
August 27, 2014

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August 27, 2014
August 27, 2014
SET-UP (Activate Prior Knowledge & Connect to Challenge Question)
• S-Sit and organize materials for the lesson… Get your journal,
Springboard book and a sharpened pencil.
• E-Examine and follow teacher’s directions… On your next blank
page, write today’s date at the top. Title this page ~ Adding &
Subtracting Decimals.
T-Take the challenge! Review and predict the answers to the
- Challenge Question: Outside of school, when do you
add and subtract decimals in your daily life?
- Take a few minutes to think about and answer the
challenge question in your journal.
Noise level 0
Noise level 0
Our goal: I can use my previous
knowledge of decimals to create a
foldable that reviews the process of
adding and subtracting decimals.
Learning Together
Group demonstration of using the
information taught through presentation
Noise level 2
Our goal: I can use my previous
knowledge of adding and subtracting
decimals to complete the Paper Clips
activity on pgs. 3 - 4 in my Spring
Board book with my group.
Learning Together
Noise level 2
How long do we have to complete the
activity: 40 minutes
What do we do? Students will work in
groups to complete Activity 1-1 in their
SpringBoard book pgs. 3-4 (#s 1-8).
Just For Me
Independent demonstration of
comprehension of the material or concepts
Noise level 0
How long do we have to complete the activity:
20 minutes
What do we do? Students will complete the
Check Your Understanding portion of
Lesson 1-1 pg.4 #s 9-12 by yourself.
Noise level 0
How long do we have to complete the
activity: 5 minutes
What do we do? Complete the Ticket out the
Door (T.O.T.D) on the provided notecard.
(1) Write your name and class period on the
(2) Answer the Check your Understanding #
25 on pg. 4 on the notecard.
(3) When finished, turn in your notecard to
your class bin.
(Closure where students ensure they are prepared
for the next day and rate their performance for that
Noise level 0
W- Write homework assignment in planner (Lesson 11 Practice)
R- Return materials and organize supplies
A-Assess how well you worked in a group or
Did I/we maintain operating standards?
Did I/we work toward learning goals?
Did I/we complete tasks?
P- Praise one another for high quality work:
Tickets for a “P” performance overall
Fly UP