The (re)positioning of the Spanish metropolitan (1986-2006) Malcolm C. Burns
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The (re)positioning of the Spanish metropolitan (1986-2006) Malcolm C. Burns
The (re)positioning of the Spanish metropolitan system within the European urban system (1986-2006) Malcolm C. Burns Tesi Doctoral dirigit per: Dr. Josep Roca Cladera Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Programa de Doctorat d’Arquitectura en Gestió i Valoració Urbana Barcelona, juny de 2008 APPENDICES 411 The (re)positioning of the Spanish metropolitan system within the European urban system (1986-2006) 412 Appendix 1: Extract from the 1800 Account of Population of Great Britain 413 The (re)positioning of the Spanish metropolitan system within the European urban system (1986-2006) 414 Appendix 2: Extract from the 1910 Census of Population of the United States 421 The (re)positioning of the Spanish metropolitan system within the European urban system (1986-2006) 422 Appendix 3: Administrative composition of the Spanish Metropolitan Urban System (2001) 427 The (re)positioning of the Spanish metropolitan system within the European urban system (1986-2006) 428 1. Metropolitan area of Madrid (2001) Code INE 5002 5013 5041 5054 5055 5057 5066 5075 5082 5089 5095 5100 5102 5110 5115 5127 5132 5156 5157 5161 5163 5164 5167 5168 5169 5182 5184 5187 5201 5207 5211 5221 5227 5233 5240 5241 5262 5905 13028 16002 16011 16027 16032 16086 16106 16108 16119 16167 16169 16172 16173 16185 16212 16240 16249 16270 16275 16279 19001 19002 19004 19005 19006 19007 19008 19009 19010 19011 Name of municipality Adrada (La) Arenal (El) Burgohondo Casavieja Casillas Cebreros Cuevas del Valle Fresnedilla Gavilanes Guisando Higuera de las Dueña Hornillo (El) Hoyo de Pinares (El) Lanzahíta Maello Mijares Mombeltrán Navahondilla Navalacruz Navalperal de Pinare Navaluenga Navaquesera Navarrevisca Navas del Marqués (Las) Navatalgordo Pedro Bernardo Peguerinos Piedralaves San Bartolomé de Pinares San Esteban del Valle San Juan de la Nava Santa Cruz del Valle Santa María del Tiét Serranillos Sotillo de la Adrada Tiemblo (El) Villarejo del Valle Villanueva de Avila Campo de Criptana Acebrón (El) Alcohujate Barajas de Melo Belinchón Fuente de Pedro Naharro Horcajo de Santiago Huelves Leganiel Pozorrubio Pozuelo (El) Puebla de Almenara Puebla de Don Francisco Saceda-Trasierra Torrubia del Campo Vellisca Villamayor de SantiagoG Villarrubio Vindel Zarza de Tajo Abánades Ablanque Alaminos Alarilla Albalate de Zorita Albares Albendiego Alcocer Alcolea de las Peñas Alcolea del Pinar Population (2001) 1960 1059 1214 1548 818 3156 620 101 706 635 326 391 2345 895 636 916 1123 152 274 782 2011 38 361 4381 297 1229 287 2094 720 873 664 567 407 389 3622 3641 506 308 13184 271 61 701 359 1213 3440 57 253 468 100 513 327 91 331 167 2673 231 20 253 114 152 84 129 888 481 43 314 28 363 LTL (2001) POR (2001) 550 200 239 326 84 730 87 38 141 70 44 41 333 210 149 144 256 23 39 175 503 14 57 1188 55 259 95 504 101 162 93 67 73 87 1020 816 111 50 3048 58 16 199 125 287 517 15 60 94 6 69 64 12 73 28 674 157 4 56 15 13 6 56 206 78 6 79 4 143 702 303 350 465 228 1084 187 33 215 171 89 94 791 257 206 262 297 42 81 266 662 18 107 1615 105 362 89 701 229 229 180 154 140 133 1212 1222 128 74 4605 76 21 256 122 427 1149 16 71 137 22 121 71 29 101 50 911 87 3 78 28 24 26 66 326 166 14 80 6 115 Code INE 19015 19017 19018 19019 19021 19022 19023 19024 19031 19032 19033 19036 19037 19038 19039 19040 19041 19042 19043 19044 19045 19046 19047 19049 19050 19051 19052 19053 19054 19055 19057 19058 19060 19061 19064 19065 19066 19067 19070 19071 19073 19074 19075 19078 19080 19081 19082 19086 19087 19088 19089 19092 19095 19096 19097 19098 19102 19104 19105 19106 19107 19108 19110 19111 19112 19113 19114 19115 19116 19117 19119 Name of municipality Aldeanueva de Guadalajara Algora Alhóndiga Alique Almoguera Almonacid de Zorita Alocén Alovera Angón Anguita Anquela del Ducado Aranzueque Arbancón Arbeteta Argecilla Armallones Armuña de Tajuña Arroyo de las Fragua Atanzón Atienza Auñón Azuqueca de Henares Baides Bañuelos Barriopedro Berninches Bodera (La) Brihuega Budia Bujalaro Bustares Cabanillas del Campo Campillo de Ranas Campisábalos Canredondo Cantalojas Cañizar Cardoso de la Sierra Casa de Uceda Casar (El) Casas de San Galindo Caspueñas Castejón de Henares Castilforte Cendejas de Enmedio Cendejas de la Torre Centenera Cifuentes Cincovillas Ciruelas Ciruelos del Pinar Cogolludo Condemios de Abajo Condemios de Arriba Congostrina Copernal Cubillo de Uceda (El Chequilla Chiloeches Chillarón del Rey Driebes Durón Escamilla Escariche Escopete Espinosa de Henares Esplegares Establés Estriégana Fontanar Fuencemillán Population (2001) 108 114 238 34 1146 788 162 3170 40 292 86 363 193 64 94 60 111 40 91 474 243 20673 74 30 31 133 43 2794 269 77 96 4987 145 75 84 152 98 80 101 4047 34 87 103 50 121 84 68 2053 37 97 55 579 28 159 41 31 116 18 1426 113 352 141 107 207 45 554 58 45 25 1055 137 LTL (2001) POR (2001) 9 21 51 4 210 379 28 2081 4 32 3 81 45 14 28 11 58 2 26 213 45 8820 14 1 0 21 2 835 71 14 14 1869 27 18 17 36 15 34 16 873 6 7 14 7 9 12 12 442 8 21 5 188 2 42 8 8 13 2 407 20 53 26 9 46 1 134 8 7 1 168 23 22 29 67 12 353 263 68 1536 6 63 16 125 74 15 29 16 44 13 26 174 67 9697 22 8 6 45 8 1030 102 29 28 2311 46 22 23 42 28 37 36 1833 12 34 26 23 32 20 18 759 11 41 11 222 5 59 10 15 43 6 649 37 87 43 22 72 5 191 18 11 4 422 50 Code INE 19120 19121 19123 19124 19125 19126 19127 19129 19130 19132 19133 19135 19136 19138 19142 19143 19145 19146 19147 19148 19150 19151 19152 19153 19154 19155 19156 19157 19159 19160 19161 19162 19163 19165 19166 19167 19168 19169 19170 19171 19172 19173 19174 19175 19176 19177 19178 19179 19181 19182 19184 19185 19186 19187 19189 19191 19192 19193 19194 19196 19197 19198 19199 19200 19201 19202 19203 19208 19210 19211 19212 Name of municipality Fuentelahiguera de Albatages Fuentelencina Fuentelviejo Fuentenovilla Gajanejos Galápagos Galve de Sorbe Gascueña de Bornova Guadalajara Henche Heras de Ayuso Hiendelaencina Hijes Hita Hontoba Horche Hortezuela de Océn Huerce (La) Huérmeces del Cerro Huertahernando Hueva Humanes Illana Iniéstola Inviernas (Las) Irueste Jadraque Jirueque Ledanca Loranca de Tajuña Lupiana Luzaga Luzón Majaelrayo Málaga del Fresno Malaguilla Mandayona Mantiel Maranchón Marchamalo Masegoso de Tajuña Matarrubia Matillas Mazarete Mazuecos Medranda Megina Membrillera Miedes de Atienza Mierla (La) Millana Miñosa (La) Mirabueno Miralrío Mohernando Monasterio Mondéjar Montarrón Moratilla de los Meleros Muduex Navas de Jadraque (Las) Negredo Ocentejo Olivar (El) Olmeda de Cobeta Olmeda de Jadraque (La) Ordial (El) Pálmaces de Jadraque Paredes de Sigüenza Pareja Pastrana Population (2001) 145 204 57 299 80 413 142 50 68248 106 145 103 32 283 185 1604 79 40 63 73 134 1226 697 26 87 67 1323 78 111 350 244 99 81 63 193 138 425 94 208 4324 96 48 171 64 344 115 61 105 102 31 125 60 121 80 144 21 2223 51 100 113 34 17 42 98 75 21 44 66 52 485 1056 LTL (2001) POR (2001) 27 61 8 47 16 71 30 12 27462 10 29 30 4 66 50 375 13 16 10 6 24 619 127 4 14 9 486 16 40 87 38 24 15 17 29 14 56 13 72 1171 20 11 55 4 44 17 4 14 13 2 38 23 30 19 39 6 689 7 19 20 7 2 11 27 16 2 5 11 8 124 343 55 65 18 109 26 170 39 16 28697 32 45 33 7 92 68 635 23 12 17 13 42 419 201 12 37 19 535 33 30 129 80 36 22 29 50 42 123 33 66 1728 27 12 51 7 79 29 9 19 27 11 36 19 41 23 47 5 836 17 26 37 11 4 12 45 19 6 12 24 10 161 395 Code INE 19214 19215 19217 19218 19219 19220 19224 19225 19226 19228 19229 19230 19231 19232 19233 19234 19235 19238 19239 19240 19241 19242 19244 19245 19246 19247 19248 19249 19250 19252 19254 19256 19257 19258 19259 19260 19261 19262 19263 19264 19266 19267 19268 19269 19270 19274 19278 19279 19280 19281 19282 19283 19286 19288 19290 19291 19293 19294 19296 19297 19298 19299 19300 19301 19302 19304 19305 19306 19307 19308 19311 Name of municipality Peñalén Peñalver Peralveche Pinilla de Jadraque Pinilla de Molina Pioz Pozo de Almoguera Pozo de Guadalajara Prádena de Atienza Puebla de Beleña Puebla de Valles Quer Rebollosa de Jadraque Recuenco (El) Renera Retiendas Riba de Saelices Riofrío del Llano Robledillo de Mohernando Robledo de Corpes Romanillos de Atienz Romanones Sacecorbo Sacedón Saelices de la Sal Salmerón San Andrés del Congo San Andrés del Rey Santiuste Sayatón Selas Sienes Sigüenza Solanillos del Extre Somolinos Sotillo (El) Sotodosos Tamajón Taragudo Taravilla Tendilla Terzaga Tierzo Toba (La) Tordelrábano Torija Torrecuadradilla Torre del Burgo Torrejón del Rey Torremocha de Jadraque Torremocha del Campo Torremocha del Pinar Tórtola de Henares Tortuero Trijueque Trillo Uceda Ujados Utande Valdarachas Valdearenas Valdeavellano Valdeaveruelo Valdeconcha Valdegrudas Valdenuño Fernández Valdepeñas de la Sierra Valderrebollo Valdesotos Valfermoso de Tajuña Valverde de los Arroyos Population (2001) 126 232 111 88 29 620 161 407 53 41 76 76 28 103 53 56 160 56 151 105 54 118 161 1541 64 239 79 50 21 129 53 73 4724 115 40 44 59 210 31 67 308 30 58 109 10 476 53 111 1460 16 277 68 453 31 571 1356 1060 30 56 28 68 103 444 71 56 161 212 28 35 99 93 LTL (2001) POR (2001) 11 38 16 8 2 176 27 131 10 12 13 52 4 17 17 7 17 3 15 19 11 22 43 470 11 44 13 3 6 19 10 11 1628 24 8 9 8 64 2 8 89 6 10 15 0 239 2 31 376 2 85 5 63 6 135 812 286 6 7 3 12 14 28 3 14 26 27 6 9 7 24 40 70 35 29 14 282 46 166 16 22 18 25 8 21 20 15 31 19 31 32 21 37 62 526 23 69 21 15 8 34 7 27 1754 27 14 17 12 66 6 16 102 9 21 26 1 201 13 39 647 8 92 7 172 12 227 451 497 11 20 10 17 37 211 25 30 67 49 5 14 20 27 Code INE 19317 19318 19319 19321 19322 19323 19325 19326 19327 19329 19330 19331 19333 19334 19335 19901 28001 28002 28003 28004 28005 28006 28007 28008 28009 28010 28011 28012 28013 28014 28015 28016 28017 28018 28019 28020 28021 28022 28023 28024 28025 28026 28027 28028 28029 28030 28031 28032 28033 28034 28035 28036 28037 28038 28039 28040 28041 28042 28043 28044 28045 28046 28047 28048 28049 28050 28051 28052 28053 28054 28055 Name of municipality Villanueva de Alcorón Villanueva de Argecilla Villanueva de la Torre Villares de Jadraque Villaseca de Henares Villaseca de Uceda Viñuelas Yebes Yebra Yélamos de Abajo Yélamos de Arriba Yunquera de Henares Zaorejas Zarzuela de Jadraque Zorita de los Canes Semillas Acebeda (La) Ajalvir Alameda del Valle Alamo (El) Alcalá de Henares Alcobendas Alcorcón Aldea del Fresno Algete Alpedrete Ambite Anchuelo Aranjuez Arganda del Rey Arroyomolinos Atazar (El) Batres Becerril de la Sierra Belmonte de Tajo Berzosa del Lozoya Berrueco (El) Boadilla del Monte Boalo (El) Braojos Brea de Tajo Brunete Buitrago del Lozoya Bustarviejo Cabanillas de la Sierra Cabrera (La) Cadalso de los Vidrios Camarma de Esteruela Campo Real Canencia Carabaña Casarrubuelos Cenicientos Cercedilla Cervera de Buitrago Ciempozuelos Cobeña Colmenar del Arroyo Colmenar de Oreja Colmenarejo Colmenar Viejo Collado Mediano Collado Villalba Corpa Coslada Cubas de la Sagra Chapinería Chinchón Daganzo de Arriba Escorial (El) Estremera Population (2001) 243 39 2960 63 62 70 116 203 533 96 167 2069 178 41 91 50 51 2479 175 4973 176434 92090 153100 1538 15870 8514 310 608 40797 33432 5541 98 1050 3733 1152 144 410 27443 3704 177 468 6037 1599 1557 504 1837 2305 3066 2993 446 1167 1127 1805 5535 108 15013 3365 1006 6009 5385 35181 4695 47001 444 77884 2006 1458 4362 4755 10967 1050 LTL (2001) POR (2001) 77 11 411 19 8 7 47 138 125 24 28 408 44 5 72 2 26 3535 49 1332 58932 54787 37903 444 6027 2030 46 94 13311 21486 983 42 136 858 263 41 111 8047 887 33 54 1755 549 386 107 748 621 1850 1205 81 250 229 319 1953 23 4301 830 289 1329 1201 11797 869 13594 57 27372 624 390 1535 3171 3144 183 75 15 1535 25 19 30 46 20 181 34 55 819 48 12 23 18 19 1179 58 2159 80795 44677 71480 611 7351 4212 76 264 16502 15881 2819 43 520 1673 484 64 153 14007 1823 72 161 2828 683 610 247 809 807 1412 1235 154 429 538 561 2562 51 6251 1611 424 2329 2561 16022 2279 21949 164 37673 923 575 1864 2368 4814 386 Code INE 28056 28057 28058 28059 28060 28061 28062 28063 28064 28065 28066 28067 28068 28069 28070 28071 28072 28073 28074 28075 28076 28078 28079 28080 28082 28083 28084 28085 28086 28087 28088 28089 28090 28091 28092 28093 28094 28095 28096 28097 28099 28100 28101 28102 28104 28106 28107 28108 28109 28110 28111 28112 28113 28114 28115 28116 28117 28118 28119 28120 28121 28122 28123 28124 28125 28126 28127 28128 28129 28130 28131 Name of municipality Fresnedillas de la Oliva Fresno de Torote Fuenlabrada Fuente el Saz de Jarama Fuentidueña de Tajo Galapagar Garganta de los Montes Gargantilla del Lozoya Gascones Getafe Griñón Guadalix de la Sierra Guadarrama Hiruela (La) Horcajo de la Sierra Horcajuelo de la Sierra Hoyo de Manzanares Humanes de Madrid Leganés Loeches Lozoya Madarcos Madrid Majadahonda Manzanares el Real Meco Mejorada del Campo Miraflores de la Sierra Molar (El) Molinos (Los) Montejo de la Sierra Moraleja de Enmedio Moralzarzal Morata de Tajuña Móstoles Navacerrada Navalafuente Navalagamella Navalcarnero Navarredonda y San Mamés Navas del Rey Nuevo Baztán Olmeda de las Fuente Orusco de Tajuña Paracuellos de Jarama Parla Patones Pedrezuela Pelayos de la Presa Perales de Tajuña Pezuela de las Torre Pinilla del Valle Pinto Piñuécar-Gandullas Pozuelo de Alarcón Pozuelo del Rey Prádena del Rincón Puebla de la Sierra Quijorna Rascafría Redueña Ribatejada Rivas-Vaciamadrid Robledillo de la Jarama Robledo de Chavela Robregordo Rozas de Madrid (Las) Rozas de Puerto Real San Agustín del Guadalix San Fernando de Henares San Lorenzo de El Escorial Population (2001) 913 745 182705 4813 1484 25559 320 283 115 151479 5968 3533 10546 83 125 105 6175 10219 173584 3295 438 27 2938723 50683 4547 8267 17195 3928 4152 3752 305 3336 6739 5823 196524 1953 581 1266 14823 110 1838 4073 153 658 6287 79213 354 1670 1581 2107 536 160 31340 187 68214 263 98 91 1321 1550 184 373 35742 93 2488 81 63385 321 6521 36244 13039 LTL (2001) POR (2001) 141 249 48836 1622 302 4738 82 60 55 53052 3260 936 2806 27 24 33 1511 9103 42544 1995 142 13 1562697 18463 1055 2281 6035 1015 1143 836 117 2320 1510 1687 41081 684 120 236 6088 26 474 727 43 130 3568 14168 91 463 374 504 122 42 16474 44 26502 61 28 22 287 542 39 82 9339 27 775 23 27150 89 3668 15940 5029 375 368 85676 2246 530 12758 130 111 55 69613 2876 1657 4823 36 57 46 2907 4552 80391 1426 182 14 1287388 23760 2200 3843 7955 1683 1841 1645 125 1460 3259 2313 90237 964 255 563 6451 47 730 1904 62 208 3050 37356 127 785 597 828 192 63 14934 76 30974 107 38 46 616 666 74 160 18258 36 1001 28 31510 95 3080 17685 5843 Code INE 28132 28133 28134 28135 28136 28137 28138 28140 28141 28143 28144 28145 28146 28147 28148 28149 28150 28151 28152 28153 28154 28155 28156 28157 28158 28159 28160 28161 28162 28163 28164 28165 28166 28167 28168 28169 28170 28171 28172 28173 28174 28175 28176 28177 28178 28179 28180 28181 28182 28183 28901 28902 28903 40007 40019 40028 40034 40045 40049 40059 40062 40070 40076 40093 40104 40111 40113 40122 40123 40125 40131 Name of municipality San Martín de la Vega San Martín de Valdeiglesias San Sebastián de los Reyes Santa María de la Alameda Santorcaz Santos de la Humosa Serna del Monte (La) Serranillos del Valle Sevilla la Nueva Somosierra Soto del Real Talamanca de Jarama Tielmes Titulcia Torrejón de Ardoz Torrejón de la Calzada Torrejón de Velasco Torrelaguna Torrelodones Torremocha de Jarama Torres de la Alameda Valdaracete Valdeavero Valdelaguna Valdemanco Valdemaqueda Valdemorillo Valdemoro Valdeolmos-Alalpardo Valdepiélagos Valdetorres de Jarama Valdilecha Valverde de Alcalá Velilla de San Antonio Vellón (El) Venturada Villaconejos Villa del Prado Villalbilla Villamanrique de Tajo Villamanta Villamantilla Villanueva de la Cañada Villanueva del Pardillo Villanueva de Perales Villar del Olmo Villarejo de Salvanés Villaviciosa de Odón Villavieja del Lozoy Zarzalejo Lozoyuela-Navas-Sieteiglesias Puentes Viejas Tres Cantos Aldealengua de Pedraza Arahuetes Bercial Caballar Casla Castroserna de Abajo Collado Hermoso Cubillo Duruelo Espinar (El) Gallegos Ituero y Lama Lastras del Pozo Losa (La) Marugán Matabuena Matilla (La) Monterrubio Population (2001) 11635 6256 61884 826 604 1010 114 1759 4499 105 6166 1658 2165 936 97887 4890 2334 2942 15563 430 4791 663 702 605 533 611 7091 33169 1917 323 2278 2026 320 8202 1103 933 2945 4197 5944 588 1846 372 11701 6431 777 1587 5778 22564 188 1171 688 406 36927 93 52 120 94 151 50 154 40 140 6353 97 90 80 393 387 243 110 75 LTL (2001) POR (2001) 4895 1998 26920 149 113 176 24 386 1054 54 1786 365 536 159 38325 1929 611 1101 4764 182 2130 166 95 120 125 120 1876 16869 599 41 588 516 49 2534 183 232 607 1470 1549 130 376 116 3741 1876 120 172 2191 7709 68 308 320 89 25166 12 4 32 21 28 10 37 10 28 2334 17 22 38 82 93 60 31 24 5688 2396 30269 298 233 419 41 746 2249 48 2900 689 823 342 46617 2360 1030 1230 7420 179 2160 257 290 248 238 253 3439 16055 849 112 969 836 145 4006 430 442 1100 1711 2848 238 731 161 5352 3425 386 687 2353 10569 69 509 258 154 18295 30 20 55 27 51 25 56 14 42 2795 30 38 31 182 145 91 39 27 Code INE 40135 40136 40146 40152 40156 40162 40163 40165 40172 40186 40191 40199 40206 40211 40213 40220 40221 40223 40224 40233 40904 42219 45002 45004 45008 45011 45013 45014 45015 45018 45019 45021 45022 45025 45026 45027 45031 45035 45036 45037 45038 45039 45040 45041 45047 45048 45050 45051 45054 45056 45058 45059 45060 45061 45064 45071 45076 45078 45079 45080 45081 45084 45085 45086 45088 45089 45091 45093 45099 45101 45102 Name of municipality Muñopedro Muñoveros Navas de San Antonio Otero de Herreros Pedraza Prádena Puebla de Pedraza Rebollo Riofrío de Riaza Santa Marta del Cerro Santo Tomé del Puerto Sotosalbos Torre Val de San Pedro Valdeprados Valdevacas y Guijar Valleruela de Pedraza Valleruela de Sepúlveda Vegas de Matute Ventosilla y Tejadilla Zarzuela del Monte Navas de Riofrío Yelo Alameda de la Sagra Alcabón Aldea en Cabo Almendral de la Caña Almorox Añover de Tajo Arcicóllar Barcience Bargas Borox Buenaventura Cabañas de la Sagra Cabañas de Yepes Cabezamesada Camarena Cardiel de los Montes Carmena Carpio de Tajo (El) Carranque Carriches Casar de Escalona (El) Casarrubios del Monte Cedillo del Condado Cerralbos (Los) Ciruelos Cobeja Corral de Almaguer Chozas de Canales Domingo Pérez Dosbarrios Erustes Escalona Esquivias Guardia (La) Hormigos Huerta de Valdecarábanos Iglesuela (La) Illán de Vacas Illescas Lillo Lominchar Lucillos Magán Malpica de Tajo Maqueda Marrupe Méntrida Miguel Esteban Mocejón Population (2001) 394 207 295 838 458 548 85 118 59 53 321 131 189 56 142 64 71 243 39 547 287 54 2889 634 186 398 2166 4692 557 108 7109 2300 541 1312 253 459 2467 166 814 2206 1906 281 1001 3362 1783 465 374 1867 5549 1167 470 2100 196 2180 3928 2379 390 1711 418 7 11948 2922 1227 488 1236 1892 468 150 2223 4935 4195 LTL (2001) POR (2001) 67 43 76 213 186 154 12 11 7 10 93 28 34 12 38 10 9 33 11 58 64 14 814 111 36 61 414 1204 100 53 1083 480 106 338 38 122 392 37 138 459 367 63 246 1162 608 101 49 527 1488 271 90 1038 38 727 1041 601 109 252 133 5 5313 504 859 82 293 547 229 36 672 1326 805 151 59 105 337 221 207 25 33 13 17 116 67 65 21 65 17 21 64 18 189 122 21 1151 230 50 100 697 1840 212 48 3000 843 145 573 80 148 981 61 229 787 833 88 313 1334 709 150 145 753 2091 450 129 826 58 803 1508 940 114 619 109 5 5147 1039 490 137 500 664 192 48 880 1966 1639 Code INE 45105 45114 45115 45117 45118 45119 45121 45122 45123 45127 45128 45129 45134 45135 45143 45145 45149 45152 45157 45158 45159 45161 45164 45167 45171 45176 45180 45183 45188 45189 45191 45192 45193 45195 45196 45197 45198 45199 45201 45202 45203 45204 45205 45901 Name of municipality Montesclaros Navamorcuende Noblejas Nombela Novés Numancia de la Sagra Ocaña Olías del Rey Ontígola Palomeque Pantoja Paredes de Escalona Portillo de Toledo Puebla de Almoradiel (La) Quismondo Recas Romeral (El) San Martín de Pusa Santa Cruz del Retamar Santa Olalla Sartajada Seseña Sotillo de las Palomas Toboso (El) Torre de Esteban Hambrán (La) Ugena Valmojado Ventas de Retamosa (La) Villaluenga de la Sagra Villamiel de Toledo Villamuelas Villanueva de Alcardete Villanueva de Bogas Villarrubia de Santiago Villaseca de la Sagra Villasequilla Villatobas Viso de San Juan (El) Yeles Yepes Yuncler Yunclillos Yuncos Santo Domingo-Caudilla Population (2001) 414 702 3012 917 1597 2967 6441 4729 1434 476 2773 113 2055 5526 1332 2745 857 786 1842 2597 117 5324 220 2069 1506 1945 2495 936 2662 538 739 3468 826 2820 1565 2323 2187 1362 1659 4410 2080 664 4204 762 LTL (2001) POR (2001) 58 185 1103 183 324 712 3635 1572 397 150 1061 23 583 1282 185 764 236 169 480 638 59 4146 30 464 372 749 904 288 855 113 124 908 148 566 481 344 612 415 1228 1035 512 215 1656 319 129 221 1189 270 577 1283 2594 2084 634 176 1046 27 765 2072 472 1053 258 238 651 914 46 2458 53 717 545 918 942 354 1050 207 285 1213 304 976 530 966 854 617 708 1726 751 243 1827 253 2. Metropolitan area of Barcelona (2001) Code INE 8001 8003 8005 8006 8007 8009 8013 8014 8015 8017 8019 8020 8021 8023 8025 8026 8027 8028 8029 8030 8032 8033 8034 8035 8039 8040 8041 8042 8043 8044 8046 8051 8053 8054 8055 8056 8058 8061 8063 8064 8065 8066 8067 8068 8069 8070 8072 8073 8074 8075 8076 8077 8079 8081 8082 8085 8086 8087 8088 8089 8091 8094 8095 8096 8097 8101 8104 8105 8106 Name of municipality Abrera Alella Ametlla del Vallès (l') Arenys de Mar Arenys de Munt Argentona Avinyonet del Penedès Aiguafreda Badalona Balenyà Barcelona Begues Bellprat Bigues i Riells Bruc (el) Brull (el) Cabanyes (les) Cabrera d'Igualada Cabrera de Mar Cabrils Caldes d'Estrac Caldes de Montbui Calders Calella Campins Canet de Mar Canovelles Cànoves i Samalús Canyelles Capellades Cardedeu Castellar del Vallès Castellbell i el Vilar Castellbisbal Castellcir Castelldefels Castellet i la Gornal Castellgalí Castellolí Castellterçol Castellví de la Marca Castellví de Rosanes Centelles Cervelló Collbató Collsuspina Corbera de Llobregat Cornellà de Llobregat Cubelles Dosrius Esparreguera Esplugues de Llobregat Estany (l') Fogars de Montclús Fogars de la Selva Font-rubí Franqueses del Vallè Gallifa Garriga (la) Gavà Gelida Granada (la) Granera Granollers Gualba Hospitalet de Llobregat (L') Llacuna (la) Llagosta (la) Llinars del Vallès Population (2001) 8624 8470 6133 12835 6665 9896 1262 2155 205836 3213 1503884 4697 90 5914 1234 186 570 658 3763 5219 1974 13848 788 13694 294 10778 12912 1968 2158 4881 12792 18255 2913 9128 406 46428 1488 966 430 2031 1433 1195 5822 6200 2429 268 9610 79979 7326 3098 18290 45127 403 352 806 1262 13007 186 12037 39815 4571 1432 67 53105 830 239019 836 12042 7238 LTL (2001) POR (2001) 8439 1957 2288 4090 2035 3556 441 899 54998 1220 779296 980 26 2092 444 65 99 148 2712 1400 470 5386 218 5475 62 2884 4622 294 398 2112 4378 6980 1145 9378 120 11881 1070 342 105 698 505 725 2168 1861 563 70 2297 27809 1873 1310 6054 15377 146 127 368 303 5722 33 5429 15213 1635 256 9 31776 242 66668 240 4618 3123 4313 3832 2919 5609 2967 4545 568 1013 87116 1600 645419 2375 49 2748 553 89 256 261 1836 2527 894 6680 355 5330 139 4644 5876 902 959 2243 5998 8671 1274 4611 199 22425 604 396 207 867 655 582 2715 2928 1167 152 4530 35292 3334 1551 8381 20673 174 188 361 485 6365 96 5392 17677 2176 651 37 25406 411 103195 376 5609 3392 Code INE 8107 8108 8110 8114 8115 8118 8119 8120 8121 8122 8123 8124 8125 8126 8127 8129 8134 8135 8136 8137 8138 8139 8145 8146 8147 8148 8153 8154 8155 8156 8157 8158 8159 8161 8162 8163 8167 8168 8169 8172 8174 8179 8180 8181 8184 8187 8193 8194 8196 8197 8198 8200 8202 8203 8204 8205 8206 8207 8208 8209 8210 8211 8214 8217 8219 8221 8222 8223 8224 8227 8230 Name of municipality Lliçà d'Amunt Lliçà de Vall Malgrat de Mar Martorell Martorelles Masnou (el) Masquefa Matadepera Mataró Mediona Molins de Rei Mollet del Vallès Montcada i Reixac Montgat Monistrol de Montserrat Muntanyola Figaró-Montmany Montmeló Montornès del Vallès Montseny Moià Mura Olèrdola Olesa de Bonesvalls Olesa de Montserrat Olivella Orrius Pacs del Penedès Palafolls Palau-solità I Plegamans Pallejà Papiol (el) Parets del Vallès Piera Hostalets de Pierola Pineda de Mar Polinyà Pontons Prat de Llobregat (el) Premià de Mar Puigdàlber Rellinars Ripollet Roca del Vallès (la) Rubí Sabadell Sant Iscle de Vallalta Sant Adrià de Besòs Sant Andreu de la Barca Sant Andreu de Llavaneres Sant Antoni de Vilamajor Sant Boi de Llobregat Sant Celoni Sant Cebrià de Vallalta Sant Climent de Llobregat Sant Cugat del Vallès Sant Cugat Sesgarrigues Sant Esteve de Palautodera Sant Esteve Sesrovires Sant Fost de Campsentelles Sant Feliu de Codines Sant Feliu de Llobregat Vilassar de Dalt Sant Joan Despí Vilassar de Mar Sant Just Desvern Sant Llorenç d'Horto Sant Llorenç Savall Sant Martí de Centelles Sant Martí Sarroca Premià de Dalt Population (2001) 10629 5353 14367 23023 4906 20678 5500 7190 106358 1503 20639 47270 28295 8335 2521 341 873 8592 12868 286 4344 208 2422 1056 17987 1453 463 704 5917 11384 8399 3314 14983 10048 1454 21074 5145 414 61818 26334 347 396 30235 7748 61159 183788 944 31939 21933 7833 3829 78738 12700 1951 3140 60265 755 1484 5410 6718 4530 40042 7904 28772 17369 13870 1758 2061 772 2448 9114 LTL (2001) POR (2001) 3285 5003 5609 24749 4046 5600 1395 1390 42429 559 9544 15274 15828 2175 1150 57 291 3498 7541 115 1698 65 2039 264 5235 253 112 503 2023 9126 2676 2190 10707 2497 376 6806 7298 91 31863 5657 84 67 9272 3434 27640 69563 288 10556 12211 2004 1092 23561 6124 636 852 27188 340 397 3200 2213 1202 12908 3033 12726 5339 9702 489 495 222 768 2070 5248 2580 6296 10921 2176 9751 2496 3270 47100 665 9692 22577 12306 4045 1188 178 404 4060 6182 133 2103 101 1136 520 7920 683 206 343 2702 5701 3982 1434 7286 4330 682 8807 2409 160 27726 12211 159 161 13880 3785 28958 81200 412 12780 10867 3779 1821 34156 5396 938 1536 28912 341 626 2428 3125 2088 19511 3553 13489 8165 6525 801 755 352 1034 4178 Code INE 8231 8232 8234 8235 8236 8238 8239 8240 8242 8244 8245 8248 8249 8252 8256 8257 8259 8260 8261 8262 8263 8264 8266 8267 8269 8270 8273 8276 8277 8279 8281 8282 8284 8286 8287 8288 8289 8290 8291 8292 8294 8295 8296 8300 8301 8304 8305 8306 8307 8902 8904 8905 17027 17083 17101 17146 17159 17220 43002 43012 43016 43020 43024 43028 43030 43037 43046 43050 43051 43061 43074 Name of municipality Sant Pere de Ribes Sant Pere de Riudebitlles Sant Pere de Vilamajor Sant Pol de Mar Sant Quintí de Mediona Sant Quirze del Vallès Sant Quirze Safaja Sant Sadurní d'Anoia Marganell Santa Coloma de Cervelló Santa Coloma de Gramenet Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana Santa Fe del Penedès Barberà del Vallès Santa Maria de Martorelles Santa Maria de Miralles Santa Maria de Palautordera Santa Perpètua de Mogoda Santa Susanna Sant Vicenç de Caste Sant Vicenç dels Horts Sant Vicenç de Montalt Cerdanyola del Vallès Sentmenat Seva Sitges Subirats Tagamanent Talamanca Terrassa Teià Tiana Tordera Torre de Claramunt (La) Torrelavit Torrelles de Foix Torrelles de Llobregat Ullastrell Vacarisses Vallbona d'Anoia Vallgorguina Vallirana Vallromanes Viladecavalls Viladecans Vilobí del Penedès Vilafranca del Penedès Vilalba Sasserra Vilanova i la Geltrú Vilanova del Vallès Badia del Vallès Palma de Cervelló (La) Breda Hostalric Massanes Riells i Viabrea Sant Feliu de Buixalleu Viladrau Albinyana Altafulla Arboç (l') Banyeres del Penedès Bellvei Bisbal del Penedès (La) Bonastre Calafell Conesa Creixell Cunit Forès Llorenç del Penedès Population (2001) 23134 2086 2809 3927 1791 13727 417 9843 233 5557 112992 4950 317 26428 690 98 6442 20479 2090 7008 24694 3847 53343 5921 2578 19893 2576 217 100 173775 5450 6082 10116 2519 1123 1713 3759 1252 3173 1027 1430 9866 1545 6383 56841 917 31248 491 54230 2540 14714 2696 3381 2912 565 2264 702 863 1630 3293 3715 1736 1400 2182 372 13503 132 2086 6402 61 1661 LTL (2001) POR (2001) 5585 625 867 1136 402 6378 115 5078 62 1609 19249 1159 45 17465 108 72 1847 15397 888 2225 8129 1020 19156 3382 719 8085 950 134 65 67757 1084 900 3759 741 584 373 655 267 1638 397 448 2763 393 3177 14640 325 14031 129 19343 934 1358 923 1166 1550 636 689 356 369 249 864 1440 485 639 430 80 4156 17 561 1355 11 685 10492 944 1313 1981 677 6911 224 4608 99 2882 48838 2459 143 12741 310 49 2931 9623 998 2879 11415 1863 25004 2838 1198 9077 1130 104 53 78005 2550 2793 4359 1207 492 695 1806 656 1542 466 679 4549 768 3126 26599 409 14310 286 23980 1233 6291 1240 1514 1418 259 1117 303 391 689 1467 1579 784 560 895 156 5826 48 794 2866 20 748 Code INE 43079 43090 43097 43101 43105 43111 43120 43131 43132 43137 43140 43143 43153 43159 43163 43164 Name of municipality Masllorenç Montmell (el) Nou de Gaià (la) Passanant Piles (les) Pobla de Montornès (La) Querol Roda de Barà Rodonyà Sant Jaume dels Domenys Santa Oliva Savallà del Comtat Torredembarra Vallfogona de Riucorb Vendrell (el) Vespella de Gaià Population (2001) 429 721 406 194 189 1522 290 3639 443 1500 2261 62 11187 154 23744 210 LTL (2001) POR (2001) 173 69 50 43 27 339 54 1299 154 361 1386 9 3770 67 8711 54 174 274 168 81 85 660 125 1699 182 611 858 22 4909 47 10693 93 3. Metropolitan area of Valencia (2001) Code INE 12002 12008 12010 12012 12022 12024 12043 12065 12069 12071 12081 12097 12107 12125 16093 16097 16137 16202 16274 16276 44002 44231 46005 46007 46008 46009 46010 46012 46013 46014 46015 46018 46021 46022 46024 46025 46026 46028 46029 46030 46031 46032 46035 46036 46038 46041 46050 46051 46052 46054 46058 46060 46065 46067 46070 46074 46076 46077 46078 46079 46080 46082 46089 46093 46094 46098 46099 46101 46102 Name of municipality Aín Algimia de Almonacid Almedíjar Altura Bejís Benafer Caudiel Gaibiel Higueras Jérica Navajas Sacañet Sot de Ferrer Vall de Almonacid Garaballa Henarejos Narboneta Talayuelas Víllora Yémeda Abejuela Torrijas Alaquàs Albal Albalat de la Ribera Albalat dels Sorells Albalat dels Tarongers Alborache Alboraya Albuixech Alcàsser Alcublas Aldaia Alfafar Alfara de Algimia Alfara del Patriarca Alfarp Algar de Palancia Algemesí Algimia de Alfara Alginet Almàssera Almussafes Alpuente Andilla Aras de los Olmos Benagéber Benaguasil Benavites Benetússer Benifairó de les Valls Benifaió Beniparrell Benisanó Bétera Bonrepòs i Mirambell Bugarra Buñol Burjassot Calles Camporrobles Canet d'En Berenguer Casinos Catadau Catarroja Corbera Cortes de Pallás Quart de les Valls Quart de Poblet Population (2001) 155 299 270 3140 370 150 704 200 47 1561 564 84 407 279 151 252 87 1159 181 29 56 67 27733 12652 3431 3499 717 934 18201 3076 7557 812 24800 18622 490 2623 1353 424 24563 947 11947 5931 7070 911 372 383 181 9116 645 13425 1898 12050 1680 1828 15238 2231 817 9090 35330 399 1361 3007 2268 2300 20990 3029 839 1077 25305 LTL (2001) POR (2001) 20 55 57 635 91 23 166 43 5 359 169 8 88 30 43 37 11 268 13 6 4 16 8274 4825 674 855 93 320 6034 2658 3797 185 12316 3624 142 708 502 115 8074 228 3969 1398 12830 371 91 112 79 2871 225 2950 527 4099 5873 637 4738 1000 166 3503 9118 82 280 744 597 634 7991 776 263 107 14074 67 93 83 1215 119 51 245 62 13 567 243 37 155 91 41 65 19 373 11 4 17 20 11896 5937 1356 1537 286 386 8869 1284 3373 267 10155 7156 184 1133 548 158 10404 424 5290 2423 3346 327 156 126 71 3441 303 5419 920 5425 725 752 6742 935 238 3613 14403 116 441 1394 809 934 8877 1222 290 489 10194 Code INE 46103 46105 46106 46108 46109 46110 46111 46112 46114 46115 46116 46117 46120 46122 46125 46126 46133 46134 46135 46136 46141 46147 46148 46149 46152 46155 46156 46158 46159 46161 46163 46164 46165 46166 46167 46169 46171 46172 46176 46177 46178 46182 46186 46190 46191 46192 46193 46194 46197 46199 46202 46204 46205 46207 46212 46214 46215 46216 46220 46223 46224 46228 46229 46230 46232 46233 46234 46235 46237 46239 46241 Name of municipality Quartell Cullera Chelva Chera Cheste Xirivella Chiva Chulilla Domeño Dos Aguas Eliana (l') Emperador Estivella Faura Fortaleny Foios Gestalgar Gilet Godella Godelleta Higueruelas Llíria Loriguilla Losa del Obispo Lugar Nuevo de la Corina Llaurí Llombai Macastre Manises Marines Massalfassar Massamagrell Massanassa Meliana Millares Mislata Moncada Monserrat Montroy Museros Náquera Olocau Paiporta Paterna Pedralba Petrés Picanya Picassent Polinyà de Xúquer Pobla de Farnals (la) Pobla de Vallbona (la) Puig Puçol Rafelbuñol Real de Montroi Riba-roja de Túria Riola Rocafort Sagunto Sedaví Segart Serra Siete Aguas Silla Sinarcas Sollana Sot de Chera Sueca Tavernes Blanques Teresa de Cofrentes Titaguas Population (2001) 1359 20379 2046 547 7002 26710 10577 751 526 448 13668 205 1148 2804 997 5540 624 1631 11080 2365 537 17211 1045 488 109 1402 2327 1063 25685 1396 1412 13131 7370 8988 604 40548 18631 3386 1628 4167 3002 919 18860 46974 2195 822 9024 16333 3045 5287 12938 7352 14965 5727 1855 14209 1591 5341 56471 8457 211 2004 1126 16208 1188 4471 312 25371 8653 661 527 LTL (2001) POR (2001) 418 6396 558 106 3913 7372 4065 204 111 80 4142 50 250 709 151 1857 122 318 2712 764 191 6894 300 128 14 350 855 185 10808 1356 1235 3225 3136 2381 235 6473 5850 1229 287 2270 1087 186 5460 23038 700 81 3507 7357 805 2236 4175 2944 4797 3101 633 8810 207 923 20031 2947 19 699 299 8640 332 2990 51 7836 3209 85 193 601 7860 732 187 3046 11455 4773 256 208 151 6044 97 434 1264 375 2539 241 673 4706 1046 189 7014 437 166 39 535 924 376 10546 522 580 5638 3069 3896 234 17087 7729 1496 629 1937 1325 413 8395 19160 892 335 3966 7298 1293 2284 5607 3331 6685 2501 753 6064 603 2189 22755 3578 79 856 435 7027 426 2104 97 10327 3783 202 209 Code INE 46244 46245 46247 46248 46250 46256 46258 46260 46261 46262 46902 46903 Name of municipality Torrent Torres Torres Tuéjar Turís Valencia Vilamarxant Villar del Arzobispo Vinalesa Yátova Yesa (La) Gátova San Antonio de Benagéber Population (2001) 65417 443 1218 4879 738441 6119 3466 2431 1949 252 471 3042 LTL (2001) POR (2001) 18047 74 274 1550 302770 1512 1117 686 303 78 72 1026 27212 176 402 1983 299349 2533 1341 1066 717 96 113 1395 4. Metropolitan area of Sevilla (2001) Code INE 41003 41004 41005 41006 41007 41009 41010 41012 41013 41015 41016 41017 41018 41019 41021 41022 41023 41024 41025 41027 41028 41029 41030 41031 41034 41036 41038 41040 41043 41044 41045 41047 41049 41051 41055 41057 41058 41059 41063 41067 41069 41070 41071 41079 41081 41083 41085 41086 41087 41089 41091 41092 41093 41094 41095 41096 41098 41099 41101 41102 Name of municipality Albaida del Aljarafe Alcalá de Guadaíra Alcalá del Río Alcolea del Río Algaba (La) Almadén de la Plata Almensilla Aznalcázar Aznalcóllar Benacazón Bollullos de la Mitación Bormujos Brenes Burguillos Camas Campana (La) Cantillana Carmona Carrión de los Céspedes Castilblanco de los Arroyos Castilleja de Guzmán Castilleja de la Cuesta Castilleja del Campo Castillo de las Guardas (El) Coria del Río Coronil (El) Dos Hermanas Espartinas Garrobo (El) Gelves Gerena Gines Guillena Huévar del Aljarafe Lora del Río Madroño (El) Mairena del Alcor Mairena del Aljarafe Molares (Los) Olivares Palacios y Villafranca (Los) Palomares del Río Paradas Puebla del Río (La) Rinconada (La) Ronquillo (El) Salteras San Juan de Aznalfar Sanlúcar la Mayor Santiponce Sevilla Tocina Tomares Umbrete Utrera Valencina de la Conccpeción Villanueva del Ariscal Villanueva del Río y Miñas Villaverde del Río Viso del Alcor (El) Population (2001) 1956 57426 9042 3338 13005 1657 3368 3473 5809 5150 5224 11958 10795 3690 24966 5003 8934 25794 2320 4547 1870 16245 606 1618 24040 5076 101988 5798 757 6767 5610 10918 8428 2257 18281 379 16821 35833 2688 8105 33045 3742 7040 10499 29282 1351 3344 19340 10858 7099 684633 8828 18315 5038 45175 6950 4956 5218 6377 16333 LTL (2001) POR (2001) 365 19996 1944 651 2001 393 618 1020 1411 1516 1583 2158 3836 756 5302 1179 2208 6957 386 712 180 2281 134 348 4666 950 24869 1384 90 911 1104 2148 2010 516 4066 50 3937 7878 365 1486 8318 755 2005 1582 8063 287 1092 6041 2767 1572 281189 2544 3597 1327 10789 1743 807 819 1185 3585 615 19965 2780 867 3987 456 1261 915 1699 1909 1702 4848 4395 1046 8411 1591 2853 8515 588 1053 832 6069 178 347 7787 1618 36183 2296 194 2753 1666 4159 2677 645 5344 97 6011 14319 633 2594 11152 1489 2766 3200 10307 416 1267 6569 3715 2557 238160 3141 7237 1892 13544 2749 1583 1241 1986 5344 5. Metropolitan area of Bilbao (2001) Code INE 1002 1004 1010 1036 1042 9410 39020 39030 39036 39038 39101 48002 48003 48004 48005 48006 48007 48008 48009 48010 48011 48012 48013 48014 48015 48016 48017 48020 48021 48022 48023 48024 48025 48026 48028 48029 48031 48033 48035 48036 48037 48038 48040 48041 48042 48043 48044 48045 48046 48047 48048 48049 48051 48052 48053 48054 48055 48056 48057 48061 48062 48063 48064 48065 48066 48067 48068 48069 Name of municipality Amurrio Artziniega Ayala Llodio Okondo Valle de Mena Castro-Urdiales Guriezo Liendo Limpias Villaverde de Trucíos Abanto y Ciérvana-Abanto Zierbana Amorebieta-Etxano Amoroto Arakaldo Arantzazu Munitibar-Arbatzegi Gerrikaitz Artzentales Arrankudiaga Arrieta Arrigorriaga Bakio Barakaldo Barrika Basauri Berango Bermeo Bilbao Busturia Valle de Carranza Artea Zeanuri Zeberio Dima Ea Etxebarri Anteiglesia de San Esteban Elantxobe Ereño Fruiz Galdakao Galdames Gamiz-Fika Gatika Gautegiz Arteaga Gordexola Gorliz Getxo Güeñes Gernika-Lumo Gizaburuaga Ibarrangelu Ispaster Lanestosa Larrabetzu Laukiz Leioa Lemoa Lemoiz Lekeitio Maruri-Jatabe Mendata Mendexa Meñaka Ugao-Miraballes Morga Muxika Mundaka Mungia Population (2001) 9460 1336 2117 18931 876 3229 21081 1765 889 1356 365 9036 16182 376 95 289 390 655 775 521 11140 1727 94478 1230 45085 5311 16938 349972 1662 2887 644 1143 995 1052 810 7043 443 254 347 29544 799 1227 1295 843 1511 4486 82285 5831 15264 144 542 613 288 1551 995 28381 2681 886 7357 683 339 341 515 4104 400 1320 1853 13807 LTL (2001) POR (2001) 4603 484 951 6633 204 1010 6675 458 284 320 57 3371 6446 233 80 42 45 81 617 29 3896 402 24628 238 14139 1488 4874 150063 209 860 117 208 151 183 88 2957 43 29 37 10590 209 201 467 127 243 810 17800 1415 5821 339 55 171 34 445 143 11495 1669 116 1606 105 39 48 103 958 68 517 290 7555 3882 583 938 7248 356 1175 9370 710 404 549 126 3527 6834 197 34 121 156 205 308 176 4834 812 35110 544 18355 2270 6459 136332 665 1108 294 475 407 425 285 3162 127 103 151 12762 336 562 603 338 609 1994 33026 2031 6106 59 204 253 78 620 436 12372 1142 364 3026 328 156 151 241 1746 174 551 747 6202 Code INE 48070 48071 48074 48075 48076 48077 48078 48079 48080 48081 48082 48083 48084 48085 48086 48087 48089 48090 48092 48093 48094 48096 48097 48901 48902 48903 48904 48905 48906 48907 48908 48909 48911 48912 48913 48914 Name of municipality Aulesti Muskiz Urduña-Orduña Orozko Sukarrieta Plentzia Portugalete Errigoiti Valle de Trápaga-Trapagaran Lezama Santurtzi Ortuella Sestao Sopelana Sopuerta Trucios-Turtzioz Urduliz Balmaseda Bedia Areatza Igorre Zalla Zaratamo Derio Erandio Loiu Sondika Zamudio Forua Kortezubi Murueta Nabarniz Ajangiz Alonsotegi Zierbena Arratzu Population (2001) 649 6558 3982 2116 325 3643 51066 485 12621 2113 47173 8684 31773 10709 2245 521 3142 7069 994 1031 3857 7857 1651 4846 22422 2199 3978 3012 987 363 259 221 434 2662 1215 368 LTL (2001) POR (2001) 100 3041 1079 778 168 892 8091 35 6509 966 9012 1855 8942 2012 560 82 1169 1650 853 143 3110 2145 1479 4299 8703 2796 3221 10472 156 84 155 28 269 520 523 57 264 2498 1550 825 156 1708 18973 164 4911 943 17844 3326 10900 4824 878 175 1333 2638 380 368 1669 3142 688 2265 8922 860 1661 1335 443 146 116 99 184 995 483 159 6. Metropolitan area of Zaragoza (2001) Code INE 19016 19109 19183 22004 22018 22083 22119 22137 42063 44006 44008 44023 44024 44031 44032 44033 44039 44043 44047 44065 44067 44084 44085 44090 44100 44110 44122 44124 44125 44129 44131 44132 44138 44142 44152 44161 44164 44172 44184 44191 44205 44207 44208 44211 44222 44224 44227 44237 44256 44265 44267 50001 50002 50003 50004 50005 50006 50007 50008 50010 50011 50012 50013 50014 50016 50017 50018 50019 Name of municipality Algar de Mesa Embid Milmarcos Agüero Alcubierre Castejón de Monegros Gurrea de Gállego Lanaja Cihuela Alacón Albalate del Arzobispo Allueva Anadón Azaila Bádenas Báguena Bello Blesa Burbáguena Castejón de Tornos Castelnou Cortes de Aragón Cosa Cucalón Estercuel Fuenferrada Híjar Hoz de la Vieja (La) Huesa del Común Jatiel Josa Lagueruela Loscos Maicas Monforte de Moyuela Muniesa Nogueras Oliete Plou Puebla de Híjar (La) Samper de Calanda San Martín del Río Santa Cruz de Nogueras Segura de los Baños Torrecilla del Rebollar Torre de las Arcas Torre los Negros Urrea de Gaén Villanueva del Rebollar de la Sierra Vinaceite Vivel del Río Martín Abanto Acered Agón Aguarón Aguilón Ainzón Aladrén Alagón Alberite de San Juan Albeta Alborge Alcalá de Ebro Alcalá de Moncayo Aldehuela de Liestos Alfajarín Alfamén Alforque Population (2001) 84 64 126 171 449 665 1772 1531 90 409 2185 13 18 171 25 463 369 139 303 92 109 118 93 80 314 48 1928 123 136 54 30 64 188 42 77 684 19 454 53 1046 971 269 29 40 177 37 94 582 48 283 84 167 259 186 751 287 1235 77 5620 95 120 135 295 127 37 1548 1402 82 LTL (2001) POR (2001) 10 13 10 26 97 121 483 284 34 77 423 1 4 53 3 71 87 24 51 13 24 17 23 16 108 5 610 16 27 4 5 16 45 0 18 182 6 74 8 567 194 42 4 7 32 6 17 69 10 61 18 31 48 32 147 36 270 4 2179 20 35 16 32 17 8 739 475 11 19 21 34 53 166 233 686 517 47 105 660 2 7 54 9 129 107 54 60 30 42 26 30 32 83 11 673 32 41 13 12 23 54 14 24 200 10 102 14 377 309 75 8 8 56 9 29 186 13 104 22 43 79 70 256 99 448 32 2400 37 43 50 94 48 12 727 590 28 Code INE 50021 50022 50023 50024 50026 50027 50028 50030 50031 50032 50033 50036 50037 50039 50040 50041 50043 50044 50045 50047 50048 50050 50051 50052 50053 50055 50056 50060 50062 50064 50066 50068 50069 50071 50073 50077 50078 50080 50082 50083 50085 50086 50088 50089 50093 50096 50098 50099 50100 50101 50104 50107 50108 50109 50110 50111 50113 50114 50115 50116 50117 50118 50119 50122 50123 50124 50131 50132 50133 50134 50135 Name of municipality Almochuel Almolda (La) Almonacid de la Cuba Almonacid de la Sierra Alpartir Ambel Anento Añón de Moncayo Aranda de Moncayo Arándiga Ardisa Asín Atea Azuara Badules Bagüés Bárboles Bardallur Belchite Berdejo Berrueco Bijuesca Biota Bisimbre Boquiñeni Borja Botorrita Bulbuente Burgo de Ebro (El) Cabañas de Ebro Cadrete Calatorao Calcena Campillo de Aragón Cariñena Castejón de Valdejas Castiliscar Cerveruela Cimballa Cinco Olivas Codo Codos Cosuenda Cuarte de Huerva Chodes Embid de Ariza Encinacorba Epila Erla Escatrón Farlete Figueruelas Fombuena Frago (El) Frasno (El) Fréscano Fuendejalón Fuendetodos Fuentes de Ebro Fuentes de Jiloca Gallocanta Gallur Gelsa Grisel Grisén Herrera de los Navar Jaulín Joyosa (La) Lagata Langa del Castillo Layana Population (2001) 50 673 325 881 609 339 116 288 229 466 74 100 206 667 112 39 315 284 1612 53 37 133 1200 124 990 4295 482 246 1628 544 1784 2852 99 182 3196 324 403 25 143 132 259 279 410 1922 117 70 300 4087 451 1111 444 1058 15 132 547 248 871 176 3887 326 157 2900 1220 55 470 599 292 430 157 177 137 LTL (2001) POR (2001) 4 138 47 207 102 47 21 49 46 71 13 11 43 153 9 15 86 57 1056 2 9 28 226 61 194 1697 96 79 1090 79 1537 887 11 37 1805 66 68 0 15 10 42 55 84 3614 9 8 56 2441 75 292 59 8563 5 31 183 35 251 32 1348 57 44 679 376 7 92 128 61 116 19 23 29 13 256 95 322 211 127 55 81 80 119 29 32 59 239 36 11 123 105 670 31 11 42 443 47 382 1787 193 81 755 211 873 1137 29 55 1402 117 169 9 39 40 77 76 158 945 26 18 101 1595 166 369 184 474 5 49 176 82 335 62 1693 97 61 1125 449 19 190 201 110 181 43 44 61 Code INE 50136 50137 50138 50139 50140 50141 50142 50143 50144 50146 50147 50148 50149 50150 50151 50153 50154 50155 50156 50160 50161 50162 50163 50164 50166 50167 50169 50170 50171 50173 50174 50175 50178 50179 50180 50181 50182 50184 50185 50187 50188 50191 50193 50195 50197 50198 50199 50202 50203 50204 50205 50206 50207 50208 50209 50210 50211 50212 50213 50214 50216 50217 50218 50219 50220 50221 50222 50223 50224 50227 50228 Name of municipality Lécera Leciñena Lechón Letux Litago Lituénigo Lobera de Onsella Longares Longás Lucena de Jalón Luceni Luesia Luesma Lumpiaque Luna Magallón Mainar Malanquilla Maleján Mallén Manchones Mara María de Huerva Mediana de Aragón Mesones de Isuela Mezalocha Miedes de Aragón Monegrillo Moneva Monterde Montón Morata de Jalón Moros Moyuela Mozota Muel Muela (La) Murero Murillo de Gállego Nigüella Nombrevilla Novillas Nuez de Ebro Orcajo Orés Oseja Osera de Ebro Paracuellos de la Ribera Pastriz Pedrola Pedrosas (Las) Perdiguera Piedratajada Pina de Ebro Pinseque Pintanos (Los) Plasencia de Jalón Pleitas Plenas Pomer Pozuelo de Aragón Pradilla de Ebro Puebla de Albortón Puebla de Alfindén (La) Puendeluna Purujosa Quinto Remolinos Retascón Romanos Rueda de Jalón Population (2001) 817 1292 59 463 172 116 54 911 44 235 1034 413 32 917 897 1177 170 150 294 3109 145 202 1531 485 350 283 513 524 160 212 126 1471 488 326 114 1108 1773 142 150 98 53 673 581 50 112 52 357 255 1083 2812 103 519 151 2233 1819 87 370 61 159 35 337 628 138 2296 58 47 2064 1228 81 133 359 LTL (2001) POR (2001) 148 285 8 68 13 8 4 242 9 36 308 86 3 149 188 228 42 25 53 1019 17 34 889 87 60 73 125 119 15 23 16 382 103 55 18 351 691 16 33 9 9 138 163 11 16 6 163 39 137 1700 20 110 30 1172 851 13 59 7 38 2 67 152 41 3061 7 0 678 280 18 37 57 268 497 18 134 52 37 9 333 20 86 371 136 20 274 320 440 62 55 112 1269 46 74 726 163 107 94 161 217 54 81 41 475 136 98 42 427 840 43 49 25 22 272 273 19 31 23 161 57 489 1126 40 206 66 1055 835 26 138 15 63 11 116 252 56 1156 23 30 843 467 31 47 129 Code INE 50229 50230 50231 50233 50234 50235 50236 50238 50239 50240 50241 50242 50244 50247 50249 50250 50255 50256 50258 50260 50262 50263 50264 50265 50266 50267 50268 50269 50270 50271 50272 50273 50274 50275 50276 50278 50279 50280 50283 50284 50285 50286 50287 50288 50289 50290 50291 50293 50294 50295 50296 50297 50298 50901 50902 Name of municipality Ruesca Sádaba Salillas de Jalón Samper del Salz San Martín de la Virgen de Moncayo San Mateo de Gállego Santa Cruz de Grío Santa Eulalia de Gállego Santed Sástago Sabiñán Sediles Sierra de Luna Sobradiel Tabuenca Talamantes Tobed Torralba de los Frailes Torralbilla Torrelapaja Torres de Berrellén Torrijo de la Cañada Tosos Trasmoz Trasobares Uncastillo Undués de Lerda Urrea de Jalón Urriés Used Utebo Valdehorna Val de San Martín Valmadrid Valpalmas Velilla de Ebro Velilla de Jiloca Vera de Moncayo Villadoz Villafeliche Villafranca de Ebro Villalba de Perejil Villalengua Villanueva de Gállego Villanueva de Jiloca Villanueva de Huerva Villar de los Navarros Villarroya de la Sierra Villarroya del Campo Vistabella Zaida (La) Zaragoza Zuera Biel Marracos Population (2001) 86 1722 352 147 296 2212 212 131 72 1389 921 102 243 708 460 59 251 96 78 42 1374 343 192 61 212 883 48 325 75 364 11896 61 84 74 176 261 118 448 85 241 677 115 414 3426 91 588 139 660 74 36 584 614905 5640 230 112 LTL (2001) POR (2001) 16 559 77 14 39 851 31 11 13 427 181 13 60 549 97 8 39 21 9 11 273 52 37 11 32 197 9 81 11 89 4470 6 12 7 41 45 12 98 18 33 155 24 110 2446 9 97 37 172 15 3 373 245681 2563 51 22 27 657 123 54 110 944 53 48 22 542 333 34 83 273 170 13 73 31 27 17 561 89 49 19 62 322 15 120 18 122 5641 18 30 30 65 90 30 165 35 65 280 40 149 1586 24 167 44 210 24 14 221 261857 2344 91 47 7. Metropolitan area of Málaga (2001) Code INE 29003 29004 29007 29009 29011 29012 29025 29030 29036 29038 29039 29040 29043 29044 29050 29066 29067 29071 29080 29082 29083 29092 29093 29096 29097 29901 Name of municipality Alfarnate Alfarnatejo Alhaurín de la Torre Almáchar Almogía Alora Benalmádena Borge (El) Carratraca Cártama Casabermeja Casarabonela Colmenar Comares Cútar Macharaviaya Málaga Moclinejo Pizarra Rincón de la Victoria Riogordo Totalán Valle de Abdalajís Villanueva del Rosario Villanueva del Trabuco Torremolinos Population (2001) 1415 412 23369 1928 4201 12363 34565 1005 835 14139 2935 2475 3073 1336 620 375 524414 1104 6874 25302 2650 622 2972 3422 4841 44772 LTL (2001) POR (2001) 170 64 5079 277 866 2354 13098 140 110 3088 547 484 909 198 112 51 190550 126 1431 4648 678 87 353 415 868 17654 259 109 9007 609 1505 3686 13606 177 185 4700 1058 741 936 308 210 127 188527 292 2347 9767 999 224 676 765 1196 17133 Appendix 4: European Regional/Spatial Planning Charter (1983) 453 The (re)positioning of the Spanish metropolitan system within the European urban system (1986-2006) 454 EUR0PEAN CONFERENCE 0F MINISTERS RESPONSIBLE F0R REGI0NAL PLANNING 6th Session Torremolinos (Spain) 19-20 May 1983 FINAL RESOLUTIONS adopted by the Conference Council of Europe Strasbourg CEMAT (83) 7 1 RESOLUTION No.2 ON THE EUROPEAN REGIONAL/SPATIAL PLANNING CHARTER The Ministers, 1. Recalling their proceedings and exchanges of views at the London Conference (1980) concerning the preliminary draft of a Charter prepared by the Committee of Senior Officials at the express wish of the Vienna Conference (1978); 2. Welcoming the work accomplished by the Committee of Senior Officials in accordance with Resolution No. 2 adopted in London (1980) ; 3. Thanking the Parliamentary Assembly for its proposal at the Vienna Conference that a Charter be prepared and the Standing Conference of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe for its support and its contributions to this project ; 4. Considering that this Charter will have to serve as a guideline and reference framework for all who bear responsibility for spatial/regional planning in Europe ; 5. Believing that the Charter should initiate a new phase in European co-operation in the spatial/regional planning field and in particular serve as a basis for the work on the preparation of a European Spatial/ Regional Planning Strategy ; 6. ADOPT the appended European Charter on Regional Planning, AND PRESENT IT to the people and to those who bear political responsibility at local, regional, national and international level ; 7. REQUEST all institutions, administrations and organisations dealing with spatial/regional planning and management to take its substance into account in their work ; 8. UNDERTAKE to recommend to their respective governments that the principles and aims set forth in the Charter be taken into consideration and that international co-operation be promoted with a view to achieving real European planning 9. REQUEST the Committee of Senior Officials and the national and European authorities concerned to do their utmost to arrange the widest possible distri bution for it ; 10. DECIDE to discuss at each plenary session the initiatives taken both in their own countries and at European level to promote the principles set forth in the Charter ; 11. INVITE the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to endorse the text of the Charter. APPENDIX TO RESOLUTION No. 2 EUROPEAN REGIONAL/SPATIAL PLANNING CHARTER adopted on 20 May 1983 PREAMBLE The European Ministers responsible for Regional Planning, meeting at their 6th session organised under the auspices of the Council of Europe, considering that : 2. Regional/spatial planning is an important instrument in the evolution of European society and that the intensification of international cooperation in this field represents a substantial contribution towards a stronger European identity ; 3 .cooperation in this field calls for an analysis of national, regional and local development concepts with a view to the adoption of common principles designed particularly to reduce regional disparities and to reach a deeper insight into the use and organisation of space, the distribution of activities, the protection of the environment and the improvement of the quality of life ; 4 the profound changes brought about in the economic and social structures of the countries of Europe and their relations with other parts of the world demand a critical review of the principles governing the organisation of space, to avoid their being wholly determined by short-term economic objectives without taking into consideration social, cultural and environmental aspects ; 5. the objectives of regional/spatial planning need new criteria for the orientation and the use of technical progress, in conformity with economic and social requirements ; 6. - all European citizens should be enabled to participate, in a suitable institutional framework, in the introduction and application of regional/spatial planning measures ; 7. and present it to the people as well as to policy decision-makers at local, regional, national and international level. ADOPT THIS CHARTER THE CONCEPT OF REGIONAL/SPATIAL PLANNING 8. Regional/spatial planning gives geographical expression to the economic, social, cultural and ecological policies of society. 9. It is at the same time a scientific discipline, an administrative technique and a policy developed as an interdisciplinary and comprehensive approach directed towards a balanced regional development and the physical organisation of space according to an overall strategy. Its European dimension 10. Regional/spatial planning contributes to a better spatial organisation in Europe and to the finding of solutions for problems which go beyond the national framework and thus aims to create a feeling of common identity, having regard to North-South and East-West relations. Its characteristics Man and his well-being as well as his interaction with the environment are the central concern of regional/spatial planning, its aims being to provide each individual with an environment and quality of life conducive to the development of his personality in surroundings planned on a human scale. 12. Regional/spatial planning should be democratic, comprehensive, functional and oriented towards the longer term. Democratic it should be conducted in such a way as to ensure the participation of the people concerned and their political representatives, Comprehensive it should ensure the coordination of the various sectoral policies and integrate them in an overall approach, Functional it needs to take account of the existence of Regional consciousness based on common values, culture and interests sometimes crossing administrative and territorial boundaries, while taking account of institutional arrangements of the different countries, Long-term it should analyse and take into consideration Oriented : the long-term trends and developments of economic, social, cultural, ecological and environmental phenomena and interventions. Its operation 13. Regional/spatial planning must take into consideration the existence of a multitude of individual and institutional decision-makers which influence the organisation of space, the uncertainty of all forecasting studies, the market pressures, the special features of administrative systems and the differing socioeconomic and environmental conditions. It must however strive to reconcile these influences in the most harmonious way possible. THE FUNDAMENTAL OBJECTIVES Regional/spatial planning seeks at one and the same time to achieve: 14. - Balanced socio-economic development of the regions Taking into consideration the economic processes affecting Europe as a whole, the specific regional characteristics and the important role of development axes and communication networks, it should control the growth of regions which are congested or developing too fast, encourage the development of backward regions, and maintain or adapt the infrastructures that are essential to the stimulation of economic recovery in declining regions or those threatened with serious employment problems particularly through manpower migration at European level. Peripheral areas which have special requirements and structural potential for socio-economic rebalancing should be better linked up to the industrial and economic centres of Europe. 15. - Improvement of the quality of life It encourages improvement in the quality of everyday life, in respect of housing, work, culture, leisure or relationships within human communities, and the enhancement of the well-being of each individual through the creation of jobs and the provision of economic, social and cultural amenities which meet the aspirations of different sections of the population and which are sited in places where they will be used to the optimum. 16. - Responsible management of natural resources and protection of the environment By promoting strategies to minimise conflicts between the growing demand for natural resources and the need to conserve them, it seeks to ensure responsible management of the environment, the resources of land, subsoil, air, water, energy resources, fauna and flora, paying special attention to areas of natural beauty and to the cultural and architectural heritage. 17. Rational use of land In pursuit of the above defined objectives, it is concerned in particular with the location, organisation and development of large urban and industrial complexes, major infrastructures, and the protection of agricultural and forestry land. Every regional/spatial planning policy must be necessarily accompanied by a land-use policy in order to make it possible to achieve objectives which are in the public interest. PURSUIT OF REGIONAL/SPATIAL PLANNING 18. The achievement of regional/spatial planning objectives is essentially a political matter. 19. Many private and public agencies contribute by their actions to developing and changing the organisation of space. Regional/spatial planning reflects the desire for interdisciplinary integration and coordination and for cooperation between the authorities involved. 20. It seeks coordination between the various sectors This effort for coordination concerns mainly the distribution of population, economic activities, habitat, public facilities and power supplies ; transport ; water supply and purification noise prevention and waste disposal ; protection of the environment and of natural, historical, cultural assets and resources. 21. It facilitates coordination and cooperation between the various levels of decision-making and the equalisation of financial resources The various authorities involved in regional/spatial planning policy need to be given the power to take and carry out decisions, as well as adequate financial means. In order to ensure optimal coordination between local, regional, national and European levels, also as regards transfrontier cooperation, their action must always take into account any measures introduced or planned at the level above or below their own and, consequently, they must keep one another regularly informed. . At local level : coordination of local authority development plans, having regard to the essential interests of regional and national planning; . At regional level : the most appropriate level at which to pursue a regional/spatial planning policy, coordination between the regional authorities themselves and local and national authorities as well as between regions of neighbouring countries . At national level : coordination of different regional/spatial planning policies and regional aid arrangements as well as harmonisation of the national and regional objectives. . At European level : coordination of regional/spatial planning policies in order to achieve objectives of European importance and general balanced development. 22. Public participation Any regional/spatial planning policy, at whatever level, must be based on active citizen participation. It is essential that the citizen be informed clearly and in a comprehensive way at all stages of the planning process and in the framework of institutional structures and procedures. STRENGTHENING EUROPEAN COOPERATION 23. The European Conference of Ministers responsible for Regional Planning (CEMAT) constitutes the ideal political instrument for cooperation and initiative at European level. - It will intensify relations with the bodies of the Council of Europe and the European Community, as well as with the relevant intergovernmental organisations. It will present regular progress reports on European cooperation in this field to the Parliamentary Assembly and the Standing Conference of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe. - Besides organising and intensifying political cooperation between States, it will promote cooperation in the main technical planning fields such as long-range forecasting, regional statistics, cartography and terminology. It must acquire the scientific, administrative, technical and financial tools essential to the pursuit of its aims, in particular by drawing up a European regional planning concept. 24. The Ministers ask all institutions, administrations and organisations dealing with regional planning problems to have regard in their work to the contents of the Charter. 25. The Charter can be revised with a view to adapting it to the needs of European society. 26. The Ministers undertake to recommend to their respective governments that the principles and aims set forth in the Charter be taken into consideration and that the international cooperation be promoted with a view to achieving real European planning. APPENDIX SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES All principles set down in the present Charter have already been developed in the work of the European Conference of Ministers responsible for Regional Planning on rural, urban, frontier, mountain and coastal areas and on islands. 1. Rural areas with a primarily agricultural function have a fundamental role to play. It is essential to create acceptable living conditions in the countryside, as regards all economic, social, cultural and ecological aspects as well as infrastructures and amenities, while distinguishing between under-developed and peripheral rural regions and those close to large conurbations. In such areas the development of the urban framework, of social and economic structures and of transport must take account, in all spheres, of their specific functions and in particular of the conservation and management of the natural landscape. 2. Urban areas contribute greatly to the development of Europe and usually present the problem of controlling their growth. A balanced urban structure requires the systematic implementation of plans for land use and the application of guidelines for the development of economic activities for the benefit of the living conditions of town dwellers. Special attention should be paid to the improvement of living conditions, the promotion of public transport and to all measures to curb the excessive movement of population away from the town centres to the periphery. The rehabilitation of the architectural heritage, monuments and sites must be an integral part of an overall town and country planning policy. 3. Frontier areas, more than all others, need a policy of co-ordination between States. The purpose of such a policy is to open up the frontiers and institute transfrontier consultation and co-operation and joint use of infrastructure facilities. States should facilitate direct contacts between the regions and localities concerned in accordance with the European Outline Convention on transfrontier co-operation between territorial authorities in order to promote increasingly close contacts between the populations concerned. In the frontier areas, no project which could have harmful consequences for the environment of neighbouring countries should be carried out without previous consultation of those States. 4. Mountain areas : In view of the importance of these areas for the ecological, economic, social, cultural and agricultural functions they fulfil and their value as depositories of natural resources, and of the many constraints from which they suffer in these fields of activity, spatial management policy must give special and suitable consideration to the preservation and development of mountain regions. 5. Regions with structural weaknesses where living and working conditions have made little progress, particularly for historical reasons, or which could be left behind by changes in their economic base, need special assistance related to the disparities which exist between living and working conditions within the various States. 6. Regions in decline : Specific policies should be developed in favour of regions where economic activity has strongly slowed down following industrial restructuring and ageing of their infrastructure and of their industrial equipment, very often monostructured. This situation is accelerated by the worldwide competition resulting from the new international division of labour. 7. Coastal areas and islands : The development of mass tourism and transport in Europe and the industrialisation of coastal areas, islands and the sea, demand specific policies for these regions in order to ensure their balanced development and co-ordinated urbanisation, bearing in mind the requirements of environmental conservation and regional characteristics. Regard must be given to the specific role and functions of coastal areas in the land-sea relationship and of seatransport possibilities. 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