
Guidelines for Making Decisions about IEP Services IEP Services 2 of 8

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Guidelines for Making Decisions about IEP Services IEP Services 2 of 8
Guidelines for Making Decisions
about IEP Services
IEP Services 2 of 8
Background and Legal
This series of slide shows is based on:
Guidelines for Making
Decisions about IEP Services
Michael F. Giangreco, Ph.D.
University of Vermont, Center on Disability and Community Inclusion
This document is available in a pdf (portable document format) on the internet
Distributed by the
Vermont Department of Education
Family and Educational Support Team
Montpelier, Vermont
Development of this material was supported by a grant from the Vermont Department of Education, Montpelier,
Vermont under the auspices of Vermont Act 117: An Act to Strengthen the Capacity of Vermont’s Education
System to Meet the Needs of All Students, Section 7 (d) (5).
Definitions and Information
It is vital to have a clear
understanding of what the
IDEA and its regulations say
about IEP services decisionmaking. It is important that
all team members be aware
of the same information.
The following are some key
definitions and related
IDEA 1997 definition:
The term “special
education” means specially
designed instruction, at no
cost to parents, to meet the
unique needs of a child with
a disability
(IDEA 20 U.S.C. §§ 1400 [Sec. 602] [25])
Specially designed instruction means,
“…adapting... content, methodology, or
delivery of instruction” to meet the
unique needs of the child and ensure
access to the general curriculum (34
CFR 300.26 (b)(3)).
Special education refers to
individualization, such as...
changes in the curriculum to account for a
student’s present level of functioning or special
learning needs;
adaptations to the delivery of instruction (e.g.,
sensory, physical, behavioral, environmental) that
allow a student to have access to learning
opportunities; or
different instructional methods applied to general
education curriculum or individually determined
learning outcomes, which extend beyond the general
education curriculum.
The types and combination of
changes in curriculum,
adaptations, or use of different
instructional methods a student
requires become “special
education” when the IEP team
determines that a student’s
support needs extend beyond
what is reasonably provided
through general education
supports, the school’s
Educational Support System,
or a Section 504 Plan.
The term “related services”
means transportation, and
such developmental,
corrective, and other
supportive services ... as
may be required to assist a
child with a disability to
benefit from special
education, and includes the
early identification and
assessment of disabling
conditions in children”
(IDEA 20 U.S.C. §§ 1400 [Sec. 602] [22])
Related services include,
but are not limited to:
speech-language pathology and audiology
psychological services
physical and occupational therapy
recreation, including therapeutic recreation
social work services
counseling services
rehabilitation counseling
orientation and mobility services
medical services, except that such medical services
shall be for diagnostic and evaluation purposes only
Students with disabilities do not
attend school to receive related
services; they receive services
so they can attend and
participate in school. In other
words, related services are
provided by schools if, and only
if, those services are necessary
for the student to have access
to education or adequately
pursue his or her educational
Supreme Court Rulings
Board of Education of the
Hendrick Hudson School
District v. Rowley (1982)
Irving Independent School
District v. Tatro (1984)
In Rowley the Court said:
The purpose of FAPE (free appropriate public
education) was to provide a “basic floor of
opportunity” for students with disabilities by
providing access to specialized instruction and
related services that have been individually
designed to result in “educational benefit.”
In Tatro the Court said:
to be a related service the student had to be
receiving special education under IDEA
the only services required to be provided by
schools were those that were necessary for the
student to benefit from special education
services had to be able to be administered by a
nurse or qualified service provider
schools were not required to provide services that
required a physician to administer them
if a service could reasonably be provided before or
after school, then the school was not required to
provide that service
“Over 20 years of research and
experience has demonstrated
that the education of children
with disabilities can be made
more effective by strengthening the role of
parents and ensuring that
families of such children have
meaningful opportunities to
participate in the education of
their children at school and at
(IDEA 20 U.S.C. §§ 1400 [Sec. 601] (c)(5)(B))
Parents are guaranteed
participation in the IEP
decision-making process
as members of the IEP
The parents’ knowledge
of strengths and needs of
their child are key
reasons why it is so
important to have them
integrally involved in the
IEP process.
The IEP team for a
student with a disability
includes “…at least one
regular education
teacher of such child (if
the child is, or may be,
participating in the
regular education
(34 CFR 300.344)
The involvement of regular education teachers
is consistent with the IDEA’s emphasis on
ensuring that students with disabilities have
IEPs that “…enable the child to be involved in
and progress in the general curriculum” as well
as have opportunities to “…participate in
extracurricular and other nonacademic
activities” (34 CFR 300.347).
“The regular education teacher of the child, as
a member of the IEP Team, must, to the extent
appropriate, participate in the development,
review, and revision of the child’s IEP, including
assisting in the determination of appropriate
positive behavioral interventions and strategies
for the child and supplementary aids and
services, program modifications, and supports
for school personnel that will be provided for
the child.” (34 CFR 300.346)
IEP Team
Teamwork is key to successful
IEP services decision-making.
IDEA regulations requires that
decisions affecting students
with disabilities be made by a
(34 CFR 300.344)
The IEP team includes:
the parents of a child
with a disability
at least one regular
education teacher of
such child
a representative of the
local educational
the student with a
disability, whenever
an individual who can
interpret the
implications of
evaluation results
other individuals who
have knowledge or
special expertise
regarding the child
(e.g., related services)
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IEP Services 3 of 8
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Team Practices
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