THMATA: 100-144-82t.I'.
AIAMEPIl:MATA: 31-60-113 t.~.
1 £ U1tO KCltQO'KEUTi 1tOAUKaTOlKia ~ ni
At wtpo pou. I uyX poVll KCltQOKWrl . MoVOOOt lC; - j.1cip~Cl PCl - clAoullivla. TIJ.lb;
AOYIKoorClttC;. EUKOAiEC; tpavTClOtIKEe;:
j.1EtP'lto. 30%. im6AO I1t0 IlEXPI 1tapaOOO'Eoo<;. r pci'VCltE J.lac; yui OXt01Cl KCli
155 t .". - 20u OPO<l>OY
l UYX Povll U1tEpaUtOllaroc; J..I ovci8a Elipwnah:wv
yooon crt
npootaypmpwv, Ae:ltOUPt).,alOnapaywy uctl m:plOX1l
Eni Kt~ I'atO, 4.000 t. I'. LO~a pa KE P O~
Ka l ouvQr6tllt£<; tTnX£lPllO'lQKli <; f.7tt nWAtltOl
tlJ..1tl ( l)Jealpiae; . MqUAE<; EUKOAiE<;.
anEplOp IOt£<;.
• HllltEAilc; (oni 1..11[£1"a) b ti. OhC01tEOOU
807 l.j..L . \11[6Y£10 V - la6y£lOv Kal 4 opo<pOl . " EKQOtOC; 6 pocpoC; 207 t .J..l. 6uvat6t~ , 10-12 Olal'<pIOl'atWv. Ttl'~ <u"alpia.:;. rivOvtOl £lHCOAl£<;. fui O'Xt01Q
Kai n/.~p o'l'o pi <, ypa1jlat£ I'a,.
' Eyyu'[(I,rQ ToD n apKou. A UT Ot£A "' ~
o pocpo.:; 6 Kupiwv SroJ..lQtlWV - K ou~ {va .:; ­
xW)" - AOUt pOU - we - oroll. u1tllpeoiao:;
Ka t ano9tlKT) 20 t .ll. oro lm6YElOv.
M E"fclAO IlnQAK6vlO. 6 uVQ'totT]<;
pt0J.10U ot ouo ol KiE<;. TI wAdtat o f.:
TIJ.lrl npa YJ..IQtlKii<; El))'Ql piac;.
NtoOJ.lll tOV, 135 t. Il., h.OU~ Kat aOKw ij c;.
aVaTOh.IK6 , J.lt J.l0VOOIKTi 9ta . ' HxoJ.lOVOOOUe; - J.ui pJ.lopa - OUppOIJEVa a h.ouIllVIO K.h..1t. n WAtitat h.oyoo civ6.YKll e;
O£ tpoVt aO t tKTi tljlil tUKOlpiae;. rivovtal EUKOh. lte;.
fWVIQKO OlQJ..I EPIOJ..lQ 5aPI, III t.j.1 .
J.l£ J..lnQAK6vla. Aoo~ KataOKw i1 c; (tCaKl,
Mn<oa I'ap~a pwv, 9u po TIV, napKIYK)
tpia imvoorollatla - h.iplV"{ K POUIl, h.OUtpO, Kou~(va, W.e., an09~K~ . ' EtOIIlO1tapciooTo. NeoOllllto. U: tlllll £uKalpiac;. no. oXEOla Kai 1th.llPo<popiee;
ypa1jlatE I'a,.
n OOAouVtOt: KatoOtrlllOTO t1tl At wq)oPOU. 103 & 11 6 t .J.l. Ka l I1.taj.1t pioj.1ato
tiiiv 100-122 "" Kai Mal ~ovt t Tiiiv 116
t .j.1. ME O'UYXPOVEe; ttXVIK:£e; npoOloypa'l'E,. Ma pl'a pa - I\XOl'OVOOO<l, t CciKla - P€p6.vtEe; K.h..n. TIapaoooll
o t 1 Xpovo. MEt Pll tCr. 40%. EUKOAiEe;
60%. r pa'Vot£ J.lae; Y\l1 o xtOl a Kai nl"llPO'l'Op« ,.
, EmX£lPllOle; 1tOAUE t OUC; AEltOupyiae;,
no),u","i, E~on/. IOl' E V~ , E~ ao'l'a/'i­
~ouo a o o papTi 1td.attia. 4>ip~a yvroOtT\ .
l1.uva TOtll tEe; a1tEpIOp lon:e;. MovaOlKTi 1tEPI1ttWOle; Ylo. £ 1taYYEh.~otia .
E>E:Ole; t OU PIOtlKTi XE1llWVO - KOh.OKaipl.
n roh.tit al O£ tpavtaOTIKll tlj.1rl .
rvroO'til q) ipj.1a 25t toue; At ltoUpyioC;.
TIapayouoa £100C; jltyaAl1 e; KataVaAOOOEWC; (r UVOIK. KaAtOEC; - KaAtOov) .
n/. ~po'l' op « ,.
rooVtClKO A' 6po<pou, j.1EOa OTD oaooe;.
• Y. n~pAou~ KCltCloKWfi e;. 2 il7Ivoooo~1(hlCl­
LIVing Room 51 t .I'. Mapl'apa - I\xoj.10VOOOEle; - 9upo TV. 8 t pcivtEI; .• IoavIKJ}
1t€pi1ttWOle; lOIOKOt01KrlOt we; Yla IlEpaKA~ o<,.
n/.~ p~ ,
I'~xavo/.oY IKO, E~on/.IOl'O,.
Kt pO'1 OlaotpoAIOj.1EVCl. avro TWV 2.000.
000 oPX. h ~o ( w ,. n w),dTaI. M <r a /. ~
EUKolpia . rlvOvtat €UKOAlEe; 1tA'lPooj.1iic;·
arc·· .. ~~"~n~
THA. 3213-213 & 3213-310
The European Idea
(Editorial, Washington Post, Jan. 18, 1981)
The accession of Greece to the European
Economic Committee sharpens the question
of what is meant by "Europe. "To Constantine Karamanlis, the Greek politician most
responsibl~ for this consumation, Europe is
an embodiment of the multinational democratic idea, a collective established to
nourish a set of cultural values of which
ancient Athens was a prime historical
exemplar. Becoming prime minister after
the co loners were deposed in 1974, Mr. Karamanlis felt that binding Greece to Europe
ever more tightly, by any links available,
was the best way to, ensure democratic continuity. This is, by and large, the spirit in
which most other European seems to have
treated Greek accession.
, The other "Europe," broadly speaking, is
slmply the group of nations on the European
co~tinent .that trade con~tantly- and pervaslvely with -each other WIthin the EEC or
Common Market, a glorified cust~ms
union. Here trouble lurks, for Greece, more
than any of the other nine members, though
less than the likely next two, Spain and
Portugal, is a relatively backward country
in European terms. The sure shocks that
accession will mean to Greek farmers, ma~ufacturers .a~d workers are already propelhng the polItical debate within Greece. The
other Europeans, too, can expect to be
drawn increasingly into their own debate on
what is to be gained and what is to be lost by
bringing in the poorest, most recently authoritarian countries of Europe's Mediterranean littoral.
The Greeks, and the other Europeans, will
have .the sympathetic attention of many
Americans as they work out these vexing
questions. Actually, they will have more
than the sympathetic attention. World War
II revealed to all who could see the terrible
potential of European nationalism. Since
that time the United States, itself a federal
nation, has been· a committed supporter of
the various federal arrangements by which
Europeans put constraints on Germany,
and on the very notion of unchecked
national power, and by which they llave
tended to their common security, welfare
and prosperity.
Recently Greece has not only joined the
Common Market as a full member but also
rejoined the NATO military organization
which it quit in 1974 when Turkey invaded
Cyprus. Difficulties remain - difficulties
always remain - but it is a good turn for
Greece, and for "Europe."
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, Alto tOY np6£spo tli,
nOV1JIt"protlKij, 'O"()(JltovSi~
, Aya"'lt£ lC. MaKplU,
"Eouil3aoa npOOEKl'UCa
lCa6r1YlltOO K. l:taUpou, 1'0 On:oiov avaOTU.100U:UEfE &i~ lilv .. Ntav • Y 6pKl1V»
Bii~a nov 'A911VWV, aXEtlKCt }l£ 'tov
p6Aov Kai tnlBpaalv t<iiv opyavroatrov tii,
0l1oytvda, l1a, £I, t~V nOAltlK~v ~ro1\v
tij, ' Al1tPIKij,.
AtmQJ.lot nOAu OlOtt OEV Sa O'U)..l<provt1000
~a~i aa~ an DAQ e{VUl POOlVU, 07tW~ to. 1(0.poualll~ttt, !1< ta, 6pyavroatl, l1a, t!,
t1lV xropav aUTTiv. M6vov J..l€. KQAOnpoa{PEtOV Kal btoUCOOOlllltlKTJV KPltU;:flv
bnollJ. UIVOOjJEv ta~ dbUVQIliac; !lac; Kal va ouV'tOviOWJ..lEV leu; npoanaada, l1a, Bla tnv KaAut<pav opyaVW01V Kat a1tOtEA.£O)JanKtiv Ej.lq>O:V10'lV
J,l1tOpe:Oroj.lE vO:
' 0 titA", aa, ono K. l:taupou 'Kaau~pl­
~£l" Tr)V 6)loyiVEtQV OEV aV'tQ1toKpiv£tOl
oun d; TO KdJlEVOV lOU dp9pou QAAQ ou"[£
Kai de; "[ae; QnQVn;OE1<'; oae;, ai 1tEptOa6'tEpat
'trov 6no{cov tiVQl aaXUQ1llE ttiv 6Jlo-
M£ tnll1"a",
llp6eJpor; Il.O.A.K.
"Epp,a£ t1)v 'O"oytV£lO
Kupu: l1l£u9uvta,
noM £vola<ptpOvta ta ax6AlCl aa, navro
Ol'O ap8po TOU 'EAA"vOa~Epll(aVOu KQa"Y'1t~ ltOU EKPIVt KUAo va b~pla" t1\v
'OI101<vtla, oao Kuvti, I1tXPI a~l1tpa.
n cino altO GPpl, £IvaI 0 laxuplal16,
tOU on 01 ·En~vt' t~, Al1tpIK~e;, OXI
}lOVD otv pot'jelloav, dA)"Ct IlOVD KQKO ll1to-
pouv va npOKQ).£aouv
at~v · EAAaoa. ~E­
ypU",t, 0 iOIO, ""PlO,, on l\ 'En"vIK1\
Ku~tpv"a" BEv ltp<1tt1 va l1a, tl1nlattU£tal Kat Ott EJJ&i~ npOOtOl ~t1tO 6A£~ 'tic; aAAE, I1tlOVOt"tt, aa anoJlQAAol1t ta t9v""i
}lac; xapaKtTJPlcrnxcl.
- Av tOAl1oilat 0 Ka9T]y"t~, va Blarunroa"
tiC; KatTlyoplt<; aUT£C; Evavtiov tvoc; )..lOVD
TOU v6llo\)
YU1 cruKO<pQVTlKrl ouocprlJ.lTJO'l.
KaAu<pa"Kt 61100<; civavBpa nlaro ano nA,,8UV't1KO nOt> XP'1oL)J.o1toiTlo£, YUl va. pi~Tl
t1\v Aaalt~ tOU 0' oA6KA"po tOv'En"VIal10 tij, ' Al1tPIKij, Kai lotaittpa t1\'
TrOAI'tlKT1C; Kal 8P'lOK£llTlKtlC; TOU TJy£oiac;.
ME t~alpu" nl111 ,
Kupu: MaKpla,
•Ano rl)v J.1£U'tTJ TOU K£l~VO\} tou Ka81lY'1tii K. ~'ta6pou not> S11JlOOlEi>6r)K£ at'o
t£Ux~ oae; tou l1£KEJ.lPp{OU, 7tpmci:/'J't't£l to
d1ti:pavTo J.ltaoc; tou .rtc! "aet tt' EAAT)VlX6.
:Eta Ktlj.U:VO aUTO Ka9p£7tTi~ovtal 6AQ
ta altroa"l1tva tou. Elval ltpOipUV£, on
Atl va KatUpY11a" t'i 'En"vllC1\ Ku~tp­
v"a" 6Ao", tOU, tKA£YI1<vou, t'iyttt, tij,
'Ol1oytvt!a, Kai va avaK"pu~" tKtivov
aav apx"yo toil 'En"v",~o;' ...
'Ev to:. Jl£ta~u. 1t£PIJl£VO.,U: va ooullS liv
6 x. I:taupou Ua avta1toxpt9t; atftv 1tp6- tOU x. NIKOAQOU l:taupou. to onoiov
taotl aae; va t OU OroOEtE xwpo 11.11 va O'lJ.1outEu9'lK£ OtO BHMA TroV •A911vrov
XQtovoJuiall tOUe; "'!t1tlA.tl1VIJ.louc;n t'ty£tEe; Yla npWt~ <pop«, E~tta~tl I1E I1£Y<1A" avnKEtJ.lEVlK6Tllta TtlV KataUtauTl Kai SpaOll
t~ , •Ol1oytvda,.
OJ.lO"(£vElaKoov Ilae; 6pyavrooE(l)V o,",v
MEta tljJt;c;.
ANt.P. NIKOAA·I·t.Hl: •AJ.lEP\Ktl. tOVi~OvTae; ott S£v a~\Onol£ital ,
N<a 'Y6pK"
01[(I)e; au &1tp£nE, Ti ~uvaJ.ltl jJae; ott)v
1[OAltl~ t~, xropa, l1a, aut1\, nou ~oill1t .
•Alto tOV K. 'AX. :EoKEAAopio,!
M£ auto OXI 116vov oEv 'Kaau~pl~tl tn V
4>iA.tat£ J.1ou Peter,
6jJoy£v£la», 01tOO<; 1[QPOUOUi~£Tal o"rT)v
Ma~i 11£ t1\v auvBpol1~ 110u, aa, atEAAro
NEA YOPKH, ana vOl1ii;", on a<ttl ta
atpl1ou<; xalpttlal10U, Kai auyxap"t~pla npaYJ.1ata Uti! 9tuTt tou<;, onooe; tpaiVEtal
,ui t1\v a~lOa"l1t!rot" np6000 tii, NEAl: Kal ano tie; anaVtTtOE1<; oac;, ot 01tOiE<;
YOPKHI: \mo tftv tKavitv (Joe; ~tEWUVO"lV. OUOEJ.lia OX,E01'l lxouv J.1E tOV thAOV.
To XPU1tOUY£WlclTlKO 'tEUXOC; 1')to«-x,apjJo
MEta tlJ.liic;.
lata9aln Kal ttA.£lO anD Xa8E 1t/..wpdv n<tpO, nttplo~,
ouvtaxtlxi)v, tXA£xtlKilv Kai avaA.UTlKtlv.
llp6eJpor; llYPPOY
'Efti 33 Xp6VlU, 11£ ;tapav Kai ~ro"pov tVOIa<p£pov ~ la~a~w mivtot£ tilv aUJ.maS£atat" NEAN YOPKHN. ' 0 tKAEno,
cpiA.oe; J.lae; I:1tiJpoe; MIVO)'tOC; 1tp£n£l va ElV(ll
noAil blttp~<pavo, Yla t1\v a~lav t~aKo­
TeL (212) '141-31"
Aou8Tf(JlV Kai t~tI.. l~ lV tou 6aujJouioo
~TfJ.100loypatplKou lpyo\) to\) not> aPXlo£
at1\v xropa l1a,.
NJ;W YORK, Greek-American
~u,6e; aae; 1[ovrOt£,
Moothly Review
Alexandria, Va.
01 "O",!POI lvroaav nJv Xmpo
VOL. XXXIV No. 387
Kupt£ ~t£u9\)vta,
'H tltlatpo<p~ t<iiv 52 0I111Prov ytl1lat
P.O. BOX 675
51.0", l1a, 118 alt£pl ypant" xapa .• H aroNEW YORK, N.Y. 10163
t'lpia tOUe; OlKaioouE - 01[00e; t6VlOav 1[OAA.oi am) ai)toue; - ti}v 1[OA.ttlX1l tt;e; imoEditor lInd PublisMr:
110vij, nou EB"'~t t'i Ku~tpV'la" Kapttp.
'H ltOAltlK1\ aut1\ ~tav t'i 116V'l tvBtBtlyI1EV'l Ylati a<p~ptat
toU, t~tp£~lat£,
toil 'Ip«v to tltlXtip"l1a on l\ 'AI1tPIK1\
Fowttkr flltd SocitJI Editor:
dvat Kpo.tOe; KamtaA10tlKO Kal ljJ1[£ptaSPYROS MINOTOS
A.lcrtlKO Kal on ~TttaEl atpoPJ.1i} YU1 va
Auocu"e Editon:
tn£J.1Pll Ota tOoot£P1Ko' ~£V(l)V xoopwv.
Prof. E, 8OURODEMOS ,,-D.
'EK£ivo c:'SJ.100C; 1[OU lXEl u1tou&xia uTtjJaaia Elvat to ytyovoe; c:'S n t't' 1tEpl1t£-tEta t&v
CorrITilmtiIU Editors:
6J.ltlPruv lV(J)OE toik; •AJ.1EplKovoix; 1[0/..1RIGAS KAPPATOS.
tEe; t600 J.1£ta~u tou<; lSuo Kai J.1£ ti)v Ku801 NICOLAIDES
P<PV'la>i tQue;. t.£v ~YIVt o"Aao1\ t'i BlaDIMITRIS IOANNlDES
U1tauTt 1[00 <111jJ£loo811K£ Kata. tOV n:OA£J.1.0
tOU B1EtVa.J.1 Kai Otftv 61[oia tP.. 1[l~aV ot
«U1[OUaaOtEe;~ tOO '[pay .• AVt{9£ta, ~ £irNICOS SPANIAS
Kalpia sKavE tOUe; •AjJEplKavouc; va. t5dCHRYSTALLENILOUKAIDOU
~ouv uon:pa altO 1to)")"d x,p6vla to. ltOtPlArt Director:
IDtlKa tOUe; ala9r1jJata 1Cal va. od~o\)v IlE
~tXroPlat~ imtp"cpavtlU ta XpWl1uta tij,
uT)J.1aiac; tOue;.
'Enla'9paYla" tij, EVOt~tO, to;' al1tplRepresentative in Greece:
1CaVl1COU )..aol> 1')tav TJ dv£u ltpOT)YOUJ.1£VOU
lmoOox'" nov tnupuAclx8111C£ crtOVC; t£rue;
- Tel. l606lO7
6jJrlpouC;. TttOla 61[oooxi} Kal T£tota auyKlVTtUTl oEv 9ujJouVtat Kai. ol 1taAalOt£pOl
TOt:"o.XIOTOV anD t..,v tnOXtl tOU B' llayNEA YOPKH (New York) The GreekKoolliou no).tJ.10u. Nd, /..OlrrOv 1[00 Kai t't
American monthly review is published
6J.111Ptia Kat tpaY1K'" 1t£pm£tEla trov 52
·AJ.1EpIKavrov lepEPE Kai aya9a anot£).t3/) Wesl361h S'_(JOlh Floor), N. York,
N.Y. UlC)JS.
uJ.1ata Uti!v xoopa J.1ac;.
Second Clauposlaaepaid •• N. York, NY.
Mt tKtll1"a",
rEClPrIOl: AlronOl:
I:uvllpojt~ : 52.5.00 lui! 'AjI£ptK1\ xul KoAOYK • AIAavt
YOM . . A.po""p..~ dllOO'tol~ yuI Ei>-
al:v Ko8uPp(~£tO'
1\ ' O"oytV£LO
, Aya"'lt£ K. MUKPIU,
To cipapov toil BlaKEKpl!1<VOU Ka8m,,-
pm",! KOI
6~o ,6••6oJio 550.00. Tpo..xul 'OP'/U",opcllv 5100.00.
UWe will match loyalty with loyalty"
'0 IJpou)poc; Pr,YKav Kai I; dVTlaj.1epIKaVl(Jj.10c; (JriJv 'EAAac>a
~ TON )'6yo TrOV U;,eqJwv'lae JiEriJ. TitV op~ KWjioaia rov, Titv 20" 'lavovapiov. 0
'Alld tjJ.a~ tvolaqJepovv nEpluuo'U.po eKEiva
nov /) flPOEOPOC; P;;YKav ElnE Yla rou.; qJiAOVC;
40CH; npoe.apo<; nov 'Hv(J)jlivwv noAlrelwv, af,Ooi) npOQt1Uhplue rove; paalKoix;
aroxOlX; ril<; Kvpepv1jaeQ)(; rOD aro earurcPIKO, dvarpr.pO"KC yevlKa atitv t~(J)rcplloj
"aJ UVl'l'axorx; r;;r; 'AI'<PIK;;,:
'0 K. PDvaAvr P~YKav Mwu< /Owlrcpq '1'({Jaa" aritv naYKOUjl.la clp1jV17 Kal rovlae:
~l: TOUc; t19poiJ~ tile; £uu9Epiac;, 0" QU'toOt; 11'00 £Ivai 1nO«\l01. dVtlnUA.Ol, 9t1lmEV-
9u"iaoWE on " dp~V1J d va, " lWIaAUt<P'1
q)lA.oOO~i(1 TOU aIJEplKoVlkOU AUOU. eo. 6101tpayJtuttu80iiJ1E 1" aiml" - TOOPO it nod;.
'H dVEKtlKOT11C; J10C;
9d 1tpi1tEl
va no-
PE~'1Y'19i1, 'H ciPV1J~ "a~ y,a cn'JyKPO""'1.
bEY 8ci 1tPE1t£l va 1tapE~'1yEital aav fA"""''1 9tl.'10"1J~' "Otav xp.ui~na, IipaO"1J
yu); va blQ'l'l'JpoUJU tilv tOVU(11 ",0<; O:aq)(l.
Mia, oa &pciaouJtE. ed blQt1)pijaOUJ1E apKEn) &{)vallT) YUl va l}1U:PlO"XtXrOUlIE, liv
1PEUla&it, 1voopi~ovto;C; on liv rtpa~OOllE
auto, 8cl £lOVlIE ttlV KaA:UtEp11 EUKQlpia
vo. J1tl XPT)O'tllOn:OltlO"OUJIE autt) tt)vouvallT)>>.
.. nuv(t) art" OM - O'\)VE110"E 6 K. PtjYKOV
- npErtE1 va oEx90illlE on KGVEvO 01tAO O'tO
01tAOO"'tU(no tOU KOO"lIOV Of:v Elval 'tOao
tPOllEpO 00-0 " 9tl.'10"1J Kat to 1\9'KO 8Qppo~
tooV tuu8tp(t)v livopiilv Kat YUVOlKroV. Elval
tva onl.o nov 01 avdnal.ol "a~ atov 0"1JJ1f:PlVO KOO"J10, O"tEpovvTal, Elval lvo od.o
nou £J1tiC;, 01 "AJlEP1Kavo{, olaDttoJlE ... Ac;
TO KataAOflouv aUTO tKtiVOl nou aO"KOVV
TPOJlOKpatla Kat H.loXEUoUV KaTa TWV
.. ME 'tOVC; yEiTOVEC; Kai 'toue; 0'\)"JiU10UC;
nou GUJ1J1Epi'ovtal TO IOEciioEC; Jiac; tijc;
£AEuDEptac;, Da tvuJ"xuaOUJ1E tOUe; ia'toplKOVe; lIae; OEallOue; Kat 8a tOUe; olGpEpauilaovl1' y,a t~V vnoat~p'I;'1 Kat tI~ Unoxp<<i>aEl~ "a~, I:t1jv d<poal"'O"1J
aVtanOKp'90611' Ill: a<poal"""l' 00. naax,aovllE y,a
a"o,pai",~ o>cptl.'IlE~ axtaEl~, d£V 9Q XP'10"11107t01"'00UI1E nlv q)lAia Jlae; 11a va trtlPAT)8ovJiE: n:civoo Gnlv KUPUXPXio TOVe; OlGn
Kat " lliun! "a~ Kvp,apxia Ii.. 9Q d va, yui
Kavd, ano rolx; qJiAorx; Ka;
aOjJ.jJ.axOtX; r;;~ 'AjJ.tPIK;;, c5iv ElVal bovaro
va £X'l dvnpp~a£l(; navw a' aMq TiTv ptaJ,f1TIKq Ka; KpuaraMIV1J Bea1] roo flpoit5pov
AiYt~ ojJ.w, ~pepr., npiv, 01]jJ.oalEVO'lKt
Kal arov dpeplKavlKo Tr'mo r1]AeypdJp'lpa
rOD 'AaaoaIti'revr npt~ aXenKa p.£ jJ.la uqJlf}'jJ.ojJ.erP'la'l rij, EvpW1rarKr,~ OIKoVOIlIKr"
KOlvor'lro~. 'H aqJlf}'pojJ.trp'la'l avr;, dnoKa).Vllle
of EvpwnaiOl tjJ.martUoVral
a~jJ.tpa ntplaaorepo rou.; 'AjJ.EpIKaVoUt; ano
reaaepa XPovla npfv. IIoaoaro 68% rwv KaroiKwv rwv xwpwv rij~ EOK ejJ.1tlan;Uovral rotH; 'AjJ.epIKavov.; Ka; 1l0VO 20% nov
ljJ.1tlareOOVral rolx; PWUOoc;. 'H 'ApePIK;'
Kepblae 7 eKarOara Ka; of PwaOl lxauav 2
reA.evraia reu(1[;pa XpOVIa.
lin r,
'EAAar;, trOU I'DAIr; tvraxDq"< UtiTv EOK,
'H Mia GqJvYjJ.ojdrp1]U7J anoK<LlVll't
1 TEPOYEIAITEE Eapl'travq<; Ka; TUDvYKa, ~uav Oil'll VOl
ar;,v 'Emrptm;, 'E<mrepIKwv IxE.aewv rij~ Tepovala~ nov
t neKPIVaV arpobp6rara Kal 'II~fPtaav dpV1]nKa f1TT,V 'II'lqJOqJopia f:mKvpdJacax;, rov OlOptapOv -Z:OU K. 'A).e~dvrep Xaf'lYK aav
imovpyou 'E<WrcPIKwv rij~ vea, all£P1KavIKr,, Kvptpvtjaewr;. wAA).OI
15 ycpovalaari~. J,d).'l rij~ 'ElllrpOllij~, Kai rwv bvo KOjJ.jJ.arwv,
lJwaav OerlK;' 'I'ijqJo. Kai "dnorpaa'l rij, 'E1tlrponij~ tmKvpdJO'lKC
dno r;,v bAojJ.iAela rr,~ Tepovafac; j..d r;,v tni01J~ avvrpmnKT, nM:lO-
f{lqrpia 93-6.
'0 K. Xaf'lYK elval rwpa lmovPYoC; 'El;mupIKwv. Kai ro mOaalaKeKpl)livo~ f1Tpanr/oc;, fJd olanpe'llrJ Ka; aniv
wiJrcpo dval
nO).ITlKq, Yla ro KaAO rwv 'HvwjJ.evwv lloA.lTtlwV Kai rou t).tv8epov Koapov.
on /)
0; bvo ·E).).1]voapepIKavoi YtpovalaaTt~ elxav KaOt; c5IKafwpa
va lmoPdlovv ri~ tjXJJr~ar.1C; roue; ar;,v OIaPKefa~ 30 wpii>v pauawonKtj, tl;ovvXlanK" awi.Kpla1] rov «ra..lavrovxov.. K. XafrJYK.
'EKeivo ojJ.CJX; nov npoKcihae iOlairep'l tvrlm(J)(11] Ka; axo).,aa8t]Ke
nOIK1A.OTp01U1X;, ~rav " d.pV'lnK;' olaOemj rolX; antvavrl arov arpa• r'lYo, nov pc tvnmW<1laK;' evxepela Ka; xmpir; c5,araypo, dndvr'loe
ara tjXJJrtjpara roue;. KaOw; Kai at tKeiva, d)...twv avvaaeAqJwv rorx;.
Ta tpwn1jJ.ara aura elXav aXea'l p.£ roy p6)'0 nov lnal~t 0 K. Xaf'1YK,
ttrJ KvPtpv~u<wr; NI{ov, urJ, dtroqxZu<lr; Yla rov I'VUriKO p0I'PapolajJ.o rijc; Kalmor',,,. Kard T;'V c51dpKtla roD noJ..ijJ.ov aro Blervdjl
KaJ ar"v npoanaBua anoaraOeponOltjaeax; mD jJ.ap~larlKoD KaOetlEBPOYAPIOI: 1981
elva I
pov1] xwpa nov ljJ. nlareveral rob, Pwaov~ neplaaorepo
anD TOVe; 'AjJ.t;p IKavov~!!!
'R anoKa).V'll'l Elval aVVrpmrlK;' Yld rr,v
yevr.re lpa Ka; IOlairtpa anoY0rJrevrlK;' YICi
jJ.~ robe; anootljJ.ov~ Kat Yla rob~ 1l0Uoix;
fPi)'ov~ rrJ' ar"v 'Apepu,~.
'H nporfjJ.'la'l aUTlT npo~ roix; ProUOIX;
6£).01l£ va marelxvll£
elval jJ.ld napoolK"
avrfJpaa'l, Kapno, rije; dnoyorJreoocax; rrov
'EM~V{J)V Yla rilv araarJ rij, 'ApePIKijC; aro
KtmplaKO. 'EKtlVOI TeOV olajJ.0pqJwaav TiTv
apP'KavIK" tewreplKr, nOA1TlKq Ylli TiTv
rclevraia.10 xpoVla, fjJepovv papvrar'1 eMuv'l 'lId TO yeyovo,
of aVllnarplwre~ jJ.a, ar;,v 'E)'Adc5a c5ev l pmare';'"
ovml roUt; 'AptpIKavovc;. K6:r1 Od npCntl
va Kal'q b vtor; npDcJpor; I'a<; Yla va dtroanda'l r"v xwpa aM~ Kai n<Ll1 rilv ljJ.1Claroavv'l EVO~ laov nov dntxBdvtral KtiBe
jJ.Ofxpr, O).oKA.'lPWrlajJ.ov Kal ~rav KanoTr.
gva, ano rov~ Ka).vrepo~ qJfA.oVC; r'lC;.
ilpenEI ojJ.w~ ravroxpova va OIW).OY'lOij
on 0 avar'ljJ.atlKa KoJJ.JepyoVjltVo, dVTlajJ.tp'KavlajJ.o, aT"V 'EMaJ"a (xwpi~ KajJ.jJ.ia
dvrfJpaa'1 dno novBevaj, n).1]a,a(el Ta OPIa
rov napo/;vajJ.ofJ Ka} 0'lPlovpyti a6yxva'l nov
I'trOpti va "iv trAqpciuq d"p,Pa
xthpa. ' Oxi
pepala ano Tllv 'AjJ.tp lKit (nov o()rc TO '[pav
KaraJtXtrm va tKOIK'lOr,. onflX; rovlae 0
np6<apor; ffiYKav) , dA).d dtro ro", tvror;
Ka; tKror; t).).0x£Vovrac; Kai Kapac5oKouvrar;
txDpo", r;;r; Jql'oKpatlar; KaJ r;;<; 'EkvDe-
piac;. -Oao Ka).vrtpo
dvrlAt,rpOouv of aVIlllarpl(iJTe~ jJ.a~ arilv 'EAMoa, roao ro KaA.vrepo 'II' avro~ . ..
arwro, roD 'AMI£VU, ord n).aiala rif, orroiar; 0 K. Xaf'lYK tTxe avvepyaarEi j..d eva ilio 'EA.A.1]voQ.jJ.ep'Kavo, -rOY Oavovra aro J,reral;v,
Vrrapx'lYo axt01MpOU jlVaTlKWV t1ClXtlp~atwv rife; CIA, TOjl
Of 000 V.).1fVIKij~ Karaywyr,c; yepovalaartc; aVYKtvrpwoav
nvpQ. roUt; ntivw a' 'aDr" r"v J"paar'lPu}r'lra roD arpartTY0v, KaOWr;
trri01J~ Kal roy paJ.o rov ar;,v unoBe01J rOl)(J)rtpyKaf1]r, 0 K. Xaf1]YK
opw, rOVlat lin tvtlPY1]ae ntivTore aro nA.aialo rwv vOjJ.{J)v KaJ rrov
Kavovlap.(iJv . .dtv roo tmtpaJav tpwr~ael~ axerlKd jJ.t ro KtmplOXO
Ka; ritv 'EMd&z, d.Ud dnav-rwv ae epwr~ae" d).).wv avvac5ulpwv
roVt;, b K. Xai"YK rpdV11Kt va jJ.it c5txeral aav JeaJ,revrIK;' Ylti r;,v
'AJ.l£PIKiT riTv dVMoyia 7 trpOr; 10 J.l£ra{u 'EAAcW", Kai TovpKia,
ar;,v xopfry1]a1] dpeplKavlKij, arpam:JJTlK~ po"Oefo.c;.
Eipaart ptpalOl ort 01 avo 'EAAt,voap.epIKavoi ytpoV(lIMrec;
otv urtjpl{av TiTv apv1]atj ro~ ntiv{J) ar" araU7J aM;' rou K. XaitfYK.
apvrJTlK~ 'IIijqJo roVt; vOjJ.fC;ojJ.£
brJjJ.loUpyrJaav eva
'AMa p.£
aopapo Bepa nov elval ovvaro va hr1]ptal11f aoftapd r;~ tvipytlte;
KaJ rir; npwToPov).ier; roue; at 8tjJara tl;{JJreplKij~ nOA.lnKijr; Ka;
pa).,ara hctiva nov EXOVV axtat] jJ.l Tilv Klmpo KaJ rilv 'EMcWa.
A6-roo TOO reh:vrafov hcfyvwa'l qHlfVeral va t!xav KaJ 01 10101,
aqJoo /) K. TaoVYKa, t~tqJpaae r;,v tAnfJa, Kara r;,v OlapKela rrov
/) iOlO~ Kai
an b K. XalqrK aev Da ta PriNI '" to", -EAAqv<r; hmaiT
0 K. EapjJ.nav'lr; roY Karr.V/tlqJloav . ..
·E).nf(oji£ va c51Kauhaovv
npaYjJ.ara rov K. TaoVYKa. "A).).ware, 0 K. XaJ'lYK, Jud dno ric; mo qJWr/a/.leve, "yerIKer; rrpoaw1ClKDr~r<r;
trOU awDit<l
U~J.l£pa ~ 'Al'eplK~, ~rav
tKeiV", trOU
v~u, ro dPX'KO UXCbIO yui r~v tmurpmp~ rii<; '£.lAMo<; urI; urpaTlWTlKO aKM Or; rOD NATO.
o1(.oio, <.k yV(oato, dnippIVlt. ;' Toup-
Kia .. .
• • •
'£Jif.ir; eipaare at 8ia1'J va yvwpi( W/l£, Ort b TCpdJ'lV a rpanw tlKi)(;
JIOlK"r~r; roD NATO. roD onoiov 0 OIOPl(JPOC; arb Imovpye;o 'Et:wrcpl1(wv iKaV01lof"ac Kal rolx; EVfJW1fa[OVC;, elval tOlaircpa t(.OlKCIwpivfX; pi to KmrplGKO Kai ric; 'E;'A.r,vorovpKIKCC; olaqJOpcc; KaJ eXt'
tmod<el Karav01JO" r ill fa npopMiJlara mi ni. TOln o oi;v a'lJiaiV£I,
pipala, orl 8d... npwraywvlan7uEl at KaJlJ.J.la npounaOEla . ..
t51aK01t~C; r~c; arparlCJ.JTlKifc; po"Odac; npbc; 1:;'V TovpKia. "A C; e'ijiaate
peaAurric;. 'R TovpK{a aniKt'lae dKoj1'1 IlEYaAVrep'l U7toubauh "ra
Yl(i r;,v .dUO'l, pHd
yeravora UTO '/pdv Kai 'Arp yaVlurch Kai dVUI
oX' fJ
,;,v i YKarakilllovv oi aUJlpaxol. 'H Teppavia -
• • •
'Ap.epIKr, - npwroararei uriIv rrpo(J7uiBEla OlauwuEw~ rfi~
TovpKla<; . . ,
auto, utOXOe; p.Ge; f)d npint.l va dVUI twpa ~ olaujp'1u'1
luopponla<; uroix; t~ onAlallOix; 'EAAMo, - TovpKia<;, Kai, pepaiwt;, va nEiawp.E r;,v vea ap.EpIKavlK;' KuPipv1'Ju'1 va daK"a1'J KdBe.
ouvap}nif,a'1 aUlv ToupKia, yU} va npoPiI aE unoxwp"aEre; nou Bd
ErrrtpelpOuv A.00'1 rot} KrmpwKot}. To ywd, tropa .. dval unoXPEWp.CV1'J
va to Kap.11 aVro t1 'AjJEprK", orav t1 K(mpo~ dpVEital va KaraOIKaa1'J
!lIV PWGlK;' dapoAif aro 'A<pyavrarav Kai t l;.aKoA.oufJci, iJqrcpa dno
oaa rile; auvl p"aav, va dv1jK'1 UT1'IV napia rw v d&ajJEvrwv, a6ro
lawr; Bd preopovaE va ro tl;.'1y1ja1J t1 AWKwaia . ..
o EYNEA€JON ur~v Nta 'Y6pK~ r~v !6~ '}avovaplov, 'Ap-
XleTClaK01ttKb EUP.POVA.IO, rmb nlv npoEtJpia rov 'ApXI£1[ laKOnou 'Ap.epIKiI~ K. 'ImaiJpov MW(JE, p.E dOIKq tivaKoivwa" rov,
P.la nolo evaroX1J - Ka} aK01lIJl.1J - dmivr'1a77 arJr; dvo1Jaicr; 1l0V tJlarU1lwBr,Kav rov rCAcuraio KUlpa yui: r;,v 'Op.oyevEla 'Ap.EpIKile; Kai
rir; iJPpEU; 1l0V £1xap.E tvroniaEI Kai axoAlaau aro rEvXOe; p.a~ rou
AEKEp.Ppiou. 'Ava<pepu t1 avaKoivwa1J rou Eup.poUA.iov:
.·E~..o~ t''''uTalro, d~o troy "nJMi>v ~.plOo, toii •A9t]valT"~ou. 01, Kai cipOpou o~~O"'£UO£VtO, u~o "EA)' ~v'" Ka9t]y~toii £I, t~V ~'P~~.plOo Washington Post ~~'Pavl~£ta, 6 'En~­
v'''~o, t~, A~.p,K1j, 01, O'~P~~EVO, Kai Ii""ovo, ~O,K1j, Kai
~OAltlK1j, ~~,ppo~, ~v t~ lOOP" ~a,. dOlUCPOproV ~ ~pattrov ~Aa-
XlO'ta OUI ta tOVlKO OlKata tij~ 'El.l.O:&o<;. Kat fa O'UVEXID<; n:apapla~O"EVQ dvepron:lva olKalOO"ata trov dOEl.~ci>v """,;,v Kun:pirov
Kata YEVlKllv dnal tllO'I v GAmV t6>v "El.rov tOU •ApXtEn:lO'Kon:lKoU
EUflpoul..iou 0.'11.. 0 uta 1 Ott:
.:0 ·E#..#..l1vlO'J.lo~ tij~ 'AJUPtK'il~, 6 6n:oi~ £vouta, £i~ J.liav
aouiO'naO'tov OUVOJ.llV un:o ti'j~ · EKKl..l1O'{o~ tOU "y(t)yiri1) Kat
oa t~aKO).ou9lj'"1 va ayrov'~£ta, 6ntp troy O'Ka,,,,v nj, M~tpO,
·EKKA.l1O'i.a~ tOU OiKOUflEV1KOi) natplapxEiou 'tij~ 'E)"l..aoo~ Kai
tij~ K(mpou Kat on ea dn:ood~l1 OUI rij~ o)..l1~ ~ Kai kata to
nap.AOOv nOAm,a, tOU 01, n).~pro, dpa"l~ou, ta., u~o nj, I'V1JJ.loVEu9datJ~ J.lEp{G~ tOU tun:ou OUXl dV1'lKElJ.lEVIKa~ ta~ yEYoJ.li:va~ ainciO'El~. 'Eni nl..EOV ta~ EupiO'KEl dvaKplpEi~ Kat JUl(1.)tlKa~ tij~ dl..119da~ «yvruJ.la~N>, ai 6n:ola, Ol1tE Kay tOV O',(OnoY
GUI tOV /lnoiov t-ypafP'lO'aV tJJtl)pttouv .. ,
'H «Nea 'YoPK1'J» tJOK1Wi(EI IJlairep1J iKaVOTroi'1a1J. "OX' p.ovo
J,on TO "ApXIUf.IOKOTCIKO EuppovllO aup.fPwvci IJ.C ri~ d1l0!JIEI~ nov
omrlmwaajJE. 'H IKGVOnoi,JU" par; npoepXEtal, 1lEp,aaOTEpo, dno
TO YEYOVO, on ~ 'EKKA.1]aia p.ae; tJliKO'llC r;,v p.aKpQ. ulwn" r1J~ ari~
evavriov r1Jr:; Kai ari~ Kard rov 1torp.viou r1J~ tlllBeaelt; Kai eA.apE
arupEie; Kai (TvyKEKplJl.eVE~ BeaElr:; reavco at. C1liKarpa npopA.r,p.ara
nov d!popovv Kai tllv lala Kai tllV "OJl.0yevEla, ycvIKrorEpa.
'EA.1li(,OPE on " 'EKK).1'Jala p.m; Ba uvvexia1J va Kci.v" ro law Ka!
aro jdU ov. 9a Ka rCUTT"U1J, eral, tJvuKoArorEpo
epyo tKEivwv nov
dno pA.oxda, Ii y,a aKorElv~ tllloJ(i>~el'. lmoOdA.nouv riTv bJl.0yevEIOXiT ivor1Jra Ka; Opo'llVXia, KaBwe; Kal r;,v 1lo).vaxlt5il tOv'KD8p1'JaKEVrlKit Jptia77 rijr:; 'EKKA.1Jaiae;, rrov 'OpyavwaEwv Kai rwv
'/Opvpdrwv I'a,'Epei~ reoQ npiiJrol - Ka; Jl.OVOI - dno KGlpO (J1CO&IKV60Jl.E rna·
ur~v 'APXIt1!IUKOn~, ur~v AHEPA KaJ rI<; a,Ue<; '01'0anovt5iE~ Kai 'OpyavwaEl~, xalperi'oJl.E rk ola<popE~ 1lpoarparcr:; dvaKOIvwauc; rov 'ApX1E1l1aKOltlKot} LVJl.POVAiov adv pia KaA.~ dPXr"
tvepYErlKij~ Kai dnOfPUalatlKij, dvrlp.er(i}1tiue~ rwv KIVOVVWV nou
d1ro xpovla drrEIA.oiiv riTv Op1JaKEVtlKr, Ka; riTv tOwK" p.ac; rmOaTaa1'J.
ANATNQITHE I'nopei vd olapdu~ uri, dYYAIKt<; I'a, UtA/o.,
rwv N.Y. Times, Kara TO brroio Eva pt).Q(; rot}
\.....I 'APX'f:1tIUK01rlKOV Evp.povJ.. /ov, Kara r;,v npourpar1'J aVVE-
apiaa" rou, aTr,v N. 'YopK", t1rt KP1VC riTv 'EKKA.1Joia pae; aav .atEvopooJ..q» Kai w~ tvJla<pepojdv1J 1lCplaaOrcpo yui tov "EAl1]va
pe.ravdar'1 Kai A.rywrEpo Yla riTv tJlcvpuva1J rile; PduEror:; r,,~, pi rqv
npoatJ..KlXT1] arolx; K(U1rO~ r"r:; neplaaori pwv, Pit £JJ..rJvIKilr:; Karayw yilr:; XplGTlavwv ..
BEpaic.oc;, a' avrov rov ro1to hurphceral Kai elval dno Ka8E
d1CO'l'~ Bel''';' ;, tA.evBep~ /!J((ppaa~ 100wv, 'AHa nlurev0l'e
()iJ. napap/U(orav ;, dpx~ aM~, ';v ,; 'ApXltniuKono<; K. '!dKmpo<;,
onoior:; ~rav naplbv, (1JroOOE d1ro aVrov rov KVPIO
dpiuwr:; rqv alBovaa rijr:; aUVEdpJaqEWt; roB 'APXU:1lIUK07ClKOV
EVI'PovAiou, _,
Alon, ariTv npayp.arIKOt11ra, tKcivo 1l0V nporeJve 0 KVplOe;
aUro" luo"vval'eI 1" PAaq~~l'la Kai aipau~ Kai ui; dHq tnox;, Bil
oleypcifpero - rOUA.dx,arOv - dno J,Jilor; rr,e; 'EKKA.1Jaiae;.
AMa ra K1Jpvyp.ara rile; .OIEUpVVqCWe;~ rij~ paaeux; ril~ "EKKA.'1aiar:; Jl.at; Kai lhronta eivaJ Ka; CTrIKivtJuva. Kai eivaJ Karp~
va rtfJ;; rlppa a' auni. P.E P.la. tJUlI07PV<'1 7r.iarcax; Ka; rUpoGlwaeux;
rilr:; 'EKKA."aia~ pa~ npOc;
·EAJ.r,voXPlaTlaVIKd l&citJ1J,
«tlpaA.<p;"j rile; tPuA.il~ Kai rou Tevotx;», 01trot; lmCVOVP1UE 0 d.eip.v"aro" JUyd.lo<; 'AB"vayopa<;, I'era ri, yvmurt, d7rorpaUE/, rii<; 20;;<; K~­
ptKOA.ai)cijr:; LvvEAEooeW\.
'0 'E).)."vlupoe; rile; 'AjI£plKile; OWl r1jv 'EKKn,aia rov Kard:
1lpWro l oyo 'E A.),,, VI K tj. Kai elval dnorpaqlap.Cvo<;
n1v Kpar~a71 'E A. A." VI K~, de; 1lciapa rwv yevnadpwv Ka; rwv oreoIwvJtj1rOtE dnoararwv ril, lmtpOX'1~ tOvlKoBp'1qKeutIKil, p.at; KA'1pOVOPI&; ...
ATHENS GREECE - Tel. 3230.251
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International bar. superb cuisine. luxurious restaurant. Convention rooms
With full congress facilities.
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For rnervations and informal ion call 800-223-6800
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ro 1010 BiJla dvhrr~av t1tepWr'1mj mIX; Kat 01 povA.cvrCr;
Kp.a'''ouo; fOUfO", Ka'poli<;, 'iva «,,~ 1tapoppuil» kai .~ ...8tJ d1to
tilv Koi t1)V T1'I~ - titv 1(apo.Ooai v t1)~, tl1~ 6noio~ q)1JAO~ Kat <ppoupix; .,n<tto~ ttr(Xo.Vtl to };£1ttOV TU1('i)v nVtVJ10tlKOV KEvtpoV, to
OiKOVJltVIKOV natplapXtiov KCllVataVtlvov1t6A.tro~, a1(O n)v
61toiav Koit1)V X£ipt~ dVOalal )UKp(i)V <JXlaJ10tlKrov Kal alp£tlKIDV
o,uil;CllV .. t1tayytAAOf.1£VCllV 9£oatpt:laV>t 1tpoo1taOouv d1t£yvc:r;,..
(JJ1i:v~ va n)v napaaupouv d~ tiJv nAUV1)V Kai va tiJv dnoJ1aKPUVOVV a1tO nlV aA1i8tlav J1£ oopaia~ \Vtv80Mryio~ .. "
roD KK£ K.K. K. KaTrnor;, .d. MavpoooyA.OV Ka} K. Baaaa).or;, nov
{qr"aav wi boaBd OIKalwJla ",,,tpov ororx; "£).).I1V(;r; Jleravaaux;,
on OtV tmrpiTrel aritv 'EKK).1]aia Jlar; aUJlJlaXIKov<; 1telpajJaTlapOlx;
TlKq~ 'AVrmOA.lreUO'eW~. llAJ:OK. (1lrrJue r~v lopvaIJ aUrOreAO~
Imovpyeiov TrOD 00. xe1pl(eral dTrOKAelO'TlKa
OiJlara rwv
Jltravaoriiw. 'AvaTrrooO'ovr~ ur~ Bov;';' eTrepwrIJaIJ yui
p;'1lJlara rrov j1£ravaorwv, of povA.f.Vrf.~ rov llA1:0K K.K. iJ'lJl.
llanM'lJl11rplov. I. MIXt).oyuIyV'f' Kat £. Ttwra, rovwav orl "'JlC
r~v KVpepV1JrIK~ dOlarpopfa Klvovveocl KVplO).£KflKd va xaSe; ~
Jeurep'1 ye wd rebv 'E).).l1vwv Jleravaarwv ...
'Avd).oyo a1r'lJ.la oler6nwaav Kai
01 povJ..cvrtr; rov llA1:0K,
'0 IxpVTrovPY()(; 'E<WU;P1KWV K. BOuOouP'1e; anavr'lae orr imdpxouv c5uO'KoAiee; aro va 'l/1Jtpl(ouv 01 "EAA"vee; Jleravaarec;
repo~evefa Ka! 8vJllae Otl TO OiJla cmaaxoAd rilv KOptPV1JO''1 dreG ro 1975,
reou repwroauvira<e Ka; O'xenKo rrpoax,f.r5,o VOJloo.
ElO1Kwrepa 01 POUMVrf.~ rou llAJ:OK d9'ou dvatpipO'lKaV ara
a;rla rq, jieravaureuaewc; Ka; aric; ovaKoAif.r; TWD auvavTouv 01
"£).hfvee; J.leravaaree;, reporelvav:
-Na O"J.llouPy"Oei dvrmpoO'wrreUrlKO opyavo rrov 'EAhjvwv
j1£ravaarwv TrOD Oa avvepxc.ral OUO tpopee; rouAaXlorov rov Xpovo, Ba
repop).qJlanl roue; Kai Ba rrafpvel Jlirpa yl' allra. Elval
yeyov~, cIna v, OTl of JJ1XP' rwpa OIaKparlKCe; avptpwvle, Ol;v npoaVJl9'ipovra rrov 'EAhjvwv jJEravaurwv YIari an' alirEr;
Ac.inel ;, YVWJl11 roV\.
-Na imoyprupouv olaxpaTlKix; avpifJWvier; PE rie; xropec; repp.avia, AoorpaA.ia, Kavaoo., DO.ylO, "AJ1EPIK;' - onov epya(ovral
-E).).l1ver; p.eravdarer;.
-Na aooraBci hurp01C~ Yla r~v bpyaVlJ)(JI] rqe; tmrpon;;, rrov
jJEravaarwv KaJ wi anA01W'1JBovv 01 OIac5IKaail:r;. NO. KarapY'1Bei
KdBe ru.oe; dxop.'I Kal yui ro allroKivl1ro Kai rd tpyaJ.eia rrov 'E).).~vwv p.eravaarrov nov E7tlOtpetpovv,
• • •
'H nporaal1 Yl(i rilv lopva'l aUrore).o~ Unovpyeiov 'AnoJ~Jlwv,
pur; euplaKel ano).vra aup.f/JwvovC;, 'H lOia oev elVa! pipala vea.
wExel unoarl1Plx8ei noill XPOVla np;v Kai Jlla dnO'1Celpa ic5pvae~
Ixpunoupyeiou ano rl1v rrpwr'l p.EraXOVVTlK~ KvPipvl1al1 Kapa)J.av).q
KariJ..I]<e aE.,. ;'J.l11XPU1toupyeio. drpov 0 apjiOOIOe; txpl11COtJpyOr; rdJpa elval {) K. BOuOoupl]e; - eXEl ravroxpova Kai Wee; app.oc510r'lrCr;
nov rrapajiepi(ovv tKeiver; nov drpopovv rovr; d7roc5~povr; . ..
iJtv JlUr; PpiOKEI OPWf; UVJlfIJwvorx; ~ lOia va "'"f1Jf(ouv 01
NEAAl1Ver; rou t~wrepIKov, YUI rov rroAv an).o Aoyo rrovoure;, Kuptpv"a1J,
'Avrmo).ireuCl1f rpaiVEral va AaPaivovv r:m ot{ltf: "Orl aMb
8d {)01J'/qol] atl1v Kopp.aTlKoTCoi'la'l rqe; 'Opoyeve.i~ - Ka; orl1v
dlaipeo1j 'C'Ir; - u' o..teC; ric; xwpec; rov t~wTepIKov.
-Eva MBor; nov dla7tlaTWVOpe atlr; aXErIKer; av{tfrqaur;, TrOV
dle{ayovral Kara Kalpove; (Yla va c;exaarouv ut )'Iyo) aritv Bov).it
redV 'E).hjvwv, elVal
oev yiveral KapjJla OlaxPIOl] Jlera<v rrov
op.oyevrov rwv olaf/Jopwv xwpwv, Aev ).aJlPaVOVral 1m' OllllV 01 ).OyOI
Ka; ;, tpoo'l r;;r; tyKaraOtaoewe; aro e~OJreplKo Kai ylveral aVyXvu'l
pe r~v JlO v I J.l I] Ka; n p 0 a w p I Vit j1£TavQ.oteoo'l. r,' auro Kai
efVal dc5vvaro va npoax8;; onOlac51jnore Mea dvrlperwnlaEOJr; rwv
Beparwv Ka; npop).'1jJarwv rov 'Anoc51]p.ou '£).).I]Vlap.ou.
PEDITOYME arovr; dvayvwarec; Ka; auvdpop.'Irie; p.ar; dvo
).OYla Yla r~v p.~ EKdoa'l rof} re6xoVC; rou '[avooo.piov. 'Otpe.i).eral ar~v napd).el'l/~ jia, va Cl1'fJlelwaOJJ1E
ro revxoe; iJeKeJlPpfou, dm).o at dpl8Jlo aeAi&ov - ro 1Cl0 oanavqpo Kai Jleya).vrepo at OYKO ar~v 34er;; iatopia rov - KaAvn:re Kai rov '[avolr
apiO. napd raora, 0 aVVOAlKOe; dplBJ1oC; adic5wv yui 6).OK).tfPO rov
Xpovo. 8d elval p.eya).urepoe; rov nepv(Tlvov. To a1JJleJwvoJ1E aUro
ev ywael tOU
01 tKJ..eK roi Kai eKkKTlKOi dvayvwarer; p.ar; yvwpiCovv OTI OUK tv rcj) no).}.ljj 'Co ev . ..
o llAPAllAND uX0.l 1O dxe ypatpei "piv
eva dV/lKO/-
vwOev r;je; '[epiit; 1:vvooov n:ov 'EA;'"vwv 'EmaKonwv r;;r;
·EKK).1JO'i~ Jlae;. UTO onoio, Jlera<v d.UOJv, Kani rov nA..tov
hrla1JPo. (Jrup;j Kai Kar'lYOP'lp.anKO rporro OleK'IPOOaero nhjp'lr;
dtpo(JI(O(Jtf o r ir; piCe, r;;e; Op'lUKwnKij<; jia, fm.oartiaeax;:
.npofp£1t6",,8a n)Y 'OIlO1'y£.ay ya 1t..,.,.X~ 1.1000; do; fOUo;
'H Beatf at'Jr~ riTe; L'uvooov rwv 'E7tlaKOnWV p.at; imoBiroJ1c
Jle <i).J..c, 'EKK).qol£C;, ~ rilv «dlevpvvafj .. r'lr;
d)J.wv e8vIKOt~tWV . ..
;d t7}v e;aooo 7tI(irWV
llPOD1>ATH Evvo<lo<; rwv 'E"'UKO"WV r~<; 'EKK.l~ula<;
l'a<; duxoJ.1fi~Ke Kai 1" ro fiel'a r~<; t)J.~V'Kr,<; lla,bela,. Meraf{Jipof.,t£. low ro axeTlKO dnoana(JjJa rov dvaKOlvwBivro~:
.T~Y 1tpoaox1\y tijo; '(EpOo; l:uy600u el"oruaEY
010; Ka,
oaov ro<ptIA£ J1la O:I..A1) E~OOOt:V tJ11tVEO,...tv1) Kai Kauu&vvOJ1EVT)
Khl1)UI~, 01tOOK01toUaa El') tOY blaXOOPl(JJ1(W t'i\~ I;vtau9a tAl1)~
vnrij~ nalbtia~ Kai dyooYl1~ cino tilv 'EKKATla(av Kai tilv t1tla'ta~
aiav ootfi~, E(l;unl };VVOOIKfJ "E1tlTpo1ttl ti1tO tOV 9£O<pIA.Ea-tatOV
'E1tiaK01tOV Boatmvll~ K. -AVOIJ10V tvto,) oAlyou Od blaqKOdO"1)
bla <pv).).aoiCllv 1tA.1)pEUUPOV titv 'OJ1oytvtlav I:1ti rij~ KlvtJatro<;
fauf~o;, ~ 61to,a
a1tOP"'1t£l do; f~Y t"l.~yo1tp£1t£aftpoy 0\0;
olaKtJpi>aaEI J10p«p(l)aIV taW 1tatoui)v tij~ 'OJ1oytvtia~, 01..1.: d~
titv npoayCllyilv Tij~ iblClltUcfj'i 1taI8da~ Kai nlV U1tOaKU'VIV tOOV
9tJ1EI..(rov tij~ KOIVOtLl(ij~ J1a~ <J'1YYKpOttlatoo~ Kat 'OJ1oytvtloKil~
tvOt1)t~ ...
EIIITPOllH rqe; AHEPA Yla Tilv Kvnpo Kai ro Afraio. nov
avvq).(Je rov nepaap.tvo p;;va ar~v Nea 'YOpKq. OleK~pU~f.
y,a pia dKOJl'l rpopa ritv anOfIJaal] r;j, peya).Vtepq~ opyavwaecix; pac; va auvexiaq rov dyrova r1Jr; fm.'tp TWV t).A'IV1KWV OIKaIOJV,
Kai ep.jJ.£.aa l&lat J.lla dno.vr'la'l at Kar"yopfer; Otl ;, 'OJloyivela
EXel Olazpe.Oij a' 0, tl dJpopG. r~v 8io" r'le; aro Kunplaxo, oav dnoteAeap.a rrov npoedPIKWV fKA.0YWV.
'H axenK~ dvaKOivwa'l r;;r; 'Emrponqc; exel
We; ic;i7c;:
"It would be a mistake for anyone to believe that the members
of the Order of AHEPA, or the Greek American community for
that matter, are divided in any manner concerning Greece: and
Cyprus as a result of the recent elections."
"Exercising their prerogatins as citizens in a democracy,
Americans of Hellenic descent voted for the President and congressional candidates of their choice in the fullest traditions of a
'ree society""
"We emphasize: for any of those here or abroad who do not
understand the Greek American community that domestic election preferences in the United States never affected our concerns
about the welfare of Greece or the restoration of the full independence of Cyprus."
"The AHEP A will continue to play Its leadership role In
reflecting the concerns of the Greek American community and will
initiate immediate efforts to bring to the attention of the new
administration the necessity of finally and promptly bringin& to
an fnd the tragedy of Cyprus,"
3\-01 BROADWAY, ASTORIA, L,r. 11\06
Tel. 545-8402 Kal 545-2990
"Avew;, 7roArrzaf1,ivec; a'i(Jovaec; yui oAec; ric;
KOIVWVIKiC; aac; eKO'lAWaelC;, iOIWTlK!;C;
Kai aVAAo),IKiC;,
"OXl Greece, aAAU HELLAS
It's Greek to Us
no).iJ B6pvpo npoKaAeue rwvraia u-c~v 'EAAdOa eva PIP).fo rou KOlvWVlOA6yov - olKovo,uoA6yov K. Xp. 'Aheonou;'ov, (j (jn:oio~ 1m000'lPi(el r;,v dAAayl) ri1~ 6voJ1aui~ -ci1~ ye.vi!£lpa~
Ka; rwv KaTo{Kwv r'l~ - n:p6.y,ua yin TO (moio eKrppd.(ovV (w'lpe~ dvnpptjueu;. noAAo; "Ev..'lv£.~
KaBcix; Kai 0; N.Y. Times, ue Kuplo 'apBpo TO~ nov jlt:rarpepop£ Mill. To IipBpo rou K. 'A ).e,o1I'OUA.OV, nov dxoAovBci, dvat5'lJAOUI[;OCtal a1l'o rl)v •.c'EA[;vBepoTlJ1C{a»:
.Ta t~cilq>una trov vtoov olQ~at~pioov
avaypaq>ouv: EAAHNIKH ll.HMOKPA·
QUE HELLENIQUE, ~ou oTj).oovav ta
REPUBLIC OF HELLAS, 1[OU ea1[p£~£ va
l:uj.L<prova J.l£ to U1toupyEio ,.me; trov ' E~ro­
ttPliCroV, 1'1 hEpytta ai)'tfl lY1W: YUl va. 010.A.u9£i 1'1 cruYXUcrTl TroV ~EV{f)V yupro anD tto:;
)J:~£l, HELLENIC Kai HELLAS. To oi·
ATJIJJ.lO, 08V &tvat q>OO'tKcl KQIVOUPYLO, Q!.poo
'Eru:IO~ ~ ci).).ay~ aut~
a1[apan\p~t~, ltap6)'~
1[Epaa. !'d).).ov
ti) a1[OUOal0tTJta
ea. npoona8tiooullt:
a) Nii u1[oypa!'!'iaou!'E ti) ~ae6t£p~
o1"JJ.l.acria tT(<;,
~) Nii tKtl!'''aou!'E t~V 6pe6t~ta t~, Kai
y) NO. bnOTJI..l(ivQuj.1t TiC; m
' aUVE:<; 1tpO€KraUEl<; tTl<; OtT! oucncoAll OutllCtl 1topeta.
toU ·E).).~vla!,ou 1[PO, ti)v «tVoo!,EVl]"
ElipcilJtT) til, KOlvij, 'Ayopd,.
'EK ~p6Jt~, OlllEoo,. ~ ci).).ay~ q>aiVEtal va
Elvat ciaTj!,avt~, o~).ao~ ).EKtllai .• AK6!,~
Kai ot apxaplOt. trov ~i:vwv YA(OO'OroV
· O!'''', 1[PE1[EI va 1[po~).~!,atlat£l ~ E~- '
Eupoo1l'aloJltvll 1tOAtnKiJ Kat 1tVEU).1UttKTJ
~YEaia I'a" 1[OU ea tXEl avtl).~q>eEI Otl
GREEK Kai HELLENIC oi:v EXouv ci1[QAU'tW<; TTJV iota tVV01.Q yui 'tolx; «q)lAH.).~v.," aUI'I'axo", tij, ll.tia~,.
• 0 tYlCulCAOnQ18uc& J.10P<POOjlEVO';; Eupwnaioc; <1t1vt18wC; OlUCPOP01tOlEl O"llVEIOT]tcl tiC;
EVVOlE<; nov ~uo atl'rrov AE~EOJV. XPTJOllJ.O1tOlEl GREE.k.. "(til va 1tEptypa\fTEl YEVIKIl tOV
·E).).~va Kai "'Iv ·E).).aoa, a).).a 1[10 auyKEKPlj.1tVQ to VEO€AATJVa Irmi Til cJ\'>YXPovo
II _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J
KPIXtO,. 'Evro ~EplOpi ~£l ti) xpTja~ trov
HELLENIC Kai HELLAS Kata 1[potil'~a~
YUl TOU';; 'Apxaiouc; l(at rTjv KAClOnCrl·EA.).(ioa.
'H pisa tOU GREEK ElVQl Kl aliti) t).).~·
VIK", ci!poil 1[POEPXEtal a1[o to rPAIKOI:.
O{ 'APXo.i01 o~w~ otv to o:nooEXtrpr;;:av notE:
.oO:v to Ertio~~o ovo~a t~~ ~UA~~ tO~
(6.avaoi., •AXaloi, 6.WP1Ei<;, vlwvE<;. AioAd~ ... ).• A1tm(QAouoav T01J<; tauTou<; TWV
EAAHNEl: Kai til xwpa TOU<; IOEaA.IO'tlKQ
EMAl:. Ot AativOl utoah~aav to rPAIKOl: Kal t o Ertcpalav KatOmV CYtolx;
Me t~V t~cilt).ooa~ tOU XplatlaVlal'Ou,
to ovol'a rPAIKOl: Iipx,aE va t~a!pavi­
CETal Kai v' av;nKa9ioTaTa1 ano to PQMAIOl:. Kata t~ Busavtlv~ ~£piooo, to
npOOOtop10TlKO KPlttlPlO t~~ tautoT~Tac;
nov A.awv ';TQV 9P110KEUtlKO Kl OIl EavoA.OY1KO ii noA.lt\otu::6. O{ "EA.Al1vE<;, nou
anOtEAOUOaV to Kupt6tEPO oTmxdo Tlic;
aUTOKpaTopiac;, H.eyovTav K\ autoi PQMAIOl- UmjKOOl' ~o)'it" til, pooI'alKil,
aUTOKpatopiac; - fl XpI0naVO\ anv tiC;
Ii).).£, tev6t~tE" YlQti EMHN mjl'alVE
dooo).o).atp~" teVlK6<;, aipEtlK6<;.
'H npoKaTQAl1'¥Tl TOU aopapou Kat 1I'E\Gapll1~Evou Pw~aiou tvavtlOV TOU l.l;,u1tVOU Kai EUEA.IKTOU "EA.A.l1va ouvExiotTlKE
Kata tOUe; a{covEe; Tile; pul;avt1V~C; autoKpatopiac;.
• H a!cilvla axta~ I'(ao", ·liyuJtT), I'Etru;u
'EA.A.tlvwv Kat Pw~a{rov ~EtaJ.1opq><0911KE d
Evav wuXpo ohr;;:OVO~lKOGp110Ke:utur;;:6 noA.E~O .• H exGpa TroV 000 xptCTtlaVlKWV A.a&v
Kopuqxi>911KE 1lE: t o EI{o~a troY 'EK KA llOlWV TO 1051 Kai T1l o6Ala TEtaptll I.taupoq>opia trov KaeO).,Krov to 1204.
METa tilv tpaUllatlKi) l:~nElpia Tt;e; 4~e;
l:tllupo!p",pia,. to EMHN IiPX,aE va
KEPOi<EI Eoa",o, Evavtl toil POMAIOl:.
(Editorial. The N. Y. Times, Dec. 9, 198~)
It is earnestly argued in Greece that
Greeks are not Greeks but should
everywhere be called Hellenes, which is what
the Greeks already call themselves in Greek.
A best-selling book in Athens maintains that
the word "Greek"' is a Roman coinage with
derogatory overtones. The author) a young
American-educated Hellene, says that
national rebirth requires a new national
name. He has half a point.
The Romans did slander Greece. They
claimed descent from the Trojans, and it was
Virgil who warned about Greeks bearing
Gifts. But Roman defamation of Greeks as
thieving tricksters betrayed an uneasy
conscience. Rome was packed with stolen
Greek art, and Roman culture was a
pastiche of the Greek original. Even Virgil's
art was based on a Greek gift - the epic
dactyls of Homer.
No nation or ethnic group has escaped the
mud of slander. Some of the mildest insults
include "the fine Italian hand," "perfidious
Albion," "Indian giving," "Dutch courage"
and "Welshing." Half of history and
literature would have to be rewritten if every
nation or group sought perfect semantic
justice along the lines now being urged in
If "Greece" were expunged from the
lexicon, who would be the gainer? How
would Byron sound if he dreamed at
Marathon "that the Hellenic lands might ye.t
be free" or extolled "The isles of the Hellenes, the isles ofthe Hellenes/ Where burning Sappho lived and sung?" Would it be
said of Shakespeare that he had "little Latin
and less of the Hellenic language"? In fact,
Roman intent notwithstanding, the word
"Greece" shines through history as a
synonym for Freedom, intelectual daring
and artistic grace. To slight these associations would truly be a surrender to slander.
Tou'to OUVEnEO£ ~£ ti)v <EAAllvonoilloll
TOU Bu~avt{ou TOUe; TEAEUtaiouc; aiwvEC;.
nlv KiV110Tl TOU V£01tAatrovIOTt; nAtl9rova-
Serving the FiMst and tire Most
&autiful Home.! in and QUI of tire City
Call us with confidence
(212) 737·1958
1020 Lexington Avenue at 73 Street, New York 10021
rs".notoD Kai Y£VlKD. J.lE n;v npmT11
npoana9Ela clvaytvVlla~, toil rtvou, .• H
0:n:05uvaJlOOO'l1 til~ aUtOKpatOp{a~ an:o tllv
«pappap~. Ma~, o~w" aXl ~6vo BEV Eni:tPE1jIE t~ B~~LOupyia tvo, tAA~vlKoil KpatOU, clnli IiVOl~E to Bp6~0 Ylli t~V unoOOUAW~ ato~ '09w~avou, ~t ~v ntroa~
to 1453.
l:tOU~ t£O'OSPI~ aiwvs~ tti~ '08OOJlUVlKTl~
Kuplapx{u~ €n:IKpat'lOE Y1(1 TO rtvo~
POMJOI: - XplOtlav6" ~~ ~0tJ­
'H a~hacpopia trov XPlO'uuvrov '[;;~ 600110:;
~npoatli atov E~avBpanoBla~o trov op90M~o>v ' EAA~VWV clno tOU, 09w~avou, E~~­
ytitat 0" eva ~aeJ,J.6 an:o tOV O{KOVOI.UKO,
n:OAltlO'tLlCO Kai 8p'lolCwtllCO cp86vo tt;o:;
Pro~~, YU1 t~V npwtoKa9Eopia tfj, KwvataVT1vou1wAllO:;· ' H H1.1lVlIC1l uJtoOtaOll
at~v Eupron~ PEAttro9~KE a~~avtlKIi ~E
tilv •Avay€:vv'lo'1 to 160 airovu. ~tv
cin:olCataO'to.9'lICE c5JlOO~ 6)"ou:A.a. ytUt"l t'I
•Avay£VVl1O'Tl lYLVE Ott; POOJ.l1l Kata n;
5uipKEtU t";;~ · 09OOJ.laVtK;;~ OICA.a~lao:; Kl
l5oom: n:POt£PatOt"l1t"U ata. KAUO'llCa lpya
trov Pw~aiwv auyypa<ptwv. '0 'EAA~va,
tt£:paos O'TO OOtUCO KOOUO Kupiw~ J.l£:ow nov
ouyypaJlJlo:twv trov ProJluirov Aoyiwv, nou
5tv ~tav U;laitEpa avtlKSlJlEVlKO\ an£:vavtl OtoO-t; Un:OTEAEi~ - d<P£:VtE~ touo:;.
Mt tTtV mip050 4 a{rovrov 50uAEiao:;. ta
proJ,J.t;:Ka tAattroJlaTU tn:toKiaouv do:; tAA~VlKt, clpEtt, Kat to ovo~a POMIOI:
(payui,), onw, Kat at"v nprot~ <\OOxPOVll
aKAaplli to fPAIKOI: (YPUlKU1.o,), clvtlKattat~aE <lAoaXEpro, to EhhHN. Mt tli
ta~(Bla o~w, ~tvwv E~nv£ua~i:vwv omAwJlUtrov, aplOtOKPUtrov Kai 5LCIVOOUj..l.£vrov
0'["0 AEllavtE, apXloE va KaAAttpyEi"tUl t'I
tOta crt~ Ma~ Ott o! taAa(nwpOl PW~LOt
otv ~tav EVtEAro, ~tVOl npo, tO~ ;;vBo~ou, •Apxaiou,. 'H t).n(Ba tfj, clvaytvVIl~, tOU PW~LOU a. 'En~va clnOtt).eaE
"",v KtVTlttlP1Q ouvaJ.lll '["ou <ptAtAAllVlOJ.lOU
Kat tij, ~€y6A~, E9vEYEpa(a, to t821.
It"T) O'uv€i5TJOTl WaTOO'O TroV ~€:vwv.
dKOJlT) Ka\ JlEta~il trov n:EPlO'OOTEPOOV <p1AEAAtlVroV, ElXE Pl~cOO'El K(I1tOtOO:; tEXV1ltOo:;
S laxropIO'J.L O~ civclJ,J.Eoa O'tO\)(; 8EOn:Ot'1J,J.€:VOU, apxa(ou, ' EAA~VE, Ka( tOO, E~a9Alw­
~tvou, PW~LOU,. 'En6~Evo J'itav " E~lBa­
v(KEua~ atlt~, B(nAa at~ ~!~Ep~ PW~tiK~
n:paYJlatlKOt'1'["a, va oUVaJ.LOOO'Et tov
KUVl0J.10 trov E6pron:airov yui tilv tautotTlta
Kai n:ototTJta toD tevllCOU J.La; xupaKTilPu.
!.tv Elval tuXaio Ott GREEK at"v Eupwna[K~ AoYOtExv(a (~pya Shakespeare),
O'TJJlaiVEl 060la01"\1(:0. ypaucuAo; - lva
QO'tdo, avt\91Ko, n:ovTJpo Kal TUtQ'["&VIO
npooron:o. OGtE £Ivai O'UJ.Ln:"tOOJlaTlKtl 1'1 J.LEt6<ppaa ~ at~v clPYKO tOU GREEK a' /iAa
to. OU"tlKa AE~lKa. at xaptOnaiKtTJ,
navoupyo, an:atEwva tct' aAAa fC5talCooJi1lttKIi- Ed9Eta. '0 Finley, 6 nlO a~~avtlK'"
~i:v~ tatOplKo, toil V€oEAA~vla~ou, ~tav
t6cro KUVlKO, Ylcl t~V aoyxpoVll . EH6Ba
000 <I Gibbon Ylli to iiU~a:vtlO.
, A~OKOpU<pOl~a t~, t6a~, atlt~, ~tav "
av9EH~VlK~ 9EOlp(a tOU (atOplKou Fallmerayer tOV 190 alwva, Jtou unoO'n1pt~t OTl
Sf: pEEL otay6va yVliOLOU tAA'1VIKOU aiJ.laTO; O'ti~ fPAtPE~ tWV «oAa6wv» VEOEAAtlvrov. ToutTJ Tl npOKATJtIKt; tpJ.lTJvEio.
OOKaplOE. '["0 VEOOUOtUtO KPCltOO:;, dAM
aVQlpt9~KE tnltUXro, cI·no. tOv . rra"app~~EBPOY APIO!;
y6~oUAO Kl IiHo", ·E)'A~V€, ~ ~tvou,
iO'toptoypci<pou; 5la<popoov l5£OAOYIKroV
wO tav of 1\YEUO:; "tou &9vouo:; auYKtVtpro8TJKQV to 1822 O'tTjv 'En:ioaupo YUl"Tti O'uv,["u~TJ tOU n:P0O'WP1VOU n:0A.l,["E6J.la'["o~ En€:~aAav tn(~~a to ~AA~VlKO avo~a.
To 9t~a BEv "ptnEl vii na~~y~9Et W,
t9vlKlO'tlK6 - Oroi}lVlOTlKO, omE va
auvBE9Ei ~t tilv ' EAA6Ba tWV . EH ~vwv
Xp10navrov til~ xouVTao:; Kai tOV
«clv9EVWtla~6. t~, 'Op96oo~~, 'EKKA~ ­
aia,. Bi:pa'l a 91i ~tav a<pEA<, v'
an:oocOOOUIJ.E tflV KaKo5alJ,J.oviu tOu tonou
O'Ti~ n:pOKataA.rl'VE.lO:; tTlO:; 6u011;, il va. n1ati:IjfOU~E Otl 91i ata~at"aEl 1\ np60Bo, ~t
tilv clAAay~ ~vo, ov6~ato,.
•AAAo., protdJ.LE ttiv n:OAt"tlKTt xai nVEU~attK~ "YEa(a tOU t6nou, t~V Kuptpv~a~
Kat t~V . AKaB~~(a:
flati atlt~ " clnay";
rtat( va J.LTJ Jiq80uvxai ot ~EVOl va J.LdO:;
KaAouv Jolt to n:paYJ.LUtlKO Jiao:; OVOJl.a;
-H ~"nw, BlKaloAoyEital UK6~~ Kat"
JlETuJio)"fI tOU t8V1KOU J.LUO:; 6v6~1ClTOO:; «tv
a1jlEl tfj, tvta~Ew, (Jt~v EO~ -; To o(A~~~a
yivEta1 bnKlvouvu KplOlJ.lO Ka8roo:;
nA~(Jl6~El 1\ <i\pa tfj, E,:aw~6.r..wa~,. ~?,
atilv Etlpron~ tij, KOIvij, Ayopa" nou SEV
ElvUl ol6>..ou dlti9avo elV 5ty ltpOOE~OUJiE,
va. 01lJiaVEt J.laKpOXPOVIQ tt;v a<poJloiroo'1
Kat tov cI<pEn~vla~6 ~a,;
"H £KnA11KTlKti OUiplCElQ tou n .ATJVlO'J.L0U,
Uaupa ano ouo oouAdE~ 800 xpovrov, n"tav
i}uouca altOtEAEO'J.La tilo:; PLOAOY1K;;~, UA1KllO:; Kai {olaiupa t;;~ ltVE.UJiaTlKfj~ avrotEp6t~ta, t~, <pUAij, ~a,. flli nprot~ o~w,
<popli <I tn~Vla~o, tXEl KUp(W, nEpLOplO'TEi o'["ov ' EAAUOIXO 'X,wpo - O'TO SUtlKO
IJ.tpoo:; TOU Aiyaiou - Kai KaAtltal V avt"ayrovlotd Katoo cin:o ouaJ.ltvEi~ O'UV8;;KE~ tOV
QvwtE.PO 8UtlKO - Eupron:a'iKo n:oAltlOJ.lO,
noil O'O"{Y£VEUEl ltEPIOO'OtEPO J,J.l: to proj.lU'iKO
~apli ~t tOV ~n~VlK6 .. H YEwypa<plK"
auppiKvwa'l. " B~~oypa<plKTi ataal~6t'1to. xai 1\ n:OAt't'lO't'lKtl Ka8uO't£P1l0''1. at
cruvSuaoJ.lo J.lE ttiv ltaYKOaJ.llU tVEPYE1UKrl,
OiKOVOJ,J.tK'; Kal 1tOAlt1KT! Kpioll. dn:OtEAOUV dV11O'UX1lnKD. OTJJ.LaOla toO'o Yla tr,v
1rVEUJ,J.UtlKTJ Kai ()AtKtl J.La; dva1ttu~TJ 000
Kat til PLOAOYlK~ Enlp(wa~.
Elvat avc:iYKTl to un:oupYEio 'E!;WtEptKroV vii 9w~9E! tOV rrA~9wva, tOV Kopaij,
to Ptl'ya Kai toOl; tiAAOlX; nat"£:p£o:; tOU VEoEAATJVlOJ.!.OU Kal v' avaA<ipEl I.!la Otn:Aro~attK" EKatpattia np~ o).e, tt, XroPE,dBlKU tij, EOK - YU1 t~V EnlpoAiI trov
dv(n SUO'KOAO va OlatTtPtlO'oUJ.lt civaAAoi(01''1 tt;v KOUA toupa J.lao:; - n:ou SlacpEptl
an:o Tt; SUtlKOtupron:alKt; - O'TtlV n:oAtn-
'Eq)OOl(i~o~u; 'EatlatOpla Kai Diners IlE KalpljlE
t~alP£tlKfi<; 1tOlOtlltO<;, aE xallllA.E<; tlllt<;
36 Autumn Street, Clifton, N.J, 07014
TEL. (201) 778-2661
SANKA COFFEE Kai oAa Ta xapnva dOT]
01l0l: KhAIlA 20 - NEOl: KOIMOI
A9HNAI T.T. 410 - EhhAI
THhEMNO 92.37.250
TELEPHONE 92.37 .250
aTlKt\ )(OOV'1 Tii<; Eupcim'1<;, anel eel nptnEl
6noooO..,noTE va alaq)uAa~ou"u; Kai va lCQ-
91E:proaOtJ jlE rtavtou t' QVOIla. 11«;.
. H xwpa ~a<; 15tv 1l1t6PEOE v· aVQ1t'tux8d
O[KOVO,llKCt Kai 1tvE:ujlatu;:a, roalE: va.
S'1~lOupy~aEl TO SlKO T'1<; noAlTla~6. 'H
TOuplCOKpatla. " •AvaytvvTJOll Kai,; BtoIl11XIlV1Ktl'E1tQvaOTQOTh xaplCJQv Eva 7tpopaSla~a aTt\v <1UTlKt\ Eup6m'1, noil Sty
t)(OU~E aK6~'1 KaAUljleI. Bapui o~"'<; Elva! 1\
EMuV1) Tfj<; ap)(ouaa<; T<i~'1<; yui Tt\V anocSUVQj..W.lCJ11 lOU Aahwu !lac; 1tOAll"l0).10U.
' 0 t~EUp"'naia~o<; Kai 1\ npoyovo1[A'1~ia
T'1<; aTaa'1KaV cppay~oiaTt\ S'1~lOUPYlKt\
t~EAl~'1 TIi<; l.aiKii<; 1[apciSoa'1<; TillV npoE7tOVQcrtatlKWV xpovrov Kat TOi) 21. AlX~uiA.(J)t" tOU £vao~ou 7tapEA86vlO;, 1tpoti~'1aE vii Slacpul.ci~El Tt\V 'El.l.'1vo - 'Opa68o~'l 1tOAlflcrtllCl1 KATJPOVO,..llcl, napa va
6AOICA.T)pWO£1 to ~hacp(J)tlOIl6 J..lE jllCl NEGEn'1VlKt\ •AvayEvv'1 a '1.
:t'tov tvcijllOll alcOva tt;; lOTopia; Jla<;
KQtapAt\811Kuv 1tOAAE; np0O"1ra8£lE<; yux va
22-81 31st STREET .
ASTORIA, N.Y 11105
T1JA. (212) 932-7011
bnlCpatf)OE:l TUJtu;:a T) tAA.1lVIKTJ 6volJ(loia
jJEtQJlopq>ro9Ei olx:naOtl1ca 6
ypalKo<; fi <I P"'~lO<;
"EH'1va. eli Elval
'YKl.'1~a TO 1981 ~. Tt\V 'VTa~'1 aTt\v EOK
va tYKQtQAei '¥'ou)l£ tov ciywVQ Kat va 15£:X60U~E ~t 1\TTonaaEla ~lli aHay~ ~po<;
Ta ... niow.
· 0 o.vTaywV10IlO<; OtTjv EOK St 9d £tval
1l6vo oh:oVOlll1CO<;. aAAa Kai nOAlTlOtllCcX;.
M ali 1\TaV (mEp~ol.t\ vii (moaT'1pi~oU~E
au llaKponpo9Eoila 6 dPllVl1CO<; nO).Ello<;
troy IlEA.rov - 1Cpatmv 90. tcpd:lEi 01"0 1tOAlnOtUC01tESlO. Auto<; elval 6 A6yo<; 1tOUE1tl~<iHE'
a'1~Eplvt\ a~Q(paal(JTlK1\
1Co.lln" tOU y£vou~. v' a1t01Ctr}oOU)lE )lEya-
ASTORIA. N.Y. TEL. 728-0806
Athens International News Agency
AUtEPl1 {OtOPl1C" autoyvwoi.a.
• H taut6tl1t6. !lac; 01"0 E~Wt£PlIC6,
{SlQiTEpa aT~ <1ua'1, S'v hEl nA~p",<; anoKataota9d. "Eva yeyovo<; nou (j)aivEtat v
ayvod to nOAlu1Co Kai 1tVEU)laU1CO
lCa1"£Ot11).1£vO. 6.£v E1tltptrt£tat it EUpIDnll.
noo IPWOTci£l to OVO).1a T11C; ot ).1aC; v cicpmptaEl TO SlKO ~a<;. HELLENIC Kl O)(l
Sro Kai 1ttpa. TOUAclllOtOV 0' auto TO 011)lElo XpElci~ETal QvtiOTao11 1tapa npoaap~oy~.
• H ~EYcil.'1 np6KA'1a'1 Yl<iTOV ~l.A'1vla~o
TOU 2000 OEV Elval <I t~EUp"'1[aia~6<; Kui 1\
SUTu;::onoi110T)' OUtE anAOOe; i1 J[OAtTlKil
aHay~. Elval 1\ nol.lTlaTlKt\ civaytvv'1"'1.
'H ).1Etatp01t" tOU rpatKou Kai TOU Pw~lOU
EAAHNA. X"'pi<; Tt\V bnoKEl~­
VlKt\ ~ETapoAt\ TIi<; aUVElS'1alaKIi<; So~~<;
T~<; IjIU)(~<; ~a<;,
ali Kapnocpop~aEl 1\
avtllC£l).1£VlKTj avaSuip9pw011 t"fie; KOlVCl)VlK~<; So~Ii<;. npoUn66Ea'1, ~. clAAa AOYla.
Ylli Tt\V aHayt\ TOU auaT~~aTo<; Elva, 1\
aHay1\ TIi<; vooTpo~ia<; ~a<;. M,Ii nol.lTlO'tlKil E1tavclOtaOll 1tOU sa OtlVStOEl op.
yavIKcl TO vto 1tOAltlO'tlKO brOlKoSOJ,l'l)la
)lE Til J,1ttaolll}laTloJ,lE:v'l OiKOVO)llKil
~aa'1 .
Auto 9d np£1tEl va Elval TO fiathJt£po
Tii<; MEYcil.'1<; 'AHay~<; nou 'PXETal ...• H ~ETa~6pcp",a'1 TIi<; t~apT'1~tV'1<;,
KatavaA(r,)TlKilc;. Ka1tltaAIOtlKti<; · EAMl.Sa<; (Greece), a. ~ui vEa, ciVE~cipT1)T'1, ava1tttryIlEvll, 1tV£U}laTlKTt. S'l)lOKpaTlKtl. OUJ,lUVIOt\1C" Kat OOOlaAtOtudt • EAAaSa
(HELLAS). naT! x"'pi<; EAAA<1A Kai
EAAHNEI:. S. aci ()1[ap~El EAAHNIKOI:
(ilp oKA llO"ll •E1tt~iO>O"llC;
i1 •A1tEtAT] •OAE8pou;)
'H OEKQEtia nOll epXEtUt dvat QUOlQatlKd Kat avaJ,uploJ:hitllta ~ui 6:11:' tiC; mo Kpl011.1EI; Tttptooou<; flit; 1tay1C6a~lla<; • [mo-
pta;. Kai 86. o<ppayio£l J.1£ til POUA(1 TfJ<; til Jtoptia TroV 6:~l(OV
tOU rrol.ltIa~ou xai t~ ~oipa t~, C\vllp6m.v~, ~w~,.
B£~aiw, 9£wpEita. xo.v'" ton~ - xai l.6"(0, - 6 xapa·
Kt'lPlUj.l()<; Ka9£ VEae; oEKaniac; roc; arU.1aVltlCfjc;, roc; {cJtopn;:a
«KpiolJ.1ll<;»· naVTQ Kai ltaVlOTE Ot OEKQEt{E<; 11 of «{roVEC; nlC;
iOtopiac; - £YKUj.10VOOOav Ta U1tEpJ.1ata tite; (OtOpucijc; avav€:walle; (Kai «Q.VQyEwfJUllC;"), 1tO:Vta ~EO'talVav, J.11lwj.1ata 1tVeuj.1Q'tl1Cfic; ap'tirooll<; Kai 1tpOOOOU i\ h:pupav o{rovouc; 1CalCOVe;
latOp.x~, ntwa~" c\vatpon~, ~ 6n.a90op6~~a~,.
MUI YEa lttPlOOOC; flic; (utopiac; dVE~apTTrra Iii ta XPOVlKcl,
ta c\p.9~~tlK(i t~, 6poa~~a 'l'tp£l ~a~" t~, tOU, anopou, taxa·
troy ci1t£lA(i)V KaraotPocpiic; ti TiC; KQtaj}oUc; Kopuq>alCllv npOI(A.Tl-
OEWV avobou 'troY a~lrov tou nOAnloJ.lOu Kai tOU 'Av9p6>nou.
' 0 KUPIOC; 7rpwrayw'lllar~c; tiVaI b "AVOpW1UX;. it 8uopla Kai ;,
llp~" rov, ;, llot6r"c; rOD "Epyou rou. 'R iaropla yp&peral dno ro'll
-Av8pwno. ElvaJ 0 tp7rveuap1vo~ nJ.darllr.; Kai tJ'I/-l.JoupyoC; riic; '/oropiar;. KaJ dval wpec;-clpcc; 0 OaJpOVlKOC; bopuKr11rwp rite; 'laropfae;. b tWO({JOPJKOe; xaJ.aori" rrov d~lt0v roD dv8p())'1UOPOU Kai rijr;
'£J..cuOcplac; ltOV dVaI b imaroc; aKonix; rije; 'laropfa~.
"Etm -r; npWTlloEKaEtia TroV apxrov tou airova )la<; l.<ptPVE IlUI
ro<; ttXVU(ot>
Kal 00<; 1rVEuJlanKOu YEYov6to<; .• H npOOTlloEKattla tOU EiKOOtOu
arrovo, ';'tQV 1t'A11).1).1UPIO').1£VT) ).1£ tTlV Jtptl)lVi} aupa tt1<; aiolOoo~ia<; nov OIcopnoooE " atryti T(i>v tJnatTJJ.10VlKWV Kai t £xvoAoYIKrov KOtaKtt\a£Cllv. Aut" " npCllT6<pavrTJ napouaia t&v (cj.1£ya).CllV» - YUl 'tci XPOVIQ ' EK£ivQ - £nll'£tu;£Cllv til<; E1t'IOnlJlTJ<;
9£wPrl9TJK£ Taut60TJIlTJ j.I£ 'tTl 136JlTJaTJ tvo<; vtou (Captlou» Kal
~dbCllPll niotTl o'tTlV «np60bO 'tou' Av9pronou» -
"aoui~A~tou" ,,"anj~ato, a~.rov civllpWn.~, au~~iwa~, xal
c\ptlwa~, tOU 'Av9pwnou 9£~£l..w~tv~ at~v 'Ayan~, at~v
'EAw9£pia KCli at"v KOlVCllVIKrl ~ll(atOaUvT). T"vi131a anQvtoxi}
Kai J,lEyaATJ EAmoa O'trlPl~av oi Civ9pCllnol Kai ot Aaoi OtT! "vEa»
o£xauia no;'
to 1920.
Kl' O"HO<; ~tpOU).1E tT)V nov£~VT) io'topia tOO aiJlQ'to<;l 'ti)
<papJ,laKEPtl Y£U011 t&v tpavrov OlO\jl£UOECllV .. Ti) n"ootTJ "xpooii»
13£Ka£tia tou alwva Ila<; ClK:OAOu9T)0£ 'to ,.J.f:yaAo J,laKEAE10 tou
n"ootOU naYKooJliou nOAE).10U - Jl€ ta. EiKom Kal nAtov tKatOJl~.ujpla t&v V£KproV. t&v Tpau).1atl&v, 'trov ltpOO<pUyCllV Kai ).1a~v
trov unpooJ.1i:tPTJtWV UAIKroV- anCllI.,£lrov .• H VIOtTJ tft<; EUpclmT)<;,
1\ xal.Ot£p~, 9u",aat~XE a' aut~ t~ ~a~.x~ , t~V av£l.t~t~ avo
9pCllnoo<paYTl -
nou YUl 7tpOO'tTJ <popel o'tftv {otopia a7tACllvo'tOV
ato xropo ~.a, 6Aaxa.p~, ~n£ipou, tij, EUpWn~, - ~1\tpa, xai
tatia<; nOAltlaj.ullv.
Kai ~Epou~e
t~ o£6ttp~ oexa£tla tOU 1920 axol.069~ae
1\ a£la~.x1\, 1\ nayxoa~.a olxovo~.x~ xpi~ tOU 1929·30 xai 1\
o£6t£p~ avllpwnoalj>ay~ tOU 1939-1945 - nou ~£nEpaa£ a/: a'~a,
dnoAoY~OJlO oAt9pou Kai. aV9pOOnlVOU Jt6vou 0Ia5T'jnot£ np0T)you)J£VT) OUYKPOUcrT) tftl; 'Io'topia<;. n£plo06t£pa
tKatOJlJlupla uvepcOnoov 9uO'uia'tTJKaV, tpau).1atio'tTJKav 11 t~ou­
gevw~xav at~
YEa aunj hf1to~~~ tOU a'i~ato,. na npWt~ '!'Opa
" KataOtpo<ptl Kai r) aV9pciJJtlVll
nAT)oiaOE 13laOtaoE1<;
C\A~9.va nayx6a~lt,: OX. ~.a ~'xpTin£plOX~', ~.a saMaaa, ~.a
iinE'po" aAM 01.£, ax£oov ol ijnE.pm xai olwXEavoi E~~aav nj
'tpayroOia tau ~£UtEpou naYKOO).110U noAi:)Jou.
K,' 0PM; o,le, aure, 01 &"",rl<t; tf)(av "a} rlt; peyw, ro",
wpet;, ri, 'Qptl; r~, d~p,ovpyl~. 'H 'En/(Tt~J1I7, ~ TE)(vo),oyia, ~
llol'lqq Kal b ltpopA"p.anupor; niH! Oeop.ruv rro'll blav8pdJ7uvwv
axtacwv, " Oewpla Yl(i TI-jv lpeuva rOD ..dyvroarou» at;' ({Juo", Kai
In" 'w~, ~ dKolp~r~ dyw,la Yl<,
Kar<i"r~u~ r~, rvwu~" ro
nM,ulauJlll Pit; oPOP'l!lQ:; "a) roii ."lLloi) "dyaOoiJ», roil t~avOpw-
1Cl(fP.OO, iKavav p"p.a'ta p.eyd.ii.a, araOepa Kat axipala orir;, JcKaEriec;
AEv Sci U1t£10tA90uJ,lC aTa ooolao'tlKO, ta pa9utEpa aina,
ti<; (.ci<pop)J£<;» Kal tOVI; «unatOl><; O't6xov<;» t~<; «unovoJlwoTJ<;»
t~, 'AvllpWnt~, 'El.~llla,
tOO' AvepwnlaJ,lOO nou ~ta v 6 <pap)JaKEpo<; Kapno<; 'taw 1300 nayKOa).1u.ov noAi:).1CllV nov oapCllaav ttlV aiol00~ia Kai niOtTJ tOW
13ia£x'twv 13EKa£n&v 'tou airova ).1ae;., e~).1i~~u)J£ )Jovo nc1>c; nproto<; naYK00).110<; IIoA£Jlo<; £YlV£ yla va «rtapouv 6PIOtlKO t£AO<;
OA01 o{ )J£AAovtlKoi n6A.tJlOl», ncOl; 6 ~EUt£PO<; IIaYKOOJ,llOI;
n6A£J.10<; EY1V£ Ylel tT) OUVTPLPTI TOt) <pamopou ,Kai, ttlV t.v~uva­
~wa~ t~, 'El.w9£pla, xai ~,t.~~oxpatla,. A)'~Otla aKepala
Ka; dpp<iyurr'1 nior11 J!KJ..elva'll Ka; dx!lvopoAoVaav 01 «OEuue;» av,-rer;
rwv rrpwraywvJarruv, rrov Ijyerwv Karo: dje; 'tupavviar; Kai KUpJW<;
rrov fJpciwv nob nOTluav p.t ro aijla roue; ric; piece; rrov lc5avlKrov r;;c;
uroi><; peycV.ol>; no"po",.
"O)lw<; Kav£i<; 8tv J,lnopEi OTl)J£pa vel apvTJ9d til; vtEI; ouyKAOVI0'tIKEI; an£IM<;. 'to~ 1tuPTJVIKOV<; t~on).,l0).10u<;, ri<; v~£e;
tupawi13E<;, TOU<; vEou<; «tn1o'tTJJ,lOVlKOul;» 6AOKATJProtlaJ.10UI;,
ttl KOlVOJV1Ktl aOlKla Kai tpo~oKpatia oE 1taYK60).11a KAf).10Ka, til
1tEiva, tTl ltp00<pUYI0, til; Ve£1; tpayw13i£<; nov KaTaKAu~ouV
~£pa to nl.av1\t~ ~a, - at Ka.pO E!p~~, xai E!p~v.~, auwnap~T) c;-uoT£pa ano to (').1£yo na901;» Kai to «Jlt1'l0tOV Jla9TJ-
nOla £ivai AOUtoV t'l blaq>Opa 'tlie; OlKft<; ~a<; 6£Ka£tia5 tO~
1980-90 ).1£ t i<; 5EKa£ti~<; trov lta'ttprov Jla<;; flatf dval !OU't11,l1
8£KQ£tia nlo «Kpia l~TJ " art' ti<; cl).,A£<;; Mt\ltID<; Kat EKElVE<; 13£v
EKPUJK!V ti) «1tp6KAT)OT) tf1<; £nlpiwO'11<;» Kai til; «~1tEIA€<; o~:
9pwv .. ; • H
latop.x~ napa9£a~.
t~£Ai~.wv (xaMllv.~
wvwv) TroV npoTJyoUJlEvrov «l(piCJl).1CllV» 13£Ka£tu:ov dX£ ro<; OKono
va 9taEl 'to npopA'lJla a' ab'to to OUYKpltlKO Epw'tTJlla Kai oiAT)JlJla Kat vel 8£i~£1 t t<; «~ II(P£I;» oJlo\6tT)t£1; ~ai t"yeyaATJ, tT!
aUvtpl1t'nK~ owq>opa. BEPc:{Cll<; OA£<; oi 13£KaEt~£<; ,tO~ al&v,a J,la<;
(Kat trov npoT)Youj.1£VWV alrovCllv) E<p£pvav Jla~1) )J£ ta )JTJvu)Jata
un6al£a11<; Kat a{CJloo~iaC; Kal 'ta. ontp)Ja'ta <ruyKpoua£Cllv
Kai n£pt1t£'tElroV.
Kajlp.la ojlWe; o£lcaEria rqe; llaYK6upla~ '/aropiae; MV lrpepve
pa(u 'C'Ie; 'Co baljlOVlKO fJ1tOpO ,.uiiC; EClJU({JOpIKqe; d1rEJA;;e;, ril c5ap.6KJ..elo f11taO'l roi} U;oVOeVWfJKoi} rp6~ou Jude; viae; UVyKpovqqe; p.t
OepfjOnVp11vJKO: onla. Kap./-lJa bCKaErla or;' nopeia roD dv8pciJ1COUJtV
t}rav IJ Jtv )Jrropoooe va xapaKr11PJ0'8ei O'O:v ~ relfuraia &lfaer~a
roD dvOpdmov navw ar;, r;;. 01 d7rC1A.l:e; oev !}!av to(JO Kat"aAVflKee;.
'H 13£KaEtia noo Jla<; tpxna1 )JnopEi va. £Ivai il.J,l1topd va
yivEI " tEAwtaia OtKaEtia tau av9pri>nou navro OtO nAavf\tT)
fil - crtTlv an£uKtaia nEpl1urooT) 8EPJ.101tUPTJVIKC;>0 Ka-;aKAu-
a~ou. 'EOro l.OlnOV
t~ 9ta~ toU to tpWt~~a xa.1\ 9£wp~a')
t~, vta, o£xa£tia, W, np6xl.~~, tm~iwa~, - tnt~lwa'l' at~
~a96pp.~~ Ewma xai .1l6~~a ~ .. t~, ~w~, W, '~lOl.oy.XOU au!',
pavToc;", ro<; 1rV£UJla'tlKO~ «bt1t.palVO).1€:vOu~O), K~l
«uvaytW110TJ<;" 'tOU avepronou Kai. n1w, a~ICllv tO~ aU~AOYIKOU
piou. 'E13& elval i} 9toTJ J.1a<; nw<; a't11 YEa b£KCl£'tla «n~£ta1 » ."
p.~.x~ , 1\. axpaia an"l.1\ .aa"l.l.~n~,. xataatpolj>~" 01.£-
llore clx; m,J.lepa oev eixaJlE rrAJtauiael r;,v laxaUf dxfJ!!1p£la
nov jl1COpei va btJ'Iyr,(Jel ar;, uvvrikla rile; d'll8pci)1uVIl~ CW11~ KaJ
rou 1ColJw:rpov.
nore btv ei)(ape bpauKe),lutl WI' ro )(ei),o, roD papaOpov tv~
«taxatOAoY1KOU» Kl' d'lltKAJtrOU «tvJexoj.d'llov» onou 01 plCe~ T1'K
CaN/<: roo dv8pcirroo, rruv tporrov, rrov '~wv, r~v OIKouv(J,UfJVJ,rwv,
t~t; ixlpompoipa, - ~ .1tJ..a/(lf~IH1".ev~,» nov, dKovp,mw I": Pt·
pa,or>r<a, opow,a "oJ!laAnlJ)p~ ~ 'w~ - ant';'ovvra, pe t~I1IfIIlV'111/
at KAillOxa 1lAaW7t"lKt1. 'EvvooiJpt. rit (J'wna, rov opuJlayb6, TO
9civaw - roy uKapmio Kal rov ppadv Kai pipalo - r;;, pablevepY£;.la<;.
riT b~N,r~p(aU1/ rii<; rpVU1/<; roB nAav~r~ Tii nov eva<; 9fP/10nVp~­
VlKO' nol£p.o, at,p.epa ea (J'ipel p£ p.a01Jp.arIKit oxpipE.la. KI' oJ.u:or;
to 8tJ,.Lu aU~l1t£ltat Kal tivnIlEtW1ti~uUI WC;; ((JtpopAllJ,.La», ffir;
roC;; «O'EvaplO» otei
trov 6pyavwtrov Kal
~t/-tt1]trov t~<; :!:tpat~YIK~<; t~<; t.uva~~<;. t~<; t~lpoppon~(J~<;
t~<; Mva~~<; (BaJance of Power) 6' Avato/-~ Kai M(J~ ..
WEtGI ij rrpOKA'lU'l Empi(J}(J'lr.; 'riir.; viar.; t5cKacrEar; p.a" ipXeTaI
aav TCIXin'l. "dv KoplXpO.Ea fTu ra'Yit anorpUYilr.; tvor.; vcou 8epp.onVP1JVIKoiJ no).£pov. Bcpaiw<;
npopA'lp.a bev elValrOaOaTCAO. 00'0
(J'alveral va elVaI. llpoPhlJlara Ka; airt1jlara AlKalOaVv'l" 'EAt:~
BepEat; Ka; dvOp<lJmv'lr.; 'A~lonpintJar.; dval apP'lKTa t5cj1cva ar,j1epa
Oep.ara ril, naYKouluar.; «alive~'lr.;", rilr.; «arpar1'JYIK~r;», wiJ
arpaTlWTlKoiJ dvraywvla,uofJ. Ka} p.a(6, (J',-v. rcpop)..t1jlara «aujlf{JepOvTwv» VAIKroV - P.1KproV Kai ,ueydAwv - nov «Ka.AVnrovrru" Kai
vrovovral 0X' Aiyer; (J'oper; jll: wpaif.r; A.i~El', (JlI',!;"Olx; aroxour.; Kai
dnar'lAd: «1Cep,pAfllJ.ara_. ntpa Kai. 1tD.VW ti1tO 'to 1tpopATwa rile;;
1tOA£J-lIKiiC;; mYyKpOUOllr; ~ 1tPOKAll0ll E1tlPiwOl1e;; ep1,OVrUI
cnlJ.l£pa ra a{nlJ.lata rii<; O{KOAOYIKfiC;; 1tpootaoiac;; tOU 1,WPOU,
t~<; <pu~<;. ~<; tivepWnl~<; ~coij<; tino t~ punav(J~ - ~o/-uv(J~
KD.8t lloP<Pile;;. 'AKOJ.l11, to 1tpOpAllJ.la tOU imtp1tATJ8uollOu Kai
TOU 6p80AOYIKOU oXtcSlaOj.lOu toov 1tT)Yoov tvtpytiac;, troy 1tPOl'tCOV
liAWV Kai 'toov TPO~WV - 1tPWtEtVWV. 'H 1telva Kai 6 8avutor; Q1tO
1t£lVa Kat approo'ttlEe;; otlj.l£pa Kat aup1O, OUV10'tQ rtlV 1tV£UIlUtlKtl Ka'tacSiKT] TOU 1tOi..ltlOj.lOU Ilae;; Kat artOrEi..ei r\8U(tl1tPOKAT]011 J.ltyiotT). 'H av9pW1tlVT) ;J.l0{pa Kai 0 av8pwmoJ,.L0r; 8ci ll£tPl1eouv Jl€ 'tel Ilhpa Em tUXiaC;; il anotuxiac; J,.LaC;; attlv Kaipla j.lc:lXl1
«t1tIPicooT)<;», TOV Koptxpaio aywva .<6..vavtooOTfe;" Kai avay£vVT}OTJr; 'tou dvepW1tou, '("fir; 1rV£ullaTIKfic; TOU ~ooTie;. rrov r\81KOOV
Jt£npooJ.l£VWV TOU.
<H 'E1tlOnlJ.l11 Kai T) TtXVoAoyia otav re80uv O''ttlv u1tT)pEoia
rou ""viOlOU Aoyou Kai tile;; tiA119wr;e;' AYc:l1tllC; YUl TOV av9pwno,
(hav ti1tOcStoj.l£u90uv tino 'to. "S£OJla" (Kat tOUr; «(cS£OJ,.LOU<;») TooV
aVOJlWV O'UIl~£p6vtwv Kai tfir; d8AiuC; (1roAltlKfic;;» Tfic; OuvaJ.l11C;
Kai tfir; 'El;,ouoia<; - Il1tOPOUV vir. £1tlTEAtaouv epya cST)JlIOUP-
yiae;; Kai j.l£yaAou pyiac;; YIO: 'tov Avepw1to Kai. tilv Iotopia.
Aur~ IiUco(Jt£ £IVai it nVtU~atlK~ e£(J~ Kai ti~ia t~<; 'Enl(Jti[j.1T)C; X9Ee;; Kai. otlJ.1Epa Kai aupto 01tOucStl1tOTt Tlic;; .rlie;;. AUT'; dya~
it ~el~ Kata~ico(J~ Kai <'> po/-o<; trov ~pyatwv t~<; 'Em(J~~~<;
(J~~£pa onoul)~nott t~ <; r~<; ..
Nd ~ l1'ydA~, ~ i(1rOpIK~ «np6K).~U1/» (challenge) rii, btKaerEat; p.ae;. 'A1ro T~V dnOKpla1J (response) aritv rrpoK.A'f(J'l 00. KarabetX9Ei liv etlval np6paO/l tnlp{",U1/<; ij t/1npdY/1ar~ anet;';'
Opov. Kai nOld: elVGl ;, Ota'l TOU 'EAA"V1GJlOjj aTr, «npOKA.'l(J'l» Tilt;
veae; OcKacriar;; I:'t0 1tAaiOlO 1tOU 8taUJlE - £tval tou'tT):
ouoia Kai QKtlVOpOAla roi) 'EAAT)VIKOU nVEUJ.l(ltOr;, tlie;
'E).tue£pia<; Kai t.IKalO(JU~<;. <'> 'E)./- ~Vl(J~O<; - 0 'EUaOIKO<;
Kai <'> 'An60~~o<; - Kai ~a~il t'J Xpl"tlaVIK~ 'opeooo~ia. KaAOUVtal J,.La~i J-l' OAOUC; 'toue;; AaOVr; va. «Sla~uAa.l;,oUV», va «npoa01tlOOUV" Kai va ((O:J-luveOUV" trov a~IOOv rou ' Av8pW1tou Kai TaU
nO/-ltl(J~OU. 5,tl ~npa~£ t'J ·E/-/-~VIK~ 0tcopia Kai npa~~ (Jt~
JlaKpaiwvll noptia tfir; •Iotopiae;;.
'0 I:ai~1tl1p OtOV .. '1061..10 Kaioapa» Uo/OOV£1 J.lE Ttl ~wvtl "tou
KaoolOU o'to cSlc:lAOYO tOU Il€ "tov Bpouro ~ «nclr.; to npopl'l,ua ,uar;
bAv dvul ta Q.(Jreplu pae;, of bIJUKoA.if.e; OEv elval paKpoo ani al1Tepla.
d),Ad: jl£au pat;, l1Tr, Kapold: Ka; (JTO Nov p.ae; ...... Tovro ,ueyaA.tiJVf.l
ritv TrVWjlaTlK" jlflr.; iyvola Kai areplwvel viv riO",,, p.ar.; cV06vrr 'H
dr.Kaeria Jiae; (Kai tjlt:ie;-a' 'AvaroAr, Kai Ava'!) npenf.l vd: dva&BXf.i
ritv EVTOA". «Iva ,uaprupr,au Tii dJ..qBciQ.».
Ka8we;; O,sEUOIlE 1tPOC; TO auplO, OKE1taOJ.ltvo J.l€ ~apEUl OUVVEc:pn unoo/iao; Kai OlWVOUe; U1tElAfi<;. lie;; OKEq:l80UIl£ ti}v Xa.Pl1 Kai
t~V 6~op<plIi t~<; tivepWnIV~<; ~CO~<;. n<; (Jtoxa(JtOU~ tOY
Av9pomo, 't0U<; QYWVE<; tOU t~av8pro1tl0'J,.LOU 'tOu, dr; al;,l£r; rou
nOA1"HOJlOU, C,tl auvlotd i)91Krl i:vr£A£Xtla O:Kal"D.AutT} Kai
aU"tD.~la iO'tOP1Ktl cSm.noupyia Kai J.loipl"'. Kai lie; ~vw"Ha8ouJ.l£
rov pap6, tOV airovlo A6yO 'tOU 'I1100U, l"i}v ()oratTJ J.laptupi.a
Kal O:1toAoyia tOU Il1'tPOO"ta. OTOV nlAato. E[vQl i..6yor;' AAtl8Etar;
Kai Eiprjvlle;; tv ~IKalOO~V1J Kal • EA£U6tplq.:
«'Eyw dr; Tovro yc.yeVV'lflW Kai efr.; rovTo eA."AvBa dr.; roy KOGjlOv, Iva p.aprvp~Go) rii 'AA1J8dQ.».
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Tou K. r. I. KUAu!lCJ)ToumiKll, KUellYll"Cfi,
av"CtTCpot8pou - 8u::ueuvov"CO<:; crU!l~OUAOU TpuTCt~ll~ Kptl"Cll~
'H £VTa~~ T~<; 'EHaoo<; oTI, EupomalKE~ KOlv6nrrtc; (E.K.) oni OEKClETta 1£00
apXIOE lilv l11 'Iavouapiou 1981 dvat6p6OllllO yui liJV OtKOVOlJla Kat TT)V {uTopia
tlie; xwpac;. To VEO lOUTO KtcpaAalO o.KOl.ouae! T~V E~lTUn 6l.0Kl.~pWO~ tij,
rtOAltlKOOlKovolllKf'iC; EKtlVTJ<; a1to<pu(Hl<;
~o" 6O~y~oc ut~v imoypaq>~ Tij<; ouveljK~<; ouvoco~, ~t tl, IipXlK€, E~l Xiii pc, tij,
EUp(l.>1tatKiic; OiKOVOj.llKTje; KOlVOtTJTac;
to 1961.
. Ava~q>i~ol.a, 1j OIKOVO~lK~ Iiv6~TU~~
Tile; lwpac; 1(OV E1[tTelrx911KE ati}v ehcouQ<tia 1960-1980 eo xapaKT~ploaci oliv
«o{KovoJ.mc6 9aulJa)~. rlat!. cr' aut" niv
elKoaCltTia emn;A.E:OtTPC€ 6 O{KOVOllllCOC;
~CTaOXmtatlO~o<; tij, xropa, ~a, . "'~l.ao~
tOU 8TJIlOoiou tPOc.pOOOTOUV tOV nA'18roPIOJ,lO J.lla lCai a~avouv 'trlV~ti'tTJa11 xwpie;
t~V IivtiutOlm aiX;~a~ til, ~apayOlrij<;.
8£UTEPO. Ot napaywyuc£e; £nE.:VOum:le;
napEIl£lvav otciO'lj.L£e; tvro TO K6ato; tpyoO'iae; Kata llova8a npoi:oVtOe; OtO J.lit
Y£OOP11KO tOIlEa t~aJ(OAou9£t va au~o.v£l
~& ~oM u'V~l.O pua~6. To d~ottl.co~a nov
E~£Ai~£wv abtwv dvat r, n£palttpoo Il£iOOO'TJ
t'J e9vu." OtKovolJia ~t<puyt ano tOV xapaKtTJPICJ~.1() tfi<; bmoAucf'jc; u1[Oava1ttUKt'lC;
OlKovojJiac; Kai IJE bUtClXUv6)lEVO pu91lo
7tEpaO€ oro CJtaOlO ttlC; ptOJ..l'lXClVIKiic; avcrltTt\l;COl<; ~ EvtO~ av6~Tu~~ t OU ouva~l­
KOO KA6:cSOU trov t~ay(a)'yci)V PLOJ..lTJXaV1KtlW
KOVTOAOY'iie;, ta mo O'lllaVTtKa O1"OlXE.:ta
nov tEK~~PImVODV tOV napa~avro xapaKtllplO"~O Elval a) T) <PalvollEVlKrl ai5~l1ol1
tiiiv €~ayOlyiiiv ~lO~~xavlKiiiv ~pol6vtOlv ot
(8uo) 2 810€KatO~~UPla oOAAapla n€pi7toD
to 1979 Ii~o (tpia) 3 tKaT. ' ool.'-apla
~1O~~xavlKt, E~ayOly€<; pa~paKcpou v~­
~ato<; to 1961 , P) 1j a6~~0~ Til<; ou~~uo­
xil<; til, ~lO~~xavlKi), ~apaywyij<; ot
32% TO 1979 d~o 15% to 1961 Kal y) 1j Katel
50% Ile:{rooll TOU aypOTtKOU 7tATJauOJ.lOU
at J,lui €iKOoaE.:tla nov orlJ.l€pa (5l;V
lm€p~aiv€l to 25% tou nA118uojloU t'iie;
Tel ~popl.~~ata ~ou Iivtl~UOl~i~El ,;
tU·TJV1ICtl oiKovoJ.lia alltococ; npiv ano ttlv
fvta~~ clVal ~aOtKel Tpia. '0 u'V~l.o, ~l.~9WP10IlOC;. it o'taolllo'tll'ta 'twv E:1t€V(5UOE.:ffiV
Kal T) ouoKiVlltTl ypa<pEtoKpatia.
To ~piiiTO ~p6pl.~~a, 6 il'V~l.o, ~l.~aw­
pmllOe; Elval yvwo'to Ott TlIlWp€t toue; anotalltEU'tte;. 'toue; J.ll08wtovC; lCai 'toue; ouvta~louxo~, anoSapPuv£1 'ttl 0l1llloupyia
napaywY1KoU x€<paAaioD Kat 6011y€t t€AtlCa at OtKoVOJ,llKO J.lapaOflo i1 a.K6IlTJ Ol;
~l.~p~ O(KOVO~lK~ Kaai~~o~.
Ta alno tOU lnVTJA.oU nA1l8wpiaflou £Ivai
£1tlOlle; Aiyo nOAD yvwotci. Ta nlD j3aOllCa
e:lvat to u'¥llAO KOOlOe; epyaolae; Kata
~ov6oa ~poI6vto" 1j OUvtX~, au~~o~ Til<;
TtJ.lfje; trov uyprov Kauoif,J.wv Kat 'to o:nap6:0€KtOv u'VTtAO Kai 8IwpUVOfl€VO tA.A£lJ,!J,!Q tOU oUVOh.OU tOU OTJI.woloU tOflta.
t'1ll£lOulal. Ott yui Xp6VIO tWPO it xpllJ,lato06tTJo'1 TroV £AA£IIlJ,lQtWv tou oTJJ,loaiou
yiv€tal 8la tilC; j.L£868ou 'tWV unoxp£rotlKWV u'V'1AWV 8£Ofl£uO£wV twv tpan£~lICWv
Kata8ioE.:wv ot XallllAOtOKa f;Y'toKa
ypall~aTta tOU o'lJ.100iou ano to £KOOtIKO
~POV6~ lO tij, Tpa~t~~, Ti)<; 'EU6oo"
811AaOt; oui tile; £KtUnmO£~ vtou XaptoVOJ.liOflaToc; .• Avall<PiPOAQ Kai ot OUO tp6not XPTJJ.lat080nlm:~ troy £AA.£lJl~.J.(itwv
lj1l]q>iOCl 1j Boul.1\ (K iv~Tpa yul E~cv00OEl<;) o~l.aolj, 0XCTlK'; IiHa oUVCXl~6~£vTl6:7teA£u8EproOTJ TWVtlJ,lWV, KatapYTJOTJ
tWV t£KJ,lTlpimv, O"XE.:ttKTt P£Al'i<OOTl twv
q>OPOl.0YlKiiiv ~apiiiv, l.Eltoupyia El.cuacpOT£PTle; uyopnc; OUV<XAAO:YllatOe;, O'taOlaKTt
Ii~cl.cuatpwo~ ti)<; liyopii<; xp~~aTo, Kal
YE.:V1Ka T) ataOlaKit KaTapYllall niiv nE.:pIopl0Jlc7)V O'TllV OiKOVoJ.1ia. OUvt£AOUV OTT)V
tnit£u~fJ OUOlaOtlKile; P£A tirooTJe; tile;
OiKOVoJ,liac; J,ll; QJ.1£O'T) Kai napciAAfJAll IlEtaotpo<pr) TOU En£viiu'tlKOU ICAiJ.1atoe; npoe;
to £uJ,ltv£onpo.
To 1981 1tpOpAEntTOl Ott 9a ElVQl hoC;
avaxO:Il'V£w<;; tile; €AATJVIKi;e; oIKovoJ.1iac;.
'0 pua~o<; au~~oEw<; TOU IiKa9apioTou E8VIKOU 1tpo16vtoe; 9a E.:{vat t";e; ta.~£(J)e; tou
3,5% 0& OTaaCp€, n~t<;, tviii 6 pua~o, au~~ocw, tOU ~l.~aOlplo~OU OTO ttl.o<; tOU
houe; Sa 0l1fl&lWOEl tnlppliauvoll Kai 9ti
Ku~aVaC! yupOl utO 22%. npo"~6ac~ tiiiv
rraponovw £IvaI on ot aU~rlO'tlC; J.11u8wv Kai
1j~cpo~loaiOlV O&V eo uncp~ouv to 22%.
ITI<; EU~EVci<; E~cl.i~Cl<; aa OW~6l.El ouOlaOtlKa 1j evta~~ tij<; • EH6oo, otl<; E.K.
Kl' auto 81a ).tEOOU tiie; tOvmOE.:me; tile;
dyopiie; uno n)v llE.:ta<POpa 0l1llaV'tlKOOV
OlKOVO~lKiiiv ~6pOlV Yla T1\ at~pl~~ tij,
EH~VlKi)<; ycwpyia<; Kal (oiw<; tiiiv ayponKroV clooo~~6.tWV, ~€ t1\v xp~~ato06t~o~
troy tnEVOU'tlKWV n£plql£p£laKwv npoypaJ,lIla trov
to Ta~do ti'ie; KOLVOt1lTa<;; Kai
ttlv aO;'la'l trov ~tOJ.1l'lx.avlK<i')\I Kai. yE.:mpYlKiiiv t~aywyiiiv )'6yOl til, KaTapy~ocw,
trov 1toaoatooa£oov Kai TroV a.vno'ta81l10TIKrov docpopoov.
•AAAa 1tEpaV troy OiKOV0j.11KroV ).tf:Tprov
~o" El.~q>a~oav 1'j aa l.~q>aouv. Ii~oq> aol­
OtlKO POAO YUl l'iJv PEl..tiOOO'TJ tOU
nOAlnKOU Kai OiKOVOlllKOU KAiIlQTOe; Enal~av OUO Pa01Ka y€yoVOta Tne; 1(OAITtKile;
iUTopiae; TOU tonou. npWTOV, Otl ot iiTJJ.1oKPOl'ldC; o,lao,u,aoi£e; tl..EltOUpY11oav 0''tT]
OEUTEP~ 'Kl.oy~ ~potopou Tij<; "'~~oKpa­
tiac;. Kai 8£uTE.:po, on Yla npwtTl <popa. OtT]V
nOAltlKit to'lopia tOU £9vouC; AE.:ttOuP'YllO'E
£n(a11e; 6 8£0'J,l0e; tWV ii'1J.10KpatlKrov o\aolKaoliiiv Ot~V tKAOy1\ apnyou K6~~atO<;
nou atit O'uvtXE.:la 'Vll<piOt'1ICE oav npw9uMupy6,.
1:' autE<; tl<; 6~al.E<; ~Ol.lTlKt<; E~El.i~Cl<;
anooio£tat Kal'a IlEYIOTO ~tpoe; T) unoKataOtaO'T] TOU aia8tillaToc; th:~al0TTJ't0C; ft
OlYOUplCie; QV 8tAETE T600 OtO~ vt6moue;
000 Kai atOue; ~tvoue; OlKOV0J.11KOUe; 7topaYOVT£e; nou T) aUJ.lpoAti tOUe; Oto va.
t~£AIX8£t £UIl£VWe; Tj OiKovollia Ko.8£ xwpae;
£IvaI tOOO O'11J,lavttKti.
r. Ka).Q~OltOt)("i~,
tile; 7tQpayroytKOt'1tae;, r, OUV€Xl~OJ,l£Vll
~EtaUtpOqlt; Tile; lCataVaAoooEroe; ot
£laayooyte; 81apKOtx; lCaTavaAc:OO£roe;, t1
~dOOO'11 tne; avtayrovlutlICOt11tae; tOOV H.ATlVIKWV t~ayroyoov. T) uvan6<pEUKt'1 U1tOllll11 0 '1 Tile; opox~ii<;; Kai T) StalwvlO'11 TOU
KAi~a'toe; dp£~(ltotTlta<;; nou SIOKatEX£l tOV
En1X£lP'1J,lOtlKO KOOJ.lO.
Tpito, OtaHi)v10'11 Illae; SuoKivTtt'1<;; XpOvoP6pou ypacp£lOlCpaTia<;; 7tOU xapaKtTtpi~£ta\
un€pJ.l£tpll nOAuvollia, 8111XUtTl £u8uvocpo pia Kai lie; tOAJ.lrlOOU~£ va
to nou~£.
lva O'UVOPOIlO yvOOOtO roe;
.yp ~yop60~ ~0 ...
Iuvc~iii" 1j Iiv6Ka~'V~ ti)<; tH~VlKij<;
OiKOVoJ.liae; npE7tEl va. atllPlX8d on)v au~T}oTt toov 7tapaymYIlCoov t7t£vouoemv of:
ouvouao~o ~& t~V a6~~0~ ti)<; ~apayw­
YlK6T~Ta<;, t~ ~ciOlO~ TOU pua~ou a6~~0~<;
tou 7tA119mPIO'IlOU Kai 'tOY tICOUYXpOVI0J.10
tile;. OTlJ,lOOlae; iil0[1C'10''1e;.
ME tiC; napanavw SlamO'tWOEIC; £Ivai
£UAOYO va Sl£pootatal KQv£ie; nOla £lvat T)
dKova Tile; otlCovoJ.liae; tiic; x6>pae; Kai no1l:e;
elval ot npopAE\V£l<;; Yla t OV nproTo xpovo
Tij<; 106tl~~<; EvTa~~<; ti), xropa<; otl<; EupWnalK&e; KOlVO'tlltE.:C;.
'H OiKOVO).tLKtl 7tOAttllCit nOD np6o<pat<X
xap6XT~KC 1i~6 T1\V KUPtp~O~ P6H~ Kat
'ta IlEtpa 7tOU 7tap811Kav ii £nlK&lvtat va
rtc.i>pylO<; K. CProKa<;
MAHAi\lAl: 12 - 'f' APpnN 17
360-_ - 512·0260
, Ano SUlcpOPE<; nOAEt<; tti<; , A~£ptKij<;
Kal tau Kava8a nclVW 0.1[0 J55 6JlOYEVEiC;
t7nplpoonpcav aTo Kpoua~u:p61l'AOlO S.S.
BRITANIS tij<; hatpEia<; XavSpij aTI<; 12
. Iavouapiou yui tva clnOAaOOtl1CO ta~Uil
~tii<; £~So~6.Sa<; ata tlAtOAOUata YTJota
tti<; Kapt~~aiKti<;·
4J)6yaJlE ano Ta o1tino I..lO~ toupToupi~ovta~ a1tO TO Kp60 1tOll £lXE cp8ao£l U1tO
to J.1T)OEV Kai cp8aaallE ato Puerto Rico
1tOU 1\tav AlJ.1EVLOJ.1tVO to S.S.Britanis jJt
aEp~oKpaaia 85 ~aa~iilv. n~ya~ a~taOl<;
ati~ Kall1tivEC; 1l(1~ Kai VtU8TiKallE ata K(1AOKolplva J.1(1~.
•Apya to ppaOu Ci1tE1tUlXJE: to 1tAoio Ila~
«proTuyroYT)IlEVO Yla va J.1a~ llE:ta«pEPll a£
tp01tlKa t~rot1~a VT)O'lo. noo
J.1a.~ Xa.Pl~av ~tXUatEe;. EuXaPLOt EC; tvtU1trua£l~
Kai EIl1tElph:e;. 5X1 toao Yla Tel cpaY'1Ta 1t011
t'\tav c'icpaova Kai voatt~a, OUt£ yta ti,
1t£pl7tOlt;o£le; nov 1\tav t~a1pEtlKt~ Kui
JtPo8UIl£~, d)"Ael JtEp1aaotEpO Y1ati OA01 of
imotaS~nOtE 6~aSa tl KotVOTl1Ta Kai av ciVfjKQV, yvWptOtllKQV JtlO
KOMI jJ£ta~u tOU~, ciYKuAlaatllKQV Kui
O\)VOtEhlKQV 1t10 atEVel J.1E tOV~ ci9avutouC;
SEa~ou<; tti<; nAOUata<; EAA~VtK~<; KA~­
povol.uaC;. WEta1, ciOEA«plKci ciYKuA1aoj.t£vol,
OluaKEOaaQIl£ J.1£ £AAllVlKo. tpar.oOOlQ Kat
XOP0U<; nou KpatOUaav ~XPt ta ~~~£­
rUI TO ~EcpavtWJ.1a TOU K£«plOU Kai Tije;
OlaOKEOaO'1 e; aUVETEAEa£ ti ii pTla
6PXrlOTpa TOU 1tAoiou tl1tO ,",v OlEu8uva11
toU S£l;tattXYTJ lttaviata T6AA~ T~OlP­
T~aKll Kai tilv oUJ.11tap<ioTaall tije; yuvaiKaC; TOU T~EVVT)e; 1tOO E8EAY£ IlE tilv YAUKElel
t~<; CPOlvtj Kat t1'!v KtWpa '~<;, (, nEpicp~~o<;
lliKllC; 1tOD jJt ttl tpayoucS1Q, ta OKEptOQ tOU
Kat ttl KOUvtlJ.1QTO: TOU tOK6p1tl~E to yEA.IO,
Kat 6 l3aa1A..l1ciC; tOU Jl1tOtX:OUKlOU ~ruTl1C;
Kpova(lepa j.1B TO S / S Britanis
rKOVllC;. 1t011 1-1£ to J.1aywtlK6 TOU 1tai~1j.10
toUe; oopaiou~ J.1ac; £AAllVlKOUC;
xopoU<;. IloAAE<; ~paSu'<; ~ii<; StaaKtSaaE
j.1l; TriV oopaia tOU cprovri 6 BaalA11C; Mooxova.e;, icSl0KnlTTlC; tou '911J.11aIlEVOu Kai KOajJ01tOAltlKOU £OtUltOp{ou El:TIA tT\c;
Nta<; ·Y6pK~<; .
Kel8e ppa.cSu KaL vi:a 8£utpIKil1tapaotaOle; jJcic; t~E1tAllttE J.1E to. TaA€VTa troy 00pairov v£ap<i>v •Ay'YUowv tou J.11taAAEtOU
Kat ta. cl.1ti8ava Katop8WlJ.ata tiie; JlaYIKfjc:;
ttXYTJ<; toU John Gray. To np6ypa~~a ltapouoia~£ JlC 1teplooit xap'1 Kat KUAO
youaTo 6 cb:OUpaOTOC; Jimmy Kaoaf}EtllC;.
T~v napaaK£Ut\ ~p6.Su noil t'\rav t\
~paSoo tOU MASCARA DE, ltoAAoi ani>
tou<; (,~oy£v£i<; ~a<; £~pa~£ua~aav yta
t"V J.1£tOlJ.cptEcn1 tOUC;. lJ.£'ta~i> nov c)1toiwv
6 K. NtK1j<a<; 6paKOlto<;, to ~£Uyo<; rEOlpriou NuwAaou, xaOdle; bdot']t; Kai TO ~EU'YO<;;
KUPUllCOU llj.4£WvlOl1.
'0 apXtAO'Ytat~<; K. f£wpyta<; NtKOMnOUAO<; Kat 6 apXtKa~apOto<; K. 6 ~~1j­
tpta<; Ztp~o<; £uau, £~ apxti<; 'anEUaav,
a'l1~cp<iivta<; KllaE Kono Kai ~£ Kaa£ tPOnD,
va l:~U1tllPEtrlOOuV Il£ KUAWOUV11 Kai rtpO-
TOUe; {mtpeveQKooiouC; Enta.AAcl Jlt Kaltma 7tEplO'o6n:Pll npoaOXtl tOU<; 6~OY£VEi<; ~a<;.
•0 KQ7tETaVIOC; tOU 1tAoiou K. 6.l1J.lTltPlO<;;
KaAUpWtTp; -nou tOV OHl1I::pivEl h:t6C; o.no
n)v apxovnCt Kai Ti]V ElrYEvEla, il 1(Q).O}-
auv'1 Kat "
KotaV01l011. Ei5£l'XV£ O'1JlEia
hcuv01tOlllO'Tft; Kal um: PTlcp<ivEIOC; novato
TaU <PIAO~EVOUOE tOue; 6JlO'YEVtiC; Jla<;
t"'C; • A~PIKii<; Kai tOU Kavaoo. TIPOOKcl-
'0 Al"a, ltattlP lI.'IJl1\'PlOo; 'AAOU~o; S.al\<i~El ,~v tinOatOA.Kt\ ltEP'KOnlj. 'AptatEpQ 0
K. Xp.ato..,po<; Xp.CftoOoUA.OU Kat "~tQ 0 K, "OlKO<; •AyytA.iitoo;.
lI.tio any~ ..lrulta altO ttlV tiA'IaJl6~~ KPOua~"po: •Ad ap.a"pti,
" xaplt"""~ EIP'l~ Ztpl\<iKOU a,pv£l tOV KaA.aJlanav6, dK...
A.ou80ilv" Jl'lttpo ~o; K. :EttA..... ZtpI\<iKOU, " K. 'EiJ;~ T~otijltA.'I,
" K, 'EiJ;~ Xpta,oOouA.ou Kai " li'l'.B.Ktrop(a rd~. lI.t~"" "
K. T~t~ T~ropt~a"'1lta(~£l ttlv K.8cipo, hill 0 BacriA.'I<; Moaxovd<;
tPOYOuOOE' cruvoO£oo,.EVoo; d~o tOV .,.,~ rK6~,
A£crE va uuvcS£lnVtlcrouv J.lo~i 'tou
Qvtutpooro1toi J.la~, napaKOA069t)UE ti~
OtacrKEcS6:Of:t~ Kat €x6PE\jfE J.la~i J.la~.
T"v KuplaK" 18 'Iavouapiou EOPT"
tOU •Ayiou •A9avacriou UtO QJ.lq:J19ta'tpo
tOU 1tAoiou. 0 cru'.l1ta9Ti~ Kai uEpauToe:;
naT"p fl~~ljtPlO<; 'AAoun~<;, iEpanK<ii<;
1tpolcrt6:J.lEVO~ ni~ KOlVOtt)tOC:; 'tou' Ayiou
0Eia AEltOupyia J.lt {EpO\vaAta~ toue:; Ka~
!hjy~tac; 0eoAoyiac; K.K. <t>OlKiiv 'AYYEAiiTOV Kat Xptcrtoq>opov XPIUtOcSOUAOU Kat
t"V ~olj9Elav t~<; oE~ao~ia<; Kupia<; KaAAlon~ c; Kapii . Tljv 0. AEltOupy(a nap~KO­
Aou9t)oav tKt6e:; altO TOU~ OJ.lO)'EVEie:; J.la~
6 nAoiapxo, K. fl. KaAuplC;'t~" o.VciltEPOl
a~lroj.lanKOi tOU 1tAoiou Kaero~ E1timv; Kal
J.lEpuwi procro~fJEpucavoi 6p968o~0l uuv~
MEta to 1ttpa~ tfj~ eEia~ AEltOup)'ia~
6 nat" p fl . 'AAOU7tT]<; hlj PU~E OUVto~O
EJ.l1tVEUUJ.ti;VO KrlPu),J.la Kat cS1EvEtfJE TO av'tiSropo. Ma~i fJ£ Tie:; EUX£~ TOU avnoropou
aKOUYOV'taV Kai oi EuXte:; «Kai tOU Xp6vou
J.lE iryEia ...
'H ci~txacrtt) autil Kpoua~ltpa <iJpyavri>~
G"KE J.lE tilv 1tprotopouAia tOU te. Xpl(TIO~
<p6pol) XPIOTOOOUAOU. ttroc:; (matou 1tpot~
opou tii<; KunplaKii, 'O~oonovoia<; 'A~E­
PIKfje:; ~ tilv OTEvT) ouvEp)'Quia TroV <piAroV
tOU l:'taupou Kapa. npotopou tOU Mr. and
Mrs. Club tii, KOlVO~to<; tOU Tenafly,
N.1 .• tou Cl>4nov KouJ.licSt), 1tpotopou tau
1:UAAOYOU nov Alyu1ttlrotrov' EAAt;VroV tou
MOvtPEaA, KavacSa. Kai tT)v Qteoupacrt'l
£1tlutouia Kai £v96:ppuvull tOU opautt;PIOU rEVlteOU 6tw9uvtou ti\e:; 'Etmpiae:;
Xavopii K. Auyouotou Mlxa~Aio~, 6 61tOlOe:; €KtOe:; TroV ciAAWV £<PPOVtlcrE OO<TIE
tr,v Kpoua~ltpa autr, vel cruv~£oot) ytel vel
cSloOteEOaoll toue:; OJ.lOYEVEte:; J.lae:; 0 cI>rot'le:;
M€Ta~u trov OJ.lQyEvrov J.lac:; 1tOU ~oav
crtilv Kpoua~lepa. olatcpivQJ.lE 1tOAAD.
tteA.EKtO: JU;A'l trov Jt0POlKLOOV fJae:; J.lE tic:;
uu~6youe:; tOUt;. TOV aIOEUIJ.1.WtaTO 1tOttpa
fl. 'AAo6n~ ~E T"V npEO~UtEpa rEOlpyia
Kat tilv 9uYOtEpa troy KrovOtaVTiva, tov
XElpoupyo latpo K.KEAE~KEp~, TIpoEOPO
N. T~tpod.i. tO~ 680VTUitpOU<; NIKOAaov
nltOUpaV, i\Eovcipoo NlteaAETll. tOUe; OlK11yopou<; ' AvopEa MnoYlatCii, Ta~
Mnuptoov Kai Mcivov Aaj.lm0'lv, TOU~ €m~
XElp~~atia, MlxaljA Ia~~io~v, o.vtlXpOEopov t<iiv RAMADA INNS , tOV EUPlJrio~v
Kovtov, tjj, halpia, APOLLO STRUDEL
LEAVES, tOV To~ Kupov tij, EnlXElpljOEl", KYROS REALTY, tov l:taupov KapelV, tOY T~aK KEcricrQyAOU, tOY r£6>PYIOV
NIKOAUOU, tOY 0E08ropov NiKOAOOV, tov
l:tE<j>avov IamiOK~, tOV Mlxa~A TIapAa~~, tOV EUYEVIO <t>Epavt~ , tOV rla~
TItppo, tOv NlKoAao TIana, TIttpo TIana
Kal MlxaljA TIana, tov l:1riipo AE~ovio~,
tOY NIKt\ta ~1>ateroto, tOY Aou AUJ.l7tpav,
tOY KwvcrtavtlVO i\£~tVtll, tOY ~'lj.lt\tPIO
MltetAi\, tOY rtrop),lO KouJl6)'AOU , tOY
NIK6AOO 6t\J.1a, tOY XapiA.ao 1:0:)(0, tOY
KUPIU)(O ~'lJ.lllTP(OU, tOY rErop),LO Kata~
KaAio~, tOV <t>poyKlOKO KOUYKE~iitpo, tOV
-EPVl KplECjj , tov BaoiA~ Zl:P~UKO, tov
<t>OlKii' AYYEAiito, tOv TIEPlKAjj MnuKa, tov
-AYYEW 'Ayy<A(O~, tov - AYYEAO KOlOTatell, TOV M1XaJ1A namco. tOY Nlte6Aao MciOtaKa, tOV IttAlO TCOU~EA~, tOV E. KAU!~EBPOY APIOI;
YEp, tOY ~11J.lt;tPIO IIa1taooJtouAo, TOV KuPUlKO 1:1J.l£rov{O'l . tOV OUroAUP nOAOU~
t~V, tOV <t>ciltlO Kou~io~, fl~~ljtp~ TIavtCapa, rEciJpylO Pa~nio~, rEpaOl~O
'Kapa~ia, rui~ EUOOKlJlO, 'AXlHEa
'AvacrtaOlaO'l. •A9avaOlo MaUploapa,
• Ap~ fl~~~tpiou, XPlOtO<j>0po Zaxaplao~,
TIhpo MOA<j>Eta, OuiAAta~ l:~i9. 'lcOO~
NiKOAUOV Kai ~l1fJt'ttE'lO IIa1tavopE:ou.
'Eniol1t; olaKpivaJ.lE tiC; EuyevtcrtatEe:;
Kal OEPaO~lE<; KupiEC; KaH16n~ Kapii, ' AAE~avopo AEOvt~, Ntiva rKOu~a, 'Aya90uAa rKlpio~ , ' HlOU~Et UKOU, KE~
TIpE~EAlavaK~, AIKatEpi~ MnUKou, 'EAlmlpEt rpatae:;. cI>pivta 1:O:mOt;, AiKatEpiv~ Mavtii, M. l:IOEptH~, <t>apaoAii,
w<pio 0EOOOOPOU, BIKtropia i\afJ1tioou Kat
Ka9'lYrltpta AOUtelQ nq>a<p lOU IIavEJtl-
OTllJ.llOU Farleigh Dickinson tau NlOU
T~E pOEU. 6EV £AEl1taV Kai ot veapoi pAaOTOt tii, 6~oYEveia, onOl<; ~tav 01 9uyaTE:pEr; tOU cIJrot'l KouJ.lio'l Kat tOU ' A8a~
vacriou MauploapO: ano to MovtpaA Kava~
oa, Ot 9uyatEpt<; TOU cI>roKel •AYYEAO:TOU
Kai tOU BaoiA'l Upjla.KOU O:1tO TO NlOU
TCEPOEii, <'> YlO, Kat ~ KOp~ <eli <t>ciJt~ rKOV'l Kat UI..Aa natoul1tOU olaUKEOQOaV J.la~t
J.lt lOUr; yovEiC; trov ropaia, EUyEVlteCt Kat
.. At; Elval KaAel 'ri halpia TaU XavSPll
Yla VO: dl;w>90uJ.lE )iE til OUVQJ.l'l TOU ElEOU
va 1telJ.lE 1tEPlocrOtEpm tOU xp6vou otilv
ttllUlO KpOua~lEPO Yla VO: Elval hal fJtya~
AUtEP~ ~ OlaOKEOa"", ~ xapii Kai ~
\Vuxucil a),oAAiaOle:;.
XP. xp,
'E;';''lVIKO cPwroyparpeio
urr,v Kapt>lo' rfjc; 'Aqroplac;
35-35 30th A VENUE
ASTORIA, N,Y, 11103
GREECE 1980-1981
Approved by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese
February 5-February 26, 1981
March 5-Morch 23, 1981
April 28-May 18, 1981
May 25-June IS, 1981
May 2&-June 18, 1981
June a-June 28, 1981
June 23-July 14, 1981
I om inte-res ted in the following pilgrimage,
City and Sto!e _
_ _ __
T.t No._ _ _ __
KOO .... IKri .... 0
M, o~l1avt'K1\ Ka9uottp~o~, AOYO>
tAM:iIjlEo>e; X6>paO Ot1\v ~KOOO~ tOU dEKEI1~pioo, o~I1E,6>vOI1E t1\v t~a,pEtlK~ bntuxia noo OTI~irom: 6 ocXopo~ tOW
Xpooavetl1O>v. t~e; <I>'AOnt6>xoo 'AOEA<po~tOe; tou Ka9Eop'KoU NEae; 'Yop~e;,
0'1"0 ~EvoBoXeio Plaza.
' 0 TIavltp. M~tpOnoAi~c; NEac; '!EpO't'l~ K. ItA-Be; livTI1tpoaOO1lEOWV tOV • ApXltmOKOnO K. • !aKO>~o, a np,o~oc; t~C;
• Enaooc; at1\v 000"'1KtO>V Kai 1j K. I.
T~oU~. a rEV. TIpO~EVOC; O"1V Nta' YOPK~
Kai 1j K. N. KanEnap~. a TIpO~EVOC; K. I.
rEo>py,AtC;. a TIpOEOpOC; tou Ka9ESp'Kou
Kai 1j K. K. douKa.1j TIpOEOpOC; tfie; 'E9v,Kijc; 'OpyavWoEO>C; <I>'AOnt6>xo>v K. Ka9p~v
TIannac;. a TIpo.opoc; tfic; Mobil Oil K.
William Tavoulareas Kat r, K. Xplo'tiva
'nvclO~ Ka9roc; Kai non,C; anEe; npoo"",
1tl1COtT)t£C;. l)..at'av ~tpo<; O'tT)V wpaia ElCO~AO>O~ tfic; anoiac; 01 npooooOl o,ati-
To (J\)J1POVilO tllc; 4)1A.On:t61xou ·Ach;J,.~OT11to<; TOU K«8EOPIKOi) G'E ,.no civQJlVllO'tlK1l ,CIltoypa,ia.u: niv np6l:opo TOlV 'OpyavcOCJ£(t)v cJ)lA01l'tcOlOU K. ncinnac; Kai dc; KUpb:c; T~ouV1'!
kal. Kan:EA.).cip1), Ka9tlJ1£V£C; .• AKO).ou80i3v J1£PlKO: UKOfJ1) XapaKt'lPLO"tlKO: CJtl'Y.uOtv1ta.
(Athens International News D. KesogJides)
9£VTal Ka9E IP6vo 1U1 TiJv KaAU'Il'Tl tOW
&17tavrov trX£lPtlO'EWV liVOllC'tiic; KapSiae;
nQIOIWV ano tflv • E)'J..aSa, Kai SuifPope:c;
imo'tpoc.piec; Kcd to rllpOKo~£io Jlac;.
T1\v xopaEonEpioa Ot1\v anoia SAa~v
IJ/:poc; 500 nEpinoo atol1a, ropyavo>oav 1\
TOU clhAontroxou TOU
Ka6EoplKoi) K. Van Latsey J,1£ t"V aVVEpyama trov TIpotopo>v tiic; XopoEonEpiooc;
ICUPUOV I. MoaxaXAaioTJ Kai N.. Christie .
01 KOplEC; M. Aupa Kai M. TIatEpa ~tav
oOl1npoEopo, t~C; 6pyavO>tlKiic; tnltpon~c;.
Ito oEinvo, I1Eta~U an.,v. napEupt9~oav:
'0 K. Kat K. <1> •• AM:~ciK~. 1\ K. ZO>~ . Aa K. Kai K. d .. A).E~citoo , a K. Kai
K. A .• AH.tYKa, 6 K. Kai K. A.• Al1opa~.
6 Ie. Kat K. L. Anderson, 6 Ie. Kai K. r .. AJtOOTOAclKl1 , 6 K. I. . AnootOA<lKllc;;. 6 K. Kai
K. I. . AnootoAciK~, a K. Ka! K. SEDo. 'ApcinoYAou, a K. Kai K. A .. Apyop,ao~. a
K. I .• Apl1t~c;, a K. Kai K. TI . . A9~vaioo.
1\ oiC; NataA' . A~EpO><p. 1\ oiC; B.. Ai~aAu;>­
tTl . 6 K. Kai K. Xp. Mmiotll. 6 K. Kai K. n,
Mnt~. a K. r. Mnoul1nap~c;. a K. Kai K. I.
KatoOUA~. a K. I. Kan,~a~c;. a K. Kai K.
TI. Kan,~a~ , a K. Ka! K. S. Kal1noup~.
~ K. A. Kapa~avou, ~ K. E. KapaJl<ivou,
6 op d. rapio~" 6 K. Kal K. Xp. Ka",,~,
6 K.
Kat K.
r. XavcSpfi. 6 K. Ka1 1(, C. Christie,
K. N. Christy, 6 K. N. Christy,
K. P.
Christy, 6 K, Kat K. II. KO:A.tlKTJ. 6 K. Kat K.
Kat K.
6. K6vlou.
6 K. Kal K. n. Koo(JT(IAa, 6 )c. Kal K. A. Ka6<pou, l'J K. I:. KouJ.1avtapou, 6 K . Kat K. E.
Cyprus, ~ K. I. da~na,,~, 6 K. Kal K.d. Ntaptou'I'a, 6 K. I. d~~~tp(ou, 6 K. Kal K. N. d~­
~ou, 6 K. Kal K. M. d~~OU , 6 K. A. dlaJ..latdp.,,~. 6 K. Kai K. Th, Dimon, 6 K. Kat K.
G. Dimond, 6 K. Kai. K. Ch. Doscas, 6 K. Kat
K. K. 8.ouKa, 6 K. T. NToooa<;, 6 K. Kai K. A.
Ntou~oy'-ou, 6 (atpo, Kal ~ K. A. ~EPp~,
6 K. Kal K. r . ~paYKou, 6 K. Kal K. E. ~pav­
t~~, 6 K. Kal K. N. ra,-a~ooo~ , 6 K. Kal K.
6. rUOp)'101(OUAOU, (; K. n. rtropYIC)1tOUA~. 6 1(. Kal K. R. Ginbrow, 6 Aloeo. Kai
1\ K. B. rKpEYKOPU , ti K. X. Xat~~y,a~ ,
6 K . Kat K. X. XaIlEVTaVTJ. " K. Kai K. I. Xapa~~, 6 op. Kal ~ K. r. Xa~ip~, 6 K. Kal K.
H. Hirsch, 6
K. Kat. K.
M. Hero, 6
Heine, 6 K. I. XOVOpoUAll<;. 6 K. Kal K. A.
Kavrd.ioll. 6 1(. Kai K. B. Ka1tUQvaKou,
ti K. K. Kapuy,avvioou, 6 K. Kal K. N. Ka~ciKOU, 6 K. Kal K. r. Katcr6>v~ , ti K. I. Ka~avt<;;, 6 K. Kal K. e. KupuiKOU, 6 K. Kal K.
J . Kish t 6 K. Kal K. A, Kl(JOQVl1 . 6 K. Kai K.
E. KovtoAioov, 6 K. M. KrovataVtlVioTJC;,
6 K. Krovo'rav'[tvicSTJC;. li K. I. KopyuD..a,
6 8p. Kai li K. .1. KOt01A.1J.l1ta, 6 K. Kai K.
r. KOUtCOtlVcl , 6 K . n. Koopi8TJ<;, 6 K. Kat K.
K. AciKa,
01, K.
6 K. Kal K.
Aa~n(o~, ~
K. B.
Aavapu, 6 K. Kai K. Van
Latsey, /) K. Kal K. K. Aa<ap(o~, 6 K. Kal K.
r. AlYVOU, 6 K. Kat K. TaKTJ AlYVOU, 6 K.
Kai K. E. Lil1ys, 6 K. Kai l't ~V'ttJ.l. K. AIVciKTJ,
6 K. Kat K. W. Livanos, 6 K. Kat K. J.N. Long,
L. Lambran, 6 K. Kal K. M.
Aa~nio~, ~ ~I,
6 K. Kai K. K. Ao,,(o9ETl8oo, 6 K. Kai K.
Aou~, 6 K.
6 K. Kat K.
lidis, 6 K.
Kal K. N. Aupa, ~ K. A. Aavapu,
n. MQ1CPlcl. 6 K. KClt K . n. MCl01, X. MaKp;;, 6 K. U. Manda-
Kai K.
I. Mavou, 6 K . Kal K. J. Mar-
co, 6 op. Xp. Ma"tpoyu\~" 6 K. B. MauPOUOlV, ~ 01, H. Mavroson , 6 K. Kal K.
E. Mazzawi. 6 K. N. MEA.ita<;. 6 K. Kat K.
A. Mlxa~)"(B~, 6 K. Kal K. R. Miller, /) K. Kal
Athens International
News, D, Kessoglides
1'- W. Mink, ilK. O. Monadat, 6 K. I. Mo-
MtP1Ki:C; aK0f111 tp(l)'toypatpi£C; cino tOV 1tpaYf1(1tllCQ a).,l1ap.0V1'JtO XopO tOW Xpuaav9i:f1(1)v.
oJ(aJ('-aiB~e;. ~ K. E. MouvBpou. 6 K. ~.
Mouoooup~e; . 6 Bp. Kai ~ K. I. NiKo,-ae;,
6 K. Kat K. N. NhcoAac;, 6 K. G. Nicholson.
6 K. Kat K. E. navQyo1tou).,oo, Tt K. 4J. navt<'-iB~. 6 K. A. flanaMnouAOe;. 6 Comm.
Kai Tt K. nanuYEwpyiou, 6 K. Kat K. Xp.
flanna. ~ K.1. flanna. 6 K. Kai K. fl. flanna.
6 K. Kal K. N. na·d:pa. 6 K. Kai K. n. nanaT~oipt~. 6 K. Kai K. <l>pavK flap,-a~~.
6 K. Kat K. R. Pease, 6 K. Kat K. I.. ni:volac;,
6 K. Kat K. A. nEpanKOU, Tt K. E. ntpvroKll,
6 K. Kai K. A. fleoAil. 6 K. S. Perry. 6 K.
Stephen Perry. 6 K. Kai K. e. flpouv~. 6 Bp
Kat Tt K. N. Romas , 6 K. Kat K. R.D. Romais,
6 Bp. Kai ~ K. M. ~,Mp~. 6 K. Kai K. K. ~ro­
oaVYKtA~. 6 KanTalV Kai ~ K. B. ~rot~­
ptA~. 6 K. Kai K. M. ~roT~PJ(OU. 1\ 5ie; fl.
~navou. 6 K. Kai K. W. Spiele. 6 Bp. Kai ~
K. E. I.nuponouAou, Tt K. E. I.'tQJ,latioo, 6
K. n. l:ta,.lOC; Kai 6 K. Kat K. Xappu I.ta8ou .
. E1tlOllC; OtO oEinvo napEKa8..,oav 6 op.
Kai ~ K. r. ~Tpa~you . 6 K. ~. ~KOUpAile; .
6 K. OuiAA,a~ Ta~o uAaptae;. 6 K. Kai K. T.
9avaoouA~ . 6 K. Kai K. I. 0EOJ(apiB~. ~
Ble; N. Toon. 6 K. Kai K. E. TpaK~.6 K. Kai K.
K. TpayaK~. 6 K. Kai K.
6 K. Kal K. I.. TOlAlJ,J.1tapTl, 6 K. Kat K. e.
Too,-alvou, ~ Bie; K. TOOUYKp<iV~. 6 K. I.
BaAA\aB~e;. 6 K. ""i K. O. Bap~"oui:,,~,
6 K. B. BaOlAEioo, 6 K. K. BaO'lAE1.00, 6 K.
Kai K. A. BaoiAapoo, 6 K. Kat K. I. BEAO&B\Ou, ~ K. E. B'V,~tAOU . 6 K. Kat K. I. Btpa,
~ Bie; B. Btpa, 6 K. 6. BepviKOe;. ~ Bie; H.
Veru, 6K. Kai K. Th. Veru, 6 K. N. BEpoutllC;,
~ Bie; M. ZaJ(ouvTav~. Kai 6 alBeo. Xp.
'H 9'1tEia tOW Kmrpirov
tOil 'E~rot£plKoil
T6 'Ynoupy'K6 ~U~JloUA\o Tile; Kunp'aKile; 6~~OKpanae; B,' dnO<pQoecilc; TOU un
ap. 17341 ~~epo~~v (ae; 19.10.78, 06~<pOlva
~ T!lV 6noiav ouVTt~Veta, d., l~, ~ilvae; 1\
1tEpiocSoC; 811tEiac; tWV o'tpattooiJlcov, ot
6nolO\ tyevv.;e~oav to hoe; 1956 Kai
npOYEvi:OtEPOV, voou~vou ptf3aicoc; on
autoi tYKatEOt<i811oav Gte) t~CO'tEPlK61tpiv
Tile; 14. 7.1974, n,-~pO<popel
on"" ~ IOJ(ue; Tile; tv A6yro 'Anoq>6.oeroe;
napata8fj ~J(P' Kai Tile; KatuT6.~eroe; toU
'Iavouapiou 1982.
~ A911vaiKfl
A0HNA. AEKt,,~p~, 1980.- 1:E ).(yo
Jlftaivoul-u: E1tioTll.la only E.O.K. TIoHI
£IvaL auti!; rUl tOV JlEOD wEAA.llVa, Eva
«KA£LOtO» Club, nou Jlf: ".U::yO:All oUO"IcoAia
jlJtopd va
KQvEic;. npE1ttl va. auJl(~)(ll ­
vtloouv oAn Ta ",tAll. Kat unapxouv 7tOA.AU
OUI-Upi:povta tOUr; 1tOU €7tPE1t£ va
aUJlpll\aa80uv Yla va yiV<l5EKtti ti 'EAM00.. '[8iC,t)~ YUI aypOtlKQ npotOVl"a, aKOlJa
Kal yta .. , ayyoUPlQ, vtOlJa'tE~, 1ta'ta'tE~ ,
Q1tAa Kal W(J'tOOO "a9E AoYii~, 1tOD EXOUIJE
OlQq>Opa . • •
ii<p90va Kai O'e 1tooo'tT)'ta KaA,UTEpT) Kai
&Ivai oe 9€0'T) va £tCTonioEl ano TtlV uyopc'x
to. 1tpoi:ovTa Et€POOV ).I£AWV TOU Club. q,aiVETal OIJW~ nw~ TO TaJ.l.Eio tau dVQl YEPO,
acpou 1tEptJ.l.€VOUJ.lE va napOUJ.lE, J.lOA1~ KIOAQ
IJnou~, nOAAc'x ~KaTOJ.lJ.lUptQ yui: titv
uva5,,\p8pw,,~ t~, UypOtlK~, "a, OtKOvOJ.lia~,
Eavaa6vliE"'l us to NATO
ui aut6! cpwva<<l to nAI:OK! flaTi; .6.1on BEV'iOPWO'E T' auti TOU, oTav 6
DEMESTICA (while or red)
is made from the some rare grapes
that gove it an outstanding reputation
100 years aga
' AttiAa,A' EJlnliKEattivKimpo.McinOlO,
<lnait! 1t' auto; Elval t9V1KO j.100tlKO!·O
<paKdJ.or; tX£l KAflOet\. 0« yivEt ~tyaATJ
E8vlKT) <~Jlia QV ~avavOll8Ei! . AJlav. va
~a90u}J£ ti (JuJ..lpaiV£l; Ti.1tota! w01[w<;
9u,.uion:, T!TQV onlv btoxi! nou ti XOUVTO,
pAEnovrar; to Xao<;, to. napatllo£ Kal 6
A.no.:; 6J..l6<prova Ko')'£O£ tOV autO£~6PIOtO
(HO TIaplc:fl KapaJ.lQVAii. y' avaA6.Pl1 til
POPtH} £u96Vll va oUYKpatT)oT) tt)v
notpioa. oTt; O(t)(~kKcitTJ ropa, nov pplm;:ovtav crn;v ihcPl1 TOU YKp£j.10U.
"EJ.1EVa titv enox"" h:£ivTl OTitV KTlQHOla.
•AnD 'titv tapaTOQ TOU 01tltlOU J.10U £JU.E1ta
J.lEyaAT) "lVT)oT) tBIWtUCroV aUTOKlvtltOOV,
nOli O"f,pupi~aVl"a~ lCat€palVaV otllv' A9tivo..
•AvtpT)Ka otllv 1tAatda tOU nAataVOU, va
"a9w ti . a u"paivtl. 0a 1\tav 12 "t 12112
J.1EOT)lltPL Naoau, pA.tnw IlnpoO"tQ 1l0U TllV
•AcppoBiTT) - to «PWUtEP tii~ KT)q>lcna~ ...
TUJla9E,; 1:t ).(y~ wpa yivEtal aUaKEIJI~.' H
xouvta 1ta.tl 1tla.! "EpXEta1 6 KapallavAii~!
Ma v&.val QAti9Ela; - 0tTlKa! J.lOU anavrd
1\ E~JlEpw"t~ d /iAa ta 5alJlovla' Acpp<>BitT), KtT)llatOJ.1Eoitpa OTllV KT)Q)loui.
•OAoha ouOtcbttovro.l. T a1tOylOJ.1a OAT) ti
'A9tlva iiTaVE; OtO n6at , 1tEPIJ.1£VOVTa~ to
QnOteAE0J.1a tii~ nOAttlKii~ OUOK€\"'EW~.
J\eyovrav 1tW~ 8' ava9Etovtav T! npoo9unoupyia OtOV nav. KavEAA6nouAo . .6.to.K6rupeE 0J.100~ " OUOKE'VT) Yla Ko.J.1J.llc'x mpa,
(hav 6 •Aptpwip avaKO{VWOE 1tm~ £.1tIKOIVcllVllOE J.1E TOV KapaJ.lavAfJ. KavovIKi}
AOl1tOV J.ltTapOAtl! "Enpt1tE vap9d a.J.1€ooo~!
•0 npoE5po, t~, fa).A(a, tOU ~poacptp..
y\l1 tOV OK01tO auto TO 1tPOOOO1tIKO tOU
a.tpOnAa.vo. 0a.cpeaVE VUlCtQ. ME tni
KEcpaA.ii~ ttl v£oAaia, 6 IC00J.10~ ~EXUv£tat
<YtOUC; OPOIlOU<;, KpaTwvra~ KEpla .. 0 tveOuOlaollo~ ""tav a.q>avro.Oto<;. Kai J.lOVOOt'
QVOJ.1a tOU KapaJ.lavATl TjA£KTpio9T)KE!' H
ta~~ 0,,6><; 1\tav ~Atip~ ,! AEv a~".. ro9~KE ~
1tapaJ.1IKPit naptKtporrti . .6.tv £orram; Eva
t~QJ.1I, ilia rrp09tiKTl' 01tW~ OUVEPT)KE
1tpox9t~. XciPT) Ota KaAa. rraloui, va J.lit
Tilv iOla vUKta cpOtiVEt Kai. 6pKi~e:ta.l 6
"" UVtl~p6E5po tOV f.
Maupo, 1tOU <ptUYEI YUI ttl rEvEUll,
ouvavttloT) tOV TOUPKO OUVtiBEAe,pO tou.
'AYICQAIQOJ.lata. UAAa TOU OtVt1 npo8e:oJ.lio.
).(YE' ropE, v' unavttia .. QV 5txEtat tOU,
opou~ tTl~ ToupKia~. '0 Maupo~ tou ~T)ta
36, ot BlanpaYJ.latEUO£l~ 0laK6ntovro.l,
ucpou ato JlEta~iJ 6 ' A tt(Aa, 2, KataAal'll<iVEL to IlIOO Tii~ KunpDu!
"£<;w dno "co NATO! qxi>va~E ayavaKtl-
nCURln Clnuss
ES f A8l lSHEO 1861
• f> 0
You ,,'c hea",I~ , ,,~ "e d 10 y,~, t 0", W,ne ry whe n pa~5lng """"9"
flEBPOYAPIOl: 1981
8 0 ll 35 f'A fR A S. TEL . )25051· 7
P" "c" Oil " ","
" O n 'l$ Wln""~,,.n'l <:ra!, ~
6 Aao~. 'E1tp6KtltO YU1 1tpaYJ.1atlKa
<l>wvt'j Aaou! Kai 6 KapaJlavA~, tt;v
uio9utl, J.1tl lxovto~ va Kti~l ... Blacpo~
MEivaJlt Etal £~~ lP6vla E~w a~o to
NATO. U).Ail ti to "",EAo,; 'H no~pt\
ToupKia EJlEVE tlvE"nOOlat~ att; MEa&YE10 Kai ottpe:a KOTtiXt ttlV Kunpo. Mtta~oAt\ AOl~6v: maw crto NATO Kai atou,
1taMUO~ ao1tavoou~ cpiAOU~ "ai oUIl~.1Ci­
xou~, "Htav KI'
auto J.Ila Ka.1tOla
e1tltt)xia, , ,"Eonj) Kat apyci.
nA~9mp"r,,6<;, cpoPt"" ,il'plptla
00. f!llnopOUOt KavEi~ vo. imoaEoEI nro~
Tt •E).).aaa BUOtUXEi. .. Ott 0 KOOIlO~ ntlVii!
KaOt IiUo! 1:. Ka""la IiU'1 tnox~ 6 Aao<;
atV ntpvouot KQ).irtEpa! .6.ev bmlPXouv Jtul
ntooxoO To XlAU1PlKO atv oroVtl OUtE yui
Ta Ijfrovla T1'j<; ~"tpa<;, XWpt<; ~t~ata Kpta<;
Kai \j1apl, noi> elval anpOona! Kat Kan
napQnavoo, tJtlKlVaUva, t~ aiTia~ trov
0PIlOVOOV, nou, 6Jt~ A£VE, j.1uaj.1opcprovot)v
to cpUAOV!
-.6.tv '[0. pa~oo UtO UtOlla Ilot). va Ilt
"OUAtyt npoxe.<; ;;va<;
Uro<pEp. ...6.tv atxOIlQl ut: thow r,A1Kio
va yivro to\OUtO~!"
'OP"OVt<;; Ma no;' ~pt~Kav<; Atytl TO
YnoupyEio .• AnayoptUEtOl ti Eiooyooyl\!
•AotEio npo.YlloTa! To tj.1nopw Ylo. ~(OO­
TPO~t~ Kai iai~ Yla Al1taOj..LOTQ dvat y£"aTO! To Ka).oKaipl. '1").o!;tvrjo,,Ka Yla
).iyt<; ,,"pt<;
KTl'j"a tva<; cpiAou "ou.
nouXE nA~90<; vtOj.1aTE<;, KOpn:OU~IO.
OAaKtpO pouoTaUl. «'EOw j.1O:AlOtQ, dj.1Ql
oiyoupo<; - TOU AEro - Jtro<; atv KIVaUVtOO
ano 6pJ,lOvt<; ... 't.
-KavEl<; Aa90~. cpU.TaTE J,lou! J,lOU
anavtii. 'OAOKATjPO to poooTaol elval
A.utauJ,l£vo J.lE tE,[OlE<;!
-"A)').Q OEV tnlTptnnal 1j tlaaywy~!
TOU napaTllPw.
ouvTa~106xou<; va naipvouv 50-80 XlA. TOV
J.1t;VCl. 'AKOU~ OJ.1ro<; Kat "(10. 120.000, O:K0j.10.
Kai yui 200 't6UE<; XIAU1a£<; - dAAQ «()toi,
~aVTci~oj..Lal. ea dVQl AiyOl - nou iooouVOj..LOUV j..LE 4.000 aOAAo.pla tOY j.1t;va, liv
O:YOn:CltE! To pt~aLO Elvat nro<; 'to oOAAaplO
o'tiJv 'EAAciaa atV d~i~Et TiJtOTa! To Ka\)J.ltvo!
AtVE mo<; £ivai tOOO
j.1EyaATj r, ntpLOOO{O TTj; nou Til v Kpopel Kai
a1l:0 tiJv KuptPVTlOTj.· OAoEva Kti~ETat UnlV
yrovia nava7tlotTjJ.1iou Kai Bao. Uxpia<;
(onlv aKplpWtEPTj Kal aplOToKpanKWTtp'1 ntplOxli TWV 'AO'1vwv) Eva vto "tyaAonpEno ~EvoaOXtio TO «' AOTt;P", noo ro<;
Ot KalJj.1Ev£<;, o,n ~ya~ouv to aivouv
unaAA t;).ot)<; nov, nou atv d Vat,
WUTOOO. EliXaPlO'tTjj.1tV01, a1tEPYouVU:;
Ka9t tOUO Kal Alyo.K1. Ot j.1EtOX£~ tOU~ OTO
XPTjJ,lOnu'tTlPlO atapKoo<; n£cpTouv! Til;
·EeVlK~ <;. noil £lxav cpMatl TO t974 a.
40.000 0PX., EXOUV ~t1Teatl aTt<; 12.000 0px·
euj.tiij..Lal OtO 1975, oTav (rpXI~av va
1tEcp'tOUV. 6 O)Tll~ Kai E1tl9troP11TTl; TrovatO
f~rotEPtKO unOKataOtTlj..Latrov TTl; K. Xa~OU).'1<;. ,,0;' t1;'1yo;,at on ~ npay"anKli
li1;ia Tl'j<; "nox~<; 'iTaV 16.000 (oaa £lXE
nw).1jatl aTou<; una).).1i).ou<; T'1<; Ktiv., T~V
t"oxli). l:T1jv napaT~p"a~ ~OU nw<; elval
muto ouvat6,
yvroOtO £ivai Toi<;
naOlV. on l:~ouala~tl Ta 40% T~<; 'E).).Q00<;.110;' anaVT'10t Ihl ~ a!;ia KaOt "tTOX~<;
ano TO
j.1£plUJ.1a TTj; noil tropo
Elval 550 apX. Tou'[o. q>uoIKa, 6<pdAEtClI
o'to on Ta 9aUJ,laOla 01K6ru:oa noil tl;ouOla~tl
'EOVlKlj a' 6),'1 Tliv 'E).).Qoa OEV
yvwaTov avrjKtl aTtiv 'E6vlK~. To OIK6ntOo "ovaxa a1;i~tl oi: xpuaacpl. EKaTO,,-
nat! TOte, ot J.1EtOXt<; tll~ Elvat clKiV'lltE<; OTO XPllj.1anOTTlPtO; AEVE, nroc;
npOKEtTQl j..Lf VOJlO TO: ava~101toiTlTO n£plOOOlaKa T11<; oT01xtia UE dKivTjta va
tmClx90uv ut aut6voj.10 6pyavIUj..L0 Yla va to.
a~lOnottl0et. 'EnioTjC; «A£Vt», tiVTi9ETCl
j..Lf Ott yiV£TClI Kai E1tltp£1tETal 0' OA.e<; ti<;
tupronah:£c; tpan£~£<;, on aEV 1tEPLOp{~ETal
"ovo aE KaOapw<;
tpyaalt<; •
j..L£ tOV tpono TOU OaVElOj..LOu. 1'ivETal
KaT' oooiav Kupiapxo~ llt1'aArov tnlXElPTiOtrov. at tpono noil Civ Il£ VOj..LO, ot
9uyaTpIKf<; ai>tf; halpitc; anooruOVTav
em' aUnl, eo. Ej.1EVt tVTtA.W<; YUJlvtl, onoTt
"'1l1tpl vrj n.roa'1 TWV "tTOXWV T'1<; Oa
Auto to .. A£VE .... noil tnovtAajJa '[oot<;
q>ope;, EXtl to A61'o TOU . .6.10n c&; TO. u-rlIltpa, 04<; ot t1;ayytH6Iltvt<; KU~tPv.,-
-"EKaTo tKaTo""Upta opaX,,'<; '"nopeu"a tlXt ayopaaOtl np0'1You,,"vw<;.
.6.EV CtKOU<; Kavtva napa novo Yla tOY VEO
apX'1Yo Tl'j<; N.l>. (To;' Kapa"av).1'j) Kat
"pwOunoupyo K. r. paU'1. noil
"proT'1 ~"epa t1;~n<l4 TO 06wa Tl'j<; npa-
o-trrto<;, OUTE Yla KavEva unot)pyo TOU,
tKtO<; ano KEiVOV TroV OIKovoJ,llKwv. noil
Ot;j.1Epa dval 0 KaTanATjKtlKo<; naiaapo<;
-E~tPT. 6nw<; nptv 'iTaV " cpo~tpo<; OIKO-
v0j.1oA6yoc; •AOav. KavtAA.onouAo<;, noil
Tropa cO<; unoupyo<; rt:ropyia<; £"flVE ciyvroP10toc;, aeroo apvaKl. fui JtO\o A6yo ti TOOTj
AaiK11 avtUta9£la tvavTiov nov U1toupy&v
OlKOVOj.1lKroV; 'A1tAOOOTata, alOtt aq>t;vouv va loxutt navta ti cpopoAOY1Kll
KAtj..LaKO Tou'21 , nou Aitl 0 AOyO<; . .6.ivouv
(}Toil<; una).).1j).ou<; 11[(1 au1;"a'1. ci).).Q T~V
KaTappoxOi~tl ~ CPOPO).OYIKlj KAlllUKa nou
at Euvt'a~,oi)x01
Autoi noil unocpEpouV Elval J.lOVO at
na).'10i. noil 6 0to<; TOU<; A'1a,,6v.,at Kat
TOU<;... nl'jpt! "OTav ~yl'jKav ""
aUVTa~'1. nptv 3~ xp6Vla, "TQV apKn~.
Mi: Tt<; au1;~atl<; ~e~ata avt~'1KaV K! aUTe<;.
"Eva. Ii<; no;,,,t 15%. aK6"a Kat 20%. n<;
av£Pa~ouv 01: 10,000 - 11 .000 oPX. TOV l1l'jva,
noil atV tnapKoUv OUtE YUl tt;V 1tA.TjproJ,lt;
Tl'j<; napaoOUAtUTpa<;. ouo cpopi:<;
T~ ~oo­
llaeSa! .6.tv tou<; cptaitl OJ,lro~ Kavti<;, liv ot:v
~vvoouv va tyKaTaA.t:i\j1ouv tOY UllJ,ltPlVO
~yrotOtlKO K00j.10 yui va J.lnouv UTOV tono
XAOtpo tou napaatlOoU, nou l't1lyaivolJv
u'tTlV 1t£pi1tToooD noil 6 eEO~ aKOUtl ti<;
vtKpOlUlj.1E<; aKoAou9te<; Kai TO. tploaYla.
"000 yui TOU<; veou<; ot)vTa~l06xou~, to.
nepvouv «KaMi, £uXaP10t& ... aQ)Ou ot;j..Ltpa
Kat ot K).1jT'iptC; aK61lU nalpvouv aUvTa~'1
30.000 Kal ... ~4. Te) "l'jva.1:<ljvTpcint~a
T~<; 'EHaoo<;. noil n).'1pOlvOVTal. ~).£ntl<;
XroptC; TIlA.IIl1tropiEC; Kilt TpEJ(aJillta ,''':::'' 'It,
TU~tOE\jfEn: IlEo Ta KUVOVtKa
(f 31 ))
opOlloMytu Tfi~ 'OA.\)llmuKfi~ '?,,<or_'J,.~~
IlEo JUMBO-747 X(J)pi~ crTu9llov.
T~V KpaT'I(J'I 8f.(JtWV Kai Ka8t nA'Iporpopia
'Anora8fjre (Jro OIKO (Ja,:
INC, 600 EIGHTH AVE., NEW YORK, N. Y. 10018
Tel., 39H)200
tlKt;C; o:nQ(paOEIC; 0XETlKWC; IlE 'ti.~ tpantCEC;, OKOVtaIPtOVTUC; KanOU c5Ev npaYllutOnOlOuvtul. KuhOl exouv tYKP1SEi tino
tilv OllvaAAUYjlUIKft E1tl'tpOm}. not> at(UAroVOUV KaVEi~ c5Ev ~EUpEl! uO OO YU1 tf)
8pax~~, to yeyovo, Kat ~6vo on 01 TpantC£~ nAf)provollv cO~ 22 Kui 25% tOKO o'tovc;
KutaShEe; tOUe;, jllAU jlOVO 'tOU, ncO.:; 'tOUTO
yivE'tal YUl va jl11 KUKAOIPOPOUV,
uu~aVOVtUe; toV rrA'1S00pIOjlO. o{ tKutOVtaS£.:; OlO£KutOjljlUpla. 1tOO KatuShovtat
ati.:; Tpan£~£~ Kat a'ta TUjll£UttlPla, Eva
J,lEpOe; cino tie; orroi£e; KatUJ}a).AOvtal Ka'ta
v6~ov cm)v Tpane~a t~, 'EAAa8o" o.
'tP01tO 1tOll to Kpcl'toe; til.mopEi va oov£1O'8Ei
o:no autl} xwpie; v· avaYKaoS£i va
1tpoacpUY£l oe EKOOOn Kal aAAOU XaptOvOjliojlatoc;. "000 YU1 OaV£lOjlO af: CJUVaAAaYJ,la, OAoeva KU).1aiv£'tal oe OjlOAO)'U
'tPlroV jlf)vrov ).1E E1tttOKlO 17 1)2 ).1e 18%.
l:x£nKcilc; 9UlltlOtl1(U on 1tPO tpt£tiae; 0 'tOtE
~lOlKll'tT)e; tiie; •ESvl1(iie; Kal Ola1tpEnijc;
OlKOVOI·lOA,0y0C;. Y1(1 tOY o1toio to.
nPOXSEOlVa nOAltlKel 0£J,lata dxav
J,lEyaAo apSpo jlE IPootoypac:pla tOU jlf: tOY
Kapa~avA~, ~ou <Aeye on ~ 'En<i80
nA:rllxovEl 300 &KaTojljlUpla SOAA. tOV
Xpovo YU1. tOKOUC; trov t.~(im:;pIKrov oav£ioov!
'H 'EOv""j •A~uvu
'H 'ESVlKij Ajluva PpiOK£tal OTa xepta
tOU lmoupyou •AjlUV11C; K. r .• Aj)epwql Toohua, 1tOV c51aKpiet}K£ OTa 'Hvoo).1eva
'E9vll Ylel 'trlV £uYAoottiu' TOU (yaAAloTi) Kat
titv ttOlIlOT'1tO: tOU, tOOO 1tOV tOY t01tO8£touaa OTit OEtpa TOU BeAYOU ~Itaa1c.
npo ).111Vcilv, nov dXa titv 'tUXll vO: tOY OUvavttlooo of: jlla o£~iooOll, jlOU EA£Y£ Otl
dvat TOOO u1taaxoA11jl£Voe;. 1t01> otv
1tPOt:p8a{V£l va ypciW£l Eva veo J}tJ}).io tou.
Kata oUjl1ttoooT] 1tpO T)jlEProV ElBa OtO
«KUPlaKa'tlKO Bfjjla)) (2 NO£jlPpiou) Eva
ropaio OltlYTWa tOU Ilf: tltAO 1') 'Ernatpoqn)
tOU 'OouooEa o'tT)v 'I%K11. "EX£l Ojloo<;
tEAw'tuia aYPIEW£l Kat dval a1tpoanoe;_
'EnavaAa~pciv£l 1tavta. Ka9~auXa~OVtae;
~a, vit Il~ aV~OUxou}l£, 810t! 1\ Ii~uva t~,
. EAAa80" ylit tijv onola 0 &n~VlK(,>, Aao,
1tPOOC:P£P£l aotajlaptUPTlta jleya )li:po~ tOU
KpatlKOU 1tPOU1tOAOYl0).10U, dVal t~a­
crc:paAlOjleVTl am'} Ko:SE nAwpac;.
TO. KOllllUta Kat 01 £KAoyec;
6.v 8' claxoA~80i ~t aiml ollT< ~
I:KAOyt, no" 8it ylvouv at Aiyou, ~~ve,.
"OAU urroaXOVtal moe; 80. ~avat:ptpouv o'tT)v
, En<i8a t1\ xpua~ I:nox1\ tou llepIKHou,.
"OAa n'I SeAouv toxup~, vit t1\ Saull<iCouv£
01 rpiAOl t~, Kat vit t1\v tpEIlOUV 01 tXSpoi
tf)e;. '0 r. Maupoe; ~(lva~OOVtaVEu£l ttlv
,,"EvoooTl tou KeVtpou>., noD OAOl ttlv
9EAOUV, aAAa OUOI(OAO vO: npay).1o'tonol119d. AOyOO tfjc; Staorrao£mr; 'tll':; of: 1(0).1jla'tlola. "Eva arro aUTo', rroo EX£t avantu~£l ta ouo t£A,Elltuia xpovta E~atP£'tlKtl
SpaoTt}plOtllTa, iOLOO<; aTit MUK£oovia,
dVal t6 K06HEO, Ilt clpX~yO tOY t~ai­
pUO OiKOVOjlOAOYO ruiwf) r_ n£o~a ­
~6YAOU, Oto o1toio aUjljlEt£X£L Kal 6 8aujlao'toe; YU1 ttl Op(lo't~PlO'tllTci TOU {Kavrotatoc; 1tOAITEUTile; •100. Ma~apclKTlC; - Aivulv
Kai (iA,AE<; npoOOO1tlKOtlltEC;. •0 KOajlOe;
0).100<; Stv S£iXV£l uvUrr0).10Vlloia YLa tKAOyt,. Kelvo no" pAtn£l 6 KuStva, elval 1\
avciYK" va npoTlYT}8d t~uyiavoll 'tfjr;
OlOlKrlO£OOr;, xoopie; tilv (moia, tinota Kai
aIto Ko.VEva, oev fJll1tOPOUjlE va nEpt~t­
•Avap11KO: KaL KaKon:010: O'1'Oll£ia
EuxaplOtOUoajJ£ wr; Tel tropa tOY eEO Tile;
'EAAac5or; nov jlar; dntlAAa~£ o:no 'ta OEIVa
rroo 1tAtlHOUV 'ttlv Y£1'tOV1Ktlllar; 'ItaAi.a, ~f:
tl~ Ta~lapxi£c; TroV avaPXlKrov, tOU a'ijla'toe; Kal 'trov OOAOt:pOVLroV, t£AEll'taia OjlWC;
E\Xo.jl£ Kpouallata a1tO AllOtd£e; Kat
KA£Wtte;. tU1tOU plc:pupi, 01t00r; Kai
OUjljl£'tOX€:C; a€: plCl101tpayi£c; Kal pavoahajlooe; avatpt1ttlK&V otolX£irov, to. 61toia
do£xroPllaav of: dpllVld:e; ,,1top£i£C;" OtOQ)oprov opyavroo£oov 1tpOe; tilv BOUA-tl. Eu'tUX&C; 1t01> tXOUjl£ {KavroTutTl aotuvoj.J.ia.
J,lE clQ)roOlOOjlEVa ato Ka9flKov Kat aBla<pSopa opyava, to. onoia )li:aa ata rrAaiota
tOU clKpatOU OT]jlOKpano~ou. 1t£pl<PpOUpOllY 'tour; C:PlArlOUXOUC; nOAltE<;.
Ku'ta to. clAAa, napa to t pOjl£pO v£c:po<;.
1t01> Kci9£ 'tooo E1tlOKE1t't£tUL a1t£LA11tlKO,
0402: KANlrrOl 5
TH/\, 3628,034 - 3621.708 A8HNA
<l>EBPOYAPIOl: 1981
m:pl17ttclJ,lEVO 1tIlvta OtO UilO J,ltpo~, 1') ~rotl
'tii~ •A9tiva~ Ila~ KUAa EUXUplOta, J,l£ tOU~
150 XElJ,leplVOU~ KlVllJ,latoypcl<pou~ YEJ,lU'tou~ Kal J,ll: ni tplclVta aXEbov 8tatpa, ota
lutOia btanpc,tel balJ,lovi~ouoa KOOJ,lO Kal
KOOl'aK~ ~. AAiK~ BOlJ')'lOUKAaK~. ~ T~E"'l
Kapt~~ Kai ~ YAuKu<a<~ T~Ev~ PouoEa,
1(OU OtO veo epyo nOll avtpaaE o'to K0l-.nVOtato aEatpo tTft; .cMouooupTf», EVaVtl 'tOU
.. napvaooou .. , .cMtta TtiV J.lnopa.» (tii~
MapYKapE< KtvvEVtu) Ill: iinou, SKAEKtOU~ r;901tOlO~, onroc; TOV'" AYY£AO ' AvtrovonouAO Kai Bupwva no.AAll , Ka8ru.1£pLVrot; an09£ciJv£tal.
KoaJ,lOnA.11j..lj..lUpa O'11J,l£L(OV£tQL 'tOOO a'tic;
AalKE:C; 00'0 Kat O'ti~ KoaJ.lud:~ taPtpvE~, J,l~
iiAAa AOyla b KOOI'O, 81aoKE8<i~El Ql'tplJ,lva Kai £utUX10j..lEvO~, OiKoy£vE1aKroc;
il J,ll: aUVtpO<p1a. KathtJ.l£plva O'XEbOV
£XOUJ.lE EK9tatlC; ~wypa<plKii~ , Ouxva auvauAiet;, b1aA.t~Ele; Kat O'tie; )ltYclAEC; Enet£lEe;, onroe; tftc; 4OE'ti.a~ tOU Enoue; OtOV
• E).l.~voiTaAlKC; ~OAEI'O (1940-1941). d&lKE:~ tK9tO'El~, J.ltta~u trov onoirov T)tav Ti
£K9£a11 Aaoypa<p1K<i>v A190ypa<plrov yui ti~
epuA1Ki:~ j..laxe~ tiie; KAELOoupae; Kai XElJ.lappae;, atO • IatOpIKo Kai. 'E9voAOY1KO
Moootio T~, • EnciSo, .
01 olnEpyit,
I:tiJ,l£pa to nproi dxav a1tEpyia ta ta~i.
KOUtOQ-KOU'tOQ £<p9aO'o nE~Oe; 0"t0 I:uvtaYJ,la, nou daa nAii90c; aatu<puAoKE<;.
PciJ't11oa Evav aatuv6jJ.o ti OUjJ.pa.iVEl. 'H
cinclVt110ti 'tOU iltav vel J.lOU od~tl j..l£ 'to Xt:P1
'ti Ylvo'tav Katro chto to U7toupytio O{KOVOJ.llKOOV, onou ot O'oo<pEpTfOte; Kai of iOlOKtlitte; trov tal;i, mpyia~av, <provcl~OVt£e;
aKataA11nta ouv9tijJ.ata. PciHT}Oa tOY
aatUv6jJ.o ti ~11tiivE. NOj..ll~a nOle; 8a ~T}­
touoa.v a~11O'T} attiv 'ta.pi<pa. ' AAAa oXL!
ZlltOUOav va J..1t1 nArlPolVOuV <pO po,
IlUatpEnOVta; ta Ta~i of: nEtpEAalOKi.
v11ta.. nOll to K6ato; dval nOAu A1YID'!l:pO
a~o <~v ~Ev~(va.l:~I'El"'TEOVotld OA~ T~V
nOAl1 oev KUXAo<pOPOUOE OUtE lva ta.~i!
Auto ouvtPl1KE Kai aAAt~ <POPE~, j.d: ni
&la~opQ nou PYT;Kav OTtlV 1tultoa «1rElparlKa» ta~i , na.tpvOvta.e; to 011tA6:0lO. 'Evro
trupa Kavti~ otv tOAJ.lOUOE va Ko.VEl TO 1&10,
810Tt oi a1ttpyoi, nou dxav n\o.O£l TO.
n6o'tu, ea tOU KatEotp£<pav to a.utoKiVTlto.
-0).01 ~~TOUVE a(j~~o~ .• A~o Toil, KaS'1YTl d:~ Kai TOU~ oaaK6:Aou~ - ta OXOAtia.
8!:v SOUAEUOUV ~po, I'EYUA~ XapO trov I'a911trov, Kai jJ.£ to ohelO TOUe;, (hav A6:PEI
KUVti~ tm6"'11, TO: a~avtaO'ta papEtO: J.la9~ata. nou ~Xouv otil-.1£pa. 'ta. a'XoA1Ka.
- npoypa)l)lata .• AnoTEI...£aJ,la, 01l:ooe; a1tSlui
to u1I:oupydo nalatiaC;: 6 J,llOOe; xpovoe;
xaSE!. Kai liv ~ Q~Epyia E~aKoAou6tjoEI .
ta na.18uI ea laOOUV lva 6AOKAl1PO xp6vo!
To 1tEpiEPYO dVa.l nov ol Qn£pyoi ot.v
q>"'va~ouv EvaVTlOV T~, KU~EpVtjOE"'"
~tv aKOOOa OUtt J.llel <popa va £K<ptpovTal tvavtlOv tou K. PaAAT}."OOOYla TOV
npoE8po T~, t.~l'oKpa<ia, K. Kapal'avA~,
TOV0I'U TOU Elval O~l'Epa (EpO Oto Aao Kai
OTOV Tuno.
'H YEa ~lj/11 <jj, . A9rjyW;
EIXE SoSEl StaTay" a~o Ti, apl'OOIE,
apx!:, OTOU, KaTaOt~l'a<apXE, T~, oooti
mol «pOo<lE, t~lypacp!:, Trov I'aya~lrov
TOU<;, I'IKProv ~ I'tyaA"'v, o<ou, B!: ISlOK<~-
trov QK1VtiTroV va 'to. KataOttloouV
-NO. Kal''' QPx~ TO KpaTO<;! <6Vl~E ~
«Ka811)lEPlvi)", ll1tOOEUevUOVta~ Tilv cinapclO£KtT] PPWj..llel tOU Ktlpiou n;r; naMllii~
BOUA~<; 0<0· AyaAl'a TOti KOAOKO<pro"'l.
nEpaoav I'EPlKOi I'~VE, Kai w, EK !laul'atO~ , to 9aullcla1O autO KtiplO aplloE va
Ka9api ~ Etal bUOtTlJ.lOVlKa. 00. OT01Xia£l
it i:pyaoia auttl nOAlie; O£Ko.OE~ tKatO~­
I'Upla, QAAU Elval acpaVTaO~ " I'ETa~oA".
. 0 K6oj..loe; atEK£tal J,l£ 8a.uj..lu0J.l0 1tapaKOAou9cOvtar; t ' anOtEAEo)laTu TOU £11:1OT11J.10VIKOU a(no\) l('a8ap10'~OU .• Ap'Xi~ov­
Ta, a~o T1]V 6poq>". ~At~EI KavEi, v· a~o­
KQAUnTrovtal 9aUJ.laOla O:ETIDJ,laTa, nou
~1-.1<pavi~ouv lva nip1o, OtOAi01 'tiic; •A8";va,.
<0 8~l'lOupY'10aV "'~v E~OX"
tOU~, ot ii~lOl j..laoT6pOt. l\£v dvat OJ,lroe;
IlOVO ..; naAaui BOUAtl nou ~avanaipvtl
a~16~pE~a .• Ana
<~v ~pOlT~ T~, AaI'~p6T~Ta.
·OAa <a S~­
Iloom Ktip1a tile; DOOU I:taoiou, onro<; ta
b1KaOTTJPla, Kaeroe; Kat ta 8aujJ(iO'la
EKtlVa tt;~ Mou nav£1tlOt11J.liou, apx{~ov­
ta~ clno ,",v •AK(811)lia Kai to naV£nl0<"1'10, KaSap(~oVTal, tl'q>avi~oVTci, TO
otilv 1tpWtl1 tOUe; AaJ.1ltp6'tl1ta. Auto <InAOtlJ,ltl Kai TO~ {Olrot£~ {OIOKtt;tte; Ktlpirov Va)liJ OOttpTJoouv. Elval St avu1toA6ylO''!t~ ot Oanavet; nou U1tOpaAA.tta\ mlJ.lEpa
to Kpa'toe;. ltOU npE1I:tl va <p8Qvouv, <i>c;
unoAoyi~ro, O£ 1I:OAA£~ oEKa8Ee; 810£KaTollI'Upla . • Ana it<av Qvay~
Auto J.lOU 9uJ.li~E1 Ti~ 9aUJ.laOlE~ ~pyaoit~
t~"'«PIKOti t~",paiol'oti Tii, Place de la
Paix OTO napiol Kai i8iw~ t"~ «"'01tEpa»
t~i NT. rKOlA, b b~olo, tiSEAE
o'ttlV yaA.AIKtl nprotEUOuaa ttlv Splendeur
tOU aAA-OTE. "Eva I-.1npQpo O!pEi)..Eta.l O"tov
npoo9unoupyo K. PUA.Al1 yui tiJv npootopouAia tou aUt11.
304 West 44th Street, New York, N.Y. 10036
Tel. (212) 586-0234
(( HPAKAHl:»
47-24 30th AVENUE, ASTORIA, N.Y. 11103
T'IA. (1I1) 178-1058
l\u:u9uvTai. • •I~lolCt'" ta l
K. NTOYPMAl: - r. l:YMffiNlt.Hl:
Study law next summer
in Athens, Greece.
Temple University School of Law and the Faculty af Law af Athens University jointly sponsor
the Fifth Annuol Summer Session in Athens, Greece. Emphosis will be on comporative ond
internationol law. Concentrated, introductory lectures on Greek and European law ond institutions by distinguished Greek outhorities wil l be held.
Courses will be conducted, in English, at the main campus of Athens University by faculty
from the United States, by members of the Law Faculty of Athens University and by other
leoding Greek and United States authorities, The campus is located in central Athens, a pleasont
w alk from the Acropolis, the Theatre of Dionysos and the Plaka orea and a short ride from
the warm, blue Aegean, Students will hove an opportunity to visit the Co urts, Parlioment, Oor
Association, prisons ond to sightsee on the islands.
Dean Peter 1. liocouros and Professor Morino Ang el. born of Temple Universiry School of low, discuss pions
for the Summer Program in Athens. which Professor Angel will direCT. "Greece has a unique le.gol heriToge
and culnne mat prOvides 0 particularly excellent backdrop ogoln5.1 which
inlerdependence of legal and
social institutions may be highlighTed and apPledoled. " acco rding 10 Dean Uacouras.
July 1 rhrough August 15, 1981
Tuition and Fees:
hours crediT including
$525 for up to six semester
011 course materials.
Room and Board:
InformaTion on housing in
nearby hOTelS or aparrments w ill be suppli ed.
Law School
Athens UniverSity
Law School
Fifth Joint Summer Session
in Athens
Temple LON" School also offers summer sessions in Acero
Tel AVN. Israel .. . f\ome, Italy. ond
Ph iladelphia. Po
Applications: The seS5ion is open ro any low srudent in
good stonding at an approved IC'N school. Graduates of low
schools mOf o lso enroll. Applications from select groduate
srudents may also be considered. The deadline for
applications is May 15. 1981; appl icatiOns receivE'd ofter rhor
dOle will be considered on the basis of available spoce
For more informa tio n abOUT This program, return coupon
below, call or w rire ksiSTo nt Dean Sondra W. Weckesser.
1981 Summer Sessio ns Abroa d , Temple University School of
Law, 171 9 North Bro ad StreeT, Philodelphia, Pennsylvania
19 122. Telephone (215 ) 78 7-8938 .
Send ro Assistant Dean Sondra W. Weckesser.
1981 SurrmerSessions Abrood, TempleUniversity
School of loY.( 1719 North BrCXld Street,
Philadelphkt Pennsylvania 19122.
T~ephone ( 215) 787-69Ja
N ~
ADDRESSi __________________________
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H CpyaVlJllUEVn
Yl:TEPA lino tKAOYE" to YEO ll'OlK~­
tlKO l:U~~OUA'O t~, •O~ocrnovoia, . EAATJVO<liJEPlK:aVIKWV wj.tauiwv N. 'Y OPKTJ<;
Kat~pticr6~ W, IiKoAou6ro,: np6EOpO,
rEWPYIO, Bpotcro" A ' •AVtlnpOEOpo,
N1Ko, KopKi&~" B' AvtmpOEOpo, Krovcrt.
Maup[K~" rEV'K'" rpa~~atEu, ll~~. MaKio~" Ta~ia, ' IroIivv~<; T"';cr~" Bo~60<;
rpa~~atE'" Bacr[M:IO<; ~ l:T~60, Kat 1:u~­
A1SoucrQ A£~lm(J£wv tOU t1.TWaPX£lOU 'A6~vwv,
'EAA~VIKti rpa~~ata Kat
Kapouvoc;, 'Im6:WT1<; Koul..otoupoC;, etclimpor; Mooxm;:apq>l1C;. KWVOl. TIaTt"<lJ.l<lVWA~" n~tEp npWlo, Kat r. Tcr'KA'O~,.
• • •
l:TIl: npOOtE, tKAOyt, nou ey,vav mov
vEolopugevTa ' EAAllVOaJ.i.EpIICQVIKO 'Opyavlol·U) ']OlOKtT]tOOY • AKIVTlt(t)V flit; • A-
IUJ.lPOUAlO to onoio altapti~ouv ot K.K .
Nttv" l:UVt~Aa<; npoEopo" Kwcrta, May-
o'top£ar; l:~EAEYT)
KAapar; dVtl1tpOEOpOr;. BaoiAElOr; Maofpo-
OlOtll1tia ti1~ tAAllVlKii~ Oloo01cah.ia~ O'ta
liywva unEp t~, <A£u9£pia, t~<; 'EHaoo,
tOtE Kat Tropa .. Kai «' H 'EA£U8EptO a.vnKEl
d e;
• • •
p' IiVT,np6EOpo" 0EOowpa
TO NEO llIOIK~tlKO l:W~ou,1O tOU
I:UAAOYOU KPlltrov «' OJ,.lOVOlQ» 1tOU ltpO~ A6£ um£pa
tKAoyt, nou eYlVav crtO
KPll luCO I:1tin t'flv 25'1 'Iavouapiou. ~X£l
w<; aKOAou6ro,: N1Ko, TcrayuK~, npoEopo"
'EJ.lIlQvoun).. rlOUpOUKD.KTJ<; UVT11tPOe:opOC;, KWVOTQVti'lC; Aa).urpOKTl<; YEVIKOC;
MavoDooc; MaVOUOEATJ<;
tQJ,liac; Kat crUIl~OUA01 oi ftciVVll<; KaJ.nOO:K'1<;, Ni1!;:oC; KaAoYEPiiC;, Mavouaoc;
KaVTOVUtOC;, 6T)J.lrlTPlOC; Kouq>oC;, 'IwavVllC;
~~tpiou Y£V'K1\ ypa ~~atEu<;, Po~ava 1:~a­
payo~ £Io'K1\ ypa~~atEu" navayu;'t~,
'EJ.lJ..lQvouti).. nanaOaKT]<; Kai
Cl)paOEAQKT)C;. • H 0pKwjloaia
l:ltapaYKt}C; tClJJlar; Kai rewP'YlO<; KateH-
yu\v~, po~60, ta~ia,.
Tj ' 1-
• EAAT)VOOjJ£PIKQVUCci 0xoAEia ",0<;)' oniv
a.i.8ouoa Ktv'tpou lnouorov 6TH.10016Tl1to<;. «Oi •AJU:PIKovoi <PIAtAATjV£<; ElC; tOV
~OUAOl Xap~, BappatcrouA~<;,
<y'VE t1\v I~ <l>E~pouapiou
oTTlv bC1c).."oia • Ay. Krovotavtivou Kai
'EAivllC; OtO T~aKoov XcilT~.
H AKAllHMIA . A6~voov
flTJtUCr; oHiK:plO'TJ Kata n)v auv£opiaO'T) t11C;
ll£K£~~piou 1980 crtOV yvrocrtO
"~OYEV~ K. Zav~ Map~ap,vo yu\ t1\v
"OAOOX'O~ opc\cr~ tOU crt1\v •A~£P'K"
Kat crt1\v' EHaoa .. tl~~9t[" ~EAO, toli
, AXEn'Koli T~~~ato, ,'Ep~~, Iip,6. 186",
crtt<; 30
brl 33 xpov,a, t!VUl loput,,<; Kat npo£opo,
Tile; •O)Joo1tov~Hac;
lifE', t OU crt1\v 'EAAclSa " K. Map~ap,vo,
EOrocr£ olaAE~£I, onro,: ,To 'I'AEYOV 6t~a
tOU 'EAAl1VICJJ.lOU tnC; Ola01tOpaC;'~ crt1\v
• • •
l:Y i\i\orOl: . ApKaorov "npo, toli
MWPIQ» o.rt£KTT1(J€ v£o OtOtKTjTlKO (JUJltlOUAto uan;pa o.rtO tKAOyt~ nou £YlvaV
tOV m;:poo",tvo AU:t",PpIO. To vto OUJlt!ov..
Ato Kotapti09TjK€ ro<; Q1COAOUOWr;: ' Avt(;'v~, rKapYKacrouAa, np6£opo" Xappu
I:T(iOo~ aVTlnpod>po<;, r~wpyio .1laJlavTi"j
Kat ~EA~ ot B. Kaptcrw~" KapA~" T.
KaptKa-M"tpYK, K. Kacr[~~<;. n.
Mnou~aAa<;, 0. Katcrapo" r. Ta~m\K~<;.
MUI uvuJlV'l)anKtj cpwToypacpia
TO tni(J1]flO &dnvo TOU :EuvEopl.u too. 'HvO)~tvO). XmlOOO. IAo""tdO)v ' AP£PI~<;. GtO ~£vo­
SaXd. Statler Hilton ~, Ntac; 'Y6p~<;. ·OpO •••• ano ap,at£pc\.
ttl "'A~ ~, 'Enltpo~c; t.il1:UVElipiou. I> lO. lOa!" lO. 'I'aAtti~, I>
lO. I. KAElooc;. I> lO. ' Avto"ac;. I> lO. M. MO)patnt" I> K. I:n. B<ippaC;.
I> lO. 'I'IAAo<;. I> lO. I:tuL rEpo~06~<;, I> lil~10poc; K. Xp. I:tpattiK1J~, VO •.uKO~ crUIJPou).o~ Kal npro'lv npm:opo<; tOU .. Kopoij .. , {)
lO. K. nap8t~<;. I> lat.,o. K. N. Zu"ap~c;. I> lOa~Y'1t1\<; lO. 9. Ka-
I:taUponouAoc; Kai r. Eucpiac;.
META:;:Y 17 Kat 23 <I>£~pouapiou 6c\
yivfl onlY OUO:OlYKTWV Ytf! nproTfl cpopa
TO K1vllJlatoypoq)l1CO <p£onpaA. TfjC; Eir
pronah:fi~ 01XOVOJlIKt;C; KOIVotTjtOC;. I:tO
<p£crTlf}aA auto 1tOU on Aaflll xropav OTO
«KEW£Vtu-, 6c\ ).a~~ ~tpo, Kat Tj 'E).Aa,
aav SEKatO JltAOC; TfjC; KOlvotllTO~. Tr)v
1010{T£PTJ notpioa Jlu<; ea aVTlnpoownEuofl
f! Talvia tOU Nixou no.vo.Ylwt6n::oUAOU
,,01 t£~ntA~oE, t~<; EU<pOP~, KOIMoa<;".
• • •
l:E EKi\OrEl: nou EYlvav crt1\v KOIV6t"to. TOU • Ariou ATjJlTjtpiou •Aatopia<;
o K. N'K .• AVOPIWt~, t~£Aty~ yu\ nt~nt~
'I'0pti np6£opo, t~<; KOlVOt~tO" To unoAomo l:u~~OUAtO an£t£Atcr9~ ano tou,
KOTWTtpW: •AVTlnpOEopo<; 6flJ..l. Kwatapu, Kat TcrtipA, POUcrOUA~<; . Y£VIKO, ypa~­
~at£'" <l>Wt~<; nana~lxa~A, £I0IKO, ypa~­
~atEu<; . AAE~av/ipo, KaAupa<;. ta~ia, Eu6U~IO, Kupla~~" a ' ~0~6c\, ta~(a Baa.
nyKa<; Kat ~ ~0~60, ta~ia Bacr[A£IO<; KapTarovfl<;. lliv crulLfloUAOl brav£~EA£YT'fOQV
01 ll~~. aacro" n~tEp Kacra"~, , ll~~.
Kwoto.pci<;. MIX. Kanor;, 'Aea.v. KaTCJlYIUVVTJ" N'K. Kupla~~" M,x. Tcrc\vo" l:n.
Matapc\yya" 1:tTjP T~oipt~ Kal n~t£p
• • •
l:E l:YNEllPIAl:H t~, ~ na~~aKEOo­
Vl1Cf) "EvOOCTll •AJlEpIKfjr; an£<paOlaE onw<;
to t'l'£tElVO 350 'E6v,KO nt, l:uvtOPIO A<i~~
xwpav £'I'EtO<; crt"V 0£crcra'ovIK~. 01
auv£opol ea OUlLJlETacrl0uv at oUlcpopEC;
tKopOjJ£r; crtiJv MaxEoovia Kai 90. tn::10KE'I'90uv a~106tata. l:t tn(~~~ tEM:~ nou
oa yivll ato TaoTuAI Boiou t'I naJlJlQK£/iOV'K~ -.
iClf1(1)tOUaUK11<;, {) K. K. Ki£100.C;, {) K. TciK11<; 'l'EubO<; Kat {) K•• Avt.
i\uy£p~C;. 1:tO pij"a omlOplvEta. I> n"",~v npc\£/ipoc; tOU .Kopaij.
K. :EttA.. Tut<n)<; Kai K0911f4£vol, ato IW~, 0 , EniaKoJto<; MEA..Ott<;
K. Cl)1).o9EO<;, ol rEVIKol npOG:EVO' 'EiiciOo<; Kat Kvnpou, K.I(. Ka~EA).tip~<; lOa! Xp.atoq>opou. " lO. N. Kan£A).tip~. I> ' En.e£",p~nlc;
A1j~ou N. 'Yop~C; lO. T. M~ta~d<;. I> "lA£~apoualaGnl<; lO. A~~.
Kaata.ti<;. I> K. r. M"ro~AI~~<;. n"",~v r£V.KOC; Al£ueu.~C; nlc;
..:Nta<; A'IJlOKpatia," K.II.
A month
of the American Press
Greeks Revive Ancient Art of Satirizing Leaders
(The N. Y. Times, Dec. 30, 1980)
As true descendants of Aristophanes and
Sophocles, modern Greeks are once again
hoisting their politicians and daily problems
on to the stage, then sitting back and laughing at them. In record-breaking theater and
film shows that make up an almost internationally distinctive feature of cultural life,
Greeks arc satirizing the most significant
personalities and issues affecting their daily
life, including their own and American
political leaders, membership in North
Atlantic TreatyOrganization, entry into the
European Economic Community this week
and the soaring cost of living.
The " politiki epitheorisi," or political
revue, revived at the start of this century. is
the direct descendant of the ancient Greek
political satires of Aristophanes, Sophoc.
les and Aeschylus. These ancient writers in
their plays criticized all persons of public
standing, from Pericles, the statesman, to
Socrates, the philosopher, and even touched
on such issues as the alleged sexual perversions among the elite of ancient Greeks.
Th. Most Popular Entertainment
Today. the revues are the most popular
cultural entertainment in Greece. Theaters
filled to capacity see favorite actors put on
the guises and voices of political leaders;
criticize the failings of government, civilian
life and alleged corruption, and even
conduct opinion polls and debates with the
audience on such issues as NATO, the
Common Market and forthcoming
"The political revues are the spice of democracy and the dread of dictatorship." Kostas
Karayannis, one of Greece's most prominent
film and theater scriptwriters and produ·
cers, said. "They are a sort offootball game.
Everyone in the audience applauds a comment, according to his political preferences.
But there is no acrimony. Every side
patiently waits its tum to score a point
against the other."
Yannis Voyatzis, a 51-year-old actor and
veteran of such film and theater produc.
tions, said their popularity stemmed from
their variety and direct relation to the daily
interests and problems of the audience. The
plays are usually divided into a number of
acts dealing largely with domestic and
foreign politics, and such issues as pollution,
drugs, strikes and rising prices.
"You can never get bored with a political
revue," Mr. Voyatzis said. "They carry
messages that speak to the heart of every
individual. The modem Greek is given the
chance to take the tension out of these issues, to sit back and laugh at them."
Box office receipts prove that politIcal
reviews are far more popular than ancient
Greek tragedies or the most famous foreign
productions. Although the foreign works
register a maximum of 750,000 ticket sales,
political revues have reached as many as I
This year's top Greek film hit was "Kostas
in the E.E.C.," Kostas being the typical
Greek citizen who found it impossible to
change his national ways and adapt to European standards. On March 9, "Kostas
Leaves NATO" will be released. It is a satire
on Greece's recent reintegration into
NATO's military wing and the left's opposition to the move.
Last week, a political play opened here
with such success that the audience took up
theater standing space.
Under the unsubtle title of "When
Andreas Comes, Everyone Will Be Able to
Eat Meat." it satirizes the prospects of the
present Conservative Government's losing
the forthcoming elections to the Socialist
Party leader, Andreas Papandreou.
The title and content of the play, however,
are subject to varied interpretations and try
to present an impartial criticism of political
and social phenomena. In this case, there is
criticism of the Government's alleged ina·
bility to stem the soaring inflation rate,
running at 25 percent a year, and the rising
cost of living, .~hich make such goods as
meat increasingly difficult to purchase.
Similarity to Aristophanes
The inference is that with a Socialist Government, everyone, not only the rich, will
be able to eat meat. On the other hand, it
mocks Mr. Papandreou's messiah image of
bringing general prosperity when he comes
to power.
"As with Aristophanes's works, the
Indivisibly United Under The Church . ..
"The Greek Community in America,
indivisibly united under the leadership of
the Greek Orthodox Church, has always
struggled and will continue to do so in behalf
of the rights of our Mother Church (the
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople), Greece and Cyprus."
This statement is part of the announcement issued by the Archdiocese Council
immediately after its recent session in New
York City. Some of our readers might
wonder why it was felt necessary to issue
such a release, and could justifiably ask,
"Can anyone doubt that the Greek Community in America will continue to struggle
and exert every effort on behalf of Greece,
Cyprus and the Ecumenical Patriarchate?"
As unnecessary as it might seem, the
annnouncement was made in response to a
specific situation. Lately, some articles have
been printed in Athenian and Washington
newspapers which attempt to have the
prestige and the influence of our people. As
you can read in the announcement (on page
3), the Council expresses its bitter
disappointment over the publication of
these articles. Not because a certain "professor, " after consulting with himself during
hours of sleeplesness, wrote an article worth
"careful" study, but because prestigious
newspapers accepted these articles for publication and will thus give their readers a
false concept of the real strength and unity of
our people in America.
The well-known Greek American jour-
nalist, P. Makriast in his magazine, "Nea
YorkI', " provided an excellent response with
details which shatter the opinions expressed
in the other articles, We, however, wish only
to underline the statement made by the
Archdiocese Council - that the Greek
Community in America is indivisibly united
and strong, with prestige and influence in
our nation. This has been proven repeat·
edly, and especially in the years since 1974,
when Cyprus found itself invaded by Turkish Armed Forces.
We wish it were possible to present live
to you the discussion on this topic at the
Council meeting. Various members took
the floor to speak emphatically, enthusiastically and with great passion about
their Fatherland, about Cyprus, or about
our Patriarchate. And they each stressed the
dedication and commitment of all to our
national and religious ideals.
An old saying indicates that every evil also
has some good in it. These newspaper articles, likewise, provoked something good;
those stirring moments during the Council
meeting, when members like John Plumides,
Goor,. Cha.les, Andy Athens, and others,
as wen as our Archbishop Jako\'os, spoke
about our unity and the fruitful results of
our efforts. Those things which we take for
granted often become habitual and we don't
really think about them much. This opportunity to proclaim again our indivisible
unity. our eternal dedication to the Ecu·
menical Patriarchate and our love for
Greece, was truly welcome ...
Greek Orthodox Leaders Urged
To Try to Widen Church Appeal
By Kenneth A. Briggs
(The New York Times. Jan. /8. /98/)
A member of the highest lay council of the
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and
South America has challenged the group to
begin a vigorous media campaign to explain
the Greek Orthodox faith to a broader
cross.section of Americans.
The member, John Douglas of Pompano
Beach, Fla., made the challenge on Friday
during the semiannu~1 meeting of the 125member Archdiocesan Council at the
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.
Mr. Douglas said a communications
campaign was "basic to the survival of Greek
Orthodoxy in America" and asserted the
church was too insular.
"We have been guilty of catering to those
who immigrate here," Mr. Douglas said.
"We have stayed within OUf clique, duplicating what we had in the old country.
Every time we're given national exposure
we're looked upon as a curiosity. We must
reach out not only to Greek ethnics but to
anyone who has a spiritual hunger."
Young People Drifting Away
The challenge points up the growing
desire among Greek Orthodox officials to
engage in evangelism in the face of a drift
away from the church, particularly by
Greek-American young people. A Gallup
poll commissioned by the church about a
year ago showed that young people raised in
the church remained committed to its
central doctrine. But priests and laymen on
the parish level note that there is a disaf·
fection with the church among a growing
productions for the most part take an opposition stance to any government or person
in authority," Mr. Karayannis, co-writer of
the play, said. Mr. Voyatzis added:
"But it's not satire for the sake of satireanything to produce a laugh. But it is
constructive criticism with a social and
political value, using actors as the means."
Those involved in such productions argue
that the film and theater political revue is, on
an international scale. an almost singular
Greek feature that goes far beyond the
simple political joke or voice imitation seen
on the "The Tonight Show" with Johnny
Carson or on other European stages and
television networks.
'Control Committee' Censonhip
Even before the 1967 dictatorship, the
contents of such revues had to be approved
by a Government "control committee, "
which in effect acted as pOlitical censor.
Diluted productions with vague criticism of
the dictators continued under the junta, but
the rare mention of the word "democracy"
still brought roars of approval from the
Mr. Voyatzis said the military Govern-
number of these young people.
For decades, the church depended on a
steady supply of Greek immigrants to
bolster membership, but the leaders,
acknowledging this would no longer sustain
gro~h, have urged the church to reach
beyond this traditional constituency.
At the same time, many church figures
have argued that Greek Orthodoxy must
edge away from many of the ethnic traits
that make it seem foreign even to many of
the young people raised within it. Many
young Greek·Americans do not understand
Greek, for example, and therefore have
difficulty following the churc's liturgical
A Delicate Balance
Archbishop lakovos, the 69-year-old
head of the archdiocese, has led the two
million-member church through the initial
stages of this sometimes anguishing adjustment. A dignified, skillful leader, he has
encouraged ecumenical gestures to attract
new persons to the church and has worked
toward the delicate balance between ethnic
identity and a broader basis for the church's
Among the most significant steps was
Archbishop lakovos's plan to restructure
thearchdiocese,which was adopted two years
ago. Under the plan, the archdiocese has
been subdivided into dioceses headed by
bishops who are given considerable
autonomy. Although the Archbishop
retains control, the move was widely seen as
an indication of his willingness to share
power and to respond to the American
penchant for participatory forms of
ment deliberately allowed such plays,
because they gave the junta a democratic
aura and because they allowed opponents to
relinquish their frustrations in a limited
environment that did not really threaten the
regime. But Mr. Karayannis disagreed,
saying his productions were on an almost
daily basis harassed by the security police.
President Is E.empt
Since the collapse of the junta in 1974. the
committee has been abolished and productions are free of any restrictions. Now,
heavily satirized in even blunt terms are
Premier George Rallis; his ministers, Mr.
Papandreou and other opposition leaders,
President Carter and President-elect Ronald
Reagan, NATO and the Warsaw Pact.
Under the constitution, and as with the
King during the monarchy, the sole
exception must be President Constantine
Caramanlis, becuse he is nominal head of
state, above party politics and the executive.
Yet last month, one political revue circumvented this restriction, though Mr. Voyatzis avoided any reference to Mr. Caramanlis's name or imitation of his commanding voice or bushy eyebrows. He simply
Reception to Present
Cooley's Anemia Grant
A reception to present a medical research
grant and award to the 1980 Bike-A-Thon
winners was held on January 13, 1981 , with
refreshments and facilities courtesy of the
National Bank of Greece. by the Chicagoarea members of the AHEPA Cooley's
Anemia Foundation. Dr. George Honing of
Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago
was presented with a $25,000 check to conduct research on Cooley's Anemia.
Pen and ink drawings by Dr. Nick Trifelos, a former Chairman of the AHEPA
Cooley's Anemia Committee, were awarded
to winners of the 1980 Bike-A-Thon, which
collected ver 52,500. Helen Pas palos and
Wanda Christopoulos were the adult
winners; George Palmer and Christopher
Sarlas won in the yout h category.
The awards were presented by Chairman
Irene Retzelos. Also on the committee is
Victoria Katsis, Vice-Chairman; Constance
Stathakes, Secretary; and A. Steve Betzelos.
Treasurer. The committee raised SJoo.OOO
over a year ago in a telethon, and is continuing its fund-raising activities through
annual Bike-A·Thons and other events. The
telethon was held in the studios of Panos
Productions, courtesy of Dr. Ernest Panos.
Also honored that evening was Spiro
Douvris, a young boy with Cooley's Anemia
who appeared on TV during the telethon.
The grant to Dr. Honig is one of six grants
given by the AHEPA Cooley's Anemia
Foundation to medical resean~hers working
on Cooley's Anemia and re lated hemato·
logical diseases. The Foundation also gave
16 summer fellowships this year to students
working in the field, and alloted $20,000 for
patient care and S25,OOO for educational
Recently, the Chicago-area committee
presented three infusion Pumps to Children's Memorial Hospital. The pumps
remove the iron-overload from Cooley's
Anemia patients.
In addition to funding medical care and
research, the AHEPA Cooley's Anemia
Foundation has produced severa l
brochures, a slide show, and initiated a
screening program, first developed in
Chicago, and now in use in cities throughout
the United States.
Since its inception several years ago, the
Foundation has contributed over S260,OOO
to medical research seeking to find a cure
to this disease.
referred to him as "god" - a reference to
the criticism that Mr. Caramanlis has refused to accept any opinion other than his own.
"In ancient times Aeschylus and Sop hoc·
les were looked down on as too simplistic
and of poor class because they chose themes
that appealed to the average citizen." Mr.
Voyatzis said. "But those works have
survived today , and their writers
remembered, largely because they provided
what the public wanted. And that is exactly
the role of the political revue today."
Response Favors Haig Over Sarbanes
(leiters to the publisher of
The Baltimore Sun, Jan. 21, 1981)
Editor: I just want to say how proud I am
of Maryland, and of Maryland's Senator
Paul Sarbanes for voting against Alexan. def Haig's confirmation as Secretary of
State. The party of choice of the Moral
Majority has given us Haig. I have never
seen such an outrageous display of sleaze,
self-congratulation. and high school
debating tactics as Haig mustered for his
hearings. Thank you, Senator Sarbanes, for
giving me some faith in public office and
in public officers.
Nancy Struever.
• • •
Editor: ] wonder how many other Marylanders were as incensed and embarassed
as I was by the blase and arrogant manner
of Maryland Senator Paul Sarbanes at the
U.S. Senate hearing on General Alexander
Haig's nomination for Secretary of State.
. .. There seems to be an invisible bubble
that surrounds Washington, D.C., which
has a tendency to insulate our elected officials from real life. I predict that this
bubble is about to burst for Senator
Sarbanes as it has for so many others lately
as his present term in office comes to a close
in two years.
The voters will demand representation
in Washington- not inteL1ectualism.
David R. Rausenberger.
not even you, Senator."
George S. Wills.
• • •
Editor: Congratulations to General Haig
during his Senate hearings for his confirmation as Secretary of State. He really put our
U.S. Sena~or Sarbanes in proper Prospective.
It is gratifying to hear a patriotic, conservative American such as General Haig
manage our liberal Senator- whom I hope
is living on borrowed time.
Perhaps in the next election Maryland
will join the rest of the nation in its swing
toward a constructive, hopefully solvent,
realistic government.
Wm. H.M. Finney.
• • •
Editor: "Persistent, stolid questioning"
is how Henry Trewhitt describes the questioning by Senator Paul Sarbanes of Gene-
ral Haig on Watergate.
National Public Radio put it less charitably. In a news summary, it said: "Sarbanes pestered him (Haig) on Watergate."
General Haig, who endured a questioning
which the Spanish Inquisition might have
admired, put up with more than most men
would have. He behaved like a saint.
Perhaps owing to space considerations, .
Mr. Trewhitt did not report one of the more
dramatic exchanges of the hearing when
Haig finally told Sarbanes: «No one has a
mo nopoly on virtue- not even you, Senator."
The New York Times described the
questioning by Biden and Sarbanes as "hostile ...
Henry Rosin.
• • •
Editor.- What a spectacle: Sneering Sarbanes trying to smear Gen. Alexander Haig
at the hearings for Secretary of State!
Fortunately the American people are far
• • •
Editor; Usually articulate in his voting
stance, Sarbanes nasally garbled through
some inane justification for his negative
vote on General Haig's confirmation. Noted
in the past (now suspect at best) for brilliance, thoughtfulness and articulation, Sarbanes fumbled, failed and foolishly tried
to muster and foster negative inuendo into
the Haig confirmation proceedings ...
John P. John's.
• • •
Editor: Senator Sarbanes' recent questioning, during General Haig's confinnation hearings, has gone beyond
essential, legitimate inquiry to "Watergate
voyeurism" and political posturing. General
Haig's testimony has shown balance and
candor ...
The Secretary-designate has shown
strength of character, thorough analysis
of national and foreign policy problems,
and a spirit of patriotism. He has identified
General George Catlett Marshall as a proper
model for the conduct of his office ...
Marylanders could only wish that Senator
Sarbanes would exercise his "Watergate
righteousness" when it comes to politically
sensitive issues closer to home ...
General Haig offered sound advice for
aU of us when he told Senator Sarbanes
that "no one has a monopoly on virtueFEBRUARY 1981
A M 0 reP erfect Un ion, in E u r ope """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"'
(Editorial, N. Y. Times, Jan. 3, 1981)
The new year has brought the admission
of Greece to the Co mmon Market - and
with it, a welcome sign that northern Europe
is beginning to take seriously its respon-
sibilities to its southern neighbors. Like
Portugal and Spain, which are negotiating
for entry now, Greece is once again a
thriving democracy after years of stifling
right-wing dictatorship. The stability and
a "two-speed Europe," with the poorer
countries lagging behind with the rest. But
the Common Market has, over a bumpy
road, overcome far more serious strains.
And its history shows that the poorer
countries, such as Italy and Ireland , benefit
more than the rich; the odds are that Greece,
development of the poorer democracies are
in the urgent interest of a strong, united
Europe - and the United States.
• K£VTPIl'O~ "Al~ano~o<; • 136 oWJ.uina.
AOUtpO. tl1.l..tlpwvo. paOl6!pwvO, flEpO.vtO.
'Eonatoplo J[OAUt£Aciac;. Mltop. potXp
'Y.:ciPVT£V, ItOAut£A.£iC; ot90uo£c; UltoOOxlic; .:ai (olwtt.:6 )' )(Opo~.
The entry of Greece will cost the Common
Market $1.8 billion in economic and over
the next five years. That cost will triple
before Portugal and Spain are also integrated, There are other problems ahead.
Free movement of labor, capital and goods
means that additional millions of southern
workers will migrate and compete with
northern labor. Cheap agricultural products
will irritate French and Italian farmers.
True, the market for industrial products,
plus investment opportunities in low+wage
areas. But those will not compensate for the
The compensating factor should be
polit.ical consolidation. A stronger
democratic bloc should emerge, with a
stronger voice in world affairs. A Common
Market of 12 nations will begin to assume
continental importance.
It will stretch from near the polar icecap in
Greenland to sunny Crete in the eastern
Mediterranean. The Common Market population will increase 20 percent to 315
million. Its area will expand SO percent. Its
gross domestic product will edge ahead of
that of the United States. It will have half the
votes in the Q,E,C.D., the economic coordinating center for the industrial
democracies. And Greece's 4,600 ships will
make the market the world's merchant
powerful maritime bloc, with a thaird of the
world's merchant shipping tonnage. The
Common Market's trade already exceeds
that of the United States.
Size will bring new tensions, The Nine
already have a harder time agreeing since
Britain, Denmark and Ireland were added to
the Six in 1973. Britain, for example, has
always been less committed to political
union than the earlier members. And vocal
Spain and PortugaJ will too,
groups In (jreece as weB as Britain oppose
even the further economic union the
Co mmon Market is seeking. Recession and
inflation. by the way. have not broadened
anybody's vision. Twelve nations will make
consensus still harder to achieve.
1 No."pplou 1980· 15 MapTiou 1981
MOvolCAlva 597 OPt,
0PI . Tpid,tvo 1.097 OPx.
II)~It£ptAoJJIkiVEtat KOVTIV£vta). J..Iltptli:!,pQOt ,
l1ul p£~£p~tOIOV 0:Itol"o9lin: OtT\ Nta' YOPKI1
T~)' . (212) 483'-2 •. . Ape!",! ~ ypa'l'art
,MICA,lva 881
Sophocleous and Athrnas 26. Athens, Grrecr
Tel.: 522~11()'9 Te"': 4488 ALCY GR
Athens University Law School
Master of Law, Harvard Law School
Doctor of Law, Greece
Ltlal Consultant
209 Garth Road
Scarsdale, N.Y .
(914) 725-4717
(914) 737·8765
Attorney at Law
14 Nikitaras Street
Athens 142. Greece
Phone: 3633.340, 3620.830
Speclallzlnl. In
Selliemenl of Inherilences. Taxes. Dispuled Proper/in, Civil,
InlernQliona/, Family and Business LAw in GruCt'
too intelligent to be taken in by this sort of
personal promotion tactic.
Marian B. Cochrane,
Accomodatlona from II 10 1,lIt
for reservations
• • •
Editor: How disgraceful it was for
Senator Sarbanes of Maryland to not only
vote against the confirmation of General
Haig, but to take such a shocking stand
against him, General Raig is such an able,
dedicated, distinguished American, one
of whom all Americans can be so proud. ]
feel the sooner Sarbanes is voted out of
office, the more fortunate we Marylanders
can be.
Jane Martin Pyne.
U.S. ROUTES I a: 9
The Night the Gift Baskets Had to Wait
By Tricia Hurst
(Washington Post, Dec. 21, 1980)
The other day, I had to borrow a couple of
dimes to make a phone call, and as 1 stood in
the booth hearing the interminable ring on
the other end, I was reminded of another
such time, years ago, and my first and last
introduction to Nick the Greek.
I was doing publicity for one of the
gambling casinos on the Las Vegas strip
back in the 1950s, and famous names and
faces were as familiar and routine to me as
the housewife's butcher is to her. After the
thrill of rubbing elbows with the stars had
worn off, I began to look around the rest of
Vegas and I found there was just as much
poverty and pain a few minutes from the
strip as there is in any other town.
It was nearing Christmas, and I had he
bright idea of soliciting funds from some of
the casino owners and making up Christmas
baskets for needy families. In a week's time,
operating on a small scale, I had enough
money to make up 100 baskets - a great
deal of it coming from the bartenders, cock·
tail waitresses, showgirls and guys who
worked in the casinos.
On Christmas Eve, friends helped me load
the baskets, filled with the proverbial turkey
and trimmings. along with toys. into the
casino station wagon. Just as I was about to
take off. the manager handed me a "pickup"
slip and asked if I'd mind going out of my
way to meet a guest who was arriving at the
Meeting and greeting celebrities and
other VIPs was part of my job, so there was
nothing I could do but grin. shift into first
and head for the airport with my baskets
bouncing beside and behind me.
My VIP was one Nicholas Dandolos, and
I figured if it wasn't Greta Garbo in disguise
and going under an assumed name. the gent
had to be a loaded rug merchant.
Mr. D. turned out to be a heavyset,
graying man with not a trace of the
arrogance and impatience I had encountered
so many times with my pickUp slips.
He gave me a shy smile and extended his
hand, and he opened and closed the door for
me when~e got in the wagon.
I apologized for the crowded conditions
and explained 1 was delivering Christmas
baskets. As one of them threatened to topple
over. Mr. D. placed it in his lap and
thoughtfully examined the contents, rearranging them.
As we neared the casino, he spoke for the
first time since we had gotten in the car:
"I wonder if you would stop here and do
me a favor."
1 noted we were in front of a rival casino,
and 1 pulled into the driveway.
" I'd like you to make a call forme. It's very
important you let the phone ring 1S times,
or they won't answer."
He jotted down a number and a short
message on a piece of paper, and I strode
into the casino muttering under my breath.
Polite or not, it seemed to me Mr. D. was as
eccentric and lazy as the rest. A couple of
minutes more and I could have dropped him
off at my place and he would have been able
to make all the calls he wanted. On top of
that I had to use my own dime. It never
seemed to occur to a big spender that a dime
is still a dime, or it was in those days.
After dialing and waiting, then redialing
to be sure, I returned to the car and informed
my passenger I hadn't been able to reach his
party. He tbanked me, adding something
about my seeming to be a girl who would
really try, and three blocks later I delivered
him into the hands of the usual doorman,
bellhops and higher-echeloned lackeys.
As far as I was concerned, they could
make his phone calls for him.
It was almost midnight when I finished
delivering my baskets of Christmas cheer.
and I fell into bed with a sense of all's right
with the world and that I had contributed in
a small way.
It was apparent the following morning
that I'd never guessed how much.
The calls started coming in during the
night - and by 9 the next morning the
switcboard was jammed. Some people had
waited because they didn't have phones and
had to get to a public booth. All voices, one
way or another, said the same thing.
Laughing, crying, some incoherent - none
could express what the baskets had meant to
them. Christmas was not Christmas without
a turkey and toys for the children. And the
Sloo bill tucked into each and every basket
was truly the star on the top of the tree.
I was stunned - but not too stunned to
put the pieces together and realize I had been
gloriously duped. Phone call, indeed! I rummaged through my handbag and dialed the
number I found on the slip of paper. No one
answered, but the day after Christmas I tried
it again and sure enough, it was a Las Vegas
bank. A number that would not only answer
on a holiday but would be closed in the
Let it ring 15 times, indeed, and I had
redialed to be sure. Time enough for
someone to fill a hundred baskets - that is,
if he were the kind of someone who walked
around carrying SIO,OOO in Sloo bills.
It didn't take me long to ferret out the fact
that Mr. D. was theNicktheGreek - a man
who was a legend in the gambling world and
a name I had heard daly in the six months I'd
been in Vegas.
Nicholas Andrea Dandolos, alias "Nick
the Greek," was born in 1886, son of a
wealthy Greek merchant, educated at the
best schools, steeped in the creed of Aristotle
and Plato, an acquaintance but never a
friend of the AI Capones and Legs
Diamonds of the world - a man who
skirted the idolization of movie stars and at·
the-moment celebrities with his polite but
aloof manner. and who was by his own
calculations a winner and loser of more than
half a billion dollars in his lifetime.
A man, according to a national magazine,
4, Roverton Galli Street, Makriyanni - Acropolis, Athens 402 - Greece
Phones: 923 6832-6
Telex: 21-9423 HERO GR
The Herodion Hotel, fully airconditioned, aU rooms with private hath· shower,
telephone and radio, television on request, is situated in the heart of Athens, below the
Acropolis, opposite the Herodeus Atticus ancient theatre. within easy reach of the
main business and shopping centers, theatres and prominent points of historical
interest. The Hotel features exquisite international Restaurant, Cocktail Lounge;
Coffee Shop, Snack-Bar, Roof Garden Bar facing the Acropolis. Parking facilities
are available.
who, as his friends figured it, distributed
S3 million in day-to-day touches during his
lifetime, had given at least $500,000 to
various charities and sent 28 children of
friends to college, had started 300 men in
business without profiting by it, and had
paid hospital bills for 600 people. He had
been quoted as saying, "Money has been
made a substitute for everything. Even character. It shouldn't be an ambition. I'm sorry
we have to use it. It's just a stake."
He was also obviously a man whose one
ambition in life, at least at the moment, was
to avoid me as if] were carrying the bubonic
plague. After fruitless attempts to .contact
him by phone, even though our bungalows
• were only yards apart, it fineJly dawned on
me that Mr. D. did not want me to recognize
his e~e(cise in Christianity. I had been in Las
Vegas long enough to learn you don't go
around mentioning money and especially
anyone's source. It wasn't that it was
considered VUlgar, as it might be in Boston
or Philadelphia; it was just, well, you might
say, unhealthy.
Not that Nick the Greek was anything but
a gambler - he was not, but if he was going
to take $10,000 off his income tax as a
charitable contribution, I figured he could
break it to the government in his own way.
It was just that I had the need to thank him
personally for a gesture that far surpassed
my craziest dreams.
I was given the chance a week later when I
received another pickUp and delivery slip.
Mr. D. was departing. When I called for him
it didn't take him long to make himself
understood. It was as ifhe'd never set eyes on
me in his life, but I couldn't resist making a
final stab at victory.
"By the way, Mr. D., did you ever get
through on that call you asked me to make?
I mean to the bank that's closed at night."
With not a change of expression; my
passenger looked me straight in the eye and
replied, "Now, why should an old man like
myself ask a pretty young lady, and a very
thorough one, I might add, like yourself, to
run my errands? You don't think I can dial
my own phone?"
As we stood in the airport waiting for the
call to board the plane, Mr. D. put out his
hand and, hesitating only slightly, raised
it to my head and patted me. Then, without a
word, he strode off.
As I headed for the parking lot, I heard my
name called and I turned to find the plane
steward running after me, waving his arm.
"The gentleman who just boarded the
flight asked me to give you this. He must
be some kind of nut or something. He gave
me a ten-spot to catch you."
The _steward turned and hurried back to
the plane, and looked down at the palm of
my hand. In it was a dime - just the correct
amount with which to make a phone call in
the 19~0s,
He was a giant of his kind. And on
Hall rental Madison Square Garden ............. $~4,~28.00
Video Tape expenses .. . ........... .. ............ 3,6~1.69
Production and Assistance expenses ........ .. .... 36,098.59
Printing and Mailing expenses ................... 32 ,O~1.82
Legal expenses ........ . ......................... 3,800.00
General expenses ................. ....... . . • ..... 7,77~.03
Hotel, food and transportation for artists ..... • .... 37,916.87
Pre-production expenses in Greece ......... • •.... 22,286.00
Christmas of 1966 he died - broke. Gamblers are a funny breed. They always pay
their debts.
AHEP A Publications
Board Appointed
James S. Scofield of SI. Petersburg, FL,
has been appointed Chairman of the
AHEPA Publications Advisory Board by
AHEPA Supreme President Nick Smyrnis.
Also named to the board are Alfred G.
Vonetes of Hopewell, VA. and Gus M oshos
of Arlington, VA.
The new A HEPA Publications Advisory
Board will provide guidelines to the Editor
of the Ahepan magazine and newsletter
relative to content, format, design, editorial
policy. and other allied journalistic. advertising and marketing funtions. The Board
will serve for a two-year period.
Scofield, Chief Librarian of the St. Petersburg Times and Evening Independent, is a
veteran reporter and editor, and has served
as International Chairman of the Newspaper Division of the Special Libraries Association. He is a Past Citrus District#2
Governor, Past Supreme Governor, Past
Supreme Trustee, Past Supreme President
of the Sons of Pericles, and is a member of
the Archdiocesan Council of the Greek
Orthodox Church of North and South
America and of the Orthodox Observer
Advisory Board.
Vonetes is President of Press Features and
Advertising and Television Programing
Data, a newspaper television services firm.
He is a Past Supreme Secretary of the
AHEPA. a member of the Archdiocesan
Council and the Orthodox Observer
Advisory Board.
Moshos is Supervisor of Field Engineers
for the Voice of America. which he joined in
1956. He is a founder and former Parish
Council member of St. Catherine Greek
Orthodox Church in Arlington, and Chapter President of Peter Derzis AHEPA
Chapter #438 of Arlington,
Less reserve for unrecorded expenses . .. . ... • •....... . ............ . 4,800.00
Available for distribution to charity
545, 115.00
The above statement of account with full and complete substantiation of all income
and expenses has been submitted to various governmental authorities. In order to
maintain the integrity of the organization and the people involved, we have voluntarily requested our audit from the authorities. As soon as the audits are completed,
we will again inform you of the results.
It is with great pleasure we announce that 545,000 is available for distribution to the
children. This makes it worthwhile for all the sacrifices we made, our time and use
of our business facilities without any compensation. Of course, the success was primarily due to the support of the people and other organizations.
We agree that much may not have been perfect, but the result was gratifying, and if
more people stopped criticizing and gave of themselves in the same manner, much
more money could have been raised for various needy people.
ISLANDS or cauCi
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Lady of Leisure! ..
(Embassy News International. Dec. 1980)
I have a confession.
There are two questions often asked of me
that I have difficulty in answering.
When I meet new people at social and
diplomatic events, the first question they ask
is: "Well, how do you like it here in this
And when I run into old friends, who
know my professional history, they will
often ask a question such as: "How does it
feel to be a lady of leisure and not work anymore?"
Being the wife of an ambassador, my
responses must bediplomatic. So, to the first
query, I respond that I like this country very
much- naturally enough inasmuch as I was
born in New York, and grew up in New
Jersey. Cyprus is my adopted country by
To my friends, I can afford to be less
diplomatic: "What do you mean lady of
leisure? I have a husband who is ambassador
to the United States, as well as high
commissioner to Canada, Jamaica and the
Bahamas, and ambassador to Brazil and
Ecuador. I have an official residence to
maintain. I represent my husband on
numerous occasions. I have never been so
busy in all my life. And I Jove every minute
of it." However there is a difference I may
add, between working and being gainfully
employed ...
I must admit my life has changed
considerably since Andrewand I have been
posted to Washington. I moved from one
exciting career to one even more
exciting- and make no mistake about it,
being an ambassador's wife is a career.
With my past experience working for the
United Nations in New York. in the
executive office of Secretary U Thant, then a
year in protocol, and for three General
Assembly Sessions as conference officer in
the Political Committee, as well as four
years as Director of Consular Corps Affairs
for the City of New York the linkage
between my past career and present seem to
be quite the same, but in fact over the past
seventeen months my lifestyle has changed
quite considerably. For one, my career in
New York was centered around me, now my
career orbits about my husbands work ...
My time is divided between maintaining
the residence, monthly luncheons and lectures at the International Wiv~Club. which
includes spouses of ambassado;s ~ members
of the President's Cabinet, Congress and the
Supreme Court.
These meetings are designed to inform us
about important aspects of Washington
which enable us to further educate ourselves or better represent our countries.
Since Cyprus is a member of the Commonwealth, I attend meetings of the Commonwealth Wives Club, which brings us together
to discuss and share SUbjects of mutual
interest and responsibility. As in all
embassies we entertain socially and pfficialIy, which requires a considerable amount of
planning, from seating arrangements,
menus, flower arranging, and mailing of
invitations. I must add that this is a duty I
thoro ughly enjoy!!
Travel plays a great part in my schedule,
which is an important, interesting and enjoyable facet in my new life. Cyprus has a small
foreign service, and consequently uses the
multiple accredition system. We therefore
divide our time between Canada, The Carribean, and South America. Even though
we reside in Washington, my husband must
keep in constant touch with people and
events in those nations, and of course in
various parts of the United States where we
often visit. But the travelling which I look
forward to the most, is always home to
Cyprus. I fell in love with this island republic
in the Mediterranean when I first saw it, anc'
my affection has intensified with time. I feel I
can now identify with Cyprus and what it
sta nds for-its culture, its traditions, and
its cause-as close as native Cypriots. As an
adopted Cypriot, I approach Cyprus with
the zeal of the converted.
When spare time can be squeezed into our
hectic schedules, I attend Greek classes and
find horseback riding with my daughter and
gymnastics as good forms of relaxation. As a
family weekend outing the three of us enjoy
bike riding in Rock Creek Park.
Do [ miss my former life? Not at all. I am
living from one excitement-filled day to
another. An"d underlying all this is a· deep
personal satisfaction of knowing I am able
to contribute something to my adopted
country, its people and its cause.
Fal/ad's elegy to a freedom fighter
A Man, by Oriana Fallaci. New York:
Simon & Schuster. $14.95.
By Dan Cryer
(The Christian Science Monitor)
Oriana Fallaci seems to think the political
novel is a sledgehammer for pounding ideas
into the reader's head. She will have none of
the bittersweat tales of a Milan Kundera or
the sardonic faeles of a George Orwell. In
order to narrate the tru-life saga of a 20thcentury Greek freedom fighter, she turns to
the spy thriller while ultimately sabotaging
its techniques.
Under firmer control, in the hands of a
Graham Greene for instance, the conventions of the thriller could have served Fallaci's purpose well. But Fallaci lets her story
be overwhelmed by the burden of sending
a message. While "A Man" fascinates initially and its early chapters are assembled with
an artful attention to dramatic effect, its repetiveness and headlong pace soon become
exhausting, its allusions to ancient Greek
tragedy irritating, its windy speechifying
Alessandro Panagoulis, the ebullient
protagonist of "i\ Man," was anything but
boring. He was a poet, a revolutionist, a man
intensely in. love with life. For trying to
The thinnest fillo
Sold in the finest food shops from coast-to-coast, Hawaii and Canada.
Ask for Apollo kataifi. Let Apollo do the hard work for you.
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A speech by professor Stratis G. Andreadis
In a speech given on December 2 1980
to the members of the Association of Societe
Anonyme and Limited Liability Companies. the President of the Association,
Professor Stratis G. Andreadis emphasized
his optimism for the ability of Greece to
become not only a legally full member but a
truly equal partner', in the European Communities. Also present in the audienCe were
representatives of the Government and the
political parties, high court officials, U niversity Professors, members of the Diplomatic
Corps and many business leaders.
The spealcer underlined the difficulties
which the Greek economy is bound to encounter in its effon of harmonization with
the higher incomes and quality levels prevailing in Greece's other nine partners in
weaknesses of the Greelc economy
Professor Andreadis said that the enormous
increase i'n State consumption spending is
the main factor feeding inflation and widening the trade balance deficit. To counteract
this trend Professor Andreadis stressed the
need for implementing a middle-term
economic policy and lifting the bureaucratic
obstacles and counter-incentives being
constantly imposed by the public sector on
the private sector of the economy.
"Development and a development policy
is what this country truly needs if it is to face
both its domestic economic problems and
the new external hazard which emerges from
our imminent association with partners who
are more wealthy than we are," said Prot
. fessor· Andreadis. The proper bearer ofthis
development, according to the speaker, can
only be private initiative, while the role of
the State should be limited to creating the
appropriate field of action of the private
sector. instead of continuing to exercise a
useless, wasteful and counter-productive
policy under which the natural resources of
the country suffer from the business activity
of the State.
On the Greek character of the local companies following accession, Professor
Andreadis underlined his conviction that
Greece can become "an exporter of multinational companies." He also said that
production of domestic product, even by
multinationals, helps the national economy,
while at the same time it also strengthens
the tendencies for business concentration
and creates large Greek Units with a
competitive potential in exports.
Professor Andreadis also elaborated on
the need for modernizing and adjusting the
Greek banking system to the new European
reality, and he asked for "the abolition of the
strangulating restrictions which are still
being imposed by the monetary authorities."
He also stated that despite the hazards
both in the world economy and in the Greek
economy, he remains optimistic about the
future, and he expressed his confidence that,
if properly mobilized, the Greek economy
and the Greek people will activate themselves under the new conditions being
created with accession and will tum such
conditions into opportunities.
assasinate right-wing dictator George Pa- compromise and tit-for-tat is more alien
padopoulos in 1968, he spent five years in than the black-and-white reality of prison
walls. Unable to rage at physical and phsyprison. Three years after his release from
prison, on May I, 1976, he was killed in an chological torment, he sputters and grows
automobile accident, as he was about to dispirited. Only he realizes he is being folrelease documents incriminating high of- lowed does his ine take on the old vibrancy,
ficials of the successor regime. Panagoulis
at least until near the .end, when he knows
there is no putting off the inevitable showwas a libertarian who hated party labels and
fought repression from left or right. In his down.
last years, he was also the lover of Oriana
Fallaci functions in the novel as both omFallaci.
niscient narrator and as dutiful Sancho
Panza to Alekos's Don Quixote. It is
As the fearless interrogater of the Shah,
Kissinger, Khomeini, Fallaci has established dismaying to see this spokeswoman for
herself as perhaps the most famous political feminism tag along when Panagoulis
interviewer in the world. She is not a
changes overnight from bomb-thrower to
novelist, but she has vowed to teU the world would-be politician, or even when he
about her beloved Alekos, the lonely rebel- arbitrarily makes vacation plans for the two
hero who would not give in to power of any of them. But there she is, right at his heels, no
matter how silly or arbitrary he is. If all this
Telling her story as a novel enables F allaci is a matter of personal politics better left to
Fallaci herself. it nonetheless speaks voto endow it with a shape and immediacy
not permitted in orthodox biography. And lumes about the mystifying powers of
the first third of the book - the attempted
assassination. the trial and imprisonment Hereasy aCCt:pianceof Panagoulis's political
works very well indeed. No torture can make
pronouncements, however, should concern
Panagoulis reveal his secrets or betray his
us all. To take his idea seriously is to endorse
co-conspirators. When he confronts his
the mesmerizing but insidious half-truth
that no state governs with clean hands, that
captors, he mocks them and vows revenge.
He escapes once but is tracked down and
the good man must stay outside and above
locked into a wretched solitary cell made just
politics. For all his courage and righteousness, Panagoulis ultimately stands for a
for him.
After the colonels are ousted and Pana- pietistic anarchism. For to be morally pure
goulis is freed, he makes a half-hearted try in his sense, to be constantly "outside the
at a vaguely left-wing political stand. He system" is to be outside history. It is to relinwins an honorary seat in parliament, but is quish the struggle for truth and justice to
clearly out of his element. The world of the very people who killed him.
HWhen You
Are Happy"
By Ann Hubbard
(Forecast, January 1981)
Everybody born west of the Indus River
knows about Alexander the Great. That
what they know may be myth,legend, error,
or actual certifiable history is almost immaterial. They know it and there is very little
that scholars can do about it.
They know he was descended from Achilles, that he was the son of Philip of Macedon (382-336 B.C.); that he cut the Gordian
knot; that he was snubbed by Diogenes (him
of tub fame); that he wept because t here were
no more worlds to conquer.
What have all been told-whether or not
we have learned or believed it-that Alexander's victories spread Greek culture to
the East. This was an accomplishment that
made possible brisk trade and. later, the
Roman Empire. This, in tum, made possible
our own civilization. So, in many ways, our
own times can understand and thank Alexander.
In a sense we are all part Greek insofar as
we are inheritors of democracy. can
recognize lyrants. and deliver a philippic(*)
against someone. And this is a show that
tells us what is produced when a govern~
ment leaves artists free to create within their
own conventions.
Perhaps the greatest surprise for those
who are not interested in numismatics is the
intense and immediate beauty of the coins.
Perhaps the most beautiful portrayals of
Alexander or whoever they may be, in the
whole show are to be found on coins. These
may not perfectly delineate that young Macedonian but they do show the head of a
leader. No wonder rulers of later times did
all they could to associate themselves with
his history and legend.
And then, the gold. Somehow ordianry
people never see that much gold. Wedding
rings, a few chains, gold thread embroidery,
gold leaf in decoration. Large amounts of it
seem as unlikely and as inaccessible as Fort
Knox. But, here are the findings from the
tombs in Macedon. Before our very eyes are
the art works that made the headlines. There
really was a Philip who was denounced by
Demosthenes. There really was an
Alexander who hoped to spread Greek civilization.
Some people have complained that the
show doesn", really show you Alexander.
It must be admitted that if you didn't know
much about him before you went you might
not know much about him afterwards. This
may merely show our last for personal
gossip rather than for history. Because one
certainly can learn what was created as a
result of his victories. Although all
conquerors seem to be able to inspire artists and artisans. Alexander was certainly
one of those who could.
Quintus Curtius, an historian who flou"NEW YORK"
rished in the First Century (A.D.) says that
Alexander, dying, was asked when divine
honors should be paid him. He anwered.
"When you are happy."
This show leaves the viewer happy.
(·)In addition to the wordphilippic{which
came from the orations by Demosthenes
speaking safely in Athens against Philip
who was out in Macedon), we also have in
English, from the French, a poetic line called the Alexandrine.
This is the classic scansion used in
French tragedy but it was brought into
English, although very few ~ople have
done well by it. Generally speaking, the
only alexandrine anybody knows is the
satiric one by Alexander Pope in which he
derides the meter saying, A needless alexandrine ends the song
That like a wounded snake. drags its slow
length along.
As far as we can tell, no one has written
an Alexandrine in honor of the show, so we
decided to do one.
Behold these galherrd shards,
saved from all-drowning time:
Greek ideas lodged,
caughl in a farther clime.
Write A/exanckrs praise,
s/ruck inlo lasting rock
Write in sturdy phrase.
such will defy the clock.-A.H.
AroaTE aUto to tEiilO~
at tva (jIlAO aa~.
Genocide is Historical Fact,
not Political Propaganda
"the diamondback" University of
Maryland, Col/ege Park. Dec. 4. 1980
The Diamondback ran a story recently
focused on the issue of political activity
within the International Student Council
(page I, Nov. 4). But the article obscures the
real issue surrounding the story.
When the Armenian Student Society took
part in the ISC's International Day exhibition, we displayed materials on many
subjects, one of which was the Armenian
genocide of 1915-23 inflicted by the
Ottoman Turkish rmpire. This led to
indignant cries from the members of the
Turkish Student Association that the
presentation was political propaganda and
slander against Turkish students.
Upon receiving a formal complaint from
the Turkish Student Association, the ISC
held a meeting to determine whether the
Armenians had violated the ISC
constitution by displaying "political"
meterial at an ISC-sponsored event. The
Diamondback, which sent a reporter to
cover the meeting, did not immediately print
a story because it "needed to hear both sides"
of the issue.
What was buried beneath the print was
the issue of the Armenian genocide itself.
This is an irrefutable historical fact.
The genocide is a crucial epoch in
Armenian history which has had a devastating effect on the Armenian culture and
community. Hence, our display of materials
depicting this period was of a historical
and cultural. not political nature.
It is no more ··political'" to state that 1.5
million Armenians were murdered in the
first great genocide of the 20th Century than
it is to recount the crimes committed against
12 million Jews and others during WW II.
It is indeed regrettable that the ISC must
weigh whether the Armenian Student
Society engaged in political activity when
it presented material describing a pivotal
period in Armenian history and culture.
It is further regrettable that the Diamondback printed the story only after it
determined the political issues needed presentation from "both sides of the story" and
then made vague references to the "alleged"
genocide. It would be strange to read on the
front page of this newspaper about the "alleged" genocide of the Jews by the Nazi
Germans and the need for the Nazis to have
a forum to tell theor side of the story.
The Armenian Student Society is still
awaiting a written resolution from the ISC
about the allegations of politicizing the
event. We hope the board will not trivialize
this issue further by dismissing it as "po Ii·
tica'" activity and restricting member clubs
from openly sharing their history and culture with the wider University community.
Rafik Bezik, president
Armenian Student Society
(J'tO ~6(JlaA Ph~l(J'tEP
rUI va potJ9tJ90iiv
oi 1taAlvvo(J'toiivn:~
KUKAo<p6p1]aE at .0AUtEAf\ ;;KSOOl] t6
«I:oaiaA Ptt~latEp» tf\, ti~EpIKavlKi'i,
1(pwn:uouO'Tl~, yvwO'tO ro~ .. rKp';V MTtOUK»
SIU t6 1981.
"'OTt~ Kai Ei~ JtPOTlYOul.u:va EtTl, 6 aU-
•Ano to fpa<pdo tOU I.U~POUAOU 'EK1talO£Ua£~ tOU rtVIKOU npo~£vEiou 'ttlC;
·E).AaOo, att; Nta ·Y6PKl] tiVEK01V6J91] 6tl
t6 ·YltoupyEio OatSEia, tii, ·EHtiSo,
npOKE11lf:VQO vCr: POn9T1O"El tO~ rrQAtVVocrtouvn:c; ·EAA.llV07tU10E<; llu911TE:C;, altoq)(lOlOE va iOPOOEl EiOlKtc; tli~EU; (moooxilc;, en" ~"IlOtlKtl Kat MtOll 'EK1taloEU011. Of Ta~el(; autb; cXouv O"K01l0 va POTl8liaouv tOUe; lla911t£C; va. Evmx80uv 01"0
Kai K01VroVIKO
Kal aUIl1tEpupopd~.
EHh"<l yta <PEtO'; -
0XOAliCO hoc; 1980-
Kuta lilv rrpOOTTJ tcpaPJ.loyij tOU
~tpOU, tetOlEr; Elond:.; ta~EIC; 8a AEHOUp-
1981 -
JtEPl£XEl ta 6v6)J.ata Kat ~EP1KWV OlaKEKPL~£VWV 'E)..t..'lVoa)J.EplKavwv Kai tWV
~EAWV trov OiKOYEV£lci)V twv. 'E<p£to~ avat9£pOVtal ot 6~OOTtOVOlaKoi rEpooO'lao"rai
O"'A I:ap~.tivl]' Kai O"'A Ta6VYKa" 01
BouAEuta; T~"'v MltpaS~~a,. KOlVUt.
fltitpOV, 1:. MJta<paA1]" N. Maup06A1],
Kai 'Ot..o~1ti.a l:v60o, oi TtPWTlV Ka\ vUV
avrota'TOl KU~£PV'1'Tll(oi AEltOUpyoi 'Iw~
avv'1~ Naa{Ka~, Euy£vlO~ Pwooi8'11';, MatI(
Mavtito" t:.p. . AX1AAE\), wKEAAapiSl]"
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VlKO opap.a at ouirpopa nav£man1PIG Kai
tJp"I'arIKt, ExoAt, . To 1976
qr~v .E).-
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