
1 Q Florida Department of Transportation Asphalt Plant Worksheet

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1 Q Florida Department of Transportation Asphalt Plant Worksheet
January 2011
Spec sSpecs
Project ID.:
Plant No.:
Single Sample Login Information
LIMS TestCodes
Sample Level: Q
Save Samples
Load Samples/Header
Mix Summary Report
Resolution Sample:
Qty Represented:
Date Sampled
Sampled By (TIN):
Submitted By:
Intended Use:
Sample No.:
Lane, Load #, Ran. Tons: 36
Performed By (TIN):
Performed On:
Basket wt., g (A)
Bgn. Basket + Sample wt., g (B)
Bgn. Sample wt., g, (B-A)
End Basket + Sample wt., g (C)
Final Sample wt., g, (C-A) (D)
AC from Print Out, % (E)
Calibration Factor, % (F)
Des. AC, %
Percent AC, % (E+F)
Wt. of Extracted Agg., g (G)
Note: Diff. D & G shall not > 0.2% of D.
Wt. of Washed Sample, g (H)
Destination LabID:
Station To:
Highlight Data Entry Cells
Mix Type:
Material ID.:
Manfr or Prod: 11
Station From:
N/A 7
Alt Density Sublot: N/A
Upload to LIMS
Asphalt Content
Pay Item No.:
Mix Type:
Florida Department of Transportation
Asphalt Plant Worksheet
Design Mix No.:
3/4" (19.0mm), g
1/2" (12.5mm), g
3/8" (9.5mm), g
No.4 (4.75mm), g
No.8 (2.36mm), g
No.16 ((1.18mm),
) g
No.30 (600m), g
Weightts are cumulative.
% Pass #200 = (Wt. Of loss due to Wash + Wt ret'd in
an) / Ext'd Agg Wt. * 100
% Pass Sieves 1
1" thru #100 = 100-( Wt ret'd / Ext'd Agg.
Wt of - 75um Mat'l lost due to Washing, g, (G-H)
Performed By (TIN):
Performed On:
1" (25.0mm), g
No.50 (300m), g
No.100 (150m), g
No.200 (75m), g
Wt of Matl. in Pan, g
Performed By (TIN):
Performed On:
(Must be a numerical number) Flask No.:
Weight of Flask + Sample
Weight of Flask
Weight of Sample
Weight of Flask + Water
Weight of Flask + Water + Sample
Weight of Sample Surface Dry
Gmm = (A/(B+D-E))
Corr. Factor
Average Gmm
Performed By (TIN):
Performed On:
Lab Gmb
Hgt. @ Nini
Hgt. @ Ndes
Average Heights Nini , Ndes
Dry Weight
Water Weight
SSD Weight
Avg Gmb
Wt Ret
% Pass
Wt Ret
% Pass
Wt Ret
% Pass
Wt Ret
Qty Requiring no Density:
675-030-25 Materials
1/2 10/01/201
% Pass
Static Mode
Roadway Gmb
Performed By (TIN):
Performed On:
Fine Graded
Water SSD
Water SSD
Water SSD
Water SSD
Core # 1
Core # 2
Core # 3
Core # 4
Core # 5
Avg Gmb
Enter 62
% Gmm
Performed By (TIN):
Performed On:
Agg Sp Grav (Gsb)
Gyrations @ Ndes
% Gmm @ Nint
% Gmm @ Ndes
% Air Voids @ Ndes
% VMA @ Ndes
% VFA @ Ndes
Dust / Asphalt
Gmb @ Ndes
Alternate Pay-Item:
Comments (Sublot 1):
CPF Summary
Update CPF
P -1/2
Comments (Sublot 2):
P -3/8
Comments (Sublot 3):
Comments (Sublot 4):
Erasures are not allowed. Mistakes shall have a single line through the original data with the correct entry written close to it. All
corrections shall be initialed and dated. Use updated forms when they become available.
The following instructions will guide you through the information necessary to upload a sample into LIMS. Only fill in the highlighted
cells with data. The white cells will be automatically calculated and/or populated from other locations.
For V samples, regardless of which sublot you are testing, enter the data in the first column of the worksheet.
For IV samples, enter the IV data and the IV check data in the first column of the worksheet. These samples will need to be
entered separately (new worksheets). If you want to compare the data you can load the samples into the worksheet and the IV
check sample will automatically populate in the second column.
1 Specification Year - Select the Specification in which your project is governed by. This sets the correct tolerances, master production
range, etc. within the worksheet. A FAILING sample can be seen when the sample result turns RED, see example below. Spec Year
July 2007 through July 2010 provides you to choose Option 1 or 2.
2 Mix Type - Select either SP (Superpave), OGFC (Open Graded Friction Course), ATPB 1/2" (Asphalt Treated Permable Base 1/2" if #57
stone is used) or ATPB 3/8" (Asphalt Treated Permable Base 3/8" if #67 stone is used). Based on your selection, appropriate tabs will
be populated at the bottom of the worksheet of the forms to be completed.
3 Project ID - Enter the Financial Project ID on which the sampled mix was placed. The Financial Project ID must be typed exactly as it
appears in LIMS (no dashes or spaces). i.e. 425-234-1-52-01 would be entered as 42523415201
4 Pay Item No. - When selected, the above menu will appear. Your Project ID will appear in top portions of the menu. Use the drop
down menu to select the proper pay item for your project. If you do not see your pay item or the list is blank, click the "Download Pay
Item List" button to initiate the download of the AsphaltPayItems.xls file again. Once you have selected the correct pay item number,
click Accept and you will exit the menu.
5 Material ID – Material ID is set to 123L.
6 Sample Level - Select one from the choices in the drop down box (Q. V, IV, PC). The PC level option is available. Ensure that your
sample numbering is correct in order to distinguish between them in LIMS.
7 Alternate Density - If a V-Sample Level is selected, this option will become available for selection.
8 Resolution Sample - Is this a Resolution sample? Select Yes or No from the drop down box.
9 Destination Lab ID - Each approved laboratory has a unique identification number. Your Lab ID can be verified by logging into LIMS
and navigating to the Single Routine Sample Login screen. Click on the Destination Lab ID drop-down list and verify your Lab ID is
present in the table. The Destination Lab ID should be the actual lab where the sample is tested with the exception of 123L Level V.
Check with the District Application Coordinator for the correct Lab ID for 123L Level V.
10 Plant No. - Identification number assigned to each approved asphalt plant producing asphalt for the Department. When you click on
this field the below menu will appear. You can type the plant number or use the drop down arrow to select the plant number.
11 Manufacturer or Producer - The manufacturer or producer name will automatically be populated after you enter the plant number.
12 Design Mix No. - Enter or select the mix design number. The mix design targets will populate in the worksheet once you click accept.
13a Mix Type - This information will automatically be populated based on the Mix Design number you select.
13b Traffic Level - This information will automatically be populated based on the Mix Design number you select.
14 Qty. Represented - Enter the number of tons represented by the sample.
15 Qty. Requiring no Density - Enter the amount of tons not tested for density.
16 Form Information - In the upper right corner of the Asphalt Plant Worksheet, there is a block that has the form information: Form
number and last date modified. This will tell you if you are using the most updated version of this form.
17 Help Menu - Under the form information, in the upper right corner of the worksheet, a HELP button is available. The following menu
will show. The user can access these written instructions through a hyperlink to the forms website or updates that have been made to
the form.
18a Configuration - Allows you to manage the TIN information. You will be able to enter, store, and delete information from this menu.
18b Sample Numbers - A menu will appear that will show you which sample numbers have been used for this project. This information is pulled
from the data stored in your database. This feature will help you number your samples in sequential order.
18c Comparison Reporting: This button allows you to pull in data for the IV Report or CPF reports. If you want to run the IV Report or CPF reports
but do not have all the data in your database, you can click this button to pull in the other data. You MUST run a Mix Summary Report prior to
clicking this button for the project. Once you have received the Mix Summary Report and have saved it on your computer, you can click the
Comparison Reporting button. You will then be directed to select the Mix Summary Report file. Once the file is selected you can choose which
sample you want the report to run. After selecting the sample, click show report. All sample level data will be pulled into the APW for your
review. You will only be able to view or PDF the report. You will not be able to save any of the data in your database.
19 Upload to LIMS - Select this button when the sample for one sublot is complete and ready for entry into LIMS. The following dialog
boxes will appear:
Email Address - Enter the Email Address of the person that will receive the confirmation email. The email will state whether the
sample was entered into LIMS with or without errors. The email will also provide a LIMS ID for each sample uploaded when no errors
UserID - Enter the User ID assigned by the Department for access into LIMS. This User ID must be valid and current in LIMS. A proper
User ID is seven characters in length, for example KNABCJD or RT123AP.
Generate File & Upload -Select the sample number you want to upload to LIMS. The Test Validation menu will appear. This menu
will show you which section(s) will be uploaded to LIMS and any errors that may exist. NOTE: If a section is highlighted in green, it
will be uploaded to LIMS. If a section is not highlighted, it will not be uploaded to LIMS. If a section is highlighted red, there is an
error that must be fixed before uploading to LIMS. You will have to close the Test Validation menu to correct the problem prior to
Example 1 - This example has all the necessary
and correct information to upload all the test for a
Q sample to LIMS. You can simply click upload
and the data will be sent to LIMS.
Below is a listing of what the error checker looks for prior to Upload.
1. The Financial Project ID must be entered without dashes and must match a valid Financial Project ID in LIMS.
2. When a Verification Sample level is selected, a quantity must be entered into the Quantity Represented field.
3. A LOT and sublot number must be entered in each designated field.
4. The Sample Level must match the last letter of the Sample Number. Refer to the Sample Number Table in #34.
It is mandatory that an active internet connection be established before clicking Upload. Many firewall programs can block FTP.
If you have questions or concerns, please check with your network administrator or computer specialist.
NOTE: Once the upload starts, do not click on the screen or click away from the screen. Doing so will stop the upload from
completing correctly.
20 Save Samples - When you click on the Save Samples button the below menu will appear. You can either click on the individual
samples to save or click on the Save ALL button to save your data. The sample buttons will turn green when they have successfully
been saved.
21 Load Samples/Header - In the below menu you will need to select your Project ID from the drop down box. This will populate
samples and you have the option to load all the data or just the heading of the worksheet. You will need to click on the sample(s) you
want loaded into the worksheet.
22 PDF - You can choose if you want to convert the Worksheet and Core Sheet to a PDF file or all active sheets to a PDF file.
23 Mix Summary Report - Enter the Project ID, Mix Design Number, and your e-mail address. The requested report will be e-mailed to
you. The first time you request a report, you will need to complete the New User Registration.
There will be a little delay between when you request your report and when you receive it, because the report server runs every 5
minutes. The report is generatored from data in LIMS and includes all raw data.
24 Clear - When you click on clear, the below menu will appear. You can either clear the data on the worksheet, leaving the header
information, clear all information from all worksheets, or clear all data from all worksheets and refresh list (download updated
project, pay item, plant, and mix design list).
25 Highlight Data Entry Cells - Select this box to highlight the cells that require data entry. Reselecting this option to remove the highlight from the cells.
Light Teal
26 LOT Number - Enter the LOT number the sample represents. Typing the LOT number into first column will automatically populate
the rest of the "LOT" cells.
27 Sublot Number - Enter a sublot number into each sublot cell (usually 1-4, unless there are PC samples which may be 5-8). Each sublot
cell must be filled in with an integer prior to uploading a sample.
28 Date Sampled - Date when sample was taken. Select date from Calendar. Select the 'Clear Date' button to remove the date from the
cell, or select 'Go to Today's Date' to select the current day's date.
29 Sampled By (TIN#) - Input the Technician Identification Number of the person who actually collected the sample.
30 Submitted By - Input the name of the person who is responsible for answering questions for this sample.
31 of - Input the name of the employer of who submitted the sample.
32 Phone - Input the phone number, including the area code, of the person who submitted the sample.
33 Intended use - Indicate if mix is for Base, Structure, Friction Course, etc.
34 Sample No. - Sample numbers cannot be duplicated when using the same Material Number on the same project. To prevent
duplication, number the samples sequentially, according to mix type and traffic level. Keep sample numbers sequential even when an
approved mix design or pay-item changes. Once a sample number is used for a Material Number on a project, do not reuse it. Use the
numbering sequence as follows:
** NOTE ** For paper lot samples, use the following sample number format:
35 Station From - Enter the station from which this report began, this information must be obtained from the roadway inspector each day.
Station To - Enter the station at which this report ended, this information must be obtained from the roadway inspector each day.
36 Lane - Choose the appropriate lane where the mix was placed. If mix was placed in more than one lane, input the lane where most of
the mix was placed and make a note in the comments section of the appropriate sublot what other lane(s) the mix was placed.
37 Load Number - Input the load number in which the sample was taken.
38 Random Ton Number - Input the random ton number that is produced by the Department.
39 Performed By - Record the Technician Identification Number (TIN) of the person who performs the testing.
40 Performed On - Record the date the sample was tested.
41 Basket wt., g (A) - Record the weight of the empty basket assembly.
42 Bgn. Basket + Sample wt., g (B) - Record the weight of the assembled basket and sample ready for testing.
43 End Basket + Sample wt., g (C) - Record the weight of the basket and sample after testing.
44 AC from Print Out, % (E) - Record the %AC directly from the printed ticket.
45 Wt. of Extracted Agg., g (G) - Record the weight of sample after it is removed from the basket.
46 Wt. of Washed Sample, g (H) - Record the weight of the dried sample after washing.
47 Wt Ret - Record the accumulative weight retained on each sieve (in grams).
48 Wt of Matl in Pan, g - Re-zero the scale and record the weight of the material retained in the pan
49 Flask No. - Record numerical designation of flask.
50 Weight of Flask and Sample - Record the weight of Flask + Sample (g)
51 Weight of Flask - Record the weight of the flask (g)
52 Weight of Flask + Water (D) - Record the weight of the flask + the weight of water (g). See FM1-T209 for calibration procedure.
53 Weight of Flask + Water + Sample (E) - Record the weight of the flask + weight of the water + weight of the sample (g).
54 Weight of Sample Surface Dry (B) - Record the Sample Saturated Surface Dry (SSD) weight (g).
NOTE: If the SSD weight is less than the Dry weight, the Dry weight will be used in the calculation and this cell will turn red.
55 Correction Factor - Enter the correction factor for this mix if there is one, otherwise leave blank - DO NOT enter zero as a value.
LAB G mb
56 Hgt. @ Nini - Record the heights (mm) from each specimen for N initial
57 Hgt. @ Ndes - Record the heights (mm) from each specimen for N design.
58 Dry Weight - Record the dry weight of the specimen.
59 Water Weight - Record the weight of the specimen under water.
60 SSD Weight - Record the Saturated Surface Dry (SSD) weight of the specimen. If the SSD weight is less than the Dry weight, the Dry
weight will be used in the calculation and this cell will turn red.
61 Static Mode Check Box - Check this box when static mode rolling is used.
62 Enter Station - Select button to enter core data. On the Core sheet you can enter all information needed for the Roadway Gmb
selection of the worksheet. (Sample Level Q and IV Only) See instructions below for core data upload.
63 Volumetric Data - List volumetric data in appropriate blanks for each sublot. Results from previous sublots should not be recorded
64 Alternate Pay-Item - If the Pay-Item for this sublot differs from the main Pay-Item for the LOT, indicate the Alternate Pay-Item here.
This Pay-Item will be used for the sample in LIMS. If left blank, the Pay-Item for the LOT will be used.
65 Comments - Any comments pertinent to the production of the asphalt mix which are not shown elsewhere on the worksheet. e.g.,
'LOT 6 closed due to mix design target change', 'baghouse caught fire', 'breakdown of waste tonnage', 'No density required on XX tons',
'other lanes where material was placed', etc.
66 Update CPF - When entering Q samples, if you click on the Update CPF button the worksheet will calculate the CPF based off of the
test results that were entered. This will give you an idea of what the CPF could be for the project.
Prior to entering your Core data you must load the sample in the Worksheet, then click on the Core Sheet tab to enter the Core data.
The information on the Core Sheet will populate on the Worksheet. Each LOT/Sublot Core data is uploaded individually to LIMS. You
need to have the LIMS ID number to upload the Core data.
1 Select TIN & Date: This button allows you to enter the "Performed by", "Performed on", and LIMS ID number. When you click "Update
Information" on this menu it will fill in the data on the Core Sheet, Worksheet, and the Upload Core menu.
2 The information in this range does not currently upload to LIMS.
3 Dry Wt: Record the dry weight of each Roadway Core.
4 Underwater Wt: Record the weight of each Roadway Core in water.
5 SSD Wt: Record the Saturated Surface Dry (SSD) weight of the specimen.
6 Upload Core: The below menu will appear when you click this button. If you do not have the "Performed By", "Performed On", or
"LIMS ID" entered, the Core Test Information menu will appear prior to this menu for you to enter the missing information. When all
information has been entered, click "Upload" and your data will be added to the LIMS ID number you entered. The Roadway Gmb data
will be added at the bottom of the test data.
Segregation Cores:
Here are instructions on how to enter segregation core density:
➢ Enter the sampler header information as usual. With the noted
exceptions below:
For Segregation Core samples, use sample numbers for the core
set, such as “SEG001” a Segregation core set 1. (Sample number
is limited to starting with “SEG” and having 6 characters).
➢ Enter the average Gmm by using the “Enter Average Gmm” button on
the worksheet next to the Roadway Gmb section.
Enter the core information on the “Core Sheet” as usual.
➢ Upload the sample through the “Upload to LIMS” button on the
Segregation core information will be entered under the Material ID
Spec Year Check:
In an effort to prevent samples with the wrong Spec Year from going into LIMS, we have
added some checks to the APW worksheet. The first check is on the “SP CPF” worksheet.
When you are ready to calculate the CPF and you click “Get QC Results” to load the QC data.
The Spec Year Check update will check to ensure that the VT spec year matches the spec year
from all of the QC samples in that LOT before it will populate the CPF worksheet.
VT spec year does not match all of the QC spec years
The worksheet will not load the data and you will get the following message:
The spec years must be corrected (QC or VT) before the worksheet will allow the user to
upload the VT sample with the CPF.
VT spec year matches all of the QC spec years
The QC data will be populated and a CPF will be calculated.
“Spec Year Validated” will appear on the “Worksheet” tab of the workbook next to the
comments box at the bottom of the sheet.
Validated Spec Year
Upload sample as usual.
No QC samples in LOT
If loading a VT Paper Lot sample or if the search cannot find the correct QC samples,
the user will see the following Upload Warning “Unable to verify spec year”.
The sample will still be allowed to upload but without validation of the VT Spec.
When the sample is saved the validation indicator will also be saved with the sample in
your database as “Spec Year Validated” or blank the spec year could not be verified.
If you load a sample in which the spec year has
already been validated, validation indicator (“Spec
Year Validated” or blank) will return and display as
shown above.
**NOTE** You will receive an e-mail from LIMS that will say "No placeholder found" in the error message (see example below). This is a
standard message that will come because data has been added to a record. If you receive this message, your Core data has been
successfully uploaded to LIMS. If you receive an error message that has a different message, your Core data was not uploaded.
Confirmation Email Error and Description/Solution Date
Sample login error: (EREFINTGRY) Field (Project Id)s Value Does not Exist…
The Financial Project ID or Pay Item Number was entered incorrectly or does not exist in LIMS.
Sample login error: Specification code not found…
The Material ID or Spec Authority or Spec Year was entered incorrectly or does not exist in LIMS.
Sample login error: (EREFINTGRY) Field (Lab Id)s Value Does not Exist…
The Destination LabID was entered incorrectly or does not exist in LIMS.
Sample login error: (EREFINTGRY) Field (Plant or Pit Number)s Value Does not Exist…
The Plant or Pit Number was entered incorrectly or does not exist in LIMS.
Verify the Plant Number is correct in LIMS and is a Departmentapproved asphalt plant/pit.
Sample login error: (EREFINTGRY) Field Design Mix Number)s Value Does not Exist…
The Mix Design Number is not in LIMS or not entered correctly. Verify number matche
Verify that the mix design is an approved department design and matches the entries in LIMS.
Sample login error: (UNOTQUAL) Sampler Not Qualified…
The Sampled By Number (TIN) is not in LIMS or was not entered correctly.
Verify that the TIN number has the correct number of digits and is followed by a "-000"
-000 at the end.
end i.e.
i e A12345678-000.
Verify the user is in LIMS and qualified for the testing being uploaded
Sample login error: User id not found…
The UserID is not in LIMS or was not entered correctly.
Verify that your UserID is valid by logging into LIMS manually. If you cannot log into LIMS, please contact your District for further assistanc
Test posting error on FM1-TXXXAPW for sample 050000xxxx: (EINVREAL) Invalid Field Value;
Invalid Real Number Specified… This will indicate a non-numeric value entered into a data cell. Verify that all data is entered correctly
NOTE: FM1-T209 the flask designations MUST be numeric. Convert your flask labels to a number and retry your upload
Fly UP