country customer film_cate… category
Customer Data Inventory country customer country_id SMALLINT city customer_id SMALLI… film country VARCHAR(50) store_id TINYINT film_id SMALLINT last_update TIMEST… first_name VARCHA… title VARCHAR(255) last_name VARCHA… description TEXT Indexes email VARCHAR(50) release_year YEAR city_id SMALLINT address_id SMALLINT language_id TINYINT city VARCHAR(50) active BOOLEAN original_language_id TI… country_id SMALLINT create_date DATETI… rental_duration TINYINT last_update TIMEST… Indexes last_update TIMEST… address rental_rate DECIMAL(4,2) address_id SMALLINT length SMALLINT address VARCHAR(50) replacement_cost DECI… address2 VARCHAR(… rating ENUM(...) district VARCHAR(20) special_features SET(...) city_id SMALLINT postal_code VARCH… film_cate… category film_id SMALLINT category_id TINYI… category_id TINYI… name VARCHAR(25) last_update TIME… last_update TIME… Indexes language Indexes actor language_id TINY… actor_id SMALLINT name CHAR(20) first_name VARCH… last_update TIME… last_name VARCH… Indexes last_update TIME… Indexes last_update TIMESTAMP Indexes phone VARCHAR(20) Indexes last_update TIMEST… Triggers film_actor actor_id SMALLINT Indexes film_id SMALLINT last_update TIME… Business Customer related data film_text inventory staff staff_id TINYINT first_name VARCH… store_id TINYINT address_id SMALL… manager_staff_id … picture BLOB address_id SMALL… email VARCHAR(50) store_id TINYINT last_update TIME… Indexes Indexes payment Data required to run the business rental payment_id SMAL… rental_id INT customer_id SMAL… rental_date DATE… staff_id TINYINT inventory_id MEDI… rental_id INT customer_id SMAL… amount DECIMAL(… return_date DATE… payment_date DA… staff_id TINYINT last_update TIME… Indexes description TEXT Indexes Movie database username VARCH… last_update TIME… title VARCHAR(255) film_id SMALLINT last_update TIME… active BOOLEAN password VARCHA… inventory_id MEDI… store_id TINYINT store last_name VARCH… last_update TIME… Indexes film_id SMALLINT Indexes Indexes