
2003 Research Report The University of Manitoba

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2003 Research Report The University of Manitoba
The University of Manitoba
Department of Psychiatry
Research Report
University of Manitoba Department of Psychiatry Research Report
This year’s Departmental Research Report is the 7th annual report since its reintroduction in 1998. Highlights of research activity this year include thirty-three peerreviewed papers (published or in press), nine scholarly book chapters, the establishment
of an Annual Faculty Research Forum and sustained funding of several research groups
through a variety of national granting agencies. Three particularly noteworthy
achievements include Dr. Harvey Chochinov’s Tier I Canada Research Chair in Palliative
Care, Dr. Brian Cox’s involvement in a Canadian Institutes of Health Research New
Emerging Team in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Dr. Jitender Sareen’s three year
establishment grant from the Manitoba Health Research Council. Once again, the areas
of research activity represented in this annual report reflect a great diversity of interests
and expertise within the Department of Psychiatry.
Murray W. Enns, MD, FRCPC.
Director of Research and
Professor of Psychiatry
May, 2004
Brian Cox, Ph.D., C. Psych
Canada Research Chair
Associate Director of Research and
Professor of Psychiatry
Table of Contents
Chapters in Books ................................................................................................... 4
Papers Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals ......................................................... 4
Other Publications................................................................................................... 7
Papers, Symposiums, or Posters Presented at......................................................... 8
Scientific Conferences
Faculty Research Forum .. ………………………………………………………10
Invited Addresses (including Grand Rounds)……………………………………11
Resident Research Day Presentations.................................................................. 13
External Funding Peer-Reviewed ........................................................................ 14
External Funding (Other Sources) ....................................................................... 17
Editorships, Guest Editor, Memberships .............................................................. 18
On Journal Editorial Boards
Reviewing Activities for Journals,........................................................................ 19
Granting Councils, Conferences or Universities
Awards .................................................................................................................. 20
Resident Awards ................................................................................................... 21
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2003
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Chapters in Books
Breitbart, W., Chochinov, H.M. & Passik, S. (2003). Psychiatric Aspects of Palliative
Care. In: Doyle, D., Hanks, G. (Eds). Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine Third Edition.
Oxford University. New York, New York, 746-774.
Breitbart, W., Gibson, C., & Chochinov, H.M. (In Press). Psychiatric Issues in End of
Life Care. In: Levenson, J. (Ed.). Textbook of Psychosomatic Medicine. American Psychiatric
Publishing Inc.
Chochinov, H.M., Lander, M. Breitbart, W. (In Press). Treating Depression and
Anxiety in the Terminally Ill. In: Dunlop R., Portenoy, R., Coyle, N., Davis, C. (Eds.). Concise
Oxford Textbook of Palliative Care.
Ganzini, L., Chochinov, H.M. . (In Press). Psychiatry at the End of Life. In:
Comprehensive Review of Psychiatry, Third Edition. American Psychiatric Association Press.
McWilliams, L.A. & Cox, B.J. (2003). The Panic Attack Questionnaire – Revised. In:
Hoyer, J. & Margraf, J. (Eds.). Diagnosis of Anxiety: Basic Principles and Procedures. Berlin:
Springer Verlag.
Polimeni, J. & Reiss, J.P. (In Press). Evolution in Schizophrenia. In: Progress in
Schizophrenia Research. Novascience Publishers.
Skakum, K., & Chochinov, H.M. (In Press). Depression and Anxiety. In: MacDonald,
N. (Ed.) Palliative Care Case Based Manual, Second Edition.
Skakum, K., & Chochinov, H.M. (In Press). Delirium. In: Education for Physicians
on Palliative Care (EPEC) Oncology Curriculum.
Taylor, S., Bouchard, S., Cox, B. & Gauthier, J. (2003). Anxiety Disorders. In:
Marshall, W.L. & Firestone, P. (Eds.). Abnormal Psychology: Perspectives, Second Edition.
Prentice Hall, 152-182.
Papers Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Bezjak, A., Llewellyn-Thomas, H.A., Goodwin, P.J., Sawka, C.A., Ennis, M., Szalai,
J.P., Chochinov, H.M., Navarro, M., Arnold, A., Pritchard, K., Leszcz, M., Sela, R., Speca, M.,
& Doll, R. (2003). Quality of Life in a Randomized Trial of Group Psychosocial Support in
Metastatic Breast Cancer: Overall Effects of the Intervention and Exploration of Missing Data.
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 21: 1944-51.
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Research 2003
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Chochinov, H.M. (2003). Thinking Outside the Box; Depression, Hope, and Meaning
at the End of Life. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 6:973-7.
Chochinov, H.M. (In Press). Dignity and the Eye of the Beholder. Journal of Clinical
Chochinov, H.M. (In Press). Defending Dignity. Journal of Supportive and Palliative
Chochinov, H.M., Hack, T., Hassard, T., Kristjanson, L., McClement, S., Harlos, M. (In
Press). Understanding Will to Live in Patients Nearing Death. Psychosomatics.
Chochinov, H.M., Stern, A. (In Press). Canadian Virtual Hospice:
www.virtualhospice.ca. Journal of Palliative Care.
Clara, I.P., Cox, B.J. & Enns, M.W. (2003). Confirmatory Factory Analysis of the
Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support in Clinically Distressed and Student
Samples. Journal of Personality Assessment, 81, 265-270.
Clara, I.P., Cox, B.J. & Enns, M.W. (2003). Hierarchical Models of Personality and
Psychopathology: The Case of Self-Criticism, Neuroticism, and Depression. Personality and
Individual Differences, 35, 91-99.
Cox, B.J & Enns, M.W. (2003). Relative Stability of Dimensions of Perfectionism in
Depression. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 35, 124-132.
Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W. & Clara, I. (In Press). Psychological Dimensions Associated
With Suicidal Ideation and Attempts in the National Comorbidity Survey. Suicide and life
Threatening Behavior.
Cox, B.J., Enns, M.W., & Michaud, V. (In Press). Comparisons Between the South
Oaks Gambling Screen and a DSM-IV Based Interview in a Community Survey of Problem
Gambling. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
Cox, B.J., Fleet, C. & Stein, M.B. (In Press). Self-Criticism and Social Phobia in the
U.S. National Comorbidity Survey. Journal of Affective Disorders.
Cox, B. J., MacPherson, P., Enns, M.W. & McWilliams, L.A. (In Press). Neuroticism
and Self-Criticism Associated with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in a Nationally Representative
Sample. Behaviour Research and Therapy.
Cox, B.J., McWilliams, L.A., Enns, M.W. & Clara, I.P. (In Press). Broad and Specific
Personality Dimensions Associated With Major Depression in a Nationally Representative
Sample. Comprehensive Psychiatry.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2003
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Enns, M.W., Cox, B.J. & Inayatulla, M. Personality Predictors of Treatment Outcome
for Adolescents Hospitalized for Suicidal Ideation. Journal of the American Academy of Child
and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Fleisher, W.P., Schwartz, L. (2003). Mental Health Sequelae of Bullying: A Review
and Case Report. The Canadian Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Review, 12, 13-17.
Foa, E.B., Liebowitz, M.R., Kozak, M.J., Davies, S., Campeas, R., Franklin, M.E.,
Huppert, J.D., Kjernisted, K.D., Rowan, V., Schmidt, A.B., Simpson, H.B. (In Press).
Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry.
Goossen, R.B., Freeman, D.J., Satchell, A.M. & Urquhart, B.L. (2003). Monitoring
Clozapine: Are Fingerprick Blood and Plasma Clozapine Levels Equivalent to Arm
Venipuncture Blood and Plasma Levels? Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, 25, 469–472.
Hack, T., Chochinov, H., Hassard, H., Kristjanson, L., McClement, S., & Harlos, M.
(In Press). Defining Dignity in Terminally Ill Cancer Patients: A Factor-Analytic Approach.
Katz, L.Y., Cox, B.J., Gunaskera, S. & Miller, A.L. (In Press). Feasibility of
Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Suicidal Adolescent Inpatients. Journal of the American
Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Kjernisted, K.D., Bleau, P. (In Press). Long-Term Goals in the Management of Acute
and Chronic Anxiety Disorders. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
Kocovski, N.L., Cox, B.J., Endler, N.S. & Swinson, R.P. (In Press). The Differential
Assessment of State-Trait Anxiety and Depression in a Clinically Anxious Sample. Journal of
Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.
McWilliams, L.A., Cox, B.J. & Enns, M.W. (2003). Mood and Anxiety Disorders
Associated With Chronic Pain: An Examination in a Nationally Representative Sample. Pain,
106, 127-133.
McWilliams, L.A., Cox, B.J. &. Enns, M.W. (2003). Use of the Coping Inventory for
Stressful Situations in a Clinically Depressed Sample: Factor Structure, Personality Correlates,
and Prediction of Distress. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 59, 423-437.
McWilliams, L.A., Cox, B.J. & Enns, M.W. (2003). Psychometric Properties of an
Index of Emotional Distress in the U.S. National Comorbidity Survey. Social Psychiatry and
Psychiatric Epidemiology, 38, 256-261.
Polimeni, J. & Reiss, J. (2003). Evolutionary Perspectives on Schizophrenia. Canadian
Journal of Psychiatry, 48, 34-39.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2003
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Sareen, J., Kirshner, A., Lander, M., Kjernisted, K.D., Eleff, M.K., Reiss, J.P. (In
Press). Do Antipsychotics Ameliorate or Exacerbate Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Symptoms? A Systematic Review. Journal of Affective Disorders.
Sareen, J., McWilliams, L.A., Cox, B.J. & Stein, M.B. (In Press). Does a U-Shaped
Relationship Exist Between Alcohol Use and DSM-III-R Mood and Anxiety Disorders? Journal
of Affective Disorders.
Sareen, J., Stein, M.B., Cox, B.J., Hassard, S. (In Press). Understanding Comorbidity
of Anxiety Disorders and Antisocial Behavior: Findings from Two Independent Community
Surveys. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.
Simpson, H.B., Liebowitz, M.R., Foa, E.B., Kozak, M.J., Schmidt, A.B., Rowan, V.,
Petkova, E., Kjernisted, K.D., Huppert, J.D., Franklin, M.E., Davies, S.O., Campeas, R. (In
Press). Post-Treatment Effects of Exposure Therapy and Clomipramine in ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder. Depression and Anxiety.
Stip, E., Remington, G., Dursun, S.M., Reiss, J.P., Rotstein, E., MacEwan, G.W,
Chokka, P.R., Jones, B., Dickson, R.A. & the Canadian Switch Study Group. (2003).A
Canadian Multi-Center Trial Assessing Memory and Executive Functions in Patients With
Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders Treated With Olanzapine. Journal of Clinical
Psychopharmacology, 23, 400-4.
Torgrud, L. J., Walker, J.R., Murray, L., Cox, B.J., Chartier, M. Kjernisted, K.D. (In
Press). Deficits in Perceived Social Support Associated With Generalized Social Phobia.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.
Zvolensky, M.J., Arrindell, W.A., Taylor, S., Bouvard, M., Cox, B.J., Stewart, S.H.,
Sandin, B., Cardenas, S.J. & Eifert, G.H. (2003). Anxiety Sensitivity in Six Countries.
Behaviour Research and Therapy, 41, 841-859.
Other Publications
Chochinov, H.M. (2003). Reflections of Losing a Friend. (Letter). Journal of
Palliative and Supportive Care, 1:109.
Chochinov, H.M. (2003). Submission to the Standing Committee on Social Affairs,
Science and Technology Within Their Study of Mental Health and Mental Illness. Chairman:
Senator Kirby.
Cox, B.J. (2003). Submission to the Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and
Technology Within Their Study of Mental Health and Mental Illness. Chairman: Senator Kirby.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2003
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Fleisher, W.P., Kristjanson, C., Bourgeois-Law, G., Magwood, B. (2003). Pilot Study
of the Defining Issues Test. (Letter). Canadian Medical Association Journal, 169, 145-1146.
Kjernisted, K.D. (February 2003). PTSD: Diagnosis, Patient Management and
Therapeutic Considerations. Canadian Journal of Diagnosis.
Kjernisted, K.D. (June 2003). The Ravages of PTSD. Patient Care.
Matas, M., Fleisher, W., Steinberg, R., Vickar, E. & Reiss, J.P. (2003). Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Adults. Guideline No. 1300 of the College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba, page 10-G1.
Polimeni, J. & Reiss, J. (2003). Humour Perception Deficits in Schizophrenia.
(Abstract). Schizophrenia Research, 60, 178.
Prober, M.A. (2003). Faces and Places. A Guide to Services. Faculty of Medicine.
University of Manitoba.
Sareen, J. (2003). Behavior Therapy for Dizziness? (Letter). Canadian Journal of
Psychiatry, 48,283-4.
Sareen, J., Enns, M.W., Cox, B.J. (In Press). Potential for Misuse of Sedatives:
Evidence From Community Surveys (Letter). American Journal of Psychiatry.
Papers, Symposia, or Posters Presented at Scientific Conferences
Blanchard, G. & Ellerby, L. (October 2003). Entering the Gateway of Indigenous
Knowledge: The Power of Spirituality in Risk Management and Healing. Gateways to
Knowledge: Steps to Effective Treatment. 22nd Annual Research & Treatment Conference.
Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers. St. Louis, Missouri.
Bolton, J. & Reiss, J.P. (November 2003). Genital Anaesthesia and Decreased Libido
Persisting Six Years after Sertraline Discontinuation. Poster presented at Canadian Psychiatric
Association 53rd Annual Meeting. Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Chartier, M., Kjernisted, K.D.. (March 2003). Comparing Impairment in Pure Specific
Phobia and Specific Phobia With Comorbid Disorders. Poster presented at the Anxiety
Disorders Association of America 23rd National conference. Toronto, Ontario.
Cox, B.J. (March 2003). Chair, Population-Based Approaches to the Study of Anxiety
Disorders. Symposium, Anxiety Disorders Association of America Annual Conference.
Toronto, Ontario.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2003
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Cox, B.J., MacPherson, P.S., Enns, M.W. & McWilliams, L.A. (March 2003).
Neuroticism and Self-Criticism as Determinants of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in a Nationally
Representative Sample. Paper presented in B. Cox (Chair), Population-Based Approaches to
the Study of Anxiety Disorders. Symposium, Anxiety Disorders Association of America Annual
Conference. Toronto, Ontario.
Ellerby, L (September 2003). Understanding the Mentally Disordered Offender. The
6 Annual Conference on Sex Offender Registration, Community Notification and Related
Issues. Seattle, Washington.
Ellerby, L. (September 2003). Dancing With the Devil: Assessment, Treatment & Risk
Management With Sexual Sadists and Murders. The 6th Annual Conference on Sex Offender
Registration, Community Notification and Related Issues. Seattle, Washington.
Enns, M.W., & Cox, B.J. (October 2003). Psychosocial Factors in the Persistence of
Major Depressive Disorder. Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual Convention. Halifax,
Nova Scotia.
Kjernisted, K.D. (November 2003). CANMAT. Update on Anxiety Disorders –
Neurobiology of PTSD & Implications for Treatment. Presented at Canadian Psychiatric
Association Annual Meeting. Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Kjernisted, K.D., Chartier, M., Sareen, J. (March 2003). Impairment in Anxiety
Disorders With Comorbid Bipolar Disoder. Poster presented at the Anxiety Disorders
Association of America 23rd National Conference. Toronto, Ontario.
Kocovski, N.L., Cox, B.J. & Endler, N.S. (August 2003). The Differential Assessment
of State-Trait Anxiety and Depression in a Clinically Anxious Sample. Paper presented at the
American Psychological Association. Toronto, Ontario.
Kwok, W. & Reebye, P. (November 2003). Parent-Child Interaction in a ClinicReferred Population of Aggressive Preschoolers. Poster Presented at the Canadian Academy of
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Conference. Halifax, Nova Scotia.
McWilliams, L.A. & Cox, B.J. (March 2003). Untreated Anxiety Disorders: Findings
From the National Comorbidity Survey. Paper presented in B. Cox (Chair), Population-Based
Approaches to the Study of Anxiety Disorders. Symposium, Anxiety Disorders Association of
America Annual Conference. Toronto, Ontario.
Polimeni, J., & Reiss, J.P. (March 2003). Humour Perception in Schizophrenia.
Poster presented at International Congress on Schizophrenia Research. Colorado Springs,
Department of Psychiatry
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Reiss, J.P. & Polimeni, J. (October 2003). Deficits in Humour Perception in
Schizophrenia. Poster presented at Canadian Psychiatric Association 53rd Annual Meeting.
Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Reiss, J.P., Campbell, D., Polimeni, J., Kravetsky, L., Foot, B., Stein, M. & Sareen, J.
(October 2003). Approachability Ratings of Emotional Faces in Individuals With Social Anxiety
Disorder, Schizophrenia, and Healthy Controls, with Associated Brain Regions. Canadian
Psychiatric Association 53rd Annual Meeting. Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Sam, D.L., Sareen, J. & Reiss, J.P. (October 2003). Psychosis in Multiple Sclerosis
Associated With Temporal Lobe Lesions on Serial MRI Scans: A Case Study. Canadian
Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting. Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Sareen, J., Fleisher, W., Cox, B.J., Hassard, S.T., & Stein, M.B. (October 2003).
Childhood Adversity and Perceived Need for Mental Health Care: Findings From a Canadian
Community Sample. Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting. Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Sareen, J., Olfrey, T., Cox, B.J., Yu, B.N. & Stein, M.B. (October 2003). Correlates of
Perceived Need and Help-Seeking for Emotional Symptoms in the Canadian Community Health
Survey Cycle 1.1. Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting. Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Sareen, J., Stein, M.B., Cox, B. & Hassard, S.T. (March 2003). Anxiety in Antisocials?
Paper presented in B. Cox (Chair), Population-Based Approaches to the Study of Anxiety
Disorders. Symposium, Anxiety Disorders Association of America Annual Conference.
Toronto, Ontario.
Van Ameringen, M., Mancini, C., Oakman, J., Walker, J., Kjernisted, K., Chokka, P,
Johnston, D. (March 2003). Not All Serotonergic Agents are Created Equal in Social Phobia:
Nefazodone A Placebo Controlled Trial. Poster presented at the Anxiety Disorders Association
of America 23rd National Conference. Toronto, Ontario.
Faculty Research Forum – June 17, 2003
Cox, B.J. Psychiatric Epidemiology.
Enns, M.W. Perfectionism and Neuroticism: A Longitudinal Study of Specific
Vulnerability and Diathesis-Stress Models.
Fleisher, W.
Trauma Related Phenomena in Subjects with Pseudoseizures.
Katz, L. Adolescent Suicidal Behavior.
Kjernisted, K.D.
The Development of the Worry-3 Screening Tool.
Department of Psychiatry
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Polimeni, J. Evolution and Associations.
Reiss, J.P. Overview of Neuroimaging Research Program.
Sareen, J. Childhood Adversity and Perceived Need for Treatment of Emotional
Symptoms: A Community Perspective.
Visiting Professor: Dr. R. McIntyre, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto. New
Vistas in Bipolar Disorder.
Invited Addresses (including Grand Rounds)
Calhoun, L., Fotti, S., Houlahan, T. (February 2003). What’s New In Emergency
Psychiatry. Grand Rounds. University of Manitoba. Health Sciences Centre. Winnipeg,
Chochinov, H.M. Invited Addresses: (End-of-Life-Care)
(Feb 2003)
Innovations on End of Life Care: Last Acts Conference Call.
(March 2003) Psychiatry Grand Rounds. Selkirk, Manitoba.
(March 2003) Humber College, Toronto, Ontario.
(April 2003) Selkirk Hospital Psychiatric Interest Group. Selkirk, Manitoba.
(April 2003) Saskatchewan Palliative Care Conference. Regina, Saskatchewan.
(April 2003) Eastern Virginia Medical School. Norfolk, Virginia.
(May 2003) International Psycho-Oncology Congress. Banff, Alberta.
(May 2003) Community Cancer Program Network. CancerCare Manitoba. Winnipeg,
(June 2003) Canadian Hospice and Palliative Care Association Annual Meeting.
Quebec City, Quebec.
(June 2003) Hospice Niagara. Niagara on the Lake. Ontario.
(June 2003) Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
(June 2003) The Mayo Clinic. Rochester, Minnesota.
(Sept. 2003) Manitoba Hospice and Palliative Care Association Annual Meeting. Winnipeg,
(Oct. 2003) Swedish Medical Center. First Hill Campus. Seattle, Washington.
(Oct. 2003) University Research Speakers Series. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
(Oct. 2003) Norman Regional Health Center Mental Health Symposium. The Pas, Manitoba.
(Oct. 2003) Family Medicine Research Day. Winnipeg, Manitoba
(Nov.2003) John’s Hopkins Hospital 6th Annual Palliative Care Lecture Series. Baltimore,
(Nov.2003) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Fellowship Alumni Reunion. New
York, New York.
(Nov.2003) North Memorial Medical Center. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
(Nov.2003) University of Hawaii, Section of Geriatric Medicine. Honolulu, Hawaii.
(Nov.2003) Queen’s Medical Center “Live and Let Die”. Honolulu, Hawaii.
(Nov.2003) Australian Society of Clinical Oncology. Perth, Australia.
Department of Psychiatry
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Chochinov, H.M. (March 2003). Depression in Cancer Patients. Psyko-oncologisk
Projektgruppe. Copenhagen University Hospital Herleve. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Ellerby, L. (March 2003). Looking at the Perpetrator. Partnership is Action:
Manitoba’s Strategy Responding to the Sexual Exploitation of Children and Youth in Manitoba.
Sexually Exploited Children and Youth Training and Education Initiative. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Goosen, R.B. (May 2003). The Cost of Freedom – A Psychiatrist’s Perspective: Ethics
Panel/Presentation on Psychiatric Intervention vs. the Client’s Freedom to Choose or Refuse
Treatment. Ethics Committees. St. Joseph’s Health Care, RMHC – London, St. Thomas &
London Health Sciences Centre, London, Ontario.
Katz, L. (February 2003). Self-Harm Behaviours. Department of Pediatrics, Winnipeg,
Katz, L. (November 2003). An Update on Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Grand
Rounds Presentation, Department of Psychiatry. University of Western Ontario. London,
Katz, L. (November 2003). Introduction to Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Workshop.
University of Western Ontario. London, Ontario.
Katz, L. (October 2003). Introduction to Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Borderline
Personality Disorder. Workshop. Manitoba Psychological Society. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Katz, L. (May 2003). Introduction to Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Workshop.
Memorial University, Department of Psychiatry. St. John’s, Newfoundland.
Katz, L. (April 2003). Adolescent Self-Injurious Behavior and Depression. Workshop.
Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Katz, L. (March 2003). Children and Families With Maladaptive Coping Styles.
Lecture. Children’s Hospital Nursing Conference. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Kjernisted, K.D. (March 2003). (Invited Speaker). Anxiety in the Cinema. Inaugural
Anxiety Disorders of Canada (ADAC) Meeting.
Kjernisted, K.D. (March 2003). Interface Between Anxiety Disorders and Bipolar
Disorder. Grand Rounds Presentation, Department of Psychiatry. University of British
Columbia. Vancouver General Hospital. Vancouver, British Columbia.
Kjernisted, K.D. (March 2003). Interface Between Anxiety Disorders and Bipolar
Disorder. Grand Rounds Presentation, Department of Psychiatry. University of Toronto
(CAMH). Toronto, Ontario.
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Kjernisted, K.D. (April 2003). (Invited Speaker). Treating Anxiety to Remission.
Victoria Annual Anxiety Disorders Conference.
Kjernisted, K.D. (April 2003). Treating Anxiety Disorders to Remission. Grand
Rounds Presentation, Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia (Vancouver
General Hospital). Vancouver, British Columbia.
Lander, M. (November 2003). Achieving and Maintaining Remission in the Bipolar
Patient. Audio Conference Replay sponsored by Lilly.
Lander, M. (October 2003). Mood Disorders: An Overview of psychoeducation;
Sharing Practical Information. Speaker at Mental Health Across the Lifespan sponsored by
Wyeth-Ayerst, Lilly, NRHA Staff Education
Lander, M. (November 2003). Eccentric Behaviour or Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder? What is the Difference. A public lecture at CanadInn Polo Park. Sponsored by the
Obsessive Compulsive Information and Support Centre Inc.
Prober, M.A., Kwok, W, Schwartz, L. (April 2003). Physician Health – Are Physicians
the Worried Well? Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds. University of Manitoba.
Prober, M.A., Kwok, W., Schwartz, L. (May 2003). Physicians-at-Risk. Presentation
for medical students. Faculty of Medicine. University of Manitoba.
Resident Research Day Presentations
November, 2003
Department of Psychiatry
University of Manitoba
Balchand, K. Prevalence and Predictors of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms During
Peginterferon and Ribavirin Treatment of Hepatitis C – A Prospective Study. Supervisors:
Sareen, J., Enns, M., Ludwig, L., Wong, S.
Bolton, J. Self-Medication of Phobic Disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey.
Supervisor: Cox, B., Sareen, J.
De Amorim, G. Referral Patterns From a Tertiary Care Hospital to Consultation-Liaison
Psychiatry in Health Sciences Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Supervisor: Skakum, K.
Fotti, S. Diagnostic Validity and Outcome in Borderline Personality Disorder.
Supervisor: Katz, L.
Houlahan, T. Anxiety Disorders and Suicidality in a Nationally Representative Sample.
Supervisor: Cox, B., Sareen, J.
Department of Psychiatry
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Klassen, L. Factors Influencing People That Do Not Seek Help for Anxiety Disorders.
Supervisor: Cox, B.
Kwok, W. Parent-Child Interaction in a Clinic-Referred Population of Aggressive
Preschoolers. Supervisors: Fleisher, W. & Reebye, P.
Lambert, K. (November 27, 2003). Empathy in the Medical Profession: How is it
Measured and Can it be Taught. Supervisor: Fleisher, W., Sareen, J. & Chakrabarti, A.
Muhamedagic, T. Refugees, Trauma and Psychosocial Sequelae: A Review and
Proposal. Supervisor: Fleisher, W.
Satyanarayana, S. The Mood Disorder Questionnaire: Does it Capture a Bipolar
Spectrum or Characterological Mood Dysregulation? Supervisors: Enns, M., Cox, B.
Trepel, S. Implicit Learning in Schizophrenia, as Measured by the Serial Reaction Task
Time. Supervisor: Reiss, J.
Vanderwert, R. Comorbidity of Panic Disorder With Anaphylaxis: A Case Study and
Review of Literature. Supervisors: Sareen, J., Skakum, K.
External Funding (Peer-Reviewed)
Asmundson, G., Taylor, S., Katz, J., Stein, M., Cox, B., & Jang, K. (2003-2008).
“Understanding Risk Factors, Comorbidity, and Global Health Issues in PTSD: Laying the
Foundation for Early Identification in At-Risk Populations and Improving Preventive and
Treatment Strategies for All Canadians”. New Emerging Team Program. Canadian Institutes of
Health Research. ($1.1 million).
Bolton, J., Sareen, J., & Lander, M. (2003-2005). “Mirtazapine Augmentation of
Refractory Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, A Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Trial”.
Resident Research Grant. Health Sciences Centre, Department of Psychiatry. ($9,000).
Campbell, D.W. (Postdoctoral Fellowship), Reiss, J.P., Paulus, M. (Supervisors):
Manitoba Research Council for: (2003). “Habituation and Sensitization of fMRI Neural
Responses to Emotional Faces in Patients With Social Anxiety Disorder or Schizophrenia.
Chochinov, H.M. “Canadian Institutes for Health Research”. Investigator. (RPP).
(1999-2004). ($70,000) per annum.
Department of Psychiatry
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Chochinov, H.M., Hack, T., McClement, S., Harlos, M., Kristjanson, L. “The Palliative
Care Dignity Inventory. “National Cancer Institute of Canada/Canadian Nurses Foundation
(CNF). (2000-2004). ($139,209).
Chochinov, H.M. “Canada Research Chair in Palliative Care (Tier I).” Government of
Canada. (2003-2010). ($1,400,000).
Chochinov, H.M. “Palliative Care Research Unit”. Canadian Foundation for
Innovation. (2003-2004). ($305,881).
Chochinov, H.M., Steinstra, D. “Vulnerable Populations in End of Life Care”. New
Emerging Team Letter of Intent Development Grant”. CIHR. (2003). ($5,000).
Chochinov, H.M., Kristjanson, L., Kuhl, D. “Dignity Psychotherapy: An Intervention
for Suffering in the Terminally Ill”. American Foundation of Suicide Prevention. (2001-2004).
($100,000 U.S.).
Chochinov, H.M., Stern, A., Fassbender, K., Jadad, A., Librach, S.L., Lynch, J., Pereira,
J.L. “Canadian Virtual Hospice Pilot Project”. Western Economic Diversification Fund. (20032006). ($500,000).
Chochinov, H.M., Stern, A., Fassbender, K., Jadad, A., Librach, S.L., Lynch, J., Pereira,
J.L. “Canadian Virtual Hospice”. Riverview Health Centre Foundation. (2002-2006).
Cohen, R., Chochinov, H.M., Deschamps, M., Wilson, K., Allard, P., Viola, R., Fiset,
V., Lachance, J., Gagnon, P., McClement, S., Daeninck, P., Stajuhr, K. “Improving Quality of
Life and Informing Social Policy in Palliative Care”. National Cancer Institute of Canada.
(2003). ($88,000).
Cox, B. (2001-2003). “A Computer Lab for the Analysis and Storage of Mental Health
Databases”. Canada Foundation for Innovation. ($86,589).
Cox, B. (2001-2006). “Canada Research Chair in Mood and Anxiety Disorders”.
Government of Canada. ($500,000).
Cox, B. (2003-2006). “Population-Based Approaches to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder”.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research, New Emerging Team Sub-Grant. ($135,000).
Cox, B. & Enns, M. (2002-2003). “Further Examination of Psychological Individual
Difference Variables and Their Mental Health Implications in a Nationally Representative
Sample”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($20,134).
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2003
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Cox, B., Enns, M. & Sareen, J. (2003-2005). “Psychosocial Investigations in Anxiety
Disorders and Depression Using a Nationally Representative Sample”. Canadian Institutes of
Health Research-Regional Partnerships Program. ($116,712).
Cox, B., Stein, M., Walker, J., Ladouceur, R., Wiebe, J. & Yu, N. (2003-2004). “Two
Population-Based Mental Health Studies Using the Canadian Community Health Survey (cycle
1.2): Social Phobia and Problem Gambling”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research/Statistics
Canada. ($40,000).
Cox, B., Enns, M. & Taylor, S. (2002-2005). “Longitudinal Study of Psychological
Vulnerabilities to Emotional Distress in Representative, Community-Based Samples”. Social
Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. ($97, 221).
Enns, M.W. (Site Principal Investigator). (2000-2003). “A Controlled Trial of
Medication and Light Therapy in Seasonal Affective Disorder”. (Lam, R., Principal
Investigator). Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($66,000).
Enns, M.W., MacQueen, G., & Cox, B.J. (2003-2004). “Persisting Subjective Memory
Complaints in Patients Receiving Electroconvulsive Therapy for Major Depressive Disorder”.
Health Sciences Centre Foundation. ($24,880).
Sareen, J. (2003-2006). “Population Based Approaches to Mental Health Services
Utilization and Psychiatric Comorbidity”. Establishment Grant, Manitoba Health Research
Council. ($99,207).
Sareen, J., Cox, B, & Stein, M. (2002-2003). “Comorbidity of Anxiety Disorders in
Two Large Community Surveys” Health Sciences Centre Research Foundation. ($10,000).
Sareen, J., Cox, B. & Yu, N. (2003-2004). “Correlates of Mental Health Services
Utilization and Emotional Well Being: Analysis of the Canadian Community Health Survey
Cycle 1.2.” Canadian Institutes of Health Research/Statistics Canada. ($35,000).
Sareen, J., Cox, B.J., & Yu, B.N. (2003-2005). “Correlates of Mental Health Services
Utilization and Distress in the Canadian Community Health Survey. Manitoba Health Research
Council. ($29,478).
Sareen, J., Stein, M.B., & Cox, B.J. (September 2002 – August 2003). “Comorbidity of
Anxiety Disorders in Two Large Community Samples. Health Sciences Centre Foundation.
Walker, J., Cox, B., Hiebert-Murphy, D. & Feldgaier, S. (2003-2004). “Coaching for
Confidence: Pilot Study of a Community-Based Prevention Program for the Parents of Anxious
Kindergarten Age Children”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research-Regional Partnerships
Program. ($30,000).
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2003
Page 17 of 22
Wiebe, J., & Cox, B. (2002-2003). “Factors Associated With At Risk Gamblers in
Ontario: A Prospective, Community-Based Study”. Ontario Problem Gambling Research
Centre. ($84,600).
Wilson, K., Chochinov, H.M. (Co-Principal Investigators), Graham, I.D., Viola, R.,
Vigano, A., Chary, Srini, O’Shea, F., Gagnon, P.R., Kuhl, D.R., De Luca, M., Clinich, J.J.
“National Palliative Care Survey”. Medical Research Council of Canada. (2001-2003).
External Funding (Other Sources)
Enns, M.W. , & Lander, M. (2002-2003). “A Double-Blind Pilot Trial to Evaluate
Efficacy Trends and Safety of Risperidone and Olanzapine as Add-On Therapy in Subjects With
Treatment Resistant Depression”. (Levitt, A., Principal Investigator). Janssen-Ortho ($70,000).
Enns, M.W., & Lander, M. (2003-2004). “RO67-5930 in Major Depressive Disorder:
A Placebo and Paroxetine Controlled Study of Efficacy and Safety”. Hoffman La-Roche Ltd.
Kjernisted, K.D. (2003). “Placebo Controlled Comparative Trial for OCD. (Phase
III)”. H. Lundbeck A/S. ($60,000).
Reiss, J.P. (1999-2003). “National Outcome Measurement in Schizophrenia”. JanssenOrtho. ($19,500).
Reiss, J. P., Coodin, S., Polimeni, J., Zimmer, K., Balachandra, B., Globerman, D.,
Eleff, M., Vattheuer, F., Simm, J & Chudasama, S. (1999-2003). “Risperidone Depot
(microspheres) in the Treatment of Subjects With Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder –
An Open Label Follow-Up Trial of RIS-INT-57 and RIS-INT-61 (Phase III)”. JanssenOrtho.
Reiss, J.P., Polimeni, J., Zimmer, K., Balachandra, B., Globerman, D., Simm, J.,
Eleff, M., Coodin, S & Chudasama, S. (2000-2003). “A One Year Open-Label Study
Comparing Patient Outcomes and Cost-Effectiveness of Treatment Initiation With Oral
Ziprasidone Hydrochloride Versus Treatment Initiation With Oral Olanzapine in Patients With
Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder (Phase III):. Pfizer. ($243,100).
Reiss, J.P., Polimeni, J., Zimmer, K., Balachandra, B., Globerman, D., Simm, J.,
Eleff, M & Chudasama, S. (2002-2003). “Open Extension Study Evaluating the Safety and
Tolerability of Oral Ziprasidone in the Treatment of Patients who Have Successfully Completed
a Previous Ziprasidone Study (Phase III)”. Pfizer. ($250,653).
Reiss, J.P., Polimeni, J., Zimmer, K., Balachandra, B., Sareen, J., Globerman, D.,
Simm, J., Lander, M. & Chudasama, S. (2002-2003). “A 6 ½ Month, Multicentre,
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2003
Page 18 of 22
Ramdomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Comparison of 300mg/day of ExtendedRelease Bupropion Hydrochloride and Placebo for the Prevention of Seasonal Affective Disorder
in Subjects With a History of Seasonal Affective Disorder (Phase III)”. Glaxo-Smith Kline.
Reiss, J.P., Polimeni, J., Zimmer, K., Balachandra, B., Globerman, D., Simm, J.,
Eleff, M. & Chudasama, S. (2003). “A 52-Week, Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind,
Multi-Centre Study of Relapse Following Tranisition From Oral Antipsychotic Medication to
Two Different Doses (25 or 50mg Given Every Two Weeks) of Risperidone Long-Acting
Microspheres (Risperidol CONSTA TM) in Adults With Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective
Disorder (Phase III)”. Janssen-Ortho. ($199,602).
Reiss, J.P., Polimeni, J., Zimmer, K., Balachandra, B., Globerman, D., Simm, J.,
Eleff, M. & Chudasama, S. (2003). “A Canadian, Multicentre, Double-Blind, Randomized,
Parellel-Group Study of the Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of Treatment With Higher Doses
of Quetiapine Fumarate (Seroquel) Greater Than 800mg/day in Schizophrenic or Schizoaffective
Subject (Phase III)”. Astra Zeneca. ($172,000).
Reiss, J., Polimeni, J., Zimmer, K., B., Globerman, D., Simm, J., Eleff, M., Sareen,
J., Lander, M. & Chudasama, S. (2003). “A Phase III, Randomized, Double-Blind, PlaceboControlled, Outpatient, Safety and Efficacy Study of TAK-375 in Elderly Subjects With Chronic
Insomnia (Phase III)”. Takeda. ($348,000).
Reiss, J, Polimeni, J., Zimmer, K., Balachandra, B., Globerman, D., Simm, J., Eleff,
M. & Chudasama, S. (2003). “A Study of Galantamine HBr as an Adjunctive Treatment to
Risperdal in Male Outpatients With Schizophrenia and Asociated Cognitive Deficits (Phase II)”.
Janssen-Ortho. ($42,053).
Editorships, Guest Editor, Memberships
On Journal Editorial Boards
Chochinov, H.M.
Journal of Palliative Medicine (Editorial Board)
Palliative and Supportive Care (Co-Editor)
Supportive Cancer Therapy (Editorial Board)
Supportive Oncology (Editorial Board)
Journal of Palliative Care (Editorial Board)
Cox, B.J.
Behaviour Research and Therapy (Editorial Board)
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science (Editorial Board)
Katz, L.
Canadian Academy of Child Psychiatry (Editorial Board)
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2003
Page 19 of 22
Reiss, J.
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality (Editorial Board)
Journal of Sexual & Reproductive Medicine (Editorial Board)
Reviewing Activities for
Journals, Granting Councils, Conferences or Universities
Chochinov, H.M.
Ad-Hoc Reviewer for:
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry
British Journal of Psychiatry
Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal
Journal of the American Medical Association
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Journal of Psycho-Oncology
Oxford University Press
Quality of Life Research
Social Science and Medicine
Cox, B.J.
Canada Foundation for Innovation
Canada Research Chairs Program (College of Reviewers)
Manitoba Health Research Council (Social and Population Health Committee)
University of Manitoba Rh Awards Committee (Social Sciences Category)
Ad-Hoc Reviewer for:
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Cognition and Emotion
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Enns, M.W.
Biomedical Research Ethics Board, Faculty of Medicine – Member
Canadian Institutes of Health Research – External Reviewer
Scientific Reviewer for the Canadian Psychiatric Association 2003 Meeting
Ad-Hoc Reviewer for:
British Journal of Clinical Psychology
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Canadian Medical Association Journal
Cognitive Therapy and Research
Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience
Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2003
Page 20 of 22
Social Science & Medicine
Katz, L.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry – Ad Hoc Reviewer
Kjernisted, K.D.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry – Ad Hoc Reviewer
Reiss, J.
Scientific Reviewer for the Canadian Psychiatric Association 2003 Annual Meeting
Sareen, J.
Grants Committee Health Sciences Centre Research Foundation
Ad-Hoc Reviewer for:
Depression and Anxiety
Psychiatry Research
Journal of Psychiatry Research
Archives of General Psychiatry
Psychosomatic Medicine
Awards 2003
Eleff, M.
Staff Educator of the Year Award - HSC
Sponsored by Janssen Ortho Inc. Presenters: Vanderwert, R., Kwok, W.
Falconer, C.
The Sisler Award
Sponsored by the Department of Psychiatry.
Omelan, C.
Staff Educator of the Year Award – St. Boniface
Sponsored by Janssen Ortho Inc. Presenters: Vanderwert, R., Kwok, W.
Prober, M.A.
Mentor of the Year Award for Region 2 Manitoba/Saskatchewan.
Sponsored by The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons.
Reiss, J.
RO Jones Best Research Poster Presentation. Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting.
Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2003
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Sareen, J.
RO Jones Best Paper Award. Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual General Meeting,
Halifax, N.S. The Relationship Between Childhood Adversity with Perceived Need for Mental
Health Treatment.
Resident Awards 2003
De Amorim, G.
Participation Award.
Referral Patterns From a Tertiary Care Hospital to Consultation Liaison Psychiatry in Health
Sciences Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Sponsored by AstraZeneca Canada. Supervisor:
Skakum, K.
Balchand, K.
Best Review and Study Proposal
Prevalence and Predictors of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms During Peginterferon and Ribavirin
Treatment of Hepatitis C: A Prospective Study. Sponsored by Pfizer Canada. Supervisors:
Sareen, J., Enns, M., Ludwig, Wong, S.
Bolton, J.
Ruth Hurd Award
Self-Medication of Phobic Disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey. Sponsored by the
Ruth Hurd Memorial Fund. Supervisors: Sareen, J., Cox, B.J.
Bolton, J.
Resident Educator of the Year Award
Sponsored by The Jack G. Sheps Fund, University of Manitoba.
Fotti, S.
Best Literature Review
Diagnostic Validity and Outcome in Borderline Personality Disorder. Sponsored by Lundbeck
Canada Inc. Supervisor: Katz, L.
Houlahan, T.
Best Review and New Finding
Anxiety Disorders and Suicidality in a Nationally Representative Sample. Sponsored by
AstraZeneca Canada Inc. Supervisors: Sareen, J., Cox, B.J.
Klassen, L.
Participation Award.
Factors Influencing People That Do Not Seek Help for Anxiety Disorders. Sponsored by
AstraZeneca Canada Inc. Supervisor: Cox, B.J.
Department of Psychiatry
Research 2003
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Kwok, W.
MATC Award
Parent-Child Interaction in a Clinic-Referred Population of Aggressive Preschoolers.
Sponsored by MATC. Supervisors: Fleisher, W., Reebye, P.
Lambert, K.
Norman Bethune Award
Empathy in the Medical Profession: How is it Measured and Can it be Taught?. Sponsored by
some Department Faculty Members. Supervisors: Fleisher, W., Sareen, J., Chakrabarti, A.
Muhamedagic, T.
Participation Award
Refugees, Trauma and Psychosocial Sequelae: A Review and Proposal. Sponsored by
AstraZeneca Canada Inc. Supervisor: Fleisher, W.
Satyanarayana, S.
Best Paper/Research Project.
The Mood Disorder Questionnaire : Does it Capture a Bipolar Spectrum or Characterological
Mood Dysregulation ? Sponsored by Eli Lilly Canada. Supervisors : Enns, M.W. & Cox, B.J.
Schwartz, L.
Gustavo Lage Award
Psychotherapy With Terminally Ill Children. Sponsored by the Dr. Gustavo Lage Fund.
Supervisors: Fleisher, W., Sigurdson, E.
Trepel, S.
Participation Award
Implicit Leaning in Schizophrenia as Measured by the Serial Reaction Task Time. Sponsored by
AstraZenica Canada Inc. Supervisors: Reiss, J. & Sareen, J.
Trepel, S.
Resident Educator of the Year Award.
Sponsored by The Jack G. Sheps Fund, University of Manitoba.
Vanderwert, R.
Award of Excellence – PGY5.
Sponsored by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals.
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