
Campeggiani CV April 2016

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Campeggiani CV April 2016
DR. PIA CAMPEGGIANI Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione
Università di Bologna
Via Zamboni 38
40126 - Bologna
Italia ph. +39 333 29 95 471 e-mail: [email protected] CURRENT POSITIONS:
− Research Fellow in Moral Philosophy
− Tutor in Moral Philosophy, Dept. of Philosophy and Communication Sciences, University of Bologna
− Adjunct Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Bologna (Italy).
Philosophy of emotions; ancient emotions; Plato and Aristotle's ethics and aesthetics.
Moral philosophy; ancient Greek ethics; ancient Greek literature; gender history; sex and gender in
ancient Greece.
− 1/2010- 2/2013: Ph.D. in Philosophy of law, University of Pisa, Italy.
− 10/2008 – 6/2010: Master in Civic Education, organized by ETHICA (Asti, Italy) and the James
Madison Program (Princeton University).
− 9/2006 – 11/2008: M.A. summa cum laude in Philosophical Sciences, University of Bologna,
− 9/2003 – 11/2006: B.A. summa cum laude in Philosophy, University of Bologna, Italy.
− 07/2003: Diploma di maturità classica (100/100 with honours), Liceo Ginnasio Vincenzo Monti,
Cesena, Italy.
1 Pia Campeggiani
− March 2016 – February 2017: Research Fellow in Moral Philosophy, Department of Philosophy and
Communication Sciences, University of Bologna.
− October 2015-March 2016: Tutor in Moral Philosophy, Department of Philosophy and
Communication Sciences, University of Bologna.
− January-December 2015: Research Fellow in Moral Philosophy, Department of Philosophy and
Communication Sciences, University of Bologna.
− January-June 2015: Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies in the Humanities,
University of Edinburgh (UK). Supervisor: Prof. Douglas L. Cairns.
− academic year 2014/2015: Adjunct Professor of Moral Philosophy, School of Arts, Humanities and
Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna.
− academic year 2013/2014: Adjunct Professor of Philosophical Anthropology, School of Arts,
Humanities and Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna.
− academic year 2013/2014: Tutor for the M.A. in Philosophical Sciences, University of Bologna (in
charge of the coordination of academic courses).
− 20 January – 20 May 2014: Research Fellow, Department of Philosophy and Communication
Sciences, University of Bologna, under the project “Moral reflections on the mind/body problem.
Historical problems and theoretical perspectives”, funded project (PRIN); research theme: Ancient
Greek Melancholia: a Moral Illness.
− since October 2010: Cultrice della materia (teaching assistant and exam committee member) in
“Moral philosophy” at Department of Philosophy and Communication Sciences, University of
April-June 2016:
Visiting scholar at the School of History, Classics and
Archaeology of the University of Edinburgh (UK).
23 Sept.- 6 Oct. 2013:
Visiting scholar at the University Institute for Gender Studies,
València, Spain (Institut Universitari d'Estudis de la Dona,
Universitat de València). April, November-December 2012:
Visiting Ph.D student at the Department of Law, Ethics and
Politics, University of València, Spain (Universitat de València,
Departament de Filosofia del Dret, Moral i Politica). 2 Pia Campeggiani
Italian, native speaker; English, fluent (Cambridge Proficiency Examination passed in June 2002, grade B);
Spanish, fluent; French, elementary (passive knowledge); German, elementary (passive knowledge).
Greek and Latin, excellent reading knowledge.
Le ragioni dell’ira. Potere e riconoscimento nell’antica Grecia, Carocci, Roma 2013; preface by
Umberto Curi. [The Reasons of Anger: Power and Recognition in Ancient Greece].
Reviewed in:
o P. Marrone, «Filosofia Politica» 2/2014;
o A. Fermani, «FilosoficaMente» (http://www.unimc.it/filosoficamente/libri-approfondimenti/piacampeggiani-le-ragioni-dellira);
o E. Irrera, «Il Pensiero Politico» 2/2014.
Articles and contributions to edited volumes (* indicates peer-reviewed journal/volume):
* “Le parole sono importanti: elocuzione tra diritto e morale nell’Atene classica”, «Paradigmi», Anno
XXXIII, Gennaio-Aprile 2016, pp. 39-50 [Words matter: elocution between legal and moral rules in
classical Athens].
* “Landscapes of meaning: the significance of myth in ancient Greece”, in O.M. Donato (ed.), En
torno a Platón, Universidad Libre, Bogotá 2015, pp. 107-122.
* “Iguales en las necesidades: intuiciones aristotélicas sobre el sentimiento de indignación”, in «Ágora.
Papeles de filosofía»), vol. 33, n. 2 (2014), pp. 185-197 [Equals in needs: Aristotelian intuitions on feeling
3 Pia Campeggiani
“Alter-azioni: il rovesciamento degli stereotipi di genere nel mito di Procne e Filomela”, in P.Vincieri
(ed.), Sull'identità personale, d.u.press, Bologna 2013, pp. 19-32. [Alter-a(c)tions: the reversal of gender
stereotypes in the myth of Procne and Philomela].
* “La correlación originaria y el reconocimiento como asignación de valor: una concepción del
derecho como potencia social”, in «Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía del Derecho», 27 (2013), ISSN:
1138-9877, pp. 69-80; http://ojs.uv.es/index.php/CEFD/article/view/2276; [Recognition as
assignment of value: for a conception of law as social power].
* “Prepotencia y abuso en el derecho ático: a propósito del concepto de hybris”, in «Habis. Filología
clásica, Historia Antigua, Arqueología clásica», 43 (2012), pp. 27-46; [Arrogance and abuse in Attic law:
notes on the concept of hybris].
“Morale a sesso unico: le radici greche della discriminazione sessuale”, in P. Vincieri (ed.), Il
fondamento della morale, d.u.press, Bologna, 2012, pp. 11-22. [One-sex morals: on the Greek roots of sex
“Politica e corruzione. Considerazioni su pleonexia e legge sovrana tra Solone e Aristotele”, in P.
Vincieri (ed.), Corruzione, decadenza, declino, d.u.press, Bologna, 2011, pp. 33-60. [Politics and
corruption: on pleonexia and sovereign law from Solon to Aristotle].
“Al di fuori della cittadinanza: comunità e logiche di esclusione”, in I. Belloni - R. Forlenza (eds.),
Questioni civiche. Forme, simboli e confini della cittadinanza, Diabasis, Reggio Emilia, 2010, pp. 52-64.
[Outside citizeship: community and the logic of exclusion].
* “La nozione di epieíkeia in Aristotele: il giudice e la norma”, in «Il Pensiero Politico», Anno XLII, n.
3 (2009), pp. 291-312; [The aristotelic notion of epieikeia: judgment and responsibility].
Works in progress:
“Living other lives: mimetic imagination and ethical responses in Plato’s Republic” (in preparation
for submission).
“Emotions”, Oxford Bibliographies in Classics (with David Konstan).
o “Other Selves in Fiction: Aristotelian philia, sympathy and narrative” (in preparation for submission).
4 Pia Campeggiani
Book reviews and other contributions (selection)
− Discussant at Umberto Curi's lectio magistralis “Bandire il sogno senza tradirlo. Protocolli onirici da
Benjamin a Fellini”, Forum “L'Occidente nel labirinto”, at Biblioteca comunale A. Saffi, Forlì (22
November 2013); http://www.aclivalli.it/2013/11/22/bandire-il-sogno-senza-tradirlo/
Conference talk on Throne of blood by Akira Kurosawa (Japan, 1957), Forum “L'Occidente nel
labirinto”, at Cinema Saffi d'Essai, Forlì (11 November 2013); http://www.aclivalli.it/2013/11/11/iltrono-di-sangue/
The tragic conscience of mortal souls, in «JGCinema – Cinema and globalization», May 2011
U. Curi, Meglio non esser nati. La condizione umana da Eschilo a Nietzsche, Torino, Bollati
Boringhieri, 2008; in «Il Pensiero Politico», Anno XLI, n. 1, 2008 (book review).
Burkhard Reis (ed.) The Virtuous Life in Greek Ethics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006;
in «Il Pensiero Politico», Anno XL, n. 1, 2007 (book review).
Translations and conference interpretation
− Chair and interpreter (English ↔ Italian): Jerome S. Bruner (New York University), Lectio
Magistralis on Law, literature and life, University of Pisa, 6 July 2011.
− C.A. MacKinnon, Le donne sono umane?, a cura di A. Besussi e A. Facchi, Laterza, 2012, capp.
2,3,4,5,6 (from English to Italian); original edition: C.A. MacKinnon, Feminism Unmodified.
Discourses on Life and Law, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA 1987.
Marco Polo bursary awarded by the University of Bologna. Validity: April-June
Research fellowship awarded by the University of Bologna. Validity: March 2016February 2017.
2015 Postdoctoral bursary awarded by IASH, Edinburgh University. Validity: JanuaryJune 2015.
Research fellowship awarded by the University of Bologna. Validity: JanuaryDecember 2015.
Research fellowship awarded under the PRIN research project: La riflessione morale
di fronte al mind/body problem. Problemi storici e prospettive teoriche (project
manager: prof. Paolo Vincieri), Università di Bologna. Validity: January-April 2014.
Visiting fellowship awarded by the University of Valencia, convocatòria d'ajudes
per a la mobilitat per conveni marc entre la Universitat de València i altres
institucions d'educació superior estrangeres per l'any 2013.
5 Pia Campeggiani
Three-month PhD study-abroad scholarship funded by the University of Pisa
(destination: Universitat de Valencia, Spain).
Ph.D grant (University of Pisa)
Winner of Ph.D grant (University of Bologna)
As an Adjunct Professor at the School of Arts, Humanities and Cultural Heritage, University of
As a Tutor in Moral Philosophy, Dept. of Philosophy and Communication Sciences, University of
2014/2015: Moral Philosophy (BA) [students’ evaluation available upon request].
2013/2014: Philosophical Anthropology (BA) [students’ evaluation available upon request].
2015/2016: Moral Philosophy (BA), 22 hrs.
2015/2016: Tutorial ‘Writing Philosophy Essays’ (MA), 20 hrs.
Undergraduate seminar: Emotional recognition: on aidōs and orgē in ancient Greece (in Italian;
Fall 2015; University of Pisa, Italy).
Undergraduate seminar: The rights of who is different: a critique of domination from the
perspective of animalism (in Italian; Spring 2013; University of Bologna, Italy).
Undergraduate seminar: Without hope: the Greek conception of history, historiographic
models and time theories (in Italian; Spring 2012; University of Bologna, Italy).
Undergraduate seminar: Myth, logic and reason: the ancient Greeks and their interpreters
(in Italian; Fall 2011; University of Bologna, Italy).
Undergraduate seminar: Philosophers and the polis: the virtue of justice in Plato and
Aristotle (in Italian; Fall 2011; University of Pisa, Italy).
Undergraduate seminar: Passions, reasons. Mimesis and moral education in Plato and
Aristotle (in Italian; Spring 2011; University of Bologna, Italy).
Undergraduate seminar: Women’s rights and minority rights (in Italian; Spring 2010;
University of Bologna, Italy).
Undergraduate seminar: Criminal responsibility and moral responsibility from Homer to
Aristotle (in Italian; Fall 2009; University of Bologna, Italy).
Graduate seminar: On gender stereotypes in Tereus' myth (in Italian; Spring 2013,
University of Bologna, Italy).
Graduate seminar: Rage as a moral argument in ancient Greece (in Italian; Spring 2011,
University of Bologna, Italy).
Graduate seminar: Corruption as inequality in Aristotle’s political philosophy (in Italian;
Spring 2010, University of Bologna, Italy).
6 Pia Campeggiani
Images of the self in Aristotle’s philosophy: philia, sympatheia and homonoia (with M.L. Bartels
and E. Irrera); Classical Association Annual Conference, Edinburgh, 7 April 2016 (selected).
Mimetic emotions in Plato’s Republic (in Italian), Giornata di Studi su Intuzione ed Emotività,
Scuola di Dottorato in Filosofia delle Università di Pisa e Firenze, Università di Pisa, 19 gennaio
2016 (invited).
Under the rim of Pandora’s jar: unattainable hope as an interpretive key to the ancient Greek
conception of history (in English), conference talk, AMPAL conference, Edinburgh University,
17 June 2015 (selected).
Living other lives: mimetic imagination and ethical responses in Plato’s Republic (in English),
IASH Fellows’ work-in-progress seminar, Edinburgh University, 6 May 2015.
Plato’s twofold attitude towards poetic mimesis (in Italian), conference talk, «Sapienza e saggezza.
Giornata di studi in onore di Paolo Vincieri», Accademia delle Scienze, University of Bologna, 6
March 2015 (invited).
− «Ces ordes pierres broçonneuses et noires»: the burden of dualism in Christine de Pizan (in
Italian), conference talk, «Dualismi. Diritti e conflitti in una prospettiva di genere», University of
Bologna, 5 December 2014 (invited).
− The ancient Greek roots of the idea of self-respect: notes on its relation to equality and justice (in
English), conference talk, «Dignity, Respect, and Self-respect. Ancient, Modern, and
Contemporary Perspectives», University of Bologna, 26 May 2014 (selected).
− The warp and the woof: textile production, politics and sexism in classical Athens (in Italian),
conference talk, I Mercoledì filosofici del Maino, University of Pavia, 20 November 2013
(invited talk).
− The usage of woman image in advertising: its legal regulation (in Spanish), conference talk,
Department of Public Law and Administration, University of València, 2 October 2013 (invited
− To say: to do. Patterns of gender discrimination (in Spanish), conference talk, University Institute
for Gender Studies, València, Spain, 1 October 2013 (invited talk).
− Sexist advertising: legal regulation in Spain and in Italy, (in Spanish), conference talk, University
Institute for Gender Studies, València, Spain, 30 September 2013 (invited talk).
− Rights, multiculturalism and civil society between the West and the East: a gendered perspective
(in Italian), University of Genova, Italy, 22 May 2012 (invited talk).
− Equals in needs: Aristotelian intuitions about indignation (in Spanish), XVII Jornadas de
Filosofía: Pensar la Indignación, Universidad Pontificia Comillas Madrid, Spain, 17-19 May
2012 (selected).
− Multiculturalism and gender issues: towards unlimited citizenship (in Spanish), University of
València, Spain, 13 April 2011 (invited talk).
7 Pia Campeggiani
Politics and corruption. Pleonexia, inequality, injustice between Solon and Aristotle (in English),
8th Pavia Graduate Conference, Pavia, Italy, 16-17 September 2010 (selected).
Editorial positions:
Reviewer and Member of the editorial board of the journal «Odradek. Studies in Philosophy of
Literature, Aesthetics and New Media Theories».
Participation in scientific/advisory committees:
Zetesis – Research group, University of Pisa (Italy).
Academic memberships:
SIFM – Società Italiana di Filosofia Morale (Italy).
Conferences and seminars organised:
International workshop organization: «Dualismi. Diritti e conflitti in una prospettiva di genere», 5 and
10 December 2014 (University of Bologna).
Coordinator and member of the scientific committee of the Film Festival “Fear and Desire: geometria
delle passioni in sei film d'autore”, under the patronage of the Dipartimento di Filosofia e
Comunicazione, University of Bologna (Biblioteca comunale A. Saffi, Forlì; March 2014).
International congress organization: «Machiavelli Cinquecento. Mezzo millennio del Principe», 15-17
ottobre 2013; (Dept. of Philosophy, University of Bologna, Dept. of Classics, University of Bologna,
Dept. of History and Civilizations, University of Bologna, Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa, Istituto
Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento, Florence).
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