
Blake Blue Note November 2014 Table of Contents

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Blake Blue Note November 2014 Table of Contents
Blake Blue Note
November 2014
A service of the Blake Parent Teacher Student Association
Table of Contents
PTSA President’s Remarks............................................................................................................................. 1
Principal’s Corner .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Stage Company and Music Department present CRAZY FOR YOU ............................................................... 5
Sign Up Today to Earn Cash for Blake High School ....................................................................................... 5
Blake HS NAACP Parents' Council Announcements ...................................................................................... 6
Ninth Grade News ......................................................................................................................................... 7
10th Grade Parents Meeting, December 3, from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. ............................................................... 7
Google Apps for Education coming to Blake................................................................................................. 8
Host a Foreign Exchange Student – They Bring the World to Blake High School ......................................... 9
PARCC College and Careers Readiness parent information nights ............................................................. 11
Join the Blake Athletic Booster Club – Winter Season Upcoming! ............................................................. 11
Counseling Office Calendar of Events ......................................................................................................... 12
Travel to China with Blake .......................................................................................................................... 15
PTSA President’s Remarks
Membership update: We’ve planned an ambitious “Give Back to Blake” program this year and need at
least 200 families to make this happen. Right now we’re not halfway there. Your membership and dues
are our primary source of income. Our goal is to raise $15,000 for programs including staff appreciation,
student scholarships, student recognition programs at all grades, student mentoring, Padres y Alumnos
Latinos en Accion, NAACP Parents Council, and peer-parent grade meetings. We also fund programs
including High School 101 and We the People. But we can do this only if you join. Five dollars from each
person’s membership automatically goes to dues payments to Montgomery County Council of PTAs,
Maryland PTA, and National PTA, which makes or challenge even greater. That’s why it’s so important
for everyone to join our PTSA.
It only takes a moment and everyone can join – you don’t have to have a student at Blake to join our
PTSA. Just download the membership form (English and Spanish) from the Blake PTSA website
(www.blakeptsa.org) and mail it with your check or credit card information (which we’ll destroy once we
process your form) to the school or join online at our PayPal site: http://www.blakeptsa.org/joinonline/. Encourage everyone you know who has an interest in student education to join. If you need
help, send an e-mail to [email protected].
Tuesday, November 18 is our next general meeting – Media Center (2nd floor) at 7:00 p.m. Make your
voice heard. This month’s feature presentation is on new technologies and student learning at Blake.
After Prom: Please join the After Prom Committee for an important planning meeting on Monday,
November 10 at 7:00 p.m. in the Career Center. This year's event is new, different and very
exciting! Lots of parent volunteers are needed to make it a success. It is our job to keep our kids safe on
Prom night. Your involvement on this committee will help make that happen!
Book Sale:
A meeting of volunteers interested in helping with this year’s Book Sale will be held
Tuesday, November 18, at 6:00 p.m. in the Career Center.
NAACP Parents Council: The next meeting is November 18, at 6:00 p.m. in the Media Center. Officer
James Mclain, Blake SRO, will speak on the topics of Law Etiquette and Cyberbullying. The PTSA general
meeting directly follows this meeting. See more news about the NAACP Parents Council in this
Northeast Consortium (NEC) Survey: Students in grades 5-12, parents, school administrators, and
school staff can offer their views about schools in the NEC Cluster. Feedback will be compiled for the
November 12th, 2014 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) testimonies to the Board of Education. To
take this survey please click on this link:
Thank you for your support!
Paul Girolami
Principal’s Corner
Christopher S. Berry
It’s certainly been a busy time here at Blake. Report cards will be distributed in school on Wednesday,
November 12. For students who did not do as well as they could have, the second marking period is a
great opportunity to bring up their grades. Official transcripts do not show marking period or final exam
grades, but only the semester grade. It is extremely important that students strive for the highest
average grade possible. For some students, particularly ninth graders, the first marking period is the
toughest as they are just figuring out high school. The second marking period is an excellent
opportunity to raise grades or continue on the right path academically. We regularly emphasize the
importance of grades with students and make a point of celebrating the honor roll students in an effort
to impact all students with the positive aspects of doing well. I hope parents will reinforce this effort as
our goal is, and always has been, to see every student at Blake High School on the honor roll and
academically successful.
So what are some practical ways to achieve these goals? Encourage your children, regardless of their
grade level, to get off on the right foot this quarter by practicing good work and study habits from day
one. Homework is important, as are due dates and deadlines, asking questions, being self-advocates,
and putting forth one’s best effort. I would ask that you particularly stress to your student(s) the
importance of turning in ALL assignments and avoiding the lowest possible grade (Z) or no grade (a
zero). Zeros on assignments are overall grade killers, negating positive work. Also, Blake’s teachers
have committed to updating grades for Edline no less than every three weeks, and sending home e-mail
and/or printed progress reports at certain points of the marking period. I will continue to send an e-mail
via Edline and Eubie Mail when you should expect these reports.
The 2014-2015 school year marks the beginning of achievement testing for students. While high school
families have been familiar with the Maryland High School Assessment (HSA requirement for
graduation, the newer PARCC assessments (tied to the Common Core State Standards) will be
introduced this spring. PARCC exams will be given in the content areas of Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and
English 10. The Algebra 1 and English 10 exams replace the previously given HSA exams in these content
areas. There are still a great number of unanswered questions about the PARCC exams – what will be a
“passing score”, when will they begin to “count” toward graduation, what is the length, structure, etc.
We will continue to ensure that our curriculum, teaching, and learning are aligned with student success
on these exams. As more information is shared with us, we will, in turn share it with the entire Blake
While it may come as no surprise, when students are actively involved with school activities, their
performance in class improves. This is a no-brainer, right? This fact is particularly true for freshmen.
Students who are involved in sports or extracurricular activities are more invested in school and tend to
do better academically and enjoy school more. Most students find it easier to stay organized when they
have activities that help structure their time. Ninth graders tend to be more reluctant to join; if they can
drag a buddy along it really helps. There is a great deal going on and new opportunities pop up
continually. It's the best way to make new friends and feel more connected to school.
Activities are announced daily on our award winning “Eubie TV News”, but are also posted on the school
website under "Daily News." The web page address is:
http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/blakehs/ Our web page has undergone an “upgrade”
this year, and we hope that it provides even more up to date information for students and parents. If
you haven’t seen our webpage recently, take a look!
In this article of The Blue Note you will find updates on how technology is transforming the classroom at
Blake and around MCPS. I am pleased to say the Blake Social Studies department just last week received
over 500 Chromebooks to enhance lessons, research, and student technology access in every classroom.
In addition, teacher use of cell phone and tablet devices that students bring with them to class (BYOD) is
also increasing as we find appropriate ways to enhance the learning experience. For a few students,
however, their challenge is knowing when to have phones out in class. Blake teachers are establishing
clear expectations about when cell phones should be used, and when they need to be off and away.
Students who text or use their device when they shouldn’t run the risk of having the item removed and
taken to the Main Office where a parent will be asked to retrieve it. Parents, please help your students
know when phones are permitted, but also having them abide by the “off and away” policies. The
conflicts that arise because a student just can’t seem to “disconnect” become far worse than simply
turning it off. The ad campaign against simultaneous texting and driving also holds true in this case: “It
can wait.”
If you’ve been reading The Washington Post recently you may have noticed the Blake High School’s
average SAT score rose an incredible 39 points for the Class of 2014. This represents the fourth year in a
row that the average score has risen, indicating sustained progress in our efforts with students. I am
proud of both the students and staff who have examined their PSAT scores, realized “I’ve got to do
something before I take this test for real”, and who have done the work to be fully prepared for the SAT.
The results have shown. Sophomore Class of 2017 and especially Junior Class of 2016, now it’s your turn
to step up! PSAT results from the October testing are due back at Blake in early December. We
encourage all sophomore and Junior parents to attend the PSAT Results Review and Planning Meeting
on Tuesday, December 16 at 7:00 p.m. in the Amphitheatre. At this meeting, you will receive analysis
of your child’s results, class and tutor options for improving scores, and guidance on what is right for
you. This is a VERY important night for your child’s college readiness. Simply coming to class between
now and the SAT is NOT a good strategy for better results. Please join us.
As a very practical reminder and for those new to Blake, the Johnson Road entrance of the school (the
entrance NOT at the light, near the cafeteria) is not for parent drop-off or pickup of students. The buses
exit from this entrance in the morning and afternoon, and this is also a staff entrance. When additional
parent traffic is added to the pattern, this presents a truly dangerous mix of students, pedestrians, and
cars that should not be present. We have experienced several near accidents and cannot afford to
jeopardize student or staff safety. PLEASE do not make an exception for yourself by attempting to use
this entrance. Instead, please ONLY use the student drop off near the gymnasium, turning in at the
traffic-light entrance at Eubie Blake Way, near the school marquee sign.
As we approach the Thanksgiving Holiday, allow me to take a moment to thank you, as parents and
guardians, for working with us toward your child’s success. Whether it’s the volunteering that you do as
a booster or member of a parent organization, reaching out to a teacher or staff member when you
have a concern, or simply making suggestions about how we can better the school in some big or small
way, I appreciate partnering with so many people who want the best for Blake High School and its
students. If you’ve ever walked through our hallways, hopefully you’ve noticed the student posters with
our moniker: We are Blake! I often believe we need to add posters of parents, families, and community
members to the mix. You play as vital a role in making this thing we call “school” work. My best wishes
to every Blake family in this season of gratitude.
Stage Company and Music Department present CRAZY FOR YOU
Nov. 14, 15, 20, 201, 22, and 23
The Stage Company and Music Department will present George and Ira Gershwin’s historic musical,
CRAZY FOR YOU, on November 14, 15, 20, 21, 22 and 23 at 7:30 p.m. in the Blake Auditorium. The story
follows the adventures and misadventures a New York singer and dancer named Bobby, who falls for a
beautiful theatre gal named Polly. The show adopts a vaudevillian / minstrel-style to develop the theme
of illusion and reality that all of us must deal with in our lives.
Sign Up Today to Earn Cash for Blake High School
Do you know your purchases can earn funds for Blake High School? All you
need to do is register your grocery cards and Target REDcard, and designate
Blake as your school. Your friends and family can register to help, too.
Here’s how:
Harris Teeter Together In Education: To register your Harris Teeter VIC card, go to
www.harristeeter.com. Under the “COMMUNITY” tab on the toolbar, select Together In
Education. Follow the instructions to “Link to Your School” and enter School ID 1831 for
James Hubert Blake High School. All VIC cards must be re-linked each fall for Blake to
receive credit. (If you don’t know your VIC Card 12-digit number, call 1-800-432-6111.)
Giant A+ School Rewards: To register your My Giant Card, go to
www.giantfood.com/aplus. Register your card and enter School ID 03625 for Blake High
School. You must register your card every year for Blake to receive credit. (If you don’t
know your My Giant Card 12-digit number, call 1-877-366-2668.)
Safeway eScrip: Go to http://www.escrip.com/safewaystores/safeway/index.jsp
register your card and use School ID 6520522. Your card must be registered every year.
(For help, call 877-723-3929).
ShopRite eScrip: To register your shopRite Price Plus Club Card, go to
www.escrip.com/shoprite. Designate your school as James Hubert Blake H S, with School
ID 6520522. You do not need to register your card every year in order for Blake to
receive credit. (If you don’t know your Shoprite Price Plus Card 12-digit number, call 1800-746-7748.)
Target Take Charge of Education: To register your Target REDcard go to
www.target.com/tcoe. Designate your school as James Hubert Blake High School, School
ID 113012 to enroll. You do not need to register your card every year for Blake to
receive credit.
Blake HS NAACP Parents' Council Announcements
Be sure to put our November 18, 6:00 p.m. meeting on your calendar AND your student’s calendar. You
don’t want to miss this presentation in the Blake Media Center. As with last month, the PTSA general
meeting will follow at 7:00 p.m. Officer James Mclain, Blake SRO, will speak on the topics of Law
Etiquette and Cyberbullying. He also will speak on how to identify if your child is using drugs/alcohol, if
there an issues with heroin in this area, and what preventative measures can be taken so that this is not
an issue.
NAACP Parents’ Council Montgomery County, Maryland
Our meetings are generally on the third Saturday of every month at 8:45-11:00 a.m. unless noted
otherwise. We meet at CESC (Carver Educational Services Center) located at 850 Hungerford Drive,
Rockville, MD.
November 15, 2014
“Time for Tech Talk” Computer Science Education Week-Hour of Code
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Sheila Holmes
[email protected]
Crystal Lee
[email protected]
NAACP Parents’ Council representatives to Blake High School
Ninth Grade News
9th Graders, get ready for second marking period by participating in the .5 GPA Challenge! This quarterlong event will have a variety of activities planned to keep students focused and motivated through the
holidays and into final exams. All students who raise their first marking period GPAs by .5 will have a
chance to win $25 Visa gift cards provided by the Blake PTSA. Students who earned a 3.5 first marking
period and are able to sustain or exceed their GPAs are automatically eligible for the drawings. Five
lucky winners will receive Visa gift cards. The .5 GPA Challenge will kick off in all 9th grade science
classes on Wednesday, November 12th.
--------------------------------------------------9th Grade Parents, encourage your 9th graders to Take Charge! of their grades every Tuesday and
Thursday after school in room C133. Ms. Abuliak and the Alliance for Academic Achievement provide a
quiet space for students to work on their studies and receive peer tutoring. There are snacks,
computers, and activity buses available. 9th graders, the time is now to Take Charge! of your grades.
10th Grade Parents Meeting, December 3, from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Join us on December 3, 7:00 -8:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. Topics include scheduling for next year and the
new Advanced Placement Capstone program.
Blake sponsors national Reflections arts program
Blake students are encouraged to participate in the National PTA Reflections competition
program, which invites students to explore and be involved in the arts. Students are free to
interpret this year’s theme, “The world would be a better place if ...” and create original works of
art in one or more of these categories:
Dance Choreography
Film Production
Music Composition
Visual Arts
Submission deadline: Monday, November 17, 2014.
Each entry must include three things: 1- a Student Entry Form; 2 –the Project Entry; and 3 – a
disc with the project on it.
Last year, Marisa Lu, a student at Winston Churchill HS in Montgomery County, won a High
School Award of Excellence in Visual Arts. Now it’s Blake’s turn to take charge in all categories!
See the attached YouTube video about Blake’s Reflections
program: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giCCALIaR84&rel=0
For more information and an entry form, see or e-mail Ms. Jimenez
([email protected]).
Sponsored by the Blake Parent Teacher Student Association
Google Apps for Education coming to Blake
As part of the MCPS 2014-2016 Strategic Technology Plan, students at Blake will receive Google Apps for
Education accounts, which will provide “anywhere, anytime” access to a wide range of learning tools
and applications and will facilitate collaborative learning. Social Studies classrooms at Blake will have
sets of Chromebooks (one per student) to use as part of daily instruction. Google Accounts are cloudbased and so may be used anywhere the Chrome browser is available, making it possible for students to
use their accounts in all content areas.
The 21st Century Learning Spaces initiative focuses on transforming classroom communities through the
integration of mobile, cloud-based, and collaborative technologies paired with technology-enriched,
learner-centered teaching practices. To achieve the plan’s core objectives of anywhere, anytime access
to learning, schools will leverage a variety of mobile devices including Chromebooks and the power of
the Google Apps for Education to promote and foster effective communication and collaboration
between students and staff to create connected classrooms.
The initiative will allow students to:
• Demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes
using technology.
• Use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance,
to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
• Participate fully in learning communities that are universally designed with multiple modalities, entry
points, and ways to represent their thinking and what they know.
• Apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and apply knowledge and skills to synthesize information and
solve to real world problems.
• Use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make
informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.
For more detailed information about Chromebooks, the purpose of the accounts and the safety and
security measures taken by MPCS to protect students’ safety and security, see
If you have questions or want additional information on this initiative, please contact the Montgomery
County Public Schools Office of the Chief Technology Officer at 301-279-3581.
Also see September’s Blake Blue Note for information about the initiative.
Host a Foreign Exchange Student – They Bring the World to Blake High
As educators we understand the importance of preparing students to be not only good citizens of their
community, state and country, but also global citizens. In that ever-changing world James Hubert Blake
High School graduates will almost certainly interact with people from other countries in college and the
One only need look as far as the I-270 Corridor and its vast array of high tech companies to see many
examples in our own backyard. This is also true for the greater DC metro area, which has a decidedly
global feel as the home of many international agencies and families. Some of our students will study
aboard in college and some may even end up living and working in other countries. Any exposure we
can give our students to people who speak different languages and have different customs and cultural
norms will help them be more prepared for the people and opportunities they will encounter in their
future lives.
One way we can expose James Hubert Blake students to people from other parts of the world is by
having foreign exchange students attend our school. Our students who have had the opportunity to
welcome a classmate from another country have benefitted greatly from the experience. In recent
years I have watched foreign exchange students from countries like Germany, Norway and Spain
become important members of our school and treasured friends to James Hubert Blake students. I have
seen the exchange students and our own students learn from each other in ways that benefit both. On a
very practical level, one student remarked to me in the recent past that the experience she has hosting a
foreign exchange student was an excellent basis for a number of her college essays and admission
For these reasons and others, I am encouraging the James Hubert Blake parents and community
members to consider the benefits of hosting a foreign exchange student. I know you will not be
surprised that MCPS has some distinct guidelines for host families in terms of enrollment of exchange
students in our schools. And certainly there are a number of organizations that serve to arrange such
programs for families that are interested. Initially, navigating this process can be a challenge. The result
is that some years James Hubert Blake High School has one or two students and some years we have
In researching what it means to be a host family for a foreign exchange student, I found out that the
following characteristics are pretty similar among the different student exchange organizations:
Host families can be traditional two parent families with kids, couples without children, empty
nesters, singles or single parents.
Host families are fond of young people, provide a welcoming, safe and supportive environment
and provide guidance and advice to the student.
Host families are interested in learning about other countries and cultures and teaching the
student about the norms and values of their own community/culture.
Host families treat the student like a member of the family, providing supervision and
“parenting.” The student is expected to have the same privileges and obligations as other
members of the family.
There is usually no financial compensation for host families.
Host families provide room and board – a bedroom (private or shared with another child of the
same gender and similar age), a quiet place to study and meals that are normally eaten at home.
The student takes care of his/her own school-related fees, phone bills, recreational expenses
and has health insurance.
If this note has piqued your curiosity, I would encourage you to visit this link on the MCPS website which
provides additional information:
In addition, we have contact information on several exchange organizations that work with families at
James Hubert Blake High School and in Montgomery County. Please contact me here at the school or via
email if you have an interest.
Christopher Berry
PARCC College and Careers Readiness parent information nights
Need more information about PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College
and Careers)?
PARCC Nights
* PARCC Assessments *
* Common Core State Standards *
What are they? What do they mean? How is MCPS preparing students for
Learn the answers to these questions, try your hand at a PARCC test item, and pick up gradelevel information and resources at an upcoming parent information night.
November 24, 2014 Gaithersburg High School
February 21, 2015
Montgomery Blair High School
Free childcare (ages 4 and older) and foreign language interpretation will be provided.
Join the Blake Athletic Booster Club – Winter Season Upcoming
The Blake High School Booster Club is a partnership of parents and guardians, staff members, coaches
and club sponsors, community leaders, businesses and fans of the Blake Bengals. Our goal is to provide
assistance, whether financial (grants or equipment) or volunteer services to athletic teams and affiliated
sports clubs. Past and future projects include: stadium scoreboards, dugouts and press box
construction, athletic equipment, wrestling and gymnastics mats, mower for sports fields, concession
stands, bleachers, stencil of the "striped B" logo on the football field, new uniforms for poms, boys
basketball, girls soccer and boys lacrosse, transitioning the stadium field to a Bermuda grass surface,
installing usable wireless scoreboards in the small gym, celebrating seniors at final home games,
purchasing a new electronic starter system for swim and dive, and much, much more.
Membership form:
Download the membership form and send it in to the address on the form, or drop it off at the Main
Office at Blake – Attn: Jared Fribush
Besides becoming a booster you might also consider a sponsorship. Blake has come up with several
new sponsorship packages. We are sure you will receive great benefits from the new opportunities
afforded by these sponsorship packages. And as always, donations of products and/or gift certificates
are greatly appreciated and would be used as raffle items at various events.
And lastly but by no means least, please also consider VOLUNTEERING!! This is another proud tradition
for parents of Blake athletes. A sizeable portion of our revenue comes from the concessions stands –
both at the stadium and portable stands that serve the fans of Blake Bengals and their opponents. We
need volunteers to staff those stands for EVERY SINGLE game. Usually the JV parents will volunteer for
Varsity games and Varsity parents for the JV games. It’s a win-win (and that’s what Blake wants to do –
WIN!) You get to see your child play their sport, and you also get to help out Blake Athletics by working
the concession stand. It’s so easy to volunteer – you can sign up online. There are MANY, MANY other
opportunities to volunteer besides the concession stands, though. Click the link below and go check out
some of the opportunities to volunteer.
Volunteer opportunities:
We look forward to welcoming you into the Booster Club/Sponsorship fold. GO, BENGALS!!
Counseling Office Calendar of Events
November 6:
Deadline to register for December 6 SAT – www.collegeboard.org
November 7:
Deadline to register for December 13 ACT – www.collegeboard.org
November 8:
SAT administration
November 9-14: Historically Black Colleges and Universities Bus Tour
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority is sponsoring a Fall HBCU Tour to: Bennett, Clark-Atlanta, Fisk, Hampton,
Johnson D. Smith, Morehouse, North Carolina A & T, Spelman, Tennessee State, Virginia State and
Winston-Salem State universities. The total cost per student is $400, which includes breakfast, dinner,
transportation, hotel and all pre- and post-tour workshops. Students will need spending money to
purchase lunch & incidentals. Pick up from Carter Barron Amphitheatre at 16th Street and Colorado
Avenue, NW. Details and an application can be found in the Career Center or
Scholarship@Rhomuomega, or call Shani Walker at 202-364-3689 or e-mail
[email protected].
November 11: Student-Athlete and College Recruiting Seminar at 7:30 p.m. in the Blake Amphitheatre
How do you get an athletic scholarship? What does it take to be a college athlete today? When does the
recruiting process start? Do smaller colleges have money for athletes? Learn the answers to ALL these
questions and more. This event is for all student athletes from grades 9-12.
November 15: Mock ACT from 9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at Blake.
Kaplan has agreed to offer a Mock ACT test for Blake students for just $5.00. This is your chance to
experience the difference between the SAT and ACT without having the scores count! The official ACT
test is scheduled for December 13, so for students who are registered to take that December ACT, this
would be good practice. Registration and payment for the Mock ACT is online until November 10 and
there will be no “walk-ins” on the day of the test. Check the Blake website for a link to the registration
and online payment system. Mock ACT Scores will be returned to students/parents on December 16 at
7 pm (same evening as the PSAT scores are returned).
November 15: College Scholarship Conference, from 9:00 a.m. –2:00 p.m. at the Universities at Shady
Grove, 9630 Gudelsky Drive, Rockville, MD 20850. Online registration
required:www.montgomerycollege.edu/scholarshipconference. High school, college and adult students
will learn about how to find and win scholarships at this FREE event.
November 18: ASVAB career exploration test administered at Blake at 7:30 a.m.
ASVAB (ARMED SERVICES VOCATIONAL APTITUDE BATTERY) is a career exploration test administered
free to interested tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grade students. The test helps identify the student’s
interests and aptitude in the following areas: verbal, math, science & technical skills. When the
individual scores are interpreted, students learn how their interests and skills relate to the demands of
more than 400 occupations, helping them to identify suitable career options. The ASVAB is an excellent
career exploration tool and we encourage students to take it to determine their strengths. Taking the
ASVAB in no way involves a commitment to the military. Registration forms can be found in the career
MCPS policy: ASVAB results are released only to the student and not to the armed services. Should a
student wish to use his/her ASVAB results as part of an enlistment conversation with a military recruiter,
he/she can provide his/her scores to the recruiter.
November 22: PREPARING FOR SUCCESS, from 10:00 a.m. -4:30 p.m. at Montgomery College, 51
Mannakee Street, Rockville, MD 20850
FREE workshops: How to Get a Job & Keep It, Fun & Amazing Jobs, Financial Savvy: Prepare for Financial
Success, Friend Request or Not? Street Smarts & Safety and a session for parents. Fashion Show
featuring Jewelry: Stella & Dot. Free breakfast, lunch, raffle prizes and more! Register online
now: www.preparing4success.com.
December 11: FINANCIAL AID WORKSHOP at 7:00 p.m. in the Blake Amphitheatre
Parents of seniors should plan to attend this event. Our speaker will be the Director of Financial Aid
from Montgomery College, Melissa Gregory. She will discuss the Free Application for Federal Student
Aid (FAFSA) and answer all your questions about how to find money for college. FAFSA worksheets will
be available for parents to take home and begin completing. The completed FAFSA should be submitted
between January 1 and March 1, 2015. This workshop will be presented in Spanish on the same evening
in the College & Career Center. Spanish presenter: Wendy Maldonado, Financial Aid Outreach
December 16: PSAT SCORE GIVEBACK MEETING at 7:00 p.m. in the Blake Amphitheatre
We will be returning official PSAT as well as practice PSAT scores. Come to learn about how to interpret
these score reports and how to best prepare your student for standardized college admissions tests like
the SAT and ACT. Mock ACT score reports will be returned on the same night.
COLLEGE REPS VISIT THE BLAKE CAREER CENTER- Throughout the fall college admissions representatives
make appointments to visit & recruit Blake juniors & seniors. These meetings are held in the Career
Center and students may attend if they bring their agenda book to Mrs. Moore at least one day in
advance to obtain a pass. A list of colleges that have scheduled appointments can be accessed from
Naviance/Family Connections: http://connection.naviance.com/blake. Click on the "college" tab and
choose "college visits" to view a current list of colleges visiting Blake so far (subject to change). All
seniors have been assigned usernames & passwords to enter Naviance, but if forgotten, please contact
your counselor or Mrs. Moore and we'll reset your password.
BLAKE COLLEGE ADMISSION PROCEDURES - The "Life After High School -- Collegebound" packet for
seniors is linked to the Career Center webpage, as well as to Naviance/Family Connections. It
includes: How to Process College Applications & Transcript Requests, Sample Resume, Request for
Teacher Recommendation Letter and other important information regarding the college application
process. As you log into Naviance, notice the left side of the Welcome page. Links to the packet as well
as the common application and Blake Career Center can be found there. Don't forget to complete your
student and parent reflection forms found under the "about me" tab. If they have not already done so,
students should be setting a meeting up with their counselor to go over all of this in more detail.
2014-2015 Counselor assignment breakdown:
9th grade teams Mr. Kim Tolbert and Ms. Jean Smith
Mrs. Christina Kiedrow (she’s back!)
Mrs. Jeannette Hayes
Mrs. Jaime Baer
Ms. Katryn Costenbader
Ms. Jessica Conter
College and Career Coordinator: Mrs. Katherine Moore
SAT/ACT items for 2014-2015
SAT Test dates
Registration Deadline
Late Deadline
December 6
November 6
November 24
January 24
December 29
January 13
March 14
February 13
March 3
May 2
April 6
April 21
June 6
May 8
May 27
Register online: www.collegeboard.org
ACT Test dates
Registration Deadline
Late Deadline
December 13
November 7
November 21
February 7
January 9
January 16
April 18
March 13
March 27
June 13
May 8
May 22
Register online: www.actstudent.org
Any questions can be directed to Ms. Moore or your student’s counselor. More information can be
found on the Career Center website.
Travel to China with Blake
Join the Blake community in traveling to China, June 22-July 2, 2015. For more information about cost
and itinerary go to www.explorica.com.
Student sign up, Tour ID: MatchamShepherd-6556. The trip is open to students, parents, staff and
interested members of the Blake community.
Contact Ms. Shepherd for more information: [email protected] or 301-879-1356.
Fly UP