
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on ...

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IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on ...
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
Version 7.0.0
Installation on WebLogic Application
Servers with Database
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 125.
Product Information
This document applies to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0 and may also apply to subsequent releases.
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM Corporation.
© Copyright IBM Corporation, 2003, 2013.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Chapter 1. IBM OpenPages GRC Platform components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Server topology and installation configurations .
Vertical and horizontal scaling . . . . .
Load balancing configurations . . . . .
Clustered OpenPages environments . . .
The OpenPages repository . . . . . . . .
Oracle database software . . . . . . .
Application server software . . . . . . .
OpenPages workflow server . . . . . .
Cognos Business Intelligence . . . . . . .
Content store database . . . . . . . .
OpenPages CommandCenter . . . . . . .
Chapter 2. Installation of prerequisite software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Software prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prerequisite software for all servers . . . . . . . .
Prerequisite software for application servers . . . . .
Prerequisite software for reporting servers . . . . .
Prerequisite software for OpenPages client computers .
VMWare configuration requirements on Windows computers
Chapter 3. Preparing your system for installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
The Super Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Users and groups for installations on Windows operating systems . . . . . . . .
Enabling Data Execution Prevention for essential Windows programs and services . .
Optional: Changing the Temp directory for Windows installations . . . . . . . .
Installing WebLogic Server on Windows computers . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring WebLogic Server on a multihomed computer in a Windows environment
Multicasting in the OpenPages environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Port assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 9
Chapter 4. Oracle Database Server software installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Removing environment variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Copying the installation files for the database server . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prerequisite setup for AIX computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
AIX operating system file sets for Oracle database software . . . . . . . . .
Creating the Oracle installation directory on AIX computers . . . . . . . . .
Loading the kernels extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Verifying that your AIX computer meets system prerequisites . . . . . . . .
Installation modes for the database software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installing the database software in interactive mode . . . . . . . . . . . .
Silent mode installations for the database server and client software . . . . . .
Non-default values for the new Oracle instance . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Scripts to manually create the OpenPages database schema in Oracle before installation .
Creating the tablespace and users for the OpenPages database before installation . .
Installing the 32-bit Oracle Admin Client software in interactive mode . . . . . .
Setting the ORACLE_HOME environment variable on reporting servers . . . . .
Testing the connections to the database server and the OpenPages repository . . . .
Chapter 5. IBM Cognos Business Intelligence installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Installing IBM Cognos Business Intelligence . . .
Web server configuration options for IBM Cognos BI
. 27
. 29
Configuring the IBM Cognos gateway on Microsoft Internet Information Services . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring Apache Web Server or IBM HTTP Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring a connection to the content store for Oracle database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Saving your settings and starting the IBM Cognos services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prerequisite tasks for OpenPages CommandCenter installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting database environment variables for reporting servers on Windows operating systems . . . . . .
Setting Oracle database environment variables for the reporting server on AIX and Linux operating systems .
Enabling the connection to a remote DB2 database from the OpenPages CommandCenter computer. . . .
Creating the installation directory for OpenPages CommandCenter on AIX and Linux operating systems . .
Chapter 6. OpenPages application server installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Prerequisite tasks for the OpenPages application installation . . . . . . .
Installing the 64-bit Oracle Admin Client software . . . . . . . . .
Copying the installation files for the application server . . . . . . . .
Setting the ORACLE_HOME environment variable on OpenPages admin and
Custom OpenPages Database Schema installations . . . . . . . . . .
Worksheet for installing the OpenPages GRC Platform on application servers .
Installing OpenPages and workflow server in interactive mode . . . . . .
Testing the connections to the database server and the OpenPages repository .
Starting WebLogic Server cluster members for the first time . . . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
managed servers
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
Chapter 7. OpenPages CommandCenter installations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Prerequisite tasks for OpenPages CommandCenter installations . . . . .
Setting database environment variables for reporting servers on Windows
Worksheet for OpenPages CommandCenter installations . . . . . .
Installing OpenPages CommandCenter in interactive mode . . . . . .
OpenPages CommandCenter post installation tasks . . . . . . . . .
Creating the reporting schema and framework . . . . . . . . .
Changing the OpenPages CommandCenter host settings . . . . . .
Creating an open session command block for the OpenPages data source
OpenPages CommandCenter portal security . . . . . . . . . .
. . .
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Chapter 8. Post installation tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Configure security for using the REST API . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring your application server software for single signon . . . . .
Configuring OpenPages to work on a single computer with an Oracle database
Configuring OpenPages to work on a single computer with a DB2 database . .
Verification checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fix pack installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Database server tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tuning the performance of the database instance . . . . . . . . . .
Memory tuning guidelines for Oracle databases . . . . . . . . . .
Admin server tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring the database connection pool on Windows computers . . . .
Preventing concurrency conflicts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Optional: Increasing the paging file size on Windows computers . . . .
Increasing the Oracle WebLogic Maximum Message Size . . . . . . .
OpenPages application server tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Enabling LDAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Disabling LDAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Enabling trust between OpenPagesDomain and IBPMDomain . . . . . .
Accessing OpenPages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 9. Starting and stopping OpenPages servers
Windows services used by OpenPages applications . . . . . .
Starting OpenPages application servers on Windows computers .
Stopping OpenPages application servers on Windows computers
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
. 75
. 76
. 77
Chapter 10. Configuring clustered environments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Clustered OpenPages Configurations .
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
. 79
Increasing the Oracle connection limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring OpenPages applications to use a domain account on Windows operating systems
Sharing a network OpenPages storage directory on Windows operating systems . . . . .
Enabling XA transactions for load balancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring Apache Web Server for load balancing in Windows environment . . . . . . .
Customizing the load balancer in Windows environments for large data sets . . . . . .
Load balancing the OpenPages reporting server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Adding OpenPages servers to the Cognos Application Firewall safe list . . . . . . . .
Communication between OpenPages CommandCenter servers . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring the primary reporting server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring secondary servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring an Apache load balancer or proxy server . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Changing the OpenPages CommandCenter host settings . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 11. Single signon integration for OpenPages application server and the
reporting server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Configuring OpenPages applications for single signon . . . .
Configuring the single signon logout destination . . . . . .
Configuring the application server for single signon on Windows
Disabling OpenPages single signon . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring single signon for a reporting server . . . . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
Chapter 12. Silent installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Response files for silent installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Editing the response file for database server silent installations . . . . . . . .
Editing the response file for 32-bit database client silent installations . . . . . .
Editing the response file for 64-bit database client silent installations . . . . . .
Editing the response file for OpenPages application silent installations . . . . .
Editing the response file for OpenPages CommandCenter silent installations . . .
Response file parameters for use with silent installations . . . . . . . . . . .
Installation program in silent mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Running the installation program for the database server in silent mode . . . .
Running the installation program for the database client in silent mode . . . . .
Running the installation program for the OpenPages application in silent mode . .
Running the installation program for the OpenPages CommandCenter in silent mode
. 97
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. 100
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Chapter 13. OpenPages GRC Platform software uninstallations . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Uninstalling OpenPages applications . .
Optional: Uninstalling the workflow server
Removing the 64-bit Oracle Admin client .
Uninstalling the Oracle database software .
Uninstalling OpenPages CommandCenter .
Removing the 32-bit Oracle Admin Client .
Appendix. Troubleshooting problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Troubleshooting resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Support Portal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Service requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
OpenPages Customer Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fix Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Knowledge bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installation log files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installation issues and solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Uninstalling OpenPages with an Oracle database before you reinstall
Manually loading the configuration data after a new installation . .
OP-03620: The Reporting Schema has not been instantiated error . .
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
This document is intended for use with IBM® OpenPages® GRC Platform. The
information includes planning, preparing for, completing, and maintaining product
installations, configuring the product after installation, and some troubleshooting
tips and techniques.
Installation and upgrade documentation
The instructions that you use to install or upgrade IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
depends on your environment.
For all installations and deployments on IBM WebSphere® Application Servers, see
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Installation and Deployment on WebSphere Application
For installations on Oracle WebLogic Application Servers, see IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform Installation Guide, or IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Installation Guide with
For upgrades on Oracle WebLogic Application Servers, see IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform Upgrade Guide.
This document is intended for use by OpenPages administrators. An administrator
must have a background in operating systems administration, application server
management, relational database management, systems security management, and
other aspects of systems management.
Finding information
To find IBM OpenPages GRC Platform product documentation on the web,
including all translated documentation, access the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
Information Center (http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/op/v7r0m0/index.jsp).
Release Notes are published directly to the Information Center, and include links
to the latest technotes and APARs.
Accessibility features
Accessibility features help users who have a physical disability, such as restricted
mobility or limited vision, to use information technology products.
IBM HTML documentation has accessibility features. PDF documents are
supplemental and, as such, include no added accessibility features.
Documentation conventions
To illustrate screen displays, menu items, product displays, information that you
enter, the following typographic conventions are used:
Table 1. Typographic conventions used in this document
Keywords of SQL or some other programming languages are
displayed in uppercase letters in a serif font.
Variables that represent an object or entity that you replace
with specific information.
Note: To avoid confusion, in some situations, angle brackets
enclose variables.
< text>
Names of interface elements (such as icons, menu items, and
buttons) are displayed in boldface.
Information that the product displays and information that you
enter is displayed in a monospace typeface.
This symbol indicates a menu item. For example, "Choose
Tools > Options" means choose the Options item from the
Tools menu.
The installation directory is the location of product artifacts after a package,
product, or component is installed. The following table lists the conventions that
are used to refer to the installation location of installed components and products.
v Directory locations that contain spaces are not supported. Do not install
OpenPages or any software that OpenPages uses into a directory with spaces.
For example, do not install database server, database client, or application server
software into the Program Files directory.
v Only install OpenPages or any software that OpenPages uses into a directory
that contains only ASCII characters in the path name.
Table 2. Typographic conventions for installation directories
The installation directory where OpenPages GRC Platform is
On Windows computers, c:\OpenPages
On UNIX computers, opt/openpages
The installation location of Fujitsu Interstage BPM.
For example, C:\Fujitsu\InterstageBPM
The installation location of the Oracle Admin Client software.
For example, if you purchased Oracle database software from
The installation location of Cognos® Business Intelligence.
On Windows computers, C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\c10_64
The installation location of your Java™ Runtime Environment
(JRE) or your Java Development Kit (JDK).
For example, on a reporting server, JAVA_HOME would point
to the JRE used by the IBM Cognos installation, such as
C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\c10_64\bin64\jre\6.0
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Table 2. Typographic conventions for installation directories (continued)
The installation location of OpenPages CommandCenter.
On Windows computers, C:\OpenPages\CommandCenter
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Chapter 1. IBM OpenPages GRC Platform components
Use IBM OpenPages GRC Platform to manage risk and regulatory challenges
across the enterprise. OpenPages GRC Platform provides core services and
functional components that span risk and compliance domains. These functional
components include operational risk, policy, and compliance, financial controls
management, IT governance, and internal audit.
The following diagram shows the architectural components for OpenPages GRC
Platform applications. The platform contains the database and key services such as
the security framework and reporting framework, the workflow engine, and
document management. The modules are configurations that sit on top of the
Figure 1. OpenPages GRC Platform components
Server topology and installation configurations
Before you install OpenPages GRC Platform, plan the server topology. The number
of computers you use depends on the expected user loads.
The OpenPages GRC Platform consists of the following components:
v Database server (1)
v Application server (1 or more)
v Reporting server (1 or more)
Use the following guidelines to help you determine your topology:
Two computers
For light user loads, install the OpenPages application and IBM Cognos Business
Intelligence on the same computer as the application server. A second computer
hosts the database server.
This topology is typical in a testing or staging environment. Do not use this setup
in a production environment.
The following diagram shows a test environment that uses two computers for the
OpenPages GRC Platform installation.
Figure 2. Topology for test environments or light user loads
Three computers
For moderate user loads, use three computers: one database server, one application
server, and one reporting server. Install the OpenPages application on a single
computer with the application server software. The database server software and
Cognos Business Intelligence are each installed on separate computers
The following diagram shows an installation where the application server,
reporting server and database server are each on separate computers.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Figure 3. Topology for moderate user load
Multiple computers
To scale for heavier user loads, you can scale the OpenPages application vertically
or horizontally. You scale by configuring more nodes. Scaling either vertically or
horizontally requires that you use a load balancer. The load balancer distributes the
incoming requests across the nodes.
To scale vertically, add a node to the same computer. To scale horizontally, add a
node to an extra computer.
The following diagram shows an example of using a web server as a load balancer.
The web server distributes incoming requests to horizontal cluster members.
Chapter 1. IBM OpenPages GRC Platform components
Figure 4. Topology for heavy user load
Vertical and horizontal scaling
If required, after the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform installation is complete, you
can add additional OpenPages managed servers. To scale vertically, you can add
an OpenPages application and workflow managed server to an existing cluster. To
scale horizontally, you can add additional OpenPages application and workflow
instances onto an existing OpenPages cluster member.
Load balancing configurations
Load balancing divides the load of incoming client requests across multiple
application servers. The load on each computer is lessened. This configuration
enables the OpenPages application to scale as the number of concurrent users
The redundancy of the application tier, combined with the redundant hardware,
also provides a path to high-availability for OpenPages.
Clustered OpenPages environments
Server cluster consists of multiple OpenPages application and workflow server
instances that run simultaneously to provide increased scalability.
The server instances that comprise a cluster can run on the same computer or on
different computers. You can add more server instances to the cluster on an
existing computer. You can also add computers to the cluster to host the
incremental server instances.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
For more information about configuring clustered environments, see the IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform Administrator's Guide.
The OpenPages repository
The OpenPages database is a central source for metadata management, versioned
application data, and access control.
The OpenPages application requires a set of database users and a tablespace, called
the OpenPages database schema. You install these database components
automatically during the OpenPages application installation or manually by using
SQL scripts. Both the scripts and the installation program create and configure all
of the required elements.
The product includes the installation of the OpenPages database. Use the
installation program to install the database server software and to set up the
database instance for use with the OpenPages application. For environments that
include multiple server computers, use the installation program to install the
Oracle Admin Client software.
Oracle database software
You can use an Oracle database for the OpenPages GRC Platform repository
The OpenPages GRC Platform installation provides the tools that you need to
install the Oracle database and the required users and tablespaces. You must install
the Oracle database before you install the OpenPages application.
Application server software
An application server is required to host the OpenPages applications. The
application server runs the application modules, and includes the definition and
administration of business metadata, UI views, user profiles, and user
The application server software must be installed before you install the IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform components.
For Windows installations, use WebLogic Server.
OpenPages workflow server
OpenPages workflow server provides automated workflow capabilities to ensure
consistent execution of business processes. Fujitsu Interstage BPM is installed as
part of the OpenPages application server installation.
OpenPages workflow technology automates GRC processes, enabling companies to
focus their resources on the gray areas of business where critical human decision
making is required. Automation can help optimize the flow of risk and compliance
Cognos Business Intelligence
IBM Cognos Business Intelligence provides executive dashboards and reports
designed to accelerate review and approval of governance, risk, and compliance
management (GRCM) information throughout the enterprise.
Chapter 1. IBM OpenPages GRC Platform components
Business users can browse through complex information easily by clicking
dashboard elements to drill down through detailed reports.
Content store database
The content store is a relational database that contains data, such as report
specifications, published models, and the packages that contain them. The content
store also contains connection information for data sources.
Note: For the best performance if you use Oracle database server, use two
separate databases for the content store and OpenPages database.
OpenPages CommandCenter
The IBM OpenPages CommandCenter deploys the framework generator, the
OpenPages security provider, creates the OpenPages data sources, and imports the
standard OpenPages report packages.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Chapter 2. Installation of prerequisite software
Ensure that you have installed the prerequisite software before you install IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform.
Related concepts:
“Server topology and installation configurations” on page 1
Before you install OpenPages GRC Platform, plan the server topology. The number
of computers you use depends on the expected user loads.
Software prerequisites
To ensure that your product works properly, apply all minimum required
operating system patches, and use only the supported versions of third-party
software. Review the prerequisite software before installing OpenPages GRC
You can review the supported prerequisite software by using the IBM Software
Product Compatibility Reports (www.ibm.com/support/
Prerequisite software for all servers
Before you install OpenPages GRC Platform, ensure that the prerequisite software
is installed on each server in your environment.
The following table lists the third-party software that must be installed on all
OpenPages servers before you start the OpenPages installation.
Table 3. Software prerequisites for all Windows computers
Operating System
Web browser
Internet Explorer
File compression utility
For example, WinZip
PDF reader
Adobe Acrobat
Prerequisite software for application servers
Ensure that you install the prerequisite software on all servers that host IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform.
The following tables list the software requirements for application servers.
Table 4. Software prerequisites for application server computers
Java Development Kit
JDK 1.6 or greater, 64-bit is required if you
did not purchase WebLogic Server from IBM
Application server
Oracle WebLogic Server (is a prerequisite
only if you did not purchase WebLogic
Server from IBM).
Table 4. Software prerequisites for application server computers (continued)
Application server installation location
Restriction: The IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform Installer requires that application
server software is installed to a path with no
Important: Ensure that you use the same
version of the database client software as the
server software. Apply all required patches,
interim fixes, or services to both the
database server and the database client
Prerequisite software for reporting servers
Ensure that you install IBM Cognos Business Intelligence version 10.2.1 on
reporting server computers.
For information about the software prerequisites for IBM Cognos Business
Intelligence, see the IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Installation and Configuration
Prerequisite software for OpenPages client computers
Ensure that prerequisite software is installed on all computers that access the IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform application.
The following table lists the software requirements for client computers.
Table 5. Software prerequisites for client computers
Web browser
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 8, 9, or
version 10 running in Compatibility View.
PDF reader
For example, Adobe Reader
Optional: Microsoft Excel
If required, for some reporting functions
Optional: Microsoft .NET Framework
Required on clients where IBM Cognos
Office products are installed
VMWare configuration requirements on Windows computers
The VMWare performance on a virtualized system is comparable to hardware. You
can use the hardware guidelines for the database server, application server, or
reporting server for sizing VM requirements.
Cloning of OpenPages application server VMs is not supported.
Each VM server computer must meet the following software requirements:
v VMWare ESX Server version 4.1 or 5.0
v VMWare Infrastructure Client version 4.0
v Red Hat KVM 6.0
v Microsoft Windows 2008 R2
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Chapter 3. Preparing your system for installation
Before you install OpenPages GRC Platform, some preinstallation tasks must be
1. Ensure that the computer from where you deploy OpenPages GRC Platform
has connectivity to each computer where you install the application server
and reporting server components, and to the database server computer. For
example, ensure that you can ping the application, reporting, and database
server computers.
2. Ensure that database passwords have not expired.
3. Ensure that the application server software and any required software updates
for it are installed. For more information about installing WebLogic Server on
Windows computers, see “Installing WebLogic Server on Windows
computers” on page 11.
4. Install and run OPAdminConsoleRemote on all remote computers that you
use as OpenPages application and reporting servers.
OPAdminConsoleRemote must be installed and running before you deploy
OpenPages from the OpenPages Administrative Console. You do not require
OPAdminConsoleRemote on your database server computer.
5. Ensure that the required users and groups exist and that they each have the
appropriate permissions for installing applications.
6. Ensure that IBM Cognos Business Intelligence is installed.
7. For Windows installations, enable Data Execution Prevention (DEP), and
ensure that you have access to the Microsoft Registry Editor (regedit.exe).
8. Ensure that all required ports are available for application use.
9. If the database server is separate from the OpenPages application servers,
install the database client software on application server computers.
10. If the database server is separate from the Cognos Business Intelligence server,
install the database client software on reporting servers.
11. Set the environment variables on OpenPages administration and managed
servers and on reporting servers.
The Super Administrator
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform uses the concept of a Super Administrator account.
A Super Administrator is set up as part of the installation process and has
complete access to all objects, folders, role templates, and groups in the OpenPages
In a new installation, the Super Administrator is the only user in the system. You
can change either the logon user name or password or both the user name and
password of the OpenPages Super Administrator account before, during, or after
installation. If you use the application interface to change the user account
information, you must manually make corresponding changes to the OpenPages
CommandCenter Framework Generator property file. For more information, see
the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Administrator's Guide.
Users and groups for installations on Windows operating systems
The user account required to install and configure the OpenPages environment
must be a member of the power user or administrator group. Users in either of
these groups can install and configure IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.
Important: The password for this user cannot contain special characters due to
conflicts with OpenPages scripts.
Enabling Data Execution Prevention for essential Windows programs
and services
By default, Windows Server 2008 uses settings that are designed to prevent an
application from running unauthorized programs. However, these settings can
interfere with the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform installations. During the software
installation, configure Data Execution Prevention (DEP) to allow the installers to
1. Log on to the server.
2. Open Windows Explorer.
3. Right-click Computer > Properties.
4. In the System Properties window, click Advanced System Settings.
5. On the Advanced tab, under the Performance heading, click Settings.
6. In the Performance Options window, click the Data Execution Prevention tab,
and then select Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services
7. Click OK and then restart your system to enable the change.
8. Repeat these steps for each server in the installation.
What to do next
When the installation of all software is complete, you can disable the setting.
Optional: Changing the Temp directory for Windows installations
By default, the TEMP and TMP environment variables are set to a hidden user folder
location. The folder location is typically %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp. You
can change the location of the TEMP and TMP directory by changing the environment
variables in the system properties.
1. On the database and OpenPages application servers, ensure that the /tmp
directory is set to a minimum size of 4 GB.
2. Log on to application server as the IBM OpenPages administrator.
3. Right-click My Computer > Properties.
4. Click Advanced System Settings.
5. Click Environment Variables.
6. Select the TEMP variable and click Edit. TEMP and TMP might be defined as
system variables or user variables, depending on how your system is set up.
7. In the Variable value box, type the new temporary folder location and click
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
8. Repeat the steps to change the folder location for the TMP variable.
Installing WebLogic Server on Windows computers
You must have an application server installed and running before you install IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform. You must install application server software where you
plan to install OpenPages application software. In a Windows environment, use the
command line to install the 32-bit version or the 64-bit version of WebLogic Server.
If you purchased Oracle WebLogic Server as part of OpenPages (the OpenPages
embedded installation program), the application server software is automatically
installed during the OpenPages application.
For horizontal cluster configurations, install the software on the cluster admin and
cluster member servers.
The WebLogic Server version on the non-admin server must be the same as the
WebLogic version on the admin server.
1. Log on to the application server as a user with admin privileges.
2. On Windows computers, start a Command Prompt window by using the Run
as Administrator option.
3. Go to the directory that contains the Oracle WebLogic Server installation
4. Run the installation program from your WebLogic Server installation media,
by using the following command:
v For 64-bit systems, run the wls1033_generic.jar file.
v For 32-bit systems, run the java -jar wls1033_generic.jar file.
5. On the Welcome page, click Next to continue.
6. On the Create New Middleware Home page, select a location for the
WebLogic Server middleware home directory, or use an existing home
directory, and click Next.
7. On the Register for Security Updates page, optionally register for Oracle
updates, and click Next
8. On the Choose Installation Type page, select Custom and then click Next.
9. On the Choose Products and Components page, ensure that all components
are selected, except for Server Example and click Next.
10. On the JDK Selection page, select one or more Java Development Kits to
install or click Browse to locate an exiting supported JDK (Java Development
Kit), and click Next.
11. On the Choose a Product Installation Directory page, select a location for the
WebLogic Server installation directory and click Next.
Note: Record the installation directory. This WL_HOME location is used during
the installation procedures. The default location is c:\Oracle\Middleware\
12. On the Install Windows Service page, select No and click Next.
13. On the Installation Summary page, review your selections and when you are
satisfied, click Next.
14. Click Next to begin the installation.
Chapter 3. Preparing your system for installation
15. After the installation finishes, clear the Run Quickstart option and click Done
to exit the installer.
Configuring WebLogic Server on a multihomed computer in a
Windows environment
If the WebLogic Server uses more than one network interface card (NICs) to create
multiple network interfaces, you must modify the Windows hosts file. The
Windows host file must point to the primary NIC. Without specifying the IP
address of each NIC, the Oracle WebLogic Server might listen on the wrong NIC.
1. Log on to the application server as a user with admin privileges.
2. Open a Command Prompt window by using the Run as Administrator option.
3. Go to the %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\drivers\etc\ directory, and open the hosts
file in a text editor.
Note: WebLogic Server picks up the fully qualified domain name from the first
entry in the %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file.
4. On a separate line, enter the IP address and host name of the primary NIC.
5. On separate lines, enter the IP address and host name of any other NICs on
that server.
6. Save and then close the file.
7. Restart WebLogic Server.
Multicasting in the OpenPages environment
The Fujitsu Interstage BPM software that is installed by IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform requires a multicast IP address. Fujitsu Interstage BPM uses the multicast
IP address to communicate with itself and with other components in the
OpenPages environment.
In a clustered OpenPages environment with multiple Fujitsu Interstage BPM
instances, Fujitsu Interstage BPM requires the multicast IP address to communicate
with each instance.
In a single OpenPages environment with a single Fujitsu Interstage BPM instance,
Fujitsu Interstage BPM requires the multicast IP address to communicate with itself
There are multiple Fujitsu Interstage BPM servers in a single environment and the
multicast IP is used for JMS synchronization in the workflow.
You must obtain a multicast address before installing the OpenPages application.
v The multicast IP address must be unique within the network address space.
v When installing on a secondary server in a horizontal environment, use the
same multicast IP address on all servers.
Port assignments
Both dedicated ports and ports that are dynamically assigned for each installation
are used for IBM OpenPages GRC Platform deployments. These default ports can
be changed after installation.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
You can change some port settings during the installation. You can also change the
default port settings after installation. For information about changing the ports
after installation, see the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Administrator's Guide.
Fixed ports
The following table lists the fixed default ports.
Table 6. Fixed ports used by Windows operating systems
Windows Port
Oracle database server console application port
OpenPages database instance
OpenPages admin server
OpenPages admin server (SSL)
Workflow admin server
Workflow admin server (SSL)
OpenPages application server
OpenPages application server (SSL)
Workflow application server
Workflow application server (SSL)
Cognos Business Intelligence gateway
Framework Generator port
Cognos Business Intelligence dispatcher URI
On Windows computers, additional OpenPages installations increment by two. For
example, the HTTP ports are 7009, 7011, 7013. The HTTPS ports are 7002, 7004,
On Windows, additional workflow installations also increment by two.
Files containing port numbers
The following tables list property files on the OpenPages admin server that contain
port numbers.
Table 7. Files on Windows servers that contain default port numbers
Parameter Name
OpenPages admin server
OpenPages admin server
SSL port
OpenPages application
OpenPages application SSL
Chapter 3. Preparing your system for installation
Table 7. Files on Windows servers that contain default port numbers (continued)
Parameter Name
Workflow admin server
OpenPages database
instance port
Framework Generator port cognos.framework
Cognos port
Framework Generator port cognos.computation.server
Cognos port
Cognos Dispatcher URI
Dynamically assigned ports
Port numbers for OpenPages servers that are not listed, such as OpenPages
managed servers, are assigned dynamically during the installation.
OpenPages application and workflow managed server port numbers start at the
following values and increment by 1 for each additional managed server in the
v OpenPages application managed servers: In an OracleWebLogic Server
environment, 7009 (7010 for SSL).
v OpenPages workflow managed servers: 49951 for WebLogic Server
After installation, you can view all port assignments in OpenPages property files.
On Windows computers, OP_HOME\aurora\conf\OPSERVER_STATUS.txt
On a cluster system, the OpenPagesCell.server_name-OPNode1Server1.config.props
file and IBPMCell.server_name-IBPMNode1Server.config.props file contain port
information for that managed server only. If there is a second managed server
within the same computer (vertical cluster), the port information is displayed in
OpenPagesCell.server_name-OPNode1Server2.config.props and
In a horizontal cluster, the numbering for the managed servers in the .props file
restarts at 1 for each cluster member computer.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Chapter 4. Oracle Database Server software installations
Install and configure the Oracle database software to use with IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform.
The OpenPages database installation program installs the Oracle database software
and creates the Oracle database instance.
The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform installation program
v Installs the Oracle Database Server software.
v Adds the Oracle listener.
v Creates the database instance.
v Adds a Local Net Service Name
Removing environment variables
You must remove or unset any Oracle database system environment variables
before installing the Oracle Database Server software.
1. If required, remove or unset the following environment variables.
2. If present, remove the Oracle path from the PATH environment variable.
3. Make note of the location of the TMP environment variable.
Copying the installation files for the database server
To improve performance, copy the installation kit files from the IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform media pack to the local system.
1. Log on to your database server as a user with administrative privileges.
Note: For AIX® installations, use the oracle user that you created for the
OpenPages installation.
2. Using the Run as Administrator option for Windows computers, start a
Command Prompt window, or for AIX computers, open a shell.
3. Copy the root directory from the Repository Installer DVD or network share
location to the local system.
v For Windows computers, OP_version_Embedded_WIN64
v For AIX computers, OP_version_Embedded_AIX64
Note: For AIX, make sure that you have full rights to the local installation
Prerequisite setup for AIX computers
If you are installing the database server software into an AIX environment, ensure
that your system and environment meet additional prerequisites.
For example, you must create installation users and groups and ensure that
operating system file sets for Oracle database software exist.
AIX operating system file sets for Oracle database software
On AIX computers, Oracle database requires some file sets.
As required for Oracle database server software, ensure that the following
operating system files sets are installed and committed:
v bos.adt.base
v bos.adt.lib
v bos.adt.libm
v bos.perf.perfstat
v xIC.aix61.rte
In an AIX shell, type the following command:
lslpp -l <fileset>
If successful, a message similar to the following is displayed:
<fileset> COMMITTED
Creating the Oracle installation directory on AIX computers
Before starting the installation, you must either identify an existing Oracle base
directory or if required, create one.
The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform installation requires that specific directories
exist. If you plan to install OpenPages GRC Platform within the /opt directory as a
non-root user, you must create these directories as root. (A non-root user likely
does not have permission to create directories under /opt).
1. Log on to your database server as a non-root user with admin privileges.
2. In an AIX shell type the following commands:
mkdir -p Oracle_directory
chown -R oracle:install Oracle_directory
mkdir -p /usr/oracle
chown -R oracle:oinstall /usr/oracle
3. Use the following command to configure oracle and oinstall as users:
chown -R oracle:oinstall /opt/oei/Oracle11gR2
4. Create a /home/oracle directory for the oracle user account.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform installation program requires a
/home/oracle directory that is owned by the oracle user account.
mkdir -p /home/oracle
chown -R oracle:oinstall /usr/oracle
The installation directory, all its parent directories, and all its subdirectories must
have 775 permissions during the installation. The permission can be set in the
operating system or by using a file system access control list.
Loading the kernels extension
Before running the Installer for Repository, you must run the rootpre.sh script.
The script loads the kernels extension that is required for the installations. You
must run the script as the root user.
1. Log on to your database server as a user with admin privileges.
2. Start an AIX shell and go to the \OEI_Server_Client_64bit\data directory
within the installation kit files that you copied.
3. Use the following command to run the prerequisite checker script:
Note: For AIX installations, you must run the rootpre.sh script as the root
The script shows information about the console. When the script is finished, a
log file is created in the /tmp folder named rootpre.out_yy-mm-dd.hh:mi:ss.
Verifying that your AIX computer meets system prerequisites
Before running the OpenPages Repository installer, you can run the
./preinstchk.sh script. The scripts checks that your system meets all system
Before you begin
You must run the script as the root user.
Ensure that the JDK or JRE is installed on the database server.
1. Log on to your database server as the root user.
2. Start an AIX shell and go to the \OEI_Server_Client_64bit\data directory
within the installation kit files you copied.
3. Type the following command to run the prerequisite checker script:
Note: For AIX installations, you must run the ./preinstchk.sh script as the
root user.
Chapter 4. Oracle Database Server software installations
If any prerequisites are missing, they are listed in the location specified in the
preinstchk.properties file.
Installation modes for the database software
Use the OpenPages Installer for Repository installation program to install and
configure the database software. To install, you can use either interactive mode or
silent mode.
Interactive mode
The interactive mode uses graphic screens to collect the information
required for installing the various components.
Silent mode
The silent mode uses information entered into a parameter (or response)
file. You use command line prompts to initiate the installation scripts,
which take the required information from the parameter file.
Important: The name of the database server must not contain underscores. For
example, do no use OpenPages_Application. Issues with connectivity between the
Oracle Enterprise Manager and the Oracle WebLogic Server can occur if the name
has underscores.
Installing the database software in interactive mode
Use the interactive graphical interface of the Installer for Repository to install the
database software on the database server.
Before you begin
Verify that the following system environment variables are not defined:
1. Log on to the database server as a user with administrative privileges.
Interactive mode installations on AIX servers require an application that
provides remote GUI logins.
Note: For AIX installations, use the oracle user that you created for the IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform installation.
2. On Windows computers, start a Command Prompt window by using the Run
as Administrator option, or on AIX computers, open an AIX shell.
3. Go to the following location within the installer kit files you copied from the
Repository Installer DVD.
4. Use the following command to start the Installer for Repository:
v On Windows computers, type openpages_oei.exe
v On AIX computers, type ./openpages_oei.bin -i swing
5. On the Welcome page, click Next.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
6. On the License Agreement page, review and accept the license agreement,
and click Install.
8. On the Installation Information page, provide the information
a. Select Server for the installation type.
b. For the Oracle Software Installation Location, enter an installation
location for the database server.
Attention: If the installation location has been set to the root of the drive,
it will install Oracle in the folder openpages_data. To use a non-root
installation location, you must first create the folder on the server. For
example, to install the Oracle software at C:\oracle, you must create the
oracle folder on the C drive before specifying C:\oracle in the Oracle
Software Installation Location field.
This installation location is ORACLE_HOME.
For Windows installations, enter the drive letter followed by a colon, such
as C:.
For AIX installations, enter the path, such as /opt/OEI/Oracle
c. Click Next.
9. On the Database Instance Information page, provide the information.
a. For the Database Instance Installation Location, enter an installation
b. For the Database Instance Name, enter the Service ID (SID) to assign for
the OpenPages database instance
The default value is OP
c. For the Database Instance Port, enter the port number to assign to the
database instance.
The default value is 1521.
d. Click Next.
10. On the Database User Passwords page, enter the passwords, and then click
Table 8. Database passwords
SYSTEM Password
Enter a password to assign to the SYSTEM
user (Oracle Superuser)
SYS Password
Enter a password to assign to the SYS user.
DBSNMP Password
Enter a password for the Oracle Intelligent
SYSMAN Password
Enter a password for the default Enterprise
Manager Super Administrator
11. On the pre-installation summary page, review the information, and when
satisfied, click Install.
The installation takes approximately 30 minutes.
12. To exit the installer when it finishes, click Done.
Oracle database server is installed and a database instance is created.
13. To verify that the installation is successful, in a web browser, type the URL to
the Oracle Enterprise Manager login page:
Chapter 4. Oracle Database Server software installations
Note: 1158 is the database instance port. The database server host name is in
the Oracle_Home\software\NETWORK\ADMIN\tnsnames file on the database server.
Silent mode installations for the database server and client
You can install Oracle database server and Oracle Admin Client software in silent
In silent installations, your choices are recorded in a response file. When running
the installation program command from the command line, the -i silent flag starts
the installation program in silent mode. The program installs the database by using
the response file specified by the -f option.
The silent mode installer does not verify any values entered in the response file. If
the parameter information you provide is incorrect the installation fails. Review the
log files to determine the cause of the failure.
Verify that the ORACLE_BASE, ORACLE_HOME, and TNS_ADMIN system
environment variables are not set
Related tasks:
“Editing the response file for database server silent installations” on page 97
Modify the response file with your installation preferences. The installation
program uses the information in the file to install the database software in silent
“Running the installation program for the database server in silent mode” on page
Use the response file to run the installation program in silent mode.
Non-default values for the new Oracle instance
The installation program sets some custom values for the Oracle database instance.
The following table lists the Oracle database parameter values that are set by the
installation program.
Table 9. Oracle instance parameters set by the installation program
Parameter Name
Note: CHAR is required for
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Scripts to manually create the OpenPages database schema in Oracle
before installation
To create the OpenPages schema before installation, use the SQL wrapper scripts
that are included in the media kit.
The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform requires that you create an OpenPages
database schema, a set of database users, and a tablespace. During the OpenPages
GRC Platform installation, you can choose to automatically create the schema.
Optionally, you can manually create the OpenPages database schema before you
install OpenPages application servers.
Scripts used to create the database schema
To create the OpenPages application tablespace and users, run a SQL wrapper
script. The SQL wrapper script calls other scripts.
The script runs other required SQL scripts in the correct order. Use this
script to manually install the database.
The wrapper script contains default definition values that you can modify.
Change settings in the script file and not the command-line interface.
Default values include the OpenPages administrator user account, base
currency denomination, and the location of the OpenPages storage folder.
The base currency must match the base currency that is set in any previous
installations. You cannot change the base currency after installation.
The script is called by the wrapper script and defines the Super
Administrator user account. You must verify the user account values in
this script.
Creating the tablespace and users for the OpenPages
database before installation
You can manually create the OpenPages database schema before you install IBM
OpenPages GRC Platform by running scripts. You must modify some of the scripts
before you run the scripts use them.
Before you begin
Ensure that you have the following information available.
Workflow user name
Workflow user password
TNS name alias
System user name
System user password
OpenPages super administrator user name
OpenPages super administrator password
Ensure that the passwords have not expired.
Chapter 4. Oracle Database Server software installations
1. Log on to a system as a user with administrator privileges.
Tip: You can use any system that has access to SQL*Plus and that can connect
to the database server.
Start a Command Prompt window by using the Run as Administrator option,
or on an AIX computer, open a shell as a user with administrative privileges.
For AIX installations, use the opuser user that you created for the OpenPages
Copy the OP_version_Configuration directory from the Installer DVD or
network share location to the local system.
Go to the OP_version_Configuration\Database\ORACLE directory and copy the
INSTALL_SCRIPTS directory to the local system.
For an AIX computer, ensure that you have full rights to the local installation
directory and to the files in the directory.
Go to the INSTALL SCRIPTS directory on the local system and open the
create-opx-tablespaces.sql script in a text editor.
a. As appropriate for your environment, modify the SQL script under -permanent storage, protected by logging, -- dedicated temporary
tablespace and --temporary storage, no logging protection:
CREATE TABLESPACE iflowdb DATAFILE ’&dbf_location/&tablespace_name.dbf’
b. Save and close the file.
6. Open the ibpm-ts-and-schema-owner.sql script in a text editor.
a. Use the following syntax to modify the SQL script under ReCreate the
tablespace and RECREATE THE USER:
CREATE TABLESPACE iflowdb DATAFILE ’&dbf_location/&tablespace_name.dbf’
b. Save and close the file.
For example, the following SQL Syntax creates a tablespace with a data file
called OPdatafile in the Oracle data home location. The tablespace is managed
CREATE TABLESPACE iflowdb DATAFILE ’&&10/OPdatafile.dbf’
Where &&10 uses the datafile_storage_location parameter that you entered in
the database-install.sql command for the data file location. OPdatafile.dbf
is the name of the data file.
The following SQL syntax creates a temporary tablespace with a data file in
disk_group_1. The tablespace is managed locally.
7. To verify the default definition values, open the sql-wrapper.sql wrapper
script in a text editor and modify the values as required for the following
For a Microsoft Windows operating system:
v define opx_base_currency_iso_code=’USD’
v define opx_dflt_stor_srv_root=’C:\openpages-storage’
For an AIX operating system.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
v define opx_base_currency_iso_code=’USD’
v define opx_dflt_stor_srv_root=’/opt/openpages-storage’
Do not change the define opx_op_admin_name or define opx_op_admin_pwd
For example, by default, the base currency is set to USD. If you use Euros as
your base currency, change the default ISO currency code from USD to EUR.
define opx_base_currency_iso_code=’EUR’
8. From the INSTALL_SCRIPTS directory, open the custom environment script
op-app-global-env.sql in a text editor.
a. Modify the following default values for the Super Administrator.
v define super_admin_username=’OpenPagesAdministrator’
v define super_admin_password=’OpenPagesAdministrator’
b. Save and close the file.
9. Use the following syntax to run the database-install.sql wrapper script that
creates the database components:
sqlplus /nolog @sql-wrapper.sql database-install.sql log_file
oracle_tns_alias dba_user dba_password workflow_user
workflow_password op_user op_password
The following table provides a list of parameters that are passed to the SQL
wrapper script.
Table 10. Examples of SQL wrapper script parameters and descriptions
Parameter Name
The log file name that the script
creates and writes information to.
The database alias for the
OpenPages database instance, as
set during the Oracle database
installation. If necessary, you can
retrieve this alias from the
tnsnames.ora file.
The Oracle system user name.
If you do not have access to the
system user account, then use a
database user account with
administrative privileges.
The password for the Oracle
system account.
The workflow database user
OpenPages uses this account to
create and access the workflow
database, and to manage
workflow-related transactions.
The password for the workflow
database user account.
The user name that is used by
OpenPages to create and access
the OpenPages database instance
Chapter 4. Oracle Database Server software installations
Table 10. Examples of SQL wrapper script parameters and descriptions (continued)
Parameter Name
The password for the OpenPages
database user account.
datafile_storage_location The location of the Oracle data
directory on the database server.
The location of this directory is
set during the Oracle installation
If the database server is
running Microsoft
v C:\oracle\ora112\
v C:\openpages_data\
If the database server is
running AIX
v /opt/oracle/ora112/
v opt/openpages_data/
The following sample code shows the SQL*Plus command line with example
values from the table from the preceding step as the variables.
Table 11. Example code for Microsoft Windows and AIX operating systems
sqlplus /nolog @sql-wrapper.sql database-install.sql logfile.txt OP
system openpages opworkflow opworkflow openpages openpages
sqlplus /nolog @sql-wrapper.sql database-install.sql logfile.txt OP
system openpages opworkflow opworkflow openpages openpages
After the SQL script finishes, the OpenPages database schema is created. A log
file is created in the directory where you ran the SQL script. The name of the
log file matches the value of the log_file parameter you entered.
If you have problems when you run the database-install.sql script, you can use
the OP_version_Configuration\Database\ORACLE\INSTALL_SCRIPTS\init-dbcleanup.sql script. The init-db-cleanup.sql removes the database components
that were added. Then, you can run the database-install.sql script in a clean
database environment.
sqlplus /nolog @sql-wrapper.sql init-db-cleanup.sql log_file
oracle_tns_alias dba_user dba_password workflow_user op_user
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Installing the 32-bit Oracle Admin Client software in interactive mode
You must install Oracle Admin Client software on the reporting server computers
where IBM Cognos Business Intelligence is installed.
1. Log on to the reporting server as a user with administrative privileges.
On AIX computers, use a program that provides remote graphical (GUI)
logins, connect to the OpenPages application computer.
2. On Windows computers, start a Command Prompt window by using the Run
as Administrator option, or on AIX computers, open an AIX shell.
3. Go to the following location within the OEI_11GR2 directory that you copied:
4. Start the installation program by using the following command:
v On Windows computers, type openpages_oei.exe
v On AIX computers, type ./openpages_oei.bin -i swing
5. On the Welcome page, click Next.
6. On the Oracle Software Installation Location page, specify the installation
location for the client software and click Next.
7. On the Database Instance Information page, enter the information to set up
the connection to the database.
Table 12. Database instance information
Default Value
Database Host Name
Specify the fully qualified network
identifier for the Oracle server computer.
The host name
can be found in
Database Instance Name
Specify the Service ID (SID) of the
OpenPages database instance.
Database Instance Port
Specify the port number for the database
8. On the Summary page, review you choices and when satisfied, click Install.
9. To exit the installer when it finishes, click Done.
10. Repeat these steps for each reporting server that requires the Oracle Admin
Client software.
The interactive installer creates the clientinstaller.properties file. You can use
silent mode installations and this file to install the Oracle Admin Client on other
Setting the ORACLE_HOME environment variable on reporting
Set up the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to point to the Oracle Admin
Client installation location.
Chapter 4. Oracle Database Server software installations
1. Log on to the reporting server as a user with administrative privileges and full
access to the local server drives.
Note: For AIX installations, log in as a non-root user, such as the oracle user
that you created for the OpenPages installation.
2. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to point to the Oracle Admin
Client installation directory:
v On Windows computers, type the following command:
set ORACLE_HOME=C:\openpages_data\repository\client112_ac_x86\software
v On AIX computers, type the following command:
export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/openpages_data/repository/
3. Add the location of the Oracle Admin Client installation bin directory to the
PATH environment variable.
4. On AIX computers, refresh the profile by closing and reopening the AIX shell.
Testing the connections to the database server and the OpenPages
Test whether the SQL*Net connect string can connect to the database listener by
using the TNSPING utility in the ORACLE HOME/bin directory. The TNSPING utility
tests whether the listener is available. It does not test whether the databases behind
the listener are working.
To test that the OpenPages repository is created, use SQL*Plus to log on to the
OpenPages Oracle database schema.
1. To test whether you can log on to Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control,
the web-based interface that is used to administer an Oracle database, type the
following command:
In a default installation, the port number is 1158.
2. To test whether a SQL*Net connect string can connect to the listener, type the
following command:
tnsping database_instance_name
The utility requests acknowledgement that the service name is valid and that
the listener is configured to handle requests for that service name.
If the configuration is correct, a message is displayed that shows the return
If the configuration is not correct, the utility returns an error message. Ensure
that you use the correct service name and that the listener is started on the
server computer.
3. To test that OpenPages repository is created, type the following command:
sqlplus username/password@service_name
For example, sqlplus system/openpages@op
The system connects you to an Oracle Database instance.
4. To exit SQL*Plus, type exit.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Chapter 5. IBM Cognos Business Intelligence installations
OpenPages CommandCenter must be installed on the same computer as IBM
Cognos Business Intelligence. This server is referred to as the reporting server.
For more information about IBM OpenPages GRC Platform supported software,
see “Software prerequisites” on page 7.
Reporting server distribution options
For light user loads, with fewer than 50 concurrent users, IBM Cognos BI and
OpenPages CommandCenter can be installed on the same computer as the
OpenPages application.
For heavier user loads, install IBM Cognos BI and OpenPages CommandCenter on
a different computer than where you install the OpenPages application servers.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform operates at peak performance when the database
server, the application server, and the reporting server components are installed on
separate computers.
Different IBM DB2® database server requirements for OpenPages
GRC Platform and IBM Cognos BI
You cannot use the same IBM DB2 database instances for both IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform and IBM Cognos Business Intelligence. Each product has different
requirements for an IBM DB2 database instance.
Installing IBM Cognos Business Intelligence
Before you install OpenPages GRC Platform components, ensure that IBM Cognos
Business Intelligence is installed and running on your reporting server computer.
For more information about upgrading to IBM Cognos BI, see the IBM Cognos
Business Intelligence Installation and Configuration Guide.
Important: In the 64-bit installations, the report server component in IBM Cognos
BI is provided in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Selecting which version you use
is done in IBM Cognos Configuration after installation. By default, the report
server component is set to use the 32-bit mode, even on a 64-bit computer. With
the 32-bit mode, you run reports from all packages. If you configure the 64-bit
mode, you can run only reports that are created from packages that use dynamic
query mode. For OpenPages applications, you must use the default 32-bit report
Note: The IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Installation and Configuration Guide is
available in the IBM Cognos documentation library
Before you begin
If the OpenPages database is remote from the IBM Cognos BI server, ensure that
the database client software is installed on the Cognos BI server. The database
client that IBM Cognos BI uses to connect to the OpenPages database must be a
32-bit client.
Restriction: Do not install the database client software into a directory with
If you are using an Oracle database that is running on the same computer as
where you are installing IBM Cognos BI, you must update your environment
variables to allow the IBM Cognos service to use the 32-bit Oracle libraries, while
the Oracle server can use the 64-bit libraries.
To create the user variables for the IBM Cognos service:
v Create a user variable named ORACLE_HOME and set its value to the 32-bit Oracle
Admin client home.
For example, on Microsoft Windows operating systems, set the ORACLE_HOME user
variable to C:\oracle\client32bit\openpages_data\repository\
v Create a user variable named PATH, or append to an existing one, and include
the 32-bit Oracle Admin client home.
For example, on Microsoft Windows operating systems, set the PATH user
variable to %ORACLE_HOME%\bin;%PATH%.
1. Ensure that a web server, such as Microsoft IIS or IBM HTTP Server is
A web server is required so that users can view content in the IBM Cognos BI
2. On the reporting server, install IBM Cognos BI server. You can optionally install
Framework Manager.
a. Install IBM Cognos BI Server.
Important: In the installation wizard, accept the default components that
are selected. Do not select Cognos Content Database.
Restriction: Install IBM Cognos BI into a directory that contains only ASCII
characters in the path name. Do not install IBM Cognos BI into a directory
that contains spaces.
After the installation is complete, ensure that the IBM Cognos Configuration
check box is clear. Before you configure Cognos BI Server, you must do
other tasks to set up your environment.
For information about installing IBM Cognos BI Server on Windows
operating systems, see Installing server components on Windows operating
systems in the IBM Cognos BI Information Center.
b. Optional: Install Framework Manager.
Framework Manager is not required in production environments.
Framework Manager is the modeling tool for creating and managing
business-related metadata.
Restriction: If you need Framework Manager in your development
environment, you must install the 64-bit IBM Cognos BI server and the
32-bit Framework Manager to different directories. The default installation
locations for 32 and 64-bit IBM Cognos components are different. For more
information about installing Framework Manager, see Installing Framework
Manager in the IBM Cognos BI Information Center.
3. Copy the JDBC database driver, ojdbc5.jar, file to the c10_location\webapps\
p2pd\Web-Inf\lib directory.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
4. Append the Cognos_HOME/bin64 directory to the library path environment
export LIBPATH=$LIBPATH:/opt/ibm/cognos/c10_64/bin64
5. Append the Cognos_HOME/bin64 directory to the PATH environment variable.
6. If you are using an Oracle database that is running on the same computer as
where you are installing IBM Cognos BI, update the IBM Cognos service
settings to the user account for which you created the User Variables for the
32-bit Oracle libraries.
a. Open the Microsoft Windows Services panel.
b. Right-click the IBM Cognos service, select Properties, and click the Log On
c. Select This Account, and select the user account for which you created the
User Variables for the 32-bit Oracle libraries.
Related tasks:
“Manually creating the reporting tablespace and user for Oracle databases” on
page 59
After you create the Cognos content store, you can manually create the content
store user and the content store tablespace. This user must be able to create, alter,
and drop tables, triggers, views, procedures, and sequences, and have the
Web server configuration options for IBM Cognos BI
You must configure your web server before users can connect to the IBM Cognos
Business Intelligence portal.
For more information, see the Configuring a web server (pic.dhe.ibm.com/
infocenter/cbi/v10r2m1/index.jsp) in the IBM Cognos Business Intelligence
documentation, which contains details on the following topics:
v Use compiled gateways for production systems
For production systems, you can improve performance by changing the gateway
from the default CGI gateway.
v Use CGI gateways
You can use the CGI gateway on IBM HTTP Server, Apache Web Server, or
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Server. IBM Cognos BI is configured
to use the CGI gateway by default.
v Configuring WebDAV to view and browse images
To view and browse images in the Report Studio, configure Web Distributed
Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) on your web server. Report authors can
browse for images to include in reports in a way that is similar to browsing a
file system.
Configuring the IBM Cognos gateway on Microsoft Internet
Information Services
You must configure the IBM Cognos Business Intelligence gateway on your web
About this task
Microsoft Internet Information Services has security features that, by default,
prohibit files with web service extensions (cgi) from executing. As a result, Cognos
files that have these web service extensions are unable to run. To modify IIS
Chapter 5. IBM Cognos Business Intelligence installations
security features so that Cognos files with Web Service extensions can execute
properly, you must enable IIS to allow CGI.
1. Log on to the reporting server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. In the Microsoft Windows Control Panel, click Programs > Programs and
If you are using Microsoft Windows 8 or 2012 Server, Programs and Features
is available directly from the Control Panel.
3. Click Turn Windows features on or off.
4. If you are using Microsoft Windows 2008 Server, use the following steps:
a. Click Server Manager > Roles > Web Server (IIS).
b. In the Role Services section, select Add Role Services.
c. Under Web Server > Common HTTP Features, select WebDAV
d. Click Next, and then click Install.
5. If you are using Microsoft Windows 2012 Server, use the following steps:
a. In the Add Roles and Features Wizard, click Role-based or feature-based
installation, and click Next.
b. Select your server, and click Next.
c. Expand Web Server (IIS) > Web Server > Common HTTP Features, and
select WebDAV Publishing.
d. Click Next > Next, and then click Install.
6. If you are using Microsoft Windows 7 or 8, use the following steps:
a. Expand Internet Information Services > World Wide Web Services >
Common HTTP Features.
b. Select WebDAV Publishing, and click OK.
7. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager console, under
Connections, select your server name.
v If you are using Microsoft Windows 2012 Server, in Server Manager, select
IIS, and then right-click your server name, and click Internet Information
Services (IIS) Manager.
v If you are using Microsoft Windows 2008 Server, in Server Manager,
expand Roles > Web Server (IIS), and then click Internet Information
Services (IIS) Manager.
v If you are using Microsoft Windows 8, from the Control Panel, click
Administrative Tools to access the Internet Information Services (IIS)
Manager console.
v If you are using Microsoft Windows 7, from the Control Panel, click
System and Security > Administrative Tools to access the Internet
Information Services (IIS) Manager console.
Double-click ISAPI and CGI Restrictions.
Under Actions, click Add.
Enter the path to the cognos.cgi file. The file is in the c10_location\cgi-bin
You must enter the full path, including the file name. If the path includes
spaces, ensure you use quotation marks around the path. For example, enter
“C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10\cgi-bin\cognos.cgi”.
Enter a Description, such as CognosCGI.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
12. Select Allow extension path to execute, and click OK.
13. Under Connections, expand Sites, and under your website, add the virtual
directories as shown in the table:
Table 13. IBM Cognos BI virtual directories
Important: ibmcognos is the default value that is used in the Gateway URI
values in IBM Cognos Configuration. If you do not use ibmcognos for the
Alias values, ensure that you change the Gateway URI value to match the
value you use.
14. Select the cgi-bin virtual directory that you created.
15. Double-click Handler Mappings.
16. Under Actions, click Add Module Mapping.
a. In Request Path, type cognos.cgi.
In Module, select CgiModule.
Leave Executable (optional) blank.
In Name, enter a name for the entry, such as CognosCGI.
Click OK.
Configuring Apache Web Server or IBM HTTP Server
You must configure the IBM Cognos Business Intelligence gateway on your web
1. Log on to the web server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. From the command prompt, go to the Webserver_installation\conf\ directory.
3. Make a backup copy of the httpd.conf file and rename the file to:
4. Open the httpd.conf file in a text editor.
5. Configure the virtual directories by adding the following lines to the end of the
httpd.conf file:
ScriptAlias /ibmcognos/cgi-bin "<Cognos_HOME>\cgi-bin"
<Directory "<Cognos_HOME>\cgi-bin">
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride FileInfo
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from All
Alias /ibmcognos "<Cognos_HOME>\webcontent"
<Directory "<Cognos_HOME>\webcontent">
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride FileInfo
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from All
Note: Ensure that you define the /ibmcognos/cgi-bin alias before the
/ibmcognos alias.
Chapter 5. IBM Cognos Business Intelligence installations
6. Save and close the file.
7. Restart the web server.
Configuring a connection to the content store for Oracle database
After you install IBM Cognos Business Intelligence, configure a connection to the
content store database.
Before you begin
Ensure that you copied the JDBC database driver, ojdbc5.jar, file to the
c10_location\webapps\p2pd\Web-Inf\lib directory.
1. Start Cognos Configuration.
v On Windows computers, from the Start menu, click All Programs > IBM
Cognos 10 > IBM Cognos Configuration.
2. In Cognos Configuration, configure the database connection to the content
a. In the Explorer pane, under Data Access > Content Manager, right-click
Content Store > Delete.
b. Right-click Content Manager > New Resource > Database.
c. In the New Database window, for the Name field, enter a descriptive name
for the connection.
Note: The name is not required to match the database identifier.
d. For the Type, select Oracle Database (Advanced) for Oracle RAC databases,
or Oracle Database if you are not using an Oracle RAC database.
e. Click OK.
f. In the Explorer panel, select the new connection, and in the Properties
panel, use the following tables to enter the property settings.
Table 14. Content store property settings for Oracle database
Property name
Property value
Database server and port number
The name of the database server and the
listener port that is used for the database
User ID and Password
Click the value field and then click the
pencil icon.
In the Value - User ID and password field,
enter the appropriate values for the Cognos
user you created for the content store
If you used the IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform Installer for Cognos, the default
user is cognos.
Service name
Enter the SID for the database instance.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Table 15. Content store property settings for Oracle database (Advanced) (Oracle RAC
Property name
Property value
Database server and port number
The name of the database server and the listener
port that is used for the database instance.
User ID and Password
Click the value field and then click the pencil
In the Value - User ID and password field, enter
the appropriate values for the Cognos user you
created for the content store database.
If you used the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
Installer for Cognos, the default user is cognos.
Database specifier
Enter a database specifier string in the following
format with no carriage returns:
3. To test that the database connection to the content store database is successful,
in the Explorer pane, right-click the content store database connection and click
Saving your settings and starting the IBM Cognos services
You must save your configuration settings and start the IBM Cognos services.
1. Start Cognos Configuration.
v On Windows computers, from the Start menu, click All Programs > IBM
Cognos 10 > IBM Cognos Configuration.
2. Ensure that the name under IBM Cognos services is IBM Cognos, the default
Important: On Microsoft Windows operating systems, OpenPages requires IBM
Cognos as the service name.
3. Under Local Configuration, click Environment.
4. Ensure that you use the default port number for the values such as Dispatcher
URIs for gateway, External dispatcher URI, Internal dispatcher URI, Dispatcher
URIs for external applications, and Content Manager URIs. The default port
number is 9300.
Important: Changing the default port number also changes the IBM Cognos
service name.
5. In IBM Cognos Configuration, click File > Save to save your configuration
You must save the configuration settings, even if you have not changed any of
the values.
6. Click Actions > Start.
It might take a few minutes for the IBM Cognos service to start.
Chapter 5. IBM Cognos Business Intelligence installations
If you receive a warning during the Testing the mail server connection
process, click OK and Continue to continue starting the services. A mail server
connection is not required.
Note: If you chose to upgrade your content store database by creating a
backup and restoring it, you are prompted to upgrade your reports. Do not
select the option to upgrade your reporting content. Upgrade your reports later
by using the New Report Upgrade wizard in IBM Cognos Administration.
Prerequisite tasks for OpenPages CommandCenter installations
Some prerequisite tasks are required before you install OpenPages
CommandCenter on the reporting server.
Setting database environment variables for reporting servers
on Windows operating systems
You must set some system environment variables on the reporting server.
1. Log on to the reporting server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Set the following environment variables.
Table 16. Environment variable settings on the reporting server on Windows operating
Environment variable
Specifies the installation location of your Java Runtime
Environment (JRE).
Specifies the location of IBM Cognos Business
Intelligence bin directory.
3. Append the JAVA_HOME to the PATH environment variable.
Example: Add %JAVA_HOME%/bin to the PATH environment variable.
4. If you are using an Oracle database for the OpenPages repository, set the
following environment variables.
Table 17. Oracle environment variable settings on the reporting server on Windows
operating systems
Environment variable
The default location is C:\openpages_data\repository\
The default location is a subdirectory of
If you installed the OpenPages application and IBM
Cognos Business Intelligence on the same server, enter
the location for the 32-bit Oracle Admin Client.
Example: ORACLE_HOME=C:\app\product\11.2.0\
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Table 17. Oracle environment variable settings on the reporting server on Windows
operating systems (continued)
Environment variable
Specifies the location of the tnsnames.ora file
The default location is the Oracle_Home\network\admin
Specifies the database character set configured during
the database installation. By default, set it to
To display non-English characters for Japanese locales,
set the NLS_LANG property:
5. Append the ORACLE_HOME to the PATH environment variable.
Example: Add %ORACLE_HOME%/bin to the PATH environment variable.
Setting Oracle database environment variables for the
reporting server on AIX and Linux operating systems
If you use an Oracle database for the OpenPages repository, you must set some
system environment variables on the reporting server.
1. Log on to the reporting server as a non-root user with administrative
2. To determine the version of Java that is in the PATH variable, enter the
following command:
java -version
If you get the following error, Java is not in the PATH variable.
Command not found
3. Set the following environment variables.
Table 18. Environment variable settings on the reporting server on AIX operating systems
Environment variable
Example settings
Specifies the installation location of your Java Runtime
Environment (JRE).
Specifies the installation location of IBM Cognos
Business Intelligence.
4. Append the JAVA_HOME to the PATH variable.
Example: PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
5. If you use an Oracle database for the OpenPages repository, set the following
environment variables.
Chapter 5. IBM Cognos Business Intelligence installations
Table 19. Oracle database environment variable settings on the reporting server on AIX
operating systems
Environment variable
Example settings
The default location is /opt/oracle/openpages_data/
If you installed the OpenPages application and Cognos
on the same server, enter the location to the 32-bit
Oracle Admin Client.
Specifies the location of the tnsnames.ora file
The default location is the $Oracle_Home\network\admin
Specifies the database character set configured during
the database installation. By default, set to
Important: To display non-English characters for
Japanese locales, set
6. Append the ORACLE_HOME to the PATH variable.
7. Refresh the profile.
Enabling the connection to a remote DB2 database from the
OpenPages CommandCenter computer
If the OpenPages database is on a DB2 server that is remote from the reporting
server, you must catalog the node and the database.
Cataloging a TCP/IP node adds an entry to the Data Server Client node directory
that describes the remote node. This entry specifies the chosen alias, the host name
or IP address, and the service name (or the port number) that the client uses to
access the remote host.
Before a client application can access a remote database, the database must be
cataloged on the client. When you create a database, the database is automatically
cataloged on the server with a database alias. The database alias is the same as the
database name, unless a different database alias is specified.
Tip: If the application server and database server are on the same computer, you
can ensure that the Cognos installation user has access to the OpenPages data
source by cataloging the OpenPages repository node and database.
Before you begin
Ensure that DB2 client software is installed on the OpenPages reporting server.
1. Log on to the reporting server with a valid DB2 user ID.
2. Start the DB2 command line processor.
v On Windows operating systems, issue the db2cmd command from a command
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
v On Linux or UNIX operating systems, issue the db2 command from a
command prompt.
3. Catalog the node by entering the following commands in the command line
db2 catalog tcpip node <node_name> <remote hostname|ip_address>
<server service_name|port_number>
db2 terminate
db2 catalog tcpip node OPNODE remote mycomputer.domain.com server 50000
db2 terminate
4. Catalog the database by entering the following commands in the command line
db2 catalog database <database_name> as <database_alias> at
node <node_name> [ authentication <auth_value> ]
catalog database OPX at node OPNODE authentication server
db2 terminate
5. To list the node directory, type the following command:
db2 list node directory show detail
6. To list the database directory, type the following command:
db2 list database directory
Creating the installation directory for OpenPages
CommandCenter on AIX and Linux operating systems
Create the installation directory for the OpenPages CommandCenter installation
and change the ownership of the directory to the installation user.
1. Log on to the reporting server as a root user.
2. Open a shell.
3. If the Cognos installation directory does not exist, create it by typing the
following command:
Restriction: Install OpenPages CommandCenter, into a directory that contains
only ASCII characters in the path name.
mkdir -p <CC_HOME>
4. To change ownership of the directory, type the following command:
chown -R <user>:<group> <CC_HOME>
Important: Different users install OpenPages CommandCenter and Cognos.
However, both users must belong to the same primary group. Ensure that the
installation directories and files have the correct permission. To ensure that the
group members have WRITE permission to the files, change the directory and
file permissions to 775.
Chapter 5. IBM Cognos Business Intelligence installations
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Chapter 6. OpenPages application server installations
Install the OpenPages application software on either an administrative server or
managed server.
The OpenPages application installation program installs the following components:
v OpenPages application
v OpenPages workflow server and notification components
v OpenPages database schema (optional)
v Oracle WebLogic Server (if purchased from IBM)
Your installation tasks depend on the server role. Use the following table to
determine the type of application server installation.
Table 20. Server roles and installation type
Installation type
Server role
Administrative server
Used as the administrative server for the OpenPages
In a clustered environment, there is one administrative
server and all other application servers are managed
Important: If you use LDAP authentication, you must
include LDAP connection information in a configured
tnsnames.ora file on the application server to ensure that
OpenPages can connect to the database.
Managed server installation
Used as an extra server in a cluster environment (not
intended for administration).
Restriction: You must install the OpenPages application
on the administrative server before you can install the
managed servers in your configuration. The installation
path must be the same on the administrative server and
on all managed servers.
Prerequisite tasks for the OpenPages application installation
Before you install the IBM OpenPages application, ensure that the Oracle database
client is installed on the OpenPages application server.
Installing the 64-bit Oracle Admin Client software
Depending on your environment, you must install Oracle Admin Client software
on multiple application server computers to connect to Oracle database. Use the
Oracle Admin Client driver files, networking components, and tools to remotely
administer the Oracle database.
If the Oracle database server is installed on the application server, the 64-bit Oracle
Admin client is not required.
1. Log on to the OpenPages application computer as a user with administrative
2. On Windows operating systems, start a Command Prompt window by using
the Run as Administrator option.
3. Go to the following location within the installer kit files you copied from the
Repository Installer DVD:
4. Start the Installer for Repository by using the following command:
v On Windows operating systems, type openpages_oei.exe
5. On the Welcome page, click Next.
6. On the Installation Information page, select Client to install the Oracle
Admin Client, and for the Oracle Software Installation Location enter the
database server software location. The database server location is ORACLE_HOME.
Attention: If the installation location has been set to the root of the drive, it
will install Oracle in the folder openpages_data. To use a non-root installation
location, you must first create the folder on the server. For example, to install
the Oracle software at C:\oracle, you must create the oracle folder on the C
drive before specifying C:\oracle in the Oracle Software Installation
Location field.
7. On the Oracle Software Installation Location page, enter the installation
location and click Next
8. On the Database Instance Information page, use the following table to help
you set up a connection to the database and then click Next.
Table 21. Database instance information
Database Host Name
Specify the fully qualified network identifier for the
Oracle server computer.
The host name can be found in the tnsnames.ora file.
Database Instance Name
Specify the Service ID (SID) of the OpenPages database
The default value is OP
Database Instance Port Number Specify the port number for the database instance.
The default value is 1522
9. On the Summary page, review you choices and when satisfied, click Install.
10. To exit the installer when it finishes, click Done.
11. Repeat these steps for each server that requires the Oracle Admin Client
The interactive installer creates the installer.properties file. You can use silent
mode installations and this file to install the Oracle Admin Client on other servers.
Copying the installation files for the application server
To improve performance, copy the installation kit files from the IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform media pack to the local system.
1. Log on to your database server as a user with administrative privileges.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
2. Using the Run as Administrator option for Windows computers, start a
Command Prompt window.
3. Copy the installation directory from the Installer DVD.
v For Windows installations, OP_version_Embedded_Installer
Setting the ORACLE_HOME environment variable on
OpenPages admin and managed servers
Set up the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to point to the directory where
the Oracle database client software is installed. Set the variable on all admin and
managed servers.
1. Log on to the application server as a user with administrative privileges and
full access to the local server drives.
2. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to point to the Oracle Admin
Client installation directory:
v On Windows computers, type the following command:
set ORACLE_HOME=C:\openpages_data\repository\client112_ac_x64\software
v On Windows computers, if the OpenPages application server and the
database server are on the same computer, use the location of the Oracle
database server.
3. Add the location of the Oracle Admin client installation to the PATH
environment variable.
v For example, on Windows computers, the default location is
Custom OpenPages Database Schema installations
Instead of loading the default OpenPages database schema, you can load your own
custom configuration data. You can install the OpenPages application before you
load your custom data. However, you must load your data before you run the
OpenPages application.
Worksheet for installing the OpenPages GRC Platform on application
Before you install OpenPages GRC Platform on application servers, collect
installation and configuration information, such as server computer types, server
roles, host names, and ports.
Server role
Use the following table to record server role details.
Table 22. Server role details
Server role
Is this installation an OpenPages admin
server or managed server installation?
Is this installation admin server or one or
more managed servers installations?
Chapter 6. OpenPages application server installations
Installation location of prerequisite software
The installation program prompts for the location of prerequisite software.
Use the following table to record prerequisite software details.
Table 23. Prerequisite software details
Software or software locations
Oracle database server host name
Oracle database server port
OpenPages database instance name and service ID (SID)
TNS alias name
ORACLE_HOME (Installation location of the Oracle database
server software)
Installation location of Oracle data
Installation location of WebLogic Server
Installation location of OpenPages application software
The installation program prompts for the following OpenPages installation
Use the following table to record prerequisite software details.
Table 24. Prerequisite software installation locations
Software location
Installation directory of the OpenPages
application software
Installation directory of the OpenPages
application server files directory
OpenPages workflow server files directory
OpenPages storage location for files and
forms that are associated with OpenPages
Back up and restore locations for OpenPages
database and application settings
Installation location of WebLogic Server
Application directory (if WebLogic Server is
not already installed)
OpenPages host names and ports
The IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Installer creates the following configuration
settings from information that you specify.
Use the following table to record the OpenPages application details.
Table 25. OpenPages application settings
OpenPages admin server host name
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Table 25. OpenPages application settings (continued)
OpenPages admin server port
OpenPages admin server SSL port
OpenPages workflow server admin port
OpenPages workflow server admin SSL port
Port used by OpenPages to connect to the
Framework Generator
Multicast address for the OpenPages
workflow server
Optional: Fully qualified domain name of a
mail server for OpenPagesworkflow server
Optional: Mail server email sender
Cognos Business Intelligence
The installation program prompts for the following information.
Use the following table to record the Cognos Business Intelligence settings.
Table 26. Cognos Business Intelligence settings
Cognos BI server host name
Cognos BI server port
Application server information
User accounts
The installation program prompts for passwords.
Use the following table to record passwords for the user accounts that are created
during the installation.
Table 27. User accounts
User accounts
OpenPages admin server
OpenPages workflow database
OpenPages Super Administrator
Installing OpenPages and workflow server in interactive mode
Use the OpenPages GRC Platform installation program to install the OpenPages
application and workflow server on the administrator server and managed servers.
1. Log on to the OpenPages application server as a user with administrative
privileges and full access to the local server drives.
Chapter 6. OpenPages application server installations
2. On Windows computers, go to Windows Explorer.
3. Go to the following location within the installer kit files you copied from the
Installer DVD.
v On Windows computers, go to OP_version_Embedded_WIN64\
4. Start the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform installation program.
v On Windows computers, right click opinstall.exe and click Run as
5. On the Welcome page, click Next.
6. Accept the license agreement, and click Next.
7. On the Installation Information page, for the Installation Folder, specify the
directory to install OpenPages, and click Next.
The installation path must be the same on the admin server and on all
managed servers. For example, on Windows computers, c:\OpenPages.
The installation location is OP_HOME.
8. On the Application Server Information page, specify the installation location
of WebLogic Server.
The following table provides descriptions and default values.
Table 28. Application server settings
Default value or example
Middleware Home
Specify the location where you C:\oracle\middleware
installed the WebLogic Server
manually, or the location for
the IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform Installer to use for the
For Windows
installations: WebLogic
Server Folder
Specify the installation location
On Windows
for WebLogic Server.
Note: If you use the
installation program that
installs WebLogic Server this
field is not displayed.
Java Home Folder
Note: This field is not
displayed for the
OpenPages with
WebLogic embedded
Specify the installation location
of Java Development Kit (JDK). On Windows computers:
9. At the Will this machine administer the cluster prompt, select the server role:
v Select Yes if the computer is the administrator server.
The installation can have one administrator server and it must be on the
cluster administrator server.
v Select No if the computer is a managed server.
The installation can have multiple managed servers on the cluster
administrator server and on cluster member servers.
10. In the How many cluster members do you want to configure on this
machine field, specify the number of managed servers to install.
11. For Windows installations, on the OpenPages Administration Server
Information page, use the following table to help you specify the OpenPages
admin server settings.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Note: Port numbers must be 1 - 62545.
If there is a port conflict, you change ports after the installation. For
information about changing ports, see the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
Administrator's Guide.
Restriction: Do not change the port number for the OpenPages admin server
or the workflow admin server.
v For Windows installations, the default OpenPages administrator server port
is 7001, and the default workflow administrator server port is 49901.
Table 29. Admin server settings on Windows computers
Default Value
Admin Server Host Name Specify the name of the
Note: If you are
OpenPages admin server.
configuring an admin
server, this field is not
Admin Port Number
Specify the port number that
is used internally to access the
OpenPages admin server.
Admin SSL Port Number
Specify the port number that
is used internally to access the
OpenPages admin server
through a secure SSL
Application HTTP Port
Specify the port number that
is used to access the
OpenPages application.
Application HTTPS Port
Specify the port number that
is used to access the
OpenPages application
through a secure SSL
Admin Server User Name The OpenPages admin server weblogic
user name.
Note: If you are installing a
cluster member, ensure that
the WebLogic Server user
name and password are the
same as used on the cluster
admin. If you enter a different
password, the installation will
Admin Server
Specify the OpenPages admin
server password.
Note: This password must
consist of at least 8
alphanumeric characters,
starting with a letter and
containing at least one
12. On the OpenPages Workflow Server Information page, use the following
table to help you specify the workflow server information
Chapter 6. OpenPages application server installations
Table 30. Workflow server settings
Default Value
Enter the installation
folder for the Workflow
Specify the installation
location for OpenPages
workflow server
For Windows installations:
Admin Port Number
Specify the OpenPages
workflow server admin port
For Windows installations:
SSL Port Number
Specify the workflow server
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
port number.
For Windows installations:
Application HTTP Port
Specify the port that is used to 49951
access the workflow server.
Application HTTPS Port
If you are using SSL
connections, specify the port
that is used to access the
workflow server.
Multicast Address
Specify the OpenPages
workflow server multicast IP
Do not use
The multicast IP address must
be unique within the network
address space
Note: When you install on a
secondary server in a
horizontal environment, use
the same multicast IP address
on all servers.
13. On the E-mail Notifications page, use the following table to provide the email
account information for the workflow notification and OpenPages backup
services, and click Next.
Table 31. Description of email notification settings.
Mail Server
Specify the mail server to use yourserver.yourdomain.com
for OpenPages workflow
E-mail User Name
Specify the display name of sysadmin
the email sender address.
Enter a name with no spaces.
From Address
Specify the email address
that is used for sending
messages from the workflow
notification service.
[email protected]
14. For cluster admin server installations, on the OpenPages Database Schema
page, choose whether to configure the OpenPages database schema and user
v Select Yes to install the OpenPages database schema and users as part of
the OpenPages application installation.
v Select No if you manually installed the OpenPages database schema.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Important: You must run the SQL scripts to manually configure the
database before installing in interactive mode. If you did not run the SQL
scripts in your OpenPages installation kit to configure the database, you
cannot complete the current installation.
15. On the Database Connection Information page, specify the information to
access the OpenPages database instance.
Use the following table to help you specify the database connection settings.
Table 32. Description of database connection information
Default Value
Enter the path to the
Oracle Home folder on
this machine
Note: This field displays
if you are installing the
OpenPages Database
Specify the Oracle database home
directory on the local computer.
This value is taken
from the
variable you set on
the system.
Database Host Name
Specify the name of the Oracle database
server computer.
Port Number
Specify the port number of the Oracle
database server computer.
This location is ORACLE_HOME.
For example, on Windows computers:
Note: If your database and application
servers are on the same computer, the
Oracle server directory for the current
computer is server112_se_x64.
This port is the database instance port
number, and must be the same number
you entered during the Oracle software
Note: The number can be in the
tnsnames file.
Database Identifier
Select the method for identifying the
OpenPages database instance, either SID
or Service Name and enter the SID or
Service Name in the field.
Use the same name used during
OpenPages repository installation.
For Oracle RAC installations, always use
the Service Name.
Note: The name can be in the
tnsnames file.
TNS Alias Name
Enter the TNS (Transparent Network
Substrate) alias name. The TNS alias is
the name by which an Oracle database
instance is known on a network.
Use the same name used during
OpenPages repository installation.
Chapter 6. OpenPages application server installations
Table 32. Description of database connection information (continued)
Default Value
Enter the Oracle Datafile
Folder on the Database
Note: If you are installing
the OpenPages Database
Schema this field is
Specify the Oracle data home directory
on database server. This directory is the
location where Oracle data is stored.
For example, on Windows computers,
The installation program uses the SID or service name and JDBC drivers to
connect to the database instance. Also, the installation program uses the
Oracle Admin Client to verify the TNS alias name. If the installation program
cannot connect to the database, an error message is displayed. Return to the
Database Connection Information screen to correct the problem.
16. On the Database User Information page, specify the user name and
passwords for the Oracle database.
If you already installed the OpenPages database schema, these fields are not
The following table provides descriptions and default values.
Table 33. Database user settings
Default Value
DB System User Name
Specify the current Oracle
system account user name.
DB System Password
Specify the password for the
DB System User Name.
Note: If you do not have
access to the system user
account, then any database
user that has administrative
privileges can enter the
DB SYS User Name
Specify the DB SYS user
DB SYS Password
Specify the password for the
DB SYS User Name
Note: If you do not have
access to the SYS user
account, then any database
user that has administrative
privileges can enter the
OpenPages User Name
Specify the user name for the openpages
OpenPages application
OpenPages Password
Specify the password for the
OpenPages User Name
Workflow User Name
Specify the user name and
password for the workflow
application database.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Table 33. Database user settings (continued)
Workflow Password
Specify the password for the
Workflow User Name
Default Value
The installation program accesses the database instance by using the settings
that you specified during the installation. If the installation program cannot
access the specified instance, an error message is displayed. Return to the
Database User Information page and the Database Connection Information
page to correct the problem.
17. If you chose to configure the database schema, on the Base Currency Code
page, select the base currency to use as the basis for an exchange rate
If you have a test environment, development environment, or user acceptance
testing environment, set the currency to the same value in each environment.
Important: You cannot change the base currency after installation.
18. On the Storage and Configuration Information page, specify storage, backup,
and restore locations.
The following table provides descriptions and default values for the storage
Note: In a load-balanced environment, the OpenPages Storage Location
direction must be in the same location on the Admin server and on each
managed server.
Table 34. Storage and configuration settings
Default Value
OpenPages Storage
Note: Field not
displayed or required
for a new managed
server installation.
Specify the directory where attached files
and forms associated with OpenPages
objects are stored.
On Windows
You can also specify a valid UNC path to
the shared storage directory.
For example, on Windows computers,
Specify the directory where the backup
and restore utility places the files it
creates when backing up and restoring the
OpenPages database and application
On Windows
Chapter 6. OpenPages application server installations
Table 34. Storage and configuration settings (continued)
Default Value
Do you want to load
Configuration Data?
Note: Field not
displayed or required
for a new managed
server installation.
Select Yes to enable user access to
OpenPages GRC Platform data and to
standard Cognos Business Intelligence
Select No, if you already loaded the
configuration data. For example, in test
environments where you have multiple
installations of IBM OpenPages and you
already loaded the configuration data.
If you select No, and the default
configuration is not already loaded, you
must manually load the level-0 schema.
Otherwise, you see garbled text when in
the OpenPages application.
19. On the OpenPages Administrator Information page, specify the user name to
create for the OpenPages application Super Administrator.
Ensure that you enter the Super Administrator user name and password
correctly. The installation program does not verify the user name.
20. On the CommandCenter Information page, specify the IBM Cognos Business
Intelligence server settings.
Note: The installation program does not verify the information that you
enter. You can specify the settings before you install the Cognos . You can
change these values after the installation by editing the aurora.properties file
Table 35. OpenPages CommandCenter settings
Default Value
Host Name
Specify the computer name of the server
where IBM Cognos Business Intelligence
server is installed.
Port Number
Specify the port number that is used by
IBM Cognos Business Intelligence server
for http requests.
URL Context Root
Specify the context root of IBM Cognos
Business Intelligence. The context root
maps to the URL or the application
virtual directory of the IBM Cognos BI
Cognos Dispatcher Port
Specify the port number that is used by
the IBM Cognos BI server dispatcher to
connect to the Framework Generator
Framework Generator Port
Specify the pot that the Framework
Generator uses.
21. On the Confirm Installation Data page, review the settings and click Install
to begin the installation of both the OpenPages application software and the
workflow server.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
What to do next
Verify that the installation works. You must also install OpenPages
CommandCenter. To change host names or post numbers, see the IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform Administrator's Guide.
Related concepts:
“Port assignments” on page 12
Both dedicated ports and ports that are dynamically assigned for each installation
are used for IBM OpenPages GRC Platform deployments. These default ports can
be changed after installation.
Related tasks:
“Manually loading the configuration data after a new installation” on page 121
The installation program for OpenPages GRC Platform automatically loads the
OpenPages GRC Platform data and enables user access to the standard Cognos
Business Intelligence reports. In limited situations, you can manually load the
level-0 schema.
Testing the connections to the database server and the OpenPages
Test whether the SQL*Net connect string can connect to the database listener by
using the TNSPING utility in the ORACLE HOME/bin directory. The TNSPING utility
tests whether the listener is available. It does not test whether the databases behind
the listener are working.
To test that the OpenPages repository is created, use SQL*Plus to log on to the
OpenPages Oracle database schema.
1. To test whether you can log on to Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control,
the web-based interface that is used to administer an Oracle database, type the
following command:
In a default installation, the port number is 1158.
2. To test whether a SQL*Net connect string can connect to the listener, type the
following command:
tnsping database_instance_name
The utility requests acknowledgement that the service name is valid and that
the listener is configured to handle requests for that service name.
If the configuration is correct, a message is displayed that shows the return
If the configuration is not correct, the utility returns an error message. Ensure
that you use the correct service name and that the listener is started on the
server computer.
3. To test that OpenPages repository is created, type the following command:
sqlplus username/password@service_name
For example, sqlplus system/openpages@op
The system connects you to an Oracle Database instance.
4. To exit SQL*Plus, type exit.
Chapter 6. OpenPages application server installations
Starting WebLogic Server cluster members for the first time
If you installed an OpenPages instance on a cluster member server, you must
manually start the OpenPages and workflow services the first time. For example, if
the computer where you installed OpenPages is not used to administer the cluster,
use the command prompt.
Using the command prompt to start WebLogic services creates a boot.properties
file. The boot identity file contains user credentials for starting and stopping an
WebLogic Server services.
After the first time, you can use Windows Services or the command prompt.
1. Log on to the managed server as a user with Administrator privileges.
2. Use the Run as Administrator option to open a Command Prompt window.
3. Start the OpenPages services.
a. Go to the OP_Home\OpenPagesDomain\bin directory:
b. For each OpenPages instance on this system, type the following command:
For example:
startOPServer.cmd managedserver01-OpenPagesServer1
startOPServer.cmd managedserver01-OpenPagesServer2
c. At the prompt, enter the WebLogic Server administrator user name and
d. Optional: Verify that the boot.properties file is created in the
OP_Home\OpenPagesDomain\ directory.
The user name and password are encrypted.
4. Start the workflow service by using the command line:
a. Go to the Workflow_Home\IBPMDomain\bin directory:
The Workflow_Home directory is the installation location of Fujitsu Interstage
b. For each workflow instance on this system, type the following command:
For example:
startIBPMServer.cmd managedserver01-InterstageBPMCS1
startIBPMServer.cmd managedserver01-InterstageBPMCS2
c. At the prompt, enter the Oracle WebLogic administrator user name and
d. Optional: Verify that the boot.properties is in the Workflow_Home\
IBPMDomain\ directory.
The user name and password are encrypted.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Chapter 7. OpenPages CommandCenter installations
The OpenPages CommandCenter component integrates the OpenPages application
with IBM Cognos Business Intelligence. When you install the OpenPages
CommandCenter, the IBM OpenPages Reporting Framework Generator is installed.
You can generate reports that use the hierarchy of OpenPages compliance objects.
You can also report on the metadata that is attached to those objects.
Prerequisite tasks for OpenPages CommandCenter installations
Some prerequisite tasks are required before you install OpenPages
CommandCenter on the reporting server.
Setting database environment variables for reporting servers
on Windows operating systems
You must set some system environment variables on the reporting server.
1. Log on to the reporting server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Set the following environment variables.
Table 36. Environment variable settings on the reporting server on Windows operating
Environment variable
Specifies the installation location of your Java Runtime
Environment (JRE).
Specifies the location of IBM Cognos Business
Intelligence bin directory.
The default location is C:\openpages_data\repository\
The default location is a subdirectory of
If you installed the OpenPages application and IBM
Cognos Business Intelligence on the same server, enter
the location for the 32-bit Oracle Admin Client.
Example: ORACLE_HOME=C:\app\product\11.2.0\
Specifies the location of the tnsnames.ora file
The default location is the Oracle_Home\network\admin
Specifies the database character set configured during
the database installation. By default, set it to
To display non-English characters for Japanese locales,
set the NLS_LANG property:
3. Append the JAVA_HOME and ORACLE_HOME to the PATH environment variable.
Example: Add %JAVA_HOME%/bin and %ORACLE_HOME%/bin to the PATH
environment variable.
Worksheet for OpenPages CommandCenter installations
Before you install the OpenPages CommandCenter, ensure that you collect
installation and configuration information, such as host names, and ports.
Installation information about the OpenPages CommandCenter
The installation program prompts for the following OpenPages CommandCenter
installation information.
The installation program creates new directories.
Table 37. Installation location for OpenPages CommandCenter software
Installation location
OpenPages CommandCenter
installation location
Cognos Framework Model output
OpenPages CommandCenter URL
Cognos Framework Generator
port number
Installation settings for prerequisite software
The installation program prompts for information about prerequisite software.
Table 38. OpenPages CommandCenter installer prompts for prerequisite software
Cognos Business Intelligence installation folder
Oracle 32-bit Client Installation Folder
OpenPages CommandCenter Dispatcher URL (IBM Cognos BI
dispatcher URL)
OpenPages database host name
OpenPages database port
OpenPages database alias
OpenPages database SID
OpenPages user name
OpenPages user password
OpenPages application server name
Database alias name for content store database
Cognos user name
Cognos password
Mail server (workflow notifications)
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Table 38. OpenPages CommandCenter installer prompts for prerequisite
software (continued)
Email user name
Email sender address
Back up and restore location for the content store database
Email address for sender
Installing OpenPages CommandCenter in interactive mode
Install the OpenPages CommandCenter on the reporting server. The OpenPages
CommandCenter installation deploys the Framework Model Generator. After
installation, you can generate reports that use the hierarchy of OpenPages
compliance objects. You can also run reports on the metadata attached to those
Before you begin
Ensure that Cognos Business Intelligence Server is running.
1. Log on to the reporting server as a user with administrative privileges and
full access to the local server drives.
2. Go to the location where you copied the Cognos installation files.
v On Windows computers, go to OP_version_CommandCenter\
3. Start the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform installation program for the
OpenPages CommandCenter.
v On Windows computers, right-click CommandCenterSetup.exe and click Run
as administrator.
4. On the Welcome page, click Next.
5. On the Software License Agreement page, accept the license agreement and
click Next.
6. On the Installation Information page, specify the installation settings and
click Next.
Table 39. Installation field descriptions and default values
Installation field
Default Value
Installation Folder
Specifies the location to install
OpenPages CommandCenter.
On Windows computers:
Cognos Installation Specifies the location where Cognos
Business Intelligence components are
On Windows computers:
Oracle 32-bit Client Specifies the location where the 32-bit On Window computers:
Installation Folder version of the Oracle Admin Client is
Chapter 7. OpenPages CommandCenter installations
Table 39. Installation field descriptions and default values (continued)
Installation field
Default Value
Dispatcher URL
Specifies the IBM Cognos BI
dispatcher URL.
For an SSL environment,
7. On the OpenPages Database Information page, specify the database
connection information and click Next.
Table 40. Database field descriptions and default values
Database field name
Database Host Name
Specifies the name of the server that hosts the OpenPages
Database Port
Specifies the port used to access the OpenPages database.
Note: Ensure that the OpenPages application uses the same
Alias Name
Specifies the TNS alias name of the OpenPages database
Database Identifier
Specifies the method for identifying the Cognos database
instance. Use either SID or Service Name.
Note: For Oracle RAC installations, use Service Name.
OpenPages User Name
Specifies the user name of the account that is used to access the
OpenPages database instance.
The default user name is openpages.
OpenPages Password
Specifies the password for the OpenPages user account.
8. On the OpenPages Server Information page, enter the required information.
Table 41. OpenPages server settings and descriptions
OpenPages Server field name
Application Server Host Name
Specifies the IP address or computer name of the
OpenPages application server.
v If this installation is the first Cognos server, enter
the IP address or computer name of the
OpenPages cluster administrator.
v If this installation is a secondary Cognos server,
enter the IP address of the OpenPages cluster
member application server.
Application User Name
Specifies the user name of the account that
OpenPages CommandCenter uses to access the
OpenPages application.
The default user is OpenPagesAdministrator.
Application Password
Specifies the password belonging to the account that
OpenPages CommandCenter uses to access the
OpenPages application.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Table 41. OpenPages server settings and descriptions (continued)
OpenPages Server field name
Is SSL configured for the
OpenPages Server
If OpenPages CommandCenter must use an SSL
connection to the OpenPages application, select Yes.
Ensure that you enter the SSL port for the
Application Server Port.
On Windows computers, the SSL port is listed in the
OP_HOME\temp\aurora\conf\OPSERVER_STATUS.txt log
Otherwise, if an SSL connection is not required,
select No. If you select Yes, make sure you enter the
SSL port in the Application Server Port field above.
The SSL port is listed in the following log.
Application Server Port
Specifies the port used to access the OpenPages
application. Specify the SSL port number for SSL
Note: If this installation is a secondary Cognos
server, enter the port of the OpenPages cluster
member . The port for cluster member is
dynamically assigned during the installation, and is
available in the ObjectManager.properties file on
the OpenPages server.
9. On the Reporting Framework Information page, specify the information that
is required to configure the Framework Generator service, and then click Next.
Table 42. Description of the reporting framework settings
Reporting Framework field name
Framework Output Folder
Specifies the location where the Framework
Model is stored.
The default setting is the OpenPages
CommandCenter installation location.
On Windows computers: C:\CommandCenter\
Framework Port
Specifies the port number used to access the
Framework Generator server.
The default port is 8080.
10. On the Backup & Restore Information pages, specify the database and
Cognos Business Intelligence information that Cognos needs to configure the
backup and restore utility.
Table 43. Page 1 Cognos BI settings and descriptions
Backup and Restore field name
Database Alias Name
Specifies the name of the content store database
instance on the database server computer.
Cognos User Name
Specifies the Cognos user name.
The default value is cognos
Cognos Password
Specifies the password for the Cognos User Name.
Chapter 7. OpenPages CommandCenter installations
Table 44. Page 2 mail server settings and descriptions
Backup and Restore
Mail Server field
Default value
Mail Server
Specifies the mail server to use
for OpenPages workflow
E-mail User Name
Specifies the user name
associated with the E-mail
Sender Address.
From Address
Specifies the email address used
for sending messages from the
workflow notification service.
[email protected]
Specifies the directory where the
Backup/Restore utility places the
files it creates when backing up
and restoring the content store
database and application
Uses the Cognos Installation
On Windows computers,
11. On the Confirm Installation Data screen, review your selections and when
satisfied, click Install.
The installation might take awhile to complete.
12. On the Install Complete page, click Done to complete the installation.
What to do next
Some post-installation tasks, such as creating the reporting schema and framework
and adding servers to the list of safe domain names, are required.
Related tasks:
“Creating the reporting schema and framework”
To see the default OpenPages reports, you must create a reporting schema and
update the reporting framework.
OpenPages CommandCenter post installation tasks
After you install OpenPages CommandCenter, some post installation tasks are
required. You must update OpenPages CommandCenter configuration files to
ensure that OpenPages components can communicate with each other.
Creating the reporting schema and framework
To see the default OpenPages reports, you must create a reporting schema and
update the reporting framework.
1. In a web browser, open the OpenPages application:
Log on to the OpenPages application as a user with administrative privileges.
For System Admin Mode, switch from Disabled to Enabled.
From the menu bar, click Administration and select Reporting Schema.
Click Create.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
6. After the create operation finishes, click System Admin Mode to switch from
Enabled to Disabled.
7. From the menu bar, click Administration > Reporting Framework >
8. On the Reporting Framework Operations page, click Update.
9. In the Reporting Framework Generation window, under Framework
Generation, select the Framework Model and Labels and other options you
want for the relational data model.
10. Click Submit.
11. To view the progress of the update, click Refresh.
The Percent Complete column on the Reporting Framework Operations table
updates the percentage of completion.
Updating the reporting framework process takes approximately 30 minutes or
What to do next
You must drop the reporting schema before you install the IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform Modules.
Manually creating the reporting schema
The database schema and users for the content store is automatically created when
the Cognos Business Intelligence services are started for the first time. You can
manually create the database schema and users.
IBM Cognos Business Intelligence uses a database structure, called the content
store, to store, organize, and retrieve information about the queries and reports you
For optimal performance, ensure that the IBM Cognos Business Intelligence content
store and OpenPages have separate database instances. However, for a smaller
deployment or a test environment, you can use a single database instance.
Use the database scripts in the OpenPages GRC Platform installation to manually
create the content store schema.
Manually creating the reporting tablespace and user for Oracle databases:
After you create the Cognos content store, you can manually create the content
store user and the content store tablespace.
This user must be able to create, alter, and drop tables, triggers, views, procedures,
and sequences, and have the CONNECT and RESOURCE roles.
1. Log on to the reporting server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. From the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Installer version DVD or your network
share location, copy the OP_version_Configuration\Database\ORACLE\COGNOS
directory to the local system.
3. Log on to SQL*Plus by using the following command:
sqlplus system/system_password@oracle_tns_alias
Chapter 7. OpenPages CommandCenter installations
To create the tablespace in the OpenPages database instance, enter the
oracle_tns_alias of the OpenPages database. The database alias for the
OpenPages database instance, as set during the Oracle database installation, is
oracle_tns_alias. If necessary, you can retrieve this alias from the tnsnames.ora
If you created a separate database instance for the content store, create the
tablespace in the content store database instance. Enter the oracle_tns_alias of
the content store database.
4. At the SQL prompt, type the following command:
@cognosdbcreate.sql cognos_user cognos_password oracle_data_home
tablespace_name log_file
Table 45. Parameter descriptions for cognosdbcreate.sql script for Oracle databases
Script parameters
Specifies the new user name for the content store database
Specifies the password for the cognos_user
Specifies the location of the Oracle data home directory for the
content store database instance.
On Windows operating systems: C:\openpages_data\
Specifies the name of the exported tablespace.
Specifies the file name and location of the log file to create.
Changing the OpenPages CommandCenter host settings
You must update configuration files to use the OpenPages CommandCenter server
name and port settings.
1. Log on to the OpenPages application server as a user with administrative
2. Open a browser window and go to the OpenPages application by typing the
following URL:
3. Log on to the OpenPages application as a user with administrative privileges.
4. Under Administration, select Settings.
a. Expand the OpenPages > Platform > Reporting Schema > Object URL
b. Click Host.
c. In the Value field, update the setting to point to the OpenPages server.
Note: If you use the Cognos in a load-balanced environment, you must
type the fully qualified domain name of the load balancing server. If
required, change the port.
5. Stop OpenPages services.
6. On the application server, go to the OP_Home\aurora\conf directory and open
the aurora.properties file in a text editor.
7. In the cognos.framework.refresh.servlet=http\://server_name\:8080/crfrefresher property, replace server_name\:8080 with the reporting server name
and port.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
8. In the cognos.server=http\://server_name\:80/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/
cognos.cgi property, replace server_name:80 with the reporting server name
and port number.
For example,
9. On Windows computers, add the following value to the logout.url.cognos=
10. Save your changes and exit the editor.
Creating an open session command block for the OpenPages
data source
For IBM OpenPages GRC Platform to work, you must create an open session
command block for the OpenPages data source.
1. In the Internet Explorer browser, type the following URL:
2. Open IBM Cognos Administration:
a. If the Cognos Welcome page is displayed, click Administer IBM Cognos
b. If the IBM Cognos Connection is displayed, click Launch > IBM Cognos
3. On the Configuration tab, click Data Source Connections.
4. Click More next to OpenPages DataSource.
5. Click Set properties.
6. Select the Connection tab.
7. Beside the Open session commands, click Set.
8. In the XML database commands box, copy the following text:
9. Click OK to save your changes.
OpenPages CommandCenter portal security
After installation, you can restrict which user groups are allowed to modify
reports. To grant OpenPages CommandCenter administrative rights, create a group
in the OpenPages application or use an existing group, such as OPAdministrators.
This is optional.
Chapter 7. OpenPages CommandCenter installations
OpenPages standard reports can be overwritten during an upgrade. If you want to
modify these standard reports, copy them to your personal folders. From your
folders, you can then change the reports and restrict access to them.
To restrict user access to administrative functions within the Cognos portal, use
IBM Cognos Administration. To prevent users from deleting, changing, or saving
reports, restrict access to the OpenPages reports that are in Public Folders. You can
also restrict users from running reporting tools, such as Report Studio, or from
modifying reports.
For more information, see the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Administrator's Guide.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Chapter 8. Post installation tasks
After you install or upgrade the OpenPages GRC Platform, you must perform
some post installation tasks, such as configuring the OpenPages CommandCenter.
You can also modify the installation environment to improve performance, enhance
security, or change default settings. For example, you can tune the application
servers or configure LDAP.
As part of the post installation tasks, you can configure IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to ensure that all data passed between
the application server and a browser remains private.
For information about SSL configurations and about addition configurations, such
as adding a member to a cluster or changing port numbers, see the IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform Administrator's Guide.
Configure security for using the REST API
If you are creating software developer kit applications to manage OpenPages data
by using the OpenPages GRC REST API, you must configure security for your
application server software.
For more information about the REST API, see the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
REST API Reference Guide.
Configuring your application server software for single signon
You can configure your application server software for OpenPages to allow single
signon. Configuring single signon is not required to use the REST API. However, if
you do configure single signon, this task applies only to single signon for the REST
See the documentation that is provided with your application server software for
configuring your LDAP server for single signon.
v For WebLogic, see the configuring authentication providers and configuring
single signon topics in the Oracle WebLogic Server documentation.
Configuring OpenPages to work on a single computer with an Oracle
For test and development environments, you can install IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform, the Oracle database, the 32-bit Oracle Admin Client, and Cognos
Business Intelligence on a single computer. However, some configuration is
About this task
You can install the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform on a single computer for
predeployment testing or proof of concept demonstrations. For single computer
installations, ensure that the correct Oracle Admin Client is used by each software
If you install OpenPages GRC Platform on a single server, you must install two
versions of Oracle Admin Client. Both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions are required.
The OpenPages application requires the 64-bit Oracle Admin Client and the
Cognos Business Intelligence Software requires the 32-bit Oracle Admin Client.
1. Log on to the Cognos server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Ensure that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable points to the 32-bit
Oracle Admin Client.
3. Edit the PATH variable to add %ORACLE_HOME%\bin.
4. If set, remove the TNS_ADMIN variable.
5. From the command line, go to the OP_Home\CommandCenter\framework\conf\
6. Open the framework.properties file in a text editor and ensure that the
oracle.client.path property contains the location of the 32-bit Oracle Admin
client bin directory.
7. Save and close the file.
8. Restart the OpenPages CommandCenter service.
Configuring OpenPages to work on a single computer with a DB2
For test and development environments, you can install IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform, DB2 database, the 32-bit DB2 Client, and Cognos Business Intelligence on
a single computer. However, some configuration is required.
About this task
You can install the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform on a single computer for
predeployment testing or proof of concept demonstrations. For single computer
installations, ensure that the correct DB2 Client is used by each software
If you install OpenPages GRC Platform on a single server, you must install the
32-bit DB2 client on the reporting server. The OpenPages application requires the
64-bit DB2 Client and the Cognos Business Intelligence Software requires the 32-bit
DB2 Client.
1. Log on to the Cognos server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. From the command line, go to the OP_Home\CommandCenter\framework\conf\
3. Open the framework.properties file in a text editor and ensure that the
oracle.client.path property contains the location of the 32-bit DB2 client bin
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
4. Save and close the file.
5. Restart the OpenPages CommandCenter service.
Verification checklist
After installing the OpenPages application, verify that the installation is working
as expected.
Use the following checklist to verify whether the installation is successful.
Table 46. Post-installation verification checklist
Review all installation logs for errors.
For log file locations and names, see
“Installation log files” on page 119.
Verify that a backup copy of the system
was made after installing.
If it does not exist, create a backup of your
system by running the OPBackup command from
OP_HOME\aurora\bin directory.
Verify that a compressed file was created with
the correct timestamp. The file is in the
OP_Home\openpages-backup-restore directory.
For information about on using the backup
utility, see the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
Administrator's Guide.
Confirm that the reporting schema and
framework generated successfully.
For more information, see “Creating the
reporting schema and framework” on page 58.
Log on to the OpenPages application and run
Confirm that base reports are functioning the All Documentation Cognos report.
as expected.
If single signon (SSO) is enabled, verify
that user accounts can access the
If you use TeamMate, confirm that the
TeamMate loader-files are implemented
and working.
Confirm that you can upload and
download sample attachments.
Log on to the OpenPages application with an
SSO user account.
Test the integration from the TeamMate client.
Log on to the OpenPages application and
upload and download a file attachment.
Run a report that uses OpenPages links. Select a
Verify that links in reports reference the
link and confirm that the target object is
correct server address and use the correct rendered successfully in the OpenPages
web URL parameters.
For clustered environments, verify that
all servers can upload and download
Upload and download files from both primary
and secondary application servers.
Chapter 8. Post installation tasks
Table 46. Post-installation verification checklist (continued)
For load-balanced environments, confirm On primary and secondary servers, verify
that backup scheduling is working.
backup scheduling and process times.
Ensure that services on secondary servers
are stopped before backing up the
primary server. Ensure that services are
started post 7001 (port) availability on
the primary server.
Test that you can access the IBM Cognos
Business Intelligence portal.
Type the following web URL:
Confirm that you can log on to the portal.
Confirm that you ran the
enable-session-sleep.sql script.
After backup, confirm that object data is
For more information, see “Preventing
concurrency conflicts” on page 69.
Log on to the OpenPages application and create
sample Entity, Process, and Risk objects. Delete
these objects.
Related concepts:
“Installation log files” on page 119
The installation programs write errors and other information to the log files. Use
log files to troubleshoot problems.
Fix pack installations
IBM provides interim maintenance packages that contain updates to one or more
components in your IBM product. If a fix pack is available when you are installing
or upgrading, install it after you install the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.
If a fix pack becomes available after you deploy OpenPages applications:
1. Stop all services.
2. Backup content and directory structures.
3. Install the fix pack in the same location as existing components.
4. Restart services
Fix packs are cumulative. When you install the latest fix pack, it includes updates
from all the previous fix packs.
Fix packs are available for download from IBM Support (www.ibm.com/support/
Note: Fix packs are not stand-alone installations. You must install them on
computers that have IBM OpenPages components installed. Install the fix packs
that are appropriate for your product version.
Database server tuning
To improve performance, tune the Oracle database. You must change some of
default values for Oracle server parameters. Other changes are suggested in
environments where there are heavy user loads.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Tuning the performance of the database instance
To improve the performance of the Oracle database instance, disable the Oracle
skip scan feature and set cursor sharing to force.
The Oracle skip scan feature splits a composite index logically into smaller
subindexes. In skip scanning, the initial column of the composite index is not
specified in the query. In other words, it is skipped. For larger databases where the
data changes frequently, skip scanning can be less efficient than a range scan.
The cursor sharing feature specifies how SQL statements are parsed. Issuing
many SQL statements that have literal values can result in many nearly identical
statements in the cache. The large result set can slow performance and cause latch
problems. Setting cursor sharing to force causes the SQL statements to be reused
if the text is similar except for the literal value.
1. Log on to a computer with SQL*Plus and access to the database server.
2. From the command-line, log on to SQL*Plus.
sqlplus sys/sys_password@SID as sysdba
3. At the SQL prompt, type the following command:
alter system set "_optimizer_skip_scan_enabled"=false scope=both;
alter system set cursor_sharing = force scope=both;
4. Log out from SQL*Plus.
Memory tuning guidelines for Oracle databases
If your application is running in a heavy-load environment, consider allocating as
much memory as possible to the Oracle database instance.
The following table provides general guidelines for memory allocation on a system
with 4 GB of RAM or more.
Table 47. Memory Tuning Guidelines
For this...
Operating system
1 - 4 GB of physical RAM
SGA Size
75% of remaining physical RAM to the SGA_TARGET
Minimum allocation: 2048 MB (or 2 GB)
PGA Size
25% of remaining physical RAM to the
Minimum allocation: 1024 MB (or 1 GB)
Example 1: Computer with 4 GB of RAM
If a computer has 4 GB of physical RAM:
v SGA (2 GB) and PGA (1 GB)
v 1 GB is available for the Windows OS
Chapter 8. Post installation tasks
Example 2: Computer with 8 GB of RAM
If a computer has 8 GB of physical RAM and you want 2 GB available for the
Windows OS, then 6 GB remains for allocation to Oracle. The remaining 6 GB can
be allocated to a single database instance:
v SGA: 4608 MB (or 4.5 GB, which is 75% of 6 GB)
v PGA: 1536 MB (or 1.5 GB, which is 25% of 6 GB)
Example 3: Computer with multiple database instances
Note: If you are planning to run multiple database instances on the same
computer, adjust the memory to ensure that concurrently running instances fit into
the available physical RAM. Using physical memory avoids swapping to disk.
For example, to run the OpenPages Repository and Cognos Repository services on
the same computer with 8 GB of RAM:
v 1 GB of RAM for the OS
v The remaining 7GB of RAM can be split between the OpenPages Repository and
Cognos Repository as follows:
– OpenPages Repository instance: 3 GB SGA + 1.5 GB PGA
Cognos Repository instance: 1.5 GB SGA + 1 GB PGA
Admin server tuning
You can tune your admin server settings to improve performance.
Configuring the database connection pool on Windows
The OpenPages and workflow servers each have a pool of JDBC connections that
can be used by applications when connecting to the database. You must configure
the number of available connections in the pool. Depending on your situation, use
your previous settings or the number of named users as a guideline. These
connections are returned to the connection pool when the application disconnects
from the database.
1. Open a web browser.
2. Enter the URL for the Oracle WebLogic Administration Console for the
OpenPages server:
The WebLogic Server port is assigned during installation. By default the port
used is 7001.
Note: Do not use localhost for the OP_server_name.
3. Log on to the WebLogic Administration Console as with an administrator
4. In the Domain Structure section, click Services > JDBC.
5. In the Change Center, click Lock & Edit to make the settings available for
6. On the Summary of Services page, click Data Sources.
7. On the Summary of JDBC Data Sources page, click OpenPages Data Source.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
8. On the Settings for OpenPages Data Source page, click General >
Connection Pool.
9. Enter a values for the Initial Capacity and Maximum Capacity fields.
By default, these values are set to 75. For an upgrade installation, use the
value that was set in your previous system.
10. Click Save.
11. In the Change Center, click Activate Changes to implement the changes.
12. Log out of the Oracle WebLogic Administration Console.
13. Navigate to the Oracle WebLogic Administration Console for the workflow
The WebLogic Server port is assigned during installation. By default, the value
is 49901.
Note: Do not use localhost for the workflow_server_name.
14. Repeat steps 3-12 for the workflow server computer.
Preventing concurrency conflicts
If two administrators both try to modify settings at the same time, errors might
occur. To help avoid concurrency errors, run the SQL enable-session-sleep.sql
A concurrency conflict might result in the following error message:
Operation failed, security settings are being
concurrently modified by another administrator.
Please try again later.
1. On a computer that has SQL*Plus and access to the database server, log on as a
user with SYSDBA permissions.
2. From the Installer DVD or from your network share location, copy the
/OP_version_Configuration/Database/ORACLE/INSTALL_SCRIPTS directory to the
local system.
3. Run the enable-session-sleep.sql script.
On a command line, use the following syntax:
sqlplus /nolog @sql-wrapper enable-session-sleep.sql <log_file_name>
<connect_identifier> <sysdba_user_name>
<sysdba_user_password> <schema_owner_name>
sqlplus /nolog @sql-wrapper enable-session-sleep.sql enable-session-sleep.log
opx10g sys manager openpages
If the process completes successfully, a message is displayed.
If the script fails, check the log files for error messages.
Optional: Increasing the paging file size on Windows
On computers that have 4 GB of RAM, the suggested paging file size is 8 GB.
Chapter 8. Post installation tasks
1. Click Start > Run and then type sysdm.cpl, and press Enter.
2. Click the Advanced tab, and then in the Performance section, click Settings.
3. In the Performance Options window, in the Virtual Memory section, click the
Advanced tab, and then click Change.
4. Find the list of drives and select the drive that contains your paging file.
Note: If necessary, clear the Automatically manage page file size for all
drives check box.
5. Under Paging File Size, select Custom Size.
6. Reset both the Initial Size and Maximum Size values to higher values.
7. Click Set.
8. Click OK.
Increasing the Oracle WebLogic Maximum Message Size
The workflow server might send log messages that exceed the default size that is
configured for WebLogic Server. A workflow message that exceeds the maximum
size can cause the workflow service to stop working. To avoid this issue, increase
the WebLogic Server maximum message.
1. Verify that the workflow InterstageBPMAdminServer service is running.
2. Open a web browser and log on to the Oracle WebLogic Server Admin
Console as a user with admin privileges.
3. In the Change Center pane of the Console, click Lock & Edit.
4. In the Domain Structure pane, expand the Environment > Servers.
5. On the Summary of Servers page, click the Configuration tab, and from the
servers list, click the name of the workflow server.
6. On the page for server settings, click Protocols.
7. Under the General tab, change the Maximum Message Size setting to
2000000000 and click Save.
8. For each additional workflow managed servers, repeat steps 5-7.
9. When finished, to implement the changes, in the Change Center, click
Activate Changes.
10. Log out of the Oracle WebLogic Server Admin Console.
You are not required to restart services.
OpenPages application server tuning
You can tune application server settings to control how the application server
provides services for running applications and their components. Each application
server instance contains interrelated components that must be properly tuned to
support the specific needs of your application.
Enabling LDAP
If you are installing OpenPages GRC Platform into an LDAP environment, you
must enable LDAP. The Openpages module in the LDAP configuration file,
aurora_auth.config, determines whether LDAP is enabled. If you have a
load-balanced system, disable LDAP on the primary and secondary servers.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
1. Log on to the OpenPages application server as a user with administrative
2. Use your LDAP Directory Server to add users who require access to the
OpenPages application or to the OpenPages environment to the LDAP
authentication server.
For more information about the steps required to add OpenPages users to the
LDAP server, see the documentation for your LDAP Directory Server.
3. Log on to the OpenPages application and create the same users.
4. Stop all OpenPages services.
5. Go to the directory where you copied the aurora_auth.config file.
6. Open the LDAP configuration file, aurora_auth.config, in a text editor.
7. Rename the Openpages module to something different, such as
8. Depending on your LDAP server, rename the LDAP module to Openpages
v If you are using a Microsoft Active Directory server, change the OpenpagesAD
module name to Openpages.
v If you are using a Sun One Directory Server, change the OpenpagesIP
module name to Openpages.
9. Specify the correct values for the following properties in the appropriate
Table 48. Property settings and description
IP address and port number of the LDAP
authentication server, in the
<protocol>://<ip_address>:<port> format.
Note: If you are configuring LDAP over SSL
(LDAPS), the protocol is ldaps and the port
is the LDAPS port.
The fully qualified name of an
administrative user on the LDAP server.
The password for the specified user
The top level of the LDAP directory tree
structure (Domain Name) on the LDAP
If the users to be authenticated are in
multiple locations within your Active
Directory structure, list all locations
explicitly. Use the distinguished names of
the locations, each separated by a
The attribute name of the user identifier.
Typically a common name (CN), uid, or
For example, Openpages_default
required debug=false;
Chapter 8. Post installation tasks
required debug=false
10. Save and close the file.
11. Log on to the OpenPages application and change the OpenPages
Administrator password to openpages.
12. Restart all OpenPages services.
13. Log on to the OpenPages application as one of the users that you created in
the LDAP Directory Server.
Disabling LDAP
If LDAP is enabled on your system, the default Openpages module was renamed.
Either the OpenpagesIP or OpenpagesAD was renamed to Openpages. To disable
LDAP, change the name of the current Openpages module and change the name of
the default Openpages module back to Openpages.
1. Log on to the application server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Stop all OpenPages services.
3. Go to the directory where you copied the aurora_auth.config file.
4. Open the LDAP configuration file, aurora_auth.config, in a text editor.
5. Change the name of the Openpages_default module back to Openpages.
6. Change the name of the current Openpages module to something different.
7. Save and close the file.
Enabling trust between OpenPagesDomain and IBPMDomain
To enable trust between the OpenPagesDomain and the IBPMDomain, you can
define the same password for both domains.
About this task
Perform the following steps for each domain.
1. Log on to the OpenPagesDomain administrative console. The default URL for
the OpenPagesDomain administrative console is http://ServerName:7001/
2. Click OpenPagesDomain.
3. On the Security tab, expand Advanced.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
4. Click Lock & Edit on the left pane.
5. Type a password in the Credential and Confirm Credential fields. This
password needs to be shared with IBPMDomain.
6. Click Save and then click Release Configuration.
7. Log on to the IBPMDomain administrative console, and then repeat steps 2 to 6
on that domain. The default URL for the IBPMDomain administrative console
is http://ServerName:49901/console.
Accessing OpenPages
To view the application login page for your installation, type the OpenPages URL
into your web browser.
For default installations, type the following URL in your web browser:
If you are using an SSL connection to access the OpenPages application, you must
have an SSL digital certificate. After configuration, type the following URL in your
web browser:
Chapter 8. Post installation tasks
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Chapter 9. Starting and stopping OpenPages servers
Use Windows services to start and stop the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform servers.
The OpenPages application runs only if all of the services are started and all of the
services for all supporting applications are running. To start or stop the OpenPages
application, you must start or stop the services or scripts in the correct sequence.
Windows services
In a Windows environment, you can configure the OpenPages services required to
start automatically.
Sequence of starting servers
You must start the OpenPagesAdminServer service on Windows computers. Then
start the other services or run the other scripts.
If you are running OpenPages in a load-balanced environment, you must start the
server on the cluster administrator first.
Initial startup time
The first time you start the OpenPages server, it precompiles all of the included
JavaServer Pages (JSP). This initialization process can take several minutes to
complete. Future startup times take much less time.
Windows services used by OpenPages applications
Many Windows services are associated with the OpenPages application and Fujitsu
Interstage BPM Services servers. After a service is installed, it can be managed
from the Windows Control Panel.
The following table lists Windows services associated with the OpenPages
application and workflow servers.
Table 49. OpenPages application and Fujitsu Interstage BPM services on Windows
Service Name
Starts or stops the OpenPages Admin
Note: In a horizontal-cluster environment,
cluster members do not have an OpenPages
Admin service.
Starts or stops an OpenPages managed
# represents the number of the managed
In a cluster environment, the number for
each managed server increments by one.
Starts or stops the Fujitsu Interstage BPM
Deployment Manager service.
Table 49. OpenPages application and Fujitsu Interstage BPM services on Windows
computers (continued)
Service Name
Starts or stops the Fujitsu Interstage BPM
application server.
# represents the number of the managed
In a cluster environment, the number for
each managed server increments by one.
Starting OpenPages application servers on Windows
By default, all OpenPages and Workflow Console services are configured to start
manually. If you restart your computer, you must restart the OpenPages servers.
You can configure all OpenPages and Workflow Console services to start
automatically. Use Windows Services or use scripts to start the services on each
server when you restart the computer.
1. To use the Windows Start menu to start or stop all OpenPages servers on the
current system:
a. Log on to the OpenPages application server as a user with administrative
b. Click Start > IBM OpenPages version > Manage OpenPages Server > Start
All OpenPages Servers.
2. To start the services individually, in the Windows Administrative > Tool
Services, right-click each service in the following order and select Start:
v OpenPagesAdminServer (if present).
v OpenPagesServer#.
If there is more than one managed server, start the OpenPagesServer# service
for each managed server in sequence before starting Fujitsu Interstage BPM
v InterstageBPMAdminServer (if present).
v InterstageBPMCS#.
Note: # represents the number of the managed server.
You restart the services in the reverse order that you started them.
3. To use the StartAllServers.cmd script to start all services in the correct
a. Log on to the OpenPages application server as a user with administrative
b. Using Run as Administrator, open a Command Prompt window and go to
the OP_Home\bin directory.
c. Run the StartAllServers.cmd script.
When all services are started, the Command Prompt window closes.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
As services start, Windows Services might indicate that the services are started.
However, background OpenPages processes might be running. It might take a few
minutes for the OpenPages service to be operational.
Stopping OpenPages application servers on Windows
You can configure all OpenPages and Fujitsu Interstage BPM services to stop
automatically, or you can stop the services manually. If you are running
OpenPages in a load-balanced environment, you must stop the server on each
cluster member first before stopping the cluster.
Important: Stopping the OpenPages Admin service before stopping each managed
server causes the OpenPages application to stop on all servers. Stopping the
OpenPages Admin service first can result in the loss of data.
1. To use the Windows Start menu to start stop all OpenPages servers on the
current system:
a. Log on to the OpenPages application server as a user with administrative
b. Click Start > IBM OpenPages version > Stop All OpenPages Servers.
2. To stop the services individually, in the Windows Administrative > Tool
Services, right-click each service in the order listed below and select Stop.
In the following list, the number sign (#) represents the number of the managed
v InterstageBPMCS#
v InterstageBPMAdminServer (if present)
v OpenPagesServer#
v OpenPagesAdminServer (if present)
If there is more than one managed server on the current system, stop the
OpenPagesServer# service for each managed server before stopping the
OpenPagesAdminServer service. You can stop the managed servers in any
You stop the services in the reverse order that you started them.
3. To use the StopAllServers.cmd script to stop all services in the correct
sequence, do the following steps:
a. Log on to the OpenPages application server as a user with administrative
b. Using Run as Administrator, open a Command Prompt window and go to
the OP_Home\bin directory.
c. Run the StopAllServers.cmd script.
When all services are started, the Command Prompt window closes.
Chapter 9. Starting and stopping OpenPages servers
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Chapter 10. Configuring clustered environments
To accommodate increased user loads, scale horizontally or vertically by adding
nodes to the OpenPages environment. When you scale, load balancing is required
to distribute the incoming requests across the nodes.
A node consists of an instance of the OpenPages application server and a
corresponding instance of the workflow server. Each node runs on a different port.
You can also scale the OpenPages CommandCenter, the OpenPages reporting
server, vertically or horizontally.
Scaling the reporting server vertically
Scaling vertically increases the number of processes that are available to handle
requests. Depending on the load, scaling vertically might involve configuring
additional dispatchers
Scaling the reporting server horizontally
Scaling horizontally requires that you install additional report servers. Configure
the additional Cognos dispatchers to ensure that the incoming requests are
distributed across the multiple servers.
Load balancing configurations
To create a clustered OpenPages environment, install and configure each
OpenPages and Cognos instance as a stand-alone system. Then, configure each
system for load balancing.
You can deploy a hardware or software load balancer. The load balancer must
support session affinity and port-based URL routing.
Install the load balancer on the OpenPages application server or on an external
Clustered OpenPages Configurations
Some configuration tasks are required for clustered OpenPages environments.
Increasing the Oracle connection limit
In clustered environments, you must increase the number of users who can
connect to the database instance.
1. Log on to the database server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. To start the Oracle Enterprise Manager console, open a web browser and enter
3. Log on to the Oracle Enterprise Manager console by using the following
syntax: sys/password@sysdba.
a. For the User Name, enter sys.
b. Enter the password for the sys user.
c. From the Connect As list, select SYSDBA.
4. On the Oracle Enterprise Manager home page, click the Server tab.
5. Under Database Configuration, click Initialization Parameters.
6. On the Initialization Parameters page, click the SPFile tab.
7. Locate the Processes parameter.
If necessary, use the search function by entering Processes in the Name field
and then clicking Go.
8. Enter a value in the Processes field.
In a clustered environment, for best performance allocate sufficient processes
for each OpenPages application instance, each corresponding Fujitsu
Interstage BPM instance, and each corresponding Cognos instance.
For a two-node OpenPages environment, use the following settings:
Configure 75 processes for each OpenPages instance.
Workflow server
Configure 35 processes for each associated workflow server.
Configure 80 processes for each OpenPages CommandCenter instance.
Database processing usage
Configure 60 processes for database connection processing and
background processes.
By default, this setting is 250 processes and 280 sessions for a
two-node OpenPages environment. If you have two or more
application servers, increase the number of processes.
9. Click Apply.
You are prompted to restart the server.
10. To restart the server, select Immediate.
Configuring OpenPages applications to use a domain account
on Windows operating systems
In a clustered environment, the OpenPages application services access a file share.
The account that starts the services must have permissions to the file share.
Configuring the OpenPages applications to use a domain account must be done for
new installations, upgrades, and migrations.
About this task
By default, on Windows operating systems, services run under the LocalSystem
account. This account cannot access a shared drive on another computer. In a
horizontal cluster, configure the OpenPages application services on all application
servers to run under a domain account that has access the shared drive.
For WebLogic, the following OpenPages application services must have
permissions to the file share:
v OpenPagesAdminServer
v OpenPagesServer#
v IBPMAdminServer
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
v InterstageBPMCS#
Log on to each application server as a user with administrative privileges.
Open the Services control panel.
Stop the OpenPages services.
For each OpenPages application service, right-click the service name, and select
Properties from the menu.
a. In the Properties window, click the Log On tab.
b. Select This account.
c. Type a domain, account name, and password for at least one user who has
access to the shared drive.
d. Click OK to continue.
Sharing a network OpenPages storage directory on Windows
operating systems
The OpenPages application installation includes a pointer to the OpenPages
storage location. The storage location is a directory where attached files and forms
that are associated with OpenPages objects are stored.
If you pointed to a location on the local computer, you must change the pointer to
a shared network storage location. You can use the update-storage script to
change the storage directory to a shared directory on the same or another server.
If you specified a shared network storage location, this task is not required.
Before you begin
For installations that use an Oracle database, ensure that the SQL Plus utility is
available on the managed application server.
1. Log on to a managed application server as a user with administrative privileges
and full access to the local server drives.
2. Open a Command Prompt window.
3. Copy the OP_version_Configuration directory from the Installer DVD or on
your network share location to the local system.
4. Copy the INSTALL_SCRIPTS directory to the local system.
v For Oracle databases, go to the OP_version_Configuration\Database\ORACLE
5. For Oracle databases, go to the ORACLE\INSTALL SCRIPTS directory and run the
update-storage script:
sqlplus /nolog @sql-wrapper.sql update-storage.sql log_file_name TNS_alias_name
OpenPages_schema_owner_name OpenPages_schema_owner_password
storage_type storage_server_name computer_name
OpenPages_storage_platform sharename
The following table lists the command-line parameters that must be passed to
the SQL wrapper script.
Chapter 10. Configuring clustered environments
Table 50. Update storage wrapper script parameters for Oracle database
Variable name
The location of the log file that is created by the script.
If a location is not specified, the log file is created in
the current working directory.
If a log with the same name exists in the same location,
the log is overwritten by the script.
The database connection identifier, such as TNS alias
The name of the OpenPages user, created during the
OpenPages application installation.
By default, openpages.
OpenPages_schema_owner_password The password of the OpenPages user.
Enter either LFS for local file system, or UNC for
Universal Naming Convention or Uniform Naming
The name of the server where the OpenPages storage is
The name of the cluster administrator computer.
The operating system on the server where the
OpenPages storage is located.
Enter Windows.
The name of the shared OpenPages storage directory or
the mount point.
By default, openpages-storage
Enabling XA transactions for load balancing
Enable XA transactions in a load balancing environment to ensure that changes to
property configurations are updated on all servers.
1. Open the WebLogic Admin console URL, such as http://Host_Name:7001/
console, and log in.
2. On the Home Page, under Domain Configurations, navigate to Messaging,
and click JMS Modules.
3. Under JMS Modules, click OpenPagesJMS Module.
4. Under Summary of Resources, click OpenPagesTCF.
5. Under Settings for OpenPagesTCF, click the Transactions tab.
6. In the upper left corner, click Lock & Edit.
7. Select the XA Connection Factory Enabled check box, and click Save. Once
you click on save, you will see "Settings updated successfully" message.
8. Click Activate Changes on the Upper left hand corner. A message stating All
changes have been activated. No restarts are necessary. appears.
9. Log out of the WebLogic Admin console.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
10. To stop and restart services, run the StopAllServers.cmd and
StartAllServers.cmd scripts.
Configuring Apache Web Server for load balancing in Windows
In a typical configuration that uses Apache Web Server for load balancing on
Windows computers, Apache Web Server is installed on a separate computer.
1. Log on to load-balancing server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Open a Command Prompt window by using the Run as Administrator
3. Go to the Apache_Home\conf directory.
4. Open the httpd.conf file.
a. To load the required modules, add or uncomment the following lines:
negotiation_module modules/mod_negotiation.so
proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
proxy_ajp_module modules/mod_proxy_ajp.so
proxy_balancer_module modules/mod_proxy_balancer.so
proxy_connect_module modules/mod_proxy_connect.so
proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so
status_module modules/mod_status.so
weblogic_module modules/mod_wl_22.so
b. Change the ServerName=MYSERVERNAME.DOMAIN.COM setting to point to the
host name where you installed the Apache Web Server.
c. Change the ServerRoot setting to point to the directory where you
installed the Apache Web Server.
The default setting is ServerRoot=C:/Program Files/Apache Software
d. Change all Directory element tags to point to the location of the Apache
web server installation, and then add the setting "Allow from all" to the
tag attributes.
<Directory "C:/Apache2.2/htdocs">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
e. To configure the web server to forward requests to Oracle WebLogic
Server, add the following entries to the end of the httpd.conf file.
Note: SERVER.DOMAIN.COM:port is the server name and application port
that hosts the application nodes.
WebLogicPort is the admin server port for the OpenPages or workflow
For the <Location /opws> and <Location /openpages> entries, include all
OpenPages application nodes in the cluster.
For the <Location /ibpmweblogicconsole> entries, include all workflow
nodes in the cluster.
The following example uses a two-node installation with the first node at
port 7001, and the second port at 7011.
Chapter 10. Configuring clustered environments
<Location /console>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
MaxPostSize 0
Debug On
WLLogFile logs/weblogic_console.log
WebLogicPort 7001
<Location /opws>
WLCookieName opapp
SetHandler weblogic-handler
MaxPostSize 0
KeepAliveEnabled ON
KeepAliveSecs 15
Debug On
WLLogFile logs/openpages_webservices.log
<Location /openpages>
WLCookieName opapp
SetHandler weblogic-handler
DynamicServerList ON
MaxPostSize 0
Debug On
WLLogFile /logs/openpages.log
<Location /ibpmconsole>
WLCookieName opibpm
SetHandler weblogic-handler
DynamicServerList ON
MaxPostSize 0
Debug On
WLLogFile logs/ibpmconsole.log
<Location /ibpmweblogicconsole>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
MaxPostSize 0
Debug On
WLLogFile logs/ibpmweblogic_console.log
WebLogicPort 49901
f. To enable monitoring and status of the load balancer, add the
ExtendedStatus On parameter and setting.
g. To enable monitoring and status of the load balancer, set the location tags
for server-status and server-info
<Location /server-status>
SetHandler server-status
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from all
<Location /server-info>
SetHandler server-info
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from all
5. Save and close the file.
6. Log on to the OpenPages cluster member, as a user with administrative
7. Open a Command Prompt window by using the Run as Administrator
8. Go to the OP_Home\aurora\conf directory and open the aurora.properties file
in a text editor.
a. Edit the application.url.path lines to point to the fully qualified domain
name of the load balancer:
b. Save and close the file.
9. Open each server_name-OpenPagesServer#-server.properties file in a text
a. Edit the url.path lines to point to the fully qualified domain name of the
load balancer.
b. Save and close each server.properties file.
10. Open each server_name-OpenPagesServer#-sosa.properties file in a text
a. Edit the Application.url.path lines to point to the fully qualified domain
name of the load balancer.
b. Save and close each file.
11. Open each server_name-InterstageBPMCS#-server.properties file in a text
a. Edit the url.path lines to point to the fully qualified domain name of the
load balancer.
b. Save and close each server.properties file.
12. Using the Windows Start menu, start Apache web server in a console
This command opens a console window and starts the Apache Web Server
running inside it. Closing this console window terminates the Apache Web
Customizing the load balancer in Windows environments for
large data sets
For databases with a large data set, some OpenPages reports might timeout before
completion. If you experience problems with reports that are timing out, change
configuration settings in the Apache Web Server configuration file.
Change the following settings:
Chapter 10. Configuring clustered environments
The number of seconds Apache waits to receive a GET request, between
receipt of TCP packets on a POST or PUT request and between ACKs on
transmissions of TCP packets in responses.
The number of seconds that idle connections between the plug-in and
WebLogic Server are kept open.
The number of seconds Apache waits for a subsequent request before
closing the connection.
Note: A high value for the setting can cause performance problems,
especially if the higher timeout causes server processes to wait for idle
1. Log on to load balancing web server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Open a Command Prompt window.
3. Open the Apache_Home\conf\httpd.conf file in a text editor
4. Add and then set the TimeOut property.
Ensure that the setting prevents timeout errors.
For example, TimeOut 1800
5. Change the KeepAliveTimeout property to a higher value.
6. Find the <Location /opws> parameter and change the value of the
KeepAliveSecs setting to a higher value.
<Location /opws>
WLCookieName opapp
SetHandler weblogic-handler
MaxPostSize 0
KeepAliveEnabled ON
KeepAliveSecs 1800
Debug On
WLLogFile logs/openpages_webservices.log
WebLogicCluster <SERVER>.<DOMAIN>.COM:<PORT>,
7. Save and close the file.
8. Restart Apache Web Server.
Load balancing the OpenPages reporting server
OpenPages CommandCenter uses IBM Cognos Business Intelligence, which can
scale horizontally. To scale OpenPages CommandCenter vertically within the same
environment, increase the number of processes that are available to handle request.
Depending on the load, you can configure additional dispatchers.
To scale OpenPages CommandCenter horizontally, install additional environments
and register the Cognos dispatchers. Incoming requests are distributed across the
multiple environments.
The number of dispatchers you need depends on the operating system, system
resources, the number of users, and other factors.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
For more information about configuring dispatchers for your environment, see the
IBM Cognos documentation library (http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cbi/
Adding OpenPages servers to the Cognos Application Firewall
safe list
By default, Cognos Application Firewall (CAF) is enabled. IBM Cognos Application
Firewall validates domain and host names to protect URLs that are created. IBM
Cognos Application Firewall considers domain names derived from the
environment configuration properties as safe domain names. Use the IBM Cognos
Configuration to add OpenPages application servers to the list of valid domains
and host names.
1. Log on to the reporting server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Start IBM Cognos Configuration.
3. In the Explorer pane, go to Local Configuration > Security > IBM Cognos
Application Firewall.
4. In the Properties pane, click the Valid domain names or hosts field and click
the pencil icon.
5. In the Valid domain or hosts window, click Add.
6. Enter the names of all OpenPages application servers.
7. Click OK.
8. Save the configuration and restart the Cognos service.
If you use Windows Services to restart the Cognos service, the service is listed
as CommandCenter.
Communication between OpenPages CommandCenter servers
If you install Cognos on more than one computer, you must configure the
distributed installations to communicate with each other
Configure the following communication paths:
v Configure the primary Cognos server as the default active server.
v All Cognos servers must know the location of the content store database.
v All Cognos servers must know the location of the other Cognos servers.
v All Cognos servers must use the same cryptographic settings.
v All Cognos servers must have their system clock synchronized.
Configuring the primary reporting server
In a clustered environment, one reporting server acts as the primary server, or
default active server, and one or more reporting servers act as secondary servers.
1. Ensure that OpenPages CommandCenter is not running on any server.
2. On the reporting server that is designated as the primary server, start IBM
Cognos Configuration.
Tip: Use the computer with the highest processor speed for the default active
3. In the Explorer pane, click Environment.
Chapter 10. Configuring clustered environments
4. For the Gateway URI, change the localhost portion of the URL to the name
of the primary reporting server.
5. For the Dispatcher URI for Gateway, click the pencil icon next to the Value
6. In the Current Values list, change the localhost portion of the URL to the
name of the primary Cognos computer.
a. For each additional Cognos computer, click Add.
b. Change the localhost portion of the URL to the name of each additional
Cognos computer.
c. Click OK.
7. For the Content Manager URIs, click the pencil icon next to the Value box.
a. In the Current Values list, change the localhost portion of the URL to the
name of the primary Cognos computer.
b. For each additional Cognos computer, click Add.
c. Change the localhost portion of the URL to the name of each additional
Cognos computer.
d. Click OK.
8. In the Explorer pane, click Security > Cryptography.
9. In the Properties pane, under CSK settings, ensure that Store symmetric key
locally? is set to True. The keystore must be created on the default active
Cognos computer
10. Click File > Save.
11. Click Actions > Start.
When the services start, this computer becomes the default active Cognos
Configuring secondary servers
In a clustered environment, configure one or more reporting servers to act as
secondary servers.
1. Ensure that Cognos is running on the primary Cognos server.
2. On the reporting server that is designated as secondary server, start IBM
Cognos Configuration.
3. In the Explorer pane, click Environment.
4. In the Environment - Group Properties pane, click Gateway URI.
5. In the Value field, change the localhost portion of the URL to the name of
the primary Cognos computer.
6. In the Environment - Group Properties pane, click Dispatcher URI for
a. Click the pencil icon next to the Value box.
b. In the Current Values list, change the localhost portion of the URL to the
name of the primary Cognos computer.
c. For each additional Cognos computer, click Add.
d. Change the localhost portion of the URL to the name of each additional
Cognos computer.
e. Click OK.
7. In the Environment - Group Properties pane, click Content Manager URIs.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
a. Click the pencil icon next to the Value box.
b. In the Current Values list, change the localhost portion of the URL to the
name of the primary Cognos computer.
c. For each additional Cognos computer, click Add.
d. Change the localhost portion of the URL to the name of each additional
Cognos computer.
e. Click OK.
8. In the Explorer pane, under Security, click Cryptography.
9. In the Properties pane, under CSK settings, set Store symmetric key locally
to False.
Note: The keystore is created on the primary Cognos computer. There can be
only one keystore in a load balanced Cognos installation.
In the Explorer window, under Security, Cryptography, click Cognos.
Under the Certificate Authority settings property group, set the Password
property to match the one that you configured on the primary Cognos server.
Ensure that all other cryptographic settings match the settings that you
configured on the primary Cognos computer.
In the Explorer pane, under Data Access > Content Manager, click Content
Ensure that the values for the content store match the primary Cognos
14. Click File > Save.
15. Click Actions > Start.
Configuring an Apache load balancer or proxy server
If you are using an external proxy server for load balancing, you must add a proxy
redirection directive to the httpd.conf file on the proxy server. Requests sent to the
proxy server are redirected to the server specified in the httpd.conf file.
1. Log on to the load balancer server as a user who has administrative privileges.
2. Go to the Apache_Home\conf\ directory, and open the httpd.conf file in an
3. Add the following lines:
<Location /ibmcognos/>
ProxyPass http://primary_reporting_server/ibmcognos/
SetEnv force-proxy-request-1.0 1 SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1
Note: You must include the trailing forward slash in the ProxyPass directive
when specifying the Cognos virtual directory (/ibmcognos/).
4. Save and close the file.
Changing the OpenPages CommandCenter host settings
You must update configuration files to use the OpenPages CommandCenter server
name and port settings.
1. Log on to the OpenPages application server as a user with administrative
Chapter 10. Configuring clustered environments
2. Open a browser window and go to the OpenPages application by typing the
following URL:
3. Log on to the OpenPages application as a user with administrative privileges.
4. Under Administration, select Settings.
a. Expand the OpenPages > Platform > Reporting Schema > Object URL
b. Click Host.
c. In the Value field, update the setting to point to the OpenPages server.
Note: If you use the Cognos in a load-balanced environment, you must
type the fully qualified domain name of the load balancing server. If
required, change the port.
Stop OpenPages services.
On the application server, go to the OP_Home\aurora\conf directory.
In the cognos.framework.refresh.servlet=http\://localhost\:8080/crfrefresher property, replace localhost\:8080 with the reporting server name
and port.
In the cognos.server=http\://localhost:80/cognos8/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi
property, replace localhost:80 with the reporting server name and port
9. Add the following value to the logout.url.cognos= property:
10. Save your changes and exit the editor.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Chapter 11. Single signon integration for OpenPages
application server and the reporting server
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform can integrate into a number of single sign-on
solutions, such as CA SiteMinder. You can also configure the reporting server for
single signon.
Attention: OpenPages user names are case sensitive. If you are using single
sign-on (SSO) or LDAP authentication, the user name you choose here must match
the user name you enter in the SSO or LDAP system.
Configuring OpenPages applications for single signon
Integrate single signon for IBM OpenPages GRC Platform applications by
configuring the settings in the OpenPages application interface.
1. Start the OpenPages services.
2. Log on to the OpenPages application interface as a user with administrative
3. Under Administration, select Settings.
4. Set the value of the Show Hidden Settings setting to true
a. Expand the OpenPages > Applications > Common > Configuration.
b. Click Show Hidden Settings to open its detail page.
c. In the Value field on the setting detail page, change the value to true
d. Click Save.
5. Set the value of the Session Attribute and Username Attribute settings:
a. Expand the OpenPages > Platform > Security > Single Sign On >
Implementations > Header-based.
b. Click Class Name to open its detail page.
c. In the Value field, enter
d. Click Session Attribute to open the detail page.
e. In the Value field, modify the value to match the session attribute for your
single signon system.
The following examples show values for the Session Attribute parameter.
v Using SiteMinder 6.0, the value of the Session Attribute parameter is
v Using Tivoli® Access Manager 6.1, the value of the Session Attribute
parameter is iv_creds
f. Click Save.
g. Click Username Attribute to open its detail page.
h. In the Value field on the setting detail page, modify the value to match the
user name attribute for your single sign-on system.
The following examples show values for the Username Attribute parameter.
v Using SiteMinder 6.0, the value of the Username Attribute is SMUSER
v Using Tivoli Access Manager 6.1, the value of the Username Attribute is
i. Click Save.
6. Enable single sign-on:
a. Click OpenPages > Platform > Security > Single Sign On >
Implementations > Header-based.
b. Click OP to open its detail page.
c. In the Value field on the setting detail page, set the value to true.
d. Click Save.
e. Click SOX to open its detail page.
f. In the Value field on the setting detail page, set the value to true.
g. Click Save.
7. Reset the value in the Show Hidden Settings setting to false.
Configuring the single signon logout destination
To securely log out from an OpenPages application session where single signon is
enabled, configure the system to redirect the user.
Logging out of the OpenPages application does not automatically log the user out
of a single signon system. If you use Back in the web browser to reenter the
OpenPages application, your session is re-created. The session uses the existing,
valid third-party credentials.
1. Log on to the OpenPages application interface as a user with administrative
2. Under Administration, select Settings.
3. Expand the OpenPages > Platform > Security.
4. Click Logout URL to open the detail page.
5. In the Value box, type a fully qualified URL.
6. Click Save.
Configuring the application server for single signon on Windows
If you are using Apache web server as a load balancer, in addition to configuring
the OpenPages application for single signon, you must configure additional
settings. You must prevent specific files from going through the SSO application.
When an authenticated user attempts to click a job remediation link, OpenPages
authenticates the user. However, when OpenPages is connected to a single signon
application, that application can block the authentication request and the
remediation link does not function.
Configure the application server to route two Java servlets, opLogin and
securityHelper, directly to the OpenPages for internal authentication.
1. Log on to the application server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Go to the Apache_Home\conf directory.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
3. Open the httpd.conf file in a text editor.
Note: In an SSL environment, edit the httpd-ssl.conf file.
4. To create a path to route the opLogin and securityHelper servlets to the
OpenPages without traversing the single signon application, add the following
<Proxy balancer://backend>
BalancerMember <http://<server_name>.openpages.com:<port> route=1
BalancerMember <http://<server_name>.openpages.com:<port> route=2
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
ProxyPass /openpages/opLogin balancer://backend/openpages/opLogin
ProxyPass /openpages/securityHelper balancer:
Note: In an SSL environment, enter the SSL address and port.
For example
<Proxy balancer://backend>
BalancerMember <https://qe-vm07.openpages.com:7009> route=1
BalancerMember <https://qe-vm07.openpages.com:7011> route=2
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
ProxyPass /openpages/opLogin balancer://backend/openpages/opLogin
ProxyPass /openpages/securityHelper balancer:
5. To ensure that traffic to the OpenPages login page is routed the single signon
application, add the following lines:
<Proxy balancer://cluster>
BalancerMember <http://<server_name>.openpages.com:<port> route=1
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
ProxyPass /openpages/ balancer://cluster/openpages/ stickysession=opapp|opapp
ProxyPass /ibpmconsole/ balancer://cluster/ibpmconsole/
ProxyPass /ibpm/ balancer://cluster/ibpm/ stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid
Note: In an SSL environment, enter the SSL address and port.
6. Remove any references to /openpages and /ibpmconsole from the file.
For example, remove the following sections that were added during the
configuration of a cluster environment:
<Location /openpages>
WLCookieName opapp
SetHandler weblogic-handler
DynamicServerList ON
MaxPostSize 0
Debug On
WLLogFile /logs/openpages.log
<Location /ibpmconsole>
WLCookieName opibpm
SetHandler weblogic-handler
DynamicServerList ON
MaxPostSize 0
Chapter 11. Single signon integration for OpenPages application server and the reporting server
Debug On
WLLogFile logs/ibpmconsole.log
Note: Do not remove the <Location /ibpmweblogicconsole> parameter:
<Location /ibpmweblogicconsole>SetHandler weblogic-handlerMaxPostSize 0
Debug On
WLLogFile logs/ibpmweblogic_console.log
WebLogicHost <SERVER>.<DOMAIN>.COMWebLogicPort 49901 </Location>
7. Go to the OP_HOME\aurora\conf directory:
8. Open the aurora.properties file and ensure that application.url.path is
pointing to the OpenPages application server:
Note: In a load balanced environment, enter the fully qualified domain name
of the load balancer. In an SSL environment, enter the SSL address (https://)
and port.
9. Save and close the file.
10. Open the server.properties file and ensure that the following paths are
pointing to the OpenPages application server and workflow server:
Note: In an SSL environment, enter the SSL address (https://) and port. In a
load balanced environment, enter the fully qualified domain name of the load
11. Save and close the file.
12. Open the sosa.properties file and ensure that the application.url.path is
pointing to the OpenPages application server:
Note: In an SSL environment, enter the SSL address (https://) and port. In a
load balanced environment, enter the fully qualified domain name of the load
13. Save and close the file.
Disabling OpenPages single signon
You must disable single signon registry settings before you upgrade OpenPages
GRC Platform. After the upgrade, you can re-enable the settings.
Start the OpenPages services.
Open a web browser and go to the current OpenPages application.
Log on as a user with administrative permissions.
From the Administration menu, select Settings.
In all versions, disable single sign-on as follows:
a. Expand the OpenPages > Platform > Security > Single Sign On.
b. Click OP to open its detail page.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
In the Value field on the setting detail page, set the value to false.
Click Save.
Click SOX to open its detail page.
In the Value field on the setting detail page, set the value to false.
Click Save.
Configuring single signon for a reporting server
If you are using a single sign-on system such as CA SiteMinder with the
OpenPages application, you must load an updated redirect JavaServer Pages (JSP).
Load the JavaServer Pages through the ObjectManager tool by using the
CommandCenter-integration-op-config.xml file. The file is located on the
OpenPages installation DVD.
1. Log on to a computer that has SQL*Plus and access to the database server.
2. From the Installer DVD or on your network share location, copy the
OP_version_Configuration\loader-data\commandcenter directory to the local
3. Go to the OP_Home/bin directory.
4. Run the following command:
ObjectManager load config OpenPagesAdministrator password
path-to-loader-file CommandCenter-integration
Chapter 11. Single signon integration for OpenPages application server and the reporting server
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Chapter 12. Silent installations
You can install the OpenPages GRC Platform components by using the installation
program in silent mode. Silent mode installations are useful when you are
installing identical configurations across several computers. Silent mode
installations automate the installation and configuration process by specifying
options. During the silent installation process, you are not prompted for
Typically, an interactive installation is done first to capture user responses.
To silently install components, the following tasks required:
1. Edit the response file to record your installation preference.
2. Run the installer in silent mode.
Response files for silent installations
Instead of prompting for installation options, the installation program installs the
software using a predefined set of options, which are stored in a response file.
You modify the response file for a component to record your installation
Editing the response file for database server silent
Modify the response file with your installation preferences. The installation
program uses the information in the file to install the database software in silent
Before you begin
Ensure that you completed the prerequisite installation tasks. See Chapter 3,
“Preparing your system for installation,” on page 9.
1. Log on to the database server as a user with admin privileges.
2. On Windows computers, open a Command Prompt window by using the Run
as Administrator option.
3. Go the OEI_SEVER_CLIENT_64bit_Win\Disk1\InstData\VM directory where you
copied the repository files.
4. Open the ServerInstaller.properties file in a text editor.
5. Modify the parameters to suit your environment.
For a description of the parameters, see “Response file parameters for 64-bit
database server installations” on page 100.
Note: Do not modify settings that are not listed.
6. Save and close the file.
Editing the response file for 32-bit database client silent
Modify the response file with your installation preferences. The installation
program uses the information in the file to install the database client software in
silent mode.
Before you begin
Ensure that you completed the prerequisite installation tasks.
1. Log on to the reporting server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. On Windows computers, open a Command Prompt window by using the Run
as Administrator option.
3. Go the OEI_SERVER_CLIENT_64bit_Win\Disk1\InstData\VM directory where you
copied the repository files.
4. Open the ClientInstaller.properties file in a text editor.
5. Modify the parameters to suit your environment.
For a description of the parameters, see “Response file parameters for 32-bit
database client installations” on page 101.
Note: Do not modify settings that are not listed.
6. Save and close the file.
Editing the response file for 64-bit database client silent
Modify the response file with your installation preferences. The installation
program uses the information in the file to install the database client software in
silent mode.
Before you begin
Ensure that you completed the prerequisite installation tasks.
1. Log on to the application server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. On Windows computers, open a Command Prompt window by using the Run
as Administrator option.
3. Go the OEI_SERVER_CLIENT_64bit_Win\Disk1\InstData\VM directory where you
copied the repository files.
4. Open the ClientInstaller.properties file in a text editor.
5. Modify the parameters listed in the following table to suit your environment.
For a description of the parameters, see “Response file parameters for 64-bit
database client installations” on page 102.
Note: Do not modify settings that are not listed.
6. Save and close the file.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Editing the response file for OpenPages application silent
Modify the response file with your installation preferences. The installation
program uses the information in the file to install the IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform application server in silent mode.
About this task
Where indicated, do not change parameter values in the response files. These
settings might be internal values required by installation program.
The install kit contains a sample response file that contains default values for each
parameter. You can use this file for examples of the values you can use. You can
also edit this file directly. If you edit the file, save the it as op-silentInstallWL.properties or op-silentInstall-WAS.properties.
1. Log on to the application server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. On Windows computers, open a Command Prompt window by using the Run
as Administrator option.
3. Go the following location:
4. Copy the parameter file to the installation location:
v On Windows computers, copy the op-silentInstall-WL.properties file to
the OP_version_Embedded_Installer\Disk1\InstData\VM directory.
5. Open the response file in a text editor.
6. Modify the parameters to suit your environment.
For a description of the parameters, see “Response file parameters for
OpenPages application installations” on page 102.
Note: Do not modify settings that are not listed.
7. Save and close the file.
Editing the response file for OpenPages CommandCenter
silent installations
Modify the response file with your installation preferences. The installation
program uses the information in the file to install OpenPages CommandCenter in
silent mode.
About this task
Where indicated, do not change parameter values in the response files. These
settings might be internal values required by installation program.
The install kit contains a sample response file that contains default values for each
parameter. You can use this file for examples of the values you can use. You can
also edit this file directly. If you edit the file, save the it as op-silentInstallWL.properties or op-silentInstall-WAS.properties.
1. Log on to the application server as a user with administrative privileges.
Chapter 12. Silent installations
2. On Windows computers, open a Command Prompt window by using the Run
as Administrator option.
3. Go the following location:
4. Copy the parameter file to the installation location:
v On Windows computers, copy the cc-silentInstall-WLS.properties file to
the OP_version_Embedded_Installer\Disk1\InstData\VM directory.
5. Open the response file in a text editor.
6. Modify the parameters to suit your environment.
For a description of the parameters, see “Response file parameters for
OpenPages CommandCenter installations” on page 108.
Note: Do not modify settings that are not listed.
7. Save and close the file.
Response file parameters for use with silent installations
Instead of prompting for installation options, a silent installation installs the
software using a predefined set of options, which are stored in a response file.
The parameters in the response file vary depending on what type of installation
you are doing. For information about editing response files, see “Response files for
silent installations” on page 97.
Response file parameters for 64-bit database server installations
When editing the response file, do not modify settings that are not listed in the
following table.
Enter 1 to install the software.
Enter the Window drive used to install the
database server.
For Windows computers, a colon is required.
For example,
Enter the port used by the database instance.
The port must be in the range of 1024-65535.
Enter the drive or directory used for the
database instance.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Enter the name of the OpenPages database
instance. By default, the instance name is
The name must follow the standard
guidelines for a database name:
v Use alphanumeric characters, underscore
(_), dollar sign ($), or hash symbol (#).
v The first character must be a lower or
uppercase letter.
v Maximum length must not exceed 8
Enter the passwords for the listed users.
Reenter the password in the RECOFNIRM
The database includes the following users:
v SYSTEM (Oracle superuser.)
The passwords must follow these rules:
v Maximum length cannot exceed 30
v Use alphanumeric characters, underscore
(_), dollar sign ($), or hash symbol (#).
v The first character must be a lower or
uppercase letter.
Enter TRUE to accept the license agreement,
otherwise the installation program
Response file parameters for 32-bit database client installations
When editing the response file, do not modify settings that are not listed in the
following table.
Enter 1 to install the software.
Enter the Window drive used to install the
database server.
For Windows computers, a colon is required.
For example,
Enter the port used by the OpenPages
database instance.
For example, DB_INSTANCE_PORT=1521
Chapter 12. Silent installations
Enter the address of the Oracle database and
the name of the OpenPages database
For example
Enter TRUE to accept the license agreement,
otherwise the installation program
Response file parameters for 64-bit database client installations
When editing the response file, do not modify settings that are not listed in the
following table.
Enter 1 to install the software.
Enter the Window drive used to install the
database server.
For Windows computers, a colon is required.
For example,
Enter the port used by the OpenPages
database instance.
For example, DB_INSTANCE_PORT=1521
Enter the address of the Oracle database and
the name of the OpenPages database
For example
Enter TRUE to accept the license agreement,
otherwise the installation program
Response file parameters for OpenPages application
When editing the response file, do not modify settings that are not listed in the
following tables.
Table 51. Response file parameters and descriptions for Windows computers
Enter true to accept the license agreement,
otherwise the installation program
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Table 51. Response file parameters and descriptions for Windows computers (continued)
Enter the drive for installing the OpenPages
application environment.
Use the format Drive\:\\ format.
For example: C\:\\
Enter the installation location of OpenPages
software components.
Enter the Oracle WebLogic Server admin
server password. This password must
contain at least 8 alphanumeric characters,
start with a letter and contain at least one
Re-enter the password to confirm.
Enter the port used internally to access the
OpenPages admin server.
Example: 7001
Enter the port used internally to access a
secure SSL connection to the OpenPages
admin server.
Example: 7002
Enter the port used to access the OpenPages
Default: 7009
Enter the port used for a secure SSL
connection to the OpenPages application.
Default: 7010
Enter the installation location of Oracle
WebLogic Server
Example: C:\\Oracle\\Middleware
Enter the installation location of WebLogic
Example: C:\\Oracle\\Middleware\\
Enter the location where the Java
Development Kit (JDK 1.6) is installed.
If Oracle WebLogic Server is installed, this
location must be the same Java instance
used by Oracle WebLogic Server.
Example: C:\\Program Files\\Java\\
Enter the number of managed servers to
Default: 1
Chapter 12. Silent installations
Table 51. Response file parameters and descriptions for Windows computers (continued)
Enter the number of managed servers to
Enter same value as
Default: 1
Enter the port used by OpenPages to
communicate with Cognos IBM Business
Enter the computer name of the Cognos BI
Enter the context root for the Cognos BI
Example: ibmcognos
Enter the port used by OpenPages to the
Framework Model Generator service.
Example: 8080
This value controls whether the Level 0
configuration metadata required by
OpenPages is installed.
Must be set to 1.
This value controls whether the Level 0
configuration meta data required by
OpenPages is installed.
Must be set to 0.
Enter the name of computer where
OpenPages custom code is stored.
Enter the name of the OpenPages admin
Must be the same as CUSTOMCODE_HOST_NAME=.
Enter the three-letter ISO code for the base
currency to use with OpenPages
For example USD
Enter the user name used by OpenPages to
create and access the workflow database
Example: opworkflow
Enter the password for the workflow user
Re-enter the password to confirm.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Table 51. Response file parameters and descriptions for Windows computers (continued)
Enter the location of the InterstageBPM
Example: C:\\OpenPages\\Fujitsu\\
Enter the installation of the Java
Development Kit (JDK 1.6).
If Oracle WebLogic Server is installed, this
location must be the same Java instance
used by Oracle WebLogic Server.
The value must be the same as
Example: C:\\Program Files\\Java\\
Enter the port used for the workflow server
admin console.
Example: 49901
Enter the port used for secure SSL
connections to access the workflow server
admin console.
Example: 49902
Enter the port used to access the Oracle
WebLogic Server admin console (workflow
Example: 49951
Enter the port used for secure SSL
connections to access the Oracle WebLogic
Server admin console.
Example: 49952
Enter the workflow server multicast IP
Use the same multicast address on all
Do not use
Enter the display name of the e-mail address
of the sender.
Do not use spaces.
Example: sysadmin
Enter the reply-to e-mail address used for
sending messages from the OpenPages
workflow notification service.
Example: [email protected]
Chapter 12. Silent installations
Table 51. Response file parameters and descriptions for Windows computers (continued)
Enter the mail server to use for OpenPages
workflow notifications.
Example: yourserver.yourdomain.com
Enter the location within the
USER_INSTALL_DIR directory where
OpenPages installation logs are stored.
Example: C:\\OpenPages\\logs
Note: If you specify a drive other than the
default, the installer might also store log
files in the default location.
Enter the location within the
USER_INSTALL_DIR directory where all
OpenPages installation debug logs are
Example: C:\\OpenPages\\logs\\
Note: If you specify a drive other than the
default, the installer might also store log
files in the default location.
Specify the name of the installation log that
is crated during the install.
Example: OpenPages_version_Install.log
Enter the location within the
USER_INSTALL_DIR directory where the
Backup/Restore utility stores the files it
Example: C:\\OpenPages\\openpagesbackuprestore
Enter the location within the
USER_INSTALL_DIR directory where the
attached files and forms associated with
OpenPages objects are stored.
Example: C:\\OpenPages\\openpagesstorage
Enter 1 if this OpenPages server is the
admin server.
Enter 0 if the server is a not the admin
Enter 1 if this OpenPages server is not the
admin server.
Enter 0 if the server is the admin server.
Enter the user name for the OpenPages
application Super Administrator.
Default: OpenPagesAdministrator
Enter the password for the Super
Administrator user account
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Table 51. Response file parameters and descriptions for Windows computers (continued)
Re-enter the password to confirm.
Enter the location of Oracle Home folder on
the local computer.
Example: C:\\OpenPages\\database\\
Enter the TNS alias name for the Oracle
database instance.
Enter the location of the Oracle data home
directory on the database server.
This location is where Oracle data is stored
for OpenPages applications.
Example: C:\\OpenPages\\database\\
openpages_data\\ repository\\
Enter the computer name of the Oracle
database server.
Enter the port used by the Oracle database
This port is the database instance port.
Example: 1521
Enter the current Oracle system account user
Example: system
Enter the current Oracle SYS account user
Example: sys
Enter the password for the Oracle system
user account.
Enter the password for the Oracle sys user
Re-enter the system user password to
Re-enter the sys user password to confirm.
Enter the user name used by OpenPages to
create and access the OpenPages database
Example: openpages
Enter the password for the OpenPages user
Re-enter the password to confirm.
Chapter 12. Silent installations
Table 51. Response file parameters and descriptions for Windows computers (continued)
Enter 1 to specify that the instance name is a
Service Name.
Enter 0 if the instance name is an SID.
Default: 0
Enter 1 to specify that the instance name is
an SID.
Enter 0 if the instance name is a Service
Default: 1
Enter either SID or Service Name to describe
the OpenPages database identifier.
Enter the string in the tnsnames.ora file that
is used to identify the OpenPages database.
Enter the service name that is used for the
OpenPages database instance.
Enter the SID of the OpenPages database.
Enter the name of the computer where
OpenPages custom code is stored.
Enter the location within the
USER_INSTALL_DIR directory where custom
code associated with OpenPages objects is
Default: C:\\OpenPages\\openpages-storage
Enter the location within the
USER_INSTALL_DIR directory where the
attached files and forms associated with
OpenPages objects are stored.
Default: C:\\OpenPages\\openpages-storage
Response file parameters for OpenPages CommandCenter
When editing the response file, do not modify settings that are not listed in the
following tables.
Table 52. OpenPages CommandCenter parameters and descriptions for Windows
Enter true to accept the license agreement,
otherwise the installation program
Enter the drive for installing the OpenPages
application environment.
Use the format Drive\:\\ format.
For example: C\:\\
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Table 52. OpenPages CommandCenter parameters and descriptions for Windows
computers (continued)
Enter the directory to install OpenPages
Example: C:\\OpenPages\\CommandCenter.
Enter the installation location of Cognos IBM
Business Intelligence.
Enter the Cognos dispatcher.
Example: http://server_name:9300/p2pd/
Enter the path to where the Oracle Admin
Client is installed.
Example: C:\\openpages_data\\
repository\\ client112_se_x64\\software
Installation program in silent mode
To run the installation program in silent mode, you must use a response file that
has your installation options recorded.
Running the installation program for the database server in
silent mode
Use the response file to run the installation program in silent mode.
1. Run the installation program in silent mode.
v On Windows computers, type the following command:
openpages_oei.exe -i silent -f ServerInstaller.properties
2. To determine whether the installation is successful, review the
v If the installation is successful, you see a message similar to the following
Installation Successful
v On Windows computers, if the installation is not successful, review the
OpenPages_OEI_Install_Debug.log log file.
v If the installation hangs when creating the database, ensure that there are no
Java software (JRE or JDK) conflicts on the computer.
Running the installation program for the database client in
silent mode
Use the response file to run the installation program in silent mode.
1. Run the installation program in silent mode.
v On Windows computers, type the following command:
Chapter 12. Silent installations
openpages_oei.exe -i silent -f clientinstaller.properties
2. To determine whether the installation is successful, review the
v If the installation is successful, you see a message similar to the following
Installation Successful
v On Windows computers, if the installation is not successful, review the
OpenPages_OEI_Install_Debug.log log file.
v If the installation hangs when creating the database, ensure that there are no
Java software (JRE or JDK) conflicts on the computer.
Running the installation program for the OpenPages
application in silent mode
Use the OpenPages application response file to run the installation program in
silent mode.
1. Go to the installation program location.
v On Windows computers, go to path\OP_version_Embedded_WIN64\
OP_version_Embedded_Installer\Disk1\InstData\VM directory, run the
installation program in silent mode.
2. Run the installation program in silent mode.
v On Windows computers, type the following command:
opinstall.exe -i silent -f op-silentInstall-WL.properties
3. To determine whether the installation is successful, review the OP_Home\logs.
If the installation is not successful, the following message is displayed:
Install failed. Exit Code [error code]
If the installation is successful, the logs and operating system processes indicate
that the installation succeeded.
Running the installation program for the OpenPages
CommandCenter in silent mode
Use the OpenPages CommandCenter response file to run the installation program
in silent mode.
1. Go to the installation program location.
v On Windows computers, go to \path\OP_version_CommandCenter\
OpenPages_CommandCenter\Disk1\InstData\Windows\VM directory, run the
installation program in silent mode.
2. Run the installation program.
v On Windows computers, type the following command:
CommandCenterSetup.exe -i silent -f cc-silentInstall-WLS.properties
3. To determine whether the installation is successful, review the OP_Home\logs.
If the installation is not successful, the following message is displayed:
Install failed. Exit Code [error code]
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
If the installation is successful, the logs and operating system processes indicate
that the installation succeeded
Chapter 12. Silent installations
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Chapter 13. OpenPages GRC Platform software
You can uninstall all, or parts, of IBM OpenPages GRC Platform. Use the
OpenPages and OpenPages CommandCenter uninstallation programs to remove
the OpenPages application and related software or to remove the OpenPages
CommandCenter. To remove other software, use the vendor documentation.
Uninstalling OpenPages applications
Use the uninstallation program to remove IBM OpenPages GRC Platform. The
OpenPagesUninstall.exe program also removes the workflow server during the
OpenPages uninstall.
However, if required, you can remove the workflow server independently. For
example, if OpenPages did not fully install, you must remove the workflow server
software before you reinstall OpenPages GRC Platform.
Note: Removing OpenPages GRC Platform software does not affect the data that
is contained in the Oracle database instance. To remove your OpenPages data,
delete the contents of the database instance manually by using the IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform Installer for Repository uninstallation program.
About this task
If you purchased WebLogic Server from IBM, WebLogic Server is also removed
when you uninstall the OpenPages GRC Platform.
If you used the silent installation option when you installed OpenPages GRC
Platform, the uninstaller automatically starts in silent mode.
1. Log on to the application server as a user with administrative privileges and
full access to the local server drives.
2. Stop all OpenPages servers.
3. To uninstall in a Windows environment, go to the OP_Home\OpenPages\
Uninstall directory.
a. Right-click the OpenPagesUninstall.exe program and select Run as
b. Click Yes when prompted to start the uninstallation.
4. Optional: To uninstall workflow server in a Windows environment, from the
Windows Start menu, click All Programs > Interstage Business Process
Manager > Uninstall.
a. Right-click Uninstall and select Run as Administrator.
b. Click Yes when prompted to start the uninstallation.
5. Restart your computer to complete the uninstallation.
After the uninstall process is complete, a number of folders remain on the
application server. Manually remove the remaining folders and files, such as the
OP_Home directory.
Note: A removal log file, OpenPages_uninstaller.log, is created in the
OP_Home\logs directory.
If the Cognos_HOME, CommandCenter_HOME, or Oracle_HOME directories are in the
OP_HOME directory, do not delete them.
Optional: Uninstalling the workflow server
The OpenPagesUninstall.exe file removes the workflow server when you uninstall
the OpenPages. If OpenPages does not fully install, you can remove the workflow
server software before attempting to re-install OpenPages
1. Log on to the application server as a user with administrative privileges and
full access to the local server drives.
2. For Windows computers, find the workflow server uninstall program using the
Window Start menu. By default, Start > All Programs > Interstage Business
Process Manager > Uninstall.
a. Right-click Uninstall > Run as Administrator.
b. When prompted to start the uninstall, click Yes
c. Execute the uninstall.sh command.
3. When the uninstall process is finished, restart the machine.
Removing the 64-bit Oracle Admin client
Remove the Oracle Admin client software by using the interactive installation
1. Log on to the application server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. On Windows computers, use the Run as Administrator option to open a
Command Prompt window.
3. Go to the OpenPages directory in the ORACLE_HOME directory
4. Uninstall the OpenPages repository.
v On Windows computers, right-click
UninstallIBM_OpenPages_GRC_Platform.exe and select Run as Administrator
and then click Yes
5. Restart your computer to complete the uninstallation.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Uninstalling the Oracle database software
If you purchased the Oracle database software from IBM, use the IBM OpenPages
GRC Platform Installer for Repository to remove the Oracle database. The
installation program removes the server software, the listener, and the database
1. Log on to the database server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. On Windows computers, use the Run as Administrator option to open a
Command Prompt window.
3. Shut down all Oracle database services.
4. Remove the .com.zerog.registry.xml file.
Important: The Installer for Repository uses InstallAnywhere (IA®) technology.
InstallAnywhere stores a file on the system for storing product data. You must
remove this file before you can uninstall the OpenPages database.
v On Windows computers, check whether the file exists in the C:\Program
Files\Zero G Registry directory.
5. Go to the following directory within the ORACLE_HOME directory:
6. Uninstall the OpenPages database.
v On Windows computers, right-click
UninstallIBM_OpenPages_GRC_Platform.exe and select Run as Administrator
and click Yes.
7. Restart your computer to fully complete the uninstallation.
Uninstalling the OpenPages application does not remove all of the files and folder
structures that are part of the OpenPages installation.
You must manually remove the remaining folders and files, such as the Oracle
Central Inventory directory.
v On Windows computers, C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
Note: A removal log file, OpenPages_uninstaller.log, is created in the
OP_Home\logs directory.
Uninstalling OpenPages CommandCenter
Use the uninstallation program to remove the OpenPages CommandCenter.
Before you begin
Note: If the application or reporting server components are on the same computer
as the database server, you must remove the database before removing any server
1. Log on to the reporting server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. To uninstall on Windows computers, do the following steps:
Chapter 13. OpenPages GRC Platform software uninstallations
a. In Windows Explorer, and go to the
CommandCenter_HOME_Uninstall_OpenPages_CommandCenter directory.
b. Right-click the Uninstall_OpenPages_version_CommandCenter.exe program
and select Run as Administrator.
c. Click Yes when prompted to start the uninstall.
3. Restart your computer to complete the uninstallation.
Removing the 32-bit Oracle Admin Client
Remove the 32-bit Oracle Admin Client by using the installation program.
1. Log on to the reporting server as a user with administrative privileges.
2. On Windows computers, use the Run as Administrator option to open a
Command Prompt window.
3. Go to the following directory within ORACLE_HOME directory.
4. Uninstall the OpenPages database.
v On Windows computers, right-click
UninstallIBM_OpenPages_GRC_Platform.exe and select Run as Administrator
and then click Yes.
5. Restart your computer to complete the uninstallation.
Uninstalling the Oracle Admin Client does not remove all of the files and folder
structures that are part of the installation. You must manually remove the
remaining folders and files, such as home directories. Remove Windows desktop or
Windows Start menu shortcuts.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
Appendix. Troubleshooting problems
Troubleshooting is a systematic approach to solving a problem. The goal of
troubleshooting is to determine why something does not work as expected and
how to resolve the problem.
Review the following table to help you or customer support resolve a problem.
Table 53. Troubleshooting actions to prevent problems
Apply all known fix packs, service levels,
or program temporary fixes (PTF).
A product fix might be available to fix the
Ensure that the configuration is
Review the software and hardware
requirements in the IBM OpenPages GRC
Platform Installation and Deployment on
WebSphere Application Server guide.
Look up error message codes by selecting Error messages give important information to
the product from the IBM Support Portal help you identify the component that is
causing the problem.
and then typing the error message code
into the Search support box.
Reproduce the problem to ensure that it
is not just a simple error.
If samples are available with the product, you
might try to reproduce the problem by using
the sample data.
Check the installation directory structure
and file permissions.
The installation location must contain the
appropriate file structure and the file
For example, if the product requires write
access to log files, ensure that the directory has
the correct permission.
Review relevant documentation, such as
release notes, technotes, and proven
practices documentation.
Search the IBM knowledge bases to determine
whether your problem is known, has a
workaround, or if it is already resolved and
Review recent changes in your computing Sometimes installing new software might cause
compatibility issues.
If you still need to resolve problems, you must collect diagnostic data. This data is
necessary for an IBM technical-support representative to effectively troubleshoot
and assist you in resolving the problem. You can also collect diagnostic data and
analyze it yourself.
Troubleshooting resources
Troubleshooting resources are sources of information that can help you resolve a
problem that you have with a product. Many of the resource links provided can
also be viewed in a short video demonstration.
To view the video version, search for "troubleshooting" through either Google
search engine or YouTube video community.
Support Portal
The IBM Support Portal is a unified, centralized view of all technical support tools
and information for all IBM systems, software, and services.
Use IBM Support Portal to access all the IBM support resources from one place.
You can adjust the pages to focus on the information and resources that you need
for problem prevention and faster problem resolution. Familiarize yourself with the
IBM Support Portal by viewing the demo videos (https://www.ibm.com/blogs/
Find the OpenPages GRC Platform content that you need by selecting your
products from the IBM Support Portal (www.ibm.com/support/entry/portal).
Service requests
Service requests are also known as Problem Management Records (PMRs). Several
methods exist to submit diagnostic information to IBM Software Technical Support.
To open a service request, or to exchange information with technical support, view
the IBM Software Support Exchanging information with Technical Support page
(www.ibm.com/software/support/exchangeinfo.html). Service requests can also be
submitted directly by using the Service requests (PMRs) tool (www.ibm.com/
support/entry/portal/Open_service_request) or one of the other supported
methods that are detailed on the exchanging information page.
OpenPages Customer Center
The IBM OpenPages Customer Center provides specific information, updates, and
troubleshooting resources for IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.
To view OpenPages troubleshooting information, access the OpenPages Customer
Center (www.ibm.com/software/analytics/openpages/customercenter).
Fix Central
Fix Central provides fixes and updates for your system software, hardware, and
operating system.
Use the pull-down menu to go to your product fixes on Fix Central
(www.ibm.com/support/fixcentral). You might also want to view Getting started
with Fix Central (www.ibm.com/systems/support/fixes/en/fixcentral/help/
Knowledge bases
You can often find solutions to problems by searching IBM knowledge bases. You
can optimize your results by using available resources, support tools, and search
You can find useful information by searching the information center for IBM
Cognos, but sometimes you must look beyond the information center to resolve
IBM Support Portal
The portal provides tools and information for all IBM systems, software,
and services. The IBM Support Portal provides you with access to the IBM
electronic support portfolio from one place. You can customize the pages to
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
focus on the information and resources that you need for problem
prevention and faster problem resolution.
Find the OpenPages GRC Platform content that you need by selecting your
products from the IBM Support Portal (www.ibm.com/support/entry/
From the IBM Support Portal, you can search technotes and APARs
(problem reports).
IBM masthead search
Use the IBM masthead search by typing your search string into the Search
field at the top of any ibm.com page.
External search engines
Search for content by using any external search engine, such as Google,
Yahoo, or Bing. If you use an external search engine, your results are more
likely to include information that is outside the ibm.com® domain.
However, sometimes you can find useful problem-solving information
about IBM products in newsgroups, forums, and blogs that are not on
Tip: Include “IBM” and the name of the product in your search if you are
looking for information about an IBM product.
Installation log files
The installation programs write errors and other information to the log files. Use
log files to troubleshoot problems.
The following logs are created during the installation.
Database installer
If you used OP_version_Embedded DVD for the installation, logs related to
the database installer are created in the Oracle_Data_Home\ia\
server112_se_x64 directory.
v OpenPages_Oracle_Embedded_Install_InstallLog.log
v OpenPages_OEI_Install_Debug.log
Oracle Admin Client
If you used OP_version_Embedded DVD for the installation, logs related to
the Oracle Admin Client installation are created in the
v OpenPages_Oracle_Embedded_Install_InstallLog.log
v OpenPages_OEI_Install_Debug.log
Cognos Business Intelligence
Logs related to the Cognos software installations are created in the
Cognos_Home\instlog directory.
Other log files are in the Cognos_Home\logs\cogserver.log file.
Framework generation
Logs related to the framework generator are stored in the
OP_HOME\framework\logs directory on the reporting server:
v framework-generator.log
v script-player-error.log
v script-player.log
Appendix. Troubleshooting problems
Framework Manager action logs are stored in the OP_HOME\framework\
FrameworkGenerator\output directory on the application server.
Framework Manager model files, such as model.xml are stored on the
Cognos Business Intelligence server in the folder specified during the
Installation issues and solutions
Error messages and log files provide you with information about errors that occur
during the installation process. Use the error messages and log files to determine
which part of the process failed.
Review common problem scenarios, recovery methods, and ways to get help if you
encounter a problem during software installation. You can diagnose problems
when the installation and configuration is unsuccessful.
Uninstalling OpenPages with an Oracle database before you
In test or development environments, you might be required to uninstall
OpenPages GRC Platform or remove the OpenPages database in Oracle database
server before you reinstall. You must completely uninstall before you reinstall.
1. On a computer that has SQL*Plus, log on as a user, such as SYSTEM, who has
database administration permissions.
2. Run the following SQL statements:
drop user <workflow_user> CASCADE;
drop user <openpages_user> CASCADE;
drop user <cognos_user> CASCADE;
Note: Drop the cognos_user if the OpenPages database and the Cognos content
store schemas are in the same Oracle database. If you use a separate database
for the Cognos content store, dropping the cognos_user is not required.
3. Run the following SQL statements to drop the default tablespaces and data
AURORA including contents and datafiles;
INDX including contents and datafiles;
AURORA_SNP including contents and datafiles;
AURORA_TEMP including contents and datafiles;
AURORA_NL including contents and datafiles;
AURORA_NLI including contents and datafiles;
AURORA_CLOB_DATA including contents and datafiles;
AURORA_DOMAIN_INDX including contents and datafiles;
IFLOWDB including contents and datafiles;
IFLOWTEMPDB including contents and datafiles;
COGNOS including contents and datafiles;
4. Run the following script to drop the Oracle data pump storage directory.
drop directory <OP_DATAPUMP_DIRECTORY>;
5. Uninstall IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Modules.
For more information, see the IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Modules Installation
6. Use the uninstallation programs to uninstall IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.
7. If required, remove environment variables that reference OpenPages GRC
Platform, or Cognos BI, or both products.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
8. Restart the servers.
9. Remove existing OpenPages application or Cognos BI installation directories.
The following table lists examples of the installation directories for OpenPages
and Cognos BI components
Table 54. Example directory locations for OpenPages and Cognos BI components
Installation directory
Location on Windows operating system
Fujitsu Interstage BPM
OpenPages CommandCenter
Cognos BI
10. Review the TEMP or TMP directories for temporary installation files that might
The location of temporary directories varies. The location depends on the
environmental variables that are set during the installation process.
For Windows operating systems, common temporary directory locations
v C:\temp
v C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Local\Temp
11. Remove OpenPages application shortcuts that still exist in the Start menu.
Manually loading the configuration data after a new
The installation program for OpenPages GRC Platform automatically loads the
OpenPages GRC Platform data and enables user access to the standard Cognos
Business Intelligence reports. In limited situations, you can manually load the
level-0 schema.
Before you begin
OpenPages GRC Platform must be installed.
The OpenPages and workflow (IBPM) services must be running.
About this task
When you install the OpenPages application, On the Storage and Configuration
Information page, you are prompted to choose whether to load configuration data.
If you select No, and the default configuration is not already loaded, you must
manually load the level-0 schema and the OpenPages CommandCenter data.
Appendix. Troubleshooting problems
manually load the level-0 schema, use the following steps:
Log on to the OpenPages admin server as a user with administrative privileges.
Go to the OP_HOME/addon_module/loaderdata directory.
Make a backup copy of the schema_loader_properties.bat file.
4. Open the original schema_loader_properties file in a text editor.
5. In the following line, update the password for the OpenPages application Super
SET OPXUserName=Super_Administrator_user_name
SET OPXUserPassword=********
The default user name is OpenPagesAdministrator.
The password for the OPXUserName user is masked by asterisks (***). Replace the
mask with clear text. After the default configuration data is loaded, you can
manually mask the password value with asterisks (***).
6. Save and close the file.
7. To load the default OpenPages GRC Platform configuration, run the
openpages-level0-loader-data.bat script.
Tip: Redirect the output to a log file so that you can conveniently track the
openpages-level0-loader-data.bat > openpages-level0-loader-data.log
The script takes some time to finish loading the data. For example, the data
might take two hours to load.
8. Restart the OpenPages services.
OP-03620: The Reporting Schema has not been instantiated
You log on to the OpenPages home page, and the following error message is
The Home Page cannot be viewed without a valid Reporting Schema.
Please contact your System Administrator. OP-03620:
The Reporting Schema has not been instantiated. Please instantiate it
before executing this operation.
This error occurs if the reporting schema has not yet been created.
To resolve the problem, enable System Admin Mode, and generate the reporting
1. In a web browser, open the OpenPages application:
2. Log on to the OpenPages application as a user with administrative privileges.
3. For System Admin Mode, switch from Disabled to Enabled.
4. From the menu bar, click Administration and select Reporting Schema.
5. Click Create.
6. After the create operation finishes, click System Admin Mode to switch from
Enabled to Disabled.
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
7. From the menu bar, click Administration > Reporting Framework >
8. On the Reporting Framework Operations page, click Update.
9. In the Reporting Framework Generation window, under Framework
Generation, select the Framework Model and Labels and other options you
want for the relational data model.
10. Click Submit.
11. To view the progress of the update, click Refresh.
The Percent Complete column on the Reporting Framework Operations table
updates the percentage of completion.
Appendix. Troubleshooting problems
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
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IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
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IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
access-web-browser 73
cluster members 4
Super Administrator 9
Apache web server
load-balancing (Windows) 83
Apache Web Server
configuring 31
application server
adding after install 4
configuring single sign-on 91
default port 13
installing 43
installing WebLogic 11
paging file size and 70
post-install tasks 68, 70
scaling and 79
server topology 5
software prerequisites 7
application servers
prerequisite software 7
platform 1
audience vii
Data Execution Prevention (DEP)
enabling 10
database client
installing 39
installing in silent mode 20
database components
creating 21
database schema
manually creating 21
database schemas
custom installations 41
database server
copying installation files 15
default port 13
installing in interactive mode 18
OpenPages repository 5
prerequisites 7
server topology 5
database server connections
testing 26, 51
log files 119
default definition values
verifying 21
creating for AIX installations 16
related information vii
secondary OpenPages CommandCenter 89
client systems
prerequisites 7
clustered environment
about 79
add member to 4
configuring 79
load balancing and 86
member systems, adding 4
Cognos Business Intelligence
installing 27
report server 6
command block
creating for OpenPages data sources 61
concurrency conflict 69
configuration data
manually loading after installation 121
See also database client
multicasting 12
Oracle Admin client software on application servers
content store
configuring a connection 32
manually creating tablespace and user 59
content store database
overview 6
database schema 21
tablespaces and users 21
environment variables
reporting server on AIX or Linux operating systems 35
reporting server on Windows operating system 34, 53
setting 41
error messages
OP-03620 122
Fix Central
getting fixes 118
Fujitsu Interstage BPM
workflow server 5
horizontal scaling
about 79
configuring 31
IIS web server
configuring 29
default ports 13
setting environment variables 41
installation files
database server 15
troubleshooting 120
interactive mode
installing database software 18
OpenPages database
database server 5
OpenPages repository
database server 5
Oracle database clients
installing on administrative and managed servers
setting 41
setting on reporting servers 26
knowledge bases
masthead search
disable 72
load balancing
configurations 4
enabling XA transactions 82
raising the Oracle connection limit
about 86
configuring single signon 92
reporting server configuration 86
log files
installation 119
Microsoft Internet Information Services
Fujitsu Interstage BPM 12
add new instance 4
cluster member, add 4
default ports 13
multicasting 12
scaling and 79
OpenPages application
adding after install 4
concurrency conflict 69
configuring single sign-on 91
multiple users 69
post-install tasks 68, 70
OpenPages CommandCenter 53
creating installation directory 37
framework generator 7
host setting 60, 89
installation worksheet 54
installing 55
port setting 60, 89
port settings, changing 60, 89
post-installation tasks 58
scaling and 79
silent installations 110
OpenPages Customer Center
troubleshooting resources 118
paging file size
increasing on application server 70
increasing on reporting server 70
PATH variable
modifying for installation 41
ORACLE_BASE, removing 15
ORACLE_HOME, adding to 41
ORACLE_HOME, removing 15
PERL5LIB, removing 15
TNS_ADMIN, removing 15
architecture 1
default 13
fixed 13
application server and 68, 70
OpenPages CommandCenter tasks 58
prerequisite software
application servers 7
client systems 7
software 7
Problem Management Records
service requests
See Problem Management Records
report server
server topology 6
reporting schema
creating 58
manually creating 59
reporting server
configuring single signon 95
default port 13
environment variables on AIX or Linux operating
systems 35
environment variables on Windows operating system
load balancing and 86
paging file size and 70
port settings, changing 60, 89
prerequisites 7
prerequisites tasks 34, 53
scaling and 79
software requirements 8
generating the framework 58
response files
OpenPages application server installations 99
OpenPages CommandCenter installations 99
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 7.0.0: Installation on WebLogic Application Servers with Database
securing access to the OpenPages CommandCenter 62
WebLogic 63
server topology
application server 5
database server 5
report server 6
workflow server 5
topology 1
service requests
opening Problem Management Records (PMR) 118
sharing network storage 81
silent installations
OpenPages CommandCenter 110
response file for OpenPages application servers 99
response file for OpenPages CommandCenter 99
silent mode
installing database software 20
single server
configuring for DB2 64
configuring for Oracle databases 64
single signon
configuring for logging out 92
configuring OpenPages interface 91
disabling 94
requirements 7
software requirements
reporting server 8
with OpenPages 73
See single signon
OpenPages 73
OpenPages with Web browser 73
Super Administrator 9
Support Portal
overview 118
third-party software
requirements 7
servers 1
getting fixes 118
installation issues and solutions 120
installation log files 119
OpenPages Customer Center 118
reporting schema not instantiated error 122
resources 117
Support Portal 118
understanding symptoms of a problem 117
video documentation resources 117
enabling 72
update-storage script
vertical scaling
about 79
video documentation
YouTube 118
supported configurations
web server
configuration options
security 63
WebLogic Server
installing 11
workflow server
installing 43
server topology 5
tablespaces and users
creating 21
Fly UP