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Community MATTERS
April 2013
No. 46
From the
Dr. Stephen Moses MD, MPH
Department Head
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
here has been a flurry of activity over the past
several weeks with respect to the University
of Manitoba’s Academic Structure Initiative
(ASI), and how we would like Community Health
Sciences to be positioned in this regard.
This culminated with a well-attended
department-wide forum with the Dean of
Medicine on the 1st of April and a special
Department Council meeting on the 4th,
wherein votes were taken on different
models for moving forward. The results
of the vote indicated that a small majority
of CHS members were in favour of the
formation of a new College of Population
and Public Health Sciences in a merger
with all or part of the Faculty of Human
Ecology; but that there were significant
numbers of dissenting views.
Strong opinions were expressed by
several council members on both sides
of the issue. A document on the ASI
was ultimately approved by the Faculty
of Medicine Council on the 10 of April
and will be submitted for approval to
other health faculties this month (Dentistry,
Pharmacy, Nursing, and Human Ecology).
The document provides for the establishment
of a new Faculty of Health Sciences with
five constituent Colleges: Medicine,
Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, and Medical
Rehabilitation. The document does not make
a specific recommendation regarding the
creation of a new College of Population and
Public Health Sciences.
The potential for the development of such
a College is noted but its development will
require further deliberation. The desire of
Awards and Appointments............4
Circumpolar Health Research
Community Engagement..............5
BioMedical Youth Program..........8
Graduate Program.........................8
J.A. Hildes Northern
Medical Unit..............................10
Medical Education.....................12
Research Platforms on the Dynamic
Link between the Environment and
New Research Grants..................14
New Publications........................15
Presentations, Invited Lectures,
You are invited......
134nd Spring Convocation
Faculty of Medicine
Brodie Atrium
16 May 2013
10:30 am
April 2013
From the Department Head, cont'd
No. 46
Another exciting recent development is the
creation by Dean Postl of the Alan Klass
Memorial Program for Health Equity. This
Program is situated within Community Health
Sciences and builds on the concepts of social
justice, health equity, and addressing racial
discrimination as major determinants of health.
Values and principles that were deeply held by
Dr. Alan Klass.
to the Program. Funding for the Program is
expected to come to a large extent from the
Tolkien Trust, in addition to CHS, the Faculty
of Medicine, and other sources. The Health
Equity Program will bring together under one
unit a number of activity centres and individuals
within the department. This team includes:
Community Engagement (Karen Cook, Dennis
Bayomi); the Biomedical Youth Program, soon
to be renamed the Youth Sciences Program
(Francis Amara, Jan Middleton, Julie Daet); the
Wish Clinic (Bre Woligroski, Paulette Collins);
and the Alan Klass Local to Global Student
Expression program (Anne Durcan, Robbie
Chase). In addition, the Program will provide
support in incorporating health equity and social
responsibility considerations into undergraduate
medical education; this will require close
collaboration with the UGME program in the
Faculty of Medicine and with several Associate
Deans. We all extend our support and
encouragement to Dr. Macdonald and her team
as the Alan Klass Memorial Program for Health
Equity evolves.
The Dean has appointed Dr. Sharon Macdonald
as the first Director of the Program and we are
very grateful that Dr. Macdonald has accepted
this responsibility. She also has a direct
reporting line to the Dean of Medicine in regard
At the time of writing for this Spring edition of
the Newsletter we are still struggling to break
zero degrees Celsius. I hope that by the time
you read this we will be in double digits and that
we will be contemplating a fine summer. s
the Department of Family Social Sciences, one
of the three departments within the Faculty
of Human Ecology, to join Community Health
Sciences is also noted in the document. So
further consultations will need to take place in
relation to these issues over the coming months.
I would like to thank all department members
who have been engaged in this process. It has
been an interesting and constructive experience
and we will continue to be closely engaged in the
evolution of the ASI.
WOMEN distinction
Dr. Judy
Page 2
Dr. Juliette
Dr. Verena
n Wednesday, 1 May 2013, the YMCAYWCA of Winnipeg will honour and
recognise the contributions of women to
our community at its' 37th annual Women
of Distinction Awards Gala. The YMCA/
YWCA received a total of 78 nominations.
Congratulations to nominees Drs. Judith
Bartlett, Juliette Cooper,
and Verena Menec of the
Department of Community
Health Sciences.
Manitoba Health is
pleased to announce
the appointment of Dr.
Lawrence Elliott to the
position of Medical Officer
Dr. Lawrence Elliott
of Health and Program
Medical Director of
Population and Public Health with the Winnipeg
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
April 2013
No. 46
Announcements, cont'd
Regional Health Authority, effective 11 February
2013. Dr. Elliott has been a Medical Officer of
Health for the Northern Health Region, in the
former Nor-Man RHA since 2008. He is also
an Associate Professor and Associate Head of
the Department of Community Health Sciences,
Faculty of Medicine. He will continue with his
University of Manitoba
Dr. Joel Kettner was
recently elected as
the President of the
PHPC (Public Health
Physicians of Canada),
June 2013-June 2015.
Congratulations, Joel!
Dr. Kettner is also the
Scientific Director of the
Dr. Joel Kettner
National Collaborating Centre for Infectious
Dr. Joel Kettner was recently promoted to
Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine.
Dr. Brenda Elias was recently elected as a
University senator from the Faculty of Medicine
(2013-2016). She will join Dr. Joel Kettner
(2012-2015) and Dr. Robert Tate (2012-2015).
Dr. Brenda Elias
Dr. Robert Tate
In March 2013 the
Department welcomed
Dr. Chencho Dorjee
(Director) and Dr.
Neyzang Wangmo
(Director of Research
and Industrial
Relations) from the
Royal Institute of
Health Sciences
located in Thimpu,
Bhutan. They were
here to implement the
MOU between the
University of Manitoba
and Bhutan. Our
guests appreciated
the time that faculty
(Back) Neyzang Wangmo, Dhiwya Attawar, Lynette Roulette, Nancy Abbas
members, staff, and
(Front) Chencho Dorjee, Norma Beaulieu, Tenzing Schering, Sharon Bruce
students spent with
them. We look forward
to future endeavours together.
Health services to small remote communities is
an important part of the health care system in
Bhutan. Dr. Sharon Bruce escorted Chencho
and Neyzang to Sandy Bay who hosted a site
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
Lynette Roulette is the Chief Executive Director
of Sandy Bay, Nancy Abbas is a registered
psychiatric nurse working with the Health
Centre and Child & Family Services, and Norma
Beaulieu is the financial officer. s
Page 3
April 2013
No. 46
Awards and Appointments
ongratulations to Community Health
Sciences instructors nominated for teaching
excellence in Medicine 1 – Dr. Patricia
Martens, Dr. Joel Kettner, Dr. Pierre Plourde,
Dr. William Libich, and Dr. Bruce Martin at
the MMSA 2011/12 teaching awards, Teacher
Recognition Dinner on 9 April 2013.
Congratulations to
Malcolm Doupe, recipient
of the Rh Award for
Outstanding Contributions
to Scholarship and
Research in the Health
Sciences category.
Malcolm Doupe was
Dr. Malcolm Doupe
selected to receive one
of two 2012-2013 CIHR
IHSPR Article of the Year Awards for the article
“Frequent users of emergency departments:
developing standard definitions and defining
prominent risk factors.”
Dr. Michelle Driedger’s
Tier 2 Canada Research
Chair in Environmental
and Health Risk
Communication was
renewed. Dr. Driedger will
receive $500.000 over 5
years as a Tier 2 chair.
Dr. Pamela Orr was
appointed President of the
North American Region
of the International Union
Against Tuberculosis and
Lung Disease on 2 March
Dr. Salah. Mahmud
Dr. Pam Orr
Dr. Michelle Driedger
Leslie WD (presenter),
Metge C, Morin S, Majumdar S, Lix L, Best
Clinician Abstract, International Society for
Clinical Densitometry.
Temporal trends in bone
mineral density, body
mass index and fracture
rates: implications for
osteoporosis diagnosis
and FRAX. March 2013;
Tampa, Florida.
Dr Lisa Lix
to Dr. Salaheddin
(Salah) Mahmud, awarded a Tier 2 Canada
Page 4
Research Chair (CRC) in
and Vaccine Evaluation.
Dr. Mahmud will receive
$500,000 in funding over
the next 5 years as a Tier
2 chair.
Martens PJ. Media Interview. CJOB Radio
interview – Geoff Currier. Winnipeg, MB.
Nov. 8, 2012.
Topic: Canadian Network of Observational
Drug Effect Studies (CNODES) – what is it?
Dr. Pamela Orr joined Dr. Anne Fanning
and MPs from the 3 major Canadian political
parties on Parliament Hill on March 21,
2013 to announce World TB Day 2013
and to advocate for increased national and
international efforts to prevent and control
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
April 2013
No. 46
Circumpolar Health Research Network
Submitted by: Dr. Pamela Orr
wo organisations have now joined together
to form the Circumpolar Health Research
Network. You can find out about this group at:
http://circhnet.org and you are encouraged to
join and to get involved.
Members can be individuals or organisations.
The University of Manitoba is currently an
organisational member and I am the university
representative on the board.
The organisation's goals are to foster education,
communication, networking, and research in
circumpolar health. The organisation puts
on yearly summer schools for postgraduate
students and health care providers on topics
of interest and provides travel grants to foster
Community Engagement
he beginning of 2013 has been a busy time
for Community Engagement partnerships
and planning.
Career Trek
The University
of Manitoba has
partnered with
Career Trek for
several years.
This organisation has been formed by the
union of the former International Network
for Circumpolar Health Research and the
International Association of Circumpolar Health
Please contact me if you have questions or
ideas or comments. We are passionate about
Circumpolar health, and we aim to spread the
love! s
Dr. Pamela Orr
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 204-787-7029
span into adulthood with their young mothers
Participants receive hands-on experience in
a multitude of careers with the goal of igniting
their passion
and potential for
Career Trek
visited Bannatyne
on two occasions
between January
and March and
approximately 60
Career Trek is a
youth participated
in hands-on
activities in the
organisation that
following careers:
provides children
Medical Doctor,
ten years and
older with the
opportunity to
Therapy, and
explore several
Juan Monterrosa, Occupational Therapy Student providing students
career paths.
with hands-on activity
Students came
The organisation likes to specify “as young as
from several First Nations communities (Sandy
10” as the ages for participants, however many
Bay, Long Plain, Dakota Tipi, Roseau River,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
Page 5
April 2013
No. 46
Community Engagement, cont'd
Front row: Celina Clements
Back row: (l to r) Akalu Meekis, Seneca Chartrand, Karen Cook, Laura Kathler, Lisa Spence, Sonya Schulzki
Swan Lake), Parkland Region (Waterhen,
Skownan, Gymsumville, Pine Creek, Duck Bay,
Winnipegosis), and from Winnipeg’s Pembina
Trails School Division.
A huge thank-you to our student volunteers
from Faculties of Medicine and Pharmacy and
School of Medical Rehabilitation who came
out for two full days to be great mentors for
Pooja Sharma, Medical Doctor Instructor
Julie Hernandez, Pharmacy Instructor
Ryan Persaud , Pharmacy Instructor
Kwabena Osei-Bonsu , Respiratory Therapy
• Juan Monterrosa, Occupational Therapy
Page 6
I Love to Read Month
Each year in February, “I Love To Read” month
is celebrated to promote a love of reading in
schools, families and communities. This year’s
theme was “Planting the Seeds of Literacy
and Fostering Engagement.” The Faculty of
Medicine partnered with Wellington School to
bring our communities together and promote
the love for reading during the week of February
25-March 1st. As readers to young students,
we are able to support children’s literacy skills
and help nurture their growth and development
as engaged and proficient readers. Wellington
is a Nursery to Grade 6 school with a diverse
student population located just two blocks south
of our campus. Thank you to the following
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
April 2013
No. 46
Community Engagement, cont'd
readers who came out to read:
• Blair Nicholls, External Relations
• Dr. Sharon Macdonald, Community Health
• Paulette Collins, Community Health
• Marcia Dzik, Faculty of Medicine
• Melanie MacKinnon, Northern Medical Unit
• Barbara Shay, School of Medical
• Karen Cook, Community Health Sciences
• Dr. Stephen Moses, Community Health
8 May 2013 - 10:00 am, A106 Chown
16 Sept 2013 - 10:00 am, A106 Chown
5 Nov 2013 - 10:00 am, A106 Chown
8 January 2014 - 10:00 am, A106 Chown
6 March 2015 - 10:00 am, A106 Chown
Rich Man Poor Man Dinner – 5 Feb 2013
Community Health Sciences invited inner city
high school youth and program coordinators
from the Rec & Read Program to the Medical
student fundraiser. The youth were happy
to hear the keynote speakers, network with
guests, and tour our campus.
Meeting with Deputy Minister Jan
Sanderson – 6 Feb 2013
Karen Cook and Sharon Macdonald were
part of UM delegation to provide presentation
to Deputy Minister Jan Sanderson on UM
activities re: youth and campus/community
partnerships. Deputy Minister Sanderson holds
the Children & Youth Opportunities Portfolio.
12 June 2013 - 10:30 am - R060, Dr. Betty
Havens Seminar Room
3 Oct 2013 - 10:00 am - A106 Chown
6 Dec 2013 - 10:00 am - A106 Chown
3 Feb 2014 - 10:00 am - A106 Chown
Inner City Youth Attend Bison Games – 13
Feb 2013
Several SWISH (basketball) planning members
chaperoned an excursion for inner city youth
to Bison Men’s and Women’s semi-final games
on the 13th of February at the Investors Group
Athletic Centre. Forty-five attendees, including
ten chaperones enjoyed the very lively and
spirited games between UM and UW! s
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
Community Events
• Swish 2013
• Bannatyne Minu-U
• Indigenous Mini-U for Inner City Youth
Page 7
April 2013
No. 46
BioMedical Youth Program
ver the past few months the Biomedical
Youth Program (BYP) has been pleased
to host more than thirty teachers working with
students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 at the
Inner-City Science Centre (ICSC). Educators
from across the province participated in
professional development workshops covering
cell biology, environmental science, and physics
of motion. Our teachers enjoyed their sessions
at the ICSC and look forward to applying the
skills and knowledge learned to their classroom
practices – enhancing science for youth!
On a similar note, the ICSC has opened its
doors to nearly 100 students from different
schools undertaking curriculum-based activities
led by their teachers. Students enjoyed
activities exploring principles in chemistry,
building water filtration systems, identifying
small water microorganisms, and observing
cells under a fluorescence microscope! Our
student participants had a blast at the ICSC,
some asking their teachers for another visit
The ICSC has served as the “hub” of original
student research over the course of the past
months. The ICSC has been delighted to
host more than thirty students’ project work,
posing a diversity of questions such as the
effect of food preservatives on the inhibition of
microbial growth, physiological stressors on cell
structure, and testing different conditions for
Page 8
optimal crystal formation, to name a few. Our
participants are excited to take part in provincial
science fairs held in April. We are very proud of
each of our young scientists!
The BYP is in the early stages of planning its
annual summer science camp, set to take place
from 22-26 July 2013, right at the University
of Manitoba Bannatyne Campus. The Camp
is free-of-charge for participants in Grades
4-12 and offers a vast array of activities from
fields including Medicine, Pharmacy, Physical
Therapy, Medical Physics and Imaging,
and Immunology. The Camp relies on the
assistance of more than 100 volunteers from
various departments and organisations to
deliver this unique educational enrichment
experience for youth. Stay tuned for further
details on our Camp and how you can get
involved. s
Graduate Program
MSc Graduates:
Margaret J. Haworth-Brockman. “Gender,
Deprivation and Health in Winnipeg”. Committee: Dr. P. Martens, Community Health
Sciences; Dr. D. Chateau, Community Health
Sciences; Dr. M. Heaman, Community Health
Sciences; Dr. R. Fransoo, Community Health
Sciences; Dr. J. Ristock, Women and Gender
Studies. Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
April 2013
No. 46
Mar 12: Chencho Dorjee and Neyzang Wangmo
(Royal Institute of Health Sciences, Bhutan).
Bhutanese Health Care System.
Jan 25: Verena Menec (CHS). Age-Friendly
Mar 15: Lynn McIntyre (University of Calgary).
Using StatsCan datasets to uncover policy drivers of
household food insecurity in Canada, 1994-2009.
Feb 1: Margaret Haworth-Brockman (Prairie
Women’s Health Centre of Excellence). Rethinking
Women and Healthy Living in Canada.
Feb 8: Randy Fransoo (CHS). Obesity, health
status, and health service use: Expected and
unexpected findings from a large, representative
study in Manitoba.
Feb 15: Evelyn Forget (CHS). Student Research
at the Manitoba RDC with confidential Statistics
Canada Survey Data. Adriana Mudryj (PhD
student, Nutritional Sciences). Secondary
Analysis of Nutritional Status using the Canadian
Community Health Survey, Cycle 2.2. Stephenson
Strobel (BSc Ned, CHS). Adolescents, income, and
illicit substances.
Mar 1: Ken Hahlweg, Yvette Emerson, Anne
Durcan, Melanie MacKinnon (CHS). The
J.A. Hildes Northern Medical Unit: Honoring
Indigenous Self-Determination in Medical Practice.
Mar 8: Stéphane McLachlan (Environment and
Geography, U of M). Manitoba Alternative Food
Research Alliance: Working Towards Food Justice
and Community Wellbeing in Urban, Rural, and
Northern Manitoba.
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
Mar 22: Undergraduate Presentations, Community
Health Sciences, Multiple Specialty Rotation “Award
for Outstanding Paper in Community Health
Sciences” and “Achievement in Community Health
• Janelle Schneider. Funding Inequities,
Vulnerable Children. An Analysis of Health
Outcomes and Funding Legislation in First
Nations Children.
• Jeffrey Tompkins. Low-Dose lead Toxicity:
Implications for a 5mcg/dl Lead Toxicity
• Bria Sharkey. Programs for the prevention
and cessation of non-traditional tobacco use
among Aboriginal youth in Canada.
• Corey Veldman. The Uneven Distribution
of Tuberculosis in Canada: A First Nations
April 5: Lisa Avery (CHS). 1000 Days of
Opportunity: Enhancing linkages between food
security, nutrition and maternal newborn and child
health to improve outcomes among vulnerable
women and children in Kenya.
April 19: Marni Brownell (CHS). Putting the Pieces
Together: Using the Population Health Research
Data Repository to Study Children’s Developmental
Page 9
April 2013
No. 46
Section of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Health
J.A. Hildes Northern Medical Unit
ince 2002, Dr. Fondi Winston Boyang
had been spending part of his year
working for the NMU and part in his home
town of Johannesburg, South Africa. This
past December though he, regrettably for us,
returned home permanently. Fondi touched
many lives in Manitoba and will be sorely
missed. We wish him and his family all the best.
Stay warm Fondi.
Dr. Jeff Ivey (psychiatry), who first went up to
Churchill in 1972 for a six week elective and
subsequently became an NMU Specialist, is
soon to be retiring. We've asked him to write a
reflection article for our next Newsletter and look
forward to including it.
We welcomed our new Financial Administrator,
Kanchana Sankaranarayanan in March.
Kanchana comes with 8 years of professional
experience in accounting. She previously
worked for Financial Services as an Account
Analyst at Fort Garry Campus. Welcome
We said goodbye to the Island Lake Regional
Renal Health Program Manager, Dwayne Koop
on the 13th February. Dwayne started with us
in the summer of 2009 and over the last four
years some of his accomplishments included the
implementation of new systems which improved
patient care, decreased unnecessary waste, and
increased the capacity for patients. We wish
Dwayne all the best.
The positon of Island Lake Regional Renal
Health Program Manager has been eliminated
and a new position, Director of Health Programs
has been created. The Director will oversee
the Renal Health, Diabetic Foot, and Retinal
Screening Programs. We welcome Melody
Genaille into this new role.
Melody comes with 17 years clinical and
management experience in several First Nation
communities. She has extensive experience
Page 10
with remote nursing supervision and clinical
operations including human resource and fiscal
managment. Welcome Melody.
We would like to thank June Grey for jumping
out of her retirement yet again and taking
care of the Renal Health Program during
the transition from Dwayne to Melody. June
oversaw the Program while Dwayne was on
paternity leave from April 2011 to April 2012. Its
been great to have you back June even for a
little while.
Eileen Koop, Retinal Screening Nurse is not
returning to the NMU after her mat leave but will
be going to another Department in the Faculty
of Medicine working as a Research Nurse. We
wish Eileen all the best. Eileen had always liked
the research side of medicine so we know she
will do fantastic at her new job.
It seems all Koops have flown our coop!! (I
know – groan – but it was just begging to be
Our perky, Amy Dytnerski who was replacing
Eileen on mat leave will be staying on
permanently as a Retinal Screening Nurse.
Ava Halpin, our other Retinal Screening
Nurse will be joining Robyn Gordon-Brown
in the Diabetic Foot Program. Ava is busy
with courses and attending clinics at HSC and
looking forward to her new position with us. We
will be recruiting for another Retinal Screening
Nurse to team up with Amy.
Monica Achtemichuk and Bonnie Tinker are
back to work from their respective maternity
leaves. Welcome back!!!!
A big thank you to Pam Becker for jumping in
to cover the Rehab Program while the ladies
were minding their newborns. Pam stepped into
big shoes as the acting Medical Rehabilitation
Co-ordinator in January of 2012. Pam has
done an excellent job in providing continued
support and leadership to the rehab staff in the
Kivalliq and overseeing the implementation of
the new Rehab Database begun by Bonnie and
developed by Julie Creasey. Pam left this role
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
April 2013
No. 46
J.A. Hildes Northern Medical Unit
at the end of March when Bonnie returned from
maternity leave. Thanks for all of your hard work
Congratulations to Dr. Karen Appel and Joe
Kalturnyk on the birth of their 1st baby, Emilia
Anne who weighed in at 6lbs 11 oz. We are all so
happy for you both.
Congratulations to Dorothy Parker, one of our
transcriptionists on the birth of her first grandchild,
Congratulations to Jeanette Bouchard of Percy
E. Moore Hospital and her husband on becoming
first time grandparents of a baby girl. s
Betty Hughson, (l) at the NMU office at the U of M 1980
(r) Betty at the NMU 40th Anniversary Dinner (Dec 2010)
All of us at the NMU were very saddened to
hear of Betty Hughson's passing on the 7th
of February 2013. Betty was an integral part
of the NMU in its early years and a valued
member of the NMU team. Betty was one
of the NMU's 1st Inuit Interpreters having
started with us in the late 1970's.
Betty loved helping the patients who came
to Winnipeg for treatment. As was stated
in her obituary: "Many times she would be
called out in the middle of the night, 2:00 or
3:00 o'clock in the morning to help a patient.
She thought nothing of jumping in a taxi and
taking off downtown if a patient needed her
at that time". That summed up Betty and her
passion for helping people.
Our condolences to Michael, their children,
and grandchildren.
Sharon Hunting Retires
We suprised Cathy Cao (who had been feeling homesick
for China) by celebrating Chinese New Year: (front) Angie
(2nd row), Lori Thiessen, Gail Yacucha, Amy Dytnerski,
Cathy Cao
(3rd row) Ava Halpin, Elaine Manzuik, Julie Creasey
(4th row) Melanie Mackinnon, Sylvia Sunstrum, Joy
Langrell, Kathy Harlos, Jean Perry
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
Sharon Hunting is retiring on the 3rd of
May 2013. Sharon first ventured North in
1972 to Fort Rae, NWT. Since 1992 she
has been committed to her role as nurse
co-ordinator for the Kivalliq area of Nunavut;
1st working for the NMU and then for the
Government of Nunavut. We have set up
a Tribbit site for Sharon where you can
leave messages, photos, memories, or best
Page 11
April 2013
No. 46
Undergraduate Medical Education
eceived from
Ken Sun, Class
of 2016, University
of Manitoba PHIG
student leader:
"Interest in public
and community
health is growing
amongst medical
The Public Health
Interest Group
(PHIG) hosted a
lunch talk on the
27th of March with
a great turnout from
first and second year
medical students.
Drs. Michael Isaac
and Jocelyn Reimer
gave engaging talks
to over 50 students
Dr. Ira Ripstein, Associate Dean Undergraduate Medical Educaiton; Jeffrey Tompkins;
on the public health
Corey Thomas Veldman; and Brea Sharkey. (missing Janelle Schneider who was
completing an out-of-town elective and unable to attend)
residency program
here at the U of M
work. Congratulations to all.
and showed students their day-to-day activities.
They also delved into many of their interesting
“Award for Outstanding Paper in Community
challenges and the research projects they are
Health Sciences”:
involved in. More PHIG events are being planned
for September to generate more interest in public
1. Janelle Schneider: “Funding Inequities,
health at the undergraduate medical level."
Vulnerable Children. An Analysis of Health
Outcomes and Funding Legislation in First
On 22 March 2013 we were pleased to
Nations Children”.
have recipients of the 6th Annual “Award
Jeffrey Tompkins: “Low-Dose Lead Toxicity:
for Outstanding Paper in Community Health
Implications for a 5mcg/dl Lead Toxicity
Sciences” and “Achievement in Community
Health Sciences” present their papers at the
Bria Sharkey, BSc: “Programs for the
Community Health Sciences colloquium series. prevention and cessation of non-traditional
tobacco use among Aboriginal youth in
Third year undergraduate students complete
papers and presentations on public health and
health policy topics as part of the Community
Health Sciences component of the Multiple
Specialty Clinical Rotation. Thirty-four “Class of
2013” undergraduate medical students submitted
their papers for consideration and the following
four students’ were recognised for outstanding
Page 12
“Achievement in Community Health Sciences”:
1. Corey Thomas Veldman, BSc: “The Uneven
Distribution of Tuberculosis in Canada: A First
Nations Perspective”z
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
April 2013
No. 46
Research Platforms on the Dynamic Link
between the Environment and Health
ur health and well being is dynamically linked to
the environment to which we are introduced
and live. Understanding these links to improve
health requires research teams representing a
wide range of disciplinary approaches
In our department, Dr. Brenda Elias in
collaboration with Professor Karen Busby from
the Faculty of Law (nominated project Lead) and
other Manitoba researchers were successful in
securing a SSHRC partnership grant ($200,000,
2013-2016) to investigate water as a human
right in First Nation communities in Manitoba.
This grant was informed by the CIHR
“Cherishing Water, Cherishing Health” grant
($25,000, 2012-2013)) led by Elias (Nominated
PI) and Busby in collaboration with Dr.
Annemieke Farenhorst, Professor and Women
in Science and Engineering Research Chair at
the University of Manitoba.
From this collaboration, the trio then worked with
other researchers from Manitoba and Canada
and successfully competed in the NSERC
Collaborative Research and Training Experience
(CREATE) competition (led by Farenhorst $1.65
million, 2013-2019) with a training program for
water and sanitation security for First Nations.
These grants developed in full partnership
with Manitoba First Nations represent an
interdisciplinary research platform dedicated
to address the right to water as a macro
determinant of health and wellbeing.
Another area of research illustrating the way
our health and wellbeing is linked to the
environment is though epigenetics. Epigenetics
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
is an emerging field that involves the study of
how our genome dynamically responds to the
Stress, diet, behaviour, toxins, and other factors
activate chemical switches within our bodies
that regulate gene expression. To ensure that
Canadians take a leadership role in a field that
has the potential to transform our ability to read
and perhaps intervene, the Canadian Institutes
of Health Research launched the Canadian
Epigenetics, Environment and Health Research
Consortium Signature Initiative.
Dr. Brenda Elias teamed up with Dr. Jim Davie
(Nominated PI and Canada Research Chair
in Chromatin Dynamics), and Dr. Geoff Hicks
(Biochemistry and Medical Genetics), Dr.
Marc Del Bigio (Pathology) and Dr. Mojgan
Rastegar (Biochemistry and Medical Genetics)
of the University of Manitoba and Dr. Abraham
Fainsod of Hebrew University to compete in this
The team was successful ($1.37 million, 20132018), and will endeavour to discover the
epigenetic signatures associated with fetal
alcohol spectrum disorder. Dr. Elias is the
project lead of “Translating to the community:
A social epigenetic FASD cohort study”
This study developed in full partnership with
a First Nation tribal area will establish a study
cohort (cases and controls) and test specific
social epigenetic measures of familial risk
for FASD and associated social-behaviouralnutritional-environmental conditions. s
Page 13
New Research Grants
Armstrong P, Armstrong H, Adams A, Baine, D,
Chiver, S, Choiniere J., Dalu T, Davies M, Doupe
M, James B, Lanoix M/. Leduc Browne P, Lexchin J,
MacDonald M, MeGregor M, McPherson K, Struthers
K, Struthers J, Harrington C, Rosenau P, Lloyd
L, Pollock A, Szebehely M, Jacobsen F, Goldman
M. Healthy Aging in Residential Places (HARP).
European Research Area in Ageing (Active and Health
Ageing Across the Life Course). 2012-2015; $784,000.
Brownell M, Ouelette-Kuntz H, Shooshtari
S, Hanlon-Dearman A. Validation study on
administrative data in Manitoba for the purpose of ASD
surveillance. Public Health Agency of Canada. 20132014: $150,000.
Busby K (Program Lead, Partnership Develpoment),
Elias BD (Co Lead), Gunn B, Funk L, Vorauer J,
Bannycastle, O'Gorman, Gaucher D, Dupont D,
Starzyk, K, Hotain, M, Avery Kinew, K, Meconse F,
Craft A, Mulligan B. The right of clean water in First
Nations: The most precious gift SSHRC, $200,000
Farenhorst A (PI), Busby K, Cicek N, Elias BD, Furgal
CM, Holley RA, Lobb DL, Metcalfe CD, Oleszkiewicz
JA, Metcalfe CD, Tenuta M, Wang F. NSERC Create
Program for Water and Sanitation Security in First
Nations (H20 Create). NSERC $1.65 Million. 20132019 Davie JR, Elias BD, Hicks G, Del Bigio M, Rastegar
M, Fainsod A (PIs) Discovering the epigenetic
signatures associated with fetal alcohol spectrum
disorder. CIHR $1.37 Million 2013-2015
Hertzman C, Guhn M, Janus M, Brownell M, Duku E,
Forer B, Muhajarine N.
Examining the social determinants of children’s
developmental health with a population-level, panCanadian database. CIHR, 2013-2016, $888,942
Lix L (co-principal investigator), with Bernatsky S,
Lacaille D, Avina-Zubieta A. Administrative data in
rheumatic disease research and surveillance- CanRad
Network. CIHR. Amount: $24,847; Term: 04/2013 –
Principal Investigators: Millikin CP, Fischer CE. CoInvestigators: Chow T, Ismail Z, Lix L, Schweizer T,
Shelton P.
Page 14
April 2013
No. 46
Neuroimaging profiles of neuropsychiatric subgroups
in mild cognitive impairment and early Alzheimer’s
disease. CIHR Catalyst Grant, Amount: $50,000;
Term: 03/2013 – 02/2014
Principal Investigators: Marshall D, Vanderby S. CoInvestigators: Frank C, Noseworthy T, Peshken C,
Barnabe C, Lix L, Carter M, Mosher D. Developing
an innovative evidence-based decision support tool
to improve osteoarthritis care planning and health
service management for diverse patient populations in
Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. CIHR. Amount:
$429,174; Term: 04/2013 – 04/2016
John O’Neil has been awarded a CIHR grant
($150,000; Co-Investigators - Joe Gallagher, Lloy
Willie, Josee Lavoie) in the “Healthcare Renewal
Policy Analysis” competition. The proposal
“Developing a Policy Framework for Co-Decision
Making with the First Nations Health Authority and
Provincial Health Authorities in British Columbia”.
The project represents a partnership with the First
Nations Health Authority in BC.
Potter EK, Chakraborty PK, Coyle DA, Kronick JB,
Wilson K, Dodds L, Grosse S, Miller F, Speechly K,
Feigenbaum A, Guttmann A, Mitchell J, Vallance H,
Fell D, Little J, Nakhla M, Wilson B, Gerghaty M,
Mhanni A, Siriwardena K, Brownell M (collaborator).
Emerging Team in Rare Diseases: Achieving the
“Triple Air” for inborn errors of metabolism. Canadian
Institutes of Health Research, Emerging Team Grant:
Rare Diseases - Health Services/GELS. 2012-2017:
Roos NP. Improving Canadian access to evidence on
health policy issues: Learning from a leading American
health policy journalist. Fulbright Canada, Specialist
Program. 2013; $6500.
Snider C (PI), Brownell M, Elias B. A multilevel
analysis of risk and protective factors for youth
homicide and severe intentional injury in Winnipeg.
Manitoba Medical Services Foundation. 2013-2014;
Wranik DW, Korchagina M, Edwards J, Katz
A, Levy A: Funding Multidisciplinary Primary
Health Care Teams: Designing remuneration and
managerial governance models that supports the
comprehensiveness, coordination, continuity, and
quality of care (3C&Q) CIHR. 2012-2013: $135,203.
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
April 2013
No. 46
New Publications
Adrien A, Thompson LH, Archibald C,
Sandstrom P, Munro M, Emmanuel F, Blanchard
J. Translating Knowledge from Pakistan’s second
generation surveillance system to Other Global
Contexts. Sexually Transmitted Infections. 2013 Jan
Archibald CP, Shaw SY, Emmanuel F, Otho
S, Reza T, Altaf A, Musa N, Thompson LH,
Blanchard JF. Geographic and temporal variation
of injection drug users in Pakistan. Sexually
Transmitted Infections. 2013 Jan 11
Backes DM, Snijders PJ, Hudgens MG, Bailey
RC, Bogaarts M, Agot K, Agingu W, Moses S,
Meijer CJ, Smith JS. Sexual behaviour and less
frequent bathing are associated with higher human
papillomavirus incidence in a cohort study of
Kenyan men. Sex Transm Inf 2013; 89:148-55.
Balogh R, Ouellette-Kuntz H, Brownell
M, Colantonio A. Factors associated with
hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive
conditions among persons with an intellectual
disability-a publicly insured population perspective.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
Banandur P, Mahajan U, Potty RS, Isac S, Duchesne
T, Abdous B, Ramesh BM, Moses S, Alary M.
Population-level impact of Avahan in Karnataka
state, south India using multilevel statistical
modelling techniques. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr
2013; 62:239-45.
Becker M, Ramanaik S, Halli S, Blanchard JF,
Raghavendra T, Bhattacharjee P, Moses S, Avery
L, Mishra S. The intersection between sex work
and reproductive health in northern Karnataka,
India: identifying gaps and opportunities in the
context of HIV prevention. AIDS Res Treat 2012;
Becker M, Thompson LH, Pindera C, Bridger N,
Lopez C, Keynan Y, Bullard J, Van Caseele P,
Kasper K. Feasibility and Success of HIV Point
of Care Testing in an Emergency Department in
an Urban Canadian Setting. Canadian Journal
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology
Spring 2013, Volume 24 Issue 1: 27- 31.
Bellan SE, Fiorella KJ, Melesse DY, Getz WM,
Williams BG, Dushoff J. Extra-couple HIV transmission in sub-Saharan
Africa: a mathematical modelling study of survey
data. The Lancet 2013 Feb 4. doi: 10.1016/S01406736(12)61960-6.
Bolton JM, Au W, Leslie WD, Martens PJ, Enns
MW, Roos LR, Katz LY, Wilcox HC, Erlangsen A,
Chateau D, Walld R, Spiwak R, Seguin M, Shear
K, Sareen J. Parents bereaved by offspring suicide.
A population-based longitudinal case-control study.
JAMA Psychiatry 2013;70(2):158-167.
Bradley J, Rajaram S, Moses S, Gowda GC,
Pushpalatha R, Ramesh BM, Isac S, Boily MC,
Lobo A, Gowda H, Alary M. Female sex worker
client behaviors lead to condom breakage: a
prospective telephone-based survey in Bangalore,
south India. AIDS Behav 2013; 17:559-67.
Brennan SL, Leslie WD, Lix LM. Associations
between adverse social position and bone mineral
density in women aged 50 years or older: Data from
the Manitoba Bone Density Program. Osteoporosis
International. [e-pub February 22, 2013].
Brownell M, Jutte D. Administrative data linkage as
a tool for child maltreatment research. Child Abuse
& Neglect 2013;37:120-124
Buzdugan R, Halli SS, Hiremath JM, Jayanna K,
Raghavendra T, Moses S, Blanchard J, Scambler G,
Cowan. F. The female sex work industry in a district
of India in the context of HIV prevention. AIDS Res
Treat 2012; 2012:371482.
Deering KN, Bhattacharjee P, Mohan HL, Bradley J,
Shannon K, Boily M-C, Ramesh BM, Isac S, Moses
S, Blanchard J. Violence and HIV risk among
female sex workers in southern India. Sex Transm
Dis 2013; 42:168-74.
Deering KN, Vickerman P, Pickles M, Moses S,
Blanchard JF, Ramesh BM, Isac S, Boily M-C.
Differences between seven measures of self-reported
numbers of clients of female sex workers in southern
Page 15
April 2013
No. 46
New Publications, cont'd
incremental cost of first trimester screening and
prenatal diagnosis for trisomy 21 in a Canadian
province. Prenatal Diagnosis. [e-pub March 21,
Hinds A, Distasio J, Martens PJ, Smith M. Health
status and service use among homeless individuals
with mental illness: consistency between self-report
and administrative health records in the At Home/
Chez Soi Multi-site Trial. Chronic Diseases and
Injuries in Canada 2013;33(2):107.
Mishra S, Thompson LH, Sonia A, Khalid N,
Emmanuel F, Blanchard JF. Sexual behavior,
structural vulnerabilities, and HIV prevalence
among female sex workers in Pakistan. Sexually
Transmitted Infections. 2013 Feb 14
India: implications for individual- and populationlevel analysis. AIDS Behav 2013; 17:649-61.
Hudson M, Avina-Zubieta A, Lacaille D, Bernatsky
S, Lix L, Jean S. The validity of administrative
data to identify hip fractures is high--a systematic
review. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
Jadhav A, Bhattacharjee P, Raghavendra T,
Blanchard J, Moses S, Isac S, Halli SS. Risky
behaviors among HIV-positive female sex workers
in northern Karnataka, India. AIDS Res Treat 2013;
Katz A, Enns J. "Prevention and screening for
cancer in primary health care." In: Anthony B.
Miller (ed). Epidemiologic Studies in Cancer
Prevention and Screening. New York, NY:
Springer; 2013. 397-404.
Leslie WD, Brennan SL, Prior HJ, Lix LM, Metge
C, Elias B. (2013) The contributions of First
Nations ethnicity, income, and delays in surgery on
mortality post-fracture: a population-based analysis.
Osteoporosis International, 24(4), 1247-56.
Mehta SD, Moses S, Parker CB, Agot K, Maclean
I, Bailey RC. Response to “Herpes simplex
virus type-2 (HSV-2) assay specificity and male
circumcision to reduce HSV-2 acquisition” [Letter].
AIDS 2013; 27:149-50.
McPhail D, Chapman GE, Beagan BL. The
Rural and the Rotund? A Critical Interpretation of
Food Deserts and Rural Adolescent Obesity in the
Canadian Context. Health & Place. DOI: 10.1016/j.
Metcalfe A, Currie G, Johnson JA, Bernier F, Lix
LM, Lyon AW, Tough SC. Impact of observed
versus hypothesized service utilization on the
Page 16
Nickel NC, Labbok MH, Hudgens MG, Daniels
JL. The extent that noncompliance with the
ten steps to successful breastfeeding influences
breastfeeding duration. Journal of Human Lactation
Orr P. Tuberculosis in Nunavut: looking back,
moving forward. CMAJ, 2013; March 5, 185(4),
Quan H, Chen G, Tu K, Bartlett G, Butt DA,
Campbell NR, Hemmelgarn BR, Hill MD, Johansen
H, Khan N, Lix LM, Smith M, Svenson L, Walker
RL, Wielgosz A, McAlister FA; Hypertension
Outcome and Surveillance Team. Outcomes
Among 3.5 Million Newly Diagnosed Hypertensive
Canadians. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 2013
Mar 2. pii: S0828-282X(13)00004-4. [Epub ahead
of print]
Roos LL, Hiebert B, Manivong P, Edgerton J,
Walld R, MacWilliam L, de Rocquigny J. What
is most important: Social factors, health selection,
and adolescent educational achievement. Social
Indicators Research 2013;110(1):385-414.
Roos NP, Manson-Singer S, O’Grady K, Tapp
C, Turczak S. Canadian Health Policy in the
News: Why Evidence Matters. Available in Apple,
Kobo, Google Play, Scribd, Goodreads.com. Also
available in PDF format: http://umanitoba.ca/
Ruth C, Roos N, Hildes Ripstein E, Brownell M.
The influence of gestational age and socioeconomic
status on neonatal outcomes in late preterm and
early term gestation: A population based study.
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2012: 12: 62
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
April 2013
No. 46
Presentations, Invited
Lectures, Consultations
provided to the Law and Risk Communication in
Health Research Group, School of Public Health,
University of Alberta, March 14, 2013
Brownell M. Linking EDI to other population-based
data: the Manitoba experience. Early Childhood
Indicators – EDI: From Data to Action. Montreal
PQ, February 1, 2013. [invited]
Driedger M. Working as partners: Researching
Risk Messaging about H1N1 with the Metis,
Research Engagement with First Nations, Metis
and Inuit Communities meeting for the Faculty of
Medicine, University of Manitoba. March 8, 2013.
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Doupe M. Research Potential Using Administrative
Health Care Data in Manitoba. Presentation at
Information Meeting with Researchers and Graduate
Students, sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Society of
Manitoban November 28, 2012).
Doupe M. Population Demographics and Rising
Costs of Health Care Use: A Review. Presentation to
the Seniors and Healthy Living Secretariat, Healthy
Living, Youth and Seniors, Province of Manitoba,
November 20, 2012..
Doupe M, Chateau D. Planning Strategies for
Care for Older Adults Now and in the Future: More
versus Different? Presentation to Executive Board
Members, Western Health Region, Province of
Manitoba, November 16, 2012.
Doupe M. Conducting Health Services Research
using Administrative Data: The importance
of Measuring Mental Health. Presented to the
Faculty of Graduate Students, Clinical Psychology,
University of Manitoba, November 8, 2012.
Driedger M. Communicating Health Risk
Uncertainty: Busting the Myths, presentation
with Cindy Jardine (University of Alberta),
linked through national webinar for the National
Collaborating Centres for Environment and Health
and the British Columbia Centres for Disease
Control, March 27, 2013, Vancouver, British
Driedger M. Communicating Health Risk
Uncertainty: Busting the Myths, 3 hour workshop
with Cindy Jardine (University of Alberta),
prepared for Alberta Health Services, March 15,
2013, Edmonton, Alberta.
Driedger M. Advanced Session for NV9”, training
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
Driedger M. Communicating Health Risk
Uncertainty: Busting the Myths, special presentation
with Cindy Jardine (University of Alberta), to the
Manitoba Public Health Community meeting, March
7, 2013. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Driedger M. Developing respectful researchcommunity partnerships with the Metis, Plenary
Speaker, First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Research
Symposium. March, 1, 2013. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Driedger M. Introductory Session for NV9, training
provided to the Law and Risk Communication in
Health Research Group, School of Public Health,
University of Alberta, February 26, 2013.
Goertzen T, Edwards J, Smith P, Lavallee B, Katz
A. Primary Health Care in Manitoba – Panel
Presentation. Facilitating the Dialogue: What is
the Role of the Faculty of Medicine. University of
Manitoba in Primary Health Care for First Nations,
Métis & Inuit Communities, Winnipeg, MB, March
14, 2013.
Katz A. Invited Keynote Speaker. Take Charge:
Your Future Lies in Your Hands. Dementia Care
2013. Winnipeg, MB, March 5. 2013.
Lix L. Patient-oriented research in Manitoba:
Opportunities for statisticians. Department of
Statistics, University of Manitoba, January 31, 2013.
Martens PJ. Invited Plenary Speaker. Mind the
gap—bridging the gap between research and policy.
Manitoba Child and Youth Rehabilitation Research
Day, Winnipeg, MB, January 25, 2013.
Martens PJ, Raymond C, Targownik L, AlessiPage 17
Severini S, Bugden S. CNODES—A leading-edge
approach to researching the post-marketing safety
and effectiveness of Canadian pharmaceuticals.
Presented at the Pharmacy Grand Rounds,
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, January31,
Martens PJ. MCHP – a local resource, and
international reputation (dressed for success).
Government of Manitoba Industry, Energy and
Mines Invitational meeting. Winnipeg, MB,
December 17, 2012.
Martens PJ. 1) PATHS Equity for Children: a
program of research into what works to reduce
the gap for Manitoba’s children; 2) Introduction
to MCHP—Dressed for Success. First Annual
MCHP Government Workshop Day, Winnipeg, MB,
December 14, 2012.
Martens PJ. The Need To Know Team:
Establishing a Robust and Sustainable Health
Information Collaborative. Data Analytics for
Healthcare annual conference. Toronto, ON,
December 5, 2012. Invited plenary speaker.
Martens PJ, Katz A. MCHP – a local resource,
an international reputation (dressed for success!).
Faculty of Medicine Grand Rounds. University of
Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB. December 3, 2012.
Dr. Pamela Orr chaired a session on “Tuberculosis
in Indigenous Peoples” at the North American
Region of the International Union Against
Tuberculosis and Lung Disease meeting in
Vancouver on March 1, 2013.
Drs. P. Orr and L. Larcombe presented a talk:
“Research and relational Accountability” at the
“Framework for research Engagement with First
nations, Métis and Inuit Communities” meeting in
Winnipeg on March 8, 2013.
Dr. Pamela Orr was an invited participant at the
“Tuberculosis in Nunavut” meeting held in Iqaluit,
January 29-31, 2013.
Roos LL. Information-Rich Environments: The
Next Generation” paper presented at the Institute
of Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation,
Toronto, ON, March 8, 2013.
Page 18
April 2013
No. 46
Fransoo R, Martens PJ, Prior
Martens PJ. Media Interview.
CJOB Radio interview – Geoff
Currier. Winnipeg, MB. Nov. 8,
Topic: Canadian Network of
Observational Drug Effect Studies
(CNODES) – what is it?
Dr. Pamela Orr joined Dr. Anne
Fanning and MPs from the 3
major Canadian political parties
on Parliament Hill on March
21, 2013 to announce World
TB Day 2013 and to advocate
for increased national and
international efforts to prevent and
control tuberculosis.
Community Matters is published by
the Department of Community Health
Sciences at the University of Manitoba
Submissions can be made to Kathy
Bell at P120-750 Bannatyne Avenue,
Winnipeg MB, R3E 0W3 Kathy.Bell@
Opinions expressed on these pages may or may not
be the opinions of the Editors.
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Department of Community Health Sciences
Fly UP