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Document 2840615
Sue Fawn Chung
Department of History
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
4505 S. Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-5020
FAX: 702: 895-1782
Home address:
1105 Vegas Valley Drive
Las Vegas, Nevada 89109-1536
702:895-3351 (o), 895-3349 (secretary)
E-mail: [email protected]
University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Ph.D. degree in History awarded 1975.
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Master's degree awarded June 1967.
University of California, Los Angeles, California 90095Bachelor's degree with highest honors awarded June
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Department of History with the Art Department (part-time): Assistant
Professor, 1975-1979;Associate Professor, 1979-2011; Professor, 2011-present. Assistant to Chair,
Asian Studies Committee, 1976-2005. Director of International Programs, January 1985-June 1987.
Chairperson, Department of History, 1994-1996, University of Nevada Study Abroad Program, Spring
2010 to the University of Shanghai, Yanchang campus;
Chairperson, Asian Studies, 2011-present..
University of California Berkeley, Department of History: Teaching Assistant, 1971-1973.
San Francisco State University, San Francisco, Department of History: Lecturer, 1971-1973.
Harvard University, Cambridge, Department of East Asian Languages: Teaching Fellow, 1967.
In Pursuit of Gold: Chinese American Miners and Merchants in the American West, Urbana, IL:
University of Illinois Press, 2011.
The Chinese in Nevada, Charleston, SC: Arcadia Press in their “Images of America”Series, 2011.
A Brief Overview of the Contributions of Chinese Americans in the Building of the United States,
a peer-reviewed e-book on nps.gov/history as of June 2012.
Chinese American Death Rituals: Respecting the Ancestors ed. Sue Fawn Chung and Priscilla Wegars,
including "Introduction" by Sue Fawn Chung and Priscilla Wegars (1-18), “Venerate These Bones:
Chinese American Burial Practices as Seen in Carlin, Nevada,” co-authored with Fred Frampton and
Terry Murphy (107-146), and “Respecting Ancestors in Hawai’i,” co-authored with Reiko Neizman (175194), Walnut Creek: AltaMira Press, 2005.
Reviews: Jeffrey L. Durbin, Review, CRM: The Journal of Heritage Stewardship 6:1 (Winter 2009), 7475; Chan Yuk Wah, Review, Journal of Chinese Overseas 3:2 (November 2007), 269-271; Jessica
Zimmer, “Chinese American Death Rituals,” Historical Archaeology 42:2 (2007), 167-168; Kelly J. Dixon,
“Chinese American Death Rituals,” Pacific Historical Review 76:2 (May 2007), 302-303, Andrea Louie,
“A Review of Chinese American Death Rituals,” Death Studies 30:10 (December 2006), 976-979; and
“Pioneering Chinese American Architects,” Preservation Magazine (2011),
“Bureau of Immigration,” and other pieces in Frobidden Citizens: Chinese Exclusion and the U.S.
Congress: A Legislative History, Alexandria, VA: Capitol Net, 2012, Chapter 9.17.
“The Zhigongtang in the United States, 1860-1949,” in Empire, Nation, and Beyond:
Chinese History in Late Imperial and Modern Times, ed. Wen-hsin Yeh and Joseph Eshrick,
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006), 231-249.
“Tracing the History of Chinese American Families,” Historical Methods 39:4 (2006), 191-195.
“The Chinese,” in The Peoples of Las Vegas: One City, Many Faces, ed.Thomas Wright and Jerry Simich,
(Reno: University of Nevada Press, 2005), 98-122.
“The Anti-Chinese Movement in Tonopah, Nevada,” in Chinese America: History and Perspectives 2003,
(January 2003), 35-45. (Included in a book publication by Greenwood Press in 2008)
“The Chinese and Green Gold: Lumbering in the Sierras,” Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest (2003),
31 page article online at www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/fsm9_026547.pdf. (Not
“The Zhigongtang and Chinese American Funerary Rituals,” in The Chinese in America: From Gold Mountain to
the New Millennium, ed. Susie Cassel, (Walnut Creek: Alta Mira Press, 2002), 217-238.
“Between Two Worlds: Ah Cum Kee (1876-1929) and Loy Lee Ford (1882-1921),” in Ordinary Women,
Extraordinary Lives: A History of Women in America, ed. Kriste Lindenmeyer, (Delaware: Scholarly
Resources, 2000), 179-195.
“Fighting for Their American Rights: A History of the Chinese American Citizens Alliance,” in Claiming America:
Constructing Chinese American Identities during the Exclusion Era, eds. K. Scott Wong and Sucheng
Chan, (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1998), 95-126.
"Their Changing World: Chinese Women of the Comstock," in Women on the Comstock: The Making of a
Mining Community, eds. Ronald James and C. Elizabeth Raymond, (Reno, NV: University of Nevada
Press, 1997), 203-228.
“Savouring History: The Story of Missy Wah and the Nevada Frontier,” in Nevada: Readings and Perspectives,
eds. Michael S. Green and Gary E. Elliott, (Reno: Nevada Historical Society, 1997), 252-256.
“Destination: Nevada, the Silver Mountain” in Origins and Destinations: 1992 Conference on Chinese
Americans, (Los Angeles, CA: Chinese Historical Society of Southern California and UCLA Asian
American Studies, 1994), 111-139.
“I’ve Been Workin’ on the Railroad” (on the Chinese and the Central Pacific Railroad), The World and I (August,
1991), 420-431.
"Gue Gim Wah: A Pioneering Chinese American Woman of Nevada," in History and Humanities, ed. Francis X.
Hartigan, (Reno, NV: University of Nevada Press, 1989), 45-79.
"The Chinese American Citizens Alliance: An Effort in Assimilation, 1895-1965," in Chinese America: History
and Perspectives 1988 ed. Chinese Historical Society of America, (San Francisco, CA: Chinese
Historical Society of America, 1988), 30-57. This article has been translated into Chinese and appeared
in a 1989 journal published by the Jinan University Overseas Chinese History Research Institute (Jinan
daxue huajiao yanjiu so).
"The Chinese Experience in Nevada: Success Despite Discrimination," Nevada Public Affairs Review No. 2
(1987), 43-51.
Co-editor with Elmer Rusco, Professor of Political Science, University of Nevada, Reno, a special issue on
"Ethnicity and Race in Nevada," Nevada Public Affairs Review No. 2 (1987).
"A Brief History of the Chinese in Nevada," in The Chinese American Experience ed. Ginny Lim, Him Mark Lai,
et al., (San Francisco, CA: The Chinese Historical Society of America and the Chinese Culture
Foundation of San Francisco, 1984), 188-194.
"The Much Maligned Empress Dowager Tz'u-hsi," Modern Asian Studies 13:2 (1979), 177-196.
"In the Autumn of Ch'ien Hsuan's Life: A Poet-Painter-Recluse of the Early Yuan Dynasty," Halcyon 1 (Spring
1979), 17-30.
"From Fu Manchu, Evil Genius, to James Lee Wong, Popular Hero: The Chinese in American Popular
Magazines, 1920-1940," Journal of Popular Culture 10:3 (Winter 1976), 534-547.
"The Image of the Empress Dowager Tz'u-hsi," in Reform in Nineteenth Century China eds. Paul Cohen and
John Schrecker, (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1976), 101-110.
Book and article manuscripts:
1) “Branching Out: The Chinese in the Woods in the West,” book manuscript almost completed.
2) “Chinese American Architects in the Modernist Movement in Los Angeles, California,” an
article completed in December 2011 for presentation as a conference paper in February 2012.
3) “The Chinese in Carson City, Nevada and the Bureau of Immigration (present Immigration and Naturalization
Service), 1890s to 1920” – an article.
4) “A History of the Chinese in Nevada” – book draft completed, revisions needed.
5) “The Special 1905 Chinese Census by the Bureau of Immigration” – article, draft completed but revisions
Essay in encyclopedia, “Asian American Religions: The Bok Kai Daoist Temple in Marysville, CA,” 2012.
Contributor, Martin Gold’s book, Forbidden Citizens, Alexandria, VA: Capitolnet, 2012.
Book manuscript reviewer for authors as requested.
Book manuscript reviewer for University of Nevada Press, 2011, Capitol Press, 2011, Rutgers University Press,
2001 & 2004, University of Illinois Press 1993-present, University of Washington Press, 1993,
HarperCollins, 1993- 1997, Macmillan Press, University of British Columbia Press, Rowman Littlefield
Press, Hong Kong University Press, and numerous others.
Review of textbooks on Modern China (2012), modern East Asia, on China, on Asia in general.
Review of articles for several academic journals, including Oregon Historical Society (2009), Nevada Historical
Society (2009, 2011), Journal of Ethnic History, Journal of Transnational American Studies, Journal of
Urban History (various years; latest in 2011), California History (2012, 2011),.and Journal of American
Studies (2012).
Abstractor for America: History and Life (online) of Chinese America and Journal of Asian American
Studies for ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, 1994-2009. Given 10-year award in 2004.
Board of Editors, Asian American History and Culture, M.E. Sharpe, 2010.
Endorsements of books, most recently Fleur Yano and Saralyn Daly, eds., Unbound Spirit: Letters of
Flora Belle Jan (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2009) and Barbara Butcher, Remembrance,
Emulation, Imagination: The Chinese and Chinese American Catholic Ancestor Memorial Service
(Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2009), and others.
Cited in Lisa See, Shanghai Girls (2009), Wendy Jorae, The Children of Chinatown: Growing Up (2009), and
Bonnie Tsui, American Chinatowns (2009) and others in the acknowledgements.
Review of Lisa Rose Mar, Brokering Belonging: Chinese in Canada’s Exclusion Era, 1885-1945,
Journal of American Ethnic History 33:2 (Winter 2013), forthcoming.
Review of Erika Lee and Judy Yung, Angel Island: Immigrant Gateway to America, California History 88:3
(2011), 70-71.
Review of Sheldon X. Zhang, Chinese Human Smuggling Organizations: Families, Social Networks, and
Cultural Imperatives, Journal of American Ethnic History 29:2 (Winter 2010), 120-121.
Review of Anchee Min, The Last Empress: A Novel, Education about Asia 14:2 (Spring 2009), 69.
Review of Judy Yung, ed., The Adventures of Eddie Fung: Chinatown Kid, Cowboy, Prisoner of War,
Western Historical Quarterly, 40:1 (Spring 2009), 98.
Review of Sucheng Chan and Madeline Hsu, eds., Chinese Americans and the Politics of Race and
Culture, Journal of American History, 95:4 (March 2009), 1191-1192.
Review of Robert Eric Barde’s Immigration at the Golden Gate, Estelle Lau, Paper Families and
Diana Ahmad, The Opium Debate and Chinese Exclusion Laws, California History 56:1 (2008), 69-71.
Entry on Cixi, Empress Dowager, for the Encyclopedia of Women in World History, Oxford University Press,
Review of Haiming Liu, The Transnational History of a Chinese Family, Journal of American History
93:1 (2006), 243-244.
Review of Gary Okihiro, The Columbia Guide to Asian American History, Pacific Historical Review 75:3 (August
2006), 541-542.
Review of Sucheng Chan, ed., Chinese American Transnationalism: The Flow of People, Resources, and Ideas
between China and America during the Exclusion Era, Journal of American Ethnic History 25:4
(Summer 2006), 206-208.
Review of Judy Wu, Doctor Mom Chung of the Fair-Haired Bastards, Western Historical Quarterly, (Summer
2006), 239-240.
Review of Linda Trinh Vo et al., Asian American Women, Pacific Historical Review, 74:4 (2005), 639-40.
Review of Anthony Lee, Picturing Chinatown: Art and Orientalism in San Francisco, Nevada
Historical Society Quarterly 45:2 (Summer 2002), 119-120.
Review of Peter H. Lindert, Shifting Ground: The Changing Agricultural Soils of China and Indonesia,
Agricultural History 75:4 (Fall 2001), 533-535.
Review of Yong Chen, Chinese San Francisco, 1850-1943, Western Historical Quarterly 32:2 (Summer 2001),
Review of Lynn Pan, ed., The Encyclopedia of the Chinese Overseas, Immigrants & Minorities 19:3 (Novemeber
2000), 104-105.
Review Essay, “Perilous Passage: Recent Legal and Illegal Chinese American Immigrants,” (Benson Tong’s
The Chinese Americans and Ko-lin Chin’s Smuggled Chinese: Clandestine Immigration to the United
States), Journal of American Ethnic History 20:l (Fall 2000), 82-84.
“Island Mountain or Gold Creek’s Chinatown, Elko County, Nevada” In-Situ: Newsletter of the Nevada
Archaeological Association (Winter 2000), 7-10. (refereed by archaeologists)
“Chinese American Citizens Alliance,” and “Organization of Chinese Americans,” in Civil Rights in the United
States, edited by Waldo E. Martin, et al., New York: Macmillan Press, 2000.
Review of Guang Tian, Chinese-Canadians, Canadian-Chinese: Coping and Adapting in North America, China
Information 14:1 (2000), 243-244.
Review of Judy Yung, Unbound Voices: A Documentary History of Chinese Women in San Francisco, California
History 79:3 (Fall 2000), 129.
And numerous other reviews prior to 2000.
Five entries for the Asian American Encyclopedia, edited by Franklin Ng, (Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, 1994).
Oregon State Parks. Report on and Translations for Kam Wah Chung and Company, John Day, OR,
National Park Service with David Louter, NPS Historian. Nomination for Kam Wah Chung for National Historic
Landmark, 2004. Awarded 2005.
National Trust for Historic Preservation. Nomination for Bok Kai Temple, Marysville, CA for National Historic
Landmark, 2003-4.
Consultant and Interviewee, “More Than a Face in the Crowd: Jane Chung, a Chinese Hollywood
Actress,” Samatha Chan, producer, New York University, to be completed May 2012.
Consultant, National Trust for Historic Preservation, “Preservation 101,” a future online course
Introducing the process of preservation.
Executive Producer, "Island Mountain Days: Discovering Nevada's Chinese Miners," an educational
film made by KLVX-Channel 10 PBS, aired July 21, 2004 in Las Vegas and nationally
beginning in 2005. This film was based upon my original research.
Consultant and Featured Interviewee, "Tireless and Unremitting: The Chinese and the Building of the
Railroads in Nevada," produced by Gwen Clancy for the Nevada Department of Cultural
Affairs, 2003. This film was based upon my original research.
Consultant and Interviewee, “Turning of the Year” – Chinese New Year’s, a film for the Clark County Parks and
Recreation, 2001-2002, aired locally March 2002; aired on PBS nationally 2002. Steve Patchin
Consultant and Interviewee, “American Experience: The Transcontinental Railroad,” for WGBH 2001, aired
beginning 2003 on PBS nationally.
Consultant and Interviewee, National Geographic “Mummy Road Show: Mummy in Vegas,” aired October, 2001
and thereafter nationally. Based upon original research later published in book listed above.
Consultant, Bill Moyer’s “On Becoming American,” 2001, for PBS nationally 2003. Available for classroom use
Consultant, “On Gold Mountain,” 2-hour PBS film series, in production.
Consultant, PBS KLVX-TV Channel 10 in Las Vegas, “Daughter of Taiwan,” 2000-2001, aired May
2001 and shown several years thereafter.
Consultant, BBC television production on “Overseas Chinese,” 1998-1999, aired internationally 1999.
“Asian Pacific Islander American Historic Preservation”
“The Chinese and Nevada Railroads” (3 parts)
Consultant, “Breaking Ground: Chinese American Architects in Los Angeles (1945-1980),” Chinese
American Museum, Los Angeles, CA, January-June 2012. Worked on the catalogue with
Steve Wong. Funded by Getty Foundation, Los Angeles, CA.
Consultant, “History of Nevada,” Nevada State Museum and Historical Society, Las Vegas, for
opening exhibition, 2011.
Consultant, “Railroads of Nevada,” Nevada State Railroad Museum, Carson City, 2011.
Consultant, “Power of Citizenship,” Chinese Historical Society of America Museum, San Francisco,
CA, changing gallery exhibit, July-December 2007. This exhibit will move to several locations
in the United States.
Consultant, Nevada State Railroad Museum, Carson City, NV, “Tireless and Unremitting: Chinese Railroad
Workers in Nevada," 2003-2006.
Consultant, Fourth Ward School, Virginia City, “Chinese on the Comstock,” 2005-2006.
Advisor, “The Good Earth,” Lied Discovery Children’s Museum, Las Vegas, training programs, 2001.
Advisor, “On Gold Mountain,” Autry Museum, Los Angeles, CA from July 2000 to January 2001,
then Smithsonian Museum, Washington, D.C., May-December 2001. This involved
contributing artifacts and photographs for the exhibit and working with the fund-raising
and future planning committees. I also did a training program for the docents at the Smithsonian and
other work for the exhibits.
Historical Curator, “Beyond Gum San: A History of the Chinese in Nevada,” exhibit at the Northeastern Nevada
Museum, Elko, NV from April 1999 through March 2000. This is a revised version of the original exhibit
with a more northeastern Nevada focus.
Consultant, Chinasaurus Exhibition, Chinatown Mall, Las Vegas, NV, 1997-1998. (I wrote most of the
descriptions for the exhibit based on Chinese and American research on dinosaurs.)
Historical Curator, "Beyond Gum San: A History of the Chinese in Nevada," exhibit at the Nevada State
Museum and Historical Society, Las Vegas, May 1996-May 1997. This was an expanded
and updated version of the earlier exhibit of the same name that opened at the Nevada State Museum,
Carson City, for two years that was featured in Sunset Magazine when it opened.
Historical Curator, “Beyond Gum San: A History of the Chinese in Nevada,” Nevada State Museum, Carson
City, 1993-1995. Funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, I worked with
Mary Rusco and others to put together this exhibition based upon my original research on the history of
the Chinese in Nevada.
Consultant, Camp Richardson, CA, 1996, "Chinese in Lumbering in the Tahoe Region." This exhibit was
sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service, Lake Tahoe Region.
Consultant, Evanston, WY's Joss House, 1996. Research and keynote speaker at dedication ceremony.
My participation has been acknowledged in a plaque at the joss house museum.
Smithsonian Traveling Exhibit on “Japanese American Women,” 1990s: with the financial assistance
of the Nevada Humanities Committee (part of a larger NEH award of which I was a major participant), I
created with the help of others, a “Japanese American Women of Nevada,” a local supplement for the
exhibit at UNLV’s Marjorie Barrick Museum and this supplement is still exhibited throughout the state,
often in public libraries. This project involved fund raising, an art contest for public school students, a
fashion show, teaching local residents how to do oral history, and other events to promote the exhibit.
The local Japanese American Citizens League provided refreshments and other support. A traveling
trunk for the Clark County Schools was created and housed at the State Museum and Historical Society,
Las Vegas for use by teachers in grades 4-12.
Catalogue author and organizer, “Chinese American Artists,” Marjorie Barrick Museum, catalogue funded by the
Nevada Humanities Committee, 1990s. A UNLV Art Department project.
Curator, “Some Leading Contemporary Masters and Their Influence: An Exhibition of Chinese Painting Held at
UNLV,” March 22-April 10, 1981. This was one of two exhibits I did for the UNLV Art Department as a
member of their faculty in my joint appointment with History and Art.
Stanford University Chinese Railroad Workers Planning Committee, Stanford, CA, September 2012.
Organization of Chinese Americans, “Tracing History Through Archaeology at Island Mountain,”
Las Vegas, NV, August 2012.
Asian Pacific Islander Americans Historic Preservation Forum, “Bok Kai Temple,” and “Preservation 101,” Los
Angeles, CA, June 2012.
Far West Popular Culture, “A Chinese American Architect and the Modernist Movement in Los Angeles,
California,” Las Vegas, NV, February 2012.
National Trust for Historic Preservation, Planning Committee and session participant, Nashville, TN, October
Association for Asian American Studies Annual Conference, “The Bureau of Immigration and the Special 1905
Chinese Census,” paper presentation, Honolulu, HI, April 2009.
Organization of American Historians, “Rural Chinese Mining Communities: History and Archaeology,” paper
presentation, New York, March 2008.
Chinese American Historical Society, “Island Mountain Days” and “History and Archaeology:
The Interaction of Two Disciplines;” chaired panel on Chinese American Religion,
San Francisco, CA, October 2005.
National Trust for Historic Preservation, “Sites Detective” and “Asian American Communities in Transition: The
Chinese American Experience,” Portland, OR, September 2005.
Western History Association Conference, "The Chinese of Las Vegas," Las Vegas, NV, October 2004.
Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, organizer for 2 sessions, chair of one,
Presenting at the other, "Digging Chinese American Sites: History and Archaeology,"
San Francisco, CA, May 2003.
Association for Asian American Studies Annual Conference, organizer and presenter, “Gold Creek’s Chinatown:
A Multi-ethnic Community in Transition,” Salt Lake City, UT, April 2002.
Boston University Conference on “Blacks and Asians: Encounters Through Time and Space,” co-authored
paper with Elmer Rusco on “Gaming Nevada Style, 1940s-1950s: Black and Chinese American
Interactions,” Boston, MA, March 2002.
Association for Asian American Studies Annual Conference, presenter, “Counting the Chinese: The Special
1905 Chinese Census,” Phoenix, AZ, May 2000.
West Coast Association for Asian Studies, organizer, chair, and presenter of panel on Chinese American mining
communities; my paper, “In Pursuit of Gold: The Chinese Miners in Island Mountain, Nevada,” Boise,
ID, September 1999.
Chinese American Studies Conference, organizer for three panels, discussant for one, presenter for another,
“Between Two Worlds: The Zhigongtang and Chinese American Funerary Rituals,” San Diego, CA, July
Far Western Popular Culture Conference, organizer, chair, presenter, “Venerate These Bones,” Las Vegas, NV,
February 1999.
Additional presentations prior to 1999.
Consultant, National Park Service, Diversity Workshop, San Francisco, CA, June 2012.
Consultant, Forest Service, Aurora, Nevada Chinatown Project, Summer 2011.
Planning Committee, Western Historical Association, Annual Conference, Oakland, CA, October 2011.
Speaker for two sessions, “Elko Trail Days,” sponsored by the Bureau of Land Management,
Elko, Nevada, May 2011.
Speaker, U.S.-China Friendship Association, Las Vegas branch, February 2011 on Shanghai’s
Consultant, World History Database, February 2011.
Speaker, KNPR radio station, on Chinese New Year’s, February 3, 2011 and January 2012 broadcasts.
Asian Pacific Islander-National Trust for Historic Preservation Conference, June 2010 and June 2012;
One of the co-founders of the organization; served on the Planning committee from 2007 to
present; one of two keynote speakers (with Mrs. Irene Inouye, wife of U.S. Senator Inouye) at
the opening of the conference in San Francisco; interviewed in various media formats about the
conference in 2010 now on youtube.
Selection Committee through the University of Southern California for 160 undergraduate and
graduate students to serve as American Ambassadors at the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai,
Member, Museum and History Board, State of Nevada, 2002- present (Governor’s appointment).
Harvard University Alumni Association of Nevada, Vice-President and member since 1975;
Duties include monthly meetings, special lecture planning, interviewing applicants for
admission twice a year, writing various reports, and attending annual college fairs.
Board of Advisors and Diversity Council, National Trust for Historic Preservation, 2000-2009:
Served on 2001 Honor Awards Committee; Angel Island, Bok Kai Temple and Locke, California
projects; drafting a Chinese American Heritage Tour program; wrote the National
Historic Landmarks nomination of Kam Wah Chung Company, John Day, OR (awarded 2006);
Toured Japan and China’s World Heritage Sites, 2006 and 2007. Contributor to regional newsletter,
served on fundraising committee, and other activities.
Founding Board Member and Co-founder, Preserve Nevada (a statewide preservation organization), 2001present. Preserve Nevada is chaired by former U.S. Senator Richard Bryan.
Las Vegas Preservation Roundtable, speaker, October 2008.
OASIS Conference, speaker, "Preserve Nevada" and "Rock Art," Carson City, NV, April 2005.
OASIS Conference, speaker, "The Importance of Place in Ethnic Heritage," Carson City, NV, March 2003.
Commentator for several Chinese film festivals, including “Noodles” for the Jewish Film Festival and “Still Life”
for CineVegas, 2009.
Chinese American Historical Society Museum National Exhibits Board, San Francisco, 1997-present.
Comstock Cemetery Foundation Board Member, 1997-present.
Comstock Archaeology Center Board Member, 1997-present.
Chair, Book Award in History Committee, Association for Asian American Studies, 2000.
Member of the American Historical Association, Association for Asian Studies, Organization of American
Historians, Immigration History Society (member, Nominations Committee, 1995-present, Banquet
Committee, 1997; Pozzetta Travel Prize Committee, 2002-2003), Society for Qing Studies, Phi Alpha
Theta, Association of Asian American Studies, Phi Kappa Phi, and several others.
President-elect, Phi Kappa Phi, 1995-1996; served as Vice-President, 1986-1988.
Member, National Endowment for the Humanities, Grant reviewer 1976-1990, Panel Reviewer in Washington,
DC, 1992, 1994, 1997.
National Park Service, Consultant for Asian American nominations to NHL Committee, 2008-current.
Nevada Humanities, Chautauqua programs within the state and nationally, 1998-current; trained others
in doing historical characters via film and in person when the program started.
Consultant, Locke Project, Sacramento Redevelopment Agency, 2004-2005.
Travel Award Committee, Immigration Historical Society, 2002-2003.
Chair, Book Award in History Committee, Association for Asian American Studies, 2000-2001.
Consultant, “The Red House: A Historical Property in Cambria,” for Greenspace, 2001.
Consultant, U.S. Forest Service “Passport in Time Archaeological Projects: on Island Mountain, Summers,
1999- 2001, on Spooner Summit, Summer 2002, and on Verdi, Summer 2003.
Speaker, various community organizations, such as Clark County Library, February 2008.
National Endowment for the Humanities, grant reviewer, 1975-2000. Panel Reviewer in Washington, DC, 1992,
1994, 1997 for final decisions to determine which grants would be awarded.
UNLV Study Tour Leader to China, Japan, Taiwan during the summers in 1980-1984; Represented Governor
Mike O'Callaghanin Taiwan, 1977, NTHP Study Tour Leader to Japan, 2006 and China, 2007.
Public History Search Committee, UNLV History Department, 2010-2011.
College of Liberal Arts, Community Service Award Committee, 2009-2012.
Nevada State Higher Education Diversity Roundtable, 2006-2008.
Asian Studies Committee, UNLV, 1975-2005; Chair, 2011-2012.
Advisor, UNLV Nevada Women’s Archives, 1994-present.
Board member, UNLV Oral History program, 1994-present.
Chinese Art Selection Committee, UNLV, 1980-1981 for paintings in Artemus Ham Hall.
Director of International Programs. 1985-1987.
Chair, History Department, 1994-1996 and member of College Executive Committee.
Various departmental (Personnel, Travel, Search, Curriculum, etc.) and college (Promotion and Tenure,
Scholarship, Curriculum, etc.) committees as chair and/or member.
Home Away From Home (assisted in the organization of this community volunteer program to
link students who have no place to go for the holidays with community members), 1997-1998.
University Forum: speaker several times in its early years to get program underway.
Advisor to several student organizations; award from GSA for service; three-day lecture program
with guest speakers from within and outside of the university on Asia and globalization;
CSUN award for best heritage month program in an academic year; and other recognition.
Ex-officio member, Department of Foreign Languages, Chinese language position, 2000-2001.
Various College Committees: Schiemedal Award Committee, 2009, Co-chair, College Mentoring Committee,
1998-1999 (initiating program), Financial Aids, 1976-1978 and 1992-1996, Curriculum (Chair), 19801981 and 1997-1999, Dean’s Search, 1994-1995, Workload, 1995-1996, Promotion and Tenure, 19761980, etc.
PEW Roundtable on Long Range Planning for the University, 1995-1996.
Co-Chair, University Task Force Committee on Teaching, 1995-1996.
Member, Committee on NSEP Fellowships, 1994-1997.
Member, Women's Committee, University of Nevada, Reno, 1989-1992.
Faculty Advisor, Graduate Student Association, 1985-1986. Presented with an award for service.
Member, University Behavioral Human Subjects Committee, 1985-1987.
Member, Graduate Faculty, Graduate College, 1975-present.
Others activities.
“Chinese Lumbermen in Spooner Summit,” pamphlet, U.S. Forest Service, Humboldt-Toiyabe Division,
published in June 2002; also appears in In-Situ (Newsletter of the Nevada Archaeological Association)
(Fall 2002) and Gum Saan Journal (publication of the Chinese Historical Society of Southern California)
(2003). Also distributed by the Forest Service as a pamphlet.
Script, “Living in Island Mountain: Chinese Miners and Merchants, Elko County, Nevada,” 2000, under
production through the U.S. Forest Service, Humboldt-Toiyabe Division and PBS - KLVX Channel 10,
Las Vegas. Anticipated date of completion: Summer 2003.
“Island Mountain’s Chinatown,” pamphlet, U.S. Forest Service, Humboldt-Toiyabe Division,
published in 2001.
“Chinese in Island Mountain,” In-Situ (Newletter of the Nevada Archaeological Association) (Winter 2000).
“A Zhigongtang Altar: From Tuscarora to Las Vegas,” Asian American Culture Collection Newsletter (University
of Idaho, Moscow), Spring, 1998.
Yinshan: A History of the Chinese in Nevada, a 30-minute film produced by Reno’s PBS Channel 5 as part of
the “Nevada Experience” series, 1994/95. Available in libraries in the state.
Co-edited with Bill Leaf, The Asian American Experience, a catalog of eight Asian American artists, Las Vegas:
University of Nevada, 1994.
“Mrs. Loy Ford of Tonopah,” for the Nevada Humanities Committee Chautauqua Newspaper, Summer-Fall,
"Savoring History: The Story of Missy Wah and the Nevada Frontier," Inside/Out (Las Vegas: University of
Nevada, Las Vegas), November/December 1989, pp. 3, 11.
Contributor to Winning at the Table (a cookbook) by the Las Vegas Junior League, 1985, and Meadows School
International Cookbook, 1995.
Various news and feature articles for San Francisco and Vancouver Chinatown newspapers prior to 1980.
Article on the experiences of a Dutch-American portrait painter Hubert Vos, who was in China at the turn of the
twentieth century, for a catalog of his works (traveling art exhibition), late 1970s.
Article on Chinese ceramics for the newsletter of the Folk Art and Craft Museum of Los Angeles, February 1978.
Asian Pacific Island American Historic Preservation Forums: one held in June 2010, second one in
June 2012. On the planning committee for the organization since 2007.
Sites tour of northern Nevada’s Chinese sites for the Wing Luke Museum, Seattle, Washington, Chinese
American Heritage Tour (50 people) in July, 2010.
Working on film proposal on Riverside’s Chinatown, California Humanities Council, 2011.
Planning speaker programs for an Asian American Pacific Islander Museum in Honolulu and
UNLV Diversity program, 2009.
Arranged Bonnie Tsui’s lecture for Diversity at UNLV, October 17, 2009.
National Trust for Historic Preservation fund raising campaign, 2008-2009; as a part of their
Diversity in Education program, urged the creation of Legos with a historic preservation theme, such as
the “Architectural” Legos Farnsworth and Falling Waters, appearing in 2011, in 2001.
Heinz Award Nominating Committee, 2007-present.
Speaker, Southern Utah College, Cedar City, UT, October 2004.
Speaker, Great Basin College, Elko, NV, September 2004.
Speaker, Nevada State Railroad Museum, Carson City, NV, January 2003.
Speaker, Pahrump Arts Festival, Pahrump, NV, September 2002.
Speaker, Great Basin College, Elko, NV, September 2001.
Mistress of Ceremonies and Keynote Speaker, Bok Kai Temple, Marysville, CA, June 25, 2001.
Lecturer, CCSD Workshop for Teachers Going to China, Las Vegas, NV, June, 2001.
Speaker, Bartley Ranch, Washoe County Parks and Recreation, Reno, NV, January 29, 2001.
Workshop Leader, “Asian Students Association Youth Conference,” at UNLV, for high school students,
November 18, 2000; volunteer and advisor, November 3, 2001; planning meetings for 2003 in 2002.
Speaker, “The Dynamics of Globalization in Asia,” a conference at UNLV organized by my students, November
15, 2000.
Speaker at Sage Ridge School (Reno), October 2000; Reno Historic Preservation Association, April 2000; UNR
Alumni Association, Fallon, March 2000; and other local organizations.
Consultant, Organization of Chinese Americans (Washington, D.C.), 1998.
Speaker, “Asians in Las Vegas,” Leadership Las Vegas Program, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1998, 1999..
West Sahara Library, “A More Perfect Union,” speaker, March, 1998. I helped to write the initial grant to bring
this Smithsonian Traveling Exhibit to the Library.
Clark County School District, member of their Multicultural Education Committee and Pacific Asian Council on
Education (PACE), 1993-1999. In addition to planning programs for teachers in the area of greater
understanding of Asian Pacific cultures, I have advised and help put together "suitcases" of information
and artifacts relating to Japanese Americans (2 trunks divided by grade levels) and Chinese Americans
(2 trunks divided by grade levels). I also lecture at the annual PACE conference so that the participants
can earn PDE credits.
Clark County Commission, appointed member of the Commission on Asian Americans, 1995-1998.
Cultural Director, "Old China Hands Reunion," September 1996 in Las Vegas, NV. Among my activities was the
collection of oral histories (approximately 90 collected) of "Old China Hands." The tapes are part of an
OCH collection at California State University, Northridge.
Oral History Project, advisor and member of team of interviewers," Japanese American Women," partially
funded by grants from the Nevada Humanities Committee and the Japanese American
Citizens League of Las Vegas, 1993-1995.
Kanejo Program, Japanese American Citizens League of Las Vegas, February 1994 (fund-raiser for "Strength
and Diversity" exhibit).
Humanities Advisor, Lied Discovery Children’s Museum, 1990-1995.
Co-founder, U.S.-China Friendship Association, Las Vegas Branch, 1976. (Organization still active)
Other community lectures and presentations.
Schmeidel Award for Outstanding Community Service, UNLV, Spring 2008.
Grants from the National Park Service (2008-2009) for an online study of Chinese American Contributions,
National Forest Service (1999-2005) for consulting work on Chinese American sites, Nevada Applied
Research Grant (2001) for a study of Island Mountain, Nevada, National Endowment for the Humanites
through Nevada Humanities (1990s) for an exhibit on the Chinese in Nevada and a traveling exhibit on
Asian Americans in Nevada, and from the Smithsonian through Nevada Humanities for a supplementary
exhibit on Japanese American women in Nevada. Several other smaller grants also have been
awarded for various projects.
Teaching and Learning Center Fellow, 2007 (first year established) for courses taken at TLC.
Award for ten years of service to ABC-Clio (online bibliography, America: History and Life),
Lions' Club Outstanding Educator Award, March 2005.
Asian Chamber of Commerce of Las Vegas, Outstanding Educator Award, February 2005.
Featured in “Wall of Women: Important Nevada Women Shaping Las Vegas,” touring exhibit,
Sabbatical Leaves: 2003-2004, 1986-1987.
Featured in Nevada Women, 2003, and other publications.
American Association for Affirmative Action, Award for Community Service, 2001.
Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce Community Achievement Award for Excellence in Education, 1999.
Distinguished Southern Nevada Women, 1999, 2001, 2002.
Distinguished Asian American in Southern Nevada, Asian Reader, January 1999.
Rita Abbey Teacher of the Year Award, UNLV College of Liberal Arts, 1998.
Outstanding Nevadan Award, Nevada Humanities Committee, October 1996.
Named in various Who’s Who publication, including Marquis Who’s Who, Cambridge Who’s Who,
and Asian Americans Who’s Who, dates vary.
American Council of Learned Society Fellowship, ca. 1977.
Past or current member of the American Historical Association, Association for Asian Studies, Organization of
American Historians, Immigration History Society (member, Nominations Committee; Banquet Committee, 1997,
Travel Award Committee, 2002-2003), Western History Association, Society for Qing Studies, Phi Alpha Theta,
Association of Asian American Studies, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Alpha Theta (History Honorary since 1965), National
Trust for Historic Preservation (2000-2010), Preserve Nevada (2001-2010), and several others.
President-elect, Phi Kappa Phi, 1995-1996; served as Vice-President, 1986-1988.
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