
Head’s Up! Positions of Influence Department of Psychology Teaching

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Head’s Up! Positions of Influence Department of Psychology Teaching
Head’s Up!
Department of Psychology
August 7, 2015
Department of
Psychology Teaching
Congratulations to Dr. George
Bednarczyk, who wins this award in
2015. The selection follows his
nomination for the award by students
or peers, and submission of a teaching
dossier for review by the Teaching
Evaluation Committee. George will be
recognized on the Teaching Award
plaque in P412 Duff Roblin, and he will
give the annual teaching address in our
colloquium series in 2015-16. Not your
standard staff photo (but the only one
we could find), George is shown here
courtesy of the Winnipeg Free Press at
the start of a cycling event that he and
others founded in 1994 to raise money
for Habitat For Humanity. You can find
more about the event here, and register
to ride it yourself this weekend here.
Positions of Influence
Congratulations to Dr. Jacquie
Vorauer on her appointment as
Associate Editor of Personality
and Social Psychology Bulletin.
PSPB is the official journal of the Society of
Personality and Social Psychology and
among the highest-ranking journals
internationally in social psychology.
Congratulations to Dr. Harvey
Keselman. In the week of July
20, Harvey’s publications
received 122 new views on
ResearchGate, making him the
most widely viewed researcher
in our department.
Congratulations to Renée ElGabalawy, winner of the
Medical University of South
Carolina Department of
Psychiatry and Behavioral
Sciences Psychology Internship
Program Clinical Excellence
Award. Renee also successfully
defended her Ph.D. in July!
Did you know …?
In 2013, the Obama administration issued orders to the heads of NSF, NIH, and other
scientific funding agencies to increase public access to the results of federally funded
research in the US. The results include not just reports and publications, but data –
defined as “the digital recorded factual material commonly accepted in the scientific
community as necessary to validate research findings.” Federal agencies in Canada are
certain to follow this lead, making data management plans a likely component to be
added to grant applications. The U of M Libraries are currently surveying researchers to
find out what practices they are using now to archive data, and to determine how they
can help. You can take their 10-minute survey here.
Head’s Up!
Department of Psychology
August 7, 2015
Corey Mackenzie is 1 of 33 co-applicants,
and Renée El-Gabalawy, Christine
Henriksen, and Natalie Mota are 3 of 8
collaborators, on Jitender Sareen’s 7year, $1,886,073 CIHR Foundations
Scheme Grant: “Defining the longitudinal
course,outcomes, and treatment needs
of vulnerable Canadians with
Posttraumantic Stress Disorder.”
Graduate students, Katie Thom and
Karen Penner, completed mindfulness
(.b) instructor certification and provided
workshops for peers at the Canadian
Association of Occupational Therapists
conference, Canadian Conference on
Developmental Disabilities and Autism,
and for teens with autism at St.Amant.
Manitoba Connections
Allison Dyck and Tammy Ivanco
presented two posters at the Manitoba
Neuroscience Network Meeting in
June: “Brain Plasticity After Concussion
in Young Rats: Brain Change without
Behavioural Change” and “Perception
and Action in a Rodent Model of
Roxanne Boily and Janine Montgomery
published an article in the Manitoba
Association of School Psychologists
PSYN Post newsletter: “Emotional
Intelligence in Teens With and Without
Autism Spectrum Disorders.”
Dan Bailis gave an interview on road
rage and aggression to the Winnipeg
Save the date: Fall Get-Together!
Thursday, September 10, at 4:00 PM in
Marshall MacLuhan Hall.
International Exchange and Conference Presentations
Alex Cristia, developmental psycholinguist from Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
(France) and colleague of Melanie Soderstrom, presented a colloquium here in July. Melanie makes
the reverse trip to co-present a workshop/conference in Paris this December.
Boily, R., Montgomery, J.M., & Stoesz, B. (2015). Differing Patterns of Emotional Intelligence in Teens
with and without Autism Spectrum Disorders. International Meeting for Autism Research, May 2015,
Salt Lake City, Utah.
Li, J. (2015). Effect Size Measures in a Two Independent-Samples Case with Nonnormal and
Nonhomogeneous Data. American Psychological Association conference, August 6-9, 2015, Toronto,
Schwartz, F., Montgomery, J.M., Kingston, S., (2015). Investigating relationships between theory of
mind, emotional intelligence and social stress in Autism Spectrum Disorder. International Convention
of Psychological Science, 12-14 March 2015. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Head’s Up!
Department of Psychology
August 7, 2015
Spotlight on Developmental Disabilities Research
Here are 8 recent papers authored or co-authored by faculty and students in Psychology on the
subject of autism spectrum disorders and related assessments and services:
Brady, D., Saklofske, D.H., Schwean, V.L., Montgomery, J.M., McCrimmon, A.W., & Thorne, K.J.
(2014). Cognitive and Emotional Intelligence in Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
without an Accompanying Intellectual or Language Disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum
Disorders, 8(9), 1016-1023. doi: 10.1016/j.rasd.2014.05.009.
Brady, D., Schwean, V.L., Saklofske, D.H, Montgomery, J.M., Thorne, K.J., & McCrimmon, A.W.,
(2015; #14-112.R1). Executive Functions in Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Focus on
Autism and other Developmental Disorders.
Miljkovic, M., Kaminski, L., Yu, C.T., & Wishnowski, L. (2015). Evaluation of video modelling and
self-instructional manual to teach students to conduct a preference assessment. Journal on
Developmental Disabilities, 21(1), 4-11.
Montgomery, J., Martin, T., Shooshtari, S., Stoesz, B. M., Heinrichs, D. J., North, S., Dodson, L,
Senkow, Q. & Douglas, J. (2014). Interventions for Challenging Behaviours of Students with Autism
Spectrum Disorders and Developmental Disabilities: A Synthesis Paper. Exceptionality Education
International, 23(1), 2-21.
Pedreira, K., & Pear, J.J. (2015). Motivation and attitude in a computer-aided personalized system
of instruction course on discrete-trials teaching. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 21(1), 4753.
Shooshtari, S., Brownell, M., Ouellette-Kuntz, H., Yu, C.T., Naghipur, S., Hennen, B., Temple, B., Dik,
N., & Burchill, C. (2015). Comparing hospital-based dental care between individuals with and
without developmental disabilities in Manitoba: A population-based study. Journal on
Developmental Disabilities, 21(1), 12-22
Zaragoza Scherman, A., Thomson, K., Boris, A., Dodson, L., Pear, J.J., & Martin, G. (2015). Online
training of discrete-trials teaching for educating children with autism spectrum disorders: A
preliminary study. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 21(1), 23-34.
Head’s Up!
Department of Psychology
August 7, 2015
Summer Thesis Defenses
As You Can See …
It’s been a busy summer in Psychology. Head’s
Up! returns in September. Send your updates to
Sue Law, and stay cool!
Chad Graves, “Problem Gambling: The Impact of Personality on Gambling,” Ph.D.
Thesis Proposal, Friday, June 26, 1PM, P519 Duff Roblin.
Renée El-Gabalawy , “Anxiety and Physical Health Conditions in Older Adults: An
Examination of Co-occurrence, Predictors of Co-occurrence, and Mental Health
Service Use,” Ph.D. Thesis Defense, Tuesday, July 7, 1:30PM, P339A University
Morena Miljkovic, “Intensity of Early Behavioural Intervention for Children with
Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Retrospective Evaluation,” M.A. Thesis Proposal,
Thursday, July 16, 2PM, P412 Duff Roblin.
Michelle Ward, “Closing the Gender Gap: Understanding the Social and Emotional
Experiences of Adolescent Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder,” M.A. Thesis
Proposal, Monday, July 20, 10AM, P412 Duff Roblin.
Matthew Quesnel, “Increasing Openness to Outgroup Members’ Persuasive
Appeals,” M.A. Thesis Defense, Wednesday, August 5, 1PM, P412 Duff Roblin.
May S. H. Lee, “Comparison of Error-Correction Procedures for Teaching Topographyand Selection-Based Responses,” Ph.D. Thesis Defense, Friday, August 7, 1PM,
P412 Duff Roblin.
Kathleen Fortune, “The Costs of Concealment: The Depleting Effects of Concealing
Sexual Orientation,” Ph.D. Thesis Defense, Monday, August 10, 11AM, P412 Duff
Alison Cox, “Variations in Behaviour Function in Individuals with Intellectual
Disability and Psychotropic Medications,” Ph.D. Thesis Defense, Wednesday,
August 12, 1PM, P339A University Centre.
Carly Chand, “Evaluation of a Self-Instructional Manual for Conducting PairedStimulus Preference Assessment with Individuals with Developmental Disabilities,”
Ph.D. Thesis Defense, Tuesday, August 11, 2PM, P412 Duff Roblin.
Flint Schwartz, “Emotional Intelligence and Theory of Mind in Adults with a History
of Childhood Maltreatment,” M.A. Thesis Defense, Thursday, August 13, 2014,
10AM, P412 Duff Roblin.
Lindsay McCombe, “Comparing Two Methods When Using Computer-Aided
Personalized System of Instruction to Teach Staff Behavioural Principles and
Procedures,” M.A. Thesis Proposal, Thursday, August 20, 2PM, P412 Duff Roblin.
Fly UP