
Application Programming Interface Reference IBM InfoSphere MashupHub

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Application Programming Interface Reference IBM InfoSphere MashupHub
IBM InfoSphere MashupHub
Application Programming Interface
Version 1.1 0
IBM InfoSphere MashupHub
Application Programming Interface
Version 1.1 0
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 45.
This edition applies to version 1.1 of IBM InfoSphere MashupHub and to all subsequent releases and modifications
until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007, 2008.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Chapter 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 2. Search API. . . . . . . . . 3
Atom format . . . .
Feed entry . . . .
Page entry . . . .
iWidget entry . . .
Generic widget entry
Chapter 3. Catalog API . . . . . . . . 11
APP Fetch .
APP Create
APP Edit .
Chapter 4. Metrics API . . . . . . . . 15
MashupHub tracking feed
CSV . . . . . . . .
JSON . . . . . . .
Clear tracking data service
Chapter 5. Feed API . . . . . . . . . 21
Plug-in packaging . . .
Server-side . . . . .
Package metadata . .
Plug-in Interfaces . .
Plug-in base classes. .
Plug-in ViewBeans . .
Library Considerations
Client-side . . . . . .
Wizard workflow . .
Plug-in Base Classes .
Developing plug-ins . .
Appendix. Sample Plug-in . . . . . . 39
Feed editor component . . . .
Editor component ViewBeans class
Feed editor Java server page. . .
Feed generator component . . .
Feed generator implementation class
Accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Trademarks .
. 46
Chapter 6. Plugin API . . . . . . . . 23
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2008
MashupHub API Reference
Chapter 1. Introduction
The IBM® MashupHub application programming interface (API) provides services
for using the catalog and adding plug-in extensions to the MashupHub server. The
catalog related services are all Representational State Transfer (REST) services
based on the Atom Syndication Format and the Atom Publishing Protocol. The API
provides these catalog services:
v A service for searching the catalog
v A service for adding new items to the catalog and for reading, updating and
deleting those items
v A service for collecting metrics on feed, widget and page usage
MashupHub also provides a plug-in mechanism for adding extensions for the
support of new content types and new feed data sources. For new feed data
sources, developers can provide plug-in classes written in the Java™ language for
Editor plug-in components, that provide a user interface for defining the contents
of a feed, Generator plug-in components, that generate Atom or RSS feeds from
particular data sources, and Collection plug-in components, that provide search
and catalog API support.
MashupHub can generate feeds from a number of data sources and it can support
upload, download and other operations for widget and mashup pages. The feed
generation for each type of data source is provided by a plug-in that is included as
part of MashupHub. It also includes plug-ins for iWidgets, generic widgets and
mashup pages. In the descriptions in this reference, all plug-ins, those provided by
MashupHub and those added by third parties, are treated the same. Rather than
refer to a data source or widget type, the descriptions will refer to the plug-ins that
support them.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2008
MashupHub API Reference
Chapter 2. Search API
The Search API is an OpenSearch conformant REST interface. OpenSearch defines
how a search provider exposes its search capability (the format and meaning of the
search URIs) and the MashupHub feeds generated to return the search results. The
Search API exposes an OpenSearch document that defines the queries it supports.
The OpenSearch document is available at http://YourHostAnd
Port/mashuphub/atom/os where YourHostAndPort is the base URL of the
MashupHub installation. An example of this document follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OpenSearchDescription xmlns="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/"
<ShortName>MashupHub Catalog Search</ShortName>
<LongName>MashupHub Catalog Search</LongName>
<Attribution>Search data Copyright 2007, IBM, All Rights Reserved</Attribution>
<Description>Feed of search results from a MashupHub catalog</Description>
<Url type="application/atom+xml" template="https://localhost:8443/mashuphub/
<Query role="example" catalog:collection="all" catalog:searchType=""
<Query role="catalog:all" catalog:collection="all" catalog:searchType="" />
<Query role="catalog:all-top" catalog:collection="all"
catalog:searchType="top" />
<Query role="catalog:all-popular" catalog:collection="all"
catalog:searchType="popular" />
<Query role="catalog:all-recent" catalog:collection="all"
catalog:searchType="recent" />
<Query role="catalog:all-discussed" catalog:collection="all"
catalog:searchType="discussed" />
<Query role="catalog:widget" catalog:collection="widget" catalog:searchType=""/>
<Query role="catalog:widget-top" catalog:collection="widget"
catalog:searchType="widget" />
<Query role="catalog:widget-popular" catalog:collection="widget"
catalog:searchType="widget" />
<Query role="catalog:widget-recent" catalog:collection="widget"
catalog:searchType="widget" />
<Query role="catalog:widget-discussed" catalog:collection="widget"
catalog:searchType="widget" />
<Query role="catalog:feed" catalog:collection="feed" catalog:searchType=""/>
<Query role="catalog:feed-top" catalog:collection="feed"
catalog:searchType="top" />
<Query role="catalog:feed-popular" catalog:collection="feed"
catalog:searchType="popular" />
<Query role="catalog:feed-recent" catalog:collection="feed"
catalog:searchType="recent" />
<Query role="catalog:feed-discussed" catalog:collection="feed"
catalog:searchType="discussed" />
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2008
<Query catalog:collection="pages" catalog:searchType="top"
<Query catalog:collection="pages" catalog:searchType="tag"
<Query catalog:collection="pages" catalog:searchType="discussed"
<Query catalog:collection="pages" catalog:searchType="popular"
<Query catalog:collection="pages" catalog:searchType="recent"
<Query catalog:collection="pages" catalog:searchType="" role="catalog:pages"/>
<Query catalog:collection="pages" catalog:searchType="favorites"
<Query catalog:collection="pages" catalog:searchType="category"
<Query catalog:collection="pages" catalog:searchType="user"
The role attribute on a <Query> tag defines the searches supported over an Atom
Publishing Protocol (APP) collection. See the Catalog API for more information
about APP, the Catalog API, and collections.
Atom format
The feed containing the results of an OpenSearch query consists of entries in
formats defined by the individual plug-ins. The entry format for all system
plug-ins (i.e., plug-ins that ship with MashupHub) is specified in the following
sections. Third-party plug-ins are free to format their OpenSearch results in any
A client should refer to the <category> element in each entry to determine to what
plug-in an entry belongs and how to interpret its content. A client should refer to
the element name of the child element under the <content> element to determine
the collection to which an entry belongs.
Server uses <category> to determine which collection plugin should handle entry.
There are limitations:
1. An entry may be categorized in one category only.
2. For ″human-readable″ categorization of entries custom categorization
mechanism may be used in XML body of entry.
Feed entry
The format for all system plug-ins in the feeds collection matches the following
<name>InfoSphere MashupHub Search Feed</name>
<title type="text">Entry Finance Spreadsheet</title>
<summary>Finances for Q1-2008</summary>
<link href="http://localhost/mashuphub/client/plugin/generate/pluginid/16/
<link rel="self" href="http://localhost/mashuphub/client/app/entry/objectid/11"/>
<link rel="edit" href="http://localhost/mashuphub/client/app/entry/objectid/11"/>
<category term="excel"/>
MashupHub API Reference
<content type="application/xml">
<catalog:feed xmlns:catalog="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/atom/opensearch/feeds/1.0/">
<name>Finance Spreadsheet</name>
<author>John Doe</author>
<description>Finances for Q1-2008</description>
If this had been an example of a internet or intranet feed that had been registered
in MashupHub an additional element <url> would have been included, such as
The child elements of <entry> follow the standard Atom feed format. The self link
provides the URL for fetching this entry. The edit link provides the URL for
posting changes to the entry.
The child elements of the <content> element are the following:
The version number of the feed in the form x.y.z where x, y and z are any
integer values.
author The userid of the user who registered or created this feed.
The descriptive name of the feed. Its maximum length is 200 characters.
A text description of the feed. Its maximum length is 1000 characters.
rating A decimal value from 1 to 5, inclusive, that indicates the average user
rating of this feed.
An integer value representing the number of times this feed has been
viewed through the catalog user interface.
An integer value representing the number of times the feed has been
accessed, including views or MashupHub Publishing Protocol operations.
Chapter 2. Search API
The integer value of the number of comments that have been posted to the
catalog entry for this feed.
The URL endpoint of the feed. Its maximum length is 2048 characters.
For registered feeds (feeds registered from internet or intranet syndication
sites), this element is included in the feed. Its value is the URL of the
source feed. The value of url differs from downloadURL since MashupHub
proxies the registered feed. Through the catalog API, you can use url to
supply the URL of the feed to be registered.
This is a container element for the set of social tags that describe this feed.
A user defined tag for this feed. Maximum length is 50 characters. If the
feed has not been tagged, the tags element will be empty.
This is a container element for the set of categories by which this feed is
Administrator defined, user assigned category for this feed. Maximum
length is 100 characters. If the feed has not been categorized, the categories
element will be empty.
A URL that points to documentation for the feed, such as a microformat
page. This value is optional.
A string representing the permission that applies to this object. The
possible values are:
v pubic – all users can read the object and its metadata.
v private – only the creator can read the object and its metadata and
change the object.
v custom – an access control list specifies view and edit permissions for
the object.
When registering a new feed or editing the metadata of a feed in the catalog the
Atom entry should look like the above example. When the operation is complete,
MashupHub will assign the ID for the entry and respond with the entry as it was
entered into the collection. More information about updating the catalog through
these Atom Publishing Protocol (APP) feeds is presented in the Catalog API
Page entry
The format for page plug-in entries in the pages collection is the following:
<name>InfoSphere MashupHub Search Feed</name>
<title type="text">Entry Finance Page</title>
<summary>Mashup workspace for 2008 finance data</summary>
<link href="http://localhost/mashuphub/client/plugin/generate/pluginid/15/
MashupHub API Reference
<link rel="self" href="http://localhost/mashuphub/client/app/entry/objectid/10"/>
<link rel="edit" href="http://localhost/mashuphub/client/app/entry/objectid/10"/>
<category term="page" />
<content type="application/xml">
<catalog:page xmlns:catalog="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/atom/opensearch/feeds/1.0/">
<name>Finance Page</name>
<author>John Doe</author>
<description>Mashup workspace for 2008 finance data </description>
<definitionURL> http://lucenew.usca.ibm.com:9080/mum/
The child elements of the content element are the same as for the feeds collection
except the <url> element is not used and the following element is made to apply
specifically to pages:
The URL that can be used to download the page package. When
downloadURL is present, definitionURL will not be included in the feed.
The URL of the location of the deployed page. When definitionURL is
present, downloadURL will not be included in the feed.
iWidget entry
The format for iWidget plug-in entries in the widgets collection is the following:
<name>InfoSphere MashupHub Search Feed</name>
<title type="text">Entry Spending Monitor Widget</title>
<summary>Plots spending trends across departments</summary>
<link href="http://localhost/mashuphub/client/plugin/generate/pluginid/1/
<link rel="self" href="http://localhost/mashuphub/client/app/entry/objectid/20"/>
<link rel="edit" href="http://localhost/mashuphub/client/app/entry/objectid/20"/>
<category term="iwidget" />
Chapter 2. Search API
<content type="application/xml">
<catalog:widget xmlns:catalog="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/atom/opensearch/
<name>Spending Monitor Widget</name>
<author>John Doe</author>
<description>plots spending trends across departments</description>
The child elements of the content element are the same as for the feeds collection
except the <url> element is not used and the following element is made to apply
specifically to iWidgets:
The URL that can be used to download the iWidget WAR package. When
downloadURL is present, definitionURL will not be included in the feed.
The URL of the location of the deployed page. When definitionURL is
present, downloadURL will not be included in the feed.
Generic widget entry
The format for the generic widget plug-in entries in the widget collection is the
<name>InfoSphere MashupHub Search Feed</name>
<title type="text">Hello World Widget</title>
<summary>A HelloWorld test widget</summary>
<link href="http://localhost/mashuphub/client/plugin/generate/pluginid/2/
<link rel="self" href="http://localhost/mashuphub/client/app/entry/objectid/21"/>
<link rel="edit" href="http://localhost/mashuphub/client/app/entry/objectid/21"/>
<category term="GenericWidget" />
<content type="application/xml">
<catalog:widget xmlns:catalog="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/atom/opensearch/
MashupHub API Reference
<name>Hello World Widget</name>
<author>John Doe</author>
<description>A HelloWorld test widget</description>
<url> http://localhost/mashuphub/client/plugin/generate/entryid/21/
<downloadUrl> http://localhost/mashuphub/client/plugin/generate/entryid/
The child elements of the <content> element are the same as for the feed collection
except for:
The URL that can be used to download the widget zip package.
Chapter 2. Search API
MashupHub API Reference
Chapter 3. Catalog API
The Catalog API is a set of a MashupHub Atom Publishing Protocol (APP) feeds.
The MashupHub collections represented by those feeds are defined by an APP
service document located at http://yourURL/mashuphub/atom where yourURL is the
base URL of the MashupHub installation. You can also use OpenSearch as a
starting point since entries return can be used in APP operations.
Accessing the service document using HTTP results in all URLs in the document
using HTTP as the protocol. Accessing the document using HTTPS results in
HTTPS URLs in the service document. A client can use either protocol, but all
access through insecure HTTP is granted anonymous user permissions only. A
client must use basic authentication via HTTPS.
Plug-ins identify the collections to which their content belongs. By default, the
collection name corresponds to the OpenSearch query role for the collection.
Multiple plug-ins can belong to a single collection. See the Package Metadata
section for more details about how plug-ins define additional collections.
The Catalog API defines the following APP collections by default. They correspond
to the system plug-ins.
feeds - Cataloged Feeds
widget - Cataloged Widgets
pages - Cataloged Pages
all - All
Each of these collections is organized into Atom categories that identify important
constituents of the collection. A category is represented by the Atom <category>
element that is a child of the Atom <entry> element. They are defined by the
package.xml (<name> element) for a plug-in, as described below under Plug-in API.
The categories in the Cataloged Feeds collection identify the feed types. They are:
Feed Registration
IBM Information Server
Mashup (feed mashup)
Microsoft Access Document
pureXML Document
Web Service
XML Document
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2008
The categories in the Cataloged Widgets collection identify the widget types. They
Generic Widgets
The Cataloged Pages collection includes one category, the Pages category.
For convenience, there is a collection called all that is the union of the other
collections and may contain members of any of the above categories.
You can also use OpenSearch as a starting point since entries return can be used in
APP operations.
APP Fetch
APP fetch (HTTP Get on the collection URL) operations on the Catalog API result
in Atom feeds with entries identical in format to those defined in the Search API
section. The format of entries for other plug-in defined collections is determined by
the plug-ins themselves. The all feed is a union of all other defined feeds. A client
should check the term attribute of the <category> of an <entry> to discover to
which plug-in the entry belongs. The value of term is the fixed name of the plug-in
responsible for the entry, information the client can use to interpret the metadata in
the <content> element.
APP Create
For APP create (HTTP Post to the collection URL) operations, the default behavior
of a plug-in is to register the URL of an existing feed hosted at an external
location. A plug-in should override this default behavior by specifying a
CollectionPlugin subclass (see the Package Metadata section). Plugin interface does
not limit or restrict content of entry. When uploading binary artifacts (widgets,
pages), they will be included as xsd:binary (BASE64 encoded) in an <archive> tag
inside <content>. The <archive> element will have a ″type″ attribute to pass the
content-type of the binary attachment. When getting these entries from the
collection, binary elements will be substituted with <downloadURL> elements that
can be fetched with extra HTTP request. Alternatively, the page and iWidget
plugins define a <packageURL> element that provides a URL of the binary object
that the plug-in can reference to read the object from its source. Finally, these two
plug-ins support a third approach which allows the URL of the object to be
registered to be passed in a <definitionURL> element. Such registration does not
involve an upload but corresponds to the ″Register iWidget″ and ″Register Page″
actions provided by the user interface.
The value of the <permission> element in the entry being submitted can only be
set to ″public″ or ″private″.
In general, MashupHub supports APP create operations for feed registration,
uploading or registering an iWidget, uploading a generic widget, and uploading or
registering a mashup page.
MashupHub API Reference
APP Edit
For APP edit (HTTP Put to the entry’s ″edit″ URL) operations, the default behavior
of a plug-in is to allow changes to the basic MashupHub metadata defined for
entries in the feed collection. A plug-in can override this default behavior by
specifying a CollectionPlugin subclass (see the Package Metadata section). Consult
the documentation for plugins other than the system plug-ins provided by
The value of the <permission> element in the entry being submitted can only be
changed to ″public″ or ″private″. If the entry being edited had a value of ″custom,,″
then <permission> can remain ″custom″ in the updated entry.
MashupHub supports APP edit operations for updating common metadata for all
objects in the catalog. The feed definition can only be changed when the feed was
one that was registered with MashupHub (not one of the feeds generated by
MashupHub). An edit operation can also upload a replacement iWidget, generic
widget or mashup page.
Chapter 3. Catalog API
MashupHub API Reference
Chapter 4. Metrics API
The Metrics API exposes tracking data collected by MashupHub for feed, widget
and page usage and provides a means to prune unneeded records from the
tracking store. The result of calling the “get service data” API is by default a
MashupHub feed. The feed contains tracking information for each access of a
particular object. In this way, the owner of each feed, widget or page in the
MashupHub catalog can obtain a tracking feed each of his cataloged objects. To
obtain this feed, read the REST URI for https://HostAndPort/mashuphub/client/
tracking/generate/entryid/{entryid}, where {entryid} is integer id of the object
being tracked. You can find the entry id by looking at the integer entry ID in the
URL of the object in which you are interested. For example, for this feed,
the entry ID is 9.
MashupHub tracking feed
The entries in the feed vary depending on the type of action recorded. Possible
actions are:
Feed data has been generated in response to a client reading a feed URL or
a widget or mashup page has been returned in response to a client reading
the <downloadURL> for one of these objects.
An object in the catalog has been created.
Update An object has been updated, either in its definition or its access control.
An object has been deleted from the catalog.
The returned MashupHub feed is in the form of:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
<title type="text">Tracked Data</title>
<link href="http://www.ibm.com/feed.atom" rel="self"
<subtitle type="text">Mashup Hub</subtitle>
<entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
<title type="text">Item 1</title>
<summary type="text">Atom Feed entry 1</summary>
<content type="application/xml">
<row xmlns="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/atom/content/datarow/1.0">
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2008
<entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
<title type="text">Item 2</title>
<summary type="text">Atom Feed entry 2</summary>
<content type="application/xml">
<row xmlns="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/atom/content/datarow/1.0">
<entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
<title type="text">Item 3</title>
<summary type="text">Atom Feed entry 3</summary>
<content type="application/xml">
<row xmlns="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/atom/content/datarow/1.0">
Data is stored in datarow format, similar to relational database feeds. The Atom
feed will contain the 500 most recent tracking records. Use one of the other formats
described below to get the complete set of records.
The child elements of Feed are:
The title of the entry.
A link to the data feed.
The current date.
MashupHub API Reference
The entry ID.
MashupHub tracking branding
The element <entry> is a child of <feed>. A <feed> element might have multiple
<entry> children. The children of the <entry> element are:
The title of the entry.
A generated ID
author The author element has a child named “name” which contains the name of
the data generator.
The data row number
The entry element has a child element called content. The child elements of the
content element contain the tracking information for action. This format is as
<row xmlns="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/atom/content/datarow/1.0">
The child elements are:
The unique ID for the given row of data.
The object ID.
The ID of the plugin used to create the object.
The IP address of the user who accessed the feed.
The username of the user who accessed the feed.
The time the feed was accessed in MashupHub date format.
The time taken to serve the feed in milliseconds.
Access control list. The permission currently assigned to the feed. This
element will be empty for generate records. The value is a JavaScipt Object
Notation (JSON) serialization of the permission information. Possible
values are:
v [{"acl":"public"}]
Public permission.
v [{"acl":"private"}]
Chapter 4. Metrics API
Private permission
v [{"acl":"custom", ...[Custom ACL encoding]}]
Custom permission with an Access Control List (ACL). In the JSON
"...[Custom ACL encoding]" will be the ACL.
For example,
[{"acl":"custom"}, {"ANONYMOUS"
action The action that was tracked, Possible values are:
v Generate
Feed data has been generated in response to a client reading a feed URL
or a widget or mashup page has been returned in response to a client
reading the <downloadURL> for one of these objects.
v Create
An object in the catalog has been created.
v Update
An object has been updated, either in its definition or its access control.
v Delete
An object has been deleted from the catalog. This action will only be
found in the CSV representation of the tracking information that is
saved when the object is deleted from the catalog. For CSV information,
see the “CSV” section.
Additional data types
The tracking API also allows the data to be exported in CSV and json formats by
appending /format/ to the API call.
Calling the REST service with the parameter /format/csv yields a returned
document in common delimited value format:
Where the tracked elements are separated by commas on the first line. Each
additional line contains the data associated with those elements.
Calling the REST service with the parameter /format/json yields a returned json
MashupHub API Reference
"recordId": 3,
"cid": "-1",
"unixtimestamp": 1222892527953,
"executiontime": 32,
"timestamp": "Wed+Oct+01+16%3A22%3A07+EDT+2008",
"username": "HubAdmin",
"ip": "",
"pluginid": 1,
"objectid": 33,
"acl": "%5B%7B%22acl%22%3A%22private%22%7D%5D",
"action": "update"
"recordId": 2,
"cid": "-1",
"unixtimestamp": 1222892521500,
"executiontime": 47,
"timestamp": "Wed+Oct+01+16%3A22%3A01+EDT+2008",
"username": "HubAdmin",
"ip": "",
"pluginid": 1,
"objectid": 33,
"acl": "",
"recordId": 1,
"cid": "-1",
"unixtimestamp": 1222892518765,
"executiontime": 31,
"timestamp": "Wed+Oct+01+16%3A21%3A58+EDT+2008",
"username": "HubAdmin",
"ip": "",
"pluginid": 1,
"objectid": 33,
"acl": "%5B%7B%22acl%22%3A%22public%22%7D%5D",
"action": "create"
Where the tracked elements are formatted in a standard json format:
element: value
The document is composed of a set of such json object representations.
Clear tracking data service
Old tracking data can be pruned from the set of records maintained by
MashupHub. This is important to conserve space in the MashupHub database. The
removal of old data is requested either from the MashupHub administration user
interface or through a REST service. The prune tracking data service is invoked by
issuing a REST call to
passing a date. All tracking entries older than that date will be removed. The
format of the data is a string in the format mm-dd-yyyy.
If the prune operation is successful, the service will return the following:
Chapter 4. Metrics API
{"code":600,"result":"Tracked data successfully cleared."}
If the operation is not successful, one of the following will be returned:
{"code":601,"result":"Please provide a valid date in the format specified."}
{"code":602,"result":"An error occurred while attempting to clear the
data, ensure all information is correct and try again."}
MashupHub API Reference
Chapter 5. Feed API
The feed API is comprised of the feed formats that are produced by all of the feed
generators that are deployed in the server. The URIs of the feeds are defined by
their catalog entries and can be obtained by using the Search API or the Catalog
API. See the InfoSphere MashupHub User and Administrator Guide for descriptions
and examples of feed formats for all the data sources supported by the
MashupHub system plug-ins.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2008
MashupHub API Reference
Chapter 6. Plugin API
The plug-in API allows developers to write components that extend the ability of
MashupHub to store, search, and retrieve catalog entries (feeds, widgets, etc.).
Plug-ins can show editors that let users define or upload new entries; show forms
that collect user parameters for feeds; generate feeds given zero or more
parameters; allow clients to download opaque entries (feeds, pages, etc.); and
define custom handlers for APP queries.
The complete API JavaDoc is available in MashupHub at http://yourhostandport/
mashuphub/client/doc/javadoc/index.html. The information in this reference
document provides conceptual and overview information and defines important
plug-in packaging and installation requirements.
The fundamental plug-in components are the generator and the editor. The
generator plug-in class is called to generate an instance of a feed from some
source. A very basic example is given below. The main work is done in the
generateFeed method.
package myplugin;
import com.ibm.mashuphub.model.RequestData;
import com.ibm.mashuphub.model.dataobject.Entry;
import com.ibm.mashuphub.model.dataobject.FeedContent;
import com.ibm.mashuphub.plugin.BaseGeneratorPlugin;
public class MyGenerator extends BaseGeneratorPlugin {
public FeedContent generateFeed(RequestData rdata, Entry entry) {
// generate the feed here and return a FeedContent object.
The editor provided the user interface to define the feed, or process a widget or
other object. It is invoked when a user selects the object from the New Feed or
Upload Widget selections lists in the user interface. The editor can be simple,
using a Java Server Page or emitting raw HTML, or can be more sophisticated and
provide a rich user interface. The outline of a basic editor is shown below.
package myplugin;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import com.ibm.mashuphub.HubConstants;
import com.ibm.mashuphub.helper.PluginHelper;
import com.ibm.mashuphub.model.RequestData;
import com.ibm.mashuphub.model.ViewBean;
import com.ibm.mashuphub.model.dataobject.Entry;
import com.ibm.mashuphub.model.dataobject.Parameter;
import com.ibm.mashuphub.model.exception.HubException;
import com.ibm.mashuphub.model.table.ParametersTable;
import com.ibm.mashuphub.plugin.BaseEditorPlugin;
import com.ibm.mashuphub.ui.FormViewBean;
import com.ibm.mashuphub.ui.FrameViewBean;
import com.ibm.mashuphub.ui.JSONAJAXResponseViewBean;
public class MyEditor extends BaseEditorPlugin {
public ViewBean renderEditor(RequestData rdata, Entry entry) {
// create the UI via a helper object called a ViewBean
public ViewBean saveParam(RequestData rdata, Entry entry) {
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2008
// Save any default URL parameter values
The main method for displaying the editor’s page in the MashupHub user
interface is renderEditor. The other public method, is used to save default parameter
values for the new feed. MashupHub prompts the user for these values.
The plugin model also provides javascript APIs for use by the plug-in’s javascript
code running in the user’s Web browser. This allows the plug-in to participate in
the page flow that is common to all plug-ins in the New Feed and Upload Widget
user interfaces.
Most plugins will only need the editor and generator components. The collection
component is used when the plug-in has one of the following requirements.
v Search on more than the common metadata
v Support creation or modification of the feed through the Catalog API
v Support upload or replacement of new widget type through the Catalog API
A collection component implements methods for OpenSearch and each of the Atom
Publishing Protocol (APP) actions.
Plug-in packaging
The MashupHub framework automatically installs third-party plug-ins at Web
application startup. It searches for ZIP files in a special <WebApplication>/WEBINF/plugins folder. <WebApplication> is a directory where the MashupHub Web
application is installed. For example,C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup
Center\Hub\installedApps\Mashup Hub.ear\META-INF\plugins. Note that the
plugins directory does not initially exist and must be created. Plug-in resources are
distributed among various directories by MashupHub as part of the plugin
installation procedure. After installation, compiled plug-in Java classes are located
in WEB-INF/classes and JARs in WEB-INF/lib.
Plugins must be packed into a ZIP file. The archive must contain the following file
structure (subfolders):
v /client/plugins/PLUGIN_DIR (the Java version uses the plug-in class package
name as PLUGIN_DIR; i.e. com.ibm.mashuphub.plugin.excel) - contains files for
browsers, like images, JavaScript files and so on.
v /server/plugins/PLUGIN_DIR - contains files used by the plug-in to render itself
(HTML files, JSP pages). Additional folders for plug-in files can be included.
v /server/plugins/PLUGIN_DIR/nls – contains the ui.properties file and any user
interface files the plug-in might need for internationalization.
v /WEB-INF/classes - contains the plug-in’s Java classes. This can be a hierarchy of
folders. The classes will be copied to <WebApplication>/WEB-INF/classes. Other
option is to pack the plug-in’s classes into a JAR file and put it into
/WEB-INF/lib directory (see the next point).
v /WEB-INF/lib - contains JAR files used by the plug-in (third-party).
Note: MashupHub will not install a new plugin that has a class conflict with
system libraries. It is the plug-in developer’s responsibility to ensure
version consistency.
MashupHub API Reference
As an example, suppose you were deploying a plug-in called ″feed″. The JSP
templates, message catalogs, XML documents, and other server side resources
would be located in a subfolder of <WebApplication>/server/plugins/ where the
subfolder name matches the full package name of the plug-in , for example
| |--ui.properties
The files in the client-side directory define resources accessible by the client, but
not used on the server, such as images, style sheets, JavaScript files, and so on.
These resources are located in WebContent/client/plugins/, again under a
subfolder matching the full plug-in package name.
When the MashupHub server starts it compares the list of files in the
<WebApplication>/WEB-INF/plugins folder and list of installed plug-in names to
determine which ZIP files (″new″ plug-in) should be unpacked and processed. If
the framework locates a new ZIP, it performs the following actions:
1. Copies content of the ZIP file to the <WebApplication> directory.
2. Inserts the package metadata into the MashupHub database.
3. Invokes the install() method on the EditorPlugin class provided by the plug-in.
System plug-ins are preinstalled and are not present in the <WebApplication>/WEBINF/plugins folder.
Package metadata
Each plug-in must provide a package.xml file. MashupHub refers to these files for
metadata when installing new plug-ins. The following is an example:
<name>Feed Registration</name>
<description>Register an existing RSS or Atom feed</description>
The child elements of <plugin> are the following:
The translatable, human readable name of the plug-in. This field is
required. The maximum length is 32 characters.
Chapter 6. Plugin API
The long description of the plug-in. This field is required. The maximum
length is 255 characters.
author The author of the plug-in. This field is optional. If not specified, it defaults
to “Unknown.” The maximum length is 60 characters.
The version of the plug-in. This field is optional. If not specified, it defaults
to 1.0.0. The maximum length is 20 characters.
The APP collection to which the entries of this plug-in belong. This field is
optional. If not specified, it defaults to feeds. The maximum length is 32
editor The name of the class used by the server to create and edit the catalog
entries. This field is required. The maximum length is 32 characters.
The name of the class used to generate the feeds or send opaque catalog
entries. If not specified, no generator is available for the plug-in at runtime.
The maximum length is 32 characters.
The name of the class used to provide content for APP requests. This field
is optional. If not specified, its APP requests will be handled by the default
feeds collection plug-in. The maximum length is 32 characters.
The name of a type to which the entries of this plug-in belong. This value
is used to distinguish the entries of the different types that are handled by
the catalog. This field is optional. If not specified, defaults to feed. The
maximum length is 20 characters.
In addition, two user interface strings used by MashupHub to identify this plugin
must be provided in a file named ui.properties. Here is an example:
plugin.uiname = Comma Separated Value File
plugin.description = Create a feed from Comma Separated Value file
The properties defined in this file are:
The name of the feed source or object type to be displayed in
MashupHub’s selection lists for new feeds or new widgets.
A one line description of what the plugin does. This may be used by
MashupHub to further describe the plugin.
A file path, starting under the client directory in the plug-in zip file, to a
image file suitable for display in a Web browser. This field is required. The
image should be 32 pixels in height and will be associated with entries
created by this plug-in.
Plug-in Interfaces
The Java implementation for a server-side plug-in consists of a set of classes
implementing one or more interfaces. To simplify plug-in’s creation, MashupHub
MashupHub API Reference
provides a set of predefined base classes. As the metadata file indicates, a plug-in
can provide up to three classes to be used by the MashupHub framework:
1. A generator: a class that returns an Atom feed or a file for download.
2. An editor: a class that supports the creation of a new feed or upload of an
existing file for storage in MashupHub.
3. A collection: a class that customizes the handling of APP commands and
processing of OpenSearch queries.
The inheritance tree for all defined interfaces is the following:
The Plugin interface defines methods for accessing plug-in metadata as well as IDs
connecting the server-side plug-in instance to its client-side JavaScript.
The Plugin interface defines methods for accessing plug-in metadata as well as IDs
connecting the server-side plug-in instance to its client-side JavaScript.
The EditorPlugin interface defines methods invoked by the MashupHub framework
to render a user interface for creating or editing catalog entries.
The GeneratorPlugin interface responds to client requests to generate feeds or
download files. If a plug-in writer wishes to use a generator, the writer must at
least implement the first of the following methods.
Chapter 6. Plugin API
The CollectionPlugin interface defines methods invoked by the MashupHub
framework in response to APP commands and OpenSearch queries. A plug-in
writer should implement this interface to handle new types of resources.
The CollectionPlugin defines the structure of CRUD+F methods for Atom Entries.
CRUD+F is an abbreviation for “create, retrieve, update, delete + find″. Each
method accepts a specialized ″context″ that provides information and assists in
manipulating Atom Entries.
public CollectionMetaInfo getMetaInfo();
The getMetaInfo method is called on the CollectionPlugin to discover the list of
possible search types (variants of possible OpenSearch queries), list of acceptable
<atom:categories> and the APP collection title:
interface CollectionMetaInfo
String getRequestName();
String[] getSearchTypes();
public String[] getSortings();
String getTitle();
String[] getCategories();
The unique name which may be used to identify the collection in a request
(the string should not contain characters which have a special meaning in a
The list of unique strings, each of which denotes a specific type of search
that will be performed when the string is included as part of the
searchType parameter on an OpenSearch request (the list of all OpenSearch
query roles will be formed by the rule: <CollectionName> + "-" +
SearchType[i], for example if there is a <CollectionName>widgets</
CollectionName> in the plugin.xml and getSearchTypes() return {″″,
″popular″, ″top″, ″recent″} then there would be following query roles
defined: ″widgets″, ″widgets-popular″, ″widgets-top″, ″widgets-recent″).
The list of sorting options by which results can be sorted, if any.
Human readable title of the collection (might be null).
The list of categories that acceptable entry should be categorized. An Entry
in the collection should be assigned to a single category.
public void create(CreateContext context);
The create method is called on the CollectionPlugin when MashupHub has identified
the target collection and plug-in for newly posted entry. The CollectionPlugin is
supposed to obtain the input entry from the context, store it and update the Entry
document (or report an error if the operation fails).
public void update(UpdateContext context);
The update method is called on the CollectionPlugin when MashupHub has
identified target collection and plug-in for the Entry to update. The CollectionPlugin
should obtain the input Entry from the context, store it and return the updated
Entry document (or report an error if operation fails).
MashupHub API Reference
public void delete(DeleteContext context);
The delete method is called on the CollectionPlugin when MashupHub has identified
the target collection and plug-in for the Entry to delete. The CollectionPlugin should
obtain the Entry id from the context and remove the Entry from the collection,
which implies that it should be deleted from the catalog (or report an error if
operation fails).
public void findById(FindByIdContext context);
The findById method is called on the CollectionPlugin when MashupHub has
identified the target collection and plug-in from which to retrieve an individual
Entry. The CollectionPlugin should obtain the entry id from context and return the
designated Entry document (or report an error if operation fails).
public void find(FindContext context);
The find method is called on the CollectionPlugin when MashupHub has identified
the target collection and plug-in for a normal OpenSearch request. The
CollectionPlugin should obtain the search type and query from the context and
perform the query, or report an error if operation fails.
public void download(DownloadContext context);
The download method is called when there is a request for some artifact which is
referenced from an Atom Entry, but retrieved with an extra request by using the
downloadURL in the Atom Entry. The CollectionPlugin is expected to write out the
binary content of the artifact to the stream. (This is used to download widget zip
files, etc.)
Plug-in base classes
The inheritance tree for all defined base classes is the following:
Chapter 6. Plugin API
The BasePlugin class implements methods for accessing plug-in metadata as well as
IDs connecting the server-side plug-in instance to its client-side JavaScript. All
methods are public and all instance variables are private such that subclasses must
use the interface defined by the methods to access plug-in related data.
All plug-in classes are descendants of BasePlugin.
The abstract BaseEditorPlugin class defines methods invoked by the MashupHub
framework to render a user interface for creating or editing catalog entries.
public Object renderScript(RequestData rdata, Entry entry)
The framework invokes the renderScript method once when the user begins editing
an entry using the plug-in. When invoked, code in this method should build an
Object containing JavaScript code. The JavaScript code should attach all methods
and variables needed on the client to the client-side plug-in instance.
The default implementation of this method creates a response containing markup
for an HTML <script>. Within this script tag, the method places JavaScript code
instantiating an instance of the client-side class hub.managers.Plugin.
For example, to attach a no-op method foobar to the client-side plug-in, overridden
renderScript method might invoke the default implementation (using
super.renderScript) and define the following code:
String s = this.getClientMe();
s += ".foobar = function() { // do nothing };”;
return s;
abstract public Object renderEditor(RequestData rdata, Entry entry)
The framework invokes the renderEditor method immediately after renderScript. The
request data gives specifics about how the plug-in was invoked and the entry
provides details about the catalog entry under editing. This method must return an
Object containing HTML to be emitted by the MashupHub framework to the client.
If the object is a ViewBean then the framework will process it. Otherwise, it will
output the object’s toString value.
Note that the plug-in is free to create the HTML string in any way it chooses:
building it from scratch in the code, rendering a JSP, using the provided ViewBean
classes, using some other template library, etc.
The RESTful URL invoking renderEditor on a plug-in is http://
pluginid/${pluginid} where ${entryid} is the integer ID for the entry to edit and
${pluginid} is the integer ID of the editor to use.
public Object handleAjax(RequestData rdata, Entry entry)
The handleAjax method is invoked by the client after the initial plug-in screen
render by renderEditor. The request data gives specifics about how the plug-in was
invoked and the entry provides details about the catalog entry under editing. This
method must return an Object containing JSON, HTML, XML, etc. data expected
by the client. If the object is a ViewBean or an AjaxContent then the framework will
process it. Otherwise, it will output the object’s toString value.
MashupHub API Reference
Again, the plug-in is free to create the response string in any manner it chooses.
The RESTful URL invoking handleAjax on a plug-in is http://serverNameAndPort/
mashuphub/client/plugin/ajax/entryid/${entryid}/pluginid/${pluginid} where
${entryid} is the integer ID for the entry to edit and ${pluginid} is the integer ID
of the editor to use.
protected Object respondClient(String method, String action,
int code, String text, String[] stringArray, String transport,
String encoding)
The respondClient implementation prepares a JSON response with the appropriate
syntax for the client with all data needed by the RPC mechanism (transport,
method, data, encoding) to form.
The default implementation instantiates and returns a JSONAJAXResponseViewBean
to specify what client-side method should be asynchronously invoked when the
response from the server is available.
public void install()
The install method runs after MashupHub unpackages the plug-in. When invoked,
code in this method should use the available APIs to add sample entries to the
public void uninstall()
The uninstall method runs before MashupHub removes the plug-in. When invoked,
code in this method should use the available APIs to remove any configuration
details from the database.
The abstract BaseGeneratorPlugin class responds to client requests to generate feeds
or download files. If a plug-in writer wishes to use a generator, the writer must at
least implement the first of the following methods.
abstract public FeedContent generateFeed(RequestData rdata, Entry entry)
The generateFeed method runs when a client requests the data (not metadata) from
a catalog entry. The request data gives specifics about how the plug-in was
invoked and the entry provides details about the catalog entry in question. The
code in this method should return a FeedContent object consisting of the following
XML content of a generated feed.
Time To Live (TTL) value determining how long the server (and potentially
the client) should cache the feed. Specified in seconds relative to the
current time. A value of 0 means the feed should not be cached. A value of
-1 means the feed should be cached indefinitely.
Specifies MIME type of the response. The default value is
HTTP headers to be put into the PE33 response can be set as name/value
pairs (for instance, widget plugins use Content-Disposition header to
specify the file name).
Chapter 6. Plugin API
The RESTful URL invoking generateFeed on a plug-in is http://serverNameAnd
{pluginid} where {entryid} is the integer ID for the entry to generate and
{pluginid} is the integer ID of the generator to use.
public String getCacheKey(Entry entry, Map<String,String> parameters)
The getCacheKey method is called by the framework before generateFeed to
determine if the generated feed data is already cached. The entry variable provides
details about the entry for which the feed is being generated. Parameters is a
mapping of name/value pairs specified in the URL used to generate the feed data.
The return value should be a string uniquely identifying a feed to be generated for
the given entry with the given parameters.
The default implementation of this method builds a key basing on the following
v Entry ID
v Parameters specified for the entry (ID and update timestamp)
v Parameters from the request URL (name and value)
v Resources specified for the entry (ID and update timestamp)
The BaseWidgetGeneratorPlugin overrides the getCacheKey method to preclude
caching of ZIP files (it returns null value).
public String renderEditor(RequestData rdata, Entry entry)
The client can invoke the renderEditor method instead of generateFeed to collect
parameters for feed generation. If the plug-in supports custom feed parameters, it
can use this opportunity to render a user interface to collect the parameters from
the user. The method parameters and return value are the same as in renderEditor
on the EditorPlugin interface.
The default implementation of this method looks for parameters associated with
this entry. If the method finds the parameters, it renders a set of text boxes,
possibly with default values, allowing the user to input custom parameters and
submitting the values back to the RESTful URL for generateFeed. If no custom
parameters are supported, this method simply calls generateFeed.
The RESTful URL invoking GeneratorPlugin.renderEditor on a plug-in is
pluginid/${pluginid} where ${entryid} is the integer ID for the entry to generate
and ${pluginid} is the integer ID of the generator to use.
protected static int getMaxNumberOfEntriesParam(RequestData rdata)
This method returns the maximum number of entries to be included into the feed.
This value can be specified as a parameter in the feed generation URL. If the
parameter’s value is less or equal to 0 or is missing, Integer.MAX_VALUE value is
The BaseCollectionPlugin class is a base abstract class implementing the
CollectionPlugin interface. Custom collection plug-ins derive from this class,
although the recommended approach is to derive from it indirectly, through the
MashupHub API Reference
Implementers should create public default constructor and call the
BaseCollectionPlugin(String...) constructor specifying a set of possible OpenSearch
The CommonCollectionPlugin class is a subclass of BaseCollectionPlug that provides
additional utility methods to make it easier to create a collection plug-in
component. Most collection plug-in components can be implemented by extending
this class. It is the recommended starting point for collection plug-in development.
The BaseWidgetEditorPlugin class implements methods handling the client requests
to upload widgets (widget packages).
public ViewBean renderEditor(RequestData rdata, Entry entry)
The default implementation of this method renders an upload form that allows
uploading a widget package.
public ViewBean handleUpload(RequestData rdata, Entry entry)
This method called when the user submits the upload form. The widgets package
is stored as a binary object.
The BaseWidgetGeneratorPlugin class extends abstract BaseGeneratorClass providing a
base implementation of the generateFeed method that just reads the widget’s ZIP
file from the DB and sends it to the client.
Additionally, it overrides the getCacheKey method to preclude caching of ZIP files
(it returns null value).
Plug-in ViewBeans
The ViewBean abstract base class supports the rendering of a single JSP file as a
response from renderEditor or handleAjax. The ContainerViewBean class supports the
composition of a response by rendering multiple ViewBeans. MashupHub provides
a set of subclasses of ContainerViewBean that render typical plug-in user interface
components such as forms and panels. Plug-ins should use the existing subclasses
whenever possible. When creating custom components, plug-ins must subclass
ContainerViewBean since it provides important ID information supporting the
wizard workflow on the client (see below).
Library Considerations
MashupHub provides a set of class libraries for a number of shared components,
some of which are open source packages. A plug-in that uses one of these libraries
must use the one already provided by MashupHub. The open source packages and
their release numbers are given below.
Apache Abdera 0.3.0
Apache Axiom 1.2.5
Apache Axis 1.4 (includes saaj.jar 1.2 and jaxrpc.jar 1.1)
Apache Commons Codec 1.3 Apache Commons HttpClient 3.0.1
Chapter 6. Plugin API
Derby Client Library 10.2
Geronimo Activation 1.0.2
Jakarta Commons Logging 1.0.4
Jakarta Java Caching System
Jakarta POI 3.1
Apache Log4J 1.2.12
Apache WS-Commons Axiom 1.2.1
WSDL4J 1.6
Apache XML-APIs 1.3
Apache XML-Security 1.4.1
Concurrent 1.3.4
Dojo Toolkit 1.2
Jaxen 1.1.1
JDom 1.0
MashupHub will log an error and not install a plug-in that has a class conflict with
any classes in these libraries.
Wizard workflow
The MashupHub framework shows the HTML emitted by the
EditorPlugin::renderEditor and EditorPlugin::handleAjax as a series of screens in a
wizard-like interface. The forward flow of the wizard always proceeds as follows:
1. If a plug-in ID or entry ID is specified, skip to step 3.
2. Show the chooser page allowing the user to select the type of entry they wish
to create (for example, feed, Excel, XML, WSDL, and so forth).
3. Show the first screen of the plug-in produced by EditorPlugin:renderEditor.
4. Show screens 2 through N of the plug-in produced by EditorPlugin:handleAjax.
5. Show the save page allowing the user to specify metadata.
The wizard also supports a backward flow by showing previously hidden screens.
No server requests are generated when moving backward. After moving backward,
the wizard can move forward through the screens without server requests if no
changes to prior screen have been made.
A plug-in using the standard ViewBean classes does not need to be aware of the
existence of the wizard, as long as it uses Plugin::getClientId to properly distinguish
its HTML element IDs. The ViewBean classes wrap all emitted plug-in HTML in
<div> tags with a unique identifier per screen. The client-side plug-in classes
described below rely on this ID to determine the active screen from screens hidden
by the wizard. The FormViewBean base class also links the Next, Previous, Cancel,
and Finish buttons on screens to proper client-side actions to support backward
and forward navigation in the wizard.
MashupHub API Reference
Plug-in Base Classes
The MashupHub framework constructs a client-side plug-in object whenever
EditorPlugin::renderEditor is first invoked on the server. The client-instance exists for
the duration of editing, that is, until one of the following occurs:
v The user closes the tab containing the wizard
v The user cancels the wizard
v The user leaves the wizard from the landing page
The hub.managers.Plugin base class provides some basic utility functions. A
plug-in typically does not override them, but rather uses them in its own
JavaScript code attached to the class during server-side rendering.
function done(params)
The done method completes or cancels the plug-in editor. The method looks at the
action attribute of the given params object to determine what action to take. If the
value of action is the string save, the save page is shown. If the value is cancel, the
plug-in editor ends after prompting for confirmation and the user returns to an
appropriate page.
function showEditor(html)
The showEditor method shows another screen in the plug-in editor. The html is the
screen to render. The wizard will place the new screen after the current screen and
will show the new screen immediately. This method is typically called in a
response from the server.
function next(func)
The next method requests that the wizard show the next screen. If the wizard
already has a valid cached copy the next screen, it shows that screen and hides the
current one. If the next screen is not cached or is no longer valid, it invokes the
provided function. Typically, the provided function generates a request to
EditorPlugin::handleAjax on the server to submit some data and fetch the HTML of
the next screen.
function previous()
The previous method requests that the wizard show the previous screen. This
method always hides the current screen and shows the previous one. No request to
the server is ever generated.
function getScreenState(screen, index)
The getScreenState method returns an object that MashupHub can use to compare
whether the state of this screen has changed since the user last visited it. If not
implemented (i.e., raises a Error), then MashupHub uses its own logic to save
state, namely getting values from all named elements in the first form on the
screen. Override this method only if form field checks will not work for this
plug-in. The screen parameter contains the DOM node for the screen whose state is
needed. The index parameter is the index of the screen, including screens shown
before the plug-in’s first screen.
function getObjectID()
The getObjectID method returns the MashupHub Object ID for the object, such as
″feed″, being edited.
Chapter 6. Plugin API
function getObjectId()
The getPluginId method returns the MashupHub Plugin ID for the plug-in of the
currently running editor.
function showMessage(msg, typ)
The showMessage method displays a message in a pop-up window. The message
content is contained in the msg parameter. The typ parameter indicated the type of
the message, namely ″I″ for information, ″W″ for warning and ″E″ for error.
The hub.managers.InvokePlugin class inherits all of the methods from
hub.managers.Plugin and defines one additional public method supporting
communication with a server-side InvokePlugin instance. Again, a plug-in typically
uses this method in its own JavaScript instead of overriding it.
function invokeServer(method, data, transport)
The invokeServer method executes a method on a server-side instance of
InvokePlugin. The method parameter is the string name of the method to invoke.
The data parameter is any object which can be expressed in JSON format. The
transport parameter is either the string xhr (the default, if nothing is specified) or
iframe. The XHR transport should be used in most cases, but Iframe transport is
necessary when uploading files to the server.
The response from the server is not returned synchronously by this method.
Instead, the server-side InvokePlugin uses a JSONAJAXResponseViewBean to specify
what client-side method should be asynchronously invoked when the response
from the server is available.
Developing plug-ins
Plug-ins can be developed using any Java development environment. MashupHub
provides a Java Archive (JAR), mhubapi-1.0.jar. that contains all the interfaces
and classes needed to compile a plug-in implementation. The JAR can be found at
Javascript functions that constitute the client-side API are, in the default
installation, in the deployed MashupHub Web application at
C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\Hub\installedApps\Mashup Hub.ear
Javadoc for the plug-in classes are found in the MashupHub image at the URL
A sample plug-in implementation can be found in the deployed MashupHub at
C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\Hub\installedApps\Mashup Hub.ear
\mashuphub-enterprise.war\ client\doc\pluginsamples\
(in the default installation).
Installing a new plugin and making it active in MashupHub involves an
administrator task. The MashupHub administrator must place the plugin zip file in
the <WebApplication>/WEB-INF/plugins folder. <WebApplication> is the
directory where MashupHub Web application is installed. In the default install it is
MashupHub API Reference
at C:\Program Files\IBM Mashup Center\Hub\installedApps\Mashup
Hub.ear\META-INF\plugins. Note that the plugins directory does not initially
exist and must be created. The plugin is identified by the name of its zip file. The
file name must be the same as its java package name, such as
com.myco.myplugin.zip. The administrator must restart the MashupHub Web
application to activate the new plugin.
When the plug-in’s zip file is removed from <WebApplication>/WEB-INF/plugins
and MashupHub is restarted, the plug-in will be uninstalled, all of its files will be
removed and catalog entries defined using this plugin will be deleted. System
plugins cannot be uninstalled.
When installing, certain notes apply:
v The install will fail if any class in the new plug-in is already loaded by any
existing plug-in. This is in addition to the restriction on libraries described above
in the Library considerations section.
v Class conflicts cannot be detected until the plug-ins are loaded. Therefore,
plug-ins should be installed one at a time with a restart of MashupHub
occurring after each one.
v To upgrade a plug-in, place a newer version of the plugin package in the
<WebApplication>/WEB-INF/plugins directory. MashupHub will check the time
stamp of the file to determine if the zip file is newer.
Chapter 6. Plugin API
MashupHub API Reference
Appendix. Sample Plug-in
The following simple plug-in creates feeds from data the user provides as a URL
parameter. The purpose is to illustrate the use of the Plug-in API and to show how
to integrate into the flow of control implemented by the New Feed user interface.
Feed editor component
package hellodemo;
import java.util.Hashtable;
public class HelloEditor extends BaseEditorPlugin {
public ViewBean renderEditor(RequestData rdata, Entry entry) {
String pluginId = this.getId();
HelloViewBean hello = new HelloViewBean();
FormViewBean form = new FormViewBean();
form.setOnsubmit(PluginHelper.getClientMe(pluginId, entry.getObjectId())
+".invokeServer('saveParam', " + PluginHelper.getClientId(pluginId,
entry.getObjectId()) + "_" + form.getSuffix() + ",'iframe');");
FrameViewBean frame = new FrameViewBean();
frame.setTitle("Hello World Feed");
return frame;
public ViewBean saveParam(RequestData rdata, Entry entry) {
JSONAJAXResponseViewBean ajaxViewBean = new JSONAJAXResponseViewBean();
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2008
Hashtable<String, String> rparms = new Hashtable<String,
ParametersTable parmtable = new ParametersTable();
try {
parmtable.setParameter(entry.getObjectId(), "hellotext", "string",
rparms.get("hellotext"), entry.getCreatorId(),
"Hello text value.", rparms.get("prompt") != null ? Parameter.TRUE :
Parameter.FALSE, 0, Parameter.FALSE, "Hello Text");
} catch (HubException ex) {
return ajaxViewBean;
ajaxViewBean.setText("Parameters Saved");
return ajaxViewBean;
Editor component ViewBeans class
package hellodemo;
import com.ibm.mashuphub.model.ViewBean;
public class HelloViewBean extends ViewBean {
static final String copyright()
{ return com.ibm.mashuphub.Copyright.IBM_COPYRIGHT; }
private String suffix = "hello";
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.ibm.mashuphub.model.ViewBean#getJSPPath()
public String getJSPPath() {
return "/server/plugins/hellodemo/hello.jsp";
public String getSuffix() {
return suffix;
public void setSuffix(String suffix) {
this.suffix = suffix;
Feed editor Java server page
<label for='hellotext'><span class='required'>*</span>Hello Input Text</label>
<div class="rightCol">
<input name='hellotext' value='Hello, World!' maxlength='2048' type=TEXT
title="Hello Input Text" />
<input name='prompt' type=CHECKBOX>
MashupHub API Reference
Feed generator component
package hellodemo;
public class HelloGenerator extends BaseGeneratorPlugin
public FeedContent generateFeed(RequestData rdata, Entry entry) {
return new FeedContent(AtomGenerator.generateAtomDocument(rdata,
Feed generator implementation class
package hellodemo;
import java.util.Date;
import org.apache.abdera.Abdera;
import org.apache.abdera.model.Entry;
import org.apache.abdera.model.Feed;
import com.ibm.mashuphub.model.RequestData;
public class AtomGenerator {
static final String copyright() {
return com.ibm.mashuphub.Copyright.IBM_COPYRIGHT; }
public static Feed generateAtomDocument(RequestData rdata,
com.ibm.mashuphub.model.dataobject.Entry entry) {
// Some example values
String user = "User Name";
String title = "Mashup Hub Hello World Feed";
String subtitle = "Mashup Hub Prototype";
String url = "http://www.ibm.com/feed.atom";
String hellotext = "Hello, World!";
Date updated = new Date();
if (entry != null) {
hellotext = entry.getParameters().get("hellotext").getDefaultValue();
// If hellotext parameter was set in request, use that
if (rdata.getParameter("hellotext") != null) {
hellotext = rdata.getParameter("hellotext");
// Create Abdera feed
Abdera abdera = new Abdera();
Feed feed = abdera.getFactory().newFeed();
feed.addLink(url, "self").setMimeType("application/atom+xml");
feed.setGenerator(null,null,"Mashup Hub Feed Generator");
Appendix. Sample Plug-in
// Create Abdera entry
Entry e = abdera.getFactory().newEntry();
e.setSummary("Atom Feed Entry 1");
// Add entry and return feed
return feed;
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