
2016-2017 Donor Scholarship Opportunities

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2016-2017 Donor Scholarship Opportunities
2016-2017 Donor Scholarship Opportunities
Class of 1959 Scholarship
The scholarship was established in 2009 by the Class of ’59 on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. Principal donors include
current Board Chairman Arthur Abbey ’59, Paul Lewis ’59, and Bernard Goldberg ’59.
Class of 1976 Dean E. Donald Shapiro Scholarship
The scholarship was established by members of the Class of ’76 in honor of E. Donald Shapiro, who was Dean of the Law
School, 1973-1983. Principal donors to the fund include current NYLS Board Vice Chairman Gerald Crotty ’76 and Trustee
John McMahon ’76.
2nd Century Scholarship
The scholarship was established by alumni from the 1930s to the present day in order to attract a diverse student body.
Sidney and Mary Abbey Scholarship
A prominent litigator and one of the Law School’s most influential figures, Arthur Abbey joined the New York Law School
Board of Trustees in 1995 and has been Chairman since 1999. Together, the Abbeys are among the School’s most generous
benefactors. In 2009, Mrs. Abbey founded the Diane Abbey Law Institute for Children and Families to ensure that children,
and the families who care for them, receive the legal assistance and services necessary to ensure their safety, security and
well-being. The Sidney and Mary Abbey Scholarship, named for Mr. Abbey’s parents, provides scholarships to deserving
NYLS Alumni Association Scholarship
One of the oldest – and most well-funded – scholarships created at the Law School, the NYLS Alumni Association established
this scholarship to provide current students with similar opportunities that many alumni had when attending the Law School.
Professor Joseph T. Arenson Scholarship
Professor Arenson, 1904-2005, was a member of the adjunct faculty at New York Law School for more than 40 years, as well
as an author and lecturer. NYLS Trustee John McMahon ‘76, noting his favorite law memories, stated in an interview:
“Professor Arenson was really a character, and a great teacher.” Arenson also received an honorary degree from the Law
School. He volunteered with the United Jewish Appeal, the Catholic Diocese, the Anti-Defamation League, and Victims of the
Boris B. Benson Scholarship
Boris Benson, MD, an anesthesiologist, funded a scholarship at the Law School in the 1990s at the same time his niece, Nina
(Mirilashvil) Roket, NYLS 1996, was a student. She is now Partner at the firm Olshan Frome Wolosky and a prominent real
estate attorney in New York.
Felix Jacob Bilgrey ’51 Scholarship
Felix Bilgrey, 1925-1980, was a leader in the fight against film censorship, through his position as General Counsel of the
Times Film Corporation. In a landmark 1965 decision, he reversed the arrest of a Baltimore theater owner who had shown a
film “Revenge at Daybreak,” which had not been approved by Maryland censors. Bilgrey was also director of the Independent
Theater Owners of America. Gordon Oppenheimer ‘65 administers the Bilgrey Foundation. The scholarship is based on
financial need.
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BLSA Alumni Scholarship
Alumni of the BLSA created this scholarship to provide assistance to a student with financial need who is a current member of
the Black Law Student Association.
Shepard Broad ’27 Scholarship
Shepard Broad ’27 established the scholarship in 1955, making it NYLS’s oldest scholarship fund. In 1946, Mr. Broad
cofounded Broad and Cassel, which today is one of the largest Florida law firms. In 1977, the 50th anniversary of his
graduation, Mr. Broad was awarded the Dean’s Medal, and in 1993 he received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree. Mr.
Broad passed away in 2001. In 2003 he was posthumously awarded the President’s Medal of Honor. The Broad Scholarship
is awarded to a second or third year Evening division student, preferably an immigrant or child of an immigrant, or to a student
who is in some respect underprivileged.
Jewel L. Burkhalter Scholarship Fund
Professor Kirk Burkhalter established this scholarship in 2016 in honor of his mother, Jewel. The awards, for the purchase of
text books, will be made to students with demonstrated academic merit and financial need, and preference will be given to
those who have graduated from John Jay College and/or are seeking to be first generation professionals (they can still qualify
for this award even if their parents are college graduates).
Carbonell Scholarship
NYLS Trustee Vincent Carbonell ’00 established this scholarship in honor of his father, Ricardo Carbonell, long-time trade
union activist and local & national leader of the Retail, Wholesale & Department Store Union, UFCW, and AFL-CIO.
Pamela R. Champine Memorial Scholarship
Pamela R. Champine (1964-2009) was a member of the NYLS faculty. Associate Dean and Professor William P. LaPiana, her
close friend and colleague, talked about the great joy she found in teaching. “Pam saw every day of her life as a law professor
as a gift,” he said. “She counted it a privilege to teach, read, think, and write, and next to her family, it was what gave her life
meaning.” Professor LaPiana added that Professor Champine was “as inspiring as she was effective as she led her students
to a thorough understanding of the subjects to which she devoted her efforts. She brought innovative techniques to the
classroom and showed her students that what they might have once thought was dry and uninteresting was full of life.”
Alan ’77 and Madeleine Clark Scholarship
Alan Clark is a personal injury attorney in Levittown, New York. He is a member of the NYLS Board of Trustees. His two sons
and a nephew are also NYLS graduates. Mr. Clark admits he encouraged his sons and nephew to come to New York Law
School, but added, “I think they recognized the benefits on their own.” According to Mr. Clark, those benefits include a great
location near every court, numerous government agencies, and Wall Street, as well as a great faculty and adjunct faculty.
Clearing Corporation Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Clearing Corporation Charitable Foundation in 2010 to support students enrolled fulltime in the LL.M. Financial Services Graduate program at NYLS.
Crane Fund for Widows and Children Scholarship
To be awarded to needy and deserving widows and children of men who, at their death, have left their widows and children
without adequate means of support, or deserving wives and/or children of men upon whom they are dependent for support
but, because of age or other disability, are unable or, for other reason, fail or neglect to adequately support their respective
wives or children. Thanks to the efforts of Anthony D’Iorio ’88, Deputy General Counsel and Secretary at the company, the
scholarship was funded by Crane Corporation, an industrial machinery manufacturer.
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Philip M. Damashek Scholarship
Philip Damashek, 1940-2006, was a member of the NYLS Board of Trustees. A leading personal injury attorney, he argued on
behalf of the State of New York in litigation against tobacco companies, and was a senior partner at a firm that was among a
six-group consortium that represented the state in its multibillion-dollar national settlement with tobacco companies. His firm,
Schneider, Kleinick, Weitz, Damashek & Shoot, later merged with Johnnie Cochran's firm to become a giant among the
country's personal injury law groups. The scholarship is awarded to an Evening Division student with financial need.
Franklyn Ellenbogen ’25 Scholarship
The scholarship was established by Marjorie Ellenbogen in memory of her father Franklyn Ellenbogen (1904-1979), who
attended the Evening Division and earned his degree in 1925. This scholarship is to be awarded to a student who has
achieved excellence in contracts with a preference given to those who may also have a demonstrated interest in libel studies.
Harry G. English ’51 Memorial Scholarship
Harry G. English ’51 (1921-2002) had a law practice in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, for over 50 years, specializing in trusts and
estates and tax law.
Kenneth R. Feinberg Scholarship
Kenneth R. Feinberg oversaw the September 11th Victims Compensation Fund; served as Special Master for TARP Executive
Compensation; and was the government-appointed administrator of the BP Deepwater Horizon Disaster Victim Compensation
Fund. Mr. Feinberg was a Commencement speaker at the 2012 New York Law School graduation. Sybil Shainwald ’76, a
member of the NYLS Board of Trustees and a recipient of the President’s Medal of Honor, who has litigated landmark cases
involving drugs and devices harmful to women, established the scholarship in honor of Mr. Feinberg. It is awarded to a student
with a demonstrated dedication to public interest law.
The Feit Scholarship
Charles Feit ‘54 (1925-1993) was Executive Vice President and a member of the board of directors of Weight Watchers
International. H.J. Heinz Company, which owned Weight Watchers, was the major funder of the scholarship. The scholarship,
established in memory and honor of Abraham and Marie Feit, provides assistance for a Baruch College graduate.
Edward V. Filardi ’68 Scholarship
Mr. Filardi was a prominent intellectual property attorney and Partner at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP. The
scholarship is awarded to a student with a demonstrated dedication to public interest law.
Ronald H. Filler Scholarship
Professor Ronald H. Filler is Director of the LL.M. in Financial Services Law Graduate Program at NYLS. The scholarship
benefits a student affiliated with the Financial Services Law Institute.
Jerry Finkelstein ’38 Scholarship
Mr. Finkelstein, 1916-2012, was a business and real estate executive, political figure, and owner of several publications,
including The New York Law Journal and The Hill. He established this scholarship in 1969 when he was a member of the
NYLS Board of Trustees. It was created in memory of Robert F. Kennedy, and provides assistance to students who are, or
whose parents are, civil service employees.
Patrick J. Foley ’61 Scholarship
Mr. Foley, 1930-2009, had a long career with American International Group, joining the company in 1963 and retiring in 1995
as Vice President and Associate General Counsel. While at AIG he was general counsel to more than twenty of its
subsidiaries. The scholarship provides assistance to an evening student working in the insurance industry.
Stephanie Wolf Gallup ’85 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ms. Gallup ‘85, a Chief Operating Officer at Merrill Lynch, died in an auto accident in 2007. The company contributed to the
scholarship, as did prominent alumni Edward Ricchiuto ‘84, Partner at Sidley Austin and Brian Obergfell ‘85, Partner at
Emmet, Marvin & Martin, LLP.
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Sylvia D. Garland ’60 Scholarship
Ms. Garland, 1919-2007, was a member of the Board of Trustees of New York Law School. She was a partner at the law firm
Hofheimer, Gartlir, and Gross and served on the Committee on Character and Fitness of the New York State Bar Association.
The scholarship is awarded to a student who is a working parent and who completed their undergraduate education at least
five years prior to matriculating at New York Law School.
Gerber Family Scholarship
Harold E. Gerber ’60 is President and CEO of Gerber/Somma Associates. Gerber/Somma, formed in 1973, is one of the top
investment property brokerage firms in New Jersey, specializing in properties in Hudson County and Northern New Jersey.
Harold’s son Steven is NYLS Class of 2010.
Robert M. Giller Memorial Scholarship
The Robert M. Giller Scholarship was established by former New York Law School Trustee Nancy Berkowitz ’97, the founder
of MyRegistry.com, in honor of her late husband.
Grand Street Boys’ Foundation Scholarship
David Goldsmith ’50 (1921-2002), had his own law practice and was Chairman of the Board and past President of the Grand
Street Boys’ Foundation. The scholarship is awarded to students who enter New York Law School with outstanding academic
credentials. The scholarship honors Herbert Wasserman (1931-2000), New York lawyer and Broadway producer; Harold
Garner ’27, 1905-1987; and David Finkelstein, 1903-1991, a member of the New York Law School Board of Trustees and an
honorary degree recipient.
Maurice R Greenberg ’50 Scholarship Fund
Established by The Starr Foundation in honor of Maurice R. Greenberg ’50, Chairman & CEO of C.V. Starr & Co., Inc. and
former Chairman & CEO of American International Group. Mr. Greenberg attended NYLS on the G.I. Bill and was a Trustee
of New York Law School from 1969 to 1984; he has since been Trustee Emeritus. Mr. Greenberg is the Law School’s most
prolific donor. He received the School’s Distinguished Alumni Award in 1981 and in 1972 was awarded an Honorary Degree.
To be awarded based on need and academic merit.
Maurice R. Greenberg ’50 Veterans Scholarship Fund
Established by The Starr Foundation in honor of Maurice R. Greenberg ’50, Chairman & CEO of C.V. Starr & Co., Inc. and
former Chairman & CEO of American International Group. Mr. Greenberg attended NYLS on the G.I. Bill and was a Trustee
of New York Law School from 1969 to 1984; he has since been Trustee Emeritus. Mr. Greenberg is the Law School’s most
prolific donor. He received the School’s Distinguished Alumni Award in 1981 and in 1972 was awarded an Honorary Degree.
To be awarded to a military veteran based on need and academic merit.
Kathleen Grimm ’80 Government Service Scholarship
Kathleen Grimm ’80 (1946-2015) was Deputy Chancellor of Operations at the New York City Department of Education. She
was one of New York City’s most dedicated servants ever, having served five City Mayors, one State Comptroller, seven City
Commissioners, and five City Schools Chancellors. Ms. Grimm was a long-time member of the New York Law School Board
of Trustees and served on the School's Alumni Association Board of Directors for over two decades, including as President. In
2015, the NYLS Board of Trustees endowed a scholarship in her name as part of the School's public service program for
evening students, many of whom work in City government. The scholarships deriving from the Fund will be distributed among
candidates working in municipal, state, or federal government in New York City.
Seymour Groshut ’28 Scholarship
The scholarship was established in honor of Seymour Groshut ’28, 1906-1987, a New York attorney.
Katherine Hassett Scholarship
The Hassett Scholarship is awarded to a student based on academic merit and need. The Hassett Foundation for Charitable
Purposes was administered by Harry English, class of 1951.
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William Randolph Hearst Foundation Scholarship
The scholarship supports minority students based on need. The Hearst Foundation, Inc. was founded in 1945 by William
Randolph Hearst (1863-1951). He started one of the first print-media companies to enter radio broadcasting. He was also an
early pioneer of television and major producer of movie newsreels.
Victor Herbert Scholarship
The Herbert Scholarship is awarded to a student who has a background in the creative or performing arts, or business relating
to these areas, and intends to practice in the field of copyright law. Herbert Jacoby, 1915-2011, a copyright attorney and
adjunct professor at New York Law School, was administrator of the Victor Herbert Foundation. Victor Herbert, 1859–1924, an
Irish-American cellist, composer, and conductor, is honored with a statue in Central Park.
Judge William Smith Hirschberg ’12 Scholarship
Judge Hirschberg ’12, 1890-2002, was Partner of the law firm Whitman & Ransom. He also was a Connecticut state senator
and a judge. Hirschberg helped found the Charles A. Dana Foundation for higher education and medicine and was its
secretary-treasurer and a board member for many years. The scholarship is awarded to a student based on academic merit.
Edward R. Hughes & Irene E. Hughes Foundation for Charitable Purposes Scholarships
The Hughes Scholarship is awarded to a second-year Evening Division student who has maintained at least a B average. The
Hughes Foundation was administered by Harry English ’51, who facilitated the creation of the scholarship.
Louis ’30 and Sylvia Jackson Scholarship
Louis Jackson ’30 (1904-1997) was the founder of the labor and employment law firm Jackson Lewis. The firm currently has
over 770 attorneys and is ranked in the “Am Law 100,” The American Lawyer’s list of U.S. law firms with the highest annual
Anthony E. Jannace Scholarship
The scholarship was established by William Jannace ’92, in honor of his father, Anthony E. Jannace, a disabled war veteran.
The scholarship provides assistance to matriculated students with disabilities or who have overcome hardship in their lives, as
his father did. Mr. Jannace is Managing Director in the Member Regulation Division of the Financial Industry Regulatory
Authority, an NYLS adjunct, and a former member of the Alumni Association Board.
Walter Jeffords Jr. Scholarship
The Jeffords Scholarship is awarded to a student with a demonstrated interest in environmental law. Walter Jeffords Jr. (19141990) was a member of the NYLS Board of Trustees and an honorary degree recipient. He was president of the Brooklyn
Borough Gas Company (now National Grid). His son, George, is a member of the Class of ’76. His daughter, Sarah Jeffords
’81, who was Assistant General Counsel with the New York City Transit Authority, oversees her family’s foundation, The
Dobson Foundation.
David Miller Kahn ’50 and James Charles Kahn ’85 Scholarship
James Kahn ’85, a resident of Greenwich, has a practice in Eastchester, N.Y. focusing on family law, real estate and estate
planning. David Miller Kahn ’50, 1925-2008, worked with his son James at a practice with offices in Palm Beach Gardens and
White Plains. The Kahn Scholarship is awarded to a second-year student.
Judge William Kapelman Memorial Scholarship
Jeffrey ’76 and Randi ’82 Kapelman established this scholarship in honor of Jeffrey’s father, Judge William Kapelman ’40, a
former Assemblyman and State Supreme Court Justice. During his 14 years on the Supreme Court, Judge Kapelman tried
several highly publicized cases, including those of Howard (Buddy) Jacobson, a horse trainer who was convicted of murder,
and David Berkowitz, who was found guilty in the Son of Sam slayings. The Judge also served as a key mediator in a 1970
labor dispute between the city and its uniformed firemen.
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Clayton P. Knowles Jr. Scholarship
The Knowles Scholarship was established by NYLS Board Vice Chairman Jeffrey Knowles ’75, in memory of his brother,
Clayton, Jr. ’71, a New York City entertainment lawyer who represented a wide range of actors and musicians – including
iconic 1980s rock band Twisted Sister - and who was himself an accomplished professional musician. The scholarship is
based on financial need and academic merit.
Professor Joseph Koffler Scholarship
Professor Joseph Koffler (1920-2006) taught at NYLS for over 50 years. In 2001, he was honored with a Special Trustees
Award from New York Law School in recognition for his many years of teaching and scholarship. Professor Michael Perlin
said, “When I talk to graduates anytime from the early ’50s to the early ’80s, everyone has a Joe story, everyone recalls Joe
teaching them torts, and everyone speaks with affection, admiration, and warmth. In all these years, there have been no
exceptions.” For his colleagues as well, Joe Koffler became, as Professor Arthur Leonard puts it, “the personification of New
York Law School tradition—it is hard to imagine New York Law School without him.”
Murray T. ’38 and Dorothy Koven Scholarship
The Koven Scholarship is awarded to an Evening division student. Mr. Koven ’38, who will turn 100 in 2016, continues to
maintain a law practice. The scholarship is to be awarded based on financial need.
Hon. Alfred D. Lerner ’51 Scholarship
Mr. Lerner ’51, 1928-2009, was appointed to the Court of Appeals and, prior to that, was Presiding Justice of the Appellate
Division's First Department. He later worked at the firm Philips Nizer. The scholarship supports a 2L or 3L who is a veteran.
Martin P. Levin ’83 Scholarship
Martin P. Levin ’83 had a long career in publishing, including working as Vice President and President of the Book Group at
Times Mirror, before attending NYLS. As counsel at Cowan Liebowitz, he has handled publishing acquisition deals. He is also
an author—in 2011 he released All I Know About Management I Learned From My Dog. Mr. Levin was a member of the
Alumni Association board and has been an NYLS adjunct faculty member. The Levin Scholarship is awarded to a student
pursuing the law as a second career.
Barbara L. Levine ’79 Memorial Scholarship
Barbara L. Levine ’79, who was partner in the New York law firm Warshaw Burstein Cohen Schlesinger & Kuh, died in 1992.
Her husband, Arnold Levine, a partner at Proskauer Rose, established the scholarship in her honor in 1993. The scholarship
is awarded to a 2L or 3L of proven academic merit and demonstrated commitment to public service.
Harry J. Levine ‘25 Scholarship
The Harry J. Levine Scholarship is awarded to a student excelling in Real Property Law. Harry Levine, 1900-2002, set up the
scholarship in honor of his brother D. George Levine ’26.
Paul ’59 and Jeanette Lewis Memorial Scholarship
The scholarship, established by Paul Lewis ’59, is awarded to students who have read and written a paper on The Vision of
Ayn Rand by Nathaniel Branden (copies of the book are available in the Mendik Library). Mr. Lewis has found the philosophy
of Ayn Rand transformative in his life, and would like to help provide that same inspiration to current New York Law School
Renee Libin ’78 Memorial Scholarship
The Libin Scholarship is awarded to an Evening Division student who has indicated an interest in the field of wills, trusts, and
estates. The scholarship was established in Renee Libin’s honor by her father and law partner, Harold Kaufmann ’38 (19132006). Ms. Libin’s son, Robert Libin, and sister, Carol Ohanna, are both 1996 graduates of NYLS.
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Harry Ducky and Lucille Lorah Scholarship
The Lorah Scholarship was established by Tim O’Neal Lorah ’96, Senior Director for Global Investigations & Compliance at
Navigant and an NYLS adjunct faculty member. The scholarship, created in honor of Mr. Lorah’s parents, is awarded based
on merit and need.
Irving Mariash ’24 Scholarship
Mariash, 1902-1993, was an NYLS professor and author. He also was a president of the New York Law School Alumni
Richard A. Matasar Scholarship
Richard Matasar was the Dean of New York Law School, 2000-2011. The scholarship was funded by faculty and members of
the Board of Trustees in his honor.
Phillip ’76 and Eileen Michaels Scholarship
The Michaels Scholarship supports to a day student who has completed their second year of study, or to an evening student
who has completed their third year of study with a demonstrated interest and ability in the field of trusts and estates. Mr.
Michaels is a Partner at Norton Rose Fulbright, focusing on estate and tax planning. Since January 2000, he has been an
adjunct professor at New York Law School teaching estate administration.
Abram and Roger J. Miner Scholarship
Hon. Roger Miner ‘56, was appointed by President Reagan to a seat on the federal appeals court, and served as a Judge for
three decades. He was mentor to the many NYLS alumni whom he hired as clerks. He died in 2012 and was posthumously
honored with the President’s Medal of Honor. The scholarship, named after the Judge and his father Abram ‘26, is awarded on
the basis of need and merit.
Denise Morgan Scholarship
Professor Denise C. Morgan, who wrote extensively about civil rights and equal educational opportunity, died in 2006 at age
41. At New York Law School, she taught education policy and the law, federal courts, civil procedure, and race and American
history. Professor Morgan represented the Black, Puerto Rican, and Hispanic Legislative Caucus, and filed several amicus
briefs on behalf of the Caucus in a landmark case against New York State to establish equity in public school funding for New
York City’s schoolchildren.
Ornella and Robert Morrow ’60 Scholarship
Robert Morrow ’60, a real estate developer and manager, established a scholarship fund in 2007.
Maria E. Orr Scholarship
The Orr Scholarship was established in 2001 in honor of Maria E. Orr. The Maria E. Orr Foundation was administered by
Harry English ’51.
Harry Ostrov ’25 Scholarship
Harry Ostrov ’25 (1904-1994) was an NYLS Trustee and honorary degree recipient. He was President of the New York Law
School Alumni Association in the 1960s. Ostrov was also the first man of Jewish faith who served as Grand Master of a
Masonic Lodge in New York.
Albert Parker ’21 Scholarship
Parker ’21 (1897-1983) founded Parker Chapin Flattau & Klimpl, a 125-attorney New York City-based law firm. He was a
founder of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and a member of its board of overseers; a fellow of Brandeis University; and
chairman of the Board of Trustees of Bar-Ilan University in Israel. He was also an honorary national chairman of the United
Jewish Appeal. Parker was an honorary degree recipient at NYLS. The Theodore Barth Foundation, run by fellow Parker
Chapin partner Irving Berelson, 1916-1999, funded the scholarship in his honor.
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Elliot Paskoff ’68 Memorial Scholarship
Elliot Paskoff ’68 (1943-1999) was a corporate litigator at the firm Townley & Updike, and later at Piliero Goldstein Jenkins &
Hall. The scholarship was established in his honor by his family.
Steven E. Pegalis ’65 Scholarship
Mr. Pegalis ’65, a personal injury lawyer, is an NYLS Trustee and has been an adjunct professor, teaching medical
malpractice. His scholarship, established in 1992, provides tuition assistance based on merit and need.
Dean Robert D. Petty Memorial Scholarship
Robert D. Petty was a founding father of New York Law School and served as its Dean from 1924 to 1932. The scholarship
was established by his son, Richard Petty ’37 (1912-1999), whose firm Mitchell, Petty and Schetterly merged into Brown &
Wood in 1979. Mr. Petty retired as a senior member of that firm in 1985.
Philip Morris Minority Scholarship
The scholarship is awarded to a minority student based on need.
Aaron Pines ’33 Scholarship
Aaron Pines ’33 (1910-2007) was President of Center and Crown Theatres in Quezon City, Philippines.
David Rapoport ’29 Scholarship
The scholarship was established by David Rapoport ’29 (1899-1986).
Robert ’94 & Jacqueline Raymond Scholarship
Bob Raymond ’94, is a member of the NYLS Board of Trustees and a partner at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, a leading
New York City-based law firm. The scholarship, established by Bob and his wife Jacqueline, is awarded to a student based
on academic merit and financial need. Preference will be given to deserving students who are members of the Police
Department or the children of officers.
Christa H. ’79 and John J. Reddy ’79 Scholarship
Christa and John Reddy, graduates from the class of 1979, met at New York Law School where they were both members of
the Student Bar Association. John, a trusts and estates attorney and partner at Reddy, Levy & Ziffer, P.C., which serves as
counsel to the New York County Public Administrators office, says his work reflects his lifelong interest in social justice and his
belief that “you have an obligation to share.” Christa is president of Pro-Plans, Inc., a comprehensive qualified retirement
planning firm that serves small- to medium-sized business. John has served on the NYLS Alumni Association Board since
2001 and was President from 2007-2010. He is currently a member of the NYLS Board of Trustees.
John M. Regan, Jr. Scholarship
Mr. Regan, 1921-2011, was an NYLS Trustee. He was Chairman and CEO of Marsh & McLennan Companies, and a director
of Morgan Stanley, ACF Industries and the A. C. Nielson Company. Regan was also Trustee of Notre Dame University,
Connecticut College and St. Vincent's Hospital. He endowed a scholarship in his name in 1990.
Professor Max Reich ‘17 Scholarship
Professor Reich, 1890-1970, taught at NYLS for 47 years. According to his obituary, he “was known as ‘Mr. Chips’ to several
generations of students.” Reich earned a Ph.D. from New York University.
Dean Alison Reppy Scholarship
Reppy was named Dean of New York Law School in 1950, and died in 1958 while serving as Dean. The donor to the
scholarship, Otto Walter ’54 (1907-2003) was an NYLS honorary degree recipient in 1984. Dean Reppy founded the firm,
Walter, Conston, Alexander & Green, the predecessor to Alston & Bird LLP. An adjunct at New York Law School, he was
instrumental in developing the school's program in international law. He was also known as an advocate for promoting
understanding between the U.S. and Germany. He was a director of the German American Chamber of Commerce and the
American Institute for Contemporary German Studies at Johns Hopkins University.
Continued on next page
The Reunion Scholarship
The scholarship was established by alumni celebrating their reunions in 2000, 2001, and 2002.
Max and Dora Saltz Scholarship
The Saltz Scholarship was established by S. Martin Saltz ’49 (1919-2003), a New York attorney, in honor of his parents, Max
and Dora Saltz.
Bernard L. Sanoff Scholarship
Bernard Sanoff, 1922-1986, was an attorney for Consolidated Edison. John McMahon ’76, a member of the New York Law
School Board of Trustees and former Executive Vice President at Consolidated Edison, is a major donor to the Sanoff
Scholarship Fund.
Jules W Schapiro ’50 Memorial Scholarship
The Schapiro Scholarship was established by Claudia Justy, in memory of her husband, Jules W. Schapiro, a New York City
real estate attorney and a member of the NYLS Class of 1950. The scholarship is awarded based on financial need and
academic merit.
Ruth Schnurman Memorial Scholarship
NYLS Trustee Alan Schnurman ’71 is a personal injury lawyer, real estate investor, and founder of Lawline, a provider of
online continuing legal education. He has also hosted “Lawline,” the longest running legal show in the New York metropolitan
region. Mr. Schnurman endowed his scholarship for single mothers in memory of his own mother, Ruth.
Frederick Scholem ’27 Scholarship
Mr. Scholem, 1904-1984, was a New York real estate attorney. The scholarship is to be awarded to an entering student on
the basis of outstanding academic merit.
Nathan and Lillian Seril Scholarship
Barbara and Pearl Seril, friends of the Law School, set up this scholarship in honor of their parents, Nathan and Lillian Seril.
The family owns Longfellow, a real estate management company. Their scholarship is awarded to an immigrant or the child of
an immigrant.
Dean E. Donald Shapiro Scholarship
E. Donald Shapiro, 1931-2010, was Dean of New York Law School, 1973-1983, as well as an honorary degree recipient.
J. Stanley Shaw and Joseph Licitra Scholarship
J. Stanley Shaw ’56 (1929-2009) was a preeminent bankruptcy attorney and senior partner of the law firm of Shaw, Licitra,
Eisenberg, Esernio & Schwartz in Garden City, New York. He was also the chairman of the Queens Liberal Party from 1968
to1974, and author of a memoir, I Rest My Case. Joseph Licitra (1930-1987) was his law partner.
SIFMA Scholarship
The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) Scholarship is to be awarded to one second year and
one third year law student specializing at the Center for Business and Financial Law. Recipients will be invited to attend a
future SIFMA Financial Management Society educational seminar and will be granted one year of complimentary registration
to the SIFMA FMS.
Professor Milton A. Silverman Scholarship
Milton A. Silverman (1918-1995) was an NYLS professor. Blanche Christerson ’86, Managing Director at Deutsche Bank,
said that Professor Silverman, who taught equity, suretyship, mortgages, and insurance law, was the most colorful professor
she remembered. “He was a very rumpled guy with a big walrus mustache, and he’d carry around a law book held together
with a rubber band and stuffed with Law Journal cases,” Ms. Christerson said. “Before I knew who he was, I used to think it
was so nice of the Law School to let this guy come and hang out.” Professor Silverman was a master teacher, she recalled,
because “he could tell a story and then slip in the entire message. It was a great lesson.”
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Professor James F. Simon Scholarship
James Simon, the Martin Professor of Law at New York Law School, was Dean of the Law School, 1983-1992. He is the
author of eight books on American history, law, and politics, most recently, FDR and Chief Justice Hughes: The President, the
Supreme Court, and the Epic Battle Over the New Deal. Donors include Trustee Emeritus Alexander Forger and Stanley
Shuman, Managing Director of Allen & Co and Chair of the advisory board for the NYLS Center for New York City Law.
Vincent A. Smyth ’74 Scholarship
Currently a mediator, Vincent A. Smyth ’74 was General Counsel of Bayside Federal Savings Bank from 1986 to 1994, and
General Counsel of Metro Bancshares from 1989 to 1994.
John Ben Snow Challenge Scholarship
The Snow Scholarship was established through the efforts of NYLS friend, supporter, and former faculty member, Dr. Vernon
Snow. He was a Trustee of the John Ben Snow Memorial Trust and President of the John Ben Snow Foundation. Dr. Snow
was a cousin of John Ben Snow, who made his fortune operating hundreds of F.W. Woolworth stores in Britain.
SONY Corporation of America Scholarship
The company established the SONY scholarship in 1993.
Starr Foundation Scholarship
The Starr Foundation Scholarship is New York Law School’s largest scholarship fund. It was established by Maurice R.
Greenberg ’51, the Chairman and CEO of The Starr Companies and the former chairman and CEO of American International
Group. Mr. Greenberg attended NYLS on the G.I. Bill and was a Trustee of New York Law School from 1969 to 1984; he has
since been Trustee Emeritus. He received the Distinguished Alumni Award in 1981 and was awarded an Honorary Degree in
Helen and Harry Stein Scholarship
Harry Stein, 1907-2001, was Founder of Huntington Materials and Chairman of Bayport Lumber Corporation. His wife, Helen
Stein, is the mother-in-law of Martin Danoff ’60, a New York attorney and former President of the NYLS Alumni Association
Ralph H. Terhune ’24 Memorial Scholarship
The scholarship was established by Ralph H. Terhune ’24 (1902-1994).
John V. Thornton Scholarship
Mr. Thornton was Chairman of the Board of Trustees at NYLS, 1972-1985. Consolidated Edison, where Thornton was Vice
Chairman, is a donor.
Michael Tondel Memorial Scholarship
The Tondel Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a U.S. citizen who is under 30, with demonstrated need and high potential.
Michael Tondel was about to enter NYLS in August 2001 when he was killed in an automobile accident. His father Lawrence,
a former partner and now Sr. Counsel at Sidley Austin LLP, established the scholarship in his son’s memory.
John J. Tormey ’28 and Marion R. Tormey Scholarship
The scholarship was established by the Tormey Family: John ’28, 1898-1979 and Marion, 1905-1984.
Murray B. and Rae L. Trayman Scholarship
The scholarship was established by the Trayman Family: Murray (1903-1988) and Rae (1907-2007).
Blanche and Bert Vann Memorial Scholarship
The Vann Memorial Scholarship is awarded to students based on need and merit, with a preference for students from
Yeshiva. Avrom Vann ’68 established the scholarship in honor of his parents. Vann was an evening student, attending while
married with four children. He was the first Jerry Finkelstein Scholar and graduated first in his class.
Continued on next page
Frank A. Weg ’60 Scholarship
The Weg Scholarship provides partial scholarship assistance to a student who has demonstrated excellence in the law of
contracts, and preferably who has shown an interest in the field of insurance law. Mr. Weg ’60, 1928-1992, an expert on
insurance law, was the founding senior partner of the firm Weg & Myers. The scholarship was established in 1992 by his firm
and law partner Dennis T. D’Antonio ’82. Another donor, Dr. Stephen Colvin, 1943-2008, was Founding Chairman of the
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at NYU Medical Center.
Morris Weintraub ‘39 Scholarship
Mr. Weintraub ’39, 1916-2001, was president of National Cleaning Contractors. He established the scholarship in honor of his
brother Herman Weintraub ’29.
Sidney Weisner Scholarship
The Weisner Scholarship is awarded to an evening division student for academic achievement in real property law. Murray
Koven ’38 established the scholarship in honor of Sidney Weisner, 1912-1991, an attorney and real estate executive.
Weisser Family Scholarship
Michael Weisser ’65 is a Florida real estate developer. He works with his son, Justin Weisser ’02. His brother, Alan, is NYLS
Class of 1967.
Dean Harry H. Wellington Scholarship
Harry Wellington, 1926-2011, was New York Law School Dean, 1992-2000. The scholarship, established in his honor, is
funded by several New York Law School Trustees and Trustee Emeriti.
Audrey and Zygmunt ’74 Wilf Scholarship
Zygmunt Wilf ’74 is a national real estate developer and owner of the NFL’s Minnesota Vikings. Mr. Wilf received the
President’s Medal at the 2009 commencement exercises and serves on the advisory board for the NYLS Center for Real
Estate Studies. Preference will be given to students from the State of New Jersey.
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