
(foKku ,oa çkS|ksfxdh) d{kk (ladyukRed ewY;kadu& (vuqØekad) ------------------------------

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(foKku ,oa çkS|ksfxdh) d{kk (ladyukRed ewY;kadu& (vuqØekad) ------------------------------
Roll No. (vuqØekad)
Code (dwV
CLASS (d{kk) : VIII
(foKku ,oa çkS|ksfxdh)
(Summative Assessment-II)
(ladyukRed ewY;kadu&II
Time : 3 Hrs.
la-) % 820135(M)&SA2
Please check that this
question paper contains
39 questions and 12
printed pages.
d`i;k tk¡p dj ysa fd bl iz'u&i=k
esa 39 iz'u rFkk 12 Nis gq, i`"B gSaA
Maximum Marks : 90
fuèkkZfjr le; % 3 ?kaVs
vfèkdre vad % 90
General Instructions :
1. The question paper consists of 2 sections - Section A (having 27 questions) and
Section B (having 12 questions). You are to attempt both the sections.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. There is no overall choice. However, internal choices have been provided in all
questions of 5 marks category and 3 questions of 3 marks category.
4. All questions of Section A and all questions of Section B are to be attempted separately.
5. Questions 1 to 4 in Section A and Questions 28 and 29 in Section B are multiple
choice type questions and carry one mark each.
6. Question 5 to 10 in Section A and 30 to 32 in Section B are very short answer type
questions and carry one mark each.
7. Questions 11 to 16 in Section A and Questions 33 to 35 in Section B are short answer
type questions and carry 2 marks each.
8. Questions 17 to 23 in Section A and Questions 36 and 37 in Section B are also short
answer type questions and carry 3 marks each.
9. Questions 24 to 27 in Section A and Questions 38 and 39 in Section B are long
answer type questions and carry 5 marks each.
lkekU; funs'Z k %
1- bl iz'u i=k ds nks [kaM gSa & [k.M ^v* (ftlesa 27 iz'u gS)a vkSj [kaM ^c* (ftlesa 12 iz'u gS)a A vkidks
nksuksa gh [kaMksa ds iz'u djus gSaA
2- lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z gSaA
3- dksbZ lkefxzd fodYi ugha fn;k x;k gS rFkkfi 5 vad dh Js.kh ds lHkh iz'uksa rFkk 3 vad dh Js.kh ds
3 iz'uksa esa vkarfjd fodYi iznku fd, x, gSaA
4- [kaM ^v* ds lHkh iz'u vkSj [kaM ^c* ds lHkh iz'u vyx&vyx djus gSaA
5- [kaM ^v* esa iz-la- 1 ls 4 rFkk [kaM ^c* esa iz-la- 28 vkSj 29 cgq&oSdfYid iz'u gSa ,oa buesa ls izR;sd
dk 1 vad gSA
6- [kaM ^v* esa iz-la- 5 ls 10 rFkk [kaM ^c* esa iz-la- 30 ls 32 vfr y?kqmÙkjkRed iz'u gSa ,oa izR;sd ^1*
vad dk gSA
7- [kaM ^v* esa iz-la- 11 ls 16 rFkk [kaM ^c* esa iz-la- 33 ls 35 y?kqÙkjkRed iz'u gSa ,oa buesa ls izR;sd 2
vadksa dk gSA
8- [kaM ^v* esa iz-la- 17 ls 23 rFkk [kaM ^c* esa iz-la- 36 vkSj 37 Hkh y?kqÙkjkRed iz'u gSa ,oa buesa ls izR;sd
3 vadksa dk gSA
9- [kaM ^v* esa ç-la- 24 ls 27 rFkk [kaM ^c* esa iz-la- 38 vkSj 39 nh?kZ mÙkjkRed iz'u gSa ,oa buesa ls izR;sd 5 vadksa
dk gSA
Section - 'A'
The maximum displacement of a vibrating body, on either side [of its mean
position], is known as its :
(a) frequency
(b) loudness
(c) amplitude
(d) pitch
daiu ds nkSjku fdlh oLrq }kjk (viuh LFkk;h txg ls) r; dh xbZ vfèkdre nwjh D;k
dgykrh gS\
(a) vko`fÙk
(b) izcyrk
(c) vk;ke
(d) rkjRo
Which one of the following ray diagrams is correct?
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk js[kkfp=k lgh gS\
Alternative question for visually challenged Students
A ray of light, incident normally on a transparent medium, will
(a) pass through the medium undeviated
(b) pass through the medium after getting deviated to the right
(c) pass through the medium after getting deviated to the left
(d) bounce back at an angle to the surface
n`f"Vghu Nk=kksa ds fy, oSdfYid iz'u
fdlh ikjn'khZ ekè;e ds vfHkyEc ij gh vifrr gks jgh fdj.k
(a) fcuk ekxZ cnys ml ekè;e ls xqtj tk,xhA
(b) viuk ekxZ nkbZ vksj cny dj ekè;e ls xqtjsxhA
(c) viuk ekxZ ckbZ vksj cny dj ekè;e ls xqtjsxhA
(d) fdlh dks.k ij ijkofrZr gks tk,xhA
Which one of the following contains non-biodegradable material?
(a) Paper cup
(b) Cotton stuffed toy
(c) Wooden door
(d) plastic bucket
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lh oLrq esa vufHkfØ;k'khy inkFkZ ik;k tkrk gS\
(a) isij dk di
(b) :bZ ls Hkjk f[kykSuk
(c) ydM+h dk njokt+k
(d) IykfLVd dh ckYVh
Out of the following, the substance that can catche fire easily is :
(a) a glass rod
(b) an iron nail
(c) a stone
(d) a piece of coal
uhps fn, x, inkFkks± esa ls og inkFkZ pqfu, tks vklkuh ls vkx idM+ ysrk gS &
(a) dk¡p dh NM+
(b) yksgs dk dhy
(c) iRFkj
(d) dks;ys dk VqdM+k
Give the (approximate) distance of alpha centuari from earth.
^,sYiQk lsupksvjh* dh i`Foh ls (yxHkx) nwjh crkb;sA
Pigmented iris is responsible for which characteristic of the human eye?
vkbfjl vk¡[k dh dkSu lh fo'ks"krk dk dkj.k gksrk gS\
Name any two non-optical aids that are useful for visually challenged persons.
n`f"Vghu yksxksa dh lgk;rk ds fy, bLrseky fd, tkus okys dksbZ nks vizdkf'kdh;
(ukWu&vksifVdy) midj.kksa ds uke crkb;sA
State any one use of acrylon.
,sfØykWu dk dksbZ ,d mi;ksx crkb;sA
Give any two examples of natural fibres.
izkÑfrd js'kksa ds dksbZ nks mnkgj.k nhft;sA
10. Fill in the blanks :
Domestic sewage promotes the growth of ___________ and ___________ which
use up lots of oxygen dissolved in water and reduce its amount in it.
?kjsyw lanwf"kr ey okfgr gksus ij ty esa ------------------ vkSj ------------------ iSnk djrk gS tks ikuh
esa ?kqyh vkWDlhtu dk bLrseky djds mldh ek=kk ?kVk nsrs gSaA
11. (a)
Why are sounds more likely to produce echoes in open fields?
Which characteristic of a vibrating body determines its
(ii) pitch of the sound
produced by it?
(a) [kqys eSnkuksa esa vkokt+ ds xqatu gksus dh laHkkouk vfèkd D;ksa gksrh gS\
(b) èofu dh (i) izcyrk (ii) rkjRo
dafir oLrq dh fdl fo'ks"krk ij fuHkZj djrh gS\
12. Differentiate between myopia and hypermetropia on the basis of the change
in the
focal length of the eye lens.
size of the eyeball.
^fudV n`f"V nks"k* (ek;ksfi;k) vkSj ^nwj n`f"V nks"k* (gkbijesVªksfi;k) ds chp fuEufyf[kr esa
gksus okys ifjorZu ds vkèkkj ij vUrj Li"V dhft;s %
(i) iQksdy yEckbZ nwjh
(ii) vka[k ds xksys (vkbZckWy) dk vkdkj
13. Observe the picture carefully and answer the following questions :
Name the type of lens being used in case (i) and case (ii)
Which of the two is a reading glass?
How is the object positioned with respect to a reading glass?
fn, x, fp=kksa dks è;ku ls ns[ksa vkSj crk,a
fLFkfr (i) rFkk fLFkfr (ii) esa dkSu&2 ls ySal iz;qDr gq, gSa\
buesa ls ^jhfMax Xykl* fdls dgrs gSa\
oLrq dks jhfMax ySal ds lkeus dSls j[kk tkrk gS\
Alternative question for visually challenged Students
(a) Which the type of lens can be used as a reading glass?
(b) How is the object positioned with respect to a reading glass?
(c) State the nature of the image formed by a reading glass.
n`f"Vghu fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy, oSdfYid iz'u
(a) fdl izdkj ds ySal dks ,d i<+us okys 'kh'ks (jhfMax Xykl) ds :i esa iz;qDr
fd;k tk ldrk gS\
(b) oLrq dks jhfMax ySl ds lkeus dSls j[kk tkrk gS\
(c) jhfMax Xykl ls cuus okyk izfrfcEc fdl izdkj dk gksrk gS\
14. (a)
A small piece of sodium is observed to catch fire suddenly when it is
kept in air for sometime. Give reason for this observation.
State the nature of combustion observed in the above case.
(a) lksMh;e dk VqdM+k gok esa vpkud ls vkx idM+ ysrk gSA bldk dkj.k crk,aA
(b) ;g ngu dk dkSu lk izdkj gS\
15. State / Suggest any two measures that must be taken to check pollution
by sewage.
dksbZ nks mik; @ rjhds crk,¡ ftlls ey }kjk gksus okyk iznw"k.k jksdk tk ldrk gSA
16. Give reasons for the following :
(a) Melamine is used for making fabric which resists fire.
(b) PVC can be recycled.
dkj.k crk,¡ %
(a) esykekbu dk bLrseky vkx izfrjksèkd oL=kksa dks cukus esa gksrk gSA
(b) ^ihohlh* iqu% pfØr fd;k tk ldrk gSA
17. Describe an activity that tells us that a material medium is necessary for
propagation of sound.
,d fØ;k }kjk le>k,¡ fd èofu ds lapj.k ds fy, ekè;e dh vko';drk gksrh gSA
18. (a)
Name the following :
The hottest planet :
(ii) An application of geostationary satellites
(iii) Largest asteroid :
(iv) A periodic comet :
What is a meteor?
½+½ +
(a) uke crk,¡ %
(i) lcls T;knk xeZ u{k=k % --------------------(ii) Hkw&fLFkrh; mixzgksa dk ,d mi;ksx % --------------------(iii) lcls cM+k {kqnxzg (,LVªkWbM) % --------------------(iv) ,d fuf'pr dkyhu dkWesV@èkwedsrw % --------------------(b) mYdk fdls dgrs gSa\
19. (a)
Why does the pole star appear to remain fixed at one place?
State one advantage of this special feature of pole star.
Name and draw a constellation in which the pole star lies on its 1+1+½
handle tip.
(a) èkqzo rkjk ,d gh txg fLFkr D;ksa izrhr gksrk gS\
(b) bl xq.k dk ,d iQk;nk crk,¡A
(c) ml rkjke.My dk uke crkdj mldk fp=k cuk,¡ ftlds ,d dksus ij èkqzo rkjk
fLFkr gSA
Alternative question for visually challenged students in lieu of 19(c)
n`f"Vghu fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy, oSdfYid iz'u 19(c) ds LFkku ij
What are 'pointers'?
(c) ^ikbaVj* fdls dgrs gSa\
20. (a)
What do we understand by 'Blind Spot' of the human eye?
1+½ +
Which part of eye enables us to see colours and how?
State the term used for the 'Continuence in the sensation of vision'. 1+½=3
(a) ^cykbaM LikV* dk D;k vfHkizk; gS\
(b) vk¡[k dk dkSu lk fgLlk gesa jax fn[kkrk gS vkSj dSls\
(c) ^izfrfcEc dk dqN nsj rd vk¡[k esa cus jgus* ds fy;s D;k 'kCn iz;qDr fd;s tkrs gSa\
What do you understand by the 'range of vision'?
Suggest any four precautions to be taken to ensure proper functioning1+½+½
of the human eye.
(a) ^n`f"V ds ijkl* (jsat vkiQ foftu) ls D;k vfHkizk; gS\
(b) og pkj lkoèkkfu;k¡ crk,¡ ftuls vk¡[kksa dh lgh <ax ls ns[kHkky dh tk ldrh gS rkfd
os Bhd ls dke dj ldsaA
21. (a)
State the terms used for the following :
The line that joins the centres of curvature of the two surfaces of
a lens.
(ii) The special point of a lens through which a ray of light passes
Define focal length of a lens.
(a) fuEufyf[kr okD;ka'kksa ds fy, mfpr 'kCn fy[ksa
(i) og js[kk tks ySal dh nksuksa lrgksa ds dsUnzksa dks feykrh gSA
(ii) ySal dk og fo'ks"k fcUnq ftlls fdj.k fcuk ekxZ cnys fudy tkrh gSA
(b) ^iQksdy yEckbZ (nwjh)* dks ifjHkkf"kr djsaA
22. State the three conditions required for combustion.
ngu ds fy, vko';d rhu ifjfLFkfr;k¡ crk,¡A
No one should be allowed to take any burning material within the
premises of ammunition depots. Why?
State any two ill effects of incomplete combustion.
(a) vlyk&ck:n ds xksnke esa tyrh phtsa ys tkuk euk gSA D;ksa\
(b) viw.kZ ngu ds nks nq"ifj.kke crk,¡A
23. Suggest any three ways by which you can save water.
rhu rjhds crk,¡ ftlds }kjk ikuh dh cpr dh tk ldrh gSA
24. (a)
Name the parts of human ear which are responsible for the following
functions :
Collection of sound vibrations from the air.
(ii) Amplification of sound vibrations.
(iii) Transferring the signals of vibrations (as electric signals) to the
State the audible range of frequencies of sound for the human ear? 1+1+1
State the difference between noise and music.
(a) ekuo d.kZ ds os fgLls crk,¡ tks &
(i) gok esa ls èofu dh rjaxksa dks bdV~Bk djrs gSaA
(ii) èofu ds dEiu dk vk;ke c<+krs gSaA
(iii) èofu dh rjaxksa dks (fo|qr rjaxksa ds :i esa) efLr"d rd igq¡pkrs gSaA
(b) ekuo d.kksZ ds fy, JO; dh vko`fÙk dk ijkl D;k gS\
(c) 'kksj vkSj laxhr esa vUrj crkb;sA
(a) What do you understand by noise pollution?
(b) State two ill effects of noise pollution on human health.
(c) Suggest two measures to limit noise pollution.
(a) ^'kksj iznw"k.k* ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\
(b) 'kksj iznw"k.k ds ekuo LokLF; ij gksus okys nks nq"izHkko crk,¡A
(c) 'kksj iznw"k.k dks lhfer j[kus ds nks mik; crk,¡A
25. (a)
State the basic cause of refraction of light.
Is the refractive index of a medium an indicator of its optical density?
A coin, not visible before in a cup, (when seen from some distance)
becomes visible, after some water is poured into the cup. Give reason
for this observation.
During dispersion of white light through a glass prism, it is observed1+½+½
that red colour bends minimum towards its base. Why?
(a) vijkorZu dk eq[; dkjd D;k gksrk gS\
(b) D;k fdlh ekè;e dk viorZukad mlds izdk'kh; ?kuRo ds eki dk Hkh lwpd gS
(c) di esa iM+k gqvk flDdk tks (dqN nwj ls ns[kus ij) igys fn[k u jgk gks] ikuh Mkyrs
gh fn[kus yx tkrk gSA D;ksa\
(d) tc 'osr izdk'k] fizTe ls xqtjus ij fo{ksfir gksrk gS] rks yky izdk'k uhps dh rjiQ
lcls de >qdrk gSA D;ksa\
Complete the ray diagram :
State the characteristics of the image formed in the above case.
How does the position, or nature, of image formed by the above lens
depend on the distance of the object from the lens?
Mention any two uses of lenses in our day to day life.
(a) fn, x, js[kkfp=k dks iwjk dhft;s
(b) blesa cuus okys izfrfcEc dh fo'ks"krk,¡ crk,¡aA
(c) oLrq ds izfrfcEc cuus dh fLFkfr ;k çÑfr] oLrq dh bl ySal ls nwjh ij dSls fuHkZj
djrh gS\
(d) gekjs nSfud thou esa ySalksa ds dksbZ nks mi;ksx@ykHk crk,¡A
Alternative question for visually challenged Students in lieu of Q. 25 [2nd option]
State three differences between an image formed by a convex lens and
an image formed by a concave lens. It is given that the object is placed
beyond their respective focal points.
Mention any two uses of lenses in our day to day life.
Under what condition, does a convex lens form a virtual image?
(a) mÙky ,oa vory ySal }kjk cuus okyh izfrfcEc ds rhu varj crk,¡] fn;k x;k gS fd
nksuksa ySalksa esa oLrq ySal ds iQksdl ls nwj j[kk x;k gSA
(b) gekjs nSfud thou esa ySalksa ds dksbZ nks mi;ksx@ykHk crk,¡A
(c) fdl fLFkfr esa ,d mÙky ySal ,d Hkzfer izfrfcEc cuk,xk\
26. (a)
Define : Flame.
With the help of an activity show the presence of wax vapours in the
inner most zone of candle flame.
Write the name of the zone of flame in which
partial combustion of wax-vapours takes place.
(ii) complete combustion of wax vapours takes place.
(a) ^Tokyk* dks ifjHkkf"kr djsaA
(b) ,d fØ;k }kjk fn[kk,¡ fd Tokyk ds lcls Hkhrjh {ks=k esa ekse dk ok"i ik;k tkrk gS\
(c) Tokyk ds ml {ks=k dk uke crk,¡ ftlesa ekse dh Hkki dk
(i) viw.kZ ngu gksrk gSA
(ii) iw.kZ ngu gksrk gSA
Alternative question for visually challenged Students in lieu of Q. 26(b)
n`f"Vghu fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy, iz'u 26(b) ds LFkku ij oSdfYid iz'u
Name the three zones of flame and arrange them in increasing order of
their temperature.
Tokyk ds rhu fofHkUu {ks=k muds c<+rs rkieku ds vkèkkj ij Øekuqlkj fy[ksaA
Define : Calorific value.
Write its SI Unit.
State any three characteristics of a good fuel.
How is release of excess carbondioxide from combustion of fuel harmful 1+½+
to our environment?
^Å"eh; eku* dks ifjHkkf"kr djsaA
mldk ek=kd crk,¡A
,d vPNs b±èku dh rhu fo'ks"krk,¡ crk,¡A
b±èku ds ngu ls fudyus okyh dkWcuZ MkbZvkDlkbM izÑfr ds fy, fdl rjg
gkfudkjd gS\
27. (a)
Why are clothes made from synthetic fibres uncomfortable in rainy
State any two advantages of synthetic fibres.
What is PET? State its one use.
Which fibre is also termed as regenerated fibre?
la'ysf"kr js'kksa ls cus diM+s cjlkr ds fnuksa esa vlqfoèkktud gksrs gSaA D;ksa\
la'ysf"kr js'kksa ds nks xq.k crk,¡A
ih b Vh D;k gS\ mldk ,d mi;ksx crk,¡A
fdl Ñf=ke js'ks dks ^jhtsusjsVsM iQkbcj* dgk tkrk gS\
How are plastics classified on the basis of arrangement of their
State any two characteristics of synthetic plastics.
How are polythene bags or wrappers harmful to stray animals?
(a) bdkb;ksa dh O;oLFkk ds vkèkkj ij IykfLVd ds izdkj crk,¡A
(b) Ñf=ke IykfLVd ds nks xq.k crk,¡A
(c) iksyhFkhu ds cSx ;k fyiQkiQs vkokjk tkuojksa ds fy, fdl rjg gkfudkjd gSa\
Section - 'B'
28. Which of the following is a Kharif crop?
(a) Wheat
(b) Gram
(c) Barley
(d) Paddy
fuEufyf[kr esa ls [kjhiQ iQly dkSu lh gS\
(a) xsg¡w
(c) cktjk
29. Acne and pimples are common among adolescents during puberty. This is
due to increased activity of the
(a) sebaceous glands
(b) gonads
(c) parathyroid glands
(d) pineal gland
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lh xzafFk;ksa dh vfèkd fØ;k'khyrk ds dkj.k ;kSoukjEHk ds nkSjku
vDlj iQksM+s iQqafl;k¡ fudyrs gSa\
(a) Losn ,oa rSyxzafFk;k¡
(b) tuu xzafFk;k¡
(c) iSjkFkkbjkWbM xzafFk;k¡
(d) ihfuvy xzaFkh
30. Name the vitamin that enables the human body to absorb calcium.
ml foVkfeu dk uke crk,¡ tks 'kjhj esa dSyf'k;e dks lksdus esa enn djrk gSA
31. Give two examples of organisms that undergo budding for reproduction. ½+½=1
eqdqyu tuu fofèk }kjk tuu djus okys nks thoksa ds mnkgj.k nsaA
32. What are crumbs in the field?
[ksrksa esa <sys D;k gksrs gSa\
33. State two conditions that are necessary for reproductive pattern for external
fertilization of frogs to succeed.
esa<d dh tuu fofèk dh liQyrk gsrw nks vfuok;Z ifjfLFkfr;k¡ crk,¡] ftuls cká; iztuu
liQy gks ldrk gSA
34. Draw a neat labelled diagram of the human female reproductive system.
lqUnj ,oa ukekafdr fp=k }kjk ekuo esa eknk tuukax n'kkZ,¡A
Alternative question for visually challenged Students in lieu of Q. 34
n`f"Vghu fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy, iz'u 34 ds LFkku ij oSdfYid iz'u
Name the four main organs of the human female reproductive system.
eknk tuukax ds pkj egÙoiw.kZ vaxksa dk uke crk,¡A
35. State two advantages of transplantation of seedlings.
iQlyksa ds izfrjksi.k (VªkUlIykVs'ku) ds nks mi;ksx crk,¡A
36. (a)
Differentiate between manures and fertilisers.
Why is overuse of fertilisers not advisable?
(a) [kkn vkSj moZjd esa vUrj Li"V djsaA
(b) moZjd dk vfèkd bLrseky D;ksa oftZr gS\
37. (a)
How does excessive supply of water affect a plant?
Suggest a method by which crops can be protected against pests.
Why is weeding done in the fields?
(a) ikSèks dks t:jr ls T;knk ikuh fn;k tk, rks ml ij D;k izHkko gksrk gS\
(b) iQly dks ihM+dksa ls cpkus dk ,d mik; crk,¡A
(c) [kjirokj ls lqj{kk D;ksa dh tkrh gS\
Name any two farm machines that help in threshing.
How is storage of perishable food items done?
What do you understand by the term 'hybridization'?
(a) nks e'khuksa ds uke crk,¡ ftuls Fkszf'kax dh tkrh gSA
(b) tYnh [kjkc gksus okys [kk| inkFkks± dk Hk.Mkj.k dSls fd;k tkrk gS\
(c) ^gkbczhMkbZts+'ku* dk D;k vfHkizk; gS\
38. (a)
Define menstruation. Why does it occur?
'It is the father who is responsible for determining the sex of a child.
Justify the statement.
(a) ^½rqL=kko* dks ifjHkkf"kr djsaA blds gksus dk dkj.k le>k,¡A
(c) ^cPps@larfr ds fyax dk fujèkkj.k firk ij fuHkZj djrk gS*A bl dFku dh iqf"V djsaA
'Physical activity or exercise is a daily requirement just like food'.
State three reasons in support of this statement.
What are the two main aims of "Say 'No' to Drugs" campaign?
(a) ^O;k;ke 'kjhj ds fy, vfr vko';d gSA* bl dFku dh iqf"V gsrw rhu dkj.k crk,¡A
(b) ^u'khyh nokvksa dk fu"ksèk* izpkj ds nks y{;ksa dk o.kZu dhft;sA
39. (a)
How is reproduction in mammals different from reproduction in
amphibians? Give any two points of difference.
What is a hermaphrodite animal? Give one example.
How many days does it take for a hen's egg to hatch?
Why does a child has some characteristics of father and some
characteristics of mother?
(a) euq"; dh tuu fofèk] ikuh esa jgus okys thoksa ls fdl izdkj fHkUu gS\ (nks fHkUurk,¡
(b) ^gjekçQksMkbV (f}fyaxh) fdls dgrs gSa\ ,d mnkgj.k nsaA
(c) eqxhZ ds vaMs ls pwts dks fudyus esa fdrus fnu dk le; yxrk gS\
(d) cPps esa ek¡ vkSj firk nksuksa dh dqN&dqN fo'ks"krk,¡ D;ksa gksrh gSa\
Differentiate between an embryo and a foetus.
Enlist three changes that take place during metamorphosis of a
tadpole of frog.
(a) vkofèZkr dksf'kdkvksa ds fiaM vkSj Hkwz.k esa D;k vUrj gS\
(b) VsMiksy ds dk;karj.k ds nkSjku gksus okys rhu ifjorZuksa dk o.kZu djksA
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