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Community MATTERS
July 2015
No. 55
University of Manitoba,
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
From the
ith the summer holidays
upon us, this newsletter
is coming out a bit late, but
we hope that it will help
you to catch up with events
and activities around the
Department. The merging
of the Department of
Family Social Sciences
with Community Health
Sciences became official
on the 1st of July, and
we are continuing to
work to ensure that
communications are
in place for a smooth
transition. This is also a
“bumper” year for tenure
and promotion, with seven
faculty members applying
for one or the other or
both. Much thanks to
Noralou Roos, Chair of the
Tenure and Promotions
Committee, and all of the
committee members who have put in a lot of time and effort
into appraising and advising (and of course the applicants,
who had to navigate through a very lengthy and complex
Recruitment for faculty positions, as indicated in the last
newsletter, is continuing: two general tenure-track positions,
one contingent position for MFN CAHR, one tenure-track
position at the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, and one
Canada Research Chair, Tier II tenure-track position in
complex adaptive systems. I will be able to update progress
on these efforts in the next newsletter. The flip side of
recruitment is retirement, and as indicated on Page 2, Dr.
Judith Bartlett retired from the University of Manitoba on the
30th of June. A well-attended retirement event in her honour
cont'd next page
Awards......................................... 2
Announcements........................... 3
Circumpolar Health Conf........... 5
Community Engagement............. 6
Biomedical Youth Program......... 7
Graduate Program...................... 9
MB Research Data Centre.........11
New Research Grants................ 12
New Publications...................... 17
Presentations, Invited Lectures,
Consultations............................ 15
You are invited......
CHS Graduate Student
Orientation Day
9 September 2015
CHS Department
Council Meeting
10 September 2015
10:00 to Noon
R060 Med
Rehab Bldg
Dr. Betty Havens
Seminar Room
Followed by a Pot Luck
Everyone Invited
to Lunch
July 2015
No. 55
Department Head, cont'd
was held in CHS on the 29th June with
several speakers highlighting Judy’s career
and her contributions.
Finally, we have successfully navigated
our way through the first year of the new
pre-clerkship curriculum in undergraduate
medical education, and all first-year medical
students have passed the longitudinal
course in population health that CHS has
managed. This is a great achievement,
and thanks again to Joss Reimer, Adrienne
Morrow and Chelsea Jalloh for leading the
way, as well to all of our full-time and parttime faculty members who have contributed
to the teaching effort. Starting next month,
the incoming Med II class will experience the
second year of the new curriculum, and of
course we will be starting all over again with
Med I.
Research Manitoba 2015 Health Research
Competition Awards:
(CAHR 2015): Shaw SY: Randy Alex Coates
New Investigator Award in Epidemiology and
Public Health Sciences. Shaw SY: Dr. Robert
Remis Scholarship.
• Operating: New Investigator – Dr. Xibiao Ye
• PhD Dissertation Award: Aynslie Hinds and
Dessalegn Melesse
• Coordinated Studentship (PhD Degree):
Dhiwya Attawar, Claudyne Chevrier, Leigh
McClarty, Sheila Novek, Nadia Reider
Congratulations to Ms. Leigh McClarty and Ms.
Sheila Novek, recipients of the CIHR Frederik
Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate
Scholarship Award, September 2015-August
2018, $105,000.
S. Kreindler. The Journal of Health
Organization and Management has chosen
article, "The Rules of Engagement: Physician
Engagement Strategies in Intergroup Contexts"
as a Highly Commended Paper of 2014 (one
of three runner-ups to its annual Outstanding
Paper award).
Top Poster Award, endMS Research and
Training Network: Manitoba-Ontario RRTC.
Toronto, May 2015. Melesse DY, Evans C, Yu
N, Blanchard JF, Marrie RA.
Congratulations: From the 24th Annual
Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research
Page 2
Congratulations Natalie Riediger, Recipient of the
Governor General's Gold Medal, 28 May 2015, U of M
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
July 2015
No. 55
r. Judith Bartlett retired from the University
of Manitoba on 30 June 2015, after over 15
years with CHS and the U of M. Judy received
her MD degree from the University of Manitoba
in 1987 and her CCFP in 1989. She did clinical
work in northern First Nations communities
with the J.A. Hildes Northern
Medical Unit from
1989-1991 and was
Director of Health
Programs for the
Medical Services
Branch of Health
Canada (now First
Nations and Inuit Health)
from 1991 to 1999. Métis Federation.
She was honoured by her international
Indigenous collegues to be asked to
take the
banner to host
the 6th biennial
Network in
Knowledge and
Judy obtained her MSc
from Community Health
Sciences in 2003 and
her Fellowship in Family
Practice (FCFP) in 2004.
She was Associate Director,
Programs, for the Centre for
Aboriginal Health Research
in CHS from 2001-2005 and
then its Co-Director from 20072008. From 2005 to 2012, Judy was
Director of the Health and Wellness
Department of the Manitoba Métis Federation. She has been a GFT Associate
Professor at the University of Manitoba
since May 2004, and an adjunct scientist at the Manitoba Centre for Health
Policy since 2009.
Judy has made enormous contributions to Community Health Sciences
and to the University of Manitoba over the years
in teaching, research, and service. In addition
to having been a Co-director of CAHR during its
formative years, she has taught courses in First
Nations, Métis, and Inuit Health in our graduate
program, supervised several graduate students,
and taught in undergraduate medical education.
She has conducted important research and
published numerous scientific articles; some in
collaboration with colleagues at the Manitoba
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
Development (INIHKD)held in Winnipeg
in October 2014.
Judy was also a recipient of a National
Aboriginal Achievement Award for
Health in 2003 and the YMCA-YWCA
Women of Distinction Award in 2013 for
education, training, and mentorship.
Page 3
July 2015
No. 55
Announcements, cont'd
The Manitoba Centre for
Health Policy announces the
retirement of Carole Ouelette.
Carole served as Executive
Assistant and Office Manager
from 1995 - 2015 and provided
support to three Directors at
MCHP : Noralou Roos, Pat
Martens, and most recently, Alan
Katz. Carole wore many hats
as office manager, including
MCHP’s Human Resources
Manager, Chair of the Retreat
Committee, and Space
Committee. She also served
on other various groups and
committees at the University
of Manitoba. We will all miss
Carole; she was a great leader
and mentor to all MCHP staff.
She plans to spend most of
her retirement on the golf
course and with her family;
especially her grandchildren.
Carole Ouelette
Convocation 2015 (l to r) Sneha Abraham, Dr. Sharon Bruce, Andrea Blanchard,
Natalie Riediger, Saila Parveen
Page 4
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
July 2015
No. 55
16th International ICCH
Congress on
Circumpolar Health
Submitted by Dr. Pamela Orr
he 16th International Congress on
Circumpolar Health was held in Oulu
Finland from 9 - 12 June 2015. The
International Union for Circumpolar Health,
which organises the meeting, was founded
in 1981 through the efforts of Dr. Jack Hildes
and others interested in circumpolar health
in Alaska, Canada, Greenland, the Nordic
countries, and Russia. In honour of Dr.
Hildes’ contribution, the Canadian Society
for Circumpolar Health (CSCH) asked the
famous sculptor Dora de Pedery-Hunt to
create a medal to be given to members of
the circumpolar societies from each IUCH
member region at the congress which meets
every three years. The CSCH has bestowed
this medal previously on Dr. Otto Schaefer
(1987), Evelyn Campbell (1990), Dr. Brian
Postl (1993), Dr. James Baxter (1996), Dr. Kue
Young (2000), Dr. Harriet Kuhnlein (2003), Dr.
Gary Pekeles (2006), Dr. Bruce Martin (2009),
and Dr. David Martin (2012). At the June 2015
meeting the CSCH Hildes medal was awarded
to Dr. Michael Jong. Dr. Jong has served as
a primary care physician, teacher, researcher
and administrator in Happy-Valley Goose Bay
Labrador for 35 years. His research interests
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
include telemedicine and mental health. He
embodies the spirit that Dr. Hildes and all the
medal winners have brought to their work with
northern peoples: compassion, dedication,
humility, and curiosity.
At the Annual Meeting of the Circumpolar
Health Research Network (CHRN) held during
the Congress, Dr. Pamela Orr was elected
Vice-President of the new executive council.
The CHRN has two main objectives: to promote
circumpolar research and the networking of
circumpolar researchers, and to promote the
communication of circumpolar research findings
through the publication of the International
Journal of Circumpolar Health (IUCH). The
CHRN is made up of individual members who
may join (see website http://circhnet.org) at no
cost, and institutions which may join at various
levels of fee and benefit. Current institutional
members include: University of Manitoba,
University of Laval, University of Tromso
(Norway),the Danish Greenlandic Society
for Circumpolar Health, University of Alaska
(Anchorage), and University of Oulu (Finland).
The University of Manitoba has been a strong
supporter of the CHRN and the IUCH journal
in particular, since their inception. Without this
kind of support we would not have a journal
that recognises the importance of circumpolar
health and the context within which health
research is conducted in this region. Canadian
researchers, including many from CHS of the
University of Manitoba, contribute the largest
number of articles to the IJCH.
Page 5
July 2015
No. 55
Community Engagement
Update Staff vs Students March Fundraiser
In the last newsletter, total funds raised for
the 3rd Annual Staff vs Students Basketball
fundraiser were not yet compiled. We are
happy to report we exceeded total dollars
raised last year – this year our grand total was
$3,260.00. Thank you to all who supported
this event. All monies raised will support the
SWISH and Basketball for Inner-City Kids
The Summer Weekend Inner-City Supervised
Hoops program is back for its 4th year! To date,
over 300 youth from the Bannatyne community
have enjoyed the outdoor basketball venue
which is held in Parking Lot E. This year’s
program runs from July 4 – August 15th. If you
Page 6
are interested in volunteering on any of the
Saturdays, please contact Xavier Smith, SWISH
Coordinator at [email protected].
In June, Faculty of Health Sciences volunteers
distributed 520 basketballs to fourteen different
K-6 inner city schools. The Basketballs for
Inner-City Kids Program (BBICK) provides
basketballs to graduating grade 6 students from
Bannatyne neighbourhood schools. For the
past few years, the program has provided over
4000 basketballs to students who are leaving
their K-6 schools – this is to acknowledge
their graduation, to show UM support for their
schools, to acknowledge their achievements
and to support continued physical activity
throughout the summer months.
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
July 2015
No. 55
Bio-Medical Youth
rom July 6-10, CHS staff and volunteers will
travel to two First Nations communities in
northern Manitoba to deliver the BYP summer
On the 6th and 7th of July the two-day
health careers and science camp will be
held at Opaskwayak Cree Nation in the
Oscar Lathlin Collegiate High School.
Volunteers will then travel to Mosakahiken
Cree Nation (Frontier Mosakahiken School)
to provide the same programming from
the 8th to 10th of July. Both sites will
also include cultural and arts components
provided by community members and
volunteers. The northern camp is free
to Grades 6 – 9 students and CHS staff
and volunteers have worked with local
communities, band offices and schools to
ensure the camp’s success.
A former Occupational Therapy graduate,
Mr. Ben Salins, now employed with the
Northern Regional Health Authority, has
been a key player in bringing all partners
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
together and liaising with FHS.
The BYP summer camp will be held in
Winnipeg from July 20-24 for grades 6
– 12 students. Approximately 100 youth
are registered and ready to participate
in this fun, hands-on week-long camp.
Activities will include tour of the Clinical
Simulation Lab, microscopy, Pharmacy,
Medical, Dentistry and School of Med
Rehab sessions. Students participating
in the Health Careers Access Program
(HCAP) will be returning to the BYP camp
again. Students in the HCAP program
have a strong interest in health careers and
visit Winnipeg for a week-long exposure to
various health fields. Karen Cook and Drs.
Sharon Macdonald and James Gilchrist
collaborated with Wayne Heide, from
Manitoba’s Office of Rural and Northern
Health, and Noreen Wichart from UM’s
Access and Aboriginal Focus Programs to
include the northern participants into the
BYP programming.
Community Orientation Tours – August for
incoming FHS students.
Page 7
Brownell M, Chartier M, Au W,
MacWillilam L, Schultz J, Guenette
W, Valdivia J. Educational Outcomes of
Children in Care in Manitoba. Manitoba
Centre for Health Policy, Winnipeg, MB:
June 2015.
Brownell M, Nickel N. Why did Manitoba
students perform so poorly on the latest
national school report? In: NP Roos,
K O’Grady, S Turczak, C Tapp & L
Jolivet (Eds.) Navigating the Evidence:
Communicating Canadian Health Policy
in the Media. Evidence Network: Canada;
2015, 194-196.
Brownell M, Nickel N. Comment
expliquer le rendement médiocre des
élèves du Manitoba dans le dernier
rapport national sur l’éducation? in NP
Roos, K O’Grady, S Turczak, C Tapp &
L Jolivet (Eds.) Navigating the Evidence:
Communicating Canadian Health Policy
in the Media. Evidence Network: Canada;
2015, 197-199.
Expert Panel on the Effectiveness of Health
Product Risk Communication (2015).
Page 8
July 2015
No. 55
Health product risk communication: Is the message
getting through? Ottawa: Council of Canadian
Academies. (S. Michelle Driedger was a member
of the expert panel and a co-author of the report.)
O’Grady K, Roos N. Canadians care about
healthcare — so why don’t we see more health
policy coverage in the news? Published in
J-Source.ca and Longwoods.com, June 16, 2015.
Roos NP, O’Grady K, Turczak S, Tapp C, Jolivet
L. Navigating the Evidence Communicating
Canadian Health Policy in the Media. 2015.
Available in Apple, Kindle, Google Play, Google
Books. Also available in PDF format: http://
Noralou Roos, Director, EvidenceNetwork.
ca announces the release of the 3rd eBook:
Navigating the Evidence Communicating
Canadian Health Policy in the Media (2015).
This 3rd eBook is a complete collection of
commentaries published in major newspapers in
2014, written by health policy experts based in
Manitoba and across the country. To download
a free copy: http://umanitoba.ca/outreach/
evidencenetwork/archives/24894. Read what
David Dodge, economist and Former Governor
of the Bank of Canada has to say at: http://
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
July 2015
No. 55
Graduate Program
Master of Science Graduates:
Ebtihal Ali. “Is Caffeine a risk for
Osteopenia of Prematurity?” Committee:
D. Jiang, Community Health Sciences
(advisor); M. Moffatt, Community Health
Sciences; C. Rockman-Greenberg,
Pediatrics and Child Health; M. Narvey,
Pediatrics and Child Health
Thomas Ferguson. “The CostEffectiveness of Primary Screening for
Chronic Kidney Disease in Manitoba’s
Rural and Remote First Nations”.
Committee: E. Forget, Community Health
Sciences (advisor); N. Tangri, Community
Health Sciences (advisor); R. Ahmed,
Community Health Sciences; P. Komenda,
Internal Medicine, Section of Nephrology
Master of Public Health Graduates:
Jamie Matwyshyn, BA, MPH Candidate
“A Paul Partridge. “A select review of
the Trans Mountain’s expansion project
and the potential health risks from air
emissions”. Field placement supervisor:
Dr. Carl Alleyne, Environmental
Assessment Coordinator, Health Canada;
Committee: Dr. J. Kettner(advisor); Dr. L.
Elliott, Community Health Sciences; Dr. B.
Roussin, Community Health Sciences
15 October- 10:00 am
10 September 2015 - 10:00 am*
11 December 2015 - 10:00 am
13 November 2015 - 10:00 am
8 February 2016 - 10:100 am
11 January 2016 - 10:00 am
12 April 2016 - 10:00 am
15 March 2016 - 10:00 am
9 June 2016 - 10:00 am
11 May 2016 - 10:00 am
14 October 2016 - 10:00 am
8 September 2016 - 10:00 am
9 December 2016 - 10:00 am
18 November 2016 - 10:00 am
*followed by Back to School Pot Luck
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
Page 9
Azad M. Interviewed for article, New hope for
kids with serious food allergies. Today’s Parent.
April 2015.
Brownell M. Winnipeg Free Press, Editorial.
Failing kids in CFS Care. Editorial based on report
“Educational Outcomes of Children in Care in
Manitoba”, June 10, 2015.
Brownell M. Globe and Mail. Less than onethird of Manitoba kids in foster care graduate
high school: study. Story based on “Educational
Outcomes of Children in Care in Manitoba”, June
9, 2015.
Brownell M. Winnipeg Free Press. Majority of
Kids in CFS Care Not Ready for School: Report.
Story based on “Educational Outcomes of
Children in Care in Manitoba”, June 9, 2015.
Brownell M. Winnipeg Sun. Only a third of
Manitoba kids in care graduate high school. Story
based on “Educational Outcomes of Children in
Care in Manitoba”, June 9, 2015.
Brownell M. Metro News. CFS kids in Manitoba
do much more poorly in school than peers:
study. Story based on “Educational Outcomes of
Children in Care in Manitoba”, June 9, 2015.
Brownell M. The Carillon. Majority of kids in
CFS care not ready for school: report. Story based
on “Educational Outcomes of Children in Care in
Manitoba”, June 9, 2015.
Brownell M. CTV News. Only one-third of
kids in care graduate from high school: study.
Interviewed after release of “Educational
Outcomes of Children in Care in Manitoba”, June
9, 2015.
Brownell M. CBC Television News. Interviewed
after release of “Educational Outcomes of
Children in Care in Manitoba”, June 9, 2015.
Brownell M. Global Television News.
Interviewed after release of “Educational
Outcomes of Children in Care in Manitoba”, June
9, 2015.
Brownell M. APTN News. Manitoba kids in care
struggle in school; less than one third graduate:
Brownell M. Interviewed after release of
“Educational Outcomes of Children in Care in
Manitoba”, June 9, 2015.
Page 10
July 2015
No. 55
Brownell M. MyToba.ca. Manitoba can do better
for children in care: Report. Story based on
“Educational Outcomes of Children in Care in
Manitoba”, June 9, 2015.
Brownell M. PembinaToday.ca. Only a third of
Manitoba kids in care graduate high school. Story
based on “Educational Outcomes of Children in
Care in Manitoba”, June 9, 2015.
Brownell M. CBC Radio, Up to Speed with
Ismaila Alfa. Interviewed after release of
“Educational Outcomes of Children in Care in
Manitoba”, June 9, 2015.
Brownell M. CBC Radio Noon, with Janet
Stuart. Interviewed after release of “Educational
Outcomes of Children in Care in Manitoba”, June
9, 2015.
Brownell M. CJOB Radio. Report: 1/2 Of Kids In
CFS Care Not Ready To Enter School; 2/3 Don’t
Graduate Interview about “Educational Outcomes
of Children in Care in Manitoba”, June 9, 2015.
Cohen B. Challenging the status quo. Invited
short video presentation (7 min.), shown at the
10th National Community Health Nurses of
Canada Conference, Winnipeg, June 24, 2015.
Karen Duncan was Conference Chair for the
American Council on Consumer Interests Annual
Conference, May 20-22, 2015 in Clearwater,
Dr. Pamela Orr chaired the “Living in the Arctic”
session of the 16th International Congress for
Circumpolar Health held in Oulu Finland June
9-12, 2015, and served as a judge in the poster
competition. Dr. Orr presented the following paper
at the conference, on behalf of her colleagues:
Larcombe L, Singer M, Coar L, Denechezhe
L, Yassie E, Avery Kinew K, Orr P. “More than
Shelter: Housing as a Determinant of Health in
Two Northern Canadian Dene Communities.”
Duncan K. Prest, A. (2015, June 25). Majority
of Manitoba parents both work: Third-highest
proportion in Canada, statistics show. Winnipeg
Free Press, p. A2.
Duncan K. Sampert, S. (2015, June 25). Equality
requires economic rights: Women still struggling
to close the yawning gender gap. Winnipeg Free
Press, p. A11.
Duncan K. Schlesinger, J. (2015, May 9). The
insolvency solution: Bankruptcy can be a valuable
tool for debt relief, if you can see past the stigma.
Winnipeg Free Press, p. B11.
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
July 2015
No. 55
Using the Manitoba Research Data Centre for Your
he Manitoba Research Data
Centre (RDC) is a secure,
Statistics Canada facility located at
390 Brodie Centre, which houses
confidential national-level survey data
on a variety of topics. The data can
be browsed at the Statistics Canada
website, and covers topics on health,
Aboriginal peoples, labour, children
and youth, and many more. Some
of the most recent surveys available
• 2012 Canadian Community
Health Survey – Mental Health
• 2013 Canadian Forces Mental
Health Survey
• 1991 Census cohort linked to
• Canadian Survey on Disabilities
• 2012 Canadian Income Survey
• 2012 Canadian Internet Use
• 1971 and 1976 Census data
• General Social Survey – Giving,
Volunteering, and Participating
• 2013 Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol,
and Drugs Survey
Both faculty members and graduate
students can submit proposals to
access the Manitoba RDC, and the
Department of Community Health
Sciences offers a graduate-level
methodology course, conducted by
Dr. Shahin Shooshtari, that provides
experience in (a) writing a proposal for
the RDC, (b) learning how to analyse
national-level survey data, and (c)
preparing an article for submission to
a journal.
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
The Manitoba RDC also offers a scholarship of
$5000 for graduate students who use Statistics
Canada data at the Manitoba RDC for their
graduate thesis or dissertation. Watch for the
announcement and application details in February
If you are interested in using Statistics Canada
data for your research, you can contact Ian Clara
at the RDC at (204)-789-3293 or manitoba.rdc@
We would be happy to help you discuss your data
needs and to help you put together a proposal for
Page 11
Position Available
Research Assistant in
Job Summary:
The successful applicants will work on health
research projects using a large administrative
data set. The duties will include searching the
literature, developing computer code, examining
and cleaning aggregate and individual level
data, preparing demographic data summaries,
performing statistical analyses, and assisting in
the preparation of presentations and manuscripts.
There are at least two positions. These positions
are excellent opportunity for those who are
interested in biostatistics and health research. The
successful applicants can work up to 35 hours per
week, and the ideal starting time would be ASAP.
Requirements: •
Excellent computing skills (e.g., Splus, R, SAS);
knowledge of WinBUGS would be an asset.
Excellent communication skills, both oral and
Excellent statistical skills.
Ability to work independently.
Excellent organizational skills with careful
attention to detail.
Experience with Linux/Unix would be an asset.
Masters degree in statistics, biostatistics
or community health sciences (or near
completion), or PhD student in statistics,
biostatistics or community health sciences.
The applicants from other disciplines who are
qualified are strongly encouraged to apply.
Email or fax your application package directly to
me (information below). The application package
should include a resume, cover letter, list of courses
taken, and the names and contact information of
two references. Mahmoud Torabi, PhD
Associate Professor of Biostatistics, Department of
Community Health Sciences
Adjunct Professor, Department of Statistics
University of Manitoba
Tel: 204-272-3136, Fax: 204-789-3905
E-mail: [email protected]
Page 12
July 2015
No. 55
New Research Grants
Afifi TO, Sareen J. Are certain types of At what
frequency does gambling on specific types
of gambling become associated with severe
interference with home responsibilities, work,
school, relationships, and social life among
Manitobans? Manitoba Gambling Research
Program. 2015-2017. $50,000.
Azad M. Principal Investigator. Prenatal
exposure to non-nutritive sweeteners and the
development of childhood obesity. Children’s
Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba.
Operating Grant. $40,000, 06/2015–05/2016. Brownell M (PI), Chateau D, Ruth C, Katz
L, Singal D. Neurodevelopment, Health and
Educational Outcomes of Children Exposed
to Antidepressants and Maternal Depression
During Pregnancy. Children’s Hospital Research
Institute of Manitoba Operating Grant. Amount:
$40,000. Term: 2015-2016
Joshua Greenberg, S. Michelle Driedger (co-P.I.),
& Eve Dubé. Vaccine hesitancy: A “wicked” risk
communication problem. Funded by the Canadian
Immunization Research Network (CIRN). April
1, 2015 to March 31, 2016. $50,000.
Harris CA (Principal Investigator), Jiang D
(Co-Investigator), Tay J, Vincent N, & Wilson K.
Randomized Controlled Trial of the Effectiveness
of Online Treatment for Insomnia in Cancer
Survivors and Evaluation of Treatment-Related
Side-Effects. Canadian Cancer Society Research
Institute (CCSRI), Quality of Life Grant,
$194,670. 2015 - 2018.
Kreindler SA (PI), Bergal T, Colbourne A, Joy
J, Tustonic V, Basran J, Doupe M, Grafstein E,
Hastings S, Marchildon G, Metge CJ, Rowe B,
Schull M, Suter E, et al. Getting to the Source
of Inter-Regional Variation in Patient Flow
Performance: A Complex Systems Perspective. CIHR (PHSI competition); Jun/15 - May/18;
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
July 2015
No. 55
$400,000. Lix LM. Canadian Institutes of Health
Research: Planning and Dissemination Grant.
Co-Applicants: Mark Smith, Mahmoud
Azimaee, Joellyn Ellison, Kim Reimer, Karey
Iron. Amount: $10,000 Term: 01/07/2015 –
Title: Disseminating tools to evaluate the quality
of administrative health databases.
Schroth R (Principal Investigator); C Daymont,
ME Moffatt, C Rodd (Co-investigators). Does
early childhood nutritional status and wellbeing improve for children with severe Early
Childhood Caries following rehabilitative dental
surgery? Children’s Hospital Research Institute of
Manitoba. $40,000 (2015-2017) Shooshtari, S. (Nominated PI), Temple, B.
Training Healthcare Providers to Use the
Comprehensive Health Assessment Program
(CHAP). The University Research Grants
Program, University of Manitoba, 2015-2016.
Awarded: $6,304.
Singh H. Principal Applicant, University of
Manitoba;Co-Applicants: Lisa M. Lix, William
D. Leslie. CancerCare Manitoba Foundation.
Fractures, osteoporosis and fracture risk
assessment in cancer survivors. Amount:
$106,230.Term: 07/01/2015 to 06/30/2017
New Publications
Beattie TS, Bhattacharjee P , Isac S, Davey C, Javalkar
P, Nair S, Thalinja R, Sudhakar G, Collumbien M,
Blanchard JF, Watts C, Moses S, Heise L. Supporting
adolescent girls to stay in school, reduce child
marriage and reduce entry into sex work as HIV risk
prevention in north Karnataka, India: protocol for
a cluster randomised controlled trial. BMC Public
Health 2015; 15(1):292.
Bernstein CN, Garland A, Peschken CA, Hitchon
CA, Chen H, Fransoo R, Marrie RA. Predictors of
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
ICU admission and outcomes 1 year post-admission
in persons with IBD: A population-based study.
Inflamm Bowel Dis 2015;21(6):1341-1347.
Birse K, Arnold KB, Novak RM, McCorrister S,
Shaw SY, Westmacott GR, Ball T, Lauffenburger
DA, Burgener A. Molecular signatures of immune
activation and epithelial barrier remodeling are
enhanced during the luteal phase of the menstrual
cycle: implications for HIV susceptibility. Journal of
virology 2015:JVI. 00756-15.
Brownell MD, Nickel NC, Chateau D, Martens PJ,
Taylor C, Crockett L, Katz A, Sarkar J, Burland E,
Goh CY and the PATHS Equity Team. Long-term
benefits of full-day kindergarten: a longitudinal
population-based study. Early Child Development
and Care, 185(2):291-316.
Bruce SG, Blanchard AK, Gurav K, Roy A, Jayanna
K, Mohan HL, Ramesh BM, Blanchard J, Moses S,
Avery L. Preferences for infant delivery site among
pregnant women and new mothers in northern
Karnataka, India. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2015;
Carleton RN, Teale Sapach MJN, Oriet C, Duranceau
S, Lix LM, Thibodeau MA, Horswill SC, Ubbens JR,
Asmundson GJG. (2015). A randomized controlled
trial of attention modification for social anxiety
disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 33:35-44.
Chartier MJ, Attawar D, Volk JS, Cooper M,
Quddus F, McCarthy J-A. Postpartum mental health
promotion: Perspectives from mothers and home
visitors. Public Health Nursing 2015;[Epub ahead of
print](doi: 10.1111/phn.12205).
Connolly J, Josephson W, Schnoll J, Simkins-Strong
E, Pepler D, MacPherson A, Weiser J, Moran M, &
Jiang D. (2015). Evaluation of a youth led school
program for preventing bullying, sexual harassment,
and dating aggression in middle schools. Journal of
Early Adolescence, 35(3), 403-434.
Coo H, Ouelette-Kuntz H, Lam YM, Brownell
M, Flavin MP, Roos LL. The association between
the interpregnancy interval and autism spectrum
disorder in a Canadian cohort. Canadian Journal of
Public Health 2015;106(2):36-42.
Page 13
New Publications, cont'd
Driedger SM, Weimer J. (2015) Factiva and
Canadian Newsstand Major Dailies: Comparing
retrieval reliability between academic institutions.
Online Information Review. 39(3): 346-359. doi:
Erickson A, Becker M, Shaw SY, Kasper K, Keynan
Y. Substance use and its impact on care outcomes
among HIV-infected individuals in Manitoba. AIDS
care 2015(ahead-of-print):1-6.
Falster K, Jorm L, Eades S, Lynch J, Banks E,
Brownell M, Craven R, Einarsdottir K, Randall D.
What factors contribute to positive early childhood
health and development in Australian Aboriginal
children? Protocol for a population-based cohort
study using linked administrative data (The Seeding
Success Study). BMJ Open 2015;5(5):e007898.
Ferguson TW, Tangri N, Macdonald K, Hiebert
B, Rigatto C, Sood MM, Shaw SY, Lerner B, Xu
Y, Mahmud S. The diagnostic accuracy of tests
for latent tuberculosis infection in hemodialysis
patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Transplantation 2015;99(5):1084-1091.
Halas G, Singer A, Styles C, Katz A. New conceptual
model of EMR implementation in interprofessional
academic family medicine clinics. Canadian Family
Physician 2015;61(5):e232-239.
Hogg WE, Wodchis WP, Katz A, Wong ST, Cullen
R, Yelland G. Bringing Canada together. Canadian
Family Physician 2016;61(5):403-405.
Hunter PV, Hadjistavropoulos T, Thorpe L, Lix LM,
Malloy DC. (2015). The influence of individual and
organizational factors on person-centred dementia
care. Aging and Mental Health, 22:1-9.
Kimber M, Henriksen CA, Davidov D, Goldstein A,
Pitre N, Tonmyr L, Afifi TO. (2015). The association
between immigrant generational status, childmaltreatment history, and intimate partner violence
(IPV): Evidence from a nationally representative
survey. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiolog,
Page 14
July 2015
No. 55
50, 1135-1144.
Levitt C, Katz A, Mang E, Safarov A. Ten most
notable family medicine research studies in Canada.
Canadian Family Physician June 2015 vol. 61 no. 6
McKinnon LR, Izulla P, Nagelkerke N, Munyao J,
Wanjiru T, Shaw SY, Gichuki R, Kariuki C, Muriuki
F, Musyoki H. Risk Factors for HIV Acquisition in a
Prospective Nairobi-Based Female Sex orker Cohort.
AIDS Behav 2015:1-10.
Marshall DA, Vanderby S, Barnabe C, MacDonald
KV, Maxwell C, Mosher D, Wasylak T, Lix LM, Stat P,
Enns E, Frank C, Noseworthy T. (2015). Estimating
the burden of osteoarthritis to plan for the future.
Arthritis Care Research, 2015 May 4. [Epub].
Melesse DY, Halli SS, Tate RB. Variations over four
decades in body mass index trajectories prior to
diagnosis of diabetes mellitus: The Manitoba Followup Study, 1948–2007. Can J Pub Health 2015; 106 (3):
e95-e100. Melesse DY, Targownik LE, Singh H, Blanchard
JF, Bernstein CN. Patterns and predictors of longterm nonuse of medical therapy among persons with
inflammatory bowel disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis
2015; 21(7):1615-22.
Nickel NC. Look before you leap: Can we draw
casual conclusions from breastfeeding research?
Journal of Human Lactation 2015;31(2):209-212.
O’Grady K, Roos N. Canadians care about healthcare
— so why don’t we see more health policy coverage
in the news? Published in J-Source.ca and Longwoods.
com, June 16, 2015
Olafson K, Ramsey C, Yogendran M, Fransoo R,
Chrusch C, Forget E, Garland A. Surge capacity:
Analysis of census fluctuations to estimate the
number of intensive care unit beds needed. Health
Services Research 2015;50(1):237-252.
Roos NP, O’Grady K, Turczak S, Tapp C, Jolivet L.
Navigating the Evidence Communicating Canadian
Health Policy in the Media. 2015. Available in Apple,
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
July 2015
No. 55
Kindle, Google Play, Google Books. Also available in
PDF format:
Presentations, Invited
Lectures, Consultations
Schroth RJ. Early Childhood Caries: practical tips
for the dental team. Spectrum Dental Teamwork.
2015;8(3): 18-31.
Becker M, Shaw SY, Ireland L, Ens C, Yu N, Keynan
Y, Kasper K, on behalf of the MODES Research
Team. Health Care Utilization among HIV Positive
Individuals in Manitoba, Canada Prior to HIV Care.
24th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS
Research (CAHR 2015)
Schroth RJ, Boparai G, Boparai M, Zhang L,
Svitlica M, Jacob L, Stein L, Lekic C on behalf of
the Manitoba Dental Association. Tracking Early
Visits to the Dentist: a look at the first 3 years of
the Manitoba Dental Association’s Free First Visit
Program. J Can Dent Assoc. 2015;81:f8.
Shaw SY, Blanchard JF, Bernstein CN. Early
Childhood Measles Vaccinations are not Associated
with Paediatric IBD: A Population-based Analysis.
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 2015;9(4):334-338.
Snider C, Jiang D, Logsetty S, Strome T, &
Klassen T. (2015). Wrap around care for youth
injured by violence: Study protocol for a pilot
randomised control trial. BMJ Open.5: doi: 10.1136/
Stein DR, Shaw SY, McKinnon LR, Abou M,
McCorrister SJ, Westmacott GR, Fowke KR,
Plummer FA, Ball TB. Mx2 expression is associated
with reduced susceptibility to HIV infection in highly
exposed HIV seronegative Kenyan sex workers. AIDS
Wang Y, Sareen J, Afifi TO, Bolton S-L, Johnson EA,
Bolton JM. (2015). A population-based longitudinal
study of recent stressful life events as risk factors
for suicidal behavior in major depressive disorder.
Archives of Suicide Research, 19, 202-217.
Wong ST, Chau LW, Hogg W, Teare GF, Miedema
B, Breton M, Aubrey-Bassler K, Katz A, Burge F,
Boivin A, Cooke T, Francoeur D, Wodchis WP.
An international cross-sectional survey on teh
quality and costs of primary care (QUALICO-PC):
Recruitment and data collection of places delivering
primary care across Canada. BMC Family Practice
Bernstein C, Targownik L, Banerjee A, Singh H,
Chateau D, Burchill C, Roos L. Caesarian section
is not a risk factor for the development of IBD:
A population-based analysis. Poster presentation
during Digestive Disease Week® (DDW),
Washington, DC, May 16-19, 2015. (Selected as a
poster of distinction)
Brownell M, Nickel N, Browne A, Majid F, Pauly
B. Tackling health inequities: the role of research in
shrinking the gap. Panel presented at the Canadian
Public Health Association Annual conference,
Vancouver BC, May 25, 2015.
Chateau D, Enns M, Ekuma O, McDougall C,
Koseva I, Kulbaba C. Evaluation of the Manitoba
IMPROVE program. Open minds Strategy and
Innovation institute, New Orleans, LA, June 16, 2015.
Cohen B, Moffatt H, Arnold T. Organizational
capacity for public health equity action: Are MPH
graduates prepared? Workshop at Canadian Public
Health Association Annual Conference, Vancouver,
May 26, 2015.
Cohen B, Arnold T, Moffatt H. Strengthening the
capacity of CHNs to advocate for social justice and
policy change to reduce inequities in health. Workshop
at the 10th National Community Health Nurses of
Canada Conference, Winnipeg, June 23, 2015.
Doupe M. Defining the Major Determinants of
Emergency Department Patient Flow. Presented
to the Winnipeg Health Region Emergency Joint
Council. Winnipeg, MB. June 15, 2015.
Doupe M. Integration of Care Across the
Continuum. Presented at Best Practices in
Rehabilitation 2014: Collaborate, Innovate,
Rehabilitate. Winnipeg, MB. June 6, 2014.
Driedger SM, Annable G, Marrie RA, Brouwers
M. Risk communication challenges concerning
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
Page 15
Presentations, cont'd
contested medical procedures: Canadian perspectives
of the CCSVI and liberation therapy debate for
people with multiple sclerosis. Paper presented at the
24th Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis
Europe (SRA-E), Maastricht, Netherlands, June 15,
Driedger SM. Communicating medical research
results transparently? Reflections from my side of the
Pond. Invited presentation at Hidden in Plain Sight:
Performance Standards for Transparent Disclosure
– Workshop at Häckaberga Castle, Genarp, Sweden,
June 4, 2015.
Driedger SM, Annable G, Brouwers M. Managing
uncertainty in policy decision making about
cancer control: A qualitative study of Canadian
policymakers. Paper presented at Canada’s Applied
Research in Cancer Control (ARCC) Conference
2015, Montreal, Quebec. May 25, 2015.
Driedger SM. Current understandings of vaccine
hesitancy in Canada. Invited presentation
to the Professional Institute for Health Risk
Communication, Ottawa, Ontario, May 13, 2015.
Driedger SM, Annable G, Brouwers MC. Navigating
Uncertainty in Policy Decision Making About New
Cancer Drugs: A Qualitative Study of Canadian
Policymakers. Paper presented at Canadian Agency
for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH)
2015 Symposium, April 13, 2015.
Duncan KA, Pettigrew RN. (2015, May). Poking
a sleeping bear: The challenge of organizational
recruitment for controversial topics. Paper presented
at the 6th International Community, Work and
Family Conference, Malmö, Sweden.
Hinds A, Lix LM. The quality of secondary health
data in Canada. Canadian Society of Epidemiology
and Biostatistics Conference, Toronto, ON, June 1-4,
Supported by the Scientific and Technological
Research Council of Turkey, Dr. Depeng Jiang was
invited by Ataturk University in Turkey to give a
three-full day workshop on Biostatistics for medical
students and supporting staff at Faculty of Medicine
from May 18 to June 1, 2105. Dr. Jiang also met with
Page 16
July 2015
No. 55
several department head, Dr. Zekeriya AKTURK
(Professor and Head of Department of Biostatistics),
Dr. Hamit ACEMOGLU (Associate Professor and
Chair of Department of Medical Education), Dr.
Memet Isik (Associate Professor, Department of
Family Medicine), and Dr. Mucahit EMET (Associate
Professor, Department of Emergency), to discuss
research matters of mutual interest.
Jones J, Lix L, Teare G. Evaluating an integrated
model of care for patients with inflammatory bowel
diseases in Saskatchewan: A population-based cohort
study in progress. Canadian Association for Health
Services and Policy Research Conference, Montreal,
QC, May 25-28, 2015.
Kouokam W, Lix LM. Sensitivity analysis of a
prediction model to estimate completeness of electronic
physician claims databases. Epiclin 9 Conference,
Montpellier, France, May 20-22, 2015.
Kuwornu JP, Lix LM, Quail JM, Wang XE, Osman
M, Teare GF. Assessing the incremental predictive
value of healthcare utilization pathways in risk
prediction modelling. International Society for
Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
Annual International Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, May
16-20, 2015.
Kuwornu JP, Lix LM, Quail JM, Wang XE, Osman
M, Teare GF. Patterns of care: Identifying and
describing pathways during episodes of care for
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations.
Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy
Research Conference 2015, Montreal, QC, May 2528, 2015.
Lix LM, Smith M, Pitz M, Ahmed R, Prior H, Hong
S, Banerjee A, Koseva I, Kulbaba C. A comparison
of comorbidity measures for predicting healthcare
utilization in cancer patients. Canadian Association
for Health Services and Policy Research Conference,
Montreal, QC, May 25-28, 2015.
Lix LM. How big data and causal inference work
together in health policy. Thematic Program on
Statistical Inference, Learning, and Models for Big
Data, Fields Institute, Halifax, NS, June 12-13, 2015.
McDaniel SA, Gazso A, Duncan KA. (2015, June).
Relative prospects of children as they age: Canadians
and Americans in mid-life in the Great Recession
frame future generations. Paper presented at the
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
July 2015
No. 55
Dr. Depeng Jiang (centre) in Turkey where he presented a Workshop on Biostatistics
International Sociological Association Research
Committees on Aging (RC6) and Family (RC11),
Aging Families/Changing Families International
Conference, Syracuse, New York
McClarty LM, Shaw SY, Ireland L, Ens C, Keynan
Y, Kasper K, Becker ML on behalf of the MODES
Research Team. Patterns of Prescription Drug
Utilisation Prior to Diagnosis of HIV among
Clients of the Manitoba HIV Program: Data from
the Missed Opportunities for Diagnosis of HIV
Epidemiological Study. 24th Annual Canadian
Conference on HIV/AIDS Research (CAHR 2015)
Melesse DY, Targownik LE, Singh H, Blanchard
JF, Bernstein CN. Factors associated with delayed
initiation and becoming a long-term nonuser of
IBD-specific medications: a population-based study.
Digestive Disease Week, Washington DC, May 1620, 2015. Poster Presentation.
Melesse DY, Evans C, Yu N, Blanchard JF,
Marrie RA. Patterns of persistence, switching, and
adherence and the risk of discontinuation of diseasemodifying therapies over the course of multiple
sclerosis: a population-based study. 6th Annual
Neuroinflammation Symposium and MB-ON endMS
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
RRTC Retreat, Toronto, April 29-May 01, 2015.
Poster presentation.
Pettigrew RN, Duncan KA. (2015, May). Parental
leave use by male employees: Use and support within
a Canadian law enforcement organization. Paper
presented at the 6th International Community, Work
and Family Conference, Malmö, Sweden.
Roos NP Macdonald S. The Manitoba Poverty Tool.
Healthy Child Manitoba, Deputy Minister’s Meeting,
Manitoba Legislative Building, Winnipeg, MB, April
20, 2015.
Roos NP Macdonald S. The Manitoba Poverty Tool.
Winnipeg Foundation, Winnipeg, MB, June 2, 2015.
Sajobi T, Lix LM. On discrimination in multivariate
non-normal repeated measures data. Statistical
Society of Canada Annual Meeting, Halifax, NS,
June 14-17, 2015
Schiff N, Lix LM. Validation of administrative data
diagnoses of chronic childhood arthritis in Manitoba.
Presentation to the Canadian Rheumatology
Administrative Data Network, Webinar, May 29,
Page 17
Presentations, cont'd
Shaw SY, Becker M, Ireland L, Ens C, McClarty L,
Yu B, Keynan Y, Bullard J, Wylie JL, Van Caeseele
P, Kasper L. A Population-Based Examination of
Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infections Testing and
History Prior to HIV Diagnosis Among HIV Cases
and HIV-Negative Controls: the Missed Opportunity
for Diagnoses Epidemiological Study (MODES)
(Oral) 24th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/
AIDS Research (CAHR 2015):
Shoostari S, Temple B, Waldman C, Abraham S.
Comprehensive Health Assessments for Adults with
Intellectual Disability (ID) in Manitoba: Feasibility.
A paper presented at the Ontario Association On
Developmental Disabilities Annual Conference,
Niagara, ON, April 15, 2015.
Sibley KM, Shimmin C, Driedger SM, Klassen
TP, Ringart L, Schneider C, Tessier A, Woodgate
RL, Wittmeier KDM. Patients as Research
Partners in Manitoba: Establishing a Provincial
Patient Engagement Strategy Using Participatory
Methodologies. Poster presented at KT Canada
Annual Scientific Meeting, Hamilton, Ontario. May
11-12, 2015.
Teare G, Calder D, Lix L. Research informing policy:
The Saskatchewan Drug Utilization and Outcomes
Research Team. Canadian Agency for Drugs and
Technology Symposium, Saskatoon, SK, April 12-14,
Turner S, Afifi TO, Cheung K, Taillieu T, Sareen J.
(2015). Help-seeking, perceived need, and barriers
to mental health treatment among adults who
experienced child abuse. Poster Presentation at
the 28th Annual Canadian Student Health Research
Forum, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 2-4, 2015.
Waldman C, Shoostari S, Temple B, Ouellette-Kuntz
H, Abrahams S. Comprehensive Health Assessment
Program for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
in Manitoba. A poster presented at the Ontario
Association On Developmental Disabilities’ Research
Special Interest Group Conference, Niagara, ON,
April 17, 2015.
Wall-Wieler E, Roos LL, Chateau D, Rosella L.
[Oral Presentation]. Predictors of EIA across Income
Quintile. 2015 Canadian Society for Epidemiology
Page 18
July 2015
No. 55
and Biostatistics (CSEB) Conference. Toronto ON.
Wall-Wieler E, Roos LL, Chateau D. [Oral
Presentation]. Administrative data and Life
Course Epidemiology. 2015 Canadian Society for
Epidemiology and Biostatistics (CSEB) Conference.
Toronto ON.
Wall-Wieler E, Roos LL. [Oral Presentation].
Predictors of EIA across Type. 2015 Canadian
Association for Health Services and Policy Research
Conference (CAHSPR), Montreal QC. May 28, 2015
Wall-Wieler E, Roos LL, Chateau D. [Poster].
Administrative Data and Life Course Epidemiology.
2015 Canadian Association for Health Services and
Policy Research Conference (CAHSPR), Montreal
QC. May 27, 2015
Wang Y, Marcoux M, Afifi TO, Bolton JM, Sareen J.
(2015). Predictors of unemployment: Results from
a longitudinal, nationally representative survey.
Poster presentation at 2015 Anxiety and Depression
Association of America (ADAA), Miami, Florida,
April 9-11, 2015.
Community Matters is published by
the Department of Community Health
Sciences at the University of Manitoba
Submissions can be made to Kathy
Bell at P120-750 Bannatyne Avenue,
Winnipeg MB, R3E 0W3 Kathy.Bell@
Opinions expressed on these pages may or may not
be the opinions of the Editors.
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine,
Department of Community Health Sciences
Fly UP