
KA2 “ROSE” Robotics Opportunities (to foster) STEM Education

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KA2 “ROSE” Robotics Opportunities (to foster) STEM Education
Grosseto, 10-12-2015
Robotics Opportunities (to foster) STEM Education
Stefano Gestri
DS Liceo Scientifco “N. Copernico” - Prato
Le caratteristiche
Programme: Erasmus+
Call: Strategic Partnerships
Eligibility period: September 1, 2014 - August 31, 2017
Grant agreement issued by the Erasmus+ Agency: end of February
Involved countries: Austria, Estonia, Italy, Portugal, Turkey
Type of partners:
– Higher Education Institution
– Primary and Secondary Schools
– Non Profit Organizations
– Government Education Agencies
ROSE Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-IT02-KA200-003660 http://www.roseproject.eu
La struttura del consorzio
•In Italy, Estonia, Turkey:
– One Higher Education Institution (HEI) in each country active in Robotics
Education and Research
– Some schools nearby the HEI:
• Some schools already active somehow in Robotics
• Some “absolute beginner” schools
•In Austria and Portugal:
– Higher Education Institutions with strong background in Robotics for
Education and Education for Robotics
•Personnel involved:
– roboticists and researchers from other fields of STEM are involved in the
ROSE Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-IT02-KA200-003660 http://www.roseproject.eu
I partners
•Università degli studi di Firenze, Florence, Italy
•Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
•Technische Universitaet Graz, Graz, Austria
•Istituto Comprensivo "Don Lorenzo Milani“, Prato, Italy
•IIS "Ferraris - Brunelleschi“, Empoli, Italy
•Liceo Scientifico Statale "Niccolò Copernico", Prato, Italy
•Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico Statale "Silvano Fedi - Enrico Fermi", Pistoia, Italy
•Tartu Kivilinna Gümnaasium, Tartu, Estonia
•NPO Robootika, Tartu, Estonia
•Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Toscana, Florence, Italy
•Ankara Ozel Tevfik Fikret Anadolu Lisesi, Ankara, Turkey
•Tartu Ulikool, Tartu, Estonia
•Instituto Politecnico do Porto, Porto, Portugal
ROSE Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-IT02-KA200-003660 http://www.roseproject.eu
Le finalità e gli obiettivi
Main goals of ROSE
•To enhance the attractiveness of STEM disciplines, in particular among female pupils
•To promote a balanced representation of the society among students choosing a
technology/science-oriented HE
•In the long term: to ensure the labour market with a more adequate number of
scientists, engineers and technologists, in particular female ones
Most relevant priorities of ROSE
•Developing partnerships between education and employment
•Promoting the take-up of practical entrepreneurial experiences in education,
training and youth work
Most relevant topics
•Gender equality/equal opportunities
•Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills
•Labour market issues incl. career guidance/youth unemployment
ROSE Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-IT02-KA200-003660 http://www.roseproject.eu
Gli obiettivi a breve
Short term goals
•Ex ante surveys (in the partner schools and other schools) to “measure” the
attractiveness of STEM disciplines BEFORE “Robotics Contamination”
•Contamination by means of robotics-based activities aimed at promoting STEM
disciplines among young pupils, in particular female pupils
– Open days, technical visits to HEIs
– Festivals and Competitions
– Short term international student mobility to expose the students to a different
learning environment
– Multiplier events, involving pupils and teachers of non-partner organizations
•Ex post surveys to measure a possible change in the level of attractiveness of STEM
disciplines AFTER “Robotics Contamination”
ROSE Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-IT02-KA200-003660 http://www.roseproject.eu
Gli obiettivi di lungo
Long term goals
•To increase the attractiveness of STEM disciplines
•To enlarge the number of students (in particular female ones) choosing a
science/technology oriented career/educational path
•To reduce the school drop-out rates by promoting motivation;
•To promote a gender balanced representation of the society among students that
decide to chose a science/technology oriented career
•To supply to the European labour market a more adequate number of scientists,
technologists, engineers and mathematicians
•To contribute to the competitiveness of the European Union’s economy
ROSE Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-IT02-KA200-003660 http://www.roseproject.eu
Gli strumenti
Main tools
•The appeal of Robotics and Robotics-related competitions will be the main tools
used to increase the attractiveness of STEM disciplines
•The Questionnaire is available in its final form since February 2015
•An online version is also available to help partner schools in recording the students
questionnaires in a database for subsequent analyses
•Status of questionnaire submission (due date was 31.03.15)
– ITT FF – 21.02.2015 with 4 classes (3rd and 4th year)
– LS NC – 12.02.2015 with 2 classes (3rd year)
– IC DM – 29.04.2015 with 4 classes (1st year)
ROSE Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-IT02-KA200-003660 http://www.roseproject.eu
I primi risultati
Around 180 questionnaires recorded so far
ROSE Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-IT02-KA200-003660 http://www.roseproject.eu
Le altre attività
The project website is online and frequently updated: http://www.roseproject.eu
Several local meetings have been organized to plan and execute local activities
(December 2014 - Autumn 2015)
Remote meetings have been held to coordinate actions in the five partner
countries (December 2014 - January 2015)
A graphical contest has been agreed among the
partners in order to choose a ROSE project logo
among student proposals
– Contest deadline was October 30, 2015
– A committee coordinated by the Liceo Scientifico
Niccolò Copernico evaluated several Logo
designs, choosing the one on the right
ROSE Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-IT02-KA200-003660 http://www.roseproject.eu
Le collaborazioni
A partnership with Terza Cultura (http://www.terzacultura.it/), a no-profit official
spin-off company of the University of Florence, has been formalized, with the
purpose of using their educational robotics facilities, equipment, and personnel in
the “robotics alphabetization” of schools and teachers with no robotics
“Il Laboratorio” of Terza Cultura: http://il-laboratorio.academy/
ROSE Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-IT02-KA200-003660 http://www.roseproject.eu
Il laboratorio di Terza
ROSE Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-IT02-KA200-003660 http://www.roseproject.eu
Un importante evento
Pupils of several (partner and non-partner) schools attended an important
FIRST® LEGO® League competition organized by the ROSE partner school ITT
Fedi-Fermi in Pistoia, Italy, on February 21, 2015, either as participants or as
ROSE Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-IT02-KA200-003660 http://www.roseproject.eu
Gli altri eventi
Organization of a ROSE multiplier event in the framework of the Open Day of the
School of Engineering of the University of Florence in December 2014
Organization of a ROSE multiplier event within the World Engineering Education
Forum 2015 (WEEF 2015), held in Florence in September 2015:
ROSE Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-IT02-KA200-003660 http://www.roseproject.eu
L’opera di ingegno (I)
Why a curriculum?
The school curriculum is the expression of the freedom of teaching and of the
school authonomy and, at the same time, it represents the choices of the entire
school community and the identity of the school itself. Building a curriculum is a
process through which research is developed and innovation is introduced
ROSE Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-IT02-KA200-003660 http://www.roseproject.eu
L’opera di ingegno (II)
Robotics curriculum
Tool for innovative
ROSE Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-IT02-KA200-003660 http://www.roseproject.eu
History and social studies
L’opera di ingegno (III)
Key competence of life long learning
Key ompetence of citizenship for compulsory education
Basic skills for compulsory education
Language and
Learning area
Science and
Targets for the development of key competences
Learning objectives (skills and knowledge)
History and
social studies
L’opera di ingegno (IV)
Methodological model for curriculum building
ROSE Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-IT02-KA200-003660 http://www.roseproject.eu
L’opera di ingegno (V)
A common framework
"Knowledge” means the outcome of the assimilation of information through learning.
Knowledge is the body of facts, principles, theories and practices related to a field of
work or study.
Knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.
"Skills” means the ability to apply knowledge and use know-how to complete tasks and
solve problems.
Skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative
thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials,
tools and instruments).
“Competence” means the proven ability to use knowledge, skills and personal, social
and methodological abilities in work or study situations and in professional and/or
personal development.
Competence is described in terms of responsibility and autonomy.
L’opera di ingegno (VI)
Key competences
European Recommendation
•Key competences for lifelong
learning communication in the
mother tongue
•Communication in foreign
•Mathematical competences and
basic competences in science
and technology
•Digital competences
•Learning to learn
•Social and civic competences
•Sense of initiative and
•Cultural awareness and
Key competences of citizenship
(DM 139/2007, all. B)
• Learning to learn
• Planning and managing projects
• Communicating
• Collaborating and participating
• Acting autonomously and
• Problem solving
• Identifying links and relations
• Acquiring and interpreting
La prima mobilità
Oporto, 22-28/11/2015
ROSE Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-IT02-KA200-003660 http://www.roseproject.eu
La prosecuzione dei lavori
Organization of a future ROSE multiplier event at the next Open Day of the
School of Engineering of the University of Florence, in December 2015
Organization of a student mobility (one week) in Estonia around end of May 2016
– Participants: Italian and Turkish students
2nd transnational meeting (transnational meetings should be held every 9
– Estonia (May 2016)
ROSE Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-IT02-KA200-003660 http://www.roseproject.eu
Il Liceo “Copernico”
The partecipation to the ROSE project started in Autumn 2014 with
two 3rd-year classes of scientific specilization
Preliminary meeting in Florence
Visit of the “First LEGO League” in Pistoia, at ITTS “Fedi-Fermi”, on
the 21st February
Lecture of prof. Allotta on Robotics activities carried out at the
Department of Industrial Engineering in Florence (DIEF) on the 11th
On May workshop at the laboratory of educational robotics at the
museum “La Specola” in Florence, with 10 LEGO EV3 Kits (by
Stefano Errico - “Terza Cultura” spin-off)
ROSE Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-IT02-KA200-003660 http://www.roseproject.eu
Le attività future del
During Autumn 2015 a new 3th class has been introduced in the project
4 teachers are now involved in planning a new type of vertical curriculum based
on the development of robotic competences
We are going to buy 25 Arduino BYOR didactic kits (1 Arduino every 2 students)
We are organizing an exchange of experiences with more expert partners (IIS
“Ferraris-Brunelleschi”), who will come to our school for a number of lessons
In partnerships with other schools we are going to design a curriculum about
educational robotics teaching for secondary 1st and 2nd degree schools
Planned Arduino related activities
Basic lessons in the morning during school time
Homework to perform assigned tasks
Afternoon meeting to check results, difficulties and debugging
ROSE Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-IT02-KA200-003660 http://www.roseproject.eu
[email protected]
ROSE Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-IT02-KA200-003660 http://www.roseproject.eu
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