
Panther News Principal’s Message

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Panther News Principal’s Message
Panther News
Principal’s Message
November 2015
11/1 Daylight Savings Times Ends
11/2 Early Out (9:00-1:50 pm)
11/3 Fall Band Concert (MMHS 6:30 pm)
11/4 Tacky Tourist Day
11/5 Maddie Olson Assembly
11/6 8th Gr Band Night @ VMHS
11/9 Early Out (9:00-1:50 pm)
11/10 Choir—Field of Honor (5:00 pm)
11/11 No School—Veteran's Day
11/14 PASS (8:00-12:00 pm)
11/16 Early Out (9:00-1:50 pm)
11/16 Spelling Bee
11/17 PTSA General Assoc. Mtg (9:00 am)
11/17 Coffee w/ Principal (9:30 am)
11/17 Family Portrait Night (5:30 pm MPR)
11/18 Purple Day
11/18 School Site Council Mtg (3:30 pm)
11/20 Turkey Trot
11/23-27 No School-Thanksgiving
11/30 Early Out (9:00-1:50 pm)
12/2 Pajama Day
12/4 Temecula Parade
12/7 Early Out (9:00-1:50 pm)
12/11 Winter Formal Dance (6:00-8:00 pm)
12/12 PASS (8:00-12:00 pm)
12/14 Regular Day (9:00—3:10 pm)
12/15 Choir Concert (7:00-9:00 pm)
12/16 Holiday Sweater Day
Early Out (9:00-1:50 pm)
1st Semester Finals *
12/17 Early Out (9:00-1:50 pm)
1st Semester Finals *
12/18 Holiday Hat Day/Holiday Assembly
Early Out (9:00-1:50 pm)
Holiday Assembly
Last Day of 1st Semester
12/21 through 1/11 WINTER BREAK
*NOTE: There will be no finals taken
early. If students are not present on
final exam days, they will receive an
incomplete for the course. Students
may take finals after winter break.
1/12 1st Day of 2nd Semester
1/12-15 Soccer Intermural Sign Ups
1/18 No School—Holiday
1/25 Early Out (9:00-1:50 pm)
1/28 Academic Awards Assembly
1/29 Academic Pancake Breakfast
Mark Pettengill
[email protected]
(951) 696-1406 x4099
Assistant Principals:
Demetrius Caldwell
[email protected]
(951) 696-1406 x 4091
Darlene Painter
[email protected]
(951) 696-1406 x 4098
Patty Gomez ~ 6th/7th grade
[email protected]
(951) 696-1406 x 4082
Sharon Tucker—8th/7th grade
[email protected]
(951) 696-1406 x 4080
Site Secretary
Deanna Jarvis
[email protected]
(951) 696-1406 x 4097
Shivela Fax:
(951) 304-1643
Dear Panther Parents and Students,
Shivela Middle School was recently approved as a Common Sense Digital Citizenship Certified School, an honor
that recognizes our efforts in teaching digital literacy and citizenship to our students and engaging the entire
school community in this important discussion. We add this to our recent acknowledgements, which include
being chosen by the Campaign for Business and Education Excellence (CBEE) as a 2014 Honor Roll recipient!
This campaign is known for its extensive and rigorous analysis of every public school throughout California.
Our school stood out among the thousands because of our success to get our students to higher levels of
achievement and beyond. We were also recently recognized by Riverside Office of Education for the 2015
Models of Academic Excellence and Innovation Award for our Medical Pathway Partnership with Murrieta
Mesa High School and Mt. San Jacinto College.
We are winding down the semester and entering the third and final grading period. To support students, we
offer several intervention programs outside of the school day: The CATS program is available after school on
Monday in the library; The Homework Club is available Tuesdays and Thursdays after school in room 611; The
Computer Club is offered Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in room 111 from 7:45 to 8:45 and 3:15 to
4:15; The Saturday PASS program is offered one Saturday each month, our next one is offered on November
14th. Murrieta Valley Unified School District has shown a commitment to help our students succeed in math by
offering Think Through Math (TTM) to all middle school students. All students have an account and can log in
from school or home. We have just begun an incentive program in which all students that complete 25 lessons
in TTM will earn a special Snow Day in January, hosted by our ASB.
We offer many acceleration and intervention classes throughout the school day to support our students. Our
teachers are spending a great deal of time collaborating and analyzing data to identify key practices to support
student learning. Many of our teachers are receiving training this semester as we move forward to become a
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) school. Our students and staff were well represented this
past month at the MVUSD Technology Expo at Murrieta Mesa High School. Mr. Sebastian shared presentations
from his transitions class, Mr. Marsala from his computer coding class and Mr. Ulinder from his robotics class.
Our band, choir and strings programs are all looking forward to performing at upcoming events.
Through many activities, dress-up days, and intramurals the spirit of our students on campus is at an all-time
high. Daily trivia questions, dance offs at lunch on Fridays, Panther Treasure Hunt Tuesdays, Lawn Chair
Fridays, Watch Dog Dads, and Panther of the Month are just a few of the traditions that are embedded in our
culture. Our last dress-up day saw more than 80% of students and staff dressing up. Fifteen percent of our
students are in a leadership class. We offer more than 20 clubs on campus. We encourage students that are not
involved, to get involved. Our attendance rate at Shivela was 97.4%, which was the highest of any elementary,
middle or high school in the district. We believe that this is because students are engaged on campus and in the
classroom. Our students are rising to the occasion and living the Panther LIFE.
Please plan this month as we celebrate Veteran’s day holiday on Wednesday, November 11th. We will also be off
the week of November 23rd to the 27th to celebrate Thanksgiving.
Living the Panther LIFE!
Dr. Mark Pettengill, Principal
PASS (Panther Academic
Support Saturday) is an
enrichment program to help students
with academic success. Students will
be invited to attend based on current
grades and attendance. Our
next PASS will be 11/14/15.
Final Exams Schedule
Monday—12/14/15 9:00-3:10 pm Final Prep (C-day Schedule)
Tuesday—12/15/15 9:00-3:10 pm Final Prep (C-day Schedule)
Wednesday - 12/16/16 9:00-1:50 pm Final Exams Periods 4, 5 and 6
Thursday—12/17/15 9:00-1:50 pm Final Exams Periods 1, 2 and 3
Friday—12/18/15 9:00-1:50 pm Holiday Assembly (C-day Schedule)
Note: There will be not finals taken early. If students are not
present on final exam day, the student will receive an incomplete
for the course and may take finals after winter break.
Academic Success Support options: CATS—Mondays after school in the library; Homework Club after school on
Tuesdays and Thursdays; Computer Club Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays before school 7:45—8:45 am and after
school from 3:15 to 4:15 pm, and Saturday PASS. Also, Think Through Math (TTM) (See Dr. P’s note above for details.)
Dr. P’s Trivia
Questions can be
found on Page 2.
Follow us on Twitter
PTSA Mtg & Coffee
with the Principal
Please join us for Coffee with
the Principal on November 17
starting at 9:00 am with PTSA
and 9:30 with Dr. P in our
Table of Contents:
Page 2—Counseling Corner; Dr. Ps Trivia Questions;
Santa Rosa Plateau, Field of Honor; Dress Code
Changes & Traffic Reminders
Page 3—Family Portrait Night; Winter Formal info;
Page 4—Flyers, Boxtops for Education, Library Info,
Answers to Trivia Questions, Deal Palooza, Tdap
info & ASB Corner
Santa Rosa Plateau Grassland Restoration Research
Team had their first field trip on October 30th. The team learned
about the importance of eliminating/controlling non-native grass on
the reserve. They also learned plant identification and data techniques!
inspire every student to think,
to learn, to achieve, to care.”
You Should Give More than Thanks This Year!
What are you thankful for? Is it your family, food,
children, shelter, friends and/or health? Entering the
month of November instantly brings to mind
Thanksgiving, family and food. In a movie “Pay it Forward”, a student
was asked to come up with an idea that could positively change the
world. He came up with a concept of doing something good for someone
else that they cannot do for themselves. These acts of kindness were
done without the expectation of receiving something in return. What if
this season, each person did something for someone else without the
expectation of something in return, could our world, city, community,
family, improve?
Benefits of helping others include:
Increase in happiness: Helping others has a significant positive
effect on our happiness.
Builds Trust: When people realize that you really don’t have an
ulterior motive for helping them, they will be extremely grateful.
You will be seen as someone helpful. Your reputation will increase,
as will the trust that people put in you. By being genuinely
interested in helping others, you will find that relationships build
The middle school choirs will be performing at the Field of Honor on
Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 6:00 pm at a Candlelight Concert.
This event will take place at Murrieta’s Town Square.
Shivela Choir/Strings Fundraiser
The Shivela Choir/Strings classes are doing a Gold Canyon Candle
Fundraiser the first two weeks in November! November 1-18th
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Tikasingh through her
email at [email protected].
Traffic Reminders/Student Arrivals
Parents please drop off your students in the designated drop off locations in front of the school. The back staff parking lot is not a drop
off loop/location. The only exception is for those students that are in
the Running Club. For student safety, they are not allowed to leave
campus once they arrive.
Thank you for your understanding.
Helping others comes back to you: Helping others should always
be its own reward, but it just so happens that it brings more. Your
altruistic acts will generally have the unforeseen side effect of
bringing benefits to you. People will be inclined to help you. Doors
will open for you. It will seem like magic, as you refocus on what
benefits you can bring to other people and society.
Helping others improves society: As a growing number of people
are inclined to help others without asking anything in return, our
attitude changes to be more accommodating, more giving, and more
willing to help. This in turn changes the atmosphere around us.
Our clubs and students believe in the concept of “Pay it forward”. Here
are some of the activities that put our beliefs into action:
Socks for the homeless
Consumables for the nursing homes and rehabilitation centers
Food Drive for Thanksgiving
Pennies for PAWS
School Supplies for a school in Africa
Toys for Tots
Halloween Costumes for kids in need
Yarn Drive/Beanie drive for kids with cancer
Holiday Meal Boxes for our Shivela families in need
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
SMS Counselors by Grade Level:
Field of Honor
Grade- Mrs. Gomez [email protected]
Grade- Mrs. Tucker [email protected]
Grade A-L Mrs. Gomez
Grade M-Z Mrs. Tucker
Dr. P’s Trivia Questions:
Answers can be found on Page 4 of this
Lindberg Field is the name of the airport that
serves what US city?
2. Name one of the three countries in the world where
Coca Cola does not do business?
3. Who was the first US President born in the United
4. What is the fastest healing part of the human body?
5. Which musical instrument is a pocket sized reed organ
invented by Charles Wheatstone in 1829?
6. Lucky Charms cereal came on the market in 2964.
Name the only marshmallow (marbit) shape and color
that has been around for the entire half century.
7. Who is vice-president of the United States and what
state did he previously serve as senator?
8. What is Scooby-Doo’s full name?
9. What is the only US state that borders only one state?
10. What is the only sport that you cannot play left handed?
Family Portrait Night
Photography Club Fundraiser
Shivela Middle School, MPR Stage
Tuesday, November 17th in the MPR from 5:30-8pm. First come, first serve.
$25 Includes 3-4 poses on a CD
100% of the proceeds will go our club!
Show up during the time frame listed above.
First come, first serve.
Method of payment is cash or credit
Photos will be delivered to your student during the week of December 1st.
We will have Music for your pleasure sponsored by: Students from various music classes/clubs
Photography Club will also have Hot Chocolate For Sale and Christmas items.
December 11th
Senate would like to invite you
to the Starline Cruise Winter
Formal. There will be delicious
food, a photo booth and popular music. We guarantee you
will have a great time at this
beautifully decorated dance .
Admission is $15. The dance will
be December 11 from 6:00 to
8:00. Hope to see you there!
Senate Leadership
Murrieta Valley Unified School District has shown
a commitment to help our students succeed in
math by offering Think Through Math (TTM) to all
middle school students. All students have an account and can log in from school or home. We
have just begun an incentive program in which all
students that complete 25 lessons in TTM will
earn a special SNOW DAY in January, hosted by
our ASB.
More information and details will be announced
during the month. So, start doing your math lessons in TTM and earn that special SNOW Day in
You will now be able to find the flyers on the district’s
website. All the flyers that have been district approved are
posted there. Click here to view the flyers. If you would like
to type in the link directly, go to:
Want to know what’s
going on in the Shivela
Library? Click on the
link below and check
out the Library
website. Get book
recommendations, learn
about the Librarian, find out what’s going
on each month and much more!
Shivela ASB Corner
11/4 Tacky Tourist Day
11/13 Veteran’s Day Lunch (To be planned)
11/18 Dress Up Day – Purple in support of Pancreatic
11/20 Lawn Chair Friday
12/2 Pajama Day (Must be dress code appropriate)
12/16 Holiday Sweater (aka ugly sweater, if you’d like)
12/18 Holiday Hats
11/16 Spelling Bee
11/20 Turkey Trot
11/14 PASS
Answers to Dr. P’s Trivia Questions:
San Diego
Myanmar, Cuba, North Korea
Martin Van Buren
The tongue
The harmonica
Pink Hearts
Joe Biden, Delaware
Scoobert Scooby-Dooby-Doo
Maine. It borders New Hampshire
Students MUST have proof of a Tdap vaccine
before starting school their 7th grade year. If you
need more info, please contact the school health
office, or for FREE vaccines, contact Riverside
County Health Dept, 2499 Lakeshore Drive, Lake
Elsinore (951) 471-4200.
Fly UP