
Simone Quaranta

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Simone Quaranta
Simone Quaranta
Curriculum Vitae
85 Taylorwood Crt
L1G7V7, Oshawa, ON Canada
H +1 289 4040430
B [email protected]
"The important thing is not whether one is afraid
or not, is knowing how to cope with their fear and
not being influenced by it. Behold, this is courage,
otherwise it is not courage anymore, it is
recklessness." - Giovanni Falcone
Personal information
first name Simone
last name Quaranta
place and date of Rome (Italy), 14th May 1983
nationality Italian
driving licence European type B
1997–2002 High School Diploma awarded by Liceo Scientifico "Manfredi Azzarita"
Rome, Italy
Grade 100 out of 100
2002–2008 Bachelor Degree in Chemistry awarded by Università "La Sapienza"
Grade 110 out of 110.
2008–2011 Master Degree in Chemistry awarded by Università "La Sapienza"
Grade 110 out of 110 cum laude.
2012–present Ph.D. Student in Materials Science at University of Ontario Institute
of Technology (UOIT), Oshawa, ON Canada
Bachelor thesis
Title "Growth and dielectric characterization of Rare Earth Oxides thin
Supervisor Prof. Daniele Gozzi
Electron beam physical vapor deposition of Y2 O3 , Er2 O3 , and Tm2 O3
thin films. Morphological, structural, chemical, optical characterization
of the aforementioned films: Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray Diffraction (XRD),
UV-vis. (transmittance and reflectance) spectroscopy. Complex dielectric constant and Capacitance-Voltage (C-V) characterization by
impedance spectroscopy in a MOSFET (Metal Oxide-Semiconductor
Field Emission Transistor) configuration.
Master Thesis
Title "Preparation and characterization of Titanium Oxide- Carbon nanotubes composites for Dye Sensitized Solar Cel ls applications"
Supervisors Dr. Alessandro Latini
Topics Preparation of TiO2 , TiO2 -SWCNT (Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes), and TiO2 -MWCNT (Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes) composites by sol-gel and hydrothermal synthesis routes. Structural, morphological and optical characterization of the aforementioned materials
by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), SEM, Cathodoluminescence, XRD, Raman spectroscopy, Thermal Gravimetric Analysis
(TGA), Surface area measurements and porosimetry. DSSCs assembly
and efficiency test by I-V characteristics, quantum efficiency, QuasiSteady State Phoconductance Decay (QSSPC) and impedance spectroscopy.
Ph.D. Project
Title "Nanostructured semiconductor materials for photovoltaic application"
Supervisor Dr. Franco Gaspari
Topics Hydrothermal synthesis of chirality enriched TiO2 /SWCNTs composites for DSSCs and Schottky diodes devices. Chemical (RBS,
Rutherford Back Scattering; ERDA, Elastic Recovery Detection Analysis),electrical and optical characterization of hydrogenated SiC thin
films for double junction solar cells (in collaboration with University
of Bologna, Italy). Optical characterization of GaAs thin films.
Dec. 2009–Feb.2011
Research Assistant at ENEA (National agency for new technologies,
energy and sustainable economic development), Rome (Italy)
Topics Electrical and optical characterization of DSSCs and Amorphous Silicon Solar cells.
Feb. 2012–present
Feb. 2012–present
Researcher and consultant at CERL (Clean Energy Research Lab),
UOIT, Oshawa ON Canada
CuO/Cu2O heterojunctions fabrication by electroless deposition and
electroplating on proton exchange membranes and their integration in
the thermochemical Copper-Chlorine cycle for Hydrogen production
Affiliated to European Comunity PhocsCleen Project (EU Contract
318987 http://areeweb.polito.it/ricerca/ phocscleen/)
Topics Liquid Phase Chemical Vapor and Solid State reaction syntheses of Bi2 O3
and Ce doped Bi2 O3 for dyes’ degradation and water photosplit- ting
May 2012-present
Teaching Assistant for Physics I, Physics II, Physics for Health Science,
Physics for Biosciences.
Feb. 2015-Jun. 2015
Quality Control Technician internship at Silfab Solar, Toronto ON Canada.
Italian Mother tongue
English Fluent
Basic level
Scientific Highlights and Skills
Photovoltaics, third generation photovoltaic devices.
Expert of thin films and nanostructured materials synthesis and characterization (chemical, electrochemical, morphological, structural, optical, electrical, thermal)
Computer skills
Data Acquisition and LabView (five years experience), Visual Basic, OriginLab, Kaleidagraph
Others Latex (several professional works), Microsoft Office package
Operating systems All Microsoft OS’s
2013 CTAS (Canadian Thermal Analysis Society) Conference, Oshawa,
ON Canada. Netzch prize winner for "Best Presentation"
2013 CSC (Canadian Society for Chemistry) Conference, Quebec City,
QB Canada
2014 ICANS 25 (International Conference on Amorphous and Nanostructured Semiconductors) Conference Toronto, ON Canada
S. Quaranta, A. Latini, M. Tucci, and D Gozzi. "Efficiency improvement and full characterization of dye-sensitized solar cells
with MWCNT/anatase Schottky Junctions ". Journal of Power
Sources", 204:249–256, 2012.
A. Latini, S. Quaranta, et al. "A Comparison of the Performances of
Different Mesoporous Titanias in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells".
“Journal of Nanotechnology” http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/450405
V.L. Davis, S. Quaranta, and F. Gaspari. "Investigation of DyeSensitized Solar Cell Performance with Single Chirality Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes". In Progress.
C. Cavallo, Latini, S. Quaranta, et al. " Solid Solutions of Rare Earth
Cations in Mesoporous Anatase Beads and Their Performances in
Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells" Submitted.
Attachement 1 Recommendation Letter from Prof. Daniele Gozzi, Dipartimento di
Chimica "Università "La Sapienza"
Attachment 2 Recommendation Letter from Dr. Alessandro Latini, Dipartimento di
Chimica "Università "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy
Attachment 3
Recommendation Letter from Dr. Mario Tucci, ENEA, Rome, Italy
Roma, May 27 2011
Mr. Simone Quaranta took the degree in Chemistry (3 + 2 year courses) cum laude
on February 2011 at the Department of Chemistry of University of Rome La Sapienza.
The experimental work was carried out in my lab (RIMLab, Reactivity of Inorganic
Materials Laboratory), which lasted almost two years if both courses are considered.
He was engaged in two different experimental activities, respectively. The
preparation and characterization of the dielectric properties of rare-earth oxide films
obtained by physical vapour deposition were performed during the first level degree (3
years) while much work and time he dedicated to the preparation, assembly and
characterization of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs). This work was the subject
of his degree thesis.
In this period, Mr. Quaranta was involved in several experimental activities all ones
addressed to the improvement of the efficiency of DSCCs especially by the use of
carbon nanotubes mixed with nanostructured titanium oxide, which is the key
component of the DSSC photo-anode. To evaluate the role of CNTs, he carried out
successfully several electric, electrochemical and photometric measurements some of
them performed on his own initiative and completely independent. Through this
activity, he showed very good basis on electrochemistry and physics of semiconductors
both theoretical and experimental.
He learned to use some fundamental experimental techniques such as XRD and thin
film XRD, mass spectrometry, growth of films by EB-PVD, thermogravimetry as
well as SEM analysis. He showed determination in attending his job, which was
developed on time with autonomy and great care.
Mr. Quaranta gave a useful contribution to the research activity on DSSC, which is at
present one the main field of my research group.
For the above considerations, I think that Mr. Quaranta is a valid co-worker in any kind
of lab as well as a promising researcher.
Daniele Gozzi
(Professor of Physical Chemistry)
Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”
CF 80209930587 PI 02133771002
Dipartimento di Chimica
Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma
T (+39) 06 49913849 F (+39) 06 49913849
[email protected]
Roma, August 2nd 2011
Mr. Simone Quaranta took both the degrees in Chemistry (3years+2years courses)
under my personal supervision at the University of Rome 'La Sapienza'. Mr.
Quaranta is a very talented person, possessing a vast knowledge in may fields of
inorganic materials sciences, and demonstrated his qualities during the periods spent
in my laboratory by proposing and demonstrating his ideas in his research activities.
Mr. Quaranta worked mainly in the assembling and testing prototypes of dye•
sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) in which he introduced targeted modifications into
both the electrolyte composition and the photoanode structure in order to boost the
device efficiency. He personally designed and performed experiments for the
photoelectrochemical characterization of DSSCs by realizing an apparatus for
electron lifetime measurements for which he personally wrote a data acquisition
software in LabView language. Of course he also learned and performed the routine
characterization procedures for solid state materials (X-ray powder diffraction with
Rietveld refinement procedures, thermal analysis, SEM microscopy coupled with
EDS analysis, ICP-OES analysis, TEM and HR-TEM microscopy, Impedance
spectroscopy, UV-Vis, IR and Raman spectroscopies, BET surface area
measurements, IPCE measurements).
So I consider him as a truly valid young scientist, able to give substantial
contributions in any research laboratory.
Alessandro Latini
(Researcher in Physical Chemistry)
Universit.\ degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
Dipartimento di Chimlca
Dr. Alessandro Latini
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 00185 Roma ITALY
Tel/fax: +390649913161
Alessandro. [email protected]
http://www.chem.uniroma1 .iVpersone/alessandro-latini
http://www.chem.uniroma1 .iV-gozzi/
To Whom it may concern,
Dr. Simone Quaranta worked at the Research Center ENEA (Italian National Agency for
New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development) during his Master
degree thesis. He worked with the group involved in research and development of
characterization systems and innovative photovoltaic technologies. During this work he
became familiar with characterization techniques and manufacturing systems commonly
used in thin film dye sensitized solar cells. He gained experience on characterization
systems as Current-Voltage characteristics under Sun-light Simulator, Quantum Efficiency
and Impedance measurements and worked very well to help exploit the problems related
to the trapping phenomena of photogenerated carriers in thin film materials. His contribute
was essential in defining and improving the research and development in dye sensitized
solar cell as demonstrated by the achieved results under publication in scientific journals.
He is an enthusiastic and really capable person with a very skilled scientific background. His
personality also enables him to build good relationship with colleagues contributing to create
a successful team.
I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude to Dr. Simone Quaranta for being in
my labs and I wish his success for his carrier and the very best in all future endeavours.
23-08-2011 Rome
Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
Research Center Casaccia via Anguillarese, 301 S. Maria di Galeria 00123 ROMA ITALY
Mario Tucci
Fly UP