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Direzione centrale salute, integrazione sociosanitaria, politiche sociali e famiglia - Central directorate for
health, social health integration, social policies and family
The organization of social system in Friuli
Venezia Giulia Region is ruled by the
regional law 6/2006 “Integrated system for
promotion and protection of the rights of
social citizenship”
Direzione centrale salute, integrazione sociosanitaria, politiche sociali e famiglia - Central directorate for
health, social health integration, social policies and family
Principal subjects of the integrated social system :
Region is responsible of welfare planning, it coordinates and gives directions to
social policies. Through social planning acts, social policies are integrated
with other regional policies: health, education, work, culture, housing,
transports and other issues connected to welfare
Municipalities (Local authorities) of the region are responsible of the local
planning of the integrated social system and of the realization of the
amministrative functions. Functions and services are jointly managed among
municipalities at district level trough the subscription of agreements named
Servizio sociale dei Comuni (Municipal social service)
Health system (Aziende per i servizi sanitari) is involved in the integrated
system of actions and social services with regard to activities of social
health integration. At local level, social and health services plan together
integrated ways to offer services concerning medical and social care in the
following fields: women and child care, disabled, chronic illness, terminal
illness, aged people, mental health, dependence
Direzione centrale salute, integrazione sociosanitaria, politiche sociali e famiglia - Central directorate for
health, social health integration, social policies and family
in Friuli Venezia
Direzione centrale salute, integrazione sociosanitaria, politiche sociali e famiglia - Central directorate for
health, social health integration, social policies and family
in Friuli Venezia Giulia Region
Direzione centrale salute, integrazione sociosanitaria, politiche sociali e famiglia - Central directorate for
health, social health integration, social policies and family
Regional guidelines of social programming for the period 2013-2015
The guidelines address the topic of social economy and social innovation,
regarding in particular:
• social inclusion and integration of disadvantaged people into work (people with
disability, drugs or alcohol dependencies, …), also including the field of social
agriculture and involving local communities
• the fight against poverty and exclusion by promoting the creation of social
• promotion and development of domotics, ICT for independent living and social
inclusion, telecare, informatic tool for assessment of buildings’ accessibility,
expecially for elderly people in order to promote de-institutionalisation and
strengthen home-care policies and services
Direzione centrale salute, integrazione sociosanitaria, politiche sociali e famiglia - Central directorate for
health, social health integration, social policies and family
Regional European Social Fund Program for 2014-2020
With reference to Thematic Objectives 9 - Promoting social inclusion, combating
poverty and any discrimination …- priorities also include the enlargement of
economic activities (profit and no profit) with social content and social agriculture
Foreseen actions:
• Support for the creation and start-up of social enterprises, also through spin-off
and/or spin-out of existing businesses through the implementation of integrated
measures as training, support and financial incentives (access to credit,
guarantee funds, micro credits, forms of tutoring, ...)
• Strenghtening of social enterprises and third sectos organizations supplying
welfare services also through the training of specific professional profiles,
awareness raising and training for the development of social entrepreneurship
• Support to the experimentation of new organizational and/or territorial
governance models aimed to promote and strenghten the network between
enterprises, third sector operatiors and public administrators, even through the
promotion to the utilization of social clauses
Direzione centrale salute, integrazione sociosanitaria, politiche sociali e famiglia - Central directorate for
health, social health integration, social policies and family
Ongoing european projects with the partecipation of FVG Region
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