
:~. Developmental Disabilities Awareness Awards for Lutheran Students in High School

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:~. Developmental Disabilities Awareness Awards for Lutheran Students in High School
:~. Developmental Disabilities Awareness Awards for Lutheran Students in High School
Application Deadlines: April 15, Annually
Bethesda Lutheran Communities awards two 5500 scholarships each year to promote high
school students! awareness of the careerop~ortunities in thefield of developmentaldisab!lities.
Applicants must submit letters of reference, a transcript, documentation of at least 25 hours of
paid or volunteer work in the field of developmental disabilities, and interview two professionals
in the field and submit written summaries.
Eligible candidates are active, communicant members of a Lutheran church, have achieved
senior status at any high school, have earned a minimum 3.0 overall GPA, and have an interest
in a career in the field of developmental disabilities.
Scholarship for People with Disabilities
Application Deadlines: May 31, Annually
The "Scholarship for People with Disabilities" is awarded annually and provides assistance to
individuals with physical and sensory disabilities so they can pursue educational goals or gain
technical expertise beyond high school to increase their career options and enrich their lives
through education and training. Scholarships are based on individual need and will not exceed
$:1,000. A candidate must be a U.S. citizen, Minnesota state resident or has received Courage
Center services. Applications must be received by May 31.
180 Medical Scholarship Program
Application Deadlines: June 01, Annually
The ;~g0 Medical Scholarship Program was created to help students with Spina Bifida, a spinal
cord injury or Transverse Myelitis pay for college. To be eligible for one of the three 51,000
scholarships available, applicant must plan to attend at least 12 credit hours of college during
the upcoming fall semester and submit the following:
AppIication (will be available in January)
- Physician’s statement of diagnosis
- Most recent official transcript
- Document verifying acceptance by college (or current enrollment)
- Essay: Pick an experience from your life in which you had to overcome an obstacle and
describe how it influenced you today (500 word maximum)
For more information, please visit their website.
JCS Newhoff Scholarship for a Jewish Student with a Diagnosed Learning Disability
Application Deadlines: March 15, Annually
The NewhoffScholarship will be awarded to a Jewish student with a diagnosed ]earning
disability. Students do not need to be from single-parent homes to be eligible. It is available to
graduating high school students from the Baltimore Metropolitan Area for assistance in pursuing
vocational, trade or college education at an accredited United States institution. Scholarship
awards vary. The JCS Scholarship Committee, in evaluating applications, will consider factors such
as financial need, academic performance and potential, extra-curricular and community activities,
part-time and summer employment, and Jewish community involvement.
Through the Looking Glass Scholarships for Students with Parents with Disabilities
Application Deadlines: March 05, Annually
Through the Looking Glass and its National Center for Parents with Disabilities and their Families
are pleased to announce new scholarships specifically for high school seniors and college
students who have parents with disabilities. A total of 15 S:1,000 scholarships will be given out
next fall. These scholarships are part of Through the Looking Glass’ National Center for Parents
with Disabilities and their Families. Please note that there are separate eligibility requirements for
high school seniors and for current college students.
- High School Seniors: To be eligible, a student must be a high school graduate (or graduating
senior) by this upcoming summer; planning to attend a two-year or four-year college in the
upcoming fall semester in pursuit of an AA, BA or BS degree; and have at least one parent with a
- College Students: To be eligible, a student must be currently enrolled in a two-year or four-year
college; in pursuit of an AA, BA or BS degree; be 21 years of age or younger as of March 5th; and
have at least one parent with a disability.
All application materials must be postmarked by March 15th. Individuals may submit only one
application per award period. Applications are available beginning in January on our website.
Selection criteria for all scholarships include academic performance, community activities and
service, letter of recommendation and an essay describing the experience of growing up with a
parent with a disability.
Please go to our website for more information beginning in January, including the application
form, complete application directions and an FAQ page that answers many common questions as
well as offers helpful suggestions. Forms are not mailed out.
6. Ethel Louise Armstrong Foundation Scholarship - Ethel Louise Armstrong Foundation, Inc.
ELA Scholarships are available only to women graduate students with physical disabilities who
are enrolled in a U.S. college or university. These scholarships are awarded on an objective and
nondiscriminatory basis. See website for additional requirements. Financial data: 5500-$2,000
7. California Association on Postsecondary Education and Disability Scholarships
CAPED offers eight different scholarships for students with disabilities attending a school in
California. Financial data: 51,000-~_,500. (909) 537-5238; Emaih Beth Jaworski at
biaworsk@csusb~edu_ :::
: : : : : ::::::
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship
This scholarship provides awards for U.S. undergraduate students (including students with
disabilities) who are receiving federal Pell Grant funding at a 2-year or 4-year college or
university to participate in study abroad programs worldwide. Financial data: average award of
~4,00& Number awarded: More than :1,200
Leslie Londer Fund for Student with Disability
Full-time graduate students with a disability who are enrolled in a communication sciences and
disorders program and demonstrating outstanding academic achievement are eligible to
compete for a 52,000 scholarship. Supported by the American Business Clubs and the Isenberg
Fund. Financial data: 52,000
The Jackson-Stricks Scholarship Fund
Provides financial aid to a person with a physical disability for academic study or vocational
training that leads to independent living. Limited to residents of New York metropolitan area
who are attending college in an undergraduate or graduate program.
11. Paralyzed Veterans of America Educational Scholarship
Applicant must demonstrate academic achievement, is a U.S. citizen and accepted or enrolled in
an accredited U.S. college or university. Financial data: 5500. Duration: :1 year. Number
awarded: 2.
12. Ridley Scholarship
For University of Michigan students who have a permanent disability and are in financial need
and enrolled for Fall and Winter semesters. Financial data: 5200-52,00& Duration: :1 year.
Number awarded: 6-7. (734) 763-3000; Emaih [email protected].
13. Jean Kennedy Smith Playwriting Award
The winning playwright receives a cash award of $2,500, a membership in the Dramatists Guild,
Inc., and a fellowship providing transportation, housing, and per diem to attend a prestigious
playwriting program. (202) 4:16-8857; Fax: (202) 416-8802; Email: skshaffer@kennedvcenter.~.
:1.4. ShirleyA. Smith Scholarship
To be considered, applicant must be a legal resident of Washington state, eligible for vocational
rehabilitation services with the state Department of Services for the Blind (DSB), and a high
school senior who will graduate the year the scholarship applies.
: ::
15. United Student Aid Funds Access to Education Scholarship
Financial aid for students with an annual family income of less than 535,000. Up to S0 percent of
awards will be targeted to applicants who are members of an ethnic-minority group or who
have a physical disability. Financial data: 51,500. Scholarship America - Bonnie Lanes, One
Scholarship Way, P.O. Box 297, Saint Peter, MN 56082.(g00) 537-4~L80 ext.629
:16. USAA Funds Access to Education Scholarships
This program awards renewable scholarships to undergraduate students who have a
documented physical disability or are members of an ethnic minority group. Applicants who are
physically disabled must submit a doctor’s statement describing the disability, including the
degree and limitation of their disability, Financial data: ~:1,500.
:17. The VSA Arts Young Soloists Award
Annually recognizes outstanding young musicians with disabilities and supports and encourages
them in their pursuit of a career. All types of music are accepted. Recipients receive 55,000 and
the opportunity to perform in Washington, D.C. Financial data: 55,000. (202) 628-2800, (800)
933-872:1; Fax: (202) 429-0868; TDD: (202) 737-0645; Email: inf~vsarts.or~.
:18. Future Farmers of America (FFA)
Building Rural Initiative for Disabled Through Group Effort (BRIDGE) Endowment Fund.
Scholarships are awarded each year to selected Future Farmers of America (FFA) members who
have disabilities. Financial data: ~5,000. Number awarded: 6 per year. (703) 360-3600.
:19. Yellow Ribbon Scholarship
Scholarship available for students with physical or sensory disabilities. Applicants must be
citizens or permanent residents of the US or Canada who are attending an accredited
undergraduate or graduate school in the UUS or Canada. Applicants must be pursing a degree in
travel and tourism and at least 2.5 GPA. Financial data: 5S,000. (78:1) 82:~-$990; Fax: (781) 82:18949; Email: k~c~tourismcares.org.
20. :1-800Wheelchair.corn Scholarship
2:1~ Students applying for scholarship must be at least 16, enrolled at an accredited high school,
college or university, a legal resident of the U.S., in good academic standing, and must complete
an application essay. Preference will be given to students with mobility disabilities. Financial
data: 5500.
22. Eccleston-Callahan Memorial Trust
Provides awards to seven Florida educational institutions (including the University of Florida and
Florida A&]V] University) for students who have disabilities and are pursuing careers in a health
profession. For information contact: Eccleston-Callahan ]Vlemorial Trust, PO Box 87S0, Winter
Park, FL 32790-8750.
23. Yes I Can! Awards
Multiple scholarships are awarded for full-time, postsecondary education or training through
two- and four-year undergraduate college programs or vocational, technical or fine arts
p~ograms. Applicant,s with disabilities must also a membe~of an ~thni~minori~group. (703)
24. C.R. Newton Scholarship for the Disabled
Scholarships in the amount of 52,000 are awarded to students with disabilities whose GPA is at
least 3.0. For information contact: C.R. Newton Company, 1575 South Beretania St., Suite 101,
Honolulu, HI 96826, (808) 949-8389.
25. Sunrise Medical Scholarship for Disabled Students
Two 51,200 scholarships are awarded to students with disabilities preparing for careers in
physical therapy. Foundation for Physical Therapy, 1055 North Fairfax Street, Suite 350;
Alexandria, VA 22314. Phone: (703) 684-5984.
26. Disability Resource Center Awards
Multiple scholarships for students with disabilities attending the University of Florida.
27. Virginia Commonwealth University
Contact Virginia Commonwealth University Disability Support Services for a guide to
2g. Vivian Menees Nelson Award for the Disabled and Visually Impaired
One 51,000 award is given to a person with a disability or a visual impairment, who is 25-35
years old, a US citizen, and a member of the National Federation of Music Clubs. He/she can be
attending any accredited institution and pursuing studies in instrument or voice. Chair, 2768,
Silvan Way, Denver, CO 80227. Phone: (303) 986-9081.
29. Venture Club Student Award
Scholarships for Venture Club students/members with disabilities. Awards from 5100 to 51,500
are offered to persons between the ages of 15 and 35 with physical disabilities who are in need
of further education.
30. Medallion Fund
The Medallion Fund goal assists individuals of any age interested in attending accredited
vocational or technical programs for the purpose of improving their workforce sldlls, especially
in areas of need in New Hampshire. Applicant must be a legal resident of New Hampshire and
have a keen desire to work in a vocational/technical career.
31. Lucent Pioneer Organization Scholarship
The Lucent Pioneer Organization offers scholarships to assist with tuition for physically and
intellectually challenged students (as defined by The Americans with Disabilities Act of :1992) in
pursuit of education. Students may apply each January and applications should be mailed to the
nearest Lucent Technologies Pioneer office. (888) 999-5877.
32. Adam Miller Fund
Provides enrichment assistance for University of Michigan students with hearing, visual or
mobility disabilities. Personal assistive devices, personal training, extracurricular and social
activities, learning experiences and community outreach initiatives are provided by this fund.
33. The Saul and Shirley Lederer Fund
For University Of Michigan students who have hearing, visual, and mobility impairments or
chronic health issues and are active in their University communityo Financial data: 5:1,000.
Number awarded: 2
34. Louise Nacca Memorial Trust
Applicant must be enrolled or expecting to enroll full or part-time at a two-year or four-year or
technical institution or university and be a resident of New Jersey. Applicant must be hearing
impaired, physically disabled, or visually impaired. Available to U.S. citizens. Financial data: Up
to 55,000. (908) 598-3582; Fax: (908) 598-3583.
35. Omaha Volunteers for Handicapped Children Scholarships
Provides financial assistance for college to Nebraska residents who have a physical disability or
are preparing for a career related to people with orthopedic impairments or physical disabilities.
Financial data: 51,000 per year. Duration: i year; may be renewed. Number awarded: 5 to 10
each year. (402) 553-0378.
36. Google Lime Scholarship for Students with Disabilities
Scholarships for students with disabilities studying computer science or computer engineering.
$10,000USD worth of scholarships for students studying in the U.S. and $5,000CAD for students
studying in Canada. Student must entering their junior or senior year of undergraduate study, or
be a graduate student. Select students will also be invited to a paid retreat at the Googieplex in
Mountain View, CA.
37. ChairScholars Scholarship
Scholarship for students with physical disabilities. Applicants must be a high school senior or
college freshman with at least a B+ average. Applicants must have a need for financial aid and
have also performed community service in the past. There are fifteen to twenty recipients each
year. Award amounts are $3,000-$5,000 per recipients.
38. AXIS Dance Company Physically Integrated Dance Summer Intensive Scholarships
AXIS is an !ntegrated dance company for people w!th and w!thout physica! disab!!!t!es. Their
summer intensive program iAugust :i-7, 2009), invites dancers of all abliitles to study and
explore physically integrated dance. Dancers must be 18+~ Partial and full scholarships are
39. Aspen University Collegiate Fund
Aspen University, an online university, is now offering a four-year scholarship to a student with a
disability. The scholarship is based on financial need, academic merit, and a commitment to
earning a Bachelor’s Degree at AU. Email [email protected] for an application.
40. Ability Center of Greater Toledo
The Ability Center of Greater Toledo has a scholarship program for students with disabilities
who are working toward post-secondary education. The application can be found at this
link: http://www.abilitycenter.or~/resources-and-tools/scholarship-application
42. Disability Scholarships
http://www.disa boom.corn/scholarships
Autism Scholarships
Blind, Low Vision, Visually Impaired Scholarships
Cancer Scholarships
Cystic Fibrosis Scholarships
Deaf, Hearing Loss, Hearing Impaired Scholarships
Immunodeficiency Disease Scholarships
Learning Disabilities Scholarships
Lupus Scholarships
Other Disability Scholarships
Wheelchair User Scholarships
Caregiver Scholarships
Disabled Veteran & Military Family Scholarships
Professional Disability Studies Scholarships
42. Disabled World
Geoff Brachvogel Memorial
Scholarship for Chronic Pain, RSD
and CRPS
Scholarship in Rehabilitation
Research for People with Disabiliti6s
- TD Grant in Medical Excellence
Special Needs Scholarship
Legislation Passed by Wisconsin
180 Medical Scholarship for Persons
with Spina Bifida, Spinal Cord Injury,
Transverse Myelitis
UCB Family Epilepsy Scholarship
Marianjoy Scholarship Program - ,.
Scholarships to Date
Innovation@50+ Scholarships for
DEMO Conference - AARP
SC Johnson Awards Scholarships to
Racine Area Students
Special Education Scholarship
Sons and Daughters Scholarship
Redpients - AK Steel
Scholarships for Students with
Disabilities - BMO Capital Markets
and Lime Connect
Toronto Rehabilitation Institute
- Toronto Rehab Foundation
180 MediCal
Marianjoy Rehabilitation
SC Johnson
kk Steel
Special Needs Scholarship Bill Wisconsin
~_’~!9 l_..a r s_ __h.!.p O__._~!.£
Over 100 Scholarships Awarded to
Medical Laboratory Students
Hauora Maori Scholarships Now
Available in New Zealand
American Federation for
Help For Idaho Women Struggling
With Finances
Scotiabank Business Studies
Scholarships for Students with
AARP Idaho
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics
Disabilities - Canada
Scholarships for Higher Education- I
Hamilton Relay
_Harm. i~lton R._zl~a__y~
__~ ............
Cleveland Scholarship Programs
~7~r~o~ College Scholarship to
Disabled Poet
Women’s Scholarship Program AARP Foundation
Nursing Scholarship Applications
Now Available
USA Funds Accepts Applications for
$1 Million in Scholarships
New RTNDF Scholarship_
Pilot Program to Help Students with
Disabilities Attend HBCUs
2011 Medical Professionals of
Tomorrow Scholarship Information
CTU Announces Recipients of
Scholarships for Wounded Warriors
and _Spouses
Scholarship Recipients Stories
Underscore Need for Parents to
Include Life Insurance in Financial
Disability Scholarship Winners
Scholarships for 9/11 Family
Members & Rescue Workers Families of Freedom
Count Me In Scholarships for
Western Australians Interested in
Studying Disability Services
Scholarship Program For People
With Disabilities
Trivani Scholarship Fund Changes
Lives of Kenyan Children
Disability Scholarships - Free CoIlege
Tuition Money for Students with
Options for Online Scholarships and
Disability Scholarships
Disability Studies Scholarships
Information and Courses
Academy of Special Dreams
LIFE Foundation
Families of Freedom
Scholarship Fund
Frank Joseph
Disabled World
Arthritis Foundation Awards
Disability Scholarship to University
of Arizona Law Student
Disability Scholarships for UTEP
Students with Disabilities Available
Winners of 2010 ASCLA
Achievement Innovation Awards
Canada Study Grant for
Accommodation of Students with
Permanent Disabilities
NFB Disability Scholarship Program
PRIDE Industries
Mavis Wilkins
DisabledWorld Scholarships
ParaQuad Announces 2010
Scholarship Winners
Loreen Arbus & Robert David Hall to
Present Loreen Arbus Focus on
Disability Scholarship_
UCB Rheumatoid Arthritis Family
Scholarship Deadline
Google Scholarships for Students
with Disabilities
Scholarships for Special Needs Life
Scholarshi_ps for Students Over 40
AARP Foundation 4th Annual
Women’s ScholarshiR~f2Nram
Gates Foundation Scholarships for ~
Low-income and Minority S{udents
Deaf Student Awarded Graeme Clark
Disabled World
Western Governors University
Disabled World
List of Veteran and Military
Disabled World
Scholarships for Broadcast
o_J_ournalism Students in Canada
Army Scholarship Eases Student
Loan Burdens for Health Care
Canada Company Awards
generaI Disability Scholarships - U.S.
general Disability Scholarships Canada
Canada Company
Disabled World
72 Jacob K, Javits Fellows
Scholarships for Deaf and Hearing
Impaired - Canada - Disability
Disabled World
Scholarships for Deaf and Hearing I
Impaired - U.S, - Disability
Disabled World
Canada- Disability Scholars)i~_s
~~i~-~f~olarshi~~"7 " i~-~]ed World
Canada - Disability Scholarships
Scholarships for the Blind - U.S. Disability Scholarships
Cochlear UK Graeme Clark
Scholarship Open for Applications
Learning Disabilities Scholarships
U.S. - .Dis..__ab_i~ Scholarships
Student Loans College Scholarships
and Grant.s
Nursing Student Scholarships and
Donald Saunders
Andre Alonzo
Writing a Scholarsh~iE E~ssay
AFCEA EdfiC~ih6nfil F0~ndfiff6n
citation: Disabled World News - Information and list of disability scholarships for applicants
including financial aid for the disabled and grant money for students with
disabilities: ht~tp://www’disab~ed-w~r~d’c~m/disabi~-it~/educati~n/sch~larships/#ixzz2C~laetQW
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