
The Research about the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of

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The Research about the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of
The Research about the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of
China Narrowing Digital Divide
GOU Hua-Yong[1] KONG Xiang-Sheng[2][3] MIAO Fang[2]
[1]Chengdu University of Technology, Information Management College, Chengdu, Sichuan, P.R.China,
[2]Chengdu University of Technology, Information Engineering College, Chengdu, Sichuan, P.R.China,
[3]Taiyuan University of Technology for Mining college, Taiyuan, Shanxi, P.R.China, 030024
Abstract Digitization brings wealth to mankind, at the same time it produces new wealth splitting up
and disparity - digital divide. The article analyses the reason why the digital divide came up in the globe
area, points out the importance of the reduction of the digital divide, ensures from state policies, low
cost platform construction and puts forward of the strategy of our country small and medium-sized
enterprises to dwindle Digital Divide.
Key words E-commerce, digitization, digital divide
1 Introduction
With the network and promotion thoroughly of extensive application and digitized tide in the world
of information technology, it had outcomes gradually that the industrial pattern in information age and
globalization industry divided the work, and the digital divide question that unbalanced development
caused has been shown gradually especially thereupon Because more and more economic activities are
being extended or moved to Internet, so the existence of the digital divide, mean some areas, enterprises
or crowds are difficult to catch the new market chance, in the unfavorable position in the market
competition of the era of knowledge-driven economy.
Digital Divide means in the country and information-based course of area, different subjects units
are different because of the region, economic level, level of education, language and degree of mastering
to digital technology which cause the difference of politics met in social life, economic status, this kind
of difference has been expanded to the wide gap that Digital Divide came up. Digital divides generally
exist among countries, areas industries, social stratums, and permeate each aspect through the economy,
politics and society day by day.
The impact on international relations of the digital divide is profound enormous, once proposed it
arouses great concern from international community. Anan, general secretary of the United Nations,
announced in November of 2001, the United Nations established information and technological work
group of communication, aim at narrowing the digital divide. In June of 2002, the 56th United Nations
General Assembly held the special meeting and discussed that narrowed the digital divide question.
Meeting determine, in 2003 special meeting, head of world, it launch to call upon in a more
cost-effective manner to dwindle the digital divide. It is obvious that the digital divide question has
already become the noticeable new subject in the contemporary international relations.
With increase and improvement of strength of quantity, small and medium-sized enterprises play a
very important role in whole national economic construction lieutenant general. So, the level of the
information-based degree of small and medium-sized enterprises concerns the level of the whole
country's digitization directly. The article has analysed the reason why the digital divide produces to the
small and medium-sized enterprises of our country, importance and urgency to narrow it, 3strategies
applied including low cost platform construction, key technology.
2 A Digital Divide Reason Analysis
Information construction is moulding or changing the existence of domestic small and
medium-sized enterprises and operation mode quietly. This kind of change reflects their treatment to
information and daily way of communication. Brand-new mode it bring can economize a large number
of cost for enterprise, make enterprise staff raise working efficiency and standardize enterprise
multi-level to manage diversely. Between enterprise and external world, it can help enterprises to realize
e-commerce mode, so as to widen and exchange the range, shorten the time to exchange, abundant
exchange way, and can help to safeguard the good relation between the enterprise and the society.
After several years’ information construction, find out, not only the achievement obtains, but also some
questions are being exposed constantly. Because of the shortage of the fund, server, network equipment,
computer equipment and computer software cost an arm and a leg, lacking the information technician,
etc. launch e-commerce, " digital divide question " becomes a insurmountable obstacle, and the
bottleneck question.
First of all, the biggest problem is the shortage of fund and qualified personnel in a specific field.
The fund strength of small and medium-sized enterprises is limited, though the flexibility of the
mechanism can help enterprises to realize prompt transition, but no matter which kind of trade does it
engaged in, fund is the contain heavy bottleneck most of development their forever. The same serious
one is rare qualified personnel in a specific field rare as problem of the fund. Small and medium-sized
enterprises set foot in the field widely, and talent's overwhelming majority of specialized network
assembles in IT enterprises, a talent storm, and hoard something. as a rare commodity in expectation of
a better price, it influences the information-based degree of small and medium-sized enterprises directly
that what qualified personnel in a specific field are distributed is out-of-balance seriously
Secondly, on the using of limited fund rationally, the small and medium-sized enterprises of our
country are still at the stage of fumbling.
The using unreasonably of fund mainly displays the ratio between investments to the hardware,
software, networking products in enterprises improperly. A lot of small and medium-sized enterprises
regard hardware as the main investment orientation on the first day to launch information construction.
Nowadays, the investment in the hardware of enterprises still accounts for more than 80% of the whole
information-based construction investment. The software product is put into and lagged behind
relatively. So the enterprises are unable to totally experience the facility and abundant that science and
technology bring in enterprises like this; and have restrained the advanced hardware equipment from
playing a biggest role on the other hand.
Moreover, enterprise's information construction level, depth and scope of our country are limited
at present. E-commerce is the concrete application of information construction, and the trades realize
through the network which is the best way that enterprises simplify the logistics, funds. The maturity of
Internet's capital construction has offered the unprecedented growth chance for small and medium-sized
enterprises. However, up till now, nearly 63% of the enterprises have not set up one's own websites in
our country, limit it and launch e-commerce seriously. In addition, the general application way in the
network of small and medium-sized enterprises that can surf the Net at present is too single, according
to the domestic third party's authoritative organization of market research, 85% of the use of Internet of
enterprise is only confined to the propaganda and popularization of information inquiry and corporate
image at present, utilize Internet only accounting for 11%.
Our country enter after the WTO, in the face of come from foreign countries their technological
strength, fund rich, market operation experienced give challenge of enterprises, the domestic
information-based process of small and medium-sized enterprises must be accelerated, enterprise's
policymakers should pay great attention and take the adequate measure to the digital divide question.
Several big subject matters mentioned above restrict each other, the relation is deep-rooted during
that time. The settlement of the problem of the fund needs depending on the energetical support of the
government department, need the policymakers of domestic small and medium-sized enterprises to
utilize present limited fund to carry on the overall planning, rational utilization, give play to the greatest
utility. First of all, enterprises should get rid of the previous investment orientation relying mainly on
hardware, then lean to the situation of regarding hardware facility, software system and networking
products as equally important at the same time, among which should put some time even more in the
software system of the apolegamy. Because the trade extensively, management and business procedure
involved are changeable inside enterprises, the demand for the software product of small and
medium-sized enterprises is very extensive, including database software, operating system, figure tool,
business management software, network management software, online security software and
e-commerce platform software, etc. Meanwhile, whether suitable for enabling the layman to use too;
Such questions as the application software mismatch that will be considered by enterprises. Now, most
software manufacturers are letting the software be easy to use, trade offering the pointed application
software respectively, and make the corresponding solution For example HP Company designs different
solutions for the small and medium-sized enterprises in such fields as real estate, retail business, hotel,
multimedia teaching, etc. This kind of solution has reflected as the trend that enterprises cut the garment
according to the figure. But even it belong to the same trade, still there is disparity between the
enterprise and enterprise, The way that branch trade offer menu service still unable to one magnitude
deep to explore. At this moment, enterprises need to allocate the open apt software mastered at the same
time of source code. Like this, enterprises can rewrite this kind of " semi-manufactured goods " software
according to one's own actual conditions, making it suitable for this enterprise, at the same time the apt
characteristic mastered of the software can be driven easily by layman, thus reduce personnel's cost.
3 Importance on Narrowing the Digital Divide
Small and medium-sized enterprises should tackle the challenge of WTO, must narrow the digital
divide. The digitization is an important way to dispel " digital divide ", the digitization must be chosen
and essential means. Enterprise's digitization involves the innovation to the business administration idea,
manage the optimization of the procedure, the innovations of the reorganization and management of the
management group.
First of all, technological innovation. Through using the information technology means effectively,
pass in the technological design of production, application of the computer aided designing system in
the product design, through understanding and mastering the technical information of innovation in time
on Internet. Using the information technology, could accelerate the technological innovations of
Second, management innovation. Management is science, implementing management must study
and grasp the scientific method. At the request of market development, want the management procedure
existing to enterprises want to combine again, from managing as managing central, financial affairs,
fund, the management to technology, goods and materials, human resources, extend to enterprise's
technological innovation, technological design, product design, management of the production
manufacture process, and then will expand the management of customers, supplying the chain to
customer's relation and even develop e-commerce. Namely the one that spread to the outside from
enterprises was managed omni-directionally. Realize the goal of such management, must draw support
from the information technology means, give play to the information of the computer to gather, store the
transmission of the function and network and sharing function.
Third, system innovation. Analyze carefully, according to setting up the demand for the modern
enterprise system, any respect is due to the digitization.
A clear division of responsibility and rights can only be achieved by establishing a clear post
responsibility and an accurate supervision system through internet systematic management .A clear
division between the functions of the government and enterprises can only be realized by playing
attention to market information analysis and study to offer accurate and timely decision information
with the help of internet to obtain more overall, systematic and timely information instead of the
traditional planned economy in which enterprises ask for loan ,target and quota .Scientific
management ,whose kernel is to manage with scientific means ,can be more effective by using internet
technology ,so far most advanced and effective instrument. Therefore, management based on internet
technology is more scientific and effective .So we should advocate pacing up reformation and originality
of management as well as technology.
4 Means to Reduce Digital Divide
The problem of Digital Divide involves quite some factors such as regional politics, economic basis,
educational and technical levels and so on, and its emergence is of its own historical reasons, So its
reduction also needs a long period .In the following, we are to offer some policies to reduce figure
chasm from the three aspects, national insurance policies, construction low lost platform and key
4.1 National insurance policies
The support of national policies is indispensable to reduce digital divide. The relevant policies include
financial policies, fiscal policies, import and export policies and tax policies. National finance, including
such regional finance as province and city, may support the internet construction to push forward the
development of electronic commercial affairs by means of shift payment, government purchase and
investment to construct electronic government besides the support mainly given to the construction of
the three figure exchange centers and the main nets of the nation .In financial policies, first limitation
should be lessened in terms of credit and allowance should be given to tech-enterprises ,especially
software enterprises to loan by using intangible asset including patent technology as mortgage ;second
prejudices against private tech-enterprises ,especially medium and small ones , should be given up ;third
genuine risk invest mechanism should be established to start pioneering stock markets as soon as
possible , to develop risk invest .Corporations and funds and to lead nongovernmental funds into
information technology and other high-tech industries ,In tax policies ,tragedies of alternative tightness
and looseness should be adopted ,and the study and establishment tax means concerning electronic
commercial affairs should be speeded up ,besides tax preferential policies to support software and other
high–tech industries should be carried out and the impact and momentum of support should be stepped
up .
4.2 Construction of low cost platform
The construction of low cost information platforms of medium and small enterprises to reduce figures
should comprise the following aspects :
1. the development and construction of fundamental net facilities in the enterprises ,including the
construction and integration of net hardware platform .
2. office automation and staff self-service system .
3. enterprise commercial affairs coordinating system .
4. supply and circulation coordinating system .
5. enterprise production coordinating system .
6. enterprise technology development coordinating system .
7. corporation and enterprise operating decision supporting system .
8. client relationship managing system .
Information platforms supporting the above include ERP, CRM, SCM, PLM, CALL-CENTER, WEB,
NOTES and so on .Fully taking into consideration our national economy development ,keeping in mind
the principle of low cost ,but efficient and domestic software developed on the basis of opening
resource- code .Internet is one of the most suitable and important means for medium and small
enterprises to develop information in our present national situation .Only to meet the basic needs ,the
price of internet computers equals to a very small part of the traditional computer ,and their functions
are mainly decided by server .When needing more functions ,the users only need to upgrade server
instead of endless upgrading in the case of ordinary computers .That’s to say, long-term effectiveness
requires only once investment. With the development of large scale integrated circuits in our country,
now we can use high functional internet computers produced with domestic chips, which is also a strong
support for the development of integrated circuit industry in our country.
Opening resource-code movement represented by Linux which is supported by more and more
famous software corporations in the world is developing very fast .As an outstanding operating
system ,with the advantage of low price and high reliability brought forth by opening
resource-code ,Linux operating system has been paid great attention years before and is now widely
used in many walks and industries throughout the world. Linux operating system with high efficiency,
low requirement for hardware is more suitable for internet environment and can be used free of change.
There are a lot of applied softwares based on Linux operating system which can be downloaded for frees
in the internet. Some software corporations in our country also have exploited many excellent and
span-platform application softwares. These softwares are cheap and good, and suit medium and small
The technical route of application software system research in the medium and small enterprises is
that span-platform, supporting many data types and data structure, remote integration and issuance
system is researched at the basis of ORACLE or MYSQL database using the technics of three-layer
structure, JIEE, XML, and intermediate unit and so on .
In this way, not only to software but also to hardware, we must set out from the practical situations of
the medium and small enterprises, and establish the information platform at the lowest prices under
satisfying the requirements.
5 Conclusion:
The information revolution can cause that industrialization realize the modernization, but capital lack,
the expensive price of server, network devices, computer devices and computer software, the lack of
computer technology result in the span between rich and poor in the global range, namely digital divide
problem .As a developing country, digital divide problem becomes a no-overstep obstacle in the
development of electronic services, becomes the bottleneck problem of conditioning the electronic
services .Under the indemnity of national polity ,aiming at electronic services ,we have established a
structure fitness ,economy practicality ,safe and credibility ,electronic service platform ,and perfectly
resolve the digital divide to promote the development of the medium and small enterprises .Through the
comprehensive research and system integration of Linux operating system, NC, server ,network devices,
safety production ,application software and electronic platform software .
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