
Table of Contents Commencement Exercises MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Commencement 2009

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Table of Contents Commencement Exercises MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Commencement 2009
Commencement 2009
Commencement Exercises
Table of Contents
MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT.......................................................................................................... 2
University Commencement...................................................................................................................................... 3
OFFICERS OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ..................................................................................... 4
and DEANS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT ....................................................................... 5
Speaker and Honorary Degree Recipients.............................................................................................................. 6
Honors College....................................................................................................................................................... 10
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences............................................................................................................... 11
College of Arts and Sciences................................................................................................................................. 14
School of Business Administration........................................................................................................................ 22
College of Education and Social Services.............................................................................................................. 24
College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences............................................................................................. 28
The Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources......................................................................... 30
College of Medicine................................................................................................................................................ 32
College of Nursing and Health Sciences............................................................................................................... 35
UNIVERSITY AWARDS .................................................................................................................................. 37
Seniors graduating Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, and Cum Laude ................................................. 51
Phi Beta Kappa, Golden Key, Alpha Sigma Lambda ........................................................................................... 52
Boulder Society, Mortar Board, Order of Omega, The Tower Society, Pizzagalli Vermont Scholars,
Community Service Scholars, Green and Gold Scholars, Patrick Scholarship ................................................... 53
Vermont Scholars..................................................................................................................................................... 54
GUEST INFORMATION................................................................................................................................. 54
The Academic Costume, The Class of 1927 Memorial Mace, The University Seal,
Banners of the Colleges and Schools ................................................................................................................... 55
Universitas V. Montis............................................................................................................................................... 56
Gaudeamus igitur................................................................................................................................................... 56
PLEASE NOTE that errors will occur in the listings of candidates for graduation. Because of the time required for
printing the program, the listings may contain names of persons who will not receive a degree at this time and
also may omit the names of a few persons who will receive degrees. These errors are unavoidable.
The University of Vermont is a 504 Title IX Affirmative Action Institution.
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Commencement 2009
Message from the President
Dear Graduates, Families, Friends, and Colleagues:
For the 205th time in the history of our institution, the University of Vermont community
gathers today to celebrate the achievement of our graduates and send them forth from this
beautiful campus on the hill in Burlington.
As the members of the Class of 2009 mark graduation, it is natural to reflect upon some of the
shared experiences of your time as University of Vermont students. We have come together
to hear from diverse and distinguished speakers such as Martin Luther King III, Elie Wiesel,
Newt Gingrich, Jon Stewart, and Harry Belafonte. In March 2006, Ira Allen Chapel was filled to
capacity when a young senator from Illinois named Barack Obama came to Vermont stumping
for Sen. Bernie Sanders. We have cheered on Catamount athletes who have won America East
championships in men’s and women’s basketball, and men’s soccer; celebrated the success
of members of our ski team who have notched individual NCAA championships; and just
last month enjoyed hockey in April when the men’s team closed the season with a run to the
national semifinals at the Frozen Four. During your years at UVM, you have been part of a
dramatically changed campus landscape. New construction at University Heights and extensive
renovation elsewhere have transformed residential life. And, since its fall 2007 opening, the
Davis Center has quickly become the hub of campus life.
While these shared experiences unite all of our students, it is the individual memories of
inspiring professors, enlightening courses, and good friends that will be at the core of your
lifelong memories of this place. Though our graduates leave the ranks of University of
Vermont students today, they join the ranks of University of Vermont alumni, a rich, complex
community stretching far beyond the borders of our campus.
Families and friends, thank you for the support and care you have provided the graduates
throughout their time at the University. You share in their accomplishment and success.
On behalf of all of my colleagues, please allow me to say that we feel deeply moved and
privileged to share this moment of pride and achievement with you.
May 2009
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Daniel Mark Fogel
Commencement 2009
The University of Vermont
Commencement Ceremony
Sunday, May 17, 2009
9:00 a.m.
University Green
Order of Exercises
Robin R. Warhol-Down, University Marshal and President of the Faculty Senate,
Richard and Pamela Ader Green and Gold Professor of English
University Memorial Carillon
David Neiweem, Professor of Music, University Carillonneur
Field Drums
Jeffrey Salisbury, Class of 1991, and Tyson Valyou, Class of 2006
The University Brass Ensemble
D. Thomas Toner, Associate Professor of Music, Conductor
The University of Vermont Police Services Honor Guard
The Pipes and Drums of St. Andrew’s Society of Vermont
Brittany Lynn Langston, Class of 2009
David Huddle, Professor of English
Ian D. Boyce
Chair of the University of Vermont Board of Trustees
The Honorable James H. Douglas
Governor of the State of Vermont and Trustee of the University of Vermont
David A. Volain, President of the Senior Class Council
James M. Taylor, President and Emma Kennedy, Vice President
of the Student Government Association
Clinton L. Jasperson, President of the Graduate Student Senate
Beth R. Walsh, President of the Staff Council
Daniel Mark Fogel, President of the University of Vermont
Howard Brush Dean III
Former Governor of the State of Vermont
Alumni Greetings and Presentation of the George V. Kidder Outstanding Faculty Award
Mary Ellen Guzewicz, Class of 1973
President of the University of Vermont Alumni Association
Recognition of University Distinguished Professors
John M. Hughes, Senior Vice President and Provost of the University of Vermont
Recognition of Outstanding Student Leader Award Recipients
John M. Hughes, Senior Vice President and Provost of the University of Vermont
Master’s Degrees • Doctor’s Degrees • Bachelor’s Degrees • Honors College Scholars
Alma Mater - Universitas V. Montis
Sam Sherwood, Class of 2009
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Commencement 2009
University Marshal • Robyn R. Warhol-Down
University Herald • Robert S. Tyzbir
Faculty Marshals • Judy Cohen and Allan Strong
Dan Archdeacon, Jacques Bailly, Carolyn Bonifield, Marta Ceroni, Liz Fenton, Yolanda Flores, John Green, Christopher Hodgdon,
Alan Howe, Ricardo Johnson, David Kerr, Kieran Killeen, Larry Kost, Walt Kuentzel,
Karen Lounsbury, Rebecca Montgomery, Todd Pritchard, Lawrence Rudiger, Lisa Schnell, Katherine Shepherd, Ge Wu
Commencement Program Coordinator • Leslie Logan, Chief of Protocol and Administrator of University Events, President’s Office
Commencement Logistics Coordinator • Shane Cutler, Director of Conference and Event Services
Commencement Producer • Jeff Modereger, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Theatre
Banner Bearers
College of Medicine
Graduate College
Honors College
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
School of Business Administration
College of Education and Social Services
College of Engineering
and Mathematical Sciences
The Rubenstein School of Environment
and Natural Resources
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences
Arthur Armen Youssefian
Laura Hill Bermingham
Danielle Walsh
Coral Kent-Dennis
Sarah E. Madey
Timothy D. Frazier
Caitlin Hill
Dexter Henry Locke
Eric Carter
Michael Trimboli
Senior Class Council
Executive Board
Vice President for
Vice President for
Vice President for
Vice President for
Folklore Editor
Alumni Affairs & Class Gift
Class Identity
Community Development
David Volain
Jackie Peterson
Lily Lovinger
Caitlin O’Brien
John Soltys
Danielle L’Esperance
General Board Members
Heather Bromberg
Charlotte Chapoy
Laura Cui
Annie Dantowitz
Dan Golden
Matthew Goodman
Laura Gurvitz
Lance Jennings
Jamison Kimberly
Katherine Krawitz
Paige Leenstra
Alex Libardoni
Colleen McColgan
Wiley Robinson
Dan Sleeper
Officers of the Alumni Association
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Vice President
Mary Ellen Guzewicz, Class of 1973
Edward E. Madden, Jr., Class of 1992
Commencement 2009
The University of Vermont and State Agricultural College
Board of Trustees
Ian D. Boyce, Chair of the Board
Daniel Mark Fogel, President
The Honorable James H. Douglas, Governor of the State of Vermont
The Hon. Claire D. Ayer
The Hon. Johannah Donovan
Samuel E. Bain
John A. Hilton, Jr.
James M. Betts
Susan Hudson-Wilson
The Hon. Bill Botzow, Secretary
Deborah H. McAneny
The Hon. Carolyn W. Branagan
The Hon. David E. Potter
The Hon. Christopher A. Bray
Adam S. Roof
Harry L. Chen
William F. Ruprecht
Frank J. Cioffi, Vice Chair
John R. Snow
Robert F. Cioffi
The Hon. Donna G. Sweaney
Jeffrey L. Davis
The Hon. Jeanette White
Mark S. Young
Jason H. DePatie
Senior Officers of Administration
President of the University Senior Vice President and Provost Vice President for Legal Affairs and General Counsel Vice President for Finance and Administration
Vice President for Executive Operations
Vice President for Research, Interim
Vice President for Student and Campus Life Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations, Interim
Vice President for Enrollment Management Vice President for Federal, State and Community Relations Associate Provost for Multicultural Affairs and Academic Initiatives
Associate Provost for Planning and Assessment
Associate Provost for Budget and Capital Planning
Associate Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs
Daniel Mark Fogel
John M. Hughes
Francine T. Bazluke
Richard H. Cate
Gary L. Derr
Ruth A. Farrell
Thomas J. Gustafson
Kathleen A. Kelleher
Christopher H. Lucier
Karen N. Meyer
Wanda R. Heading-Grant
Dale J. Jaffe
Jane E. Knodell
Jill Mattuck Tarule
Deans of the University
Graduate College, Interim
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences School of Business Administration College of Education and Social Services College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources
College of Medicine
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Honors College Libraries and Learning Resources Students Continuing Education
Extension System
Patricia A. Stokowski
Thomas C. Vogelmann
Eleanor M. Miller
Rocki-Lee DeWitt
Fayneese S. Miller
Domenico Grasso
Mary C. Watzin
Frederick C. Morin III
Betty A. Rambur
S. Abu Rizvi
Mara R. Saule
David A. Nestor
Carol M. Vallett
Douglas O. Lantagne
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Commencement 2009
Howard Brush Dean III
Doctor of Laws
Commencement Speaker
Dr. Howard Dean served the State
of Vermont as a six-term governor,
1991-2003, and was chair of the
Democratic National Committee for
the past four years. Dean took the
national stage as a candidate during
the 2004 presidential primaries,
drawing wide voter interest with
his strong stand against war in
Iraq, and running a campaign that
revolutionized presidential politics
through its use of the Internet as a
tool for building grassroots support
and financial contributions.
Dean first moved to Vermont
in the late 1970s for a medical
residency at the UVM College
of Medicine and Medical Center
Hospital of Vermont. While Dean’s
career path would soon also include
politics, he maintained a part-time
medical practice during his years as
a state representative and lieutenant
governor, and health care policy has
remained a priority throughout his
rise as a state and national leader.
A native of Long Island, New
York, Dean earned his bachelor’s
degree in political science from Yale
University in 1971. He continued
his education at the Albert Einstein
College of Medicine, from which
he earned his MD in 1978. Dean
and his wife, Dr. Judith Steinberg,
during medical school, married
in 1981, and established a family
medical practice together in
Shelburne, Vermont.
Dean’s initial foray into Vermont
politics was inspired by grassroots
work on a local development issue.
Soon after, he was elected to the
state House of Representatives in
1982. Four years later, Dean became
Vermont’s lieutenant governor.
When Governor Richard Snelling
passed away in 1991, Dean became
governor of Vermont and would be
re-elected for five consecutive terms.
During his years as governor,
Dean helped lead Vermont out of a
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recession and a $60 million deficit
and into an era of balanced state
budgets. He championed the effort
to provide Vermont children and
pregnant women with universal
healthcare. And, in 1991, Governor
Dean signed a bill granting gay and
lesbian couples the right to civil
unions, the first law of its kind in
the nation.
Though Dean’s run for the
Democratic presidential nomination
in 2004 was not successful, the
campaign vaulted him into a
national leadership role for his
party. As chair of the DNC, Dean
spearheaded the “50 State Strategy,”
which sought to put grass-roots
political organizations on even
ground in American politics. This
move is widely credited with
helping the Democratic party gain
seats in the Senate and House and
also with helping to elect the first
African-American President of the
United States.
Governor Dean currently works
in the private sector, making
public speaking engagements, and
continuing his advocacy on health
care policy issues.
Ben R. Forsyth
Doctor of Science
Dr. Ben R. Forsyth has served
the University of Vermont as
professor of medicine, senior vice
president, trustee, and advisor.
Forsyth grew up in New York
City and graduated Phi Beta
Kappa from Cornell University in
1953. He completed his medical
training at New York University in
1957 and began a distinguished
career as a clinician, surgeon and
researcher exploring the treatments
and biology of infectious diseases.
Following a residency at Yale, he
joined the Harvard Medical School
as a research fellow. In 1961, he
was selected as a research medical
officer for the US Navy and later
became senior surgeon in a
respiratory virus unit of the US
Public Health Service.
He joined UVM’s College of
Medicine in 1966 as associate
professor of medicine and director
of the infectious disease unit. With
dozens of research publications on
topics ranging from pneumonia
in military personnel to influenza
vaccines in children, and praised
for his skill in teaching medical
students and caring for patients,
he was promoted to full professor
in 1971. He became professor of
medicine emeritus in 1990.
In addition to his outstanding
contributions to medicine,
Forsyth has proved an invaluable
administrator and mentor, including
service from 1985 to 1990 as
second-in-command to then UVM
President Lattie Coor. Forsyth’s
administrative leadership at
UVM included posts as associate
dean for the division of health
sciences, acting vice president for
development and alumni affairs,
vice president for administration,
and senior vice president. In all
these roles, he demonstrated a
sensitive and able hand in matters
ranging from finances to personnel
to government relations.
In 1990, Forsyth followed Coor
to Arizona State University where
he would serve as senior executive
assistant and then provost and
vice president. At ASU, he was
professor in the School of Health
Administration and Policy.
His heart always in Vermont,
Forsyth’s service to UVM continued
when he joined the university’s
board of trustees from 1996 to
2002. He also served on the board
of directors for the United Way of
Chittenden County for seventeen
years. A skilled negotiator and kind
friend, his work behind the scenes
has brought clarity and consensus
to many challenging moments.
“Some of the same skills that are
used being a good physician make
you a good administrator,” Forsyth
told the Burlington Free Press, “You
listen to people, find out what the
problems are and remedy them.”
Commencement 2009
Anthony J. Marro
Doctor of Humane Letters
Anthony J. Marro, UVM Class
of 1965, is an award-winning
reporter and longtime editor of
Newsday, one of the nation’s
largest newspapers. His long career
in journalism began at Marro’s
hometown Rutland Herald, where
he worked on the sports desk
during his high school years. As
a reporter for The New York Times
and Newsweek during the Watergate
years, Marro covered some of the
era’s biggest stories from his Justice
Department beat. Across decades
at Newsday, Marro was a dogged
reporter on investigative teams that
won Pulitzers for Public Service
Reporting in 1970 and 1974. He
moved into the managing editor’s
role in 1981 and six years later rose
to editor, a post he held until his
retirement in 2003. Newsday earned
a dozen Pulitzer Prizes under
Anthony Marro’s leadership.
During his years in Vermont
journalism, Marro made a
difference with stories such as a
series of articles in the 1960s that
would later prompt state leaders to
create the first anti-billboard law.
After moving to New York City and
earning his master’s in journalism at
Columbia University, Marro quickly
made his way on a larger stage. A
reporter during a golden era for
American investigative journalism,
he learned much about his craft
from Bob Greene, longtime head
of Newsday’s investigative unit. As
part of “The Greene Team,” Marro’s
reporting contributed to Newsday’s
public service Pulitzers for stories
on Long Island land scandals and
heroin trafficking.
Every breakthrough was built
upon days of chasing details
and the inevitable dead-ends.
Covering the aftermath of Sen.
Edward Kennedy’s accident at
Chappaquiddick, Marro jumped
off the bridge and into the channel
himself to test the flow of the
current. “It was not a great moment
in investigative reporting,” he
qualifies, yet the moment illustrates
the intense “need to know” that
drove all his work. Colleague Les
Payne said that Marro’s inherent
curiosity and a measure of nerve
made him a great reporter, “he
asked questions no one else
dared ask.”
When Marro moved up in the
Newsday hierarchy, he was known
as “a reporter’s editor” who gave his
editorial team the space to excel.
He was a listener, a moderator, a
steady hand able to balance the
multiple demands of business
strategy, editorial, advertising,
production, and circulation.
In retirement, Marro and his
wife, Jackie (Cleary) Marro ’66,
live in Scituate, Rhode Island and
Bennington, Vermont.
Gretchen B. Morse
Doctor of Laws
Gretchen B. Morse, UVM
Class of 1975, has spent 30 years
in public service initiating and
implementing policies that improve
the health and well-being of
Vermonters. As executive director
of the United Way of Chittenden
County for the past 18 years,
Secretary of the Vermont Agency of
Human Services from 1985 to 1991,
and Vermont State Representative
from 1977 to 1985, Morse has
advocated for equal rights and
opportunity for all.
While serving in the Vermont
Legislature, Morse chaired the
House Education Committee
from 1980 to 1982 and the House
Health and Welfare Committee
from 1982 to 1984. As Secretary
of Human Services, the largest
agency in state government, Morse
led the development of the ReachUp Program, a welfare-to-work
initiative that coordinates access to
education, job training, childcare
and health care for working
families. She was part of Governor
Madeleine Kunin’s team that created
“Dr. Dynasaur,” the Vermont version
of the federal Medicaid children’s
health care program that has
become a national best practice
for covering more children in lowincome families. While Secretary,
Morse was elected vice-chair
of the National Council of State
Human Service Administrators
of the American Public Welfare
Association from 1990 to 1991.
Throughout her career,
Morse helped strengthen state
partnerships with community-based
programs to provide better service
and to reduce the use of costly
institutional care. Court diversion
and house arrest, development
of the state community mental
health system, expansion of home
health care, and independent living
services for people with disabilities
all benefited from her leadership.
Morse has received numerous
community services awards:
Susan B. Anthony Award from the
YWCA; Dr. Martin Luther King
Jr. Award; Thibodeau/Wall Award
for Community Service from the
Howard Center; Champlain College
Distinguished Citizen Award;
and, the 2008 C. Harry Behney
Lifetime Economic Achievement
Award from the Greater Burlington
Industrial Corporation. In 1983
Morse received the Distinguished
Service Award from UVM’s College
of Education and Social Services
for her service to the people of
Vermont; and, in 1998 was honored
by UVM’s MPA program as an
honorary member of the Pi Alpha
Alpha for her service to the state of
Morse has served on a number
of state commissions and nonprofit boards. She is currently a
member of the boards of the Lake
Champlain Regional Chamber of
Commerce, the Vermont Health
Foundation and Emeritus Board
Member of Vermont’s only
continuing care community, Wake
Robin Corporation.
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Commencement 2009
William Pickens III
Doctor of Laws
William Pickens III is the founder
and president of Bill Pickens
Associates, Inc., an international
consulting and executive search
firm he founded in 1979. He is
also the founding president and
chief executive officer of the Paul
Robeson Foundation, established in
1996 and dedicated to preserving
the legacy of the legendary actor,
singer, and social activist.
A 1958 graduate of the University
of Vermont, Pickens spent the next
three years as a First Lieutenant in
the Air Force in Japan where he
became fluent in Japanese — a skill
that served him well later in life as
a founding trustee and secretary of
the United States-Japan Foundation.
He earned his master’s degree from
New York University in 1967 and
went on to build a successful career
in business while simultaneously
dedicating his talents to public
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He began his business career
in the Bell System, where he rose
to the position of department
chief before moving on to become
an associate with the worldwide
consulting firm Booz, Allen &
Hamilton. As vice president at
Marine Midland Bank, he had an
opportunity to further broaden his
international world view through
travel to Japan, South Africa,
Morocco, and England. He next
became director of personnel for
Phillip Morris before founding his
own firm in 1979.
Pickens has devoted much of
his life in service to the public
good. He has for many years
been a member of the Board of
Directors of Boys and Girls Harbor,
an organization committed to
empowering children and their
families in and around New York
City to become full, productive
participants in society through
education, cultural enrichment, and
social services. He has also served
as a president’s associate for Duke
University, trustee of the Studio
Museum of Harlem, fundraiser for
the Bay Street Theater, co-founder
of the Council of Concerned
Black Executives, trustee emeritus
of the National Center for Black
Philanthropy, Inc., and a member
of the UVM Alumni Association’s
New York Regional Board. As
vice president for the National
Committee on American Foreign
Policy, Pickens led peacekeeping
missions to South Africa in 1992
and to Northern Ireland in 1999.
Pickens’s grandfather, William
Pickens Sr., the son of former
slaves, graduated from Yale
University in 1904 and was a cofounder of the NAACP in 1909.
William Pickens III is a lifetime
member of the NAACP and a
former director of its Executive
Commencement 2009
Retiring Faculty of the University 2008-2009
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Fred Schmidt, Associate Professor of Community Development and Applied Economics Emeritus
Ian A. Worley, Professor of Plant Biology and Environmental Studies Emeritus
College of Arts and Sciences
Anthony G. Bradley, Professor of English Emeritus
Stephen J. Cutler, Professor of Sociology Emeritus
Laura T. Fishman, Associate Professor of Sociology Emerita
David Huddle, Professor of English Emeritus
Justin M. Joffe, Professor of Psychology Emeritus
William E. Paden, Professor of Religion Emeritus
David A. Scrase, Professor of German Emeritus
College of Education and Social Services
Marjorie Youmans Lipson, Professor of Literacy and Elementary Education Emerita
Phyllis Paolucci-Whitcomb, Professor of Social Work Emerita
Charles Rathbone, Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction Emeritus
Mary Lucia Razza, Research Associate of Education Emerita
Wang Juefei, Research Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Emeritus
College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
Jean-Guy L. Béliveau, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Emeritus
Brian V. MacPherson, Lecturer of Statistics Emeritus
Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources
David H. Hirth, Associate Professor of Wildlife and Fisheries Biology Emeritus
College of Medicine
John Helzer, Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus
Richard Hong, Clinical Professor of Pediatrics Emeritus
David W. Maughan, Research Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics Emeritus
Stephanie H. McConaughy, Research Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology Emerita
Dennis William Vane, Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics Emeritus
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Louis M. Izzo, Associate Professor of Medical Laboratory and Radiation Sciences Emeritus
University Extension
Judy H. Branch, Extension Associate Professor Emerita
M. Dale Skinner Steen, Extension Associate Professor Emerita
Kroepsch-Maurice Excellence in Teaching Awards 2008-2009
Douglas I. Johnson, Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, College of Medicine
Lisa J. Schnell, Associate Professor of English, College of Arts and Sciences
Alec C. Ewald, Assistant Professor of Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences
Patricia A. F. Erickson, Lecturer of Animal Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
University Scholars 2009-2010
Ralph C. Budd, Professor of Medicine, College of Medicine
John P. Burke, Professor of Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences
William E. Mann, Professor of Philosophy, College of Arts and Sciences
Russell P. Tracy, Professor of Pathology and Biochemistry, College of Medicine
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Commencement 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Honors College
3:30 p.m.
Ira Allen Chapel
S. Abu Rizvi, Dean
Lisa Schnell, Procession Marshal
Tina Griffis, Assistant Marshal
Patty Redmond, Assistant Marshal
Barbara Dewey Abbott, Student Marshal
Order of Exercises
WELCOME, S. Abu Rizvi, Dean
INTRODUCTION/GREETING, John M. Hughes, Senior Vice President and Provost
ADDRESS, Daniel Mark Fogel, President
FAREWELL ADDRESS, Jan Carney, Associate Dean, College of Medicine
RECEPTION, Silver Maple Ballroom, Dudley H. Davis Center
Barbara Dewey Abbott, Highgate Center, CEMS
Steven Francis Babbin, Amesbury, MA, CAS
Emelie de Faro Bailey, Bennington, CAS
Kristina Barbuto, Franklin Lakes, NJ CESS
Jennifer R. Bellavance, Galloway, NJ, CESS**
John Gerald Bennett, Middlesex, NY, CAS
Benjamin Gaskill Bezark, Wilmette, IL, CALS
Claire Eastment Bollinger, Manlius, NY, CAS
Kathryn T. Boolukos, Carmel, NY, CAS
Michael Young Bottiggi, Barton, CAS
Luke Jerome Brindamour, Niantic, CT, CAS**
Elisabeth Maria Brown, Fairfield, CESS
Matthew Lee Brown, Richmond, CAS
Gwen Rebecca Buel, Middlesex, CAS
Montana Burns, Sun Valley, ID, CAS
Elizabeth R. Butler, Concord, MA, CAS
Grace Erin Cameron, Watertown, MA, CAS
Caitlin Marie Chase, Glendale, CA, CAS
John Luke Contompasis, Burlington, CAS
Caitlin Ann Cooper, Rochdale, MA, CALS
Kara Wildflower Cummings, Canaan, CAS
Kari A. Dalane, Sussex, NJ, CAS
Christine E. DeAngelis, Lakeville, CT, CAS**
Max H. Deleon, Half Moon Bay, CA, CAS
John Francis Dennison, Rumford, RI, CAS
Maria F. Dirolf, Loudonville, NY, CAS
Marlow Allyce Duffy, Carlisle, MA, CALS
Stephanie Elise Fakharzadeh, Oradell, NJ, CAS
Lucas John Faryniarz, Underhill, CEMS
Hannah Mae Fjeld, Brandon, CAS
Jennifer Marie Fricke, Northfield, CALS**
Anthony Douglas Garden, Cleveland, OH, CAS
Emily Joy Gassman, Old Lyme, CT, CALS
Danielle M. Geno, Rutland, CAS
Jennifer Lynn Glenister, Locke, NY, CAS
Jason Peter Gold, Highland Mills, NY, CAS
Nathan Leslie Gordon, Modesto, CA, BSAD
Sarah Elizabeth Gulezian, Oak Park, IL, CAS
Kameron Decker Harris, Salisbury, CAS
Connor Patrick Hayden, Jeffersonville, CEMS
**As of February, 2009
Heidi Marie Henrichs, Rochester, NY, RSENR
Colleen E. Hertz, Hatfield, PA, CAS
Robin M. Hicks, Richmond, MA, CAS
Jennifer Horwitz, Millburn, NJ, CAS
Kenna Colleen Jacobs, Colchester, CAS
Peter G. Johannessen, Bedford, MA, CAS
Emma E. Kennedy, Warren, CAS
Cathryn Koptiuch, Essex, CAS
Zoe Connolly Kosmas, St. Louis Park, MN, CALS
Sara Elisabeth Krumminga, New York, NY, CAS
Theresa Pratt LaFay, Glens Falls, NY, CAS
Michael Joseph Lahey, Derry, NH, CNHS
Michelle A. LeClair, Ascutney, BSAD
Samantha Lederfine Paskal, Andover, MA, CALS
Paige Christine Leenstra, Hinesburg, CAS
Jesse Benjamin Levin, Medfield, MA, BSAD
Nicholas E. Light, Plattsburgh, NY, CAS**
Daniel Lim, Brooklyn, NY, RSENR
Matthew Cole Little, Milton, CAS
Lily Reardon Lovinger, Fairhaven, MA, CAS
Jacqueline Anne Maisonpierre, West Redding, CT,
Andrew Scott Mallon, Barnet, CAS
Zara Manuelyan, Essex Junction, CAS
Greta Lynn Mattessich, Woodbridge, CT, CAS
Daniel W. McAlister, Franklin, MA, BSAD
Talaya M. McCright-Gill, Brooklyn, NY, CAS
Claire Hughes McKown, Saint Louis, MO, CAS
Isaac William Messmore, Burlington, CAS
Clay C. Murphy, Guilford, CEMS
Allison Theresa Neal, Arlington, CAS
Cassi Jo Nelson, Bethlehem, PA, CESS
Katherine Joanne Nopper, Newfane, CAS
Grace K. O’Keeffe, Carteret, NJ, CAS
Julie M. Pacific, Marlborough, MA, CESS
Samantha Carrie Palley, New York, NY, CAS
Laura S. Pedro, Narragansett, RI, CAS
Colin Andre Kress Penn, Andover, CT, RSENR
Jacquelyn R. Pless, Wallingford, PA, CAS
Andrea Jane Rawley, Windham, NH, CALS
Bretton John Reis, Rehoboth, MA, CAS
Kate Marcella Riley, Rochester, NY, CALS
Jessica Rachel Rock, Amherst, NH, CAS**
Monique Jeannette Rogals, Orwell, CAS
Maximilian Johann Rooney, Keene, NH, BSAD
Heather Louise Rowles, East Longmeadow, MA, CAS
Jacqueline Rebecca Ryan, Burlington, CAS
Maggie Saxe Sager, Fairfax Station, VA, CAS
Christine Marie San Antonio, Derry, NH, CAS
James Bernard Seiffer, Brookfield, CT, BSAD
Cara Anne Sengebush, Monroe Township, NJ, CALS
Kimberly April Meekins Shane, Sagamore Hills, OH, CAS
Eric David Shepard, Underhill Center, CEMS**
Michael Skillicorn, New Salem, MA, CALS
John N. Soltys, Victor, NY, CAS
Ellen Rae Stanley, Bakersfield, CESS
Mary Eileen Stewart, Ripton, CAS
Anna Kim Strout, North Andover, MA, CAS
Rachel Alexandra Sugarman, Wayne, PA, CAS
Molly Dowd Sullivan, Kensington, CT, CAS
Tiffany Trafan, St. Johnsbury, CESS
Andrew Jon Turgeon, Bennington, CAS
Thea Ulrich-Lewis, Brooklyn, NY, CAS
Victoria Elizabeth Vendola, Centerville, MA, CESS
Henry David Alexander Wainhouse, Brattleboro, CAS
Evan Daniel Walden, Guilderland, NY, BSAD
Danielle Mary Walsh, Chelmsford, MA, CAS
Alena R. Warren, Amherst, NH, RSENR
Chase Soule Whiting, Camden, ME, CAS
Katharine Stedem Wiebe, Bethesda, MD, CAS
Ryan Bess Winnick, Westport, CT, CAS
Amy Leigh Young, Concord, BSAD
Justin Zinck, Marlborough, MA, CAS
CALS: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences • CAS: College of Arts and Sciences • BSAD: School of Business Administration • CESS: College of Education and Social Services
CEMS: College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences • RSENR: Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources • CNHS: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Return to Index
Commencement 2009
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Sunday, May 17, 2009
2:30 p.m. Multipurpose Facility, Athletic Complex
Thomas C. Vogelmann, Dean
Jonathan G. Leonard, College Marshal
Josie H. Davis, Associate Dean, Faculty Marshal
Michael E. Vayda, Associate Dean, Faculty Marshal
John Burke, Donald Stratton, Jane Kolodinsky, Donald Ross, Ernesto Mendez, Susan Wallace,
Jean Harvey-Berino, David Barrington, Deborah Neher, and Jonathan Leonard
Department Chairs, Program Directors and Representatives
Order of Exercises
WELCOME, Dean Thomas C. Vogelmann
GREETINGS AND REMARKS, Roger N. Allbee, CALS Class of 1967
Secretary, Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets
Undergraduate Student Presentation of Diplomas
Graduate Student Presentation of Diplomas
Lauren Denise Abda, Clarks Summit, PA
Stephen Charles Alajajian, Williston
Katherine Lee Albertin, Acton, MA**
Lisa Naomi Altarescu, Hastings-On-Hudson, NY
Cori Amber Antignani, Columbia, CT**
Molly Elise Aubert, Pembroke, MA
Adrian Joseph Bailey, Manhasset, NY
Miranda Lynn Bartlett, Holden, MA
Jessica Lynn Bean, Springfield
Jessica Faith Benjamin, Burlington
Jessica Lynn Berg, Springfield**
Nathaniel James Berg, Warren, RI
Zachary Jay Berman, Mt. Kisco, NY
James Richard Berry, Easton, CT
Benjamin Gaskill Bezark, Wilmette, IL
Andrew William Birch, Derby
Chantel Mary Blouin, Saint Albans
Danielle Marie Bois, South Yarmouth, MA
Alyssa Beth Bolduc, Laconia, NH
Jennie Elizabeth Bonica, Tamworth, NH
Erin Elizabeth Bouffard, Milton
Jenna Loren Brauel, North Conway, NH**
David M. Brault, Rochester, NY
Kali Lynn Brgant, Wolcott
Courtney MacPherson Bridges, Plainfield**
Christine Marie Brissette, Vineyard Haven, MA**
Patricia Ann Brousseau, Little Compton, RI
Zachary Jackson Brown, Sun Valley, ID
Samuel Bruchez, Verbier, Switzerland
Lindsey Paige Bryan, Scarborough, ME**
Amanda Rae Buck, Bennington
Sarah Rose Burdo, South Burlington
Suzette T. Carlson, Villanova, PA
Jessica Theresa Caron, Essex Junction
Conor William Casey, Williamstown, MA
Kira Gibson Castro, South Strafford
Adam Austin Clark, Ridgefield, CT**
Briana Rae Clark, Mystic, CT
Benjamin Alexander Clayman, Schenectady, NY
Joseph Thomas Cleary, Pepperell, MA
Thomas Gary Cole, Starksboro
Courtney Ann Collins, Natick, MA
Melinda Sue Conley, East Concord
Jeanine Marie Connolly, West Bridgewater, MA
Caitlin Ann Cooper, Rochdale, MA
Alex Paul Corn, Longmeadow, MA
Kimberly Ann Corrow, South Burlington
Alyssa Marie Cote, Sherborn, MA
Kassie Lee Covey, Bradford
Jordan Edward Crasilneck, Eugene, OR
Benjamin M. Crockett, Waterford, ME
Sean Winterich Cummings, Andover, MA
Laura Elizabeth Cupicha, East Schodack, NY
Jennifer Erin Curley, Barrington, RI
Jessie Anne Curran, Scituate, MA
Janelle Hale Dawson, Batavia, NY
Julie Marie Desrochers, Saint Johnsbury
Babacar John Diop, Brownsville
Paige Francesca Doyle, Longmeadow, MA
Allison Michelle Dresser, Saint Albans
Marlow Allyce Duffy, Carlisle, MA
Karen Ann Duncan, Jericho
Erica Jennifer Dunn, Northbrook, IL
Margaret Hope Dunn-Carver, Shelburne
Luc Hilaire Dupuis, Irasburg
Jamie Lee Dutil, Northfield
Hayley Leslie Duval, Barrington, RI**
Logan Mary Ebbets, Hatfield, MA
Anne Elizabeth Eisenhart, Natick, MA**
Kathryn G. Elderkin, West Chester, PA**
Jill Chandler Escott, Calabash, NC
Joseph James Fallon, Bemidji, MN*
Emily Harrison Falta, Cornwall
Caitlin Wynne Fickett, Wells, ME
Robert Macy Finn, III, Shelburne
Kyle Michael Fitzgerald, Amherst, NH
Casey Kathleen Fleming, Townsend, MA
Kathryn Louise Foley, Bristol
Richard Bradley Forber, Littleton, CO**
Brent Andrew Frankland, Brookfield
Mark James Freedman, Winchester, MA
Jennifer Marie Fricke, Northfield**
Heather Ann Fritz, Haverhill, MA
Danielle Elizabeth Funaro, Killingworth, CT
Nicholas Mario John Garafalo, Manlius, NY
Claire Elise Garner, Randolph
Amy Grace Gassman, Old Lyme, CT
Emily Joy Gassman, Old Lyme, CT
Katherine Elizabeth Gazo, Waterbury Center
Octavia English Gibson, Mount Vernon, NY
James Cameron Gilbane, Bradford
Christopher Edmond Gilbert, Windsor**
Lya Forman Gilmore, Williamstown
Shaun Micheal Gilpin, Amherst, NH
John Raymond Gobeil, Jr., Derby
Jed Spar Goldberg, Slingerlands, NY
Lindsey Meryl Golden, Needham, MA
Andrew Seth Goldfarb, Guildford, CT**
Whitney Francis Gonneville, Northfield
Pace Samuel Goodman, Wyckoff, NJ
Brett Glenn Gorman, Jamestown, RI
Gerrit William Gosliga, Addison
Bo Allen Grant, Colchester**
Christopher James Graves, Zionsville, PA
William Harold Greaves, Madison, CT*
Ellen Desmond Greeley, Norwood, MA
Sarah Maleno Greenleaf, Wayland, MA**
Catherine Rosalie Gruber, Rosemont, PA**
Katherine Lindsay Guion, Waitsfield
Cassandra Lynn Hammond, Albion, ME
Joseph James Hardie, Lansing, NY
Gregory Scott Hardy, Jamaica
Sumra Sage Harper-Deas, Bristol**
Kaitlin May Harris, Scituate, MA
Christopher William Hellwig, Ogdensburg, NJ
Andrew Lee Herrick, Jeffersonville**
Peter Eric Hook, Jr., Medford, NJ*
Gregory James Hubbert, Stamford, CT
Anna Elizabeth Hurlburt, New Haven
Thomas Brody Inglis, Greenwood Village, CO
Theodore Hance Ingram, Fair Haven, NJ
Caitlin Rebecca Jackson, Andover, MA
Mark H. Jenkins, Jr., Hopatcong, NJ
Lance Adam Jennings, Katy, TX
*As of October, 2008
**As of February, 2009
Return to Index
Commencement 2009
Celia Grace Johnson, Laconia, NH
Dana Lipinski Jokela, Shelburne**
Stacy Anne Jorgensen, Burlington, CT
Jessica Ruth Katz, Evanston, IL
Brianne Marie Keefe, West Harwich, MA
Amy Iris Keiser, Brewster, NY
Coral Elena Kent-Dennis, Marlboro
Hilary Christina Kessler, Princeton, MA
Shunjiro Clifford Kida, Essex Junction
Michael William Kirk, Malvern, PA
Heather Lynn Klaff, Easton, CT
Tyler Curtis Knight, Colchester
Kerri Lynn Knipe, Bethel, CT**
Valerie Amanda Koenig, Reading, MA
Hilary Anne Koerner, Evanston, IL
Lindsay Ann Kolb, Woodstock**
Zoe Connolly Kosmas, Saint Louis Park, MN
Dale Dempsey Kunkel, Northfield
Jonathan Matthiessen Kyle, Carlisle, MA
Juliette Kristine Laaka, Cushing, ME
Kathrine Louise LaClair, Milton**
Elizabeth Ann Lang, Montpelier
Frances Hall Lang, Shelbyville, KY
Alison Ramsey Langmaid, Essex Junction
Michael Kyle Lauf, Potomac, MD
Paula Jean LeBlanc, Fairfax**
Samantha Lederfine Paskal, Andover, MA
Brady William Lee, Manchester, CT
Sage Reignier Lefkowitz, Summit, NJ
Kara Danielle Lennon, Morrisonville, NY
Kerry Leigh Leonard, Wilder
Rachael Carol Lilly, Woodbury, MN
Charlotte Marie Longley, Brattleboro
Maegan Marie Luce, Lebanon, NH
Stephen Richard Lutz, Bennington
Daniel Peter Lynch, Montpelier
Emily Caitlin MacGregor, Pepperell, MA
Erika Hueler Mach, Edina, MN
Cayenne Elisabeth MacKillop, Charlotte
Alexandra Rose MacLeod, Barre
Gillian Ann MacMurtry, Arlington
Jonathan William Maddison, South Burlington
Asa Gardner Manning, Sharon
Saunya Leis Mapes, Springvale, ME
Elizabeth Sarah Martin, Merion, PA
Teri Lyn Massey, Morrisville*
Jessica Lynn Mateik, Richmond
Amy Marie Maxham, South Hero
James Thomas McCarthy, Chester, NJ
Megan Kathleen McCarthy, Shelburne
Jilyne Marlene McDonald, Bellevue, WA
Jacob Daniel McFadden, Colchester
Tyler Robert McGill, Waterford
Amanda Marie McGrath, Berkeley Heights, NJ
Kourtney Linda McGrath, Rutland
*As of October, 2008
**As of February, 2009
Return to Index
Katelyn Elizabeth McLaughlin, Glastonbury, CT
Ashley Theresa Meehean, York Beach, ME
Jonathan Mejia, Bronx, NY
Laura Ann Mertzlufft, Pittsfield, MA
Tanya Kristen Mills, Lakeville, MN
Joshua Samuel Montel, Marlboro, NJ
Elizabeth Marie Moquin, Williston
Tate Buxton Morris, East Lyme, CT
Calvin G. Morse, Melrose, MA
Ashley Lauren Munroe, Seekonk, MA
Kaelyn Jayne Murray, Pine Bush, NY**
Jeanine Theresa Neskey, Sandown, NH
Jennifer Lee Nolan, Derry, NH
Dana Renae Notte, Rutland**
Zachary C. Nuse, Burlington
Amanda Sue Ochoa, Wentzville, MO
Catherine Rebecca Oliver, Falmouth, ME
Sarah Jean Orciuolo, Mashpee, MA
Nancy Park, Lynnfield, MA
Brooke Elizabeth Payne, Rockport, ME
Thomas Peter Pinello, Randolph Center**
Diana Pirolo, Commack, NY
Kathryn Sarah Podell, Woodbridge, CT
Elissa Marie Pollak, Barnet**
Nicole Anna Poppenger, Skaneateles, NM
Danielle Sarah Pothier, Enosburg Falls**
Ashley Rose Potwin, White River Junction
Kate Dewind Pratt, Port Jefferson, NY**
Mark E. Rasmussen, Bethesda, MD
Andrea Jane Rawley, Windham, NH
David M. Rice, Windsor
Matthew Troy Rice, Waltham, MA
Emily Grace Ricker, Northfield
Kate Marcella Riley, Rochester, NY
Morgan Jean Rivers, Brandon
Amy Kathryn Robinson, Sandy Hook, CT
Emily Miriam Rodney, Larchmont, NY
Alissa Wellons Rotberg, White Plains, NY
Emilie May Rowe, Rochester, NY
Haley Alison Rubin, Atlantic Beach, NY
Kaylee Cummings Rumley, Rumford, ME
Benjamin Lincoln Rumsey, Winsted, CT
Danusha Verika Samuels, Bronx, NY
Cara Jeanne Schacher, Cobleskill, NY
Jenna Marie Schirmer, Falmouth, ME
Rebecca Jo Schweigart, West Chester, PA**
Cara Anne Sengebush, Monroe Township, NJ
Kathryn Carolan Shanley, Brooklyn, NY
Addison Wyatt Sidley, Wyoming, OH
Alison Rose Siemianowski, West Springfield, MA
Andrew M. Silverman, Waterford, NY**
Avery Rose Skelton, Guilford, CT**
Michael Skillicorn, New Salem, MA
Samuel Trent Smalley, Portland, ME
Jordan Kenyon Smith, Averill Park, NY**
Joshua Lee Smith, Glen Head, NY
Lacey Anne Smith, Sanford, ME
Nancy Pearson Smith, Chestnut Hill, MA
Megan Elizabeth Sophia, South Burlington
Jessica Irene Spiltoir, Walpole, NH
Jordan Veronica Stahl, Saint Albans
Kevin Andrew Stanton, Monroe, NH
Lindsay Brooke Stephens, Nashua, NH
Sarah Michelle Sterling, Fairfax, CA
Catherine Stirbis, Patterson, NY
Jamie Brennan Stone, South Deerfield, MA
Dean Edward Strong, Mississauga, Canada
Eila Marsh Susskind, Florence, MA
Stuart David Sutherland, Brandon**
Julie Marie Swenson, Westfield, MA
Katelyn Ashley Syracuse, Hamburg, NY
Caroline Luise Tautz, Littleton, CO**
Brittany Scott Taylor, Bethel
Michael Patrick Teehan, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ
Kevin James Thibault, South Burlington
Jonah Fortune Tidyman, Saint Johnsbury
Cathleen A. Tobin, Rutland
Jessica Day Tonry, West Newbury, MA
Dayna Marie Trocki, Winchester, MA
Brian Patrick Trudell, East Fairfield
Thendo Lufuno Tshikororo, Burlington
Corbett McClure Tulip, North Conway, NH**
Brad Urmston-Parish, Glen Rock, NJ
Jonathan Stephen Viel, Piedmont, CA
Joseph Warren Wagner, Saint Albans
Lucy Alice Walsh, Alexandria, VA
Gregory Alexander Wasserman, Brooklyn, NY
Marion Elizabeth Weir, Miami, FL
Weston Wheeler, Lake Placid, NY
Emma Louise Burns Whitney, Vienna, ME
Kendra Ann Wilkins, Salem, NH
Andrew Roger Wood, Concord
Jaclyn Denise Wyman, Wausau, WI
Andrea Beth Yaffe, Longmeadow, MA
Jenna Alyse Yarosh, Merrick, NY
Emma Theodora Yepsen, Saratoga Springs, NY
John Homer Young, Brookline, NH
Logan Christian Zingus, Mystic, CT
Commencement 2009
Graduate College
Erika Bouffard, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Georgia
Haley Dienst, B.A. (Lafayette College) 2002; B.S. (The University of Vermont)
2007; Stowe
Leslie LeyAnne Langevin, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2007; South Burlington
Emily Nicolai, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Wakefield, MA
Alissa C. Robertson, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2003; Marion, MA
Abigail Megan Wadsworth, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Shelburne
Colleen Constance Beal, B.A. (Colby College) 2003; Pownal, ME*
David W. Curtis, Jr., B.A. (University of Washington) 1986; Burlington
Richard S. Donahey, III, B.S. (Miami University,) 1995; Saint Albans**
Kelly Murphy Houston, B.A. (University of New Hampshire) 2006; Plattsburgh, NY
Jennifer R. Kenyan, B.A. (George Washington University) 2005; Dedham, MA
Shabnam Beth Nolan, B.A. (James Madison University) 2007; Alexandria, VA
Susan Irene Skalka, B.A. (Macalester College) 1994; M.S. (Carnegie Mellon
University) 1997; Rochester, MN*
Nathan O’Brien Towne, B.S. (Rochester Institute of Technology) 2002; Milton
Shelley Mary Warren, B.A. (University of Minnesota) 1977; Burlington
Qin Zhou, B.A. (Hua Zong Normal University) 2007; Suqian, China
Animal Sciences
Lindsay E. Lord, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2006; West Ossipee, NH**
Thesis: Effect of Photoperiod Treatment on Expression of Genes
Related to Immune Function in Dairy Cattle
Advisor: Dr. Thomas McFadden
Xavier Revelo, B.S. (Zamorano University) 2005; Quito, Ecuador*
Thesis: Effects of Insulin and 2,4-Thiazolidinedione on Bovine
Neutrophil Function In Vitro
Advisor: Dr. Matthew Waldron
Jennifer M. Scudder, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2005; Barnstable, MA
Thesis: Assessment of Colicin E1 A Novel Treatment for Escherichia coli Induced Mastitis
Advisors: Dr. Thomas McFadden, Dr. Matthew Waldron
Erin Mackey Sigel, B.S. (University of New Hampshire) 2003; New Hope, PA*
Thesis: Polyphyly of Polyploid Species: An Inquiry into the Origin of
Dryopteris Campyloptera and Dryopteris Dilatata (Dryopteridaceae)
Advisor: Dr. David Barrington
Jens Stevens, B.A. (Carleton College) 2006; Somerville, MA*
Thesis: The Role of Fire Disturbance in the Invasion of South Florida Pine
Savannas by Brazilian Pepper (Schinus Terebinthifolius)
Advisor: Dr. Brian Beckage
Botany-Field Naturalist
James Barnes, B.A. (North Carolina State University) 2004; B.S. (North Carolina
State University) 2004; Wilkesboro, NC*
Allaire Kemble Diamond, B.A. (Wellesley College) 2001; M.Ed. (The University
of Vermont) 2003; Springfield
Emily Schadler, B.A. (The College of Wooster) 2003; Cincinnati, OH*
Community Development and Applied Economics
Erica K. Campbell, B.A. (Vermont College of Norwich University) 1999; Duxbury
Thesis: Cars, Buses, Bikes and Feet: Mode Choice for Student Travel in
Three Vermont School Districts
Advisor: Dr. Qingbin Wang
Mark Cannella, B.S. (Saint Lawrence University) 2000; Liverpool, NY**
Thesis: The Impact of Market Uncertainty on the Financial Performance
of Dairy Farming Systems in the Northeast
Advisor: Dr. Quingbin Wang
David Bennett Chappelle, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2002: Williamstown
Thesis: Occupational Spanish Instruction in the Vermont Dairy Industry:
Evaluation and Implications of Pilot Project Implementation
Advisor: Dr. Daniel Baker
Mark Stephen Gately, B.A. (Cornell University) 2000; Montville, NJ*
Thesis: Dynamic Modeling to Inform Environmental Management:
Applications in Energy Resources and Ecosystems Services
Advisor: Dr. Joshua Farley
Jessica M. Hyman, B.A. (McGill University) 1996; Burlington
Thesis: Local Development Pressure and Land Use Decisions: Farmland
Change Within Diversified Agricultural Networks
Advisor: Dr. Frederick Schmidt
Robin J. Kemkes, B.S. (University of Wisconsin, Madison) 1998; Onania, MN*
Thesis: Policy Tool Choice for Ecosystem Service Provision: Payments and
Public Information
Advisor: Dr. Joshua Farley
Sara Coblyn Porth, B.A. (Hampshire College) 1999; Rockville Centre, NY**
Thesis: An Evaluation of the Youth Horticulture Project
Advisor: Dr. Chyi-Lyi Liang
Amanda Richardson, B.S. (University of Idaho) 2002; Twin Falls, ID*
Thesis: Exploring the Feasibility of Economic Incentives for Reforestation in
the Fond D’Or Watershed, St. Lucia
Advisor: Dr. Joshua Farley
Erin Roche, A.B. (University of Chicago) 1989; Seattle, WA*
Thesis: Individual Investment in Health: An Evaluation of Policies and Programs
Advisor: Dr. Jane Kolodinsky
Emily Jeanne Stebbins, B.A. (Harvard University) 1997; Burlington
Thesis: Technical and Economic Feasibility of Biodiesel Production in Vermont:
Evidence From a Farm-Scale Study and a Commercial-Scale Simulation Analysis
Advisor: Dr. Robert Parsons
Nutrition and Food Sciences
Alyssa A. Nathanson, B.A. (Binghamton University) 1999; Yorktown Heights, NY*
Thesis: Time As A Vital Ingredient in American Cooking: A Qualitative
Investigation of Cooking Skill and Cooking Knowledge
Advisor: Dr. Amy Trubek
Helen F. Walsh, B.Sc. (University of Humberside) 1992; Tramore, Ireland
Thesis: Physico-Chemical Properties, Probiotic Survivability, Microstructure
and Acceptability of a Yogurt-Like Symbiotic Oats-Based Product Using Pre Polymerized Whey Protein as a Gelation Agent
Advisor: Dr. Mingruo Guo
Plant and Soil Science
Simon Christopher Edward Bird, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2003; Burlington**
Thesis: Investigations of Electric Arc Furnace Slag Filters: Phosphorus
Treatment Performance, Removal Mechanisms and Material Reuse
Advisor: Dr. Aleksandra Drizo
Morgan Lyn Cromwell, B.S. (Gettysburg College) 2005; Canton, CT
Thesis: Evaluation of Alternative Fungicides for Organic Apple Production
in Vermont
Advisor: Dr. Lorraine Berkett
Yiwen Zhao, B.S. (Xiamen University) 2003; China**
Thesis: Non-Target of Bacillus Thuringiensis Transgenic Corn on
Soil Microarthropod Communities
Advisor: Dr. Deborah Neher
Animal Science
John William Barlow, B.S. (University of Connecticut) 1988; D.V. M.
(University of Illinois) 1992; Charlotte**
Dissertation: Mathematical and Molecular Epidemiology of
Subclinical Mastitis Treatment in Lactating Dairy Cows
Advisor: Dr. Ynte Schukken
Emma Wall Kouri, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2001; M.S. (The University of
Vermont) 2005; Shelburne**
Dissertation: Local Regulation of Milk Yield, Mammary Function,
and Gene Expression in Lactating Dairy Cows
Advisor: Dr. Thomas McFadden
Animal, Nutrition and Food Sciences
Dennis John D’Amico, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2002; M.S. (The
University of Vermont) 2004; Lake George, NY*
Dissertation: Incidence, Ecology, and Fate of Target Foodborne
Pathogens in the Cheesemaking Continuum
Advisor: Dr. Catherine Donnelly
Plant and Soil Science
Brian James Darby, B.A. (Northwestern College) 2002; M.S. (University of
Toledo) 2004; Kalona, IA*
Dissertation: Influence of Altered Temperature and Precipitation on
Desert Microfauna and Their Role In Mediating Soil Nutrient Availability
Advisor: Dr. Deborah Neher
Sally A. Flis, B.S. (University of Wisconsin- Madison) 2003; M.S. (University of
Wisconsin- Madison) 2005; Castleton*
Dissertation: The Effects of High Copper Dairy Manure on Manure
Storage, Soil, and Plant Growth and Composition
Advisor: Dr. Sidney Bosworth
Amninder Jit Kaur, B.S. (Khalsa College) 2001; M.S. (Punjab Agricultural
University) 2003; Punjab, India
Dissertation: Soil Moisture and Season Effects on Nitrogen
Transformation Rates in Seep Soils of Two Northern Hardwood Forests
in Vermont
Advisor: Dr. Donald Ross
*As of October, 2008
**As of February, 2009
Return to Index
Commencement 2009
College of Arts and Sciences
Sunday, May 17, 2009
11:45 a.m. University Green
Eleanor M. Miller, Dean
Glen S. Elder, College Marshal
John P. Burke, Faculty Marshal
Joel M. Goldberg, Stage Marshal
Willem R. Leenstra, Procession Marshal
Z. Philip Ambrose, Deborah E. Blom, Heather A. Bouchey, Mark E. Bouton, Deborah L. Guber,
Don Loeb, Dennis F. Mahoney, David P. Massell, Abigail S. McGowan, Patrick A. Neal, Travis B. Nelson,
Gregory A. Ramos, Gretchen J. VanSlyke, Arthur G. Woolf
Assistant Marshals
Order of Exercises
Bachelor of Arts
Rheanna Marie Abbott, Hinesburg**
Kathryn Ann Abbott-Koch, Waitsfield
Andrew Abboushi, Pittsburgh, PA
Jesse Ault Abbruzzese, Brimfield, IL
Thomas Moses Abdelnour, Derby Line
Ari Jason Abedon, Needham Heights, MA
Matthew Brian Ackley, Cumberland, RI
Donald Richard Ager, Concord, NH**
Isaac B. Agree, Chester, NJ
Susan Elizabeth Akey, Concord, NH
Angela Marie Albin, West Townshend
Natalie Christine Albrittain-Ross, Manchester
Garifalia Alexiou, Manchester Center**
Julia Elizabeth Allen, Springfield
Nicholas J. Amabile, Albany, NY
Ruxanda Amihalachioaie, South Burlington
Erin Marie Anastasia-Murphy, Gloucester, MA
Alexander G. Andrews, Maplewood, NJ
Ian Stanley Andrews, Shelburne*
Derek Ross Angel, Simsbury, CT
Madeleine L. Ankuda, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
Emily H. Antoville, Woodmere, NY**
Taylor A. Apostol, Malvern, PA
Kendra Crowley Appe, Charlotte
Aliza Jenni Appel, Belmont, MA
Joshua Wright Appelbaum, Lanesboro, MA
Gail Heather Appleman, Monroe, NY
Shane Owens Armstrong, Duxbury, MA
Audrey Madison Arnold, East Thetford
Sarah R. Aronson, Berlin, MA*
Toby Allan Aronson, Hallowell, ME
Alison Leigh Ashburn, Washington, DC
Alexandra Jillian Auman, Shelburne
Melissa Sue Ayre, Burlington
Fletcher Hamilton Bach, Charlotte
Ethan John Backus, Montpelier
Leonardo Badia, New York, NY
Stephanie Lee Baer, Townsend, MA
Emelie de Faro Bailey, Bennington
*As of October, 2008
**As of February, 2009
Return to Index
David Thomas Baillargeon, Atkinson, NH
Matthew Christopher Baker, Quincy, MA**
Marlo Franco Baldasarra, Nesconset, NY
Jennifer Meagan Ballou, Beverly, MA
Gregory Louis Bander, Warwick, RI
Joshua S. Bara, Burlington
Margaret Elaine Barber, Atlanta, GA
Ashley Page Barnes, Harvard, MA
Lynette Ryan Barnett, Bakersfield, CA
Zachary F. Barnett, Buffalo, NY
Lisa Rae Barrett, Hartland
Lynsey Janet Barrows, Burlington
Nathan Bartholomew, Benson
Lauren Tove Bates, Burlington
Alexander William Bauer, Barrington, IL
Scott Donald Bauersfeld, Bethesda, MD*
Cara Leigh Beaudoin, Burlington
Charlie Dalton Beaupied, Tavira, Portugal
Brian David Beck, Telluride, CO
Margaret Johanna Beck, Burlington**
Jessica Coulter Beder, Simsbury, CT
Carter Brock Beidler, White River Junction
William Ray Belanger, Pembroke, MA
Daniel Leo Belhumeur Jr., North Providence, RI
Erynn Colleen Bell, Cape Elizabeth, ME
Leila Sarah Benabid, Shelton, CT
John Gerald Bennett, Middlesex, NY
Daniel James Bensen, Greenfield, MA
Carina Marie Berg, Springfield
Jenna Rose Bergman, Swampscott , MA
Haley Jean Bernier, Essex Junction
Ashley Marie Besaw, Williston
Melody Jean Bessett, Worcester**
Meredith Lynn Bessette, Alexandria, VA*
Joel M. Bevacqua, Boonton Township, NJ
Joshua John Biermann, Portland, ME*
Blaine Scott Billingsley, Houston, TX
Julie Mercedes Bilodeau, Barrington, RI
James Hyatt Binder, Sudbury, MA
Whit Edgerton Bissell, Lake Placid, NY
Brendan Cole Bisson, Fairfax Station, VA
C. Andy Black, Southborough, MA
Christine Mary Bletzer, Medfield, MA
Robert Edward Blevins III, Monroe, NJ
Timothy Mark Blommestein, Burlington
Connor Fieldman Boals, Ada, MI
Christine Ann Boecke, Newton, MA
Spencer Neitman Boege, Lincoln, MA
Lauren Ashley Bolduc, Windham, NH
Amy Charlotte Bolster, Essex Junction
Kathryn T. Boolukos, Carmel, NY
Matthew Charles Bordo, Highland Park, NJ
Christopher Parke Borgstrom, Guilford, CT*
Hilary Clark Bothfeld, Essex
Michael Young Bottiggi, Barton
Frances Elise Boulding, Englewood, CO
Emily Kirsten Bowser, Shelburne**
Andrew John Boyd, Barnstable, MA
Clayton R. Boyd, Southbury, CT
John Matthew Boyle, Beverly, MA**
Shannon Marie Bradley, Springfield
Ariel Rebecca Brandner, Ridgefield, CT
Michael David Breazzano, Wayland, MA
Jessica Ashley Breitfeller, Rochester, NY
Isabel Amory Brewster, Silver Springs, MD
Rachel Brianna Brezel, South Windsor, CT
Mallory Beth Brickman, Merrick, NY
Luke Jerome Brindamour, Niantic, CT**
Leandra Renee Brixey, Whiting
Katharine Vanhorn Brock, Providence, RI
Curran Lanman Broderick, East Burke
Anya Marjorie Brodrick, Derby Line
Skylar Joan Brookwood, Burlington**
Amanda Elizabeth Brougham, Plymouth, MA
Cody Alexander Brown, Mount Tremper, NY
David Tighe Brown, Needham, MA
Elisabeth Maria Brown, Fairfield
Matthew Lee Brown, Richmond
Sarah Elizabeth Brown, Springfield
Joshua Richard Browne, Peacham
Jennifer Carolyn Browning, Teaneck, NJ
Rachel Dawn Bruce, South Burlington**
Commencement 2009
Luke Edward Brunner, Weathersfield
Erica Patricia Bruno, Assonet, MA
Sarah Anne Bryant, Seattle, WA**
Elizabeth Callahan Brynn, Bristol
Craig Stephenson Bunten, Charlotte**
Ariel Kaile Burgess, Ripton
Martine Eliza Burtis, Durham, NH
Stefanie Malia Burtt, Saint Albans
Delaney Morgan Busch, Bloomfield, CT
Jason Edward Bushey, Burlington
Jenna Lee Bushey, Saint Albans
Lara Ann Walker Butera, South Londonderry
Elizabeth R. Butler, Concord, MA
Kyle C. Butrymowicz, Toms River, NJ
Whitney Buxton, Ridgewood, NJ
Timothy J. Byrne, Beesleys Point, NJ
Edward Michael Byrne-Maisto, Winooski
David McCain Cahill, Perkinsville
Anthony A. Caiazzo, Windham, ME
Heidi Bolt Caldwell, Exeter, NH
Grace Erin Cameron, Watertown, MA
Samantha Caplan, Wallingford, CT*
Julianna Cappetta, Barre
Caylin P. Capra-Thomas, Holliston, MA
N. Doran Capuzzi, Stowe**
Mirela Cardakovic, Colchester
Lauren Diane Cardella, Cincinnati, OH
Lucas Alan Caress, New York, NY
Elizabeth Ingalsbee Carey, Dobbs Ferry, NY
Chelsea Lynn Carman, Feura Bush, NY
Laura M. Carmody, Chester**
Kira M. Carpenter, Milton
Patrick W. Carroll, Westminster, MA**
Ryan Patrick Carroll, Longmeadow, MA
Gregory Eaton Carter, Glastonbury, CT
Ashley Lynn Cassidy, Monkton
Joseph Angelo Castano, Westminster
Fred Castiglia, Harrison, NY*
Laura Elizabeth Caughey, Medfield, MA
Nicole Alyse Cecere, Montrose, NY
Rhiannon M. Champagne, Essex Junction
Kevin P. Channell, Boonton, NJ
Cynthia Roseanne Chapin, Hartford**
Charlotte Elizabeth Chapoy, Barrington, IL
Edward Paul Chappelow, Milton**
Jeffrey Robert Charbonneau, Manchester Center
Treesukol Charoonchokanan, Lexington, MA*
Caitlin Marie Chase, Glendale, CA
Lucas Jens Chatelain, Fargo, ND
Jesse Borkan Chebot, Newton, MA
Thomas Stuart Cheney, Milton
Danielle Kate Chiappa, Somerset, Bermuda
Emma Faulkner Child, Cambridge, MA
Katherine Taylor Chinn, Memphis, TN*
Arin William Christensen, Northborough, MA*
Leah Anne Cipri, Essex Junction
Arden Emily Clapp, Ivoryton, CT
Amber Lynn Clark, Orwell
Elizabeth Anne Clark, National City, CA*
Jae E. Clavelle, Burlington
Danielle Lee Cloutier-Simons, Milton
Jessica Lee Cobb, Wardsboro
Stephanie Grau Coffey, Reading, MA
Jared Dalton Colburn, Woburn, MA**
Amanda Yeong Cole, Burlington*
Jacqueline Marie Cole, Hardwick, MA
Trevor T. Colliano, Bennington*
Jeremy Ryan Collins, Manassas, VA
Michael James Comeau, Torrington, CT
Nicholas James Concklin, Collegeville, PA
Andrea Lynne Connors, Southborough, MA*
Kaitlin Joy Conrad, Colorado Springs, CO
John Luke Contompasis, Burlington
Megan Elizabeth Cook, Essex Junction
Paul Timothy Cooley, Old Lyme, CT
Zachary M. Cooper, Croton-On-Hudson, NY
Elizabeth Jean Corbett, Plymouth, MA
Seth Haines Corthell, Kent, OH
Betsy A. Costilo, Takoma Park, MD
Brian James Cotter, New Canaan, CT
Elise Anna Cousineau, Middletown, CT
Ashley Noelle Couture, Shelburne
Rebecca Whelan Creighton, Peace Dale, RI*
Louisa Scott Creighton-Smith, Yarmouth, ME
Molly Garvan Croke, Medfield, MA
Alexandra Christine Cronin, Concord, MA*
Nellie R. Crump, West Caldwell, NJ
Laura S. Cui, Brunswick, ME
Caitlin Marie Cullen, Pleasantville, NY
Kara Wildflower Cummings, Canaan
Samuel Peter Cummings, Williamstown
Kristofer Lidano Cundari, Danbury, CT**
Oliver Dempsey Curran, Chester**
Pamela Sue Currier, Newport**
Steven Andrew Curtis, Easton, CT
Sarah Elizabeth Cyr, Vergennes
Dane Hartley-Wells Czajkowski, Acton, MA*
Gabriela Da Silva-Riley, Rochester
Alison Kay Daggett, Fort Collins, CO
Kari A. Dalane, Sussex, NJ
Mark Ernest Daly, Middlebury
Emma Danciu, Winooski
Avery Anne Dandreta, Pawtucket, RI
Allison Marie Daneu, Burlington
Casey Jaye Darrah-Lamb, Morrisville
Stephanie Kristin Daunais, Milton
Beau Davenport, Pasadena, CA
Gordon Whitney Davis, Scarsdale, NY
John Charles Davis, Penfield, NY
Pier Amelia Davis, Ann Arbor, MI
Christine E. DeAngelis, Lakeville, CT**
Eric James DeAratanha, West Hartford, CT
Robert Scott DeCastro, Marshfield, MA
Allison Kathryn Decker, Colchester
Hanna Curry DeFuria, Manlius, NY
Jonathan Michael Deitch, Chicago, IL
Katie Grace Deitch, Berwyn, PA
Max H. Deleon, Half Moon Bay, CA
Michelle Marie Demers, Springfield
Elaine Ashley Dennis, San Antonio, TX
Kathryn Jones Dennis, Franklin, MA
John Francis Dennison, Rumford, RI
Naomi Eleanora Densmore, Hardwick**
Jason Anthony DeOliveira, Marshfield, MA**
Alicyn Nicole DeSimone, Hinesburg
Quentin Louis Dessein, Syracuse, NY
Sarah Elizabeth Destefano, Eliot, ME
Danielle Regina Diarbakerly, Lincoln, MA
Brandon Scott Dickerman, Sharon, MA
Christopher A. Dickerson, New Haven, CT
Andrew Robert Dickgiesser, Woodbridge, CT
Peter Leonard DiFonzo, Winchester, MA**
Florence Marie DiJohnson, Chestnut Hill, MA
Michael L. DiNorscio, Mendham, NJ
Katarzyna Ewa Dionne, South Burlington
Maria F. Dirolf, Loudonville, NY
Jessica Ann Disbrow, Burlington
Marie Nicole Discenza, Westfield, MA
Catherine Heliade Dixon, Washington, DC
Cassidy Tucker Dobek, Lincoln**
Lejla Dobraca, Essex Junction
Gillian MacRae Dolce, Mendon
Rachel Lillian Dolgin, Scotch Plains, NJ
Scott Michael Dolmat-Connell, Princeton, MA
Catherine Lee Doneghy, Manchester, MA*
Timothy J. Donnelly, Ossipee, NH
John Henry Donner, Orchard Park, NY
Amy Chaffee Doolittle, Glastonbury, CT
Thomas M. Douglas, Jericho
Connor Harwood Dow, Princeton, MA
Isabelle Zallen Dow, Brookline, MA
Brett Christopher Dowgin, Andover , NJ*
Rachael Anne Downey, Los Angeles, CA
Colin Kendall Downs-Dudley, Lexington, MA
Madeline B. Doyle, Newtown Square, PA
Katherine Elizabeth Duhaime, North Kingstown, RI
Kyla Emily DuMont, Swanton
Rebecca Susan Dumont, Chelsea
Carolyn M. Dundon, Bristol**
Sean Larkin Dunn, Chelmsford, MA
Joseph T. Duplinsky, Orange, CT
Hannah Marie Dyke, Essex Junction
Liza Suzanne Eaton, Chester
Kate Holden Echo, Shelburne
Aubrey Llewelyn Edson, Manchester Center
Bryce Laughlin Edwards, Salt Lake City, UT
Alexander Joseph Eleftherakis, Barnstable, MA
Samantha Terry Elinson, Brooklyn, NY
Julia A. Emery, Califon, NJ
Joseph Alfred Emilio, Haverhill, MA
Jon Arne Engen, Wellesley Hill, MA*
Coretta Jean Enos, White River Junction
Amanda R. Enright, South Royalton
Jesse Colin Epstein, Cambridge
Molly Matheson Epstein, Frenchtown, NJ
Sara E. Essember, Peabody, MA
Kathryn A. Estes, York, ME
Daniel Steven Evans, Manchester Center*
Stephanie Elise Fakharzadeh, Oradell, NJ
Karl Frederick Fallenius, Telluride, CO
Devin P. Fallon, Ridgewood, NJ
Douglas Raymond Farnham, Montpelier
Katherine Victoria Fedigan-Linton, Burlington**
Shaun Thomas Feeley, Hingham, MA**
Carolyn Dianne Feldmann, Acton, MA
Alexander Shahin Fellows, Camden, ME
Forrest Harlen Felter, Canton, CT
Michael Joseph Femia, Sherrill, NY
Laurel Sage Fensterstock, Weston, CT
Steven E. Fenton, Medford, MA
Eric Ramsey Ferguson, Lovell, ME
Alanna Christine Fernández, Essex
Garson R. Fields, Leeds, MA
Julie Rose Finestone, Bedford, MA
Simon Lewis Fischer, Boston, MA
Margaret Katherine Fitch, Saint Johnsbury
Alison E. Fitzpatrick, Burlington*
Shannon Marie Fitzpatrick, Burlington
Hannah Mae Fjeld, Brandon
JayDan Ryan Flahive, Colchester
JoyLee Caitlin Flahive, Colchester**
Robert Thomas Flanagan, New York, NY
Lawrence C. Fleming, Mansfield, MA
Bronwyn Rosa Fleming-Jones, Brooklyn, NY
Charles Edward Flood III, Bay Shore, NY
Andrew Joseph Flynn, Brandon
Lauren Ann Foley, Oakham, MA
Shannon Marie Foley, Oakham, MA
Lawrence R. Fong, Essex Junction
Jeremy A. Fonte, Poultney**
Megan Martha Force, Montpelier**
David William Forer, New York, NY**
Erik Fosse, Andover, MA
*As of October, 2008
**As of February, 2009
Return to Index
Commencement 2009
Emily Christine Foti, Boxford, MA
Jesse Olshever Fowle, Williamstown, MA
Bethany Ann Fox, Hinesburg
Amanda Elaine Frank, Burlington
Christopher William Freddo, Attleboro, MA
Jessica Anne Fretts, Lexington, MA
Jennifer Marie Fricke, Northfield**
Mikaela Markus Frissell, New York, NY
Travis Julius Fryer, Norwich
Aaron Joeseph Fuccello, Skillman, NJ*
Kimberly Ann Fula, Plantation, FL*
Davis S. Fusco, Glen Rock, NJ
Achiek Makuac Gakeer, South Burlington
Patrick Neal Gallagher, North Caldwell, NJ
Zoe Orr Gandee, Fairfax Station, VA**
Danielle Erin Ganek, Andover, MA
Lyndsay Anne Gang, New City, NY
Anthony Douglas Garden, Cleveland, OH
Matthew Michael Gardner, Doylestown, PA**
Lynn Carmen Gaudreau, Pittsford**
Danielle M. Geno, Rutland
Michelle Irene Gertz, Berkeley, CA
Matthew Vincent Giacheri, Johnston, RI
Anthony Joseph Gibbons, Summit, NJ
Cherilyn Ann Gilligan, Ottsville, PA
Shayna Gilman, Longmeadow, MA
John William Gilmartin, Burlington, MA
Sarah Lindsay Glassman, Plymouth, MN
Jennifer Lynn Glenister, Locke, NY
Robin Anneke Glore, Shelburne
Lauren Camille Glover, Ellicott City, MD
Katherine Veronica Godkin, Boston, MA
Surbhi Milind Godsay, Nashua, NH
Catherine Alice Goggins, Atlantic Highlands, NJ**
Allison Jean Gold, East Greenbush, NY
Jason Peter Gold, Highland Mills, NY
Jessica Anne Goldberg, Holliston, MA
Lisa Stephanie Goldberg, Wayne, PA
Alexandra Golden, Baltimore, MD
Daniel Lawrence Golden, North Haven, CT
Joshua Adam Goldfarb, Katonah, NY
Danielle Hannah Goldschneider, Sharon, MA
Peter Golfman, Saxtons River
Brady D. Gomard-Henshaw, Marietta, GA
Nathan G. Gondelman, Monroeville, PA
Jason Daniel Gonzalez, Essex Junction**
Addison Marsh Gooding, Steamboat Springs, CO
Marion Eaton Goodsell, Westerly, RI
James Robert Goodwin, Manchester
Jeffrey Daniel Gordon, Miami, FL
Andrew C. Gorman, Alexandria, VA
Matthew Richard Gough, Arlington, VA**
Andy J. Gould, Warwick, RI
Miranda J. Goulette, Plainfield
George Edward Gove IV, Holliston, MA
Victoria Hamilton Graham, West Hartford, CT
Sarah Plume Grant, Ballwin, MO
Alexander E. Grause, Little Silver, NJ
Henry Graves-Appiah, South Burlington**
Ryan Michael Graziano, Colchester
Jane Sunderland Greaves, Madison, CT
Jessica Evelynne Green, Burlington**
Sarah Jeanette Greenberg, Underhill Center
Shaun Gedemen Gribouski, Sutton, MA*
Bethany Ann Grimmig, Winthrop, ME
Alex Michael Grodin, Shaker Heights, OH
Alexandra Jean Groezinger, Brielle, NJ
Nina Rachael Gross, Potomac, MD
Shauneen Frances Grout, Newark
Reina Karen Guarnaccia, Shelburne
*As of October, 2008
**As of February, 2009
Return to Index
Sarah Elizabeth Gulezian, Oak Park, IL
Lili Maria Gundersen, Lacrosse, WI
Laura Gurvits, Newton, MA
Michelle Anne Guzman, Princeton, NJ
Alison Edith Hadden, Georgetown, MA**
Lisa Jean Haggarty, South Burlington**
Cristina Marie Haines, Arlington, VA**
David Rafael Haladjian, Sandy Hook, CT
Max Roselle Hallett, Ballston Spa, NY
Jameson Glenn Halnon, Lincoln
Casey Elizabeth Hanley, Washington, DC
Danielle Marie Hanson, Richmond
Nicholas Patrick Hapshe, Rockport, MA
Dana Anne Hard, Essex Junction
Kristance Paige Harlow, Mount Holly
Tyler Ambrose Harlow, Putney**
Joshua Bain Harned, Zionsville, PA
Andrew Ryan Harris, Concord, MA*
Kameron Decker Harris, Salisbury
Sarah May Harris, Longmeadow, MA
Bradford Justin Hartigan, Saint Albans**
Travis Michael Hathaway, Milton*
Stephen Robert Hausmann, Rochester, NY
Mark Allen Haverty, South Burlington
Eamon J. Haviland, Stamford
Ashley Bowditch Hawkins, Rockport, MA
Luke Stephen Hayden, Chester, NJ
Jay G. Hayden III, Cape Neddick, ME**
Diana Elizabeth Haynes, Jefferson, MA
Emma Nevers Hazlett, Norwich**
Ryan C. Headley, Yorktown Heights, NY
John Gabriel Headley-Soto, Cambridge, MA
Courtney Rogan Heath, Concord, NH
David Jon Helfand, Cabot
Peter Trask Hendee, Starksboro
Drew Gregory Hennemuth, Newport
Kyle Robert Henry, Brattleboro
Nicholas Sumner Herberg, Burlington**
Michelle Beth Hershberg, Long Beach, NY*
Colleen E. Hertz, Hatfield, PA
Robin M. Hicks, Richmond, MA
Brittany R. Hill, Harwich, MA
Jane Caroline Lee Hill, Burlington
Matthew Donald Hill, Rutland
Johanna Hiller, Plainsboro, NJ
Tricia Jean Hinchey, Salem, MA
Daiki Hirano, Mount Kisco, NY
Tessera DeBlois Hobbs, Burlington
Zachary Benjarong Hoel, Brattleboro
Brook James Hoffman, Clinton, NJ
Sarah May Hogan, Boston, MA
James Amery Hollerith, Montville, NJ
Lauren Elizabeth Honrath, Monroe, CT
William Armstrong Horn, Camden, ME
Jennifer Horwitz, Millburn, NJ
Elizabeth C. Houghton, Walden, NY
Stephanie Martha Houle, Brandon
Christopher Douglas Hounsell, Gilford, NH
Ashley Jean Hovey, Schenectady, NY
Zachary Albert Howard, Evanston, IL
Nicholas Dale Hubbell, Burlington**
Andrew H. Huber, Washington, DC*
Misha Ree Hudak, West Danville**
Aaron Frazier Hughes, Bethel, ME
Margret Quarles Hughes, Bethel
Jesse Raymond Hunt, Lafayette, CO
George Brooks Hurd, Milton, MA
Kirsten Grace Hurley, Montpelier
Molly J. Huyett, Wrentham, MA
Zachary James Hydusik, Monhegan Island, ME
Claire G. Hyman, Maplewood, NJ
Justin Peter Irving, Burlington**
Emily Claire Iszard, Manassas, VA
Caroline Noel Jackson, Warren, RI
Kenna Colleen Jacobs, Colchester
Daniel Garrett Jacobson, Sharon, MA
Alaina Maureen Janack, Burlington
Quinn Blei Jason, New City, NY
Peter Gregory Johannessen, Bedford, MA
Megan Elise Johnson, Hunlock Creek, PA
Michael Robert Johnson, Round Hill, VA**
Rachel Lee Anne Johnson, Punta Gorda, FL
Robin Theresa Louise Johnson, Port Henry, NY*
Arianna India Jones, Fairfield, CT
Maurice M. Joseph, Montreal, Canada
Marijana Jubo, Burlington
Tyler R. Justin, Saratoga Springs, NY
Eugene Kadish, Burlington, MA
Sarah Hansen Kalinowski, Belmont, MA
Amy Lynn Kaplan, Brattleboro
Elizabeth May Kardon, Philadelphia, PA
Marc Ryan Kavy, Ossining, NY
Brian E. Keating, Avon, NJ
Maeve D. Keating, Burlington**
Lindsey Melinda Keen, West Hartford, CT*
Katlyn E. Keenan, East Longmeadow, MA
Michael P. Kelley, Ipswich, MA
Charles Benjamin Kellner, Burlington
Steffanie Lynn Kelshaw, West Orange, NJ
Carolyn Marie Kemnitz, Burnsville, MN*
Elizabeth Irene Kennan, Sandwich, MA**
Emma E. Kennedy, Warren
Ryan Patrick Kerrigan, Moretown
Stephen Cullen Kessinger, Duxbury, MA
Jedd Stafford Kettler, Saint Albans*
Mitchell Robert Kewer, Norwich**
Abigail Lucy Kiablick, Northfield, MA
Rudolf Grayson Kiburis, Peterborough, NH
Katherine Jennifer Kiely, Hollis, NH**
Molly Sue Kienzler, East Longmeadow, MA
Matthew James Kilcoyne, Essex Junction
Danya Friedman Kimball, Easton, PA
Robert M. Kimmel, Orwigsburg, PA
Christopher Kenneth King, West Brookfield, MA*
Rachel Anne Kingsley, Littleton, MA
Ian McBride Kirk, Forestdale, MA
Brittany Anna Kistner, Batavia, NY
John Paul Klemchuk, Rehoboth, MA
Erica Elizabeth Klett, Sparta, NJ
Jordan Charles Knickerbocker, Brattleboro**
Michelle Dolly Kniffin, Middletown Springs
Alicia Faye Knox, Northport, ME
Christopher Finley Koch, Shelburne
Margaret Kocho-Schellenberg, Pleasantville, NY
Samuel Eli Kolinsky, New Orleans, LA
Lee Stephane Kouadio, Burlington
Jenny Zalichin Kramer, Stamford, CT
Katherine R. Krawitz, Cheshire, CT
Martyn Eugene Kreider, Lancaster, PA
Kelly Maegan Kreisher, West Simsbury, CT
Ryan Joseph Krodel, Salem, CT
Sara Elisabeth Krumminga, New York, NY
Anna Editha Kufner, Rhinebeck, NY
Maximilian A. Kufner, Rhinebeck, NY
Kyle C. Kuk, Monroe, MI
Greg Thomas LaBier, Winooski**
Rebecca E. LaFay, Hudson Falls, NY
Theresa Pratt LaFay, Glens Falls, NY
Laure-Ann LaForce, Jeffersonville*
Emily Marie Lahteine, Montpelier
Taylor Lalemand, Portland, ME
Elizabeth Graham Landis, Larchmont, NY
Commencement 2009
Justin Emory Lane, Columbia, MD**
William Joseph Lane, South Burlington
Vanessa Michelle Lang, Bristol**
Brittany Lynn Langston, Chester
Joseph Mark Larose, Alburgh
Jennifer Marie Latessa, Cincinnati, OH
Christopher Joeseph Lattuca, Rochester, NY
Samantha Jo Lauzon, Groton
Ryann Elizabeth Lavoy, Wilmington
John Anthony Lazzaro, Wantagh, NY
Dustin Kirk Lea, Hinesburg
Krista Erin Leahy, Holyoke, MA
Thomas John Le Blanc, Golden’s Bridge, NY
Elizabeth Van Hoven Lednicky, Shelburne**
Carmen T. Lee, Marstons Mills, MA
Sean Robert Lees, Westford
Rebecca Ann Leggett, Colchester
Alison Kirstin Leible, Richmond
David N. Leikin, Jupiter, FL**
Danielle M. Leonard, Essex Junction
Mackenzie Leigh Leonard, Burlington
Athena Michelle Letourneau, Winooski
Megan Hickey Levi, Washington, DC
Steven Daniel Levy, Wellington, FL
Thomas Lia, Congers, NY
Nicholas Babis Licare, Scituate, MA
Ariel K. Lieberman, Albertson, NY
Catherine Rebecca Light, South Burlington**
Nicholas E. Light, Plattsburgh, NY**
Elvis Lihic, Burlington
Brian Anthony Linklater, Woodstock, IL
Janet Sweetland Liscio, Colchester**
Christopher Scott Lisle, Waterbury Center**
Matthew Cole Little, Milton
Ann Ryan Livingston, Bayeux, France
Alison Virginia Lloyd, Milford, CT
Jared Daniel Lockwood, Bolton, MA
Nathan John Loschiavo, Bradford
Lily Reardon Lovinger, Fairhaven, MA
Tabitha Colleen Lowe, Belmont, ME
Aileen Kathryn Lowrie, Cleveland Heights, OH
Samuel Edwin Lozier, Burlington**
Cora Lozinschi, South Burlington
Alexandra Brett Lubart, New York, NY
Benjamin James Lucas, Manchester**
Colleen Marie Luczynski, Stamford
Michael J. Lynch, Burlington
Adam Lewis Lyons, Rockland, MA
Colin Michael Lyons, Elizabeth, CO
Michael Patrick Macdonald, Penfield, NY
Rachel Day MacDougall, Exeter, NH
Andrew James Macey, Needham, MA
MacKenzie Alis MacHarg, Hinesburg**
Matthew William Mackinnon, Hinesburg
Christopher Michael Madden, Mount Vernon, NY
Sarah Rae Magaziner, Highland Park, NJ
Tabatha Kirsten Maher, Fairfield, CT**
Kevan Patrick Mahoney, Burlington**
Emily Rae Major, West Glover
Gregory Joseph Malara, Waccabuc, NY
Sophia Arez Malarkey, Scarsdale, NY
Amanda Rae Mallen, North Andover, MA
Andrew Scott Mallon, Barnet
Henry Francis Mallory, Greenwich, CT
Abigail Leitzel Malzahn, Portland, OR**
Elena Nicole Mamatas, Hollis, NH
Jonathan Samuel Mandel, Washington, DC
Sarah Rose Manfredi, Carmel, NY
Chloe Rebecca Manning, West Hartford, CT**
Lane Wright Manning, Buffalo, NY**
William David Marks, Portland, ME
Leo Wyeth Marley, Middlebury
Emily Irene Marston, Concord, NH
Racheal Elizabeth Martell, Milton*
Candi Starr Maria Marti, Burlington
Brynne K. Martin, Saratoga Springs, NY*
Emma Victoria Martin, Valley Cottage, NY
Julia Martin, Titusville, NJ
Katherine Anne Martin, Burlington
Sonia Helen Martin, Cortlandt Manor, NY
Thomas J. Martin, Manville, RI
Torrey Canfield Martinez, Saint Petersburg, FL
Jenna R. Martino, Marlboro, NJ
Erin J. Maskell-Ferland, Franklin
Tyler B. Mast, Lake Bluff, IL
Paul Anthony Matano, Lloyd Harbor, NY*
James Scott Mathews IV, Alanta, GA
Greta Lynn Mattessich, Woodbridge, CT
Jenna Raye Mawhinney, Peru, ME
Lindsay Chandler Mays, Huntington, NY
Luke William Mayville, Essex Junction
Terrence Fitzgerald McAlevy, Union City, NJ
Shannan A. McCarthy, Marblehead, MA
Jamie Girl McCollough, Wolcott*
David Matthew McCormack, Merrick, NY
Raymond Lawford McCoy, Bristol
Talaya M. McCright-Gill, Brooklyn, NY
Nora Eileen McElroy, Freeport, ME
Ryan Samuel McFarlin, Peru, NY
Ethan Mitchell McGinn, Brattleboro
Jessica Michael McGrath, Vergennes**
Lauren Gene McGrath, Pilesgrove, NJ
Stephanie Anne McGrath, Sudbury, MA
Adam Peter McIntyre, Orinda, CA
Peter Alan McKay, Marlborough, CT
Cara Anne McKee, Middlebury*
Cory Ryan McKenna, Winchester, MA
Katherine Mary McKenna, Madison, CT**
Sean Patrick McKenzie, Burlington**
James Alexander McKinney, North Reading, MA
Claire Hughes McKown, Saint Louis, MO
Lauren Behr McLaughlin, Cambridge**
Lianna M. McLaughlin, Burlington
Matthew Sean McLaughlin, Annandale, VA**
Christopher G. McLellan, Kingston, MA
John Patrick McMillin, Nutley, NJ**
Shannon Rae McNamee, Shamong, NJ**
Thomas McSherry, Worcester, MA**
Glennis Rogers Meagher, Niskayuna, NY
Matthew A. Meandro, Pittsfield, MA
Matthew Johnston Medford, Danbury, CT
Erika Meierdiercks, Saint Johnsbury
Lauren Mae Melevin, Eugene, OR
Jessica Hynes Merrill, Kennebunk, ME
Robert M. Mertz, Burlington
Alexander Reid Mervak, Ann Arbor, MI
Isaac William Messmore, Burlington
Marilyn Faye Metzger, Snohomish, WA
Michael Maurice Michaud, Charlotte
Meghan Nicole Miele, Ludlow
George Mihaly, Roseland, NJ
James Jon Mihos, Plympton, MA
Alison Rose Miley, Bedford, MA
Jason Adam Miller, Rumson, NJ
Joshua Stephen Miller, Englewood, CO
Lance Phillip Miller, East Rockaway, NY
Molly Tyler Miller, Shelburne
Carly Elizabeth Milliren, Amesbury, MA
Molly Kathleen Milowsky, Hartland
Patrick Joseph Minella, Burlington, CT*
Elaine M. Mirabile, Ambler, PA
Alexandra Marie Mitchell, Greenwich, CT
Staci Lynn Mitchell, West Burke
Victoria Anne Mitchell, Saxton River
Kate Elizabeth Monahan, Branford, CT
Ashley Marie Money, Burlington
Matthew Arthur Moore, Burlington
Melissa Ruth Morgan, Manasquan, NJ
Richard David Morley, Ridgefield, CT
Caitlin M. Moroney, Somers, NY
Alex Walter Morse, Wellesley, MA*
Erica L. Morse, Milton**
Thomas Marshall Morse, Clinton Corners, NY
Zachary David Morton, Hinesburg*
Brian I. Mossey, Chelsea**
Brandon Brian Mossman, Charlotte
Galen Leigh Mott, South Berwick, ME
Ashley Taylor Mousley, Thetford Center*
Claudia A. Mucklow, Charlotte*
Tshimalamungo Steve Muderhwa, South Burlington
Megan Kathleen Mugford, East Montpelier
Sean Michael Mulcahy, Richmond
Scott Evan Multack, Saint Louis, MO
Christopher Alexander Murphy, Wayne, PA**
Jessica Elizabeth Murphy, Shoreview, MN
Evan Scott Musolino, West Sand Lake, NY**
Jessica Myers, Horsham, PA
Jessica Julien Myers, Colchester
Jennifer Lynn Nakhla, Burlington
Kelsey Lynne Naro, South Burlington
Allison Theresa Neal, Arlington
Allison Maria Necheles, Rochester, NY**
Kayla Ruth Needleman, Holden, MA
Heather Anne Neigh, Easton, PA*
Joshua Max Neirman, East Thetford
Robert William Kelley Nelson, Concord, MA
Emily Anne Nevin-Giannini, Burlington**
Abigail Jeanne Newton, Shelburne
Emily Ann Nicolosi, Alford, MA
Julius Night, Burlington
Ross Matthew Nizlek, Burlington**
Molly Devins Nolan, Chappaqua, NY
Katherine Joanne Nopper, Newfane
Clayton Jaret Noyes, Milton
Leslie Rae Nugent, Arlington , MA
Eric Gregory Null, Williston**
Caroline Dobbyn Nussbaum, Greenwich, CT
Christopher Eric Nyberg, Chester, NH
Caitlin Reed O’Brien, Silver Spring, MD
James Edward O’Brien, Burlington**
Andrew James Ohl, Ridgewood, NJ
Grace K. O’Keeffe, Carteret, NJ
Michael Jeffrey Oldham, Holliston, MA**
Samir Omerovic, Burlington**
Meredith Elyse O’Neil, Essex Junction
Charles Bennett Opel, Saint Albans
Kevin Michael O’Reilly, Lyndonville
Madeline Ford Orser, Mercer Island, WA
Kristen Elizabeth Orzolek, Kensington, CT
Ajlana Osmanagic, Burlington
Elizabeth Kennedy Ottman, Wilton, CT
Christopher Ryan Overton, Parkersburg, WV
Benjamin R. Pacelli, Concord, NH
Christa Pagliei, Wyckoff, NJ
Kayleigh E. Paladino, Penfield, NY
Samantha Carrie Palley, New York, NY
Sarah V. Palma, Glenmont, NY
Adam Benjamin Palmer, Newton, MA**
Alexander Jordan Panza, Clifton Park, NY
Jennifer Anne Pappalas, Reading, PA**
Corey J. Paradis, Nashua, NH
Derek Joseph Paretti, Dracut, MA
*As of October, 2008
**As of February, 2009
Return to Index
Commencement 2009
Allison Megan Parker, South Burlington
Harry Cyrus Parker, Burlington**
Kathleen Victoria Parker, Brooklyn, NY**
Anthony Baldwin Parshall, Rutland**
Andrew Michael Paskevich, Auburn, MA**
Jacob B. Pasternack, Miami, FL
Conor M. Patten, Fair Haven
Brenna Ann Paulsen, Point Pleasant, NJ
Jean Marie Strickland Pearce, East Albany
Andrew Layfield Peberdy, Corinth
Brian O. Peck, West Caldwell, NJ
Danielle R. Pecor, Barre
Laura S. Pedro, Narragansett, RI
Laura Michelle Pekarsky, Gillette, NJ
Andrew Pelcher, Burlington
Christine Marie Penney, Williamstown
Kirsten Alexandra Percy, Quechee*
Maritza Fernanda Perez, Ridgewood, NY
Frank Clifford Perkins, San Francisco, CA
Gillian M. Perron, Glover
Matthew David Perrone, Laflin, PA
Meghan Maritza Peskens, Ridgewood, NJ
Catherine Sarah Peters, Boothbay Harbor, ME**
Gary E. Peters, Burlington
Thomas C. Petschauer, New Fairfield, CT
Jessica A. Philbrick, Terryville, CT
Erin Renee Pichiotino, Burlington
Abigail Elizabeth Pierce, Saint Albans
William Lee Pierce, Gainesville, VA
Jacquelyn R. Pless, Wallingford, PA
Adam Miller Plumley, Waban, MA
Jamie Lyn Poley, Burlington
Laura Bradbury Polidor, Norwich
Benjamin Noah Porter, Burlington
Tiera Marie Porter, Colchester**
Bronwyn Mary Potthoff, Portland, ME
Andrew Ryan Prodoehl, Irving, TX
Israel John Provoncha, Bristol
Elizabeth Ann Pruitt, Walkersville, MD
David Hamilton Purcell, Easton, CT
Diana Marie Purtz, Powell, OH**
Burton Daniel Putrah, Jackson, WY
Munawar Mona Qaddoumi, Downingtown, PA
Alexandra Brooks Quade, Brookline, MA
Brent Logan Qualls, Lancaster, PA
Calder Cory Quinn, New York, NY
Charlotte Barstow Rabbe, Naples, FL
Alexandra Rose Raboy, Scarsdale, NY
Alan Bruce Raff, Bedford, NH
Jessica Paige Rahn, Apex, NC
Keith Daniel Rakus, West Suffield, CT
Matthew Richard Reedich, Harvard, MA
Amanda Jean Reilly, Rutland
William Henry Reina, Plainfield
Bretton John Reis, Rehoboth, MA
Bryan P. Rembisz, Clinton, CT**
Jesse Zel Rentz, Bryn Mawr, PA
Conor David Rice, Andover, MA
Katherine Marie Rich, Fort Wayne, IN
Keith T. Rich, Brattleboro*
Alex Edward Richard, Essex Junction
Lindsay Ann Richardson, Pittsford, NY
Rye Stoddard Richardson, Cincinnati, OH
Kyle Matthew Rickstad, Grand Isle**
William Josid Ridolfo, Burlington
Christopher Eric Riel, Thompson, CT**
Emily Elizabeth Ripley, Easton, CT
Michelle Lee Risley, Burlington
Jasmine A. Rivest, Colchester
Meredith Rachel Rivlin, New Hampton, NH*
*As of October, 2008
**As of February, 2009
Return to Index
Jillian Nicole Roberts, Marlboro, NJ
Margaret Virginia Robertson, Washington, DC
Douglas Alan Robinson, Dover Plains, NY
Wiley Bonner Robinson, Lambertville, NJ
Kristen Marie Rocca, Newtown, CT
Jessica Rachel Rock, Amherst, NH**
Christopher E. Rogers, Madison, NH
Amy A. Rogozinski, Newton, MA
Matthew Richard Ronan, Newtown, CT
Wesley Alexander Roon, Atherton, CA**
James M. Rorty, Ho Ho Kus, NJ
Bari A. Rosen, Suffern, NY
Rae Daniel Rosenberg, Jericho, NY
Halley Bowen Ross, Hinesburg
Audrey Brook Rotax, Lincoln
Heather Louise Rowles, East Longmeadow, MA
Anna Rose Royar, Guilford
Dakota Thomas Rubin, Chicago, IL
Haley Alison Rubin, Atlantic Beach, NY
Ryan Gene Rubino, Macungie, PA
Samuel Aaron Rubinoff, Ridgewood, NJ
Daniel William Rudershausen, Ridgefield, CT
Marilana Rufo, Smyrna, GA
Katherine Christina Rupp, Bozeman, MT
Erich A. Russell, Duanesburg, NY
Nicholas Rustigian, Plymouth, MA
Jacqueline Rebecca Ryan, Burlington
Christina Elizabeth Sabra, Somerset, MA
Nicole Theresa Sabsook, Twin Falls, ID
Gregory Francis Sacca, Richmond
Laura Jean Sadlier, Lowell, MA
Maggie Saxe Sager, Fairfax Station, VA
Peter Richard Salerno, Cazenovia, NY
Alyssa Michele Samson, Armonk, NY
Oni A Samuel, Brooklyn, NY
Drew Michael Sander, Danbury, CT
Rachel Mariko Sandler, Brookline, MA
Benjamin L. Sandri, Dublin, NH
Olivia Lee Saperstein, Newton, MA
Jilian Marie Sapienza, Methuen, MA
Ali Tesoriero Saslafsky, Branford, CT
Kellie Anne Saunders, Shelburne
Casie Lynn Marie Sauve, Milton
Michael Joseph Scaliti, Westfield, NJ
William Alexeander Scannell, South Dennis, MA
Lynley Marie Scatchard, Woodstock
Christopher John Scheller, Wilton, CT
Jessica Leah Scherer, Rutland**
Catherine E. Schiller, Stratford, CT
Nilsen John Halsted Schilling, Saxtons River
David Herbert Schlansky, Chappaqua, NY*
Andrew Robert Schmidt, Pittstown, NJ**
Thomas James Schnurr, Clinton Corners, NY
Gregory John Schondelmeier, West Hartford, CT
Rebecca Aliza Schulman, Hinesburg
Tyler Ross Schultz, Scarsdale, NY
Philip Joshua Schwartz, Delmar, NY
Rachael Taylor Schwartz, Worcester, MA
Jessica Anne Schwarz, Ramsey, NJ
Roger Tehan Scully III, Niantic, CT**
Jessica Marie Sears, Boxborough, MA
Meredith Austin Seitz, New Castle, DE
Kimberly April Meekins Shane, Sagamore Hills,
Tyler Nathan Shea, Williston
Gailan Elyse Shear, Highland Park, IL
Joseph Louis Sheridan, West Hartford, CT
Kellie R. Sheridan, Manchester, CT
Samuel H. Sherwood, Naples, NY
Ryan Andrew Shields, Weston, CT
Aaron Neal Shore, Ithaca, NY
Samuel George Siegel, Nantucket, MA
Lee Vincent Sienka, Ballston Lake, NY
Cody Allen Silfies, Portsmouth, RI**
Mari Silipo, Stamford
Stevie Allison Simoneau, Gilford, NH
Vera Rae Simon-Nobes, Charlotte
Andrew Podell Singer, Penn Valley, PA
Katharine Kipp Skakel, Wallingford*
Samuel Becker Sloane, Newton, NJ
Paul A. Slobodian, Landgrove**
Grace Leah Slosburg, Mission Hills, KS**
Alexander James Smith, Mendham, NJ
Charlotte B. Smith, Annapolis, MD
Hayley Knowles Smith, Farmington, CT
Lydia Louise Smith, New Sharon, ME
Michelle E. Smith, Chelsea
Samantha Ann Smith, Manchester Center
Shari Atyna Patrice Smith, Montego Bay, Jamaica
Tiffany Louise Smith, Boston, MA
Carolyn N. Snell, Lexington, MA
Halley Harper Snelling, Oak Park, IL**
David Stimson Snow, Pottstown, PA
Timothy E. Snow, Charlotte**
Kate E. Snyderman, Princeton, NJ
Daryl Hannah Sommers, Latham, NY
Evan William Sorel, Voorheesville, NY
Sarah Gabrielle Souza, Brookline, MA
Shannon Marie Spaulding, Colchester
Caroll Stern Spelke, Del Norte, CO
Karina Jaclyn Spiegel, Washington
Jeremy Standish Spiro-Winn, Wilton, CT
Lauren Grace Stamatis, Stoneham, MA
Geoffrey McMillan Stannard, Burlington
Jennifer Marie Staples, Bristol
Andrew Theodore Stark, Fitzwilliam, NH**
Rachel Lee Stats, South Burlington
David Joseph Stawarz, Gansevoort, NY**
William G. Steggerda, Bristol
Kelsey Danum Stetson, Panton
Casey K. Stevens, South Hadley, MA**
Craig Clarence Stevens, Milton
Mary Eileen Stewart, Ripton
Jeni Lynn St. George, Jericho
Abray Mariah Stillson, Manchester
Veronica Rose Stocker, Wingsdale, NY
Andrew Walker Stone, Albany, NY
Jillian Amanda Stone, Amherst, NY
Kristen J. Storm, Gouldsboro, PA
Sage Amber Stout, Louisa, VA
Holly Marie Stradecki, Whitingham
Claire McCarter Strickland, Minneapolis, MN
Dustin A. Strom, Trumansburg, NY
Caitlin Ann Stroupe, Charlotte
Anna Kim Strout, North Andover, MA
Emily Kim Strout, North Andover, MA
Ian Cucinell Sullivan, Jericho
Michael John Sullivan, Feura Bush, NY
Molly Dowd Sullivan, Kensington, CT
Sean Patrick Sullivan, Georges Mills, NH
Hanna Kay Swearinger, Burlington
Brett Sykes, New Baltimore, NY
Kasia Louise Szabo, Fairfax
Rebecca Lois Szeg, Chelsea
Elizabeth Ana Szwaja, South Burlington*
Susanna Lee Taylor, Wilder**
Kristen Reuling Thayer, Charlotte
Nathanael Alexander Thayer, Vineyard Haven, MA**
Jamie E. Thomas, Newfane**
Neil Frederick Thompson, Sudbury, MA
Jordan Anne Thorson, Wyckoff, NJ
Michael Paul Tomani, Jr., Pittsford, NY
Sarah Robyn Tousignant, Stowe
Chelsea Barbara Toutant, South Burlington*
Commencement 2009
Justin S. Towne, Haverhill, MA
Heather Marie Townsend, Broadalbin, NY
Peter L. Towsky, Oceanside, NY
Maxwell K. Tracy, Glenview, IL
Jonathan S. Tran, South Burlington
Catherine L. Tremblay, Saint Albans
Michael J. Trimboli, Stamford, CT
Justine Lida Trombley, Swanton
Kristin Marie Tschorn, Arlington
Lauren Hielle Tucker, Dorset
Jennifer Mae Tufts, Bradford
Jacob Cole Tulsky, Wynnewood, PA
Andrew Jon Turgeon, Bennington
Daniel Stuart Turgeon, Essex
Lucinda Twill, Summit, NJ
Josh Daniel Typrowicz-Cohen, Norwich
Leatha Elene Tzioumis, Newton, MA*
Augustus Ulrich, Orange, CT
Thea Ulrich-Lewis, Brooklyn, NY
Shaina Eileen Ungar, Beacon Falls, CT
Calvin D.W. Utter, North Stonington, CT
Cynthia Maricela Valencia, South Burlington**
Tyler Robert VanLiew, West Rutland
Adriana Leticia Vera-Heath, Belmont, NH**
Kenrick Freitas Vezina, Lowell, MA
Nicolle Christine Villari, Wayland, MA
Julie Vo, South Burlington
Kristen Marie Vogel, North Conway, NH
David Arthur Volain, North Haven, CT
Eliza Volk, Yorktown Heights, NY
Hunter Harrison Wade, Hagerstown, MD*
Julian Davis Wade, Worcester, MA
Henry David Alexander Wainhouse, Brattleboro
Steven R. Waldman, Sea Cliff, NY
Lacey Jane Walker, Norwood, NJ
Beth Raine Walsh, Saint Albans
Danielle Mary Walsh, Chelmsford, MA
Margaret Larkin Walsh, Stamford, CT
David George Wasserman, Lexington, MA
Katlyn C. Watkins, Johnstown, PA
Janis Patricia Watson, Madbury, NH*
Molly Owens Waugh, Concord, MA
Jeffrey S. Weadick, Nashua, NH
Rebecca Weber, New York, NY
Mary Grace White Weed, Jupiter, FL
David Gordon Weegar, Burlington
Matthew David Weiner, South Burlington
Joshua Matthew Weinstein, East Hills, NY**
James Richard Weir, Ann Arbor, MI
Benjamin Mark Weisberger, Burlington
Sarah Abbie Weld, Essex
Benjamin James Whalen, Medfield, MA
Alison Amber Wheel, Essex Junction
Barton Kane Wheeler, Jericho
Michael James Wheeler, Manchester**
Stephen Bissell Wheeler, Washington, DC
Meghan Nicole Whirley, Columbus, IN
Charles J. Whistler, Penfield, NY
Iain Jeffrey White, Saint Albans
Alexandre Clement Whitehouse, North Reading,
Chase Soule Whiting, Camden, ME
Catherine Anne Whyte, Essex Junction**
Katharine Stedem Wiebe, Bethesda, MD
Emily Totten Williams, Oklahoma City, OK
Benedict Patrick Willis IV, Ramsey, NJ**
Rebecca Caitlin Willmer, Arlington, MA
Felicia Marie Wilson, Williston
Jeffrey Lovell Wilson Jr., Brooklyn, NY
Kelsey Amanda Wilson, Middletown, RI
Shannon Lee Wilson, Palmer, MA
Ryan Bess Winnick, Westport, CT
Tyler Gelman Winsor, Newmarket, NH
Jeremy Prescott Wintersteen, McLean, VA**
Joshua Michael Wolff, South Windsor, CT
Kelly M. Wolff, Yorktown Heights, NY
Erika Marie Wolffing, Flagstaff, AZ**
Lydia Patience Wood, Londonderry
Daniel Woods, Essex Junction**
Christopher Robert Worden, Chatham, NJ
Joseph Christopher Wright, South Burlington
Kristy Lyn Wyckoff, Jeffersonville
Justine Megan Young, Haverhill, MA
Jennifer Melanie Zalkin, Huntington, NY
Marsha Suzanne Zebley, Kennett Square, PA
Christopher Michael Ziegler, Rochert, MN
Justin Zinck, Marlborough, MA
Nicholas Richard Ziter, Putney
Jane Rand Zucker, Cherry Hill, NJ
Bachelor of Music
Andrew M. Allen, Belchertown, MA
Bachelor of Science
Katherine Rose Askinazi, Sharon, CT
Steven Francis Babbin, Amesbury, MA
Leonardo Badia, New York, NY
Anthony Robert Baker, Princeton, NJ**
Jacob Andrew Barker, Yarmouth, ME
Stephen Edward Basham, Fairfax**
Eileen Marie Bellew, South Burlington
Valeria Norma Berger, Corpus Christi, TX*
Solvei Anna Blue, Burlington
Claire Eastment Bollinger, Manlius, NY
Heather Brooke Bromberg, Lake Grove, NY
Brittney Ann Brooker, Essex Junction
Cassandra Pope Budge, Natick, MA
Gwen Rebecca Buel, Middlesex
Montana Burns, Sun Valley, ID
Nichole Jean Bushey, New Haven
Lacey Byrnes, East Brunswick, NJ
TinaMarie Centofante, Oneonta, NY
Dominic J. Chapman, Ajax, Canada
Robert David Charnock, Rutland
Nareerat Charoenvimolphan, Bangkok, Thailand
Sarah Elizabeth Cota, Barnard
Andrew Scott Crampton Jr., Pepperell, MA
Holly Brenna Crimmins, Plymouth, MA
Jillian Jordan Davidson, Byfield, MA
Nicole Janine Devanny, Dublin, OH
Ian P. Donovan, Concord, NH**
Lee Dorf, Bronx, NY
Kathryn Marie Doyle, Ludlow, MA
Caleb Joseph Doyle-Burr, Bristol
William Adair Dugan, Lenox, MA
Celia Jane Farrell, Katonah, NY
Liam Fry Fitzsimmons, Montpelier
Nicholas Michael Fredette, Schwenksville, PA
Emily R. Gage, Albany, NY
Lauren Margaret Gauthier, Chelmsford, MA
Charles Edward Gilroy Jr., Jonesville
Katie Jill Gladstein, Andover, MA
John Kenneth Gockley, Stowe
Aliza H. Gordon, Brookline, MA
Gabriel P. Grant, Fairfax
Edward E. Greiner, Saint Louis, MO
Stephen Douglas Haley, South Burlington
Rebecca Frances Hammer-Lester, Eaton, NY
Olivia McVay Harris, Latham, NY
Sarah May Harris, Longmeadow, MA
Lauren Marie Higgins, Duxbury, MA*
Ben Evert Himberg, Williston
Netana Erela Hotimsky, Grand Junction, CO
Stephanie Martha Houle, Brandon
Isaac William Howe, Winooski**
Robert R. Hyde, Wall, NJ
Cheri Beth Izzo, Milford, CT
Hannah Michelle Jacobs, Chagrin Falls, OH
Eugene Kadish, Burlington, MA
Andrew Michael Algiere Kasprisin, South Burlington
Richard Andrew Kidd, Barre*
Arben Kojtari, Wallkill, NY
David M’dala Komeyan Jr., Essex Junction**
Lauren Leah Kopec, Amherst, MA
Cathryn Koptiuch, Essex
Amanda M. Kutz, Windham, NH
Julie Kwok, New York, NY
Greg Thomas LaBier, Winooski*
Paige Christine Leenstra, Hinesburg
Christina May Leonard, Fort Wayne, IN**
Alex Gordon Libardoni, Brattleboro
Patrick Torin Lowry, Oak Ridge, TN
Tiffany A. Machia, Colchester
Zara Manuelyan, Essex Junction
Meghan Elizabeth Markunas, Vernon, CT
Ryan David McConn, Fayetteville, NY
Irina V. Mikheyeva, Saint Albans
Christopher E. Moran, Winchester, MA
Erica Lindsay Morse, Sarasota, FL
Kaitlyn Marie Mulcahy, Williamstown
Jennifer Lindsey Mullin, Swansea, MA
Kyle Stephen Mumley, Burlington
Emma Lara Nilan, Burlington*
Benjamin B. Nsiah, Bronx, NY
Oliver Patrick Pentenrieder, Grand Isle**
Joseph Thomas Phelan, Newport Center
Jennifer K. Pinkans, Barre
Mark Daniel Raimo, Concord, NH
Ashley Alaura Richter, Regina, Canada
Trista Marie Riegert, South Strafford*
Chelsey Lynn Ritner, South Burlington
Monique Jeannette Rogals, Orwell
Marissa Angela Saccente, Glen Gardner, NJ
Christine Marie San Antonio, Derry, NH
Jessica Lynn Sandstrom, Uxbridge, MA
Zachary Andrew Sausville, Clifton, VA*
Kira Marie Schachinger, Bondville**
Samuel Thomas Schultz, Attleboro, MA
Carol Singh, Williston
John N. Soltys, Victor, NY
Jacob Bishop Statnekov, Santa Fe, NM**
Kirsten Elise Stokes, Mont Vernon, NH
Rachel Alexandra Sugarman, Wayne, PA
Jonathan Scott Tinkham, Sandown, NH
Nicole Jennifer Wilner, Owings Mills, MD
*As of October, 2008
**As of February, 2009
Return to Index
Commencement 2009
Graduate College
Yue Luo, B.S. (Zhejiang University) 2000; M.S. (Zhejiang University) 2003;
Hangzhou, China**
Thesis: Development and Validation of Gas Chromatography-Pyrolysis Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry in Deuterium-Labeled Tracer Study for
Protein Metabolism
Advisor: Dr. Dwight Matthews
Jeffrey Scott Rawson, B.A. (Bard College) 2002; St. Petersburg, FL**
Thesis: Synthesis of a Soluble, Highly Substituted Pentacene
Advisor: Dr. Thomas Hughes
Communication Sciences
Elizabeth MacArthur Allen, B.A. (Middlebury College) 2006; Charlotte
Katherine Anson-Chapman, B.A. (Boston College) 2002; Wilmington
Carolyn A. Blake, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2002; Ossipee, NH**
Thesis: Written Discourse: Pen-Pal Exchanges Between Children with
Asperger’s Disorder or High Functioning Autism and Their Typically
Developing Peers
Advisor: Dr. Rebecca McCauley
Laura Anne Bonazinga, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2005; Burlington*
Thesis: Maternal Perceptions of Children’s Theory of Mind: An Evaluation
of the Psychometric Properties of the Revised Perception of Children’s
Theory of Mind Measure (PCTOMM-R)
Advisor: Dr. Patricia Prelock
Alison Card, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 1995; Burlington
Sarah Cousins, B.A. (Royal Melbourne Institute) 1992; Montpelier
Lillian R. Dean, B.A. (Antioch University – Los Angeles) 2003; Carmel, CA
Heather Elizabeth Fjeld, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Brandon
Celina Rae Fuller, B.S. (Lehigh University) 2004; M.S. (Lehigh University) 2007;
Carolyn Blair Hofford, B.S. (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) 1989;
Dana Elizabeth Maddox, B.A. (Colgate University) 2002; Jeffersonville**
Lindsay Catherine Miller, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Berlin
Theodore Craig Myotte, B.A. (Saint Michael’s College) 2005; Montpelier
Sarah Sayles Nestor, B.A. (Princeton) 1998; Concord, MA**
Thesis: Predictive Validity of Word Segmentation in Infancy on Language
Performance in Toddlerhood
Advisor: Dr. Patricia Prelock
Historic Preservation
Jessica N. Brakenwagen, B.A. (Muskingum College) 2000; Waterville, OH**
Laura Butler-Need, B.A. (College of Notre Dame) 2004; Annapolis, MD
Malin Grace Deon, B.A. (Rollins College) 2006; Springfield**
Todd M. Goff, B.S. (Siena College) 1995; Essex, NY
Jean Innamorati, A.B. (Harvard University) 1980; Stowe*
Thesis: The Burlington Waterworks: 1865-1915
Advisor: Thomas Visser
Kevin P. Kasun, B.A. (Juniata College) 2006; Altoona, PA
Carrie Ann Mardorf, B.L.A. (Iowa State University) 2005; Monticello, Iowa
Tracy Nichae Martin, B.A. (Marlboro College) 1985; M.A. (Yale University)
1988; New York City, NY
Eliza Vedder Plantilla, B.A. (Purchase College) 2002; Whitewall, NY
Michael Joseph Plummer, B.B.A. (Loyola College in Maryland) 1999;
Hagerstown, MD**
Aubrey C. Von Lindern, B.A. (Virginia Wesleyan College) 1998; Virginia Beach, VA**
Ann Frances Aspell, B.S. (University of Illinois) 1977; Montpelier**
Daniel Edward Clarke, B.A. (Clark University) 1998; Uxbridge, MA
Adam Kildare Cottrel, B.A. (Otterbein College) 2006; West Salem, OH
Thesis: Timing Desire: Preservation, Persistence, and Perseverance in Wong
Kar-Wai’s Triptych of Timer
Advisor: Dr. Todd McGowan
Charles Haragely, B.S. (Central Michigan University) 1996; Dearborn, MI
Seth David Ireland, B.A. (Denison University) 1999; Guilford*
Genna Welsh Kasun, B.A. (Juniata College) 2006; McVeytown, PA
Thesis: Womanism and the Fiction of Jhumpa Lahiri
Advisor: Dr. Lokangaka Losambe
Jesse William Lawson, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2002; Hinesburg*
Thesis: The Compression and Expansion of Musical Experience in the
Digital Age
Advisor: Dr. David Jenemann
Lea Ottenheimer, B.A. (University of Cincinnati) 2002; Cincinnati, OH*
Thesis: The Convictions of Mary Crawford: How Austen Engaged the
Eighteenth-Century Literary Tradition of Female Wit in Her Fiction
Advisor: Dr. Robyn Warhol-Down
Charles Daniel Redmond, B.A. (Millsaps College) 2000; M.A. (University of
Southern Mississippi) 2005; Petal, MS
Thesis: Sinthomosexuals and the Abject: James Baldwin and the
Problematics of Assimilation
Advisor: Dr. Valerie Rohy
Timmothy M. Reimer, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2006; Marshfield, MA*
Thesis: Navigating Bare Life: Examining the Possibility of an Ethics
Beyond Bare Life In Giorgio Agamben’s The Open
Advisor: Dr. Valerie Rohy
Nichole Marie Rothaupt, B.A. (University of Wisconsin-Madison) 2006; Swanton*
Elizabeth Jane Slater, B.A. (Saint Lawrence University) 2003; Aspen, CO*
Thesis: The Essential Reintegration of Cultural Knowledge: Survival in
Alan Duff’s Once Were Warriors and Eden Robinson’s Monkey Beach
Advisor: Dr. Paul Martin
Kami E.S. Terwilliger, B.A. (Johnson State College) 2006; Craftsbury*
Paul Michael Betka, B.S. (Virginia Tech) 2006; Grand Rapids, MI*
Thesis: Structural and Kinematic Evolution of the Lower Crust During
Continental Extension: The Resolution Island Shear Zone, Fiordland,
New Zealand
Advisor: Dr. Keith Klepeis
Jane Duxbury, B.S. (San Francisco State University) 2004; Manchester, United
Thesis: Erosion Rates in and Around Shenandoah National Park, VA,
Determined Using Analysis of Cosmogenic 10BE
Advisor: Dr. Paul Bierman
Tiffany Ann Larsen, B.S. (Carleton College) 2003; Clear Lake, IA**
Julie A. Rumrill, B.S. (Eastern Connecticut State University) 2005; Thompson, CT**
Thesis: Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variations in Strain Rates Near
Swiss Camp, Greenland
Carol Hope Ayer, B.A. (Bishops University) 1982; M.Ed. (The University of
Advisor: Dr. Thomas Neumann
Vermont) 1987; Montpelier
Brenda Joy Beaudette-Kaim, B.A. (Saint Michael’s College) 2002; Colchester
Diane E. Tallant, B.M. (Georgia State University) 1980; M.Ed. (The University of
Vermont) 2005; Essex Junction**
*As of October, 2008
**As of February, 2009
Return to Index
Commencement 2009
Edward Antczak, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 1976; Red Bank, NJ**
Thesis: An Examination of the Roles of Risk, Trust, and Mediated
Technology in the Production of Personal Trust Space
Advisor: Dr. Glen Elder
Emily R. Harrison, B.A. (University of Maine at Farmington) 2003; Portland, ME*
Thesis: Trace Metals in Peabody Pond and Jordon Pond: A Case Study
of New England’s Historic Landscape Change in the Former Mill Ponds
of the Scituate Reservoir Watershed, Rhode Island
Advisor: Dr. Lesley-Ann Dupigny-Giroux
Greek and Latin
Nynshari Quenthel Baenre, B.A. (Louisiana State University) 2007; Baton
Rouge, LA
Thesis: A Heap of Broken Images: Being, Reality and the Role of Logic
in Eleatic Philosophy
Advisor: Dr. Jacques Bailly
Katrina Latice Anderson, B.A. (University of South Alabama) 2004; Mobile, AL
Thesis: Black Women’s Activism and the Construction of Identity in
Antebellum Boston and Philadelphia, 1830-1860
Advisor: Dr. Jacqueline Carr
Chris Burns, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 1990; M.L.I.S. (Simmons
College) 1998; Burlington
Thesis: Bogus Butter: An Analysis of the 1886 Congressional Debates
on Oleomargarine Legislation
Advisor: Dr. Melanie Gustafson
Jessie Clough, B.A. (Hamilton College) 2007; Ava, NY
Hal James Friday, B.A. (Saint Michael’s College) 2005; Glens Falls, NY*
Thesis: I Saw Another Angel: An Edition of Two Sermons by Guibert of
Tournai for the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi
Advisor: Dr. Sean Field
Jennifer Marie Kelly, B.A. (Michigan State University) 1996; Washington, D.C.
Kerri Corinne Macon, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 1998; Burlington
Thomas P. McGrath, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 1999; Westborough, MA
Thesis: “Still in All the Good Traditions”: The Mistassini Fur Trade in
the Industrial Age, 1913-1918
Advisor: Dr. David Massell
Colin McNaull, B.A. (Williams College) 1960; M.B.A. (Wharton School,
University of Pennsylvania) 1965; Hinesburg**
Adam Perkins, B.A. (Lyndon State College) 2005; Westmore
Christine M. Smith, B.A. (Trinity College) 1998; New Haven**
Leslie A. Crimin, B.S. (Michigan State University) 2005; Holt, MI*
Thesis: Does Your “Me” Influence How Our “I”S Connect: I-Sharing as
an Antidote for Weight-Based Prejudice
Advisor: Dr. Elizabeth Pinel
Kristin Sarah Mount, B.A. (Keene State College) 2004; Burlington
Thesis: Maternal and Child Correlates of Anxiety in 2 ½ Year Old Children
Advisor: Dr. Susan Crockenberg
Kimberly M. Rhodes, B.A. (Lehigh University) 2006; East Lyme, CT*
Thesis: 5-HT1A Antagonism Within the Bed Nucleus of the Stria
Terminalis Modulates Anxiety-Like Behaviors in Rats
Advisor: Dr. Sayamwong Hammack
Erin Kathleen Shoulberg, B.A. (Grinnell College) 1997; Chestertown, NY*
Thesis: Reflected Appraisals and Self-Perceptions: Processes Underlying
Achievement and Educational Expectancies in Late Adolescence
Advisor: Dr. Heather Bouchey
Laura Hill Bermingham, B.S. (Unity College) 2001; Cincinnati, OH**
Dissertation: Ecological and Evolutionary Factors Affecting Population
Persistence of a Globally Threatened Wetland Plant, Polemonium
Vanbruntiae (Polemoniaceae)
Advisor: Dr. Alison Brody
Ryan William Norris, B.S. (University of Idaho) 1998; M.S. (The University of
Vermont) 2001; Mandeville, LA**
Dissertation: Phylogenetic Relationships and Divergence Times in
Rodents Based on Both Genes and Fossils
Advisor: Dr. C. William Kilpatrick
Anne M. Vardo-Zalik, B.S. (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth) 2000;
M.S. (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth) 2003; New Bedford, MA*
Dissertation: Clonal Diversity of the Malaria Parasite Plasmodium
Mexicanum: Diversity Over Time and Space, and Effects on the
Parasite’s Transmission, Infection Dynamics and Virulence
Advisor: Dr. Joseph Schall
Cristian Draghici, B.A. (Western Connecticut University) 2003; Buzău,
Dissertation: Discovery of a Novel Ring Fragmentation Reaction:
Efficient Preparation of Tethered Aldehyde Ynoates and N-Containing
Heterocycles; Radical Addition Approach to Asymmetric Amine
Advisor: Dr. Matthias Brewer
Andrew L. Korich, B.S. (Saint Michael’s College) 2003; Barrington, RI**
Dissertation: Phenylene Ethynylene and Phenylene Imine Macrocycles
as Precursors for Organic Nanotubes
Advisor: Dr. Thomas Hughes
Derek R. Laws, B.S. (Framingham State College) 2003; Pamona, CA*
Dissertation: Organometallic Electrochemistry: A Study of Diazonium Based Surface Attachments and the Anodic Chemistry of Piano-Stool
Advisor: Dr. William Geiger
Sean Michael Solberg, B.Chem.Engr. (University of Minnesota) 2000; M.B.A.
(The University of Vermont) 2008; Burlington*
Dissertation: Synthesis and Characterization of New Mesoporous
Materials and Their Application in Catalysis and Adsorption
Advisor: Dr. Christopher Landry
James Christopher Zahardis, B.S. (University of Central Florida) 1997; Palm
Coast, FL*
Dissertation: Photoelectron Resonance Capture Ionization Aerosol Mass
Spectrometry of Organic Particulate Matter
Advisor: Dr. Giuseppe Petrucci
Patricia Susana Bárrig Jó, B.A. (Pontific Catholic University of Peru) 1995;
M.S. (Purdue University) 2004; Lima, Peru*
Dissertation: Maternal Sensitivity As A Mediator of Maternal History of
Care and Children’s Emotion Regulation and Attachment at 2 ½ Years
of Age
Advisor: Dr. Susan Crockenberg
Marcel Oliver Bonn-Miller, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2003;
Dissertation: Frequency of Marijuana Use and Anxious and Fearful
Responding to Bodily Sensations A Laboratory Test
Advisor: Dr. Michael Zvolensky
James A. Calhoun, B.A. (Saint John Fisher College) 1987; M.A. (Saint
Michael’s College) 1998; Utica, NY
Dissertation: Facilitating Social Emotional Skills in Preschool Children
Advisor: Dr. Lynne Bond
Janna L. Fikkan, B.A. (University of Montana) 1999; Salt Lake City, UT*
Dissertation: Does Experiential Avoidance Mediate The Relationship
Between Negative Affect and Dietary Restraint?
Advisor: Dr. Karen Fondacaro
Laura Gale McKee, B.A. (Duke University) 1996; M.A. (Columbia University,
Teachers College) 2002; Burlington, NC*
Dissertation: Parenting Specificity: An Examination of the Relation
Between Parental Hostility, Warmth, and Behavioral Control and Child
Psychopathology in the Context of Caregiver Depression
Advisor: Dr. Rex Forehand
*As of October, 2008
**As of February, 2009
Return to Index
Commencement 2009
School of Business Administration
Sunday, May 17, 2009
1:00 p.m.
Flynn Theatre for the Performing Arts
Rocki-Lee DeWitt, Dean
Richard Jesse, School Marshal
Order of Exercises
WELCOME, Dean Rocki-Lee DeWitt
Highest Ranking Undergraduate Student
Highest Ranking Graduate Student
ADDRESS, Dean Rocki-Lee DeWitt
Matthew Brian Ackley, Cumberland, RI
Akkeem Shamar Adams, Bronx, NY
Deng Ayac Adit, Sudan*
William Bradford Ames, Wellesley, MA†
Kristi Lynn Anderson, Naperville, IL*
David J. Ausmann, Barre
Tyler MacLane Baeder, Cranston, RI
Scott Chambers Bailey, Larchmont, NY
Bernie Robert Barone, South Burlington
Lynsey Janet Barrows, Waltham
Justin Kent Belden, Mendon
William Chandler Benton, Vergennes
Catherine Eve Bergeron-Radoux, South Burlington
Jamie K. Bernard, Townshend
Jeffrey Savage Berry Jr., Hamilton, MA
Nicholas J. Bertone, Ossining, NY
Eric William Besaw, Glens Falls, NY
David Rand Bidwell, Glastonbury, CT
Cody Hamilton Bills, Marlboro
Dana Grace Bingham, St. George
Michael C. Boaté, Media, PA
Matthew S. Bouchard, Sheldon
Ryan Montgomery Bradford, Falmouth, ME
Michael A. Brault, Williston
Carol Hancock Brennan, San Francisco, CA
Jennifer Lauren Brickley, Philadelphia, PA
Chad Evan Brodsky, Old Bethpage, NY
Steven James Brooks, West Townsend, MA
Charles John Bruch, Keene, NH
Kathryn Margaret Budnik, Essex Junction
Daniel Gerard Byrne, Media, PA
Anne Regan Cardente, North Kingstown, RI
Patrick Nicolaus Carroll, Blacksburg, VA
Sarah Kimberly Castillo, New York, NY
Jessica Chu Chen, Lenox, MA
Yan Chen, New York, NY
Irena Cibra, Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Nicole Lynn Clace, Walpole, NH
Jeffrey Maxwell Cohen, Boston, MA
*As of October, 2008
**As of February, 2009
†Pending completion of requirements
Return to Index
Joseph A. Collier, Eliot, ME**
Kelly Rae Coppola, Scotia, NY
Shane Michael Corbishley, Charlestown, RI
Bryan Michael Cordeau, Cheshire, CT
Andrew James Dagle, East Lyme, CT
Beth Ann Dailey, Shaftsbury
Joey William Daniell, Brattleboro
Michael S. Dash, Valley Stream, NY
Brian Robert Davis, North Andover, MA
Dexter Jacques Degre, Newport
Emily Laura Delibac, Colchester
Danielle Helen Delisle, Bridgewater, CT
David Ariel Denker, Woodcliff Lake, NJ
Brian James Dennis, Lower Gwynedd, PA
Sommer N. Densmore, South Burlington
Daniel Andrew Devine, Ballston Spa, NY**
Eric James Doane, Point Pleasant Borough, NJ
Jessica Hanna Dolgin, Randolph, MA
Will Jerome Donovan, Stonington, CT
Kaitlyn M. Dubois, Georgia
Laura Elizabeth Eddy, Braintree
Keegan Robert Enniss, Duxbury, MA
Jesse Colin Epstein, Vergennes
Peter Ross Ferguson, Deerfield, IL
Jillian Elizabeth Ferriter, Wellesley, MA
Sean Patrick Finnegan, Irasburg
Laura Ann Fitzgerald, Colchester
Steven James Foley, Reading, MA
Andrew Joseph Ford, Cherry Hill, NJ
Alexander W. Frank, Shaker Heights, OH
Timothy J. Frank, Essex
James Scott French, Jericho**
Matthew P. Gagen, Califun, NJ
Ashley Lynn Gingras, Essex Junction
Kelly A. Girouard, Farmington, CT
Jesse K. Glover, Shaftsbury**
Nathan Leslie Gordon, Modesto, CA
Cady Mae Goudreau, Winooski
Eric Leonard Graczyk, Syosset, NY
Zachary Wyatt Greene, Chester**
Dustin S. Gregory, Norwich
Patrick J. Guyette, Rutland
John Stephen Haining, Middletown, NJ**
Matthew Kerr Hall, Latham, NY
Jonathan S. Hambrecht, Lynnfield, MA**
Scott D. Hanrahan, Pittsford
Daniel John Harrington, Worthington, OH
William L. Heim, River Vale, NJ
Robert William Hennessey, Essex Junction
Jordana Constance Hirsch, New York City, NY
Russell Adam Hirschorn, Hewlett, NY
Victoria Hrebien, Valley Forge, PA
Matthew Tyler Jack, Kinnelon, NJ
Brendan David Jackson, Williston
Matthew Douglas Joseph, Essex*
Robert E. Joseph, Wayne, NJ
Alexandra Jill Kaknes, St. Charles, IL
Daniel Roy Kalus, Lexington, MA
Robert S. Karpp Jr., Hamilton, MA*
Persephoné Kazl, Evanston, IL
Rachel M. Keenan, Arlington, MA*
Jamison D. Kimberly, Middlebury
Christopher Allan King, Marlton, NJ
Jonathan Tyler King, Essex**
Danielle Hewson Kingsley, Kentfield, CA
Andrew T. Kirshen, Lyman, ME
Jillian Patricia Knapp, Sunderland, MA**
Rylan Clay Kochalka, Cambridge
Samuel Eli Kolinsky, New Orleans, LA
Jameson Koptiuch, Essex
Christopher Michael Kowach, Latrobe, PA**
Carly Alexandra Krasner, Armonk, NY
Daniel Patrick Kropp, Lambertville, NJ
Haley Elizabeth LaBonte, Wilmington
Andrea LaBonty, Scarborough, ME
Mandy Lynn Labrie, Milton
Michael Joseph LaCurto, Cabin John, MD
Ashley Lois Lambert, Essex
Evan Hale Lea, Grand Isle
Jared Bradley LeBlanc, Colchester
Michelle A. LeClair, Ascutney
Nicolas Paul LeClair, Burlington
Commencement 2009
Sonah Lee, Essex*
Karen Leonor León, Bronx, NY
Jesse Benjamin Levin, Medfield, MA
Blake Edward Lieberman, Wynnewood, PA
Colin L. Lindgren, Exeter, NH
Jessica Renee Lindholm, Essex Junction
Michael Edward Long, Vestal, NY
Peter Benjamin Lord, Wakefield, RI
Jessica Irene Luft, Katonah, NY*
Sarah Elizabeth Madey, Derby Line
Elana Demetra Malapan, Pelham, NH*
Leah Elsa Mansback, Manchester, NH
Matthew Pullen Manson, Weston
Gregory John Marimon, Washington, DC
Daniel W. McAlister, Franklin, MA
Christopher Murphy McClellan, South Burlington
Charles Eugene McGowan III, Scituate, MA**
Colin Patrick McIntosh, Milton, MA
Kyle David McNeely, Chatham, NJ**
Max J. Meltzer, New York, NY
Justin Frank Milazzo, Rutland
Ashley Marie Miller, Colchester
Kaitlin Marie Miller, Essex Junction**
Brian Solomon Minkel, Shandaken, NY
Jess Meredith Monago, Painted Post, NY
Katherine L. Mooney, Ridgewood, NJ
Jeffrey Kit Moy, Burlington*
Hannah Lesley Munger, Burlington
Duncan Murphy, Mansfield, MA
Courtney Devlin Murtha, Warwick, RI
Ross L. Nazzaro, Redding, CT**
Dana Martin Newcomb, Manchester, CT*
Mark Robert Noble, Tinmouth
Nicholas S. Noel, Burlington
Richard Oakes Nold, Shelburne
Mathew Charles Patterson, Barre
Jesse Davenport Paul, Starksboro**
Gregory Ross Paylor, Braintree, MA
Adam Flanigan Pearce, Norwich*
Jacquelyn Ann Peterson, Kingston, MA
Justin Joseph Petrella, West Brandywine, PA
Thanh T. Pham, Winooski
Jessica Michelle Pinkans, Barre
Daniel Thomas Popielarski, East Windsor, NJ
Colleen Marie Quigley, Groton, MA*
Kevin B. Rabin, Williamsville, NY
Emily K. Ralph, Wakefield, MA
Abraham Thomas Rambur, South Burlington
Noelle Catherine Ranero, Haddonfield, NJ
Colin Michael Regan, Kinnelon, NJ
Maximilian Johann Rooney, Keene, NH
Amy Ruth Rosenkrantz, Tempe, AZ
Jeffrey J. Ryan, Barrington, IL
Benjamin Ross Salk, East Greenwich, RI**
Morgan Renee Sayre, Pennington, NJ
Brian W. Schlager, Norwell, MA
Anton William Schmelz, Monmouth Beach, NJ
Caleb Guy Searles, Portland, ME
Andrew R. Seidel, Hinsdale, IL
James Bernard Seiffer, Brookfield, CT
Elizabeth Lowe Semmer, Los Angeles, CA
Joseph Peter Shaw III, Worthington, MA
Kelly Ann Sheehan, Colchester
Collin Gordon Shore, Ithaca, NY
Ryan Richard Shute, Sandypoint, ME
Michael Paley Silber, Baltimore, MD
Daniel S. Sleeper, Vergennes
Amanda Burr Smith, Gladstone, NJ
Eric John Smith, Allentown, NJ
Spencer I. Smith, Burlington
Gilbert Kenneth Solt Jr., Gilbert, PA
Elizabeth Laura Sosi, Cherry Hill, NJ
Ryan Blaise Stockdale, Jericho
William Wellington Strehlow, Evanston, IL
Jesse Stringer, Colchester
Emily Lynn Tatasciore, Simsbury, CT
Daniel James Tees, Moorestown, NJ
Emmanuel Tejeda, Yonkers, NY
Stephanie Marie Tewksbury, Marshfiled, MA**
Randee Leigh Tuepker, Mendon
Renier Edward Thomas van Breen, Sunderland
Evan Daniel Walden, Guilderland, NY
Ryan Jackson Walker, Higganum, CT
Matthew Scott Wanderlich, Essex
Alexander A. Watson, Essex
Michael Anthony Watson, Glenmont, NY
Brandon Lewis Watts, Peekskill, NY**
Sara L. Weiskotten, Hudson Falls, NY**
Laura Kelsey White, Glens Falls, NY
Gregorii Quinn Whittemore, Springfield
Ryan C. Wilk, Hinsdale, IL
Jacquelynn Marie Williams, Essex Junction
David Xinyuan Xu, Middlebury**
Amy Leigh Young, Concord
Benjamin Simon Zack, Edina, MN**
Graduate College
Timothy M. Banks, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2000; Atlanta, GA
Samuel E. Boyer, B.S.B.A. (Western New England College) 2007; Manchester
Michael Caha, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2007; B.A. (The University of
Vermont) 2007; Essex
Olga Demina, B.S. (Yaroslavl State University) 2006; Yaroslavl, Russia
Martin A. Hoak, B.S. (Saint Bonaventure University) 1995; M.A. (Boston College)
1997; Buffalo, NY**
Alicia Shepley Holmes, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2005; North Attleboro, MA
Tienyong Hua, B.S. (Donghua University) 1983; M.S. (Northeastern University)
1992; Shanghai, China
John Peter Ishaq, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Essex Junction*
Tyler Laundon, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 1998; Waterbury
Christina Lutz, B.Sc. (Universitaet Stuttgart) 2006; Sindelfingen, Germany**
John Bradley Minor, B.S. (Vanderbilt University) 2000; Burlington
Minghui Zhu Murray, B.A. (Anhui Educational Institute) M.S. (Arizona State
University) 1998; M.S.I.M. (Arizona State University) 2000; Ming Guang, China
Tara Georgina Pelletier, B.S. (Clarkson University) 2003; Fairfax
David William Roberts, B.S. (University of Virginia) 1997; South Burlington
Geoffrey Fammis Robertson, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2000; Stowe**
Daryl Seitzer, B.S. (Clarkson University) 1998; M.S. (Walden University) 2002;
Essex Junction
Alanna K. Shanley, B.A. (Middlebury College) 1999; Charlotte
Chelsea Deyann Singley, B.S. (Pennsylvania State University) 2003; Jericho
Brian J. Stockman, B.S.M.E. (The University of Vermont) 2001; South Burlington
Charles Paul Veronneau, B.S.E.E. (The University of Vermont) 2008; South Burlington
Michelle Elizabeth Veronneau, B.S.E.E. (The University of Vermont) 2004;
South Burlington
Amy Ellen Wolf, B.S. (Pennsylvania State University) 2000; Essex Junction
Bridget McMahon Zurn, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2003; M.S.
(The University of Vermont) 2006; Burlington
*As of October, 2008
**As of February, 2009
Return to Index
Commencement 2009
College of Education
and Social Services
Sunday, May 17, 2009
2:00 p.m.
Patrick Gymnasium
Fayneese Miller, Dean
Suzy Comerford, Associate Dean
Janet Bossange, Associate Dean
Declan Connolly, Jane Okech, Susan Roche, Jacqueline Weinstock, Marshals
Order of Exercises
Bachelor of Science
in Art Education
Allison Rebecca Cram, Cornwall
Katelyn S. Healy, Burlington
Julia Shoshana Hewitt, Old Tappan, NJ
Morgan Lee, Rochester, NY
Christa Rose Schestag, Columbia, Md
Alysa A.Treich, Harmony, NJ
Jakob Ziwich, Kingston, NY
Bachelor of Science
in Music Education
Talan David Bryant, South Ryegate**
Melissa Ellen Cooke, Dover, NH
Will Parini, Weybridge
Amy Lynn Partington, Vergennes
Sasha Lya Marina Ramos, Valencia, Venezuela
William Richard Rice, Canterbury, NH
Rachael Louise Sherman, Montpelier **
Bachelor of Science in Education
Elementary Education
Evelina O. Andres, Montclair, NJ
Jennifer Angers, Mansfield, MA
Morgan Connolly Atkins, Marblehead, MA
Tana LaFleur Baer, Chelsea*
Kristina Barbuto, Franklin Lakes, NJ
Katarina Beneke, Wilton, CT
Jennifer A. Bessery, Shelburne
Amy Rose Choiniere, Milton
Allison Cote, Saugus, MA
Alison Craig, Whitinsville, MA
Katie D’Amelio, Franklin, MA
Sara Marie Engelman, Chula Vista, CA
Erin Filipek, Colchester
Brittany A. Frizzell, Island Pond**
Emily Gafney, Lakeville, CT
Alyssa Gagné, Colchester
Meghan Elizabeth Heald, St. Albans**
Lisa Joy Henley, Middlebury**
*As of October, 2008
**As of February, 2009
Return to Index
Sarah Baum Hoffman, Ithaca, NY**
Erica Lee Houle, Irasburg
Ashlyn Krystle Hutchins, Barre **
Colleen Danahy Hutton, Brookline, MA
Rachel Alicia Kent, Mystic, CT
Kimberly Mae Lewis, Dover Plains, NY
Maria Linton, Trumbull, CT
Jacquelyn Hope Mackner, Hartford
Justin Ryan Marriott, Jericho
Megan Maynard, Waterbury Center
Lindsey Rose McGarry, Colchester
Katherine J. McGrain, Princeton Junction, NJ
Mikal-lyn Miglinas, Jeffersonville
Kristen Millar, Whitby, Ontario, Canada
Sarah Hubbard Minkler, Charlotte
Paige Montgomery, Sutton
Emily Lynn Morris, Highgate
Allison Michelle Naugle, Wyomissing, PA
Dottie Olio, Cambridge
Kerissa Page, Concord, NH
Jessie Drake Peters, Scituate, MA
Erin E. Pillsbury, Georgia
Kelli M. Poles, Canandaigua, NY
Brindy Kim Robinson, Manhattan, MT
Natessa Romano, Montpelier
Laura N. Rosner, Vernon
Heather Stacy Sloate, South Windsor, CT
Abigayle Smith, Pleasant Valley, NY
Tyler Smith, Barre
Ellen Rae Stanley, Bakersfield
Juliet Ruth Elizabeth Stevens, Potomac, MD
Lesley Jean Stevens, Winthrop, ME
Victoria Elizabeth Vendola, Centerville, MA
Laura Jeanne Wagenblast, Cranford, NJ
Jaclyn Dyan Wamberg, Barrington, IL
Madeline J. Ward, Barre
Helen Morfogen Weaver, Lancaster, PA
Individually Designed Program
Natalie Lane Adams, New York, NY
Hannah Spalding Allen, Lincoln
Middle Level Education
Maura Elizabeth Kelly, Narragansett, RI
Physical Education
Kyle Michael Blindow, Morgan
James Blondin, Chelsea
Whitney Carrolan Borisenok, Latham, NY**
Lauren E. Burke, Mahopac, NY
Leah Victoria Castrovillari, Narragansett, RI
Richard Anthony Caswell, Bennington**
Kristen Ruth Heavens, Harwinton, CT
Andrew P. Kelleher, Delmar, NY
Dustin M. King, Orwell
Kyle J. Massie, Rutland **
Rebecca Salyards, Duluth, MN**
Trevor Wagar, Guelph, Ontario, Canada**
Chelsea Frances Hagen Wessberg, East
Hampton, NY**
Secondary Education
Katelyn Kelly Albiston, Mendham, NJ
Jennifer R. Bellavance, Galloway, NJ**
Trevor F. Billings, Springfield
Benjamin Michael Blanchard, Burlington
Andrew A. Boepple, Topsfield, MA*
Elisabeth Maria Brown, Fairfield
Susan M. Cirilli, Wallingford, PA
Brent Clanin, Nashua, NH
Caroline T. Comley, Schenectady, NY
Dawn M. Crowe, Colchester
Carolyn Dianne Feldmann, Acton, MA
Timothy D. Frazier, Leominster, MA
Kristy Friend, Burlington*
Emma Jane Gauding, South Burlington
Rebecca Regina-Marie Goletz, Brookfield, CT
Reina Karen Guarnaccia, Shelburne
Marc Daniel Jijina, Bellmore, NY
Jill Frances Kellogg, Breinigsville, PA
Brian J. Lally, North Providence, RI
Rebecca Ann Leggett, Colchester
Danielle Rae L’Esperance, Georgia
Justin Henry Lubas, Freehold, NJ
Commencement 2009
April Miller, Thetford
Travis Powers Minor, Concord, MA
Kathleen Musante, South Burlington**
Jennifer Elizabeth Noonis, Rye, NH
Tim O’Leary, Avon, CT
Phillip Ortego, Seneca Falls NY
Elizabeth Ann Pelkey, Rutland**
Israel John Provoncha, Bristol
Kyle W. Ravey, South Burlington**
Kristen Riley, Hampstead, NH
Spencer K. Rosner, East Rockaway, NY
Kayla Marie Saltis, Poultney
Alyssa Michele Samson, Armonk, NY
Andrew Ward Sanford, Shelburne**
Alex Elizabeth Shevrin, Lexington, MA
Alyson C. Sullivan, Winthrop MA**
Patrick Taormina, Ballston Spa, NY
Bachelor of Science
Early Childhood and
Early Childhood Special Education
Abigail Axtell, Westminster West
Erin Elizabeth Barton, Londonderry
David Beraha, Caracas, Venezuela
Robin Bienenstock, New Rochelle, NY **
Amanda Louise Brochu, Hardwick
Colleen Marie Cobb, Grand Isle
Sara Lynne Czasonis, Bristol, CT
Annie Wilson Dantowitz, Falmouth, MA
Vanessa Dawn Santos Eugenio, Hartford**
Julie E. Fitzgibbons, Cavendish
Frances Elizabeth Galli, Freeport, ME **
Hannah Rose Geier, South Burlington**
Brittany Virginia Hiatt, Sandwich, MA
Tamika Hinnant, Piscataway, NJ
Eryka M. Karz, Mt. Prospect, IL *
Melissa Sue Kittell, Hinesburg
Allison I. Lambert, Nashua, NH
Megan Lauffer-Atria, Watertown, NY
Jennifer Anne Litch, Addison**
Khari Lyn Lizotte, Rochester, NH**
Maybeline Lopez, Burlington
Amy Hall Maguire, Bennington
Laura Ann Mahoney, Montpelier
Alexis Markolf, Warren
Abby Meunier, Williston
Carrie Anne Mitchell, Colchester**
Laura Whitney Nagel, Swarthmore PA **
Donna Ng, New York, NY
Henry Obelnicki, West Hartford, CT *
Ryan Richard Ofsthun, Cohasset, MA
Megen Elizabeth Perkins, Richmond
Margaret Petrarca, Liverpool, NY
Melissa Anne Pettit, South Royalton
Jennifer Purinton, Huntington
Courtney Virginia Qamar, Wilton, CT
Joanna Quayle, Lake Placid, NY
Kate E. Ryan, Wolcott
Iveta M. Shalna, Williston
Ryan Simpson, Scituate, MA**
Amaryah Lise Stinson, Farmington, ME
Morgan C. Strojny, Montpelier
Thu T. Truong, Burlington**
Jessica Hathaway Venne, Southborough, MA
Katherine Jean Walsh, Alexandria, VA*
Abigail Wheeler, Colchester*
Sarah Elizabeth Wood, Barre
Human Development and Family Studies
Hilary Bak, Marshfield, MA
Gina N. Beato, Burlington*
Molly E. Bray, Duxbury, MA
Susan Jean Brouillette, Sheldon
William McLeod Clarke Haywood, Newton, MA
Steven Michael Isner, Wrentham ,MA
Meghan Nicole Ketcham, Westford
Peter Lenes, Shelburne
Teegan Elizabeth Lundborg, Enosburg Falls
Chelsea Sam Maisel, Tivoli, NY
Angus Mudge, Redding, CT
Stacey Jeanette Naused, Clark, NJ
Jennifer Nival, Bronx, NY
Kellissa Anne Paquette, Morrisville
Adriane Elisabeth Schubert, Acton, MA
Corinne Scoppe, Randolph Center
Stephen Sprogis, Underhill**
Kimberly Striegler, Whitney Point, NY
Tiffany Trahan, Saint Johnsbury
Elizabeth Carson Wing, Lyme, CT
Verity M.J. Witham, Winooski
Kimberly Woroby, Salem, NY
Family and Consumer Science
Audrey Reece, Potsdam, NY
Aimee Lynn Viens, Winooski
Social Work
Jocelyn Bahr, Jericho
Alexandra Norcross Bodrie, Sagamore, MA
Gayle Anne Bryant, Burlington
Jessica Sara Cohn, Brattleboro
Brian Adam Cuseo, Fairfield, CT
Edita Debeljak, Burlington
Danielle Elizabeth Del Bianco, Rutland
Atem Arok Deng, Winooski
Shayna Diaz, Rye, NY
Caitlyn Cassidy Fairchild, Brattleboro
Kathryn Eileen Galough, Kingsbury, NY
Clarissa Michelle Gottshall, Fairfax
Nydia E. Guity, Bronx, NY
Katherine A. Hatch, Hanover, NH
Jenna C. Lee, Freedom, NH
Aliza Meller Lukowski, Brooklyn, NY
Cory James Mills-Dick, Hoosick Falls, NY
Julia Mitiguy, Georgia
Alyssa Marie Mullan, Proctor
Cassi Jo Nelson, Bethlehem, PA
Julie M. Pacific, Marlborough, MA
Caitlin Danika Regan, Portsmouth, NH
Emma M. Scott, Westminster
Margaret Anne Schwalbaum, Burlington*
Tiffany Ann Szymaszek, Scranton, PA
Lindsi K. Tibbitts, Barre
Shawn Marie Vetere, Grand Isle
Kara Elizabeth Warman, Barre
Kristen Margaret Wenz, Thetford
Fifth Year Certificate in Education
Alison Figdor, Burlington**
Stephanie Goff, Williston**
Katrina Rob, Calais**
Certificate of Advanced Study
Educational Leadership
Faith Johnson, Enosburg
Graduate College
Curriculum and Instruction
Mary L. Anderson, B.A. (St. Lawrence University) 2004; Burlington*
Bill Clark, B.A. (Montclair State College) 1973; M.S. (Boston University) 1980;
M.A. (Northeastern University) 1994; Stowe
Katie Cohen, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Johnston, RI**
Kathleen A. Heil, B.S. (Southern Connecticut State University) 1976; Essex
Benjamin D. Irish, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Lansing, MI
Brian P. Kelly, B.A. (Rutgers University) 1997; Iselin, NJ
Jessica Anne Labun, B.A. (Vassar College) 2004; Newbury**
Jessica Mead Little-Hayes, B.A. (Champlain College) 2004; Burlington
Lindsey Beth Reynolds, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2008; Stannard
Michelle L. Wheeler, B.S. (Clarkson University) 2001; Burlington
Curriculum and Instruction
Nancy McNulla Ambrose, B.S. (Johnson State College) 2009; Vergennes
Kodwo Annan, B.S. (University of Science and Technology) 1991; M.S.
(University of Bergen) 1997; Toronto, Canada**
Maryanne Azur, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2003; Saint Albans
Jared West Bailey, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2003; Brandon**
Nancy Spencer Bladyka, B.A. (Vermont College at Norwich University) 1999;
M. Susan Candon, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 1979; Rutland
Brennan N. Carney, B.A. (Wesleyan University) 2004; South Burlington
Julie Casey, B.S. (Colby-Sawyer College) 2001; Morgan
Matthew Paul Chew, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2006; Clifton Park, NY**
Thesis: The Effects of Protein-Carbohydrate Versus Carbohydrate Only
Recovery Drink in Repeated 10K Rowing Time Trials
Advisor: Dr. Declan Connolly
Sandra J. Chicoine, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 1995; East Middlebury
Jenna Russo Coffey, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2006; Bellows Falls*
Thesis: Kinesiology: The Study of Movement
Advisor: Dr. Declan Connolly
Jaime Lynn Blais Comtois, B.S. (Champlain College) 2000; Newport
Katherine Cragin, B.S. (Lyndon State College) 1985; Rutland
Hannah Conant Dransfield, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2000; Richmond*
Diane Elizabeth Dufresne, B.A. (Trinity College) 1980; Underhill
Melanie Fagan-Farrow, B.A. (Trinity College) 1989; Holland
*As of October, 2008
**As of February, 2009
Return to Index
Commencement 2009
Margaret Mary Godin, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2003; Milton**
Karen Iola Gray, B.A. (Johnson State College) 1987; Essex Town
Emily Greaves, B.A. (Saint Michael’s College) 2001; Danville
Casey Leah Hogan, B.A. (Champlain College) 2002; Colchester
Lindsay J. Hosmer, B.A. (McGill University) 2001; South Royalton**
Fran Huntoon, B.S. (Saint Lawrence University) 1979; Richmond
Nancy Ann Jarchow, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2002; M.A. (The University
of Vermont) 2004; Barre
Lynn Marie Kayhart, B.A. (Saint Anselm College) 1995; Ferrisburgh
Jo-Anne Mary McDonough, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 1971; South
Patricia Kasprzak Marcell, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 1982; Castleton
Susan M. Monmaney, B.A. (Vermont College of Norwich University) 2003; Northfield
Amy R. Nadeau, B.A. (Johnson State College) 2009; Derby Line
Chris Provost, B.A. (Castleton State College) 1993; South Burlington
Melissa Rice, B.S. (Castleton State College) 1990; M. Ed. (Walden University) 2004;
Nancy K. Hunter Rogers, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 1997; Jericho
Jean Sequeira, B.S. (Johnson State College) 1987; Underhill
Sonya Marie Shedd, B.A. (Johnson State College) 2003; Barre
Jessica Sicotte, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2003; Derby
Julie Sloan, B.S. (Johnson State College) 2003; South Berwick, ME
Margaret D. Thomas, B.S. (Castleton State College) 1983; Winooski
Mindi L. J. Wimett, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2003; Windsor
Educational Leadership
Maria Dolores Berard, B.A. (Johnson State College) 2004; Saint Albans**
Daniel J. Hamilton, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 1997; Brattleboro
Margaret E. Hammond, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 1971; Springfield
Barbara Anne Komons-Montroll, B.A. (Dartmouth College) 1989; Burlington**
Keith Ronald Lyman, B.S. (Springfield College) 1997; Guilford
Heather Mattison, B.A. (Johnson State College) 2000; Whiting
Ellen J. Repstad, B.F.A. (Johnson State College) 1999; Vergennes**
Joseph Pirie Williams, B.A. (Bowdoin College) 1988; Pomfret, CT*
Higher Education and Student Affairs Administration
Travis William Annan, B.S. (Colorado State University) 2007; Brush, CO
Nicole Katherine Beaudoin, B.A. (Keene State College) 2007; Pittsfield, NH
Meagan C. Burton-Krieger, B.A. (Albion College) 2007; Saluda, SC
Laurel Dreher, B.A. (Ithaca College) 2007; Chapel Hill, NC
Joshua Gonzalez, B.S. (University of Connecticut) 2007; Bridgeport, CT
William Grant Hoover, B.S. (University of Southern California) 2007; Los
Angeles, CA
Clinton Luckert Jasperson, B.A. (University of Wyoming) 2007; Cheyenne, WY
Julie Kirschner, B.A. (The College of New Jersey) 2005; West Deptford, NJ
Jessica Marie Lein, B.A. (Bucknell University) 2005; Elkton, MD
Hung Quang Mai, B.A. (Carleton University) 2007; Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
Frank Michael Muñoz, B.A. (University of Virginia) 2007; Fairfax, Virginia
Marnie Erin Kathryn Owen, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2002; Strafford
Domonic Antonio Rollins, B.A. (The Ohio State University) 2006; Baltimore, MD
Colleen Rose Toomey, B.A. (University of California at Santa Cruz) 2006;
Oakland, CA
Iesha Gloria Valencia, B.A. (California State University) 2006; Los Molinos, CA
Jesse Alexander Wingate, B.S. (St. Lawrence University) 2007; North Troy
Anthony Charles Berry, B.A. (University of New Hampshire) 2001; Burlington
Thesis: Taking the Red Pill; A Personal Journey Down the Rabbit Hole of
Advisor: Dr. Robert Nash
Marsha Ellen Camp, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 1979; Richmond
Thesis: Belonging and Place Identity: The Soul of Self Advocacy in Higher Education Disability Service
Advisor: Dr. Robert Nash
Bonnie Campono, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 1981; Burlington
Amelia D. Coleman, B.A. (University of Montana) 2005; Burlington
Thesis: Two Dogmas of Perfectionism: Fostering Meaning-Making in the
Millennial Generation
Advisor: Dr. Robert Nash
*As of October, 2008
**As of February, 2009
Return to Index
Maigret Fay, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2003; South Burlington
Meghan A. Oliver, B.S. (University of Massachusetts at Amherst) 2001; Winooski
Chelsea Pemberton, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2005; Richmond
Thesis: Three Turtles Down: Uncovering Pedagogy for Youth Social Service
Advisor: Dr. Robert Nash
Victoria Pleshakova, B.A. (Chuvash State Pedagogical University) 1999;
Chebaksary, Russia
Thesis: The Importance of Teaching Humanities in Higher Education
Institutions: In Defense of Liberal Arts Education
Advisor: Dr. Robert Nash
Wesley Rodriguez, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2005; Bronx, NY
Christine M. Shand, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 1997; Essex Junction**
Thesis: How Spirituality Helps Those Afflicted with Alcoholism and/or
Drug Addiction: A Guide for Educators and Social Service Professionals
Advisor: Dr. Robert Nash
Reading and Language Arts
Stefanie Burl Blouin, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 1995; Swanton**
Jennifer Seward Button, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 1994; Milton*
Laura MacCallum Graves, B.A. (Providence College) 2001; Mendham, NJ*
Patricia R. McDermott, B.A. (Johnson State College) 1984; Enosburgh Falls*
Special Education
Theresa Linnea Akerley, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2005; Durham, CT
Traci Lynn Barrows, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2001; West Springfield, MA
Suzanne Marie A. Bilodeau, B.A. (Trinity College) 1999; Saint Albans
Erin Hubbard Gagne, B.A. (Rivier College) 2005; Swanton*
Ann Merrick Harrington, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 1984; Burlington
Elizabeth King, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2005; Duxbury
Ebony Kirkland-Sikat, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2000; Colchester
Martin R. McGreevy, B.S. (Providence College) 1999; Brewster, NY
Kathleen Linea Mack, B.A. (Norwich University) 1997; Baltimore
Rebekah Daubenspeck Mortensen, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2002;
Cynthia Parker Murdock, B.A. (University of New Hampshire) 1981; South
Jed R. Norris, B.S. (Colby-Sawyer College) 2003; Middlebury
Susan Reul, B.A. (Hanover College) 1997; Louisville, KY
Stamatina Rigas, B.A. (Saint Michael’s College) 2006; Sandwich, MA
Matthew Schuelka, B.M. (University of Minnesota) 2004; Rochester, MN
Nancy Ann Smith, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 1990; Colchester*
Shannon M. Baker, B.A. (Salve Regina University) 2006; St. Johnsbury*
Rebecca Boedges, B.S. (Westminster College) 1998; M.A. (University of Colorado Denver) 2001; Middletown, CT*
Breanne S. Buzzell, B.B.A. (Pace University) 2005; Mendon
Paul Otis Chapman, B.A. (Johnson State College) 1999; Wolcott
Katherine Ann Cormier, B.A. (Saint Michael’s College) 2003; M.A. (Adelphi
University) 2005; Bristol
Lauren H. Daley, B.A. (Colby College) 2002; Exeter, NH
Nevin M. Driscoll, B.A. (Hawaii Pacific University) 2006; Chester*
Adrienne Flower, B.A. (Cornell University) 1999; M.Ed. (Pennsylvania State
University) 2001; Richmond*
Talia Jennie Glesner, B.S. (University of New Hampshire) 2004; M.S. (University
of New Hampshire) 2006; Essex*
Casey Goldman, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 1994; Burlington*
Sarah McGrath Helmer, B.A. (Bates College) 2001; Middlebury
Michael Paul Linn, B.A. (Toccoa Falls College) 2000; Coudersport, PA**
Matthew W. Stattel, B A. (The University of Vermont) 2004; Proctor**
Justin Shane Tauscher, B.A. (Western Washington University) 2006; Shelton, WA*
Marissa A. Adamo, B.A. (University of Maine) 2004; Penobscot, ME
Lindy Lee Boudreau, B.S.W. (The University of Vermont) 1999; Waterbury Center
Kathryn Braden, B.A. (University of Massachusetts – Amherst) 2005; Keene, NH
Sarah Ann Champine, B.S.W. (Castleton State College) 2002; South Burlington
Commencement 2009
Adam Fortune, B.A. (Castleton State College) 2002; Rutland
Jennifer Godfrey, B.A. (Franklin Pierce College) 2006; South Mountain, PA
Kathryn E. Haber, B.S. (Green Mountain College) 2002; Hamlin, PA
John M. Harrington, B.A. (University of Maine – Farmington) 1992; Sharon
Leeann Hjemvik, B.A. (St. Mary’s College of Maryland) 2005; Easton, MD
Kerrie L. Johnson, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2006; South Kingston, RI
Sarah Elizabeth Metz, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2003; Thetford Center
Bronwen Margaret Neale, B.A. (Michigan State University) 1979; South
Kate Nichols, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2003; Lakeville, CT
Judyann C. Pierce, B.F.A. (Johnson State College) 1990; Plainfield
Diane Michelle Ricker, B.S.W. (Wheelock College) 1991; White River Junction
Rebecca Chandler Ruess, B.A. (Wheaton College) 2003; Richmond
Sara Nicole Schnipper, B.S.W. (The University of Vermont) 2006; South Burlington
Tiffany Anne Theis, B.A. (University of California at Santa Barbara) 2006; Simi
Valley, CA
Daniel Allen Thompson, B.A. (St. Lawrence University) 2004; Port Kent, NY
Samuel M. Trudel, B.A. (St. Lawrence University) 1977; Shoreham
Kaitlin Remington Van Hoesen, B.S.W. (The University of Vermont) 2003; Poultney
Salissa Ruth Wahlers, B.A. (Middlebury College) 2000; Gulfport, MS
Kathryn Wolfe, B.A. (Pennsylvania State University) 2005; B.S. (Pennsylvania State
University) 2005; Milford, PA
Callia Emily Zimmerman, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Fletcher
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Marion Anastasia, B.S. (Lyndon State College) 1978; M.Ed. (Saint Michael’s
College) 1995; Waterford
Dissertation: Assessment for Learning: Transformation of Teachers’ Practices
Enacted in Classrooms and Teacher Learning Communities
Advisor: Dr. Raymond Proulx
DeMethra LaShā Bradley, B.A. (University of California, Santa Barbara) 2000;
M.Ed. (The University of Vermont) 2005; Los Angeles, CA
Dissertation: Outside Second-Generation, Inside First-Generation: Shedding
Light on a Hidden Population in Higher Education
Advisor: Dr. Robert Nash
Kathleen Marie Brinegar, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 1999; M.Ed. (The
University of Vermont) 2004; South Burlington
Dissertation: “I Feel Like I’m Safe Again:” The Middle School Experiences of
Immigrants in a Multilingual/Multicultural Setting
Advisor: Dr. Cynthia Reyes
Michael Patrick Cronogue, B.S. (Northeastern University) 1970; M. Div. (University
of St. Michael’s College) 1970; Colchester
Dissertation: Revitalizing the Society of Saint Edmund: The Journey of a
Religious Leader
Advisor: Dr. Cynthia Gerstl-Pepin
Laurie A. Hodgdon, B.A. (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) 1990; M.A.T.
(Boston College) 1993; Hinesburg*
Dissertation: To Love and Hate Every Moment of the First Year of Teaching:
A Case Study of Beginning Teachers in Three Schools
Advisor: Dr. Katharine Shepherd
Geraldine S. Knortz, B.S. (State University of New York at Cortland) 1974; M.Ed.
(Northern Illinois University) 1978; M.S. (Saint Michael’s College) 2005;
Dissertation: A Case Study: Assessing the Validity and Reliability of the
Multidimensional Sportspersonship Orientation Scale Among College
Advisor: Dr. Herman Meyers
Karen Kurzman, B.A. (Curry College) 1969; M.Ed. (Plymouth State College)
1982; Westerly, RI
Dissertation: Writing for Understanding: Reflections on Classroom Writing
Advisor: Dr. Jill Tarule
Loralyn Marie LeBlanc, B.S. (Assumption College) 1997; M.A. (Assumption
College) 2000; Montpelier
Dissertation: Implementing Response to Instruction (RTI): A Cross Case
Analysis of Three Schools
Advisor: Dr. Katharine Shepherd
Kathryn J. Leo-Nyquist, B.A. (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) 1978; M.A.
(University of Illinois) 1981; M. Ed. (Saint Michael’s College) 1998; Shelburne
Dissertation: Exploring Counter-Cultural Professional Development
Through Participant Narratives: “It Changes Who You Are”
Advisor: Dr. James Mosenthal
Matthew Eric Messier, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 1991; M.A.T. (The
University of Vermont) 2001; Burlington
Dissertation: From the Unexplored to a Critical Consciousness
Advisor: Dr. Robert Nash
Stacey Aileen Miller, B.A. (Stony Brook University) 1993; M.A.L.S. (Stony Brook
University) 1998; Stony Brook, NY
Dissertation: 310: One University Leader’s Critical Reflection of Body
Image Through the Lens of Transformational Learning
Advisor: Dr. Robert Nash
Jill Nicole Moffitt, B.S. (New Mexico State University) 2001; M.S. (Ball State
University) 2003; Pelugerville, TX**
Dissertation: Recreating Retention: Student Satisfaction Through
Participation in Campus Recreation
Advisor: Dr. Herman Meyers
Erika L. Nestor, B.S. (Indiana University) 1988; M.Ed. (The University of
Vermont) 2000; Burlington
Dissertation: Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Heterosexism Workshop on
the Attitudes and Behaviors of College Students
Advisor: Dr. Susan Hasazi
Megan Emelyne Ohler, B.A. (University of New Hampshire) 1993; M.S.
(Northeastern University) 1995; Taunton, MA
Dissertation: One Too Many: College Students Share Their Experiences of
Being Deemed Intoxicated Beyond Control
Advisor: Dr. Deborah Hunter
Mary Lou Razza, B.A. (University of Massachusetts) 1975; M.Ed. (University of
Massachusetts) 1981; Moretown**
Dissertation: Service Learning and Oral History: Tools of Engagement
Advisor: Dr. Susan Hasazi
Michael W. Schultz, B.A. (University of Wisconsin, Madison) 1984; M.B.A.
(Salem State College) 1990; Essex
Dissertation: Elucidating the Role of the University CEO’s Spouse in
Development, Alumni Relations, and Fund Raising
Advisor: Dr. Jill Tarule
Sandra Anne Stanley, B.S. (Lyndon State College) 1990; M.Ed. (Trinity College)
2000; Barton
Dissertation: Education Policy for the 21st Century: A Post-Modern
Perspective of Governance and Community
Advisor: Dr. Katharine Shepherd
Karen Leigh Tyler, B.A. (University of Colorado) 1977; B. Ed. (University of
Lethbridge) 1979; M. Ed. (Harvard University) 1991; Burlington*
Dissertation: Exploring Why Students Stay in School: Inuit Perceptions
of Modern Guideposts (Nutaaq Inuksuit) That Will Help Students Stay in
High School
Advisor: Dr. Charles Rathbone
*As of October, 2008
**As of February, 2009
Return to Index
Commencement 2009
College of Engineering
and Mathematical Sciences
Sunday, May 17, 2009
2:30 p.m.
The University of Vermont Conference Center at the Sheraton
Domenico Grasso, Dean
Robert Snapp, Marshal
Richard Foote, Marshal
Order of Exercises
The Pipes and Drums of St. Andrew’s Society of Vermont
WELCOME, Darren Hitt, Professor of Mechanical Engineering
COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER Dr. Paul Brandt-Rauf, M.D., Sc.D., Ph.D.,
Dean, School of Public Health, University of Illinois, Chicago
NAME READER, Darren Hitt
RECEPTION, Emerald Ballroom, The University of Vermont Conference Center at the Sheraton
Bachelor of Science
Computer Science
Kenneth Austin, Burlington
Joel Thomas Blouin, Jeffersonville
Andrew Stephen Cooper, Jerusalem
John Nicholas DiMona, North Hampton, NH
Evan Gordon Eckrote, Plymouth
Samir Omerovic, Gornji S̆epak, Bosnia**
Robert Emerson Taylor Rohr, Williston
Eric David Shepard, Underhill Center**
Majoring in Computer Science and
Information Systems
Jacob Richard Beauregard, North Pole, AK
Nathaniel James Jordan, Cornish, NH**
Craig Benson Macy, Essex Junction
Civil Engineering
Jeremy W. Brown, North Clarendon
Glenn J. Burgmeier, South Burlington**
Cory Leigh Burrall, New Boston, NH
Sabin James Clark, Calais
Joseph Allen Cotter, Brattleboro**
Nathan Bonneau Dagesse, Derby
Gregory Theodore Dixson, Westborough, MA
Jeremy John Edinger, Farmingdale, NJ
Joseph J. Farrugia, Proctorsville**
Conrado Ray Gracia, Perth Amboy, NJ
Ryan Barrett Gross, Gansevoort, NY**
Connor Patrick Hayden, Jeffersonville
Colin Douglass Hutchens, Bethesda, MD
Shanta B. Keller, Kennebunkport, ME
Jacquelyn A. Kline, Johnstown, NY
Joseph Szczepan Krupa, Northbrook, IL
Khar Mun Lau, Malaysia
Casey Steven Leach, Morrisville**
Benjamin H. MacKinney, Brattleboro
Caroline E. McManus, Woodville, MA
Bryan U. Onyekaba, Bronx, NY
Charles Ahron Packer, Westwood, MA
Evan Charles Press, Newton, MA
Marshall H. Puffer, Wellfleet, MA
*As of October, 2008
**As of February, 2009
† Pending completion of requirements.
Return to Index
Katherine Antoinette Rich, Winooski**
Ryan R. Sengebush, Monroe, NJ**
Samuel Claude Sherman, Vienna, VA
Jamie L. Simpson, Salisbury
RuthAnne Steger, Duxbury
Mark Joseph Suozzo, Franklin, NY
Andrew Miles Touchette, Coeymans, NY
Courtney LePage Wakem, Tiverton, RI
Ashley Elizabeth Walenty, Lake Placid, NY
Michael William Walker, Concord, MA
Kelly J. Wasserbach, Durango, CO
Environmental Engineering
Charles Ford Farmer Jr., Knoxville, TN
Nathaniel J. Gosselin, Durham, CT
Justin A. Gupta, Hydes, MD**
Andrew Thomas Klopfenstein, Vergennes**
Nathan M. Robinson, Naples, NY**
Corinne Matty Seifert, North Bennington
Joshua Charles Tyler, Arcata, CA
Electrical Engineering
Sanela Beric, Burlington
Brian A. Cappello, Ridgefield, CT
Timothy Patrick Cassidy, Amesbury, MA
Christopher Ross Farmer, Colchester*
Jacob Marshall Flanigan, Burlington
Katherine M. Gallo, Richmond
Edward Gordon Johns III, Essex Junction
Michael Shane MacDuff, Colchester
Derek Paul Marvin, Shelburne**
Gavin Kyle McCormick, Essex Junction
Jonathan Edward Paquette, South Burlington
James S. Philbrook Jr., Colchester
Paul Phillip More Prince, Milton
Travis William Rohlin, Burlington
Joshua Maynard Sadd, Milton
Benjamin Endicott Schilling, Potsdam, NY
Nathaniel A. Smith, Springfield
Mechanical Engineering
Galen Gursky Alleger, Zionsville, PA
Daniel Joseph Bishop-Schaffer, Brookline, MA
Zachary Peter Boera, Lyndonville
William C. Bowen, Tazewell, VA
Kyle Robert Bowley, Essex Junction
Adam Louis Carparelli, Henniker, NH
Michael K. Cohen, Yardley, PA
John K. D’Anna, Staten Island, NY
Stefan Desis, Rye, NY*
Sean Richard Donovan, Westford, MA
Matthew J. Dooley, Shelburne
Neil Patrick MacKenzie Durda, Hinesburg
Owen Howland Edgerton, Revere, PA
Luke Faryniarz, Underhill
Rachel Lynn Flinkstrom, South Berwick, ME
Max Benjamin Fried, Milltown, NJ
Benjamin Greenfield, Williston
Ryan Andrew Grimaldi, Derry, NH**
Charlie Grant Hagen, Wilson, WY
Marcus Leonard Hicken, Washington, NJ
Caitlin J. Hill, Ludlow
Andrew Michael Kalinen, Essex Junction
Justin Daniel Kramer, Essex Junction
Thomas Michael Lanagan Jr., Matapoisett, MA
Benjamin Corey Levie, Gloucester, MA
Matthew James Maille, South Burlington
Adam Haddad Morse, Needham, MA**
Clay Cushman Murphy, Guilford
Michael Connelly Murray, Gansevoort, NY
Peter Eric Nadler, West Rutland
Davin Edward Ojala, Wolcott
Kevin Dale Ose, Colchester
Asa Philbrook Parker, Hinesburg**
Daniel Stephen Parker, Fayetteville, NY
Tai Gia Pham, South Burlington
Thomas Noble Philbrick, Milton
Nathan James Pickrell, Farmington, ME
Jill S. Rademacher, Holdingford, MN
Nevin Raymond Rallis, Windham, ME
Christopher Michael Scannell, Middlebury, CT
Augustus Christy Shanahan, Newton, MA
Adam G. Sperber, Hillsdale, NJ
Connor John Tobin, Fort Collins, CO
Jürgen Uhl, Mühlenbach, Germany
Meaghan Cahoon Veselis, Pelham Manor, NY
Reid Sherwood Webster, Barnard
Timothy Robert Whalen, Wenham, MA**
Stephen James Widdis, Oceanport, NJ
Brad Anthony Williams, Whitehall, NY
Jared Glyn Williams, Bristol**
Commencement 2009
Engineering Management
Jacqueline Elizabeth Bell, Frankford, NJ
Michael R. Chambers, Saddle Brook, NJ
Jesse Brown Narkewicz, Rutland**
Zachary Allen Novick, Clifton Park, NY
Neil Rypkema, Silver Bay, NY
Barbara Dewey Abbott, Highgate
Geoffrey Kendall Abbott, South Burlington*
Kenneth Austin, Burlington
Joel Thomas Blouin, Jeffersonville
Andrew Stephen Cooper, Jerusalem
Mayura Deshpande, Nashua, NH*
Jennifer S. Froelich, Morrisville, PA
Eden Furtak-Cole, San Francisco, CA
Scott Randall Gilbert, South Burlington
Pace S. Goodman, Wyckoff, NJ
Amber Jeanne Gurney, Isle La Motte
Caitlin Ann McCrea, Essex Junction
Rebecca R. Pavlik, Stratford, CT
Michael Allan Phillips, North Salem, NY
Paulina W. Ramsey, Burlington
Franco Antonio Salese IV, Burlington
Jacob Bishop Statnekov, Santa Fe, NM**
Jonathan Forbes Stimson, North Haverhill, NH
Aaron Lebau Sullivan, Northborough, MA
Benjamin David Symonds, Maplewood, NJ
Joshua Joseph Wheeler, Westfield**
Mathematics Majoring in Statistics
Barbara Dewey Abbott, Highgate
Erik C. Giard-Chase, South Burlington
Heather E. Habberfield, Buffalo, NY**
Justin Peter Irving, Burlington
Ashley Lois Lambert, Essex Junction
Joon Sik Yoon, Seoul, South Korea
Graduate College
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Martin Lee, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Wyckoff, NJ
Thesis: Pilot-Scale Constructed Wetlands Combined with Phosphorous
Removing Slag Filters for Treating Dairy Wastewater
Advisor: Dr. Donna Rizzo
Computer Science
Karen Clark, B.S. (Rochester Institute of Technology) 1985; Jericho
Mamata Hegde, B.E. (Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Math) 1996; South
Vicky Wasudeo Jambhore, B.E. (Delta Meghe College of Engineering) 2003;
Kharigaon, Kalwa, Thane, India
Biyu Liang, B.S. (Jinan University) 2001; M.S. (Jinan University) 2004;
Guangdong, China**
Jasmine Hasmik Manuelyan, B.S. (State University of Armenia) 1982; M.S.
(American University of Armenia) 1997; Burlington**
Sirisha V. Punugu, B.S. (Andhra University) 2000; M.S. (Andhra University)
2002; South Burlington
Renu Sharma, B.E. (Hindustan College of Science and Technology) 2005; Williston
Electrical Engineering
Changfei Chen, B.S. (Fudan University) 2006; Shanghai, China*
Thesis: Footprint Modeling and Connectivity Analysis for Wireless Sensor
Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Frolik
Stephen J. DiStasi, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2006; Medford, NJ*
Thesis: In Situ Measurement and Emulation of Severe Multipath
Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Frolik
Michael Finnefrock, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2000; Burlington**
Ephrem Gezaee Gebreselasie, B.S. (Arizona State University) 2000; South
Hien The Lai, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2006; Burlington**
Paul Daniel Montane, B.S. (Pennsylvania State University) 1999; B.A. (The
University of Vermont) 2009; Essex
Thesis: Navigational Control of an Underactuated Autonomous Robotic
Hovercraft Using GPS-Aided Inertial Navigation
Advisor: Dr. Walter Varhue
Adnan Seferagic, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2006; Colchester**
Materials Science
Jeffrey D. Gilbert, B.S. (Clarkson University) 1996; Fairfax**
Zhuang Hou, B.S. (Nankai University) 2003; Tianjin, China
Natashia Marie Foster Jones, B.A. (College of Saint Rose) 2007; Albany
Katherine J. Merrill, B.S. (Ohio State University) 1982; M.A. (Boston University)
1988; M.A. (University of Maine) 2005; Burlington
Aliza Miller, B.S. (McGill University) 2004; Williston
Andrew Donald Proulx, B.S. (Notre Dame University) 2005; Overland Park, KS
Brent Sitterly, B.A. (Franklin Pierce College) 1998; B.S. (University of
Massachusetts at Amherst) 2006; West Brookfield, MA
Mechanical Engineering
Ezra Kahn, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Seattle, WA*
Jason Knight, B.S. (Clarkson University) 1998; Georgia**
Corinna S. Thompson, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Brownington**
Thesis: Analysis of Spectrally Resolved Shock-Layer Emission
Advisor: Dr. Douglas Fletcher
Luke Blackwell Clayton Purvis, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2006;
Pennington, NJ
Doctor of Philosophy
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Lindsay A. George, B.S. (University of Colorado at Boulder) 2000; Canterbury, NH**
Dissertation: Characterization of Unsaturated Soils Using Acoustic
Advisor: Dr. Mandar Dewoolkar
Electrical Engineering
Saba A. Hanna, B.S. (State University of New York at Buffalo) 1987; M.S. (State
University of New York at Buffalo) 1990; Essex**
Dissertation: Design and Measurement Evaluations of a Very Low Frequency
Magnetic Field Detector in Different Environments
Advisor: Dr. Walter Varhue
Mathematical Sciences
Kodwo Annan, B.S. (University of Science and Technology) 1991; M.S. (University
of Bergen) 1997; M.Ed. (The University of Vermont) 2009; Toronto, Canada
Dissertation: Mathematical Modeling of Solute Transfer during Hemodialysis
Advisor: Dr. Daniel Bentil
Mechanical Engineering
Virginie Dupont, M.S. (École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et
D’Aérotechnique) 2005; Xanton-Chassenon, France*
Dissertation: Multiscale Modeling of Contact Plasticity and Nanoindentation
in Nanostructured FCC Metals
Advisor: Dr. Frederic Sansoz
Bertrand Rollin, M.S. (École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et
D’Aérotechnique) 2005; Saint-Denis, Reunion, France*
Dissertation: On the Influence of Large Scale Forcing and Flow Topology on
the Dynamics of Small-Scale Turbulent Transport
Advisor: Dr. Yves Dubief
*As of October, 2008
**As of February, 2009
Return to Index
Commencement 2009
The Rubenstein School of Environment
and Natural Resources
Sunday, May 17, 2009
11:45 a.m.
The University of Vermont Conference Center at the Sheraton
Mary C. Watzin, Dean
Margaret A. Shannon, Associate Dean
J. Ellen Marsden, Marshal
Order of Exercises
WELCOME, Professor Marsden
Abigail R. Kimbell, Chief, U.S. Forest Service
Lauren P. Anderson, Swampscott, MA
Caitlin Marie Andrews, Burlington
Caitlin Sarah Arthur, Essex Junction
Joshua Daniel Ashline, Westford**
James Jacob Baros, Sarasota, FL
Brent R. Barry, Lake Bluff, IL
Brian David Beck, Telluride, CO
Owen Michael Beck, Sharon, CT**
Anneli R. Berube, Fairlee
Ethan Robert Bond-Watts, Charlotte
Peter Sherman Brewster, Canton, CT**
Stephanie Danielle Brontman, Buffalo Grove, IL
Erin O. Brophy, Greenwich, CT
Michael Neal Brown, Barnesville, MD**
Joseph Linnehan Cahill, Concord, NH**
Jeffrey Richard Caisse, Nashua, NH
Elizabeth Bonisteel Calcutt, Traverse City, MI
Drew Francis Cameron, Burlington**
Kerry Canton, Norton, MA
Wendy Lee Carbone, Derry, NH
Christine Jennifer Carney, Narbeth, PA
Emily Kagan Carson, Merion Station, PA**
Lauren Meredith Chicote, Bennington
Christopher Roy Childers, Belmar, NJ
Eugenia Marie Christie, Bennington**
Kelly Jean Coons, Great Barrington, MA
Amanda Joan Cota, Epsom, NH*
Adam Filleul Crawford, Concord, NH*
Alexander Walker Crowcroft, New Milford, CT
Caitlin Crowley, Burlington, CT
Samuel Jordan Daniels, Sudbury, MA
Andrew Danielsen, Downingtown, PA
Dana Marie Demetrio, Chelsea, MA
Leanne Marguerite Deschenes, Easton, MA**
Julian Kurt Douglas, Mystic, CT
Timothy Robert Duclos, Benson
Shannon Courtney Duke, Holly, MI**
Katharine Lindsay Duskin, Audubon, PA
*As of October, 2008
**As of February, 2009
Return to Index
Andrew Thomas Eberly, Swarthmore, PA**
Jeffrey Howard Fehlmann, Georgetown, MA
Stuart Jay Flanagan, Jamestown, RI
Russell Flack Ford, Enosburg Falls**
Neal Vincent Foster, Waterbury
Kaitlin Francis, Hinesburg
Alexander M. Gibson, Woodbury, CT
Alice Margaurite Giguere, Essex Junction
Nathan William Goddard, Orwell
Nathaniel J. Gosselin, Durham, CT
Nathan John Guzzo, Wallingford, CT
Perry Alexander Hall, Medfield, MA
Steven Hanrahan, Guilford, CT
Whitney Claire Haskell, Rome, NY**
Jessica Nicole Heman, Cheshire, CT
Nichole Henderson-Roy, Jamaica, NY
Heidi Marie Henrichs, Rochester, NY
Anna Christine Hill, Fair Haven
Blake Michael Hoberman, Westport, CT
Melissa Anne Hofeller, Needham, MA*
Hunter Frederick Houde, Clinton, CT
Ian Anthony Howes, Framingham, MA
Edward Bogaert Jalbert, Marshfield*
Ian Thomas Jansen-Lonnquist, Portsmouth, NH
William McLain Jeffries, Summerville, SC
Claire Frashier Johnson, Sante Fe, NM
Jennifer Jubok, Becket, MA
Katherine M. Kain, Harrisonburg, VA
Caitlin Georgena Kincaid, Cumberland, RI**
Laura Rose Koloski, Randolph Center
Jeremy Gaible Koslow, Richmond, VA
Gwen Eileen Kozlowski, Clarks Summit, PA
Benjamin Joseph Kruse, Berkeley, CA
Andrea Marie Lalumiere, Ferrisburgh
Toi Wan Lam, New York, NY
Eric Andrew LaMontagne, North Thetford
Daniel Lim, Brooklyn, NY
Matthew Aaron Linder, Eliot, ME**
Dexter Henry Locke, Santa Monica, CA
Nikkohl Christina Luehm, Rochester, NY
Joanna M. Lynch, South Hero
Heidi Rose Lyon, East Concord
Torrey James Lyons, Lake Forest, IL
Maggie MacKay MacKillop, Sharon
Stephen W. Maglaris IV, South Burlington
Nicholas Michael Magliocco, Columbia, CT
Jacqueline Anne Maisonpierre, West Redding, CT
Neal Martorelli, Lawrenceville, NJ
Emily D. Matys, Grafton, MA
Margaret C. McDonough, Wyomissing, PA
Ian Brundage McLeod, Elmira, NY**
Ryan David Meeks, Easton, CT
Emily Archer Melander, Williston
Stacey Beth Monahan, Milford, NH
Madison B. Monty, Milton
Kathryn Elizabeth Moriarty, Hardwick, NJ
Rebecca Jean Mulheron, Westford
James Leonard Nicholson IV, Essex Junction**
Caitlin E. O’Neil, Essex Junction**
Adam J. Oliver, Barrington, NH
Dillon Alexander Owen, West Granby, CT
Samuel P. Parker, Bethlehem, PA
Ian C. Patric, Victor, NY
Colin Andre Kress Penn, Andover, CT
Pauline Frances Perkins, Woodbridge, VA
Christopher Sands Phelan, East Burke
Justin Rappaport, Longmeadow, MA
Alia Marie Richardson, Silver Springs, MD
Jeffrey Tyler Roblin, Wayland, MA**
Cortnie B. Rohr, Old Fort, NC
Kellen A. Ryan, Glens Falls, NY
Ross Donald Saxton, White River Junction
David A. Seekell, North Kingstown, RI
Meredith Jane Simard, Swanton
Christopher Gooding Smith, Exeter, NH
David Kirshbaum Speer, Swarthmore, PA
Kai David Starn, Pleasant Valley, CT
Joshua M. Stewart, Longmeadow, MA
Joshua Richard Stewart, Bow, NH
Matthew Mihle Stone, Simsbury, CT
Commencement 2009
James Martin Stoops, New Haven, CT
Kathleen Anna Stutzman, Albany, NY
Daniel Ross Swanson, Old Tappan, NJ
Tracy Elizabeth Sylvester, East Sandwich, MA
Allen Andrew Taylor, Holderness, NH
Emily Jean Tompkins, Syracuse, NY
Jamel Martin Torres, Denmark, ME
David Toye, Franklin, MA
Basil George Tsimoyianis, Westport, CT
Katherine Vanek, Dupont, WA
Christopher Michael Waldron, Rindge, NH
Sarah Margaret Wanamaker, Lake George, NY**
Alena Robin Warren, Amherst, NH
Samuel W. Webb, Sunapee, NH
Jacob S. Weissman, Highland Park, NJ
David G. Weller, Baltimore, MD
Maureen E. Whalley, Ellsworth, ME
Erica Ruth Wilson, Shelton, CT
Jamie Lee Wirasnik, Hartland
Reese E. Wisnowski, East Middlebury
Timothy Charles Woods, Loudonville, NY**
John Carl Wilson Worsley III, Bethlehem, PA
Graduate College
Natural Resources
Wayne R. Bouffard, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 1997; Litchfield, CT
Thesis: Collection and Use of Sea Lamprey Migratory Pheromone As An
Attractant Within Tributary Systems
Advisor: Dr. J. Ellen Marsden
Amy Lee Brown, B.S. (University of Arkansas) 2002; Edmond, OK*
Thesis: Pushing Up Daisies: Environmental and Religious Dimensions of
the Green Burial Movement in the United States
Advisor: Stephanie Kaza
Sarah Marie Crow, B.S. (University of Montana) 2003; Washington, D.C.*
Thesis: Why Certify? Understanding The Motivation for Forest Certification
Among Community-Based Forestry Initiatives in Vermont
Advisor: Dr. Cecilia Danks
Agata B. Czermińska, B.A. (Vassar College) 2001; Wayland, MA
Thesis: Transformation of a Coal Economy: Public Attitudes and Climate
Change Policy in Silesia, Poland
Advisor: Dr. Saleem Ali
Delia Dupuis Delongchamp, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2004; M.S.
(Vermont Law School) 2008; Scituate, MA*
Homer L. Elliott, B.S. (Temple University) 1998; Huntington
Thesis: Evaluating the Influences of Soil Calcium and Aluminum
Availability on Ecosystem Processes in the Northern Hardwood Forest
Advisor: Dr. Paul Schaberg
Jesse Fleisher, B.A. (Earlham College) 1998; Nashville, TN*
Shawn Geoffroy, B.S. (Union College) 1998; Derby*
Thesis: Land Tenure Change in the Northern Forest: Understanding
Landowner Perceptions and Behaviors
Advisor: Dr. Walter Kuentzel
Sarah Avery Gordon, B.S. (Marist College) 2006; Knox, NY
Britton B. Haselton, B.A. (Connecticut College) 2003; Bolton**
Thesis: Systematic Conservation Planning for Lakeshore Sites: Comparing
Terrestrial, Freshwater, and Integrated Approaches in a Northern Forest
Advisor: Dr. David Capen
Julia Rose Larouche, B.A. (Assumption College) 2003; Lunenburg, MA**
Thesis: Environmental Influences on the Genetic Diversity of Bacterial
Communities in Arctic Streams
Advisor: Dr. William Breck Bowden
Ashley Anne Lidman, B.A. (Brown University) 2003; Barrington, RI*
Thesis: Vegetation, Neighborhood Satisfaction, and Crime: Case Studies in
Baltimore, MD
Advisor: Dr. Austin Troy
Kathleen Ann Murphy, B.A. (Bryn Mawr College) 2003; Wellfleet, MA
Thesis: Overcoming the Resource Curse in Peru: How Transparency Can
Lead to Sustainable Development
Advisor: Dr. Saleem Ali
Laura R. Nagel, B.S. (Allegheny College) 2007; Pittsburgh, PA
Thesis: Carbon Stocks and Fluxes in Lawns of Different Land-Use Histories
in Chittenden County, Vermont
Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Jenkins
Jared Nunery, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2005; Freeport, ME
Thesis: Forest Carbon Storage in the Northeastern United States: Effects of
Harvesting Frequency and Intensity Including Wood Products
Advisor: Dr. William Keeton
Alexandra Reiss, B.A. (Skidmore College) 2005; Hinesburg**
Thesis: Exploring a Participatory Planning Process for Community
Engagement and Understanding in Chittenden County, Vermont
Advisor: Dr. Austin Troy
Stephen Andrew Wickham Searl, B.S. (Cornell University) 2000; Jamesport, NY
Thesis: A Comparative Case Study of Second Homeowner Perspectives in
Barton and Stowe, Vermont
Advisor: Dr. Patricia Stokowski
Elaine Wang, B.S. (University of California at Berkeley) 2002; Palo Alto, CA**
Thesis: Mapping Policy Drivers: The Formation of Transportation Energy
Policy in Vermont
Advisor: Dr. Clare Ginger
Natural Resources
Kenneth Joseph Bagstad, B.A. (Ohio Wesleyan University) 1999; M.S. (Arizona
State University) 2002; Avon Lake, OH
Dissertation: Ecological Economic Applications For Urban and Regional
Advisor: Dr. Austin Troy
Valerie Esposito, B.A. (American University) 1996; M.A. (Brown University) 2004;
Edison, NJ**
Dissertation: Promoting Ecoliteracy and Ecosystem Management for
Sustainability Through Ecological Economic Tools
Advisors: Dr. Roelof Boumans, Dr. Thomas Hudspeth
Kenneth Joseph Bagstad
Mark Stephen Gately*
Kathleen Ann Murphy
Matthew J. Sayre**
Stephen Andrew Wickham Searl
Sacha Lozano*
*As of October, 2008
**As of February, 2009
Return to Index
Commencement 2009
College of Medicine
Sunday, May 17, 2009
2:30 p.m.
Ira Allen Chapel
Frederick C. Morin, III, M.D., Dean
William W. Pendlebury, M.D., Faculty Marshal
Arthur A. Youssefian, M.D., Class Marshal
Order of Exercises
WELCOME, Frederick C. Morin, III, M.D., Dean
William E. Hopkins, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine;
Director, Adult Congenital and Pulmonary Hypertension Program, Fletcher Allen Health Care
Russell P. Tracy, Ph.D., Senior Associate Dean for Research and Academic Affairs
G. Scott Waterman, M.D., Associate Dean for Student Affairs
STUDENT ADDRESS, Bradley R. Cutler, Class of 2009
Frederick C. Morin, III, M.D., Dean
Nathaniel L. Atkin, B.S., Brandeis University; South Burlington
Travis Marc Bellville, B.S., Colorado State University; Anchorage, AK
Samuel Spencer Blake, B.S., Brigham Young University; Corvallis, OR
Jared Andrew Blum, B.S., Tufts University; Cherry Hills Village, CO
Andrew Clayton Boyer, B.S., St. Lawrence University; Manchester
Rebecca Miriam Brakeley, B.S., Middlebury College; Middlebury
Sara Solof Brownschidle, B.A., Bryn Mawr College; Lawrenceville, NJ
Anna Bramley Catino, B.S., University of Vermont; Hinesburg
Grace W. Chi, B.A., Northwestern University, M.S., Harvard School of
Public Health; Westport, CT
Ariel Holt Clark, B.A., Colgate University; Mercer, ME
Katherine Chamberlaine Clark, B.A., Middlebury College; Royalton
Blake C Clifton, B.S., Brigham Young University; Mapleton, UT
Katherine N.W. Costello, B.A., University of Colorado; Montpelier
Yamara Sheree Coutinho-Sledge, A.B., Smith College; South
Bradley Robert Cutler, B.A., Northwestern University; Long Grove, IL
Scott Lee Davis, B.S., Oregon State University; Salem, OR
Jonathan Donson, B.Sc., University of Reading, Ph.D., John Innes
Institute; West Acre, England
Anne K. Dougherty, B.A., Wesleyan University, M.A., Goddard College;
Elizabeth Dorothy Duncan, B.A., Brandeis University; Essex Junction
John L. Elias, B.S., University of Maine; Brewer, ME
Anna Gerrit Euser, B.A., The Colorado College, Ph.D., University of
Vermont; Fort Lupton, CO††
Katie Fillion, B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology; South
Alison Frank Fitzgerald, B.A., Bates College, M.S.T., Boston College
Lynch School of Education; South Burlington
Natasha N. Frederick, B.A., Colgate University, M.S., Pace University,
M.P.H., Harvard School of Public Health; Scarborough, ME
Christopher James French, B.S., Boston College; Palos Verdes Estates, CA
Karen L. Fromhold, B.A., Hope College, M.A., School for International
Training; Midland, MI
Masaru Furukawa, B.S., M.S., Carnegie Mellon University; Essex
Return to Index
Emily Alexandra Glick, B.A., Barnard College; Westport, CT
Linnea R. Goodman, B.S., Columbia University; Essex Junction
Lorna W. Grant, B.S., Hartwick College; Cambridge, NY
Megan Irene Greenleaf, B.A., Bowdoin College; Norway, ME
Sarah Elizabeth Root Grimm, B.S., University of Rochester; LaFayette, NY
Brian Alexander Hagan, B.A., University of New Hampshire;
Crabapple Cove, ME
Karen Elaine Hannaford, B.S., Arizona State University; Underhill
Lystra Perley Hayden, B.A., University of Michigan; Cape Neddick, ME
Molly Heublein, B.A., Stanford University; Cayucos, CA
Mark A. Horton, B.S., Cornell University; Altoona, PA
James Leung Huang, B.S., B.A., Villanova University; Farmington, CT
Mark A. Hunter, B.A., Colorado College, M.B.A., Daniels College of
Business of the University of Denver; Denver, CO
Elisabeth Ann Sloane Jannicky, B.A., University of Vermont;
Ananda Keefer-Norris, B.A., Goucher College; Northfield
Drew S. Kern, B.A., M.S., University of Colorado; Denver, CO
Robert Schuyler Klein, B.A., DePauw University; Kenilworth, IL
Sophia Kuo, A.B., Williams College; Seattle, WA
Anton Michael Kurtz, B.A., Haverford College; New York, NY
Mark Y. Lee, B.S., University of California, Los Angeles; Cerritos, CA
Patrick Lenehan, B.A., Harvard University; Hingham, MA
Heather Ann Lesage, B.A., University of Vermont; Burlington
Jamie L. Librizzi, B.A., Dartmouth College; Essex
June C. Liu, B.A., University of California, San Diego, M.P.H., Loma
Linda University School of Public Health; Whittier, CA
Sarah J. Lomas, B.A., Wellesley College; Underhill
Erica Bove Mahany, B.A., University of Notre Dame; Rutland
John William Martel, B.S., University of Maine, M.S., Western Michigan
University, Ph.D., University of Maine; Topsham, ME
Anna Carlson McCloy, B.A., Colby College; Westford
Ian C. McCormick, B.A., Williams College; Rutland
Laura Faye McGevna, B.A., Yale University; Roseland, NJ
Dylan M. McKenney, B.A., University of Maine; Auburn, ME
††University of Vermont M.D.-Ph.D. Program
Commencement 2009
Anupama Mehta, B.A., Rutgers University; Matawan, NJ
Russell E. Meyer, B.S., University of Wisconsin; Plymouth, MN
Cody Brad Mickelsen, B.S., Utah State University; Aurora, UT
Kathleen White Murray Mitchell, B.A., College of the Holy Cross;
Worcester, MA
Larry Vincent Najera, III, B.A., University of California, Berkeley;
Van Nuys, CA
Kenneth E. Needham, B.S., George Washington University School of
Medicine and Health Sciences; Lancaster, PA
Gilda Ngo, B.S., Stanford University; Cypress, CA
Joan Nguyen, B.S., Villanova University; Philadelphia, PA
Julie Nicole, B.A., Universite Laval, B.S., Johnson State College;
Quebec City, QC
John Charles Nicolet, B.A., Wittenberg University; Fairfield, CT
Michelle M. Paavola, B.S., University of California, Irvine; Anaheim, CA
Charles S. Parsons, B.A., University of Pennsylvania; Bernardsville, NJ
Monica E. Patton, B.S., Brown University; York, ME
Jared K. Pearson, B.A., Brigham Young University; Salt Lake City, UT
Elisabeth Anne Pierson, B.S., University of Vermont; Island Pond
Justin T. Pitman, B.S., University of Washington; Port Angeles, WA
Jessica Cioffi Pretti, B.A., University of Vermont; Williston
Yelena V. Pyatov, B.S., M.A., University of Iowa; Boston, MA
Rajesh Reddy, B.A.,University of Vermont; Malone, NY
Ornela Rehova, B.S., St. Francis College; NY
Jodi McQuillen Roque, B.A., Davidson College; South Burlington
Nathan S. Rosenberg, B.S., University of Wisconsin; Milwaukee, WI
Lauren Elizabeth Roth, B.A., Berea College; Dayton, OH
Hagop Sarkissian, B.S., California State University, Northridge;
Glendale, CA
Laura M. Sasur, B.A., Mount Holyoke College; Palmer, MA
Jordan M. Sax, B.A., Middlebury College; Cornwall
Ryan John Stephen Sexton, B.A., Bucknell University; Bordentown, NJ
Elizabeth Wisely Siefert, B.S., Oklahoma State University; Portland, OR
Campbell Lamont Stewart, B.A., Colgate University; New York, NY
Stacy Chiappinelli Strouse, B.S., St. Lawrence University; Georgia
Matthew Dutton Sullivan, A.B., Dartmouth College, NH; Roxbury
Cynthia Anne Swartz, A.B., Guilford College, M.M., Indiana
University School of Music; Burlington
Abhilasha Tangada, B.S., University of California, Riverside;
Simi Valley, CA
Sean P. Toussaint, B.A., Saint Michael’s College; Albany, NY
Virginia Janelle Van Duyne, B.A., Gordon College; Holden, MA
Leah Faith Willard, B.S., Gordon College, M.A., Boston University;
Dresden, ME
Curtis L. Witcher, B.A., Emory University, M.A., Boston University
School of Medicine, M.P.H., Emory University; Newnan, GA
Jeffrey C. Worthley, B.S., University of Massachusetts; Saugus, MA
Andrew James Wright, B.S., Brigham Young University; Tucson, AZ
Laurice Tonia Yang, B.A., University of California, Berkeley, M.H.A.,
University of Southern California; San Marino, CA
Arthur Armen Youssefian, B.S., University of California, Los Angeles;
Glendale, CA
Jason J.C. Yu, B.S., North Carolina State University, M.O.P., North
Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine; Cary, NC
Melinda Lynne Yushak, B.A., Northwestern University, M.P.H.,
Emory University; Weathersfield
Bledi Zhaku, B.A., New York University; New York, NY
Graduate College
Matthew Frugé Whelihan, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2003; Colchester
Thesis: Blood Procofactor Proteolysis by Factor Xla
Advisor: Dr. Kenneth Mann
Physiology and Biophysics
Chong Zhang, B.E. (Beijing Institute of Technology) 2005; Dalian, China**
Thesis: A Branched Kinetic Pathway Facilitates the Processivity of Myosin V
Advisor: Dr. David Warshaw
Cell and Molecular Biology
Hatice Deniz Gur, M.D. (Marmara University School of Medicine) 1998; Turkey*
Thesis: Identification of Single Chain Antibodies to Breast Cancer Stem Cells
Using Phage Display
Advisor: Dr. David Krag
Bradley Thomas Heron, B.S. (Georgia Institute of Technology) 2004; Augusta, GA
Thesis: Evidence of a Novel Entamoeba Histolytica Lectin Involved in
Phagocytosis: Gal/GalNAc Lectin Independent Recognition of Carbohydrate
Moieties Found on Ovalbumin
Advisor: Dr. Christopher Houston
Shivkumar Raidas, B.T. (Anna University) 2003; Wardha, India
Thesis: The Interactions of cGMP-Dependent Protein Kinase With Novel,
Peptidic Substrates and Inhibitors
Advisor: Dr. Wolfgang Dostmann
Lee David Stirling, B.S. (Hobart and William Smith College) 2002; Winooski**
Thesis: Dual Roles for RHOS/RHO-Kinase in the Regulated Trafficking of A
Voltate-Sensitive Potassium Channel
Advisor: Dr. Anthony D. Morielli
Anatomy and Neurobiology
Anton Delwig, Diploma (Moscow State University) 1995; M.A. (University of
Iowa) 2000; Moscow, Russia*
Dissertation: Delta-Notch Signaling: Functional and Mechanistic
Studies of Receptor and Ligand Proteolysis and Endocytosis
Advisor: Dr. Matthew Rand
Mary Beth Klinger, B.S. (Clarkson University) 2003; Elmira, NY*
Dissertation: Neuroplasticity of Micturition Reflex Pathways with
Cyclophosphamide-Induced Cystitis
Advisor: Dr. Margaret Vizzard
Phani M. Gummadidala, B.Pharm. (Nagarjuna University) 2001; M.S. (Idaho State
University) 2004; Visakhapatnam, India
Thesis: Role of Nuclear Factor kB in Regulation of Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1a
and Angiogenesis
Advisor: Dr. Karen Lounsbury
Shaina L. Byrne, B.S. (Stonehill College) 2004; Chelmsford, Massachusetts
Dissertation: Investigation of the Molecular Basis of Receptor
Mediated Iron Release from Transferrin
Advisor: Dr. Anne Mason
Nicholas Grant James, B.S. (Saint Michael’s College) 2004; Bellows Falls
Dissertation: Probing the Dynamic Conformational Changes of
Human Serum Transferrin Using Intrinsic Tryptophan Fluorescence
Advisor: Dr. Anne Mason
Jon Eric Ramsey, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 1998; Middlebury*
Dissertation: Biophysical Characterization of the Sequence-Specific
Single-Stranded DNA-Binding Properties of Mouse Purβ: A Repressor
of Smooth Muscle a-Actin Gene Expression
Advisor: Dr. Robert Kelm
*As of October, 2008
**As of February, 2009
Return to Index
Commencement 2009
Cell and Molecular Biology
Whittney Dotzler Barkhuff, B.S. (University of California, Los Angeles) 2002;
Saratoga, NY
Dissertation: Exploring Unique Aspects of Apicomplexan Cell
Biology Using Molecular Genetic and Small Molecule Approaches
Advisor: Dr. Gary Ward
Christopher Matthew Bradbury, A.B. (Washington University, Saint Louis)
1999; St. Louis, MO*
Dissertation: Characterization of Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand
(CCL3) and Pulmonary and Activation-Regulated Chemokine (PARC)
as Novel Tumor Suppressors in Melanoma
Advisor: Dr. Marcus Bosenberg
David Patrick Curley, B.S. (University of Massachusetts Amherst) 2001;
Barnstable, MA*
Dissertation: Characterizing the Roles of Braf, Pten and Cdkn2a in
Novel Mouse Models of Melanoma Formation and Progression
Advisor: Dr. Marcus Bosenberg
Ammon M. Fager, B.S. (University of Southern California) 1998; Essex
Dissertation: Unique Mechanisms Regulating Thrombin Generation
on the Activated Platelet Membrane
Advisor: Dr. Paula Tracy
Ketki M. Hatle, B.V.Sc. (Bombay Veterinary College) 2000; M.V.Sc. (Indian
Veterinary Research Institute) 2004; Mumbai, India
Dissertation: Role of Methylation Controlled DNAJ Protein (MCJ) in
Cancer and Immune Response
Advisor: Dr. Mercedes Rincon
Aoife Therese Heaslip, B.S. (University College Dublin) 2002; Dublin, Ireland*
Dissertation: Identification of Small Molecule Effectors of the
Toxoplasma Gondii Glideosome
Advisor: Dr. Gary Ward
Truc Thi Minh Nguyen, B.A. (University of California, Davis) 1994; B.A.
(University of California, Davis) 1994; San Jose, CA*
Dissertation: In Vivo, Genotoxicity and Selection Associated With
Thiopurine Treatment in Subjects With Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Advisor: Dr. Barry Finette
Sara Paveglio, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 1996; M.S. (Georgia State
University) 2003; Portland, ME**
Dissertation: Immune Modulation of CD4+ T Cells- Implications for
Allergic Airway Disease
Advisor: Dr. Matthew Poynter
*As of October, 2008
**As of February, 2009
Return to Index
Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
Karen C. Cole, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2002; Jericho*
Dissertation: The S. cerevisiae RHO GTPase Cdc42p is Spatially
Regulated by Complex Formation with its GDl Rdi1p and Localization of
its GEF Cdc24p
Advisor: Dr. Douglas Johnson
Molly Coseno, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2001; Colchester**
Dissertation: The Investigation of Cleavage Factor Im by Crystallographic
and Biochemical Techniques
Advisor: Dr. Sylvie Doublié
Julie Ann Hathaway, B.S. (University of New Hampshire) 1996; Newton, MA
Dissertation: Analysis of the Genotoxic Effects of Therapeutic Intervention
in Children and Young Adults with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Advisor: Dr. Barry Finette
Amalthiya Prasad, B.Sc. (University of Madras) 1999; M.Sc. (University of Madras)
2001; Sammamish, WA*
Dissertation: Base Excision Repair in Chromatin
Advisor: Dr. David Pederson
Commencement 2009
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Sunday, May 17, 2009
11:45 a.m.
Ira Allen Chapel
Betty Rambur, Ph.D., RN, Dean
Louis M. Izzo, MS, CNMT, Faculty Marshal
Sharon Henry, PT, Ph.D., Assistant Marshal
Rebecca Montgomery, CNM, MSN, Assistant Marshal
Stuart Whitney, Ed.D., RN, CNS, Assistant Marshal
Order of Exercises
PROCESSIONAL, David Neiweem, D.M.A., Organist
OPENING, Louis M. Izzo, MS, CNMT, Faculty Marshal
GREETINGS, Betty Rambur, Ph.D., RN, Dean
STUDENT ADDRESS, Megan M. Heffernan, Class of 2009
Betty Rambur, Ph.D., RN, Dean
NAME READER, Brian Reed, Ph.D., PT, Associate Dean
RECEPTION, Billings Center, North Lounge
Athletic Training
Michael Shea DeKens, Johnson
Rebecca Rose Handel, East Hartford, CT
Megan Marie Heffernan, Bristol
Katrina Marie Howe, Gilford, NH
Emily Jean Knudsen, Amsterdam, NY
Margaret Lesnikoski, Fletcher
Jonathan Vincent Spagnolo, Shelburne**
Exercise and Movement Science
Amanda Joyce Ameden, Bondville
Eric Carter, Minneapolis, MN
Andrea C. Cihal, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Gregory Delbridge, Bucksport, ME
Kyle Robert Cho Jablonski, West Rutland
Corey Ellsworth LeBlanc, Barre
Daniel William Madgwick, Castleton
Jonathan Mangan, Westford, MA**
Ryan Andrew Riggs, Essex Junction
Amy Marie Steadman, Burlington
Kyrie Jay Weiss, Jeffersonville
Medical Laboratory Science
George Bailey Caldwell, Libertyville, IL
Bre Ana McCall David, Bronx, NY
Samantha Marie Garcia, Rehoboth, MA
Kristina Mae Henderson, Williamstown
Bridget Taylor Kreger, Narragansett, RI
Michael Joseph Lahey, Derry, NH
Brittney Anne Mailhot, North Andover, MA
Priyam Vijay Patel, Westfield, MA
Timothy Nicholas Perkins, Haverhill, MA
Elise N. Robertson, Brookline, NH
Ana Carmina Vargas, Bronx, NY
Shannon Marie Weeks, Colchester
Christopher Wilcox, Essex
Nuclear Medicine Technology
Sarah E. Anderson, Warwick, RI
Corey Owen Brace, Highgate
Jessica Theresa Caron, Essex Junction
Hayley Diane Crosby, Cranberry Twp., PA
Hannah A. Tewhill, Morristown
Giang Huong Vu, Burlington
Sweba Zangwio, Bronx, NY
Caitlin Marie Adams, White River Junction
Deborah Ann Amero, Townsend, MA
Lauren Frances Anderson, Essex
Peter Joseph App, Burlington, MA
Chelsea Lynne Ashline, Westford
Agnes Attah, Bronx, NY
Stephanie Marie Badalucco, Lyme, CT
Claudia J. Ballway, Boxford, MA
Kaley Smith Barcomb, Colchester
Alyson Barry Bletzer, Darien, CT
Chidi Emeka Boston, Aba, Nigeria
Christie E. Bronder, North Berwick, ME
Kate Lorraine Bryant, Rutland
Anita Buabeng, Bronx, NY
Nicholas A. Chambers-Maher, Bedford, MA
Caitlin Jean Clairmont, Portsmouth, NH
Amy Lynn Crowley, Rutland*
Jaimie Elena Demars, Morrisville
Dennise Dawn Demers, East Hardwick
Zachary J. Foutz, Hinesburg
Holly Mae Fulmer, Rye, NY
Caitlin Marie Gasser, Ramsey, NJ
Barbara B. Giebink, Shelburne
Kimberly A. Haley, Glenville, NY**
Jeffrey Michael Hutchins, Barre
Jennifer Ruth Jaffe, Bow, NH
Calandra Rae Johnston, Waterbury Center
Allison Elizabeth Jones, Waterbury
Elisa Klan, Milton
MaTenneh Catherine Kollie, Burlington
Martha Eileen Korbet, Weathersfield
Jeffrey Louis Ladue, Moretown
Sophie Backus Levy, Burlington
Tara E. Lewis, Rutland*
Carissa Margaret Lovesky, Granby, CT
Grace Elizabeth Lynch, Burlington
Wendy Tamara MacAuley, Williamstown
Sara Elizabeth Magnus, Waterbury
Liza Marie Martin, Rutland
Colleen Frances McColgan, Marshfield, MA
Carly Ann McDonnell, Clinton, CT
Abigail Tara Meyer, Peru
Devon Marlene Miner, Hinesburg
Eliza Warfield Murphy, Parkton, MD
Dorey Lynne Myers, Winooski
Julia Noelani Nakos, Essex
Sarah Frances Norman, White Hall, MD
Elisha Ann O’Neil, Londonderry, NH
Lindsey Smith Orzech, Milton
Ashley Ford Paula, Nahant, MA
Sarah Gould Plunkett, Essex
Kate Elizabeth Ramsey, Littleton, NH
Jessica Jean-Marie Rappeno, Pittsford*
Elena Marie Rizza, Palo Alto, CA
Colleen Rose Schmitt, Hingham, MA
Cordelia Felicity Schore, Titusville, NJ
Sarah Sophia Shappy, New Haven
Jessica Lee Sheridan, Franklin, MA
Amy Jo F. Shute, Middlebury*
Shauna Marie Signer, Weare, NH
Katelyn Solkoske, Meriden, CT
Kathryn L. Strong, Rochester, NY
Haley Ryan Swanson, Westford, MA
Amy Lynne Tewksbury, Bow, NH
Emily Maureen Tilden, Greenlawn, NY
Janna Elizabeth Trombley, Burlington
Pamela Joy Trombley, West Chazy, NY
Rachel Elizabeth Villa, Las Cruces, NM
Melissa Rose Weinberger, South Burlington
Samantha Rae Wheeler, Lyndonville
Radiation Therapy
Caeli Ann Decker, Johnstown, NY
Carrie Lynn Gilbert, Williamstown
Nicole M. Marrocco, Carthage, NY
Christopher R. May, Plaistow, NH
Erin Nicole Vellek, Burlington
Truc Vo, Essex
Post-Bachelor of Science Certificate
Medical Laboratory Science
Erin Kathleen Crowe, Burlington
Maria Eugenia Ramos Nino, Milton
Emmanuel Danso Nsiah, Burlington
Beth Ann Young, Burlington
*As of October 2008
**As of February 2009
Return to Index
Commencement 2009
Graduate College
Alice Day, B.S.N. (State University of New York) 1995; Montpelier
Kathryn Robinson George, B.S. (Champlain College) 2005; Shelburne
Sally Kathryn Mathieson, B.S. (University of Oregon) 1994; M.A. (Goddard
College) 1998; Cabot
Thesis: Suffering: Addressing Cause and Cure Through the Lens of
Tibetan Psychiatric Medicine
Advisor: Dr. Marcia Ellen Ring
Alexis B. Ressler, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2003; M.Ed. (The University
of Vermont) 2005; St. Louis, MO
Thesis: Integrating the Art and Science of Nursing: Reflections of a
Reflective Practitioner
Advisor: Dr. Judith Cohen
*As of October, 2008
**As of February, 2009
Return to Index
DOCTOR of Physical Therapy
Rebecca Ruth Brown, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Livingston, NJ
Leigh Cartwright, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Dover-Foxcroft, ME
Ashley E. Chagnon, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2006; Swanton*
Nicole M. Collette, B.A. (Regis College) 2006; Swanzey, NH
Jennifer Elizabeth Dalley, B.A. (Middlebury College) 2002; East Burke
James A. Godin, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Westbrook, ME
Lloyd L. Graves, B.S. (State University of New York) 1998; Rochester, NY
James Halbert, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Naugatuck, CT
Ali Omaraie Hamedani, B.S. (University of Massachusetts) 2005; Natick, MA
Scott Thomas Hannigan, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Westbrook, ME
Courtney L. Iverson, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Hinesburg
Erin Miceli, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2007; South Burlington
Caitlyn Lizabeth Sanderson, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Readsboro
Palak Shah, B.S. (Nirma Institute of Technology) 2000; M.S. (University of Texas
– Arlington) 2003; Gujarat, India
Patsy Tyler, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2005; Swanton
Emily A. Verbridge, B.S. (Rochester Institute of Technology) 2002; Burlington
Holly Wakefield, B.S. (Gordon College) 2005; Essex Junction
Raymon S. Webster, IV, B.S. (Unity College) 1998; Warren, MA
Commencement 2009
University Awards of the Year
to Seniors and Graduate Students
THE F.T. KIDDER MEDAL, established in memory of Dr. F.T. Kidder, 1880,
a trustee of the university, to be awarded to the senior man ranking first in
character, leadership and scholarship:
2009: To be announced 2008: Gregory M. Rheault
THE MARY JEAN SIMPSON AWARD presented to the senior woman who best
exemplifies the qualities of leadership, academic competence and character that
Mary Jean Simpson strove to set before the women at the university during her
tenure as Dean of Women:
2009: To be announced 2008: Kesha K. Ram
THE CLASS OF 1967 AWARD presented to the senior who best exhibits
leadership, academic competence and character, and who has earned the respect
of faculty and fellow students:
2009: To be announced 2008: Channel Hamilton
DaVaughn M. Vincent-Bryan
THE KEITH M. MISER LEADERSHIP AWARD established in 1989 and present in
recognition of outstanding service to the University of Vermont:
2009: To be announced
2008: Rachel Gilbert Hopkins
Andrew Kehl
THE ELMER NICHOLSON ACHIEVEMENT PRIZE recognizes the greatness of the
student’s UVM experience, and based on this greatness of experience, there is
an expectation that the student will make a major contribution in their field of
2009: To be announced
2008: Ashley Michelle Fowler
Joseph Thomas
THE J. EDWARD DONNELLY AWARD established in 1992 and awarded annually
to a senior female and male athlete whose athletic performance during their
tenure at the university has distinguished them as one of the University of
Vermont’s most outstanding athletes:
Juergen Uhl (Nordic skiing)
Kristen Millar (lacrosse)
THE HENRY SEAMANS TROPHY awarded annually to a senior female and male
athlete who have earned the respect and regard of fellow students for leadership,
loyalty and service to the university and for active participation in athletics:
Dean Strong (hockey)
Jilyne McDonald (Alpine skiing)
senior female and male athlete who, throughout their college days, have best
exemplified the qualities of character, leadership and persistence in overcoming
Lee Stephane Kouadio (soccer)
Sarah DeStefano (lacrosse)
THE WASSON ATHLETIC PRIZE awarded annually to a senior female and male
athlete who have maintained the highest standards of academic scholarship and
athletic attainment:
Connor Tobin (soccer)
Diana Purtz (cross country)
THE JEFF STONE AWARD is presented to the male and female student-athlete
in any class who, throughout their involvement in campus leadership and/or
community service activities, has represented the highest ideals of educational
sport and has had a significant and lasting impact upon the UVM Community:
Tom Cheney (cross country)
Brittanie Booker (field hockey)
Benjamin Gaskill Bezark, How and To What Extent Can a Participatory Visioning
Process Lead to Organizational Change at WRUV? An Action Oriented Approach to
Research. Advisor: Chris Koliba, Ph.D.
Caitlin Ann Cooper, Constructs for an Improved Model of Mammary Gland
Bioreactors to Produce Therapeutic Proteins. Advisor: Zhongzong Pan, Ph.D.
Marlow Allyce Duffy, Exploring Marketing Strategies for Agricultural Tourism
Farmers in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the State of Vermont. Advisor:
Chyi-Lyi Kathleen Liang, Ph.D.
Jennifer Marie Fricke, The Geographic Genetic Differentiation of a Malaria
Parasite and Its’ Lizard Host. Advisor: Joseph J. Schall, Ph.D.
Emily Joy Gassman, Levels of Caspase Activity Influences the Fate of a T Cell.
Advisor: Karen Fortner, Ph.D., Ralph Budd, Ph.D., Thomas McFadden, Ph.D.
Zoe Connolly Kosmas, TEJPA Women’s Papermaking Cooperative in Honduras: A
Project on International Market Promotion. Advisor: Daniel Baker, Ph.D.
Samantha Lederfine Paskal, Contributions form Vermont Watershed Organizations
to Mexico: A Case Study of the La Antigua Watershed in Veracruz, Mexico. Advisor:
Marta Ceroni, Ph.D., Anjanette DeCarlo
Andrea Jane Rawley, A Closer Look at Food Service Systems. Advisor: Amy
Trubek, Ph.D.
Kate Marcella Riley, Food Security and the Role of Community in the Dominican
Republic. Advisor: Donald Ross, Ph.D.
Cara Anne Sengebush, A Proposed Study on the Effects of a Tele-Based Home
Exercise Program on Independence, Number of Falls and Participation Rates in
Seniors: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Advisor: Ge Wu, Ph.D.
Michael Skillicorn, Relationship Coffee: How Building Relationships Can Make
Trade Fair. Advisor: V. Ernesto Mendez, Ph.D.
Marlow A. Duffy, Exploring Marketing Strategies and Potential for Agricultural
Tourism Farmers in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Advisor: Kathleen
Liang, Ph.D.
Mark J. Freedman, Micro-computed Tomography Imaging of Intervertebral
Transport and Structure. Advisor: Dr. James Iatridis
Jennifer M. Fricke, Geographic Genetic Differentiation of a Malaria Parasite and its
Lizard Host: An Opportunity for Local Adaptation? Advisor: Joseph Schall, Ph.D.
Christopher J. Graves, Maternal Effect Over Caste in Pogonomyrmex Harvester Ants:
A Role for Juvenile Hormone. Advisors: Sarah Cahan, Ph.D.; Donald Stratton, Ph.D.
Katelyn E. McLaughlin, Biofilm Formation by Clinical and Laboratory Candida
Strains. Advisor: Douglas Johnson, Ph.D.
Erin E. Osmanski, The Use of ClariFly Larvicide to Reduce Fly Populations in
Dairy Operations in Vermont in 2008. Advisor: Catherine Ballard, M.S.
Michael Skillicorn, Relationship-Based Coffee: Fostering Equitable Trade Through
Communication and Trust. Advisor: Ernesto Mendez, Ph.D.
Jessica I. Spiltoir, Examination of the Incorporation of conjugated Linoleic Acid
Isomers in Various Mouse Tissues and Their Impact on Long Chain Polyunsaturated
Fatty Acid Metabolish. Advisor: Adam Lock, Ph.D.
Amanda Buck, Effects of Frequent Milking During Early Lactation on Subsequent
Milk Yield of Holstein Cows or Heifers. Faculty Mentor: Thomas McFadden, Ph.D.
Jonathan Mejia, Niche overlap between spiders and the norther pitcher plant
(Sarracenia purpurea) in Tom Swamp. Faculty Mentors: Nicholas Gotelli, Ph.D.;
Aaron Ellison, Ph.D.
ELMER TOWNE AWARD presented annually by the Vermont Dairy Industry
Association to that student whose work in the field of dairy science shows the
greatest promise for providing the quality leadership exemplified by Elmer E. Towne
in his life of service to the dairy industry:
Eila M. Susskind
Return to Index
Commencement 2009
GEORGE H. WALKER AWARD presented annually by faculty vote to members
of the graduating class of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences who
have majored in animal science, who exhibit conspicuous merit in the studies
pertaining to dairy science, and especially in those courses relating to the
production and/or processing of market milk, and who furthermore exhibit high
and noble traits of leadership and character:
Coral E. Kent-Dennis
Jordan E. Crasilneck
Michael W. Kirk
DONALD J. BALCH AWARD presented annually to that student making the
greatest contribution to the equine or companion animal activities of the
Department of Animal Science:
Briana R. Clark
in recognition of academic excellence and professional growth:
Katelyn E. McLaughlin
sophomores, juniors, and seniors whose academic record, scholastic efforts and
character warrant recognition as the future leaders in the field of animal science.
Graduating seniors named to the society are:
Andrew W. Birch
Danielle E. Funaro
Briana R. Clark Valerie A. Koenig
Abbey L. Dattilio
Sarah D. Muntyan
Coral E. Kent-Dennis
Advisors for fall 2008 and spring 2009 with a big thanks for their time and effort!
The award is presented for their dedication, responsible leadership, and friendly
attitude that Brett exemplified as a 1990 CREAMer as well as for their excellence
in teaching and advising the 2008-2009 CREAMers and in passing on the CREAM
Fall 2008: Coral E. Kent-Dennis
Spring 2009: Amy I. Keiser
ANIMAL SCIENCE FACULTY AWARD in recognition of scholastic performance,
outstanding achievements in undergraduate research, and service to the
Department of Animal Science:
Valerie A. Koenig
or students who possess a genuine love of horses and display the energy and
enthusiasm shown by Triona for UVM Horse Barn activies:
Miranda L. Barlett
SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARD presented to students who have earned the
highest scholastic average in their respective classes starting in the second year:
James R. Berry
The following awards are presented to the graduating senior(s) with the highest
scholastic grade point average in recognition of their continuous academic
excellence and outstanding professional potential:
Joseph J. Hardie
Tate B. Morris
Emily H. Falta
Jonathan W. Maddison
Rachel K. Brett
Zoe C. Kosmos
SCHOLASTIC RECOGNITION of the top ten percent of seniors with a major in
Community Development and Applied Economics based on cumulative grade
point average:
Benjamin G. Bezark
Samantha Lederfine Paskal
Conor W. Casey
Jonathan W. Maddison
Marlow A. Duffy
Tate B. Morris
Emily H. Falta
Michael Skillicorn
Jonathan M. Kyle
Return to Index
AWARD in recognition of academic excellence and professional growth:
Jacob D. McFadden
the department faculty to the graduating senior with the highest scholastic
grade point average in recognition of their continuous academic excellence and
outstanding professional potential:
Kevin A. Stanton
the fall semester to a student majoring in dietetics or nutrition and food sciences
whose continuous academic excellence, financial need, and demonstrated
potential for success in a career in human nutrition has distinguished her or him
from their peers:
Danielle M. Bois
AGNES T. POWELL AWARD presented annually to graduating seniors majoring
in dietetics who have demonstrated qualities indicating outstanding professional
promise and potential:
Jessie A. Curran
BERTHA TERRILL AWARD was created as a tribute to Miss Bertha M. Terrill and
her 31 years of service at UVM. Bertha Terrill is remembered as the founding
chair of the Department of Home Economics, the first Dean of Women and the
first woman full professor at UVM. The purpose of this award is to recognize a
student(s) who shows special academic promise and achievement:
Morgan J. Rivers
BLAIR WILLIAMS AWARD to the graduating senior who best exemplifies the
qualities of Professor Williams’ excellence in the areas of human nutrition and
food, and her deep concern for people.
Brianne M. Keefe
graduating senior(s) who has excelled in undergraduate research while
maintaining high academic standards and has demonstrated outstanding potential
for a career in either basic or applied research in nutrition and food sciences:
Dana R. Notte
Dietetics Association. Its purpose is to recognize the emerging leadership and
achievement of students in association-accredited dietetics education programs
and encourage their participation in The American Dietetics Association.
Leadership and professional potential are assessed through honors, student
dietetic association activities, and community service activities:
Danielle S. Pothier
LEWIS RALPH JONES AWARD given to a student in recognition of academic
excellence in Plant Sciences. This decision is divided between Plant and Soil
Sciences, Forestry, and Plant Biology:
Hilary C. Kessler
SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE AWARD presented by faculty in the Department of
Plant Biology each year to a senior(s) in the department with a superior academic
record and investment in research and teaching activities of the department:
Timothy M. Perez
Commencement 2009
AWARD presented by the Department of Plant and Soil Science to an outstanding
student with an interest in agronomy, soils, or sustainable agriculture:
Kate E. Turcotte
AWARD presented to the student(s) who are in the top 15% in their junior or
senior class and are active in campus organization, clubs and/or provide service
to their department:
Benjamin M. Crockett
Lydia A. Petty
HORTICULTURE STUDENT AWARD recognizes an exceptional undergraduate
horticulture student. The award is based on academic achievement, leadership
ability, participation in campus activities and service to their department:
Kate E. Turcotte
W.H. DARROW HORTICULTURE PRIZE is presented to an outstanding junior or
senior in recognition of superior performance in horticultural science:
Benjamin M. Crockett
of James Ludlow, class of 1987, to provide scholarship awards to deserving
students with preference given to those studying horticulture:
Christopher A. Simard
Kate E. Turcotte
outstanding student exhibiting excellence in the classroom as an undergraduate
teaching assistant:
Kaitlin M. Harris
Lauren D. Abda
Samantha Lederfine-Paskal
Benjamin G. Bezark
Kara D. Lennon
Danielle M. Bois
Elizabeth M. Moquin
Adam A. Clark
Dana R. Notte
Mimosa M. Collins
Diana Pirolo
Jessie A. Curran
Kate M. Riley
Marlow A. Duffy
Morgan J. Rivers
Brianne M. Keefe
Alison R. Siemianowski
Amy L. Keiser
Lindsay S. Stephens
Michael W. Kirk
Julie M. Swenson
Frances H. Lang
Kate E. Turcotte
To be announced at Commencement
Steven Babbin, Activation of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis by repeated
direct stimulation in the dorsal raphe nucleus. Advisor: Sayamwong Hammack, Ph.D.
Emelie Bailey, The Geography of HIV/AIDS Care: A comparative case study of
Kawempe Home Care Initiative, Uganda and Vermont CARES, USA. Advisor: Glen
Elder, Ph.D.
John Bennett, Deconstructing Masculinity in the Spy Thriller. Advisor: Sarah
Nilsen, Ph.D.
Claire Bollinger, Exercise effects on forebrain- and cerebellum-dependent learning
in a rodent model of ADHD. Advisor: John GreenPh.D.
Kathryn Boolukos, Meanings of Womanhood in the 12th Century: The Case of
Heloise. Advisor: Sean Field, Ph.D.
Michael Bottiggi, Inevitability and the Spanish Reconquista: The Fight for a
Christian Spain in the Medieval Iberian Mind (883-1492). Advisor: Flora Cassen, Ph.D.
Luke Brindamour, Regulation of Cell Proliferation by hER-B and its Role in Breast
Cancer. Advisor: Zhongzong Pan, Ph.D.
Matthew Brown, Tuned In and Turned On: Radio Usage in the Digital Age.
Advisor: Luis Vivanco, Ph.D.
Gwen Buel, Characterization of Regulated Tyrosine Phosphorylation on Collapsin
Response Mediator Proteins. Advisor: Bryan Ballif, Ph.D.
Montana Burns, Acrobatic training and cerebellar-dependent learning in a role
model of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Advisor: John Green, Ph.D.
Elizabeth Butler, SVO I OVS: Cracking the Code: The First Noun Strategy in the
Acquisition of Spanish as a Second Language. Advisor: Guillermo Rodriguez, M.A.
Grace Cameron, Analysis of Fourteenth Century Pueblo Pottery from Fourmile
Ruin, Arizona. Advisor: Scott Van Keuren, Ph.D.
Caitlin Chase, Solar is a Solution! The development of a renewable energy
curriculum at Brewster-Pierce Memorial School. Advisors: Katharine Anderson, Ph.D.,
Stephanie Kaza, Ph.D.
John Contompasis, The Role of Flightin in Drosophila Native Thick Filament
Flexural Rigidity and Structure. Advisor: Jim Vigoreaux, Ph.D.
Kara Cummings, Contagion Modeling. Advisor: Peter Dodds
Kari Dalane, Objectivity in Moral Language. Advisor: Don Loeb, Ph.D.
Christine DeAngelis, Women of War: Women Correspondents During Vietnam
War. Advisor: Deborah Ellis, M.F.A.
Max DeLeon, What Practical Difference Does it Make Whether Moral Irrealism is
True? Advisor: Don Loeb, Ph.D.
John Dennison, The Economic Origins of Rawls’ Original Position. Advisor: Abu
Rizvi, Ph.D.
Maria Dirolf, Entertainment Evolution: Why We Still Do Theatre. Advisor: Jeff
Modereger, M.F.A.
Stephanie Fakharzadeh, Food for Thought: The Edible Schoolyard New Orleans
and its Role in Community Development. Advisor: Stephanie Kaza, Ph.D.
Hannah Fjeld, Discovering Morocco: Guidebooks and the Maghreb in the
European Imagination. Advisor: Reecia Orzeck, M.F.A.
Anthony Garden, A Contemporary Look at the Agency-Transaction Cost Hypothesis
for Finding The Optimal Dividend Payout Ratio. Advisors: Arthur Woolf, Ph.D.,
Stephen Dempsey, Ph.D.
Danielle Geno, The relationship between training and practice for speechlanguage pathologists working with young children with autism spectrums disorder
(ASD). Advisors: Patricia Prelock, Ph.D., Barry Guitar, Ph.D.
Jennifer Glenister, Individual based model of factors influencing the territorial
boundary between the harvester ant Pogonomyrmex rugosus and related hybrid
lineage. Advisor: Sara Helms Cahan, Ph.D.
Jason Gold, Residents’ Attitudes Toward the Development of Sugarbush Resort: A
Community Impact Study. Advisor: Cecilia Danks, Ph.D.
Sarah Gulezian, Environmental Politics in Argentina: the Ley de Bosques. Advisor:
Caroline Beer, Ph.D.
Kameron Harris, Complex Systems Modeling of Regime Change in Chaotic
Convection. Advisor: Chris Danforth, Ph.D.
Colleen Hertz, Integrated Permaculture Design for the Batey Libertad Community
Garden. Advisor: Ian Worley, Ph.D.
Robin Hicks, Using Molecular Ecology to Control Chagas Disease in Guatemala:
Genetic Population Structure of the insect vector Triatoma dimidiate. Advisor: Lori
Stevens, Ph.D.
Jennifer Horwitz, Emotion Regulation Using the Silver Drawing Test. Advisor:
William Falls, Ph. D.
Kenna Jacobs, The Uncertainty of Truth: A Look into the Past. Advisor: Greg
Bottoms, M.F.A.
Peter Johannessen, Beyond Modernization Theory: Democracy and Development
in Contemporary Latin America. Advisor: Travis Nelson, Ph.D.
Emma Kennedy, Sex-positive deviance? A comparison between the sexual
attitudes of heterosexual and queer females. Advisor: Paul Deslandes, Ph.D.
Cathryn Koptiuch, Strategies for the Heterologous Expression, Purification, and
Functional Analysis of the Toxoplasma gondii MyosinA Protein (TgMyoA). Advisors:
Joseph Schall, Ph.D., Gary Ward, Ph.D.
Sara Krumminga, Collective Memories in a Divided Nation: Memorials to AntiNazi Resistance in East and West Germany. Advisor: Jonathan Huener, Ph.D.
Julie Kwok, Horseradish Peroxidase Loaded Acid-Prepared Mesoporous Silica as a
Model for Uptake and Release. Advisor: Christopher Landry, Ph.D.
Theresa LaFay, Stories Through Osmosis: Reading and Writing the American
Short Story. Advisor: David Huddle, M.F.A.
Paige Leenstra, Protein Engineering and Mechanistic Studies on HistidyltRNA Synthetase from Escherichia coli. Advisors. Christopher Francklyn, Ph.D.,
Christopher Landry, Ph.D.
Nicholas Light, Employment of Greek Cultural Law in the Enforcement of Foreign
Policy in the Fifth and Fourth Centuries B.C.E. Advisor: Barbara Rodgers, Ph.D.
Matthew Little, Durable Peace: A Comparative Case Analysis of Modern Civil Wars
in Africa. Advisor: Peter VonDoepp, Ph.D.
Lily Lovinger, What is the Relationship Between Structural Adjustment Programs
and Democracy? Advisor: Peter VonDoepp, Ph.D.
Andrew Mallon, Compositional Structure in Improvised Music. Advisor: Alex
Stewart, Ph.D.
Return to Index
Commencement 2009
TO ALL-TRANS RETINOIC ACID. Advisor: Christopher Francklyn, Ph.D.
Greta Mattessich, Expressions of Ancient Chinese Poetry. Advisor: John Jing-hua
Yin, Ph.D.
Talaya McCright-Gill, Brain Processing of Emotional Information in Transgender
Individuals. Advisors: Julie Dumas, Ph.D., Larry Rudiger, Ph.D.
Claire McKown, Supervising Street Sensibilities: On the Intersection of the Curator,
the Community, and Graffiti. Advisor: Kelley DiDio, Ph.D.
Ike Messmore, Is Mill’s “Harm Principle” Fundamentally Deontological? Advisor:
Alex Zakaras, Ph.D.
Allison Neal, Sex ratio of the lizard malaria parasite Plasmodium mexicanum: role
of clonal diversity. Advisor: Joseph Schall, Ph.D.
Katherine Nopper, Obedience in Politics: Ardendt’s Two Theories of Political
Judgment. Advisor: Patrick Neal, Ph.D.
Grace O’Keeffe, A Study of the History of Jewish Meditation: Theory and Practice.
Advisor: Richard Sugarman, Ph.D.
Samantha Palley, Flannery O’Conner and the Use of Violence. Advisor: Tony
Magistrale, Ph.D.
Laura Pedro, Tragedy into Art: The Canadian Aboriginal Residential School
Experience Expressed Through Fiction. Advisor: David Massell, Ph.D.
Jacquelyn Pless, Corruption and Its Threat to Learning: A Cross-Country Analysis.
Advisor: Elaine McCrate, Ph.D.
Bretton Reis, A Play by Bretton Reis. Advisor: Lynne Greeley, Ph.D.
Jessica Rock, Understanding a Sense of Place in the World and Society Through
Literature: The Insights and Philosophy of Emilie Carles. Advisor: Joseph
Acquisto, Ph.D.
Monique Rogals, The maintenance of the barrier function of blood clots:
the contribution of old and new thrombin. Advisors: Kenneth Mann, Ph.D.,
Christopher Landry, Ph.D.
Heather Rowles, French: Les grands événements qui ont transformé le français
parlé au Québec du “français canadien” au “français québécois” English: The
major events that transformed the French spoken in Quebec from “Canadian
French” to “Quebecois French.” Advisor: Andre Senecal, Ph.D.
Jacqueline Ryan, She’s Still There. Advisor: Steve Budington, M.F.A.
Maggie Sager, The Effect of Pressure on Human Thoracic Aortic Wall
Remodeling: Reactive Oxygen Species Induction of the MAP Kinase Pathway.
Advisor: Joseph Schmoker, Ph.D.
Christine San Antonio, Effects of carbon and nitrogen resource enhancement
to Pennisetum ruppelli (Poaceae) on investment in defensive compounds against
ungulate herbivores. Advisor: Alison Brody, Ph.D.
Kimberly Shane, Pleasures of the Bitten Peach: An Exploration of Gender and
Sexuality in Late Imperial China. Advisor: Thomas Borchert, Ph.D.
John Soltys, The Role of Nicotinic Receptor Trafficking in Controlling
Programmed Cell Death During Development. Advisor: Rae Nishi, Ph.D.
Mary Stewart, “Let us possesse one world”: A Defense of John Donne’s
Depiction of Women in his Love Poetry. Advisor: Lisa Schnell, Ph.D.
Anna Strout, Impact of Mandatory Arrest Laws on Domestic Violence. Advisor:
Kathy Fox, Ph.D.
Rachel Sugarman, The Role of Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activating Peptide
(PACAP) in the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis (BNST), Mediating Anxiety in
Rats. Advisor: Sayamwong Hammack, Ph.D.
Molly Sullivan, The Quest for the Epic Hero. Advisor: Lynne Greeley, Ph.D.
Andrew Turgeon, Youth and Their Rural Place: An Examination of Teenagers’
Geographies in Bennington County, Vermont. Advisor: Cheryl Dunkley, Ph.D.
Thea Ulrich-Lewis, By Nationalizing Copper We Shall Cease to Be Poor:
CODELCO and the Chilean Economy. Advisor: Richard Sicotte, Ph.D.
Henry Wainhouse, Reflections on Contemporary Escapism. Advisor: Anthony
Magistrale, Ph.D.
Danielle Walsh, Brett, Punishment, and Freedom in The Sun Also Rises. Advisor:
Valerie Rohy, Ph.D.
Chase Whiting, In Defense of Participatory Democracy. Advisor: Robert
Taylor, Ph.D.
Katharine Wiebe, Are You Positive About Being Negative? Knowledge,
Attitudes, and Beliefs about HIV Testing. Advisor: Brian Gilley, Ph.D.
Ryan Winnick, Understanding the “Emerging Female Young Adult” in
Contemporary Literature and Film: A Scholarly and Creative Project. Advisor:
Hilary Neroni, Ph.D.
Justin Zinck, A Study of Milan Kundera and the Political Novel. Advisor: Robert
Taylor, Ph.D.
Andrew Boyd, Same-Sex Marriage Comity and Family Law. Advisor: Ellen
Andersen, Ph.D.
Return to Index
Sarah Glassman, “Diversity University?”: Student Perceptions of Racial Climate at
the University of Vermont. Advisor: Nikki Khanna
Addison Gooding, Urban Sustainability in Theory and Practice: Burlington,
Vermont, USA. Advisor: Meghan Cope, Ph.D.
Athena Letourneau, State Legitimacy and Political Obligation. Advisor: Alex
Zakaras, Ph.D.
Emma Martin, Violence in Northern Ireland: Republican and Loyalist
Paramilitary Groups. Advisor: Paul Deslandes, Ph.D.
Katherine Martin, Psychosocial Maturity, Social Competence, and Schizotypy in
Young Adults. Advisor: Keith Burt, Ph.D.
Julia Martin, An Exploration of Intentional Communities. Advisor: Nick
Danigelis, Ph.D.
Caitlin Moroney, The Siniavskii-Daniel Trial. Advisor: Denise Youngblood, Ph.D.
Molly Nolan, American Spirit: A Cross Generational Study of Youth and War.
Advisor: Major Jackson, M.F.A.
Gillian Perron, The Effect of Registered Nursing Unions on Mortality Rates in
Hospitals in the State of New York. Advisor: Elaine McCrate, Ph.D.
Jillian Roberts, No Way Out: The Myth of The Absurd Hero. Advisor: Paul
Martin, Ph.D.
Douglas Robinson, Strategies of Ritual Presence: Relics in Cross-Cultural
Perspective. Advisor: Kevin Trainor, Ph.D.
Rae Rosenberg, Pink Dollars and Queer Identities: Commodifications, Creations,
and Visions of Queerness for Western Queers in Tourist Campaigns for Tel Aviv,
Israel. Advisor: Glen Elder, Ph.D.
Alyssa Samson, The Key to the Locked Room: An Existential Exploration of Paul
Auster. Advisor: Tom Simone, Ph.D.
Anna Royar, Elder-Friendly Burlington: Assessing the Social and Physical
Landscapes of Ageing. Advisor: Meghan Cope, Ph.D.
Marilana Rufo, Why I’m More Important Than You Are: A Case for AgentCentered Prerogatives. Advisor: Tyler Doggett, Ph.D.
Justine Trombley, The Master and the Mirror: The Influence of Marguerite
Porete on Meister Eckhart in the Early Fourteenth Century. Advisor: Sean Field, Ph.D.
Calvin Utter, Reclaiming Storytelling. Advisor: Lynne Greeley, Ph.D.
Erin Maskell-Ferland, Maternal Perceptions and Observations of Play in
Children with and without ASD. Faculty Mentor: Patricia Prelock, Ph.D.
Jennifer Nakhla, The Mysterious Life of Children Revealed: A Study of Children
in the Archaeological Record. Faculty Mentor: Cameron Wesson, Ph.D.
Benjamin Nsiah, Phosphorus and E. coli pollution from storm water to Lake
Champlain. Faculty Mentor: Aleksandra Drizio, Ph.D.
Department of Anthropology
Margaret K. Fitch
Abray Stillson
Maxwell Tracy
Kathryn Abbott-Koch
Grace Cameron
LAMBDA ALPHA is the national collegiate honors society for anthropology. The
University of Vermont extends membership only to students who have at least a
3.5 grade point average:
Kathryn Abbott-Koch
Kristance Harlow
Derek Angel
Emma Hazlett
Lisa Barrett
Rebecca LaFay
Leila Benabid
Colin Lyons
Julie Bilodeau
Emily Nicolosi
Shannon Bradley
Michelle Risley
Jessica Breitfeller Caroll Spelke
Isabel Brewster Abray Stillson
Matthew Brown Rebecca Szeg
Grace Cameron Maxwell Tracy
Laura Cui Lauren Tucker
Gabriela Da Silva-Riley
Katharine Wiebe
Alicyn DeSimone Shannon Wilson
Margaret Fitch Commencement 2009
Department of Area and International Studies
Douglas Farnham
Sarah Souza
Alexander Eleftherakis
DepartmenT OF Art and Art History
Christopher Madden
Jesse Sendra
Elaine Mirabile
ETA SIGMA PHI is an honorary society for students of Latin and/or Greek. Active
membership is limited to undergraduates who are enrolled in classes in Latin
and/or Greek in the original languages. A student must attain a grade of not less
than B and complete at least one semester or two quarters:
Katie Boolukos Carly Milliren
Tyler Mayo Samantha Weinberg
Department of Communication Sciences
Jacqueline Ryan
Jessica Green
Adrienne Perry
Claudia Mucklow
Sarah Weld
Department of Biochemistry
Paige Leenstra
Gwen Buel
Monique Rogals
Department of Biology
Allison Neal
Danielle Geno
Department of Computer Science
UPSILON PI EPSILON is a national honor society for students pursuing the study
of computer science:
Margot Schips
Department of Economics
Jennifer Glenister
Joshua Wolff
Caroline Noel Jackson
Jacquelyn Pless
John Contompasis
Hannah Dyke
Holly Stradecki
Maximilian Kufner
Robin Hicks
Philip Schwartz
BETA BETA BETA is the national honor society for students who study biology.
The society has a three-part mission: stimulation of scholarship, dissemination
of scientific knowledge, and promotion of biological research. It is primarily
designed for undergraduates, with the goals of recognizing students with
outstanding scholarly achievement in the life sciences and actively promoting
undergraduate participation in research:
Eileen Bellew
Chris Graves
James Berry
Robin Hicks
Luke Brindamour Carly Milliren
Danielle Cloutier-Simons Lacey Smith
Lee Dorf
Holly Stradecki
Jake Gockley
Departmental Honors
Geoffrey Stannard
Department of Chemistry
Joseph Wright
Andrew Crampton Jr.
Department of Classics
Sarah Doubleday
OMICRON DELTA EPSILON, the international honor society for students majoring
in economics. Students must have completed 18 credits in economic courses with
an economics GPA of 3.33 or higher:
Jeffrey Charbonneau Geoffrey Stannard
Brian Linklater Joshua Woolf
Jacquelyn Pless
Department of English
Danielle Walsh
Sage Stout
Sage Stout
Bretton Reis
Henry Wainhouse
Return to Index
Commencement 2009
Departmental Honors
Natalie Albrittain-Ross
Erin Anastasia-Murphy
Joshua Appelbaum
John Bennett
Leandra Brixey
Joshua Browne
Jason Bushey
Jenna Bushey
Kyle Butrymowicz
Caylin Capra-Thomas
Caitlin Cullen
Jae Disbrow
Katherine Duhaime
Lauren Foley
Zoe Gandee
Gef Gove
Lili Gundersen
Dana Hard
Stephen Hausmann
Johanna Hiller
Elizabeth Houghton
Kenna Jacobs
Arianna Jones
Brian Keating
Molly Kienzler
Theresa LaFay
John Lazzaro
Amanda Mallen
Erika Meierdiercks
Alexander Mervak
Matt Moore
Galen Mott
Molly Nolan
Christa Pagliei
Samantha Palley
Andrew Peberdy
Maritza Perez
Benjamin Porter
Emily Ripley
Jillian Roberts
Eric Russell
Alyssa Samson
Lee Sienka
Samuel Sloane
Mary Stewart
Sage Stout
Henry Wainhouse
Danielle Walsh
James Weir
Environmental Science Program
Irina Mikheyeva
Benjamin Nsiah
Environmental Studies Program
Corey Paradis
Department of Geography
Hannah Fjeld
Andrew Turgeon
GAMMA THETA UPSILON, the international honor society for students who study
geography, is limited to students who have completed at least three courses in
geography, have at least a 3.25 grade point average, and rank in the upper 35
percent of their class:
Emelie Bailey
Charles Opel
Brian Beck
Bronwyn Potthoff
Frances Boulding
James Rorty
Benjamin Clayman
Rae Rosenberg
Molly Epstein
Anna Royar
Hannah Fjeld
Christopher Scheller
Andrew Flynn
Eric Shepard
Nicholas Fredette
Jillian Stone
Eden Furtak-Cole
Andrew Turgeon
Addison Gooding
Lydia Wood
Sara Krumminga
THE JAMES WILSON GLOBE AWARDS go to four students who have
demonstrated academic excellence and geographic leadership through
community service and activism. The award is named after James Wilson, the
Vermont farmer and blacksmith who made and sold the first terrestrial and
celestial globes in North America in 1808:
Northern Award: Addison Gooding
Eastern Award: Rae Rosenberg
Western Award: Anna Royar
Southern Award: Molly Epstein
Return to Index
Departmental Honors
Molly Epstein
Addison Gooding
Rae Rosenberg
Anna Royar
Department of Geology
Robert Charnock
SIGMA GAMMA EPSILON, Eta Kappa chapter is the University of Vermont’s Geology
Honor Society. Students in this society have proven high aptitude and ability in
solving complex problems associated with earth processes past and present and
through success in the classroom, the field, and the lab. A student must maintain
above a 3.0 grade point average in Geology:
Robert Charnock
Marissa Saccente
Edward Greiner
Kirsten Stokes
Rebecca Hammer-Lester Patrick Tobin
Gary Peters
Erika Wolffing
Arseny Knyazev
Department of History
Justine Trombley
Kathryn Boolukos
PHI ALPHA THETA History Honor Society is an international honor society for
students with a cumulative grade point average of 3.4 and a 3.5 grade point average
in history, based on at least five history courses:
Erin Anastasia-Murphy
Emma Martin
Kathryn Boolukos
Glennis Meagher
Michael Bottiggi
Caitlin Moroney
Ryan Carroll
Laura Pedro
Leah Cipri
Jessica Philbrick
Kaitlin Conrad
Bronwyn Potthoff
Andrew Dickgiesser
Kellie Saunders
Stephen Hausmann
Justine Trombley
Peter Johannessen
Department of Mathematics
Kameron Harris
Janet Soltau
Department OF Music
Andrew Mallon
Andrew Mallon
Sam Sherwood
Andrew Mallon
Commencement 2009
Andrew Mallon
Department of Philosophy
Kari Dalane
Max Deleon
Isaac Messmore
Department of Physics
Lane Manning
Alex Libardoni
Department of Plant Biology
Jared Lockwood
Department of Psychology
Steven Babbin
Carolyn Dundon
Dan Koenemann
Department of Political Science
Katherine Nopper
Peter Johannessen
Andrew Boyd
Matthew Little
Steven Waldman
Departmental Honors
Lynette Barnett
Charlie Beaupied
Kathryn Boolukos
Andrew Boyd
Thomas Cheney
Kaitlin Conrad
John Dennison
Andrew Dickgiesser
Surbhi Godsay
Peter Golfman
Peter Johannessen
PI SIGMA ALPHA (Chi Nu Chapter) National Political Science Honor Society. The
University of Vermont extends membership to students who have a cumulative
grade point average of 3.25 or above, are ranked in the top 20 percent of
graduating seniors in political science and have completed seven or more
political science courses:
Thomas Abdelnour
Athena Letourneau
Emelie Bailey
Matthew Little
Lynette Barnett
Lily Lovinger
Charlie Beaupied
Stephanie McGrath
Kathryn Boolukos
Isaac Messmore
Andrew Boyd
Michael Michaud
Thomas Cheney
Katherine Nopper
Kaitlin Conrad
Jacquelyn Pless
Brian Cotter
Katherine Rupp
John Dennison
Joe Sheridan
Andrew Dickgiesser
Casey Stevens
Amanda Enright
Anna Strout
Surbhi Godsay
Steven Waldman
Peter Golfman
Meghan Whirley
Alex Grodin
Chase Whiting
Sarah Gulezian
Justin Zinck
Peter Johannessen
Athena Letourneau
Matthew Little
Stephanie McGrath
Isaac Messmore
Michael Michaud
Katherine Nopper
Jacquelyn Pless
Joseph Sheridan
Anna Strout
Chase Whiting
Nicole Wilner
Claire Bollinger
Katlyn Watkins
PSI CHI is a national honor society for students pursuing the study of psychology.
Qualified students must have an overall cumulative grade point average of 3.0,
rank in the upper 35 percent of their class, and achieve a grade point average of
greater than 3.0 in their psychology:
Katherine Askinazi Amanda Kutz
Michael Baumbach Emily Major
Claire Bollinger Leigh Mott
Mallory Brickman Jennifer Mullin
Brittney Brooker Abigail Pierce
Jacqueline Cole Jesse Rentz
Caleb Doyle-Burr Tatiana Ripnick
Lisa Goldberg Kimberly Sanzo
Jane Greaves Kellie Sheridan
Sarah Harris Carol Singh
Stephanie Houle Emily Kim Strout
Molly Huyett Chase Whiting
Sarah Kalinowski
Department of Religion
Douglas Robinson
Department of Romance Languages
Heather Rowles
Kelsey Naro
Katherine Nopper
Return to Index
Commencement 2009
SIGMA IOTA RHO is the National Collegiate Honor Society for International Studies:
Julia Allen Greta Mattessich
Emelie Bailey Jay McPeters
David Baillargeon Lauren Melevin
Carina Berg Caitlin Moroney
Andrew Boyd Kimberly Shane
Brian Cotter Karen Smith
Douglas Farnham Sarah Sterling
Marion Goodsell
ALPHA DELTA CHAPTER OF TRIOTA (Iota Iota Iota) is a national honors society
for students majoring or minoring in Women’s and Gender Studies. Students must
have completed six credits in Women’s and Gender Studies courses and maintain
a 3.0 grade point average:
Rhiannon Champagne
Elizabeth Houghton
Andrew Charles Sarah Madey
Katie Companion Caroll Spelke
Julia Emery
Catherine Tremblay
Sarah Glassman
GAMMA KAPPA ALPHA is the National Collegiate Italian Honor Society:
Charlotte Chapoy
Kelsey Naro
PI DELTA PHI is the National Collegiate French Honor Society:
Laura Cannon
Heather Rowles
Kenna Jacobs
Nicole Sabsook
Claire Mckown
Carolyn Snell
Anastasia Nedelkina
SIGMA DELTA PI is the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society:
Julia Allen
Samantha Paskal
Gail Appleman
Greta Mattessich
Max Bookman
Jason Miller
Hannah Dyke
Allison Neal
Bronwyn Fleming-Jones Erin Pichiotino
Laurel Fensterstock
Carolyn Snell
Raymond Ki
Sarah Souza
Molly Kienzler
Margaret Sutton
Molly MacMillan
Thea Ulrich-Lewis
Danielle Cloutier-Simons Andrew Wick
Stephanie Coffey
Shannon Wilson
Department of Sociology
Vanessa Lang
Vera Simon-Nobes
Talaya McCright-Gill
Shari Smith
ALPHA KAPPA DELTA is the honor society for sociology majors and minors who
demonstrate superior undergraduate academic standing overall, as well as in
sociology. Seniors must have at least a 3.5 cumulative grade point average both
overall and in sociology courses specifically:
Heather Bell
Sarah Hogan
Mallory Brickman
Vanessa Lang
Thomas Cheney
Katherine Martin
Avery Dandreta
Molly Miller
Molly Epstein
Kelsey Naro
Lisa Goldberg
Monique Rogals
Department of Theatre
Lauren Glover
Bretton Reis
Amanda Frank
Women’s and Gender Studies Program
Julia Emery
Claire Strickland
Catherine Tremblay
Return to Index
Nathan Leslie Gordon, Internet Advertising: Death Knell or Rebirth for the
Traditional Agency? Advisor: Carolyn Bonifield, Ph.D., Amy Tomas, Ph.D.
Michelle A. LeClair, Evidence of Auditor Liability in Fraud Cases. Advisor:
Barbara Arel, Ph.D.
Jesse Benjamin Levin, The Dollar. Advisor: Hugh Marble, Ph.D.
Daniel W. McAlister, Free Banking: Inherently Unstable or Viable Alternative?
Advisor: James Gatti, Ph.D.
Maximilian Johann Rooney, Financial Security in America: Models of the Roles
of the Individual, Government, and the Financial Professional. Advisor: Rocki-Lee
DeWitt, Ph.D.
James Bernard Seiffer, FeelGood: Ending World Hunger, One Grilled Cheese at
a Time. Advisors: Amy Tomas, Ph.D.; Carolyn Bonifield, Ph.D.
Evan Daniel Walden, Entrepreneurial Orientation and Strategy: How to Compete
in a Dynamic Environment. Advisor: James M. Sinkula, Ph.D.
Amy Leigh Young, The Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Financial Statement
Transparency in the Banking Industry and Accounting and Tax Primer for Small
Businesses. Advisor: Susan Hughes, Ph.D.
BETA GAMMA SIGMA is the national honor society for students in business and
management. Membership is the highest national recognition a student can receive
in an undergraduate or masters program in business or management:
Zari Bazarian
Sarah Madey
Catherine Bergeron-Radoux
Elena Maysyuk
Kathryn Budnik
Jay McPeters
Anne Cardente
Ashley Miller
Dexter Degre
John Minor
Laura Eddy
Edmund Montanari
Nathan Gordon
Emily Ralph
John Haining Caleb Searles
Paul Harchik
Daniel Sleeper
Russell Hirschorn
David Xu
Brendan Jackson
Amy Young
Tyler Laundon
THE UNDERGRADUATE EXCELLENCE AWARD senior top award for excellence in
academics, service and leadership:
Sarah Madey
THE MBA EXCELLENCE AWARD for demonstrated excellence in overall graduate
management studies and in positive leadership values:
Helen Demina
John Minor
excellence in the overall program:
Caleb Searles
JOHN MEKKELSEN JR. MEMORIAL AWARD for excellence of achievement in the
area of management:
Max Rooney
Catherine Bergeron-Radoux
THE EDWIN C. GREIF MARKETING AWARD for achievement and promise in
Sarah Madey
Commencement 2009
THE JOHN L. BECKLEY AWARD for promise of future success in the field of
Daniel Sleeper
RAYMOND S. WEINSTEIN ENDOWED AWARD for undergraduate student excellence
in the field of accounting:
Amy Young
STEPHEN PENWELL ENDOWED FUND for demonstrating excellence in the field of
Erik Giard-Chase
Maura Kelly
Katherine McGrain
JOHN DEWEY AWARD honoring the outstanding senior in elementary education
whose academic performance and public school practice best exemplify the
philosophy of Vermont’s most well known philosopher/educator:
Emily Gafney
Brindy Robinson
Kristina Barbuto, Assessing the Need for a Children’s Literature and Teaching
Resource Library on the University of Vermont Campus. Advisor: Holly-Lynn
Busier, Ph.D.
Jennifer R. Bellavance, The Psychological Affects of the Holocaust on Second
and Third Generations: One Family’s Struggle with the Legacy of the Holocaust
and Its’ Survivors. Advisor: Holly-Lynn Busier, Ph.D.
Matthew Lee Brown, Living the Game: Using Game Theoretic Applications to
Increase Motivation in High School Students. Advisors: Jeffrey Dinitz, Ph.D., HollyLynn Busier, Ph.D.
Cassi Jo Nelson, Beyond the Yellow Flowers: Grief Processes of Long-Term Care
Staff. Advisor: Holly-Lynn Busier, Ph.D.
Julie M. Pacific, Beyond the Yellow Flowers: Grief Processes of Long-Term Care
Staff. Advisor: Holly-Lynn Busier, Ph.D.
Ellen Rae Stanley, English as a Second Language Teachers in a Refugee
Resettlement Community: Perspectives and Experiences. Advisor: Holly-Lynn
Busier, Ph.D.
Tiffany Trafan, The Infant Industry. Advisor: Holly Lynn Busier, Ph.D.
Victoria Elizabeth Vendola, Eating Without Salt: Studying Abroad in Florence,
Italy. Advisor: Holly Lynn Busier, Ph.D.
Atem Deng, Challenge and needs of education in Southern Sudan. Faculty
Mentors: David A. Jones, Ph.D.; Robert Lair, Ph.d.
Kirsten Wenz, Transracial Adoption in Vermont: How Social Workers Support
Families Both Pre and Post Adoption. Faculty Mentors: Wanda Heading-Grant,
Ph.D.; Suzy Comerford, Ph.D.
scholarship, teaching or professional potential, physical education activity
skills, participation in and contributions to university programs and campus
activities related to physical education, and contributions to professionally related
community programs:
Teacher Licensure: Dustin King
OUTSTANDING SENIOR IN MUSIC EDUCATION based on excellent achievement
in academics, performance, student teaching and service throughout the degree
Sasha Marina
demonstrate ability in making and knowing about art, who demonstrate through
their writing a knowledge of art education, and who exhibit an outstanding ability
in teaching children:
Jakob Ziwich
Alison Craig
Jacquelyn Mackner
Kristina Barbuto
secondary education program faculty to the individual who has demonstrated
clear promise as a teacher who can teach for understanding. Recipient of the
award should have demonstrated a strong academic background in the area of
licensure, a commitment to work with young people in the classroom and in
extracurricular activities, and the ability to design and implement instruction to
meet the needs of all learners:
Alex Shevrin
Allison Naugle
KAPPA DELTA PI, an international honor society in education, was founded to
recognize excellence in education. Kappa Delta Pi elects those to membership
who exhibit the ideals of scholarship, high personal standards and promise in
teaching and allied professions:
Kristina Barbuto
Phillip Ortego
Elisabeth Maria Brown
Megen Perkins
Allison Rachael Cote
Brindy Kim Robinson
Timothy Frazier
Alyssa Michele Samson
Kimberly Lewis
Ellen Rae Stanley
Allison Michelle Naugle
Victoria Elizabeth Vendola
contributions to the quality of life of people through important community
Atem A. Deng
SOCIAL WORK STUDENT LEADERSHIP AWARD for exceptional leadership among
students while at the university:
Caitlin D. Regan
MARGARET B. WHITTLESEY AWARD for outstanding academic performance and
potential for significant contributions to the social work profession:
Julie M. Pacific
PHI ALPHA HONOR SOCIETY (University of Vermont’s Mu Eta Chapter of the
national Phi Alpha Honor Society for social work students):
Kathryn E. Galough
Emma M. Scott
Jenna C. Lee
Kristen M. Wenz
Justin Marriott
Return to Index
Commencement 2009
Barbara Dewey Abbott, Investigating Binary Cubic Forms. Advisor: John Voight,
Lucas John Faryniarz, The Influence of Surface Geometry of Golf Balls on
Viscous Drag. Advisor: Yves Dubief, Ph.D.
Connor Patrick Hayden, Quantifying Residual Shear Strength in Claystone
Deposits. Advisor: Mandar Dewoolkar, Ph.D.
Clay C. Murphy, Efficiency Analysis of Fixed, Passive, and Driven Dual Axis Solar
Trackers. Advisor: Robert Jenkins, Ph.D.
Eric David Shepard, Finding Patterns in Electronic Spam to Increase the
Effectiveness of Spam Filters. Advisor: Sean Wang, Ph.D.
Civil and Environmental Engineering
THE DOUGLAS P. FAY AWARD was established in 1973 in honor of a former faculty
member and is made to the student who has made the greatest contribution to
civil or environmental engineering during the past year:
Shanta B. Keller
EDWARDS H. PHELPS (SENIOR) PRIZE was established in 1884 by his father, the
Honorable E.J. Phelps of Burlington. It is awarded to a student “who shall have
exhibited conspicuous merit in professional studies, and high and noble traits of
character if such can be found”:
Connor P. Hayden
Mark J. Suozzo
student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers:
Charles A. Packer
Electrical Engineering
ATWATER-KENT (SENIOR) AWARD for excellence of judgment and understanding
of the principles of electrical engineering:
Jacob M. Flanigan
Benjamin E. Schilling
Engineering Management
ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT (SENIOR) AWARD in recognition of academic
excellence in the field of engineering management:
Jacqueline E. Bell
Mechanical Engineering
EDMUND F. LITTLE (SENIOR) AWARD for meritorious work in the mechanic arts:
Juergen Uhl
OUTSTANDING SENIOR AWARDS for excellence in the fields of:
Biomedical Engineering: Matthew J. Maille
Energy Engineering: Matthew J. Dooley
meritorious work in the student chapter of the American Society of Mechanical
Benjamin Greenfield
SENIOR AWARD for excellence of judgment and understanding of the principles of
computer science:
Robert E. T. Rohr
Return to Index
SENIOR AWARD IN MATHEMATICS for achievement of the highest level of
excellence in mathematics:
Barbara D. Abbott
UNDERGRADUATE ACHIEVEMENT AWARD for outstanding scholarship and
commitment to statistical science:
Erik C. Giard-Chase
GRADUATE AWARD IN STATISTICS for the achievement of excellence in statistics:
Jong H. Kim
Wei Xiao
NAM SANG KIL SCHOLARSHIP IN STATISTICS in recognition of the value
of education as a path toward the betterment of mankind, the Nam Sang Kil
Scholarship is presented to an outstanding student in honor of Chairman Nam:
Jong H. Kim
Wei Xiao
Wei Xiao
TAU BETA PI/JOHN O. OUTWATER PRIZE to the outgoing president of the Tau
Beta Pi who, by virtue of the office, has demonstrated skill, tact and initiative:
Owen H. Edgerton
SOCIETY OF WOMEN ENGINEERS AWARD for the greatest contribution to
the activities and objectives of the student chapter of the society of Women
Jacquelyn A. Kline
for outstanding scholastic achievement and participation in University-related
Joseph S. Krupa
undergraduate student who has demonstrated extraordinary qualities of integrity
and commitment to others through outstanding service to the faculty, staff and
students of the College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences:
Jacqueline E. Bell
TAU BETA PI, national engineering honor society:
Jacqueline E. Bell Matthew J. Maille
William C. Bowen
Caroline McManus
Sabin J. Clark
Clay C. Murphy
Nathan B. Dagesse
Davin E. Ojala
Sean R. Donovan
Daniel Parker
Matthew J. Dooley
Jonathan E. Paquette
Owen H. Edgerton
Paul M. Prince
Christopher R. Farmer
Jill S. Rademacher
Lucas J. Faryniarz
Travis Rohlin
Max Fried
Benjamin E. Schilling
Katherine Gallo Augustus Shanahan
Benjamin J. Greenfield
Mark J. Suozzo
Connor P. Hayden
Connor J. Tobin
Caitlin J. Hill
Juergen Uhl
Shanta B. Keller
Michael Walker
Joseph S. Krupa
Stephen J. Widdis
CHI EPSILON, National Civil Engineering Honor Society:
Glen J. Burgmeier
Shanta B. Keller
Nathan B. Dagesse
Joseph S. Krupa
Sabin J. Clark
Caroline McManus
Connor P. Hayden
Mark Suozzo
Jacquelyn A. Kline
Michael W. Walker
Commencement 2009
MU SIGMA RHO, a national honorary society for undergraduate and graduate
students studying statistics:
Erick C. Giard-Chase
Colin J. Kriwox
Justin P. Irving
Weo Xiao
Jeong M. Kim
Joon S. Yoon
UPSILON PI EPSILON, Computer Science Honor Society:
Karen M. Clark
Robert Rohr
Andrew Cooper
Renu Sharma
BARRETT SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS are sponsored by the Barrett Foundation.
Richard Barrett is a mechanical engineering alumni of the University of
Vermont. This year, five undergraduate students from CEMS were selected.
These competitive awards provide operating funds and a stipend to outstanding
undergraduates who wish to pursue environmental engineering summer research
projects under the mentorship of a faculty member:
Andrew S. Cooper, Leaf Wetness Determination via Multispectral Imaging and
Region Classification
Nathan B. Dagesse, An Experimental Study for Producing Optimal Cob Design
Joseph S. Krupa, Artificial Neural Networks as a Means of Predicting Stream
Temperature Events Related to Fish Health
Caroline E. McManus, Development of a Mass Spectrometry Technique to Detect
Bacterial Pathogens in Humid Environments
Nathan M. Robinson, Energy Sources, Market Forces and the National
Transportation System
Josh C. Tyler, Phytate and orthophosphate Activity in Manure Amended Soil
URECA PROGRAM, administered through the dean of the Honors College and
the Faculty Senate Research, Scholarship and Graduate Education Committee,
is designed to stimulate undergraduate research with faculty mentoring, to
incorporate research experience more fully into undergraduate education, and
to provide incentives for students and faculty to engage in meaningful research
Nathan Dagesse, An Experimental Study for Producing Optimal Cob Design.
Advisor: Mandar DeWoolkar
Caroline McManus, Development of a Mass Spectrometry Technique to Detect
Bacterial Pathogens in Human Environments. Advisor: Jane Hill
Carena J. van Riper
MS: Kelly A. Goonan
PhD: Kenneth J. Bagstad
Yumiko L. Chattulani
Meredith Jane Simard
Jacqueline Anne Maisonpierre
Dana M. Demetrio
Basil G. Tsimoyianis
Gregory M. Soll
Erica R. Wilson
Nathaniel J. Gosselin
Caitlin Crowley
Heidi Marie Henrichs, The Effects of Elevation on Parental Feeding Behaviors of
Black-Throated Blue Warblers. Advisor: Allan Strong, Ph.D.
Daniel Lim, Park Garden at the Dudley H. Davis Student Center Oval. Advisor:
Sarah Lovell, Ph.D.
Jacqueline Anne Maisonpierre, Impact of Harvesting Practices on Genetic
Diversity in Vermont’s Fiddlehead Fern Matteuccia struthiopteris (Onocleaceae).
Advisor: David Barrington, Ph.D.
Colin Andre Kress Penn, Forest Influence on Snowpack Dynamics at Hubbard
Brook LTER, New Hampshire. Advisor: Beverley Wemple, Ph.D.
Alena R. Warren, Expanding Climate Change Programs: The Role of Landfill
Emissions in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. Advisor: Jon Erickson, Ph.D.
Daniel Lim, Cities Achieving Sustainability by Restoring Green Spaces. Faculty
Mentor: Marta Ceroni, Ph.D.
Daniel Lim
Dexter Henry Locke
Daniel Lim
Stephanie Danielle Brontman
Wendy Lee Carbone
Kaitlin Francis
Heidi Marie Henrichs
Timothy Robert Duclos
Heidi Marie Henrichs
Jacqueline Anne Maisonpierre
Caitlin Crowley
Return to Index
Commencement 2009
ALPHA OMEGA ALPHA. Students elected to this honor society, in the opinion of
their classmates and the faculty, have given promise of becoming leaders in their
Jared A. Blum
Ian C. McCormick
Andrew C. Boyer
Russell E. Meyer
Anna H. Bramley Catino
Jared K. Pearson
Elizabeth D. Duncan
Justin T. Pitman
Alison F. Fitzgerald
Jodi L. McQuillen Roque
Linnea R. Goodman Elizabeth W. Siefert
Mark A. Horton
Campbell L. Stewart
Ananda Keefer-Norris
Melinda L. Yushak
Erica L. Bove Mahany
Resident: Rebecca M. Shaffer, M.D.
Faculty: Bruce A. Crookes, M.D.
THE GOLD HUMANISM HONOR SOCIETY. Students elected to this honor
society are recognized for their demonstrated excellence in clinical care,
leadership, compassion, and dedication to service:
Katherine N. W. Costello
Laura F. McGevna
Bradley R. Cutler
John C. Nicolet
Elizabeth D. Duncan
Charles S. Parsons
Mark A. Horton
Monica E. Patton
James L. Huang
Jared K. Pearson
Mark A. Hunter
Jodi L. McQuillen Roque
Robert S. Klein
Campbell L. Stewart
Erica L. Bove Mahany
Matthew D. Sullivan
John W. Martel
Virginia J. Van Duyne
Anna O. Carlson McCloy
Andrew J. Wright
THE ELLSWORTH AMIDON AWARD for outstanding proficiency in Internal
Ian C. McCormick
Ian C. McCormick
*THE DEAN WILLIAM EUSTIS BROWN AWARD for broad cultural interests, and
loyalty to the College of Medicine:
in 2008: James L. Huang
in 2009: Jodi L. McQuillen Roque
demonstration of the combination of academic ability, leadership and compassion
while on the Surgery Clerkship :
Campbell L. Stewart
THE HERBERT MARTIN, SR. AWARD for excellence in Neurology:
Drew S. Kern
Laurice T. Yang
THE JOHN E. MAZUZAN JR., M.D. AWARD for excellence in Anesthesiology:
Alison F. Fitzgerald
excellence in Neurology:
Ian C. McCormick
THE H. GORDON PAGE AWARD for excellence in Surgery:
Sarah J. Lomas
THE PILCHER AWARD for representing the qualities of Eleanor and Lewis Pilcher
of devotion to family and patients, with a high regard for ethics and honesty:
Charles S. Parsons
THE RADIOLOGY ACHIEVEMENT AWARD for excellence in Radiology:
Russel E. Meyer
compassion, humor, humility, devotion to family and friends, and intellectual
in 2005: Monica S. Alborg
in 2005: Robert S. Klein
in 2006: Erica L. Bove Mahany
in 2006: Campbell L. Stewart
THE CHARLES T. SCHECHTMAN, M.D., ’26 AWARD for Clinical Excellence:
First Place: Linnea R. Goodman
Second Place: Elizabeth D. Duncan
Second Place: Jared K. Pearson
Second Place: Jodi L. McQuillen Roque
in Emergency Medicine:
Elisabeth A. Pierson
THE RALPH D. SUSSMAN/MEDICAL ALUMNI AWARD for excellence in Pediatrics:
Elizabeth D. Duncan
*THE CARBEE AWARD for excellence in Obstetrics/Gynecology:
Linnea R. Goodman
THE WILLIAM SWEETSER AWARD for excellence in Psychiatry:
Katherine C. Clark
Virginia J. Van Duyne
THE DAVID M. TORMEY AWARD for perseverance in the pursuit of medical
Alison F. Fitzgerald
THE EDWARD E. FRIEDMAN AWARD for promise of excellence in the practice of
Family Medicine:
Masaru Furukawa
THE HOWE SENIOR STUDENT AWARD for excellence in Surgery:
Jessica L. Cioffi Pretti
*THE HOWE OUTSTANDING TEACHER AWARD for excellence in Surgery:
Virginia A. Eddy, M.D.
THE KERZNER FAMILY PRIZE for service to the community:
Mark A. Hunter
*THE LAMB FELLOWSHIP AWARD for best exemplifying concern and care for the
total patient:
Katherine N. W. Costello
THE MAECK ROBE RECIPIENT for excellence in Obstretrics, Gynecology and
Reproductive Sciences:
Linnea R. Goodman
Anna G. Euser
excellence in the Basic Sciences:
First Place: Mark A. Horton
Second Place: Elizabeth W. Siefert
THE LAURA WEED, M.D. AWARD for qualities of excellence, service, and
commitment in Internal Medicine:
Emily A. Glick
THE WELLNESS AWARD, from the Committee on Medical Student Wellbeing
for a peer-nominated student who has been an asset to his or her classmates
and displayed sincere dedication to helping others during his or her medical
in 2006: Mark A. Hunter
in 2007: Virginia J. Van Duyne
THE EPHRAIM WOLL AWARD for excellence in General Pathology:
Elizabeth E. Siefert
Return to Index
Commencement 2009
Arnold P. Gold Foundation for excellence in both compassionate patient care and
scientific achievement:
Student Award: Virginia J. Van Duyne
Faculty Award: Florian E. Foerg, M.D.
* Awarded by vote of the class.
given by Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Fletcher Allen Health Care, and
awarded to the senior student with the highest grade point average in the
Medical Laboratory Science program:
Michael Joseph Lahey
Foundations Teacher of the Year: John H. Lunde, M.D.
Foundations Course Director of the Year: William E. Hopkins, M.D.
Outstanding Foundations Course: Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Renal
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award: Derek S. Strong, B.A.
The Dean Warshaw Integration Award: William E. Hopkins, M.D.
The Silver Stethoscope Award: James J. Hudziak, M.D.
Above and Beyond Award: Masatoski Kida, M.D.
Best Support Staff (non-teaching): Mary Campbell
American Medical Student Association Golden Apple Award:
Robert C. Macauley, M.D.
American Medical Women’s Association Gender Equity Award:
Clinical Levels: Paula M. Duncan, M.D. and Virginia A. Eddy, M.D.
Colette Award inspired by Colette Ozarowski for significant contribution to the
quality of student life: Emma K. Faustner
Dignity in Medicine Award: Jerry G. Larrabee, M.D.
Clinical Teacher of the Year: Virginia A. Eddy, M.D.
Clinical Department of the Year: Pediatrics. Fletcher Allen Health Care
Resident of the Year: Matthew J. Giefer, M.D.
Michael Joseph Lahey, Analysis of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in
Vermont. Advisor: Patrick Malone, B.A.
Bridget Kreger, Role of micro RNA in cellular responses to ionizing radiation.
Faculty Mentor: M. Ahmad Chaudhry, Ph.D.
Ana Vargas, Accurate translation from mRNA to protein. Faculty Mentor:
Christopher Francklyn, Ph.D.
STUDENT DIVERSITY AWARD recognizes an undergraduate or graduate ALANA
student who has made a major contribution(s) to create an environment of social
justice, inclusion and equity at the Department and/or college and/or university
and/or community levels:
Sweba Zangwio
F.W. VAN BUSKIRK AWARD in recognition of the senior student with the highest
grade point average in the Nuclear Medicine Technology program:
Sarah E. Anderson
F.W. VAN BUSKIRK AWARD in recognition of the senior student with the highest
grade point average in the Radiation Therapy program:
Erin Nicole Vellek
recognition of outstanding qualities of professional attitude and cooperation in
the patient care setting:
Hannah A. Tewhill
outstanding qualities of professional attitude and cooperation in the patient care
Truc Vo
NSNA – awarded to a senior nursing student who demonstrates a commitment
to excellence through his or her community, professional and academic
Sarah Frances Norman
CLARISSA PETERS ALLEN AWARD to an outstanding graduating baccalaureate
student who exemplifies the conscientious, motivated character of Clarissa
Peters Allen:
Barbara B. Giebink
FAYE CRABBE AWARD established to honor the memory of the founder of
the School of Nursing at UVM, a leader who valued nursing scholarship and
service. Awarded to the senior majoring in Professional Nursing who excels in
scholarship, nursing ability and service to the University:
Barbara B. Giebink
NURSING PRACTICE, established in 1998 by the nurse administrators at FAHC
to recognize a graduating baccalaureate student who demonstrates excellence
in clinical practice in any setting:
Emily Maureen Tilden
PRACTICE established in 1998 by nurse administrators at FAHC to recognize
a Master’s level student who demonstrates innovation in practice in any
setting, breakthrough initiatives in patient care or patient education, or care
coordination across the continuum:
Kathryn Robinson George
is a chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, the National Honor Society of Nursing.
The Society recognizes nursing students for scholarship, nursing ability and
potential leadership as well as outstanding community leaders:
Baccalaureate Student Award: Amy Lynne Tewksbury
Graduate Student Award: Alexis B. Ressler
SPECIAL RECOGNITION AWARD for exemplary service to the Department
of Nursing through commitment and participation in the Student Nurses’
Janna Elizabeth Trombley
a graduating student in each program who, in the opinion of the faculty, best
demonstrates outstanding clinical practice:
Bachelor’s program award: Dorey Lynne Myers
Master’s program award: Alice Day
SERVICES AWARD to a senior in the baccalaureate program who has shown
scholarship and excellence in community health services:
Kaley Smith Barcomb
FREEMAN NURSE SCHOLARS to encourage Vermont’s top nursing students to
remain and practice in Vermont:
Sara Elizabeth Magnus
Lindsey Smith Orzech
senior student who exemplifies scholarly excellence in the classroom as well
as in his or her clinical assignments and has shown to have the potential to be
a leader in the field of athletic training:
Megan Marie Heffernan
Return to Index
Commencement 2009
LEADERSHIP IN ATHLETIC TRAINING AWARD given to the student who has
consistently displayed exceptional leadership in the classroom, during clinical
assignments, in student government, and in the community
Katrina Marie Howe
student who has shown exceptional growth in the areas of prevention,
recognition, treatment, and rehabilitation of athletic injuries:
Rebecca Rose Handel
ISOLA BROWN AWARD to the third year Doctor of Physical Therapy student
who has demonstrated the greatest potential for development of professional
competency and leadership:
James A. Godin
MARGARET B. CORBIN AWARD to the third year Doctor of Physical Therapy
student who has demonstrated high quality academic and clinical performance
throughout the professional curriculum:
Leigh Cartwright
Sabin Clark, National Guard
Charles Flood, National Guard
George Hurd, National Guard
Leslie James, Army Reserve
John Lescure, (Saint Michaels College) National Guard
Gregory Lewis, (Castleton State) Army Reserve
Joseph Phelan, Regular Army
William Reina, National Guard
Chris Waldron, Regular Army
LIEUTENANT BAILEY GOLDBERG AWARD honoring scholarship, perseverance,
and commitment to military values:
Christopher Waldron
PRESENTATIONS in recognition of excellence in scholarship:
Caitlin M. Chase, Solar is a Solution! The development of a renewable energy
curriculum at Brewster-Pierce Memorial School. Advisors: Dr. Kit Anderson, Mr.
Paul Besaw, Dr. Stephanie Kaza, and Dr. Amy Seidl
Stephanie E. Fakharzadeh, Food for Thought: The Edible Schoolyard New
Orleans and its Role in Community Development. Advisors: Dr. Stephanie Kaza,
Dr. Alice Fothergill, and Dr. Thomas Hudspeth
Vera R. Simon-Nobes, Supporting Farms and Families Improving LimitedIncome Vermonters’ Access to Local Food. Advisors: Dr. Thomas Hudspeth, Dr.
Stephanie Kaza, and Ms. Jean Hamilton
Return to Index
senior woman who has demonstrated leadership qualities and academic
excellence in science, and who has contributed significantly to the awareness of
the rights of women on campus:
Jillian Davidson (College of Arts and Sciences)
LYDIA DODGE AWARD honors a woman who has given tremendous service to
the Women’s Center. Lydia Dodge is an alumna of UVM and her contributions
helped to created the Women’s Center:
Carol Spelke (College of Arts and Sciences)
Commencement 2009
2009 Honor Graduates
Those graduating summa cum laude are within the top one percent of their college or school. Magna cum laude
signifies the next three percent, and cum laude the next six percent. Honors calculations are based on all the courses
taken at UVM, and in order to be eligible, each student must have taken a minimum of sixty hours
in which a letter grade has been awarded.
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Summa Cum Laude
Dana Lipinski Jokela, Bachelor of Science
Jonathan William Maddison, Bachelor of Science
Kevin Andrew Stanton, Bachelor of Science
Magna Cum Laude
Lindsey Paige Bryan, Bachelor of Science
Briana Rae Clark, Bachelor of Science
Emily Harrison Falta, Bachelor of Science
Coral Elena Kent-Dennis, Bachelor of Science
Valerie Amanda Koenig, Bachelor of Science
Tate Buxton Morris, Bachelor of Science
Morgan Jean Rivers, Bachelor of Science
Jordan Kenyon Smith, Bachelor of Science
Cum Laude
Benjamin Gaskill Bezark, Bachelor of Science
Andrew William Birch, Bachelor of Science
Danielle Marie Bois, Bachelor of Science
Christine Marie Brissette, Bachelor of Science
Casey Kathleen Fleming, Bachelor of Science
Jennifer Marie Fricke, Bachelor of Science
Danielle Elizabeth Funaro, Bachelor of Science
Jonathan Matthiessen Kyle, Bachelor of Science
Samantha Lederfine Paskal, Bachelor of Science
Daniel Peter Lynch, Bachelor of Science
Jacob Daniel McFadden, Bachelor of Science
Kaelyn Jayne Murray, Bachelor of Science
Emily Grace Ricker, Bachelor of Science
Cara Anne Sengebush, Bachelor of Science
Michael Skillicorn, Bachelor of Science
Andrew Roger Wood, Bachelor of Science
Rubenstein School of the Environment
and Natural Resources
Summa Cum Laude
Dana Marie Demetrio, Bachelor of Science
Daniel Lim, Bachelor of Science
Dexter Henry Locke, Bachelor of Science
Magna Cum Laude
Ethan Robert Bond-Watts, Bachelor of Science
Meredith Jane Simard, Bachelor of Science
Cum Laude
Stephanie Danielle Brontman, Bachelor of Science
Wendy Lee Carbone, Bachelor of Science
Russell Flack Ford, Bachelor of Science
Heidi Marie Henrichs, Bachelor of Science
Claire Frashier Johnson, Bachelor of Science
Maggie MacKay MacKillop, Bachelor of Science
Samuel P. Parker, Bachelor of Science
David A. Seekell, Bachelor of Science
Matthew Mihle Stone, Bachelor of Science
Kathleen Anna Stutzman, Bachelor of Science
College of Arts and Sciences
Summa Cum Laude
Claire Eastment Bollinger, Bachelor of Science
Hannah Marie Dyke, Bachelor of Arts
Hannah Mae Fjeld, Bachelor of Arts
Jessica Evelynne Green, Bachelor of Arts
Peter Gregory Johannessen, Bachelor of Arts
Paige Christine Leenstra, Bachelor of Science
Alex Gordon Libardoni, Bachelor of Science
Allison Theresa Neal, Bachelor of Arts
Katherine Joanne Nopper, Bachelor of Arts
Timothy E. Snow, Bachelor of Arts
Jennifer Marie Staples, Bachelor of Arts
Danielle Mary Walsh, Bachelor of Arts
Joseph Christopher Wright, Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Katherine Rose Askinazi, Bachelor of Science
Steven Francis Babbin, Bachelor of Science
Elisabeth Maria Brown, Bachelor of Arts
Rachel Dawn Bruce, Bachelor of Arts
Gwen Rebecca Buel, Bachelor of Science
Grace Erin Cameron, Bachelor of Arts
Kara Wildflower Cummings, Bachelor of Arts
Alicyn Nicole DeSimone, Bachelor of Arts
Rebecca Susan Dumont, Bachelor of Arts
Margaret Katherine Fitch, Bachelor of Arts
Danielle M. Geno, Bachelor of Arts
Jennifer Lynn Glenister, Bachelor of Arts
Lisa Stephanie Goldberg, Bachelor of Arts
Addison Marsh Gooding, Bachelor of Arts
Kameron Decker Harris, Bachelor of Arts
Anna Editha Kufner, Bachelor of Arts
Katherine Anne Martin, Bachelor of Arts
Isaac William Messmore, Bachelor of Arts
Michael Maurice Michaud, Bachelor of Arts
Galen Leigh Mott, Bachelor of Arts
Claudia A. Mucklow, Bachelor of Arts
Emily Ann Nicolosi, Bachelor of Arts
Gillian M. Perron, Bachelor of Arts
Bretton John Reis, Bachelor of Arts
Douglas Alan Robinson, Bachelor of Arts
Jessica Rachel Rock, Bachelor of Arts
Monique Jeannette Rogals, Bachelor of Science
Kellie Anne Saunders, Bachelor of Arts
Mary Eileen Stewart, Bachelor of Arts
Abray Mariah Stillson, Bachelor of Arts
Andrew Jon Turgeon, Bachelor of Arts
Chase Soule Whiting, Bachelor of Arts
Erika Marie Wolffing, Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Lisa Rae Barrett, Bachelor of Arts
Leila Sarah Benabid, Bachelor of Arts
John Gerald Bennett, Bachelor of Arts
Blaine Scott Billingsley, Bachelor of Arts
Kathryn T. Boolukos, Bachelor of Arts
Michael Young Bottiggi, Bachelor of Arts
Frances Elise Boulding, Bachelor of Arts
Rachel Brianna Brezel, Bachelor of Arts
Nichole Jean Bushey, Bachelor of Science
Elizabeth R. Butler, Bachelor of Arts
Emma Faulkner Child, Bachelor of Arts
Leah Anne Cipri, Bachelor of Arts
Andrew Scott Crampton Jr., Bachelor of Science
Kari A. Dalane, Bachelor of Arts
Max H. Deleon, Bachelor of Arts
Maria F. Dirolf, Bachelor of Arts
Bryce Laughlin Edwards, Bachelor of Arts
Stephanie Elise Fakharzadeh, Bachelor of Arts
Bethany Ann Fox, Bachelor of Arts
Amanda Elaine Frank, Bachelor of Arts
Jennifer Marie Fricke, Bachelor of Arts
Katherine Veronica Godkin, Bachelor of Arts
George Edward Gove IV, Bachelor of Arts
Olivia McVay Harris, Bachelor of Science
Colleen E. Hertz, Bachelor of Arts
Johanna Hiller, Bachelor of Arts
Kenna Colleen Jacobs, Bachelor of Arts
Michelle Dolly Kniffin, Bachelor of Arts
Sara Elisabeth Krumminga, Bachelor of Arts
Vanessa Michelle Lang, Bachelor of Arts
Carmen T. Lee, Bachelor of Arts
Athena Michelle Letourneau, Bachelor of Arts
Nicholas E. Light, Bachelor of Arts
Matthew Cole Little, Bachelor of Arts
Jared Daniel Lockwood, Bachelor of Arts
Andrew Scott Mallon, Bachelor of Arts
Greta Lynn Mattessich, Bachelor of Arts
Sean Patrick McKenzie, Bachelor of Arts
Alexander Reid Mervak, Bachelor of Arts
Molly Tyler Miller, Bachelor of Arts
Kelsey Lynne Naro, Bachelor of Arts
Allison Maria Necheles, Bachelor of Arts
Samantha Carrie Palley, Bachelor of Arts
Danielle R. Pecor, Bachelor of Arts
Laura S. Pedro, Bachelor of Arts
Christine Marie Penney, Bachelor of Arts
Jessica A. Philbrick, Bachelor of Arts
Israel John Provoncha, Bachelor of Arts
Elizabeth Ann Pruitt, Bachelor of Arts
Diana Marie Purtz, Bachelor of Arts
Jillian Nicole Roberts, Bachelor of Arts
Heather Louise Rowles, Bachelor of Arts
Jacqueline Rebecca Ryan, Bachelor of Arts
Casie Lynn Marie Sauve, Bachelor of Arts
Rebecca Aliza Schulman, Bachelor of Arts
Philip Joshua Schwartz, Bachelor of Arts
Vera Rae Simon-Nobes, Bachelor of Arts
David Joseph Stawarz, Bachelor of Arts
Casey K. Stevens, Bachelor of Arts
Holly Marie Stradecki, Bachelor of Arts
Rachel Alexandra Sugarman, Bachelor of Science
Jonathan Scott Tinkham, Bachelor of Science
Maxwell K. Tracy, Bachelor of Arts
Catherine L. Tremblay, Bachelor of Arts
Justine Lida Trombley, Bachelor of Arts
Calvin D.W. Utter, Bachelor of Arts
Henry David Alexander Wainhouse, Bachelor of Arts
Beth Raine Walsh, Bachelor of Arts
Nicole Jennifer Wilner, Bachelor of Science
Joshua Michael Wolff, Bachelor of Arts
School of Business Administration
Summa Cum Laude
James Scott French, B.S. Business Administration
Sarah Elizabeth Madey, B.S. Business Administration
Emily K. Ralph, B.S. Business Administration
Caleb Guy Searles, B.S. Business Administration
David Xinyuan Xu, B.S. Business Administration
Magna Cum Laude
Nathan Leslie Gordon, B.S. Business Administration
Russell Adam Hirschorn, B.S. Business Administration
Brendan David Jackson, B.S. Business Administration
Amy Leigh Young, B.S. Business Administration
Cum Laude
Catherine Eve Bergeron-Radoux, B.S. Business Administration
Dana Grace Bingham, B.S. Business Administration
Carol Hancock Brennan, B.S. Business Administration
Kathryn Margaret Budnik, B.S. Business Administration
Laura Elizabeth Eddy, B.S. Business Administration
John Stephen Haining, B.S. Business Administration
Jonathan S. Hambrecht, B.S. Business Administration
Michael Edward Long, B.S. Business Administration
Ashley Marie Miller, B.S. Business Administration
Maximilian Johann Rooney, B.S. Business Administration
Amy Ruth Rosenkrantz, B.S. Business Administration
Daniel S. Sleeper, B.S. Business Administration
Evan Daniel Walden, B.S. Business Administration
Ryan C. Wilk, B.S. Business Administration
College of Engineering and
Mathematical Sciences
Summa Cum Laude
Barbara Dewey Abbott, B.S. Mathematics
Joseph Szczepan Krupa, B.S. Civil Engineering
Magna Cum Laude
Connor Patrick Hayden, B.S. Civil Engineering
Shanta Brooke Keller, B.S. Civil Engineering
Matthew James Maille, B.S. Mechanical Engineering
Juergen Uhl, B.S. Mechanical Engineering
Cum Laude
Sean Richard Donovan, B.S. Mechanical Engineering
Owen Howland Edgerton, B.S. Mechanical Engineering
Erik C. Giard-Chase, B.S. Mathematics
Benjamin Greenfield, B.S. Mechanical Engineering
Clay Cushman Murphy, B.S. Mechanical Engineering
Robert Emerson Taylor Rohr, B.S. Computer Science
Eric David Shepard, B.S. Computer Science
Mark Joseph Suozzo, B.S. Civil Engineering
College of Education and Social Services
Summa Cum Laude
Susan M. Cirilli, B.S. Education
Joanna Quayle, Bachelor of Science
Tiffany Trafan, Bachelor of Science
Magna Cum Laude
Kristina Barbuto, B.S. Education
Elisabeth Maria Brown, B.S. Education
Amy Rose Choiniere, B.S. Education
Megan Maynard, B.S. Education
Victoria Elizabeth Vendola, B.S. Education
Verity M.J. Witham, Bachelor of Science
Cum Laude
Jennifer Angers, B.S. Education
David Beraha, Bachelor of Science
Allison Cote, B.S. Education
Kimberly Mae Lewis, B.S. Education
Khari Lyn Lizotte, Bachelor of Science
Amy Hall Maguire, Bachelor of Science
Allison Michelle Naugle, B.S. Education
Julie M. Pacific, Bachelor of Science
Margaret Petrarca, Bachelor of Science
William Richard Rice, B.S. Music Education
Kristen Riley, B.S. Education
Brindy Kim Robinson, B.S. Education
Alex Elizabeth Shevrin, B.S. Education
Ellen Rae Stanley, B.S. Education
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Summa Cum Laude
Barbara B. Giebink, Bachelor of Science
Michael Joseph Lahey, Bachelor of Science
Magna Cum Laude
Lindsey Smith Orzech, Bachelor of Science
Kaley Smith Barcomb, Bachelor of Science
Janna Elizabeth Trombley, Bachelor of Science
Cum Laude
Kate Lorraine Bryant, Bachelor of Science
Caitlin Jean Clairmont, Bachelor of Science
Elisa Klan, Bachelor of Science
Ashley Ford Paula, Bachelor of Science
Amy Lynne Tewksbury, Bachelor of Science
Erin Nicole Vellek, Bachelor of Science
Return to Index
Commencement 2009
Phi Beta Kappa, a national honor society dedicated to honoring
high academic achievement for liberal arts students, was founded
at the College of William and Mary in 1776. It is the nation’s
first Greek-letter society and is the oldest and most respected
academic honorary society. UVM’s chapter of Phi Beta Kappa,
the Alpha of Vermont, was established in 1848; it is the eleventh
oldest chapter on the national rolls of Phi Beta Kappa.
Undergraduate members in course:
Katherine Rose Askinazi*
Leila Sarah Benabid
John Bennett
Michael Young Bottiggi
Elizabeth Butler
Grace Erin Cameron
Thomas Stuart Cheney
Leah Cipri
Holly Brenna Crimmins
Kara Cummings
Alicyn Nicole DeSimone
Stephanie Elise Fakharzadeh
Hannah Fjeld
Jennifer L. Glenister*
Lisa Stephanie Goldberg*
Gef Edward Gove IV
Colleen Hertz
Johanna Hiller
Kenna Jacobs
Katherine Colby Jerome
Amadeus Kaelber
Valerie Koenig
Anna Edith Kufner
Samantha Lederfine Paskal
Carmen Lee
Matthew Cole Little*
Jared Lockwood
Jacqueline Anne Maisonpierre
Greta Mattessich
Alexander Mervak
Michael Maurice Michaud
Allison Neal
Emily Nicolosi
Samantha Palley
Danielle Pecor
Laura S. Pedro*
Gillian Perron
Douglas Alan Robinson
Monique Jeannette Rogals*
Robert Emerson Taylor Rohr
Heather Rowles
Anna Rose Royar*
Ellen Rae Stanley*
Jennifer Marie Staples
Abray Mariah Stillson
Rachel Alexandra Sugarman
Catherine L. Tremblay
Danielle Mary Walsh
Chase Whiting
Joe Wright
Graduate Student Initiates:
Erica Bove Mahany
Jodi Lynn McQuillen Roque
* Initiated in December 2008
Return to Index
An international academic honor society founded in 1977 by a group
of undergraduate students at Georgia State University; the UVM
chapter was chartered in 1993. It is interdisciplinary, honoring the
top 15 percent junior and senior students in each college/school.
Graduating seniors are:
Kathryn Abbott-Koch
Matthew Little
James Allen
Lindsay Lord
Hillary Archer
Sreedhar Manchu
Steven Babbin
Taylor Massa
Leila Bair
James Mathews
Tim Banks
Michelle Mathias
Lisa Barrett
Patricia McDermott
Leila Benabid
Michael Michaud
Danielle Bois
Ashley Miller
Kathryn Boolukos
Molly Miller
Michael Bottiggi
Stacey Miller
Thomas Cheney
Cynthia Murdock
Susan Cirilli
Clayton Noyes
Mason Cline
Meghan Oliver
Danielle Cloutier-Simons
Caitlin O’Neil
Amanda Crotty
Samantha Palley
Annie Dantowitz
Corey Paradis
Andrew Dickgiesser
Holly Buckland Parker
Rebecca Dumont
Ashley Paula
Virginie Dupont
Gillian Perron
Bethany Fox
Erin Pichiotino
Timothy Frazier
Jacquelyn Pless
Danielle Funaro
Israel Provoncha
Alexandra Garten
Trevor Quinn
Ephrem Gebreselasie
Jesse Rentz
Katie Glover
Brindy Robinson
James Godin
Jessica Rock
Catherine Goggins
Monique Rogals
Benjamin Greenfield
Robert Rohr
Heather Habberfield
Bertrand Rollin
Bradford Hartigan
Patricia Rose
Emma Hazlett
Casie Sauve
Kathleen Heil
Matthew Schuelka
Matthew Held
Corinne Scoppe
Holly Hendricks
Caleb Searles
Jane Hoisington
Kaley Smith
Patricia Holland
John Soltys
Misha Hudak
Jeni St. George
Brendan Jackson
Sandra Stanley
Helen Jahn
Stephanie Steeves
Mikhaila Janiszyn
Holly Stradecki
Amadeus Kaelber
Anna Strout
Caryn Kane
Samuel Trudel
Shanta Keller
Lauren Tucker
Katherine Kiely
Aimee Viens
Julie Kirschner
Gordana Vukmirovic
Elisa Klan
Melissa Weinberger
Vanessa Lang
Chase Whiting
Michelle Leclair
Katharine Wiebe
Carmen Lee
Andrew Wood
Jingping Li
David Xu
Daniel Lim
Alpha Sigma Lambda is a national honors society for non-traditional
students. UVM’s Upsilon Gamma Mu chapter of Alpha Sigma Lambda
was established in 2006. ASL graduating seniors are:
Russell Flack Ford
James Scott French
Athena Michelle Letourneau
Commencement 2009
Founded in 1905, the Boulder Society at the University of Vermont
is one of the oldest existing traditions at the university. A men’s
honor society, it includes those senior men who have shown
dedication, devotion, scholarship and leadership. Most of the
members’ activities are heavily focused on community service:
Ben Bezark
Jamie Seiffer
Colin Downs-Dudley
Conner Tobin
Daniel Lim
Maxwell Tracy
Harry Mallory
Calvin Utter
Clay Murphy
Dave Volain
Samuel Parker
Evan Walden
Mortar Board is a national society for senior men and women.
Although membership comes as a high honor for UVM students in
recognition of outstanding service, scholarship and leadership, it is
also a challenge for continued, unselfish service in the best interests
of the college campus:
Lauren Abda
Corinne Scoppe
Kathryn Budnik
Elizabeth Sosi
Jessica Disbrow
Mary Stewart
Hannah Fjeld
Emily Strout
Martha Korbet
Victoria Vendola
Matthew Little
Danielle Walsh
Jacquelyn Mackner
Kate Watkins
Christopher May
Kristen Wenz
Alexander Mervak
Amy Young
Carly Milliren
Order of Omega is a national Greek leadership honor society. The
goal of this organization is to recognize those students who have
attained a high standard of leadership in the inter-Greek activities,
to encourage them to continue along this line, and to inspire
others to strive for similar attainment. Membership to the Theta
Psi Chapter of Order of Omega is limited to 3 percent of the UVM
Greek community. Graduating seniors are:
Jenna Bergman
Thomas Martin
Andrew Birch
Clay Murphey
Emma Danciu
Jessica Myers
Alicyn DeSimone
Tim Perkins
Amy Goldberg
Gillian Perron
Andrew Kasprisin
Jessie Peters
Ethan Kichura
Joseph Sheridan
Mackenzie Leonard
Juliet Stevens
Harry Mallory
Alyson Sullivan
Ian Markovitz
Andrew Wood
Established at the university in 1981, TOWER Society members
are nominated by faculty and administrators based on excellence
in leadership, community service and academics. Its members
are chosen to perpetuate the main goal for which TOWER (The
Organization of Women Exemplifying Reason and Responsibility)
was founded — to promote and foster women’s leadership and
community service at the university. These women will be wearing
White Honor Cords, distinguishing them as members of TOWER.
Lauren Abda
Sarah L. Glassman
Emelie de Faro Bailey
E. Kennedy
Jacqueline Elizabeth Bell
Theresa Pratt LaFay
Gabriela Da Silva-Riley
Katherine Joanne Nopper
Stephanie Elise Fakharzadeh Alex Elizabeth Shevrin
The Pizzagalli Vermont Scholars Program rewards outstanding high
school graduates. Students must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA while
at the university:
Lucas Faryniarz
Elizabeth Lang
Kaitlin Francis
Randee Tuepker
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The Community Service Scholars program, established in 1998,
recognizes Vermont high school graduates for their proven
dedication to community service and leadership. During their
undergraduate years at UVM, they have demonstrated an outgoing
commitment to doing community service in both their hometown
and university communities in various leadership and service
capacities. Graduating Community Service Scholars will be wearing
a medallion with black and red ribbon.
Sanela Beric
Sarah Minkler
Kathryn Budnik
Mary Stewart
Julie Fitzgibbons
Caitlin Stroupe
Emma Gauding
Aimee Viens
Clarissa Gottshall
Madeline Ward
Tiffany Machia
Kristy Wyckoff
Alexis Markolf
The Green and Gold Scholarship rewards the strongest student
from each Vermont high school with a merit scholarship that covers
full tuition at the University of Vermont. Students must maintain at
least a 3.0 GPA while at the university. Graduating Green and Gold
Scholars are:
Barbara Abbott
Alex Libardoni
Stephen Alajajian
Matthew Little
Anneli Berube
Allison Neal
Gwen Buel
Gillian Perron
Kara Cummings
Gabriela Riley
Jeremy Fonte
Ellen Stanley
Jennifer Fricke
Holly Stradecki
Gabriel Grant
Rebecca Szeg
Michelle Kniffin
Joseph Wright
Designated for Vermont residents of high academic achievement
who typically rank within the top 20% of their graduating high
school class:
Nathan Loschiavo
Lauren Anderson Michael Lynch
Erin Barton
Sara Magnus
Matthew Bouchard Matthew Maille
Kali Brgant
Zara Manuelyan
Leandra Brixey
Sasha Marina
Anya Broderick
Ashley Money
Luke Brunner
Madison Monty
Julianna Cappetta Alyssa Mullan
Nathan Dagesse
Hannah Munger
Beth Dailey
Caitlin O’Neil
Dexter Degre
Mathew Patterson
Dennise Demers Megen Perkins
Rebecca Dumont Danielle Pothier
Julie Fitzgibbons Laura Rosner
Bethany Fox
Kellie Saunders
Danielle Geno
Casie Sauve
Carrie Gilbert
Nilsen Schilling
Shauneen Grout
Jordan Stahl
Katherine Guion Mary Stewart
Scott Hanrahan
Caitlin Stroupe
Gregory Hardy
Brittany Taylor
David Helfand
Tyler VanLiew
Anna Hill
Kara Warman
Zachary Hoel
Claire Watt
Stephanie Houle Gregorii Whittemore
Zachary Hydusik Catherine Whyte
Andrew Kasprisin Lydia Wood
Emma Kennedy
Kristy Wyckoff
Andrew Klopfenstein
Amy Young
Casey Leach
Nicholas Ziter
Michelle LeClair
Commencement 2009
The Vermont Scholars Program rewards outstanding high school graduates.
Students must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA while at the university:
Amanda Enright
Kathryn Abbot-Koch
Emily Falta
Thomas Abdelnour
Sean Finnegan
Emelie Bailey
Margaret Fitch
Jessica Bean
Hannah Fjeld
Sanela Beric
JoyLee Flahive
Kyle Blindow
Jacob Flanigan
Joel Blouin
Neal Foster
Michael Bottiggi
Kristance Harlow
Shannon Bradley
Connor Hayden
Elisabeth Brown
Kenna Jacobs
Matthew Brown
Rudolf Kiburis
Elizabeth Brynn
Elisa Klan
Amanda Buck
Laura Koloski
Ashley Cassidy
Cathryn Koptiuch
Richard Caswell
Martha Korbet
Thomas Cheney
Ashley Lambert
Amy Choiniere
Joseph Larose
Danielle Cloutier-Simons
Paige Leenstra
Jessica Cobb
Sarah Madey
John Contompasis
Emily Major
Kassie Covey
Andrew Mallon
Emily Delibac
Jacob McFadden
Alicyn DeSimone
Erica Morse
Hannah Dyke
Clay Murphy
Aubrey Edson
Jennifer Nakhla
Mark Noble
Katherine Nopper
Dana Notte
Lindsey Orzech
Asa Parker
Amy Partington
Danielle Pecor
Erin Pichiotino
Abigail Pierce
Paul Prince
Monique Rogals
Halley Ross
Rebecca Schulman
Corinne Scoppe
Meredith Simard
Daniel Sleeper
Nathaniel Smith
Jesse Stringer
Catherine Tremblay
Julie Vo
Henry Wainhouse
Shannon Weeks
Joshua Wheeler
Guest Information
The following information is provided to help our guests find the services they need on campus
during Commencement on Sunday, May 17, 2009. Specific information is provided for
both the planned outdoor ceremony and, in the event of severe weather, the alternative
venue indoors at the Multipurpose Facility at the Athletic Complex. Information which is
not identified specifically for outdoor ceremony or indoor ceremony is common to both.
Information Center
Outdoor Ceremony: Information tables can be found at the Student Service Center in the main
lobby of the Waterman Building, on the University Green north of the Waterman Building, on the
plaza in front of the Royall Tyler Theatre, and in the main lobby of Patrick Gymnasium.
Indoor Ceremony: Information tables can be found in the main lobby of Patrick Gymnasium
and at the Student Service Center in the main lobby of the Waterman Building.
Snacks, Refreshments and Dining Options
The Marketplace, located on the 2nd floor of the Davis Center, is open from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
serving deli sandwiches, salads, fruits, snacks, and beverages.
Outdoor Ceremony: Snacks and refreshments (hot dogs, sandwiches, fruit, cookies,
muffins, chips and beverages) are available for purchase from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm under the
Concession Tents on the University Green, and in front of Patrick Gymnasium from 12:00 pm to
5:00 pm. The Waterman Café in the lower level of the Waterman Building will be open from 7:00
am to 2:00 pm serving “to go” sandwiches and salads, snacks, and beverages.
Indoor Ceremony: Snacks and refreshments (hot dogs, sandwiches, fruit, cookies, muffins,
chips and beverages) are available for purchase from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm under the Concession
Tent in front of Patrick Gymnasium.
Outdoor Ceremony: Restrooms are located at the Waterman parking lot, the visitor/reserved
parking lot on College Street and in the Waterman Building (south entrance). All restrooms are
handicapped accessible.
Indoor Ceremony: Restrooms are located in the main lobby of the Patrick Gymnasium
and portable restrooms are located outside the entrance to the main lobby of the Multipurpose
Facility. All restrooms are handicapped accessible.
Indoor Viewing of Main Ceremony
Outdoor Ceremony: Guests may view the main commencement ceremony indoors on
UVM Bookstore
The UVM Bookstore is located in the Davis Center. It offers a complete supply of UVM clothing,
gifts, diploma frames, and other merchandise. Henderson’s Café, located in the bookstore,
serves a variety of coffees. Hours are:
Outdoor Ceremony: 7:45 am – 3:00 pm
Indoor Ceremony: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. Also, the Bookstore Kiosk in Patrick Gymnasium will
be open from 7:30 am to 3:00 pm with clothing and gift items for sale.
Commencement DVD
A 90-minute video of the 205th Commencement Ceremony is available from the UVM Bookstore
at $19.99 plus$5.99 shipping and handling (allow 4 weeks for delivery). The Bookstore may
be reached by phone: (802) 656-3290 or toll free (800) 331-7305, email: UVM.Bookstore@uvm.
edu, or on the web at http://uvmbookstore.uvm.edu/.
Lost and Found
Outdoor Ceremony: Lost and found for people and property is located at the Information
Center at the Royall Tyler Theatre plaza, on the University Green north of the Waterman Building
and in the main lobby of Patrick Gymnasium. After 4:00 pm please contact UVM Police Services
at (802) 656-3473. They are located at 284 East Ave.
Indoor Ceremony: Lost and Found for people and property is located at the Information
Center in the main lobby of Patrick Gymnasium. After 4:00 pm please contact UVM Police
Services at (802) 656-3473. They are located at 284 East Ave.
Shuttle Bus Service
Outdoor Ceremony: Shuttle busses will run every 10 minutes from designated bus stops at
Partick Gym, Royall Tyler Theatre, Given Lot, Ag/Engineering Lot, and the Conference Center
at the Sheraton. A dedicated shuttle will run between the Flynn Theatre, Hilton Hotel, and
Allen House.
Indoor Ceremony: Shuttle busses will run every 10 minutes from designated bus stops at
Partick Gym, Royall Tyler Theatre, Given Lot, Ag/Engineering Lot, UHC Lot, and the Conference
Center at the Sheraton. A dedicated shuttle will run between the Flynn Theatre, Hilton Hotel,
and Patrick Gym.
First Aid
Ushers wearing yellow vests are available to assist with requests for: FM hearing impaired
devices, commencement programs in Braille, special assistance seating.
Outdoor Ceremony: First aid facilities are available during the main commencement
ceremony. The UVM Rescue Squad will be located in front of the University Health Center on
South Prospect Street.
Indoor Ceremony: First aid facilities are available during the main commencement
ceremony. If the ceremony is indoors, the UVM Rescue Squad will be located outside the main
entrance to Patrick Gymnasium.
Flower Sales
closed-circuit TV in either Memorial Lounge, main level Waterman Building, or the Billings/Ira
Allen Lecture Hall.
Special Needs
Outdoor Ceremony: The Golden Key International Honour Society is selling flowers on the
University Green north of the Waterman Building and at the Royall Tyler Theatre Plaza.
Indoor Ceremony: Indoor Ceremony: The Golden Key International Honour Society is selling
flowers in the main lobbies of both the Patrick Gymnasium and the Multipurpose Facility.
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In the event of a true emergency, dial (802) 656-3473 from a cell phone to reach the UVM Police
Services or use one of the “Blue Light” emergency phones located throughout the campus. In
either case you will be connected immediately with the emergency dispatcher.
Commencement 2009
The Academic Costume worn today in U.S. colleges
and universities is a survivor of the Middle Ages. The University of Vermont was among the first in this country to
experiment with the use of academic gowns, requiring their
wearing at the graduation of 1806. The experiment was not
repeated until mid-century when UVM and other colleges
began wholeheartedly to use the medieval scholar’s clothing
for ceremonial occasions.
The code regulating academic costume is adminis­tered
by an intercollegiate commission that establishes uniform
standards. BACHELORS’ gowns have closed fronts and
long, pointed sleeves. MASTERS’ gowns may be worn open
or closed and have oblong sleeves open at the wrist, the
lower portion hanging down with an arc near the bottom.
DOCTORS’ gowns may be open or closed and have velvet
facings and three velvet bars on the round, open sleeves.
The facings and bars may be of black or of the official
colors of the wearer’s department of learning.
Hoods are usually black. All are lined in silk in the
academic color or colors of the institution conferring the
degree, with a chevron for additional colors. A University
of Vermont hood is lined with green, with a gold chevron,
the official school colors. The color of the hood border
indicates the degree earned.
Arts, Letters and Humanities.......................................White
Commerce and Business.............................................. Drab
Economics................................................................. Copper
Education.............................................................. Light Blue
Engineering............................................................... Orange
Law............................................................................. Purple
Medicine...................................................................... Green
Nursing...................................................................... Apricot
Philosophy........................................................... Dark Blue
Public Administration.....................................Peacock Blue
Science..........................................................Golden Yellow
Veterinary Science......................................................... Gray
The Black Mortarboard is worn for all degrees. Only
Doctors’ caps may be made of velvet and only Doctors
or Presidents of institutions may wear a gold tassel
on the cap.
The Class of 1927 Memorial Mace is carried by the
University Marshal at formal university occasions and is
displayed on the platform during these ceremonies.
The Mace, a gift from the Class of 1927, is forty-seven
inches long, cast bronze, plated in silver, with a black
ebony handle. The sculpture on one of the four sides
depicts the center section of Old Mill with Mt. Mansfield
in the background, symbolizing the founding of the
University. Other sides display three students reaching
upwards to a lamp, symbolic of learning; the Ira Al­len
Chapel, symbolizing spiritual guidance; and a group of four
persons, symbolizing friendship. It is crowned by the seal
of the University.
The Mace was designed and the model sculpted by
Richard Simpson, son of Carl G. and Doris Griffith Simp­
son, both members of the Class of 1927.
Banners of the Colleges and Schools
White and Yellow
Light Blue and
Citron Yellow
Green and Gold
Russet and
Seafoam and
College of Agriculture and
Life Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences
School of Business Administration
College of Education and
Social Services
College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
Graduate College
College of Medicine
The Rubenstein School of
Environment and Natural
College of Nursing and
Health Sciences
The University Seal or Medallion was adopted in 1807
and used until 1871 when it was replaced
by a round seal incorporating the name
of the College of Agriculture. In 1975 the
Board of Trustees voted to restore the
original seal to official use, modified to
incorporate the Latin name of the College
of Agriculture.
The motto on the seal is from Horace, Epistles
1.2.36. Literally, it means “For virtuous studies and
matters.” In the allusion to Horace’s poem it reflects UVM’s
continuing belief in the utility and practicality
of all liberal studies.
Printed on recycled paper.
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Commencement 2009
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