
Ad Altare Dei Board of Review Guide

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Ad Altare Dei Board of Review Guide
Ad Altare Dei Board of Review Guide
The members of the board of review should keep in mind that the review is not a reexamination and does not require the Scout to show his knowledge in which he has been
previously examined. The main purpose of the review is to make sure that the requirements
have been met and are up to standard. The review should be a friendly “talking it over”
between a Scout and some individuals who are interested in his future. It should be
enjoyable for the Scout as well as for the reviewers. The nervous Scout should be put at
ease; the tongue-tied encouraged to talk. The review should strsngthen his confidence in
his maturity and faith growth.
Perhaps the most important part is the determiniations of the Scout’s attitude toward the
1) Does he have a better understanding of his Christian commitment?
2) Has he learned to understand, support, and apply Christian principles to the problems
of our day?
3) Has he thought about his vocation in life: a vocation to the priesthood, religious life,
marriage or single life?
4) How has his relationship with his Church grown?
5) How has his relationship with Christ grown?
6) How has his prayer life grown?
7) What is his attitude toward Scouting and the ideals of the program?
8) How does his relationship between Scouting and the Church compare?
9) As a result of the program, has the Scout grown in his understanding and lviing out of his
faith? (faith growth)
If the review has been satisfactory, the Scout is told so. If not, he is informed why/ He is
then asked to prepare himself better in the area in which he is weak and to come back
again when he feels that he is better prepared. Do not forget that a poorly prepared
Scout is a result of the efforts of the Scout as well as his counselor and those who
worked with him in the program.
As soon as the review is over, the Scout take his signed application form from the AAD
manual and turned in.
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