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Centre on Aging
338 Isbister Building
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2
PUBLICATIONS 2004 - 2009
This listing includes recent publications by University of Manitoba Centre on Aging Research
Affiliates. If you are interested in receiving copies of these articles please contact the Centre at
204-474-8754 or by e-mail at [email protected].
In Press
Anscheutz, S., Rodgers, C. D., & Taylor, A. W. (in press). Meal Composition and the Iron Status
of Experienced Male and Female Distance Runners. Biology of Sport.
Ansons, T. L., Wan, F., & Leboe, J. P. (in press). The influence of immersion on product
placement effectiveness: A synthesis and review of product placement in traditional and
digital media. In M. S. Eastin, T. Daugherty, & N. M. Burns (Eds.), Handbook of
Research on Digital Media and Advertising. IGI Global: Hershey, Pennsylvania.
Austin-Smith, B. and Melnyk, G. (Eds.). (in press). The Gendered Screen: Canadian Women
Filmmakers. Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier University Press.
Bailis, D. S., Segall, A., & Chipperfield, J. G. (in press). Age, relative autonomy, and change in
health locus of control beliefs: A longitudinal study of members of a health-promotion
facility. Journal of Health Psychology.
Banerji, S., Ande, R. S., Maddika, S., Banerji, S., Rashedi, I., Owens, N. W., Zuse, A.,
Schweizer, F. & Los, M. (in press). In “Peptides and peptidomimetics as cancer therapy
sensitizing agents”, Humana press.
Bokhari, F., & Sawatzky, J. V. (in press). Chronic neuropathic pain in women following breast
cancer treatment. Pain Management Nursing.
Dear, J. B., Porter, M. M., & Ready, A. E. (in press). Energy expenditure during golfing and
lawn-mowing in older adult men. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity.
Delbaere, M., & Malcolm, C. (in press). Health Care Knowledge and Consumer Learning: The
Case of Direct-to-Consumer Drug Advertising. Health Marketing Quarterly.
Eni, R., Harvey, C. D. H., & Phillips-Beck, W. (in press). Investigating Reciprocity in Caring for
Family Members in Manitoba First Nation Communities: Standpoints on the Grandparent
Relationship. First Nation Child and Family Journal.
Forbes, D. & Hawranik, P. (in press). Looming Dementia Care Crisis: Are Canadian Rural and
Remote Settings Ready? In Kulig, J. & A. Williams (Eds.). Rural Health: A Canadian
Perspective. UBC Press.
Guse, L. (in press). Assessment of the Older Adult. In K.L. Mauk, Gerontological Nursing:
Competences for Care.
Hallman, B. C., &.Benbow, S. M. P (in press). Seeing if you can capture the one that just makes
it: Placing family life through family zoo photography. Chapter 1 in B. Hallman (ed.)
Family Geographies: The Spatiality of Families and Family Life. Oxford University Press:
Toronto ON.
Hallman, B. C., & Joseph, A. E. (in press). Getting there: mapping the gendered geography of
care giving to elderly relatives. In Andrew, G.J., Phillips, D.R. and A.K. Sahoo (eds.)
Geographies of Ageing: A Reader. Rawat Publisher: New Delhi, India.
Hauff, K., Choi, S.Y., Fohman, M., & Hatch, G.M. (in press). Cardiolipin synthesis is required to
support human cholesterol biosynthesis from palmitate upon serum removal in Hela
cells. Canadian Journal of Physiology Pharmacology.
Jones, G. R., Vandervoort, A. A., Tudor-Locke, C. E., Petrella, R. J., & Taylor, A. W. (in press).
Monitoring Ambulatory Behavior in Older Hip Fracture Patients. Physiotherapy Canada.
Joseph, A. E., & Hallman, B. C. (in press). Over the hill and far away: distance as a barrier to
the provision of assistance to elderly relatives. In Andrew, G.J., Phillips, D. R. and
Sahoo, A. K. (eds.) Geographies of Ageing: A Reader. Rawat Publisher: New Delhi,
Lau, Y.- K., Lee, C. E., Prior, H. J., Lix, L. M., Metge, C. J., & Leslie, W. D. (in press). Fracture
risk in androgen-deprivation therapy: A Canadian population-based analysis. Canadian
Journal of Urology.
Leboe, J. P., Leboe, L. C., & Milliken, B. (in press). Constraints on the observation of partial
match costs: Implications for transfer appropriate processing approaches to immediate
priming. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance.
Mackenzie, C. S., Knox, V. J., & Gekoski, W. L. (in press). Mental disorders and aging. In P.
Firestone & D. Dozios (Eds.), Abnormal psychology: Perspectives (4th ed.). Toronto,
ON: Pearson Education Canada.
Mertin, S., Sawatzky, J. V., & Diehl-Jones, W. (in press). Pleural effusions: a nurse practitioner's
clinical practice guide. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.
Nesbitt, J., & Sawatzky, J. V. Understanding altered level of consciousness: A nursing
framework. Canadian Journal of Neuroscience Nursing.
Newall, N. E., Chipperfield, J. G., Clifton, R. A., Perry, R. P., Swift, A., & Ruthig, J. C. (in press).
Affiliative causal beliefs and loneliness among older adults: A longitudinal study. Journal
of Social and Personal Relationships.
Pangman, V. & Pangman, C. (in press) Nursing Leadership from a Canadian Perspective.
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Sasavari, M., Gaal, D., Nakamoto, H., Goto, S., Melamade, R., Taylor, A. W., & Radak, Z. (in
press). The Effects of Regular Exercise on the Development of Sarcoma Tumor and
Oxidative Damage in Mouse Liver. Acta Physiologica Hungarica.
Sawatzky, J. V., Enns, C. L., Ashcroft, T. J., Davis, P. L., & Harder, B. N. (in press). Teaching
excellence in nursing education: a caring framework. Journal of Professional Nursing.
Sawatzky, J. V. & Enns, C. L. (in press). A mentoring needs assessment: validating mentorship
in nursing education. Journal of Professional Nursing.
Sawatzky, J. V., & Naimark, B. J. (in press). Coronary artery bypass graft surgery trajectory:
Gender differences revisited. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing.
Schapansky, J., Morissette, M., Odero, G., Albensi, B. Glazner, G. (in press). Neuregulin 1
Enhances Peak Glutamate-induced Intracellular Calcium Levels through Endoplasmic
Reticulum Calcium Release in Cultured Hippocampal Neurons. Canadian Journal of
Physiology and Pharmacology.
Segall, A., & Fries, C. (in press). Pursuing Health and Wellness: Healthy Beings and Bodies.
Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford University Press.
St. John, P. D., & Montgomery, P. R. (in press). Do Depressive Symptoms Predict Mortality in
Older People? Aging and Mental Health.
St. John, P. D., & Montgomery, P. R. (in press). Marital Status, Partner Satisfaction and
Depressive Symptoms in Older Men and Women. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
Tiede, H. L., & Leboe, J. P. (in press). The origins of illusions of confidence in phonetically-,
orthographically-, and semantically-similar word pairs. Canadian Journal of Experimental
Tiede, H. L., Derksen, C., & Leboe, J. P. (in press). An investigation of increases in
metamemory confidence across multiple study trials. Memory.
Tiede, H. L. & Leboe, J. P. (in press). Metamemory judgments and the benefits of repeated
study: Improving recall predictions through the activation of appropriate knowledge.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition.
Thiele K., Menec, V. H., & Katz, A. (in press). Diabetes training in Canadian family medicine
residency programs. Canadian Journal of Diabetes.
Throndson, K., & Sawatzky, J. V. (in press). Angina following percutaneous coronary
intervention: in-stent restenosis. Canadian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing.
Vajda, I., Taylor, A. W., Meszaros, J., Prokai, Z., Zsidegh, M., Csande, Z. (in press). Age and
Activity-Related Changes in Motor Performance Scores in 7-Year-Old Obese Boys.
Journal of Sports Biology.
Webber, S. C, Porter, M. M., & Gardiner, P. F. (in press). Modeling age-related neuromuscular
changes in humans. Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism.
Webber, S. C, & Porter, M. M. (in press). Monitoring mobility in older adults using global
Positioning system (GPS) watches and accelerometers: a feasibility study. Journal of
Aging and Physical Activity.
Zhanel, G. G., DeCorby, M., Nichol, K. A., Wierzbowski, A., Baudry, P., Karlowsky, J. A.,
Lagacé-Wiens, P., Walkty, A., Schweizer F., McCracken M, & Mulvey M. (in press). The
Canadian Antimicrobial Resistance Alliance (CARA) and Hoban DJ. Antimicrobial
Resistant Pathogens in Canadian Hospitals: Results of the Canadian Ward Surveillance
Study CANWARD 2007. Canadian Journal of Infectious Disease & Medical
Albensi, B. C. (2009). V. Plasticity and Epileptogenesis, D. Electrical Stimulation Protocols for
Seizure Attenuation. In P. A. Schwartzkronin, Encyclopedia of Basic Epilepsy Research.
Academic Press, Elsevier Science.
Chipperfield, J. G., Perry, R. P., Weiner, B., & Newall, N. E. (2009). Reported causal
antecedents of discrete emotions in late life. International Journal of Aging & Human
Development, 68(3), 215-241.
Faber Taylor, A., & Kuo, F. E. (2009). Children with attention deficits concentrate better after
walk in the park. Journal of Attention Disorders, 12(5), 402-409.
Giesbrecht, E. M., Ripat, J. D., Quanbury, A. O., & Cooper, J. E. (2009). Participation in
community-based activities of daily living: comparison of a pushrim-activated, powerassisted wheelchair and a power wheelchair. Disability and Rehabilitation Assistive
Technology, 4(3), 198-207.
Hauff, K., Linda, D., & Hatch, G. M. (2009). Mechanism of the elevation in cardiolipin during
HeLa cell entry into the S-phase of the human cell cycle. The Biochemical Journal,
417(2), 573-582.
Haynes, T. L., Heckhausen, J., Chipperfield, J. G., Perry, R. P., & Newall, N. E. (2009). Primary
and secondary control strategies: Implications for health and well-being among older
adults. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 28(2), 165-197.
Jansen, L., Forbes, D. A., Markle-Reid, M., Hawranik, P., Kingston, D., Peacock, S., Henderson,
S., & Leipert, B. (2009). Formal care providers' perceptions of home- and communitybased services: informing dementia care quality. Home Health Care Services Quarterly,
28(1), 1-23.
Koizumi, A., Hada, N., Kaburaki, A., Yamano, K., Schweizer, F., & Takeda, T. (2009). Synthetic
studies on the carbohydrate moiety of the antigen from the parasite Echinococcus
multilocularis. Carbohydrate Research, 344(7), 856-868.
Menec, V. H., Veselyuk, D. M., Blandford, A. A., & Nowicki, S. (2009). Availability of activityrelated resources in senior apartments: does it differ by neighbourhood socio-economic
status? Ageing & Society , 29, 397-411.
Menec, V. H., Nowicki, S., Blandford, A., & Veselyuk, D. (2009). Hospitalizations at the end of
life among long-term care residents. Journals of Gerontology Series A-Biological
Sciences and Medical Sciences, 64(3), 395-402.
Mertin, S., Sawatzky, J. A., Diehl-Jones, W. L., & Lee, T. W. (2009). Total spinal anesthesia for
cardiac surgery: does it make a difference in patient outcomes? Dynamics, 20(1), 18-24.
Mitchell, R. W., Edmundson, C. L., Miller, D. W., & Hatch, G. M. (2009). On the mechanism of
oleate transport across human brain microvessel endothelial cells. Journal of
Neurochemistry, 110, 1149-1157.
Mitchell, R. W., & Hatch, G. M. (2009). Regulation of cardiolipin synthesis by fatty acid transport
protein-1 in HEK 293 cells. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, epub.
Murray, R. B, Zentner, J. B, Pangman, V, and Pangman, C (2009). Health Promotion Strategies
Through the Life Span. (2nd Canadian Ed) Toronto, ON: Pearson Education.
Newall, N. E., Chipperfield, J. G., Daniels, L. M., Hladkyj, S., & Perry, R. P. (2009). Regret in
late life: Exploring relationships between regret frequency, secondary interpretive control
beliefs, and health in older individuals. International Journal of Aging & Human
Development, 68(4), 261-288.
Padilla Perez, J., Kowalchuk, J. J. M., Taylor, A. W., & Paterson, D. H. (2009). Phase two ontransient VO2 kinetics is slow age-related during submaximal exercise in adult men.
Revista Hospital Juarezl De Mexico, 75(166-172.
Ready, A. E., Butcher, J. E., Dear, J. B., Fieldhouse, P., Harlos, S., Katz, A., Moffatt, M.,
Rodrigue, M., Schmalenberg, J., & Gardiner, P. F. (2009). Canada's physical activity
guide recommendations are a low benchmark for Manitoba adults. Applied Physiology
Nutrition and Metabolism-Physiologie Appliquee Nutrition et Metabolisme, 34(2), 172181.
Roger, K. S., & Ursel, J. (2009). Public opinion on mandatory reporting of abuse and/or neglect
of older adults in Manitoba, Canada. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 21(2), 115-140.
Sadowski, C. A., Carrie, A. G., Grymonpre, R. E., Metge, C. J., & St.John, P. (2009). Access
and intensity of use of prescription analgesics among older Manitobans. The Canadian
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 16(2), e322-e330.
Saini-Chohan, H. K., Holmes, M. G., Chicco, A. J., Taylor, W. A., Moore, R. L., McCune, S. A.,
Hickson-Bick, D. L., Hatch, G. M., & Sparagna, G. C. (2009). Cardiolipin biosynthesis
and remodeling enzymes are altered during the development of heart failure. Journal of
Lipid Research, epub 1-35.
Sawatzky, J. A. V., & Naimark, B. J. (2009). Coronary artery bypass graft surgery exploring a
broader perspective of risks and outcomes. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 24(3),
Serrano, G. N., Zhanel, G. G., & Schweizer, F. (2009). Antibacterial activity of ultrashort cationic
lipo-beta-peptides. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 53(5), 2215-2217.
St John, P. D., Montgomery, P. R., & Tyas, S. L. (2009). Alcohol misuse, gender and depressive
symptoms in community-dwelling seniors. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry,
24(4), 369-375.
St John, P. D., & Montgomery, P. (2009). Does a single-item measure of depression predict
mortality? Canadian Family Physician, 55(6), E1-E5.
Throndson, K., & Sawatzky, J. A. (2009). Improving outcomes following elective percutaneous
coronary intervention: the key role of exercise. Canadian Journal of Cardiovascular
Nursing, 19(2), 17-24.
Urbanik, C. M., & Lobchuk, M. M. (2009). Encouraging family caregivers to "step inside the
patient's shoes". Home Healthcare Nurse, 27(4), 213-218.
Wong, J., & Leboe, J. P. (2009). Distinguishing between inhibitory and episodic processing
accounts of switch-cost asymmetries. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology,
63(1), 8-23.
Zhang, K., & Schweizer, F. (2009). Design and synthesis of glucose-templated proline-lysine
chimera: polyfunctional amino acid chimera with high prolyl cis amide rotamer
population. Carbohydrate Research, 344(5), 576-585.
Zhang, K. D., Teklebrhan, R. B., Schreckenbach, G., Wetmore, S., & Schweizer, F. (2009).
Intramolecular hydrogen bond-controlled prolyl amide isomerization in glucosyl 3 '(S)hydroxy-5 '-hydroxymethylproline hybrids: Influence of a C-5 '-hydroxymethyl substituent
on the thermodynamics and kinetics of prolyl amide cis/trans isomerization. Journal of
Organic Chemistry, 74(10), 3735-3743.
Albensi, B. C. (2008). Seizure-Induced Synaptic Plasticity: Understanding Synaptic
Reorganization. In T. F. Kaiser, & F. J. Peters, Synaptic Plasticity: New Research (pp.
Columbus: Nova Science Publishers.
Albensi, B. C., Toupin, J. D., Oikawa, K., & Oliver, D. R. (2008). Controlled pulse delivery of
electrical stimulation differentially reduces epileptiform activity in Mg2+-free-treated
hippocampal slices. Brain Research, 1226, 163-172.
Albensi, B. C. (2008). Can in vitro assessment provide relevant end points for cognitive drug
programs? Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery, 3(12), 1377-1382.
Bailis, D. S., Chipperfield, J. G., & Helgason, T. R. (2008). Collective self-esteem and the onset
of chronic conditions and reduced activity in a longitudinal study of aging. Social Science
& Medicine, 66(8), 1817-1827.
Bailis, D. S., Chipperfield, J. G., Perry, R. P., Newall, N. E., & Haynes, T. L. (2008). Exploring
the commonalities between adaptive resources and self-enhancement in older adults'
comparative judgments of physical activity. Journal of Aging and Health, 20(8), 899-919.
Bedard, M., Porter, M. M., Marchall, S., Isherwood, I., Riendeau, J., Weaver, B., Tuokko, H.,
Molnar, F., & Miller-Polgar, J. (2008). The combination of two training approaches to
improve older adults' driving safety. Traffic Injury Prevention, 9(1), 70-76.
Bedard, M., Weaver, B., Darzios, P., & Porter, M. M. (2008). Predicting driving performance in
older adults: We are not there yet! Traffic Injury Prevention, 9(4), 336-341.
Benbow, S. M. P., & Hallman, B. C. (2008). Reading the zoo map: Cultural heritage insights
from popular cartography. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 14(1), 30-42.
Benoit, D., Gélinas, I., Mazer, B., Porter, M. M., & Duquette, J. (2008). Drivers' perceived
workload when driving using adaptive equipment: A pilot study. Physical and
Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 27(4), 277-297.
Bera, S., Zhanel, G. G., & Schweizer, F. (2008). Design, synthesis, and antibacterial activities of
neomycin-lipid conjugates: Polycationic lipids with potent gram-positive activity. Journal
of Medicinal Chemistry, 51(19), 6160-6164.
Bédard, M., Porter, M. M., Marshall, S., Isherwood, I., Riendeau, J., Weaver, B., Tuokko, H.,
Molnar, F., & Miller-Polgar, J. (2008). The combination of two training approaches to
improve older adults' driving safety. Traffic Injury Prevention, 9(1), 70-76.
Cameron, C. A., & Sawatzky, J. A. (2008). Postoperative pain management: the challenges of
the patient with Crohn's disease. MedSurg Nursing, 17(2), 85-91.
Chavez-Dagostino, R. M., Cifuentes-Lemus, J. L., Andrade-Romo, E., Espinoza-Sanchez, R.,
Massam, B. H., & Everitt, J. (2008). Huellas ecologicas y sustenabilidad en la costa
norte de Jalisco, Mexico. Teoria y Praxis, 4(5), 137-144.
Chipperfield, J. G. (2008). Everyday physical activity as a predictor of late-life mortality.
Gerontologist, 48(3), 349-357.
Chipperfield, J. G., Newall, N. E., Chuchmach, L. P., Swift, A. U., & Haynes, T. L. (2008).
Differential determinants of men's and women's everyday physical activity in later life.
Journals of Gerontology Series B-Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 63(4),
Choo-Smith, L. P., Dong, C. C. S., Cleghorn, B., & Hewko, M. (2008). Shedding new light on
early caries detection. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, 74(10), 913-918.
Christie, S., & Sawatzky, J. V. (2008). Acute cardiac tamponade: Anticipate the complication.
Dynamics, 19(4), 13-16.
Cleghorn, B. M., Christie, W. H., & Dong, C. C. S. (2008). Anomalous mandibular premolars: A
mandibular first premolar with three roots and a mandibular second premolar with a Cshaped canal system. International Endodontic Journal, 41(11), 1005-1014.
Danos, M., Taylor, W. A., & Hatch, G. M. (2008). Mitochondrial monolysocardiolipin
acyltransferase is elevated in the surviving population of H9c2 cardiac myoblast cells
exposed to 2-deoxyglucose-induced apoptosis. Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 86(1), 1120.
Dekany, M., Nemeskeri, V., Gyore, I., Ekes, E., Gogl, A., Szots, G., Petrekanits, M., Taylor, A.
W., Berkes, I., & Pucsok, J. (2008). Physical performance and antioxidant effects in
triathletes. Biology of Sport, 25(2), 101-114.
Desanghere, L., & Marotta, J. J. (2008). The specificity of learned associations in visuomotor
and perceptual procesing. Experimental Brain Research, 187(4), 595-601.
Dobbs, B. M., & Strain, L. A. (2008). Staying connected: Issues of mobility of older rural adults.
In N. Keating, A Good Place to Grow Old? Critical Perspectives on Rural Ageing (pp. 8795). Bristol, UK: The Policy Press.
Everitt, J., Massam, B. H., Chàvez-Dagostino, R. M., Espinosa Sanchez, R., & Romo, E. A.
(2008). The imprints of tourism on Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico. The Canadian
Geographer, 52(1), 83-104.
Forbes, D. A., Jansen, S. L., Markle-Reid, M., Hawranik, P., Morgan, D., Henderson, S., Leipert,
B., Peacock, S., & Kingston, D. (2008). Gender differences in use and availability of
home and community-based services for people with dementia. Canadian Journal of
Nursing Research, 40(1), 38-59.
Forbes, D. A., Markle-Reid, M., Hawranik, P., Peacock, S., Kingston, D., Morgan, D.,
Henderson, S., Leipert, B., & Jansen, S. L. (2008). Availability and acceptability of
Canadian home and community-based services: Perspectives of family caregivers of
persons with dementia. Home Health Care Services Quarterly, 28(2), 75-79.
Ford, R. G., & Smith, G. C. (2008). Geographical and structural change in nursing care
provisions for older people in England, 1993-2001. Geoforum, 39(1), 483-498.
Fuchs, D. (2008). Assessment of communities. In W. Rowe, & L. Rapp-Paglicci, Comprehensive
Handbook of Social Work and Social Welfare (pp. 488-504). Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley
and Sons.
Green, M. A., & Hawranik, P. G. (2008). Smoke-free policies in the psychiatric population on the
ward and beyond: A discussion paper. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 45(10),
Grymonpre, R. E., & Hawranik, P. G. (2008). Rural residence and prescription medication use
by community-dwelling older adults: A review of the literature. Journal of Rural Health,
24 (2), 203-209.
Hansen, F., & Sawatzky, J. A. V. (2008). Stress in patients with lung cancer: A human response
to illness. Oncology Nursing Forum, 35(2), 217-223.
Hatch, G. M., Gu, Y., Xu, F., Cizeau, J., Neumann, S., Park, J., Loewen, S., & Mowat, M. R. A.
(2008). StARD13(Dlc-2) RhoGap mediates ceramide activation of
phosphatidylglycerolphosphate synthase and drug response in Chinese hamster ovary
cells. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 19(3), 1083-1092.
Hawranik, P., Johnston, P., & Deatrich, J. (2008). Therapeutic touch and agitation in individuals
with Alzheimer's Disease. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 30(4), 417-434.
Hawranik, P., & Thorpe, K. M. (2008). Helping faculty enhance scholarship. The Journal of
Continuing Education in Nursing, 39(4), 155-163.
Hearson, B., & Sawatzky, J. V. (2008). Sleep disturbance in patients with advanced cancer.
International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 14(1), 30-37.
Ko, A. C. T., Hewko, M., Sowa, M. G., Dong, C. C. S., Cleghorn, B., & Choo-Smith, L. P. (2008).
Early dental caries detection using a fibre-optic coupled polarization-resolved Raman
spectroscopic system. Optics Express, 16(9), 6274-6284.
Ko, W. F., & Sawatzky, J. A. (2008). Understanding urinary incontinence after radical
prostatectomy: A nursing framework. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 12(4), 647654.
Krishnan, P., & Hawranik, P. (2008). Diagnosis and management of geriatric insomnia: A guide
for nurse practitioners. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 20(12),
Kruk, R., Sumbler, K., & Willows, D. (2008). Visual processing characteristics of children with
Meares-Irlen syndrome. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 28(1), 35-46.
Lau, Y. K., Chadha, M. K., Litwin, A., & Trump, D. L. (2008). A dramatic, objective antiandrogen
withdrawal response: case report and review of the literature. Journal of Hematology &
Oncology, 1(21), 1-8.
Leboe, J. P., Wong, J., Crump, M., & Stobbe, K. (2008). Probe-specific proportion task
repetition effects on switching costs. Perception & Psychophysics, 70(6), 935-945.
Lee, C. E., Browell, L. M., & Jones, D. L. (2008). Measuring health in patients with cervical and
lumbosacral spinal disorders: Is the 12-item short-form health survey a valid alternative
for the 36-item short-form health survey? Archives of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation, 89(5), 829-833.
Lehr, J., Everitt, J., & Evans, S. (2008). The making of the prairie landscape. Prairie Forum,
Spring, 1-38.
Lengyel, C. O., Whiting, S. J., & Zello, G. A. (2008). Nutrient inadequacies among elderly
residents of long-term care facilities. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and
Research, 69(2), 82-88.
Lobchuk, M. M., & Bokhari, S. A. (2008). Linkages among empathic behaviors, physical
symptoms, and psychological distress in patients with ovarian cancer: A pilot study.
Oncology Nursing Forum, 35(5), 808-814.
Lobchuk, M. M., McClement, S. E., McPherson, C., & Cheang, M. (2008). Does blaming the
patient with lung cancer affect the helping behavior of primary caregivers? Oncology
Nursing Forum, 35(4), 681-689.
Lobchuk, M. M., Murdoch, T., McClement, S. E., & McPherson, C. (2008). A dyadic affair: Who
is to blame for causing and controlling the patient's lung cancer? Cancer Nursing, 31(6),
Mackenzie, C. S., Wiprzycka, U. J., Hasher, L., & Goldstein, D. (2008). Seeing the glass half
full: Optimistic expressive writing improves mental health among chronically stressed
caregivers. British Journal of Health Psychology, 13, 73-76.
Mackenzie, C. S., Scott, T., Mather, A., & Sareen, J. (2008). Older adults' help-seeking attitudes
and treatment beliefs concerning mental health problems. American Journal of Geriatric
Psychiatry, 16(12), 1010-1019.
McPherson, C. J., Wilson, K. G., Lobchuk, M. M., & Brajtman, S. (2008). Family caregivers'
assessment of symptoms in patients with advanced cancer: Concordance with patients
and factors affecting accuracy. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 35(1), 7082.
Mondal, D., & Schweizer, F. (2008). Alkylation reactions using a galactose-based beta-keto
ester enolate and conversion into beta-C-galactosides. Synlett, 16, 2475-2478.
Myers, A. M., Blanchard, R. A., MacDonald, L., & Porter, M. M. (2008). Process evaluation of
the American Automobile Association Roadwise Review CD-ROM - Observed and
reported experiences of older drivers. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 24(3), 224-238.
Nicolle, L., Duckworth, H., Sitar, D., Bryski, L., Harding, G., & Zhanel, G. (2008).
Pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of levofloxacin 750 mg once daily in young
women with acute uncomplicated pyelonephritis. International Journal of Antimicrobial
Agents, 31(3), 287-289.
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