
E Tentative programme

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E Tentative programme
Distr.: For participants only
8 November 2012
Original: English
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Committee on Information and Communications Technology
Third session
Bangkok, 20-22 November 2012
Tentative programme
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
08.00-09.00 hrs.
09.00-12.00 hrs.
Expert group meeting: “Building e-resilience through ICT and
space technology”
12.00-13.00 hrs.
Lunch break
13.00-13.45 hrs.
Item 1
Opening of the session
Opening remarks by Dr. Noeleen Heyzer, Executive Secretary
Keynote address: H.E. Group Captain Anudith Nakornthap,
Minister of Information and Communications Technology of
Opening address: H.E. Air Marshal Thares Punsri Chairman
National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission
Opening address: H.E. Dr. Louis Napoleon Corpuz Casambre,
Under Secretary, Information and Communications
Technology Office – Department of Science and Technology
(ICTO-DOST), the Philippines
Item 2
DMR A2012-000364
Election of officers
Item 3
13.45-13.55 hrs.
13.55-16.00 hrs.
Adoption of the agenda
Item 4
Building regional connectivity for sustainable
development: the creation of a seamless regional
information space
Introduction by: Information and Communications Technology
and Disaster Risk Reduction Division of ESCAP
Presentation of the Outcome Document of the Regional Expert
Consultation on Connecting Asia-Pacific’s Digital Society for
Resilient Development, 5-6 September 2012, Colombo
Prof. P. W. Epasinghe – Chairman, ICT Agency and Advisor to
H.E. the President and Chancellor of the University of
Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Panel discussion
- Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam Khan, Secretary, Ministry of
Information & Communication Technology,
- Mr. Hyong Soon Kim, Director, Network Planning
Department, Digital Infrastructure Division, National
Information Society Agency, Seoul, Republic of Korea
- Mr. Yalin Li, Deputy Chief of Section, Department of
Telecommunication Development, Ministry of Industry
and Information Technology, Beijing, China
- Mr. Scott Hook, Economic Infrastructure Adviser,
Economic Governance Programme, Pacific Islands
Forum Secretariat
- Professor Rohan Samarajiva, CEO LirneAsia,
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Official country statements by members and associate
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
09.00-10.50 hrs.
Item 5
Technological innovations and knowledge-networked
societies: new sources of sustainable and inclusive
Introduction by: Information and Communications
Technology and Disaster Risk Reduction Division of ESCAP
Panel discussion
- Mr. Seung Kon Oh, Director, Convergence Policy
Division, Broadcasting and Communications
Convergence Policy Office, Korea Communications
Commission, Seoul, Republic of Korea,
- Mr. Reshan Dewapura – Chief Executive Officer, ICT
Agency, Sri Lanka
- Mr. V. Jayaraman, Satish Dhawan Professor,
Bangalore, India
- Mr. Mervyn Levin, Founding Director, Levering Ltd.
- Mr. Craig Smith, Director, Digital Divide Institute,
Bangkok, Thailand
Official country statements by members and associate
Recorded presentation by the United Nations Conference on
Trade and Development: Preview on the Information
Economy Report 2012: The Software Industry and
Developing Countries
10.50-11.00 hrs.
11.00-12.00 hrs.
Item 6
Measuring progress: targets and information and
communications technology indicators of the World
Summit on the Information Society
Introduction by: Information and Communications
Technology and Disaster Risk Reduction Division of ESCAP
Official country statements by members and associate
12.00-14.00 hrs.
14.00-15.30 hrs.
Lunch break
Item 7
Regional capacity-building on information and
communications technology for development
Introduction by: Asian and Pacific Training Centre for
Information and Communication Technology for
Panel discussion
- Mr. Almaz Bakenov, Director, National Information
Technology Center, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Mr. Siaosi Ofa Sovaleni, Manager, Pacific ICT
Outreach Programme, Economic Development
Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva,
Fiji Islands
Ms. Maria Lourdes Pacis Aquilizan, Acting Director,
National Computer Institute (NCI); Information and
Communications Technology Office (ICTO), Manila,
Mr. Dorj Baigal, Head, Training Division of Public
Affairs and Management School, National Academy
of Governance, Mongolia
Mr. Chan Basaruddin, Professor, Faculty of Computer
Science, University of Indonesia – Kampus Depok,
Official country statements by members and associate
15.30-15.45 hrs.
15.45-16.15 hrs.
Item 8
Consideration of the future focus of the subprogramme
Introduction by: Director, Information and Communications
Technology and Disaster Risk Reduction Division of ESCAP
16.15-16.30 hrs.
Item 9
Consideration of possible draft resolutions for submission
to the Commission at its sixty-ninth session
16.30-16.45 hrs.
Item 10
Dates, venue and provisional agenda for the fourth session
of the Committee
16.45-17.00 hrs.
Item 11
Other matters
Thursday, 22 November 2012
14.00-15.30 hrs.
15.30-16.00 hrs.
Item 12
Adoption of the report of the Committee on its third
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