
BCS SIGiST Programme Secretary Annual Report September 2015

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BCS SIGiST Programme Secretary Annual Report September 2015
BCS SIGiST Programme Secretary Annual Report September 2015
Isabel Evans
2014-2015 has seen a series of interesting events organised by the BCS SIGiST, and also a change in the
Programme Secretary during the year. Mike Bartlett was programme chair at the start of the year, and then
Stuart Reid took over the role until other arrangements could be made. I would like to thank Mike and Stuart
for the interesting and varied programmes they arranged for 2014-15.
I was co-opted by the SIGiST Committee into the Programme Secretary role in April 2015, for which
opportunity I thank them. I will be standing for Programme Secretary role formally at the September 2015
During 2014 and 2015, topics ranged broadly from current areas of interest to testers and test managers, such
as agile, automation and metrics, to future-facing sessions on internet of things, the future of testing and
challenges to the industry. As well as presentations, the sessions included discussions, panel sessions and book
Keynote speakers from September 2014 to June 2015 included: Declan O'Riordan, Paul Gerrard, Al Lines, Chris
Ambler, John Fodeh, and James Lyndsay. Track presenters in this period included: Ole Hansen, Tonnvane
Wiswell, Mike Jarred, Ilca Croufer, Russell Gallop, David Orr, Roy Nuriel, Tina Knudsen, Jon Gibbins, Grant
Broome, Paul Baker, David Evans, Ray Dalgleish, Paul Vincent, James Christie, Jonathon Wright. Workshop
presenters included: Paul Gerrard, Ilca Croufer, Graham Thomas, Phil Isles, Kristina Rungano Masuwa-Morgan,
Isabel Evans and Stuart Reid. Feedback from these sessions is being used in the planning of the remainder of
2015 and the 2016 programme.
The September and December 2015 programmes provide a continuation of the broad approach to topics and
opinions that the SIGiST has always valued, and also some topics and speakers booked as a response to
requests in feedback from audiences.
September’s programme includes keynotes from Stevan Zivanovic on “Adapting Agile Practice” and Julian
Harty on mobile analytics: “Software talks: are you listening?” The September Track Presentations are
Matthew Cardle talking on “Using Industrial Placement Students as part of your Test Organisation”; Indu Nair
& Pete George covering “Performance Testing with JMeter at Skyscanner”; Kiruba Vijayaraghavan presenting
“All aboard for a Quality Journey”; and Tom Roden on “Changing face of test management (in an agile world)”.
Two Workshops will run in parallel to the tracks, focusing on soft skills and people: Gillian Arnold, on “The
Consequences of your Unconscious Mind” and Elaine Sullivan, with “Stick, Carrot or a Softer Approach?”
December’s programme is still being finalised but we hope it will include Graham Thomas on Programme Test
Management and Chris Comey on Test Management in response to requests for sessions on tester’s career
progression and on test management of large projects. Both Graham and Chris are experienced test managers,
programme test managers and speakers. December also sees a return by popular demand of the
oversubscribed workshop from UKSMA on Defect Measurement and Analysis by Kristina Rungano MasuwaMorgan presented in March 2015. We also expect to have a keynote from Mark Fewster, and tracks from
David Oxley, Prakash Ijral, and Mark Rice.
Planning has started for the 2016 SIGiSTs, and I can confirm that Lisa Crispin will present a plenary workshop
on 15 March 2016. Lisa is a globally renowned and respected agile test practitioner and author on agile testing
so we are privileged to have her come to a SIGiST. Lisa’s workshop will be preceded and followed by keynotes
from other experts (to be confirmed). The 15th March 2016 SIGiST is definitely one to put in your diary.
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