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Dr. Stephanie E. Hurley
Curriculum Vitae
Harvard University, Graduate School of Design
Doctor of Design (DDes) 2009
Dissertation: Urban Watershed Redevelopment: Design Scenarios for Reducing Phosphorus
Pollution from Stormwater in Boston’s Charles River Basin, USA.
Advisor: Richard T.T. Forman
University of Washington
Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA) 2004
Thesis: Great (Wet) Streets: Merging Street Design and Stormwater Management to Improve
Neighborhood Streets. Co-author: Megan Wilson.
Advisor: Richard Horner
University of California, Berkeley
Bachelor of Science (BS) 1999
Conservation and Resource Studies major, Forestry minor
Professional Experience & Design Practice
Assistant Professor
University of Vermont. Department of Plant & Soil Science. College of Agriculture and Life
Sciences. August 2011-present
Research and teaching in landscape design, land use planning, green stormwater
infrastructure, climate change adaptation and mitigation, landscape visualization and
perceptions, environmental restoration, urban ecological design, sustainable food systems,
landscape ecology, watershed management & protection.
Courses include: Landscape Design Fundamentals, Ecological Landscape Design, and
Agricultural Runoff Treatment Eco Design.
Service learning partners for design studio projects: Burlington Sustainability Academy,
Southface Condominums at Sugarbush Resort, Edmunds Elementary School, Leapfrog
Hollow Residences, Vermont Downtowns Program Village Green Project, J.J. Flynn
Elementary School, Fayston School, UVM Miller Research Farm.
Built projects include: University of Vermont Bioretention Laboratory (2012) and Village Square
Raingarden in Waitsfield, VT (2013)
Postdoctoral Associate & Lecturer
University of Vermont. Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources.
November 2009-August 2011.
Researched land use-based “ecological thresholds” for eutrophication of shallow bays in Lake
Champlain, with Dean Mary Watzin. Taught capstone undergraduate course on Ecological
Risk Assessment, managed Lake Champlain Sea Grant RFP for research, and facilitated the
landscape and green roof research groups for the Greening of Aiken internship course.
Assistant Professor of Landscape Design, Dept. of Plant & Soil Science, University of Vermont
221 Jeffords Hall, Burlington, VT 05405 [email protected] 802.656.9501
Dr. Stephanie E. Hurley
Curriculum Vitae
Stephanie Hurley Design Consulting, LLC
Independent Consulting, Seattle, WA; Cambridge, MA and Montpelier, VT. 2004-2011.
LandWorks, VT. Middlebury, VT. 2011
Facilitated community meetings for ECOS project in Chittenden County.
Charles River Watershed Association Weston, MA. October 2005–December 2006
(Please see description below under “Landscape Designer.”)
Paul Lukez Architecture Somerville, MA. March 2006
Landscape consultant for Transit-Oriented Development project proposal.
Seattle Public Utilities, Resource Management. Seattle, WA. August 2004-January 2005
Development of graphics and texts for three green streets virtual tours.
Landscape Designer
Charles River Watershed Association Weston, MA. January-August 2007
Research, analysis and design concepts for nonprofit. Production of graphic and
written materials on ecological stormwater management in residential, commercial,
campus, institutional, and industrial settings.
Transportation Landscape Designer
Washington State Department of Transportation Seattle, WA. November 2004 – July 2005
Landscape design, construction inspection, and coordination with environmental
permitting staff for wetland mitigation projects, wetland delineation, fish habitat
restoration, and roadside restoration for state and federal highway projects.
Harvey, C. Aultman-Hall, L., Hurley, S., Troy, A. “Effects of skeletal streetscape design on perceived
safety.” Landscape and Urban Planning 142 (2015): 18-28
Scheinert, S., Koliba C., Hurley, S., Coleman, S., and Zia, A. (September 2015). “The shape of
watershed governance: Locating the boundaries of multiplex networks.” Complexity, Governance,
and Networks, 1 (2015): 65-82.
Harvey, C. Aultman-Hall, L., Troy, A., and Hurley, S. “Streetscape skeleton typology and
measurement” [In Review]
Hurley, S., Shrestha, P., and Cording, A. Working Title: “Nutrient leaching from saturated
compost: considerations for use of application of compost for ecological restoration in wet
areas” [In Preparation]
Hurley, S., White, A., and Forman, R.T.T. Working Title: “Ultra-urban Green Stormwater
Infrastructure retrofit planning (in Metropolitan Boston, USA): to consolidate or disperse?”
[In Preparation]
Zia, A. Hurley, S. Tsai, Y., Miller, J., Koliba, C., Adair, C. Connor, D., Berlin, L., Westdijk, K.,
Schattman, R., Mendez, V.E. Working Title: “Prevalence and Social Psychological Determinants of
Farmer Adoption of Nutrient Management Practices: Implications for Resilient Adaptation to
Climate Change.” [In Preparation]
Assistant Professor of Landscape Design, Dept. of Plant & Soil Science, University of Vermont
221 Jeffords Hall, Burlington, VT 05405 [email protected] 802.656.9501
Dr. Stephanie E. Hurley
Curriculum Vitae
Schattman, R., Mendez, V. E., Westdijk, K., Caswell, M., Conner, D., Koliba, C., Zia, A., Hurley,
S., Adair, E.C., Berlin, L., & Darby, H. (2015). Vermont agricultural resilience in a changing
climate: A transdisciplinary and participatory action research (PAR) process. In N. Benkeblia
(Ed.), Agroecology, ecosystems, and sustainability (pp. 325–346). Boca Raton, FL: CRC
Press/Taylor & Francis.
Hurley, S.E. and Forman, R.T.T. 2011. “Stormwater ponds and biofilters for large urban sites: modeled
arrangements that achieve the phosphorus reduction target for Boston’s Charles River, USA.”
Ecological Engineering 37 (2011) 850–863.
Publication for Nonprofit Blue Cities Guide: Environmentally Sensitive Urban Development, Charles River
Watershed Association 2009. Contributed images and text. Funding from The Boston Foundation &
Cabot Family Charitable Trust.
Book Collaboration & Editing for Academic Study The Rebirth of the Tajo River (Spain). 2008.
With Professors Christian Werthmann and Carl Steinitz. Funded by Foro Civitas Nova,
Fundacion+SUMA, Castilla-La Mancha, and Harvard Graduate School of Design.
K. Yocom and S. Hurley. 2008. “Innovative Approaches for Retrofitting Drainage Infrastructure in the
Urban Landscape.” [Bridging the Pacific Series.] Journal of Landscape Architecture, Construction, and
Ecology (LAC), South Korea Vol. 46, pp. 32-37. June 2008
Book Chapters Handbook of Regenerative Landscape Design, Robert L. France (Ed.), CRC Press 2008.
M. Rasmussen and S. Hurley, Ch. 8 “Coastal Ecosystem Restoration with a Stormwater Wetland: A
Decade of Success, Reviving Shellfish Beds in Marion, Massachusetts.”
S. Hurley and M. Stromberg, Ch.13 “Residential Street Design with Watersheds in Mind: Toward
Ecological Streets.”
Book Collaboration for Academic Study Harvard University, 2005. Padova and the Landscape:
Alternative Futures for the Roncajette Park and the Industrial Zone (Italy). Landscape Planning
Studio Publication with Prof. Carl Steinitz. Funded by Comune di Padova, and ZIP (Zona
Industriale Padova).
Case Studies Editor University of Washington, 2003. Alternative Futures for Homer, Alaska.
Landscape Architecture Community Design Studio, commissioned by Homer, Alaska. I was coauthor and co-editor of case studies on environmental and economic planning and development of
large-scale retail in small towns.
PI: “Silage and Stormwater Runoff Treatment Design and Construction for a Working Research Farm”
USDA, Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station Hatch Award. October 1, 2014-September 30,
2016. $137,200.
Co-Investigator: “Increasing Ecosystem Services and Climate Change Resilience in Dominant
Agroecosystems of the Northeast.” USDA-NIFA. May 1, 2015-April 30, 2019. Joshua Faulkner, PI.
PI: “An Evaluation of Nutrient Leaching from Six Types of Compost.” Vermont Agency of Natural
Resources. June 15, 2014-June 30, 2015. $20,000
Assistant Professor of Landscape Design, Dept. of Plant & Soil Science, University of Vermont
221 Jeffords Hall, Burlington, VT 05405 [email protected] 802.656.9501
Dr. Stephanie E. Hurley
Curriculum Vitae
Co-PI: “Analysis of Sediments, Nutrients, and Greenhouse Gases associated with Green Stormwater
Infrastructure.” Lake Champlain Sea Grant (NOAA). S.E. Hurley and E.C. Adair. February 1, 2014January 31, 2017. $107,000
PI: Matching funds for above Lake Champlain Sea Grant project from Lintilhac Foundation. January 1,
2014-December 31, 2015. $25,000
Co-PI: “Climate Change Best Management Practices on Vermont Farms.” USDA, Vermont Agricultural
Experiment Station Hatch Award. S.E. Hurley and V.E. Mendez. October 1, 2012 – September 30,
2016. $110,938
Co-Investigator: “Climate Adaptation and Mitigation in the Lake Champlain Basin of Vermont.” UVM
Food Systems Spire Research Grant, PI: V.E. Mendez, plus 7 others. July 1, 2012-June 30, 2015.
Co-PI: “Adapting to Climate Change with Low Impact Development Stormwater Management in the
Lake Champlain Basin.” Lake Champlain Sea Grant (NOAA). S.E. Hurley and E.C. Adair.
February 1, 2012-January 31, 2014. $110,872
PI: “Implementing Low Impact Development in Waitsfield, Vermont.” Vermont Agency of Natural
Resources. Ecosystem Restoration Program. March 2012-December 2013. $68,652
Co-Investigator: “Research on Adaptation to Climate Change.” NSF EPSCoR. PI: J. VanHouten. I am
one of many researchers associated with this grant. 2011-2016. $20,000,000
PI: “Low Impact Development Opportunities in the Mid-Winooski River Basin.” Vermont Agency of
Natural Resources. Ecosystem Restoration Program. January–December 2011. $40,000
Academic and Advisory Committees
Graduate Student Committee Membership by Student and Topic
1. Amanda Cording (PhD Candidate, Advisor S. Hurley, started June 2012) Pollutant
transformations in bioretention soil media for ambient and simulated precipitation events.
2. Paliza Shrestha (PhD Student, Advisor S. Hurley, started January 2014) Bioretention
nutrient and metals removal, vegetation survival and pollutant uptake, microbial
biomass, greenhouse gases.
3. Sarah Coleman (PhD Student, Advisors S. Hurley and C. Koliba, started August 2013)
Policy and governance for climate change best management practices in urban and
agricultural settings.
4. Rebecca Tharp (PhD Student, Advisor S. Hurley, started August 2015). Detention pond
retrofits with floating constructed wetlands.
5. Jason Kokkinos (MS Student, Advisor S. Hurley, started August 2015). Bioretention soil
and vegetation research at UVM farm.
6. M. Fernandez (PhD Candidate, Advisor E. Mendez) Participatory Action Research (PAR)
in Latin American coffee growing communities.
7. A. White (PhD Student, Advisor L. Perry) Pollinator responses to open-pollinated native
plants versus cultivars of native species.
Assistant Professor of Landscape Design, Dept. of Plant & Soil Science, University of Vermont
221 Jeffords Hall, Burlington, VT 05405 [email protected] 802.656.9501
Dr. Stephanie E. Hurley
Curriculum Vitae
8. H. Howard (MS, Advisor A. Troy, completed 2012) Modeling Baltimore’s Urban-Rural
Transition Zone.
9. D. Allen (MS, Advisor A. Drizo) Filters and vegetation for wastewater treatment at a
cheese-processing facility.
10. C. Harvey (MS, Advisor L. Aultman-Hall, completed 2014) Assessing streetscape design for
livability using GIS-based quantitative methods. (Committee Chair)
11. D. Curran (MS, Advisor K. Wallin) Eco Machines for wastewater treatment. (Committee
12. A. Urbano (MS, Advisor W. Keeton) Carbon dynamics in forest stands associated with
different management techniques. (Committee Chair)
Supervision of Technicians and Research Interns in UVM Bioretention Lab (E. Twohig, S.
Cording, D. Allen, L. Jackson, R. Freeman, S. Wooster, A. Levine)
Supervision of Research Assistants on Landscape Visualization Project for Climate Change
BMPs on Farms and Design Computer Lab (K. Odell, C. Gieryic, W. Morris, G. Zeitz, H.
Greenleaf, E. Coniglio)
Co-Chair of Plant and Soil Science Graduate Affairs Committee (Graduate Student Advising
and Admissions), starting Fall 2015
Undergraduate Advisor for Sustainable Landscape Horticulture Major, 2012-present
Manager of Jeffords Hall Design Computer Laboratory, May 2012-present.
Chair of Plant and Soil Science Dept’s Educational Garden Committee 2012-2014.
UVM Campus Master Planning Committee and Landscape Advisory Subcommittee, August
Member of advisory committee for Friends of Northern Lake Champlain, October 2013-present.
State of Vermont Green Infrastructure Roundtable Member, June 2010-present.
Advisor for UVM’s College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (CEMS) Senior Project
Team, Spring 2012.
Internship Advisor for UVM’s “Greening of Aiken” Design Semester on Green Roofs and
Sustainable Landscape Design, Springs 2010 and 2011.
Lectures & Conferences
High Meadows Fund Board Meeting, “Stormwater Treatment in the Landscape: Design for
Ecological Function.” June 26, 2015.
Vermont Legislative Policy Summit on Climate Change, University of Vermont “Climate
Change Best Management Practices, Green Infrastructure, and Smart Growth” November 18,
Assistant Professor of Landscape Design, Dept. of Plant & Soil Science, University of Vermont
221 Jeffords Hall, Burlington, VT 05405 [email protected] 802.656.9501
Dr. Stephanie E. Hurley
Curriculum Vitae
USDA Northeast Climate Hub Visit to UVM “Landscape Visualizations for Climate Change
Best Management Practices” (Poster Session and Informal Discussion), October 22, 2014.
Center for Watershed Protection “Raising the Bar for Green Stormwater Infrastructure” Guest
Speaker on From Concept to Construction: parking lot bioretention in Waitsfield, VT 4/14
New England Assoc. of Environmental Biologists and Lake Champlain Basin Program Joint
Conference on “Climate Change Adaptation: Stormwater Management and Aquatic
Ecosystem Impacts” Invited speaker on Green Stormwater Infrastructure Implementation
and Monitoring 3/14
State of Vermont Watershed Management Division Workshop for Professionals: “Green
Stormwater Infrastructure: Soils at Work” Guest Speaker on UVM Bioretention Laboratory
Design and Construction 10/13
University of Vermont, Rubenstein School of Environment & Natural Resources Guest
Lecture for Reese Hersey in undergraduate core course for Environmental Studies Majors on
Ecology & Culture in Landscape Design 10/13
New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) Annual
Conference Led tour of University of Vermont Outdoor Bioretention Laboratory. Burlington,
VT 5/13
Upstream-Downtown Design Charrette Facilitator for breakout groups on Building Resiliency
Downtown. Montpelier, VT 3/13
Vermont Environmental Consortium Stormwater Conference Guest speaker on Stormwater in
the Landscape. Burlington, VT 3/13
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA. Invited lecture for Urban Ecology
Symposium 12/11
“THINK TANK!” at ECHO Lake Aquarium and Science Center, Burlington, VT 7-9/10
Coordinator for charrette to envision opportunities for education and interpretation of green
stormwater infrastructure and long-term strategies for Low Impact Development at ECHO
and the surrounding waterfront.
University of Vermont, Rubenstein School of Environment & Natural Resources 2/10, 2/11,
10/11. Burlington, VT. Guest lecture on green infrastructure, Prof. Austin Troy.
University of Vermont, Rubenstein School of Environment & Natural Resources 3/09
Burlington, VT. Invited lecture on doctoral thesis, Prof. Breck Bowden.
Vermont House Committee on Fish, Wildlife, and Water Resources Montpelier, VT 3/09
Expert Testimony: Green Infrastructure for Clean Water and Healthy People.
College of the Atlantic Bar Harbor, ME. Presented data from on doctoral thesis. 1/09
American Water Resources Association Annual Conference New Orleans 11/08
Presented: “Design Scenarios for Low Impact Development: Ultra-Urban Watershed Scale
Redevelopment Case Studies from the Charles River Watershed in Boston.”
European Landscape Convention, Conference at Harvard University Cambridge, MA 10/08
Coordinated conference and hosted international speakers, organized by Prof. Carl Steinitz.
Harvard Graduate School of Design “Career Discovery” Program Cambridge, MA. 6/08
Guest lecture for landscape architecture students on “Green Stormwater Infrastructure.”
Water in the City Conference Victoria, British Columbia 9/06
Presented to international audience on efforts to develop a stormwater management program on
Harvard’s Allston campus (Session: “Practical Techniques Your Community Can Use.”)
River Rally Conference Bretton Woods, NH. 5/06
Co-presented with the Charles River Watershed Association: “Building a Blue Allston.”
Sasaki Green Day Watertown, MA 5/06
Presented to teams of landscape architects, architects and planners on water quality strategies for
urban and suburban areas. Lecture Title: “Streets are the Headwaters of Urban Streams.”
Assistant Professor of Landscape Design, Dept. of Plant & Soil Science, University of Vermont
221 Jeffords Hall, Burlington, VT 05405 [email protected] 802.656.9501
Dr. Stephanie E. Hurley
Curriculum Vitae
Harvard Vision 2020: A Bridge to Sustainability Cambridge, MA. 4/06
Facilitated session and presented research. “Going with the Flow: Water at Harvard.”
Puget Sound Georgia Basin Research Conference Seattle, WA. Presented master’s thesis. 3/05
Graduate School Teaching & Research
Teaching Fellowships, Harvard University
Reviving the Tajo River in Spain, Profs. Christian Werthmann & Carl Steinitz. Autumn 2007
Teaching fellow and hydrology consultant for large scale regional planning studio in central
Designing the American City, Prof. Alex Krieger. Spring 2007
Discussion leader for two undergraduate sections for core lecture course.
Planning and Design of Landscapes, Prof. Scheri Fultineer. Autumn 2006
Teaching and reviewing for graduate landscape architecture core studio course.
Environmental Science Policy and Planning, Prof. Richard Forman. Springs 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
Teaching assistant for undergraduate field trips to Archbold Biological Station, Florida.
Research Assistant, Univ. of Washington & Seattle Public Utilities
Center for Water and Watershed Studies, Professor Richard Horner. March 2002 - June 2004
Research topics included: water quality and hydrological parameters for stormwater best
management practices; options for sustainable golf courses (alternatives to pesticide use); and
development of a maintenance activity protocol (MAP) for Seattle Public Utilities’ Natural
Drainage Systems program.
Publicity, Awards & Honors
“Across the Fence” Television Program Live interview regarding current research on Landscape
Visualization for agricultural Climate Change Best Management Practices. Interview slated for September
UVM University Communications Article: “When Good Compost Goes Big,” featuring compost
research in my lab, By Joshua Brown 10/23/14
Sustainability Faculty Fellow University of Vermont 2012.
Interviewed for Film Bloom: The Plight of Lake Champlain, Part III: “The Emergence of Ecological Design”
(premiered December 2011) 4/11.
ASLA Honor Award in Analysis and Planning for The Rebirth of the Tajo River (Spain) 2008.
Served as “Faculty Advisor” Group Project.
Arthur Lehman Scholarship Harvard Graduate School of Design, Academic Year 2006-7.
Penny White Student Projects Award Harvard Graduate School of Design, Spring 2006.
Travel and research grant, entitled: “Constructed Wetlands: Good, Clean, Fun?”
“Salmon Spirals” Design for Seattle’s Waterfront Charrette, 2004.
Concept for Salmon Spirals-- to introduce shallow shoreline habitat for juvenile and spawning salmon
along the working waterfront docks--published in Landscape Architecture Magazine in August 2004.
“Amphibitheater” Design for Willapa Bay Ecological Interpretive Trail, 2003.
Design for UW’s Public Art/Landscape Architecture Studio-- an outdoor education earthwork sculpture-- was built by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s Willapa Bay stream restoration and interpretation
project in southwestern Washington.
Assistant Professor of Landscape Design, Dept. of Plant & Soil Science, University of Vermont
221 Jeffords Hall, Burlington, VT 05405 [email protected] 802.656.9501
Dr. Stephanie E. Hurley
Curriculum Vitae
Merit Award Washington Chapter of American Society of Landscape Architects, 2004
Alternative Futures for Homer Alaska, Group Project.
Americal Planning Association Honor Award 2003
“Learning From Small Towns: Community character, vitality, and large-scale retail,” Group Project.
Terry Clark Gerrard Memorial Scholarship UW Landscape Architecture Department, 2002-2003.
Additional Training & Experience
Memberships: American Society of Landscape Architecture (ASLA), American Water Resources
Association (AWRA)
Computer Programs: Proficiency with MS Office Suite, ArcGIS, Adobe Photoshop, WinSLAMM
Stormwater Modeling Program. Working knowledge of Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign.
Art Book Editing Assistance Fall 2011
Flora Bowley’s Brave Intuitive Painting: Let go, be bold, unfold! Quarry Books 2012.
Lake Champlain Sea Grant Planning & RFP Organizing 6/10-present UVM
Assistance with writing RFP, managing review process, and coalescing responses for 2011
Applied Research Grant; work on aligning LCSG strategic plan with National program
Committee on Revisions to the Vermont Stormwater Manual 2009, ongoing.
Meeting participation and recommendations as part of Low Impact Development work-group.
Yestermorrow Design Build School Visiting Reviewer 1/08 Warren, VT
Served as reviewer for final student presentations on Planning for Rural Community
Water Quality Monitoring 9/04-6/05 Puget Soundkeeper Alliance, volunteer.
Independent Study Seminar Coordinator 10-12/02 UW “Green” Materials in Architecture &
Landscape Architecture.
Permaculture Design Certificate 7-8/01 Bullocks Farm, Orcas Island, WA
Science Camp Counselor 2-6/01 Overnight Science Camps, Pacific Science Center, Seattle, WA
Environmental Education Program Assistant 4-8/00 Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, CA.
Substitute Teacher 1-6/00 Crane School, Santa Barbara, CA.: Science, Math, English.
Teaching Assistant 1-5/99 UC Berkeley: co-taught Ecosystemology course.
Laboratory Assistant 10/98-4/99 Integrative Pest Management (IPM) Lab, UC Berkeley.
Tropical Rainforest Management Field Semester 1-5/98 School for Field Studies, North
Queensland, Australia: coursework in Tropical Ecology, Forest Dynamics, Land Use Planning &
Research Assistant 6/97-8/97 Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Lab (SNARL), UC Santa Barbara:
research assistance and data entry for Sierra snow melt/hydrology project.
Outdoor Education 1-5/96 UC Berkeley: environment & leadership course for teens, Oakland, CA.
Assistant Professor of Landscape Design, Dept. of Plant & Soil Science, University of Vermont
221 Jeffords Hall, Burlington, VT 05405 [email protected] 802.656.9501
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