
Table of Contents Commencement Exercises MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Commencement 2010

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Table of Contents Commencement Exercises MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Commencement 2010
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Commencement 2010
Commencement Exercises
Table of Contents
MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT................................................................................................................ 2
University Commencement...................................................................................................................................... 3
and DEANS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT ................................................................................ 5
Speaker and Honorary Degree Recipients.............................................................................................................. 6
and UNIVERSITY DISTINGUISHED PROFESSORS.................................................................................. 9
Graduate College...................................................................................................................................................... 9
Honors College....................................................................................................................................................... 10
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences............................................................................................................... 11
College of Arts and Sciences................................................................................................................................. 14
School of Business Administration........................................................................................................................ 22
College of Education and Social Services.............................................................................................................. 24
College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences............................................................................................. 28
The Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources......................................................................... 30
College of Medicine................................................................................................................................................ 32
College of Nursing and Health Sciences............................................................................................................... 35
UNIVERSITY AWARDS ...................................................................................................................................... 37
Seniors graduating Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, and Cum Laude ................................................. 51
Phi Beta Kappa, Golden Key, Community Service Scholars, Pizzagalli Vermont Scholars ................................ 52
Boulder Society, Mortar Board, Order of Omega, The Tower Society,
Green and Gold Scholars, Patrick Scholarship .................................................................................................... 53
Vermont Scholars..................................................................................................................................................... 54
GUEST INFORMATION..................................................................................................................................... 54
The Academic Costume, The Class of 1927 Memorial Mace, The University Seal,
Doctoral Silver Dollar, Banners of the Colleges and Schools ............................................................................. 55
Universitas V. Montis............................................................................................................................................... 56
PLEASE NOTE that errors will occur in the listings of candidates for graduation. Because of the time required for
printing the program, the listings may contain names of persons who will not receive a degree at this time and
also may omit the names of a few persons who will receive degrees. These errors are unavoidable.
The University of Vermont is a 504 Title IX Affirmative Action Institution.
Printed on 30% post-consumer recycled paper.
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Commencement 2010
Message from the President
Dear Graduates, Families, Friends, and Colleagues:
For the 206th time in the history of our institution, the University of Vermont community gathers today
to celebrate the achievement of our graduates and send them forth from this beautiful campus on the
hill in Burlington.
As the members of the Class of 2010 mark graduation, it is natural to reflect upon some of the
shared experiences of your time as University of Vermont students. We have come together to hear
from diverse and distinguished speakers such as Martin Luther King III, Elie Wiesel, Jon Stewart, and
Harry Belafonte. We have cheered on Catamount athletes to conference crowns, NCAA tournament
appearances (and victories!), and numerous individual championships in skiing, enjoying a particularly
exciting spring as Vermont was one of just two schools in the country to see our men’s basketball,
women’s basketball, and men’s hockey teams all earn spots in their respective NCAA championship
tournaments. During your years at UVM, you have witnessed the transformation of our campus
landscape. Some of the members of the Class of 2010 were the very first residents of the new
University Heights residence halls. A year later, you returned from summer break to the opening of the
Davis Center, which has become the hub of campus life during your years here. And as we celebrate
this commencement weekend, we take another step forward with the ribbon cutting for Jeffords Hall.
While these shared experiences unite all of our students, it is the individual memories of inspiring
professors, engaging courses, and close friendships that will be at the core of your lifelong memories
of this place. Though our graduates leave the ranks of University of Vermont students today, they
join the ranks of University of Vermont alumni, a rich, complex community stretching far beyond the
borders of our campus.
Families and friends, thank you for the support and care you have provided the graduates throughout
their time at the University. You share in their accomplishment and success. On behalf of all of my
colleagues, please allow me to say that we feel deeply moved and privileged to share this moment
of pride and achievement with you.
May 2010
Daniel Mark Fogel
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Commencement 2010
The University of Vermont
Commencement Ceremony
Sunday, May 23, 2010
9:00 a.m.
University Green
Order of Exercises
James W. Burgmeier, Professor of Mathematics
University Marshal and President of the Faculty Senate,
Robert S. Tyzbir, Professor of Nutrition and Food Sciences
University Herald
University Memorial Carillon
David Neiweem, Professor of Music and Marion B. Coe University Organist
Field Drums
Jeffrey Salisbury, Class of 1991, and Brian Johnson
The University Brass Ensemble
D. Thomas Toner, Associate Professor of Music and Chair of the Department of Music
The University of Vermont Police Services Honor Guard
The Pipes and Drums of St. Andrew’s Society of Vermont
Meghan E. Levick, Class of 2010
Robert F. Cioffi, Class of 1990
Chair of the University of Vermont Board of Trustees
The Honorable James H. Douglas
Governor, State of Vermont and Trustee, University of Vermont
Melanie M. Brown, Class of 2010, President of the Graduate Student Senate
Daron Lynn Raleigh, Class of 2010, President of the Senior Class Council
Katherine E. Ash, Class of 2010, Vice President of the Student Government Association
Beth R. Walsh, Class of 2009, President of the Staff Council
Daniel Mark Fogel, President of the University of Vermont
Eric K. Shinseki
United States Secretary of Veteran Affairs
with an Introduction by United States Senator Bernard Sanders
Recognition of Outstanding Student Leader Award Recipients by
Jane E. Knodell, Professor of Economics
Interim Provost and Senior Vice President
Alumni Greetings and Presentation of the George V. Kidder Outstanding Faculty Award by
Mary Ellen Guzewicz, Class of 1973
President of the University of Vermont Alumni Association
Doctor’s Degrees • Medicine • Master’s Degrees • Certificates • Honors College Scholars • Bachelor’s Degrees
ALMA MATER - Universitas V. Montis
Megan R. Benay, Class of 2010
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Commencement 2010
206th Commencement Ceremony
University Marshal • James W. Burgmeier, Professor of Mathematics and President of the Faculty Senate
University Herald • Robert S. Tyzbir, Professor of Nutrition and Food Sciences
Faculty Marshals • Judy A. Cohen, Professor of Nursing and Allan M. Strong, Associate Professor in Wildlife Biology
Commencement Program Coordinator • Leslie Logan, Chief of Protocol and
Administrator of University Events, President’s Office
Commencement Logistics Coordinator • Shane Cutler, Director of Conference and Event Services
Commencement Producer • Jeff Modereger, Chair, Associate Professor and Scenic Designer, Department of Theatre
Senior Class Council
Executive Board
Vice President Alumni Affairs & Class Gift
Vice President for Community Development
Vice President for Class Identity
Daron Raleigh
Lauren Dolloff
Cara Houston
Laura Raucci
General Board Members
Caitlin Bricker
Rachel Conrad
Lindsay Cyr
Colm Daly
Brooke Donaher
Letizia Figg
Tiffany Hall
Abigail Hunter
Jem Hughes
Stephanie King
Alexis Leibowitz
Whitney Northrop
Olivia Piel
Jane Richards
Nirali Shah
Megan Shannon
Officers of the Alumni Association
Vice President
Mary Ellen Guzewicz, Class of 1973
Edward E. Madden, Jr., Class of 1992
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Commencement 2010
The University of Vermont and State Agricultural College
Board of Trustees
Robert F. Cioffi, Chair of the Board
Daniel Mark Fogel, President
The Honorable James H. Douglas, Governor of the State of Vermont
The Hon. Claire D. Ayer
John A. Hilton, Jr.
Samuel E. Bain
Susan Hudson-Wilson
The Hon. Bill Botzow, Secretary
Deborah H. McAneny
Ian D. Boyce
The Hon. David E. Potter
The Hon. Carolyn W. Branagan
Dale A. Rocheleau
Adam S. Roof
The Hon. Christopher A. Bray
Harry L. Chen, Vice Chair
William F. Ruprecht
Frank J. Cioffi
Brian G. Sozansky
David A. Daigle
The Hon. Donna G. Sweaney
Jeffrey L. Davis
The Hon. Jeanette White
Mark S. Young
The Hon. Johannah Donovan
Senior Officers of Administration
President of the University
Senior Vice President and Provost, Interim
Vice President for Legal Affairs and General Counsel
Vice President for Finance and Administration
Vice President for Executive Operations Vice President for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies
Vice President for Student and Campus Life
Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations, Interim
Vice President for Enrollment Management
Vice President for Federal, State and Community Relations
Associate Provost for Multicultural Affairs and Academic Initiatives
Associate Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs
Associate Provost for Curricular Affairs
Daniel Mark Fogel
Jane E. Knodell
Francine T. Bazluke
Richard H. Cate
Gary L. Derr
Domenico Grasso
Thomas J. Gustafson
Kathleen A. Kelleher
Christopher H. Lucier
Karen N. Meyer
Wanda R. Heading-Grant
Rachel K. Johnson
Brian V. Reed
Deans of the University
Graduate College
College of Medicine
Honors College
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences
School of Business Administration, Interim
College of Education and Social Services
College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, Interim
Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Libraries and Learning Resources, Acting
Continuing Education
Extension System
Domenico Grasso
Frederick C. Morin, III
S. Abu Rizvi
Thomas C. Vogelmann
Eleanor M. Miller
Larry E. Shirland
Fayneese S. Miller
Bernard F. Cole
Mary C. Watzin
Patricia A. Prelock
Jeffrey D. Marshall
David A. Nestor
Cynthia L. Belliveau
Douglas O. Lantagne
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Commencement 2010
Eric K. Shinseki
Doctor of Laws
Commencement Speaker
Eric K. Shinseki was considered an
American hero long before he was
nominated by President Barack
Obama to serve as the seventh
Secretary of Veterans Affairs on
January 21, 2009. A retired U.S.
Army four-star General, Secretary
Shinseki served as Chief of Staff,
United States Army, from 1999 to
2003 when he retired from active
duty, which included two tours in
During his tenure as Chief of
Staff, Shinseki initiated the
Army Transformation Campaign
to address both the emerging
strategic challenges of the early
twenty-first century and the need
for cultural and technological
change in the United States Army.
Following the September 11,
2001 terrorist attacks, he led the
Army during Operations Enduring
Freedom and Iraqi Freedom
and integrated the pursuit of the
Global War on Terrorism with
Army Transformation, successfully
enabling the Army to continue
to transform while at war.
Shinseki, who served as Vice
Chief of Staff from 1998 to 1999,
previously served simultaneously
as Commanding General, Seventh
United States Army; Commander
Allied Land Forces, Central Europe;
and Commander of the NATO-led
Stabilization Force in Bosnia and
Shinseki has been recognized
for modernizing the VA and for
administering benefit programs
for veterans, their families, and
their survivors in ways that better
meet the needs of the twenty6
first century. At the time of his
appointment, President Obama
said, “There is no one more
distinguished, more determined,
or more qualified to build this
VA than Shinseki.” He added,
“No one will ever doubt that this
former Army chief of staff has the
courage to stand up for our troops
and our veterans. No one will ever
question whether he will fight
hard enough to make sure they
have the support they need.”
Shinseki, who has a Master of
Arts degree in English Literature
from Duke University, was
commissioned a second lieutenant
of Artillery upon graduation from
the United States Military Academy
in June 1965 and was sent to
Vietnam where he was wounded
in combat in 1966. He returned
to Tripler Army Medical Center,
Honolulu, Hawaii to recuperate
and subsequently was assigned as
Assistant Secretary, then Secretary
to the General Staff, U.S. Army,
Hawaii, Schofield Barracks until
1968. He transferred to Armor
Branch and attended the Armor
Officer Advanced Course at Fort
Knox, Kentucky, before returning
to Vietnam a second time where
he was again wounded in 1970.
Shinseki was awarded the Defense
Distinguished Service Medal,
Distinguished Service Medal,
Legion of Merit, Bronze Star
Medal, Purple Heart, Defense
Meritorious Service Medal,
Meritorious Service Medal, and Air
Medal among others.
Shinseki holds a Bachelor of
Science degree from the U.S.
Military Academy at West Point
and is a graduate of the National
War College.
Judith Buechner
Doctor of Laws
Judith Buechner of Rupert,
Vermont is a farmer,
environmentalist, ecological
entrepreneur, and advocate for the
public interest. Her commitment
to environmental stewardship and
sustainability, combined with her
innovation and quiet leadership in
the artisan cheese movement and
the development of sustainable
agricultural infrastructure, has
helped to preserve and enhance
the rural working landscape that
makes Vermont the special place
that it is.
As a partnership-builder, Judith
Buechner quietly has led and
energized land conservation
collaborations throughout Vermont
from the Mettawee Valley to the
Hero Islands.
Beyond protecting the land, her
compassion for working farm
families and their animals led
her to become one of the central
activists creating and supporting
programs and initiatives to
keep farming viable here in
Vermont. She is the parent of a
UVM graduate and has been a
prime mover behind many of the
University’s agricultural initiatives,
including the Small Ruminant Dairy
Project and the Vermont Institute
for Artisan Cheese, two programs
that have catalyzed the expansion
of a nascent sheep and goat
dairy farming movement and the
related value-added cheese making
operations which are critical
underpinnings of Vermont’s longterm agricultural viability.
Through her commitment to
lifelong learning and exploration,
Judith Buechner has helped
current and future farmers and
eco-entrepreneurs to develop
the competency for success as
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owners and stewards, as well as the
wisdom and courage to “walk the
talk” of sustainability.
Through her long-term vision,
seventh-generation thinking,
and passion for making a
difference in her own terms,
style, and scope, she has given
back generously of her time and
talents to our University and to
all Vermonters. While she has
shunned the limelight, preferring
to observe the impact of her
activism and community service
in quiet anonymity, it has become
impossible to hide her shining
successes earned through decades
of quiet leadership dedicated to
preserving Vermont’s working
landscape and improving the
quality of life for Vermont’s citizens.
Judith Buechner is recognized for
her reverence for the land and
life-long learning, her cultivation
of the University’s capacity to act
sustainably, and her entrepreneurial
stewardship which already has
created a legacy of opportunity that
will benefit future generations.
Visionary, caring, and tireless,
Judith Buechner has been a
passionate advocate for farmers,
land, learning, and the public
interest: she embodies the best
of Vermont’s indomitable rural
character and philanthropic spirit.
Susan Brody Hasazi
Doctor of Letters
Professor Susan Hasazi is an
internationally known scholar in
the field of special education and
a trailblazing advocate for students
with disabilities and their families.
A faculty member in the University
of Vermont’s College of Education
and Social Services since 1976,
she is the Stafford Distinguished
Commencement 2010
Professor of Leadership and
Special Education and Director
of the Doctoral Program in
Educational Leadership and Policy
Studies, which she developed.
Hasazi’s career in academia has
been distinguished by significant
contributions to research, public
policy and the education of current
and future leaders impacting the
lives of children with intellectual
Hasazi earned her M.Ed. at the
University of Vermont in 1972 and
her Ed.D. from Boston University
in 1978. In 1982 she served as
a Kennedy Fellow in the U.S.
Senate. Her long list of influential
published papers includes key
articles, written in the 1980s and
1990s that are considered signature
research pieces in her field and are
still referenced today, in particular
her work on post-school outcomes
of youth with disabilities and
practices and policies associated
with the transition from school
to adult life. Hasazi was also
instrumental in the movement to
integrate special education students
into mainstream classrooms.
She has been named University
Scholar and is the recipient of
awards that include the prestigious
Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation
International Award for her lifelong
contributions as a scholar and
educator in the field of special
Hasazi is presently co-principal
investigator of a federally
funded grant to train parents as
collaborative leaders to better
advocate for their children within
their own school systems. She is
also an evaluator for the federally
funded National Parent Center
Colleagues of Hasazi praise her
adept skills at influencing public
policy, bringing her research to
bear on real-life issues, and her
relentless efforts to change the
climate within schools, particularly
in Vermont, helping principals
and other leaders to see special
education issues as she does –
an integral piece of any broad
vision of educational practices and
outcomes. As a mentor to countless
academics and education students,
she has extended her reach further
still, with many now serving in
leadership positions across the
In recent years Hasazi has
expanded her interests, working
closely with the Vermont Agency
of Human Services on evaluations
related to women who are
incarcerated and those with mental
health issues. Ultimately, Hasazi
views the body and scope of her
work within the broader rubric of
all social justice concerns.
Raymond C. Pecor Jr.
Doctor of Laws
Few of Burlington’s native sons
have given more of their time and
effort to improving the quality
of life of their hometown and
state than Raymond C. Pecor.
His contributions in the areas of
transportation, entertainment and
downtown revitalization have
been critical to the economic
development of the state for more
than four decades.
Signs of Pecor’s investments in
the community can be seen all
around Chittenden County where
he grew up attending Burlington
schools. Perhaps his most wellknown venture was the purchase
of the Montreal Expos’ minor
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Commencement 2010
league franchise in 1994 and his
continued ownership of the team
– now known as the Vermont
Lake Monsters. Another of Pecor’s
investments can be seen less
than a mile from his team’s home
park at Centennial Field where
the renovated Champlain Mill sits
on the banks of the Winooski
River. Pecor’s multi-million dollar
investment in the historic mill in
1979 helped set the stage for the
city’s current revitalization.
Pecor, who attended the University
of Vermont in the early 1960s and
later served on the UVM Board of
Trustees and UVM Alumni Council,
has provided a critical mode of
transportation between Vermont
and New York since 1976 when
he purchased the Lake Champlain
Transportation Company. Currently
run by his son, Trey, LCTC provides
ferry service from multiple points
on Lake Champlain, continuing
a tradition started in 1826 that
has served as a vital business and
tourist connection between the
Pecor, who previously owned Lake
Champlain Cable TV and helped
develop the Courthouse Plaza in
downtown Burlington in 1987,
has served on numerous local
boards including as a director of
Merchant’s Bank for more than 30
years and chairman since 1996. He
also served on UVM’s then School
of Natural Resources Board of
Advisors and won the UVM Alumni
Achievement Award in 1997.
Not one to seek the spotlight,
many of Pecor’s contributions to
fledgling businesses and other local
organizations in need of advice
or financial support have been
done anonymously and without
the desire for recognition. Pecor
continues to serve on local boards
and give back to his hometown, the
university and the State of Vermont.
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Commencement 2010
Emeriti Faculty of the University of Vermont Class of 2010
College of Arts and Sciences
Robert B. Lawson, Professor of Psychology Emeritus
William E. Mann, Professor of Philosophy Emeritus
Luther H. Martin, Professor of Religion Emeritus
George H. Moyser, Professor of Political Science Emeritus
Timothy Murad, Associate Professor of Spanish Emeritus
Joseph-André Senécal, Professor of French Emeritus
Janet Whatley, Professor of French Emerita
College of Education and Social Services
Susan Brody Hasazi, Professor of Education Emerita
College of Medicine
Richard A. Bernstein, Associate Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus
Kenneth A. Brown, Professor of Medicine Emeritus
Arthur M. Levy, Professor of Medicine Emeritus
Jerold F. Lucey, Professor of Pediatrics Emeritus
Susan Sobel, Associate Professor of Psychiatry Emerita
University Extension
Glenn F. Rogers, Extension Professor Emeritus
Kroepsch-Maurice Excellence in Teaching Awards 2009-2010
Judith A. Cohen, Professor of Nursing, College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Barry W. Heath, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, College of Medicine
Paul H. Besaw, Assistant Professor of Music, College of Arts and Sciences
Ian G. Grimmer, Lecturer in European History, College of Arts and Sciences
University Scholars 2010-2011
Rex L. Forehand, Heinz and Rowena Ansbacher Professor of Psychology,
University Distinguished Professor, College of Arts and Sciences
James J. Hudziak, Professor of Psychiatry, Medicine, and Pediatrics, College of Medicine
Anthony S. Magistrale, Professor of English, College of Arts and Sciences
George J. Osol, Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences,
Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, and Pharmacology, College of Medicine
University Distinguished Professors
Rex L. Forehand, Heinz and Rowena Ansbacher Professor of Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences
Mark T. Nelson, Professor of Pharmacology, College of Medicine
Burton E. Sobel, Professor of Medicine, College of Medicine
Judith L. Van Houten, George H. Perkins Professor of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences
Graduate College
Sunday, May 23, 2010
9:00 a.m.
University Green
Domenico Grasso, Dean
Robert Rodgers, College Marshal
Robert Gordon, College Marshal
Robert S. Tyzbir, Name Reader
Kristin Camp, Diploma Covers
Kelly Macy, Banner Bearer
Diplomas will be distributed at the home college/school distribution sites
following the completion of the Commencement Ceremony.
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Commencement 2010
Honors College
Sunday, May 23, 2010
9:00 a.m.
University Green
S. Abu Rizvi, Dean
Jeffery Hughes, College Marshal
Lisa Schnell, College Marshal
Cristina Mazzoni, Name Reader
Brenda Tessmann, Name Reader
Guillermo Rodriguez, Diploma Covers
Rachel Beth Conrad, Banner Bearer
Diplomas will be distributed at the home college/school distribution sites
following the completion of the Commencement Ceremony.
Bailey A. Adie, Orwigsburg, PA, CAS
James P. Allen, Charlotte, CAS
Kevin Thomas Argentieri, Yardley, PA, CAS
Molly Baird Ashodian, Philadelphia, PA, CAS
Tyler M. Aten, Montpelier, CAS
Jessica M. Bartlett, Duxbury, MA, CAS
Logan Bartram, Clinton, NJ, CAS
Megan R. Benay, Fairfax, CAS
Tavid Rankin Bingham, Underhill, CAS
Calla Ann Bischoff, Stratham, NH, CAS
Katherine E. Botula, Essex Junction, CAS
Lauren Elizabeth Buck, Waterbury Center, CAS
Tyler James Buswell, Milton, CAS
Julia A. Camuso, Wenham, MA, CAS
Jennifer M. Chan, Brighton, MA, CNHS
Zoe Chapman, Castleton, CAS
Katherine Elizabeth Coderre, Chester, CT, CESS
Justine J. Cohen, South Easton, MA, CAS
Mimosa Mae Collins, Langley, WA, CALS
Rachel Beth Conrad, Rupert, CAS
Kayla Justine DeCarr, North Haven, CT, RSENR
Kara Lee DeDonato, Salisbury, CT, CAS
Erin Lyn DeLaMater, Peru, NY, CAS
Michael Camier Desmarais, Essex, CEMS
Caryn Ann Devins, Essex, CAS
Jillian Stefi Diamond, Amherst, MA, CESS
Edward Milnes Dobbin, Middletown, RI, CALS
Carey Lucia Dunfey, Jamaica Plain, MA, CAS
Michael R. Ellis Jr., Orwell, CAS
Kieran K. Fane-Hervey, Plymouth, MA, CAS
Kristin Marie Fioretti, Yorktown Heights, NY, CAS
Alice Flynn Ford, Goshen, NY, CAS
Lisa Anne Fredette, Wallingford, RSENR
Kaitlin Mae Friedman, Plainview, NY, RSENR
Simonne Michelle Fuge, Mendham, NJ, CALS
Lila Day Fuller, Middlebury, CNHS
Katherine Elizabeth Gaire, Milton, NH, CAS
Jonathan R. Galli, Franklin, CNHS
Lindsey Anne Gillies, Huntington, NY, CAS
Katie Jeanne Glover, Jeffersonville, BSAD
Amy Goldberg, Suffern, NY, CESS
Jaime Lynn Goodman, Island Park, NY, BSAD
Matthew James Greer, Essex, BSAD
Johannes Griesshammer, Topsfield, MA, RSENR
Isaac Grosfeld-Katz, Kensington, MD, CAS
Sarah Catherine Gruver, East Dummerston, RSENR
Dana Stewardson Gulley, Garrison, NY, RSENR
Brendan Cerra Hamilton, Hudson, MA, CAS
Katy Hamlin, Augusta, ME, CNHS
Stephanie Harris, Williston, CAS
Karl Jared Hinrichs, Armonk, NY, CAS
Ashley Elizabeth Holmes, Pittsford, NY, CAS
Jennifer J. Hondras, Amesbury, MA, CNHS
Katharine A. Hopkins, North Adams, MA, CAS
Jon Hulce, Brookfield, CT, CAS
Kevin C. Issadore, Hingham, MA, CAS
Katherine Colby Jerome, Shaftsbury, CAS
Amy Chasnoff Johnson, Chicago, IL, CAS
Amadeus S. Kaelber, Shelburne, CAS
Meredith Susannah Kempson, Kinnelon, NJ, CESS
Meghan Amber Kennison, Swanton, CNHS
Daniel Mark Koenemann, Montpelier, CAS **
Alison Rae Krywanczyk, Essex, CAS
Job P. Larson, Wells, CAS
David Gordon Laurendeau, Acton, MA, CAS
Raymond Lee, Marstons Mills, MA, CAS
Michael Benjamin Lester, Haworth, NJ, RSENR
Samuel Lopez-Barrantes, Chapel Hill, NC, CAS
Jessica Antoinette Lowe, Nassau, Bahamas, CAS
Cassandra Diane Magliozzi, Clinton, MA, CAS
Megan Marriner, Philadelphia, PA, CAS
Auston B. Maynard, Randolph, CEMS
Tyler Edward Mayo, Hardwick, CAS
Elizabeth A. McCallion, Cortland Manor, NY, CAS
Katherine Davis McClintic, Washington, DC, CAS
Erin Anne McGee, Sturbridge, MA, CAS
Rachel Catherine McNeil, Orleans, MA, CAS
Brent Mark Meunier, Brunswick, CEMS
Morgan Kirsten Moeglein, Wasilla, AK, CALS
Edmund Goodhue Montanari , Lexington, MA, BSAD*
William D. Morache, Hampstead, NH, CAS **
Alexander Morgan, Rutland, CAS
Christine Rose Morgan, Essex Junction, BSAD
Kathryn Alexa Moritz, St. Johnsbury, CAS
Madeline Frances Murphy Hall, Windsor, CAS
Jessica Naa Jama Odotei, Hopkinton, MA, CAS
Hayley E. Perelman, Millwood, NY, CAS
Elizabeth Ann Petow, Providence, RI, CAS
Monica Anne Picard, Worcester, MA, CESS
Audrey Helen Reid, Canaan, RSENR
Kacy Marissa Roeder, New City, NY, CALS
Michael Ezra Rubin, Syosset, NY, BSAD
Matthew Sarcione, Salem, NH, RSENR
Abigail Lynn Scherer-Hoock, Topsfield, MA, CALS
Elizabeth Anne Schindler, Rutland, CALS
Elizabeth Rebecca Schrader, Yarmouth, ME, CAS
Abby Marie Shocik, Brimfield, MA, CESS
Alison Claire Stout, Wayland, MA, CAS
Katie R. Stuart-Shor, Boston, MA, CNHS
Kathryn Congdon Towers, Jericho, CAS
Laura K. Townsend, Bedford, MA, CEMS
Michael John Trimble, West Chester, PA, BSAD
Rachel Claire Van Vliet, Ho Ho Kus, NJ, CESS
Jae Nicholas Vick, Burlington, CAS
Chelsea Leigh Vincent, Vergennes, CNHS
Samantha E. Weinberg, New York City, NY, CAS
Ariel Wengroff, Chicago, IL, CAS
Amanda Erin Wildermuth, Essex, CAS
Keith Michael Williams, Burlington, CAS
Kacia Anne Yazbak, Smithfield, RI, CAS **
Kristi Lynn Young, Milton, CNHS
Zheng Jing Zheng, Bronx, NY, CNHS
CALS: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences • CAS: College of Arts and Sciences • BSAD: School of Business Administration • CESS: College of Education and Social Services
CEMS: College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences • RSENR: Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources • CNHS: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
*As of October, 2009
**As of January, 2010
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Commencement 2010
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Sunday, May 23, 2010
9:00 a.m.
University Green
Thomas C. Vogelmann, Dean
Deborah Neher, College Marshal
Todd Pritchard, College Marshal
Jane Kolodinsky, Name Reader
Mark Starrett, Name Reader
Rose Laba, Diploma Covers
Megan Rae Foy, Banner Bearer
Diplomas will be distributed in Morrill Hall, Room 104, following the completion of the Commencement Ceremony.
Zachary David Ahrens, Melrose, MA**
Kaila Marie Aiello, Springfield
Alexandra McGill Aldrich, Shelburne
Jared Robert Alvord, Plainfield, MA
Marshall Reid Ambros, Hartland
Sophia Marie Anderson, Portland, ME
Amanda Rose Aronoff, Fairfield, CT**
Lucy Goldlust Astor, Florence, MA
Elisabeth Frances Austin, Williston
Andreana Bakert-Miceli, Rockaway Park, NY
Jeremy Robert Baras, Brookline, MA
Nicolette Leigh Baron, Jeffersonville**
Marnie Lynn Barry, Granville, OH
Joshua Ryan Bates, Franklin
Tomas Alberto Batista, Bronx, NY**
Eric James Beauvais, Georgetown, MA
Megan Anne Beck, Lake George, NY
Joshua Louis Bedol, Westport, CT
Nicholas George Bedrin, Grand Isle
Lindsay Marie Beebe, Tolland, CT
Rebecca Anne Beyer, Montclair, NJ**
Zachary Edmond, Bissonette, Colchester
Julie Ann Blanchard, Newton, MA
Andrew Paul Boerman, Shelburne
Kyle Alexander Bombardier, Colchester
Nathan D. Borochoff-Porte, Putney**
Sarah Loreen Bowen, West Rutland
Amanda Reka Bradder, Rutland
Jessie Reid Bradley, Charlotte
Kelsi Brynn Breslend, Springfield
Rachel Kathleen Brett, Maplewood, NJ**
Caitlin Faye Bricker, Sharon, MA
Laura Rae Bristol, Underhill
Keith Francis Brunner, River Edge, NJ
Peter Hayes Buckley, Dorset
Nina Elizabeth Burdett, Westmoreland, NH
Amanda Bailly Burton, Nashua, NH
Kyle Richard Bushee, Manchester
Chelsea Anne Bushey, Essex Junction
Martin Gibson Bushey, So. Burlington
Jennifer Elyse Buterick, Manshawkin, NJ
Mary Rachel Cadwallader-Staub, So. Burlington
Heather Anne Calabrese, Rochester, NY**
Grace Laurence Carlin, West Chazy, NY
Suzette T. Carlson, Villanova, PA*
Emma Rose Carollo, Shorewood, WI
Kaitlyn Ann Carreau, St. Johnsbury
Daniel Christopher Carroll, Northborough, MA
Michael William Cavanaugh, New Fairfield, CT**
Rachel Lucy Christensen, Great Barrington, CT**
Jeremiah Church, Morrisville
Amy Elisabeth Clay, Wilmington**
Cassandra Curran Clarkson, Spofford, NH
Daniel Allen Cleary, Bala Cynwyd, PA**
Katherine Nancy Coale, Weybridge
Philip William Cohen, Weston, CT
Jacob Houlihan Collier, Vernon
Mimosa Mae Collins, Langley, WA
Gabrielle Dorothy Connelly, Littleton, MA
Sophie Kathryn Conway, Shelburne
Christina Marie Covey, Meriden, CT
Jillian B. Cuccia, Centerville, MA
Bradford Robert Currier, Essex Junction**
Kenneth Michael Dahler, Clinton, NJ
Molly Aileen Daley, Schenectady, NY
Chelsea Lee Davidoff, Los Angeles, CA
Sarah Marilyn Davis, Warren**
Lindsey Katheran Davison, Bethlehem, PA
Karen Kramaric Dean, Essex Junction
Jenna Margaret DeLorenzo, Scituate, MA
Marissa Winifred Devlin, Wayland, MA
Ciara Lee DeVozza, Exeter, RI
Edward Milnes Dobbin, Middletown, RI
Amanda Suzanne Dodds, Burlington**
Marcus Dominguez, Closter, NJ*
David Alexander Donahue Jr., East Walpole, MA
Margaret Stelle Donin, Hanover, NH
Joshua Dratch, Huntington, NY
Margaret Lenzi Driscoll, Ketchum, IN
Bridget Dugan-Sullivan, Thetford Center
Alexandra Lee Eatmon, Mount Holly
Derrek John Eckhardt, North Bennington
Christopher Taylor Edwards, Vergennes
Jacklyn Grace Emilo, Middlebury
Kristie Leigh Fairbanks, Newmarket, NH
Robert John Farquhar, Southborough, MA
Hannah Caroline Fay, Brunswick
Justin David Ferguson, Brick, NJ
Taylor Skinner Ferreira, Holliston, MA
David Alexander Ferrell, Swarthmore, PA
Letizia Larabee-Leigh Figg, New York City, NY
Danielle Anne-Marie Fontaine, West Warwick, RI
Lauren Marie Ford, Deep River, CT
Megan Rae Foy, Danville
Nicholas Adam Fredette, Rutland**
Andrew Keith French, Jeffersonville**
Karen Elizabeth Fries, Shelburne
Simonne Michelle Fuge, Mendham, NJ
Stephen Richard Fulling, Merrimack, NH
Michael Roger Gabrielsen, North Chittenden*
Ashley Renee Gagne, Swanton
Alaina Maria Galbraith, Rochester Hills, MI
Rachel Anne Galluzzo, Durham, CT
Christina Marie Garin, Canajoharie, NY**
Maureen Ruth Gerity, Glastonbury, CT
Kelsey Elizabeth Gero, Rutland
Lindsay Jennings Gilbert, North Kingstown, RI
Jonathan Adam Gilman, Natick, MA
Jessica Gloss, Middleton, MA
Jessica Claire Godbersen, Johnson
Lauren Elizabeth Goddard, Freeport, ME
Sarah Emily Goddard, South Orange, NJ
John A. Gonsalves Jr, Burlington
Julie Ellen Goodman, Underhill**
Matthew Lee Goodman, Fair Haven
Ruth Ariella Goodman, So. Burlington
April Marie Gordon, Essex Junction
Samantha Jane Goudreau, Richmond
Christa Marie Gowen, Cornwall
Kyle Evan Gowen, Manchester
Ariel Maris Grald, Grantham, NH
Molly Anderson Greene, Cornwall
Ryan William Grimason, Shelburne**
Caroline Soule Grimmnitz, Readfield, ME
Stephanie Mercedes Guerrero, Bronx, NY
Jennifer Rose Haber, Monroe, NY
Heather Harriet Haines, Windsor
Brittney Elyse Hale, Wolfeboro, NH
Martha Ann Hammel, Chatham, NJ**
Kelly Erin Harmon, Cheshire, MA
Lisa Michelle Harris, Highlands, NJ
Jacqueline Anne Hartman, Westwood, NJ
Erin Cecile Harvey, Westford**
Megan Althea Haughey, Richford
*As of October, 2009
**As of January, 2010
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
Michael T. Hauptman, Ocean, NJ
Ethan Karl Hausman, So. Ryegate**
Clinton Earl Hayes, East Haddam, CT
Amanda Lynn Hebert, Richmond
Whitney Eve Heingartner, Weston
Arielle Emma Helffrich, Bethesda, MD
Sarah Ellen Henry, North Scituate, RI
Jonathan Andrew Higgins, Stratham, NH
Elizabeth Jean Hines, Oakton, VI
Allyson Kristen Hipp, Williston
Julia Graham Hobson, North Middlesex
John Franklin Holcomb, II, Bakersfield**
Amanda Blair Hollyday, Cape Elizabeth, ME
Kendall Maura Hostnik, Londonderry
Amanda Kate Hurley, Gloucester, MA
Aminah Mian Hussain, Morrisville*
Sayuri Gabriella Janousek, Chandler, AR
Tania Jofe, New York City, NY
Kimberly Rose Kaliszewski, North Haven, CT
Nadine Ann Kassis, Windham, NH
Aimee Lynne Kennedy, Monroe, NY
Elizabeth Louise Kerschner, Ferrisburgh
William Edward Kieber, East Braintree
Elisabeth Rebecca Rose Kipping, Fanwood, NJ
Heather Lynn Klaff, Easton, CT*
Jacob Ziegler Klein, Plainfield*
Madeline Holland Knorring, Barrington, II
Peter Benjamin Kogut, Amherst, NY
Kristina Lee Kopec, South Hadley, MA
Hilary Ann Kulakowski, Lynnfield, MA
Cody Allan L’Esperance, St. Albans
Haylee Sue-Elin LaCroix, Moretown
Tyler Knapp Lane, Hallowell, ME**
Mary Catherine Langlois, Bethel, CT
Lindsay Sarah Lawes, Middlebury
Nicholas Robinson LeBlanc, Silver Spring, MD
Max Stuart Lederman, Montville, NJ
Amory Anne Ledyard, Kennett Square, PA
Deborrah Hyojin Lee, Garden Grove, CA**
Casey Emilija Lennon, Fairport, NY
Sarah Bethany Livak, Rutland
Aaron Ziegler Lothrop, Albany, NY
Brooke Jean Love, Massena, NY
Yacouba Mulu Lubula, So. Burlington
Heather Christina Lutton, Cambridge
Stephanie Elizabeth Lyons, Philadelphia, PA
Kelly A. Macnee, Williston**
Alyssa C. Martin, Litchfield, MA**
Kaitlin Anne Martin, So. Burlington**
Michaela Yvonne Martin, Pepperell, MA
Robyn Lynn Matheson, Barre
Elizabeth Anne McArdle, Reading, MA
Taylor William McCarthy, Newport
Julie Ann McGinnis, Qunicy, MA
Courtney Halla McLaughlin, Monmouth, ME**
Sarah Ann Meacham, North Hartland
Jacob Wehle Mink, Amherst, NY
Elizabeth Ernestine Minor, Fairfax
Morgan Kirsten Moeglein, Wasilla, AR
Emily Bailey Moffitt, Malvern, PA
Jay Tyler Moltz, Rochester**
Theresa Lynn Montgomery, Keene, NH**
Eric Yip Ming Mui, So. Burlington
Eric Christophor Muttilainen, Richmond*
Alexandra Danielle Nicasio, Essex Junction
*As of October, 2009
**As of January, 2010
Logan Michael Nicoll, Ludlow
Kristina Lynn Nolin, Gardner, MA
Meagan Ann Oakes, So. Burlington
Thomas Eric Olney, Perkinsville
Mikala Elizabeth O’Neil, Exeter, NH
April Elizabeth Orleans, Virginia Beach, VA**
Erin Elizabeth Osmanski, Lincoln, RI
Dana Ozimek, Chadds Ford, PA**
Carey Elizabeth Page, East Thetford
Carrie-Ann Elizabeth Palmeri, Burlington
Emilie Marie Paquette, Burlington
Celeste A. Parot, Milton**
Whitney Ann Partrick, Medina, NY**
Margaret Chapman Patrick, Hinesburg
Vanessa Marie Patten, Mont Vernon, NH**
David John Pawlusiak, Burlington*
Korrie Lynn Peckham, Little Compton, RI
Eamon Allen Penney, Shelburne**
Timothy More Perez, Saratoga Springs, NY
Abbey Lynn Peterson, Winooski
Lydia Alice Petty, Randolph Center**
Olivia Erin Piel, Durham, NH
Courtnay Marie Pilypaitis, Ottawa,Canada
Karla Elizabeth Plank, Charlotte**
Tyler David Platt, South Portland, ME
Sarah Katherine Pomeroy, Pittsford, NY
Alice Porco, Lincroft, NJ
Daniel Eric Potter, Hartland**
Alyssa Pratico, Rutland
Estefania Puerta, Malden, MA
Neal B. Purchase, Calais
Amanda Lee Ransom, So. Weymouth, MA
Arielle Beth Ratner, State College, PA
Laura Elizabeth Raucci, Mahwah, NJ
Max Farrell Reinhold, Litchfield, CT**
Katherine Rose Renda, Middlebury, CT
Eryn Blaire Rishell, Pawlet
Gillian T. Rissler, Stonington, CT
Marie Beth Robinson, Addison
Kacy Marissa Roeder, New City, NY
Nicole Ashley Rohrig, Ludlow
Todd Davis Romanchek, Langhorne, PA**
Lisa Beth Rosenberg, Painted Post, NY
Drew Leon Rountree, Litchfiled, ME
Aliza Rae Sanborn, Hyde Park
Scott David Sanderson, Milton
Austin MacLaren Sandhaus, Palisades, NY
Abigail Lynn Scherer-Hoock, Topsfield, MA
Elizabeth Anne Schindler, Rutland
Emily Anne Schloff, Salisbury
Kari Elizabeth Schmaling, Wassaic, NY
Lauren Fennell Schmitt, Holliston, MA**
Mimi Schneider, Shelburne
Nirali Jayesh Shah, Nashua, NH
Anurag Shukla, So. Burlington
Amanda Courtney Silano, Harrison, NY
Mollie Johanna Silver, Shaker Heights, OH
Christopher Adam Simard, Colchester**
Amy Anne Sinclair, Saugus, MA
Anne Puleio Sinisi, Westfield, NJ
Katherine Mary Sisson, Underhill
Daniel Alexander Smith, Lancaster, PA
Amanda Marie Sorrell, Altona, NY
Brittany Ann Spindler, Essex Junction
Jonathan Forbes Stimson, North Haverhill, NH
Heather Elizabeth Stone, Jericho
Alec Warren Stranahan, So. Burlington
Jennifer Lynn Swain, So. Burlington**
Jessie Marie Swett, St. Johnsbury
John Steele Taylor, Jonesville
Aaron John Thibault, Colchester
Brittany Lee Thompson, Kissimmee, FL
Kendall Leigh Tichner, Atlantic Beach, NY
Heather Anne Torrey, Amesbury, MA
Theodore Deforest Lloyd Trautman, Concord, MA
Ross Michael Travis, Delmar, NY
Jillian Marie Trotter, Charlotte
Kate Elizabeth Turcotte, New Vineyard, ME**
Amanda Marie Vance, Lyndonville
Caroline Johnson Wain, New London, NH
Claire Christine Watt, Montpelier**
Joshua Ross Weinman, Randolph, NJ
Jordan Kettley Werner, Arlington
William David Wertheim, Millwood, NY*
Catherine Marie Westbom, Windsor
Benjamin Matthew Whitcomb, Dover, NH
Brianne Marie White, Rutland**
Erika Elizabeth White, Fairfax
Katharine Bain Williams, Richmond
Colleen Mary Withers, Doylestown, PA
Casey Robert Wolff, Saranac Lake, NY
Thomas Stanley Wong, Lake Grove, NY
Alyssa Marie Wood, Manlius, NY
Franklin David Wood, West Baldwin, ME
Sarah Elizabeth Woodward, Barre
Kirsten Wunn, Maplewood, NJ
Katherine F. Yee, Medway, MA
Alexander Timothy Young, Cincinnati, OH*
Andrew Jordan Zarro, Manchester Center
Gretchen Marie Zehner, Beacon, NY
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
Graduate College
Marcia Malzac Bristow, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2008; Shelburne
Ashley Lynn Canning, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2008; Waterford
S. Elise Bratcher Cushman, B.S. (University of Tennessee) 2002; Memphis, TN
Dana Notte, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2008; Rutland
Danielle Pothier, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2008; Enosburg Falls
Sharon E. Alajajian, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2006; Williston**
Kiona Baez, B.A. (McGill University) 2007; Brooklyn, NY
Marc Louis Bilodeau, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 1999; Burlington**
Diana Elise Colangelo, B.A. (Boston College) 2005; Glastonbury, CT
Sarah Lucy Crooks, B.A. (Connecticut College) 2006; Woodstock
Richard Morgan Daybell, B.A. (Drew University) 1990; Montgomery*
Andrea Hulse Elledge, B.S. (Florida State University) 1993; Fairfax
Katherine Gleeson Forman, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2002; Burlington
Eliza Elliott Heppner, B.A. (Wells College) 2006; Woodstock, NY
Kelsey E. Jewell, B.A. (University of Southern Maine) 2007; Paris, ME
Sawyer McKinley Joecks, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2008; Essex
Thesis: Transportation Dollars from Vermont’s Recovery Act: How Funds
were Spent, How the State Could have Spent them more Effectively, and
Alternative Modes of Implementation
Advisor: Dr. Thomas Patterson
Phethlongxay Keomanyvanh, B.S. (University of North Carolina) 2007;
Santina Marrie Leporati, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2008; St. Johnsbury
Marc F. Merriman, B.S. (Syracuse University) 2001; Wilmington, MA
Ellen Mary Petcavage, B.A. (University of New Hampshire) 2004; M.A.T.
(University of New Hampshire) 2005; Colchester**
Robert Walter Purcell, B.S. (University of Colorado) 1997; Georgia
Ian Raphael, B.A. (University of Delaware) 1996; Underhill**
William Sawyer, B.S. (St. Lawrence University) 1999; M.S. (The University of
Vermont) 2003; St. Albans*
Alison R. Siemianowski, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2009; West
Springfield, MA
Animal Science
Pamela A.P. Bentley, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Montpelier
Thesis: Characterization of Bovine Glucose Transporter 1 Kinetics and
Substrate Specificities in Xenopus Laevis Oocytes
Advisors: Dr. Feng-Qi Zhou
Dr. Anthony Morielli
Emily Rose Myers, B.S. (Cornell University) 2007; North Collins, NY*
Thesis: Effects of Feeding Low-Starch, Low-Forage Diets on Rumen
Characteristics, Milk Production, Feed Efficiency and Fatty Acid profile
of Milk and Rumen Contents in Mid-Lactation Holstein Dairy Cows
Advisor: Dr. Adam Lock
Community Development and Applied Economics
Amanda Goldstein, B.S. (Tulane University) 2002; Silver Spring, MD*
Thesis: Towards the Transdisciplinary: The Need to Combat the Obesity
Epidemic Using a Holistic Collaborative Approach
Advisor: Dr. Jane Kolodinsky
David Propen, B.A. (Lehigh University) 2006; Orange, CT
Thesis: Institutional and Community Characteristics for Climate Change
Advisor: Dr. Joshua Farley
Christopher P. Wardell, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2004; Helena, MT*
Thesis: Implementation and Evaluation of a Sports-Based HIV/AIDS
Prevention Education Program for Preadolescents in St. Lucia
Advisor: Dr. Kenneth Bauer
Marc J. Druart, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2006; Berlin
Thesis: Validation of Heat Acid Coagulated Fresh Hispanic Cheese
Manufacturing Process to Achieve a Level of Safety Equivalent to
Advisor: Dr. Catherine Donnelly
Anthony J. Epter, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Ridgefield, CT*
Thesis: Eating Out in Modern American Society: Why Do People Make the
Choice to Eat Outside the Home?
Advisor: Dr. Amy Trubek
Katherine E. Jones, B.S. (Saint Michael’s College) 2003; Essex Junction*
Thesis: Television in the Bedroom: Relationships with Total TV Viewing Time,
BMI, and Sleep
Advisor: Dr. Rachel Johnson
Bridget E. Shea, B.S. (University of New Hampshire) 2006; Shelburne
Thesis: The Effect of a Television Reduction on Dietary Energy Density in
Overweight and Obese Adults
Advisor: Dr. Jean Harvey-Berino
Wenbo Wang, B.E. (Beijing Forestry University) 2002; Harbin, China**
Thesis: Improving Functionality of Probiotic Goat’s Milk Yogurt Using
Polymerized Whey Protein as a Co-thickening Agent
Advisor: Mingruo Guo
Plant Biology
Kimberley S. K. Beal, B.A. (Williams College) 2003; San Diego,CA*
Thesis: Increased Tree-Cover at New England Treelines Associated with
Regional Warming: Evidence from Historical Photographs
Advisor: Dr. Brian Beckage
Quincy McKenzie Campbell, B.S. (University of Oregon) 2004; Tacoma, WA**
Philip A. Halteman, B.A. (Colorado State College) 2003; Port Angeles, WA*
David F. Jaffe, B.S. (Evergreen State College) 1994; Yosemite, CA*
Isaac Nadeau, B.A. (Prescott College) 1999; Madison, WI
Teage O’Connor, B.A. (University of Chicago) 2006; Girdwood, AK
Plant and Soil Science
S’ra DeSantis, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2009; Clifton Park, NY**
Thesis: Plant Diversity in Treed Habitats on Vegetable Farms in Champlain
Valley, Vermont
Advisors:Dr. Sarah Lovell, Dr. Ernesto Mendez
Chloe A. Nathan, B.A. (Wellesley College) 2003; Burlington**
Thesis: Community Agriculture at the Brewster Uplands Conservation
Trust: Analysis of Models, Exploration of Community, and Development of
Alternative Design Scenarios
Advisor: Dr. Sarah Lovell
Animal, Nutrition and Food Sciences
Jennifer J. Otten, B.S. (Texas A&M University) 1995; M.S. (Tufts University) 1998;
Dissertation: Effects of Reducing TV Viewing Time on Energy Intake, Energy
Expenditure, Body Weight, and Sleep in Obese and Overweight Adults
Advisor: Dr. Jean Harvey-Berino
Pallavi Rajbhandari, B.S. (Tribhuvan University) 2001; Nepal*
Dissertation: A Mechanistic Approach to Understanding Key Parameters
Associated with Calcium Lactate Crystallization on Cheddar Cheeses Using
Image Analysis
Advisor: Dr. Paul Kindstedt
Plant Biology
Alexandra R. Collins, B.S. (Simon Fraser University) 2003; M.S. (University of
Florida) 2005; Vancouver, B.C., Canada*
Dissertation: Small Scale Differences in Genotypic Diversity and
Environmental Context Influence Plant Performance
Advisor: Dr. Jane Molofsky
Nutrition and Food Sciences
Plant and Soil Science
Scott Karl Christiansen, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 1984; St. Albans
Walter E. Auch, III, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2000; Burlington
Thesis: Chemical Composition and Nutrient Profile of the Low Molecular Dissertation: Modeling the Interaction Between Climate, Chemistry, and
Weight Fraction of Bovine Colostrum
Ecosystem Fluxes at the Global Scale
Advisor: Dr. Mingruo Guo
Advisor: Dr. Donald Ross
*As of October, 2009
**As of January, 2010
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
College of Arts and Sciences
Sunday, May 23, 2010
9:00 a.m.
University Green
Eleanor M. Miller, Dean
Jacques Bailly, College Marshal
Dennis Mahoney, College Marshal
Abigail McGowan, College Marshal
Sondra Solomon, College Marshal
Patty Corcoran, Name Reader and Diploma Covers
Christopher C. Landry, Name Reader and Diploma Covers
Gregory A. Ramos, Name Reader and Diploma Covers
Molly MacMillan, Banner Bearer
Diplomas will be distributed in Royall Tyler Theatre following the completion of the
Commencement Ceremony. (If due to severe weather the ceremony is held indoors on the Athletic Campus, diploma
distribution will be at University Heights South.)
Tyler Abbott, Bristol
Jerome Abraham, Bronx, NY
Jessica Katherine Abribat, Wyomissing, PA**
Cecilia Buschardt Ackerman, Augusta, ME
Joshua Ross Adams, Newton, MA**
Bailey A. Adie, Orwigsburg, PA
Brittany Nichole Agan, Milton
Lauren R. Agius, Saratoga Springs, NY
Matthew Albert Aizenstadt, Norwell, MA*
Brittney Akerley, Gilford, NH
Alexander Jonathan Albright, Guilford**
Bailin Harte Alexander, Burlington
Brianna Marie Alexander, Rutland
Jayme Lynn Allard, Swanton
James P. Allen, Charlotte
Sophie Page Allen, Boulder, CO
Jason Glynn Allerding, Hallowell, ME*
Bridget A. Allison, North Haven, CT**
Meghan Gallagher Allsopp, Arnold, MD
Edward Aquinas Manuel Alonzo III, San
Antonio, TX
Tessa Gertrude Anderson, Williamsville
Rachel M. Andres, Honeoye, NY
Adam Stanley Andrews, Shelburne
Anne Ruth Angarola, Washington, DC
Cecelia Rose Angelone, Ringoes, NJ
Willa B. Antczak, Jericho**
Stacey Elizabeth Apple, Davers, MA
Amanda Apuzzo, Armonk, NY
Thomas Gordon Archer III, Washington, DC
Kevin Thomas Argentieri, Yardley, PA
Kelsey Leigh Aroian, Southborough, MA
Katherine E. Ash, Bristol
Michael James Frederick Ashcroft, Medfield, MA
Molly Baird Ashodian, Philadelphia, PA
Tyler M. Aten, Montpelier
Jonathan Aylward, Windsor
Benjamin Bachrach, Washington, DC
Ashley Palmer Bacon, Hampden, MA
Sarah Elizabeth Baddeley, Bedford, NH
Christopher D. Badger, Medway, MA
James Michael Badillo, Burlington*
Collyn Baeder, Mount Vernon, ME
Tyler MacLane Baeder, Cranston, RI
Richard Walter Bahner, Mendham, NJ**
*As of October, 2009
**As of January, 2010
Shauna Mary Bailey, Tewksbury, MA
Benjamin B. Baker, Burlington
Kristopher Todd Balfour, Shoreham
Matthew W. Bansak, Redding, CT
Todd Edward Baribault, Jericho**
Megan Maree Barnes, Essex Junction
Heather Kristine Barr, Fairfax
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Barr, Burlington
Jessica M. Bartlett, Duxbury, MA
Samuel Colton Bartlett, Hopkinton, NH
Matthew Blake Bartley, Watertown, MA
Logan Bartram, Clinton, NJ
Steven B. Bassett, Rutland
Mark A. Bateman, New Rochelle, NY
Tara Bates, San Francisco, CA
Kristina Ellen Bauman, Clinton, NJ
Michael Grant Baumbach, Burlington
Leia R. Baylor, Milton, MA
Ren Daniel Bean, Montpelier**
Kendall R. Bear, Bristol, RI
David W. Bearce, Enfield, CT
Cara Leigh Beaudoin, Burlington*
Scott E. Beck, Naples, FL
Meshia Nichole Begin, Heath, MA
Kyle Behrsing, Hardwick
Heather Marie Bell, Milton
Kevin Emmett Bell, Sea Cliff, NY**
Megan R. Benay, Fairfax
Joanna Claire Benjamin, Stamford, CT
Miles Christopher Benjamin, Dover, MA
Andrew Plato Bennett, Averill Park, NY
Darcy Nora Bennett, Warren
Madeleine Clare Bensen, Greenfield, MA
Kyle David Benson, Morristown, NJ**
Brooke Corrine Bento, Fairfield, CT
Emily Martina Berger, Boston, MA*
Joanna Berger, Rhinebeck, NY
Aaron Saul Bernstein, Slingerlands, NY
Jessica S. Bernstein, Wilmette, IL
Rebecca Martha Bernstein, Huntington
Eamonn F. Berry, Pittsburgh, PA
Ryan Christopher Betcher, Fletcher
Jennifer Bibens, Springfield
Joseph Thomas Billotti, Massapequa, NY
Lauren Bilodeau, Milton, MA
Tavid Rankin Bingham, Underhill
Kristin Birch, South Windsor, CT
Trisha May Birch, West Danville**
Jessica Yve Bird, North Andover, MA
Kathryn Blair Bis, South Windsor, CT
Calla Ann Bischoff, Stratham, NH
Isaac William Bissell, Putney**
Glori Blatt-Eisengart, Florence, MA
Christopher G. Bloomfield, Exeter, NH
Jeremy Aaron Blum, Armonk, NY
Elliot Boblitt, Newton, MA
Michael P. Boccagno, Clarks Summit, PA
Anne E. Bokos, Chappaqua, NY
Leigha Nichole Bolduc, Santa Barbara, CA
Brianna L. Boles, Calais**
Benjamin Anthony Bonaccio, Shelburne
Tamara Bondy, Summit, NJ
Max C. Bookman, New City, NY
Thomas Boone, Sutton
Jozette Marie Borrmann, South Windsor, CT*
Zachary N. Borst, Putney
Lily Bianca Bottino, Bedford, NY
Katherine E. Botula, Essex Junction
Tristan R. Bouchard, Colchester**
Lindsey Boudreau, Simsbury, CT
Samuel Boutin, Sheldon
Marlee Bov, Pittsford, NY
Olympia A. Bowker, East Sandwich, MA*
Ryan Joseph Boyce, Mansfield, MA
David Boyd, Madison, CT
Timothy Patrick Boyd, Burlington**
Adam M. Boyer, Milton**
Alexander Matthew Boyle, Manchester
Daniel McCloud Boyle, Denver, CO
Eliza C. Bradley, Charlotte
Chelsea D. Brasel, Saint George
Christine Alison Brauch, Orange
Nicole Alexis Breault, Lynn, MA
Jillian Alewyn Brelsford, Putney
Anna A. Bresnick, Newton, MA
Katherine Joan Briand, Westwood, MA
Brendan Brines, Woodbridge, CT
Jillian Nicolle Britch, Wheelock
Chelsea Lydon Brochu, Oakdale, CT
Berkeley Briar Brooks, Charlotte
Danielle M. Brown, Clarendon
Megan Paige Brown, Fairfax
Elizabeth Livingston Bruce, Bedford, NY
Elizabeth Louise Bruner, Shamong, NJ
Allison Moran Bryan, Concord, MA
Lauren Elizabeth Buck, Waterbury Center
Return to Table of Contents
Hilary Hansen Burditt, Clifton Park, NY*
Connor D. Burke, Lambertville, NJ
David Lindsay Burnett-Menard, Deerfield, NH
Isabel Strong Burnham, Middletown, RI
Andrew S. Burns, Milton
Margaret Malcolm Burton, Timonium, MD
Robert Ian Bushell, Crocheron, MD
Tessa Marie Davis Bussiere, Northfield
Tyler James Buswell, Milton
Sara Alice Buxton, Northfield, IL
Amanda Taylor Byers, Carlisle, MA
Sarah A. Byrnes, Essex Junction
Olivia Page Caccavo, New Haven
Heather L. Cairl, Sunderland, MA
Lily Appleby Calfee, Dorset**
Nicole B. Campbell, Weymouth, MA
Wesley J. Canepa, Mill Valley, CA
Laura Oakes Cannon, Woodbury
Alyssa Kate Cantor, Teaneck, NJ**
Marika Caraganis, Lebanon, CT
Jan Carlson, Vernon
Joseph M. Caron, Manchester, NH
Samuel Brett Carpenter, Worthington, MA
Michael R. Carrick, Reading, MA
Kathleen Enger Carroll, West Glover
Lucy Elizabeth Carroll, Quogue, NY
Brooke Carter, Springfield
Andrew Charles Carton, Lincolnshire, IL
Matthew Dylan Casey, South Orange, NJ
Matthew Murdoch Casserly, Amityville, NY
Alexander W. Castleton, Mount Kisco, NY
Adriana J. Straw Catalano, Burlington
Alyssa Beth Catalano, North Falmouth, MA
Sara Elizabeth Catanzaro, Cranston, RI**
Christopher M. Cathcart, Portland, ME
Alex Cavender, Brookfield
Nicole Alyse Cecere, Montrose, NY*
Katherine Victoria Chadurjian, Essex Junction
Samantha Chalfin, Brooklyn, NY
Margaret J. Chalmers, Weston, MA
Ryan MacNevin Chandler, Keene, NH
Eben C. Chaney, Concord, NH
Zoe Chapman, Castleton
Ryan Weston Chartier, Belchertown, MA
Daniel Ross Chase, Longmeadow, MA
Jeremy D. Chenail, Lyndonville
Melissa Kristen Chiozzi, Andover, MA
Wesley Erik Christensen, Middletown Springs
Sara Rebecca Christian-O’Connor, Waterford
Dana Christiansen, Marshfield, MA
Julia Marie Cicchetti, Burlington
Zachary Norman Cipolletta, Putnam, CT**
Jesse John Clapp, Shrewsbury, MA
Benjamin William Clark, Northfield
William Terry Clark, Westwood, MA**
Joshua Michael Clarke, Fairmont, WV
Melissa D. Claus, Cape Coral, FL**
Matthew E. Clayman, Framingham, MA
James Robert Clune, Ashburnham, MA
Matthew F. Cody, Redding, CT
Pamela Eileen Coggins, Delmar, NY
Anna Cohen, Newton, MA
Brianna Cohen, Franklin, NY
Genay Rose Cohen, Englishtown, NJ
Justine J. Cohen, South Easton, MA
Rebecca Rachel Cohen, Henniker, NH
Kelly Catherine Colacchio, Essex Junction
Kristen Cole, Greenwich, CT
Eli Cole-Epstein, Ashfield, MA
Andrew Peter Collins, Hamilton, MA
Connor Liam Collins, Winooski
Ian Oxley Collins, Mount Washington, MA
Erica Anne Colucci, Shelburne**
Philip Laurence Comen, Middlesex**
Katie Kline Companion, South Burlington*
Alex Clayton Connelly, Madison, WI**
Kate Connolly, Canton, MA
Commencement 2010
Stephen William Connor II, East Montpelier
Cynthia Joan Conquest, Mansfield, MA
Rachel Beth Conrad, Rupert
Michael R. Constance, New Boston, NH
Sarah Andrews Copeland, Lyme, NH
Pearse Patrick Corcoran, Monkton*
Lindsay Elizabeth Auer Cornelio, Simsbury, CT
Kimberly Ann Cornett, Sharon, CT
Stephen Coteus, Yorktown Heights, NY
Elizabeth Coughlan, Winchester, MA
Hannah K. Court, Burlington
Megan Elizabeth Cowette, Candia, NH
Alexander R. Cox, Greensburg, PA
Ashley Marie Cox, Pawling, NY
Theodore Francis Cox II, North Caldwell, NJ
John Harrington Coyne, Boston, MA
Robin Pilch Craren, Holliston, MA
Chrissaida Anthigony-Marie Crawford, East
Stroudsburg, PA
Elizabeth Crawford, Glens Falls, NY
Emily Dygert Crofton, Manchester, MA
Daniel A. Cronauer, Lunenberg
Brittany Leigh Cronin, Linwood, NJ
Ryan Crowley, Weston, MA**
Sarah Lynn Crowley, Milton
Jaimie Ann Crucitti, Essex
Blaine Cully, Princeton Junction, NJ**
Joshua M. Cunningham, Wayland, MA
Joshua Daniel Curtis, Fairport, NY
Lindsay Ellen Cyr, Methuen, MA
Elizabeth McGuire Daghlian, Montpelier
Colm James Daly, Scarborough, ME
Elizabeth d’Amboise, South Portland, ME
Alexander E. Darr, Essex
Hannah R. Davis, Hallowell, ME
Ian Dunmore Davis, South Burlington
Jordan Bradley Dean, Woodbine, NJ
Kara Lee DeDonato, Salisbury, CT
Sarah L. DeFelice, Northfield
Justin E. Deignan-Kosmides, Baltimore, MD**
Vianka I. DeJesus, Bronx, NY
Jeffrey A. DeLaitsch, Owatonna, MN
Erin Lyn DeLaMater, Peru, NY
Lee Augustus Delaporte IV, Peapack, NJ*
Lauren DeMars, Manchester**
Stefanie N. DeNardis, Fairhaven, MA
Bernice M. Denehan, Rutland
Kimberly Desautels, Richmond
Jonathan R. Detore, Bloomsbury, NJ
Julie Cailin Devine, Manchester, NH
Caryn Ann Devins, Essex
Colin York DeVore, Rye, NH
Elizabeth Dietrich, Teaneck, NJ**
Joseph Charles DiMattia, Melrose, MA
Marietou Diouf, South Burlington
Regina Lena Diouf, South Burlington
Eric Quail DiPaolo, Boxborough, MA
Jenna DiRusso, Yonkers, NY
Adam Arturo Dobbs, Boston, MA**
Kacey Dobert, Queensbury, NY**
Benjamin Jacob Dodd, Madbury, NH
Brooke Elizabeth Donaher, Fairfield, CT**
Samuel Ephraim Donahue, West Townshend
Conor Eamon Donegan, Redding, CT
Jacob G. Donkin, Bethesda, MD**
Evelyn Sophia Zaijka Donnelly, Norwich
Colin Stephen Dooner, Ridgewood, NJ
James Paul Dopp, Bethesda, MD
Sarah E. Doubleday, Hope, ME**
Timothy Houlihan Douglas, Putnam Lake, NY
Rachel Elaine Douglass, Rutland
Robyn Gates Drake, Norwich*
Jared C. Drapala, Burnt Hills, NY
Benjamin Louis Drew, Underhill
Ashley Ann Drinkwater, Saint Albans**
Caitlin Louise Duchesneau, Northboro, MA**
Ashleigh Marie Duff, Georgetown, MA
Christianne Audrey Dumas, New Rochelle, NY
Kyla Emily Dumont, Swanton*
Kathleen L. Duncan, Burlington*
Carey Lucia Dunfey, Jamaica Plain, MA
Adrienne Millie Dunham, South Burlington
Han Thuy Duong, Winooski
John Clifford Dutton, Water Mill, NY
Emily Morrison Duus, Brookfield, CT
Peter Ian Dysart, Burlington
Grace Fellows Eddy, Camden, ME
Eskor Eyimofe Edem, Linden, NJ
Bryan Todd Eisenberg, Pittsford, NY
Ian Daniel Eldridge, Westfield, NJ**
Christine Kay Elliott, Boston, MA
Michael R. Ellis Jr., Orwell
Joshua Peter Ellsworth, Wellesley, MA
Samdarko Eltosam, Bronx, NY*
Sarah Nicole Emerman, Plainsboro, NJ
Meagan Osora Erhart, Hadlyme, CT
Max P. Ernst, Dayton, OH**
Ian Charles Eshelman, Westminster
Emily Sarah Estes, Cranston, RI
Jacob Esau Estes, Rutland
David L. Ethier, Swanton**
Torin Larson Evans, Chesterfield, NH
Alex Ezra, Atlantic Beach, NY
Marnie Fairchild, Huntington, NY
Annie Fallon, Arlington, MA
Barbara Michelle Fandel, Framingham, MA
Phil ‘Bill’ Fandel, Cedar Grove, NJ
Kieran K. Fane-Hervey, Plymouth, MA
John Aloyisius Farrell V, Kensington, MD
Rebecca Farrell, Milton, MA
Aziz Fatnassi, Burlington
Catherine Favorite, Brookline, NH
Danielle Rebecca Brown Feinberg, Malvern, PA
Eric Aaron Feingold, Pittsburgh, PA
Naomi Fener, Needham, MA**
Piera Alessa Ferroni, Potomac, MD
Alyssa J. Findlay, Hyde Park, NY
Kristin Marie Fioretti, Yorktown Heights, NY
Melissa Lauren Firstenberg, Westborough, MA
Alexandra Davira Fisher, New York, NY
Stephen F. Fisher, Essex Junction
Colman Xavier Flaherty, Burlington
Conor L. Flahive, Hector, NY
Elizabeth A. Flynn, Charlestown, RI
Kaileigh Clark Flynn, Westport, MA
Gregory John Follensbee, Hartland
Emily Davies Foote, Fairfield, CT
Alice Flynn Ford, Goshen, NY
Ryan Daniel Wells Ford, Wynnewood, PA
Meighan Gay Forrer, Whitefish Bay, WI
Romayne Antonette Forrest, Bronx, NY*
Edward Kenneth Foster, West Chester, PA
Tess Ellen Fountain, East Corinth
Geoffrey Aaron Fox, Rocky Hill, CT
Sophia Fraioli, Montclair, NJ
Joseph William Fraker, Arlington, VA
Marga Anne Franklin, Tolland, CT
Dylan Patrick Frazer, Hartland
Charles M. Fredricks, Putney
Leslie Anne Freedman, South Burlington
James R. Fregosi, Massapequa, NY
Lindsey Frenkel-Rorden, Camden ME
Noah Friedland, Brant Lake, NY**
Margot Elizabeth Friedman, Waterford, CT
Francis Xavier Friel, Raritan, NJ
Christopher James Fries, Shelburne**
Jonathan Isak Fuhrer, Stony Brook, NY**
Kaitlyn E. Fuller, Jordan, NY
Carrie Leigh Fulmer, Morris Plains, NJ
Jessica Nicole Funk, Teaneck, NJ
Tyler J. Gaboriault, South Burlington**
*As of October, 2009
**As of January, 2010
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
Katherine Elizabeth Gaire, Milton, NH
Cassidy Ann Gale, Attleboro, MA
Patrick Francis Galluzzo, Northfield, MA
Lindsey Erin Galusha, Athol, NY
Andrew M. Galvin, Shelburne
Martin Galvin, Weymouth, MA
Clara Isabel Gamboa, Concord, MA
Marius Peter Gamser, Bethesda, MD**
Ira George Gardner-Morse, Calais
Michael R. Garnsey, Averill Park, NY
Alexandra T. Garten, Hudson, OH
Joanna Claire Gattuso, Scituate, MA**
Alexander H. Gaylord, Bedford Hills, NY**
Samantha Soo Gehris, Woodstock**
Lila Courtney Gendal, Strafford**
Nicole Capri Gentry, Burlington*
Allison Hayes Georgette, Stratford, CT
Laura Ilene Lyman Geronemus, Westport, CT
Michelle Irene Gertz, Berkeley, CA*
Nicole Scott Giacoppo, Burlington**
John Thomas Giblin, Essex Jct
Connor Lawrence Gibson, Cambridge
Stephen Wentworth Gifford, Dedham, MA**
Myani Nancy Gilbert, Valley Cottage, NY
Lauren Gill, Seattle, WA**
Meaghan Gill, Marshfield, MA
Andrew Jack Gillespie, Lancaster, PA
Lindsey Anne Gillies, Huntington, NY
Nicholas Guthrie Gingrow, Saint George
Seth Alex Ginsburg-Marcy, Woodland, CA
Jeffrey Steven Glowa, Old Lyme, CT
Michael Sean Glynne, Wilson, NC
Andrew David Gonzales, Ship Bottom, NJ
Ashley R. Goodrum, Burlington
Brandon Lee Holloway Goodwyn, Bethesda, MD**
Alexander Joseph Gordon, South Burlington**
Andrew C. Gorman, Bethesda, MD*
Ann Kathleen Gormley, Rutland
Peter J. Gossens, Washington, DC
Gabrielle Erin Mayer Gottlob, Dover, NH
Gabriele A. Goulet, Montreal, Canada
Christen Valentine Grabelle, Evanston, IL
Benjamin Pierce Grande, East Longmeadow, MA**
Ashley Elizabeth Grant, Stow, MA
Patrick John Grant-Musso, Huntington, NY
Jason William Grau, Glenwood, MD
Elizabeth Gray, Norwich
Aimee Rancourt Greene, South Orange, NJ
Matthew Munro Greene, Westerly, RI
Michelle Anne Greene, Marshfield, MA
Ian Greenhalgh, Barrington, RI*
Nomi Greenman, South Orange, NJ
Mary Jo Reilly Greenwood, Trumbull, CT
Jonathan Gridley, Bar Harbor, ME
Johanna A. Griffin, North Andover, MA
Thomas E. Griffin, Waterbury Center
Chloe Grigri, Wenonah, NJ
Adam Grodman, Manchester, NH
Isaac Grosfeld-Katz, Kensington, MD
Faith Lara Grunewald, Barnegat, NJ
Kathleen W. Gudmundsen, Lyndonville
Justin M. Guerra, Byram, NJ
James Thomas Guiod, Dedham, MA
Paige Katherine Gunning, Brookline, MA
Benjamin Guttridge, New York, NY
Victoria Elizabeth Beardall Gwin, Newton, MA
Harrison Reed Hagan, Washington, DC**
Ezra Henry Hagerty, Chelsea
Jeanne Megan Haggerty, Washington, DC**
Alison Rose Haigh, Northborough, MA
Tyler Robert Hain, Rutland
Diana J. Halbstein, Freehold, NJ**
Christopher Daniel Lycett Segal, Malvern, PA
Zeph Benjamin Hallowell, Concord, NH*
*As of October, 2009
**As of January, 2010
Max Hamaker, Baltimore, MD
Brendan Cerra Hamilton, Hudson, MA
E.V. Hamilton, Cornwall
Jackie Celeste Hamm, Collbran, CO
Theresa Hanley, New Canaan, CT
Stephen Hannaford, Medford, MA
J. Michael Haring, Reston, VA
Pippa Rose Harriman, Newton, MA
Cassandra Marie Harrington, Arlington
Stephanie Harris, Williston
Anna Lilian Harriss, Minnetonka, MN
Matthew James Hastings, Fairfield, CT**
Michael S. Healy, Burlington*
Benjamin David Heath, Colchester
Thessalea C. Heinrichs, Barton
Jennifer Grace Heins, Marion, IA
Stephen James Hekimian, North Bellmore, NY
Elizabeth Anne Helfrich, Westford
Samantha Brooke Heller, Woodbury, NY
Suzanna M. Heller, Fair Haven
Alexander Lea Hemmer, Shrewsbury
Alex Vernon Hendrick, Key West, FL
Grace Thea Henley, Flagstaff, AZ
Matthew Apter Hennessey, Havertown, PA
Jonathan Philip Henshaw, Brookline, MA
Adam Douglas Herb, Holland
Marissa Adrienne Hernandez, Hartsdale, NY
Jessica S. Heron, Los Angeles, CA
Amy Herron, Burlington**
Naomi Hertsberg, Glencoe, IL
Andrea S. Higgins, Cumberland, ME
Kate Hillyard, Burlington
Karl Jared Hinrichs, Armonk, NY
Ashlie R. Hirtle, Marshfield, MA
Ariel Marissa Hodara, Mount Kisco, NY
James Fredrick Eyre Hoffman, Waterbury Center
Caitlin Scott Hoffmann, Colchester
Megan L. Hoffmann, Burlington**
Christine Anne Hogan, Tolland, CT
Luke Patrick Hogan, Marblehead , MA
Eric Christopher Hoke, Great Mills, MD
Catherine Holcomb, Fairfield, CT
Anna Crystal Holland-Levine, Sudbury
Michael John Hollar, New York, NY**
Alexandra Perry Hollman, Chevy Chase, MD
Jeffrey Preston Holman, Dorset
Landis Smith Holman, Wilmington, NC
Ashley Elizabeth Holmes, Pittsford, NY
Katharine A. Hopkins, North Adams, MA
Douglas Stewart Horne, Newton, MA*
Sonya M. Horton, Belmont
Stephanie Martha Houle, Brandon
Megan Houston, South Burlington**
Andrew James Howe, Shelburne**
Nate Benjamin Howell, Lyme, NH**
Amanda Mary Hower, Salisbury, CT
Lacey J. Hudson, Boscawen, NH
Jon Hulce, Brookfield, CT
Christine A. Huleatt, Windsor, CT
Colin Francis Hunt, McLean, VA
Nolan T. Hurley, Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA**
Holly E. Hutchins, Essex Junction
Emily S. Hyman, Trumbull, CT
Jill Iannazzi, West Newbury, MA
Christina Anne Iavarone, Clinton, CT
Kristen Anna Marie Iemma, Foster, RI
Nicholas Charles Ihley, Calais
Everlidis Infante, New York, NY**
Dylan Eamon Ingraham, Oneonta, NY
Naomi Ingram, Bedford, MA
Braelyn K. Ingvoldstad, Jeffersonville
Jenna Isaac, South Burlington
Anna Rebecca Isaacson, Rochester
April M. Isch, Cincinnati, OH
Saiful Islam, Medford, MA
Kevin C. Issadore, Hingham, MA
Catherine I. Izquierdo Mejia, Lima, PERU
Taylor Stewart Jackson, Delmar, NY**
Alicia Jacobs, Stowe
Maxwell Jacobson, Cortlandt Manor, NY
Rrezarta Jahjaga, New York, NY**
Matthew Ray Jalbert, Locust Valley, NY
Jake F. Jarvi, Lebanon, NH
Laura Jastrab, Pepperell, MA
Alida Lawson Jay, New York, NY
Amelia Gabrielle Jayanty, Houston, TX
Lori Lafreniere Jean, Williston**
Katherine Colby Jerome, Shaftsbury
Christopher Michael Jett, Ellington, CT**
Ivana Jimenez, Edison, NJ
Amy Chasnoff Johnson, Chicago, IL
Dakota Rae Chaiah Johnston, Santa Monica, CA
Thomas D. Johnston, Rutland
Kaitlin Caldwell Johnstone, Tewksbury, NJ
Katherine M. Jones, Glenburn, ME
Claire Hart Joslyn, Villanova, PA
Elizabeth Ann Joyce, Burlington
Marijana Jubo, Burlington*
Caitlin Elizabeth Junger, Shelburne
Amadeus S. Kaelber, Shelburne
Jennifer Morgan Kahane, Hingham, MA
Ashley Kaplan, Malta, NY**
Benjamin C. Karren, Brandon
Georgia Katinas, Chevy Chase, MD
Alexandra L. Katz, Norwich
Laura Anne Katzman, New York, NY
David Alexander Nelson Kauffman, West Hartford, CT
Carson Kaufman, Jackson, WY
Michael Louis Kearns, Washington, DC
Eliza Monahan Kehew, Weathersfield
Adam Park Keiser, Montpelier
Eli Keller, Jericho
Jeffrey S. Keller, Burlington
Kerrie Lynn Keller, Gray, ME
Caleb H. Kelley, Corinth
Margaret Jane Kelly, Barre
Max Andre Kennedy, Underhill Center**
Megan Elizabeth Kennedy, Newton, MA**
Rachel Kinsella Kennedy, Shelburne**
Daniel F. Kent, Quechee
Julia Sullivan Kent, North Ferrisburgh*
Brendan Timothy Keogh, Portsmouth, RI
Kenneth Alexander Kerr, Austin, TX
John Cedric Keyes, Burlington
Raymond Hung-Chih Ki, Windham, NH**
Lily Spencer Kielman, Hinesburg
Ji Eun Catherine Kim, Bronx, NY
Jacqueline King, South Windsor, CT
Sarah Arroyo King, Washington, DC
Nathan Kinney, Central Valley, NY
Caitlin C. Kirchman-Galligan, Franconia, NH
James Alan Cameron Kirkland, New York City, NY
Peter Jacob Klein, Demarest, NJ**
Christopher John Klug, Whitefish Bay, WI
Blayne A. Knapp, Glens Falls, NY
Alyssa Lynne Knoernschild, Peconic, NY
Christopher Finley Koch, Charlotte*
Andrew M. Kochman, Tinton Falls, NJ
Daniel Mark Koenemann, Montpelier**
Benjamin Koenigsberg, Burlington**
Daniel John Koopman, Kingston, NY
Alexandra N. Kormos, Pittsburgh, PA
Jesse Donald Kosiba, Westminster
Ian A. Kovac, Oxford, CT
Michael Kramer, Bedford, NY**
Viktorija Nicole Kramer, Essex Junction*
Katherine R. Krawitz, Cheshire, CT*
Jessica Emily Krone, Annapolis, MD
Anastasia Mueller Krymkowski, Huntington
Alison Rae Krywanczyk, Essex
Christopher Kuebler, Mount Kisco, NY
Terri Jean Laba, Essex
George M. L. LaBranche V, Cold Spring Harbor, NY**
Elizabeth Lach, West Nanticoke, PA
Return to Table of Contents
Shane Elisabeth Laderoute, Pittsfield
Daniel Robert Lajoie, Hyde Park
Tanner James Lake, Braintree
Kathleen M. Lamb, Saint Albans
William Lamb-Orgel, Shelburne
Elizabeth Landell, Richmond
Adam D. Lane, Sudbury, MA
Andrew S. Lang, Essex
Thomas Richard Lang, Arlington, VA**
Lara Meredith Langweiler, Brattleboro
Madeleine Elizabeth Laplanche, New Providence, NJ
Job P. Larson, Wells
Mallory Marie Lasnier, Colchester
Andrew Robert Lassiter, Sandwich, MA
David Gordon Laurendeau, Acton, MA
Stephanie Kay LaVoie, Rutland**
Emily L. Lawrence, Worcester, MA
Mark Keily Leach, Naples, ME
Geoffrey S. Lee, Lyndonville**
Raymond Lee, Marstons Mills, MA
Morgan Frances Leighton, Georgetown, MA**
Christine Lekas, Marietta, GA
Hannah Elizabeth LeMieux, Phillipston, MA
Justin LeMoine, Asbury, NJ
Michelle A. Lemons, Milton
Colin Jack Lenox, Rockford, IL**
Spencer David Leopold-Cohen, New York, NY
Nathan S. Levine, Essex Junction**
Samuel Levine, Bedford, NY
Jordan Fisk Lewis, Marblehead, MA**
Samantha Morgan Lewis, Redding, CT
Caitria Leydon Mahoney, Newton, MA
Brian David Lichtenstein, Highland Park, IL**
Allison Light, Denville, NJ
Xiudan Lin, Fuqing, China
Erika A. Linder, Huntington
Bethany Jane Lipman, Cedar Grove, NJ
Maggie Ann Lisman, New York, NY
Bradley Daniel Little, Duluth, MN
Sophia Sinopoulos Lloyd, Woodstock
Jason Lohnes, Greenfield, NY
Kerrie Alex Lohr, Stonington, CT
Laina Morgana Lomina, Bucksport, ME
Mark D. Loomis, Glenmont, NY
Sabrina C. Lopez, Bronx, NY
Aaron Lopez-Barrantes, Chapel Hill, NC
Samuel Lopez-Barrantes, Chapel Hill, NC
Tonya Marie Loveday, Schenectady, NY
Jessica Antoinette Lowe, Nassau, Bahamas
Cora Lozinschi, South Burlington*
Sarah Lin Lubold, Braintree
Colin Joseph Lucas, Essex Junction
Paige Thomas Lundein, Winthrop, MA
Briana Fay Lurie, Valley Stream, NY**
Megan Hilliard Luttrell, Marion, MA
Vladimir Luzader, Atlanta, GA*
Tucker Litchfield Lyman, Wellesley, MA**
Courtney Anne Lynch, Madison, CT
Robert F. Lynch Jr., Guilderland, NY
Elias Lee Lyons, Burlington*
Shane William MacDonald, Bristol, CT**
Mary Elizabeth MacMillan, Doylestown, PA
Brian E. Maggiotto, Manchester
Cassandra Diane Magliozzi, Clinton, MA
Jessica Michaela Magnet, Marblehead, MA
Molly Ellen Maguire, Malden, MA
Adam Christopher Maher, Montclair, NJ
Jennifer Maher, Colchester**
Andre Malerba, Woodstock
Kevin Joseph Malley, Essex Junction
Victoria M. Managan, Bellows Falls
Katharine Mancini, Guilford, CT
Chad M. Mangan, Winooski
Sarah Siobhan Mangan, Brockport, NY
Joshua Todd Mangiagli, Denver, CO
Olana Marie Mangine, Shrewsbury
Adam K. Mangs, Hartford, CT
Commencement 2010
Vinay K. Manjunath, Edmonton, Canada**
Ryan Mannigan, Middlebury**
Samuel Z. Mansour, Cambridge, MA
Benjamin J. Marcal, Lexington, MA
Katie B. Marcantonio, Northport, NY
Sarah F. March, Seal Harbor, ME
Michael Patrick Mariani, Wilder
Devin A. Markle, Bethany, CT
Brittany Paulina Marom, New York, NY
Megan Marriner, Philadelphia, PA
Karina Marshall-Bowman, Mequon, WI
Rodney Joseph Martel II, Burlington**
Juliana Elizabeth Marton, Norwich
Jessica Victoria Masiero, Richmond, MA
Corey Robert Maskell, Hardwick
Taylor Elizabeth Massa, River Edge, NJ
Lindsy Massuda, Baltimore, MD
Alison Marie Matthews, Newburyport, MA
Kate E. Mattina, Burlington**
Christopher Lee Maubach, Mahtomedi, MN
Amy Lawnhurst Maule, Stow, MA
Samuel Christopher Mayer, Hartland
Annalise Mayerson, Manchester
Tara Elizabeth Mayhew, Rutland
Remy Walker Maylott, Simsbury, CT
Jonathan Robert Maynard, Wilmington, MA**
Tyler Edward Mayo, Hardwick
Terrence Fitzgerald McAlevy, Union City, NJ*
Conor Thomas McArdle, Saxtons River
Elizabeth A. McCallion, Cortland Manor, NY
Alexandra Sara McCallum, Mount Holly
Jessica Suk McCarthy, Jericho
Katherine Davis McClintic, Washington, DC
Elizabeth Jane McCool, Bristol, RI
Patrick J. McDermott, Hingham, MA
Andrew D. F. McFarlin, Rochester
Patricia Ellis McGarry, Darien, CT
Kristin L. McGrath, Boxborough, MA*
Megan Day McKeever, Sunderland
Christopher McKenna, Rutland, MA
Timothy Whalen McLaughlin, Skowhegan, ME**
Rachel Catherine McNeil, Orleans, MA
Brett McQuale, Charlottesville, VA
Elizabeth McSally, Narragansett, RI
Chelsea E. McShane, Stamford
Flory Medina, Bronx, NY
Katherine Mary Medrek, Irvine, CA
Justine Alta Mee, Rutland
Carl Jerome Mehrmann, Duxbury, MA
David Kirk Meier Jr., Putney
Rachel Lynn Merin, Smithtown, NY
Meghan Lin Merritt, Lakeville, CT
Monica Jean Merritt, Scottsdale, AZ**
Thomas Gregory Mertz, Burlington**
Bradley A. Messier, Swanton**
Jesse Kim Meyer-Appel, Washington, DC*
Corey J. Michaels, Robbinsville, NJ
Lauren Migliaccio, Ramsey, NJ
Maria Nicole Milano, Winthrop, MA
Alexander Campbell Miles, Newton, MA
Richard Miles, Rochester, NH
Robert Bruce Millar, Essex Junction**
William Robert Millar, Fort Lauderdale, FL**
Abbey Miller, North Scituate, RI
Danielle Jaclyn Miller, Los Angeles, CA**
Forrest James Miller, Norwich
Sarah R. Miller, Camden, ME
Justin Gervais Milo, Edina, MN
Jacob Wehle Mink, Amherst, NY
Brydon S. Mitchell, Rockport, ME**
James Reynolds Mitchell, Norwich
Victoria Anne Mitchell, Saxtons River
Shannon Lee Moffatt, Williston
Katie Jean Monmaney, Northfield
Colin Andrew Moon, Winooski**
Cameron Moorby, Calais
Dylan A. Moorhead, New York, NY
William D. Morache, Hampstead, NH**
Maggie Moran, Newburyport, MA
Tyler Chapman Moran, Newburyport, MA
Alexander Morgan, Rutland
Eric J. Morgridge, Briarcliff Manor, NY
Kathryn Alexa Moritz, Saint. Johnsbury
Kevin James Moritz, Canton, MA
Kate Leigh Morrow, Washburn, ME*
Eric Mortensen-Nemore, Port Elizabeth, NJ
Alexandra Moser, Bedford, NH*
Nicole E. Mosher, Colchester**
Tshimalamungo Steve Muderhwa, South
Suzannah Jean Mullen, Cockeysville, MD
Adeline R. Mullin, Newton, MA
Andrew James Mullineaux, North Bennington*
Caitlin Mulvey, Kensington, MD
Annie E. Murawski, Cornwall
Tyler Phillip Murdock, Essex
Allison Jane Murphy, South Royalton
Madeline Frances Murphy Hall, Windsor
Maxfield Shane Murray, Scotts Valley, CA
Owen Dale Myers, Pelham, MA**
Shannon M. Nadeau, White River Junction
Edward C. Nagel, London, ENGLAND
Craig J. Nally, Foxboro, MA
Amanda Narowski, Newbury**
Anastasia Sergeevna Nedelkina, Kurgan, Russia
Elysia Anne Nelson, Erie, PA
Laura Maria Nesci, Cortlandt Manor, NY**
Alexandra Reade Nessa, Concord, MA
Jonathan Joseph Neviaser, Easton, MD
Daniel Kent Newhard, Easton, PA
Katherine Jane Newman, Saint Louis, MO*
Chinh T. Ngo, Saint Louis Park, MN
Wei Ni, Greenwich, NY
Hilary Nichols, Weston, MA
Seth Lee Nichols, Washington Depot, CT
Marissa Anderson Nickelsberg, Portland, ME
Noah Gabriel Nielsen, Northfield
Blanka Nikolic, Essex Junction
Jeffrey Joseph Nolet, Concord, MA**
Whitney Priscilla Northrop, Rutland
Peter A. Nosal, Providence, RI
Kaitlyn Jennifer O’Connor, New Haven, CT
Glory Dawn Williamson O’Neil, Norwich
Takeshi Okoshi, Needham, MA
Greg Scott Orenstein, Allendale, NJ
Meghan A. Oretsky, Florida, NY
Matthew Ouellette, Vergennes
Christopher W. Paganelli, Shelburne
Laura Lynn Palasik, Milton**
Alan Palislamovic, Burlington
Casey L. Palmer, Burlington
Christopher Stuart Palmer, Long Valley, NJ**
Gaelen Elizabeth Palmer, Saint Albans**
Emily Margaret Palombo, South Burlington**
Brian Austin Pannier, Lake Forest, IL
Georgios Papachryssanthou, Ithaca, NY
Erin P. Parker, Harpswell, ME
Laura L. Parker, Williston
Seandell Marie Parker, East Montpelier
Margaret Thayer Parkin, Cleveland Heights, OH*
Celeste A. Parot, Milton**
Halley Ann Parsonnet, Silver Spring, MD
Samuel David Paskin-Flerlage, Ithaca, NY
David Patlak, Underhill**
Cynthia Anne Patten, Guilford, CT
Emily Margaret Pawulak, Jericho**
Thomas M. Payeur, Littleton, MA
Erin E. Peacock, Shaftsbury
Alexander E. Peartree, Rochester, NY
Lauren Alexandra Perlstein, Ridgewood, NJ
Adrienne R. Perry, Burlington
Chad M. Perry, East Montpelier
*As of October, 2009
**As of January, 2010
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
Timothy J. Peters, Burlington**
Megan Marie Peterson, South Windsor, CT
Elizabeth Ann Petow, Providence, RI
Matthew Joseph Petrozziello, Cranford, NJ
Carolyn A. Peys, Long Beach, CA
Caroline Aileen-Louise Phillips, Winston Salem, NC
Jessie Bennett Phillips, York, ME
Alex L. Picker, Chappaqua, NY
Laura Elizabeth Pickrell, North Andover, MA
Frank D. Plew, Mount Holly
Benjamin M. Portnoy, Natick, MA
Sarah Elizabeth Posillico, Chester, NJ**
Anisa R. Potvin, Stamford
Charles Joseph Powell, Sudbury, MA
Catherine Arielle Powers, Marshfield
Alyssa Louise Prendergast, Black Mountain, NC
Zachary John Preneta, South Salem, NY
Andrew Ryan Prodoehl, Irving, TX*
Eric Provost, Essex Junction
Gaurav Pruthi, Stamford, CT
Abigail Hannah Pullman, Needham, MA
William James Purcell, Sudbury, MA
Alyssa Elaine Quinlan, Antrim, NH**
Laura D. Quinn, Hubbardston, MA**
Elena Grace Raben, Framingham, MA
Brendan Patrick Raftery, Upper Providence, PA
Daron Lynn Raleigh, Hartford
Danielle Ramirez, Westminster, CA**
Tatiana Ashley Ramos, Pawtucket, RI
Catherine Myles Randall, Brooklyn, NY
Christopher Mark Randall, Norwich
Annie Banks Raser, Bozeman, MT
Claire Alyssa Raudonat, Lunenburg, MA
Lauren Anne Recchione, Ramsey, NJ
Matthew Richard Reedich, Harvard, MA*
Lauren Nicole Regis, Brooklyn, NY
Brian Patrick Reid, Bridgewater, MA
Kathryn Ann Remick, Shoreham
Sally Caroline Renau, West Newbury, MA
Elizabeth Mary Renda, Middlebury, CT
Pattrese Z. Reynolds, Bronx, NY
Kyle Jean Rhodes, Trumbull, CT
Justin A. Rhuda, Beverly, MA
Abigail F. Rich, Middletown, RI
Callan Emily Richardson, East Montpelier
Dana M. Richardson, Basking Ridge, NJ
Kristine Emily Richardson, Greenville, ME
Tess Hessler Rielley, Evanston, IL
Robin Gale Rioux, Blue Hill, ME
Tatiana A. Ripnick, Hunter, NY**
Kevin Vincent Ritchie, Hubbardston, MA
Patricia Cornick Rixey, Annapolis, MD
Jacqueline Robbins, Eastchester, NY
Robert Alexander Robbins, Fairfax Station, VA
Sarah Phoebe Roberts, Fairlee
Matthew Robichaud, Clarendon
Andre Albert Robinson, Bridport
Jamie Taylor Roderick, Avon, CT**
Jackson Roesch, Ponte Vedra, FL
Michael William Rogers, Benton, ME**
Laura Fabian Rogoski, East Hampton, NY
Christopher M. Rohrer, Northboro, MA
Bennett Elra Rolland, Waitsfield
Levi Hamilton Root, Rutland
Caroline Marie Rose, New London, CT
Anna Rebecca Rosengren, New Hartford, CT
Elizabeth Meryl Rosner, Woodcliff Lake, NJ
Sean W. Ross, Burlington
Elizabeth Josephine Rossano, Montpelier
Corey Robert Rost, Williamsville, NY
Hannah Rounds, Essex
Daniel Rovensky, Flemington, NJ
Stephen J. Rowe, Milton
Rachel Barbara Rubenstein, East Greenbush, NY
Charles Francis Ruegger, Fairfield, CT**
*As of October, 2009
**As of January, 2010
Lucas Ruiz, Hartland Four Corner
Zulairam Ruiz-Agosto, Bronx, NY
Gregory S. Ruscio, North Troy
Brendan Patrick Russell, Walpole, MA
Matthew John Rynne, Brandon
Kathryn M. Sacco, Underhill**
Taylor Samson Sacco, Hinesburg
Jeffrey K. Sachs, Newbury
Kayla D. Sainato, Swampscott, MA**
Curtis L. Salata-Hartman, Burlington
Naomi Lee Salls, Winooski**
Megan Salocks, Arlington, MA
Katherine N. Samal, Belvidere
Susan Zelia Sams, Centerville, MD
Jessica Lyne Sanders, Burlington
Carmin Yassert Sandoval, New York, NY
Nicole Elizabeth Santulli, Brookfield, CT
Kimberly Anne Sanzo, Newington, CT
Jilian Marie Sapienza, Methuen, MA*
Adam Samuel Terry Saunders, Burlington
Kellie Anne Saunders, Shelburne*
Grayson Beaux Savoie, Burlington
Steven Vincent Scalia, Queensbury, NY
William Alexeander Scannell, Burlington*
Amanda Lynn Scarfo, Burlington, MA
Angela Marie Scavo, Laramie, WY
Molly Churchill Schaefer, Slingerlands, NY*
David Scherl, Tomkins Cove, NY
Erica Marian Schlachter, Saratoga Springs, NY
Adam Christian Schlegel, Fairfield, CT
Paige Caitlin Schlenker, Bradford
Michael Thomas Schmedlin, Milford, CT
Nicole Marie Schnitzlein, Monmouth Junction, NJ
Hailey Hannah Schofield, Simsbury, CT**
Kristen Hope Schow, Mansfield, MA
Scott Schulman, McLean, VA
Brett L. Schulte, Stonington, CT
Alexander Mundy Schwartz, Bloomfield, CT
Jeffrey Carl Scott, Fair Haven
Stephen Walter Scott, Lexington, MA
Kate Wyckoff Barrett Sease, Montpelier
William Dempsey Sedlack, Carlisle, PA
Eli W. See, Rutland*
Erica Lauren Seeger, Peekskill, NY
Christopher Daniel Lycett Segal, Malvern, PA
Annina Louisa Seiler, Cornwall
Evan A. Selleck, Ludlow**
Maxwell Eastman Semler, Middlesex
Sara Caplan Semmler, Narberth, PA**
Jesse Y. Sendra, Manchester Center**
Ruarri Michael Serpa, Epping, NH**
Brian Curtis Shattuck Sewell, Lexington, MA
Umer Farooque Shaikh, Essex Junction
Gabriel Marcel Shapiro, Cheltenham, PA
Rachel Anna Shapiro, Scarsdale, NY
Sumeet Sharma, Forest Hills, NY
Brooke A. Sharpe, South Burlington
Bryce C. Shattie, Hartford
Steven Gary Shattuck, Manahawkin, NJ**
Julia Ellen Shaw, Cortland Manor, NY
Benjamin Douglas Shearer, Shelburne*
Bryan Gregory Shebar, Longmeadow, MA
Madeline Ruth Shellgren, Yarmouth, ME
Alexander Jay Shepard, Burlington
Tanya Sherman, Amesbury, MA
Hannah Elizabeth Shihdanian, Waltham, MA
Brittain David Shorter, Hastings On Hudson, NY
Brent Ross Shraiberg, Chicago, IL**
Harrison Graham Shulman, Great Neck, NY**
Hannah Ceciley Shustin, Groton, MA
Elliot Jay Siegel, Moretown
Olivia Cristina Mercedes Sierra, Dedham, MA
Jeremiah Daniel Sieunarine, Bronx, NY
Benjamin Johnson Silverman, Maplewood, NJ
Alison Lauren Simpson, Guilderland, NY**
Ellen Anne Simpson, Montpelier
Emma Sophia Sklar, Moretown
Michael Skwar, Milton, MA
Susan Jill Slavin, Fairfield, CT
Timothy Ted Smalley-Wall, Los Angeles, CA
Alison Leigh Smart, Readfield, ME**
Maja Smedemark-Margulies, Newton, MA
Cedric Mac Smith, New York, NY
Janai Ilene Smith, Bronx, NY
Jane Elizabeth Smith, Stanfordville, NY
Katelyn Michelle Smith, Newburyport, MA
Katherine Hannon Smith, New Canaan, CT
Melissa Smith, Saint Albans
Michael Edward Smith, Plattsburgh. NY**
Ross Edward Smith, Braintree, MA
Lauren M. Sohikian, Wilton, CT
Davin James Sokup, Northfield, MN
Jennifer B. Solberg, Barrington, IL
Oliver M. Solomon, Brooklyn, NY
Janet S. Soltau, South Burlington**
Cynthia Hollis Spang, Merrimac, MA*
Wesley John Spence, Virginia Water, United Kingdom
H. William Spencer, Weathersfield
Jennifer Lin St. Jean, Ferrisburg
Sarah Renee St. Martin, Westport, MA
Dominique Maria Staffiere, Beverly, MA
Ann D. Stafford, Montpelier*
Robert Stahle, Rutland
James E. Stanley, New London, CT
Elizabeth Starr, Weybridge
Samuel Starr, Morris Plains, NJ
Anne Kathryn Stauffer, Peacham
Whitney Bedford Steele, Shiremanstown, PA
Stephanie Steeves, Byfield, MA
Samuel Stevens, Milford, CT
Lisa Stevens-Goodnight, Burlington
Edward D. Stevenson, Rockport, MA
Adam Howard Stewart, Fairlee
Andrew M. Stewart, Shelburne**
Timothy Andrews Stewart, Longmeadow, MA**
Moriah Jennette Stokes, Morrisville
Sara Stoll, South Burlington
Alicia Storrs, Richmond
Alison Claire Stout, Wayland, MA
Alicia Strain, Garden City, NY
Emily Anne Strattner, Jacksonville
Emily Beth Strongwater, Atlanta, GA**
Jessie Catherine Stuart, Hartford
Sarah Studer, Hartland**
Lauren J. Suarez, New York, NY
Lucy Claire Sullivan, Dartmouth, MA
Patrick James Sullivan, Marshfield Hills, MA
Ryan Matthew Sussan, Stamford, CT
Joshua Marc Sussman, Maplewood, NJ**
Andrew D. Sutherland, Babylon, NY
Greg E. Swank, Princeton, MA
Samuel Crocker Swasey, Marblehead, MA**
Sarah Elizabeth Swerdloff, Davidsonville, MD
Hannah Jeanette Sylvester, North Hero
Jack Buchanan Tabor, Waitsfield
Amanda Julia Talan, Northport, NY
Leah Ruth Tardivo, Lakewood, OH**
Eymi Carolina Tavarez, Bronx, NY
Andrew Taylor, Park Ridge, NJ
Erin Kate Taylor, Presque Isle, ME**
James McDonald Taylor, Burlington
Rachel Wynn Taylor, Hampton, NJ
Renna Rose Temple, Brooklyn, NY**
Monica Alexandra Testa, Washington, DC
Edward Lazaro Tetzlaff, Livingston, NJ
Dylan Paul Thibault, Williston**
Jacqueline Alexandra Thode, Aurora, CO
Victoria Brougham Thompson, Boxford, MA
Ashley Ann Thygesen, Barre*
Maria Andrea Tiberii, Wayland, MA
Jessica Tyson Tidman, Burlington*
Kirstin Ellen Tiffany, Bennington
Joseph Ryan Tinkham, South Hamilton, MA
Elizabeth Reid Tober, New York, NY
Return to Table of Contents
Ashley Loraine Tobin, Merrimack, NH
Patrick M. Tobin, Johnson
Rita N. Todd, Mansfield, MA
Jenna L. Tofferi, Proctorsville**
Katherine E. Tomai, Bedford, NH
Michael Ryan Tourkistas, Lynnfield, MA*
Emily Ruth Tower, Hopkinton, NH
Kathryn Congdon Towers, Jericho
Brooks L. Traendly, Strafford**
Alice Genevieve Trainor, Severn, MD
Carl Daniel Treadway, Burlington
Luke Tress, Bethlehem, NY
Henry Rodolfo Triana Jr., New York, NY**
Matthew Trollinger, East Montpelier
Anna R. Turkle, Groton, MA
Rebecca Turner, Essex**
David M. Tyburski, Hamilton, NY
Matthew R. Tyo, Suffield, CT**
Maxwell C. Ukegbu Jr., Bronx, NY
Frederick M. Valenta, Burlington*
Raphael Akira Valenti, Lexington, MA**
Edith Valls-Croker, Phoenix, AZ**
Peter N. van der Vlugt, Swarthmore, PA**
Hannah Wilke Van Gulden, Monkton
Sean M. Vanderslice, Downington, PA
Danielle Marie Varcasia, Latham, NY
Walter B. Varhue, Georgia
Christina Kiah Elizabeth Veith, Pelham, NY
Tyler Leon Vendituoli, West Burke**
James Venning, Mechanicsville, VA
Emma Nicholas Vick, Burlington
Jae Nicholas Vick, Burlington
Lauren Olivia Vilbert, Plattsburgh, NY
Laura R. Vincent, Manchester
Molly Walker, Hingham, MA
David Matthew Wallace, East Greenbush, NY**
Anna R. Walsh, Saint Albans
Lindsay Celeste Walsh, Guilford, CT
Michael John Walsh IV, Braintree, MA
Peter Michael Walsh, Pleasantville, NY
Anna Summer Walter, Colorado Springs, CO
Mackenzie J. Wann, East Greenwich, RI
Joshua Samuel Waranch, Owings Mills, MD
Katherine Elizabeth Ward, Pittsford, NY**
Lauren Ann Wardell, Babylon, NY
Eunique D. Waring, Bronx, NY
Benjamin Thomas Waters, Chelmsford, MA
Holly Cameron Watson, Avon, NY
Mary Grace White Weed, Princeton, NJ**
Daniel Robert Weinberg, Cortlandt Manor, NY
Samantha E. Weinberg, New York City, NY
Matthew David Weiner, South Burlington*
Joshua Quinn Weinstein, Nashua, NH
Carrie Nicole Weisman, Sharon, MA
Hannah R. Weiss, Poughkeepsie, NY
Sean Benjamin Weiss, Linwood, NJ*
Hayley Austin Wells, Hingham, MA
Ariel Wengroff, Chicago, IL
Samuel Aaron Siegler Werbel, Norwich
Ethan E. West, Middlebury
Cory Jay Weyrick, Thetford**
Derek Michael Wheeler, Lyndonville
Gordon Brittain Whelpley III, Redding, CT**
Elizabeth Ann White, Vergennes
Megan Grace White, Danville
Tristan Graham Whitehouse, Skaneateles, NY
Ross Duston Whitlock, Thetford
Brian Andrew Whitney, Hinesburg
Katherine Park Whittemore, Readfield, ME
Andrew James Wick, Burlington
Sarah Collier Wiebe, Bethesda, MD
Kara Leona Wilbeck, Rhinebeck, NY**
Christopher Collins Willey, Williamstown
Keith Michael Williams, Burlington
Travis G. Williams, Montpelier
Victoria Jean Williams, Montgomery
Brooke V. Wills, Milton
Commencement 2010
Mollie Elspeth Wills, Durham, NH
Ashley Hannah Wilson, Hilton, NY**
Jeffrey Lovell Wilson, Brooklyn, NY**
Julian Robert Wilson, Belmont, MA*
Skylar Wilson, Proctor
Tierney Wilson, Philadelphia, PA
Grant Wiltshire, Underhill
Elias D. Hardwick-Witman, Chepachet, RI**
Emilee Suzanne Witts, Tunbridge
Michael T. Wooten II, Clifton Park, NY
Michael Robert Wrobel, Burlington*
Anthony D. Yasner, Burlington
Kacia Anne Yazbak, North Smithfield, RI**
Sung Joon Yim, Ridgewood, NJ**
Daphne Davis Zencey, Calais
Keith John Zengel Jr., Burlington, CT
Katherine O’Toole Zephir, Leominster, MA
Brooke E. Ziehr, Grosse Pointe, MI
Michelle Robin Zimmer, Smithtown, NY
Stephanie Zimmermann-Schmitt, Washington, DC
Justine Electra Zolotas, South Hero
Philip Gelman Zuckerman, New York, NY
Daniel James Ryan, West Barnet
Jenna Lynn Abatiell, Rutland
Maya A. Aleshnick, Guilford
Kayla M. Angier, Burlington
Wesley David Bascom, Lower Waterford
Daniel Louis Basta, Nashua, NH*
Lindsay Raye Bauman, East Greenbush, NY
Danielle Eileen Beaudoin, Simsbury, CT**
Joshua Mackenzie Beebe, Franklin, CT
Katharine M. Bilodeau, Colchester
Andrea R. Blanar, East Brunswick, NJ
Zachary D. Borg, Clinton, CT
Allen K. Bugbee, Underhill
Adam Oliva Burgess, Saranac Lake, NY
Julia A. Camuso, Wenham, MA
James Matthew Candon III, Jericho
Michella R. Canning, Portland, ME
Kelly Elizabeth Carstens, Atlanta, GA
Jade Ruthmarie Christie-Maples, Hartland
Emily Bingham Clifford, Weymouth, MA
Cara Ann Constable, Barrington, RI
Graham Conway, Cambridge, MA**
Lauren Ilise Cooperman, Wyckoff, NJ
Holly B. Crimmins, Killington*
Kathleen M. Davies, Richmond**
Jonathan E. Derick Jr., Windham, NH
Lucy A. deWahl, Enosburg Falls
Christine Marie DiMauro, Fitchburg, MA
Lauren Anna Dolloff, Gloucester, MA**
Nathaniel Bradley Doyle, Wilton, CT
Jeffrey R. Dube, Weare, NH
Chelsea M. Duhaime, Concord, NH**
Nicole Joyce Dumas, Milton
Jennifer Marie Dykhuizen, Fort Wayne, IN
Halen Andrew Earle, Middlebury
Lee Taylor Elrod, Libertyville, IL
Andrew Robert Engler, Woodstown, NJ
Melissa I. Fitting, North Berwick, ME
Thomas Allen Ford-Hutchinson, Doylestown, PA
Charles Edward Gilroy Jr., Jonesville**
Michelle Joyce Gorayeb, Hampton, NH
Timothy D. Greer, Hampton, NH
Jonathan Gridley, Bar Harbor, ME
Ross W. Grimshaw, Barrington, RI
Graham Adrian Hagen-Peter, Underhill
Brian John Hanna, Greenwich, CT
Ethan Raymond Hathaway, Delmar, NY
Stephanie Martha Houle, Brandon
Jacqueline Hubbard, Bellingham, MA
Julie Ann Hussey, North Reading, MA
John Cedric Keyes, Burlington
Stephanie Marie Kiesow, Victor, NY
Kayla Lee Kimball, Monkton
Elysia Anne Korbet, Perkinsville
Michelle Lauren Laliberte, Mendon**
Ryan Noah Lessard, Manchester, NH
Emily R. Lubell, Natick, MA**
Aliza Lyon, Morristown, NJ
Jeanine F. Maniscalco, Hunter, NY**
Erin Anne McGee, Sturbridge, MA
Andrew Tyler Modlin, Norwich**
Kaitlyn Marie Mulcahy, Williamstown*
Samuel Murphy, Saratoga Springs, NY
Brittany A. O’Neil, Merrimac, MA
Jessica Naa Jama Odotei, Hopkinton, MA
Stephen Edward Gill Palenski, Nantucket, MA
Gregory J. Parrish, Atkinson, NH
Jonah Peake, Saxtons River
Patrick Pearson, Hoosick Falls, NY
Hayley E. Perelman, Millwood, NY
Ryan Tait Perry, New Hartford, CT
Eric Michael Phillips, Chappaqua, NY
Lauren Emma Plankey, Colchester
Luther Woodrow Pollard, Hubbardton
C. Rex Ready, Burlington
Eleanor Marjorie Doe Regan, Boulder, CO
Rebecca G. Rich, Stratford, CT
Kevin Matthew Rider, Freehold, NJ*
McKale Elizabeth Santin, Wenham, MA
Elizabeth Rebecca Schrader, Yarmouth, ME
Mary Katherine Seaman, Jamaica Plain, MA
Danielle Marie Seidel, Colchester
Benjamin H. Shupe, Framingham, MA
Paul Travis Skaperdas, Oyster Bay, NY
Shane Snyder, Spring Grove, PA
Suzanne Louise Stanton, Burlington
Christiana St. John, Bennington
Sarah Lester Sullivan, Charlotte
Margaret Caroline Sutton, South Windsor, CT**
Dylan Paul Thibault, Williston*
Christina Marie Thurston, West Chester, PA
Colette Celeste Toni, Stratford, CT
Sarah Jeanne Truex, Binghamton, NY
Seth Patterson Vaczy, Shoreham**
Brett Van Etten, Schenectady, NY**
Jessica Lynn Vincent, South Kingstown, RI
Gordana Vukmirovic, Burlington
Andrew Robert Waldeck, Lancaster, PA
John Mather Wallis, Norwich
Daniel J. Walsh, Marcellus, NY
Laura Ann Weinberg, Greenwich, CT
Adam R. Wespiser, Lee, MA
Amanda Erin Wildermuth, Essex
Danielle Xanthos, Dix Hills, NY**
Brittney Yegla, Newark, DE
Albert Gustive Zander Jr., Readsboro
*As of October, 2009
**As of January, 2010
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
Graduate College
Nathaniel J. Newman, B.A. (Castleton State College) 2006; Bristol**
Thesis: Ecological and Evolutionary Factors Effecting Size Variation in
Messor Pergandei (Mayr) Workers
Advisor: Dr. Kenneth Helms
Violet A. Roskens, B.A. (The Colorado College) 2002; Rochester
Thesis: Molecular Characterization of the Yellowjackets and Hornets
(Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Vespinae); Proteomic and Phylogenetic
Advisor: Dr. Kurt Pickett
Megan Smith Valentine, B.A. (Connecticut College) 2001; Jericho*
Thesis: Paramecium tetraurelia as a model organism for the study of
Meckelin (MKS3)
Advisor: Dr. Judith Van Houten
Lyndelle Toni Lebruin, B.S. (Plattsburgh State University of New York) 2004;
Commonwealth of Dominica
Thesis: Metal Assisted Assembly of Collagen-Like Peptides
Advisor: Dr. Martin Case
Sarah E. Leshinski, B.S. (Bloomsburg University) 2008; Paxinos, PA
Thesis: Element-Element Bond-Forming Reactions Involving Triamidoamine-Supported Zirconium Complexes
Advisor: Dr. Rory Waterman
Nathan Bryce Mahany, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2006; St. Albans*
Thesis: Multifunctional Magnetic Silica Nanoparticles for Biomedical
Advisors: Dr. Rory Waterman, Dr. Christopher Landry
Lacey Marina Paradee, B.S. (University of Hartford) 2003; Franklin*
Thesis: An Electrochemical Switching Approach to Cr(Arene)(CO)3
Substitution Reactions
Advisor: Dr. William Geiger
Rahul S. Patel, M.S. (University of Mumbai) 2002; Mumbai, India
Thesis: Oxovanadium Complexes Supported on Acid-Prepared
Mesoporous Silica (APMS) for Catalytic Oxidation of Mustard Gas
Analogue 2-Chloroethyl Ethyl Sulfide
Advisor: Dr. Christopher Landry
Communication Sciences
Ashley Megan Beach, B.S. (University of North Carolina) 2008; Stowe
Aprille L. Gerushat, B.S. (University of New Hampshire) 2007; Pelham, NH
Katherine Walsh Graves, B.A. (University of Maine) 2006; White River Junction
Jessica A. Hertford, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2008; Chester
Rhiannon M. Kim, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2006; Barre Town
Thesis: Early Intervention for Children with Autism: Are Speech-Language
Pathologists Viewed as Providing Family-Centered Care?
Advisor: Dr. Patricia Prelock
Margrette Grace MacDonald, B.A. (The Evergreen State College) 2005; East Calais
Kelly Marie Macy, B.S. (Plattsburgh State University of New York) 2002; Buffalo, NY
Thesis: Examining the Use of a Dynamic Assessment Procedure with
English Language Learners
Advisor: Dr. Patricia Prelock
Christine M. McGovern, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Bristol**
Megan Estelle Rupert, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2000; Burlington
William Redin Hackett, B.S. (St. Lawrence University) 2007; Tully, NY*
Thesis: Changing Land Use, Climate, and Hydrology in the Winooski River
Basin, Vermont
Advisor: Dr. Paul Bierman
Lydia G. Smith, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Huntingdon, PA*
Thesis: Mississquoi Bay Sediment Phosphorus Cycling: The Role of
Organic Phosphorus and Seasonal Redox Fluctuations
Advisor: Dr. Gregory Druschel
Historic Preservation
Heather Cox, B.A. (University of Maine) 2007; Perkinsville**
Errin Robert Creed, B.A. (Oregon State University) 1997; Eugene, OR
Christopher P. Dooley, B.A. (Westfield State College) 1992; Burlington**
Britta Fenniman, B.A. (Middlebury College) 2002; M.A. (Goddard College)
2007; Burlington**
Andrea Glenn, B.A. (Warren Wilson College) 2008; Oak Ridge, TN**
Jonathan Auguste Holdsworth, B.A. (Saint Michaels College) 2006; Bow, NH**
*As of October, 2009
**As of January, 2010
Matthew Ryan Holtkamp, B.A. (University of Kansas) 2002; Shawnee, KS**
Lauren E. Hummer, B.A. (College of Charleston) 2007; Raleigh, NC**
Kurt Erik Jergensen, B.S. (Roger Williams University) 2005; Waterville, ME
Abigail Muse, B.A. (Salve Regina University) 2008; Amesbury, MA**
Laura Marie Sadowsky, B.A. (Cornell College) 1996; B.A. (Iowa State University)
2007; Zearing, IA
Jesse T. Zanavich, B.A. (Central Connecticut State University) 2005; Oakville, CT**
Christopher Croweak, B.A. (Trinity College) 2001; Cheshire, CT*
Jonathan Michael Hausrath, B.A. (Plattsburgh State University of New York) 2008;
Perham, MN
Jeane Keynsian Houston, B.A. (University of North Carolina) 2000; Allentown, PA*
Thesis: Do I Dare Disturb the Universe? Narrative Direction in the Age of
Alienation Syndrome
Advisor: Dr. Richard Parent
Courtney C. Jacobs, B.A. (Cazenovia College) 2007; Canton, CT*
Sarah McCulloch, B.A. (Florida International University) 2007; Fort Lauderdale, FL
Francis X. Moriarty II, B.A. (Saint Anselm College) 2007; Manchester
Elizabeth Paushter, B.A. (Syracuse University) 2005; Vestal, NY
Thesis: What is the Pornographic? The Sexual Politics of Woman, Animal,
and the Earth in Thomas Hardy’s Novels
Advisor: Dr. Eric Lindstrom
Amber M. Ross, B.A. (Potsdam State University of New York) 2007; Cato, NY
Thesis: Brave New World, THX 1138, Walden Two: An Examination of
Maintaining Power with the Implicit Consent of the Population
Advisor: Dr. Richard Parent
Sarah B. Sargent, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2004; Dover*
Thesis: Original Shakespeare: Adaptation and the Women in Hamlet
(Unnatural Causes: Treatment and Scenes)
Advisor: Dr. Andrew Barnaby
Maggie Kate Spencer, B.A. (University of Iowa) 2005; Iowa City, IA
James Swenson, B.A. (Washington State University) 2005; Kenmore, WA
Thesis: Contemporary Nature Writing: Toward a Responsible Representation
Advisor: Dr. Philip Baruth
Aaron Rich Tolbert, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2008; B.S. (The University
of Vermont) 2008; Fulton, NY
Thesis: Questions of Agency: Wordsworth and Natural Impression
Advisor: Dr. Eric Lindstrom
Jill Wharton, B.A. (Fairmont State University) 2007; Hundred, WV
Thesis: “No Place Among Nations”: Irish Poetic Convention and the First
World War
Advisor: Dr. Helen Scott
Karl Edward Haloj II, B.A. (Stonybrook University) 1991; Rome, New York
Thesis: «Vive Nous!»: Les Fondements Nationalistes de La Guerre des
Advisor: Dr. Meaghan Emery
Greek and Latin
Clayton Taylor O’Neal Elliott, B.A. (Baylor University) 2003; Dallas, TX
Robert Anselle Walker, III, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2006; Sharon
Thesis: Toward Anatolian Origins of Greek Political Expression
Advisor: Dr. Barbara Saylor-Rodgers
Paul Mason Blomerth, B.A. (Saint Michael’s College) 2007; Reading, MA
Thesis: Vernichtungskrieg: The Wehrmacht’s Atrocities in the Soviet Union
Advisor: Dr. Francis Nicosia
Averill Erin Earls, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2008; Williamstown
Thesis: Profiling the Pedophile Priest: A Study of Sexological Classification
and Declining Catholic Power
Advisor: Dr. Paul Deslandes
Daniel Louis Gidick, B.A. (College of Charleston) 2006; Charleston, SC
Alaina Kathryn Ann Kreiger, B.A. (Saint Michael’s College) 2004; Jericho
Thesis: Mystical Monarchy: the Influential Role of Beguine Mystics in the
Capetian Court of France
Advisor: Dr. Sean Field
Stephen Biddle Lemcke, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 1990; Burlington
Thesis: “Leave Lesser Men to the Golf Clubs Then..: The Golf Boom, 1880
to 1900, and the Challenges to British Imperial Masculinities
Advisor: Dr. Abigail McGowan
Heather Moore, B.A. (Skidmore College) 2008; Proctor
Return to Table of Contents
Laura Selkirk, B.A. (Simon’s Rock College) 2002; Deer Park, NY**
Thesis: Links among High Stakes Testing, Student Achievement,
Motivation, and Performance
Advisor: Dr. Susan Crockenberg
Drina Vurbic, B.S. (Baldwin-Wallace College) 2003; Cleveland, OH
Thesis: Mechanisms of Secondary Extinction
Advisor: Dr. Mark Bouton
Ellen Sarah Martinsen, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2000; Hingham, MA*
Dissertation: Systematics and Host Distribution of the Avian Malaria
Advisor: Dr. Joseph Schall
Xianglian Ni, B.S. (Fudan University) 1998; M.S. (Shanghai Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry) 2004; Shanghai, China*
Dissertation: Developmental Regulation and Function of AMPA
Receptor Subunits in Chicken Lumbar Motoneurons
Advisor: Dr. Miguel Martin-Caraballo
Anbazhagan Rajendran, B.V.S. (Pondicherry University) 2002; M.V.S. (Indian
Veterinary Research Institute) 2004; Pondicherry, India
Dissertation: Bardet-Biedl Syndrome (BBS) Proteins in the Ciliate
Paramecium Tetraurelia
Advisor: Dr. Judith Van Houten
Samsudeen Ponissery Saidu, B.S. (Kerala Agricultural University) 2002;
Trichur, India**
Dissertation: Role of Plasma Membrane Calcium ATPases in Olfactory
Sensory Neurons
Advisor: Dr. Judith Van Houten
Chun Yang, B.S. (Nankai University) 2003; Loudi, Hunan, China
Dissertation: Mouse Vomeronasal Sensory Neurons: Signal
Amplification and Hormonal Modulation
Advisor: Dr. Rona Delay
Muhammad Irfan Javed, B.S. (University of Engineering and Technology)
1998; M.S. (Western Illinois University) 2001; Essex Junction*
Dissertation: Studies on the Reaction of Sulfonium Salts with
Hydrazones: Synthetic Methods for the Preparation of Diazo
Compounds, Alpha-Chloroazo Compounds and Fused or Bridged
Bicyclic Diazenium Salts
Advisor: Dr. Matthias Brewer
Stephanie R. Livingston, B.S. (George Fox University) 2003; Hillsboro, OR*
Dissertation: Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Catalysts
Supported on Mesoporous Silica for the Degradation of Chemical
Warfare Agent Analogues
Advisor: Dr. Christopher Landry
Rachel Aranha Potter, B.Tech. (Institute of Chemical Technology) 2004;
Mumbai, India*
Dissertation: Development of the 1,3-Diaza Claisen RearrangementInvestigation of the Electronic and Ring Strain Effects. Synthesis of
CGMP-Protein Kinase Inhibitors.
Advisor: Dr. José Madalengoitia
Lynsay Allison Ayer, B.A. (Cornell University) 2002; Burlington†
Dissertation: Temperament Profiles as Predictors of Risk and
Resilience to Alcohol Use in Late Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Advisor: Dr. David Rettew
Ciara Byrne, B.A. (University College Dublin) 1997; M.A. (Columbia
University) 2001; Dublin, Ireland*
Dissertation: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Clients at a
University Counseling Center: A Multi Site Clinical Trial
Advisor: Dr. Lynne Bond
Daniel Gilbert Cassidy, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2004; Burlington†
Dissertation: Buffering the Stress of HIV/Aids: The Interactive Effects
of Stigma, Psychological Distress, and Mindfulness in Reference to
Serostatus Disclosure
Advisor: Dr. Sondra Solomon
Christina J. M. Colletti, B.A. (Hamilton College) 2000; M.S. (Oklahoma State
University) 2005; Burlington†
Dissertation: The Association of Parental Depressive Symptoms and
Child Anxiety Symptoms: The Role of Specific Parenting Behaviors
Advisor: Dr. Rex Forehand
Commencement 2010
Melinda M. Davis, B.A. (Whitman College) 2002; M.A. (The University of Vermont) 2006; Stevenson, WA
Dissertation: Primary Care Clinician Expectations Regarding Aging
and Their Intended Preventive Health Counseling for Middle-Aged
and Elder Patients
Advisor: Dr. Lynne Bond
Kelly E. Dunn, B.A. (Oswego State University) 2002; M.S. (University of
New Orleans) 2005; Syracuse, NY*
Dissertation: A Contingency-Management Intervention to Promote
Smoking Cessation Among Opioid-Maintained Patients
Advisor: Dr. Stacey Sigmon
Erin C. Marshall, B.A. (University of Colorado at Boulder) 2004;
Birmingham, AL†
Dissertation: Investigation of Anxiety Sensitivity as a Moderator of
the Relation Between Nonclinical Panic Attacks and Panic-Relevant
Responding to a Biological Challenge
Advisor: Dr. Michael Zvolensky
Erica Nichols Peters, B.A. (Boston College) 2002; Burlington†
Dissertation: Stopping Marijuana Increases Alcohol Use: An
Experimental Verification of Drug Substitution
Advisor: Dr. John Hughes
Aaron Vidler Rakow, B.S. (Cornell University) 2001; Ithaca, NY†
Dissertation: The Mediational Role of Parental Guilt Induction in the
Development of Internalizing Problems Among Offspring of Parents
with a History of Depression
Advisor: Dr. Rex Forehand
Susan Elizabeth Varni Richardson, B.A. (Westfield State College) 2001; M.A.
(The University of Vermont) 2005; Manchester, CT*
Dissertation: The Effects of Explicit and Implicit HIV/AIDS Prejudice
on Juridic Decision Making
Advisor: Dr. Carol Miller
Erin Bree Roland, B.A. (Brown University) 1998; Charlotte*
Dissertation: Does Mindfulness Mediate the Relationship between
Parental Depression and Negative Parenting Behaviors?
Advisor: Dr. Rex Forehand
Katherine Kavanaugh Ryan, B.A. (Amherst College) 2003; Westborough, MA†
Dissertation: Effects of Acute Nicotine on Risk Taking in Individuals
with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Age-Matched
Advisor: Dr. Alexandra Potter
Alexandra Thanellou, B.A. (The American College of Greece) 2004; M.A.
(The University of Vermont) 2006; Athens, Greece
Dissertation: Timing of Conditioned Eyeblink Responses in WistarKyoto Hyperactive Rats: Implications for the Development of
Inhibition of Delay in the Conditioned Eyeblink Preparation
Advisor: Dr. John Green
Özgür Dicle Turkoğlu, B.A. (North Park University) 2001; Essex Junction*
Dissertation: Reliability of Test Session Observations and CrossInformant Agreement on Children’s Behavioral and Emotional
Advisor: Dr. Stephanie McConaughy
Aaron Joseph Vaughn, B.A. (Cedarville University) 2003; M.S. (Purdue
University) 2005; Yorktown, IN*
Dissertation: The Incremental Utility of Behavioral Rating Scales and
a Structured Diagnostic Interview in the Assessment of ADHD
Advisor: Dr. Betsy Hoza
Anka Anna Vujanovic, B.A. (Middlebury College) 2000; Fort Lee, NJ*
Dissertation: Anxiety Sensitivity as Moderator of the Association
between Nicotine Withdrawal and Panic-Relevant Responding to a
Carbon Dioxide-Enriched Air Laboratory Challenge
Advisor: Dr. Michael Zvolensky
Kristin Sarah Weibust, B.A. (Skidmore College) 2005; M.A. (The University
of Vermont) 2007; Burlington
Dissertation: Effects of Mortality Salience and Perceived Vulnerability
on Risky and Preventative Behaviors Related to HIV Infection
Advisor: Dr. Carol Miller
*As of October, 2009
**As of January, 2010
† Has completed all academic requirements. Completing internship as part of American
Psychological Association requirements.
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
School of Business Administration
Sunday, May 23, 2010
9:00 a.m.
University Green
Larry E. Shirland, Dean
Carolyn Bonifield, School Marshal
Marilyn Lucas, School Marshal
James Sinkula, Name Reader
Stephen Dempsey, Diploma Covers
May Kotsopoulos, Banner Bearer
A reception and diploma distribution will be held in the Grand Maple Ballroom of the
Dudley H. Davis Center following the completion of the Commencement Ceremony.
Devan W. Acker, Norwich
Mina Aghareza, Newburgh, NY*
Ryan Nathan Allendorf, Underhill
Claire Elizabeth Altier, Glen Ridge, NJ
William Bradford Ames, Wellesley, MA*
Thomas Michael Heitzman Angeley, Westborough, MA**
Aaron Samuel Backer, Atlanta, GA
William Robert Backhaus, Richford
Andrew Raymond Barlaam, Ossining, NY*
Ryan E. Barnes, Charlotte
Jessica Marie Barry, Burlington
Zari Christine Bazarian, Quechee**
Sean C. Beauvais, Burlington**
Megan Catherine Behlendorf, Essex Junction
Justin Kent Belden, Mendon*
Taylor James Bergeron, Milton
Kris Ray Bergmann, Shelburne
Ryan Christopher Betcher, Fletcher
Michael Jay Biama, Redlands, CA
Luke Douglas Bicknell, Richford
Joseph Thomas Billotti, Massapequa, NY
Aubrey Lynn Bissonette, Colchester**
Charles Stuart Black, New York, NY*
Marqus A. Blakely, Metuchen, NJ
Greg Michael Blinn Jr., Valley Cottage, NY
Adrian Bonev, South Burlington**
Tyler Abbott Bourne, Lake Forest, IL
Johnathan Leonard Boursiquot, Stamford, CT
Alex William Brady, Duluth, GA
Thomas Hamilton Brayden, South Burlington
Rodney Oliver Buie, Mendham, NJ*
Matthew David Buonadies, Wyckoff, NJ
Braden Robert Burke, North Clarendon
Marley C. Burr-diMauro, New York City, NY
Prescott Laird Busk, Cohasset, MA
Max D. Byer, Armonk, NY
Nicholas Ryan Cafarelli, Shelburne
Justin V. Cafiero, Summit, NJ
Colleen Wade Cannon, Winooski**
Elizabeth Victoria Cash, Little Canada, MN
Kyle Robert Clark, Essex, MA
Lyndsy E. Clark, Cazenovia, NY**
*As of October, 2009
**As of January, 2010
Natalia Xenia Clow, Williston
Brendan Patrick Cosgrove, Melrose, MA**
Eric Edmond Cousineau, Waterford, CT
Julie A. Crawford, Gilford, NH**
Thomas Leroy Critz, Enfield, CT**
Patrick Thomas Cullity, Tewksbury, MA
Robert J. Cunningham, Windham, NH
Jesse Patrick Curran, Underhill
Gabrielle Virginia DeCrescenzo, Cherry Hill, NJ*
Jessica Angell Dellert, Cumberland, ME
Austin Neal DeLonge, Saxtons River
Douglas S. DeLuca Jr., Westport, CT
Sabrina Benedetta DeRose, Astoria, NY
Charles Ross Devine, Quechee
Nicholas T. DiMille, Essex Junction
Catherine Elizabeth Donaghey, Woburn, MA
Jing Jing Dong, Burlington
Shaina Druy, Arlington, MA
Paul Alexander Edelen, Baltimore, MD
Peter Raúl Edinger, Farmingdale, NJ**
Jacob Lyle Edson, Northfield, MA
Andrew Brian Ehle, Natick, MA
Meredith Kate Jeffries Eisenberg, Stowe**
Darius James Ellies, Boston, MA
Jack H. Elliott, Wilton, CT**
Sarah Nicole Emerman, Plainsboro, NJ
Samuel Joseph Fath, Williston*
Amrey Lena Ferrario, Waterbury**
Ryan M. Fitzgerald, Colchester**
Tony Jenn Fong, Lyndonville
Thomas W. Fricke, Northfield
Charles Brent Fries, Garden City, NY*
John Thomas Fuge, Potomac, MD
Brendan Edward Galvin, Seekonk, MA
Christopher J. Garafola, Ludlow
Ariel Raine Garrett, Morristown, NJ
Christopher D. Georgevich, Newport
Nicholas Guthrie Gingrow, Saint George
Kyle Jacob Girard, Burlington*
Morgan Anne Glennon, New Hartford, NY
Katie Jeanne Glover, Jeffersonville
Joseph Andrew Goldsbury, Colchester
Jaime Lynn Goodman, Island Park, NY
Eric Leonard Graczyk, Syosett, NY**
Kiley Jean Grant, Medfield, MA
Ian Andrew Graves, Litchfield, CT
Matthew James Greer, Essex
Daniel Robert Grippin, Colchester
Jean-Jacques Gunning III, Baltimore, MD
Bryant R. Hall, Northport, ME
Ryan Matthew Hanan, Syosset, NY
David W. Hanss, Ann Arbor, MI
Paul Samuel Harchik, Amherst, MA**
Alicia Mary Hawks, South Burlington
Peter William Hazelett, Stowe
Axel Henry Heimer III, Brattleboro
James C. Heintz Jr., Sunderland
Benjamin Chase Hickory, Morrisville
Hamish Gregor Huntly, Savannah, GA**
William Hunt Hutchinson, Wilton, CT**
Alexandra Elizabeth Hylas, Glen Head, NY
Mason Thomas Irving, Lexington, MA
Brayden Whiteside Irwin, Toronto, Ontario,
Andrew T. Jacques, Manhattan, NY
Brittany Eastman Jennings, North Haven, CT
Allison Arden Jirak, Ossining, NY
Alain Jean Joseph, Stamford, CT
Justin David Jowett, Pownal
Stephanie Leigh King, Halifax, MA
Benjamin Earl Kingsbury, Rochester
Andrew David Kleppe, Scarsdale, NY
Jonathan M. Kohler, Shelburne
May M. Kotsopoulos, Waterloo, Ontario,
Amy F. Kozlowski, Concord, MA*
Christopher Michael Krukowski, Owings
Mills, MD
Sumner J. Kuehne, Benson
Suraj Kiran Kumar, Shelburne
Andrew P. LaPrade, Windham, NH
Kenneth Eric Layton, Ocean, NJ
Benjamin E. Lazarus, Stamford, CT
Michael Arvid Leelman, Lexington, MA
Alexis R. Leibowitz, Northampton, MA
Julianne Stefanie Lengton, Port Washington, NY
Joseph Salvatore Leotta, Bronx, NY
Christopher Potter Loftus, Newport, RI**
Marielle Kate Ludwig, Baton Rouge, LA
Griffin James Lussier, Craftsbury*
Return to Table of Contents
Adam J. Maietta, Lawrenceville, NJ
Asad Shaheen Malghani, South Burlington**
Justin Robert Malsbury, Manchester
Owen Patrick Manahan, St. Albans
Emily Anne Masi, Sandwich, MA
Jacinthe Marie Mathieu-Mahoney, Essex**
Elena Maysyuk, Burlington**
Christopher John McCaffrey, Londonderry, NH
Jay Michael McPeters, Underhill
Benjamin D. McWilliams, South Strafford
David Earl Merkle, Kennebunk, ME
Daniel Ryan Mesa, Redding, CT
Ella Midenjak, Burlington
Alik Miller, Kailua, HI
Jared Model, Springfield, NJ
Edmund Goodhue Montanari, Lexington, MA*
Maighan A. Moody, Leicester, MA
Christine Rose Morgan, Essex Junction
Patrick Michael Morrissey, Shelton, CT
Tyler Patrick Munroe, North Andover, MA**
Rachel E. Narva, San Marino, CA
Jeffrey S. Neagle, Cumberland, ME**
Patrick Frank Nicholas, Gibsonia, PA*
Braden Smyth Noll, Norfolk, MA
Mirela Ovcina, Middlebury
Amanda Ann Parish, Georgia
Jefferson Ingalls Parker, Hinesburg
Alexandra K. Partlow, Fairfield*
Helen Kathryn Patten, Ridgewood, NJ
Robert John Paulus, Silverthorne, CO
Dennis Perezic, New York, NY
Commencement 2010
Carrie Susan Pettee, Andover, MA
Christina R. Pistone, Northvale, NJ
Erin Mairead Przylucki, Albany, NY
David James Rainey, Ramsey, NJ
Monika Margaret Raithel, Washington, DC
John Taggart Ramsey III, Burlington
Camilla Nina Rannefors, Wellesley, MA
Nicolle Rekblatt, Brooklyn, NY
David Charles Restivo, Cranbury, NJ
Alyssa Leo Rimmer, Norwich
Jeffry Bret Rodgers, Chester, NJ*
Andrew Stephen Rogers, Haverhill, MA
Brian R. Roloff, West Seneca, NY
Brennen Taylor Roth, Hillsdale, NJ
Pamela Beth Rothman, New York, NY
Andrew Harris Rotondi, Warwick, RI
Michael Ezra Rubin, Syosset, NY
Zachary Scott Rubin, Newton, MA
Steven Lee Saltzman, Wayland, MA
Cynthia Louise Sandall, Thetford Center
Ronald Paul Sandmeyer III, Haddonfield, NJ*
Justin J. Scricca, Wethersfield, CT
Alison Muriel Shanley, Plymouth, MA
Alissa Marie Sheftic, Essex Junction
Jeremiah Daniel Sieunarine, Bronx, NY
Benjamin William Simonds, Ringoes, NJ
Christopher Louis Slanina, Titusville, NJ
Andrew Alexander Smalley, Beaverton, OR
Emma Snyder, Pittsburgh, PA
Katlin Marie Spero, Londonderry
Inden Scott Stein, Brookline, MA
Thomas Adler Stinchfield, Minneapolis, MN**
Ross Mead Stirewalt, Hinesburg*
Sarah Elizabeth Swerdloff, Davidsonville, MD
Katarzyna Szymczyszyn, Colchester
Alexander Spang Taylor, Palos Verdes, CA
Emmanuel Tejeda, Yonkers, NY*
Cassandra Mary Thibeault, Monkton
Jacqueline Alexandra Thode, Aurora, CO
Sarah Jane Thompson, Pittsford, NY
Joseph Michael Tierney, Brookline, MA*
Michael John Trimble, West Chester, PA
Andrew J. Trombley, Hague, NY
Peter A. Turley, Montpelier
Quinlan Turner, Williston
Nicholas Ulrich, Los Altos, CA
Jeffrey Charles Vail, Redding, CT
Renier Edward Thomas van Breen, Sunderland*
Gilbert D. Vega, Bronx, NY
Nicholas Robert Vier, Franklin Lakes, NJ
Colin Charles Vock, Orlando, FL
Mirjana Vukmirovic, Burlington
Addison Winfield Wadman, Greenfield, MA
Robert Schuyler Watson, Charlotte
Staci White, Westford
Taylor Alden White, Cape Elizabeth, ME*
Dan Michael Wieder, Newton, MA
Michael James Willey, Lewiston, ME
Joey Winshman, Los Angeles, CA
Stefan Alexander Wong, Wilton, CT
Schuyler Williams Wuerth, Guilford, CT
Kyle James Wyman, King George, VA
Nicholas J. Zambello, Belmont, MA
Graduate College
Ryan Montgomery Bradford, B.S.B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2009;
Falmouth, ME
Min Hong, B.A. (Saint Michael’s College) 2004; Chestnut Hill, MA
Jonathan King, B.S.B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2008; Essex Junction
Ashley Marie Miller, B.S.B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2009; Colchester
Irina Aylward, B.A. (Kuban State University) 1992; Montpelier
Thomas S. Barnett, B.S. (Illinois State University) 1994; M.S. (Auburn University)
1998; M.S. (Auburn University) 2000; PhD (Auburn University) 2002;
Naperville, IL*
Johnny Davidson, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Ottawa, ON, Canada
Benjamin Ryan Dickie, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2002; Shaftsbury*
Andrew Dyer, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 1995; Burlington
Kristen B. Hankins, B.S. (Drexel University) 2004; Ellicott City, MD
Courtney Elizabeth Howard, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2003; Rutland**
Benjamin Adam Kohler, B.S. (Champlain College) 2007; Shelburne
Christopher Campbell Lenox, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2000;
Minnetonka, MN
Shawn Luke, B.S. (University of Minnesota) 2004; Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN**
Nicholas Charles Mancuso, B.S.B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2003; South
David Jonathan Moss, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2002; Colchester**
Kimberly Lantman Parker, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 1977; M.S. (The
University of Vermont) 1981; Ed.D. (The University of Vermont) 2003;
Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Savelyeva, B.A. (Yaroslavl State University) 2008;
Yaroslavl, Russia
Abigail Trutor, B.S. (New York University) 2002; South Burlington*
Miranda Qiong Zhou, B.A. (Hangzhou Normal University) 2007; Hangzhou,
*As of October, 2009
**As of January, 2010
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
College of Education
and Social Services
Sunday, May 23, 2010
9:00 a.m.
University Green
Faynesse S. Miller, Dean
Kieran Killeen, College Marshal
Katharine Shepherd, College Marshal
Lia Cravedi, Name Reader
Lawrence Shelton, Name Reader
Ricardo Johnson, Diploma Covers
Dennis M. Akey, Banner Bearer
A reception and diploma distribution will be held in the Harris Millis Second Floor Lounge
following the completion of the Commencement Ceremony.
Christopher J. Archer, Rutland
Ashley Lynn Bogosta, Byram, NJ
Jessica Faye D’Agostino, Westport,CT**
Amanda Elizabeth DeCarlo, Huntington, NY**
Heather Enyingi, Lebanon Township, NJ **
Lauren Elizabeth Goldstein, Essex Junction **
Braelyn Kalise Ingvoldstad, Jeffersonville
Johanes Kanrad Lasher, Burlington **
Ashley Blair Lipton, Rockville Centre, NY
Averill McDowell, Morrisville
Lindsey Elizabeth Peck, Newton, MA
Rachel Thurrott, Ringwood, NJ
Aram Gary Barsumian, Rutland
Theresa M. Chenail, Lyndon Center **
Deni-Marie B. Comstock, Saint Albans
John Curtin, East Greenbush, NY
Lauren Kate Dabkowski, Middlebury, CT
Meghan E. Levick, Rockport, MA
Gina Merlini, Bristol
Abby Marie Shocik, Brimfield, MA
Elementary Education
Sarah Ames, Concord, NH
Maria Adelaide Beattie, Hyde Park
Rachel Alma Bell, New Milford, CT
Elissa Bristol, Canton,CT
Rachel Marie Bronson, Falls Village, CT
Ian Burfoot-Rochford, Middlebury
Sean P. Carroll, Derby Line, **
Caitlin A. Caulfield, Bridgewater, NJ
Katherine Elizabeth Coderre, Chester, CT
Hillary Susan Cooke, Nottingham, NH
Nicholas Paul DeCaro, Rochester, NY
Ellen DesJardins, South Burlington
*As of October, 2009
**As of January, 2010
Elizabeth M. Dufresne, Alburgh
Kyra Leigh Dwinell, Cochranville, PA
Evan Eckstein, Brookfield, CT
Emily Ann Elkind, Guilderland, NY
Alyssa Esposito, Shelton, CT
Jessica Lee Fillion, Williston **
Allison S. Fiorino, Westwood, MA
Melissa Leigh Fischer, Charlotte
Jessica Lin Fisher, Burlington
Taya Marie Gasperini, Lexington, MA
Allison Goldsmith, Woodcliff Lake, NJ
Tiffany Hall, Bennington
Scott Howard Hoyt, Tunbridge **
Lindsey Ingraham, Warren
Brittany Johansen, Newport
Maren West Johnson, Oberägeri, Zug,
Caryn Lynn Kane, Arlington
Jamie Lyn LaCount, Waterbury **
Heather Lynn LaFantano, Tinmouth
Amy McGraw, Simsbury, CT
Kathryn C. O’Neil, Colchester
Mackenna Elizabeth Palmer, Danville
Jane Carrigan Richards, Rutland
Erica Schlank, West Hartford, CT
Katherine Fay Spalding, Morrisville
Elizabeth Spivey, Manchester
Leah Stacey, Concord, NH
Emma Stevens, Georgia
Rachel Claire Van Vliet, Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ
Victoria Ashley Wasson, Lake Forest, IL **
Molly Shannon Weaver, South Burlington **
Adam Weiner, Dobbs Ferry, NY **
Annemarie Witte, Ridgefield, CT
Individually Designed Program
Whitney Barrett Civitillo, West Hartford, CT **
Schuyler Bremm Denton, Hamilton, MA
Craig N. Leaman, Waterville Valley, NH
Middle Level Education
Kedi Jane Kinner, Hubbardton
Physical Education
Ashley Marie Allen, Burlington
Marc E. Bucklin, White River Junction
Lauren E. Burke, Mahopac, NY **
Nikita M. Colgan, Swanton **
Chelsea Marie Furlani, Colchester
Melanie Nicole Greene, Queensbury, NY
Kailey Jasper, Whitby, Ontario, Canada
Christopher Michael Shackett, Shelburne
Nicholas Victor Walklet, Fairfield CT
Philip Albert Wright III, Wallingford, CT
Secondary Education
Dennis Michael Akey, South Burlington
Mary Claire Albee, Nashua, NH
Kyle Behrsing, Hardwick
Sean Anthony Bishop, Barnet **
Ludovic Buret, Barre
Jacqueline Lyon Buttolph, Princeton, NJ
Ariel S. Commins, Tolland, CT
Michael J. DeFeo, Collegeville, PA **
Thomas R. DiNunzio, Byram, NJ
Bradley Enos, South Burlington
Allison Julia Farber, Syosset, NY **
Amy Goldberg, Suffern, NY
Chelsea Margaret Hall, East Montpelier
Lindsey Jean Harhen, Thetford
Jenna Rae Helenski, Ellington, CT
Catherine Holcomb, Fairfield, CT
Lauren Hood, Barre
Jem Hughes, Bronx, NY
Jennifer Page Smith Keefe, Guilderland, NY
Meredith Susannah Kempson, Kinnelon, NJ
Ethan James Kichura, Underhill **
Carly Latish, Millburn, NJ
Leah Licari, Boxborough, MA
Jaclyn Marie Lindabury, Netcong, NJ **
Timothy Edward Lynch, Colchester
Corey Robert Maskell, Hardwick
Sara A. Meigs, Fairfax
Mika Alexandra Moore, San Francisco, CA
Torey Mikel Olson, Rutland
Return to Table of Contents
Marissa Faith Parker, Meriden, CT
Joel B. Peralta, Beacon, NY
Jonathan I. Rubell, Morristown, NJ
Leigh Elizabeth Scordato, Ellington, CT
Catherine Anne Sheerin, Wilmington, MA
Janet S. Soltau, South Burlington
Kyle Johns Tufts, Exeter, NH **
Francesca R. Villella, Saugus, MA
Elizabeth Lillian Wescott, Needham, MA
Brian R. Whalen, Lynnfield, MA **
Rachel Mae Wood, Essex Junction
Early Childhood and
Early Childhood Special Education
Elizabeth Cogar Abramson, Alexandria, VA
Maren E. Antaya, Whately, MA
Jessica D. Beayon, Middlebury
Zachary Gabriel Cohen, Hamden, CT **
Mackenzie C. Deans, Burlington **
Kristen Juliet Faubert, Simsbury, CT
Claire Fitzpatrick, New York, NY
Alexandria Frank, Brooklyn, NY
Randi Friedman, Great Neck, NY
Laura Frisoli, Sudbury, MA **
Hannah Elizabeth Gove, Essex Junction **
Rachel Elizabeth Griffin, Stony Point, NY **
Hannah E. Lawton, Acton, MA
Catharine Lovshin-Smith, Middlebury
Alison McPartlon, Santa Fe NM *
Derek S. Miller, Pelham, NH **
Kimberly Michelle Pavlinsky, Bethel, CT
Jessica Marie Pillsbury, Georgia
Tamara Popovac, South Burlington **
Commencement 2010
Jessica L. Predom, Vergennes **
Anna Kanter Rankin, Huntington *
Jacquelyn Reno, Burlington
Amanda J. Robbins, Windsor **
Gabriel Keats Romano, Portland, ME **
Staci Danielle Ryan, Fair Lawn, NJ
Allison M. Selleck, Ashford, CT
Megan Marie Shannon, Brattleboro
Erinn D. Sheil, South Burlington **
Amanda Rose Shults, South Glens Falls, NY
Petra Elisabeth Stehle, Valley Cottage, NY **
Emily Anna Stewart, Montclair, NJ
Samantha M. Viapiano, South Burlington
Kelly Elizabeth White, Colts Neck, NJ **
Human Development and Family Studies
Jayson Andrew Anctil, Wolfeboro, NH
Renee Marie Begnoche, Highgate
Aramie Brooks-Salzman, New York, NY
Ashley Claire Bushey, Essex
Elaine D. Castillo, Bronx, NY
Jillian Stefi Diamond, Amherst,MA
Alexandra Hollman, Chevy Chase, MD
Sawyer LeCompte, Vergennes
Jennifer Helen Lucchesi, Bridgewater, CT
Shannon Kate McWilliam, Chester
Nicole Alexandra Menezes, Revere, MA
Allison Bannerman Miller, Essex Junction
Callie Moore, Jericho
Stacey Jeanette Naused, Clark, NJ **
Caitlyn Paige Rinaldi, Jamesville, NY
Lindsay Caroline Singer, North Reading, MA
Kara Tiedeken, Wall, NJ
Social Work
Heather L. Abair, Burlington
Candace Brooks, Jamaica
Meghan Rose Burgess, Brunswick, ME
Andrea S. Burke, Milton, MA
Briana Costello, South Portland, ME
Emily Depman, Bel Air, MD
Ashley Frances Elder, Hamilton, MA
Erin Ann Goodfellow, Syracuse, NY
Abigail Adams Hunter, Weston, MA
Jennifer A. Lehman, Nanuet, NY
Emily W. Libby, Topsfield, MA
Abigail Anna Cooper Marshall, Georgia
Rebecca Laurel Miller, Jericho
Claire Roberts Opel, Montpelier
Alana Christine Oudekerk, Portsmouth , NH
Kiah Gabrielle Palumbo, Hyde Park
Monica Anne Picard, Worcester, MA
Alice Marianne Seitzer, Cincinnati, OH
Maya Shapiro-Miller, Shelburne
Carly Deanna Skevas, Wethersfield, CT
Megan Tiley, Oakhurst, NJ
Megan Ann Tonelli, East Freetown, MA
Fifth Year Certificate in Education
Jenny Cianciola, Charlotte
Certificate of Advanced Study
Integrated Studies
Lewis R. Fisher, White River Junction
Linda S. Horn, New Haven
Jessica M. Kobb, Montpelier
Certificate of Advanced Study
Special Education
Lorraine Helen Sylvain, Charlotte
Graduate College
Curriculum and Instruction
Stephen Edward Basham, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2009; Pomfret*
Megan P. Belser, B.A. (University of Colorado) 2004; M.A. (Temple University)
2009; Montpelier
Chantal Elizabeth Champaloux, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Potomac,
Joshua Christensen, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2008; Hollis, Maine**
Ultan Doyle, B.Com. (University College Cork) 1991; J.D. (University of Utah)
2003; Cork, Ireland*
Jacie Hasenfus, B.S. (St. Lawrence University) 2009; Essex Junction
Brook J. Hoffman, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2009; Clinton, NJ
Alexis Helene Kamitses, B.A. (Oberlin College) 2002; Burlington*
Alison Leigh Kearney, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2006; Essex
Emily Adams Kimball, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2005; Byfield, MA*
Jamie Mae Koehnlein, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2006; Honeoye, NY*
Emily Jean MacFadyen, B.A. (Mount Holyoke College) 1998; M.S. (Lehigh
University) 2002; West Chester, PA*
Ryan Thomas McCormick, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2008; Montpelier*
Susan Michelle McEwing, B.S. (Bob Jones University) 1984; Essex Junction*
Meghan C. McGrath, B.S. (Pennsylvania State University) 2002; Burlington*
Tara M. Mennitt, B.A. (Clemson University) 2004; Benson
Gretchen Miller, B.A. (Brown University) 2005; Belfast, ME*
Kelsey Moore-Quinn, B.S. (University of Massachusetts) 2002; Manchester
Devon Morrill, B.S. (University of Rhode Island) 2004; Concord, NH*
Julia Norcross, B.A. (Brown University) 2008; Reading*
William R. Widen, B.A. (Vassar College) 2007; Glen Ridge, NJ*
Peter F. Wyndorf, B.A. (Keene State College) 1997; Bethel, CT
Melissa Helen Wyman, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2004; Wolfeboro, NH*
Curriculum and Instruction
Mary D. Abele-Austin, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 1989; Middlesex
Alisa Breton Aylward, B.S. (Philadelphia University) 1991; St. Albans
Ralph Joseph Bernardini III, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2000; Winooski
Jenna Bisset, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2005; Norwich
Frank Jones Bonavita, B.S. (Castleton State College) 1999; Kingston, NY
Theresa A. Caron, B.A. (Johnson State College) 2003; Brunswick
Kathryn Ann Cassin, B.S.E. (Westfield State College) 1976; Brattleboro
Susan D. Clarke, B.A. (Johnson State College) 1978; Rochester*
Shane Clifford, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2003; Springfield
Kim I. Colangelo, B.A. (Lyndon State College) 2004; St. Johnsbury
Jill Ramsay Corliss, B.S. (College of St. Joseph) 1976; Brandon
Thomas T. DeMatties, B.S. (Castleton State College) 1993; Vergennes
*As of October, 2009
**As of January, 2010
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
Mary Elizabeth Desforges, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2002; Sudbury
C. Joy Dobson, B.S. (Nyack College) 1989; Addison
Janna C. Dodge, B.Ed. (Johnson State College) 2003; Huntington, NY*
Martha MacKellar Erickson, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 1988; Underhill
Patrick Fallon, B.S. (Castleton State College) 1999; Vergennes
Pamela Roesch Farmer, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 1989; Fletcher*
Diane Lynn Gardner, B.S. (Trinity College) 1985; M.Ed. (Rwier College) 2000; Essex
Victoria L. Grahame, B.S. (University of Massachusetts) 1994; Guilford
Neha Gratton, B.S. (Castleton State College) 1994; Derby
Michelle Ann Hartmann, B.S. (Johnson State College) 2000; B.A. (Johnson State
College ) 2000; New Hartford, NY*
R. Jade Hazard, B.S. (Springfield College) 1995; M.Ed. (Smith College) 1999;
Meghan Marie Kelley, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2006; B.S. (The University
of Vermont); Burlington*
Gina Marie Krol, B.S. (Notre Dame College) 1983; Burlington
Wendy D. Leithead, B.S. (St. Lawrence University) 1999; Newport
Tara M. Martin, B.A. (Saint Michael’s College) 2005; Middlebury
Alison D. Matot, B.A. (Johnson State College) 2005; Shoreham
Doreen M. O’Brien, B.A. (Johnson State College) 1997; St. Albans
Catherine M. Reen, B.A. (Tusculum College) 2000; Colchester*
Amy M. Rider, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 1987; Georgia
Jennifer K. Rocque-Tifft, B.S. (College of St. Joseph) 2003; Tinmouth
Amy Leigh Roy, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 1989; Orwell
Nicole Ruggeri, B.A. (Saint Michael’s College) 2002; Billerica, MA
Leslie Anne Sem, B.A. (Salem State College) 1991; Jericho
John-Charles Sharrow, B.A. (Castleton State College) 2002; Rutland
Timothy J. Shuffleburg, B.S.E. (The University of Vermont) 1989; Springfield
Cathy Siggins, B.A. (Marlboro College) 1994; Brattleboro
Lauren Brooke Talbot, B.S. (Green Mountain College) 2005; Sanford, ME
Kelly M. Thomas, B.S. (Lyndon State College) 1998; Colchester*
Kathryn L. Tricarico, B.A. (Castleton State College) 1999; Rutland
Tara Elizabeth Trudo, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2005; Whiting
John G. Upchurch, B.A. (Wabash College) 1997; Essex Junction
Joshua Brooks, B.A. (Saint Michael’s College) 1997; Vergennes
Thesis: An Apprenticeship in Songwriting: One Teaching Songwriter, 18
Kindergarteners, 44 Songs
Advisor: Dr. Robert Nash
Gretchenrae M. Callanta, B.A. (Seattle University) 2008; Seattle, WA
Thesis: When Identity Development is not Enough: An Educator’s Call to
Create Authentic Spaces in Higher Education
Advisor: Dr. Robert Nash
Sarah Lenes, B.A. (Wheaton College) 2005; Shelburne
Michiko Oishi, B.A. (International Christian University) 1987; Montpelier
Thesis: My Unfinished Pilgrimage as a Peace Educator
Advisor: Dr. Robert Nash
Windy Paz-Amor, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2001; Paramus, NJ
Thesis: “Courage Could Not Have Come at a Worse Time”: A Pluralistic
Approach to Addressing Sexual and Gender Based Violence on College
Advisor: Dr. Robert Nash
Margaret E. Read, B.A. (Santa Clara University) 1986; Williston**
Thesis: The Alchemical Quality of Leadership Development Mercurius:
Friend or Fiend to a Leader’s Alchemical Development? It Depends on
the Journey of Unconscious Development and It’s Impact on a Leader’s
Personality Type Development
Advisor: Dr. Robert Nash
Robert Austin Skiff, Jr., B.A. (Middlebury College) 1990; South Burlington*
Thesis: First Year Teaching in an Ecuadoria Secondary School:
Remembrance of Things Past, Present and Collective
Advisor: Dr. Robert Nash
Barbara Torian, B.S. (Castleton State College) 1989; New Haven
Daniel Garrett Van Der Vliet, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2001; Huntington
Valerie Ann Winot, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2004; Proctorsville
Reading and Language Arts
Sharon Louise Primo, B.S.E. (The University of Vermont) 2001; Hinesburg
Special Education
Patricia Bird Casey, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 1985; M.A. (Johnson State
Educational Leadership
College) 1991; Monkton
Sanjeev Singh Chahal, B.A. (University of California) 2009; San Bruno, CA
Barbara Peabody Collette, B.S. (Emerson College) 1989; Monkton
Mediha Goretić Jusufagić, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Burlington
Caroline Teresa Comley, B.S.E. (The University of Vermont) 2009; Schenectady, NY
Sheri Lynn, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 1984; Huntington**
Elizabeth Dall, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2002; South Burlington*
Sara Elizabeth Raabe, B.S.E. (The University of Vermont) 1999; Shelburne
Emily Anne Davenport, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2008; B.S.E. (The
Jillian-Marie Rapanotti, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2005; Springfield
University of Vermont) 2008; Poultney
Amy L. Rex, B.A. (University of Massachusetts) 1987; Hyde Park
Philip Gulizio, B.S.E. (Cortland State University of New York) 1995; M.S.
Doreen R. Robinson, B.S. (University of Maine) 1985; Springfield
(Minnesota State University) 2000; Jericho
Holly Russell Rouelle, B.A. (Colgate University) 1989; Williston**
Christopher Guros, B.A. (Skidmore College) 2003; Derry, NH
Erin S. Shea, B.A. (Lewis & Clark College) 1999; Barre**
Cynthia Stanley Haviland, B.S. (Pennsylvania State University) 1980;
Kathleen Torrey, B.A. (C.W. Post of Long Island University) 1980; B.A. (Johnson
Pittsburgh, PA
State College) 1999; M.A. (C.W. Post of Long Island University) 1988; Johnson Jane Gilman Hoisington, B.S. (Plymouth State University) 1983; M.Ed.
(College of St. Joseph) 1997; Brownsville**
Higher Education and Student Affairs Administration
Bonnie Hughart, B.S.W. (Castleton State College) 2001; Essex Junction
Lorriz Anne Gramonte Alvarado, B.A. (University of California) 2008;
Elizabeth Jordan-Shook, B.S. (Cornell University) 1993; Williston*
San Diego, CA
Marcia Lynch, B.A. (Castleton State College) 2006; Middlebury
Stacey Banfield-Hardaway, B.A. (St. Lawrence University) 2008; Bennington
Andrea L. Medici, B.S. (Cazenovia College) 2006; Syracuse, NY**
Kailee Ann Brickner-McDonald, B.A. (The College of William and Mary) 2006;
Kelly Ann Morrison, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2003; Pittsfield, MA*
Mountain Lakes, NJ
Nicole M. Morse, B.A.E. (The University of Vermont) 2005; Chesterfield, NH**
Erin Craw, B.A. (The College of Wooster) 2004; Brattleboro
Douglas Clark Pierson III, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Shelburne**
Kirsten Elizabeth Fricke, B.F.A. (Maryland Institute College of Art) 2003; BelAir, MD Melinda Ferguson Schmalz, B.S.E. (The University of Vermont) 1988; Moretown*
Valerie M. Garcia, B.S. (University of New Mexico) 2007; Clovis, NM
Mary C. Stearns, B.A. (Trinity College of Vermont) 1999; South Burlington
Payne Hiraldo, B.A. (Hampshire College) 2006; New York, NY
James G. Van Duyn, B.A. (Rutgers College) 1997; Richmond
Jacqueline Hyman, B.A. (University of Maryland) 2008; Severna Park, MD
Dana Elizabeth Visser, B.A. (Bennington College) 2003; Winooski
Jason Michael Johnson, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2002; Surry, NH
Laura Elizabeth Megivern, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2005; South Burlington
Adam Joseph Ortiz, B.A. (Wheaton College) 2005; Las Vegas, NV
Nathan Divino Panelo, B.A. (Western Washington University) 2007; Seattle, WA
Bonnie Jenelle-Marie Belvin, B.A. (Lehigh University) 2007; Bartonsville, PA
Wendy J. Schneider, B.A. (The College of St. Scholastica) 2007; Menominee, MI
Caroline C. Damon, B.A. (Bates College) 2001; Ripton
Matthew Joseph Van Jura, B.A. (Ohio State University) 2008; Strongsville, OH
Susan R. Deland, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2004, Manchester, MA
Monique Senequa Wright, B.A. (Wheaton College) 2007; New York, NY
John Paul Grogan, B.A. (Hendrix College) 2002; Richmond
Carolyn Taylor Hale, B.A. (University of North Carolina) 1985; Burlington**
Mary P. Heininger, B.A. (College of Wooster) 1990; Hinesburg
Christian Latoy Berry, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2006; Manchester, TN
Nicole Star Leslie, B.A. (Saint Michael’s College) 2007; St. Regis Falls, NY
Lucas Lewis, B.A. (Utica College) 2005; Burlington
Thesis: Reconciling Contradictions: A Non-Traditional Perspective on
Cristina Lagasse Maddocks, B.A. (Middlebury College) 2004; Burlington*
Navigating the Academy
Danielle Marie Morin, B.S. (James Madison University) 2004; Richmond
Advisor: Dr. Robert Nash
Colleen Elizabeth Nilsen, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2001; St. Albans*
Gregory Osilka, B.A. (Dickinson College) 2002; Burlington
*As of October, 2009
Adrien M. Preston, B.A. (Hamilton College) 2001; South Burlington
**As of January, 2010
Return to Table of Contents
Lauren Elizabeth Rice, B.A. (State University of New York at Geneseo) 2002;
Delmar, NY
Kimberly M. Sansone, B.A. (State University of New York at Geneseo) 2003;
New City, NY
Sarah Shackett, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2008; Shelburne
Amanda Lisa Schauwecker, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Brandon**
Erika Nicole Fayod Babat, B.S. (Rhode Island College) 2006; North Kingstown, RI
Emma Brackett, B.A. (William Smith College) 2007; Canton, NY
Dillon Teachout Burns, B.A. (Princeton University) 2001; Calais
Jenni M. Campbell, B.S. (Colby-Sawyer College) 2004; Tunbridge
Britta J. Carlson, B.A. (Gustavus Adolphus College) 2003; Jericho
Trissie Casanova, B.A. (Saint Michael’s College) 2001; Miami, FL
Patricia L. Cilwik, B.A. (Cedar Crest College) 2001; Derby
Evan Colbert, B.A. (California State University) 2006; Duncansville, PA
Krystal J. Cota, B.S.W. (The University of Vermont) 2008; Lyndonville
Rachel Tressa Dempsey, B.A. (State University of New York at Geneseo) 1997;
Bayville, NY
Eva Dickinson, B.S. (College of St. Joseph) 2004; West Rutland
Gary D. Frankel, B.S.W. (The University of Vermont) 2000; Waitsfield
Jeremy Walter Gartner, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Rutland
Catherine Gillespie, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2003; Huntington, NY
Molly Deidre Harrington, B.S.W. (Castleton College) 2005; Wallingford, CT
Christine Marie Hayner, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2004; Burlington
Kimberly Kerin Houle, B.A. (St. Lawrence University) 2003; Barre
Elisabeth A. Kaldor, B.A. (Goucher College) 2006; Cabot
Roderic Richard Knights, Jr., B.A. (Lyndon State College) 2007; St. Johnsbury
Linda Li, B.A. (Champlain College) 2002; Hong Kong
Erin Longchamp, B.S.W. (The University of Vermont) 2005; Waterbury
Odysseus Aaron Manzi, B.S. (University of Bridgeport) 1987; Lexington, MA
Dawn Aurel Palladino, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2008; Milton
Susan L. Pinto, B.S.W. (The University of Vermont) 2005; Williston
M. Charlotte Rochon, B.A. (Ithaca College) 2003; New York, NY
Laura A. Stuart, B.A. (Lesley University) 2006; Barnet
Neysha Z. Stuart, B.A. (Norwich University) 1995; Barre
Allyson Jane Sweeney, B.S.W. (Siena College) 2009; Alburgh
Marieléna L. Szumowski, B.S. (Ithaca College) 2004; Boylston, MA
Susan Melissa Teske, B.S. (Lyndon State College) 1984; Lyndonville
James Warpinski, B.A. (Eastern Illinois University) 2005; Naperville, IL
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Laurie A. Boswell, B.S. (Plymouth State University) 1976; M.Ed. (Plymouth State
University) 1978; Monroe, NH
Dissertation: Achievement Differences of Females in High School Geometry
Courses When Entering College with Preparation from Single-Sex or CoEducational Schools
Advisor: Dr. Herman Meyers
Kathleen M. Cook, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 1991; M.Ed. (The University of
Vermont) 1995; Burlington
Dissertation: Diversity Training: Moving White Resident Assistants Forward or
Backward in their Racial Identity Development
Advisor: Dr. Dorian McCoy
Lisa Vallee Driver, B.S.E. (The University of Vermont) 1985; M.Ed. (The University of
Vermont) 2004; Georgia*
Dissertation: A Case Study: Motivational Profiles and Reading Achievement
of 5th – 8th Grade Struggling Readers at a Northern Vermont Middle School
Advisor: Dr. Herman Meyers
Martha L. Dubuque, B.A. (Johnson State College) 1975; M.A. (Johnson State
College) 1983; Walden*
Dissertation: Using Local Assessment Data to Inform Instruction: A
Qualitative Study of Classroom Practices and School Procedures
Advisor: Dr. Katharine Shepherd
Kristy Ellis, B.A. (Johnson State College) 1995; M.A. (Johnson State College) 2002;
Dissertation: Developing a Commitment to Change Through Collaborative
Inquiry: What Teachers Need to Know About Reading Comprehension to
Engage in Formative Assessment
Advisor: Dr. Cynthia Reyes
Lacretia Johnson Flash, B.A. (University of Maryland) 1993; M.A. (University of
Maryland) 2000; Burlington
Dissertation: Developing a Measure of Multicultural Competence in Student
Affairs Organizations
Advisor: Dr. Kieran Killeen
Commencement 2010
T. C. Fuller, B. S. (California State University, Fresno) 1990; M.Ed. (The
University of Vermont) 2005; San Diego, CA**
Dissertation: No Safe Alternative: The Power of Personal Narrative in
Educating Law Enforcement Officers in Implementing Deadly Force
Advisor: Dr. Robert Nash
Kevin James Hytten, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 1996; M.S. (Southern
Illinois University) 1999; M.S. (Champlain College) 2006; Shelburne
Dissertation: Facebook’s Contribution to Educationally Purposeful
Activities and College Student Engagement
Advisor: Dr. Kieran Killeen
Michael Scott Kornfeld, B.S. (University of Michigan) 1995; M.A. (Dartmouth
College) 1996; Norwich**
Dissertation: The Effects of Class Size on Student Academic Achievement
in a Rural State
Advisor: Dr. Herman Meyers
Sandra A. Lathem, B.A. (College of New Jersey) 1971; M.Ed. (The University of
Vermont) 1995; Burlington*
Dissertation: Digital Storytelling and Literacy Development: A Mixed
Method Study of Twelve Vermont Teachers
Advisor: Dr. Russell Agne
Laura Abbé Nault Massell, B.S. (St. Lawrence University) 1982; M.Ed. (University
of Massachusetts) 1990; Burlington**
Dissertation: Extending our View: An Analysis of Postsecondary Education
Outcomes for Gear Up and Talent Search Participants in the Vermont High
School of 2003
Advisor: Dr. Kieran Killeen
Michelle Baird Mathias, B.S. (Colby-Sawyer College) 1975; M.B.A. (University of
Connecticut) 1980; M.Ed. (Johnson State College) 2001; Lyndonville**
Dissertation: A Study of the Relationship between Foundational Per Pupil
Investment and Student Outcomes
Advisor: Dr. Herman Meyers
Jean Olson, B.A. (Johnson State College) 1970; M.A. (Norwich University) 2002;
Dissertation: Educational Experiences of High Performing Adolescents: In
Their Own Words
Advisor: Dr. Susan Hasazi
Melissa Anne Paradee, B.A. (Castleton State College) 1996; M.Ed. (College of St.
Joseph) 1999; Rutland
Dissertation: The Value of Mentorships: An Educator’s Experience of
Being Both a Mentee and a Mentor
Advisor: Dr. Robert Nash
Lindsay Taylor Pontius, B.A. (University of Richmond) 1985; M.Ed. (The
University of Vermont) 2005; Westport, NY
Dissertation: The Pride That’s There: Reclaiming Heritage and Place
Through a Museum Partnership in Rural Tourism
Advisor: Dr. Katherine Shepherd
Susan Anne Reeves, B.S. (Colby-Sawyer College) 1988; M.S. (University of New
Hampshire) 1991; New London, NH
Dissertation: Deliberate Dialogue: Evaluating Teaching Effectiveness of a
Patient Safety Communication Technique
Advisor: Dr. Susan Hasazi
T. Kelly Rossiter, B.A. (College of William and Mary) 1993; M.S. (University of
New Hampshire) 1999; Burlington*
Dissertation: Environmental Studies Program Graduates as Leaders
in Regional Environmental Nonprofits: What Sustains them and What
Influence did their Education have on them as Committed Environmental
Advisor: Dr. Jill Tarule
Meagan Elizabeth Roy, B.A. (Simmons College) 2002; M.Ed. (The University of
Vermont) 2005; Grand Isle
Dissertation: Effective Practices for Teaching Learners with Autism
Spectrum Disorders: Validation of a Program Assessment Tool
Advisor: Dr. Susan Hasazi
Linda M. Walsleben, B.A. (State University of New York Albany) 1985; M.A.
(State University of New York Stony Brook) 1986; Ed.S. (Rutgers) 1999;
Dissertation: The Relationship Between English Language Proficiency
and Academic Achievement Over Time in a Small Urban School District:
A Case Study
Advisor: Dr. Herman Meyers
*As of October, 2009
**As of January, 2010
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
College of Engineering
and Mathematical Sciences
Sunday, May 23, 2010
9:00 a.m.
University Green
Bernard F. Cole, Interim Dean
Richard Foote, College Marshal
Jeff Frolik, College Marshal
Robert Jenkins, College Marshal
Robert Snapp, College Marshal
Donna Rizzo, Name Reader
Marnie Owen, Diploma Covers
Brian Leach, Banner Bearer
A reception and diploma distribution will be held in Cook Commons following the completion of the Commencement Ceremony.
Civil Engineering
Ian Arthur Anderson, Vineland, NJ
Michael J. Bogue Jr., Starksboro
Deirdre Elizabeth Collins, Barrington, RI
Austin Taylor Cowles, Georgetown, MA
Taylor Young Craven, Wilmington
Elizabeth Ann Fiala, Holmdel, NJ
Joel Phillip Fleming, Sheldon
Nicholas William Frangis, Kingston, NY
Matthew Joseph Gamelin, Willamstown
Patrick Theodore Gilligan Jr., Rutland
Tyler Raymond Glode, Cumberland, RI
Jonathan Allan Griffin, Vershire
Phillip Nathan Harrington, Irasburg
Benjamin D. Heath, Jay
Joshua Timothy Hogan, North Easton, MA
Colin Douglass Hutchens, Bethesda, MD**
Kurt Matthew Hutchins, Barre
Brendan Richard Kerin, Doylestown, PA
Jacquelyn A. Kline, Johnstown, NY**
Robert Mills Klinefelter, Barre
Phillip John Koff, Fairport, NY
William Tatum Lauten IV, Burlington
Kevin James Lovett, Rome, NY
Bryan U. Onyekaba, Bronx, NY*
Nathan Alan Pion, Barton
Christopher Hudson Pollock, East Montpelier
Nathanael D. Rogers, Fort Kent Mills, ME
Michael Carl Scott, Poultney
Andrew Michael Silovich, Strafford**
Evan Neal Speer, Swanton
RuthAnne Steger, Duxbury
Benjamin Mead Stoddard, Huntington
Environmental Engineering
Michael Joseph Mainer, Hinesburg
Katherine Whitney Mason, Carver, MA
Michael S. McGaughan, Gaithersburg, MD
Erin Grey Menzies, Lakewood, NY
Allison Jane Murphy, Royalton
Laura K. Townsend, Bedford, MA
Joshua Charles Tyler, Arcata, CA**
Engineering Management
Dmitri Alexandrov, Moscow, Russia
Michael Jacob Barnes, Moretown
Justin James Carswell, Leicester
Alex Reed Chandler, Fair Haven
Michael Camier Desmarais, Essex
Joseph M. Montana, West Nyack, NY
Todd J. Riordan, Williston
Catherine My Thurston, Hanover, NH
Brett Edward Graves, Hartford**
*As of October, 2009
**As of January, 2010
Electrical Engineering
William David Banks, Spartanburg, SC
Dieuleveut David Bounsana, Burlington
William James Buchanan, Derby
Brian Antonio Cappello, Ridgefield, CT
Benjamin Joseph O’Rourke, Huntington
Samuel Shepherd Ogden, Landgrove
Devon Michael Praino, West Bridgewater, MA
Geovanny Rodriguez, Bayamon, Puerto Rico**
Jeffrey Taylor Smith, Malvern, PA
Christopher Eskil Swanson, Uxbridge, MA
Walter Brendan Varhue, Milton
Paul Martin Veselka, Chesterfield, NJ
Christopher John Whitehead, Acton, MA
Mechanical Engineering
Katherine Alice Accomando, Beverly, MA
Benjamin Ira Aldrich, Barton
Christopher Winslow Beck, Norwich
Ravi Bidichandani, Mount Kisco, NY
Henry Parker Black, Block Island, RI
Morgan Biache Blanchet, Washington, DC
Shawn Lucien Bonneau, North Troy
Kyle Norman Booth, East Barre
Owen Samuel Brady, Northampton, MA
Patrick Riley Brooks, West Chester, PA
Finn K. Chappell, Brownfield, ME
Gregory Michael Chere, Watertown, CT
Matthew Jacques Cherouny, South Hero
Nicholas Chiarelli, Essex
Matthew David Christensen, Jericho
Sean Patrick Daley, Mahopac, NY
Justin Edmund Davis, Herndon, VA
Conor John Donnelly, Newport Center
Rachel Lynn Flinkstrom, South Berwick, ME**
Thatcher Samuel Friant, South Londonderry
Kristin L. Funabashi, Woodcliff Lake, NJ
Rebecca L. German, Sussex, NJ
Anthony William Gervais, Bend, OR
Kenneth C. Gollins, South Huntington, NY
Douglas S. Gomez, Cambridge**
Phillip Andrew Gordon, West Hartford, CT
Daniel Stephen Greene, Pittsfield, MA
Erik Charles Guthrie, Lee, NH
Andrew Haas, Monmouth Beach, NJ
Winston Christopher Hale, Longmeadow, MA
Daniel Dube Harris, Natick, MA
Gabriel Matthew Hebert, West Springfield, MA
Erika Kallo Heineken, Larkspur, CA
Ryan B. Hunt, Colchester
Charles E. Hutchinson, Montpelier
Colin Stanley Jaskiewicz, Upper Montclair, NJ
Evan M. Johanson, Natick, MA
Gregory Gary Kern, Manchester, CT
Kerry Michael Klauder, Palmer, AK
Justin Daniel Kramer, Essex Junction
Michael K. Kreigh, Richmond
Eamonn J. Kress, Newton, MA
Dylan T. Kunkel, Mahwah, NJ
Robert J. L’Ecuyer, Milton
Jared Christopher Larson, Mendon
Brian J. Leach, Pawlet
Jessica Leigh Lindegren, Worcester, MA
Benjamin Grant Logan, Essex Junction
Evan Lunter, North Attleboro, MA
Andrew Lutton, Cambridge
Evan Wadsworth Malina, Essex Junction
Joseph Marri Jr., Burlington
Auston B. Maynard, Randolph
David Robert McCloskey, Hampstead, NH
John Christopher McFadden, North Bennington
Brent Mark Meunier, Brunswick
Alyson Rae Millett, Half Moon Bay, CA
Sandip R. Patel, Bennington
Kelsey Anne Pirie, Shelburne
Ezra Zalmay Ranz-Schleifer, Greensboro
Rebecca Kinnear Risko, Hingham, MA
Dominick James Ruggieri, Hillsdale, NJ
Jonathan Michael Schwartz, Doylestown, PA
Catherine Norwood de Fiesque Solsvig,
Greenwich, CT
Chelsea Anne Stevenson, Waitsfield
William J. Tatro, Jeffersonville
Connor John Tobin, Fort Collins, CO
Sean Aidan Toplosky, Wakefield, RI
Michal Ursiny, Essex Junction
Brandon Douglas White, Boscawen, NH
Joel Thomas Blouin, Jeffersonville*
Michael McDowell Boylan, Essex Junction**
Jonathan Jason DeBono, South Hero
Max Anthony Doppman, Essex Junction
Mason Forest Fischer, West Tisbury, MA**
Andrew Guertin, Cornwall
Anastasia Mueller Krymkowski, Huntington
Jessica Leigh Lindegren, Worcester, MA
Kate Leigh Morrow, Washburn, ME**
Samuel Shepherd Ogden, Landgrove
Rebecca R. Pavlik, Stratford, CT
Naomi J. Pollica, Brattleboro
Daniel Inness Sawhill, Lyndonville
Janet S. Soltau, South Burlington**
Benjamin David Symonds, Maplewood, NJ*
Andrew Robert Waldeck, Lancaster, PA
Simone G. Willett, South Freeport, ME**
Mathematics majoring in Statistics
Joo Young Han, Seoul, Korea**
Haik Jang, Inchoen, Korea**
Jeong Mo Kim, Seoul, Korea
Sungmin Kim, Seoul, Korea**
Seok Joo Lee, Seoul, Korea**
Craig James Olson, Hartford
Return to Table of Contents
Computer Science
Joel Thomas Blouin, Jeffersonville*
Benjamin Robert Bouchard, Milton
Mason Forest Fischer, West Tisbury, MA**
Andrew Guertin, Cornwall
Fernando Pablo Inglesias, Plymouth**
Commencement 2010
Michael Evan Karpeles, Nashua, NH
Glenn Ivan Rachlin, Valley Stream, NY
Ariel Jon Ryan-Pagano, Fairfield
Margot Schips, Starksboro
Michael Timothy Torchio, Dedham, MA**
Simone G. Willett, South Freeport, ME**
Majoring in Computer Science and
Information Systems
Thomas N. Stirling, Winchester, MA
Graduate College
Biomedical Engineering
Nirav Daphtary, B.S. (University of Mumbai) 2006; Mumbai, India
Thesis: Lung Impedance Measurements Using Tracked Breathing
Advisor: Dr. Jason Bates
Xiaolin Ren, B.E. (Capital Medical University) 2007; Beijing,China**
Thesis: Effect of Tai Chi Training on Standing Balance Control in Elderly at
Risk of Falls
Advisor: Dr. Ge Wu
Benjamin Lincoln Schwartz, B.S.E. (Arizona State University) 2006; Mesa, AZ*
Thesis: Parallel vs. Serial Modeling of Murine Lung Mechanics
Advisor: Dr. Jason Bates
Matthew Gissel, B.S. (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) 2001; Colchester
Victoria McLaughlin, B.S. (Cornell University) 1999; Charlotte
Thesis: Modeling Ischemic Heart Disease Hospitalization in Vermont
Counties Using Behavioral, Socioeconomic, and Demographic Risk Factors
Advisor: Dr. Ruth Mickey
Nicholas Paul Pain, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2006; Peacham**
Michael K-J Schwob, B.A. (Potsdam State University of New York) 2004; North
Brunswick, NJ**
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Matthew Robert Ernst, B.S. (Union College) 2007; Chester*
Thesis: Assessment of the Breeding Barn Roof Structure Using Truss
Member Resonant Frequencies and Computer Modeling
Advisor: Dr. Jean-Guy Beliveau
George Nox McCain, Jr., B.S. (Clarkson University) 2007; Waterbury Center**
Thesis: An Investigation into Porous Concrete Pavements for Northern
Advisor: Dr. Mandar Dewoolkar
Kathryn Townsend Purchase, B.S. (United States Military Academy) 2002; M.S.
Missouri University of Science and Technology) 2006; Calais
Nicholas Tucker Stevens, B.S. (Montana State University) 2005; Circle Pines,
Thesis: Observations on the Atmospheric Aging of PAHS Adsorbed to
Diesel Particulate Matter and Quartz Fiber Filters at an Atmospherically
Relevant Ozone Concentration
Advisor: Dr. Britt Holmén
James L. Sullivan, B.S. (Cornell University) 1993; Burlington*
Thesis: Advancement of the Empirical Relevance and Scalability of the
Network Robustness Index for Highway Transportation Networks
Advisor: Dr. Lisa Aultman-Hall
Computer Science
Jesse L. Fleming, B.S. (Iowa State University) 1999; M.S. (Missouri School of
Science and Technology) 2006; Garden City, MN
Mamata Hegde, B.E. (Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology) 1995;
South Burlington*
Peter Hurd, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2005; Newport**
Vicky Wasudeo Jambhore, B.E. (University of Mumbai) 2003; Thane, India*
Andrew P. O’Brien, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Reading, PA
Sirisha V. Punugu, B.S. (Andhra University) 2000; M.S. (Andhra University)
2002; South Burlington*
Renu Sharma, B.E. (Hindustan College of Science & Technology) 2005; Williston*
Mark Henry Stebbins, B.A. (John Hopkins University) 1993; B.S. (John Hopkins
University) 1993; Jeffersonville**
Electrical Engineering
Karthikeyan Balasubramaniam, B.Eng. (Anna University) 2007; Chennai, India
Thesis: Criticality in a Cascading Failure Blackout Model
Advisor: Dr. Paul Hines
Jose Eduardo Cotilla Sanchez, B.S. (University of Malaga) 2007; Malaga, Spain*
Thesis: A Complex Networks Approach to Analyzing the Structure and
Dynamics of Power Grids
Advisor: Dr. Paul Hines
Scott F. Hill, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Duxbury, MA*
Thesis: Growth and Characterization of GaSb Quantum Dots Grown on
Silicon Substrates
Advisor: Dr. Walter Varhue
Keith Pelletier, B.S. (Western Illinois University) 2007; Rochelle, IL*
Thesis: RuO2 Nanorod Growth Dependence on Substrate Material and
Process Conditions
Advisor: Dr. Walter Varhue
Shruti Sharma, B.S. (University of Massachusetts) 2005; Toronto, ON, Canada
Thesis: Spectral Analysis of Atrial Fibrillation Electrograms
Advisor: Dr. Gagan Mirchandani
Nicholas Andrew Allgaier, B.S. (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) 2002, West
Hartford, CT
Kristine Buddemeyer, B.A. (Providence College) 2008; Bristol, RI
Nathan Andrew Butler, B.S. (Ferris State University) 2006; Traverse City, MI
Daniel Simoncini, B.A. (Boston College) 2007; Worcester, MA
Mechanical Engineering
Gregory Frank Sutton Hewitt, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2008; Waterbury**
Thesis: A Computational Investigation of Particle Focusing and Dispersion
in Corrugated Tubes
Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Marshall
Justin W. McCabe, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2006; Manchester, MA*
Thesis: Monopropellant Fuel Injection Using Two-Phase Micro-Slug
Advisor: Dr. Darren Hitt
Nicholas M. Seifert, B.S. (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) 2004; Jeffersonville
Shiao-Ke Chin-Lee, B.A. (Dartmouth College) 2008; New York, NY
Jong Hak Kim, B.A. (Indiana University) 2007; South Korea*
Sarah A. Lindberg, B.A. (University of Wisconsin) 2002; Mauston, WI
Kiran Seth MacCormick, B.S. (Clarkson University) 2004; Burlington
Kate A. Morrow, B.S. (Saint Michael’s College) 2008; Shelburne
Luke Blackwell Clayton Purvis, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2006;
Pennington, NJ*
Jimin Wu, B.S. (Shanghai University) 2006; Shanghai, China
Wei Xiao, B.S. (Hunan Normal University) 2003; South Burlington**
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Lance E. Besaw, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2004; M.S. (The University of
Vermont) 2006; Williston*
Dissertation: Advances in Artificial Neural Networks with Applications in
Surface and Subsurface Hydrology
Advisor: Dr. Donna Rizzo
Hua Chen, B.S. (Nanjing University) 2003; M.S. (Tsinghua University) 2005;
Jiangsu, China
Dissertation: Investigation of Contaminant Transport in Tidally-Influenced
Aquifers: Experiment and Analysis
Advisor: Dr. George Pinder
Computer Science
Joshua L. Payne, B.S. (Regis University) 2003; M.Eng. (Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute) 2004; Williamson, NY*
Dissertation: Interaction Topologies and Information Flow
Advisor: Dr. Margaret Eppstein
Materials Science
Chuang Deng, B.S. (Fudan University) 2003; Shanghai, China**
Dissertation: Yielding and Plasticity of Twinned Nanowires in FaceCentered Cubic Metals Studied by Atomistic Simulations
Advisor: Dr. Frederic Sansoz
Wenjie Wang, B.S. (Nanjing University) 2000; M.S. (Nanjing University) 2003;
Wuxi, China**
Dissertation: X-Ray Investigation of Semi-Crystalline Polymer Fiber During
Advisor: Dr. Junru Wu
Mathematical Sciences
Melanie Margaret Brown, B.A. (Converse College) 2003; B.Mus. (Converse College)
2003; M.A. (Western Michigan University) 2005; Peachtree City, GA
Dissertation: Surface Embeddings of Families of Combinatorial Designs
Advisor: Dr. Dan Archdeacon
Hy Ginsberg, B.Sc. (Stony Brook State University of New York) 1986; M.S. (The
University of Vermont) 2007; Smithtown, NY
Dissertation: Minimal Heilbronn Characters of Finite Groups
Advisor: Dr. Richard Foote
Jason Andrew Price, B.A. (Providence College) 2002; M.S. (The University of
Vermont) 2004; West Haven, CT*
Dissertation: Popescu’s Conjecture in Multiquadratic Extensions
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Sands
Kirsten Ann Stor, B.A. (Carleton College) 1997; M.S. (The University of Vermont)
2002; Salem, OR
Dissertation: Drawing Graphs as Superthrackles
Advisor: Dr. Dan Archdeacon
Mechanical Engineering
William Frederick Louisos, B.S. (University of Buffalo) 2003; M.S. (The University
of Vermont) 2005; Buffalo, NY*
Dissertation: Numerical Studies of Viscous Flow in Supersonic
Advisor: Dr. Darren Hitt
Arthur James Michalek, B.S. (Clarkson University) 2003; M.S. (Clarkson
University) 2004; Buffalo, NY*
Dissertation: Structural Influences of Damage to the Intervertebral Disc
Anulus Fibrosus at Multiple Scales
Advisor: Dr. James C. Iatridis
Joshua Auerbach**
Jose Eduardo Cotilla Sanchez
*As of October, 2009
**As of January, 2010
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
The Rubenstein School of Environment
and Natural Resources
Sunday, May 23, 2010
9:00 a.m.
University Green
Mary C. Watzin, Dean
Ellen Marsden, School Marshal
Austin Troy, School Marshal
Walter Kuentzel, Name Reader and Diploma Covers
Jennifer Pontius, Name Reader and Diploma Covers
Allison Elizabeth Rapp, Banner Bearer
A reception and diploma distribution will be held in the Olin Atrium, Burack Lounge, and
Brennan’s in the Dudley H. Davis Center following the completion of the Commencement Ceremony.
Michael G. Adams, Newark, DE
Cory E. Albert, Killington
Hillary Jane Archer, Burlington
Justin D. Arzberger, Barre
Alessandro Ascherio, Brighton, MA
Lecia May Babeu, Two Harbors, MN
Nicole V. Baldwin, Middletown, CT**
Hannah Clare Beal, Westwood, MA
Rachel K. Beauregard, Underhill
Holly Elizabeth Borday, Hollywood, FL
Hans Thomas Broscheit, West Tisbury, MA*
Brian D. Burk, Burlington, MA
Michael J. Burnor, Winooski**
Casey H.T. Butler, Brant Lake, NY
Kevin Paul Cavallaro, Guilford, CT
Michael T. Chin, Cheshire, CT
Zachary Glenn Dyson Clark, Donnington, PA
Tyler Nathaniel Cohen, West Dover
Nicholas James Costello, Yarmouth, ME
Gavin G. Cotterill, Silver Spring, MD
Joseph D. Coutu, Danville
Hannah Stalker Davie, Groton
Steven Foster Dayton, Roanoke, VA
Kayla Justine DeCarr, North Haven, CT
Forest William Donaj-Keys, Shaftsbury
Sarah Elizabeth Donelson, Austin, TX
Eliese Antona Dykstra, Warwick, NY
Brent Woodworth Eastman, Quechee
Jonathan Hyde Falcone, Houston, TX
Jeffrey H. Fehlmann, Georgetown, MA
Paige Lynee Fisher, Essex Junction**
Brian A. Fishler, East Rockaway, NY
Zachary L. Fournier, East Barre
Lisa Anne Fredette, Wallingford
Sasha Hasert Freeman, Narbeth, PA
Kaitlin Mae Friedman, Plainview, NY
Colin D. Gaboriault, Essex Junction*
Lori Emily Gambardella, Wallingford, CT
Sarah Anne Giewont, Spencer, NY
Erik James Gilbert, Burlington
Andrew J. Godek, Jericho
Sophie Fitzgibbons Gould, Feeding Hills, MA
Cameron J. Grant, Perrineville, NJ**
Griffin Grasso, Great Falls, VA
Ryan Thomas Grasso, Glocester, RI*
*As of October, 2009
**As of January, 2010
Johannes Griebhammer, Topsfield, MA
Justin Filip Grodman, Manchester, NH
Sarah Catherine Gruver, East Dummerston
Dana Stewardson Gulley, Garrison, NY
Keith Richard Harper, Swedesboro, NJ
Michael D. Haulenbeek, Charlotte
Kaylyn Christine Hawkes, Chepachet, RI
Stephen Christopher Hoffmann, West Granby, CT
Avery Halsted Hurst, Chicago, IL
Amber Emily Imm, Burlington, VT
Sofia O. Iwobi, Fairfield, IA
Alexander Johannesen, Fly Creek, NY**
Sarah Morgan Kearsley, Kennebunk, ME
Hana Frances Kiewicz-Schlansker, Lake Placid, NY**
Emily Elizabeth Kinghorn, Essex Junction
Martha R. Klepack, Ithaca, NY
Sarah Elise Klinger, Salem, NH**
Kyle R. Koetsier, Woodstock
Sarah Anne Kugel, Duxbury, MA
Ryan John Bendell Kyle, Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ
Hayden Will Lake, Grafton
Zachary N. Lance, Jericho
James David LaPierre, West Newbury, MA
Robert Lawless, Norfolk, MA
Michael Benjamin Lester, Haworth, NJ
Elizabeth Anne Lewis, Duxbury, MA
William Sopher Lintilhac, Shelburne
Natasha V. Loeffler, Summit, NJ
Douglas Maisey, Gwynedd Valley, VT
Chelsea Heather Mandigo, Stowe
Caitlin Ann Margolin, Aspen, CO
Meagan Juliette Matson, Floral Park NY
William Matukonis, Gilbertsville, NY
Heather Lee McArthur, Jeffersonville
Mikayla Zaida McDonald, Washington, DC
Margaret McDonough, Wyomissing, PA
Ana Laura McMonigle, Rocky Hill, CT
Emily V. Menzel, White Plains, NY
Robert T. Meringolo, Hollywood, MD
Julia Marie-Joséphe Meurice, Hamden, CT
William W. Meyer, Colchester**
Lauren Mayann Morley, Milton**
Katherine Moser, Raleigh, NC
Michael Joseph Nathan, Springfield, MA
Mary V. O’Leary, Newington, CT
Theodore Jose Ortiz y Pino, Georgia
Kizette Ortiz-Vanger, New York, NY
Jeffrey R. Passman, Manalapan, NJ**
Calvin Conrad Patterson, Natick, MA
Kaitlin J. Perlmutter, Huntington, NY
Lee Matthew Peters, Ticonderoga, NY
Emily Louise Piccone, Larchmont, NY
Zachary Pinerio, Chappaqua, NY
Jason L. Plotkin, Tariffville, CT
Emily Judith Potter, Rutland
Allison Beth Prokop, Ludlow, MA
Allison Elizabeth Rapp, Pompton Plains, NJ
Alison Leigh Reeve, Piscataway, NJ
Audrey Helen Reid, Canaan
Joseph John Risi III, Garden City, NY*
Robert Alexander Robbins, Fairfax Station, VA
Allison M. Rooney, Clifton, NJ
Mark D. Rosenberg, Montgomery Center
Elias Goldsmith Rosenblatt, Bangor, ME
Seth R. Ross, Cumberland, RI
Kristin Ann Rydziel, Brookfield, CT
Matthew Sarcione, Salem, NH
Jonah David Schwartz, Sudbury, MA**
Alison M. Schymik, Acton, MA
Josh Seidman, Westbrook, CT
Ben Shafer-Rickles, Peekskill, NY
Caitlin Marie Shea, Ellicott City, MD
Jesse Mills Simpson, Bethesda, MD
Dylan Bradley Smith, Orange**
Gregory Merit Soll, Hinesburg
Sarah Alicia Sotomayor, Westbrook, ME
Peter T. Stothart, Stratford, CT
Kate Sudhoff, Waitsfield
Samuel George Tolstoi, South Orange, NJ**
Holden Joseph Trunk, Brookline, MA
James Tuttle, Newburyport, MA
Ruby Elizabeth Warnock, South Burlington
Benjamin Asher Weiss, Wayne, NJ
Katharine Marie White, Springfield
Tanner J. Williamson, North Bennington**
Marshall Thomas Critcher Willis, Roanoke, VA
Ashley Marie Wilson, East Charleston
John Alexander Wright, Lexington, KY
William Lee Young, Bethesda, MD
Jiaxin Yu, Flushing, NY
Erin Terese Zeiss, Northampton, MA
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
Graduate College
Natural Resources
Hanem Grace Abouelezz, B.S. (University of Connecticut) 2005; B.A. (University
of Connecticut) 2005; Washingtonville, NY*
Thesis: Quantifying Bobcat (Lynx Rufus) Movement Patterns and Habitat
Selection in Northwestern Vermont
Advisor: Dr. Therese Donovan
Mia Akaogi, B.S. (Cornell University) 2005; Westminster*
Kelli Marie Brooks, B.A. (University of California at Berkeley) 1998; Pleasanton, CA
Thesis: Women Farmers and Civic Agriculture: A Case Study in the
Intervale, Burlington, Vermont
Advisor: Dr. Stephanie Kaza
Ryan Stephen Butryn, B.S. (State University of New York) 2003; Jamestown, NY
Thesis: Summer Stream Temperature as an Indicator of Coldwater Fish
Advisors: Dr. Donna Parrish, Dr. Donna Rizzo
Eleanor E. Campbell, A.B. (Dartmouth College) 2005; Lowville, NY*
Thesis: Greenhouse Gas Life Cycle Assessment of Canola and Sunflower
Biofuel Crops Grown with Organic Versus Conventional Methods in New
Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Jenkins
Mason H. Cline, B.S. (University of New Hampshire) 2004; Chatham, NH **
Thesis: Correlates and Consequences of Breeding Dispersal in the BlackThroated Blue Warbler (Dendroica Caerulescens)
Advisor: Dr. Alan Strong
Mark Freeman, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2000; Hyde Park**
Thesis: Bobcat (Lynx rufus) Habitat and Movement Evaluation for
Northwestern and Central Vermont
Advisor: Dr. Therese Donovan
Kelly A. Goonan, B.A. (St. Lawrence University) 2007; Liverpool, NY**
Thesis: Protecting Natural Resources and the Visitor Experience on
Mountain Summits in the Northern Forest: A Framework for Management
Advisor: Dr. Robert Manning
Laura Ann Kiesel, B.A. (New Paltz State University of New York) 2001; Silver
Spring, MD**
Thesis: Assessing the Role of the Environmental Quality Incentives Program
in Fostering Sustainable Livestock Farming Systems in New
York State
Advisor: Dr. Curtis Ventriss
Amy Marie Kirschner, B.S. (Purdue University) 1999; Burlington**
Thesis: Success Factors for Community Currencies: A Case Study of the
Burlington Currency Project
Advisor: Dr. Stephanie Kaza
Mark Joseph Kolonoski, B.A. (Saint Michael’s College) 2004; Longmeadow, MA
Katherine Tumbleston Kransteuber, B.S. (Furman University) 2003; Boone, NC*
Thesis: Food Choice Values and Motivations: Participant Experience in Vei’s
Menu for the Future Course
Advisor: Dr. Stephanie Kaza
Caitlin McDonough, B.A. (Harvard University) 2006; Worcester, MA
Stephen Mark Posner, B.S. (Haverford College) 2003; Reisterstown, MD
Thesis: Estimating the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) for Baltimore, MD
Advisor: Dr. Robert Costanza
Jorge Reyes, B.S. (Universidad Anahuac) 2005; Mexico City, Mexico*
Robert L. Rich III, B.A. (University of Montana) 2008; Lancaster, PA
Thesis: Unbound: Mapping a Landscape by Meeting Split Rock
Advisor: Dr. Adrian Ivakhiv
Jaime Elvin San Roman Montiel, B.A. (Autonomous Metropolitan University) 2004;
Mexico City, Mexico
Rachel Erin Schattman, B.A. (Sarah Lawrence College) 2004; Fairfax*
Thesis: Sustainability Indicators in the Vermont-Regional Food System
Advisor: Dr. Stephanie Kaza
Alana Shaw, B.S. (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) 1998;
Girdwood, AK*
Thesis: Ecotourism in the Carib Territory of Dominica: Power, Indigeniety
and the Development Process
Advisor: Dr. Thomas Hudspeth
Paul W. Simonin, B.S. (State University of New York) 2007; Holland Patent, NY
Thesis: Distribution and Abundance of Native Rainbow Smelt and
Nonnative Alewife in Lake Champlain
Advisor: Dr. Donna Parrish
Flavio Sutti, B.S. (National University Milan) 1998; Morbegno, Italy*
Thesis: Identifying Priority Conservation Areas for Grassland Birds in the
Champlain Valley of Vermont
Advisor: Dr. Allan Strong
Carena J. van Riper, B.A. (Arizona State University) 2007; Flagstaff, AZ*
Thesis: Tradeoffs Among Resource, Social, and Managerial Conditions on
Mountain Summits of the Northern Forest
Advisor: Dr. Robert Manning
Natural Resources
Treg Christopher, B.S. (Humboldt State University) 1995; M.S. (University of
Montana) 2002; Orleans, MA**
Dissertation: A Multilevel Property Hedonic Approach to Valuing Parks
and Open Space
Advisor: Dr. Austin Troy
Daniel Lopez Dias, B.S. (University of Bristol) 1996; M.S. (London School of
Economics) 1998; London, UK**
Dissertation: Accounting for and Communicating the Environmental
Externalities of Companies: An Input-Output Approach
Advisor: Dr. Robert Costanza
Christina Erickson, B.A. (St. Lawrence University) 1999; M.S. (Lesley University)
2005; Burlington
Dissertation: Peer to Peer Sustainability Outreach Programs: The Interface
of Education and Behavior Change
Advisors: Dr. Stephanie Kaza, Dr. Thomas Hudspeth
Matthew Kolan, B.S. (College of William & Mary) 1999; M.S. (The University of
Vermont) 2005; Madison, WI
Dissertation: An Ecological Approach to Educational Design: In Support of
a Sustainable and Desirable Future
Advisors: Dr. Lynne Bond, Dr. Thomas Hudspeth
Ida Karolina Kubiszewski, B.A. (Boston University) 2005; M.A. (Boston
University) 2007; Farmington, CT
Dissertation: Search for the Sweet Spot: How to Manage Goods that
Improve with Use
Advisor: Dr. Robert Costanza
Michel Masozera, B.S. (University of Kisangani) 1994, M.S. (University of
Florida) 2002; Colchester
Dissertation: Ecosystem Services and Protected Areas Management
in Africa
Advisor: Dr. Robert Costanza
Walter Poleman, B.S. (Cornell University) 1984; M.S. (The University of Vermont)
1996; Richmond
Dissertation: Place-Based Landscape Analysis and Community Education:
Development and Evaluation of a Community Outreach Program
Advisor: Dr. Thomas Hudspeth
Brian Voigt, B.A. (Miami University) 1994; B.A. (Miami University) 1995; M.A.
(Clemson University) 1997; Rockford, IL**
Dissertation: Scenario Models of Anthropogenic Influence on the
Advisor: Dr. Austin Troy
Hisashi Kominami
Eleanor E. Campbell*
Amanda Goldstein*
Jennifer R. Kenyan*
Daniel Kirk
Ida Karolina Kubiszewski
Stephen M. Posner
David Joseph Propen
Jorge Reyes**
Jaime Eivin San Roman Montiel
Paul W. Simonin
*As of October, 2009
**As of January, 2010
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
College of Medicine
Sunday, May 23, 2010
9:00 a.m.
University Green
University Commencement Ceremony
Frederick C. Morin, III, M.D., Dean
William W. Pendlebury, M.D., College Marshal
Heidi Kristen Schumacher, Banner Bearer
College of Medicine Ceremony
Sunday, May 23, 2010
2:30 p.m.
Ira Allen Chapel
Frederick C. Morin, III, M.D., Dean
William W. Pendlebury, M.D., Faculty Marshal
Heidi Kristen Schumacher, M.D., Class Marshal
Order of Exercises
Frederick C. Morin, III, M.D., Dean
Daniel Mark Fogel, Ph.D., President of the University of Vermont
Darrell G. Kirch, M.D.
President and Chief Executive Officer of the Association of American Medical Colleges
Richard Galbraith, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Patient Oriented Research
G. Scott Waterman, M.D.
Associate Dean for Student Affairs
Joseph J. Ravera, M.D., Class of 2010
Frederick C. Morin, III, M.D., Dean
Diplomas will be distributed during the ceremony.
A reception will follow in the FAHC Ambulatory Care Center Atrium.
Amanda Kulick Abramson, B.S., University of California, Los Angeles; Dana
Point, CA
Michael Ramin Alavian, B.A., College of the Holy Cross; M.P.H., University of
Massachusetts, Amherst; Paxton, MA
Nicholas Brennan Antell, B.A., University of Vermont; M.S., Drexel University;
Colchester Dilip S. Babu, B.A., Northwestern University; Tacoma, WA Caleb Joseph Bailey, B.A., Brigham Young University; Solvang, CA Stephanie L. Bakaysa, B.S., Tufts University; M.P.H., Boston University School
of Public Health; Lunenburg, MA Gladys P. Balderama, B.S., University of California, Davis; Santa Rosa, CA Whittney Dotzler Barkhuff, B.S., University of California, Los Angeles; Ph.D.
University of Vermont; Saratoga, CA†† Gaurab Basu, B.A., Brown University; M.P.H., Johns Hopkins University;
Danville, CA
Alyssa Randi Bennett, B.A., Skidmore College; Irasburg 32
Jessica L. Bordley, B.A., Middlebury College; Cooperstown, NY Jennifer Sisemoore Borofsky, B.A., Middlebury College; North Fayston
C. Matthew Bradbury, A.B., Washington University in St. Louis; Ph.D.
University of Vermont; St. Louis, MO†† Jillian Leigh Brennan, B.A., Amherst College; Saxtons River Michele Hoshiko Guignon Burke, B.A., University of Vermont; Burlington Michelle Lisa Cangiano, B.S., University of Rhode Island; Saugus, MA M. Jake Carlson, B.S., Utah State University; North Logan, UT Pei Chen, B.S., Michigan State University; Monroe, NY Joseph Yee Kwan Cheung, B.S., University of British Columbia;
M.S., University of Vermont; Vancouver, BC, Canada K. Grant Christian, B.S., University of Maine, Orono; Holden, ME
Lisa Ga-Jun Chui, B.A., University of California, Berkeley; San Francisco, CA Kristen Van Woert Connolly, B.A., Williams College; Shelburne ††University of Vermont M.D.-Ph.D. Program
Return to Table of Contents
David Patrick Curley, B.S., University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Ph.D.,
University of Vermont; Barnstable, MA†† Rosamund McCaughey Davis, B.A., Mount Holyoke College;
Tenants Harbor, ME Jessica J. Deane, B.S., University of Maine; Winslow, ME Walter F. DeNino, B.S., University of Vermont; Hadlyme, CT Katherine W. D. Dolbec, B.A., Williams College; Portland, ME Rebecca Elizabeth Evans, B.A., Colby College; M.S., Dartmouth College;
Gilford, NH Ammon Milton Fager, B.S., University of Southern California; Ph.D.,
University of Vermont; Centerville, UT†† John J. Fialkovich, B.S., University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Danbury, CT Noreen Mairead Flanagan, B.S., M.S., Boston University; Dorchester, MA Shahin Foroutan, B.S., University of California, Davis; Roseville, CA Juli-Anne Gardner, B.S., University of Connecticut; Windsor Kara Jane Gaston, B.S., Brown University; Montpelier Joanna J. Gell, B.S., University of Vermont; Burlington Lyle P. Gerety, B.S., Bates College; Hartford
Mellory Ellen Giberson, B.S., University of New Hampshire; Bingham, ME Michael Goedde, B.S., M.S., University of California, Davis; Sacramento, CA*
Daniel Fred Goold, B.S., Southern Utah University; Richfield, UT
Matthew H. Greene, B.A., Davidson College; Jacksonville, FL
Meghan Elizabeth Gunn, B.S., Syracuse University; Rutland
Shamir Haji, B.S., University of Alberta; Edmonton, AB, Canada
Jason I. Halperin, B.A., New York University; M.P.H., Columbia University;
Portland, ME
Cortney C. Haynes, B.A., Hampshire College; Monroe, CT
Elise Jeanne Heath, B.S., University of Vermont; Westford Joanna Marguerite Hellmuth, B.A., Johns Hopkins University; M.H.S., Johns
Hopkins School of Public Health; St. Louis, MO
A. Shams Helminski, B.A., Middlebury College; Putney
Elizabeth Rosy Hill, B.A., Brown University; Essex
Mai Phuong Hoang, B.S., University of California, Los Angeles; Westminster, CA
Hui-Shan Jenny Hsu, B.S., University of California, San Diego; M.P.H., Johns
Hopkins School of Public Health; San Diego, CA
Vanessa Wing Sum Hui, B.A., University of California, Berkeley; Hercules, CA David Joseph Iberri, B.S., University of California, Los Angeles; M.S.,
Georgetown University; El Monte, CA Jessie Willow Janowski, B.A., Tufts University; West Glover Catherine Jean Johnson, B.S., Keene State College; M.S., University of Southern
Maine; Belfast, ME Neel Kishor Kapasi, B.A., University of California, Berkeley; San Jose, CA Joseph E. Kaserman, B.S., Cornell University; Gray, ME Jeffrey Kaye, B.S., Tufts University; Avon, CT Britton C. Keeshan, B.A., Middlebury College; M.P.H., Dartmouth Medical
School; Greenwich, CT
W. Benjamin Kunz, B.A., Brigham Young University; Prairie Village, KS
Anna S. Liberatore, B.S., University of Vermont; Bangor, ME Chih Ta Lin, B.S., Stevens Institute of Technology; Marlboro, NJ Peter James Lloyd, B.S., University of Colorado; Lake Forest, IL Sarah Elizabeth Bam Logan, B.A., Middlebury College; Rutland David E. Longstroth, B.S., University of Utah; Salt Lake City, UT
Joseph O. Lopreiato, Jr., B.S., University of Maryland, College Park;
Rockville, MD Commencement 2010
Adetola Fadeyibi Louis-Jacques, B.S., Shorter College; Ibokun, Osun State,
Nigeria Elizabeth Sara Lycett, B.A., University of Delaware; Quechee
Jeffrey J. MacLean, B.S., M.S., University of Vermont; Essex Junction Isabella W. Martin, B.A., Carleton College; Jericho Sanchit Maruti, B.S., University of Texas, El Paso; M.S., University of Texas
School of Public Health; Arlington, MA Annice M. Mason, B.S., St. Michael’s College; Berlin
Bryan C. Mason, B.S., Brigham Young University; Aurora, UT
Kelly N. Mebust, B.S., Gordon College; Belmont, NH
Audrey Anne Merriam, B.S., St. Lawrence University; Baldwinsville, NY
Wayne Stuart Moss, A.B., Princeton University; J.D., Maine Law School;
M. Litt., Cambridge University; M.B.A., Kansas University; Augusta, ME
Sarah R. Mulligan, B.S., University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Dennis, MA
Melinda Cherie Myzak, B.A., Scripps College; Ph.D., Oregon State
University; Keizer, OR
Andrew B. Old, A.B., Harvard University; Tyne and Wear, England
Omar K. Ozgur, B.S., University of California, Irvine; Los Angeles, CA
Joseph Robert Pare, B.S., University of Vermont; St. Albans
Andrea Louise Pelletier, B.S., University of Maine; M.P.H., Harvard School
of Public Health; Bucksport, ME
Melisa Anne Poulos, B.A., Providence College; Wayland, MA Trevor Robinson Pour, B.A., Case Western Reserve University; Rutland
Liza M. Quintana, B.S., Boston College; Middlebury
Christopher R. Randall, B.A., M.B.A., Utah State University; Hyde Park, UT
Joseph John Ravera, B.A., University of California, Berkeley; Berkeley, CA
Alia E. Rehwinkel, B.S., University of New Hampshire; Underhill Michael Bruce Salmela, B.S., University of Wisconsin-River Falls; Duluth, MN
Amy Lynn Savoy, B.S., University of Washington; South Hero
Sarah Maynard Schlein, B.A., Carleton College; Norwich
Heidi Kristen Schumacher, A.B., Duke University; Albany, NY
Akeesha Alia Shah, B.A., University of Vermont; Colchester Mimansa Sharma, B.S., McMaster University; M.S., Columbia University
College of Physicians & Surgeons; Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Elena Virginia Simon, B.A., Williams College; Bronxville, NY
Justin Gilbert Smith, B.S., University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Monroe, UT
Justin Marc Stinnett-Donnelly, B.S., Clarkson University; M.S., University of
Vermont; Haddam, CT
Ines Stromberg, B.S., William Paterson University of New Jersey; Burlington
Kirsten Jacqueline Threlkeld, B.A., College of Wooster; Brookfield
Shashaank Vattikuti, B.S., George Washington University; M.S., Georgetown
University; San Francisco, CA**
Kelsey L. Walton, B.S., University of New England; Meredith, NH Nicholas Eric Weinberg, B.A., Carleton College; New York, NY Alia Frances Whitehead, B.S., University of Maine; Essex
Elizabeth Mary Williams, B.A., Middlebury College; M.S., Montana State
University; Essex
Yana Rebecca Wirengard, B.A., Smith College; San Francisco, CA
Uni Wong, B.S., University of California, Davis; San Francisco, CA
Abigail R. Woodhead, B.A., Drew University; Woodstock
Richard August Zinke, B.S., Brigham Young University; Laguna Niguel, CA
Hijab S. Zubairi, B.A., University of California, Berkeley; Fountain Valley, CA
*As of October, 2009
**As of January, 2010
††University of Vermont M.D.-Ph.D. Program
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
Graduate College
Kristiaan Finstad, B.S. (Hoge School van Utrecht) 2003; Milton**
Thesis: Role of the DNA-binding loop 2 in the Recombination Function
of Deinococcus radiodurans
Advisor: Dr. Scott Morrical
Cell and Molecular Biology
Samantha Ruth Foster, B.S. (University of Maine) 2006; Gray, ME*
Thesis: Nitrogen Dioxide-Induced Maturation of Pulmonary Dendritic
Cells and Its Importance During Allergic Sensitization
Advisor: Dr. Matthew Poynter
Joseph Yee Kwan Cheung, B.S. (University of British Columbia) 2000;
Vancouver, BC, Canada*
Thesis: Role of Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activating Polypeptide
(PACAP) in the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis (BNST): Involvement
in Stress and Anxiety
Advisors: Dr. Sayamwong Hammack, Dr. William Falls
Winifred E. Trotman, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 1999; Philadelphia, PA
Thesis: Quantitative Assessment of the Procoagulant/Anticoagulant
Balance in the Venous Valvular Endothelium
Advisor: Dr. Edwin Bovill
Anatomy and Neurobiology
Megan Anne Doczi, B.A. (Drew University) 2003; Clifton, NJ
Dissertation: Subcellular Distribution of a Voltage-Gated Potassium
Channel: The Effect of Localization on Channel Function
Advisors: Dr. Anthony Morielli, Dr. Deborah Damon
Rachael Mary Hannah, B.S. (Florida Institute of Technology); Randolph Center
Dissertation: Prominent Influence of Potassium Channel Activity on
Brain Arteriolar Diameter
Advisor: Dr. Mark Nelson
Issei Shimada, B.S. (Himeji Institute of Technology) 2002; M.S. (Himeji Institute
of Technology) 2004; Osaka, Japan
Dissertation: Reactive Astrocytes have both Protective and Multipotent
Capacity after Stroke
Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Spees
Derek Steven Strong, B.A. (University of California – Berkeley) 2001;
Dissertation: The Impact of Ulceration on Motility Reflex Circuits in
Guinea Pig TNBS Colitis
Advisor: Dr. Gary Mawe
Cell and Molecular Biology
Scott William Aesif, B.A. (Boston University) 2001; M.S. (Georgetown
University) 2002; Watertown, CT*
Dissertation: Glutaredoxin-1 and Protein S-Glutathionylation; Defining
their Role in the Pathogenesis of Pulmonary Inflammation and
Advisor: Dr. Yvonne Janssen-Heininger
Kara F. Held, B.S. (Quinnipiac University) 2004; Sanford, ME
Dissertation: Characterization of the Spatiotemporal Regulation of
Cycle Guanosine-3’,5’ – Monophosphate in Vascular Smooth Muscle
Advisor: Dr. Wolfgang Dostmann
Matthew Adam Held, B.A. (Rutgers University) 2000; Essex*
Dissertation: Phenotypic and Functional Characterization of
Melanoma Propagating Cells
Advisor: Dr. Marcus Bosenberg
Dimitry N. Krementsov, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2003; Burlington*
Dissertation: Roles of Tetraspanins in HIV-1 Replication
Advisor: Dr. Markus Thali
Anand Minajigi, B.V.Sc. (University of Agricultural Sciences) 2000; M.V.Sc.
(Indian Veterinary Research Institute) 2002; Gulbarga, India
Dissertation: Kinetic Mechanism and Fidelity of Aminoacylation by
E. Coli Threonyl-tRNA Synthetase
Advisor: Dr. Christopher Francklyn
Wendy Ann Neveu, B.S. (Northeastern University) 2002; Winooski*
Dissertation: Role of Interleukin-6 in Allergic Asthma
Advisor: Dr. Mercedes Rincon
Michelle Tamara Norton, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2002; Hardwick**
Dissertation: Dynamic Regulation of CD8 T Cell Activation,
Proliferation and Death in the Context of Maternal Tolerance
Advisor: Dr. Elizabeth Bonney
Michael Joseph Previs, B.S. (Saint Michael’s College) 1999; Fairfax**
Dissertation: Quantification of Cardiac Thin Filament
Phosphorylation by Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
Advisor: Dr. Dwight Matthews
Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
Yin Guo, B.S. (Nankai University) 2002; Tianjin, China**
Dissertation: Biochemical Characterization of DNA Glycosylases
From Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Advisor: Dr. Susan Wallace
Chunxiao Yu, B.S. (Shandong University) 2002; Jinan, Shandong, P.R.
Dissertation: Functional and Structural Analysis of an Oligomeric
Autotransporter Adhesin EmaA (Extracellular Matrix Protein Adhesin
A) of Aggregatibacter Actinomycetemcomitans
Advisor: Dr. Keith Mintz
Emilee Connors, B.S. (Marietta College) 2003; Manchester, NH*
Dissertation: Positive Trafficking Pathways of a Voltage Gated
Potassium Channel
Advisor: Dr. Anthony Morielli
Bernhard Nausch, Certificate of Physical Therapy (Schmid-Doepfer-Schule)
1998; Burglengenfeld, Germany
Dissertation: Regulation of Urinary Bladder Smooth Muscles by
Muscarinic Receptors and Ion Channels
Advisor: Dr. Mark Nelson
*As of October, 2009
**As of January, 2010
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Sunday, May 23, 2010
9:00 a.m.
University Green
Patricia A. Prelock, Dean
Deborah O’Rourke, College Marshal
Stuart Whitney, College Marshal
Erica Caloiero, Name Reader
Molly Hubbell, Name Reader
Lisa Lopatofsky, Diploma Covers
Chelsea Leigh Vincent, Banner Bearer
A reception and diploma distribution will be held in the Billings Library
following the completion of the Commencement Ceremony.
Athletic Training
Khiray Bautista, New York NY
Jennifer M. Chan, Brighton, MA
Meghan T. Gray, Waterford
Mallory C. Hale, Durango, CO
Anderson G. Hart, Dorset
Jennifer J. Hondras, Amesbury, MA
Jackson Dean Lindsay, Ipswich, MA*
Meghan Maureen Lockerby, Saxtons River
Alison Chantal O’Connor, Burlington
Caitlin Regan, Newbury, NH
Rebecca Ashley Reynolds, Essex Junction
Kelsie Kennedy Turn, Bennington
Exercise and Movement Science
Jennie R. Bender, Johnson
Laura Elizabeth Bourette, Dennis, MA
Hannah G. Burnside, Hilliard, OH
Kara A. Crow, Stowe
Alexander Campbell Deaton, Charlotte, NC
Joshua Adam Dow, Scarborough, ME
Chelsea Lee Dubie, Essex Junction
Cathryn G. Gans, Burlington
Rachel Mary Jacobson, Burlington
Alexandra L. Jasinowski, Summerfield
Alynn Christine Kakuk, Plymouth, MN**
Carson E. Laderoute, Rutland
Samuel J. Lane, South Burlington
Chelsea Lynch, Breckenridge, CO**
Madeline Martin, Saint Louis, MO
Brittany M. Nelson, Shelburne
Tate J. Odell, East Thetford
Kristen E. Olychuck, Kelowna, BC, Canada
Teaghan C. Powell, Colchester
Caitlyn E. Rathgeb, Burlington
Kayla Beth Rounds, Bristol, RI
Andrea C. Schoenlank, Ramsey, NJ
Samantha Elizabeth Zimmermann Strong, Essex
Carly C. Symington, Rocky Hill, CT
Laura A. Tuttle, Anchorage, AK
Rachel Lauren Weston, Manasquan, NJ
Medical Laboratory Science
Elizabeth Ashley Dill, Saint Albans
Ashley Lynn Gagne, Saint Albans
Jonathan R. Galli, Franklin
Katy Hamlin, Augusta, ME
Sarah Harford, South Burlington
Colby H. Hill, Jericho**
Karen C. Koski, Augusta, ME
Rachelle Patrice Markham, Plainfield
Elizabeth Kathryn Robson, Essex Junction
Rebecca Danielle Sorrell, Newfane
Chelsea Leigh Vincent, Vergennes
Zheng Jing Zheng, Bronx, NY
Nuclear Medicine Technology
Tyler Jay Fournier, Cabot**
Christine Fredette, Saratoga Springs, NY
Tanya Johns, Oakland, CA
Jamie Gilmore Morris, Hingham. MA
Kevin W. Swann, Northfield
Ashlee Leddy Abair, Milton
Tenylle Elizabeth Allen, Sheldon
Cindy Amponsah Amoako, Bronx, NY
Lisa Anne Antonik, Harwich, MA
Crystal Marie Billado, Enosburg Falls
Sarah Jayne Bouchard, Burlington
Wen Wen Cheung, New York, NY
Lydia Corriveau, Underhill
Bethany Rachel Cota, Fletcher
Christina Therese Dalby, Northampton, MA
Alexa Page Daudelin, Waterbury
Chelsea Jean Desrosiers, Auburn, MA
Amanda Lynn Douglas, West Boylston, MA
Jessica Ann Dulaski, Holyoke, MA
Jill Ann Elnicki, Pittsford
Lila Day Fuller, Middlebury
Leigh Mary Galligan, Watertown, MA
Cindy LaBerge Gebo, Vergennes
Anne Marie Glewwe, Minneapolis, MN
Jennifer Lynne Goyne, Richford
Pamela Mildred Gratton, Burlington
Jillian Elizabeth Guihan, Hingham, MA
Melanie Louise Hamilton, Ashburnham, MA
Justine Marie Hanrahan, Pittsford
Laurel Hootstein, Shutesbury, MA
Monique Schug Ianni, Colchester
Amy Patricia Immerman, Milton, MA
Kerri H. Kelly, Canton, CT
Laura Kelsh, Morgan
Meghan Amber Kennison, Swanton
Abbey Lynne Lamos, Richford
Kathryn W. Larson, Burlington
Devan Cole Lucier, Townshend
Daniel Jesse Luttrell, Bethel
Janet Jean MacDonald, Williamstown
Madalyn Mahoney, Gloucester, MA
Katrina Lyndsay Mansfield, Limerick, ME
Jessica A. McDonald, South Strafford
Kevin M. McGarghan, Charlotte
Haley Billings McGill, Lyndonville
Frank Gerard McLaughlin, Burlington
Alicia Diane Valentine McNeil, Rutland
Jessica A. Metz, East Thetford
Matthew Miclette, Baltic, CT
Brittany H. Moore, Oxford, NJ
Daniel Houghton Morse, Moretown
Amanda Casey Murphy, Burlington, MA
Emily Anne Nelson, Rutland
Jacqueline Adele Norton, Beverly, MA
Holly Jean O’Rourke, Westford
Kaitlin Mary Reese, York, ME
Anna Reis, Randolph
Lauren Robley, Portland, CT
Kate Estelle Rooney, Guilford, CT
Jamie D. Sharpe, Fayston
Lauren Christine Sharpe, South Deerfield, MA
Kristin Sutherland Shippee, Framingham, MA
Sarina Lynn Snow, Milton
Elizabeth A. Soneira, Essex Junction
Lindsay Claire Stanley, Fairfax
Katharine Hovey Stroud, Marion, MA
Katie R. Stuart-Shor, Boston, MA
Jennifer R. Ustianov, Essex
Stacy Amanda Venditti, South Burlington
Katherine E. Walsh, Glen Rock, NJ
Bridget C. Wood, Berwick, ME
Melissa Taryn Wright, Holliston, MA
**As of January, 2010
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
Radiation Therapy
Edward L. Coffey, III, Milton
Ostin Foote-Barney, Enfield, NH
Abraham Guillen, South Burlington
Myka S. Kimberly, Middlebury
Haejin Lim, North Clarendon
Tatum Lynn McGlynn, Williamstown
Dawn M. Raymond, White River Junction**
Ryan James Turmelle, Rochester, NH
Kristi Lynn Young, Milton, VT
Post-Bachelor of Science Certificate
Medical Laboratory Science
Kirsten Ann Blessing, Burlington
Erin Kathleen Crowe, Burlington**
Alan Finn, Lincoln
Rebecca Lyn Guy, Colchester
Karl Loughner, Essex Junction
Katrina Tracy Moreau, Williston
Post-Master’s Certificate
Christiana Blomfield, Starksboro**
Linda Davidson, Waterbury
Annika Hawkins-Hilke, Burlington
Dori S. Weigand, Burlington
Graduate College
Kelly Balczuk, B.S. (University of Delaware) 2006; Burlington
Karin Bell, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2004; Milton
Daniel H. Benson, B.A. (Kalamazoo College) 2007; Cadillac, MI
Kathleen Marie Berg, B.S. (University of Montana) 2001; M.S. (Boise State
University) 2007; Great Falls, MT
Kevin Bouchard-Hall, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2004; Shelburne
Nathan Pintauro Brewster, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2008; Alfred, ME
Elaine Paula Carpenter, B.S. (Clarkson University) 2005; South Burlington
Colleen Anne Carris, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2008; Hasbrouck
Heights, NJ
Emilie Clark, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2008; Calais
Jessica Cort, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Ellsworth, ME
Elizabeth Anne Curley, B.S. (Hofstra University) 2007; South Burlington
Andris Dikmanis, B.B.A. (Hofstra University) 2003; Port Washington, NY
Drey Matthew Fisher, B.S. (George Washington University) 2001;
Chappaqua, NY
Heather Lynn Gardner, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2006; Barnegat, NJ
Rebecca Susan Grossman, B.S. (William Smith College) 2005; Rochester, NY
Jaya Mary Jacobs, B.A. (University of California at Berkeley) 2004;
Monterey, CA
Gregory T. Joseph, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2008; Chester
Lindsay Ann Kuhn, B.S. (University of Southern Maine) 2006; South
Amy Michelle LaCroix, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2008; Glastonbury, CT
Natalie J. Moore, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2008; Burlington, CT
Shahiza Almeen Nenshi, B.S. (University of Alberta) 2007; Calgary, AB,
Hollan Sierra Oliver, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Deer Isle, ME
Matthew Christopher Paré, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2008; St. Albans
Kandi Poulin, B.S. (Southern Arkansas University) 2005; Nashville, AR
Daniel Alexander Riddick, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 1992; South
Katherine Schneider, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2008; Sanford, ME
Danielle Waite, B.A. (The University of Vermont) 2008; Georgia
Lauren Marie Wedam, B.A. (University of Wisconsin) 1997; M.A. (Columbia
University) 2000; M.Ed. (Harvard University) 2001; Shelburne
Tristin Adie, B.A. (Barnard College) 1993; Shelburne**
Thesis: Barriers to care for Undocumented Farm Workers in Vermont
Providers’ Perceptions
Advisor: Dr. Hendrika Maltby
Cassandra Ann Babson, B.S.N. (The University of Vermont) 2007; Williston**
Nicole Susanne DuBois, B.S. (University of Southern Maine) 2005; Essex
Thesis: Nurse Manager Perspectives on the Implementation of an
Electronic Health Record
Advisor: Dr. Judith Cohen
**As of January, 2010
Boseung Jung Halliwell, B.S. (Michigan State University) 2003; Fairfax*
Carol Lee Hodges, B.S.N. (Norwich University) 1996; St. Johnsbury
Thesis: Knowledge, Attitudes, Behaviors and Needs for SelfManagement Support
Advisor: Dr. Sarah Abrams
Susan L. Jaynes, B.A. (University of New Hampshire) 1981; Jericho**
Diana C. Jennings, B.A. (Loyola College in Maryland), 1998; Burlington**
Victoria Whitehill Lacasse, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2005; Burlington**
Nancy Joan Marth, B.A. (Virginia Tech) 1989; M.S. (University of Maine) 1996;
Thesis: Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) Supply in a Rural
State: Trends to Inform Policy
Advisor: Mary Val Palumbo
Carrie R. McCoy, B.S. (University of Arkansas) 1993; B.S.N. (Southern
University) 2001; Essex**
Thesis: Recognition of Spirituality Perspectives within Men in Nursing
and their Lived Experiences during the Provision of Spiritual Care to
Advisor: Dr. Judith Cohen
Cheryl McNeil, B.S.N. (Plattsburgh State University of New York) 1985; Milton**
Jena Katzman Medina, B.A. (Mount Holyoke College) 1998; Jericho**
Thesis: Horizontal Violence: The Experience of Master’s-Entry Nursing
Advisor: Dr. Nancy Morris
Ruby Merali, B.S.N. (The University of Vermont) 2004; South Burlington**
Tara Blue Meyer, B.A. (Goddard College) 2001; Burlington**
Matthew Caleb Miffitt, B.S. (San Diego State University) 2004; Colchester
Shauna Moustakas, B.S.N. (The University of Vermont) 2004; Burlington**
Jessica Porter, B.S.N. (University of Washington) 1979; J.D. (Rutgers School of
Law) 1984; South Burlington
Katie L. Rich, B.S.N. (Norwich University) 2005; Berlin
Jane Ruth Roodenburg, B.A. (William Smith College) 1985; M.Ed. (Bowling
Green State University) 1988; Juneau, AK**
Thesis: Barriers to Health Care Access in Vermont: An Examination of the
Affect of Transportation on Health Care
Advisor: Dr. Nancy Morris
M. Marie-Claire Smith, D.V.M. (University of Lubumbashi) 1985; M.S. (The
University of Vermont) 1991; Ph.D. (The University of Vermont) 1995;
Thesis: Immigrant Female Teens: Self-Perception of Their Bodies
Advisor: Dr. Nancy Morris
P. Maria Spadanuda, B.S. (Indiana University) 1988; Queens, NY*
Tamar Ulando Wright, B.S. (Dickinson State University) 2008; B.S.N.
(Dickinson State University) 2008; St. Elizabeth, Jamaica
Thesis: A Needs Assessment for the Role of A Psychiatric Nurse
Practitioner in Jamaica
Advisor: Dr. Marcia Ring
Lauren Elizabeth Young, B.S. (The University of Vermont) 2002; Ripton**
Thesis: Asthma Knowledge in Adult Asthmatic Vermonters
Advisor: Dr. Marcia Bosek
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
University Awards of the Year
to Seniors and Graduate Students
THE F.T. KIDDER MEDAL, established in memory of Dr. F.T. Kidder, 1880, a
trustee of the university, to be awarded to the senior man ranking first in character,
leadership and scholarship:
2010: To be announced 2009: Benjamin Bezark
THE MARY JEAN SIMPSON AWARD presented to the senior woman who best
exemplifies the qualities of leadership, academic competence and character that
Mary Jean Simpson strove to set before the women at the university during her
tenure as Dean of Women:
2010: To be announced 2009: Caroll Spelke
THE CLASS OF 1967 AWARD presented to the senior who best exhibits leadership,
academic competence and character, and who has earned the respect of faculty and
fellow students:
2010: To be announced 2009: Kristen Millar
John Soltys
THE KEITH M. MISER LEADERSHIP AWARD established in 1989 and present in
recognition of outstanding service to the University of Vermont:
2010: To be announced 2009: Emma Kennedy
Julie Kwok
THE ELMER NICHOLSON ACHIEVEMENT PRIZE recognizes the greatness of the
student’s UVM experience, and based on his greatness of experience, there is an
expectation that the student will make a major contribution in their field of interest:
2010: To be announced 2009: Daniel Lim
Jennifer Nival
THE J. EDWARD DONNELLY AWARD established in 1992 and awarded annually to
a senior female and male athlete whose athletic performance during their tenure
at the university has distinguished them as one of the University of Vermont’s most
outstanding athletes:
Marqus Blakely (men’s basketball)
Courtnay Pilypaitis (women’s basketball)
THE HENRY SEAMANS TROPHY awarded annually to a senior female and male
athlete who have earned the respect and regard of fellow students for leadership,
loyalty and service to the university and for active participation in athletics:
Brian Roloff (men’s hockey)
Molly MacMillan (women’s swimming and diving)
THE RUSSELL O. SUNDERLAND MEMORIAL TROPHY awarded annually to a senior
female and male athlete who, throughout their college days, have best exemplified
the qualities of character, leadership and persistence in overcoming obstacles:
Erik Gilbert (men’s skiing)
Jan Carlson (women’s track and field)
THE WASSON ATHLETIC PRIZE awarded annually to a senior female and male
athlete who have maintained the highest standards of academic scholarship and
athletic attainment:
Jared Alvord (men’s track and field)
May Kotsopoulos (women’s basketball)
THE JEFF STONE AWARD is presented to the male and female student-athlete in any
class who, throughout their involvement in campus leadership and/or community
service activities, has represented the highest ideals of educational sport and has
had a significant and lasting impact upon the UVM Community:
Maurice Joseph (men’s basketball)
Avery Pittman (women’s swimming and diving)
accomplishments of a teaching assistant who has demonstrated unusual excellence
and creativity in their teaching and commitment to student learning. Graduate Teaching
Assistants contribute significantly to UVM’s teaching mission. Outstanding Graduate
Teaching Assistants are nominated by their departments and programs.
Kirsten Stor, Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences, College of Engineering and
Mathematical Sciences
Mimosa Collins, A Qualitative Exploration of Food Preparation Among College
Students. Advisor: Amy Trubek, Ph.D.
Edward Dobbin, The Feasibility of Zero Energy Homes in the Residential Sector: A
Northern New England Case Study. Advisor: Charles Ferreira, Ph.D., Richard Paradis, M.S.
Simonne Fuge, Proteomic Analysis of Carcinomas and Non-cancer Thryoid Cell Lines:
The Use of SELDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry in Identifying Signature Protein Profiles for
Thyroid cancer. Advisors: Frances Carr, Ph.D., Elzbieta Zakrzewska, Ph.D.
Morgan Moeglein, Nuclear Diameter and Species Identification Correlations in New
England Polypodium. Advisor: David Barrington, Ph.D.
Kacy Roeder, The Introduction of a Natural Playground: A Site Specific Project
Involving the Burlington Community and Smalley Park, Burlington, Vermont. Advisors:
Don Ross, Ph.D., Anna Thelemarck
Abigail Scherer-Hoock, A Comparison of Actual and Suggested Digestible Energy
Intakes for Miniature Horses Derived from Different Feeding Recommendations.
Advisor: Betsy Greene, Ph.D.
Elizabeth Schindler, Exploring Values and Behaviors of the Food Citizen. Advisor:
Linda Berlin, Ph.D.
Jeremy R. Baras (Animal Science Program), Examining the Awareness and Acceptance
of Calcium Crystals on Cheddar Cheese. Faculty Mentor: Kathleen Liang, Ph.D.
Mimosa Collins (Dietetics Program), A Qualitative Exploration of Food Preparation
Among College Students. Faculty Mentor: Amy Trubek, Ph.D.
Simonne M. Fuge (Animal Science Program), Proteomic Analysis of Cancer and NonCancer Thyroid Cell Lines: The use of SELDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry in Identifying
Signature Protein Profiles for Thyroid Carcinomas. Faculty Mentors: Frances Carr, Ph.D.,
Elzbieta Zakrzewska, Ph.D.
Julia G. Hobson (Molecular Genetics Program), Quantitative Polymerase Chain
Reaction Bloodmeal Analysis of Chagas Disease Vectors, Triatoma dimidiate, in Mexico,
Central and South America. Faculty Mentor: Lori Stevens, Ph.D.
Yacouba Mulu Lubula (Molecular Genetics Program), The Role(s) of the Endoplasmic
Reticulum and SNARE Proteins in Entamoeba Histolytica Phagocytosis. Faculty Mentor:
Chris Huston, Ph.D.
Elizabeth A. Schindler (Dietetics Program), Exploring the Values and Behaviors of the
Food Citizen. Faculty Mentor: Linda Berlin, Ph.D.
Anurag Shukla (Molecular Genetics Program), Identification of Target Antigens on
Breast Cancer Stem Cells Using Phage-Developed scFv Antibodies: A Proteomic
Approach. Faculty Mentor: David Krag, Ph.D.
Alec W. Stranahan (Molecular Genetics Program), Translational Regulation of
Drosophila Notch. Faculty Mentor: Gregory Gilmartin, Ph.D.
The McNair program was introduced to UVM in 2004 through the United States Congress.
The mission of the McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program is to work with
undergraduates to increase the number of first generation and minority students. It
provides students with critical academics, research and professional experiences to
enhance their competitiveness in gaining admission to graduate programs.
Danielle A. Fontaine (Animal Sciences), Comparison of Protein Synthesis and Gene
Expression in Loaded Intervertebral Disc. Faculty Mentor: Ian Stokes, Ph.D.
Yacouba Mulu Lubula (Molecular Genetics), Cloning of the genes encoding four
Entamoeba histolytica R-SNARE Proteins. Faculty Mentor: Christopher Huston, M.D.
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
AWARD presented annually to recognize the student who most clearly demonstrates
those special characteristics that are exemplary of the role of Foundations: First-Year
Teaching Assistant.
Drew L. Rountree
Jordan K. Werner
ELMER TOWNE AWARD presented annually by the Vermont Dairy Industry
Association to that student whose work in the field of dairy science shows the
greatest promise for providing the quality leadership exemplified by Elmer E. Towne
in his life of service to the dairy industry:
Megan R. Foy
GEORGE H. WALKER AWARD presented annually by faculty vote to members of the
graduating class of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences who have majored
in animal science, who exhibit conspicuous merit in the studies pertaining to dairy
science, and especially in those courses relating to the production and/or processing
of market milk, and who furthermore exhibit high and noble traits of leadership and
Erin E. Osmanski
The following awards are presented to the graduating senior(s) with the highest
scholastic grade point average in recognition of their continuous academic
excellence and outstanding professional potential:
Jonathan Gilman
Molly A. Greene
Amory A. Ledyard
Caroline S. Grimmnitz
Erika E. White
BRIAN HAWLEY SCHOLARSHIP AWARD, in memory of Brian D. Hawley, an Animal
Science graduate of UVM, presented to a deserving Vermont junior or senior in the
Department of Animal Science:
Kyle R. Bushee
SCHOLASTIC RECOGNITION of the top ten percent of seniors with a major in
Community Development and Applied Economics based on cumulative grade
point average:
Andreana Bakert-Miceli
Caroline S. Grimmnitz
Jeremiah L. Church
Adam Z. Reynolds
Christopher T. Edwards
Sarah E. Woodward
Molly A. Greene
DONALD J. BALCH AWARD presented annually to that student making the greatest
contribution to the equine or companion animal activities of the Department of
Animal Science:
M. Rachel Cadwalader-Staub
Aaron J. Thibault
by the program faculty to the graduating seniors who have demonstrated academic
excellence, environment leadership and campus and community activism and service.
Jared R. Alvord
Carrie-Anne E. Palmeri
sophomores, juniors, and seniors whose academic record, scholastic efforts and
character warrant recognition as the future leaders in the field of animal science.
Graduating seniors named to the society are:
Megan R. Foy
Michaela Y. Martin
Jennifer R. Haber
Abbey L. Peterson
Aimee L. Kennedy
Amanda M. Sorrell
Advisors for Fall 2009 and Spring 2010 with a big thanks for their time and effort!
The award is presented for their dedication, responsible leadership, and friendly
attitude that Brett exemplified as a 1990 CREAMer as well as for their excellence
in teaching and advising the 2009-2010 CREAMers and in passing on the CREAM
Fall 2009: Michaela Y. Martin
Spring 2010: Kristina L. Nolin
ANIMAL SCIENCES FACULTY AWARD in recognition of scholastic performance,
outstanding achievements in undergraduate research, and service to the Department
of Animal Science:
Abigail L. Scherer-Hoock
SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARD presented to students who have earned the
highest scholastic average in their respective classes starting in the second year:
Heather C. Lutton
JOHN THANASSI AWARD presented to a senior Biochemistry major for superior
academic performance. The Award is named for Professor John Thanassi, a longtime member of the biochemistry department and a leader in education and
Franklin D. Wood
recognition of academic excellence and professional growth:
Anurag Shukla
in recognition of academic excellence and professional growth:
Julia G. Hobson
department faculty to the graduating senior with the highest scholastic grade point
average in recognition of their continuous academic excellence and outstanding
professional potential:
Kaitlyn A. Carreau
fall semester to a student majoring in dietetics or nutrition and food sciences whose
continuous academic excellence, financial need, and demonstrated potential for
success in a career in human nutrition has distinguished her or him from their peers:
Christina M. Garin
AGNES T. POWELL AWARD presented annually to graduating seniors majoring
in Dietetics who have demonstrated qualities indicating outstanding professional
promise and potential:
Lindsay S. Lawes
Eryn B. Rishell
BERTHA TERRILL AWARD was created as a tribute to Miss Bertha M. Terrill and her
31 years of service at UVM. Bertha Terrill is remembered as the founding Chair of
the Department of Home Economics, the first Dean of Women and the first woman
Full Professor at UVM. The purpose of this award is to recognize a student(s) who
shows special academic promise and achievement:
Nicole A. Rohrig
Return to Table of Contents
BLAIR WILLIAMS AWARD to the graduating senior who best exemplifies the qualities
of Professor Williams’ excellence in the areas of human nutrition and food, and her
deep concern for people:
J. Steele Taylor
Heather A. Torrey
senior(s) who has excelled in undergraduate research while maintaining high
academic standards and has demonstrated outstanding potential for a career in either
basic or applied research in nutrition and food sciences:
Erin R. Cain
Mimosa Collins
Elizabeth A. Schindler
OUTSTANDING DIETETICS STUDENT AWARD presented by the American Dietetics
Association. Its purpose is to recognize the emerging leadership and achievement of
students in association-accredited dietetics education programs and encourage their
participation in The American Dietetics Association. Leadership and professional
potential are assessed through honors, student dietetic association activities, and
community service activities:
Mary C. Langlois
REUBEN AND ROSE MATTUS SCHOLARSHIP given in the name of Reuben and
Rose Mattus, founders of the Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream Company, is presented to the
Nutrition and Food Sciences major who demonstrates interest and enthusiasm for
the study of food science, either in new product development or the improvement
of existing products:
Katherine N. Coale
SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE AWARD presented by the faculty in Plant Biology
each year to a senior(s) in the department with a superior academic record and
investment in research and teaching activities of the department:
Casey R. Wolff
AWARD presented by the Department of Plant and Soil Science to an outstanding
student with an interest in agronomy, soils, or sustainable agriculture:
Nicholas R. LeBlanc
AWARD presented to the student(s) who are in the top 15% in their junior or senior
class and are active in campus organization, clubs and/or provide service to their
Derrek J. Eckhardt
HORTICULTURE STUDENT AWARD recognizes an exceptional undergraduate
horticulture student. The award is based on academic achievement, leadership
ability, participation in campus activities and service to their department:
Derrek J. Eckhardt
W.H. DARROW HORTICULTURE PRIZE is presented to an outstanding junior or
senior in recognition of superior performance in horticultural science:
Dylan C. Badger
LEWIS RALPH JONES AWARD presented to the student in recognition of academic
excellence in the plant sciences. This decision is divided between the departments
of Plant and Soil Science, Forestry and Plant Biology:
Derrek J. Eckhardt
SEYMOUR HORTICULTURAL PRIZE established by William W. Seymour in memory
of his father, Henry F. Seymour, class of 1835, and presented to a student who has
conducted original horticultural research:
Nicholas R. LeBlanc
Commencement 2010
Jared R. Alvord
Elizabeth L. Kerschner
Lucy G. Astor
Mary Kate Langlois
Lindsay M. Beebe
Amory A. Ledyard
Julie A. Blanchard
Emily B. Moffitt
Caitlin F. Bricker
Kristina L. Nolin
Laura R. Bristol
Thomas E. Olney
Kaitlyn A. Carreau
Eamon A. Penney
Katherine N. Coale
Alice Porco
Philip W. Cohen
Eryn B. Rishell
Mimosa M. Collins
Kacy M. Roeder
Karen K. Dean
Nirali Shah
Derrek J. Eckhardt
Anurag Shukla
Megan R. Foy
Christopher A. Simard
Simonne M. Fuge
Daniel A. Smith
Rachel A. Galluzzo
Amanda M. Sorrell
Jonathan A. Gilman
Alec W. Stranahan
Jonathan B. Gonzalez
Lauren C. Thresh
Ariel Grald
Kate E. Turcotte
Kelly E. Harmon
Amanda M. Vance
Lisa M. Harris
Caroline J. Wain
Sarah E. Henry
Benjamin M. Whitcomb
Elizabeth J. Hines
Colleen M. Withers
Julia G. Hobson
Franklin D. Wood
Rachel Conrad
Bailey Adie, Sex and the Elizabethan: Expressions of Sexuality during the Reign of
Elizabeth I (1558-1603). Advisor: Paul Deslandes, Ph.D.
James Allen, Childhood Illness in Tiwanaku Society: Comparisons of the Incidence
and Timing of Linear Enamel Hypoplasias. Advisor: Deborah Blom, Ph.D.
Kevin Argenteri, A Continued Improvement of Quality Patient Care: An
Investigation of the Barriers and Motivators of Prehospital Vital Signs Documentation
in the Rural Vermont EMS System. Advisor: Jennifer Strickler, Ph.D.
Molly Ashodian, The Contemporary American Political System and Contraceptive
Choices. Advisor: Lisa Holmes, Ph.D.
Tyler Aten, Identification of a Novel Cooperative Activity between the Protooncogenic Src Family Kinases and Crk/CrkL Signaling Protein Families. Advisor:
Bryan Ballif, Ph.D.
Jessica Bartlett, Camille. Advisor: Greg Bottoms, Ph.D.
Logan Bartram, Evidence for Modern Human Behavioral Origins on the Southern
African Coast. Advisor: Scott Van Keuren, Ph.D.
Megan Benay, Relational aggression, physical aggression, and anxiety and
apprehended and non-apprehended adolescent females. Advisor: Timothy
Stickle, Ph.D.
Tavid Bingham, Deconstructing Domino Fear: The Reagan Doctrine and Nicaragua.
Advisor: Nicole Phelps, Ph.D.
Calla Bischoff, The Sanitization of the Brothers Grimm: A Modernization of Gothic
Fairy Tales. Advisor: Paul Martin, Ph.D.
Katherine Botula, No Sacred Place, a Translation of Rodrigo Rey Rosa’s Original
Work. Advisor: Gayle Nunley, Ph.D.
Lauren Buck, Mary I: Her Personal Politics and Definitions of Queenship. Advisor:
Paul Deslandes, Ph.D.
Tyler Buswell, Sheep Mania in Vermont: An examination of the 19th century
Vermont sheep raising industry and its implications on state agriculture,
environment, and people. Advisor: Stephanie Kaza, Ph.D.
Julia Camuso, The effects of different types of hormonal contraceptives on sexual
desire. Advisor: Alessandra Rellini, Ph.D.
Zoe Chapman, Predictors of Mental Health Outcomes Among a Sample of
Churchgoing Catholics. Advisor: Kelly Rohan, Ph.D.
Justine Cohen, Dicks-y Land. Advisor: Nancy Dwyer, Ph.D.
Rachel Conrad, Transforming Tuberculosis: A Brief History of Literary Consumption
and Henry James’s “The Wings of the Dove.” Advisor: Elizabeth Fenton, Ph.D.
Kara DeDonato, Defining White Female Gender Roles: the Work of the Puritan
Captivity Narrative. Advisor: Jacqueline Carr, Ph.D.
Erin DeLaMater, The Birth of American Women’s Theatre. Advisor: Lynne
Greeley, Ph.D.
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
Caryn Devins, Economic Survival Mode and its Detrimental Effect on the Rule of
Law: A Case Study in Argentina. Advisor: Caroline Beer, Ph.D.
Carey Dunfey, The Makings of a Movement: Oaxaca’s Sociopolitical Uprising 2006
and Beyond. Advisor: Luis Vivanco, Ph.D.
Michael Ellis, Triploid Optimizaion in Brook Trout (Salvelinius fontinalis) and the
Effects of Triploidy on Fingerling Growth and Oxygen Consumption. Advisors:
Nicholas Gotelli, Ph.D. and Ellen Marsden, Ph.D.
Kieran Fane-Hervey, Social Networking: A Qualitative Study of Social Networking
Connections Among UVM Students. Advisor: Thomas Streeter, Ph.D.
Kristin Fioretti, Thomas Jefferson’s World of Race, Slavery, and Sex. Advisor:
Harvey Amani Whitfield, Ph.D.
Alice Ford, Changes in the relative abundances of clones in genetically complex
Plasmodium infections. Advisor: Joseph Schall, Ph.D.
Katherine Gaire, Two-Sided Matching Mechanisms in Facebook Friendships.
Advisor: Richard Sicotte, Ph.D.
Lindsey Gillies, Beyond Fair Trade: An Exploration of Alternatives in Cacao Trade.
Advisor: Richard Paradis, Ph.D.
Isaac Grosfeld-Katz, Pushing Through the Pain - Pain Tolerance as a Function of
Social Contact. Advisor: Elizabeth Pinel, Ph.D.
Brendan Hamilton, Killing the Innocent in Self-Defense. Advisor: Tyler Doggett, Ph.D.
Stephanie Harris, A Critique of Life Through M. Night Shyamalan’s Films. Advisor:
Hilary Neroni, Ph.D.
Karl Hinrichs, Detection of Legionella Volatile Metabolite Fingerprint Using
Electrospray Ionization - Mass Spectrometry. Advisors: Jane Hill, Ph.D. and Brian
Ballif, Ph.D.
Ashley Holmes, Early Industry Evolution: United States Air Carriers, 1929-1935.
Advisor: Richard Sicotte, Ph.D.
Katharine Hopkins, Self-Organization and Communication: Exploring the
Underlying Mechanisms of Harvester Ant Refuse Removal. Advisor: Sara HelmsCahan, Ph.D.
Jonathan Hulce, Small Molecules Designed to Inhibit the Binding of Endogenous
Prototoxins to Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors. Advisor: Paul Krapcho, Ph.D.
Kevin Issadore, Revenue and Wins as a Measure of Team Efficiency in Major
League. Advisor: Richard Sicotte, Ph.D.
Katherine Jerome, Age Estimation of Live Little Brown Bats and Big Brown Bats
Using Telemore Measurement by Quantitative PCR. Advisor: William Kilpatrick, Ph.D.
Amy Johnson, American Habeas Corpus Rights for Non-U.S Citizens in a Time of
War? Advisor: Lisa Holmes, Ph.D.
Amadeus Kaelber, “Mobilize Our Black Power”: The Struggle for National Liberation
in Namibia and South Africa: 1960 to the present. Advisor: Sean Stilwell, Ph.D.
Daniel Koenemann, The Fiddlehead Fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris). Advisor:
David Barrington, Ph.D.
Alison Krywanczyk, A Retrospective View of Vermont Suicides: 2003-2008.
Advisors: Steven Shapiro, Ph.D. and William Kilpatrick, Ph.D.
Job Larson, Reconciling the Contemporary Science of Human Behavior with
Political Science: A critical analysis of Steven Pinker’s theories and their implications
for political scientists. Advisor: Patrick Neal, Ph.D.
David Laurendeau, How China and The United States view each other: an analysis
of public opinion. Advisor: Matthew Carlson, Ph.D.
Raymond Lee, Regulation of MicroRNA Expression Profiles by Tumor Suppressor
Gene Dipeptidyl Peptidase: Implications for Inhibition of Angiogenesis in
Neuroblastoma Cells. Advisors: Umadevi Wesley, Ph.D. and Bryan Ballif, Ph.D.
Samuel Lopez-Barrantes, The Jewish Councils of Occupied Poland and the
Evolution of Historical Interpretation. Advisor: Jonathan Huener, Ph.D.
Jessica Lowe, Characterization of Cytochrome P450 Cyp6g1 as a Methylmercury
Tolerance Gene in Drosophila melanogaster. Advisors: Matthew Rand, Ph.D. and
Eugene Delay, Ph.D.
Cassandra Magliozzi, Justice Anthony Kennedy’s Jurisprudence and Defining the
Right of Privacy. Advisor: Ellen Andersen, Ph.D.
Megan Marriner, We Have Brains Too: A Zombie’s Struggle for Suffrage. Advisor:
Jinny Huh, Ph.D.
Tyler Mayo, Thales: The First Philosopher of the Western World? Advisor: John
Franklin, Ph.D.
Elizabeth McCallion, The Effects of a Group Mindfulness Intervention in Reducing
Experiential Avoidance. Advisor: Lynne Bond, Ph.D.
Katherine McClintic, Elisian England: Clinging to an Idyllic Image of a Thoroughly
Industrialized War. Advisor: Paul Deslandes, Ph.D.
Erin McGee, Changes in serotonin receptor binding in the bed nucleus of the stria
terminalis following voluntary exercise in mice. Advisor: William Falls, Ph.D.
Rachel McNeil, English Loanwords in Japanese: Usage, Attitudes and Effects in
Japanese Conversation. Advisor: Emily Manetta, Ph.D.
William Morache, Themes of Labor in the Socialism, Art, and Literature of William
Morris. Advisor: Paul Deslandes, Ph.D.
Alexander Morgan, Bandingus Rex. Advisor: Deb Ellis, Ph.D.
Kathryn Moritz, Our Medium: A Narrative Exploration of the Body in a Foreign
Environment. Advisor: Lisa Schnell, Ph.D.
Madeline Murphy-Hall, Citizens and Subjects: Women’s Rights in the Middle East.
Advisor: Peter VonDoepp, Ph.D.
Jessica Odotei, Learned Helplessness in Female Rats. Advisor: Donna Toufexis, Ph.D.
Hayley Perelman, fMRI to Investigate the Effects of Chill-Inducing, Pleasant Music
on Acute Pain in Healthy Volunteers. Advisors: Magdalena Naylor, Ph.D. and Keith
Burt, Ph.D.
Elizabeth Petow, Class and Change in “The Cherry Orchard.” Advisor: Kevin
McKenna, Ph.D.
Elizabeth Schrader, The Role of Coricotrophin-Releasing Factor in Fear
Reinstatement of Lactating Female Rats. Advisor: Donna Toufexis, Ph.D.
Alison Stout, The Collapse of the Weather Underground. Advisor: Harvey Amani
Whitfield, Ph.D.
Kathryn Towers, Effects of Short-term Exercise on Learning and Consolidation of
Conditioned Fear in Mice. Advisor: William Falls, Ph.D.
Jae Vick, Gendered Non-narration in Henry James. Advisor: Daniel Mark Fogel, Ph.D.
Samantha Weinberg, A Preserved Look into the Past: Understanding the Villa of
the Papyri through Philodemus. Advisor: Scott Van Keuren, Ph.D.
Ariel Wengroff, The Disquieting Muse. Advisor: Philip Baruth, Ph.D.
Amanda Wildermuth, The Effects of Interspecific Hybridization on Foraging and
Competitive Ability in Fire Ants S. geminata and S. xyloni. Advisor: Sara Cahan, Ph.D.
Keith Williams, The Changing Power of Faith: Religion and Rule in Imperial Rome.
Advisor: Barbara Rodgers, Ph.D.
Kacia Yazbak, When Push Comes to Shove: Making Choices about Childbirth in
Rhode Island. Advisor: Robbie Kahn, Ph.D.
Anne Angarola, Action From Ireland and the Corrib Gas Controversy: A Case
Study in the Use and Significance of Solidarity in Development NGO Methodology.
Advisor: Benjamin Eastman, Ph.D.
Kelsey Aroian, State Weakness and Failure in the 21st Century: Challenging
Contemporary Humanitarian Aid Policies. Advisor: Travis Nelson, Ph.D.
Zachary Borg, The Role of NKT cells as modulators of the immune response to
lipopolysaccharide in vivo. Advisor: Joseph Schall, Ph.D.
James Candon, Increased susceptibility of emphysema in TIMP-2 deficient mouse
strain. Advisor: Eugene Delay, Ph.D.
Michael Carrick, Kierkegaard’s Conception of Despair and the Role of
Responsibility in The Sickness Unto Death. Advisor: Terence Cuneo, Ph.D.
Pamela Coggins, An Ethnographic Study of Wild Food Gathering and Traditional
Ecological Knowledge in Downeast Maine. Advisor: Katharine Anderson, Ph.D.
Aziz Fatnassi, Indexing Meaning: Code Switching in Tunsi. Advisor: Emily
Manetta, Ph.D.
Alexandra Fisher, Human Security: The Necessary Paradigm for Development and
Case Study in South Sudan. Advisor: Travis Nelson, Ph.D.
Thessalea Heinrichs, Performing Femininity and Sex Role Stereotypes in the
Fiction of Margaret Atwood. Advisor: Eric Lindstrom, Ph.D.
Naomi Hertsberg, Differences of Pitch Rise in the Disfluencies of Preschool-Age
Children Who Do and Do Not Stutter. Advisor: Barry Guitar, Ph.D.
Kate Hillyard, Versions of Modernism: The Culture of the South Through the Eyes
of William Faulkner. Advisor: Andrew Barnaby, Ph.D.
Benjamin Karren, Effects of Perfectionism, Family and Teacher-Student
Relationships on Undergraduate Academic Functioning. Advisor: Keith Burt, Ph.D.
Megan Luttrell, “By What Men Live”: A Russian Formalist Examination of Peasant
Speech in Leo Tolstoy’s Novels, “War and Peace” and “Anna Karenina.” Advisor:
Kevin McKenna, Ph.D.
Samuel Mansour, I’m in the Milk, and the Milk’s in Me. Advisor: Anthony
Grudin, Ph.D.
Juliana Marton, Of Roots and Sources: An interpretive and historical account of
women’s birth networks that includes a qualitative study of a 21st century network–the
Taproot Program for primiparous young women. Advisor: Robbie Pfeufer Kahn, Ph.D.
Sarah Miller, Use of Linguistic Features among Refugee Children. Advisor: Emily
Manetta, Ph.D.
Chinh Ngo, A Man’s Man: Masculinity, Sexuality, and the Queer Other in Twentieth
Century American College Fraternities. Advisor: Paul Deslandes, Ph.D.
Samuel Paskin-Flerlage, Characterization of the spatial expression of flight in
among arthropods: an evolutionary investigation of the specialization of a flight
muscle protein. Advisor: Jim Vigoreaux, Ph.D.
Sarah Roberts, Long-term impacts of childhood maltreatment on men’s and
women’s adult sexual behavior. Advisor: Alessandra Rellini, Ph.D.
Matthew Robichaud, Low Temperature Novel Cycloaromatization. Advisor:
Thomas Hughes, Ph.D.
Umer Shaikh, On Virtue and Inquiry in Plato’s Meno. Advisor: William Mann, Ph.D.
Rachel Shapiro, Breaking Down Political Opportunity: Framing and Emotion in
the American Conservative Movement. Advisor: Ellen Andersen, Ph.D.
Madeline Shellgreen, The Language Ideology of Vermont High School Students.
Advisor: Julie Roberts, Ph.D.
Alexander Shephard, The Role of the Agent in Causing Action. Advisor: Randall
Harp, Ph.D.
Catherine Sokoloff, Promoting Peace with Empowerment: The Role of Women in
Ethnic Conflict. Advisor: Peter VonDoepp, Ph.D.
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
Kirstin Tiffany, Friction in France: Tensions Between French Jews and Foreign
Jews Prior to the Occupation. Advisor: Steven Zdatny, Ph.D.
Samuel Werbel, Participant-Observers or Participant-Soldiers: The Role of
Anthropologists in the Military. Advisor: Benjamin Eastman, Ph.D.
Keith Zengel, Computational Investigation of the Role of Electrostatic Fields in
Ligand Migration in O2-binding Metalloproteins. Advisor: Kelvin Chu, Ph.D.
Tyler Aten, (Biology), An Investigation of Tyrosine Kinase Tnk1 Substrates and
Function. Faculty Mentor: Bryan Ballif, Ph.D.
Tanner Lake, (Classics), Ancient Greek Music and Kithara Reconstruction. Faculty
Mentor: John Franklin, Ph.D.
Chelsea McShane, (Communication Science), Mental State Talk between Mothers
and Their Typical Developing Children or Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Faculty Mentors: Patricia Prelock, Ph.D. and Tiffany Hutchins, Ph.D.
Pattrese Reynolds, (Political Science), Is there an African American Perspective on
Affirmative Action? Faculty Mentor: Alec Ewald, Ph.D.
Sarah Roberts, (Psychology), Sexual Self-Schemas, Family Support, and Sexual
Problems in Adult Female Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse. Faculty Mentor:
Allesandra Rellini, Ph.D.
Maxwell Ukegbu, (Economics), Nigerian Immigrants in the United States. Faculty
Mentor: Rhonda Sharpe, Ph.D.
Tyler Aten
Katherine Jerome
BETA BETA BETA is the national honor society for students who study biology.
The society has a three-part mission: stimulation of scholarship, dissemination of
scientific knowledge, and promotion of biological research. It is primarily designed
for undergraduates, with the goals of recognizing students with outstanding
scholarly achievement in the life sciences and actively promoting undergraduate
participation in research:
Jenna Abatiell Jessica Lowe
Katie Chadurjian Karina Marshall-Bowman
Lauren Dolloff Jessica McCarthy
Brooke Donaher Adeline Mullin
Torin Evans Brittany O’Neil
Julie Hussey Samuel Paskin-Flerlage
Kaitlin Johnstone Patrick Pearson
Raymond Lee Andre Robinson
Allison Light
Cecilia Ackerman
Emily Strattner
James Allen
Cecilia Ackerman James Allen Anne Angarola Logan Bartram Meshia Begin Heather Bell Anne Bokos Elizabeth Daghlian Carey Dunfey Karl Hinrichs Christine Hogan Anna Holland-Levine
Kristen Iemma
Dakota Johnston
David Meier, Jr.
Sarah Miller
Annina Seiler
Emily Strattner
Samuel Werbel-Sanborn
Ross Whitlock
Katherine Whittemore
Keith M. Williams
Annina Seiler
Cecilia Ackerman
Edward Alonzo III
Collegiate Honors Society for Japanese language. The University of Vermont extends
membership only to students who have at least a GPA of 3.5 in five of more
Japanese language courses and an overall GPA of 3.0. The following students have
achieved these goals:
Caitlin Hoffmann
Wei Ni
Sarah Mangan
Anna Walsh
Alison Krywanczyk
Raymond Lee
Ethan Hathaway
Jonathan Hulce
L. Taylor Elrod
Jonathan Hulce
Tyler Mayo
Umer Shaikh
Tyler Mayo
Keith Williams
Michael Boccagno
Tanner Lake
Steven Vincent Scalia, Jr.
ETA SIGMA PHI is an honorary society for students of Latin and/or Greek. Active
membership is limited to undergraduates who are enrolled in classes in Latin and/
or Greek in the original languages. A student must attain a grade of not less than B
and complete at least one semester or two quarters:
Sarah Doubleday
Umer Shaikh
Tanner Lake
Samantha Weinberg
Tyler Mayo Keith Williams
Katherine McClintic
Jenny Bibens
Naomi Hertsberg
Jessica Sara Bernstein
Samuel Paskin-Flerlage
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
Laura Jastrab
Connor Gibson
Lindsey Gillies
Wesley Christensen
Brett Schulte
Katherine Gaire
Ashley Holmes
OMICRON DELTA EPSILON, the international honor society for students majoring in
economics. Students must have completed 18 credits in economic courses with an
economics GPA of 3.33 or higher:
Wesley Christensen Laura Jastrab
Kate Connolly Benjamin Marcal
Hannah Davis Brett Schulte
Dylan Frazer
Andrew Wick
Katherine Gaire
William Clark
Jae Vick
Kimberly Anne Sanzo
Carl Mehrmann
Ariel Wengroff
Shauna Bailey
Jessica Bartlett
Calla Bischoff
Megan Blackmore
Glori Blatt-Eisengart
Isabel Burnham
Matthew Casey
Joshua Clarke
Rachel Conrad
Stephen Coteus
Joseph DiMattia
Jacob Estes
Annie Fallon
Charles Fredricks
Taylor Gallerani
Lindsey Gillies
Paige Gunning
Brendan Hamilton
J. Michael Haring
Thessalea Heinrichs
Suzanna Heller
Jonathan Henshaw
Alicia Jacobs
Kerrie Keller
Jacqueline King
Hannah LeMieux
Samuel Levine
Beth Lipman
Laina Lomina
Sarah Lubold
Robert Lynch
Molly Maguire
Katie Marcantonio
Conor McArdle
Carl Mehrmann
Katie Monmaney
Alexander Morgan
Kathryn Moritz
Suzannah Mullen
Caitlin Mulvey
Elizabeth Petow
Patricia Rixey
Matthew Robichaud
William Sedlack
Emma Sklar
Melissa Smith
James Taylor
Rita Todd
Alice Trainor
Samuel Vary
Jae Vick
Lindsay Walsh
Ariel Wengroff
Conor Donegan
THE JAMES WILSON GLOBE AWARDS go to four students who have demonstrated
academic excellence and geographic leadership through community service
and activism. The award is named after James Wilson, the Vermont farmer and
blacksmith who made and sold the first terrestrial and celestial globes in North
America in 1808:
Northern Award: Joseph Fraker
Eastern Award: Samuel Werbel
Western Award: Alexandra Kormos
Southern Award: Elizabeth White
Katherine Jones
GAMMA THETA UPSILON, the international honor society for students who study
geography, is limited to students who have completed at least three courses in
geography, have at least a 3.25 grade point average, and rank in the upper 35
percent of their class:
Cecelia Angelone
Benjamin Karren
Charles Devine
Daniel Koopman
Conor Donegan
Zachary Lance
Grace Eddy
Andrew Lassiter
Geoffrey Fox
Jefferson Parker
Nicholas Gingrow
Mark Rosenberg
Molly Greene
Samuel Werbel
Thomas Griffin
Elizabeth White
Stephen Hannaford
Katharine White
Katherine Jones
Mollie Wills
Conor Donegan
Katherine Jones
Daniel Koopman
Samuel Werbel
Graham Hagen-Peter
Halen Earle
SIGMA GAMMA EPSILON, Eta Kappa chapter is the University of Vermont’s Geology
Honor Society. Students in this society have proven high aptitude and ability in
solving complex problems associated with earth processes past and present and
through success in the classroom, the field, and the lab. A student must maintain
above a 3.0 grade point average in Geology:
Gregory Parrish
Patrick Tobin
Elysia Korbet
Kim Cornett
Megan Luttrell
Matthew Greene
Samuel López-Barrantes
Return to Table of Contents
Bailey Adie
Rachel McNeil
Bailey Adie, Asian Studies
Rachel McNeil, Asian Studies
Kiren Lee, Latin American & Global Studies
Eileen Dirks, European Studies
Matthew Greene, European Studies
Samuel López-Barrantes, European Studies
Katherine McClintic, European Studies
Kara L. DeDonato
PHI ALPHA THETA History Honor Society is an international honor society for
students with a cumulative grade point average of 3.4 and a 3.5 grade point average
in history, based on at least five history courses:
Judith Marshall
James Baumann
Patrick Maury
Peter Blackmer
Marshall McKenzie
Aaron Bolder
Ann Memhard
Darby Brazoski
James Mitchell
Katherine Cable
Maighan Moody
Thomas Calcagni
Shannon Nadeau
Michael Carrick
Noah Nielsen
Kyle Coulam
Samantha O’Neil
John DeCosta
Christopher Palmer
Sarah Doubleday
Frank Plew
David Dyke
Patricia Rixey
Averill Earls
William Roman
Ana Ellis
Brittany Rudacille
Kristin Fioretti
Kristen Ryan
Bronwen Gulkis
Karl Scherrer
Andrew Higley
Kate Sease
Christine Hogan
Christine St. Clair
Alicia Jacobs
Jennifer St. Jean
Taylor Johnson
Elizabeth Strasser
Henry Kellogg
John Viscido
Samuel Lopez-Barrantes
Ashely Weekes
Michelle Magin
Sarah March
Adam Douglas Herb
Xiudan Lin
Wesley Christensen
Jordan Lewis
Abby Shocik
Commencement 2010
Owen Myers
Janet Soltau
SIGMA PI SIGMA, the National Physics Honor Society
Christopher Libby
Mateus Teixeira
Jacob Wahlen-Strothman
Stephanie Young
Bethany Lipman
Megan Peterson
Rachel Shapiro
Bethany Lipman
Caryn Devins
Max Bookman
Megan Brown
Caryn Devins
Sam Donahue Conor Flahive Katherine Gaire
Jeffrey Holman Kevin Issadore Laura Jastrab
Job Larson Nathan Levine
Bethany Lipman
Joshua Mangiagli
Taylor Massa
Lindsy Massuda
Shannon Nadeau
Noah Nielsen
Megan Peterson
Amanda Scarfo
Kate Sease
Rachel Shapiro
Brooke Sharpe
Alexander Shepard
PI SIGMA ALPHA (Chi Nu Chapter) National Political Science Honor Society. The
University of Vermont extends membership to students who have a cumulative
grade point average of 3.25 or above, are ranked in the top 20 percent of graduating
seniors in political science and have completed seven or more political science
Kelsey Aroian
Kevin Issadore
Sarah Baddeley
Laura Jastrab
Scott Beck
Katherine Jones
Aaron Bernstein
Georgia Katinas
Michael Boccagno
Nathan Levine
Max Bookman
Bethany Lipman
Megan Brown
Joshua Mangiagli
Matthew Cody
Taylor Massal
Robin Craren
Elizabeth McCool
Erin DeLaMater
Shannon Nadeau
Samuel Donahue
Noah Nielsen
Katherine Gaire
Megan Peterson
Joshua Ellsworth
Kate Sease
Alex Hemmer
Rachel Shapiro
Grace Henley
Brooke Sharpe
Eric Hoke
Ellen Simpson
Jeffrey Holman
Keith Zengel, Jr.
Isaac Backus
Umer Shaikh
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
Sarah Roberts
Elysia Nelson
Ashley Goodrum
Sylvie Bell
Julia Camuso
Meaghan Wall
Zoe Chapman
ALPHA KAPPA DELTA is the honor society for sociology majors and minors who
demonstrate superior undergraduate academic standing overall, as well as in
sociology. Seniors must have at least a 3.5 cumulative grade point average both
overall and in sociology courses specifically:
Joseph Ainsworth
Melanie Kartzmer
Brianna Alexander
Daniel Kent
Laura Ashikaga
Jessica Magnet
Samantha Baker-Carr
Katherine Moser
Anne Bednar
Gina Puls
Chelsea Biegler
Roy Savage
Gabrielle Equale
Kathryn Sheftman
Kieran Fane-Hervey
Linnea Shepeluk
Caroline Goddard
Meaghan Wall
Anna Hughes
Elizabeth McCallion
PSI CHI is a national honor society for students pursuing the study of psychology.
Qualified students must have an overall cumulative grade point average of 3.0, rank
in the upper 35 percent of their class, and achieve a grade point average of greater
than 3.0 in their psychology:
Steven Bassett
Stephanie Harris
Megan Benay Lily Kielman
Darcy Bennett Stephanie Kiesow
Joanna Berger Jessica Lowe
Julia Camuso Elizabeth McCallion
Cara Constable Megan McKeever
Lindsay Cornelio Sarah Miller
Andrew Engler Matthew Ouellette
Kaileigh Flynn Hayley Perelman
Chloe Friedman Joseph Tinkham
Alexandra Garten Kathryn Towers
Cortney Goodale Andrew Wick
Christen Grabelle Brittney Yegla
Elizabeth Ann McCallion
Joshua Clarke
Anne Stauffer
Madeline Hall
Juliana Marton
Laura Oakes Cannon
Berkeley Brooks
Christopher J. Peck, Jr.
ALPHA DELTA CHAPTER OF TRIOTA (Iota Iota Iota) is a national honors society for
students majoring or minoring in Women’s and Gender Studies. Students must have
completed six credits in Women’s and Gender Studies courses and maintain a 3.0
grade point average:
Maya Aleshnick
Elizabeth Lach
Molly Ashodian Madeleine Laplanche
Jillian Brelsford
Juliana Marton
Berkeley Brooks Janai Smith
Keiti Botula
PI DELTA PHI is the National Collegiate French Honor Society:
Laura Cannon
Anastasia Nedelkina
Caitlin Hoffmann
Megan Salocks
Jessica Krone
Brooke Sharpe
Elizabeth McCool
GAMMA KAPPA ALPHA is the National Collegiate Italian Honor Society:
Matthew Greene
Sarah March
SIGMA DELTA PI is the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society:
Max Bookman Alyssa Rimmer
Keiti Botula Zulairam Ruiz-Agosto
Kate Connolly
Gabriel Shapiro
Stephanie Harris
Madeline Shellgren
Ashley Holmes Neel Tandan
Elizabeth McCool
Katherine Tomai
Flory Medina Michael Torchio
Allison Murphy Sharon Wanberg
Elena Raben Andrew Wick
Abigail Rich
Ashley Goodrum
Katie Glover, Voluntary Disclosures in Environmental Accounting. Advisors: James
Sinkula, Ph.D., Martha Woodman, M.B.A.
Jaime Goodman, The Securitization of Microfinance: Lessons Learned from the
Evolution of Securitization. Advisor: Michael J. Tomas III, Ph.D.
Matthew Greer, An Analysis of Fan Identification and Sponsorship Relationships in
NCAA Division I College Hockey. Advisor: Amy Tomas, Ph.D.
Edmund Montanari, Interpreting the Affects of a Multinational Corporation’s
Corporate Governance Structure on its Corporate Citizenship Initiatives. Advisor:
Michael Gurdon, Ph.D.
Christine Morgan, Accounting Software Selection by Vermont Businesses. Advisor:
Barbara Arel, Ph.D.
Michael Rubin, Critical Drivers of a Firm’s Decision to Voluntarily Report its
Environmental Data. Advisors: Chun Zhang, Ph.D., Martha Woodman, M.B.A.
Michael Trimble, Credit Ratings: Informative vs. Regulatory Power & Their Role in
the Financial System. Advisor: Hugh Marble, Ph.D.
Return to Table of Contents
THE UNDERGRADUATE EXCELLENCE AWARD for excellence in academics, leadership
and service:
Alissa Sheftic
GRADUATE EXCELLENCE AWARD for demonstrated excellence in graduate studies and
in positive leadership values:
Kim Parker
the overall program:
Jefferson Parker
MANAGEMENT AWARD for achieving excellence in the area of Management:
Jay McPeters
THE EDWIN C. GREIF AWARD for achievement and promise in Marketing:
Axel Heimer III
Productions and Operations Management:
Aaron Backer
RAYMOND S. WEINSTEIN AWARD for demonstrated excellence in the field of
Megan Behlendorf
STEPHEN PENWELL FINANCE FUND for demonstrated excellence in the field of
Michael Trimble
MAJOR JUNIUS M. ADAIR AWARD for excellence in the field of Finance:
Jaime Goodman
CHRISTOPHER ANTHONY GUIDO AWARD for demonstrated academic excellence
and environmental responsibility:
Michael Rubin
COMPETITIVE COMPUTING SENIOR AWARD for demonstrated excellence in
Management Information Systems:
Sarah Thompson
BETA GAMMA SIGMA is the national honor society for students in business and
management. Membership is the highest national recognition a student can receive
in an undergraduate or masters program in business or management. Graduating
members are:
Megan Behlendorf Emily Masi
Michael Biama
Jay McPeters
Austin DeLonge
Christine Morgan
Charles Devine
Rachel Narva
Hans Dyhrman
Jefferson Parker
Katie Glover
Kimberly Parker
Jaime Goodman
Erin Przylucki
Kiley Grant
Cynthia Sandall
Matthew Greer
Emma Snyder
Peter Hazelett
Katlin Spero
Axel Heimer III
Sarah Thompson
Courtney Howard
Michael Trimble
May Kotsopoulos
Katherine Coderre, Kappa Delta Pi at the University of Vermont, Past and Future: A
Plan for Organizational Renewal. Advisor: Holly-Lynn Busier, Ph.D.
Jillian Diamond, Growing Up with a Sibling with Special Needs: Reflections of
Young Adults on the Diagnosis of Their Sibling. Advisors: Holly-Lynn Busier, Ph.D.;
Nancy Diamond, Ph.D.
Amy Goldberg, Addressing the 4th Grade Slump: “Pitch It Where They Can Hit It.”
Advisor: Nancy Diamond, Ph.D.
Meredith Kempson, Gender and Participation in the High School Mathematics
Classroom. Advisors: Holly-Lynn Busier, Ph.D.; Nancy Diamond, Ph.D.
Monica Picard, Autism and Creativity: An Art Curriculum for the Inclusive
Classroom. Advisor: Nancy Diamond, Ph.D.
Commencement 2010
Abby Shocik, An Examination of Mentoring Practices Within the Vermont MIDI
Project. Advisor: Patricia Riley, Ph.D.
Rachel Van Vliet, Exploring the Effects of Complex Instruction on English Language
Learners in a First Grade Classroom. Advisors: Holly-Lynn Busier, Ph.D.; Nancy
Diamond, Ph.D.
Jem Hughes, (Secondary Education English), Enhancing Retention and Support
for African American Students in Predominately White Colleges using the “Circle of
Courage” framework. Faculty Mentors: Dorian McCoy, Ph.D., Holly-Lynn Busier, Ph.D.
scholarship, teaching or professional potential, physical education activity skills,
participation in and contributions to university programs and campus activities
related to physical education, and contributions to professionally related community
Teacher Licensure: Christopher Michael Shackett
achievement in academics, performance, student teaching and service throughout the
degree program:
Deni-Marie B. Comstock
OUTSTANDING SENIOR IN ART EDUCATION honoring students who demonstrate
ability in making and knowing about art, who demonstrate through their writing
a knowledge of art education, and who exhibit an outstanding ability in teaching
Braelyn Kalise Ingvoldstad
Katherine Elizabeth Coderre
Erica Schlank
Emily Ann Elkind
secondary education program faculty to the individual who has demonstrated clear
promise as a teacher who can teach for understanding. Recipient of the award
should have demonstrated a strong academic background in the area of licensure,
a commitment to work with young people in the classroom and in extracurricular
activities, and the ability to design and implement instruction to meet the needs of
all learners:
Torey Mikel Olson
JOHN DEWEY AWARD honoring the outstanding senior in elementary education
whose academic performance and public school practice best exemplify the
philosophy of Vermont’s most well-known philosopher/educator:
Elissa Bristol
Katherine Fay Spalding
Allison Goldsmith
Jem Hughes
Abby Marie Shocik
Katherine Elizabeth Coderre
KAPPA DELTA PI, an international honor society in education, was founded to
recognize excellence in education. Kappa Delta Pi elects those to membership who
exhibit the ideals of scholarship, high personal standards and promise in teaching
and allied professions:
Elissa Bristol
Caryn Lynn Kane
Rachel Marie Bronson
Ashley Blair Lipton
Katherine Elizabeth Coderre Timothy Edward Lynch
Ellen DesJardins
Sara A. Meigs
Elizabeth M. Dufresne
Mika Alexandra Moore
Kyra Leigh Dwinell
Mackenna Elizabeth Palmer
Claire Fitzpatrick
Jessica Marie Pillsbury
Randi Friedman
Staci Danielle Ryan
Allison Goldsmith
Amanda Rose Shults
Tiffany Hall
Elizabeth Lillian Wescott
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
Holly Russell Rouelle
Amy L. Rex
Mediha Goreti Jusufagic
Sara Elizabeth Raabe
Megan P. Belser
Caroline Teresa Comley
Meagan Elizabeth Roy
student with the highest overall G.P.A.:
Claire Roberts Opel
contributions to the quality of life of people through important community services:
Candace Brooks
SOCIAL WORK STUDENT LEADERSHIP AWARD for exceptional leadership among
students while at the university:
Megan Tiley
MARGARET B. WHITTLESEY AWARD for outstanding academic performance and
potential for significant contributions to the social work profession:
Ashley Frances Elder
PHI ALPHA HONOR SOCIETY (University of Vermont’s Mu Eta Chapter of the
national Phi Alpha Honor Society for social work students) Students must maintain
an overall G.P.A. of 3.4 and a minimum of 3.5 in Social Work courses:
Candace Brooks
Claire Roberts Opel
Briana Costello
Maya Shapiro-Miller
Ashley Frances Elder
Carly Deanna Skevas
Jennifer A. Lehman
Megan Tiley
Naomi Pollica, (Mathematics), Modeling Chagas Disease in Guatemala and Bolivia
using STELLA. Faculty Mentor: Lori Stevens, Ph.D.
Civil and Environmental Engineering
THE DOUGLAS P. FAY AWARD was established in 1973 in honor of a former faculty
member and is made to the student who has made the greatest contribution to civil
or environmental engineering during the past year:
Michael J. Bogue
EDWARDS H. PHELPS (SENIOR) PRIZE was established in 1884 by his father, the
Honorable E.J. Phelps of Burlington. It is awarded to a student “who shall have
exhibited conspicuous merit in professional studies, and high and noble traits of
character if such can be found”:
Evan N. Speer
student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers:
Brendan R. Kerin
Electrical Engineering
ATWATER-KENT (SENIOR) AWARD for excellence of judgment and understanding of
the principles of electrical engineering:
Ben E. Norris
Engineering Management
ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT (SENIOR) AWARD in recognition of academic
excellence in the field of engineering management:
Michael C. Desmarais
Mechanical Engineering
EDMUND F. LITTLE (SENIOR) AWARD for meritorious work in the mechanic arts:
Auston B. Maynard
OUTSTANDING SENIOR AWARDS for excellence in the field of:
Biomedical Engineering: Chelsea A. Stevenson
Energy: Benjamin I. Aldrich
meritorious work in the student chapter of the American Society of Mechanical
Evan W. Malina
Michael Desmarais, The Effects of Real Time Data and an Energy Management
System on Energy Consumption. Advisor: Paul Hines, Ph.D.
Auston Maynard, Discrete Element Modeling of Particle Entrainment by a WallBounded Vortex. Advisor: Jeffrey Marshall, Ph.D.
Brent Meunier, Nanoparticle Focusing and Deposition via Dielectrophoretic Force.
Advisor: Jeffrey Marshall, Ph.D.
Laura Townsend, Effects of Weathering on the Water and Gas Permeabilities of Porous
Building Substrates. Advisors: Mandar Dewoolkar, Ph.D.; Donna Rizzo, Ph.D.
Katherine Alice Acccomando, Micro-Computed Tomography Analysis of the
Acutely Injured Lung. Advisor: Jason H. Bates, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Chelsea Anne Stevenson, The Dynamics of Bronchoconstriction in Mice. Advisor:
Jason H. Bates, Ph.D., D.Sc.
professional interest, immense spirit and outstanding leadership:
Michael E. Karpeles
UNDERGRADUATE ACHIEVEMENT AWARD for outstanding scholarship and
commitment to statistical science:
Jordan Bakerman
GRADUATE AWARD IN STATISTICS for the achievement of excellence in statistics:
Jimin Wu
GRADUATE AWARD IN BIOSTATISTICS for the achievement of excellence in
Victoria C. McLaughlin
NAM SANG KIL SCHOLARSHIP IN STATISTICS in recognition of the value
of education as a path toward the betterment of mankind, the Nam Sang Kil
Scholarship is presented to an outstanding student in honor of Chairman Nam:
Victoria C. McLaughlin
Jimin Wu
Return to Table of Contents
TAU BETA PI/JOHN O. OUTWATER PRIZE to the outgoing president of the Tau Beta
Pi who, by virtue of the office, has demonstrated skill, tact and initiative:
Evan N. Speer
SOCIETY OF WOMEN ENGINEERS AWARD for the greatest contribution to the
activities and objectives of the student chapter of the society of Women Engineers:
Rebecca L. German
Commencement 2010
URECA PROGRAM, Undergraduate Research Endeavors Competitive Awards, is
administered through the dean of the Honors College and the Faculty Senate Research,
Scholarship and Graduate Education Committee of the University of Vermont. This
student-faculty research program is designed, under the guidance of faculty mentors,
to stimulate student research; to incorporate research experience more fully into
undergraduate education; and to provide incentives for students and faculty who
engage in meaningful research collaboration. The following research project was
funded through URECA with co-funding through the NASA Space Grant Consortium:
Simone Willette, Program Specialization for Wireless Sensor Networks. Faculty
Mentor: Christian Skalka, Ph.D.
outstanding scholastic achievement and participation in University-related activities:
Evan W. Malina
undergraduate student who has demonstrated extraordinary qualities of integrity and
commitment to others through outstanding service to the faculty, staff and students of
the College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences:
Brian J. Leach
TAU BETA PI, national engineering honor society:
Michael Bogue
Brent Meunier
Shawn Bonneau
Allison Murphy
Gregery Chere
Nathan Pion
Michael Desmarais
Kelsie Pirie
Anthony Gervais
Nathaniel Rogers
Daniel Green
Jonathan Schwartz
Benjamin Heath
Evan Speer
Brendan Kerin
Chelsea Stevenson
Robert Klinefelter
Christopher Swanson
Michael Mainer
Ashley Truax
Evan Malina
Michal Ursiny
Auston Maynard
Walter Varhue
Erin Menzies
CHI EPSILON, National Civil Engineering Honor Society:
Ian Anderson
Benjamin Heath
Michagel Bogue
Erin Menzies
Elizabeth Fiala
Allison Murphy
Nicholas Frangis
Nathan Pion
Brendan Kerin
Evan Speer
Robert Klinefelter
Benjamin Stoddard
MU SIGMA RHO a national honorary society for undergraduate and graduate
students studying statistics:
Nicholas P. Pain
Sarah A. Lindberg
Haik Jang
Victoria C. McLaughlin
Jeong M. Kim
Michael K.-J. Schwob
Sungmin Kim
Wei Xiao
Seok J. Lee
UPSILON PI EPSILON, Computer Science Honor Society
Margot Schips
Anastasia Krymkowski
BARRETT SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS are sponsored by the Barrett Foundation. Richard
Barrett, is a mechanical engineering alumni of the University of Vermont. This year,
four undergraduate students from CEMS were selected. These competitive awards
provide operating funds and a stipend to outstanding undergraduates who wish to
pursue environmental engineering summer research projects under the mentorship of
a faculty member:
Deirdre Collins, Engineering Undergraduate Education Research & Application
Benjamin D. Heath, Statistical Analysis of Chemical Constituents and Removal
Efficiencies from Storm Water Infrastructure at Maple Tree Terrace Place, Williston, VT
Allison Murphy, Molecular Genetic Analysis as Applied to Whirling Disease
Laura Townsend, Testing Effects of Weathering on Construction Material
Kayla DeCarr, Green, Gold & Blue? Using Ecopsychology to Take the SAD Out of
UVM’s School Colors. Advisor: Stephanie Kaza, Ph.D.
Lisa Fredette, A Study into the Potential for Fuel Production from EcoMachine
Biomass. Advisor: John Todd, Ph.D.
Kaitlin Friedman, Abundance and Distribution of Desmognathus Fuscus Along a
Stream Gradient. Advisor: Jeffrey Hughes, Ph.D.
Johannes Griesshammer, Analyzing the Range and Variability of Foliar Chemistry
for Common Tree Species Throughout the Northeastern United States. Advisor:
Jennifer Pontius, Ph.D.
Sarah Gruver, Efficient Earth-sheltered Greenhouse Design for the George D. Aiken
Forestry Sciences Laboratory. Advisor: Dr. John Todd
Dana Gulley, Examining the Post-Adoption Role of Policy Entrepreneurs through
the Vermont Farm to School Program. Advisors: Robert V. Bartlett, Ph.D.; Cecilia
Danks, Ph.D.
Michael Lester, The Influence of Lunar Phase and Predation on the Vocalization
Behavior of Eastern Whip-poor-wills. Advisor: Allan Strong, Ph.D.
Audrey Reid, Comparing the Responsiveness of Streams and Ponds to Decreases in
Acid Deposition in the Northeastern United States. Advisor: Mary Watzin, Ph.D.
Matthew Sarcione, Big Brother Or Innovative Funding Solution For Transportation:
An Analysis Of The Vehicle Miles Traveled Taxes Media Debate. Advisor: Richard
Watts, Ph.D.
Jiaxin Yu, (Environmental Science), An Investigation of the Spatial Distribution of
Tubifex, the Host of Fish Parasite. Faculty Mentor: Lori Stevens, Ph.D.
Dana Stewardson Gulley
Sarah Anne Kugel
Julia Marie-Joséphe Meurice
Matthew Kolan
MS: Caitlin McDonough
PhD: Michel Masozera
Sarah Williams
Allison Elizabeth Rapp
Audrey Helen Reid
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
Dana Stewardson Gulley
Martha R. Klepack
Gregory Merit Soll
William Lee Young
Addison J. Kasmarek
Hillary Jane Archer
Katharine Marie White
Mikayla Zaida McDonald
Sarah Anne Kugel
Tyler Nathaniel Cohen
Sofia O. Iwobe
Avery Hurst
Michael Lester
Kaitlin Mae Friedman
Elias Goldsmith Rosenblatt
Eliese Antona Dykstra
Katelynn Grimsley-Houran
ALPHA OMEGA ALPHA. Students elected to this honor society, in the
opinion of their classmates and the faculty, have given promise of becoming
leaders in their profession:
M. Jake Carlson
Joseph O. Lopreiato, Jr.
Pei Chen
Jeffrey J. MacLean
Ammon M. Fager
Isabella W. Martin
Juli-Anne Gardner
Annice M. Mason
Mellory E. Giberson
Joseph J. Ravera
Michael Goedde
Heidi K. Schumacher
Elise J. Heath
Akeesha A. Shah
David J. Iberri
Alia F. Whitehead
Joseph E. Kaserman
Abigail R. Woodhead
Anna S. Liberatore
THE GOLD HUMANISM HONOR SOCIETY. Students elected to this honor
society are recognized for their demonstrated excellence in clinical care,
leadership, compassion, and dedication to service:
Dilip S. Babu
David E. Longstroth
Guarab Basu
Sanchit Maruti
Jessica L. Bordley
Pei Chen
Jason I. Halperin
Cortney C. Haynes
David J. Iberri
Neel K. Kapasi
Joseph E. Kaserman
Trevor R. Pour
Sarah M. Schlein
Heidi K. Schumacher
Justin G. Smith
Justin M. Stinnett-Donnelly
Yana R. Wirengard
THE ELLSWORTH AMIDON AWARD for outstanding proficiency in Internal
Justin M. Stinnett-Donnell
Jason I. Halperin
*THE DEAN WILLIAM EUSTIS BROWN AWARD for broad cultural interests,
and loyalty to the College of Medicine:
Jason I. Halperin
Trevor R. Pour
THE HIRAM BUTTLES AWARD for excellence in Systemic Pathology:
In 2006: Michael Goedde
In 2007: Joseph E. Kaserman
*THE CARBEE AWARD for academic excellence in Obstetrics, Gynecology
and Reproductive Sciences:
Amy L. Savoy
David E. Longstroth
Justin G. Smith
THE EDWARD E. FRIEDMAN AWARD for promise of excellence in the
practice of Family Medicine:
Amy L. Savoy
THE DR. AND MRS. NATHANIEL GOULD PRIZE, M.D. ’37 for outstanding
achievements in Orthopaedic Surgery:
Jesse W. Janowski
Vanessa W.S. Hui
THE KERZNER FAMILY PRIZE for service to the community:
Pei Chen
*THE LAMB FELLOWSHIP AWARD for best exemplifying concern and care
for the total patient:
Jason I. Halperin
THE JOHN V. MAECK, M.D. ’39 ROBE RECIPIENT for overall excellence in
Obstretrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences:
Amy L. Savoy
demonstration of the combination of academic ability, leadership and
compassion while on the Surgery Clerkship:
Andrew B. Old
Yana R. Wirengard
THE HERBERT MARTIN SR. AWARD for excellence in Neurology:
Joseph Y. K. Cheung
Joanna M. Hellmuth
THE JOHN E. MAZUZAN JR., M.D. ’54 AWARD for excellence in
Elise J. Heath
for excellence in Neurology:
Pei Chen
THE H. GORDON PAGE ’54 AWARD for excellence in Surgery:
Alia F. Whitehead
Return to Table of Contents
THE PILCHER AWARD for representing the qualities of Eleanor and Lewis
Pilcher of devotion to family and patients, with a high regard for ethics and
Christopher R. Randall
THE RADIOLOGY ACHIEVEMENT AWARD for excellence in Radiology:
Michael B. Salmela
exemplifying compassion, humor, humility, devotion to family and friends,
and intellectual curiosity:
David P. Curley
THE DURWOOD SMITH AWARD for excellence in Pharmacology:
In 2007: Michael Goedde
In 2008: Joseph E. Kaserman
THE CHARLES T. SCHECHTMAN, M.D., ’26 AWARD for Clinical Excellence:
In 2008: Michael Goedde
In 2008: Akeesha A. Shah
In 2009: Jeffrey J. MacLean
In 2009: Anna S. Liberatore
In 2009: Abigail R. Woodhead
excellence in Emergency Medicine:
Sarah E. B. Logan
Abigail R. Woodhead
THE WILLIAM SWEETSER AWARD for excellence in Psychiatry:
Kelly N. Mebust
THE DAVID M. TORMEY AWARD for perseverance in the pursuit of medical
Wayne S. Moss
David P. Curley
First Place in 2008: Joseph E. Kaserman
Second Place in 2007: Akeesha A. Shah
THE LAURA WEED, M.D. AWARD for qualities of excellence, service, and
commitment in Internal Medicine:
Lisa G. Chui
THE WELLNESS AWARD from the Committee on Medical Student Wellbeing
for a peer-nominated student who has been an asset to his or her
classmates and displayed sincere dedication to helping others during his or
her medical education:
David J. Iberri
THE EPHRAIM WOLL AWARD for excellence in General Pathology:
Joseph E. Kaserman
The Arnold P. Gold Foundation for excellence in both compassionate
patient care and scientific achievement:
Student Award: Yana R. Wirengard
Faculty Award: Peter A. Cataldo, M.D.
* Awarded by vote of the class.
Foundations Teacher of the Year: William E. Hopkins, M.D.
Foundations Course Director of the Year: William E. Hopkins, M.D.
Outstanding Foundations Course: Cardiovascular, Respiratory and
Renal Systems
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award: Suezie Kim, M.D.
The Dean Warshaw Integration Award: Richard A. Salerno, M.D.
Commencement 2010
The Silver Stethoscope Award: James J. Hudziak, M.D.
Above and Beyond Award: Ellen B. Cornbrooks, Ph.D.
Best Support Staff (non-teaching): Michael Cross
American Medical Student Association Golden Apple Award: Cynthia J.
Forehand, Ph.D. and Jean Szilva, M.D.
American Medical Women’s Association Gender Equity Award: Sharon L.
Mount, M.D.; Jean Szilva, M.D.
Colette Award: Emma K. Faustner
Howe Outstanding Teacher Award: Bruce A. Crookes, M.D.
Clinical Teacher of the Year: Robert L. Trowbridge, M.D.
Clinical Department of the Year: Medicine, FAHC
Resident of the Year: Jesse S. Moore, M.D.
Jennifer Chan, Wellbeing of Community-dwelling Senior Citizens After the
Completion of a Yang-style Tai Chi Class. Advisor: Ge Wu, Ph.D.
Lila Fuller, Emergency Contraception: High School Nurses and Health Educators’
Perceptions of Adolescent Knowledge and Access of EC. Advisor: Hendrika
Maltby, Ph.D.
Jonathan Galli, Barriers Faced by the Vermont Nutrition and Fitness Policy
Guidelines and the Wellness Policies in Chittenden County Schools. Advisor:
Susan Coburn, M.P.H., R.D.
Katy Hamlin, Hepatitis C Resource Guide for the State of Vermont. Advisor:
Sarah Abrams, Ph.D.
Jennifer Hondras, The Influence of Mood State on Athletic Injury. Advisor:
Jeremy Sibold, Ed.D.
Meghan Kennison, Making the Impact: Needs Assessment for Prescription Drug
Abuse Prevention in Franklin County. Advisor: Sharyl Toscano, Ph.D.
Katherine Stuart-Shor, The Implications of the Electronic Medical Record on
Nurse Bedside Shift Hand-off. Advisor: Linda Greenfield, Ph.D.
Chelsea Vincent, Hereditary Angioedema: An In-Depth Overview and Select
Annotated Bibliography. Advisor: Frances Delwiche, M.L.I.S.
Kristi Young, The Efficacy of Image-Guided Radiation Therapy in the Treatment
of Prostate Cancer. Advisor: Jane Alsofrom, M.Ed., Maryse Biron, M.Ed., Prudence
Milnes, B.A.
Zheng Jing Zheng, Determination of the Molecular Weight of Plasma and Serum
Tissue Factor. Advisor: Christine Griffin, M.S.
F.W. VAN BUSKIRK AWARD in recognition of the senior student with the highest
grade point average in the Nuclear Medicine Technology program:
Kevin W. Swann
F.W. VAN BUSKIRK AWARD in recognition of the senior student with the highest
grade point average in the Radiation Therapy program:
Kristi Lynn Young
recognition of outstanding qualities of professional attitude and cooperation in
the patient care setting:
Christine Fredette
outstanding qualities of professional attitude and cooperation in the patient care
Kristi Lynn Young
given by Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Fletcher Allen Health Care, and
awarded to the senior student with the highest grade point average in the Medical
Laboratory Science program:
Jonathan R. Galli
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
– awarded to a senior nursing student who demonstrates a commitment to excellence
through his or her community, professional and academic achievements:
Matthew Miclette
SCIENCE AWARD given to an outstanding senior who exemplifies academic
excellence, exceptional leadership, and a strong commitment to the profession of
exercise science:
Kristen E. Olychuck
CLARISSA PETERS ALLEN AWARD to an outstanding graduating baccalaureate student
who exemplifies the conscientious, motivated character of Clarissa Peters Allen:
Lydia Corriveau
ISOLA BRAUN AWARD awarded to the third year Doctor of Physical Therapy student
who has demonstrated the greatest potential for development of professional
competency and leadership:
Daniel H. Benson
FAYE CRABBE AWARD established to honor the memory of the founder of the School
of Nursing at UVM, a leader who valued nursing scholarship and service. Awarded to
the senior majoring in Professional Nursing who excels in scholarship, nursing ability
and service to the university:
Meghan Amber Kennison
MARGARET B. CORBIN AWARD awarded to the third year Doctor of Physical
Therapy student who has demonstrated high quality academic and clinical
performance throughout the professional curriculum:
Hollan Sierra Oliver
PRACTICE established in 1998 by the nurse administrators at FAHC to recognize a
graduating baccalaureate student who demonstrates excellence in clinical practice in
any setting:
Kate Estelle Rooney
established in 1998 by nurse administrators at FAHC to recognize a Master’s level
student who demonstrates innovation in practice in any setting, breakthrough initiatives
in patient care or patient education, or care coordination across the continuum
Katie L. Rich
HONOR SOCIETY OF NURSING. Chartered in 1988, Kappa Tau is a chapter of Sigma
Theta Tau, the National Honor Society of Nursing. The society recognizes nursing
students for scholarship, nursing ability and potential leadership as well as outstanding
community leaders:
Baccalaureate Student Award: Alexa Page Daudelin
Graduate Student Award: Lauren Elizabeth Young
Graduate Thesis Award: Tamar Ulando Wright
Project Graduate Award: Tara Blue Meyer
Honors Thesis Award: Lila Day Fuller
SIGMA THETA TAU, the National Honor Society of Nursing, Class of 2010 inductees:
Bachelor of Science:
Lydia Corriveau
Matthew Miclette
Lila Day Fuller
Brittany H. Moore
Jillian Elizabeth Guihan
Holly Jean O’Rourke
Meghan Amber Kennison
Kristin Sutherland Shippee
Kathryn W. Larson
Lindsay Claire Stanley
Jessica A. McDonald
Katie R. Stuart-Shor
Hayley Billings McGill
Master of Science:
Tristin Adie
Katie L. Rich
Nicole Susanne DuBois
Tamar Ulando Wright
Jessica Porter
SPECIAL RECOGNITION AWARD for exemplary service to the Department of Nursing
through commitment and participation in the Student Nurses’ Association:
Kaitlin Mary Reese
Haley Billings McGill
VERMONT ORGANIZATION OF NURSE LEADERS awarded to a graduating Master’s
level student who consistently demonstrated outstanding scholarship, completed a
thesis/project that advances and disseminates nursing knowledge about a leadership
issue in nursing, and initiated a career plan that builds on the graduate education
foundation to influence the future of nursing:
Nicole Susanne DuBois
to a graduating student in each program who, in the opinion of the faculty, best
demonstrates outstanding clinical practice:
Bachelor’s program award: Jamie D. Sharpe
Master’s program award: Tristin Adie
SERVICES AWARD awarded to a senior in the baccalaureate program who has shown
scholarship and excellence in community health services:
Holly Jean O’Rourke
student who exemplifies scholarly excellence in the classroom as well as in his or her
clinical assignments and has shown to have the potential to be a leader in the field of
athletic training:
Meghan Maureen Lockerby
Connor Gibson and Jessica Serrante Environmental Organizing and Effective
Activism: an STS class
Cecelia Angelone Reflective Learning on Addressing Human Population Growth:
An Internship with Population Media Center
Margot Chalmers Head ‘em Up and Move ‘em Out: A Children’s Book on
Sustainable Ranching
Grace Henley Growing in Place: A Summer of Farming and Marketing with the
New Farms for American Project in Burlington
Carrie-Anne Palmeri Payments for Ecosystem Services for Watershed Management
in Honduras
Michael Haulenbeek Rethinking Success in Agrifood Systems: An Exploratory
Study of Vermont Farmers -- Perceptions of Success
Alyssa Findlay Mineralogy of Vermont Abestos
Mollie Wills Cultivating Vermont’s Food Economy: An Internship with the Vermont
Sustainable Jobs Fund Farm to Plate Initiative
Edward Dobbin The Feasibility of Zero Energy Homes in the Residential Sector: A
Northern New England Case Study
Pamela Coggins Wild Food Gathering and Traditional Ecological Knowledge Way
Down East: An Oral History of Lubec, Maine
Lindsey Gillies Beyond Fair Trade: An Exploration of Alternatives in Cacao Trade
Sarah Gruver Design and Energy Consumption Model of an Efficient EarthSheltered Greenhouse for the George D. Aiken Forestry Sciences Laboratory
Dana Gulley Examing the Post Adoption Role of Policy Entrepreneurs through the
Vermont Farm to School Program
Michael T. Chin, National Guard
Thomas E. Griffin, Regular Army
Keith R. Harper, Regular Army
Phillip N. Harrington, National Guard
Nathan M. Holt, (Norwich University) National Guard
Matthew A. Miclette, Regular Army
Wesley F. Monaco, (Saint Michael’s College) Regular Army
Glory D. O’Neil, National Guard
Thomas S. Wong, Regular Army
LIEUTENANT BAILEY GOLDBERG AWARD honoring scholarship, perseverance,and
commitment to military values:
Wesley F. Monaco
MARIAFRANCA MORSELLI LEADERSHIP AWARD honors an undergraduate senior
woman who has demonstrated leadership qualities and academic excellence in
science, and who has contributed significantly to the awareness of the rights of
women on campus:
Allison Rapp (Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources)
LYDIA DODGE AWARD honors a woman who has given tremendous service to
the Women’s Center. Lydia Dodge is an alumna of UVM and her contributions
helped to created the Women’s Center:
Carmin Sandoval (College of Ats and Sciences)
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
2010 Honor Graduates
Those graduating summa cum laude are within the top one percent of their college or school. Magna cum laude
signifies the next three percent, and cum laude the next six percent. Honors calculations are based on all the courses
taken at UVM, and in order to be eligible, each student must have taken a minimum of sixty hours
in which a letter grade has been awarded.
Summa Cum Laude
Kaitlyn Ann Carreau, Bachelor of Science
Megan Rae Foy, Bachelor of Science
John Steele Taylor, Bachelor of Science
Magna Cum Laude
Jeremiah Church, Bachelor of Science
Katherine Nancy Coale, Bachelor of Science
Molly Anderson Greene, Bachelor of Science
Julia Graham Hobson, Bachelor of Science
Carrie-Ann Elizabeth Palmeri, Bachelor of Science
Vanessa Marie Patten, Bachelor of Science
Elizabeth Anne Schindler, Bachelor of Science
Anurag Shukla, Bachelor of Science
Caroline Johnson Wain, Bachelor of Science
Cum Laude
Sarah Marilyn Davis, Bachelor of Science
Edward Milnes Dobbin, Bachelor of Science
Christopher Taylor Edwards, Bachelor of Science
Caroline Soule Grimmnitz, Bachelor of Science
Jennifer Rose Haber, Bachelor of Science
Aimee Lynne Kennedy, Bachelor of Science
Aaron Ziegler Lothrop, Bachelor of Science
Brooke Jean Love, Bachelor of Science
Heather Christina Lutton, Bachelor of Science
Michaela Yvonne Martin, Bachelor of Science
Eric Christophor Muttilainen, Bachelor of Science
April Elizabeth Orleans, Bachelor of Science
Carey Elizabeth Page, Bachelor of Science
Abbey Lynn Peterson, Bachelor of Science
Aliza Rae Sanborn, Bachelor of Science
Emily Anne Schloff, Bachelor of Science
Katherine Mary Sisson, Bachelor of Science
Daniel Alexander Smith, Bachelor of Science
Brianne Marie White, Bachelor of Science
Summa Cum Laude
Michael Benjamin Lester, Bachelor of Science
Allison Elizabeth Rapp, Bachelor of Science
Magna Cum Laude
Eliese Antona Dykstra, Bachelor of Science
Sarah Anne Giewont, Bachelor of Science
Dana Stewardson Gulley, Bachelor of Science
Kate Sudhoff, Bachelor of Science
Katharine Marie White, Bachelor of Science
Cum Laude
Hillary Jane Archer, Bachelor of Science
Tyler Nathaniel Cohen, Bachelor of Science
Kayla Justine DeCarr, Bachelor of Science
Sarah Catherine Gruver, Bachelor of Science
Emily Elizabeth Kinghorn, Bachelor of Science
Audrey Helen Reid, Bachelor of Science
Matthew Sarcione, Bachelor of Science
Summa Cum Laude
Katherine E. Botula, Bachelor of Arts
Jillian Nicolle Britch, Bachelor of Arts
Wesley Erik Christensen, Bachelor of Arts
Rachel Beth Conrad, Bachelor of Arts
Caryn Ann Devins, Bachelor of Arts
Alice Flynn Ford, Bachelor of Arts
Ashley R. Goodrum, Bachelor of Arts
Graham Adrian Hagen-Peter, Bachelor of Science
Daniel Mark Koenemann, Bachelor of Arts
Alison Rae Krywanczyk, Bachelor of Arts
Bethany Jane Lipman, Bachelor of Arts
Taylor Elizabeth Massa, Bachelor of Arts
Conor Thomas McArdle, Bachelor of Arts
Umer Farooque Shaikh, Bachelor of Arts
Holly Cameron Watson, Bachelor of Arts
Magna Cum Laude
Cecilia Buschardt Ackerman, Bachelor of Arts
Cecelia Rose Angelone, Bachelor of Arts
Tyler M. Aten, Bachelor of Arts
Logan Bartram, Bachelor of Arts
Laura Oakes Cannon, Bachelor of Arts
Zoe Chapman, Bachelor of Arts
William Terry Clark, Bachelor of Arts
Joshua Michael Clarke, Bachelor of Arts
Holly B. Crimmins, Bachelor of Science
Kara Lee DeDonato, Bachelor of Arts
Halen Andrew Earle, Bachelor of Science
Alexander Lea Hemmer, Bachelor of Arts
Ashley Elizabeth Holmes, Bachelor of Arts
Jon Hulce, Bachelor of Arts
Katherine Colby Jerome, Bachelor of Arts
Amadeus S. Kaelber, Bachelor of Arts
Anastasia Mueller Krymkowski, Bachelor of Arts
Raymond Lee, Bachelor of Arts
Jessica Antoinette Lowe, Bachelor of Arts
Sarah Lin Lubold, Bachelor of Arts
Tyler Edward Mayo, Bachelor of Arts
Rachel Catherine McNeil, Bachelor of Arts
Wei Ni, Bachelor of Arts
Samuel David Paskin-Flerlage, Bachelor of Arts
Lauren Alexandra Perlstein, Bachelor of Arts
Adrienne R. Perry, Bachelor of Arts
Sarah Elizabeth Posillico, Bachelor of Arts
Sarah Phoebe Roberts, Bachelor of Arts
Kayla D. Sainato, Bachelor of Arts
Kellie Anne Saunders, Bachelor of Arts
Rachel Anna Shapiro, Bachelor of Arts
Janet S. Soltau, Bachelor of Arts
Katherine E. Tomai, Bachelor of Arts
Jae Nicholas Vick, Bachelor of Arts
Anna Summer Walter, Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude
Bailey A. Adie, Bachelor of Arts
James P. Allen, Bachelor of Arts
Anne Ruth Angarola, Bachelor of Arts
Jessica M. Bartlett, Bachelor of Arts
Wesley David Bascom, Bachelor of Science
Megan R. Benay, Bachelor of Arts
Madeleine Clare Bensen, Bachelor of Arts
Jennifer Bibens, Bachelor of Arts
Calla Ann Bischoff, Bachelor of Arts
Megan Paige Brown, Bachelor of Arts
Matthew Murdoch Casserly, Bachelor of Arts
Eli Cole-Epstein, Bachelor of Arts
Kate Connolly, Bachelor of Arts
Stephen Coteus, Bachelor of Arts
Erin Lyn DeLaMater, Bachelor of Arts
Jenna DiRusso, Bachelor of Arts
Lauren Anna Dolloff, Bachelor of Science
Conor Eamon Donegan, Bachelor of Arts
Torin Larson Evans, Bachelor of Arts
Katherine Elizabeth Gaire, Bachelor of Arts
Alexandra T. Garten, Bachelor of Arts
Connor Lawrence Gibson, Bachelor of Arts
Christen Valentine Grabelle, Bachelor of Arts
Matthew Munro Greene, Bachelor of Arts
Isaac Grosfeld-Katz, Bachelor of Arts
Brendan Cerra Hamilton, Bachelor of Arts
Stephanie Harris, Bachelor of Arts
Naomi Hertsberg, Bachelor of Arts
Caitlin Scott Hoffmann, Bachelor of Arts
Christine Anne Hogan, Bachelor of Arts
Kevin C. Issadore, Bachelor of Arts
Laura Jastrab, Bachelor of Arts
Benjamin C. Karren, Bachelor of Arts
Alexandra L. Katz, Bachelor of Arts
Raymond Hung Chih Ki, Bachelor of Arts
Stephanie Marie Kiesow, Bachelor of Science
Elizabeth Landell, Bachelor of Arts
Nathan S. Levine, Bachelor of Arts
Allison Light, Bachelor of Arts
Laina Morgana Lomina, Bachelor of Arts
Samuel Lopez-Barrantes, Bachelor of Arts
Megan Hilliard Luttrell, Bachelor of Arts
Robert F. Lynch Jr., Bachelor of Arts
Sarah Siobhan Mangan, Bachelor of Arts
Juliana Elizabeth Marton, Bachelor of Arts
Jessica Victoria Masiero, Bachelor of Arts
Amy Lawnhurst Maule, Bachelor of Arts
Elizabeth A. McCallion, Bachelor of Arts
Danielle Jaclyn Miller, Bachelor of Arts
Sarah R. Miller, Bachelor of Arts
James Reynolds Mitchell, Bachelor of Arts
William D. Morache, Bachelor of Arts
Alexander Morgan, Bachelor of Arts
Madeline Frances Murphy Hall, Bachelor of Arts
Daniel Kent Newhard, Bachelor of Arts
Hilary Nichols, Bachelor of Arts
Noah Gabriel Nielsen, Bachelor of Arts
Jessica Naa Jama Odotei, Bachelor of Science
David Patlak, Bachelor of Arts
Megan Marie Peterson, Bachelor of Arts
Elizabeth Ann Petow, Bachelor of Arts
Matthew Joseph Petrozziello, Bachelor of Arts
Luther Woodrow Pollard, Bachelor of Science
Elena Grace Raben, Bachelor of Arts
Matthew Robichaud, Bachelor of Arts
Laura Fabian Rogoski, Bachelor of Arts
Megan Salocks, Bachelor of Arts
Paige Caitlin Schlenker, Bachelor of Arts
Kate Wyckoff Barrett Sease, Bachelor of Arts
Annina Louisa Seiler, Bachelor of Arts
Jesse Y. Sendra, Bachelor of Arts
Brooke A. Sharpe, Bachelor of Arts
Elizabeth Starr, Bachelor of Arts
Anne Kathryn Stauffer, Bachelor of Arts
Emily Anne Strattner, Bachelor of Arts
Renna Rose Temple, Bachelor of Arts
Rita N. Todd, Bachelor of Arts
Katherine Elizabeth Ward, Bachelor of Arts
Samuel Aaron Siegler Werbel, Bachelor of Arts
Ross Duston Whitlock, Bachelor of Arts
Mollie Elspeth Wills, Bachelor of Arts
Kacia Anne Yazbak, Bachelor of Arts
Brittney Yegla, Bachelor of Science
Summa Cum Laude
Katie Jeanne Glover, B.S. Business Administration
Elena Maysyuk, B.S. Business Administration
Jefferson Ingalls Parker, B.S. Business Administration
Magna Cum Laude
Megan Catherine Behlendorf, B.S. Business Administration
Jaime Lynn Goodman, B.S. Business Administration
Axel Henry Heimer III, B.S. Business Administration
Jay Michael McPeters, B.S. Business Administration
Emma Snyder, B.S. Business Administration
Michael John Trimble, B.S. Business Administration
Cum Laude
Michael Jay Biama, B.S. Business Administration
Austin Neal DeLonge, B.S. Business Administration
Charles Ross Devine, B.S. Business Administration
Kiley Jean Grant, B.S. Business Administration
Matthew James Greer, B.S. Business Administration
Paul Samuel Harchik, B.S. Business Administration
Benjamin Earl Kingsbury, B.S. Business Administration
May M. Kotsopoulos, B.S. Business Administration
Emily Anne Masi, B.S. Business Administration
Edmund Goodhue Montanari, B.S. Business Administration
Rachel E. Narva, B.S. Business Administration
Erin Mairead Przylucki, B.S. Business Administration
Cynthia Louise Sandall, B.S. Business Administration
Sarah Jane Thompson, B.S. Business Administration
Summa Cum Laude
Auston B. Maynard, B.S. Mechanical Engineering
Janet S. Soltau, B.S. Mathematics
Magna Cum Laude
Shawn Lucien Bonneau, B.S. Mechanical Engineering
Jeong Mo Kim, B.S. Mathematics
Anastasia Mueller Krymkowski, B.S. Mathematics
Evan Wadsworth Malina, B.S. Mechanical Engineering
Brent Mark Meunier, B.S. Mechanical Engineering
Chelsea Anne Stevenson, B.S. Mechanical Engineering
Michael Timothy Torchio, B.S. Computer Science
Cum Laude
Michael J. Bogue Jr.., B.S. Civil Engineering
William James Buchanan, B.S. Electrical Engineering
Michael Camier Desmarais, B.S. Engineering Management
Joo Young Han, B.S. Mathematics
Haik Jang, B.S. Mathematics
Sungmin Kim, B.S. Mathematics
Michael Joseph Mainer, B.S. Environmental Engineering
Summa Cum Laude
Deni-Marie B. Comstock, B.S. Music Education
Allison M. Selleck, Bachelor of Science
Lindsay Caroline Singer, Bachelor of Science
Magna Cum Laude
Meredith Susannah Kempson, B.S. Education
Allison Bannerman Miller, Bachelor of Science
Mackenna Elizabeth Palmer, B.S. Education
Anna Kanter Rankin, Bachelor of Science
Janet S. Soltau, B.S. Education
Annemarie Witte, B.S. Education
Cum Laude
Mary Claire Albee, B.S. Education
Elissa Bristol, B.S. Education
Theresa M. Chenail, B.S. Music Education
Katherine Elizabeth Coderre, B.S. Education
Ellen DesJardins, B.S. Education
Chelsea Margaret Hall, B.S. Education
Jaclyn Marie Lindabury, B.S. Education
Claire Roberts Opel, Bachelor of Science
Jacquelyn Reno, Bachelor of Science
Leah Stacey, B.S. Education
Summa Cum Laude
Sarah Jayne Bouchard, Bachelor of Science
Alexa Page Daudelin, Bachelor of Science
Magna Cum Laude
Ostin Foote-Barney, Bachelor of Science
Brittany M. Nelson, Bachelor of Science
Holly Jean O’Rourke, Bachelor of Science
Lindsay Claire Stanley, Bachelor of Science
Cum Laude
Lydia Corriveau, Bachelor of Science
Lila Day Fuller, Bachelor of Science
Jonathan R. Galli, Bachelor of Science
Alynn Christine Kakuk, Bachelor of Science
Meghan Amber Kennison, Bachelor of Science
Kristen E. Olychuck, Bachelor of Science
Elizabeth Kathryn Robson, Bachelor of Science
Jamie D. Sharpe, Bachelor of Science
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
Phi Beta Kappa, a national honor society dedicated to honoring
high academic achievement for liberal arts students, was founded
at the College of William and Mary in 1776. It is the nation’s first
Greek-letter society and is the oldest and most respected academic
honorary society. UVM’s chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the Alpha of
Vermont, was established in 1848; it is the eleventh oldest chapter
on the national rolls of Phi Beta Kappa.
Bailey Ashton Adie
Tyler Mills Aten
Isaac Jonathan Backus
Jessica M. Bartlett
Logan L. Bartram
DeAnna Kate Bevilacqua
Keiti Elizabeth Botula
Tyler James Buswell
Laura Oakes Cannon
Zoe Anastasia Chapman
Kate E. Connolly
Rachel Beth Conrad
Kara L. DeDonato
Erin Lyn DeLaMater
Caryn Ann Devins
Elena Marie Fader
Melissa Lauren Firstenberg
Alice Flynn Ford
Katherine E. Gaire
Sydney R. Ganon
Ashley Robinson Goodrum
Christen Valentine Grabelle
Charles Numa Haase
Brendan Cerra Hamilton
Allison Fay Hamlin
Kameron Decker Harris
Naomi Hertsberg
Karl Hinrichs
Ashley Elizabeth Holmes
Kevin Clifford Issadore
Laura Jastrab
Katherine Jerome
Georgia Katinas
Daniel Mark Koenemann
Anastasia Krymkowski
Alison Rae Krywanczyk
Kiren Keitha Lee
Bethany Lipman
Laina Lomina
Jessica Victoria Masiero
Taylor Elizabeth Massa
Katherine Davis McClintic
Rachel Catherine McNeil
James Reynolds Mitchell
Alexander Daniel Morgan
Christopher Akos Morriss
Wei Ni
Noah Gabriel Nielsen
Sam David Paskin-Flerlage
Megan Marie Peterson
Elena G. Raben
Robin Gale Rioux
Rachel Barbara Rubenstein
Kayla D. Sainato
Kate Wyckoff Barrett Sease
Jesse Young Sendra
Umer Farooque Shaikh
Brooke Anne Sharpe
Jae Nicholas Vick
Katherine E. Ward
Holly Cameron Watson
An international academic honor society founded in 1977 by a group
of undergraduate students at Georgia State University; the UVM
chapter was chartered in 1993. It is interdisciplinary, honoring the
top 15 percent junior and senior students in each college/school.
Graduating seniors are:
Katherine Martin
Megan Behlendorf
Juliana Marton
Daniel Benson
Jay McPeters
Elissa Bristol
Danielle Morin
William Buchanan
Wendy Neveu
Theresa Caron
Truc Nguyen
Deni-Marie Comstock
Wei Ni
Kara DeDonato
Matthew Nystoriak
Joseph Dimattia
Hollan Oliver
Kyra Dwinell
Holly O’Rourke
Eliese Dykstra
Samuel Paskin-Flerlage
Torin Evans
Megan Peterson
Lila Fuller
Sarah Posillico
Alexandra Garten
Kimberly Rhodes
Lisa Goldberg
Daniel Riddick
Jillian Guihan
Rachel Rubenstein
Anna Harriss
Kristin Shippee
Laura Katzman
Emma Snyder
Meghan Kennison
Chelsea Stevenson
Emily Kinghorn
Rebecca Stoecklein
Daniel Koenemann
Cornelia Thoma
Michael Lester
Sarah Thompson
Ashley Lipton
Lauren Thresh
Jessica Lowe
Caroline Wain
Megan Luttrell
Katherine Ward
Joseph Marri
Kristi Young
Michaela Martin
The Community Service Scholars program, established in 1998,
recognizes Vermont high school graduates for their proven dedication
to community service and leadership. During their undergraduate
years at UVM, they have demonstrated an outgoing commitment to
doing community service in both their hometown and university
communities in various leadership and service capacities. Graduating
Community Service Scholars will be wearing a medallion with black
and red ribbon.
Jenna Abatiell
Ann Gormley
Sara Meigs
Kathryn Moritz
Elizabeth White
The Pizzagalli Vermont Scholars Program rewards outstanding high
school graduates. Students must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA while at
the university:
Kyle Booth
Matthew Christensen
Drew Benjamin
Return to Table of Contents
Founded in 1905, the Boulder Society at the University of Vermont
is one of the oldest existing traditions at the university. A men’s
honor society, it includes those senior men who have shown
dedication, devotion, scholarship and leadership. Most of the
members’ activities are heavily focused on community service.
These men will be wearing Green and Gold Honor Cords,
distinguishing them as members of Boulder:
Jared R. Alvord
Tyler N. Cohen
Alessandro Ascherio
Steven F. Dayton
Tyler M. Aten
Austin N. DeLonge
Zachary D. Borg
Kevin C. Issadore
James M. Candon III
Daniel M. Koenemann
Jay M. Taylor
Mortar Board is a national society for senior men and women.
Although membership comes as a high honor for UVM students in
recognition of outstanding service, scholarship and leadership, it is
also a challenge for continued, unselfish service in the best interests
of the college campus:
Kelsey Aroian
Amory Ledyard
Talbrey Benson-Goupil Megan Luttrell
Lauren Buck
Jessica McCarthy
Katherine Chadurjian Madeline Martin
Jade Christie-Maples
Shannon Nadeau
Joshua Ellsworth
Mutlay Sayan
Rebecca Farrell
Allison Selleck
Melissa Fischer
Alissa Sheftic
Jessica Funk
Emma Snyder
Alaina Galbraith
James Taylor
Rachel Galluzzo
Rachel Wood
Allison Goldsmith
Kacia Yazbak
Nadine Kassis
Order of Omega is a national Greek leadership honor society. The
goal of this organization is to recognize those students who have
attained a high standard of leadership in the inter-Greek activities,
to encourage them to continue along this line, and to inspire
others to strive for similar attainment. Membership to the Theta
Psi Chapter of Order of Omega is limited to 3 percent of the UVM
Greek community. Graduating seniors are:
Lauren Buck
Jennifer Lehman
Nina Burdett
Tonya Loveday
Meighan Forrer
Marissa Parker
Amy Goldberg
Robin Rioux
Jill Guihan
Alex Robbins
Ali Hollman
Lisa Stevens-Goodnight
Kevin Issadore
Samantha Weinberg
Mary-Kate Langlois
Established at the university in 1981, Tower Society members are
nominated by faculty and administrators based on excellence
in leadership, community service and academics. Its members
are chosen to perpetuate the main goal for which TOWER (The
Organization of Women Exemplifying Reason and Responsibility)
was founded — to promote and foster women’s leadership and
community service at the university. These women will be wearing
White Honor Cords, distinguishing them as members of TOWER.
Maya A. Aleshnick
Dana Stewardson Gulley
Chrissaida AntigonyAllison Elizabeth Rapp
Marie Crawford
Sarah P. Roberts
Han T. Duong
Megan Michelle Tiley
Myani Nancy Gilbert
Rachel Mae Wood
Lindsey Anne Gillies
Jiaxin Yu
Commencement 2010
The Green and Gold Scholarship rewards the strongest student
from each Vermont high school with a merit scholarship that covers
full tuition at the University of Vermont. Students must maintain at
least a 3.0 GPA while at the university. Graduating Green and Gold
Scholars are:
Tenylle Allen
Abbey Lamos
Tessa Anderson
Andrew McFarlin
Shawn Bonneau
Tatum McGlynn
Tyler Buswell
Allison Murphy
Theresa Chenail
Madeline Murphy-Hall
Wesley Christensen
Noah Nielsen
Hannah Davie
Carey Page
Christopher Edwards
Audrey Reid
Megan Foy
Sarah Roberts
Katie Glover
Cynthia Sandall
Molly Greene
Emily Strattner
Chelsea Hall
Jordan Werner
Alexander Hemmer
Katharine White
Kedi Kinner
Emilee Witts
Designated for Vermont residents of high academic achievement
who typically rank within the top 20% of their graduating high
school class:
Daniel Kent
Tenylle Allen
Emily Kinghorn
Megan Barnes
Benjamin Kingsbury
Wesley Bascom
Jonathan Kohler
Jennifer Bibens
Zachary Lance
Andrew Boerman
Robert L’Ecuyer
Michael Bogue
Sarah Livak
Samuel Boutin
Devan Lucier
Christine Brauch
Chelsea Mandigo
James Candon
Alexandra McCallum
Katherine Chadurjian
Haley McGill
Jeremy Chenail
David Meier Jr.
Amy Clay
Sara Meigs
Jacob Collier
Theodore Ortiz Y Pino
Kara Crow
Luther Pollard
Samuel Donahue
Teaghan Powell
Han Duong
Levi Root
Halen Earle
Aliza Sanborn
Derrek Eckhardt
Paige Schlenker
Michael Ellis Jr.
Kate Sease
Jacklyn Emilo
Danielle Seidel
Paige Fisher
Annina Seiler
Lauren Goldstein
Jesse Sendra
Sarah Gruver
Katherine Sisson
Lindsey Harhen
Gregory Soll
Stephanie Harris
Katherine Spalding
Megan Haughey
Hannah Van Gulden
Axel Heimer III
Jae Vick
Suzanna Heller
Claire Watt
Lauren Hood
Amanda Wildermuth
Stephanie Houle
Anthony Yasner
Amadeus Kaelber
Kristi Young
Caryn Kane
Return to Table of Contents
Commencement 2010
Jenna Abatiell
Benjamin Aldrich
Tyler Aten
Maria Beattie
Nicholas Bedrin
Megan Behlendorf
Katherine Botula
Benjamin Bouchard
Chelsea Brasel
Laura Bristol
William Buchanan
Lauren Buck
Laura Cannon
Kaitlyn Carreau
Zoe Chapman
Jade Christie-Maples
Jeremiah Church
Rachel Conrad
Lydia Corriveau
Alexa Daudelin
Austin DeLonge
Michael Desmarais
Caryn Devins
The Vermont Scholars Program rewards outstanding high school graduates.
Students must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA while at the university:
Auston Maynard
Forest Donaj-Keys
Tyler Mayo
Ian Eshelman
Conor McArdle
Dylan Frazer
Shannon McWilliam
Lisa Fredette
Brent Meunier
Lila Fuller
Katie Monmaney
Jonathan Galli
Christine Morgan
Jennifer Goyne
Torey Olson
Elizabeth Gray
Benjamin O’Rourke
Thessalea Heinrichs
Jefferson Parker
Adam Herb
Kelsey Pirie
Anna Holland-Levine
Ezra Ranz-Schleifer
Alicia Jacobs
Eryn Rishell
Katherine Jerome
Matthew Rynne
Benjamin Karren
Katherine Samal
Alexandra Katz
Elizabeth Schindler
Meghan Kennison
Jeffrey Scott
Daniel Koenemann
Jamie Sharpe
Elysia Korbet
Brooke Sharpe
Jared Larson
Anurag Shukla
Job Larson
Katlin Spero
Meghan Lockerby
Lindsay Stanley
Heather Lutton
Anne Stauffer
Juliana Marton
Moriah Stokes
Samantha Strong
Hannah Sylvester
Kirstin Tiffany
Patrick Tobin
Michal Ursiny
Amanda Vance
Chelsea Vincent
Brianne White
Elizabeth White
Ross Whitlock
Sarah Woodward
Guest Information
The following information is provided to help our guests find the services they need on
campus during Commencement on Sunday, May 23, 2010. Specific information is provided
for both the planned outdoor ceremony and, in the event of severe weather, the
alternative venue indoors at the Multipurpose Facility at the Athletic Complex.
Information which is not identified specifically for outdoor ceremony or indoor ceremony
is common to both.
Information Center
Outdoor Ceremony. Information tables are located in the main lobby of the Waterman
Building at the Student Service Center, and on the University Green, north and south of the
Waterman Building.
Indoor Ceremony. Information tables can be found in the main lobbies of Patrick
Gymnasium and the Gutterson Fieldhouse, and at the Student Service Center in the main
lobby of the Waterman Building.
Snacks, Refreshments and Dining Options
The Marketplace, located on the 2nd floor of the Davis Center, is open from 7:00 am to
3:00 pm serving deli sandwiches, salads, fruits, snacks, and beverages. Henderson’s Café,
located in the Davis Center Bookstore, serves a selection of specialty coffees. Hours are: 10:00
am – 4:00 pm.
Outdoor Ceremony. Snacks and refreshments (hot dogs, sandwiches, fruit, cookies, muffins,
chips and beverages) are available for purchase from 6:30 am to 2:00 pm under the Concession
Tents on both the north and south ends of the University Green and in front of Morrill Hall.
The Waterman Café in the lower level of the Waterman Building is open from 7:00 am to 2:00
pm serving “to go” sandwiches and salads, snacks, and beverages.
Indoor Ceremony. Snacks and refreshments (hot dogs, sandwiches, fruit, cookies, muffins,
chips and beverages) are available for purchase under the Concession Tents in front of Patrick
Gymnasium 6:30 am to 2:00 pm and at the Concession Stand in the lobby of the Gutterson
Fieldhouse from 7:30 am to 2:00 pm.
Outdoor Ceremony. Portable restrooms are located on South Prospect Street, north and
south of the Waterman Building and in the Waterman Building at the College Street entrance.
All indoor restrooms and the unit located on the south end of South Prospect Street are
handicapped accessible.
Indoor Ceremony. Restrooms are located in the main lobby of the Patrick Gymnasium, in the
Gutterson Fieldhouse under the bleachers on the west side and on the second level. Portable
restrooms are located outside the entrances to the Multipurpose Facility and the Gutterson
Fieldhouse. All indoor restrooms and the portable unit outside the Multipurpose Facility are
handicapped accessible.
Indoor Viewing of the Commencement Ceremony
Outdoor Ceremony. Families and friends may view the 206th Commencement Ceremony
indoors in the following locations: Waterman Memorial Lounge, Ira Allen Chapel, Billings-Ira
Allen Lecture Hall, and Patrick Gymnasium. The ceremony will be broadcast live on large screen
closed-circuit TV.
Special Needs
Staff and volunteers wearing dark yellow vests are available to assist with requests for: FM
hearing impaired devices, commencement programs in Braille, and special assistance seating.
Flower Sales
Flower sales are sponsored by the Golden Key International Honour Society.
Outdoor Ceremony. Flower bouquets are for sale in two locations on the University Green,
both north and south of the Waterman Building.
Indoor Ceremony. Flower bouquets are for sale in the main lobbies of Patrick Gymnasium
and Gutterson Fieldhouse.
UVM Bookstore
The UVM Bookstore offers an assortment of UVM clothing, gifts, diploma frames, and other
merchandise. Bookstore hours are 7:00 am – 4:00 pm. The Kiosks are open 7:00 am – 2:00 pm.
Outdoor Ceremony. A UVM Bookstore Kiosk is located on the University Green. The UVM
Bookstore is located in the Davis Center,
Indoor Ceremony. UVM Bookstore Kiosks are located in the lobbies of Patrick Gymnasium
and the Gutterson Fieldhouse. The UVM Bookstore is located in the Davis Center.
Commencement DVD
A DVD of the 206th Commencement Ceremony is available from the UVM Bookstore at
$19.99 plus $5.99 shipping and handling (allow 4 weeks for delivery). The Bookstore may be
reached by phone: (802) 656-3290 or toll free (800) 331-7305, email: UVM.Bookstore@uvm.
edu, or on the web at http://uvmbookstore.uvm.edu/.
Lost and Found
Outdoor Ceremony. Lost and found for people and property is located at the Information
Centers on the University Green both north and south of the Waterman Building. After 2:00
pm please contact UVM Police Services at (802) 656-3473. They are located at 284 East Ave.
Indoor Ceremony. Lost and found for people and property is located at the Information
Center in the main lobby of Patrick Gymnasium and the Gutterson Fieldhouse. After 2:00
p.m. please contact UVM Police Services at (802) 656-3473. They are located at 284 East Ave.
Shuttle Bus Service
Shuttle buses will run from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm between the Commencement Ceremony,
diploma distribution/reception sites and designated parking areas.
First Aid
Outdoor Ceremony. First aid facilities are available during the commencement ceremony.
The UVM Rescue Squad will be located in front of the University Health Center on South
Prospect Street.
Indoor Ceremony. The UVM Rescue Squad will be available to provide first aid during
the Commencement Ceremony. They are located outside the main entrance to Patrick
In the event of a true emergency, dial (802) 656-3473 from a cell phone to reach the UVM
Police Services or use one of the “Blue Light” emergency phones located throughout the
campus. In either case you will be connected immediately with the emergency dispatcher.
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Commencement 2010
The Academic Costume worn today in U.S. colleges and
universities is a survivor of the Middle Ages. The University of Vermont was among the first in this country to experiment with the
use of academic gowns, requiring their wearing at the graduation
of 1806. The experiment was not repeated until mid-century when
UVM and other colleges began wholeheartedly to use the medieval
scholar’s clothing for ceremonial occasions.
The code regulating academic costume is adminis­tered by an
intercollegiate commission that establishes uniform standards.
BACHELORS’ gowns have closed fronts and long, pointed sleeves.
MASTERS’ gowns may be worn open or closed and have oblong
sleeves open at the wrist, the lower portion hanging down with
an arc near the bottom. DOCTORS’ gowns may be open or closed
and have velvet facings and three velvet bars on the round, open
sleeves. The facings and bars may be of black or of the official
colors of the wearer’s department of learning.
Hoods are usually black. All are lined in silk in the academic
color or colors of the institution conferring the degree, with a
chevron for additional colors. A University of Vermont hood is
lined with green, with a gold chevron, the official school colors.
The color of the hood border indicates the degree earned.
University of Vermont Colors
Master of Arts..................................................................White
Master of Arts in Teaching..............................................White
Master of Business Administration..................................Drab
Master of Education................................................ Light Blue
Master of Public Administration........................Peacock Blue
Master of Science.............................................Golden Yellow
Master of Dietetics...........................................Golden Yellow
Master of Social Work.................................................... Citron
Doctor of Education............................................... Light Blue
Doctor of Medicine....................................................... Green
Doctor of Philosophy............................................. Dark Blue
Doctor of Physical Therapy...............................................Teal
The Doctoral Silver Dollar
It has been said that in the 15th and 16th centuries, graduate
students would proceed through local towns giving lectures. To
reward them, townspeople would toss coins into their hoods.
Continuing this tradition, the University of Vermont has invited
the dissertation advisor of each doctoral degree recipient to
toss a 2010 commemorative mint silver dollar into the hood of
their student’s regalia. This coin is to symbolize the university’s
recognition of the doctoral student’s long journey and hard work
to achieve this high academic rank and their appreciation for the
many contributions they have made to the University of Vermont
campus community.
The Class of 1927 Memorial Mace is carried by the University
Marshal at formal university occasions and is displayed on the
platform during these ceremonies.
The Mace, a gift from the Class of 1927, is forty-seven inches
long, cast bronze, plated in silver, with a black ebony handle. The
sculpture on one of the four sides depicts the center section of
Old Mill with Mt. Mansfield in the background, symbolizing the
founding of the University. Other sides display three students
reaching upwards to a lamp, symbolic of learning; the Ira Al­
len Chapel, symbolizing spiritual guidance; and a group of four
persons, symbolizing friendship. It is crowned by the seal of the
The Mace was designed and the model sculpted by Richard
Simpson, son of Carl G. and Doris Griffith Simp­son, both members
of the Class of 1927.
Banners of the Colleges and Schools
Green and Gold
Graduate College
College of Medicine
Honors College
College of Agriculture and
Life Sciences
White and Yellow
College of Arts and Sciences
School of Business Administration
Light Blue and
College of Education and
Citron Yellow
Social Services
College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
Russet and
The Rubenstein School of
Environment and Natural
Seafoam and
College of Nursing and
Health Sciences
The University Seal or Medallion was adopted in 1807 and
used until 1871 when it was replaced by a
round seal incorporating the name of the
College of Agriculture. In 1975 the Board
of Trustees voted to restore the original seal
to official use, modified to incorporate the
Latin name of the College of Agriculture.
The motto on the seal is from
Horace, Epistles 1.2.36. Literally, it means “For virtuous studies
and matters.” In the allusion to Horace’s poem it reflects UVM’s
continuing belief in the utility and practicality
of all liberal studies.
The Black Mortarboard is worn for all degrees. Only
Doctors’ caps may be made of velvet and only Doctors
or Presidents of institutions may wear a gold tassel
on the cap.
Printed on recycled paper.
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Commencement 2010
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