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Presentazione di PowerPoint
The Post-2015 Agenda
Training of Trainers
Developed by GVC/CONCORD Italia in the framework of the project “More and better Europe”
In occasion of the Italian Semester of the European Union
Millennium Development Goals (MDG)
In 2000 the Millennium Declaration was signed by the UN Member States, that
committed to reach 8 development goals by 2015:
A new context, new objectives to set out
• The Millennium Development Goals (MDG) did not address to the structural causes of
• Inequality and the environmental crisis are rising;
• The economic, financial and job global crisis are hitting the northern countries as
• Problems as poverty, social exclusion, hunger, malnutrition, poor social protection
and climate change persist, are more and more global and therefore require global
 The new development agenda will have to respond and address to this new global
Two processes…
In 2010 the UN General Assembly
requested UN Secretary-General to
lead the work to advance the new
UN development agenda beyond
2015, when the MDGs will expire
In 2012 the UN General Assembly
decided to launch a parallel
intergovernmental process to define
new Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs)
..and a single Agenda
MDGs vs SDGs:
The main differences
The current challenges
• To adequately measure the progress towards the goals, taking into consideration the
relative efforts of each country, going beyond the GDP measure and the main focus
on economic growth
• To hold all countries accountable for the implementation of the framework, through
an inclusive definition process of the goals, establishing common but differentiated
responsibilities based on national contexts and promoting PCD
• To include the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainability, with
an approach based on human-rights, social justice and good governance, to start
structural reforms to define a new sustainable model to address the new global
• A new global partnership for development to go beyond the North vs South
paradigm, involving all development actors, and introducing accountability
mechanisms, for the private sector as well
The EU in the Post-2015 debate
Membership in the High Level Panel on the Post-2015 development agenda (by
Andris Piebalgs, the outgoing European Commissioner for Development)
In 2012 the EU conducted consultations involving civil society, international
organizations, the private sector, research institutes and individuals
Release of the European Report on Development
Communications expressing the EU position “A decent life for all – Ending poverty
and giving the world a sustainable future” e “A decent Life for all: from vision to
collective action”
Italy in the Post-2015 debate
Participation in the Open Working Group to define the new Sustainable
Development Goals
Establishment of a Thematic Group on Post-2015 in the Inter-Institutional Table on
development cooperation to develop the Italian contribution to the Post-2015
agenda (participation of representatives of several ministries, Banca d’Italia, Istat,
Confindustria, CeSPI, Concord Italia, GCAP, and several NGOs)
The issue is a priority for the programme of the Italian Semester of Presidency of the
European Union
The role of ONGs and CSOs
Agenda Post 2015: il dibattito sugli SDGs e il ruolo dell’Europa e dell’Italia
per un futuro di Sviluppo E(C)QUOsostenibile
National Consultations organized by CONCORD Italia and the MAECI
9 September – Rome
Advocacy activities: towards national governments
intergovernmental negotiations are approaching
Consultations: UN Dialogues on implementation
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