
Community MATTERS

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Community MATTERS
Jan 2016
No. 57
University of Manitoba,
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
From the
elcome back to the winter
term, in what so far has been
a mild winter, with the exception
of a couple of weeks in January.
Our large group of new graduate
students has settled in and we are
anticipating another large intake in
the Fall of 2016.
On the undergraduate side, the
working group led by Shahin
Shooshtari has worked very
diligently over the past few months
to re-structure the Bachelor of
Health Studies degree program,
which along with the Bachelor of
Health Sciences degree program,
make up the Interdisciplinary Health
Program. The Health Studies
program is now proposed to consist
of six areas of concentration,
up from the previous four, and
the current proposal has been
Dr. Stephen Moses, MD, MPH
approved by the Faculty of Health
Sciences Council, and will soon be
working its way through University Senate committees and the full
senate. If all goes well, the program will be in place for the Fall 2016
term, and we are requesting a suspension thereafter of admissions
to the Bachelor of Human Ecology degree program, with most new
students expected to find a home in one of the concentration areas in
the Health Studies program. Of course, existing Bachelors of Human
Ecology students will have the option of continuing in that program
to completion. Thanks to Caroline Piotrowski, Kerstin Roger, Alisa
Claiman, Shelly Goodacre, Christine Ateah, and Emily Etcheverry for
their important contributions to this process.
I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new faculty members
who have joined CHS over the past few months: Nathan Nickel, in
a tenure-track position with the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy;
and Yvonne Boyer and Tara Stewart, who have new part-time
appointments. Faculty recruitment processes are continuing for a
contingent position at MFN CAHR, a Canada Research Chair Tier 2
cont'd next page
Announcements........................... 2
Awards......................................... 3
Community Engagement............. 5
Graduate Program...................... 6
Community Health Information
and Research Partnerships......... 7
Section of First Nations, Métis,
and Inuit Health
Centre for Aboriginal
Health Education...................... 8
J.A. Hildes Northern
Medical Unit.......................... 9
New Research Grants................ 12
New Publications...................... 14
Presentations, Invited Lectures,
Consultations............................ 18
Is there a Northern, Rural,
Remote Physician you would
Like to Honour?
You are invited......
Retirement Party for Dr.
Joseph Kaufert and Dr.
Patricia Kaufert.
11 March 2016
See Page 2 or 5 for Details
46th Annual Winnipeg
School Division Science
13 April 2016
See Page 7 for Details
4th Annual Basketball
for Inner City Kids
Details to be Announced
Department Head, cont'd
at MCHP, and a Canada Research Chair Tier 2
with the Centre for Global Public Health. I hope to
be able make some announcements about these
positions in the next newsletter. We also must
bid farewell to some faculty members: Dr. Rachel
Eni, who left the University of Manitoba at the end
of December to pursue opportunities on the West
Coast; and Dr. Joe Kaufert, who retired at the
end of December, after 39 years of service at the
University. As noted elsewhere in this newsletter,
there will be a retirement celebration on the 11th
of March for Joe, as well as for Pat Kaufert who
retired in 2011. I hope that you will be able to
join us in celebrating their careers in Community
Health Sciences.
Stephen Moses, MD, MPH
Head of Department
he Department of Community Health
Sciences invites you to a reception in
honour of the retirements of Dr. Joseph Kaufert
and Dr. Patricia Kaufert. Joe retired at the end
of December after 39+ years with the University
of Manitoba and Pat retired after 33 years with
the University at the end of December 2011.
We hope that you are able to join us in
celebrating Joe and Pat’s careers, and
extending our best wishes for their retirement.
If you would like to contribute to a gift collection,
please forward your contribution to Kathy Bell’s
attention, P120 Pathology Building. Please
also RSVP your attendance to Kathy Bell, at: [email protected] by 12 February 2016.
The Department welcomes new members:
• Dr. Nathan Nickel, Assistant Professor
• Amanda Rowan-Krivda, Research Support,
CHS General Office
• Dr. Yvonne Boyer, Associate Professor
(Part-Time nil-salaried)
• Dr. Tara Stewart, Assistant Professor (PartTime nil-salaried)
Page 2
January 2016
No. 57
Canadian Society for
Epidemiology and
Biostatistics National
Student Conference
From the 8th through to the 10th
of June 2016 the Department of
Community Health Sciences at the
University of Manitoba will be hosting
the Canadian Society for Epidemiology
and Biostatistics (CSEB) National
Student Conference at the Bannatyne
We are pleased to announce that the
call for abstracts is now open (Deadline:
15 February 2016). Abstracts are to be
submitted through our website. (http://
cseb2016/index.html). Students have
a choice between presenting their
work as an oral presentation, a rapid
fire poster presentation, or a regular
poster presentation. Anyone interested
in reviewing abstracts should contact
Sasha Blant at csebwpg2016@gmail.
On the 9th of June 2016 we are
partnering with the Canadian Student
Health Research Forum (CSHRF) to offer
a high quality symposium with talks
on the conference theme, “Patterns
of Health: A Population Perspective”.
Confirmed speakers include Dr. Kue
Young (University of Alberta), Dr.
Sandro Galea (Boston University), Dr.
Raymond Carroll (Texas A&M University),
and Dr. Gary Kobinger (National
Microbiology Laboratory).
Organisations interested in sponsoring
any of the conference events or having
a booth should contact Angela Krutish
at [email protected].
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
January 2016
No. 57
Left to right: Joanne Keselman, Adelicia Yu, Kerstin
Roger, Valsa Daniels, Christine Ateah, David
Joanne Keselman, Adelicia Yu, Kerstin Roger, Valsa Daniels, Christine Ateah, David Barnard
r. Kerstin Roger received the Excellence in
Teaching Award for 2015 from the Manitoba
Association of Home Economists (MAHE). This
is recognition for excellence in undergraduate
teaching in the Bachelor of Human Ecology
program in Family Social Sciences.
Congratulations to Dr. Deborah McPhail,
recipient of an Outreach Award for activities for
2014-2015 (increasing access to the existing
programs of the University; extending the nature
and range of the programs and services it offers;
sharing more effectively with the community
the resources of the University; and drawing on
the talent, experience and resources within the
community. The award was presented on 17
November 2015.
Congratulations to Dr. Pierre Plourde who
was awarded two teaching awards, both from
the Department of Medical Microbiology and
Infectious Diseases:
Jim Parker Medical Microbiology & Infectious
Diseases Educator of the Year Award for
Undergraduate Medical Education (2015)
Clinical Educator of the Year Award for Postgraduate Resident Education (2015)
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
Deborah McPhail and David Barnard
Congratulations to this year’s recipients of the Dr.
Christine Egan Scholarship: Mavis Ell, Melynda
Minilgak, and Mishael Gordon.
Congratulations to Dr. Maureen Heaman
for receiving the 2015 CAPWHN (Canadian
Association of Perinatal and Women’s Health
Nurses) Excellence in Leadership Award at the
annual CAPWHN conference held in Quebec City
on the 4th through to the 6th November.
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January 2016
No. 57
Awards, cont'd
Front Row: Amy Dytnerski (MPH), Lixia Zhang (PhD), Kristine Kroeker (MSc), Dhiwya Attawar (PhD)
Back Row: Dr Lisa Lix, Sarah Turner (MSc), Dean Doering, Dr Tracie Afifi, Dr Robert Tate
On 16 November 2015 Dr. John (Jay) Doering,
Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, hosted
a reception in University Centre “In honour and
recognition of the recipients of major awards
and fellowships in the Faculty of Graduate
Studies”. This year, fifteen graduate students from
Community Health Sciences were among those
honoured. Front row: Amy Dytnerski (MPH),
Lixia Zhang (PhD), Kristine Kroeker (MSc),
Dhiwya Attawar (PhD)
Brownell M, Chartier M, Au W, MacWilliam
L, Schultz J, Guenette W, Valdivia J. The
Educational Outcomes of Children in Care
in Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba
Page 4
The CAPWHN Excellence in Leadership Award
was presented to Maureen I. Heaman, RN,
PhD who, throughout her nursing career, has
demonstrated excellence in leadership in the
care of women, newborns and families. This
leadership has influenced others towards the
highest standards of care, be it through clinical
practice, education, research, community service,
and/or professional advocacy.
Centre for Health Policy, 2015.
Chartier M, Dart A, Tangri N, Komenda
P, Walld R, Bogdanovic B, Burchill C,
Koseva I, McGowan K-L, Rajotte L. Care
of Manitobans Living with Chronic Kidney
Disease. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre
for Health Policy, 2015.
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
January 2016
No. 57
Community Engagement
wo programs resumed in the fall and are
keeping FHS students busy in the community.
Thanks to all student volunteers who contribute to
the success of these programs.
Global Health Concentrations Program
Now in its third year, the GHCP group has grown
to 107 Med 1 & 2 students, up from approximately
70 students last year. The student-led initiative
includes monthly presentations and discussions
around various global health issues. The program
also includes a minimum requirement of four
hours of local engagement with a community
based agency. The Alan Klass Memorial Program
for Health Equity supports the group financially
and administratively.
CanU Reach
The Canu Reach program ran its first Bannatyne
health sciences program in 2014-15 and is
now back for its second year. This after school
program for grade 7 students from various
community schools convene at Bannnatyne once
a week for a 13-week period. Once here, they
are involved in various FHS student-led sessions
which are interprofessional and include 50+
student volunteers. Students from all colleges are
included in the program and develop and present
informative and interactive sessions for the youth.
Each evening ends with a dinner for all to discuss
the evening’s activities. UM students receive cocurricular recognition for their participation in the
Community Events
In December, many community organisations
celebrate the holiday season for their students,
families, and neighbours. CHS supported the
the department of community health sciences invite you to a reception in honour of
drs. Joseph & Patricia Kaufert
If you would like to contribute
to a gift collection send or
drop off to Kathy Bell, P120,
Pathology Bldg.
RSVP by 12 Feb 2016
Kathy Bell at:
[email protected]
friDay 2:30 PM
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
Page 5
January 2016
No. 57
Community Engagement, cont'd
following events:
The Rossbrook House annual Across
Cultures evening, which brings the Indigenous
and Newcomer communities together for
celebration and a delicious feast
Dufferin School’s annual turkey dinner for
400+ students on the 4th of December
North End Community Helpers Network
Graduate Program
Monica Fricke. “Validation of the Modified
Health Assessment Questionnaire in First
Nations Persons with Rheumatoid Arthritis”.
Committee: Dr. B. Elias, Community Health
Sciences (advisor); Dr. J. Kaufert, Community
Health Sciences; Dr. C. Peschken, Community
Health Sciences; Dr. R. Woodgate, Nursing;
External: Dr. E. Badley, Dalla Lana School of
Public Health, University of Toronto
C. Andrew Basham. “Tuberculosis
– “Lighting up the Avenue” on the 3rd of
Watch for the 4th annual Staff vs Students
basketball game in the new year – a fundraiser
supporting the Basketballs for Inner City Kids
Prevention, Diagnosis, and Care in Manitoba,
2008 – 2010: A Performance Analysis”.
Committee: Dr. B. Elias, Community Health
Sciences (advisor); Dr. P. Orr, Community
Health Sciences; Dr. C. Cook, Community
Health Sciences; Dr. A. Fanning, Division of
Infectious Diseases, Faculty of Medicine and
Dentistry, University of Alberta
Wasan Sulaiman. “The Role of Knowledge
Translation in Public Health Practice:
Experience and Learning during an MPH Field
Placement at the ICID and the UM’s NCCID”.
Dr. J. Kettner(advisor) Community Health
Manitoba Research Data Centre Graduate Fellowships 2016
The Manitoba Research Data Centre is
offering up to 5 Graduate Fellowships valued
at $5000 each for graduate students who
want to conduct their graduate thesis
research using Statistics Canada data at the
Manitoba Research Data Centre.
Applications can be up to 5 pages maximum,
and should include the following:
- a brief background on the topic you will be
- what the objectives / hypotheses are
- what Statistics Canada survey (or surveys)
you wish to have access to, and a list of the
variables or content modules to be used
Page 6
- your proposed methodology
Applications should also include a cover
letter, and a copy of your current transcript
(a web version is acceptable).
For information on what datasets are
available, you can go to the following
For more information on the application
process, you can contact Ian Clara at the
[email protected].
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
January 2016
No. 57
Community Health Information
and Research Partnerships
ommunity Health Information and Research
Partnerships (CHIRP) is now in its
second successful year of operation. CHIRP
is a CHS student-driven, faculty-supported
initiative that supports Winnipeg’s communitybased organisations (CBO) with research and
evaluation projects by connecting them to
student volunteers, faculty, and other resources
at the University of Manitoba. All projects
are identified and defined by the CBO, and
involve a small interdisciplinary team of up to
five student volunteers working in partnership
with a representative from the CBO. CHIRP is
governed by an Executive Board comprised of
CHS students and faculty. CHIRP’s structure
and operations were informed by other universitycommunity partnership models, as well as
feedback from CBO representatives, university
students, and faculty members.
There are more than 70 graduate and
undergraduate student members of CHIRP,
representing a variety of disciplines including
CHS, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology,
Economics, Peace and Conflict Studies, and
Biosystems Engineering. There are eight
projects underway with organisations such as
New Directions, the Canadian Mental Health
Association, and Spence Neighbourhood
Association. Projects range from literature
reviews to data analysis to evaluation plan
development and implementation. Through
CHIRP projects, students gain valuable practical
skills and get to apply their academic knowledge
in a meaningful way. CHIRP is a partner and
will be supporting the 2016 Summer Institute in
Program Evaluation (http://thesummerinstitute.
Students, faculty, and CBOs interested in
learning more about CHIRP should visit the
CHIRP website (http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/
html). Faculty interested in supporting CHIRP
should email: [email protected]. Faculty
involvement can range from providing advice to
students and CBOs on an ad-hoc basis regarding
project-related issues and methodology to
providing more involved and on-going project
Winnipeg School Division
Science Fair
13 April 2016
Grade 4 to 12 students will display over 200 science exhibits in the Brodie
and Buhler Atriums. Watch for this event and stop by to welcome the
students to our campus.
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
Page 7
January 2016
No. 57
Section of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Health
Centre for Aboriginal Health Education
Kimberly Hart,
Senior Lead
Indigenous Health
Student Affairs,
Section of First
Nations, Metis,
and Inuit Health
works closely with
the Centre for
Aboriginal Health
Education (CAHE)
to ensure that First
Nations, Metis,
and Inuit students
in the Faculty of
Health Sciences
Kimberly Hart
have a positive
and successful
experience while in their respective programs. Kimberly invites all staff and faculty to discuss
the many valuable ways in which CAHE can
engage with and support Indigenous students
within the Faculty of Health Sciences.
CAHE can be an instrumental component in
the academic career of Indigenous students
by providing culturally relevant programs,
resources and supports. Its “mission is to
support and enhance the potential for success
of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit students” in the
professional health programs at the University
of Manitoba and its goal “is to increase the
number of First Nations, Metis and Inuit health
professionals in Manitoba”. ,
The Centre plays host to many events that
promote student and faculty engagement,
connection, and interaction with Indigenous
perspectives, cultures, and knowledges. Located at A101 Chown Building, the Centre
is a 24-hour physical space for Indigenous
students to gather, connect, and study with
access to computers, a printer, photocopier,
and resource library.
learning environment for Indigenous students
that is not only culturally relevant but culturally
safe. Dr. Barry Lavallee, Director, and Linda
Diffey, Associate Director, have developed and
established an Indigenous Health Longitudinal
course for the Undergraduate Medicine
program that is the first of its kind in Canada. http://news.umanitoba.ca/new-undergraduatemedical-education-indigenous-healthcurriculum/
Amanda Penzick, Acting Program Coordinator
and Administrative Assistant to Dr. Lavallee
and Elder Lavallee, actively connect with CAHE
students by coordinating elective rotations
and organising cultural activities with CAHE’s
Elder-in-Residence. Margaret Lavallee, Elderin-Residence and Aboriginal Cultural Specialist,
carries a valuable and valued role in the
Faculty of Health Sciences by providing cultural
teachings and ceremonies throughout the year. There are many opportunities through the
Section of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Health
for students who are interested in learning
more about Indigenous health, including
electives, research opportunities, and other
special programming. For more information,
please contact Kimberly or browse the Centre's
website: http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/health_
Kimberly is also available to make
presentations about CAHE and her role with
Indigenous students in the Faculty.
Please feel free to contact Kimberly by
email at [email protected] or by
phone at 204-272-3168 or Amanda Penzick
at [email protected] or by
phone at 204-789-3511. Over the years the CAHE staff have created a
Page 8
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
January 2016
No. 57
J.A. Hildes Northern Medical Unit
Sylvia Sunstrum
Kathy Harlos
lot of cake was eaten at goodbye "dos' last
fall - but we were up to the challenge. Not
up to the challenge was saying goodbye to four
workmates in such a short period of time. All had
career opportunities present themselves out of
the blue and, as Robin Williams suggested in the
movie "Dead Poet's Society", they seized the day.
Sad for us but exciting for them. We wish them all
the best in their new roles.
Sylvia Sunstrum
Our ever cheerful HR Coordinator returned to the
College of Dentistry in late July. Sylvia started
at the NMU in January of 2006 making her way
over from Dentistry. The NMU has always been
a place of camaraderie, respect, and teamwork
but when Sylvia started in 2006 she moved it up
another notch. When she left a little piece of the
NMU seemed to leave with her.
Kathy Harlos
In October of 2015, 25 years after being at the
U of M, Kathy left the NMU for a position outside
the University. Previous to coming to work with
the NMU (August 2009) Kathy was the Office
Manager at the Department of Medical Education.
And previous to that she worked with the Family
Medicine Residency Program.
When she first started with us she filled recently
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
Gitane Ouellet
Tannyce Cook
retired Michelle Vandenbroeck's position as
Hospital Based Physician Co-ordinator and
Physician Recruiter. Over the years her role
expanded greatly. So much so that in early
2013 we had to hire a separate Hospital Based
Physician Co-ordinator. Her new title became:
Recruitment Officer for Physicians & Allied Health
At her going away "do" Kathy mentioned that she
never thought she would leave the University
or the NMU; but out of the blue an opportunity
presented itself; so with heavy hearts and tears
in our eyes we bade her and her fabulous dill dip
and chips goodbye.
Gitane Ouellet
Gitane started with us in July of 2013 as one of
our Retinal Screening Nurses. She fit in like peas
and carrots with everyone and we were sad to
see her leave in September 2015. While Gitane
was with us she worked diligently and obtained
her Canadian Diabetes Educator Certification in
June 2014. We wish her success with the WRHA
as a Chronic Disease Management Clinician &
Service Co-ordinator. She'll be awesome.
Tannyce Cook
Tannyce started with us in March 2014 and was
Page 9
January 2016
No. 57
J.A. Hildes Northern Medical Unit, cont'd
with us until early October 2015. We wish her all
the best and congratulate her on her new position
as a Diabetes Co-ordinator with Interlake Tribal
Council, Diabetes Co-ordinator. You'll do great.
Old Staff, New Positions
Hai Nguyen
Congratulations to Hai on
his new position with us as
the Operations Manager.
Originally coming to us
from the Dean's office,
Hai started with us at the
Hai Nguyen
beginning of 2014 as our
Finance Officer. Great work Hai.
Melissa Balness
Melissa has also changed
hats. In January 2013
when she started at the
NMU after having worked
eight years with Health
Canada, her first hat was
as our Hospital Based
Physician Co-ordinator.
Melissa Balness
Later on in the fall 2013 she donned the hat
of newly retired Jean Parry as the Executive
Assistant to the Senior Director of the Section
of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Health, Melanie
McKinnon and the Section Head, Dr. Marcia
Anderson DeCoteau.
She is now wearing her HR hat as the Human
Resources Co-ordinator. Congratulations Melissa
on your new position and on completing the HR
Certification Program.
Jen Storm
Jen Storm is our new
Recruitment Coordinator
(Physicians and Allied
Health). Before coming
to the NMU she spent
the past five years at Fort
Page 10
Jen Storm
Garry Campus as an Indigenous Student
Recruitment Officer. We are thrilled with
her experience in community relations and
recruitment; and are impressed with her
enthusiasm. She, in turn, is excited to use
her skills in her new position and to become
part of the welcoming community here on
Bannatyne campus. Welcome Jen.
Anastasia Chmielowicz
Chmielowicz [if you
can't pronounce her
Polish last name–
Anastasia says
don't worry about
it :-) ] is our new
Diabetic Foot Care
Nurse. Anastasia
took Nursing at the
University of Saint
Boniface and completed her Bachelor
of Science in Nursing by distance with
University of Ottawa, graduating in 2013.
For over three years she worked on an
in-patient Internal Medicine Unit at Saint
Boniface Hospital. There she saw a lot of
patients with diverse medical conditions,
including many dialysis patients. She is
looking forward to working with everyone at
the NMU and we are happy she is on our
team. Welcome Anastasia.
Sonya Sharpe
Sonya Sharpe has
ten years of nursing
experience including
working in Home
Care as a Diabetes
Educator and in
the Diabetic Retinal
Sonya Sharpe
Screening Program in
the Northern Health
Region. In 2010 she was on the Planning
Committee to bring together representatives
from western and central Provinces to a
Retinal Screening Workshop hosted by
the the NMU at the U of M's Bannatyne
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
January 2016
No. 57
Campus. Sonya knows her ropes and hit the
ground running. We are pleased to have her join
us. Welcome Sonja.
Chander Requin
Chander came from
CancerCare Manitoba
where she worked for five
years as an administrative
assistant to five fulltime physicians in the
Department of Medical
Oncology and Hematology.
Chander Requin
Chander remarked
that everyone here at the NMU has been so
welcoming and she is looking forward to the new
challenges that lie ahead of her. We are quite
confident her knowledge, skills, and experience
will be an asset to the Unit. Welcome Chander.
Elder Mary Wilson
Known to many as
Grandmother Of Four
Directions and She Who
Walks With Wolves.
Renowned in Canada and
many parts of the world
as a spiritual teacher,
Spirit Walker, and Healer
Elder Mary Wilson
Mary's gentle presence
has touched many lives over the past forty years
helping people heal, emotionally, physically, and
with medical specialists (psychiatrists and
psychologists), family physicians, as well as
social workers, teachers, and lawyers including
Manitoba Justice.
As well as providing Elder Services to the staff
and students of the Section, Mary is available to
all faculty, staff, and students of the Faculty of
Health Sciences. She is available for blessings,
ceremonies, teachings, individual counselling/
healing, and more.
More information is available by calling 4801318 or dropping by the J.A. Hildes Northern
Medical Unit at T162-770 Bannatyne Avenue.
Just Announced Positions Filled
Wayne Chen
Finance Officer Start date: 16 Feburary 2016
Jaclynn Bryan
Occupational Therapist Lead
Start date: 29 February 2016
Tracey Dowson
Health Innovation Lead
Start date: 7 March 2016
David Shaffrey
Physiotherapist Start date: 4 April 2016
Mary has worked as an Elder at the Circle Of Life
Thunderbird House co-creating programs with
Elder Mary Richard. And served as an Elder and
Spiritual Care person at Neeginan Emergency
Centre (First Nations Homeless Shelter). While
she was there, Mary created addiction therapy
groups, a literacy program, and a safe place for
individuals to lay down their pain.
Recently she provided support as Elder for
the movie We were Children (Residential
School survival) and also with the murdered
and missing series Taken. She has been
asked by the Province of Manitoba to support
as Elder/Therapist for The 60's Scoop (stolen
Aboriginal children). Frequently involved as a
psychotherapist and interventionist she provides
support to many as well as providing individual life
coaching and healing.
Over the years she has worked in conjunction
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
Photo Courtesy: A Visual History of the Medical
Campus, http://medheritage.lib.umanitoba.ca
Visit us on Facebook:
Page 11
New Research Grants
Brownridge DA, Afifi TO, Chan W. Child
maltreatment and the risk of intimate partner
violence among Aboriginal peoples of Canada.
University of Manitoba Research Grants Program.
2015-2016. $6,991.
Larcombe L, Orr P, Singe M, Canadian National
Radon Proficiency Program (P. Warkentin).
Biomonitoring Radon Testing in Two Northern Dene
First Nation Communities. PI; Northland Denesuline
First Nation. Partners: Sayisi Dene First Nation,
University of Manitoba $ 99,995.000 Grant from
the First Nations and Environmental Contaminants
Program, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch,
Health Canada. December 11, 2015.
Larcombe L. Co-Applicants: Avery Kinew K,
Fontaine W, McCallum MJ, Orr. P. Northlands
Denesuline First Nation Health Research Meetings”
CIHR Grant, $12,000.00, awarded December 18,
Alex Leblanc (PI), Lisa Lix, David Campbell (Simon
Fraser University), Saman Muthukumarana. Faculty
of Science, University of Manitoba.New approaches
to functional regression with applications in healthcare
and business analytics. Amount: $10,000 Term:
12/2015 – 09/2016
Ledgerwood DM, Afifi TO, Najavits LM. Online
coping skills counseling for problem gambling and
trauma. Manitoba Gambling Research Program
(MGRP). 2016-2020. $449,995.20.
Mignone J, Lavoie J, Fransoo R. “Indigenous health
data repository and research/evaluation unit: Anas
Wayúu, Colombia.” University Indigenous Research
Program (UIRP) Grant. 2015-2017. $24,910.
Moses S, Blanchard JF, Anthony J, Bhattacharjee
B. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. program
grant “Support the transition of VMMC scale-up
in Kenya to an integrated, sustainable phase”, 20152018, USD $2.1 million.
Mucha J, Martin T, Shooshtari S, Temple B, Pinette
G. (2015-2019). Redefining Community-Based
Service for Manitobans with Neurodevelopment
Page 12
January 2016
No. 57
Disabilities. A Community Grant Application to The
Winnipeg Foundation. $950,000.00 awarded; 250,000
for research component.
Ramesh BM, Sankaran D, Moses S, Blanchard JF.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. program grant
“Technical support to the Government of Uttar
Pradesh for improving nutritional status among
mothers, infants and young children”, 2015-2019,
USD $11.8 million.
Ramesh BM, Moses S, Blanchard JF. Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation. Program grant
“Technical assistance to the Uttar Pradesh State
Rural Livelihoods Mission (UPSRLM) to achieve
mission outcomes”, 2015-2018, USD $3.6 million.
Ramesh BM, Blanchard JF, Moses S. Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation. Research grant
“District level estimates of family planning in Uttar
Pradesh, India”, 2015-2016, USD $1 million.
Ramesh BM, Blanchard JF, Moses S. Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation. Program grant
“Strengthen the supply chain processes in Uttar
Pradesh and provide support in unlocking
government expenditure”, 2015-2016, USD
Roos NP, Macdonald S. Treat Poverty to Improve
Health and Well-being. Winnipeg Foundation. 20152016: $190,000.
Russell K (PI), Ellis MJ, Ritchie L, Mutch A,
Leiter J. University Collaborative Research
Program. Collaborative assessment of adolescent
hockey players with and without a sports-related
concussion. December 2015. ($24,976) Sareen J, Afifi TO. Specific Analyses of the 2013
Canadian Armed Forces Mental Health Survey
Data on Suicidality, Child Abuse Victimization,
Anxiety Disorders beyond PTSD, Income and Mental
Disorders, Alcohol Use Disorders, and Chronic Pain.
Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health
Research (CIMVHR). 2015-2017. $418,624.74.
Alex Singer (PI), Lisa Lix, & Alan Katz
Manitoba Medical Service Foundation
The use of electronic medical records to change
clinician behaviour and increase adherence to
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
January 2016
No. 57
Choosing Wisely recommendations. Amount: $27,500.
Term: 04/2016 – 03/2017
Wilansky P, Eklund M, Mills R, Strauss J, Shields R,
Astell A, Cheung A, Henderson J, Kovacs T, Kreindler
D, Ohinmaa A, Shooshtari S, Bandi P, Cooperman
J, Condemi N, Korczak D, Macdonald A, Riley J,
Szatmari P, Trottier A, National Youth Advisory
Committee, YouthSpeak. Industry sponsor: BrainFx
(T. Milner). Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Anxious
and Depressed Youth: Improving Outcomes through
The Case Against Spanking By Tracie O. Afifi
published in Maclean’s Magazine (December 31,
2015). http://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/thecase-against-spanking/
Brownell M, dasMcMurty N. Qu’arrive-t-il aux
enfants lorsque les pouvoirs publics décident qu’ils
ne peuvent plus vivre en toute sécurité auprès
de leurs parents out de leurs gardiens? Options
Politiques, November 19, 2015.
Brownell M, das McMurty N. The untold story of
kids in care in Canada. Policy Options, November
9, 2015.
Brownell M, das McMurty N. Canada has too
many kids in care – and the situation is not
improving. The Vancouver Province, November 9,
Brownell M, das McMurty N. Canada has too
many kids in care – and the situation is not
improving. Ottawa Life Magazine, November 6,
Brownell M, das McMurty N. Marni Brownell &
Neeta McMurty: We know that Canada has one
of the highest rates of kids in care in the world.
What we don’t know may be worse. National Post,
November 2, 2015.
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
Mobile Technology. Canadian Institutes of Health
Research, eHealth Innovations Partnership Program
(eHIPP), total operating budget awarded for 4 years:
$1,500,000 ($728,345 from CIHR). [2015-2019]
Wranik, DW, Edwards, JM, Bower I, Gambold,
L, Hayden, J, Katz, A, Korchagina, M, Levy, A,
Parker, R, Price, S, Suter E. How best to structure
Interdisciplinary Primary Care Teams: A systematic
review. Canadian Institutes of Health Research
(CIHR). 2015-2016: $100,000.
Brownell M, das McMurty N. Children under
state care are falling far behind. The Daily Gleaner
(Fredericton, NB), October 29, 2015.
Brownell M, das McMurty N. Canada needs a
revolution in care for vulnerable children. Times &
Transcript (Moncton, NB), October 28, 2015.
Brownell M, das McMurty N. We need a radical
new approach for kids in care. The Battleford
News-Optimist, October 23, 2015
Brownell M, das McMurty N. Canada’s current
child welfare system fails families. Huffington Post,
October 19, 2015.
Brownell M, das McMurty N. We need a radical
new approach for kids in care. Policy Options,
October 15, 2015.
Brownell M, das McMurty N. Reconsider child
apprehension. Winnipeg Free Press, October 13,
Dart A, Chartier, M. Kidney failure points to much
larger worries. Winnipeg Free Press, December 21,
Karen Duncan has been named to the Research
Sub-Committee on Financial Literacy of the
National Steering Committee on Financial
Literacy, Financial Consumer Agency of Canada.
Dr. Pamela Orr was elected to the Board of
Directors of the International Union Against
Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, in December 2015.
Page 13
New Publications
Alsabbagh W, Blackburn D, Eurich D, Lix
LM, Wilson T. Multiple versus single-domain
measurements of socio-economic status (SES) for
predicting non-adherence to statin medications:
An observational population-based cohort study.
Medical Care, 2015 December 17, Epub. ­
Beattie TS, Bhattacharjee P, Isac S, Mohan HL,
Simic-Lawson M, Ramesh BM, Blanchard JF, Moses
S, Watts CH, Heise L. Declines in violence and
police arrest among female sex workers in Karnataka
state, south India, following a comprehensive
HIV prevention programme. J Int AIDS Soc 2015;
Bernstein CN, Banerjee A, Targownik LE, Singh H,
Ghia JE, Burchill C, Chateau D, Roos LL. Cesarean
section delivery is not a risk factor for development
of inflammatory bowel disease: A population-based
analysis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2016;14(1):50-57.
Brownell M, Nickel NC, Chateau D, Martens PJ,
Taylor C, Crockett L, Katz A, Sarkar J, Burland
E, Goh CY, the PATHS Equity Team. Long-term
benefits of full-day kindergarten: A longitudinal
population-based study. Early Child Development
and Care 2015;185(2):291-316.
Dart AB, Ruth CA, Sellers EA, Au W, Dean HJ.
Maternal diabetes mellitus and congenital anomalies
of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) in
the child. American Journal of Kidney Diseases
Deering KN, Shaw SY, Thompson LH, Ramanaik
S, Raghavendra T, Doddamane M, Bhattacharjee
P, Moses S, Lorway, R. Fertility intentions, power
relations and condom use within intimate and other
non-paying partnerships of women in sex work in
Bagalkot District, South India. AIDS Care 2015;
Drolet M, Bernard E, Boily M‑C, Ali, Baandrup
L, Bauer H, Brisson J, Brotherton J, Cummings T,
Donovan B, Fairley CK, Flagg EW, Kahn J, Kavanagh
K, Kjaer SK, Kliewer EV, Lemieux-Mellouki P,
Markowitz L, Mboup A, Mesher D, Niccolai L,
Page 14
January 2016
No. 57
Oliphant J, Pollock K, Soldan K, Sonnenberg P, Tabrizi
S, Tanton C, Brisson M. Strong evidence of populationlevel impact and herd effects following human
papillomavirus vaccination programs: a systematic
review and meta-analysis. Lancet Infectious Diseases
Enns J, Gawaziuk JP, Khan S, Chateau D, Bolton JM,
Sareen J, Stone J, Doupe M, Logsetty S. Mental and
physical health outcomes in parents of children with
burn injuries as compared with matched controls. J
Burn Care Res 2015;Epub ahead of Print.
Fischer CE, Qian W, Schweizer TA, Millikin
CP, Ismail Z, Smith EE, Lix LM, Shelton P,
Munoz D. Lewy bodies, vascular risk factors and
subcortical arteriosclerotic leukoencephalopathy,
but not Alzheimer pathology, are associated with
development of psychosis in Alzheimer’s disease.
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2015 November 30,
Fitzgerald D, Hadjistavropoulos T, Williams J, Lix L,
Zahir S, Alfano D, Scudds R. (2015). The impact of
fall risk assessment on nurse fears, patient falls, and
functional ability in long-term care. Disability and
Rehabilitation, 2015, 16:1-12.
Heaman M, Sword W, Elliott L, Moffatt M, Helewa
M, Morris H, Tjaden L, Gregory P, Cook C. (2015).
Perceptions of Barriers, Facilitators and Motivators
related to use of Prenatal Care: A Qualitative
Descriptive Study of Inner-City Women in Winnipeg. SAGE Open Medicine 3: 2050312115621314.
Jardine, CG, Boerner, F, Boyd, A., and Driedger,
SM. The more the better?: A comparison of the
information sources used by the public during
two infectious disease outbreaks. PLoS ONE,
10(10):e0140028. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0140028
Katz A, Enns JE, Chateau D, Lix L, Jutte D,
Edwards J, Brownell M, Metge C, Nickel N, Taylor
C, Burland E, and the PATHS Equity Team. Does
a pay-for-performance program for primary care
physicians alleviate health inequity in childhood
vaccination rates? International Journal for Equity in
Health, 2015, 30, 14:114.
Kington D, Austin M-P, McDonald S, Vermeyden
L, Heaman M, Hegadoren K, Lasiuk G, Kingston
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
January 2016
No. 57
J, Swordk W, Jaremea K, Veldhuyzen van Zanten S,
McDonald S, Biringer A. (2015). Pregnant women's
perceptions of harms and benefits of mental health
screening. PLoS One. 2015 Dec 22;10(12):e0145189.
Lix LM, Chan EKH, Sawatzky R, Sajobi TT, Liu J,
Hopman W, Mayo N. Response shift and disease
activity in inflammatory bowel disease. Quality of Life
Research, 2015 November 20, Epub.
Kingston D, Heaman M, Urquia M, O’Campo P,
Janssen P, Thiessen K, Smylie J. (2015). Correlates of
abuse around the time of pregnancy: Results from a
national survey of Canadian women. Maternal and
Child Health Journal. 2015 Dec 22. [Epub ahead of
Manyanga T, Sellers EAC, Wicklow BA, Doupe M,
Fransoo R. Not as skinny as we used to think: Body
mass index in children and adolescents at diagnosis
of type 1 diabetes mellitus. Journal of Diabetes and
its Complications 2015;2015 Dec 1 Epub ahead of
Print(doi: 10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2015.11.022).
Larcombe L, Mookherjee N, Lodge A, Brown J,
Denechezhe L, Nickerson P, Orr P. Polymorphisms
of the Nramp1 Gene in Canadian First Nations.
Mycobacterial Diseases, 2015, 5:5. Available at: http://
Marshall DA, Vanderby S, Barnabe C, MacDonald
KV, Maxwell C, Mosher D, Wasylak T, Lix L, Stat
P, Enns E, Frank C, Noseworthy T. Estimating
the burden of osteoarthritis to plan for the future.
Arthritis Care and Research, 2015, 67(10):1379-86.
Leslie WD, Lix LM, Morin SN, Johansson H, Odén
A, McCloskey EV, Kanis JA. Hip axis length is a
FRAX and bone density independent risk factor for
hip fracture in women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2015;
Mayo NE, Scott SC, Bernstein CN, Lix LM. How are
you? Do people with inflammatory bowel disease
experience response shift on this question? Health
and Quality of Life Outcomes 2015;May 6;13:52(doi:
Levitt C, Katz A, Mang E, Saforov A. Ten most
notable family medicine research studies in Canada.
Canadian Family Physician 2015;61(6):523-527.
Mecalfe A, Lix LM, Johnson J-A, Currie G, Lyon
AW, Bernier F, Tough SC. Validation of an obstetric
comorbidity index in an external population. BJOG,
Oct 9: Parental Hip Fracture is an Independent
Risk Facotr or Fracture: A Population-based
Parent-Offspring Linkage Analysis. Shuman Yang,
Postdoctoral Fellow.
Oct 16: Preventing HIV With Aspirin – Reality or
Fantasy. Keith Fowke, Professor.
Oct 23: Critical Social Justice and Health:
Foundations for Social Change. Elizabeth
McGibbon, Visiting Professor, St. Francis Xavier
Oct 30: Field of Dreams: Information-Rich
Environments and Their Research Possibilities.
Leslie Roos, Distinguished Professor
Nov 23: Prescribing Income: Lessons learned from
a decade of mobilizing doctors to treat poverty. Dr.
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
Gary Bloch, University of Toronto, St. Michael’s
Nov 27: Making Evidence Matter. Noralou P. Roos,
Dec 4: Closing the Seasonal Gap. Ann Lindsey,
Local Investment Toward Employment
Jan 11: Understanding Influenza Vaccine
Effectiveness: Lessons Learned from the 2009
Pandemic. Dr. Salah Mahmud, Community Health
Jan 15: HIV in the Prairies and Vertical
Transmission – They Shouldn’t Happen. John Kim,
Community Health Sciences and The National
Laboratory for HIV Reference Services, Public
Health Agency of Canada
Jan 29: Assessing Experiences of Healthcare for
Lesbian and Queer-Identified Women in Winnipeg.
Deborah McPhail & Claudyne Chevrier, Community
Health Sciences
Page 15
New Publications, cont'd
2015, 122:1748-1755.
Mignone J, Gomez Vargas JH. (2015) Health care
organizations in Colombia: An Indigenous success
story within a system in crisis. AlterNative, 11(4),
Mony PK, Jayanna K, Bhat S, Rao SV, Crockett
M, Avery L, Ramesh BM, Moses S, Blanchard
J. Availability of emergency neonatal care in eight
districts of Karnataka state, southern India: a
cross-sectional study. BMC Health Serv Res 2015;
Mutter TC, Chateau D, Moffatt M, Ramsey
C, Roos LL, Kryger M. In reply. Anesthesiology
Naylor KL, Lix LM, Hans D, Garg AX, Rush DN,
Hodsman AB, Leslie WD. Trabecular bone score
in kidney transplant recipients. Osteoporosis
International, 2015 November 15, Epub.
Novak S, Shooshtari S, Menec V. (2015).
Comparing the Overall Health, Stress and
Characteristics of Canadians with Early-Onset and
Late-Onset Dementia. Journal of Health and Aging.
DOI: 10.1177/0898264315615575
Ouellette-Kuntz, H, Shooshtari S, Balogh R,
Martens P. (2015). Understanding information
about mortality among people with intellectual
disabilities in Canada. Journal of Applied Research
in Intellectual Disabilities, 28(5). DOI:10.1111/
Peng M, Chen G, Kaplan GG, Lix LM, Drummond
N, Lucyk K, Garis S, Lowerison M, Weibe S, Quan
H. Methods of defining hypertension in electronic
medical records-validation against national survey
data. Journal of Public Health, 2015 November 6,
Peschken CA, Hitchon CA, Garland A, Bernstein
CN, Chen H, Fransoo R, Marrie RA. A populationbased study of intensive care unit admissions in
rheumatoid arthritis. The Journal of Rheumatology
Page 16
January 2016
No. 57
The College of Family Physicians of Canada
along with the family of a former NMU
physican have established The Northern,
Rural, Remote Family Practice Marco
Terwiel Award. This new award supports
family physicians in northern, rural, remote
locations that are using unique and
innovative ways to serve the medical needs
of their communities.
After he retired Dr. Terwiel worked in Rankin
Inlet from 2002 until 2010, travelling twice
a year for one month and when not in
Rankin he took call from his home in Maple
Ridge BC. He passed in 2013. He led a
fascinating and philanthropic life. The seeds
of which were most likely planted when, as
a young boy growing up in the Netherlands
during WWII, his family hid Jewish refugees
and helped British soldiers escape. You can
learn about his life here: http://www.bcmj.
Deadline for nominations is 16 February
2016. For information on nominations:
Renoux C, Lix LM, Patenaude V, Bresee LC, Paterson
JM, Lafrance JP, Tamim H, Mahmud SM, Alsabbagh
MW, Hemmelgarn B, Dormuth CR, Ernst P, and the
CNODES investigators. Serotonin-norepinephrine
reuptake inhibitors and the risk of acute kidney
injury: A cohort study of eight administrative
databases and meta-analysis. Clinical Journal of the
American Society of Nephrology, 2015, 10(10):171622.
Riediger ND, Lukianchuk V, Lix LM, Elliott L,
Bruce SG. Between a rock and a hard place: Smoking
trends in a Manitoba First Nation. Canadian Journal
of Public Health 2015;106(4):184-188.
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
January 2016
No. 57
Rojas C, Castro D, Gómez N, Lozano M, Congote
J, Paris S, Soto M, Yagarí G, Mignone J (2015)
Prevalence, risk behaviors and HIV knowledge in an
Indigenous community in Colombia. International
Journal of Indigenous Health, 10(2), 102-116.
Russell K, Davison C, King N, Pike I, Pickett W.
Understanding clusters of risk factors across different
physical contexts for the prediction of injuries
among Canadian youth. Injury. doi: http://dx.doi.
Shaw S, Ross C, Nowicki D, Marshall S, Stephen S,
Davies C, Riddell J, Bailey K, Elliott LJ, Reimer JN,
Plourde PJ. Infectious syphilis in women: what’s old
is new again? International Jourmal of STD & AIDS,
January 13, 2016.
Shooshtari S, Brownell M, Otuelette-Kuntz H,
Yu CT, Naghipur S, Hennen B, Temple B, Dik
N, Burchill C. Comparing Hospitalized Dental
Care Between Individuals With and Without
Developmental Disabilities in Manitoba: A
Population-based Study. Journal on Developmental
Disabilities 2015;21(5):11-21.
Shooshtari S, Temple B, Waldman C, Abraham
S, Ouellette-Kuntz H, Lennox N. Research on
Comprehensive Health Assessments for Adults with
ID in Manitoba. Newsletter of the International
Association of Scientific Study of Intellectual and
Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD) Special
Interest Research Group on Health Issues, September
Spiwak R, Logsetty S, Afifi TO, Sareen J. (2015).
Severe partner perpetrated burn injury: Examining a
nationally representative sample of women in India.
Burns, 41, 1847-1854.
Stone J, Gawaziuk JP, Khan S, Chateau D, Bolton
JM, Sareen J, Enns J, Doupe M, Brownell M,
Logsetty S. Outcomes in adult survivors of childhood
burn injuries as compared with matched cohorts. J
Burn Care Res 2015;Epub ahead of print Nov 20.
Sword W, Heaman M, Peterson W, Salvador A,
Akhtar-Danesh N, Bradford-Janke A. (2015). Psychometric testing of the French language Quality
of Prenatal Care Questionnaire. Journal of Nursing
Measurement, 23(3), 436-451.
Szturm T, Hochman J, Reimer K, Wonneck B, Lix
LM, Giacobbo A. Games and telerehabilitation for
balance impairments and gaze dysfunction: Testing
archetype in clients with peripheral vestibular
disorders. Journal of Medical Internet Research
Protocols, 2015, 4(4):e118.
Tanaka M, Afifi TO, Wathen CN, Boyle MH,
MacMillan HL. (2015). Evaluation of sex differences
in health-related quality of life outcomes associated
with child abuse: Results from the Ontario Child
Health Survey. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences,
24, 353-363.
Thiessen K, Heaman M, Mignone J, Martens P,
Robinson K. Trends in midwifery use in Manitoba. J
Obstet Gynaecol Can 2015;37(8):707-714.
12 April 2016 - 10:00 am
15 March 2016 - 10:00 am
8 June 2016 - 10:100 am
11 May 2016 - 10:00 am
14 October 2016 - 10:00 am
8 September 2016 - 10:00 am
9 December 2016 - 10:00 am
18 November 2016 - 10:00 am
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
Page 17
Presentations, Invited
Lectures, Consultations
Afifi TO, MacMillan HL, Boyle M, Taillieu T,
Turner S, Cheung K, Sareen J. (2015). Individual
and Relationship-Level Factors Related to
Better Mental Health Outcomes Following
Child Abuse in a Nationally Representative
Canadian Sample. Paper Presentation at the
Canadian Psychiatric Association 's 65th Annual
Conference, Vancouver, BC, October 1-3, 2015.
Afifi TO, Taillieu T, Turner S, Cheung K, Sareen
J. (2015). Child abuse and suicidal ideation
and attempts in representative Canadian
general population and military samples. Paper
Presentation at the Canadian Psychiatric
Association 's 65th Annual Conference,
Vancouver, BC, October 1-3, 2015.
Afifi TO, Taillieu T, Zamorski MA, Turner
S, Cheung K, Sareen J. (2015). Child abuse
and suicide in Canada: A general population
and military personnel comparison. Paper
Presentation at the Canadian Institute for
Military & Veteran Health Research (CIMVHR)
Forum 2015, Quebec City, Quebec, November
23-25, 2015.
Alsabbagh MW, Eurich D, Lix L, Wislon T,
Blackburn DF. Does the association between
adherence to statin medications and mortality
depend on the measurement approach? A
retrospective cohort study. American Heart
Association, Orlando, FL, November 7-11, 2015.
Brownell M. Turning evidence into action: using
Big-Data to drive improvements in child health
and well-being. New South Wales Ministry
of Health, December 3, 2015, Sydney, NSW,
Brownell M. Turning evidence into action: using
Big-Data to drive improvements in child health
and well-being. University of New South Wales,
Faculty of Medicine Seminar, December 2, 2015,
Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Brownell M, Nickel N, Chateau D, Burland
E, Taylor C, Sarkar J, Katz A, Goh CY, and
Page 18
January 2016
No. 57
Chartier M. $81 A Month: A PATHS Equity study
evaluating the impact of an unconditional income
supplement on child health. American Public Health
Association Annual Meeting, Chicago IL: November 1,
Brownell M. The educational outcomes of children
in care in Manitoba. River-East Transcona Student
Services Unit. Winnipeg: October 22, 2015.
Brownell M. How are Manitoba’s children doing? 22nd
Annual RHA Workshop, Winnipeg: October 20, 2015.
(keynote presentation).
Brownell M. Health inequities in Manitoba: is the
socioeconomic gap in health widening or narrowing
over time? 22nd Annual RHA Workshop, Winnipeg:
October 20, 2015. (keynote presentation).
Brownell M, Chartier M. How are Manitoba’s
Children Doing? Workshop presented at the Frontier
School District August Gathering (approximately
100 administrators (Principals and Vice-Principals),
Division Leadership Team members (Chief, Area and
Assistant Superintendents), School Board Trustees,
other division staff and new teacher hires). Winnipeg,
MB: August 31, 2015.
Boyd, A., Furgal, C., Driedger, S.M., Jardine, C.G.
(2015, December 9). Trust, Perception and Response
in Indigenous health risk communication: The case
of lead exposure and Inuit health. Society for Risk
Analysis Annual Meeting, Arlington, Virginia.
Chartier M, Nickel N, Brownell M, Chateau D, Katz
A, Burland E, Isaac M, Sarkar J, Taylor C, and Goh
CY. Improving child health with a home visitation
program: A PATHS Equity Project. American Public
Health Association Annual Meeting, Chicago IL:
November 4, 2015.
Chateau D, Nickel N, Brownell M. Combining
administrative data from multiple agencies: Housing,
Justice, Education, and Health. American Public Health
Association Annual Meeting, Chicago IL: November 2,
Driedger SM, Annable G, Brouwers M, Corso Z. (2015,
December 9). Different Strokes for different folks: The
influence of primary care providers on patient decision
making about breast and prostate cancer screening.
Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Arlington,
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
January 2016
No. 57
Fischer CE, Qian W, Schweizer TA, Millikin CP,
Ismail Z, Smith EE, Lix LM, Shelton P, Munoz DG.
Vascular risk factors and Subcortical Arteriosclerotic
Leukoencephalopathy, but not Alzheimer lesion load,
are associated with the development of psychosis
in Alzheimer's disease. Canadian Conference on
Dementia, Ottawa, Ontario, October 1-3, 2015.
Lix LM, Wu X, Hopman W, Mayo N, Sajobi T, Liu J,
Sawatzky R. Testing response shift in the SF-36 physical
functioning subscale using item response theory
(IRT) models: Results from the Canadian multicentre
osteoporosis study. The International Society for Quality
of Life Research, Vancouver, BC, October 21-24, 2015.
Katz A. Provincial MSK Data: How Does it Help? The
Aging Musculoskeletal System: Reinvigorating Bone
& Joint Care and the Healthcare System Conference.
Winnipeg, MB: November 20, 2015.
Martin MS, Dykxhoorn J, Afifi TO, Colman I. (2015).
Child abuse and the prevalence of suicide attempts
among those reporting suicide ideation. Paper
Presentation at the 15th International Congress of the
International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology,
Bergen Norway, October 7-10, 2015.
Katz A. Improving the Policy Research Environment.
Evidence on Tap: Best Brains Exchange. Canadian
Institutes for Health Research, Ottawa, ON: November
13, 2015.
Kimber M, Henriksen CA, Davidov D, Goldstein A,
Pitre N, Tonmyr L, Afifi T.O. (2015). The association
between immigrant generational status, childmaltreatment history, and intimate partner violence
(IPV): Evidence from a nationally representative
survey. Paper Presentation at the American Public
Health Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA,
October 31 to November 4, 2015.
Larcombe L, Coar L, Yassie E, Denechezhe L, Orr
P, Kinew K, Singer M. Dene Healthy Housing – new
approaches for building health equity. Presentation at
the Manitoba First Nations Research Forum, Winnipeg,
November 26, 2015
Leslie WD, Weiler H, Doupe M, Metge M, Salamon
E, Lix LM on behalf of the Manitoba First Nations
Bone Health Study for the FNBHS Research Group.
The Manitoba First Nations Bone Health Study: Two
decades of partnership. 3rd Annual Indigenous Health
Symposium: Mapping the Way Forward, University of
Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, November 24-25, 2015.
Leslie WD, Majumdar SR, Morin SN, Lix LM, Hans D.
Improved risk assessment using lumbar spine trabecular
bone score (TBS) to adjust fracture probability: The
Manitoba BMD cohort. The American Society for Bone
and Mineral Research, Seattle, WA, October 9-12, 2015.
Leslie WD, Bolton J, Morin SN, Majumdar SR, Lix LM,
Sareen J. Are psychiatric illnesses and the medications
used to treat them FRAX-independent risk factors? The
Manitoba BMD Cohort. The American Society of Bone
and Mineral Research, Seattle, WA, October 9-12, 2015.
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
Mignone J (2015) Mental health stigma: A cultural
perspective. Third Annual Education and Resource
Conference in observance of Mental Illness Awareness
Week. Sara Riel. Winnipeg. October 8.
Mignone J (2015) Power and health. Infectious
Minds Seminar Series. IID&GHTP. The University of
Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba. September 24.
Nickel N, Chateau D, Brownell , Katz A, Burland
E, Walld R, Hu M, Taylor C, Sarkar J, and Goh CY.
Using Big Data for Health Policy Research: A Project of
the Pathways to Health and Social Equity Program of
Research. American Public Health Association Annual
Meeting, Chicago IL: November 2, 2015.
Novek S, Shooshtari S, Menec VH. Comparing the
Overall Health, Stress and Characteristics of Canadians
with Early-Onset and Late Onset Dementia. Presented
at the Canadian Association on Gerontology Annual
Scientific and Educational meeting. Calgary, October
23-25, 2015.
Peña-Sánchez J, Jones J, Lix L, Teare G, Li W.
Establishing the inflammatory bowel disease cohort
in Saskatchewan and evaluating the impact of a
multidisciplinary clinic for patients living the disease:
A protocol of a collaborative research. Saskatchewan
Epidemiology Association Symposium, Regina, SK,
November 5-6, 2015.
Qian W, Fischer CE, Millikin CP, Ismail Z, Smith EE,
Lix LM, Munoz DG, Schweizer TA. Atrophy in the
Default Mode Network following the development
of delusions in patients with Alzheimer's disease.
Canadian Conference on Dementia. Ottawa, Ontario,
October 1-3, 2015.
Page 19
Sajobi TT, Pordeli P, Singh G, Kouokam W, Lix LM.
Logistic ridge regression & domain importance
assessments in patient-reported outcomes studies.
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January 2016
No. 57
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Turner S, Afifi TO, Taillieu T, Cheung K, Sareen J. (2015).
Perceived need and help-seeking for mental health
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who experienced child abuse. Poster Presentation at
the Canadian Institute for Military & Veteran Health
Research (CIMVHR) Forum 2015, Quebec City, Quebec,
November 23-25
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events, mental disorders, and suicidal behaviours in
Canadian Military Personnel. Paper Presentation at
the Canadian Institute for Military & Veteran Health
Research (CIMVHR) Forum 2015, Quebec City,
Quebec, November 23-25, 2015.
Community Matters is published by
the Department of Community Health
Sciences at the University of Manitoba
Submissions can be made to Kathy
Bell at P120-750 Bannatyne Avenue,
Winnipeg MB, R3E 0W3 Kathy.Bell@
Taillieu TL, Afifi TO, Brownridge DA, Sareen
J. (2015). Examining the relationship between
childhood emotional abuse and neglect and mental
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be the opinions of the Editors.
Page 20
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
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