
Introduction to Geocaching : GPS & Mapping 6 4-8

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Introduction to Geocaching : GPS & Mapping 6 4-8
Introduction to Geocaching
4-H SET Unit: GPS & Mapping
Lesson #: 6
Grades: 4-8
Overview: Geocaching is a worldwide GPS scavenger hunt that is fun and educational for people of all ages. Participants visit the Geocaching web site and use the search function to select a nearby treasure. Using a GPS unit, the
provided latitude and longitude coordinates as well as a written clue, participants embark on an outdoor trek to locate and obtain the cache.
1. Visit www.geocaching.com
2. If you are a new visitor to the site, you will need to create a valid login.
3. Once you are logged in to the site, search for geocaches in your area using the “Hide and Seek a Cache” feature.
4. Print out the information to bring with you on your hunt.
5. Visit http://maps.google.com to obtain a more detailed map of your target destination. You can do this by
typing the latitude and longitude coordinates into the Google Maps search bar.
6. Use your maps and your GPS unit to locate the area of the cache. Because GPS units are only accurate to
within a few feet, you will have to do some searching once you arrive very near your destination!
7. Once you have located the cache, feel free to make an entry in the log book. Caches are typically filled with
prizes, such as small toys and trinkets. If you choose to take a prize out of the cache, you must then contribute a prize to the cache for future participants.
8. Close and replace the cache to its original location. Please leave the cache hidden in the same manner in
which it was found.
9. Feel free to report about your experience at www.geocaching.com.
10. Have fun!
To learn even more, spend some time exploring the Geocaching website. A good place to begin is the “Getting
Started With Geocaching” page, here: http://www.geocaching.com/about/
University of Vermont Extension 4-H
655 Spear Street, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 05405-0107
4-H: 1.800.571.0668 Fax: 802.656.8642
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