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In the matter, on the Commission’s own motion,
to establish an updated procedure and format for
filing tariffs with the Commission under the
Michigan Telecommunications Act.
Case No. U-14973
At the July 25, 2006 meeting of the Michigan Public Service Commission in Lansing,
PRESENT: Hon. J. Peter Lark, Chairman
Hon. Laura Chappelle, Commissioner
Hon. Monica Martinez, Commissioner
Section 202(b) of the Michigan Telecommunications Act (MTA), MCL 484.2202(b), provides
that the Commission shall:
Require by order that a provider of a regulated service, including access service,
make available for public inspection and file with the commission a schedule of
the provider’s rates, services, and conditions of service, including access service
provided by contract.
MCL 484.2202(b).
On December 22, 1992, the Commission issued an order in Case No. U-10064 that, among
other things, established the procedure and format for filing tariffs under Section 202 of the MTA.
Over the ensuing years, revisions were made to the MTA, most recently through Public Act 235 of
2005. In addition, new technologies have created new ways of filing tariffs. To build on the
foundation of Case No. U-10064 and to address the most recent legislative and technological
developments, the Commission is now persuaded that it should adopt the changes set forth in
Attachment A to this order, which provide a standard for carriers to use in filing tariffs in
accordance with Sections 202, 304(1) and 402 of the MTA.
All documents filed in this case shall be submitted electronically through the MPSC Electronic
Case Filings Web site at: https://efile.mpsc.cis.state.mi.us/cgi-bin/efile/login.pl. Requirements and
instructions for filing electronic documents can be found in the Electronic Case Filings Users
Manual at: http://efile.mpsc.cis.state.mi.us/efile/pdfs/usersmanual.pdf. An application for account
and letter of assurance, required of all first-time users, are located at:
http://efile.mpsc.cis.state.mi.us/efile/pdfs/assurance.pdf. If you require assistance prior to e-filing,
contact Commission staff at 517-241-6170 or by e-mail at: [email protected].
The Commission FINDS that:
a. Jurisdiction is pursuant to 1991 PA 179, as amended, MCL 484.2101 et seq.; 1969 PA 306,
as amended, MCL 24.201 et seq.; and the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure, as
amended, 1999 AC, R 460.17101 et seq.
b. New telecommunication tariff filing procedures should be adopted.
THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that within six months of the date of this order, all carriers
required to file tariffs with the Commission shall display those tariffs online and adhere to the new
electronic filing procedures set forth in Attachment A. Revisions and changes to online tariffs
shall be completed by a carrier within two business days of notification of the Commission Staff.
The Commission reserves jurisdiction and may issue further orders as necessary.
Page 2
Any party desiring to appeal this order must do so in the appropriate court within 30 days after
issuance and notice of this order, pursuant to MCL 462.26.
/s/ J. Peter Lark
( S E A L)
/s/ Laura Chappelle
/s/ Monica Martinez
By its action of July 25, 2006.
/s/ Mary Jo Kunkle
Its Executive Secretary
Page 3
Any party desiring to appeal this order must do so in the appropriate court within 30 days after
issuance and notice of this order, pursuant to MCL 462.26.
By its action of July 25, 2006.
Its Executive Secretary
Page 4
Attachment A
Telecommunication Tariff Filing Procedures
Michigan Public Service Commission
Scope: This document describes the tariff filing procedure and format to be followed by
providers of telecommunications services under the jurisdiction of the Commission.
“Commission” – Michigan Public Service Commission
“FCC” – Federal Communications Commission
“MTA” – Michigan Telecommunications Act, Act 179 of 1991, as amended.
“Rate” or “charge” indicates the dollar amount to be paid by a person for a
service or other specified item. “Rate” generally refers to the amount for a
period of time and “charge” generally refers to the amount for a service or
other specified item, which is not repeated on a periodic basis, i.e., a nonrecurring charge. The terms are sometimes used synonymously.
“Tariff” indicates a specific rate, rule, or regulation.
“Tariff number” indicates a collection of tariff sheets by general common
categories as assigned by the Commission. For example, regulated basic
local exchange services are shown on a tariff sheet as “Tariff M.P.S.C. No. 1R.”
“Tariff sheet” indicates a page which includes a rate, rule, or regulation.
“Advice Letter” refers to the informational correspondence to the
Commission, from a telecommunications provider, that a new or updated
tariff for regulated services exists. Advice letters must include the website
address of the pending tariff.
“Transmittal Letter” – pursuant to Sec. 202 and 402 of the MTA, providers may
file informational copies of unregulated service tariffs with the Commission
accompanied by a transmittal letter in the same format as the Advice
Tariff Sheets: Filing Instructions
Advice Letters and tariff sheets shall be submitted to the Commission in
compliance with a Commission order or a pertinent statute. Each tariff sheet
must clearly state the effective date of the tariff, with an issuance date at least one
day prior to the effective date.
All Advice Letters and accompanying tariff website addresses are to be filed
with the Commission electronically, via e-mail, as a file attachment. The
Commission e-mail address is [email protected] and will be posted on
the Commission’s website or available from staff.
Upon review and approval of a regulated service tariff submission, an
electronically pdf stamped “Filed” electronic copy of the Advice Letter
and tariff sheets will be returned to the provider via email.
Unregulated services Transmittal Letters and tariff sheets will be pdf stamped
“Received” and returned to the provider via email.
Carriers have two options for filing toll access tariffs with the MPSC:
1) A carrier may file an intrastate toll access tariff that mirrors its FCC filing,
filing the interstate access tariff and consequently, any revisions, additions,
exceptions, or supplements to that tariff. The Advice Letter must be filed to ensure
that the effective date of the new intrastate rate is within 10 days of the
interstate effective date. This tariff must be updated any time changes impacting
Michigan are made to the federal toll access tariff.
2) A carrier may submit a filing indicating the company is mirroring the FCC
filing and then list all exceptions to the federal tariff. An explanation for any
exception to the interstate access tariff should be included in this filing. An
Advice Letter informing the MPSC of any changes or updates to the federal toll
access tariff is required one day in advance of the federal effective date. Such
changes will be considered to be effective the same day as the FCC filing.
4. Advice Letter: Content (See Figure 1: Example Advice Letter)
A separate Advice Letter shall accompany each filing.
All of the following items shall appear on each Advice Letter in the manner
shown in Figure 1:
• Name and address of provider,
• Date of Advice Letter,
• The authority (docket number and date of Commission order or the relevant
statute, if no order was issued) for each tariff filing,
• Tariff Number, Tariff Part, Tariff Section, and Tariff Sheet(s) that are changing
or being cancelled,
• Each change or cancellation should be accompanied by a brief explanation,
• Internet site address where tariff is located, (Note: any URL changes resulting
in a broken link must be reported to the MPSC contact person within 24 hours
of such change.)
• Issue date and effective date of change or cancellation,
• Issuing officer.
Figure 1 (Advice Letter Example)
Company Name
Company Address
Current Date
Via Email: [email protected]
Division Director
Telecommunications Division
Michigan Public Service Commission
P.O. Box 30221
Lansing MI 48909
Re: Change in Tariff
Tariff M.P.S.C. No. ______ Part, Section, and Sheets Changing _________
Brief Explanation for Changes
Website Address
Issuing Agent
Title of Issuing Agent
Mailing Address of Issuing Agent
5. Tariff Sheet: Content (See Figures 2 & 3: Example Tariff Sheets below)
Tariff sheets shall be available for Commission review in a pending file on a
website held either by individual providers, or by an authorized agent, until the
stamped Advice Letter is returned to the provider or their agent.
All of the following items shall appear on each tariff sheet in the manner shown
in Figure 2:
1. Provider name.
2. Tariff number with either an “R” or “U” to indicate that the tariff is either
regulated (R) or unregulated (U).
3. Sheet number, in addition to the original or revision number.
4. Canceled sheet number(s).
5. Service category.
6. Service type.
7. Authority: shall be shown on all tariff sheets which contain rules,
regulations, rates, terms, or conditions of service. Authority does not generally
appear on other sheets such as the preface or subject index pages. The citation
will refer to either a case number and order or the relevant statute.
8. Effective date.
9. Issuance date.
10. Name, title, legal address (location), email and telephone number of issuing
provider officer.
11. Type of revision. To indicate the nature and extent of a revision, the
following are preferred symbols:
(C) Changed regulation or change in text,
(D) Discontinued rate, treatment or regulation,
(I) Increased rate or new treatment resulting in an increased rate,
(M) Moved
(N) New rate, treatment or regulation,
(R) Reduced rate or new treatment resulting in a reduced rate.
Within 24 hours after the effective date of a tariff filing, the revised tariff must
be available on the provider’s active tariff web page, as reflected in the Advice
Pending tariff filings must be maintained in a separate pending/filed area on
the provider’s website and available for review by Commission staff via a
website link until the stamped Advice Letter is returned to the provider.
Figure 2 (Example of Regulated Tariff Sheet: Primary Basic Local Exchange Service, “PBLES”)
XYZ Telecom, LLC
Tariff M. P.S.C. No. 1R
Section 3 – 1st Revised Page 9
Replacing Original Page 9 .
3.7 Basic Local Exchange Service
3.7.1 Business Essential Package
Business Essential Package provides a customer with all the features of basic
local exchange service set forth above, provided over a single, voice-grade
telephonic communications channel which can be used to place or receive one call
at a time. Business Essential Package includes unlimited local calling. See Section
4.1 for rates.
3.7.2 Primary Basic Local Exchange Service (N)
Pursuant to MCL 484.2304, as amended, and the Michigan Public Service
Commission’s December 20, 2005 order in Case No. U-14731, the Company’s
Primary Basic Local Exchange Service is available to residential customers only for
voice telecommunications services for the maximum of 12,000 outgoing minutes
per month. The Primary Basic Local Exchange Service includes the following
services and features:
- Access to local dial tone
- Access to E911, operator and directory services
- 100 outgoing local calls per month up to 12,000 minutes per month
- Unlimited incoming local calls
A person with disabilities or who is voluntarily providing a service for an
organization classified by the internal revenue service as a section 501(c) (3) or
(19) organization, or a person who provides service for a congressionally chartered
veterans organization or their duly authorized foundations, is exempt from the 100
calls per month limitation.
Issued Under Authority of PA 235 of 2005 and Commission’s December 20, 2005 Order in Case No. U-14731
(Note: PBLES sheet authority lines MUST refer to this case – all other sheets refer back to carrier’s licensing case.)
ISSUED: March 17, 2006
EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2006
Joseph Smith, CEO
100 First Street
Smithville, MI 44444
(800) 555-1234
Figure 3 (Example Unregulated Tariff Sheet)
XYZ Telecom, LLC
Section 4 – 3rd Revised Page 22
Replacing 2nd Revised Page 22
Tariff M. P.S.C. No. 1U
4.1 Service Charges
4.1.1 Service Ordering Charge - Multi Element Charges
(A) Primary - For connecting new or additional Access lines.
Nonrecurring Charge
Residence, per service order
Business, per service order
$ 42.00
$ 42.00
(B) Secondary - For moving or changing existing service or adding new or
additional service other than Access lines.
Residence, per service order
Business, per service order
$ 30.50
$ 30.50
(C) Record - For record type orders affecting directory listings.
Residence, per service order
Business, per service order
$ 5.00
$ 5.00
Issued Under Authority of MPSC Order dated March 13, 2002 in Case No. U-(Carrier’s Licensing Case)
ISSUED: February 14, 2006
EFFECTIVE: February 15, 2006
Joseph Smith, CEO
100 First Street
Smithville, MI 44444
(800) 555-1234
6. Tariffs shall include all of the following:
Index of cities, incorporated villages, and townships listed by exchange and
county. (Required for providers of basic local exchange service only.)
For each tariff number required, there shall be all of the following:
• Title sheet
• Table of contents checklist
• Subject index
• General rules and regulations applicable to the tariff number
• Specific rates, terms, services and conditions, and availability, as appropriate
Local Calling Area List (required for basic local exchange service)
Maps and legal descriptions as described in 8 h.
7. Tariffs Changes:
Company Ownership: When a change in company ownership or structure
takes place that does not require Commission approval, i.e. no licensing
changes, a company may “adopt” the tariff of the prior entity. This may be
done through a letter to the Telecommunications Division explaining the
circumstances and stating a desire to assume the existing tariff. Within 90 days,
the acquiring company shall post an updated tariff reflecting the name change,
on its web site.
Discontinuance of Service: Per Section 313 of the MTA, a “…provider that
provides either basic local exchange or toll service, or both, may not discontinue
either service or an exchange unless 1 or more alternative telecommunication
providers are furnishing the same telecommunication service to the customers in
the exchange.”
A provider proposing to discontinue service shall file a notice with the MPSC,
publish a notice in a newspaper with general circulation within that exchange
and provide reasonable notice as determined by the MPSC.
“Grandfathering” Customer Base: When a provider sells assets, including its
customer base to another provider, a letter must be filed with the Commission
outlining the transfer process. To avoid the perception of “slamming”, the new
carrier must inform current customers of the change in ownership and the
customers’ right to change carriers.
8. Individual Tariff Sheets: Description and Requirements
The title sheet of the preface shall be Sheet No. 1 and shall adequately identify
the tariff numbers and titles as the tariffs filed by the provider with the
Commission for the provision of telecommunication services.
The title sheet in each tariff number shall be Sheet No. 1, including the title of
the tariff number.
Preface Sheets: shall contain a general subject index for all tariff items.
Table of Contents: each sheet of the tariff shall be listed by sheet number,
including the revision number and the effective date, in a table of contents
checklist. The table of contents checklist shall be revised when revisions are
made in the tariff sheets. The checklist shall be supplemented by a topical or
subject index to facilitate the use of the tariff.
Regulations: include all rules, regulations, services, classifications, exceptions, and
conditions made or observed relative to the service furnished that are general and
apply to all, or many, of the tariff schedules or exchange areas served.
Regulations shall be lettered, or numbered, and titled so that the regulations can
be conveniently referred to. If a general regulation does not apply to a particular
tariff, that fact should be clearly stated.
Technical terms and abbreviations: full and concise information shall be given
as to the meaning of all technical and special terms and abbreviations and all
reference marks used in the rules and regulations or rate schedules.
Rates: all rates shall be placed in, and made a part of, the tariff. (Note:
Primary Basic Local Exchange Service is the only service that is rateregulated by the Commission.)
Local service rates and exchange areas shall be in compliance with the
following provisions:
• Applications of and exceptions to general rules, regulations, and rates should be
clearly stated.
Local service rates for all exchange areas, or their equivalent, shall be clearly
Maps and legal descriptions may mirror those of the incumbent local exchange
carrier (ILEC) in order to define service territory. Providers mirroring must
identify the company they are mirroring and list each exchange for which it will
offer service (example: Akron Exchange of AT&T.)
Any future changes to ILEC maps and legal descriptions mirrored by the
provider will be automatically deemed to be changes to the service territory of
the provider unless new detailed maps and legal description tariffs reflecting the
different boundaries are filed and approved by the Commission. Basic local
exchange services, terms, and conditions cannot be mirrored unless specifically
allowed by state or federal law.
An initial tariff filing from either a newly licensed ILEC or CLEC which
provides basic local telephone exchange service must be on file with the MPSC.
The initial tariff may contain only the geographic territories it serves, rather
than the entire area within which it is licensed to provide service. However,
when the ILEC or CLEC expands, the tariff must be updated to reflect any
geographic changes.
Miscellaneous local rates and services, if not shown in, or if they differ from,
the general rates and services which are otherwise applicable.
Per Section 310(5) of the MTA, tariffs pertaining to intrastate contractual
arrangements for access services should, at a minimum, replicate the contractual
information required by the FCC and must include the services, rates, terms,
conditions, and duration of the contract. Contracts must be available for review
at the request of the Commission.
The use of footnotes should be kept to a minimum. Footnotes are to be
informational in nature only and should not be considered to govern the terms of
tariff administration or application.
Effective as of the date of this Order, all carriers shall be required to post on
their web site, within 48 hours, historical information related to tariff changes.
Case No. U-14973
County of Ingham
Patricia A. Fronta being duly sworn, deposes and says that on July 25th 2006, A.D. she
served a copy of the attached Commission order by first class mail, postage prepaid, or by
inter-departmental mail, to the persons as shown on the attached service list.
Digitally signed by
Patricia A. Fronta
DN: CN = Patricia A.
Fronta, C = US, O =
Case Management, OU =
Date: 2006.07.27
16:55:36 -04'00'
A. Fronta
Patricia Fronta
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 25th day of July 2006
Sharron A.
Digitally signed by Sharron A. Allen
DN: cn=Sharron A. Allen, c=US,
o=MPSC, ou=Case Management,
[email protected]
Date: 2006.07.28 08:10:16 -04'00'
Sharron A. Allen
Notary Public, Ingham County, MI
My Commission Expires August 16, 2011
Case No. U-14973
County of Ingham
Lisa Felice, being duly sworn, deposes and says that on July 25, 2006, she served a copy of the
attached order, by email to the persons as shown below.
Lisa Felice
Digitally signed by Lisa Felice
DN: CN = Lisa Felice, C =
Exec Sec
Date: 2006.07.28 14:59:43 04'00'
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 25th day of July A.D. 2006.
Sharron A. Allen
Digitally signed by Sharron A. Allen
DN: cn=Sharron A. Allen, c=US, o=MPSC,
ou=Case Management,
[email protected]
Date: 2006.07.28 08:09:52 -04'00'
Sharron A. Allen
Notary Public, Ingham County, Michigan
My Commission Expires: August 16, 2011
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360networks (USA), Inc.
1-800-reconex, Inc.
Ldmi Planet Access
Planet Access
Planet Access
ACN, Inc.
Alticomm, Inc.
Global Connection In.c of America
IDT America, Corp.
Blanchard Telephone Association, Inc.
AT&T Communications of MI
American Broadband &
Telecommunications Company
Fusion Broadband, Inc
Mark Burzych
C2C Fiber of Michigan, Inc.
CCCMI, Inc. d/b/a Connect!
CI2 Inc.
Bloomingdale Telephone Co., Inc.
Deerfield Farmers Telephone Co.
Clear Rate Comm, Inc.
Telepacific Comm
Emergent Communications LLC and New
Access Comm
Borderland Communications
Choice One Communications
Comcast Business Communications, Inc.
Covad Communications
DayStarr Communications
DIECA Communications, Inc.
First Communications, LCC
First Communications, LCC
Focal Communications
Focal Communications
Intrado Communications, Inc.
Lightyear Communications
Lightyear Communications, Inc.
Lightyear Communications, Inc.
Media Gate Communications, Inc.
Nexus Communications
NOS Communications, Inc.
NOS Communications
NOS Communications
PaeTec Communications, Inc.
PowerNet Global Communications
Quantum Shift Communications
Quick Communications
[email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Qwest Communications
Reliant Communications, Inc.
TransNational Communications
Winstar Communications, LLC
Z-Tel Communications, Inc.
Comm South Companies, Inc.
Metro Teleconnect Companies
Metro Teleconnect Companies
Metro Teleconnect Companies
Allendale Telephone Company
Baraga Telephone Company
Barry County Telephone Company
Carr Telephone Company
Chapin Telephone Company
Cinergy Communications Company
Climax Telephone Company
Climax Telephone Company
Cypress Communications Operating
Company, Inc.
Drenthe Telephone Company
Drenthe Telephone Company
Hiawatha Telephone Company
Kaleva Telephone Company
Kaleva Telephone Company
Lennon Telephone Company
Ogden Telephone Company
Ogden Telephone Company
Peninsula Telephone Company
Pigeon Telephone Company
Sand Creek Telephone Company
Springport Telephone Company
Springport Telephone Company
Sprint Communications Company, L.P.
U.S. Signal Company, LLC
Upper Peninsula Telephone Company
Waldron Telephone Company
Winn Telephone Company
Comtech21, LLC
Comtech21, LLC
Allband Communications Cooperative
Cordia Communications Corp.
FairPoint Communications Solutions
JATO Operating Two Corp.
New Rochelle Telephone Corp.
Qwest Communications Corp.
Verizon Avenue Corp.
Vertex Broadband Corp.
Mpower Communications Corporation
Range Corporation
Range Corporation
Tru Comm Corporation
Corvus, Inc.
Covista, Inc.
Global Crossing
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[email protected]
[email protected]
Net Express d/b/a Advent Telecom
Superior Spectrum Telephone and Data
OneStar Long Distance, Inc.
Deerfield Farmers' Telephone Co.
Lisa Felice
Call Giant, Inc.
Grid4 Communications Inc.
Grid4 Communications, Inc.
Campus Communications Group, Inc.
Campus Communications Group
ICG Telecom Group, Inc.
Omniplex Communications Group, LLC
IG2, Inc.
Global Teledata II, LLC
BCN Telecom Inc.
Bilan Communications Inc.
Bulls Eye Telecom Inc.
Bulls Eye Telecom Inc.
CIMCO Communications Inc.
CoreComm Michigan Inc.
Intrado Communications Inc.
KMC Telecom II Inc.
Primus Telecommunications Inc.
Talk America Inc.
Talk America Inc.
Talk America Inc.
Universl Access Inc.
Verizon North Inc.
Verizon North Inc.
Westphalia Broadband Inc.
Computer Intelligence 2 Inc. (CI2)
CAT Communications International, Inc.
Trans National Communications
International, Inc
Kathleen Kerr-Lawrence
Birch Telecom of the Great Lakes
Level 3 Communications, LLC / Wiltel
Local Netw
Kentucky Data Link, Inc.
Century Tel Solutions LLC
DSLnet Communications LLC
New Access Communications LLC
Bingham McCutchen LLP
Comtel Telecom Assets LP
Atlas Communications LTD.
Lucre, Inc.
Broadwing Meldazis
Cogent Comm of MI
Comcast Telecommunications of MI
Frontier Comm. of MI, Inc.
Local Exchange Carriers of MI
Metropolitan Telecomm of MI
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Metropolitan Telecomm of MI
Ace Telephone Company of Michigan, Inc.
Allegiance Telecom of Michigan
Century Tel of Michigan, Inc.
Charter Fiberlink- Michigan, LLC
Charter Fiberlink- Michigan, LLC
Fibernet of Michigan
Frontier Communications of Michigan
Local Exchange Carriers of Michigan, Inc.
NationsLine Michigan, Inc.
SBC Ameritech Michigan
US Xchange of Michigan, L.L.C. d/b/a
Choice One
XO Michigan, Inc.
MichTel, Inc.
April Arman - MPSC
Mary Jo Kunkle - MPSC
Catherine Murray
Eagle Net, Inc.
American Fiber Network, Inc.
American Fiber Network, Inc.
Peninsula Fiber Network
WilTel Local Network, LLC
A.R.C. Networks, Inc.
Broadview Networks
GVC Networks, LLC
GVC Networks, LLC
JAS Networks, Inc.
Verizon North
Verizon North
Access One, Inc.
Call One
Call One
Pathnet Operating, Inc.
TelCove Operations, Inc
Budget Phone, Inc.
EZ Phone
Easton Telecom Services, L.L.C.
Easton Telecom Services, Inc.
MCI Metro Access Services, Inc.
McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services
OnFiber Carrier Services
OnFiber Carrier Services
Pacific Centrex Services, Inc.
Perferred Carriers Services
Teligent Services, Inc.
Verizon Select Services, Inc.
XO Communications Services, Inc.
France Telecom Corp. Solutions, LLC
Suretel, Inc.
T2 Communications, LLC
Neutral Tandem-Michigan, LLC
TC3 Telecom Inc.
ACD Telecom, Inc.
[email protected]
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* Total number of users subscribed to the list:
* Total number of local host users on the list:
Affinity Telecom
Airdis Telecom
Arialink Telecom, LLC
BullsEye Telecom, Inc.
CMC Telecom, Inc.
Dominion Telecom, Inc.
Elantic Telecom, Inc.
Matrix Telecom, Inc. d/b/a Matrix
Business Tech
Sage Telecom, Inc.
Sage Telecom, Inc.
TDS Telecom, Inc.
United Telecom, Inc.
Universal Telecom, Inc.
Pac-West Telecomm, Inc.
Pac-West Telecomm, Inc.
ClearTel Telecommunications
ClearTel Telecommunications
Cleartel Telecommunications, Inc.
Midwestern Telecommunications, Inc.
Midwestern Telecommunications, Inc.
Navigator Telecommunications
NorLight Telecommunications, Inc.
Waypoint Telecommunications, LLC
dPi Teleconnect, LLC
Chippewa County Telephone
New Rochelle Telephone
Quality Telephone, Inc.
Sand Creek Telephone
Buckeye Telesystem, Inc.
Accu Tel of Texas, Inc.
Accutel of Texas, L.P.; Phone Co, L.P.
UCN, Inc.
McLeod USA
Coldwater Telecomm Utility
KMC Telecom V & KMC Data
Telnet Worldwide, Inc.
Fly UP