07/24198 FRI 08:50 FAX 301 443,5169
07/24198 FRI 08:50 FAX 301 443,5169 . . JsRW W JWFDIWZ WW40NT, DnN CQA13, INDIANA wm awa, N6W tMMf’61illlE BILLFWT, TEW4W$E6 MIK6PcWINE,L=HP MFCHAELil EMU hWWNtG TIM NUTE)IW50N, railk#Sr6 SUSAN M, cOLLIM3, MWJE JOIW w, wnnm, vmawh LA7CUr.4d!ONUEtL kEUIW!kV . . —----- op/’ECI C~P4 EW@P M. FENPEP’4 MRSiiACHUmS CHRI=PFIHHI J, D-, WWWfKWT mrammlwlow~ B*#QIAAh!iKLJLEl$l, wml.awo J6FF MNQ&MAN. N6W MEXICO PAULD, WEL!STONG, MINN6X11A MUW14Y, WfiSMNGTON WIT J4CK NEED,RHOnE 1.SLfiP8 2Bnktil $?htts$!hmatt COMMIITEE HUMAN “tic E. FOm, ISWF lwRiCTKIR DEPUYY ETAFF tUilmOR sUmN K. w~AM, NEK LllTLEFltLD, MIMWIY STd7 oIRSCTOII ANP CHIEF COUN56L ‘.: 522 ’98 wsdhaT&Fi, ON IABOR 4ND RESOURCES di%J5wiBfxl July 23, 1998 Dr. Michael Friedman Acting Commissioner Foad and Drug Adminlstmtkm 5600 Fishers Lane (HF-28) Rockville, MD 20857 Dockets Management Branch &lFAu306) Food and Drug Administration 12420 Parklawn Drive, rm, 1-23 Rockville, MD 20857 f)issemination of Information on Unapproved/New Biologics, and Devices; Docket No. 98 N-0222 Uses for Marketed Drugs, Dear Dr. Friedm6n, I am writing to comment on the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) proposed rule of June 8, 1998, implementing section 401 of the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997. 1 want to commend FDA for its commitment to implementing the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997 In a timely manner. As the ranking member of the Senate Labor and Human was intimately invalved in development of the Food and Modernization Act of 1997 (FDAMA) and specifically of want to highlight important considerations and concerns crucial part of our compromise an this issue. . Resources Committee, I Dru~ Admlfiistration section 401. As such, I zhal 1‘believe were a First, I would like to comment gerterally on the intent of Congress. Congress intended this provision to allow dissemination of information under specific limited Congress was par~lcularly concerned tha~ current incentives for circumstances. companies to invest in research and to submit supplemental applications be maintained and enhanced. Because dissemination by drug companies of information regarding uses which have not yet been shown to meet FDA’s standard for sefety and efficacy raises important’ public health questions, Congress limited This provision in duratkm and requm~ed follow up studies to determine the utility of this provision and its impact on the public health. In light of these concerns, FDA’s should be consistent with the law and assure that patients be pro~ected. c 37 07,;24/98 EtJoo3 FRI 08:51 FAX 301--443 5169 ------.-.. .. ... -,,---OP/EO --.—--- FDA should provide for public access to information 401 to the maximum extent feasible, The patients’ 41 U.13UL r. 3~5 made available under section groups are essential stakeholders in the exemptions granted under section crucial to successful implementation of this provision, 401 and their participation is a.r~i& of Congress intended for FDA to have a role in assessing the scientific acceptability journai articles and reference texts distributed pursuant to section 401. The statute requires ~hat the information be a “copy of an article, peer-reviewed by experts qualified by scientific training or experience . . . which is about a clinical sound by such investigation - . . and which would be considered to be scientifically the FDA may require the mwwi%cturer to disseminate expems. ” Where appropriate, additional objective and scientifically sound information that pertains to the safety or effectiveness of the uss and IS necessary to provide objectivity and belance, or the Secretary may provide her Own objective statement. Thus, the statute ciearly envisions that the Secretary be provided sufficient information to assess the clinical investigation. This opportunity is especially important in order for the Secretary to meaningfully assess the need for balancing information is false or misleading. information and to ❑ ssess whelher the . fib suu~iemenk be predicated Congressional intent is ciear. Congress intended that dissemination Exceptions to this rule we limited on submission of a supplemental USEJapplication. in scope and shouid be infrequent. Any interpretation to the contrary would undermine the essential compromise reached in this legislation. As stated in the when it is appropriate to conference report, “there may be /lmited circumstances exempt a manufacturer from the requirement to fiie a supplemental application. ” (emphasis added.) ns t= The au~hority ~ba~ Congress gave to the Secretary regarding factors to be taken into account in granting exemptions is permissive, not mandato~. Congress intended the Secretary to exercise subs~antiai discretion in granting exceptions and that oniy when the interests of pubiic heaith are served by allowing the exemption and there is no significant pessibiiity that a supplemental application vvili be filed should FDA grant such an exemption. Sincerely, Edward M. Kenned /