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Curriculum Vitae
Masha Y. Ivanova, Ph.D.
Psychiatry Department
University of Vermont
1 South Prospect Street
Room 3211 A
Burlington, VT 05401
Phone: (802) 656-2796
Email: [email protected]
Date of Birth: April 17, 1974
Birthplace: Moscow, Russia
Citizenship: United States
Research Assistant Professor of Psychiatry (joint appointment
in Psychology 2010-present)
Research Center for Children, Youth and Families, Burlington, VT.
University of Vermont (UVM) Department of Psychiatry
Current research focuses on the development of a family-based
assessment-with-feedback intervention to facilitate the treatment
engagement of families needing mental health services for their
children. Ongoing research is applying multicultural methods as
tools for the taxonomic refinement of psychopathology phenotypes
across the lifespan.
2006 - Present
July 2012 – present
Co-Director (with UVM Department of Psychology)
Pre-Doctoral Internship in Clinical Psychology (accredited by the
American Psychological Association since November, 2013)
Co-directing pre-doctoral training of doctoral candidates in clinical
psychology at the Vermont Center for Children, Youth, and
Families (VCCYF), an outpatient mental health clinic in a medical
center. The VCCYF training component emphasizes the
application of evidence-based psychotherapeutic approaches from
the family perspective, as well as a comprehensive approach to
family health and wellness, including exercise, nutrition, and
healthy community connections.
Research Associate
Research Center for Children, Youth and Families, Burlington, VT.
Clinical Psychologist, Doctorate, Vermont
License #: 048-0000914
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2002 – 2004
Post-doctoral Fellowship
Research Center for Children, Youth and Families, Burlington, VT.
Department of Psychiatry, University of Vermont School of Medicine
Mentor: Thomas M. Achenbach, Ph.D.
1997 – 2002
Doctor of Philosophy (Clinical Psychology)
The University at Albany, Albany, NY.
Department of Psychology, Division of Clinical Psychology
Advisor: Allen C. Israel, Ph.D.
1992 - 1996
Bachelor of Arts
University of Hartford, Hartford, CT.
Advisors: Kathleen Crowley-Long, Ph.D. & Jack Powell, Ph.D.
Honors include: summa cum laude, honors Program, Psi Chi and Alpha
Chi National Honor Societies
1991- 1992
Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
Department of Psychology
Sept 2014
Sept 2017
Co-Principal Investigator, 1 G02HP280020100: The University of Vermont
(UVM) Clinical Psychology Internship Program (CPIP): Developing Vermont’s
Behavioral Workforce to Support At-Risk Youth and Families (PI: Fondacaro, K.).
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Health Resources and
Services Administration (HRSA) ($370,285.00).
Sept 2014Aug 2015
Principal Investigator, Family Assessment and Feedback Intervention (FAFI): A
Randomized Clinical Trial in a Federally Qualified Health Center. The project
aims to test the feasibility and efficacy of the FAFI in a rural Federally Qualified
Health Center. Bi-State Primary Care Association, Vermont ($50,000).
Dec 2012
American Psychological Association Seed Grant for the Development of
Predoctoral Clinical Psychology Internship Programs. Seed money obtained for
the UVM Predoctoral Internship in Clinical Psychology. American Psychological
Association ($20,000).
June 2011present
Co-Investigator, the Long Term Family Study (Seattle Site) of the Longitudinal
Studies of Child Abuse and Neglect (LONGSCAN) Consortium. PI: Diana
English, Ph.D. Facilitating a program of research examining the protective role of
family stability for children at risk. Office of Child Abuse and Neglect
U.S. Agency of Health and Human Services (OCAN U.S. AHHS) ($250,000
annually/$5,000,000 total).
Nov 2011
Principal Investigator, Family Factors and Children’s Development in the
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LONGSCAN Cohort. Casey Foundation ($10,000).
May 2008Mar 2012
Consultant, Avera Research Institute, University of South Dakota Sanford
School of Medicine (40% FTE & fringe). Provided consultation in the
conceptualization and execution of research projects, data management and
analysis. Training clinical staff in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. Research
examines the effectiveness of family-based treatment programs for children’s
May 2004Aug. 2007
Project Director, RO1HD040220: Advancing ADHD Diagnosis via Standardized
Observations (40% FTE and fringe). PI: Stephanie McConaughy, Ph.D.
Responsible for all facets of data collection and management of a multi-site study
examining standardized observational assessment instruments as a novel method
for assessment of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity disorder in children.
Apr. 2001
Graduate Research Initiative Award, University at Albany. Obtained for funding
of doctoral dissertation ($1,000).
Apr. 2001
Benevolent Association Grant, University at Albany. Obtained for funding of
doctoral dissertation ($500).
Apr. 1999
Research Grant, Office for International Programs, University at Albany.
Obtained for funding of Master’s-level research project ($500).
Apr. 1999
Travel Grant, Graduate Student Organization, University at Albany. Obtained for
travel to the 1999 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child
Development (SRCD) ($500).
Nov. 1999
Travel Grant, Graduate Student Organization, University at Albany. Obtained for
travel to the 33d Annual Convention of the Association for Advancement of
Behavioral Therapy (AABT) ($500).
National Endowment for Humanities Award, University of Hartford.
International Regents Scholarship Award, University of Hartford.
Humanities Center Fellowship, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Hartford.
Grant Writing Training
Apr. 6 2013 “Write Winning NIH Grant Proposals: Part I”, workshop sponsored by the UVM
College of Medicine. Trainer: John Robertson, Ph.D., Grant Writers’ Seminars
and Workshops.
Sept. 7 2013 “Writing Successful Grants”, workshop sponsored by the UVM Vermont Genetics
Network. Trainer: Robert Porter, Ph.D., Program Development Manager,
Research Division, Virginia Tech University.
Jan. 30, 2013 “Write Winning NIH Grant Proposals: Part II”, selected on a competitive basis to
attend an intensive personalized training for a small group of UVM researchers.
Trainer: John Robertson, Ph.D., Grant Writers’ Seminars and Workshops.
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Child Intervention, Prevention, and Services (CHIPS) Fellow, CHIPS Research Training
Institute, NIMH Division of Services and Intervention Research
Gubernatorial Appointee, Vermont State Program Standing Committee for Child,
Adolescent, and Family Mental Health
Nominee, “Robins/Guze Young Investigator Award”, American Psychopathological
Honors Thesis recognized with an "Outstanding Project of the Year" Award,
Department of Psychology, University of Hartford
"Highest GPA of a Graduating Psychology Major" Award,
Department of Psychology, University of Hartford
2012-present Psychiatry Journal
(31) Ivanova, M.Y., Achenbach, T.M., Rescorla, L.A., Turner, L.V., Arnadottir, H.A., Au, A.,
Caldas, J.C., Chaalal, N., Chen, Y.-C., da Rocha, M.M., Decoster, J., Fontaine, R.J., Funabiki,
Y., Gudmundsson, H., Kim, Y.A., Leung, P., Liu, J., Malykh, S., Marković, J., Oh, K.-J., Petot,
J.-M., Samaniego, V.C., Silvares, E., Simulioniene, R., Sobot, V., Sokoli, E., Sun, G., Talcott,
J.B., Vazquez, N., & Zasepa, E. (in press). Syndromes of Collateral-Reported Psychopathology
for Ages 18-59 in 18 Societies. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology.
(30) Ivanova, M.Y., Achenbach, T.M., Rescorla, L.A., Turner, L.V., Ahmeti-Pronaj, A., Au, A.,
Avila Maese, C., Bellina, M., Caldas, J.C., Chen, Y.-C., Csemy, L., da Rocha, M.M., Decoster,
J., Dobrean, A., Ezpeleta, L., Fontaine, J.R.J., Funabiki, Y., Gudmundsson, H.S., Harder, V.S.,
Leiner de la Cabada, M., Leung, P., Liu, J., Mahr, S., Malykh, S., Maras, J.S., Markovic, J.,
Ndetei, D.M., Oh, K.J., Petot, J.-M., Riad, G.,Sakarya, D., Samaniego, V.C., Sebre, S., Shahini,
M., Silvares, E., Simulioniene, R., Sokoli, E., Talcott, J.B., Vazquez, N., & Zasepa, E. (in press).
Syndromes of self-reported psychopathology for ages 18-59 in 29 societies. Journal of
Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s10862014-9448-8.
(29) Harder, V., Mutiso, V., Khasakhala, L., Burke, H., Rettew, D., Ivanova, M.Y., & Ndetei, D.
(in press). Emotional and behavioral problems among impoverished Kenyan youth: Factor
structure and sex-differences. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. Advance
online publication. doi: 10.1007/s10862-014-9419-0.
(28) Rescorla, L., Bochicchio, L., Achenbach, T.M., Ivanova, M.Y., Almqvist, F., Begovac, I.,
Bilenberg, N., Bird, H., Dobrean, A., Erol, N., Fombonne, E., Fonseca, A., Frigerio, A., Fung,
D.S.S., Lambert, M.C., Leung, P.W.L., Liu, X., Markovic, J., Minaei, A., Ooi, Y.P., Roussos, A.,
Rudan, V., Simsek, Z., van der Ende, J., Weintraub, S., Wolanczyk, T., Woo, B., Weiss, B.,
Weisz, J., Zukauskiene, R., Verhulst, F.C. (in press). Parent-teacher agreement in children’s
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problems in 21 societies. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. Advance online
publication. doi: 10.1080/15374416.2014.900719.
(27) Rescorla, L.A., Ginzburg, S., Achenbach. T.M., Ivanova, M.Y., Almqvist, F., Begovac, I.,
Bilenberg, N. Bird, H., Chahed, M., Dobrean, A., Doepfner, M., Erol, N., Hannesdottir, H.,
Kanbayashi, Y., Lambert, M., Leung, P., Minaei, A., Novik, T., Oh, K.-J., Petot, D., Petot, J.-M.,
Pomalima, R., Rudan, V., Sawyer, M., Simsek, Z., Steinhausen, H.-C., Valverde, J., van der
Ende, J., Weintraub, S., Winkler Metzke, S., Wolanczyk, T., Zhang, E. Y., Zukauskiene, R., &
Verhulst, F.C. (2013). Cross-informant agreement between parent-reported and adolescent selfreported problems in 25 societies. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 42,
262-273. doi: 10.1080/15374416.2012.717870.
(26) Rescorla, L.A., Ivanova, M.Y., Achenbach, T.M., Begovac, I., Chahed, M., Dobrean, A.,
Fung, D. S., Haider, M., Marcovic, J., Ooi, Y. P.., Petot, D., Petot, J.-M., Pomalima, R., da
Rocha, M.M., Rudan, V., Shahini, M., Silvares, E., Valverde, J., Viola, L., Woo, B. Multicultural
aspects of child and adolescent Psychopathology: 2. Integration and applications of findings
from 43 societies. (2012). Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry, 51, 1273-1283.
Editorial introducing the article:
Kieling, C., & Rohde, L.A. (2012). Going global: Epidemiology of child and adolescent
psychopathology. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,
51, 1236-1237.
(25) Achenbach, T.M., Rescorla, L.A., & Ivanova, M.Y. Multicultural aspects of child and
adolescent psychopathology: 1. Diagnoses, syndromes, and conceptual issues. (2012). Journal
of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 51, 1261-1272.
(24) Rescorla, L.A., Achenbach, T.M., Ivanova, M.Y., Bilenberg, N., Bjarnadottir, G., Denner,
S., Dias, P., Dobrean, A., Doepfner, M., Esmaeili, A.M., Frigerio, A., Gudmundsson, H.S.,
Jusiene, R., Kristensen, S., Lecannelier, F., Leung, P., Lima, V.S., Liu, J., Lobel, S.P., Machado,
B.C., Markovic, J., Mas, P.A., Montirosso, R., Plueck, J., Pronaj, A.A., Rodriquez, J.T., Rojas,
P.O., Schmeck, K., Shahini, M., Silva, J.R., van der Ende, J., & Verhulst, F.C. (2012).
Behavioral/Emotional Problems of Preschoolers: Caregiver/Teacher Reports 15 Societies.
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 20, 68-81.
(23) Ivanova, M.Y., Achenbach, T.M., Rescorla, L.A., Bilenberg, N., Bjarnadottir, G., Denner,
S., Dias, P., Dobrean, A., Doepfner, M., Esmaeili, A.M., Frigerio, A., Gudmundsson, H.S.,
Jusiene, R., Kristensen, S., Lecannelier, F., Leung, P., Lima, V.S., Liu, J., Lobel, S.P., Machado,
B.C., Markovic, J., Mas, P.A., Montirosso, R., Plueck, J., Pronaj, A.A., Rodriquez, J.T., Rojas,
P.O., Schmeck, K., Shahini, M., Silva, J.R., van der Ende, J., & Verhulst, F.C. (2011).
Syndromes of preschool psychopathology reported by teachers and caregivers in 14 societies.
Journal of Early Childhood and Infant Psychology, 7, 99-116.
(22) Rescorla, L.A., Achenbach, T.M., Ivanova, M.Y., Harder, V.S., Otten, L., Bilenberg, N.,
Bjarnadottir, G., Capron, C., De Pauw, S., Dias, P., Dobrean, A., Döpfner, M., Duyme, M.,
Eapen, V., Erol, N., Esmaeili, E. M., Ezpeleta, L., Frigerio, A., Fung, D., Gonçalves, M.,
Guðmundsson, H., Jeng, S.-F., Jusiene, R., Kim, Y.-A., Kristensen, S., Leung, P., Liu, J.,
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Lecannelier, Machado, F.B.C., Montirosso, R., Oh, K. J., Osório, B., Plück, J., Pomalima, R.,
Pranvera, J., Shahini, Simsek, Z., Sourander, A., Valverde, J., van der Ende, J., van Leeuwen, K.,
Wu, Y.-T., Yurdusen, S., Zubrick, S.R., Verhulst, F.C. (2010). International comparisons of
behavioral and emotional problems in preschool children: parents’ reports from 24 societies.
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 40, 456-467.
(21) Ivanova, M.Y., Achenbach, T.M., Rescorla, L.A., Harder, V.S., Ang, R.P., Bilenberg, N.,
Bjarnadottir, G., Capron, C., DePauw, S.S.W., Dias, P., Dobrean, A., Doepfner, M., Duyme, M.,
Eapen, V., Erol, N., Esmaeili, E.M., Ezpeleta, L., Frigerio, A., Goncalves, M., Gudmundsson,
H.S., Jen, S.-F., Jusiene, R., Kim, Y.-A., Kristensen, S., Lecannelier, F., Leung, P.W.L., Liu, J.,
Montirosso, R., Oh, K. J., Plueck, J., Pomalima, R., Pranvera, J., Shahini, M., Silva, J.R.,
Simsek, Z., Sourander, A., Valverde, J., Van Leeuwen, K. G., Woo, B.S.C., Wu, Y.-T., Zubrick,
S., & Verhulst, F.C. (2010). Preschool psychopathology reported by parents in 23 societies:
Testing the seven-syndrome model of the Child Behavior Checklist for Ages 1.5-5. Journal of
the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 49, 1215-1224.
Editorial introducing the article:
Carter, A. (2010). The field of toddler/preschool mental health has arrived – on a global
scale. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 49, 11811182.
(20) Harder, V., Mutiso, V., Khasakhala, L., Ivanova. M., Burke, H., & Ndetei, D. (2010).
Prevalence of behavioral and emotional problems among Kenyan youth from an urban slum.
Comprehensive Psychiatry, 51(6), e5.
(19) Ayer, L., Althoff, R., Ivanova, M., Rettew, D., Waxler, E., Sulman, J., & Hudziak, J.
(2009). Child Behavior Checklist Juvenile Bipolar Disorder (CBCL-JBD) and CBCL
Posttraumatic Stress Problems (CBCL-PTSP) scales are measures of a single dysregulatory
syndrome. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 50, 1291-3000.
(18) McConaughy, S. H., Ivanova, M. Y., Antshel, K., Eiraldi, R.B., & Dumenci, L. (2009).
Standardized observational assessment of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Combined and Predominantly Inattentive subtypes: II. Classroom observations. School
Psychology Review, 38, 362-381.
(17) McConaughy, S.H., Ivanova, M.Y., Eiraldi, R., & Antshel, K. (2009). Standardized
observational assessment of ADHD Combined and Predominantly Inattentive subtypes: I. Test
session observations. School Psychology Review, 38, 45-66.
(16) Rettew, D.C., Doyle, A., Achenbach, T.M., Dumenci, L., & Ivanova, M.Y. (2009). Metaanalyses of agreement between diagnoses made from clinical evaluations and standardized
diagnostic interviews. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 18, 169-184.
(15) Hudziak, J.J., Ayer, A.A., Ivanova, M.Y., Rettew, D.C., Althoff, R.R., Ehli, E.A., LengyelNelson, T., & Davies, G.E. (2008). Serotonin Transporter Three Allele System Behaves Like Three
Different Functional Alleles. Behavior Genetics, 38, 631-631.
(14) Ivanova, M.Y., Achenbach, T.M., Rescorla, L.A., Dumenci, L., Almqvist, F., Bilenberg,
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N., Bird, H., Broberg, A., Dobrean, A., Döpfner, M., Erol, N., Forns, M., Hannesdottir, H.,
Kanbayashi, Y., Lambert, M. C., Leung, P., Minaei, A., Mulatu, M. S., Novik, T., Oh, K.J.,
Roussos, A., Sawyer, M., Simsek, Z., Steinhausen, H-C., Weintraub, S., Winkler, C. M.,
Wolanczyk, T., Zilber, N., Zukauskiene, R., & Verhulst, F. C. (2007). The generalizability of
the Youth Self-Report syndrome structure in 23 Societies. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 75(5), 729-738 .
(13) Ivanova, M.Y., Achenbach, T.M., Dumenci, L., Rescorla, L.A., Almqvist, F., Bilenberg,
N., Bird, H., Chen, W.J., Dobrean, A., Döpfner, M., Erol, N., Fombonne, E., Fonseca, A.C.,
Frigerio, A., Grietens, H., Hannesdottir, H., Kanbayashi, Y., Lambert, M.C., Larsson, B., Leung,
P., Liu, X., Minaei, A., Mulatu, M.S., Novik, T.S., Oh, K.J., Roussos, A., Sawyer, M., Simsek,
Z., Steinhausen, H-C., Weintraub, S., Winkler, C.M., Wolanczyk, T., Yang, H-J., Zilber, N.,
Zukauskiene, R., Verhulst, F.C. (2007). Testing the 8-syndrome structure of the Child Behavior
Checklist in 30 societies. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 36, 405-417.
(12) Ivanova, M.Y., Achenbach, T.M., Rescorla, L.A., Dumenci, L., Almqvist, F., Bathiche, M.,
Bilenberg, N., Bird, H., Domuta, A., Erol, N., Fombonne, E., Fonseca, A., Frigerio, A., Kanbayashi,
Y., Lambert, M., Leung, P., Liu, X., Minaei, A., Roussos, A., Simsek, Z., Weintraub, S.,
Wolanczyk, T., Zubrick, S., Zukauskiene, R., & Verhulst, F.C. (2007). Testing the generalizability
of the Teacher’s Report Form syndromes in 20 societies. School Psychology Review, 36, 468-483.
(11) Rescorla, L.A., Achenbach, T.M., Ivanova, M.Y., Dumenci, L., Almqvist, F., Bilenberg, N.,
Bird, H., Chen, W.J., Dobrean, A., Döpfner, M., Erol, N., Fombonne, E., Fonseca, A.C., Frigerio,
A., Grietens, H., Hannesdottir, H., Kanbayashi, Y., Lambert, M.C., Larsson, B., Leung, P., Liu, X.,
Minaei, A., Mulatu, M.S., Novik, T.S., Oh, K.J., Roussos, A., Sawyer, M., Simsek, Z., Steinhausen,
H-C., Weintraub, S., Weisz, J., Winkler, C.M., Wolanczyk, T., Yang, H-J., Zilber, N., Zukauskiene,
R., Verhulst, F.C. (2007). Behavioral and emotional problems reported by parents of children
ages 6 to 16 in 31 societies. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 15, 130-142.
(10) Rescorla, L.A., Achenbach, T.M., Ivanova, M.Y., Dumenci, L., Almqvist, F., Bilenberg, N.,
Bird, H., Broberg, A., Dobrean, A., Döpfner, M., Erol, N., Forns, M., Hannesdottir, H., Kanbayashi,
Y., Lambert, M. C., Leung, P., Minaei, A., Mulatu, M. S., Novik, T., Oh, K.J., Roussos, A.,
Sawyer, M., Simsek, Z., Steinhausen, H-C., Weintraub, S., Winkler, C. M., Wolanczyk, T., Zilber,
N., Zukauskiene, R., & Verhulst, F. C. (2007). Epidemiological comparisons of problems and
positive qualities reported by adolescents in 24 countries. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 75, 351-358.
(9) Rescorla, L.A., Achenbach, T.M., Ginzburg, S., Ivanova, M.Y., Dumenci, L., Almqvist, F.,
Bathiche, M., Bilenberg, N., Bird, H., Domuta, A., Erol, N., Fombonne, E., Fonseca, A., Frigerio,
A., Kanbayashi, Y., Lambert, M., Leung, P., Liu, X., Minaei, A., Roussos, A., Simsek, Z.,
Weintraub, S., Weisz, J., Wolanczyk, T., Zubrick, S., Zukauskiene, R., & Verhulst, F.C. (2007).
Consistency of teacher-reported problems for students in 21 countries. School Psychology Review,
36, 91-110.
(8) Ivanova, M.Y. & Israel. A.C. (2006). Family stability as a protective factor against
psychopathology for inner-city children receiving psychological services. Journal of Clinical Child
and Adolescent Psychology, 35, 564-570.
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(7) Ivanova, M. Y., & Israel, A. C. (2005). Family stability as a protective factor against the
influences of pessimistic attributional style on depression. Journal of Cognitive Therapy and
Research, 29, 243-251.
(6) Achenbach, T.M., Krukowski, R.A., Dumenci, L., & Ivanova, M.Y. (2005). Assessment of
adult psychopathology: Meta-analyses and implications of cross-informant correlations.
Psychological Bulletin, 131, 361-382.
(5) Israel, A. C. & Ivanova, M. Y. (2002). Global and dimensional self-esteem in preadolescent
and early-adolescent overweight children: Age and gender differences. International Journal of
Eating Disorders, 31, 424-429.
(4) Israel, A. C., Roderick, H. A., & Ivanova, M. Y. (2002). A measure of the stability of
activities in a family environment. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 24,
(3) Achenbach, T.M., McConaughy, S.H., Ivanova, M.Y., & Rescorla, L.A. (2011). Manual for
the Brief Problem Monitor. Burlington, VT: University of Vermont Department of Psychiatry.
(2) Achenbach, T. M., Rescorla, L. A., & Ivanova, M. Y. (2005). Cross-cultural consistencies and
variations in child and adolescent psychopathology. In K. F. Frisby & C. Reynolds (Eds.). (pp. 674710). Handbook of Multicultural School Psychology. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
(1) Ivanova, M.Y. (2013). Family Assessment and Feedback Intervention (FAFI): A Training
Manual. Burlington, VT: University of Vermont Department of Psychiatry.
Invited Grand Rounds
Rescorla, L.A., & Ivanova, M.Y. (April, 2010). Behavioral and Emotional Problems in
Preschool Children: Multicultural Comparisons Across 24 Societies. Grand Rounds
presented at the UVM Department of Psychiatry, Burlington, VT.
Ivanova, M.Y. (March, 2008). Multicultural Research with the Achenbach System of
Empirically-Based Assessments (ASEBA): How Different is Child Psychopathology
Across Cultures? Grand Rounds presented at the University of South Dakota Sanford
School of Medicine, Sioux Falls, SD.
Ivanova, M.Y. (February, 2008). Understanding Self-Injurious Behavior in Children and
Adolescents. Grand Rounds presented at the UVM Department of Pediatrics, Burlington,
Achenbach, T.M., & Ivanova, M.Y. (September, 2007). Multicultural Perspectives on Child
and Adolescent Psychopathology. Grand Rounds presented at the UVM Department of
Psychiatry, Burlington, VT.
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Ivanova, M.Y., Omland, L., & Bailey, M. (September, 2006). Evidence-based approaches to
program evaluation: A pilot project. Grand Rounds presented at the Vermont
Department of Health, Burlington, VT.
Ivanova, M.Y. (September, 2004). Multicultural Syndromes of Child Psychopathology. Grand
Rounds presented at the UVM Department of Psychiatry, Burlington, VT.
Other Refereed Presentations (last five years)
Patten, C. & Ivanova, M.Y. (2014, March). Using the Achenbach System of Empirically Based
Assessment (ASEBA) in School Social Work Practice: Tools for today’s challenges.
Presented at the 17th National School Social Work Conference, Chicago, IL.
Hudziak, J.J., Ivanova, M.Y., Tiemeier, H., Althoff, R., & Verhulst, F. (2012, October).
Pathways into and out of developmental psychopathology: Lessons from Generation-R.
In J. Constantino (Chair), Preschoolers on child welfare: Offsetting Extremely-High Risk
for Life-Course Psychopathology. Symposium conducted at the 59th annual meeting of
the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, San Francisco, CA.
Cranford, J. A., Tennen, H., Ivanova, M. Y., Chen, L., Strobbe, S., Brower, K. J., & Zucker, R.
A. (2012, June). Feasibility of using Interactive Voice Response (IVR) to study daily
processes in alcoholic families. Poster session presented at the 35th annual meeting of the
Research Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA.
Ivanova, M.Y., & English, D.J. (2012). The protective influences of family stability in the
LONGSCAN cohort: Lessons for prevention and intervention. In D. J. English, M. Y.
Ivanova, & R. Thompson (Chairs), Family stability, life events, adverse events, and youth
outcomes. Symposium conducted at the 18th National Conference of Child Abuse and
Neglect, Washington, DC.
English, D.J. & Ivanova, M.Y. (2012). Life events, maltreatment, and youth outcomes. In D. J.
English, M. Y. Ivanova, & R. Thompson (Chairs), Family stability, life events, adverse
events, and youth outcomes. Symposium conducted at the 18th National Conference of
Child Abuse and Neglect, Washington, DC.
Ivanova, M.Y. & Hudziak, J. (May, 2011). Introduction to Focused Family Coaching.
Presented at the 6th Annual Child Psychiatry for the Primary Care Clinician Conference,
Burlington, VT.
Ivanova, M.Y. (June, 2010). How to Use the ASEBA Forms in Primary Care Practice.
Presented at the 5th Annual Child Psychiatry for the Primary Care Clinician Conference,
Burlington, VT.
Ivanova, M.Y. (May, 2009). How to Use the ASEBA Forms in Primary Care Practice.
Presented at the 5th Annual Child Psychiatry for the Primary Care Clinician Conference,
Burlington, VT.
Masha Y. Ivanova
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Ivanova, M.Y. (June, 2009). Systems of care. Presented at the International ASEBA Conference
on Empirically Based Mental Health Knowledge, Burlington, VT.
Ivanova, M.Y. (June, 2009). Research on treatment and outcomes. Presented at the
International ASEBA Conference on Empirically Based Mental Health Knowledge,
Burlington, VT.
Ivanova, M.Y. (June, 2009). Testing syndrome structures and scale scores in different societies.
Presented at the International ASEBA Conference on Empirically Based Mental Health
Knowledge, Burlington, VT.
Ivanova, M.Y., & Arnold, J. (June, 2009). Computerized and internet-based tools: Assessment
Data Manager (ADM) and Web-Link. Presented at the International ASEBA Conference
on Empirically Based Mental Health Knowledge, Burlington, VT.
Ivanova, M.Y., Achenbach, T.M., Almqvist, F., Bilenberg, N., Dobrean, A., Erol, N., et al. (June,
2009). Childhood anxiety and depression: Tests of five models in parent, teacher, and
self-ratings from 15 societies. Poster session presented at the International ASEBA
Conference on Empirically Based Mental Health Knowledge, Burlington, VT.
Ivanova, M.Y., Achenbach, T.M., Almqvist, F., Bilenberg, N., Dobrean, A., Erol, N., et al. (June,
2009). Children’s rule-breaking and aggressive behavior problems in parent, teacher,
and self-ratings from 15 societies: Together or separate? Poster session presented at the
International ASEBA Conference on Empirically Based Mental Health Knowledge,
Burlington, VT.
Ivanova, M. (June 24-25, 2014). Standardized Family Assessment for the Military Mental
Health Clinician. Workshop presented for the Family Assistance Program clinicians of
the U.S. Marine Core. Camp Lejeune, NC.
Ivanova, M. (June 24-25, 2014). Standardized Family Assessment for the Military Mental
Health Clinician. Workshop presented for the Family Assistance Program clinicians of
the U.S. Marine Core. Camp Lejeune, NC.
Ivanova, M. (April 11, 2013). Family Assessment with Feedback Intervention (FAFI).
Workshop conducted for clinicians of the Howard Center’s Intensive Family Based
Services (IFBS) and Intensive Family Services (IFS) programs, Burlington, VT.
Ivanova, M. (November 19, 2012). Family Assessment with Feedback Intervention (FAFI).
Workshop conducted for clinicians of the Howard Center’s Comprehensive Care
program, Burlington, VT.
Ivanova, M. (November 29, 2012). Standardized Assessment in School Social Work Practice:
Using the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment in the Framework of
Response to Intervention. Workshop conducted at the annual meeting of the Mississippi
Association of School Social Workers, University of Southern Mississippi, Gulfport, MS.
Masha Y. Ivanova
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Ivanova, M. (November 20, 2012). Family Assessment and Feedback Intervention: A Training
Course for Community Clinicians. Workshop conducted for community clinicians at the
Howard Center, Burlington, VT.
Ivanova, M. (October 1, 2012). Evidence Based Assessment for Evidence-Based Intervention in
the Schools. Workshop conducted for school psychologists of the Miami-Dade school
district, Miami, FL.
Ivanova, M.Y. (June 21, 2012). Introduction to the Vermont Family Based Approach.
Presented at a training of community mental health professionals in evidence-based
treatments for oppositional behavior and noncompliance in adolescence.
Ivanova, M.Y. (June 21, 2012). Scientific evidence for the mental health professional:
Definition, interpretation, and resources. Presented at a training of community mental
health professionals in evidence-based treatments for oppositional behavior and
noncompliance in adolescence.
Ivanova, M.Y., & Hudziak, J. (October 25, 26, 2011). The Vermont Family Based Approach:
Family Based Assessment and Introduction to Family Wellness and Focused Family
Coaching. Training conducted for the department of child and adolescent psychiatry of
the Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY.
Ivanova, M.Y., & Rakow, A. (June 20- 23, 2011). The Vermont Family Based Approach:
Family Wellness Coaching. Training conducted for health and education professionals of
Addison County. Middlebury, VT.
Ivanova, M.Y. (August 12, 2010). The Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment
(ASEBA): Overview and Applications in Clinical Settings. Workshop conducted at the
Berea Children’s Home and Family Services. Berea, Ohio.
Ivanova, M.Y., & Hudziak, J. (April 1, 8, 15, & 22, 2010). The Vermont Family Based
Approach: Family Wellness Coaching. Training conducted for mental health
professionals representing Vermont community mental health centers. Burlington, VT.
Ivanova, M.Y., & Hudziak, J. (June 11, July 9, & July 23, 2010). The Vermont Family Based
Approach: Focused Family Coaching. Training conducted at the Behavior Therapy and
Psychotherapy Center of the University of Vermont Psychology Department. Burlington,
Ivanova, M.Y. (November 17, 2009). How to Use the Achenbach Forms. Workshop conducted
at the Child Psychiatry for the Primary Care Clinician conference. Burlington, VT.
Ivanova, M.Y. (September 21, 2009). The Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment
(ASEBA): An overview. Workshop conducted for mental health professionals in
community mental health centers in northern Vermont. Burlington, VT.
Ivanova, M.Y. (September 28, 2009). The Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment
Masha Y. Ivanova
Page 12
(ASEBA): An overview. Workshop conducted for mental health professionals in
community mental health centers in central and southern Vermont. Ascutney, VT.
Achenbach, T.M., Rescorla, L.A., McConaughy, S.H., & Ivanova, M.Y. (June 21, 2009). Using
ASEBA innovations and applications to advance evidence-based assessment. Workshop
presented at the International ASEBA Conference on Empirically Based Mental Health
Knowledge, Burlington, VT.
2004 – 2010
Vermont Department of Health, Department of Mental Health, Child and
Family Unit
Developing state-wide procedures for empirically-based treatment and program
Aug. 2012present
Evidence-Based Intervention: Individual- and Family-Based
Teaching a weekly course to predoctoral interns in Clinical Psychology as
part of the UVM Predoctoral Internship in Clinical Psychology. The
primary goal of this course is to enhance the interns’ knowledge of
empirical literatures on psychotherapeutic treatments of various
psychological problems across the developmental spectrum. The course
also aims to facilitate the integration and synthesis of the interns’
knowledge of these literatures and their proficiency in the application of
this knowledge into clinical practice.
Guest Lecturer
Pediatric Psychopharmacology Clinic, Department of Psychiatry,
University of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, VT.
Present a series of lectures on the theoretical foundations and practical
applications of empirically-based assessments of child and adolescent
psychopathology to a class of third-year residents in psychiatry.
Instructors: G. Scott Waterman, M.D., Jeanne Greenblatt M.D., M.P.H.,
& David Rettew, M.D.
Summer 2000,
Instructor of Record
The University at Albany, Albany, NY.
Course: Child Development. Prepared and taught an intermediate-level
undergraduate course.
Spring 2000,
1999, 1998
Teaching Assistant and Guest Lecturer
The University at Albany, Albany, NY.
Course: Childhood Behavior Disorders. Instructor: Allen C. Israel, Ph.D.
Assisted in preparation of course materials, presented lectures, and tutored students.
Spring 1999
Teaching Assistant
Masha Y. Ivanova
Page 13
The University at Albany, Albany, NY.
Course: Introductory Psychology. Instructor: R.A. Rosellini, Ph.D.
Received supervision and training in methods of instruction. Prepared and
conducted weekly discussion section.
Grant reviewer, the Wellcome Trust, London, England
Grant reviewer, Kazakhstan National Center of Science and Technology
Evaluation, Astana, Kazakhstan
Ad-hoc reviewer
Ad-hoc reviewer
Ad-hoc reviewer
Ad-hoc reviewer
Ad-hoc reviewer
Ad-hoc reviewer
Ad-hoc reviewer
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
Journal of Adolescent Health
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
School Psychology Review
American Psychopathological Association
Fly UP