Gamma Colore
Farbpalette Colour range Gamma Colore © INPEK © INPEK Farbpalette Colour range Gamma Colore Indice Index Inhaltsverzeichnis PFRB Panel - Rock fibre compressed Pannello in fibra di roccia basaltica PFRB PFRB Paneel - Basaltgestein hergestellten 05 HPL Panel Pannello HPL HPL Paneel 17 3 Farbpalette Colour range Gamma Colore © INPEK 4 Farbpalette Colour range Gamma Colore Pannello in fibra di roccia basaltica PFRB © INPEK PFRB PFRB Panel - Rock fibre compressed PFRB Paneel - Basaltgestein hergestellten Leggero Light materials Leicht © INPEK Resistente ai raggi UV UV Resistance UV-beständig Resistenza agli agenti atmosferici Weather conditions resistance Wetterfestig Ritagliabile in cantiere Cut-out on site Auf die Baustelle abänderba Manutenzione ed installazione semplici Maintenance and installation easy Verlegung- und Pflegeleicht B - s2, d0 A2 - s1, d0 5 Farbpalette Colour range Gamma Colore PFRB standard RAL 1013 Bianco perla RAL 1015 Avorio chiaro RAL 3004 Rosso porpora RAL 3007 Rosso scuro RAL 3009 Rosso ossido RAL 5011 Blu acciaio RAL 6009 Verde abete RAL 7001 Grigio argento RAL 7004 Grigio segnale RAL 7016 Grigio antracite RAL 7021 Grigio scuro RAL 7022 Grigio umbra RAL 7030 Grigio roccia RAL 7031 Grigio-blu RAL 7035 Grigio chiaro RAL 7037 Grigio polvere RAL 7038 Grigio agata RAL 8028 Marrone terra RAL 9001 Bianco crema RAL 9005 Nero intenso RAL 6009 Verde abete 6 Farbpalette Colour range Gamma Colore PFRB speciali // blu cielo RAL 200-50-05 RAL 210-40-25 RAL 210-90-10 RAL 220-20-10 RAL 220-40-10 RAL 220-60-10 RAL 240-30-10 RAL 250-40-15 RAL 250-50-10 RAL 260-20-20 RAL 270-30-15 RAL 280-20-05 RAL 300-60-05 RAL 5000 Blu violetto RAL 5001 Blu verde RAL 5004 Blu scuro RAL 5008 Blu grigio RAL 5022 Blu notte RAL 6034 Turchese pastello RAL 7024 Grigio grafite 7 Farbpalette Colour range Gamma Colore speciali // giallo sabbia 8 RAL 060-40-10 RAL 060-50-05 RAL 060-70-05 RAL 060-70-20 RAL 080-30-10 RAL 090-80-20 RAL 095-70-10 RAL 100-80-05 RAL 1002 Giallo sabbia RAL 6022 Oliva bruno RAL 9002 Bianco grigio RAL 100-90-20 PFRB Farbpalette Colour range Gamma Colore PFRB speciali // grigio piombo RAL 000-50-00 RAL 040-50-05 RAL 080-30-05 RAL 080-40-05 RAL 080-80-05 RAL 240-80-05 RAL 240-80-10 RAL 7012 Grigio basalto RAL 7036 Grigio platino RAL 8022 Marrone scuro RAL 9003 Bianco segnale RAL 9011 Nero grafite 9 Farbpalette Colour range Gamma Colore PFRB speciali // rosso terra 10 RAL 020-20-05 RAL 040-40-50 RAL 050-30-10 RAL 050-40-40 RAL 060-30-20 RAL 060-50-30 RAL 060-50-70 RAL 2010 Arancio segnale RAL 3016 Rosso corallo RAL 4004 Viola bordeaux RAL 8001 Marrone ocra RAL 8023 Marrone arancio RAL 8024 Marrone beige Farbpalette Colour range Gamma Colore PFRB speciali // verde mare RAL 100-40-20 RAL 130-50-30 RAL 130-80-10 RAL 130-80-20 RAL 140-60-10 RAL 150-80-10 RAL 160-50-20 RAL 170-40-10 RAL 180-20-05 RAL 190-40-15 RAL 6013 Verde canna RAL 6015 Oliva scuro RAL 6028 Verde pino RAL 7010 Grigio tenda RAL 7023 Grigio calcestruzzo RAL 7033 Grigio cemento 11 Farbpalette Colour range Gamma Colore PFRB speciali // new RAL 070-70-60 RAL 095-50-50 RAL 3001 Rosso segnale RAL 5010 Blu genziana GRIGIO GRAFITE ANTRACITE BLU NOTTE metallics ALLUMINIO BIANCO 12 ALLUMINIO GRIGIO AZZURRO BORDEAUX Farbpalette Colour range Gamma Colore PFRB chameleon VVB Viola ROV Rosso AVM Arancione LM Lila VVB Verde ROV Oro AVM Verde LM Marrone Chiaro VVB Blu ROV Viola AVM Marrone 13 Farbpalette Colour range Gamma Colore PFRB brilliant 14 STALO PETROLO ERCO KARBO OLEO KARMINI TURKISI VERDI FLAVI ARBARI PERLA ESPINELA KALCITA RUBENA SMERALDA ORANGI Farbpalette Colour range Gamma Colore PFRB woods FAGGIO TEAK ONTANO ROVERE CILIEGIO MOGANO RHINESTONE Oak SLATE Oak CARBON Oak MARBLE Oak CERAMIC Oak SLATE Ebony GRANITE Ebony LIMESTONE Ebony MARBLE Ebony AGATE Ebony MERBAU 15 © INPEK 16 Farbpalette Colour range Gamma Colore Pannello HPL © INPEK HPL HPL Panel HPL Paneel Leggero Light materials Leicht © INPEK Resistente ai raggi UV UV Resistance UV-beständig Resistenza agli agenti atmosferici Weather conditions resistance Wetterfestig Ritagliabile in cantiere Cut-out on site Auf die Baustelle abänderba Manutenzione ed installazione semplici Maintenance and installation easy Verlegung- und Pflegeleicht B - s2, d0 17 Farbpalette Colour range Gamma Colore HPL metallic ISOCinnamonG ISOBlackG ISOSparrowG ISOAtlantisG ISOCharcoalG ISOSandG ISOSatsuma ISOCandy ISOBerry ISOGrape ISOPool neon ISOEletric 18 Farbpalette Colour range Gamma Colore HPL black & white ISOStarlight ISOCoolGrey ISOBlack ISOWhite ISOPebble ISOBirchGrey ISOPastelGrey ISOMedium ISODarkGrey ISOCharcoal ISOConcrete ISOCarbon 19 Farbpalette Colour range Gamma Colore HPL yellow ISOMaize ISOGold ISOSaffron ISOWinter ISOIvory ISOJasmin ISODarkRed ISORubinus ISOPurple ISOWineRed ISOBlackRed red ISOMarsRed 20 Farbpalette Colour range Gamma Colore HPL brown ISOTobacco ISOSepia ISOSparrow ISOOldPink ISOTerracotta ISOCinnamon ISOGentian ISONightBlue ISOGlacier ISOSteelBlue ISODoveBlue blue ISOAtlantic 21 Farbpalette Colour range Gamma Colore green 22 ISOYellowG ISOGreen ISODarkGreen ISOKiwi ISOReseda ISOJade ISOFir ISOPaleOlive ISOOlive ISOAtlantis ISOPetrol ISOTurquoise HPL Farbpalette Colour range Gamma Colore HPL pastel ISOPaleIvory ISOSand ISOHWhite ISOHBeige ISOCream ISOOrchid ISOAmazon ISOSunPear ISOPolar ISOMarshland ISOBarrique impressive ISOEcuador 23 Farbpalette Colour range Gamma Colore HPL pure ISOEnigma ISOTaurus ISOVoyager ISOButterfly ISOJazz ISOThunder ISOLightFir ISOTyrolPine ISOGoldCoast ISOAntique ISOPhoenix iconic ISOCreek 24 Farbpalette Colour range Gamma Colore HPL essential ISOAlmond ISOLightAfro ISOTerra ISORust ISORuby ISODarkAfro ISOTambora ISOTin ISOBronze ISOBlues ISOReggae energetic ISOPatina 25 Farbpalette Colour range Gamma Colore HPL plain ISOSahara ISOAfroGrey ISOAfroBlack ISOPradoB ISOAluGrey ISOAgateGrey ISORiverside ISOColosseum ISOStone ISOVenus ISORockstar solid ISOMoon 26 Farbpalette Colour range Gamma Colore HPL urban ISOLoft ISOSkyline ISOCave ISOCorro ISOKingCross authentic special ISONature ISOTexture ISOSatellite 27 Isopan is a Company of ISOPAN S.p.A. Centro di Patrica / Patrica Centre: S.P. Morolense - I - 03010 PATRICA (FR) Tel. 0039 07752081 Trevenzuolo Centre: Via Giona, 5 - I - 37060 TREVENZUOLO (VR) Tel. 0039 0457359111 [email protected] ISOPAN IBÉRICA SL Polígono Industrial de Constantí - Avda. de les Puntes, parcela 23 E - 43120 Constantí (TARRAGONA) Tel. 0034 977524546 [email protected] Uffici commerciali esteri / Sales Company ISOPAN FRANCE Ufficio commerciale / commercial office: Avenue du Golf - Parc Innolin - Bat. C2 - 33700 Mérignac Tel. 0033 5 56021352 - Fax 0033 5 56978786 [email protected] ISOPAN Manni Group CZ s.r.o. Obchodní kancelář: Čelaskovského sady 1580/4 - 110 00 Praha 1 - CZ [email protected] ISOPAN EST Sos. de Centura 109 - Popesti Leordeni - RO 077160 - jud. ILFOV Tel. 0040 21 3051600 [email protected] ISOPAN DEUTSCHLAND GmbH Kreisstraße 48 D - 06193 Wettin-Löbejün - OT Plötz Tel 0049 346033220 Via A. Righi, 7 - I - 37135 VERONA Tel. 0039 0458088911 [email protected] In collaborazione con / In collaboration with Isopan: pannelli sandwich marcati CE Technical data and properties are not binding. Isopan reserves the right to make changes without notice, the most current documentation in available on out web site This document and each element contained in it are exclusive property of Isopan Spa. It is strictly forbidden to reproduce, even partially, the texts or images contained in this document, without the written authorisation of the author. Copyright © - ISOPAN S.p.A. Rev 01 - 09/2015 ISOPAN RUSSIA ulitsa Aleksandrova, Volzhskiy Volgogradskaya oblast Tel. 007 960 8753838 [email protected]