
Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Ltd INSTRUCTION TO BIDDER &

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Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Ltd INSTRUCTION TO BIDDER &
Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Ltd
Annual contract for meter reading through photo, creation of
CD, Data punching of meter reading with photo image,
generating and printing of bills with respective (Meter Photo
Image) on bill and distributions of bills to respective consumer
premises of various subdivisions of Palanpur Circle.
R&C Office, Visnagar road, Mehsana(Gujarat)
Phone: 02762-222080 Fax No: 2762-223574
Purchase Requisition No. : 203523
RFQ. No. 28353
N-Procure consolidate Details
Signature & Seal of Tenderer
Tender Notice:
Tenders are invited from experienced Agencies for Annual contract for
meter reading through photo, creation of CD, Data punching of meter
reading with photo image, generating and printing of bills with respective
(Meter Photo image) on bill and distributions of bills to respective consumer
premises of various subdivisions of Palanpur Circle.
Tender No.
Estimated Cost
Cost of Tender Document
(Non Refundable)
Earnest Money Deposit Amount
Last date for On Line tender
Last date for Relevant
Documents Physically
Date of opening of EMD COVER
Documents & Verification with
Physically submitted
Date of On Line Opening of
Technical Bid
Date of On line Opening of
Price Bid (Tentative, if
Time of Work
UGVCL/SP/IV/582/ Meter reading through
Rs. 37 Lacs
Rs. 1000/- Only
1% of the estimated cost of tender
Date: 19/03/2014 up to 18.00Hrs
Date: 24/03/2014 on OR before 18.00Hrs.
(By R.P.A.D. or speed post only)
Date: 25/03/2014 at 12.00 Hrs.
Date: 25/03/2014 at 12.30 Hrs.
Date: 02/04/2014 at 15.00Hrs.
1 Year
Blank tender copy can be downloaded from website www.ugvcl.com
1. Experience certificate: contract for meter reading through photo, creation of
CD, Data punching of meter reading with photo image, generating and printing
of bills and distribution of bills to respective consumer premises
2. Documents of company profile & turnover.
Chief Engineer (P&P),
Registered Office,
UGVCL, Mehsana.
Signature & Seal of Tenderer
1.0 Type of Bid :
The bidders shall submit their bids in a two cover format.
The bid should reach to C.E (P&P), Reg. Office, UGVCL, Mehsana on
or before date mentioned in tender schedule by RPAD/Speed Post.
(I) The technical bid shall be submitted separately in a cover duly super
scribing Tender Notification No. and nature of the bid document enclosed
(Technical bid).
(II) Price-Bid shall be separately submitted in a cover duly super scribing
Tender Notification No. and nature of the Bid document enclosed
(Price- Bid).
(III) Both the Technical and price bid covers shall be put in an outer cover
duly super scribing Tender Notification No.
(IV) All offers which do not observe the above requirements will be
summarily rejected.
(V) Each of the Technical bid shall be submitted in two copies with the first
marked as original and the second marked as duplicate. In case of any
discrepancy observed between the Original and duplicate, the contents of
the original only shall govern. The price bid should be submitted in original
copy only. The bidder shall sign on each page of the bid document
submitted with seal affixed.
Electricity being a very important utility, there is a constant need of
improving the facilities available and making them commercially viable. It is
felt that the deficiencies of the existing network may be studied and then
remedial measure be taken accordingly. It is therefore considered that in
order to improve the efficiency of the existing system, there is need to
establish a comprehensive data relating to electrical distribution networks
and its consumers.
For this, the Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Limited (hereinafter called UGVCL)
wishes to outsource the services an Agency for meter reading through
Signature & Seal of Tenderer
photo, creation of CD, Data punching of meter reading with photo image,
generating and printing of bills and
distributions of bills to respective consumer premises of various
subdivisions of Palanpur Circle.
2.0 Qualifying Criteria
A. Since this exercise will be ultimately used for better consumer services
and revenue realization, the bidder should have minimum one year
experience of meter reading through photo or spot billing through HHE,
creation of CD, Data punching of meter reading with photo image,
generating,printing of bills with respective (Meter Photo Image) on bill and
distributions of bills to respective consumer premises.
B. The bidder should have executed work for development and up-dation
of Consumer Data base, Consumer Indexing, Linking & Segregation of
Consumers, DTR wise & Feeder wise successfully for at least one power
utilities before submission of the bid.
C. Annual turn over of the firm should not be less than 20 lacs (Twenty
Lacs) in last three financial years. The balance sheet and profit & loss A/c
for the same has to be attached with the tender duly certified by Chartered
D. The bidder shall have requisite resources in terms of professional
competency and financial soundness to complete the whole package
within the stipulated time period, i.e number of digital camera, number of
persons employed, PF number, PAN/VAT number, Service tax number,
conveyance resources as it is required to take photo meter reading in the
field being villages/Town / city areas. (Copy of all documents to be
E. The bidder shall have to procure hardware & Software in support for
carrying out the work as per scope. The bidder shall provide necessary
evidences in support of meeting above qualifying requirements.
F. Bidder should have additional provision of storage of all data relating to
the aforesaid work and also have one set of all required resources as
G. The bidder should have backup supply arrangement and also should
have proper IT security arrangement for data files.
The offer of the bidders not satisfying any of the above criteria is
likely to be rejected. The Bidder should possess the entire qualifying
Signature & Seal of Tenderer
requirement mentioned above. The Bidder shall not form consortium
to meet the qualifying requirement.
3.0 Contractor`s Scope of Works
The scope of work includes
(a) Meter reading through photo, creation of CD, Data punching of meter
reading with photo image, generating and printing of bills with
respective (Meter Photo Image) on bill and distributions of bills to
respective consumer premises of 2 Nos. subdivisions of Palanpur
circle office. Bidders have to take photograph as per UGVCL
requirement.(i.e. pixel size will be provided by vender)There are
approximately 2 lacs consumers of various categories including
distribution transformer center.Bidder shall take other data manually
like KVARH,MD etc.for LTMD consumers ( Please see the page No.18
Annexure-A for Sub Division wise & cycle wise consumers and Annexure-B
Sr.No.4 for total LTMD consumers of UGVCL Division )
b) Bidder shall carry out Meter reading through photo, creation of CD, Data
punching of meter reading with photo image, generating and printing of
bills with respective (Meter Photo Image) on bill and distributions of bills to
respective consumer premises as per billing period schedule for all single
phase and three phase consumers. The Bidder has to write consumer
number and meter number on each meter with permanent marker pen
which should not be rubbed by any one (one time exercise).After writing
consumer numbers and meter number,photograph will be taken by bidder
where consumer number,meter number and reading will be shown in
photograph.The bidder shall deploy & organize sufficient men power in
consultation with concern SDO/Division/Circle and IT section of R&C
Office. The procurement of pre-printed bills shall be bidder’s job.(As per
the specifications of UGVCL’s energy bill which is attached here
with.Internal data of energy bill will be provided). The sample papers of
pre-printed bills should be approved by UGVCL.
(c) The software shall have features of field validation checks to reduce
errors in meter reading by photo image.Software will be provided by
UGVCL no software are required for the same.All following reports format
will be provided by UGVCL.
• Report generation for faulty / Burnt meter/ Zero Consumption/ Lock
• The serial numbers of Digital Camera should be software readable
to keep track of Meter readers and their associated regions of work.
• Date & time stamp of captured meter image photo and punching of
data, to check that route was managed efficiently.
Signature & Seal of Tenderer
• Full proof measures for ensuring the security of data.
(d) The meter reading staff shall visit to site as per the billing program
schedule and capture the photo image of meter readings and other
observations along with any exceptions/observations with specified codes
as per guidelines of UGVCL. Meter faulty, Meter not readable, Seal broken
etc. the bidder shall report these exceptions / observations in separate
report to respective subdivision/division/circle of UGVCL.
(e) Representative of bidder will enter all abnormalities found at consumer
premises into the system e.g. Broken Meter seal, Broken MMB Seal,
broken glass of meter, any lose wires, stopped meter etc
(f) Additional data of consumers provided by UGVCL will be considered
by Agency in next billing.
(g) The bidder shall keep a proper check on photo meter reading taken
and as a quality checks, Supervisors/Coordinators of agency shall take at
least 2% random meter reading. The accuracy of photo meter reading is
the responsibility of the bidder and necessary edit and correction shall fall
under the bidder’s scope of work.
(h) The bidder shall further optimize route sequence to get better
(i) The bidder shall take innovative measure to improve the meter reading
processing and to maximize the revenue earning of UGVCL.
(j) The bidder shall have to submit a report in a form of ledger on the very
next day in respect of meter reading work carried out in the previous day
without fail.
(k) The bidder shall have to provide uniform along with the identity card to
its employees as per mutual agreement, so as to differentiate them from
UGVCL’s Staff.
(l) The bidder should not give the data/information given to him to any
person/agency in hard or soft copy or in any other forms and he should
also not use the data/information for the work other than UGVCL’s work..
He should keep this data/information very confidential.
(m) The Agency shall be responsible for providing adequate numbers of
digital camera for photo meter reading with the same to ensure timely
submission of accurate meter reading data as per the schedule given by
the Company. The quantity of such requirement will be constantly
Signature & Seal of Tenderer
reviewed by the Company and the Company could demand to the Agency
to augment the same immediately.
(n) Agency shall be enter data on day to day basis on a centralized server.
4.0 Man Power
A. All manpower deployed by the bidder should be qualified and trained for
the job intended to be performed by them
B. The manpower should be conversant with local language “Gujarati ” in
addition to working knowledge of English, Hindi, so as to interact with
C. The deputed manpower should be extremely polite with consumers and
should be able to address consumer grievances about bills issued.
D. It will be mandatory for employees of bidder to display the identity Card
issued by the bidder.
E. Sufficient number of co-coordinators will have to be employed by the
bidders to ensure smooth working with different offices.
G. The manpower employed should have dress code, and their integrity
should not be doubtful
5.0 UGVCL’s scope of work:
A. The Company shall make available to agency, customer database
required for uploading the data in the photo billing and route sequencing.
The Agency shall continue to carry on with meter reading and bill
distribution activities using the meter reading books and shall not on any
pretext hold up activities for want of any inputs from the Company for
carrying out the activities. However the agency shall switch over to photo
Meter reading with digital camera with in 7 days on receipt of required data
base for uploading the same in the digital camera/computer from the
B. The Company shall manage the database for all the customers and any
changes shall be communicated to agency on 10th of the month of the
photo meter reading date i.e. billing program by concern Sub Division
Signature & Seal of Tenderer
C. The Company shall take prompt action to render all possible assistance
in case consumer denies access to meter.
D. No any kind of consumable stationary or material will be provided by
UGVCL. It should be arranged by bidders/bidders/agency.
E. UGVCL will provide consumer database (in ASCII format) & other
documents like meter books etc , required for uploading the data in the
computer & route sequencing.
F. UGVCL will carry out independent random checks, as and when
G In software all possibility include by UGVCL.We provide Agency wise
access to each Agency.
H Cycle wise billing programe of Sub Division will be provided by
UGVCLonce and as per scheduled, Billing programe has to be carried
out by Agency.Delay in billing programe will be penalized.
I The software will be provided by UGVCL.
6.0 Bidding Process
The bidder may quote rate for all sub-divisions of Palanpur Circle.
Bids are invited in two parts.
(a) Technical Bid
(b) Price Bid
(a) Technical bid
Technical Bid should contain.
1. Experience details i.e order executed / under process
2. Turn over details of last 3 years
3. Details of equipments available with the bidder
4. Proposed methodology to carry out this work of photo billing
5. Sample of proposed printed bill formats
6. No. of employees & their curriculum vitae
7.0 Terms & Conditions of contract:
1. The bidder should go through all the following clauses before submitting
their tender.
Signature & Seal of Tenderer
2. Tender fee (Non refundable) Rs. 1000-00 should invariably be paid by
Cash OR Demand Draft. Indian postal Orders (IPO’s) & cheques are
not acceptable. Demand Draft should be in the name of the “Uttar
Gujarat Vij Company Ltd.” payable at Mehsana - 384 001..
3. Alternatively, the bidders can enclose the copy of Money receipt in the
Technical Bid cover. Tender fee Demand Draft/copy of Money fee receipt
must be kept in the cover of Technical Bid; otherwise bidder’s bid is liable
to be rejected. The offer received without EMD shall be straight way
4. Both the technical and price bid should be submitted in separate sealed
cover and envelope should be qnoted as
i. Tender No.UGVCL/SP/582 - technical bid for photo billing of various
subdivisions of Gandhinagar Division of Sabarmati Circle Office.
ii. Price bid for Photo billing of various subdivisions of Gandhinagar
Division of Sabarmati Circle, so as to reach this office not later than 3.00
p.m on due Date as specified in the tender notice through RPAD/Speed
post only. Please note, that any bid, technical or price bid received after
the due date and time will not be accepted and the offer will be ignore out
rightly. No late tender / delay tender shall be considered.
5. Earnest Money Deposit: E.M.D of Rs.1 % of tender cost is payable
either in Cash or by Demand Draft in the name of the Uttar Gujarat Vij
Company Ltd. on any Scheduled / Nationalized Banks.
6. Validitiy of the Offer: The validity of the offer will have to be kept open
for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of technical bids. In case
if finalization of the tender is likely to be delayed, the bidders will be asked
to extend the same without change in prices or any terms & conditions of
the offer. If any change is made, original or during the extended validity
period, the offers will be liable for outright rejection without entering into
further correspondence in this regard and no correspondence will be
7. Prices: Prices quoted shall be FIRM. The Bidder shall indicate the
applicable rates of Govt.taxes & duties while quoting the prices. Any
statutory variation in Govt.tax /duty occurs during execution, the same can
be claimed by agency. Schedule-A must be duly filled by bidder.
Signature & Seal of Tenderer
8.0 Security Deposit:
a. Within 10 days of receipt of notification of award from the company, the
successful Bidder, to whom the work is awarded, shall be required to
furnish a Security Deposit for an amount equal to 5 % (Five percent) of
tender value in the form of Demand Draft. The amount of earnest money
shall be adjusted against the amount of Security Deposit payable by
b. Security Deposit will be returned on successful completion of the order.
9.0 UGVCL will have the option to change the billing cycle from bi-monthly
to monthly or vice-versa as and when required.
10.0 Contract period: The period of contract shall be initially for 1(One)
years and can be extended for a further period of one year on the basis of
11.0 Payment Terms: Payment will be released on monthly basis. The
agency will submit a running bills at the end of a month for work carried out
during the month. Bills will be checked by Engineer-in-charge and on the
basis of certificate the same will be proceed for payment as per
procedures of UGVCL..
12.0 Penalty:
(A.) The wrong photo reading image or any calculation error, if detected at
subsequent date, shall be penalized @ Rs 200/- per case/per bill. The
procedure for detecting the wrong photo reading or any error is explained
as under. Generally, the difference of photo image reading and actual
reading and that taken by agency will not be allowed. Any difference.
For example
Case: 1
Date of photo reading taken by agency 15.03.12
Reading noted by agency 2001 units
Date of cross verification by UGVCL 17.03.12
Per day Average consumption of consumer 2 unit
The reading taken by UGVCL 2006 units
The actual projected reading of 15.03.12 = 2006 - (2 x 2) = 2002
The difference of Units =2002-2001 = 1 unit
This difference is within the limit of 10 units. Thus no penalty will be
charged for such cases
Signature & Seal of Tenderer
Case: 2
Date of photo reading taken by agency 15.03.12
Reading noted by agency 2001 units
Date of cross verification by UGVCL 17.03.12
Per day Average consumption of consumer 2 unit
The reading taken by UGVCL 2025 units
The actual projected reading of 15.03.12 = 2025 - (2 x 2) = 202The
difference of Units =2021 -2001 = 20 unit
This difference is more than limit. Thus penalty will be charged for such
(B). In the event of delay of submission of photo meter reading reports or
DTR wise energy accounting reports beyond the schedules dates, each
day of delay will attract a deduction @ 0.5 % of the invoice value of the
delayed assessment by the agency.
(C ). In the event for delay in billing program, penalty will be charged as
(a) Any delays beyond two days in billing program will be penalized.
(b) Penalty will be calculated based on assessment of the area for
which photo billing is delayed beyond (two) days and calculated by
formula as under:
Penalty = 0.001 x Delay in Days x {Assessment of the area
As per example: If one area of photo billing is delayed by four days
and the Assessment of that area is about Rs. 4,00,000/-, the penalty
will be charged / calculated as under:
(Penalty=0.001 x 2 days (four days-Two days) x 400000.00= Rs.
(D). Any mistakes / irregularities observed in photo billing by
representative will be treated seriously. All such incidences will be dealt
as under:
(a)Any mistakes (Incorrect calculation billing / incorrect rate
application etc.) observed in bills issued by a representative /
employee will be treated seriously. In case of such irregularities, a
token of Rs. 200/- will be recovered for each such bill where a need to
issue a photo bill arises.
Signature & Seal of Tenderer
(b)Any irregularities (Less photo billing / Photo bill prepared in lock or
zero reading without reaching to consumer destination or meter/
house closed photo image / bill not prepared IT CAN BE IF PHOTO
prepared in locked status / Zero unit without photo image of site / bill
prepared but not served to the consumer etc.) observed in bills issued
by a representative / employee will be treated seriously. In case of
such irregularities, a token of Rs. 200/-(AS PER f-(a)) will be
recovered for each such bill where a need to issue a revised bill
arises or if such irregularity is more than 1% of the total consumers
photo billed in the same month then penalty will be imposed Rs.200/per case.
(E) If any authorized representative / employee of agency is involved in
conniving with the consumers / indulged in mal-practice of any kind,
penalty will be levied for each such case decided by competent authority.
The above penalty is over and above the losses to the UGVCL if
assessment is not paid by consumer, which is to be recovered from the
concerned agency and legal action will be taken.
(F.) If it is established that person of agency has deliberately captured
wrong photo/non-visible image of meter, then penalty will be levied as per
rules and notice will be issued to agency. If such type of default is
observed for more than 3 times, in the same sub division, during the
contractual period, Competent Authority of UGVCLwill charge necessary
penalty. In case you will fail to diliever,the work will be taken from other
Agency at your risk & cost.
(G) In addition to the liquidated damages/penalty as per clause{14(a), (b),
(C), (e), (f)} above, in case the Hon’ble Gujarat Electricity Regulatory
Commission (GERC) or any other court penalizes UGVCL on account of
non-compliance of standard of performance with respect to the works
executed under this contract, the same penalty / fine shall be the
responsibility of the bidder and it shall be deducted from the bidder’s bill.
13.0 Compliance of law: The successful bidder will certify that he has
complied with provision of industrial & Labor Laws including PF Act, ESI
Act etc. as may be applicable.
14.0 Variation in the quantity of scope of work: The quantity mentioned in
Schedule-A can be increased or decreased during the execution.
15.0 Additional Scope / work: Any additional work beyond the scope
enumerated in the work order above shall be carried out by the Bidder only
Signature & Seal of Tenderer
after written confirmation from the signatory of the work order. The
Company shall not entertain any claim or increase in the order value due
to execution of such additional work beyond the scope defined in the work
order. Any such claim shall stand automatically null and void unless
accompanied with a formal amendment to the work order.
16.0 Force Majeure:
Force Majeure means any circumstances beyond the control of the parties
(a) War and other hostilities,(whether war be declared or not), invasion, Act
of foreign enemies, mobilization, requisition or embargo.
(b) Ionizing, radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear
fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel,
radioactive toxic explosive, or other hazardous properties of any explosive
nuclear assembly or nuclear components thereof.
(c) Rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power and civil
(d) Riot, commotion or disorder, except where solely restricted to
employees of the Bidder.
(e) Neither party shall be considered to be in default nor in breach of his
obligations under the Contract to the extent is that performance of such
obligations prevented by any circumstances of Force Majeure that arise
after the date of the Notification of Award.
(f) If either party considers that any circumstances of Force Majeure have
occurred which may affect performance of his obligations he shall promptly
notify the other party.
(g) Upon the occurrence of any circumstances of Force Majeure the Bidder
shall endeavor to continue to perform his obligations under the contract so
far as reasonably practicable. The Bidder shall notify the Engineer-incharge of the steps he proposes to take including any reasonable
alternative means for performance, which is not prevented by Force
Majeure. The Bidder shall not take any such steps unless directed so to do
by the Engineer-in-charge.
(h) If circumstances of Force Majeure have occurred and shall continue for
a period of 180 days, notwithstanding, the bidder may by reason thereof,
having been granted an extension of Time for Completion of the works,
Signature & Seal of Tenderer
either party shall be entitled to serve upon the other, 30 days notice to
terminate the Contract. If at the expiry of the period of 30 days Force
Majeure shall still continue, the Contract shall terminate.
17.0 Accidents:
You shall be liable for and shall indemnify the employer against all losses,
expenses, or claims arising in connection with the death or injury to any
person employed by the bidders or employee of owner for this work;
unless caused by any acts or default of the employer. You shall be liable
for and shall indemnify the bidder against all losses, expenses or claims
arising in connection there with.
18.0 Insurance:
You shall have to insure against liability to Third Parties for any death or
personal injury and loss of or damage to any physical property, including
your property, other than the works arising out of performance of the
contract and occurring before the issue of the last defect liability certificate.
Such Insurances shall be effected by you before starting any work at the
site & should be valid up to completion or extended period of work
19.0 Execution program and Co-ordination procedure:
(a) The bidder shall deploy sufficient number of qualified skilled and
efficient workmen, supervisors and engineers so as to ensure that the
various jobs completed in time. Details of such manpower and other
resources shall be provided by the Bidder to the Company for concurrence
and the Company reserves the right to ask the Bidder to augment
additional manpower or resources for ensuring timely completion of all
tasks as per the schedule provided by the Company to the Bidder.
(b) Bidder shall submit to the Company written detailed execution plan with
necessary software and manpower deployment plan under this work order
and same will be approved by the Company prior to execution of work.
(c)The bidder shall finalize with the Company within one week from this
award a detailed checklist for certification or compliance of all activities
detailed in the work order which shall be the basis for processing the
20.0 Deliverables of the Agency
Signature & Seal of Tenderer
(a) The agency shall submit in each month the electronic copy in flat file
format containing the meter readings with date, time and remarks at least 5
days prior to the scheduled billing date, without fail, for each consumer
category to concern subdivision & division.
(b) The agency shall also prepare and submit (in each month) billing /
consumer category wise reports in support of its assigned tasks
undertaken and completed as mentioned below:
(1) Report on abnormalities.
(2) Incorrectness / inconsistency observed in Photo Billing Database.
(3) Modification / changes in photo meter reading sequence number
(4) Meter Replacement
(c) In addition, the Agency shall submit a consolidated report by the 25th
day of each month giving therein the details of photo meter captured, not
captured, abnormalities noticed, remedy required etc. as per prescribed
The report and numbers of photo bills / consumption etc. should tally with
UGVCL’s IT Department report called as PRT reports.
21.0 Arbitration:
All matters, question, disputes, difference and/or claims arising out of
and/or concerning and/or in connection and/or in consequences or relating
to this Contract whether or not obligations of either of both parties under
this Contract be subsisting at the time of such dispute and whether or not
this Contract has been terminated or purported to be terminated or
completed, shall be referred to the Mutually Agreed Arbitrator under Indian
Arbitration Act 1996. The Award of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding
on the parties to this Contract. The Managing Director of UGVCL will
decide the name of arbitrator by mutually agreed of the bidder. The
arbitrator who is qualified with or with our business and having wide
experience in the rank of chief engineer.
22.0 Jurisdiction:
All tenders / offers, disputes or difference arising under, but of, or in
connection with the contract, if concluded, shall be subject to the exclusive
jurisdiction of the court, within whose jurisdiction the acceptance of Tender
is issued, i.e. Mehsana.
23.0 General:
Signature & Seal of Tenderer
Unless otherwise specified, you shall abide by all the specifications and
terms and conditions of the tender documents. None of the conditions
stated in your offer or subsequent letter shall be deemed to be accepted,
unless stated specifically.
Please acknowledge receipt of this order and confirm your acceptance
thereof within 10 days. If you fail to acknowledge receipt of this order within
the above-mentioned period you will be deemed to have accepted the
same on the terms and conditions set out therein.
Signature & Seal of Tenderer
R&C Office, Visnagar road, Mehsana(Gujarat)
Sub: Annual contract for meter reading through photo,
creation of CD, Data punching of meter reading with photo
image, generating and printing of bills and distributions of
bills to respective consumer premises of various
subdivisions of Palanpur Circle.
Discription of Work
Annual contract for meter
reading through photo, creation
of CD, Data punching of meter
reading with photo image,
generating and printing of bills
with respective (Meter Photo
Image) on bill and distributions
of bills to respective consumer
premises of various subdivisions
of Palanpur Circle.
Estimated Cost
Offer Rate
Rs 37 Lacs
Offer Rs._______________(in ords)Rs.________________________
Signature of bidder with Seal
Signature & Seal of Tenderer
Chief Engineer (PP)
Details of Sub Division and Nos of Consumers of Palanpur Circle
Total nos of Consumers
Name of Sub
Bi Monthly
Category Wise Consumers of Radhanpur and Deesa City S/Dn.
Radhanpur S/Dn
total consumers
Deesa City S/Dn
total consumers
Water Works
Public Lightning
Other LT
Signature & Seal of Tenderer
Fly UP