
– GENERAL COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS Applications online or in the WMHS College/Career Center.

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– GENERAL COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS Applications online or in the WMHS College/Career Center.
Applications online or in the WMHS College/Career Center.
Xerox Minority Scholarship
Sept. 30, 2015
Questbridge National College Match
Sept. 28, 2015
Toyota’s Making Life Easier
Scholarship Program
Nov. 6, 2015
Junior Achievement Essay
December 8, 2015
Minority college student, min 3.0 GPA, will major in
technology or engineering; U.S. citizen or perm.
Resident; awards range from $1000 to $10,000
seniors, outstanding academic record, low income, 29
partner colleges cover full tuition, room & board, very
Ages 16-24, min GPA 2.0, must be member of Boys
and Girls Club of Greater DC; community service,
financial need, 2 essays. Up to 110 awards of $1500$5000/year.
Gr. 9-12; write 1000-1500 word essay ; $10,000-20,000
awards on the following topic: "What does the American
Dream Mean to You and Is It Still Thriving in Greater
Siemens Competition for Science and Sept. 22, 2015
Susan G. Koman Breast Cancer
Sept 30, 2014
Ida F. Haimovicz Visual Arts Award
Sept. 25, 2015
Abrams Creative Writing Award
Oct 16, 2015
Wendy’s H.S. Heisman Awards
Oct. 2, 2015
AES Engineers Scholarship
Oct. 7, 2015
National Foundation for
Oct. 16, 2015
Advancement in the Arts Recognition
and Talent Search (Young Arts)
Oct. 15, 2015
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Undergraduate Scholarship Program
Rising H.S. seniors enter science, math or technology
research projects individually or Gr. 9-12 are eligible to
submit projects from 2-3 member team; $100,000 in
scholarship funds to be awarded
senior, lost parent to breast cancer, GPA >=2.8,
citizen or perm resident, awards up to $10,000/yr,
access code: KOMEN; email:
[email protected]
Senior, Mont. Co. will major in visual arts; min GPA
2.5; one $3000 award.
Senior, Mont. Co. who excels in creative writing;
min GPA 3.0; one $1000 award
senior scholar/athletes who work hard, are dedicated
& have become role models for underclassmen, good
citizenship & significant community service hrs; must
have B average and participate in at least one schoolsponsored sport.
H.S. seniors future leaders, many fields of study (not
just engineering); essay required; $500
High school seniors who are talented in the performing,
literary, and visual arts. Total of $500,000 in cash
Senior, major in engr, computer/information science,
foreign lang, international relations, or finance/banking;
financial need; min GPA 3.0; 1500 SAT/2400 or 21
ACT;character; patriotism;; must serve for 1.5 times the
length of scholarship; work at agency over summer
break;$18,000 awards
SunTrust off to college
Nat’l Ctr for Women & Info
Technology/Bank of America Award
for Aspirations in Computing
May 2016
Opens 9/14/15
Nov 2, 2015
not based on GPA or need, free to enter, 15 drawings,
one winner every 2 wks between Oct-May; $1,000, no
purchase necessary to win! Apply early!
Honors high school girls interested in computers;
recipients are selected for their computing and IT
aptitude, leadership ability, academic history, and plans
for post-secondary education. Recipients can receive
opportunities for scholarships, internships,
research experiences, and other educational and
employment opportunities provided by NCWIT
member organizations.
Horatio Alger Scholarship
Oct. 25, 2015
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Essay
Oct. 24, 2014
Coca Cola Scholars
Oct. 31, 2015
Haz La U “Make the U” and Colgate
Prudential Spirit of Community
October 31, 2014
Nov. 3, 2015
senior graduating in June 2016, 2.0+ GPA, critical
financial need (<=$55,000 family income), U.S. citizen;
community svc.; overcome personal adversity;
commitment to pursue bachelor’s degree; $50-$22,000
Senior, collegebound; write 700-750 word essay on the
following topic: “Considering the Political Climate in
the U.S. and the word, How Much Value Do You Place
On Your Right to Vote?” ; 4 scholarships; 1 st $5,000, 2nd
$3,000, 3rd $2,000 and 4 th $1,000. Info on line and
paper apps in College/Career Center
senior, academic merit, GPA >=3.0, leadership,
community service, part-time employment; U.S. citizen
or perm resident; achievement based not need based;
250 scholarships totaling $3 million dollars
Seniors, Hispanic, 3 short essays, Grand Prize
$15,000; 10 $2500 grants
Gr. 5-12, legal resident, significant comm. svc activity
over the past year (students submit application on line
and then one nominee will be selected per H.S.) $1,000;
Ron Brown Scholar Program
November 1, 2015
and January 9,
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Nov. 1, 2015
GE- Reagan Foundation Scholarship Jan 8, 2015 or
until 25,000 apps
are submitted
The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation
College Scholarship Program
Nov. 3, 2015
African American seniors who plan to pursue a fulltime undergraduate program in 2016. Students must be
U.S. citizens or permanent residents. $10,000 per year,
for four years of school plus winners receive summer
internships, career guidance, placement opportunities,
mentors and leadership training. Sixteen awards.
Gr. 9-12, Voice of Democracy writing and 3-5 min.
recording essay contest on patriotic theme; judged on
originality, content and delivery. National first place,
$30,000; first place state minimum $1000. 2015-16
theme: “My Vision for America.”
seniors, with strong leadership, community
service, citizenship, drive, integrity.
$10,000/yr/4yrs; numerous awards
Senior; min cum GPA 3.5; SAT 1200+ (CR + M only)
or ACT 26+; will attend a 4 year college in fall 2016;
Stokes Educational Scholarship
October 31, 2015
Amazon Student Scholarships
Nov. 20, 2015
DAR Christopher Columbus Essay
Dec 11, 2015
Elks Most Valuable Student
Dec. 4, 2015
Montgomery County Agricultural
Nov. 16, 2015
U.S. Air Force Reserve Officer
Training Corps (AFROTC)
Dec 1, 2015
Fleet Reserve Association Essay
Dec 1, 2015
Chesapeake Bay Trust Awards
Dec 4, 2015
Student of the Year Scholarship
Students with family income up to $95,000 will be
considered; Up to 40 winners may receive up to
High school senior, U.S. citizen, emphasis on minority
students with an unweighted 3.0 GPA, planning on
majoring in Computer Science or Computer or Electrical
Engineering, demonstrated leadership abilities, and an
ACT composite score of 25 or a minimum SAT score of
1600 (1100 combined on the Critical Reading and Math
sections and 500 on the Writing section). Payment of
your college tuition, fees, books for all four years plus a
year-round salary. Housing & travel expenses provided
during your summer employment at NSA (National
Security Agency) for 12 weeks in areas that are related
to your course of study. You must agree to work for
NSA for at least 1 ½ times the length of study for
graduation so for entering freshmen that will be a 6-year
Senior, merit, GPA, comm. svc., leadership. Fifty
$5000 tuition scholarships +$500 towards books.
Gr. 9 – 12, write 800-1200 word essay on”Columbus
and Lindburgh: A Journey Across the Atlantic.” One
winner from WMHS will go on to state level judging for
one $500 prize; national winners 1 st $1200; 2nd $500; 3rd
$300. Info in College/Career Center. Give essays to
Mrs. Prochnow in College/Career Center.
Senior, U.S. citizen, scholarship, leadership and
financial need; essay required. Local, state, national
competition. 500 awards ranging from $4,000 to
$50,000. Completed applications need to be turned into
the Washington-Rockville Elks Lodge #15, located at 5
Taft Court, Rockville, MD 20850.
Gr. 11 – 12, 4-H member or volunteer with Mont. Co.
Agric. Fair; will major in agric., vet sci., or related field in
college (list online), transcript
High school seniors with a minimum 3.0 GPA and either
an ACT score of 26 or an SAT combined score of Math
and Critical Reading of 1180. Scholarship awards up to
full tuition for all 4 years. Call 1-866-423-7682 for
details or go online at www.afrotc.com
Gr. 7-12, “What the United States Flag Stands For.”
Local, regional and national prizes. Grand national
prize is $5000; first place $2500; 2 nd place $1500; 3 rd
place $1000; additional local prizes may be offered
Maryland high school or college student who has shown
an outstanding commitment to environmental
stewardship, Chesapeake Bay restoration and
community involvement; one $5000 award
Chesapeake Bay Trust Awards
Dec 4, 2015
Arthur Dorman Scholarship
Comcast Leaders & Achievers
Dec. 2015
AXA Achievers
Dec. 15th, 2015 or
until 10,000
applications are
received. Apply
AXA Achievement Community
Dec 15, 2014
Burger King Scholars Program
Hispanic Scholarship Fund/General
College Scholarships
only the first
applications will be
accepted; apply
Dec 15, 2015
Deadlines vary
NFIB Young Entrepreneur Award
Jan – April 2016
December 18,
Anne Ford Scholarship
Dec 15, 2015
Allegra Ford Thomas Scholarship
Dec 15, 2015
Imagine America
No deadline
Freedom in Academia Student Essay Not accepting
Maryland high school or college student who
demonstrates a commitment to the environment and
who, as a student of color, exhibits exemplary
leadership in promoting diversity and inclusion in his/her
school and community; one $5000 award.
senior, one nominee from each high school who
demonstrates commitment to comm. svc, leadership
skills, academic achievement (GPA min 2.8), $1,000
Outstanding achievement in activities in school,
community or the workplace, ability to succeed in
college: $10,000 or $25,000; one winner in every state
Senior; up to 375 winners nationwide; awards $2,000
senior, min GPA 2.5, fin. Need, comm. service or
extracurriculars, employment 15 hrs/wk min.; plan to
attend 2 or 4 yr college or tech school. Scholarships
range from $1000 to $50,000.
Senior, Hispanic, min unw 3.0 GPA, U.S. citizen or
perm resident, must submit FAFSA, $1,000 to $5,000
Seniors who demonstrate entrepreneurial initiative
by starting own business (child care, lawn care, dog
walking, tutoring, etc. – an official business is not a
requirement & comm. svc is considered), participation in
FBLA, Junior Achievement, etc; 100 scholarships
ranging from $2,000 to $25,000
Senior with documented learning difference; min
GPA 3.0; will attend a 4 year college. $10,000
Senior with documented learning difference; min
GPA 3.0; will attend 2 year community or vocational
college. $2500 scholarship
seniors, to attend participating career/technical
college, 2.5 GPA, financial need; 3 $1,000 awards; see
Mrs. Prochnow
H.S. essay contest; 1 st place $10,000; 2 nd place $5,000;
(3) runners-up $1000; 4 $500 winners
Generation Google Scholarship
Dec 1, 2015
Ronald McDonald House Charities
(RHMC) Scholars Program
Jan. 20, 2016
John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage
Essay Contest
Jan 6, 2016
Asian & Pacific Islander American
Jan 8, 2016
Maryland JCI Senate Scholarship
Jan 15, 2016
Senior, min 3.2 GPA, major in computer science,
computer or software engineering, female, minority or
disabled student, financial need
senior, GPA 2.7+; any ethnicity, legal U.S. resident,
leadership, comm. svc, financial need, personal
statement, transcript, recommendation, will attend 2 or
4 yr college in Fall 2016
High school student; original creative essay of 1,000
words or less that demonstrates understanding of
political courage. First place winner receives $10,000,
second place winner receives $1,000 and up to 5
finalists each receive $500.
Senior, Asian or Pacific Islander, min 2.7 cum
unweighted GPA; financial need; must submit FAFSA;
one rec letter; $2500-$15,000
Senior, academic merit, financial need; 2 students
in Maryland receive $500 and go on to try to win
$1000 from U.S. JCI Senate Foundation; Apps in
College/Career Center; Any questions please contact
Cheryl France at 717-766-1251 or by email to
[email protected].
Gates Millennium Scholars
Jan 13, 2016
Maryland Daughters of the American
Revolution (DAR) Scholarship
Jan 15, 2014
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Jan 15, 2016
Create-A-Greeting Card $10,000
SAE Engineering Scholarships
Feb 25, 2016
American Legion Oratorical Contest
Jan 17, 2015
Jan. 15th, 2016
senior, minority, (Afr Amer, Amer Indian/Alaskan
Native, Asian Pacific Island, Hispanic), financial need,
min unweighted 3.3 GPA, demonstrated leadership,
need 2 people to complete recommender and
nominator online forms in addition to student’s online
application. See website for more details. If awarded,
the scholarship pays full tuition, room and board for all 4
years of college.
Senior, U.S. citizen, college-bound, min cum GPA 3.0,
financial need, 3 recommendations; $500 awards may
be renewable for 3 more years. Applications in
College/Career Center.
senior, who have MS or a parent w/ MS, 2 or 4 yr
college, citz or perm res, criteria: grades, ldrshp,
emplymt, rec, fin need, essays, 800-344-4867
Gr 9 -12, submit photo, art or computer graphic for the
front of a greeting card; one $10,000 winner
senior, U.S. Citizen, strong SAT and GPA, major in
engineering or related sci: math, chem.., physics,
comp.sci; university sponsored scholarships available
High school student; 8-10 minute speech about 4 of
the amendments in the Constitution; $1500 local
prize; +$1500 state prize; national winner receives
$18,000; information in the College/Career Center
Dell College Scholarships
Jan 15, 2016
George Washington Crossing
U.S. Navy ROTC Scholarships
Jan 15, 2016
Tom Joyner Foundation HBCU
Senior, accepted to/will attend HBCU, min unw GPA
3.5, SAT 2100 or 30 ACT; leadership, comm. svc,
extracurricular activities; full tuition scholarship; one
Jan. 28th, 2014
Hispanic senior, min 3.0 GPA, involvement in Hispanic
community; citizenship is not required. Apps in
College/Career Center.
Jan 31, 2016
Gr. 9-12, commitment to advancing racial harmony,
awards up to $1,000, and free weekend trip to
Princeton for race symposium. Call 800-742-1036 for
more info or email [email protected]
Jan 29, 2016
Senior, will attend HBCU in fall, 4 different
scholarships, one application. Each scholarship has its
Deadline extended own requirements. Information and applications are
available online at www.hbcucouncil.com
to Feb 10, 2016
Latino Law Students’ Assoc. at
American University
Princeton Prize in Race Relations
Shiloh Baptist Church Scholarships
Rev. Dr. Wallace Charles Smith
HBCU Scholarship, HBCU
Heritage Scholarship, Carolyn M.
Harris HBCU Scholarship, and the
Michael Amos
Engineering/Architecture Awards.
Northrop Grumman Scholarship
Jan 31, 2016;
apply early
beginning in
August for best
Jan 15, 2016
Feb 3, 2016
Senior, U.S. citizen, min cum 2.4 GPA, will attend
college in 2012, have participated in Upward Bound for
2 years. Awards are $20,000.
seniors, interested in history, politics, military, $500$5000 in nat’l schlrps, 215-949-8841
Seniors, 3.25 GPA, ACT 21 in English and 22 in Math
or SAT (CR+M) 1050; undergraduate tuition costs for 5
years up to $180,000, plus book allowance and monthly
U.S. citizen, senior who will study engineering,
computer science, math or physics in college,
1700+ new SAT, 3.5+ unweighted GPA, MD resident,
essay & 3 rec ltrs required. One Mont. Co. student will
win $10,000.
Girls Gr 9-12; <1500 word essay “Essential to Our
Health”; 1st prize $500; 2 nd $250; 3rd $100
senior, majoring in horticulture, botany, conservation,
bio, floriculture, landscape design, forestry, env sci; min
GPA 3.0, resume, 3 rec ltrs, personal essay
Gr. 9 – 12, “You have been tasked with seeking
peacebuilding solutions to a particular conflict or crisis
that affects U.S. interests abroad;” state and national
National Academy of Engineering
EngineeringGirl Essay Contest
Feb 1, 2016
National Capital Area Garden Clubs
March 1, 2016
National Peace Essay Contest
Mar 15, 2016
Maryland Farm Bureau
Feb 3, 2014
Senior, ten $2,000 scholarships. Applicants or their
parents must be members of Maryland Farm Bureau. Seven
of the scholarships will be offered to agricultural curriculum
majors and three to non-agricultural majors. Apps are
available in the C ollege/ C areer C enter.
NASA – MUST scholarship (science,
technology, engineering & math)
Not accepting
applications for
1 yr scholarship up to $10,000; for underserved
populations (women, Hispanic, Afr. Amer, Native
Amer) + $5,000 stipend for summer research at NASA;
Children of Abraham Peace Essay
American Society of Military
Apps. Available
Jan. 2014
Feb 1, 2016
US citizen, min GPA 3.0, pursuing full-time college
degree in sci, chem., math or technology; online appl
through OSSI NASA Solar System
Gr. 10 – 11 “Welcoming the Stranger”, 1 st place $2500,
2nd place $1500, 3 rd place $1000, 4 th place (4) $500
outstanding HS senior, major in: business,
economics, accounting, finance, or other related
field; leadership, extracurriculars, p/t emplymt. Up to 10
$1,000 awards; top 3 winners will receive an additional
$1,000 per year for up to 3 years. Contact: Mr. Matt
Ernest at 703-614-7728 for more info. Applications in
the Career Center.
Senior w/ cumulative 2.7 + GPA, participation in school
and community activities, transcript, SAT scores,
resume, essay, 2 recs; awards for students attending
both 2 and 4 year schools and HBCUs ranging from
$500 – $2000; apps in College/Career Ctr
senior, 3.5+ GPA, willing to major in sci., math,
engineering (Clarkson, Drexel, RIT, Wentworth,
Johnson & Wales, Kettering, Oswego, Univ. of
Cinncinnati, UMass Lowell, Univ. of Toledo); 175 merit
scholarships totaling $4.5 million.
100 HS seniors, career in agriculture-related field;
850+ SAT, two/four year college, $1,500 each
senior pursuing college degree in comp.sci, info tech,
engineering, phys sci, math or other tech-related fields,
citizen, 2 recs, merit based awards: $2,000-$4,000
Senior, multiple scholarships to students showing
dedication to the pursuit of degrees in diverse
disciplines including history, law, nursing, and
juniors who have overcome tremendous odds to
become academically successful (poverty, disability,
homelessness, personal tragedy); comm. svc, $10,000,
nominated by H.S. counselor
Ivy Vine Charities Scholarship
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
Theta Omega Omega Chapter
Feb 15, 2016
National Co-op Scholarship
Feb 15, 2016
Commitment to Agriculture
AFCEA/NOVA Scholarship
Feb 1, 2015
DAR National Society Scholarships
Feb. 10th, 2016
Children’s Defense Fund – Beat the
Odds Scholarship
March 9, 2015
J. Franklin Bourne Bar Assn
Oratorical Contest (NAACP)
See Mrs.
Prochnow by
Gr 11 or 12, topic: “Do African Americans Still Suffer from
the Effects of Slavery?” ($250, 500, $1,000) contact:
[email protected] or 301-952-3783 for more info.
Contest 2/22/14
Applications in the College/Career Center
Jackie Robinson Foundation
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Scholarship
Kappa Alpha Psi – Rockville
Chapter Youth Scholarship
Feb 28, 2016
Feb 15, 2016
senior, minority, US Citz, leadership, comm. svc, fin
need, SAT min: 1000 (r & m); ACT min. 22; will attend
4 yr college, essay, rec ltr, transcript mailed; 50 $6000
Feb 12, 2016
Senior in Mont. Co.; collegebound, min GPA 2.5;
academics, essay, 2 letters of rec., interview. Awards of
up to $1000. Apps in the College/Career Center
Deadline extended Senior, minority, Gaithersburg, Rockville area.,
until 3/4
community service, essays and 2 recs required. One
$1000 award. Typeable PDF on website.
Greater Washington Urban
League/Safeway Scholarship
Greater Washington Urban
League/Charlotte Elizabeth Yancey
Eights Scholarship
Greater Washington Urban League
Reingold Link Scholarship/Internship
Feb 1, 2016
Extended to 2/5
Feb 1, 2016
Extended to 2/5
Feb 1, 2016
Extended to 2/5
Thursday Network, Greater
Washington Urban League I
Empower Scholarship
Cynthia E. Morgan Scholarship
Caribbean Students Scholarship
Delta Sigma Theta Scholarship
Montgomery County Chapter
Ashley Tamburri Scholarship
Buick Achievers Scholarship
NAACP Scholarship (Montgomery
County only)
100 Black Men of American Future
Leader’s Scholarship
National Capital Optimist Club
Nat’l Interscholastic Athletic Admin
Assn Student Scholar/Athlete (MD)
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Golden
Soror Scholarship
Senior, min GPA 2.5, family income < $45,000,
essay, 2 letters of rec, six-$2500 awards in
DC/MD. Apps in College/Career Center
Senior, min GPA 2.5, family income <$45,000,
essay, 2 letters of rec, one-$8,000 award in
DC/MD. Apps in College/Career Center
Senior, min GPA 2.5 family income <$45,000,
Essay, 2 letters of rec; one $1000 scholarship and
one paid internship (up to $2500). Apps in
College/Career Center
February 1, 2016
senior, attending 4 yr college in fall, min GPA 2.5; U.S.
citizen or perm resident in DC, PG Co. or Montgomery
Deadline extended County, 2 rec ltrs, SAT/ACT scores, transcript, fin need,
essay; Several awards ranging from $500 - $3000.
until 2/5/16
Applications are available in the College/Career Center.
Feb. 25th, 2016
Junior or Senior in MD high school; must be first in
family to attend a MD postsecondary school; must plan
to enter medical or medical-related field at a school in
MD; $1000 award
Not yet available
Senior, must be of Caribbean descent, 3.0 GPA, U.S.
citizen or perm res.
Feb 13, 2016
Senior, Mont. Co. resident, 2 recs required; comm. svc
& extra activities; three scholarships in one application;
MCAC Educational Program Scholarship (requires
2.0 GPA); Career/Vocational Technical Scholarship
(requires 2.0 GPA); and County-Wide Scholarship
(requires 2.5 GPA). apps in College/Career Center (2
essay questions); scholarships up to $5000
Feb 15, 2016
collegebound senior, 4 yr. renewable schlrp for cancer
patients or survivors in MD; $1,000/yr
Feb 29, 2016
Senior, will study any of the STEM areas (Science,
Technology, Engineering or Math) in college. Fifty
awards of $25,000/year.
Feb 26, 2016
minority senior, min 3.0 weighted GPA,
extracurricular, community activities or employment,
essay, 2 recs; $1,000 awards to MCPS students. Apps
in College/Career Center
Feb 29, 2016
Senior, 2.5+ GPA, comm. svc., essay, awards range
from $1000 - $2000.
Feb 28, 2016
youth under 19 yrs old; essay contest
Feb 28, 2015
senior, min GPA 3.3, min SAT>=1500 (all 3 sections)
or 24 ACT; two sports for 2 yrs, varsity ltr in both
sports, rec ltr from athletic director, essay; one male
and one female state winner $250; NIAAA section
winners $1500; national male and female winner
receives $2500.
February 29, 2016 Senior, Mont. Co., attend an HBCU, essay, 3 recs,
$1000. Apps in College/Career Center
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Ola
Carter Berry Scholarship
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
Bernadine Pindell Scholarship
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
Partica Moore-Batten Scholarship
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
Xi Sigma Omega HBCU four year
Air Force Officers’ Spouses Club
February 29, 2016 Senior, Mont. Co., financial need, plan to attend
college, essay, 3 recs, $1000. Apps in College/Career
February 29, 2016 Senior, Mont. Co., major in math, essay, 3 recs,
$1000. Apps in College/ Center
February 29, 2016 Senior, Mont. Co. major in education, essay, 3 recs,
$1000. Apps in College/Career Center
February 29, 2016 Senior, Mont. Co., will attend an HBCU, essay, 3
recs, $1000 year/4years. App in College/Career Center
Feb 29, 2016
MC Academic Specialty Board of
Trustees Scholarship
March 1, 2016
Dave Ward Memorial Scholarship Monumental Rifle & Pistol Club
Masonic Charities of Maryland
Educational Grants
Mar 1, 2016
TOCA Scholarship
March 1, 2016
American Assoc. of Blacks in Energy
March 4, 2016
American Legion Eagle Scout of the
Year Scholarship
The National Hookup of Black
Women Anita Boswell Scholarship
Marine Corps Scholarship
March 1, 2016
MHEC Guaranteed Access Grant
March 1, 2016
Maryland Financial Aid &
March 1, 2016
March 1, 2016
March 1, 2015
March 2, 2016
Seniors who are dependents of the United States Air
Force members (active duty, retired POW/MIA or
deceased, officer or enlisted) residing in the
Washington Metro Area. Applicants will be judged on
both academic and citizenship achievements
senior, min weighted GPA 3.0, full-time tuition &
fees to MC for 1 yr (renewable; if 3.5+ GPA),
academic achievement (not need based); citizenship
not required
Gr. 11-12, Essay: What citizenship means to me,
Senior from WMHS, PHS, DHS, SVHS, CHS, GHS or
NWHS only, collegebound, academics, extracurriculars, leadership in school and community,
financial need, 1 - $500 grant. Apps in College/Career
senior or undergrad pursuing green industry related
field: horticulture, plant sci, botany, agronomy,
plant pathology & communications
Senior, minority, 3.0+ cum GPA overall and in math
& science classes, plan to major in business,
engineering, technology, math or physical sciences.
Essay, 2 letters, 3 scholarships in DC Metro area,
$2500, $2000 and $1500. Top winner goes on to try for
regional award of $3000; one national winner to receive
additional $5000.
Senior, Eagle Scout, one $10,000 winner, 3 runners
up $2500.
Senior, African American female or male, 2.75 GPA,
community service, extra curricular activities, essay .
senior, min GPA 2.0, child of Marine (active duty or
reserve) or former Marine or Navy Corpsman who
served with Marines; family income less than $91,000;
senior, 2.5+ GPA, will attend Maryland college,
significant financial need
MD residents attending MD 2 yr or 4 yr college,
scholarship criteria varies
Polish Heritage Assn of MD
March 1, 2016
Dwight Jacobus Scholarships
March 1, 2016
Mellfin Scholarship
March 7, 2016
Earl Woods Scholarship
March 11, 2016
Through Tiger Woods Foundation
American Chemical Society
March 1, 2016
National Press Club Scholarships
March 1, 2016
Diverse Minds Youth Writing
Challenge (B’Nai B’rith
March 25, 2016
Attrus Fleming Music Scholarship
Mar 11, 2016
Tzu Chi Foundation
March 11, 2016
Honors Graduation Multi-Media
March 20, 2016
Sherry S. Hintz Scholarship
March 15, 2016
Women’s Board of Montgomery
General Hospital Scholarship
March 16, 2016
MCPS Educational Foundation
March 24, 2016
Apply early for
best consideration
Maryland PTA Scholarship
March 18, 2016
senior / full-time college student w/ fin need and at
least two Polish ancestors, good academic standing,
leadership, & Polish pride.
senior or college student pursuing business or
education major, 3.0 GPA, financial need, must attend
MD or DC college full-time, renewable. Apps in Career
Senior, ESOL or exited ESOL student within last 3
years, collegebound, 3.0+ GPA; 2 reference forms; 3
$1000 scholarships
Senior, min 3.0, will enroll full time in 4 year
college/university in fall 2016. Academics, community
service, financial need. Program offers mentors,
internships, career development. Awards up to
$5000/year renewable for 4 years. Apps in
College/Career Center.
senior, minority who will pursue chemistry, biochem,
chemical engineering, or any other chemically-related
field in college; up to $5,000.
For senior, minority interested in print or broadcast
journalism; min GPA 3.0 & collegebound in Fall.
Gr. 9-12, DC, Mont. Co., PG Co. students; write &
illustrate a children's book on tolerance & diversity; one
$5000 prize
Junior or senior, promising music ability, plans to
study music in college; judged competition on classical
piano only; Apps in College/Career Center
senior, min GPA 3.0, fin need, academics, comm. svc
& college acceptance, 2 rec ltrs, fin need essay; $1000
awards; 703-707-8606
Senior, submit projects in art, photography,
videography, music, and creative writing; citizenship not
required. Five $1000 scholarships
Junior/Senior, Mont. Co. resident; lost parent or
primary guardian to breast or ovarian cancer. One
award of $20,000/year. Apps in College/Career Center
seniors interested in nursing or allied health field;
financial need; renewable scholarship (4 yrs); fin need;
academic achievement
senior, >=2.5 GPA, financial need, strong academic
potential, must attend MD public college or university;
students attending MC will get priority; $500-$3,000/yr;
students who cannot submit a FAFSA can provide an
explanation and apply for this scholarship. Once on site,
go to Scholarships, then How To Apply.
senior who plans to pursue career in education in MD;
no restriction on where student attends college and
student does not have to major in education; acad
Leadership Montgomery Award
March 18, 2016
Coolidge Scholars
March 18, 2016
Blacks In Government Dept. of Labor
Flag House Scholarship
March 25, 2016
CKA SAVE Scholarship
April 1, 2016
achievement (min GPA 2.75), fin need, comm. svc,
good character. Apps in College/Career Center
seniors, minimum 260 Student Service Learning hours
(by end of junior yr), 2 rec forms verifying comm. svc
hrs, five $1,000 awards in Mont. Co.
Juniors, outstanding academic achievement and
leadership; 2 full ride scholarships to any university
Senior, collegebound, min. GPA 2.0, 350 to 500 word
essay, interview for finalists; Applications in
College/Career Center
Senior, college bound, 250 word essay, one winner,
Senior, athlete, 2.5+ cum GPA, >= 100 SSL hours,
Essay, 2 rec letters; 4 $250 scholarships
Walmart Dependent Scholarship
Doodle 4 Google Scholarship
Opens Sept. 2015
Ayn Rand Essay Contest
Mar 25,2016
April 29, 2016
March 21, 2016
Blacks in Government Scholarship –
College Park Chapter
Blacks In Government Coast Guard
Chapter Speech Contest
National Naval Officers
Association, DC Chapter
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority
FEEA Scholarship Program
March 25, 2016
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Paul
Robeson Scholarship
March 4, 2016
senior, child of Walmart employee; min 2.0 GPA;
financial need; $13,000 over 4 years
One talented young artist will see his artwork displayed
on the Google homepage and receive a $30,000
college scholarship and receive a $50,000 technology
grant for his school.
Essay contest on Anthem (9-10), first prize $2,000, and
The Fountainhead (11-12), first prize $10,000
senior, min GPA 2.75, must reside in DC metro area, 2
rec ltrs, essay, transcript; 3 $1000 scholarships and 2
$500 scholarships. Apps in College/Career Center
Grades 9-12; 4 to 6 minute speech on video gaming
theme; local, regional and national winners; Apps in
College/Career Center
several schlrps available from one application form,
minority seniors, DC metro area, min GPA 2.5, fin.
Need, comm. svc. Awards range from $1000 to
$3000; two $2500, one $5000 and one $10000
scholarships for minority and non-minority
students who will study STEM (science, tech,
engineering or math). Apps online
female senior, minority, Mont. Co. resident, 3.0+ GPA,
4-yr collegebound, 2 recs required; comm. svc & extra
activities; apps in College/Career Center (essay
seniors, for current civilian federal employees and
families, 3.0 GPA min; will attend two or four-year
college full-time. Application process begins in
African American male seniors in Mont. Co. wellrounded, comm. svc., 3 rec ltrs, transcript,
essay. Minimum award $1000. Several awards will be
made. Apps in College/Career Center.
Shire ADHD Scholarship Program
March 9, 2016
Women in International Trade
Varsity Tutors Monthly Scholarship
March 15, 2016
The Bernie Scholarship
March 21, 2016
WISER (Washington Independent
Services for Educational Resources)
March 11, 2016
Sheila Y. Tolson Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Washington Regional Transplant
Community “ Legacy of Life” essay &
video contests
March 23, 2016
LULAC Scholarship Fund
March 31, 2016
Army Officers’ Wives’ Club
Mar 25, 2016
Questbridge College Prep
Scholarship Program 2014
March 23, 2016
Susana de Moya Foundation Awards March 31, 2016
Blacks in Government Scholarship
Coast Guard Chapter
March 31, 2016
Damascus American Legion
April 1, 2016
National Guard Bureau Officers’
Spouses Club Scholarship
April 1, 2016
senior with ADHD, college or trade school bound,
comm svc, ldrshp activities, essay, rec ltr, $2,000 + 1 yr
coaching svcs (50 winners)
Senior, female, pursuing international relations, intl.
business, intl. trade or intl. economics; essay; $1500
Juniors/Seniors: Monthly essay contest; “Should all
college students be required to study abroad?”write
essay; promote entry on social media; 5 winners $1000
senior, min. GPA 2.0, low income (family of four
<$54,600); must live in Mont. Co. HOC subsidized
housing; two recs. Awards are usually $1,000 to
Senior, college bound, with documented learning
disability; demonstrated community leadership; 2
awards of $1000
Senior in Mont. Co or PG Co; collegebound, GPA of
3.0 or higher; family income <$60,000; essay; 3 letters
of rec; interview; $2,000 awards. Apps in
College/Career Center.
Senior, Submit 1000 word essay OR 2 min video to
convince an audience to register to be organ, eye and
tissue donors. See website for rules. Prizes range from
Hispanic & minority seniors attending 2-4 yr college,
3.25 +GPA, U.S. citizen or permanent resident
H.S. senior in DC metro area who is collegebound;
child of active duty, retired or deceased Army
personnel, officers or enlisted; merit based, comm. svc;
email: [email protected] or 703-7649656
outstanding juniors, low income (<$60,000), includes
expense pd college prep summer program at one of 31
partner selective colleges (counselor referral reqd.)
Gr. 7-11, student from the Dominican Republic or
whose parents are from the Dominican Republic;
academic merit, comm.svc., interview, essays, rec. ltrs
(online application)
senior, 2.0+ GPA, , collegebound, 2 rec ltrs, 350-500
word essay, reside in DC metro area, 202-372-1329 for
more info. Two Scholarships range from $500 to
$1000, one for engineering and the other for any field of
study. Applications in College/Career Center.
Senior, U.S. citizen, min 3.0 GPA, will attend
college, vocational, trade or business school;
scholastic achievement, leadership, character, comm
and school activities; 3 rec letters, essay, five $1500
awards; Apps in College/Career Center
Senior, parent or guardian must be an individual,
either officer or enlisted or civilian working for the
Damascus American Legion Auxiliary April 10, 2016
Esperanza Education Fund
April 1, 2016
WMHS PTSA/Booster Club
Scholarship Application
Available 3/17/16
April 7, 2016
Maryland Athletic Association Minds
in Motion Scholarship
April 8, 2016
Never Back Down Scholarship
April 29, 2016
American Legion Scholarship
April 8, 2016
Federal Water Quality Association
April 11, 2016
League of Educators for Asian
American Progress (LEAPP) of
Montgomery County Public Schools
April 15, 2016
Varsity Tutors Monthly Essay
April 15, 2016
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity –
April 15, 2016
Ira Dorsey Scholarship
Metropolitan Kappa Youth
Foundation Lawrence Hamm
April 15, 2016
National Guard in the VA/MD/DC area; transcript, test
score and essay; apps in College/Career Center
Senior, will attend college, vocational or trade
school, citizen, be in upper 50% of class; essay, 3
rec letters, transcript; 2 $1000 scholarships; Apps in
College/Career Center
Immigrant college-bound seniors, any ethnicity; must
be born outside U.S. or both parents born outside U.S.,
citizenship not required; transcript, SAT/ACT scores, 2
rec ltrs, 2 essays, academic achievement, leadership
and comm. svc. ; awards of at least $5000 and up to
$20,000; scholarships awarded to students who will
attend public colleges/universities only
WMHS Senior, many scholarships within the one
application. Deadline to become a PTSA/Booster club
member to be considered for all of the scholarships
within the packet is April 7. Deadline to turn in the
completed scholarship app to Mrs. Prochnow is
April 7.
Senior, athlete, 3.2 GPA; 8 $1000 scholarships in
Senior, Mont. Co. only; 1000 words or less personal
statement on How You Have Been A Difference Maker
in Your Family; 2 ltrs of recomm; extra-curricular
activities; Awards of $2500 ; Apps in College/Career
Senior, Maryland resident, child of a veteran, several
$500 awards. Apps in Career Center.
Seniors who plan to pursue environmental careers.
Acceptable areas of study: bio., chem.,
environmental sciences or environmental, chemical
or civil engineering. Applications in the
College/Career Center. Three $2000 scholarships
senior, MCPS high school student; education majors
only; 3.0+ GPA; must be student members of an Asian
American club and/or students who have earned SSL
hours supporting Asian American organizations; 2 rec
ltrs, essay, $1,000, applications in College/Career
Juniors/Seniors: Monthly essay contest; “What is
one piece of advice you’d give to younger
students/”; write essay; promote entry on social media;
5 winners $1000
seniors, males, lives in DC metro area, will attend 4 yr
college, min GPA 2.5, fin need, character, extra curr.
Activities; awards of up to $1500; Apps in
College/Career Center
Senior, Mont.Co., minority, college bound, comm.
Black Nurses Assn of DC Founders
April 15, 2016
Black Nurses Assn of DC Pemberton
April 15, 2016
Senator Nancy King Legislative
April 15, 2016
Delegate Reznik Legislative
April 15, 2016
Jones/Plasma Fellows/Greenblatt
Award (WMHS only)
April 15, 2016
Joseph Fox Memorial Scholarship for April 15, 2016
Lavinia Engle Scholarship
April 15, 2016
DuBoff & Assoc. Chartered
Perseverance Scholarship
AFCEA – DC chapter
April 17, 2016
Alfred Street Baptist Church
Foundation Scholarship
April 15, 2016
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
April 22, 2016
Potomac Valley Chapter
April 25, 2016
Seniors, African-American, in DC metro area, min
GPA 2.8+, 2 rec ltrs, U.S. citizen, college acceptance
ltr intro nursing program, essay, some financial need.
Apps in College/Career Center.
Seniors, African-American, in DC metro area, min
GPA 2.8+, 2 rec ltrs, U.S. citizen, college acceptance ltr
intro nursing program, essay. Apps in College/Career
Senior, must live in District 39 (Go to
www.mdelect.net to check); Several $1000 renewable
scholarships for WMHS students who will attend
Maryland public or private schools; must complete
FAFSA by 3/1; turn in completed app and SAR
(www.fafsa.ed.gov) to Mrs. Prochnow by 4/15.
Winners announced at Awards Ceremony on 5/26.
Apps in College/Career Center.
Senior, must live in District 39 (Go to
www.mdelect.net to check); $1000 scholarship for 12
collegebound WMHS students who will attend Maryland
2 or 4 year public colleges; can be renewed; must
complete FAFSA by 3/31; turn in completed app to Mrs.
Prochnow by 4/15. Winners announced at Awards
Ceremony on 5/26. Applications in College/Career
Juniors from WMHS for excellence in a foreign
language learned at WMHS; One $1000 scholarship;
essay in foreign language, rec from foreign lang. tchr
and counselor. Apps in College/Career Center. Return
to Mrs. Prochnow in the College/Career Center.
MD senior, min GPA 3.2, major in education, comm.
svc, pursue teaching career, $2,000; online app. Click
on “Resources” once on site
Female seniors living in Montgomery Cty, will attend
MD college, fin. Need; awards range from $450 to
$1500; apps in College/Career Center
Senior, will attend college in 2016, video and essay,
one $1000 winner
senior, U.S. citiz, live in DC metro area, accepted to 4yr
college majoring in: engr, comp sci, math, physics,
chemistry, or info systems, SAT/ACT scores, some
fin need, 2 rec ltrs, $8,000 for 4 yr college
senior, resides in DC metro area, citizen, will attend 4
yr college, comm. svc, GPA >=2.75, SAT >=1300 (cr, m
& wr), or ACT >=19; fin need; Up to 30 awards including
two $20,000 scholarships and several awards of $1000
- $10,000; Julia Gibbs [email protected]
Seniors from Mont. Co, GPA 2.0 – 3.0; community
service; essay, 2 rec letters, up to 11 awards; maximum
award $300. Applications in College/Career Center.
PMI Scholarship
April 22, 2016
Elizabeth Frist Memorial Scholarship
April 22, 2016
Taiwanese American Community
April 30, 2016
Student-View Scholarship
April 22, 2016
Les Gemmes Scholarship
April 30, 2016
Angie Houtz Memorial Fund
April 30, 2016
Shawn Carter (Jay-Z) Scholarship
Opens April 1
Deadline 4/30/16
Omega Psi Phi Rudolph Snowden
May 1, 2016
MAPCCS Scholarship Awards
Thurgood Marshall Scholarship
Fund DOD Scholarship
Closed befoe
High Bridge Foundation Scholarship
April 30, 2016
Pan Hellenic Council of Mont. Co.
Theresa Suggs/Roy Lyons
May 1
Senator Cheryl Kagan’s Legislative
April 15, 2016
Minimum 2.75 GPA, $1000, H.S. seniors in Mont. Co.,
must take simple quiz; all majors are welcome to apply.
Quiz info/help can be found at http://www.PMI.org
Apps in College/Career/Center
Senior, anti-tobacco, essay, several $250 awards, one
$1000 award
Senior, any ethnicity; academic achievement,
leadership and community service; 10 $500 awards
Senior, complete a 15 – 20 min survey about colleges;
1-$4,000 award, 2-$1,000 awards and 4-$500 awards
randomly awarded
Senior, will attend 2 or 4 year college or technical
school; U.S. citizen, min GPA 3.0, comm. service.
One $1500 award. Click on link for typeable PDF.
Senior, min 3.0 unweighted GPA; commitment to
comm svc (at least 200 hrs); plan to attend public
college/univ in MD; citizenship not required; $3000
Senior, college bound, min GPA 2.0 GPA, community
service, essay, resiliency in the face of hardship; awards
range from $1500 to $2500 and can be renewed each
Mont. Co. H.S. grad, black male who will attend an
HBCU; 3.0+GPA, leadership, 3 recs, essay, $1,0005,000
Seniors, who will study at a career school, essay,
transcript, 2 letters of rec; awards range from $1000 $5000. Apps in College/Career Center
seniors attending 47 mbr HBCUs who will major in
STEM area; 3.25 GPA; 4 year $15,000 scholarship
($60,000); must be accepted at participating college
Senior, in DC Metro area, min cum GPA 3.0, has
demonstrated financial need; demonstrated leadership,
community service; hardship condition; can be used for
vocational school, community college or 4 year
university; five $1000 scholarships and 5 $500 book
Senior; min 2.5 GPA; accepted by a Historically
Black College or University; essay; financial need; 2
rec letters. Applications in College/Career Center
Senior, must live in District 17 (Go to
http://mdelect.net/ to check); Scholarship for
students who will attend Maryland schools; awards
given based on academic performance and comm. svc.
Completed apps and documentation must be sent
directly to Senator Kagan’s office.
Izaak Walton League Scholarship
May 1, 2016
seniors, Mont. Co. resident, study conservation or
environmental studies in college; 5 $2000 awards
Rockville Chapter
Jewish Social Service Agency
May 2, 2016
Senior, resides in Mont. Co., financial need rather than
merit (except Gibson Award) 8 - $6000 scholarships
for MCPS students; other scholarships for Jewish
students; apps online and in College/Career Center
Hispanic senior, GPA >=2.75, who will pursue major in
STEM field (science, technology, engineering or math)
in college in Maryland (public or private) full time,
$5,000 over 4 yrs; proof of citizenship/residency not
required; 5 awards
Senior, Frederick & Mont. Co., merit and need based
with a strong emphasis on adversity and comm svc;
transcript, resume, 500 word essay, one rec. Go to
www.thewillgroup.org for more info about the
organization. Apps in College/Career Center.
Senior, must live in city of Gaithersburg, will pursue
college or trade school; personal merit, comm. service,
financial need; awards range from $500 to $2000
Senior, U.S. citizen or perm resident, will attend
Montgomery College, 2.5+GPA, financial need,
Students majoring in life sciences, biotechnology, or
mathematics should apply ; up to $3200/year
not based on GPA or need, free to enter, 30 winners,
two winners every 2 wks between Oct-May; $1,000, no
purchase necessary to win!
Seniors, first generation college students, must
attend I’m First partner college (see website for list),
fin need, comm svc, leadership, good writer, no GPA
Juniors and seniors; essay; $1000 award
Senior, Hispanic, show interest in career in Natural
Resources Conservation, (forestry, soil science,
botany, entomology, ecology, etc; min 2.75 GPA; 2
$1000 awards
Junior, athlete, 2.5+GPA;personal mastery,
leadership, honoring the game, essay,
recommendations; scholarships range from $1000$2000
Senior, female, min GPA 3.0 unw, US citz or perm res,
will major in math, science or engineering in college.
U.S. Hispanic Youth Entrepreneur
Education (USHYEE)
May 2, 2016
Will Group Foundation Scholarship
City of Gaithersburg “Character
Counts” Scholarship
On Ramp to STEM NSF Scholarship
May 15, 2016
at Montgomery College
SunTrust off to college
Open Oct 30,
2015 – May 13,
I’m First Scholarship
B. Davis Scholarship
National Organization of Hispanic
Natural Resources Conservation
Services Employees Scholarship
May 23, 2016
May 27, 2016
Triple-Impact Competitor Scholarship May 31, 2016
Society of Women Engineers
Baltimore Washington Section
May 15, 2016
Society of Women Engineers
National Scholarships
May 16, 2016
Senior, female, min GPA 3.0 unw, US citz or perm res,
will major in engineering, engineering technology or
computer science in college; one app to be considered
for many scholarships
Maryland Hispanic Achievement
May 31, 2016
Senior, Hispanic descent college bound, U.S. citizen,
Resident or Dreamer; min GPA 2.5, essay, leadership and
community service; $2000 awards.
LM Scholarship Program
May 31, 2016
Senior; will attend college in fall; GPA of 3.0 or higher;
essay; one $1000 award
Izaak Walton League Scholarship
June 1, 2016
Damascus Chapter
Athnet Scholarship
June 1, 2016
seniors, Mont. Co. resident, study conservation or
environmental studies in college; Several $1000
Senior, high school athlete; 400 – 500 word essay
about lessons learned while playing sports; one
$1000 award.
Gr 9-12; Taiwanese heritage; music, visual art or video
on “Describe a moment when you realized your
Taiwanese American identity – tell a story, capture a
moment.” $200 prize
Senior, underrepresented, 10 full tuition (4 yr) schlrps
to each of these colleges: Grinnell, Bucknell, Lafayette,
Univ. of Wisconsin , Sewanee: University of the South
and the University of Rochester; strong leadership,
teamwork, communication skills & academic promise
(10 seniors nominated by H.S.) See your counselor
or Mrs. Prochnow if interested in being nominated
Senior; will attend college in fall; essay; one $1000
Senior attending MC, good academic standing,
financial need, essays required. Limited amount of
funding for non-citizens. Over 300 scholarships ranging
from $250 to $3000. Apps also in College/Career
senior, will attend Montgomery College, 3.0+GPA,
financial need, must attend yr 3 & 4 at Universities at
Shady Grove. Students should complete the MC
Foundation Scholarship app and write “Kendall
Scholarship” on top
Gr 11-12, age 16-30, essay contest, $1000
ITASA Taiwanese Heritage Project
POSSE Foundation Scholarship (DC
metro area)
Lift Parts Express Scholarship
June 30, 2016
Montgomery College Foundation
July 31, 2016
Cliff and Camille Kendall Scholarship
Abbott & Fenner Scholarship/Essay
Big Sun Scholarship (athletic award)
June 10, 2016
June 17, 2016
seniors who are athletes, regardless of sport; essay
required; $500
Ethiopian Heritage College
June 27, 2016
seniors of Ethiopian heritage, will attend 2 or 4 yr
college, legal resident in DC metro area (Mont. Co),
transcript, essay, comm svc, character, ability to succeed;
interview; $1,000/yr/renewable.
WSSC Engineering Scholarship
June 1, 2016
Independence Day Scholarship
July 2, 2016
Herb Block Scholarship
July 7, 2016
senior, perm res, who will study engineering; strong
academics; may include paid summer internship,
$1,000 award
Gr. 7-12, essay, 1500 words “I Declare! What It Took
To Declare Our Independence.” 3 awards: $250$5000
100 awards for community college-bound seniors
(MC, PGCC, NOVA & UDC), fin need; up to $8,000/yr;
A, B & C level students; comm svc, leadership, rec ltrs,
work exp, etc.
GALS Scholarship Foundation
Aug 31, 2016
SMART Scholarship
Apply between
Aug-Dec of
freshman year of
October 2, 2016
Hispanic Heritage Youth Awards
Youth Volunteer Scholarship Award
November 29,
Female; will enroll in college or technical school in fall;
Excellence in character; academic achievement;
financial need; involvement in the sport of golf; awards
from $1000-$2500
Full tuition scholarship for STEM majors: engineering,
chemistry, computer science, physics, math. Paid
summer internship with Dept. of Defense (DoD) lab and
employed by DoD lab upon degree completion.
Junior, Hispanic, min 3.0 GPA, U.S. Citizen or perm
res; up to $3000 grant
Under 21; must have completed a minimum of 50 SSL
hours in past 2 years; 3.5 or higher GPA for past 2
years; essay; one $500 award
Fly UP