FOOD& DRUGADMi?WSIRAXrON Offioe . 200 “CaStrefxS.w.
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FOOD& DRUGADMi?WSIRAXrON Offioe . 200 “CaStrefxS.w.
% - . . . 9 3ixly24,1995 . . .“ - . . ✎ ● ✍✎✌ ✍✎ ✍✎ . -.. ✎ & FOOD& DRUGADMi?WSIRAXrON Offioeof q)eoial?writionals 200 “CaStrefxS.w. wa”hingto&DC20204 R& . . Notificationof Mention to make a Statementof NutritionalSupportfor AZO-CRAIWERRW CranberryJuicePowder CapsUIes Pumuant to the~i~~plm@H4timdMumtionA~ of 1994~ @13EA), this Ietterrepresents riotiiioation thatourcom,paqyintiniis to-makea statementof nutritional supportfor ourlzO-wNBERiY&psules. . This statement will readasfollow Qanberryhe/ps liocktie aUachment ofE cdi bacteriato the m-nary Mu&rwall. u h additioq the label will q a bold disclaimer which will read5?WsszWWenZhaSnot been evaIuatedbyfleFd& DnigAdnin@z2tion. lhkpma!iut knot Mencikdtoa?a~ose, treat,cure or preventaffydiseqa” These statements wiflbeaddedtithe -paOka* a representation of whioh oan be seen rnlhhi%it f% . . The abovestmctumf@ctioIIe . is supportedby thefollowinginilonnatiom “-%. - Exhiiit43:-Paperentitied“Redqct@nof13actmiu& and-hmestion CrarIbemyJuioe~ J. Avorq et~ SW~ 751(19!?4). &hibit C: Papq entitled‘hhiiition ofBa@&l ‘ E&i~itD: AdhererlmtbyCmrbenyhiax Potent&dUsefor the Treatment of Why Sobo& J. UroL~ 1013(1984). Tractlhfkotions~A E. . . . Article preprint entitled “Cranberry- America’s Heal~ Siciliano. Uassadlusetis: aofado: Un&d Kingdom: of Fruig”A A - .. / .. -, .,,. .. . -- .... 11 SW S@MCv4&jrrL MA01601- (6t7) 933-2020 FAX (617) 933-7992 561 Cmi.ecence f%ce< G&lea, 036040i * (303) 2714300 * FAX (303) 27W397 -ex. Tanh. Ctwshice CI+3 6JF. UK - 0629-74151s ~ FAX06z9-7#456 Tatxh $%ncts ● LE-T3~ * mlibiifwi&d’’~Jtiocati~;f” - IMiiIiidi m?=aed Type 1 4nd~Pmnb&tedBchwzk7@//ti Eucayotic.Gll&” ~. -et 4 Antimicn)bial&entsand@21110thCll&#~ 92 . (1989). . . - ArfhurA Sicihano, PiLD. ExequtiveVice ~den~ M,s& . .. Enclosures . .TWXdWmslu..Y9m)A ● . . . “. . ..... . . . . ‘t . . . -,,.’..,’.:.-“.. . . .. . . .. -.-.-*. -:. -v~ . . ... . -- . , .: 6 u . 2 . .. . ,- . . ..- . . . 4 . .. . 1 ...-. .. . ..... ...-..-. - . Inhibitory ActiVity of’Cra&eri=y Juice on Adherence Of TYPe”h ana “ - Type P Fhbriated J!Zwherichiu dim Eu&uyotic”CeIIs - ----. DZNAZ4FR!Kf/ A OF&.t ~ fUVKA AD&t.= MAfUSOLTOCfN0.2 ANO NATHAN SHARON* . . Dt!pamwl qf&altan A4krabWlgy. SiKWcrFily qfmdd%le. Td 44$* uuiiva~u:rclA&”:’-aid Dcparrntearof B@hyxics. l%e W4maau Ja.wtiuwqfSAvKV. Rdunwf.- fxra+ ~ Ykeiwd 4 AUK J!#tWxe# faidbitkm of imcierfai adhemace le f&dder cei(s has ka asdibcd 40 crau~ juice and Cmlabcq juhx k Oaoiw 1* .asmmed CO acoouat Cocktdl &l Che prwcacioa ofudaaty fix (he btadidd u-ad hkdioas adoa (A. IL I31:IOI3=1O16. W4L W hatecxamkd Ck ~~ ~~ ~ ~ju~ au * =~~~ of &ckuiit&I d CX@SS@ surfacekcfiaisof dctiaedqar qxcifid[y fO .yeas’& fiSSUe CUttUIW Cdk. of Uti-~ tr@WOQ?eS. WId MOUSC fUTi(OA~ UUiCM@Ul&S. tilljilb$ cockaif iahibittd tie adhcrencc S#W and P fimbdae (~”fic for a+-Ga((l-41-@-tJ-@] but koiafes expI-&ag t}pe 1 fimbriae(maimose fsoia(e espmssing a CPM adhesia, The cocktd also &ddbkd yeast aggkIUmttiOct 4adaocfT@oaad&r&ai by pld%d qpe 1 fimbrba W Iahibi(oq acddtyfbr qpc J timbriakd&i cofiwas diais=w ~ ~~d ~ ascribed(0 theftwke prcsm in fhccock*i&thissugaruasshowf/fO asacck astne@4 a~mide in iaidbi(ing fhcadherenceofc}~ I (imbrided&(er& The Wdbi(oryacfh@yfor theP iimbrkkd kCti oftiw badetia UWI &e axiclaiL CraabcrryJuioL wasaoaddjzabk andwasdeused OIlf~~er @ncubat&a orangejaicG andpiaeapple$ikcakwfaiaibited adherence of type 1 tiqbrkted& cd?.mos(likelykaw of tick fmckwccontest.”Howmr,fhcwv lattcrJuices did notInhibitchc.Pfimbrhmdbagcria Wecondwk tOeucqtiutcrard)cqJuice coaCaias atleastw Mibitocsoflcetinaediated adhemw ofuropafhogcas Inhibitors p@ 8 rok & viw. CMS Fmtiwrstidks arc reqaked [o csfabiishuiwdwr ~ . . —SobotaJ: . UroL Baaaidadhmacc tomucosaiaik isaaimpofumacp (hcadhueaccoftypclfimbliMcd Ed. has bcca amply bl thedcvdopmuuof infkctioa f3J. ~ danoasuatcd. espe&Jiyf6r4aftWy Uwt iafixtioas (19.X. 10 sk * adkm of SMIWktdii ~ by kaia-sugar im~ ~. 31L makcdas orcarbohydmlcs might Sufwoa OffoodsConcainiag dkcf the infkuioapmccss (I& 2$J. llIueisaweallilof aa&xaicvid@CeA%ii asseYCml -win. oa*u=of-bemjuiccaacf CIaa- C*kri ails ~ mcdii(cd ewecod@lfordJc plwdoaofmuarcat .ttac(iafdoas (4. ~. 27.SJ. fa~ auetnpt@ &ui@ the =~::pw~-k-= ygg’g’~~ . - dlhcochcris& nondiiyabk Subaaaa (Orsubstaaasl Wflicilinhibitsbiad. ingof P timbrkd & &i. . MATERrArs #al METHODS Juices Cnmbcrryjtdcc Cock* and Cm$bajguicc @a4e from * Am&au aaabcmy. Vacxi%fwa mwvcqwal spcayChnburica Inc.The@or *W Obfaiacd finalOcean cohscicueacs Ofcmtlbenyjuia aregiucOsc ash fmcwac fl%kchdcadd(LI%J, q(daicS@ ~l$?L andtWiiC acid (osfLcraabem’juia CoCkmiiisa=ati&w Uatiwjuket owhichgklooseaad twoseimf-am Wa@Soffk+cdddadtohumaa buaaialad.urocpi. tooweWa@s ofabout7aad5%. ~Y. ~ dtdidceklka(ndaauscdbysotiotaw~kwcvcronot 4scorbk add(00.3? mdml(dmma-to* dc!iacdwiihrcspcu (obtypcoftii.fkyxtiw fnaaufaaurcrand rdtreaa 17j. Omngejuk and pkappic -~*e$wwidu~kcflmbri=Jzcd? JfioemwdmsedlnaMm_-fl*ti b * qIoSfrequent .Udnary iaokwfiwn.patk.auwith [email protected]_tilM dtWYw d[&&;iOh~ NaOH. Forsomc dthcc%4%!ricm=&ti Cockaaiiwas capable of Cxp@tsdng a maaaosc4@k widl(ypc16mbria& which mcdii&st&a dhu’caaoftiu backria to uroepi(hdiiC4S (6 9. S3. In addi(ioa[o wc 1 Mxiac,InoS( p@or@lrik)gcnic isolatesOf&diexprcss an4aU+4]&Gal(ahbrcviakdas oaKki&spccMc kctifl asdated withP fimbiiae.whii aiso audiiws the adhcrCae of (hc,tycria (0 Umcpichciiai&lis (22 Mi (au sugars qc Ofiilc D &i’@uratioa). We therefore Ua&IIOOk (his o(’cnmbeny ju-ke ar. iavcsdga(km (o examine the. ckt cockail andk comiwn[s oa t@ atdheremx10 eucwyixic co[imcdii(cdby type 1 and [-w P iimhriae. As h (hk WpO&dIe i~hii[o~ efk( OfCXid~@@kc alfs of & .- diiyzcd agains( phospha(c4udWed saline (PBS: LW mM ?&Cland 20mM phospha(c. pH 721 iadiiysisx~ti~a CUM’poi ( ofMw L~.000in the coid far3days 3 PBS. [n OWr cxpcrimcafs. Cite3 * w chan&S ~mikriy dialyzedzgai(w dktiied water and @pid7izcd9 Ba~6 The!istrains used are listedin Table1. Thc bac@a wctw-gnwmunder coadi(iomsoptimalfix the Wducha of their suflkc icctins. Type 1 fimbriadb@* war grwa InUyp(icsoyhnxhundersadccondhiwM 3TCfw 48 h. Af(cT hf~ fwvcs(cd. the bacteria** - washedonce in PBS and suspended in PBS or in (he lti~ coaccntrat”bao(f’+-~~ aIiS’Fer ti~ad... . . . . . . ~@cI@oa adherenceof’&cvditas~~.~qig ctl!<-isdu.e--- 3.0aptvztideiisiylof)l =------iti$to uniG’.lrWW@do_nKal&~fi-.-:” ““-”-(o (WW (or moreldiflercat comaituen[s. One d {hew k (hc $ho~ fm~osc present in [he juice and the cocke~ti. \vhich inhihits . “ Comcspi;dk: w(h<w. - Juice (ott junior spectrophotamcte rx(.S40 nm. P fimlxia(cd E. cdiartd E. cdi CFAd were grown an Cwswnirm Acids ycas( CXU2M3 x( -77T for 24 h: (he hacterk were collectedfrom [he qyr into 5 ml d i’BS. wxshcd once. and suspended to :i . .. . ..*WG 1. Lwuucaliasuscd &l . dbhwul$ .f%hfau &+a E z a&kr “ @&oIiH- 0iH4fl 0uxkH4 “06 iiarri& (m Dian+cII . H %7 =2 mm EKE 07&K *12 0LKH7 Lz!nmyde?idw “- MardUa J=&kfhwi16.4at H. L T. Mohky(224 JJGoWW(16.4UI -. L G.W(GW(M.4at H. L T. Iuobky ml H. L T. Mobky4221 8. L EktsmhI (14 Q. G. Ewms {U T. fcoIhonca (IN Tj’pep . “-. “.. . NFA “W&c: I . CPM” T}pc P -UT% tkiwualaiutakla ‘Attcrscdd ~ia&rowdfsu&M cxcqNIHE-l@32 kulwuI6mhr&. ttFA. Nodidwd . 4?duwa.bkod&mqt+ueilk amoentmtioa ofl.S x 10WCCIIS perml (3.0ODtmiw inPBS ptwiously (241.I’k tate of aggrwxiort (Changein transmhOria @c Ustcdjuii tanccas a functionOftimc)wasCakukd fromtheUmgcn[ ~ltimbrfac.Type lfimbdacWc-rcpuri6cdfmm&cw/i of thesaxpcstslopcofthc cutwcpmxkcdbrthcincmascia 346 by,tiulcthod of Eshdatctal. (11). Thc!ilnbtiaf light ttansdtancc as a HI{ of aggmgatc formatioaafkr ~Oa was dissokd in O.WM Ttis hydrochloride additionof 10to 20 @ of the bactaial suspension.In each MT’’(PH 7.0)to a concentrationof~ u OfpNUCia pcrml test the acddtyoftk bactaia in PBS W= conddcred100%: ‘ as detamincd by the methodof Bradford(SI WI bovine Usual[yit Was7 to 14 Uimin. TheConcentladorlsof test scmtmaRiumia(Sii Cknica! G.. S~ Wtk MO.Jas a “ inhiimrs neededto g-vc SO% inhiiiion w- cafadacd sand+ To obtainIxwragglatiwing WXMW.the fimbtid fmm dw Encarcurves of inhibition as dcscrii pwiously. pm#atmn was emss4inkd by addingglutamkkhydcco.a (lx. finaloonccnuatioaOfo.s% for10millatmomfcmpcraum YcascagglutiaackmA@utination was ~ffOIRICd by mixIlssucculel-bcald!n dcdiliiuscdu’creylmousc iog30fdofcnxs-litkxl&nbriac43S0pgo fprotcinpcrmlj dmudcOltcXtumorccnsandUdncschamstcr ovary d~~&~~(03_ofPBSlaa~#tie CO) OcllsfboChfiomthcAmaican~Ctdtute Cok& thcmsultswcrc sc0redvisuaUyafkr2mhtatmomtcmpcram For inhiiiion assays. the yeast cells weresuspended tk&lW-gmWnin Ls-mm~Wlls(in2’f-Wu aCalidmplatCx costar, (3unbridge Mass.linl mlof in sclial ditutionsOfcmnbcrryjuicc CockaqiiOrs%fructose Eagle minimalcsscagal mediumsupplementedwith 10% aad the hO@tcst dilutka giving compkte agglutktion was fdcdfscfum. LOM l!~utandnc. and 40 U ofpcnfa~m noted. Each q“mcnt was done in tr@icate. ‘- ad40pgof aWp@m@npcrmland blcubatcdaf37Citla Haa@@kdwtcs&Toacriaf wofoiddiWoas&SOILI MlddMcdchospke of3%CQiaairfa48 hf39L of the baetaiafaw pedoa(stdngwith LO ODtmitslia “ 42xdklWmWlaycmofl&cc aapcrwca WWWobtakL S6-Wc!lW=shapdlnicmx WioaplatcsWete*5W voIuincsofa2% sqcnskn ofaythmytcs prcpamdWm Moasc@Wdaaacropha@sRcsUcntmousc@toacal tkshlydrawnMoo& Fortypclfilubriatcdbactcrkguhlca mc@ta&stvcmobta@dasdcsafRxdckcwhcmf2kThc ccJfaWk2@edis@@ed &lvcffsof@6-tWlplas CkmkxldilllPig q-= w n iodkator CdlgorxoUK# tioa@atc(Nuacfo@dm A/S Ntm Roskikk Dcnmar@ bactcrk human @ouPAaytkxyM ToCachWeWO#doflhcmacrophagcs(sxldccnapcrd) n2suKsWc@et WOCdCdv isuallyaftcr4 st060mhlumom waaaddcd. Tllcmoaolaycm~iWuba(cdat 37Wt’br30 Ccmpmtm% ill aocncCxpdmcnw hcmagglutina(ioaWas salllia8%6qatmos@m lllc sqcmuWnts Contafnfag _ofJaK#ieWmtiwM~ofti*~OD thoaoaadhcnxttcdsw cremmpvcdb yaspkdkandthc uaits)uith 20(dofkunangrouPAcvthmcP(2$f@ti lnowkY=ofChcadhaent ccusconsk@ofmaa’optws PBS). Hcmaggfw”natioawas stxdcd after 3 cnhaof hodvumwMkdtkctimcswichPBS=CaMg(154mMNaCL7.6 zomal shafdagat mom mnpcrwctm ttd434@[email protected] Id Lakx beadscoald wkh Cat-Gal beads aggktdnadoatbindingOf(hcbacteria GaLOal(Bach-test: Kabivitnltil. Swkholm Swhl u= B#fgq).pH7ATo block t.ochcplasti qthcmaau Wcmincubaccd uscdasa fcstki( for Chcassayof Pfimti(4 &cvfiaS * 10014ofl% bovinescwm albumin in PWCaMg pcr *[email protected]@@l&~c~d wtlIat37Wf”30 nh in5%(X12,and the supetnatantswctv SWw pfaccd O(Ia slide. An equal VO(UMCof the asphlcd a@ @c.snk6 jus( bcfomthe bac(etialsuspension bactcrid SUSpCnS-kXt (3.0 OD unitsl W= add~ ad ~~ Wasaddd “ withdtc cad ofa (oo(hpick A@utination wasmcotxkdafkf Mm at wm (cm~tWV. YcasiCggregati assay.Sadioroqvces eivds?ae (bak- ~ mhtof *M Mk~(*m(wdM*dxlo~@lspd BrandslnG New Yotk 14.Y.ICCI(S CS” X ~ w ~ in PBS to a conccntratioa of 0.S c@nL ofPBS1. utioutorWithinhibiiom at the desiredconccrt~ ciom added ia duplicate to walls $ondn~ YeastatwwaCioawasmoaitomdin a pawn Awemnetcr. .-’ .&scli(wL.{tum-cc!kzmdkubatcd :if 3X for .30 min..~~., X03fpaytofl,Scaf%omugh.. ... . . j . ., zAFRttu &r $4 -=%. —- .-. AL . At4rfuuRoa. ... . Aos?as ~ supemauws were decanted and the monolayus were the bacteria W(II cranbc.ryy juice CO&d dflutcd u r~washed fivetimes w“thPBS bdbrc they weresukd with Iowcd by washingV/WI PBS did not atTm their yc.astGicmsastak IIK ceils were then examinedunder a light aggngatingam”vity (data not shotvtd. suggcsdngthat w ~. and the pcmcatageof tissue CCJkwfkh bound inhibimr acts as a kaptcm As dqnmstratcdW=ththree more than 10bacteria &r d wasCakykd. h clquli- strsksof(ypcI fimb(ia(cd& cofi(334.-W andCSHSOLthe mcntswithmacrophagcs:100pJ of the baaerial suspension rnhibimtyacdvjtyis dose dependent inthe rangeof diItions (IO%d dupticate to each wellcontahing the assayed@ii 1). sincefructose(-m) $ndghKxMc (-7%) Ofthccodaailf17)andsinceboth -we m-ye= l%c mkmdiiutionp!ms Mae then amthen@orconstkwnts kept on icefor30 mh The udxxmd baud wcmrcmoti an? ddyzabk. their C&xts on yeas! aggregationby the @=fhMiOn f~wd by thm wisheswhhP&l~ To baauia uas examined. It was foundthatglucose at a CStimatethe numbcrof ktaia bouti themonohyets-kfe ooncemrationof S% was not inhiiito~ (datznot show). uwcraoo@perWW whiietheinhibitoryactivik of dilutions of S% thaosc W by staik doubJcdistifIcd foUowcd byjncubation fa 1 h at H tcmpcratumThe . 1:1O<1. and samples(5PO ofcach dilutionwere pktcd in pad dii on nutrientagar fw countsof CFU. lysatca Wem diluted (z@. lxv. m?d 80 - Rlmn.zs 60 - ofcrsnbq’jukx oocktdoayess(~nby 40 - 6w16mMa@ModiiYeaa~ti~W@ka ~of~~ca~oftibaaedsd 20 . . cotdatcswith thciraWito Gto-** liimbdae(24). We fdtia Edtidw ?& W-ckmalmostcompktclyinhibitedyeastaggm-bydght stdtts oftypclfitnbriatcd Ecw/fofdii’t . $=YP=Cfde2) aadthatdifutions of@2tok S0gavc S0%ihhiihioa (Table3). DifbetIt lots offhe mcktaif gave I .. . 60 shnilsriddbitim(datanotm. Theinh?biiofyctkct was _~Ykst ticrc%dyds ofthc cockaai! sgdnstPBS. as shown forthc threestrains tested (’fable2). Prckubation of TAELE 3. Com@SM ofm~ Cod@ am. 4Q 20 a&id& ofati~juti ftucmsG andmethylainamwW @4Nl on-yeas WR@CMI by we 1Mxia(cd &.cm? 80- c 60- C@nca for.%% inhihikr &&, -.... c~ S(r-iia FiUC(OSC “eMN .4%1 ~. ?&sfl o~< 0.11 4.X 6?1 Diiu(itl o.av ‘-12 O.ox!.., . .-,...+? 40WI O.(I9 (1.lS “ DaQ [or (ruaosc a-d cad.saii U-cmfivcd (ram Fig. 1: for mcdg f - * * VmrcOhlaincd fm *“au&rCfft-+a(n@ sfh-wll. & C4S21 %-anoridd-h~for any Of(hc strxitw !6wl. 4 cdcdwxi (w (k tusk 20- FQb ,. .8”.0 (25 ..-.{0 ‘(rm—. 25: loa dikfioo of inhibifor FIG. 1. (ahibitioa by cranbcny jukc CO&ad (EMand ft-tdo$c (f%j (+ 10fy~SI Of-W fmc(wfIrAnt in[k undilticdc<K4xx?I. {Cl. ~rqy&~ @IE-~o(i~-u(A!.-~ (B].and~U~ ..... . L . . . . . . “. . . wemdmikrto those ofchc aamc difutioas ofthecockail for (F& II.7bc eachofthe~tim~~d~-d ~doas ofaanbeayjuice cock.xd,f~ose. gf~ aadmcd@ cealaanosi#c giviagq)%MMti Ofycast WWtWWhclkealrqysofsdti stcdabovem di&teaI for UKwariousscrams (Table 3!. a phenomenon -* ~ with we 1 timbriacd cnterobacfdd * aJ. NCVCllhdcss.f-cad Ofthe Straks (cakd. the frwctoscConccauationgiving50% inhibitiwwas about k $aaacas thatpmseat intiedif~ ofcmabertyju& CO&d @ng M inh~(ioa ~d _ ]0 Ch ~ of UUxbyl==aaosk 1[ was S&a foundthatbothCranbcrly juioc COcktad and a 5$? sakuioa of fructosecompiady iahibitcdyeast agglutination by type 1 fimbrk pudfied fromE *346. up to a dilution 6f El(kl. 1 BU&t9faaabmyjuiCC0 xk@ on theadkmnceof * 6mbrfatcd&.agfititO_*~e&tin= odV46toCbiihaancet-ovqy~&to~a_ CCUS W inhibiicdsimiladyby diiufionsof aan** ti& CoCkladaad by tluCtoscat Comqoading comxatrarjoas (T* 4). IahMCioaof biiiag of stn@ m ~ ~ jxntoacal macrophagcs by craabGw jukcfkccfmdl_~~ sbn&r@iahiiabytiosc ti~ tbcjtdcc~ 3 Mcth~ a-mannosidc was a@t 10 times moteinhibitorythanf-osc also in thk assay system(data Uotshovmk BiKxtofcraabeqjuicc ~ on hcmaggiudnatkaby *1 aadP6aWafed&.@ Tlu hcma@ud*”agac@@ d 16mMated E&ff&QfP-d Edw a cdby-jtlke~~~hadaoc!hcloutkhcmaggfm”*@”*d&d did no(inhibithemagglu(ina(iancaused by the P fimbriatrd strainstestedfTabtcSL lk inhibi(o~ cl%ctofthc diiyzcd cranbmy juioccock. tail 011hcmaggludaationby P fimbrkd bactuia w-astime dependent(Tabk 6L The Iotvcr the conccnnation of the didyzed cochaii needed to khiit hcmaggludnalioa. the IangcrthcPreiacubaionperiodaccdoti The acdvityof theP iahibiiorIn the Cockxdlwrkd f~m one lot of cmn~ juice cocklail10another. Fix cxampfe. with a lot dil%eru fmtnlhafuscdiathc~ t dcsui%cd la Table 6. no inhiiiion was observedafkr30 mia of incubadoa wirhthe backria. However.afkr 90 mia of incubation. iahi%iioaof hcmagggutinatioa was obscwcd. Ia a scpazaxccxp@caL aampksofthe [W Jotsof Craabcrlyjakccocktaii mcmoacd aboveWcmdialyzedagak Watm the UoadiafyzabkmaterialWasfyophdizc&and the dry ~~ ~ g~.{n PBS.eachat a coaceafrackmof2 tn@d. Diktions ofchcsc dutians wereincubatedV&hthe P l%abria(cd& cwfifa30 mia.Whe#astheso(utioatititiM--ww a ~ diluk the solutionofthc d kXw= ~~.W lp to 15 dilutiononly. E5’kctofcWbeiqjukt coc&azfaa.ggluf&ti d@f. Mwsf?yPfimkwed& . . . Qu&Todaem$p(@& auythccikctofcmabcny*clo&dmPti*w . wiindiibcadscoatcd @&~@). Ia~ cFMmbks).Tb cdia@4j-tiatia* cJcpuf-~~typclorthcc!FMlwriatcdbsaaia.tihdchtflcrcsukobtdncdktih-~ lctt&thccOckM iahibiccdaggltKld@ d&b&by w8sfi14yacdvc @nsti Ptimd*&*w . uPfimbtfWbaculf&a,ad*tiw~ activkyu%.s oadiaiyzabkfIkbk7L iaMWoawa$*-fi& &acubatioa ofthc Pfialb&(dmd Wfti-w licecockaa?lfouowedby %Rls(dag VdthPBS. IMtcubadoa “3.ABLE6. EtRclOfpmincubdaaWfch+xmyjukec’ockad of P tlati(cd & cwf/IHE I[(2CIaa hcma@udaadag ac(h~ . m41cubii dillu(&id w d(ution of inhiiar PIG. 2!. fddi(ioa ~crimbmyjukx COC@&’i’ f!ill%d by lasc&?l( +Jafadherc~. Of&.&~ta~&ti Macraphagcs. “. . -- ---- .-—-.. .... .. . . .. HemwwnMii E ~ PA alxls~ S4 k diabzcd cfc@ka&nt 146 . . X32 . fiwc-.*s . d H~ U-Uw.@ +w - ~ A cn—thmcms . . .... . . .... . ..... ** &T Gicdfdqtfe. sYUlbds. *.wry$lm@@T .y9@c!fuc .: a#?U@i(ii.a W4k adnkaaqyw-.m.w. . .. . -= &l -.: L?MmanKuL —Aduwmm ‘?BSV.%~*ti Xffpi’ii~(i~”””. <-’> a . & at — ‘z&uRf Er& % ——. “ . A&ax Cwnotm A~ . . . . %“,... . D~Q% .. . . .- .~ - .. Kathisaaldy.tiicdkctitf clanbcm&oemclctaaoatbc WM@alcdbae adhanoc of~ d2tltodiikeataug arsetianhndccUsscxdacdAis tbundtha(the cOcktdfcoldCls cWod=featfnMbit&& diaf@Jk [email protected] didjza& XtMty.oftimdd kailli 12 o +“+ - I1 -.. U?. MQ + + . -symb4k+. auk..” :ArJ%%r’ :. . 4 .- T 30 oompomx ofthcoockailinhi bi(~~-ofthc. umn0S4@6C {ypc1 fimbriated*-%X bpkwlike manner.asassayedby ycaslqWWWt=W* f@W@AatiotUadkmnCetotissueculturecalls andatmdmcmto mouscpCrhondmamphages-7bcfit@UtfW botbcmnbenyWe_ andS% fiiosc Wdbitedywstaggktinationbypdkdfypclf irnbriacprtxsthatthc tknbriacam thetargetofinhibitotyam”om fl is hiiy UdikCfy that the decrease in inh~wqy actki(y “+ = * ;: ! -y? . . Sllwlg~=-—[email protected]“PBswJSumngmdl @nalM&l@ll&. . the beads with the exktail fotiowcd by ever, did not inhibit their ability 10 be agglutinated by P of . .“ , I . : . i . . fkbriatcd bactaia (data aot Shownj. 711CrnwnaJ con@n— tmtion of cmnbmy juhx cocktail needed to inhii the agglutination of theGrd@-cma(cd beadswas dependent on thcpmkuwon timeofthe baaaiawkhtbe cocktad CJWe 7J. l-he longer the pminalbatioll rime. the louar the cOncaMon of the cocktdl mxkd to inhibiiagglutination. The nondiatyzabkinhibitor fm P fimbdatcd G CUUcon. Mm only small amounts of protein {4.8% as q“rnatcd bythcMadfoti mdmd [SJwkh bovine serumalbuminas the Stand@. The inhibitoryactkity. bowcvcr. is heatqabk @0C30min)andisu nrdRcMbyinc ubatioflwithwypsin @kUymekubstratclatio*30 mhl,37Q ym=a$g a0MI?~30mimmixntcmpmurc. makchhighlyunlikdythat -inhiihionowisducto an.cazymc. Xddbxcolpct ofcranbillyjuktandoth crftui(jukxs -M% Ofawexk%d PkappkjufccWqitcd -WWionbytyw ltimMatcd Ecofiinamanrur sbnlkrto thatofaanbcnyjuicc C0cWI(Tabk8j. most w@w--lfUlmwoseam@lLlxutiowflQ)of - =q@mwpkjuiOh howw. did nothddidtkti utuumoaofGa14albcadsby Piimixiatcd baaaiaor tbcba@tin@oncauscd byEcid7~=M kccin. for type 1 timbriatrxlE cd after diiysis is due to volume cxpaasion. since even at a dilution of 12 the dtiyzed matuial gavepoor.if any. Mdbition. W-S * dihnioa of cranbenyjuice cock7aIY causins 50% inhMkm of type 1 fimbriatcd& mfi was in the ntnge of.l:E $0152. At such dilutions. mnbmy jukc cockzdl “titdns 02$ to 0.1S? fructose asCrkukL(cd fmm the l’qxxled dysi$ f171.crankry juice was also inhibitory to t.ypc 1 E. di. moa bably&rausc of the praencc of fructose in the ju”~ rdad. theConcaratkm of fructose nqlimd to inhii SO%. ycasi aggregationby the bacteria or attachmem of tie baacfia to macrophagcsw= also in the range of 02S to p.1% As shownin Table3. fi-uaosc is about a 10times ~cr inhibiiorof type 1 funbriaethan methyl a—mamwdc, Fruo= COSdWlSShOW71 pK’ViOUd~ by Old ~6j to ~iis~ 1 iirnticd SafWneUazvwhfmudumand Sfa&eWlexaaf. Subsequently. W.+ @tsc.hW 001 found that fiwaos& inhibhshcmagglutmmon ofguinai. pig c@rocyxcs by puriikdt~l funbdaefimrn&ooUandt bat@sinhibRq activity of fiwaosc was 7.5 times kss’than ti ofmahyl ● 05man*avafucinag3txtnc.tktwithtfxob@ncdbyus. T&kcnto@hcr. ourdata showthat mostor dlofthc WbWon ofycast aggregationby thccockmilorjukck due to the !&we contan8 WlwvCr. preseatinthecaktal a!thougb &cOse fs laiaboutthcsamc coticestption (“mLthlssumrdOcstaothlMMtthca?sre@koofYc=tbY thetypcliimtiiatcd baacria~ only%ttirlowdeaifai- -f#L-—f&@m~ juiiCocktdl atsigrlitkant kvelsare tspmscbtkraclbcrly qdnk acid(003%). citlicaddfo.3%L andmdicadd (o.w). mcOOdd* a7). Ncatrabd soktions COntAins vitaminc (032mghnl) of these oompmds. atthcoonoeati Wati&d not Whit yeast aggregation by type 1 flrnbfia[cdE d 1(datanot shown). The Coc@il also inhiiicd the P fimbdaWdt12coli.-as mssayedby agg(utinatkn of humancnm~a ad of [email protected] fwo~ l%e inhibitor for P fimbriae w= 3ondiiyzabk suggestingthat it is of fdghmol-w *L ~S *i@ is dcpcndcm on the lcvc.1 of the inhibitorand he ti~ of @wub@cm of (he bactaia wdth@ o@k@3ddencc that the inhibitor is adsorbed by the hc(@ ~~ b obtahud. since inhibiion we< observed even ukfl duibitcdby Otan@.. “..L6 ...- k -0 w 100 3.7 S3 -S.S 31 0.s 92 0.6 90 UaabCnyjaii codm aa avazgc 0( 1.4S$7.&&.. W rcpord by [k ~=. & &ckw G (k matins a w4a[ of 8% su~r. ~ wfi& <* is (M*. - kzcli omngcjuia juicecofwim 2 KWal of 4% rcduckg supm. of WfIid.X is 4 Pincappk fnlmsc. .- the fnhibior is defined. it is too early-m spccula[c on the mechanism by which h binds (o P fimtmated E. co!i surfaces and in(d.xcs with the ability of the P fimbrial [cc[in ;O react wi[h GM2d residues. Moreover. at (his s[agc. [he ...’-possibil- *Y a Chcndndia(yzddc cmsciai.mmt m+ iaht% adhcr. asoc audiicd hy~ UCAdC4L - Rqauion Ok&’ OchcrdualP Gmbrfac -(mot hc . . mia kt&doax & E. M&l Sldcc wbhdma(csHl$mchii4dby h(ocfdagfJmcdltf+b cabaf~mar+amd+fh *S3. ~~alalwla&uafLL4m4w . U9L6. m4aan&&’. 10. c&dauak&*Aad4. WM. hmuamta h?h~ @wacesdlumaaki&uJ?.&< W paiz--%d ‘E!%&.!ta.%i .Ear. A 4XL Ja8w4..qq. s ~ mm a?OCWitbkhibkxysugaccCL 3.%J.’f(&b~ arHA&dsHtcm ui4&i%2$%i%2 @~ti$msum@Mottd&af@m&ot iksafcL”uss@131& baaddadhcmpc u@iIcafrixcdlc M*~ .. .12 maG& sob&a aa who taredW ShcCrarIbcrryjuioc and tkwhmdw ~ sLGw6adL.197s ikciae “4aodadinhibicuf bai@caadkracc . aiandadw&h+tukaocia&dmwi&fdi-tmw&detbr krmahl fda% lmmua.s&65&667. dddd d“ xuggcsd(&athy ~v’%ib:.~~~ W%-uc&LOCcQ nd. Uumnul~~~-WL@ adumnocloacid coionhion of muoosdsurf= N amSk i%i(yofsbc W6Kckcdn$of Edwddua -Y-k-tidtitititi=tsckher putum@&cand Sk&biid(a @dnt4dk~@. Rcs. iaChcguL thcsounx ofmosaumpadmx orln(hc ldadder.or ac preventing adhemnrxCO“imd $@=W=~~w~timm.byEtisaxdas WWlmamKS5pdk andGakGal+peCiiklecd~ The t’ma’ modeof action.&CWnpa[lwc Wilh-lhc suggestion [M Cra@eny ju”~ cocfxaiimay act primady as a prevcocive agent in uriaarytraa infmioa (3S/. In connccfionW.(hthis possibility. we should consider the information avidfabk on the adsorption of fmc!osc in [he alimcanaty ttau. This sugxr is gbswbcd much more slowly $han glucose (7j. ~US. since fruc(osc is present hi the -I a( kvck (hat arc at kasf 10 times higher than those mquked b theinh%ition of type 1 fimbriated& di. it is cmodvabkCMinhibhory kvclzof the su.garare a((stincd in the colon. where most E. coli kiidc. Funhcrmore. i( has “k shown that a diet rich in frw(osc may result in $ec@oa of ftuaosc in W urine Whether or not the same ar!gumcn(mayapply for the puta(ivc inhibitor of P fimbriated loctht snusl awah fqther swdy. . Ancxhcrpossiiitv is (hatdritiog cranbc~”juict coclisaiimayaffca the u~narycoaccntratio~ of Tamm-I-Iomfall $Ycoprotckwbkb is known to interferewiththe adhcrcncc ottypc 1 E. cofi tohumankidneyCd[S (1OL Widiyconduaed clinical swdies arc required to cstab~ u+Acr the cochai[ indeed functionsin vivo and whcthcranyofchcabovemechanisms is opcmlionzd. C&2..- uFrdtlu% cs=9J. Af0Aldaa4a J.R9 uunau&ad&L EkcasM&196sGcludca adyaisotphalscwri dOncoalrdaf F~dQ’w J~Ofw-d. J.Bac7eriOL 3S Cibbaa& i~- ad L Dank 19S3. Asochknoffodkm-m with humanod q“thdii C& &( dtW. Arch. @d Bid 28&’%]- -%6. 16.Ca(dhar. ~q R. Pd. R. Zilberberg. xndM Mm.. MO. Eweratdgcnk Eack&-& d{ (EfKj isdwcd in the Tcl- Aviv (fsrdJ *u. Med. M.krohiof.Immund. 16$%?.341. 17. Hung. V- and R. E W-olstad. 19K6.crxbcrryjui~c campoai(iom A Assoc. ~. Anal. Chcm. 6$M9Y--X7. T.L f’. Vikaw fLS=- H.WWcrg,●d S.B. Swnsaa. 1982. Pen(igcwecogaizkg timbkc from humanuro- 18.K~ di smins. M--CL Immum37:2%6-291. pdwgcrtk Ew-kidia 19. Kuniw C. 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Infcc(. Dis. 49S29432. epithcfii M adhcxncc of EktlaiWa cd. hlfca. Inunarl. m Z~y3Gft. Cd6QLOfiJk NsfW-OQ.41t16 D. Mk4%%%!%~dh; awmP@cs Ma. knavm. 2%X1744. sJ3caduJ, &fL198L 8acHidadhU$rncC . Mc$@oas atcdiskul cawhmcntotbs$%%%x%% smfwCs.1, WcL Dia.[4Y32M4!!. “ 4 8odd0P.T0, &qandi2EL Kzss.19.59. Cmr&rryjUke ad I&aruibaaeriafaaioa of f@purica&LLLa b.c&.Md. s@81-f3!?. ~ ?976. A rapid and scdivc mdhod for the S. B-U quanWaWoaof zmcrogramquami(ics of proccin u(i(ising (he 22. Mobkya IL L. . X7au Lamf A. Pcny.19K.Mokcukr basis -ofmkrobid aCrCnCCCOsiss uc%p.7-13.i lfs.E.wr gCtl!w#aand B. ROSUt’(CL&hfOkCUIU &&dad ~ a&&m.*. kmSOddy (ixMii. Washiflg(aEC .%0(4 D. C 1972. Mibhii of &’ la@acdon bctuwx fimbrbd 2S. Of& wti~ ad c@mcytcs by o-nwnnosc and other cubohyd@e& f. Gal. hfii 71:14947. 27. ~p.&~&~a&C.CCtilW.C~&~ ~i ~~k;c?ttmllt of Winq lracl infcction$. SOuWc$i. .:. 2& RcW C-A . J. D. Sobd 1987. fkctcrhd adhcrcncc in & fxinc@k oflmxein dyt bindin&t&wLW&cm. 7222S-2S1. 6. Badauuh &S. Fst@r. R A. 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Adhcsin<e pro~ics of if%k Ell(CKib2C(C&CC2C.P. i8.~217:‘in & H. ‘Ekchcy ‘Cc&l.’8~C- ““““y+’~ar~” ““’ - ___ —-—.= . ,.. . . .- . .- 1 . -... .... ... . .... . ... . . . -— . Exhibit 1 .- D –- . -. Americak HeuftY’’fklFidt . Arthur A Siciliano, PILI1. 8 . - . ... -... . . . .. “. .. . Cm&T@ ~am-nium macrocwpo~ V.oxyqccuq Ckycomm qdipad~j are a member of the heath fimily and are one of three lhits native to North America Tkplantsyieldpink flowersfollowed by small, red-black edible kries My. hey grow Canada T&efit in the wild from the Carolinas to -- North &nerica occurred around 1816 ~emy marshes, or in min-soakd salt meado~~s from kme to cultivation in I+all)and. ceqtered in sandy in h4assachusetts$ Washington andOregon. CumentU.S. usage is abo~f Jersey, WScons~ ~e~ 350miIlionpounds, representing retail cranbeny products valued at $1.1 biI/ion. . Q143fnist@Nufrition “bogs,” -. . Cmberries contah about 88% water. Amongthe other orgdc oonstitu@s are - fhwanoik anthmcyanins(Odainj,Catechiu titerpinoi@ B-h@roxybu@C .@i&-citic, dc? gkuronic and quinicaci@ ellagic acid and vitamin C. They are a good source of fiber. Acid Ievels are high: pure cranberryjuice is as tart as pure lemon juice. Raw .cranbemies are fairly. .T.* .“” .. Io\v in dories oarbollydrates (TI Yo). Cran~eny juics .(209 calotie~(ound) “cocktail,”the kading .,- I consumer - and product - -~ -— .! . . —* . . Pr@wd fromcmnIxxzyjuio&ooritiinsM-0caloriesper 8 otmoe stX%@g p-y - ‘fioM fie”~eetener, -m -P. ~ria . “unsweetened :. available in.oipsule form (lx caiioriestoapsule). B&tory . - ~uioe powcl= . . k -. ., .. . 4 ..-.....: The word “cmnbenywfirst appeared in a ktter by Q& Cod missionary ~ok Eliot (1647). -The earliest . q- ‘“ desm-ption of a European wiId cranbeny plant (mamh wort/fenne berry) appeared in Lytes’ “l+kto~ of Piants” (1578). When the PiI@rns arrived in New En-gland, the local native Americans had been akunin g wild wanbem”esfor centuries ‘ fmdstuff cakd pem~ican, a &rnbtiation of orushed beds, M anddriedmat “Othertribesboiledthechiedcranbemies and.stioned them . MM maplesugar.TheEnglishsettkm found the sweetened bem”es made an excellent sauce for meats. (~) t .MostaI1crankny saIesintheeady]900’swereof the fresh tit -.. The crop I& handpicked untilrecent times, afthou~l the fimt harwkting “maoh.ines” wwe ~atented h the late 1880$. h 1912, MarOUS Umnn began oanning bem”es.zui~producing -berry jelly, a mixture of fruit and sugar. During the 1920’s,oranb&y same was in@odu@ and in the 1940’s dehydmted onmberries and cranbeny juice ~cktail b-e-available. Today,cranbemiesare marketed ina w“ety of forms (Tablel). .. .~_ . . . . a . JW2dicind Uses 8; :. . - . “~~pt?utic appkatkms”of ~Hes . d~mented s .. ~..tichdixlthedief of Wod disotim, dtuing the 17th oen~ -.s.. . -[ ailmen~ liver pmblq stoma@ . .“ appetite loss, sw and cancer. ‘Native Am~”- pq- wound vomitin~ .-. .~sti~ -. from .. @e tiole dried tit NewEngIand fok medicineusedboiledcranberriesandsealoil toreduce the sevetityofgall bladder attacks. Early scientists believed that cranberries beneficial effixts, especially in”uririarytmc( disordem, were due to its low p~ (h@ acidity). Germanph~~sicians in the mid-1800’snoted hippuric acid excretion increased ...“ afkk cmnbenj in~estion (2). Since it was that benzoic acid wasmetabolhd known “~ to hippuric acid, researchers suggested that the beneficialeff&cts of cranbem=es were . . . due to these antimicrobialacids. ‘Asearlyas 1914,a report proposed that baotenalsuppressionm not related to eitha pH or hippuric acid excrti-on (3). Jn 1966, researchers observed that the dkts on thepH of urine by omnbenyjuice were trarkent and that acidification may - ~. ,. . .:* not be theinain rneehanism.of a@”On(4). ti~nt (Ilink+ngsuggests that cr%tenyjuice arltahls a polymer tha~prevents the adherence of ~aeteria to the WakLlining of tie bladder and tina~’trwt, thereby lleJp& to prevent utin~ i~’ons ($8). O“ther uses @&anbeny inch[de itsroIe in a to decrt%se the recurrence of ~W stones(9) and as a urinary deodorank( 10]. # .. ‘ . ..* --w=— . Today,over S2 milIionhous&hol&consumecmnlx%y pmduets The eady hdod 9 . of cmiies use health is continuallybehg to maintain uti~~ . =ktantiatedbymedicalti~andph~-dans are nkinmending (xlm~ptiuk . “ . . .. as”anad@ct in avoiding urin&y traot infections.{]1). - -” ~ .- . ‘“~ . . . * . .. .... . . . . . . -.. . .- . .- . . . . . .. “,..,.- .. . -{ ~- . .. . ... . 4—. “ ● ✎ 1.. 1 2. .. . -. Rmn.wcis . ✍ ✎✎ D. J., Czanbeny 13arvest, Spinner Publications,hIC., New 1 E3e$lford# M&1990 : . lbmas, %. -.. . hdarderosi~ /L D. and Liber(y,L, ‘NaturalProduct M@c&-(G.. StickIey Co., Philadelphia. PA 1988) B1atherw& N. D., Thespedic roleof foods in relation to the composition of urine, Arch. Intema[Medioine 14,409 (1914) 4. ✎ Kahn, II. D., et al., Effkct of cmberry juice on tie, American Dietary AssociatioTI51, 25T (T967) . . “ ~ . JoumaI of . 5. Avom,,L, et aI., Reduction of bactm”uriaand pymia a&r @gestionof cianbe~juice, JJLM.A. 271,751 (1994) . ... .. 6. Sobot~ L E., Wbition of bacterial adherence by cranbemyjuice potential use for the treatment of urinag! tm6t inf’ens, Youmalof Urolo~ 131,1013(1984) 7. . - . %hmid~ D. R- and Sobota, A E.tAn examiriation of the @adherence A@”vityof cranbeny juice on urhuuy and non-urinary bactetiaI isoJates, Microbjos s3, {73 (1988) . .:..’ . 8. “ Zafiifi D. etal., ~nhibitoiy activityof qqnberryjuioe cm adherence of T@ 1 and Type P fimbriated E. Coli to euotuyotic @s, ktimioru. “ Agents Chem. 33, 92-(1989] .9. Zksser, ELEL,et al., Managementof inf~ed stones W@ acidi@g agents, N. Y. State Journal of Medicine 6803001 (1968) . 10. WalsJl, B. A., Umstomy and urina(y pH, J. ET’. Nwhg 19,110 (1992) urinary Tract lnfectioos id Ad{lIts,Nationil lnsti~tes of @l@ Publication #91-2097, 13e{Jlesda, MD, 1991 ~. . ., --W+— .. 5 . .... . .- P. . . &&ly.s4iur’q . Tab!e 1.“m I -: -25%juiq swcctcnas (oom kcmlcd/’lcd ‘MI or FmzaI Food aabcayJukc I Yes I Y= Fk%rfivm M bulls “ “ 14 I I I I J.%nmqcoloGand fihcrsoulw Prqxmxl fixxnconcentrateby di!tiion Jngmdicnlfbrdlillks Fh2cn COnCcn(ra(cd juice Ihgrcdicn[ for Crmhcq’juict Ctlckiwdl’w$ No o “No 4 2% 27 . ! XKcatdc (fiwcn) . mb&yJuicc P&cuaswxcncddchyfmwl lllpdknt h llcUlwcPOwkf juicc~canicr Capsule! &. &P4m& CWnbcnyjaicc,fmially No oMx”j naltdidandcmicf FoodoOklr . ummx@lmlml?M@k Diisq)pkmud “ Concul(ra(qxmxlmti gclahl Capsules -J~ cqxdcs .- Yes rwoc! I m CllkC rarlbq;Juice Yes . urcfmi( . 1= ‘“ Bmmgc bdcs Vho!cCranIic!ljcs I &d cmbaly i I Bmcmfc -10% juice cowcau ?, “ Olup)o $@fizaS 2radcayJuicc Irihks 7 yes - c. 32 “... “48 “ -. 32 . .- 01995 AhufA. SM&l10 . “1 . .. ... ... . . . . * .. . .-. ...... ... . . . . .. . ... . ... . . -;-, . . 6 ‘- . -&— . .. . .. . . . . .. ..... ....- .. ~-.,---- --a=@-ra3i#imfsck% . Youu@auu siilteuidimi&. Y ‘=w-’mW-” .- -. ABsmAcl’ -.”. u . studentvoIunteerswereused.'I%eceUswereobtainedbyacraping the bud mucommembraneawith a ootfon-tippedswab. 3Eece!kwere tllensuapended in PBs, centrMlgd We$hedl time WkhPBsand res WpendedinP13s Wnksaotherwk stated. TIMIInalconcentrationwaa &emnmed byhemo@ometlyandacjjdaa necessWto appfoxilnatkly I(Poena per ml. zkctdul& =WB@eriaI adherence vfas teated usillql!modKc@n “ ofthetechxliqueckdbed by Pamollsand assotWa’Sampk$(OS mL)conM?lillgl(Y ba@riaand I@ .-dkl==ecomhedandimbatedatmlll ashaking water bathat SOoacillationa permhtef~80 Inintl Wll%ellaanbenyju keorsomeotheraddi betitbe Ecolilrascqended inthetestaolutfoa and @ncab@fnc 10atdnutea at S7CTheaampk wastlten fikereduainga ~membmne fikerholderthroagb an8#ua@ycarbWte membmne fitter ~and . waahedwftb30 ml. of PBS* filtem Wem*placedon I?iassalick alkwedtodlY andtben remoWd. Tileadhe&u? ● . wmluALs MD StErMons &ithetMoasaldbacte& weretherlatdnedtQitbmed@eni blueandexamidwith abtightieId~Ad@mnoe %asreoordedas tbeaveragenu rnberOfba@eria*e nltlwIkl teikAtotaloflS4 dinkalkolateii)fEdiwereti istdy.llwbacterktwrekdatedihmdiffmmtpde e baOkgKmClcountc~sbacteriaper&theresuItswere td8private udogkLAnko lateaQ?erestor edind& ceILAtotalofSOcelk =-oountedforeacb aan@&kootttd uunpkwaabzchiedw henbucoalc ekwere~lftbe ktduriaaadmobtainedH~wti_a -QftiYoun@Ovm omiued.* Crimben3’]U.ibe Three Preparations of cran~~ h of brababe@in!Woa (BHI).For udherenw assqya ctedaweretranaf& to BHIbrothand gruwnunder m lXl&qfor+bouraata7cl?lWbac&& werehar. used in this.suxly Ij cmxl~ Cock@ 2) cranbenyooncen~ whed once in phosphate-hufI&xf trateand8) fkshlyprqxxedjuk The il@lypreWN@ (PMpu 79 ~ WWKkd to a final concentration of wasobtainedbycmwbhgtheberriesi nabknderfoWbY g for30 @nutes to expresstbejukm k ~ MLvu the.gseof a Petmff-Hausser chamber. In ceatri@aCionat 10$IOO Fort& adherence a ssay, tbe juice waa either used Ml strtM#J y-* (wti U’e5 lnonito+standard~. *~-~lt$+3d’4 5efit40e!k UroepiWM ceUawereobine$fmm the ofwomenwithno hiify of urinary g*at flxtion.l%eceflawerekwestedbyoent aifugati;nd once with PBS. Tbe @let was resuspended in PBS, ***M ti a fti concentration of Y(Y.kdfsp hemocytometer. Buccal cells from the author and 3 1963 tedfor pubkatim Deember 19, ~ for reprints DqX of Biological Sciences. Ycwngstow liverdy. YOungSown,OH 44555 or diluted with giasadistdled water. Animot.s. Tbemkeuaed inthissmdywere&ln A$@ obtained fmm the Northeastern Ohio universities CMlege of MediciIw &xIW.owW Ohio. AI! ~nti = ~nd~ with $3rnaIemifewdghing10to ZOgnLThe mii* mtintdiiied‘WX”tidtmaldiet of lab chow and “%i’k exEiSptZ?IiZF -“ :” undjktd CMX&ITY COCktd was substituted as the only sourcTs of liquid To sampleurine the mice were placed on a sterile nonporous surface end grabbed suddenly, which usually caused them to ~oid urine.* . ... . 1013 S0f301-A UX F TAELEL 4&c4uunbenyju&eaiadhAue4 Ecditobuccdandm@he&idodh . Duldaa&Nn& ! -. A CQlltml 0. M’- %l&u U?&a.% E@ lWJ# lmOO’ ~*~ 2U*4.O 8s.2&as “Si@iidydiffcrex km C-3n(d (p C O.OIL (p < O.OSJ‘Sgai&andyc!ifkrtrn frumCOUCml <Nat Cigdkndy diffawd fmm cav.rol. . .. B X.2*S.2 6a9&oA2 --:2%: - .% -e“ EuculCm utU#UIMcclk lJa*a.21 ~“ . Kl%nO$ueaQtfG?w c aa6$z9 A . 272*2.9 eal*od4 1.71*020 2.07*OA1 7X& 0S4 6.!0 *0.M 6.27*0.60 356 &7A M.7*2S 2U * ad 24.6*2.$ c 8 . ~J*~ 24*2.7 OJ5e$oa : ~*Q.44 $.67*0.$0 Z{** . . ... 28.2*43- - .“ -. . .. ... .. ..... .. .“.. .. .. . V. . .... JXXQ4 .,. —-,... -------..--- L5~..-— . ..--— —. JU1Q3 —----axxtAL AUMGKLNGG GUANUEJWV -.-. vaf@=~wsarbit@ydividedin40s -&~~ alldcdsdbited adkrewxl?y7speroeat Mfetbrovera 2~as*conttoL &gedonofchecockd# Luuj ThetiQ”a resemadiat9bfe& Urine _.m ISoftbeS~~. ~wy-w~ (P,<-J. Iati,-iia@heauubeny#di4 lWtoellalimWerepk!ed aabsM@d &?rarin4-ako %’. ouaAktkhkh-olxkslIu4ts~** betwoendae~~ lbilewasmodgawanqdidknoe #$rad=lersupp&Abraperkd.of14aqy&13@eel100nQd$ dleliscsmpk. - “ slsrahdthelrs&mud waterutpply.”4$dsy .&me&dCttcine eXxedonofIdppurku4di+eillv@ortd~& al%ehlghest~ Withtbet%edingofcmnknes wasadkxed fi7nnthe rnksfhr6edhemM@3 oentdonofypp41rk4dd achsewd<he8nfne wuQJq&L mhwIdnewasOdk%edfkuneg$-ll%a admefrOln$wOm’aspOOkd#dmed&lyM@assdk6uOd4%rKwItdOIMOfh&XXiCddmn@gk_tOw&&f. W’r@etertedi ntheadkenceassw andrloiddbitk~ lgkGkGm dew= usedtar@lCh huubata Umepd&d CdIs. me lemksaprz$-h”~d: . . .nledne&Oln Jakeafnkfng Cmlbenyjaioe dgammdy IXSCWSXON . -QdhanCewhen compared toaOntn31*ftcaa aIsobe4bsavedthatacine liwncoatauImioewes*_PlwkUs&wxC@tkns of the ltsdwU&40fCdklg J& c4atlydi%’@Mt&MheiWitWontrol&l%emkeulefflQdned inthetnwnMat ofuciualytractinfactions have foalseda~ oatbeglanbeqoOd@ WK!renornlallyaafve atldshowedllo tkepotedelofcmbezry juketo~the-de ●.o@w&ddgrisofstr’es& Udne==and atheincmsedu rinqffcletiorlof-c tiastmng~ “C~t8$SOC@d Withthe @@on ~-d~tilmako aradnedialIunuul ucinainitial trMswreperfimnedoll I ofcmberryjuke” It was found that bcmases in urine ~“dity Wereonlyslightand tmnskntandhippulica cMWelyrea&& a concentration in the urine mxessqy fir batiosfasis of %%% commonl.lrinq tract pathogens. Intheinitkl ~@H=fo*-&itwasfd diatthe coclctd wasaverypotent lnhibkor of Cocktaa Colltdnqin bacterMadherenc&H Owever, Cran* dsceaLlna2ndserksof ~***--Pfdl mddidontocmbeny juiqfhctose alldvitaolrn casmajor peroaamftslecIiakalstr.a& to3h4mrs*iW%th@ WW&tailWrinetaken@0NW&-~@*J=apHofabw%dd~d-Mbe ndividual&oroollectidy contrii to the ~ inhlbi-. kz~emw.ddm=afi-whak-f-tit ldhemcewas rlotaffededabov epH2Thisfind ingisoonisterltwicbtheo&n@ons ofotherinvesdgators.~~l%lc@se Boneofceved carbohgdmtes thatcan inhiiiadherenc+%= ‘ruc@e was tested at concentrations approximating that in tIeoock@and was found toinhiihacte!fd adhemncein bisrang&Ibwe?e&dlecon tri?donoffiud oseto*obnediddbilionof adhemwhy the~cockidlap- h@heqwasasedasab sdnecxmtd.Inasa ksof6 @pdMIM%atwasf dthfith@eSiont ilSoancesofthe coddresdtedin aconsistentinhibit fonofbact+dticaoAorl thehssis ofthisob5emtion 4ulqNrunen m~a=~~wgti~dnfemekt= asked tOdr$ak150amXs ofcranbenycockaild wasthen sampkdwithinZto3h - tMruriae Wfnetaken priorto . l?afsto hednhnsl. No@ditiveeffi3c twesobsen&ercept heavelyiowco Wentmlmofmlnbemyjdoewele testedb mlbhdOnwMht kdOsehv’&.n&l~atthe COMwmda e~~emno~keff’ma~ demfbre&cameappe2e@daatsomefh ctor(6)inthecM.aofthemW%~-*ma—~ Mpdmadlg respondbk fortheirlMMtioa Thkwescollmedwhen kwasdewMtratedthat purecraakry* fwasac0mmwk1430mwntrate orfmshlypmrpsm!, is a. unginhibitOrofbctedaI T-3. ● 4 haraaaluwl tklMihmcQaa131aDiCd w6tfiwllwlnlc# aL4*as natiz,l $.44*L! adkencGm@m!xts&dgned Iiddii%mofa#erenatiur&@ut!mxedndcc Mtul&aezidpuCdr . %’ 6- aa7$ X7 aoA*4$ 6.61*& 6 W*S.6 .Z9.t3skul &!&*.n 10 u“ 24s*as assl %.6*6S sz.lea -4a*30 14 s.1s4.1 273*S 4a4*a . . ●*saalduda?orail&uL ‘Nacd@alldydifkmltf iualo JllcmL W@kuaugdiau’eaitfiam-( p<ulh . ?e4ttdUciIu SzZ OIMml Mix ruled urine ‘ ra9*4.9 WO*I.7 S1.45 7S ~~ ~ ~~ 40.6s 7s! 38.4 z 7.4 343*45 “21.2* 2.9 36.6 z 4.6 ml& 3.: ~ “e Scmw3wlEmx of MeQ “ Signifkxndy di{krtni {mm conwd (p <0.051. :. P-=d the mos Urildng S.J%!227=LW2T =fmi’& of d haence bbibdoninaoessofmpercentm~ ~yy$y$~ “4a#&mtbeMlowing~ * agrdk!e dmrpoqent afEyL =,&slda&R ~-~*-=kYM-muMaMwted ~awMtlgofthellcdiceusr eamedthenollrid adherwepsttem, a)addition of t hejdcetoqpwd *pmaUded Rcolicaused arspidmkasq4)arft,ureaf w~r,he~ REFERuiu!s tbelloo liincranbcnyju kefaahoum hadnoeffi?ctorl @wthorperuwnteff’ona&renc& OlleoftheproMemst@tmsyhe encountemdinthedinkel . ‘-”““’ “ ~.fda%iaam~ uSeofc#mbeuyjnioe wouIdbethe 03&wyof&f&@~s)~ Z$wabarg~~SarwqGLaad_ti~ todnslytrauep”Mdidee?laoffdanduriasryErC’&rf&j thejuiceresponsiik fmtheobsewd irrhibiti~w&&of &fe&o%Weha veevidencethatth isdoes~. FfRm fkmdthstthe factor(slresponsiblefor the khilition of adherenoe am Aativdy atsble since the inhiitory ati”vi@ of the ~isatill -. cOGkOlstesfrompstkats withsymptO@tktninary trsd&f* of WV@ dursk J. utions or qqnpmmstk bsa.eriuris 12% 16S,1979. S.M,XJ.ti~aMdGRd~.kWsw ofsdheMoeto@beIisloWabyf ks14Ykolmdarlnal ypatb. w=-ti ISGtw1982” r’u~dK!wlCxof 4. of&Ly&4LalnfShSr0r& Edur$d& co&frcsblgacusted btbeuriaeoipsckIltswitlJ --bfakas sndof&&es aubalbdfioraiakued evidentafl l?ralwtrmd alltarnetith E.cdi. it wss fad thatafteringestion of cranberry codt- t4theurineofmioe sndhumsnsubjectswas ablem Mcantlyinhibita@rence of E aoli U thus G tit W * fictor(s) h the *l@=m ~g . t& qrkfnfku&mur&34:7(U319SL nomslmetaboucd egradativeprmsse$ mouse and scurrntdatiin the uriirqorakernaiivdy, a metabolic Wuct of cranberry metabolism might aqmnuletein the urinerh&srdto the&tte.rpodmy. Urinsryexcretionof -~dkknreported ofcrmkrriesandcran~fi~~t .MiUrenaof&rdJdd& s.0f61GLMirehnq D.arKI_N_ CGtitohu msnanaco sa!cellsmedistedbymsnmse-rlxqtor% W 26S: m x977. 6. SoboW&EYYeuofaubId - best* I ontumorinductknand . rwn+&n& hfkfobio&29: RNAsYntheAs3nAm&&?wm tokreaseti the~estioa kwas foundin &p K?Sent * * hippurk add in concentrations repmxl * aocamt@eintheuxinedidntiWkh~a~ Wmehsve beenseverd reportaintlM~ ontbe totrwttnfxuuy titiue Smeeafd uaeofcrderryjtrke -The most comptwhensiveinvestigdon was undertieuby PmdromoEsrldassoC@&‘mirstU@indudedu .fbmsks and16znek .**perdq l%epatienta werepHon for Zl*Th@-two 16-of dewed a =MW~~ K ‘rnmh~ti~ 16 w270fthe44*@-3*G*& ~Basedonthe eWencepresenti ti&tid _ tbdleposidvedinksllwaztaachkvodflle~ am*xWlatedtothe-d* Cmnbeqyjuketo pl’e=tadkenoahl~ PdrWnoe~o&elWedtbat WftMrnwaloftbejakeresultedh romnwoe ofinfecd(m in 62 percentoftbecme& Tflkwoaldbe exp@ed M* actlngtoblockdbemnce andthuexdo~b P *=U oontinuellypresentortlnti*gx)d*m~d tbebodyoOald&ninstethepatho#p ll#potentMusedm~*hf&~tof -Mdons mkhtbermtkuw?wvlx~~ mm3@nKnt ofpstkntaWho,slffermcument ispmsmdyaconsensus thateradication of the infixtion fo[mbbtxerrnprophylsetic therepyw(x$d be beueficid” However,hXl@ermp~* with antirnit!mbii a@?ntsfmeents severalproblemsincludingtoxkity, side effzm and the emergerAQ ofsedstantpopulatio~ In contr@ Prodrwmosand assocW#fwdcra.nberryww&Wa_ ~ pstknte andnocliicaf sideeffect$svere~ k ~*jui% or the factor(s) tithe jui~ m-tit & [email protected]~ of value as an adjurrcdvetherapy end pmpbykxk in patients @ =;%$ran~juioein a 268:57,1963. I ‘“--:=” Wkb ~n~ _ ma [email protected]~, _@$ wb~ pm- ,19g~~~w -~~ y “~~~”fl~~~-a-~~~, d.~a~:.P~@f@~.”.. ”~ viewlong-term drugtreatment has proven unsatisfatiry. The observation that cranberryjuice alau inhibits bacterial adhertObud cells suggeststhat the juice, or the a~”ve factor “ Of rwurre~t urina& ‘traei in fedions in women: a compam~w ~ippurate. J. trial between nit.rofurantoin and medtenamine Urol” 126:71, 198I. / 1 . ~qduction of Bactetiuria ahd Pywia . - After Ingestionof CrahberryJuice .. . Jfw@wpwarkfdormM mwefryu-mwJ.tim fiw~. Objeofk+To ageonbadelwa .kds . ofambe17y@ce :. ... . . fxwx- Supposdsalatqwactondlkuytact inf’’n#lo adeqaa@ya?ntdc@an- ●vahtingits -----~~=-~(-w-wm. “ ~f!?yefltim—sut@dswwe—a ● . AU@44A0 ddemune . the dfedofregdarhfake antlrMJrlakaeMe& wlmfa -- sdwb~ bwwti-ti- 3oomLperday dinid utility bipmven&- Stdiesoftbeeactofc ranbmyjuke cmme!ddy~~-mgeora-~ --mm= mostiy on Cliniealauifuuytlacthkfioas ~~~e.~~~ bwe been unoontmll~ havebeencondncCo@entbut bCkedaanbeayamtent. ductedonassnakal~and keyielded OWxmeM ~-Akx3kw@wsaqkMsixdeaw#kkMSudywifw confktingresufk= (h@udywasdequantilaSSf@= W@Q Coaededalql$x?3F’lTM@y wnOIICfl MII&@S and tested Signed tc.+dmss thkquestion. fwyforbackxwaand fhefm?Sen@ofwMtetJoocf& B@erlmaiseoalmoa amongekkliy [email protected]@s G3ndom&edto cheUanbWybevefage hadOddsofbadetluda(deUnedasOQankms.hlnnHngaW%nL)#VWpyudathatweR?onfy42'% Althoughlrxld lktdlriaintbisage doesnotre-P is -UdCd offfW)&S~ttwcontrd~(Fk.Q04).Tlk)djsofre@ingbadd&+ytn@ inUwpnwiousmonhwereonfy27%ofthe giwnMtheywere&ddw@y& o&iinthe.confJd group(F=.oo6). f@acfus?oas.-?hese f-suggestlhawseofacrantwybeverage uw@qUenC@badeffLJfkwlp yurlaznOwwwwll PrW3km txxikabou(uw t3fk@SC#Cr@437yjub30n Cfwur WryWtdtnwhawmkx@?0l0&kM&40n. -. FUR DECADES cmnbenydaived hvqhvekenfhoaghttobeuse“IkUnreddngbactdd infectionsofthe Nlldder.lmt contlvvemyexktsas to” Whetberdlisbeliefhas &skins& eatf!k &c&In 191+ B~%%~ poitedtbatemakles rkhMellzak*whkhiWcUWedas -dh&*=dksti Mote recently, data have been jk+ Sented on a diffkrent potentialmecbadsmofactiom theinMWonbycran- %erujadceofb actaiddwenceto mueosdsu&lces sobota$8ndsdddt =Mobota%mmda2Mt&tbothaanbemyjdoeadt headnepmducedby qlil’etmatznen<na largepn3p@orlof womenolderthan65 yeas will expedintection ence at &one uxfnaryperyear. ~thfspatkntgroup pre- selltsan opportwdfJ tokalnwhether thengdaxingestion ofaanbenyjuke beverage anintknce thednaryfiofa Orthehost%granuloc yterespowtok . . MErHoDs Afterapproval byinstitotiona! review W-w-eatia ~mamkvdltnlg-tenna reihdlity GxCheekkdy(tbeEebrewRdnbmtiOtlhterfdrAged)#swendmmfne p-llw&&=ypg”~h . whOvMwapawofgfvingbfOrmedOxk : $eat%wrehi tedtopddpateinthe . Ctdyifthgywemwmgtobgestatkast lYxhLOfembeizyjcdceCOCktdlperCk =tim-tiy. e%dldmftheyhd fitl~coti’k cqandfheotber WmbaaI.dwaseor Uvem demelltf% dherenm aM&yflM&nlaa& alineas &ldieslulwyklded CodGdngresdts ~~m” Ited toamcodef!fkorlelras Xnolatoroanyfhdtjaf Wasumdidydlepolymdcaunpoand tbatMdbftedeeltafnadbedns9sso&@d with ddnsofEcofiOfeket isolate &Is compound tlomaanbenyandbluebemyjuiqbut notiknll~o langqguav’q wmgo, and ● eapplejafees ‘l’heyhyatlLPo=eofwthwens tothkcompoundineltherthegutorthe Mad&rp!udwes a bactedostatk el%ct by blldbidngSpecuk adhesfas present Onthepitiofthe bactddswfixe. Despitetheseintriguingiiigs nnd the widespread use of cmnbemy bew- Jll&Wawl WemstadiecLIlldldte% Neligiblesabjects igreedtopdck nteandomttibatd atleastoaemine wqkfterkseline testin Apia* m ’40T Coubf.ningno & was d+ (Oceanspraycmnbed%w dWilk# MISS)that wed OWO* ndoofortosimuMet he@$@d* earaaceofcouunemidysele.~jdee cmkWBeaaseduM@ ]lemneeis commonamongW* ‘Otllem both the cranbem’ ev&&w&&ee@rd n. Eewrages weN :tkdc0fbirtef3weptfo and Pb~ Wi$h-k@@&liYet@& mded - mP- Iotnum- ““ ‘--:”:.-,:{:. -. ... --- “ k en la bn ~ mwemDend&edtoconsmne thebev- ‘%!x$%giye~~af intheaa@ct?sin frumfaerstudyalmo nthdter . bied as xl goi@asto@-w-Yw& Cr- 311Y=-uwmwPmzlot&* cowiiwm-~etkllmrm vt&the4he~ Snentoffdwkhw-sq,+% gsg . ta-vdwereesdn@ed $epqe&& alajedshathecr’anky oddvseveidigits etftdodidaltuicationmlmberti.e mmbertodetendnewhl& coded f%- number beverage woddbeased ~*[email protected]==norksigatora Wete aware of of pente -8@W12mbject-re ceWg ~ tieq% al’placebobever*-mtiwnotti&* eameaycmlkzyproduetso therthan thoeedMdl@ed tothemdnring the ~. 1%pnwent the poasiiili~ that thcendofayantibiotkcoam% = alndaniddyd+&acdtnrt% senaitwlty Waw end pezfomledoneacburinesampkiuunt%. Coliectim diatety antwtie after testing v ‘id .ptia~wfor TepIi- ties(_%@oaIId U* sampkefathetzansitions Wcollected until each subject had colItriiu!dsbasehne qecbnenphssk monthly Spe&ens or hed yW’uil&WJ ti~ the dy. mti % all * samples confafbu by subjeets whoPrm4dedat bat one sample -%2! ~~assoclatedvvith~. mentassigmne!kmewdtofaualysk~ theee logistic modelswas the l-month study fntewal.FirsQwe consldemed inte!vak WMoutbacteriuriaphs pJwfa at the beginningofthe inbsrvalandpre. dktedtheprobabiBtyofbxteriuAaw”th pJ@aattheendofthe intervaLAeecond modelevaluatedintivdtb bacxnl@tfnadvertent&consumestandard monthlycolkctions.%npks ofboth tbe t.exhdaandpyuriaat the begidngand predicted the probabfity of no bacteribhqeekewhemin tbein- ~~ placebobeverages ~ dft@io&+all sach beveragew con- ana&ed by Wan Sbarq PhD,Weiz- uria plus pyutfa at the end ofthemonth. Wtcd to the placeboproduct @lrough- mann ImX&l@ Rehovo&Isrd#foftheir REsuUt’Soat the institutiondtuingthe study. To apdty to Mibit.adhsion byE cd to ensure that each subjeet continued to AtotaIof618 urine spdmenswere h-~, = d=~ r re@ve the ~ beverag~ patients vioudy.@’fJ Ike sampleswereidenti- Colkctedtitnthe staldysab’’after werw interviewed monthly. In additkxq fied by code number only to ensure basdine About one W @wed aIfbOttlecapewere colkctedfi-ornp blindedassessment. pwwthoflO$ol@lkmsper!nUiMeror ficlpants each znon~ and tie coded lot AsecondmsearthassktanGawmre more,about one third producedno bacammberprin tedoneachbottle capwas of* Aialgm@and theremdnderyidded ~~ *9 or =M* asdentered data into a rekntennedkte gmvth of oqpudsm J3smeeM@db YaresaVAassknL size CalcaMotla Wpertioneld*The ptfrnagoutcome %etW&zc ofiwasthe mostcomtnon. befbrwthe study began We aswas bacterM9 (organkm numtdng denti6edorgankm(43%ofkolat&l ~ ald& regeldlem Oforgdsm) with solnedtbattbe ovemltzate of bacteriWbsieflathesecondmostcommonsingle cniaandminthecontrvlgroapwould “ b’lagivenstudymonth. asub-G%%*4 floIaWcoont@for beabouta60,endtbatthe@lctiona6 urine P whocontinuedto con:hd’W*~~ wnpks wem includedin the an?$sk *of Weasedkgistfcregrdon emdyskto @knhti-,=*p* wolddbe40%# f3sok@reptesented by BcoH= !dimetetbeoddsthatthisoatcomewas ‘ themteinthe Wciatedwithdgmnenttothecmn*-M-M-= “ w y~ ~ydw--~~ Ifectioniny Womea lerlybeveragegKutp.Eaehp@kipant r = followIndadedata !ontdbuteduptoskesWsm@softhle wOuld_asampIe akeof92 = analyses ftlew!bgzW, atot410fl$2 oman153$tlbjectswho@@xltedone toaixWmv=ap wetW2dled K tllea@@ata te =ee~ ‘Motwwineumpkeafterlzndond= s awpresen@oa tbe163eabJxiewho mmtbesamepMMpalltWetWlotstatql~ti~~d~ abaseheuziuesmpleandat MWly &end44WeW’esMenteofllong~ %SWfromthekE%% adwonalsxmpleaftermdomrefilcIIi@@@hosezzndomW istk llmodelthattreated as“fz9tkZ?odatawemavallableforsab ssmentsesbKkpendentWmm@xs@ ecranbenygrOap end610fthOSeti thestudywf#eplacebo grwpeompktedti W6 ytheesdmdlgquadolla ppluachof any lnizteSampksafter mths of study. As sbovmin Tabk Z *~ *.U Logisticregvesdozl the thgluupswereshnikrh %%nmk Iodelswfthtldjustedawereusedto I -At study%itry,a geMric nurseobMedkatlonstlsedtand~~*of~camineandacljastfoithe efkctof bactaineda complete* history and ‘ pmbkmq as well as bactesiti riuria with pyuria at baseline when hstmsedsubjectsintbepmpermethod Camining tile effectof cranky bevuz@andltrinaq tradsW@m* ofobtabdw a mldstmmm. w!inq Wtough subjects mdomked w Onstady outcomesafter randomto the cranbeny group had a lower=te t!dh%an ad&@ite Ckiil-voided spedered io the regresdon model was hisxWiotxuAna@=tM*~w men themsehf* thegerktaic nurse as- toryofudnary taactinkctkninthe6 y. tily f- subjects wed ~ ddedhl pdOIYnh&tied~atiDm and X2 months beforethe sdY. [LwMuxwmmuuLKWn ktchgiwwl. - 752 S12bjeCtSitit.he ill$titUtiO!d settlngwho efterthe baselinecolkctiok whet.heror We!t ?9ndOmized to not they -bed ~ ~(ch plecebo bev- 9. lS94-Vd 271. No. 10 enrokd fw ill six 6aat7tia and Py@ NW Cranbeny@ce @e4cx+Awm .. -, e( a{ . . ~. -.. . . . Tan&ma L%lmethwbpw uinuy~ . 618dd0C- ~ u8d- COzle&&tkecranbenyglwp#@) 4(SJ tS@2j 0 2(23 Ym du3iaor3JYu& oftbe4ndnes2111nl& . ,., *1 2(3J 11(laj (4%) had bacterfulfa and pyuda mm X’entw”ththazlb’’ 1(q . 3(+ tmct symptims, “ sqortinglufnazy Compad w-th37(7%) of496wine smlpk?sin thepfzcebogmup, -=thkdid3aotl-eaastaMc2Jaig- ~m &tibioticuse Sfh?rmldonlkadotlinduded 16kIst9nces oftmstnwntforurj- ended test fm kukoqte eztaase pyuri2@4%0f21S *6af@5hthe. U)[email protected]@3Srs&raMetot&enrj. contmlmauvs 29%inthecranberry rytlact werenoted onzz.o%ofd merencewas not stimqo. h t.kk nonthintervdhktodesconsunl~a tkticdy si@6c2nt intherepliate 2s-. tpmtmed kspaandsubjectmptexoeeded )% Ofsadgnedqwntitk?s iudy&eragean3e2sud Iac&lWawfthpyuriawasfdin .%ofm3ne#331ples fntbepJaczbo ap233do&150%k3theg3uuprand2edtotbeuan?xmy beversguWe ~ . nauytractinfe+nfn tbe controlgroup WWloopemon-montbs)va eightinfstances in the experbntal gmop (L7 perlo6 ~n~>adam to ase antibiotics were made by mbjectd own Jdlysicsaq who V?emmm of thestlldydesignorg roupssd t. No sigdknt differencewas of%? 3ntheacW&ationofurfne Inthe-d $dyaia (P=.09). -mupwpti m average l-3yO@l pbabili~of PH=6.0 ands.6,-v* . .. (hedian. “ -’?. lll-oftbeeodedml@ bev& ages&tieffei#033 kac&rk!sdll+ &~co33dacted byf)z’sbalwld Chan@hrn w2s34intke Colkaguesatthe wd2m2n33133stitu@ n l-m033thpmbaw@fCban@rp330n-of J2s2mp?e20f theactfvect2nbeny fix3nddf&m3Cek3ti3en3eanppblfected to beveragetlsed~tbestadywere folmd b33.ofkMwfq@C m3tke-ydYhlE pksk3e2dgm@&rasf3k3&% -=w”~aatiati~ . %vsw%#mspeCt&61y$ mledit- &3dk133 toSl&lX3tidaoam iisi!!ii!!?i”iyiil!ii%iii? yasmotpr esenwkerlrst p’&@a’+& CqiwN’r= Wa=ti_mh& tkancontrokto %36 Deqite &C2des .#si?i5i5s!iii55!!q hel’k?kl’k?k w wnteld3begMgVaabadenum assesmats Owle %dMdUsk vrr&aad9.amd9nR&f m&&tieoRfmgti orhcterM2 . .adomked to the emnbeny bevdatfve M-an to eoatm[ subjects(9S% t0a7~P=~. rsCtpel-skWwhenwe2d ddtQ W a -[e desaibii a bk- zfmbpyark sarnpfeat the end of the fnterrali33thecmnbeny gmopw027 v=wqindidngthatt faeaesubjects Weleonly sboutaqualterxwy= 271. No. 10 : Cem&3gtheef&t20f thet3rhuuytri@toour stJ2dy npments tm~ ktedud2with atkktduria r eldexiywocnenkcoti nxdy Ok~ itdoes not represent9 conditionwithanegativepgnosk?or me thatl%qulll?streatment.- Howfutinaty@ctin&cthinh6 Wer,demmstmtionof the “cap2ciQof 3 prior to ran$xqhtion (ORfor xan~beverage toreducetioxllrm ill Crsnbemygluap, ()~ (O~03~JkllZJor123nonfhs (0~0~, W3ceofbaeMHaWithpymfab3 elderly ) or Wmonths@or tomndom- P=.(ll)bdm t@tudybegardfostsubmmendoe slendcre dencetothebelkf (OILO@kOllSubjectsin the Jxts * bacteriuria were 22Yln31ton3- hatficontakisa substancewithbielogic ciitityill rewontothe~V IWW * ~~iti a trend ‘ ‘*and manywithsymptofnz &f&ble less lXXt&M2 ke2pt@jve of to the orimy tmct did not have bacteYe efkt was notseen-m’the-f%ststudy arcit 9. 1994-Vd . : . . tocontinuetohaveabac@iurkp~”cwines2n@~3hese @3ing2wem afsoadkcted byadjustingforahktory ofurhuuytractinfectimin thetjmonths controls f3adetiad P@t A@~Juice (ngesliiwxne(a( . . ..... .- 753 . . .- . . . $=fJG~#*-4t08weda mtimww”~ti Ofuseofcmberly bevemgedthell Iiearlyidentic dx?tesofback?dud aand P@==dd)out the=mekvet!tlds JT@=tb=-ld--=&aecou&ecouldbecompatMewithmo& coaMleMrInakpkateasewnen @ ficafkaofglIt~whkhaletbef#picJd coatmkabjec% wew awe fik+ to have MstoAsofu.xinq tnctinC~33e I@ho@na inu.dnmtr actlnfwtkfs . effectofihemnlMlzybep3g&pU-&& eveawheatH2Mbnatmn fn the rnuitivaxiate xegresdon equation. di%km!lalightfyb . l%e rate ofti-tion totm2tarhxuy t7actinfodion2ufg@2 thatthisdiik-ence Jaayhawaanif” It2elffaimportantclinical outcomes fxwellthewg luupsofthosewhoconiribu@d one ar more tuiae sampka [01-- Ye&dnot@devidence thaturimuy a@ka60n was responsible for the obsezvedeffd#ince themedianpEoftaine a2mpksin thecraabenygmup (6.0)w2s actwdly Mgherthamthath the@Xpe!imentalgroup #.6). While cmabenyjuke h22beenadvocateda2 am@wyacM@X to plvvent udnaly *et irlfnot all stadies have shown a zeduction in urbwpHwith mnkny juiceh&StiOq eves with con2um@ionof2000mLper t6!l@%) --~ of’722djectsrnthecranbenygx9upfmapktedaU6monthsoft hestudy compred Withdl(zl%) ofuintheplacebogroup. If2@jectswith2tdieudnea2mpkwere more iikdy to drop out berm oJntrimutiagthefb116months ofstudy, thkcould havebdkncedourfm din a#oughswch [email protected] & Dea#ethe popuHyof&ofcran- ~ j~ for PreventIonof minary -inf.ectioqthepm&bilitiA4nndw.wl’heamounta usedinthistdd @OOxaL)maynothavebeenlargeenoughldtion 2naly2esiadhte * its effect in to jxudueethk effeik Bla_I Wa2mom pllxlotmced in eonwdlg * samplesout of a 2t2teof batteduziawftb fi22comp2redm”thpreVenting& convemionof aoninfectd uiine#mpk2tib9ct4Aul%pyWcone.s “ WMe this does not implythatsucha -m shoold&place mtfbiotica~ z2Kl$=TL-&’ wasuot@ated toaainepHor Mpurk Sddhlnatkmbut!zth$ !rtosomeLctedosta$epmpeltkof cmnbenyjtdeeor its amponenk . . ~. %Bktbtkk NIL Tkspdesw&offdsh rehtbntoctiaoiqdtbn ofthear&RA’ck/Uam #d 1914$^so. zMoall)v.GbHuoIlsoa tk@T&encssof .e&Jxr#&inww&&iaUwdL . . . 1 msanl-lm. 2&!iz-w- . SJxJmlcydB,BbunclLf EUkdofa7abary&dc’e IL Ofak & Goldw+frhi’4ti’usAsyzr.R [email protected] R4xlw9g&s7-2$2 [email protected] bkaddinadd@blgtbearbwllImd.#Jlec&?nxk-.—.lz PapasPwkuadlcA_mA_~Gc -J~fkdbNUrdwlsw!l —. .— jukktbcuwlaalt $. FdlU@IZ,Re&IOIIBGPSIIM EALIIUCff@ Sourbd Mc$.19Gwm20. dnlgs&uroA*!190w& @f~aluhn’addii aod1400ddklli reaewe.JMdk. 1933f4s43. 6. NkkeYicEuzinepKxlYdofprcsUnA* U.ZbarHB.NewraWbadcAd IO13fdinkuOiuMed C@ttwk Uleusofcmbtqj dccandmscwbkadd.ti P&# Md R&b. 1975565M. Z McbodllcNatuiaMCMetIWUM@ QMtKmdduiitkmdtkdkxdb%g$ * Ad&@%onm 19?8ss.s54 & s9boUAElnMbi(ionefb4c&Mm$kmccby 14, BoddPlmtraaILlksEx Lcnudxrqjuke adtk-dladOnofb@palica&LJ&6 & Akd. J%9&S8148S. SaWSOOJR M. KdaaM@awietJoVJLSaeUJ. a-d=YMcl%pOtU!tMwc fOrckcmcmcntof --wdOas.J uroL19wmlola-!olli 9. &fUOidtl)R-AE.AnexmhUumofthc aakdkwm aciitiydaanbwlyjak eonlniaaiy madnoautinalybacluiafiso(ati Hicmbitx. ’754 JAM4 fwbrd 9. 1994-Vd 271.No. 10 . U( a Schwqtz E.13kctofanbcrryjuktoanrk lAla Did AsaW MGW251.x?i. 16..$oadaaA K&a= WA Kni# R& Abruiya I%tc?isoatil%xw ~. w-ofaria fnaaekkctr ambalatotypepdatk AmJ Me& 19S55@@Wj~ 17. tip E. tdossey J. Idsoa N EosciaJ, “ eaueiuriaand Pyufii Ma et a{ Cranbwy Juice (Wiuxn ..-