: the ESCAPE project Martin Adam, research associate *,
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: the ESCAPE project Martin Adam, research associate *,
Long-term exposure to air pollution and lung function in adults: the ESCAPE project Martin Adam, research associate1,2*, Tamara Schikowski, research associate1,2,3*, Anne Elie Carsin, research associate4*, Yutong Cai, PhD student5, Benedicte Jacquemin, research associate4,6,7, Margaux Sanchez, PhD student6,7, Andrea Vierkötter, research associate3, Alessandro Marcon, research associate8, Dirk Keidel, research assistant1,2, Dorothee Sugiri, research assistant 3, Zaina Al Kanani, PhD student5, Rachel Nadif, research associate6,7, Valérie Siroux, research associate9,10, Rebecca Hardy, professor11, Diana Kuh, professor11, Thierry Rochat, professor12, Pierre-Olivier Bridevaux, research associate12, Marloes Eeftens, research associate1,2,13, Ming-Yi Tsai, research associate 1,2, Simona Villani, professor14, Harish Chandra Phuleria, research associate1,2, Matthias Birk, research assistant15, Josef Cyrys, research associate15,16, Marta Cirach, research assistant4, Audrey de Nazelle, lecturer17, Mark J Nieuwenhuijsen, professor4, Bertil Forsberg, professor18, Kees de Hoogh, research associate5, Christophe Declerq, research associate19, Roberto Bono, professor20, Pavilio Piccioni, research associate21, Ulrich Quass, research associate22, Joachim Heinrich, research associate15, Deborah Jarvis, professor5,23, Isabelle Pin, research associate9,10, 24, Rob Beelen, research associate13, Gerard Hoek, professor13, Bert Brunekreef, professor13,25, Christian Schindler, research associate1,2, Jordi Sunyer, professor4#, Ursula Krämer, professor3#, Francine Kauffmann, professor6#, Anna L Hansell, senior lecturer5,26#, Nino Künzli, professor1,2#, Nicole Probst-Hensch, professor1,2#. *contributed equally; # Steering Committe of ESCAPE Work Package 4 on Respiratory Health in Adults. Corresponding Author: Prof. Dr. Nicole Probst-Hensch Head Unit Chronic Disease Epidemiology Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Socinstrasse 57, P.O. Box, 4002 Basel, Switzerland PHONE: 0041-61-284 83 78 ; EMAIL: [email protected] 1 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, 4002 Basel 2 University of Basel, Switzerland; 3 Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine (IUF), 40225 Düsseldorf, Germany 1 4 Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL), 08003 Barcelona, Spain 5 MRC-PHE Centre for Environment and Health, Dept of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Imperial College London, W2 1PG London, UK 6 Inserm, Centre for research in Epidemiology and Population Health (CESP), U1018, Respiratory and Environmental Epidemiology Team, 94807, Villejuif, France 7 Univ Paris-Sud, UMRS 1018, 94807, Villejuif, France. 8 Unit of Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of Verona, 37134 Verona, Italy 9 Inserm U823, Environmental Epidemiology Applied to Reproduction and Respiratory Health team, 38042 Grenoble, France; 10 Univ Joseph Fourier, 83041 Grenoble, France 11 MRC University Unit for Lifelong Health & Ageing at University College London WC1E 6BT, UK 12 Division of Pulmonary Medicine, University Hospitals of Geneva, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland 13 Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences, Utrecht University, 3508 TD Utrecht, The Netherlands 14 Unit of Biostatistics and Clinical Epidemiology Department of Public Health, Experimental and Forensic Medicine University of Pavia, 27100 Pavia, Italy. 15 Helmholtz Zentrum, München & German Research Centre for Environmental Health, Institute of Epidemiology I, 85764 Neuherberg, Germany 16 Environmental Science Center, University Augsburg, 86150 Augsburg, Germany 17 Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London, London SW7 1NA, UK 18 Environmental and Occupational Medicine, Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Umeå University, SE-901 85 Umeå, Sweden 19 French Institute for Public Health Surveillance, 94415 Saint-Maurice, France. 20 Department of Public Health and Pediatrics, University of Turin, 10126 Turin, Italy 21 SC Pneumologia CPA ASL 4 Turin, 10154 Turin, Italy 22 Air Quality and Sustainable Nanotechnology, IUTA Institut für Energie- und Umwelttechnik e.V., 47229 Duisburg, Germany 2 23 Department of Respiratory Epidemiology and Public Health, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK 24 Pédiatrie, CHU de Grenoble, 38700 La Tronche, France. 25 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, University Medical Center Utrecht, 3508 GA Utrecht, The Netherlands 26 Public Health and Primary Care Directorate, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London SW7 2AZ, UK 3 Outline of Sections: Methods Cohorts Exposure Lung Function Metrics and Outcomes Statistical models Meta-analysis Supplemental Table S1: Description of cohort-specific study populations. Supplemental Table S2: Information on spirometry instruments. Supplemental Table S3. Level of lung function and annual change of lung function of the cohort-specific study populations. Supplemental Table S4. The spatial variance of the applied ESCAPE LUR models. Supplemental Table S5. Cohort-specific distribution of all exposure estimates. Supplemental Table S6. Cohort-specific spearman correlation matrix for all home outdoor exposures. Supplemental Table S7. Results from meta-analyses for the cross-sectional association between the level of lung function and NO2 exposure (standard contrast of 10 µg/m³) backextrapolated to the time point of the 2nd spirometry. Supplemental Table S8 and Table S9. Results from meta-analyses for the crosssectional association between the level of lung function and NO2 exposure (standard contrast of 10 µg/m³) in different subgroups. Supplemental Table S10. Results from meta-analyses for the cross-sectional association between the level of lung function and NO2 exposure (standard contrast of 10 µg/m³) in the restricted groups included in the sensitivity analysis. Supplemental Figures S1a-e: Flowcharts describing the study specific ESCAPE sampling process. Supplemental Figure S2 and Figure S3: Forest plot displaying the center-specific mixed linear regression models of NO2 and FVC stratified by obesity status. 4 Supplemental Figure S4 and Figure S5: Forest plot displaying the mixed linear regression models of NO2 and FEV1 and FVC for women. 5 Methods Cohorts ECRHS (European Community Respiratory Health Survey) 1 was initiated in 1991- 93 as a cross-sectional study, followed up in 2001. The study included 48 centers from 23 countries. In ECRHS I adults aged between 20 and 44 years were selected at random from available population based registers with an oversampling of asthmatics. The baseline (at 1st spirometry) investigation was based on 17354 subjects. The follow up (at 2nd spirometry) had a response rate of 65.3% of the baseline sample. The main objective of ECRHS I was to estimate the variation in the prevalence of asthma, asthma-like symptoms, asthma sensitization and bronchial reactivity. Further, the identification of risk factors and how these explain variation across Europe was determined as well as the estimation of variation in the treatment for asthma in Europe. Wherever practically possible, 1st spirometry lung function measures (FEV1 and FVC) were taken using the same equipment in both, ECRHS I and ECHRS II. In the majority of centers this was a water-sealed bell spirometer (Biomedin, Padova, Italy). Twenty-two ECRHS centers used the same spirometer in both ECRHS I and ECRHS II, with most having updated software on the second occasion. Eighteen centers used the Spiro Medics computerized dry-rolling seal spirometer system 2130 (Sensor Medics, Anaheim, California, USA). The other four centers used other comparable spirometers on both occasions. The use of different equipment did not lead to any heterogeneity in lung function change compared with other centers 1. EGEA (French Epidemiological study on Genetics and Environment of Asthma) 2, 3 is a 12-year follow-up study. It combines a case-control study with a family study of asthma cases (children or adults) conducted between 1991 and 1995 (at 1st spirometry) in 2047 subjects from five French cities 4, 5. A follow-up (at 2nd spirometry) of the initial cohort was conducted between 2003 and 2007. Among the alive cohort (n = 2002), 92% (n = 1845) and 80% completed a short self-administered questionnaire and among them 1601 had an examination (1414 with lung function test. Spirometry devices were switched between 1st spirometry to 2nd spirometry (Biomedin to Spirodyn). 6 NSHD (Medical Research Council’s National Survey of Health and Development) 6 consists of a socially stratified sample of all births that took place in England, Scotland and Wales during one week in March 1946 6. The original sample of 2547 women and 2815 men have been followed up multiple times during the life course. The main objectives since the 1999 follow-up, taken as the 1st spirometry for the ESCAPE study, have been the measurement of physical and mental functioning, the study of pathways to those outcomes, and study of morbidity and mortality for multiple health outcomes. Lung function was measured at ages 53 (1999; 1st spirometry) and 60-64 (2006-2010; 2nd spirometry) years using the Micromedical turbine electronic spirometer, administered by a trained nurse. The protocol did not correspond to ATS criteria. Three trials were given at 53 years, and 2 trials were given at 60-64 years. Where three blows were recorded, the variation in FEV1 across the best two of these trials was within 5% for 77.5% of the sample. FEV in 1 sec (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) were measured in the standing position, without nose clips, after instruction and under the supervision of a trained research nurse. Subjects were excluded from subsequent analyses if the best two lung function readings differed by more than 10% from each other and if readings were outside the normal range after adjusting for gender and height (standardized residuals greater than 3 SD units from the mean) 7-9 SALIA (Study on the influence of Air pollution on Lung function, Inflammation and Aging) 10 study was initiated in 1985 as part of Environmental Health surveys, which were an element of the Clean Air Plan initiated by the Government of North-Rhine Westphalia in Germany. Main objective of the baseline investigations was to monitor health effects of outdoor air pollution in the heavily polluted Ruhr Area. A questionnaire follow-up was conducted in 2006 and in 2007 to 2009 (at 2nd spirometry) health assessments were performed to investigate the long-term effects of outdoor air pollution and changes in pollution on respiratory health. The baseline investigation (at 1st spirometry) included 4756 women. The geographic regions were chosen to represent a range of polluted areas with high traffic load and steel and coal industries. The regions included parts of the cities of Duisburg, Essen, Gelsenkirchen, Dortmund, Herne and Borken. Sampling included all women of 7 German nationality aged 54 to 55 residing in the selected areas (near (< 4 km) to governmental measurement stations). SALIA kept one device (Master Scope Jaeger), which was used for most women in Spirometry 1 and 2. During spirometry 1, Vica test was replaced with Master Scope Jaeger. 116 women had an investigation with both devices. From these double measurements a regression equation was established for transforming the values between devices. (FVCjaeger = 1.037*FVCvica – 0.01072; FEV1jaeger=0.96216*FEV1vica0.01311. During spirometry 2 Master Scope Jaeger was replaced with NDD Easy One. 28 persons were investigated with both devices and the following transformation equations were developed: FVCJaeger = 1.10797*FVCndd – 0.04149; FEV1Jaeger=1.03671*FEV1ndd+0.21955. The values used in the analysis of this paper were all transformed to Master Scope Jaeger values. Spirometry was performed according to the ATS/ETS recommendations. Forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) were measured. Between three to four maneuvers were performed under direction of trained personnel, and the values where the maximal FEV1 was reached were used. All measuring instruments were calibrated prior to each testing. The technical personnel were trained and all results were reviewed by a pulmonary physician 11. SAPALDIA (Swiss Cohort Study on Air Pollution and Lung and Heart Diseases in Adults) 12 is a multi-center study that was initiated in 1991 in eight geographic areas representing the range of environmental, meteorological and socio-demographic conditions in Switzerland. The main aim of the study was to assess the effect of air pollution (outdoor and indoor) on respiratory and cardiovascular health, with a special focus on how the respiratory and cardio-vascular system interact in this regard, and on the role of lifestyle and genetic background. In 1991, 9'651 subjects, aged 18 to 60 years, were recruited for a detailed interview and more than 90% of them provided valid spirometry (1st spirometry) results. The follow-up assessment (at 2nd spirometry) was conducted in 2002 and 8'047 (83%) participants provided health information and 6'528 persons underwent physical reexamination. SAPALDIA will contribute to the study with lung function measurements from the baseline (at 1st spirometry) examination in 1991 (SAPALDIA1 ) and the first follow-up (at 2nd spirometry) examination in 2002 (SAPALDIA2). 8 The same spirometry protocol was used in SAPALDIA 1 and 2; identical to the protocol in ECRHS and meeting ATS performance standards. Spirometric tests were performed in a sitting position with nose clips. Participants performed at least three and up to eight forced expiratory lung function maneuvers in order to obtain a minimum of two acceptable and reproducible values. Identical spirometers were used by each center and at both, 1st spirometry SAPALDIA1 and SAPALDIA2 2nd spirometry examination: each center in SAPALDIA1 and SAPALDIA2 was equipped with an identical computerized spirometer (Sensormedics 2200 SP, Bilthoven, The Netherlands) which uses the successfully evaluated and accepted mass flow anemometer technology. The three best results for forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), and the five-digit error code for ATS criteria were stored on a hard disk and printed on paper, including flow-volume charts for further documentation. The highest values for FVC and FEV1, of any accepted trial were chosen. SAPALDIA performed detailed quality control measurements between field workers at spirometry 1 (13 and between spirometry 1 and spirometry 2 devices (same device) 14 . Furthermore the lung function results were also compared between Sensormedics (instrument used in SAPALDIA) and Biomedin (the instrument in ECRHS and EGEA study centers). The quality control studies showed no significant differences between individual technicians or teams. But they showed that although all devices complied with the ATS standards of accurate instruments, and all calibrations were within the required precision, lung function test results taken under biologic conditions did differ significantly between instruments 14. Exposure ESCAPE exposure assessment is described in detail in an online manual (http://www.escapeproject.eu/manuals/) and in a Lancet Online Supplement associated with Beelen et al. 2013 15. Air pollution monitoring campaigns were conducted between 2008 and 2011 in all selected study areas from participating cohorts. In each area, the monitoring campaigns consisted of three 2-week measurements of NO2 and NOx performed at 40 sites. Simultaneous measurements of PM2.5 absorbance (marker for black carbon), PM2.5, PM10 were performed in a subsample of study areas selected for the NO2/NOX measurement campaign, because budgetary constraints prohibited inclusion of all study areas. PM measurements were performed at 20 sites within each study area. The 9 ESCAPE exposure assessment in all geographic sites of ESCAPE has followed a standardized measurement protocol 16 . Measurement sites were selected to represent the anticipated spatial variation of air pollution in the area. Land use regression (LUR) models specific for the measurement area to explain spatial variation of annual average concentrations as obtained from the measurement campaigns were developed. Predictor variables on nearby traffic intensity, population/household density and land use were derived from Geographic Information Systems (GIS). These LUR models were developed for each cohort following a common protocol (http://www.escapeproject.eu/manuals/) and assigned annual mean air pollutant concentrations to the baseline residential address of each study participant. Pollution measurements were performed between 2008-2011, but follow-up from 1st to 2nd spirometry in all cohorts covered earlier time periods which dated as far back as 1985. We therefore had to extrapolate predicted concentrations back in time using the ratio between baseline and 2008-2011 periods, based on data from routine background monitoring network site(s) in the study areas. As these background monitoring network only provided historical data for NO2 and PM10, we restricted backextrapolation to these two metrics. Historical data on NO2 and PM10 was not used for the backextrapolation of additional pollution metrics, as time trends differ by pollutant. Details and examples for the procedure of backextrapolation are provided in the Online Supplement of the paper by Beelen et al 15 . ESCAPE NO2 and PM10 exposures were backextrapolated to the time point of the 1st and 2nd spirometry where possible and appropriate. Backextrapolation of NO2 and PM10 exposure to the 1st spirometry was not possible for ECRHS and EGEA, as historical data was not available from all study areas. NO2 and PM10 exposure in NSHD and SALIA were only backextrapolated to 1st spirometry, as the timepoints for 2nd spirometry were sufficiently close to the time of the ESCAPE monitoring campaign (2008-2011). In addition to pollutants derived from measurement campaigns and LUR models, traffic intensity on the nearest road (vehicles/day) and total traffic load (intensity*length) on all major roads within a 100 m buffer were used. These variables were obtained using a digital road network linked with traffic intensity data in a GIS. According data was obtained by local cohort experts in the absence of available traffic intensity data on a European-wide scale (for detailed procedures see 10 (http://www.escapeproject.eu/manuals/). A default of 500 vehicles/day was assigned to minor roads missing from the local road networks or to roads lacking information on traffic intensity. Epidemiological evidence on the association between traffic indicators and health outcomes and their interpretation are discussed in detail in the Health Effect Institute Report on Traffic-Related Air Pollution: A Critical Review of the Literature on Emissions, Exposure, and Health Effects 17. Lung Function Metrics and Outcomes Applied spirometry instruments for pulmonary function testing in the ESCAPE centers included in this analysis, differed by cohort and in some study areas by assessment round (1st spirometry and 2nd spirometry) (Supplemental Table 2). As spirometric outcome metrics we assessed FEV1 and FVC cross-sectionally (level of lung function) and longitudinally (change in lung function) in this study. For level of lung function, the time point of spirometry closest to the actual ESCAPE exposure measurement provided the outcome metrics. For change in lung function we assessed the annual lung function decline (ml/year) which was calculated as (lung function at 2nd spirometry minus lung function at 1st spirometry)/years of follow-up, thus a negative value indicates that lung function declined during follow-up. In addition, we calculated the percent change in lung function (%), calculated as (annual decline/lung function at 1st spirometry*100), thus a negative percent value indicates that lung function declined during follow-up. Statistical models It was a strategic decision in the ESCAPE project to aim for local analyses, following strict and harmonized protocols, followed by meta-analysis. Privacy issues and limited centralized resources precluded centralized analyses. The association between lung function and air pollution was analyzed in each cohort separately according to a common statistical protocol, codebook and STATA script used by the local analysts. A statistical working group developed general ESCAPE wide guidelines for the statistical analyses (www.escapeproject.eu/manuals/). 11 Consistent with other ESCAPE projects, we applied a staged modeling approach to choose the main analytic model. Model 1 was the unadjusted crude analyses. Model 2 was a simple model with adjustment only for age, age squared, height, and sex. Model 3 (Main Model of reference) is in particular used for all assessments of interactions and for the sensitivity analyses and the meta-analyses. The model was adjusted for a common set of potential confounders, which were available in all studies in a standardized form, based on evidence from previous studies and the assessment and quality of available data within the ESCAPE cohorts. Confounders in the models were selected a priori based on current knowledge on determinants of lung function and the potential association with air pollution. The Main Model does not include variables that might be on the pathway linking air pollution with the specific health outcome (e.g. chronic bronchitis). Thus, Model 3 included in the cross-sectional analyses all variables of Model 2 plus BMI, highest educational level, and smoking status and, in the longitudinal analyses, all variables of Model 2 plus BMI, BMI change, highest educational level, smoking status at 1st spirometry and quitting smoking during follow-up. Study-specific models with additional covariates (e.g. packyears smoked, occupational exposures to gas / dust / fumes) were also tested on smaller numbers of subjects, to assess sensitivity of the associations to these additional adjustments. As results from models with these additional adjustments did not differ materially from model 3 adjustments (or the number of subjects on whom information on these additional variables was available, were too few to be informative), all results presented were derived from model 3. Meta-analysis Cohort specific overall and stratum-specific effect estimates obtained by mixed linear regression models were meta-analyzed. The heterogeneity of the effect estimates between the studies was assessed using X2 test. In the absence of heterogeneity between studies (i.e., if the p-value of heterogeneity is larger than 0.1), fixed-effect models were used to calculate the summary effect estimates. In presence of heterogeneity, random-effect models were used instead. In addition, the I2 statistic for quantifying heterogeneity was calculated. We assessed the contribution from each cohort to the overall effect estimate. 12 13 Online Supplement Supplemental Table S1. Description of cohort-specific study populations. Characteristicsa are presented for the larger subgroup of participants included in the analysis of NO2 and NOx, traffic indicators and for the smaller subgroup of participants included in the PM metrics analysis. ECRHS Cohort EGEA NSHD SALIA SAPALDIA Ntotal=3859 Ntotal=1831 Ntotal=568 Ntotal=342 Ntotal=844 Ntotal=751 Ntotal=580 Ntotal=580 Ntotal=1764 Ntotal=729 NO population PM population NO population PM population NO population PM population NO population PM population NO population PM population 1st spirometry 1991-1993 1991-1995 1999 1985-1994 1991-1992 2nd spirometry 2001-2002 2003-2007 2006-2010 2007-2009 2002 Characteristics N/mean %/SD N/mean %/SD N/mean %/SD N/mean %/SD N/mean %/SD N/mean %/SD N/mean %/SD N/mean %/SD N/mean %/SD N/mean %/SD 1981 51.3% 967 52.8% 303 53.3% 182 53.2% 471 55.8% 418 55.7% 580 100.0% 580 100.0% 980 55.6% 422 57.9% 43.0 7.2 43.9 7.1 53.1 11.3 53.1 10.8 63.3 1.1 63.3 1.1 73.3 3.4 73.3 3.4 53.2 11.0 53.9 10.7 BMI [kg/m ] 25.7 4.6 25.1 4.6 25.3 4.3 25.0 4.1 27.7 4.9 27.7 5.0 27.4 4.5 27.4 4.5 25.4 4.3 25.1 4.3 Height [in cm] 168.6 9.5 169.5 9.3 168.5 8.4 168.8 8.4 167.4 8.6 167.5 8.6 162.3 5.5 162.3 5.5 168.8 9.0 166.7 8.7 Exsmoker 1064 27.6% 565 30.9% 206 36.3% 123 36.0% 497 58.9% 450 59.9% 99 17.1% 99 17.1% 568 32.2% 219 30.0% 1224 31.7% 451 24.6% 81 14.3% 46 13.5% 77 9.1% 71 9.5% 18 3.1% 18 3.1% 492 27.9% 219 30.0% 7.7 12.0 7.4 12.2 5.9 10.0 5.6 9.9 9.1 12.6 9.3 12.6 2.8 8.4 2.8 8.4 10.9 17.9 11.8 19.3 3.9 10.9 2.9 10.9 1.7 8.3 1.9 8.6 0.7 2.5 0.7 2.5 0.6 6.7 0.6 6.7 3.1 6.5 3.5 6.8 1321 34.2% 627 34.2% 118 20.8% 60 17.5% 439 52.0% 394 52.5% 276 47.6% 276 47.6% 1121 63.5% 510 70.0% 1420 36.8% 707 38.6% 263 46.3% 182 53.2% 102 12.1% 82 10.9% 199 34.3% 199 34.3% 520 29.5% 172 23.6% Female Age 3 Current smoker st Pack years at 1 spirometry b Pack years from 1st spirometry to 2nd spirometryb Medium educational level High educational level b b Environmental tobacco exposure at home or at work b 676 17.5% 301 16.4% 233 41.0% 137 40.1% 168 19.9% 144 19.2% 347 59.8% 347 59.8% 119 6.7% 40 5.5% Occupational exposure to dust/fumes or gasesb 1685 43.7% 648 35.4% 125 22.0% 59 17.3% 246 29.1% 220 29.3% 39 6.7% 39 6.7% 460 26.1% 143 19.6% Ever asthmab,c 616 16.0% 318 17.4% 183 32.2% 119 34.8% 83 9.8% 68 9.1% 50 8.6% 50 8.6% 155 8.8% 49 6.7% The table shows the amount of observations (N, and % of total N) for categorical variables, and the mean value (and standard deviation (SD)) in case of continuous variables. a Characteristics refer to time point of 2nd spirometry. b Information missing on a limited number of subjects. c Asthma diagnosed by a physician at 1st and/or at 2nd spirometry. 14 Supplemental Table S2: Information on instruments used at 1st and 2nd spirometry in ESCAPE centers included in this analysis. Study Study center Year of 1st spirometry for this paper ECRHS Belgium/Antwerp 1991-1992 ECRHS France/Grenoble 1991-1993 ECRHS France/Paris 1991-1993 ECRHS Germany/Erfurt 1991-1992 ECRHS Italy/Pavia 1991-1993 ECRHS Italy/Turin 1992-1993 ECRHS Italy/Verona 1992-1993 ECRHS Spain/Albacete 1991-1992 ECRHS Spain/Barcelona 1991-1992 ECRHS Spain/Galdakoa 1991-1992 ECRHS Spain/Huelva 1991-1993 ECRHS Spain/Oviedo 1991-1992 ECRHS Sweden/Umea 1991-1992 ECRHS UK/Norwich 1990-1991 ECRHS UK/Ipswich 1991-1992 SAPALDIA Basel 1991/92 SAPALDIA Geneva 1991/92 SAPALDIA Lugano 1991/92 NSHD UK 1999 SALIA Ruhr Area 1985-1994 EGEA Grenoble 1992-1995 EGEA Lyon 1992-1995 EGEA Marseille 1992-1995 Instrument(s) used at 1st spirometry: Instrument / N Sensormedics N=440 Biomedin spir. N=329 Biomedin spir. N=322 Jaeger pneum N=254 Biomedin spir. N=147 Biomedin spir. N=149 Biomedin spir. N=184 Biomedin spir. N=338 Biomedin spir. N=161 Biomedin spir. N=332 Biomedin spir. N=266 Biomedin spir. N=230 Sensormedics N=392 Biomedin spir. N=245 Biomedin spir. N=283 Sensormedics 2200 N=643 Sensormedics 2200 N=394 Sensormedics 2200 N=728 Micro Medical Plus (MS03s ) N=844 Master Scope Jaeger / (partly VICAest 4 transformed) N=580 Biomedin/ N=210 Jaeger pneumotach (Lyon)/ N=154 Biomedin/ N=75 Year of 2nd spirometry for this paper Instrument(s) used at 2nd spirometry: Instrument / N Participants switching instruments during 2nd spirometry (N/%) 2000-2002 Jaeger pneum N=440 100% 2001-2002 Biomedin spir. N=329 0% 2000-2002 Biomedin spir. N=322 0% 2000-2001 Jaeger pneum N=254 0% 2000-2001 Biomedin spir. N=147 0% 2000-2001 Biomedin spir. N=149 0% 2000-2002 Biomedin spir. N=184 0% 1999-2001 Biomedin spir. N=338 0% 2000-2001 Biomedin spir. N=161 0% 2000-2001 Biomedin spir. N=332 0% 1999-2002 Biomedin spir. N=266 0% 2000-2001 Biomedin spir. N=230 0% 1999-2000 Sensormedics N=392 0% 1999-2001 Biomedin spir. N=245 0% 1999-2001 Biomedin spir. N=283 0% 2002 2002 2002 2006-2010 2007-2009 2003-2006 2003-2006 2003-2006 15 Sensormedics 2200 N=643 Sensormedics 2200 N=394 Sensormedics 2200 N=728 Micro Medical Plus (MS03s) N=844 Master Scope Jaeger / (partly Easy One transformed) N=580 SPIRODYN’R N=201 SPIRODYN’R N=154 SPIRODYN’R N=75 0% 0% 0% 0% (0%) (after transformation) 100% 100% 100% EGEA Paris 1992-1995 Biomedin/ N=143 2003-2006 16 SPIRODYN’R N=150 100% Supplemental Table S3 Level of lung function and annual change of lung function of the cohort specific study populations. Presented are the number of observations (N), the means and the standard deviations (sd) of level and change in FEV1 and FVC (in liters per year) during follow up for all five study populations stratified by sex, smoking status (never vs. ever) and asthma status (never vs. ever) for the larger subgroup of participants included in the analysis of NO2, NOx and traffic indicators, and for the smaller subgroup of participants included in the analysis of the PM metrics, respectively. ECRHS All NO population N= Female 3859 N= 1981 Male N= Never smoker 1878 N= 1664 Ever smoker N= 2195 No asthma N= 3423 Asthma N= 430 mean Sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd FEV1 at 2 spirometry up [L] 3.466 0.808 2.967 0.511 3.993 0.725 3.464 0.835 3.468 0.787 3.507 0.797 3.144 0.818 FVC at 2nd spirometry [L] 4.333 0.998 3.669 0.593 5.033 0.847 4.295 1.029 4.361 0.972 4.351 0.993 4.187 1.019 change of FEV1 [l] -0.026 0.032 -0.022 0.027 -0.030 0.035 -0.025 0.031 -0.027 0.032 -0.026 0.029 -0.024 0.047 change of FVC [l] -0.018 0.040 -0.014 0.036 -0.022 0.044 -0.017 0.038 -0.019 0.041 -0.018 0.038 -0.015 0.051 nd All PM population N= Female 1831 Male Never smoker Ever smoker No asthma N= 967 N= 864 N= 858 N= 973 N= 1588 Asthma N= 237 mean Sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd 3.462 0.802 2.988 0.516 3.994 0.729 3.471 0.834 3.455 0.774 3.519 0.786 3.087 0.807 FVC at 2 spirometry [L] 4.348 0.999 3.702 0.607 5.072 0.843 4.330 1.032 4.364 0.969 4.379 0.994 4.145 1.007 change of FEV1 [l] -0.025 0.033 -0.021 0.028 -0.030 0.037 -0.024 0.032 -0.026 0.033 -0.025 0.029 -0.025 0.050 change of FVC [l] -0.018 0.039 -0.013 0.033 -0.023 0.045 -0.017 0.036 -0.018 0.042 -0.018 0.036 -0.018 0.054 FEV1 at 2nd spirometry [L] nd EGEA All NO population nd FEV1 at 2 spirometry [L] Female Male Never smoker Ever smoker No asthma Asthma N= 568 N= 303 N= 265 N= 282 N= 286 N= 383 N= 158 mean Sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd 3.030 0.853 2.674 0.603 3.437 0.914 2.976 0.889 3.082 0.814 3.101 0.837 2.856 0.884 nd FVC at 2 spirometry [L] 4.001 1.013 3.477 0.688 4.602 0.993 3.889 1.060 4.113 0.954 3.985 1.010 4.051 1.029 change of FEV1 [L] -0.028 0.031 -0.023 0.025 -0.034 0.035 -0.025 0.028 -0.032 0.032 -0.029 0.027 -0.027 0.039 change of FVC [L] -0.015 0.037 -0.010 0.031 -0.020 0.041 -0.012 0.035 -0.018 0.038 -0.014 0.033 -0.017 0.043 All Female Male Never smoker Ever smoker No asthma Asthma PM population N= 342 N= 182 N= 160 N= 175 N= 17 167 N= 227 N= 104 mean Sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd FEV1 at 2 spirometry [L] 3.104 0.868 2.713 0.595 3.548 0.916 3.015 0.913 3.198 0.810 3.200 0.853 2.884 0.886 FVC at 2nd spirometry [L] 4.132 1.032 3.557 0.672 4.787 0.979 3.990 1.087 4.281 0.951 4.132 1.042 4.123 1.026 change of FEV1 [L] -0.028 0.027 -0.023 0.022 -0.033 0.031 -0.025 0.024 -0.030 0.030 -0.028 0.027 -0.027 0.030 change of FVC [L] -0.010 0.031 -0.008 0.027 -0.013 0.036 -0.009 0.030 -0.012 0.033 -0.010 0.030 -0.012 0.034 nd NSHD All NO population nd FEV1 at 2 spirometry [L] Female Male Never smoker Ever smoker No asthma Asthma N= 844 N= 471 N= 373 N= 270 N= 574 N= 774 N= 44 mean Sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd 2.831 0.655 2.427 0.394 3.343 0.553 2.824 0.582 2.835 0.686 2.855 0.649 2.531 0.636 nd FVC at 2 spirometry [L] 3.573 0.813 3.052 0.457 4.231 0.677 3.527 0.725 3.595 0.852 3.593 0.817 3.310 0.694 change of FEV1 [L] -0.022 0.025 -0.021 0.020 -0.024 0.030 -0.019 0.021 -0.024 0.026 -0.022 0.025 -0.020 0.019 change of FVC [L] -0.025 0.034 -0.024 0.030 -0.026 0.040 -0.022 0.032 -0.026 0.035 -0.025 0.035 -0.030 0.028 All PM population nd FEV1 at 2 spirometry [L] Female Male Never smoker Ever smoker No asthma Asthma N= 751 N= 418 N= 333 N= 230 N= 521 N= 690 N= 37 mean Sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd 2.837 0.658 2.428 0.390 3.351 0.558 2.823 0.591 2.844 0.686 2.863 0.651 2.458 0.637 nd FVC at 2 spirometry [L] 3.583 0.817 3.055 0.451 4.246 0.677 3.535 0.734 3.604 0.850 3.608 0.818 3.190 0.674 change of FEV1 [L] -0.022 0.025 -0.021 0.020 -0.024 0.031 -0.018 0.021 -0.024 0.027 -0.023 0.025 -0.019 0.018 change of FVC [L] -0.024 0.035 -0.023 0.030 -0.025 0.040 -0.020 0.031 -0.025 0.036 -0.024 0.035 -0.030 0.029 SALIA All NO population FEV1 at 2nd spirometry [L] Female Male Never smoker Ever smoker No asthma Asthma N= 580 N= 580 N= 0 N= 459 N= 121 N= 558 N= 9 mean Sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd 2.197 0.419 2.197 0.419 NA NA 2.208 0.406 2.153 0.463 2.203 0.418 1.957 0.619 nd FVC at 2 spirometry [L] 2.911 0.537 2.911 0.537 NA NA 2.911 0.534 2.913 0.550 2.913 0.539 2.891 0.664 change of FEV1 [L] -0.020 0.014 -0.020 0.014 NA NA -0.019 0.014 -0.023 0.015 -0.020 0.014 -0.013 0.019 change of FVC [L] -0.022 0.019 -0.022 0.019 NA NA -0.022 0.019 -0.024 0.019 -0.022 0.018 -0.010 0.032 PM population All Female Male Never smoker Ever smoker 18 No asthma Asthma FEV1 at 2nd spirometry [L] N= 580 N= 580 N= 0 N= 459 N= 121 N= 558 N= 9 mean Sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd 2.197 0.419 2.197 0.419 NA NA 2.208 0.406 2.153 0.463 2.203 0.418 1.957 0.619 nd FVC at 2 spirometry [L] 2.911 0.537 2.911 0.537 NA NA 2.911 0.534 2.913 0.550 2.913 0.539 2.891 0.664 change of FEV1 [L] -0.020 0.014 -0.020 0.014 NA NA -0.019 0.014 -0.023 0.015 -0.020 0.014 -0.013 0.019 change of FVC [L] -0.022 0.019 -0.022 0.019 NA NA -0.022 0.019 -0.024 0.019 -0.022 0.018 -0.010 0.032 SAPALDIA All NO population nd FEV1 at 2 spirometry [L] N= Female 1764 Male Never smoker Ever smoker No asthma N= 980 N= 784 N= 766 N= 998 N= 1658 Asthma N= 106 mean Sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd 3.095 0.816 2.681 0.543 3.612 0.804 3.076 0.830 3.109 0.805 3.098 0.808 3.052 0.922 nd FVC at 2 spirometry [L] 4.083 1.015 3.499 0.625 4.813 0.935 3.981 1.022 4.161 1.004 4.080 1.012 4.124 1.072 change of FEV1 [L] -0.033 0.030 -0.030 0.027 -0.036 0.034 -0.029 0.027 -0.036 0.032 -0.033 0.030 -0.026 0.029 change of FVC [L] -0.022 0.041 -0.019 0.035 -0.025 0.048 -0.018 0.036 -0.025 0.045 -0.022 0.042 -0.014 0.037 All PM population Female Male Never smoker Ever smoker No asthma Asthma N= 729 N= 422 N= 307 N= 323 N= 406 N= 693 N= 36 mean Sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd mean sd FEV1 at 2 spirometry [L] 2.991 0.777 2.606 0.497 3.519 0.783 2.982 0.794 2.997 0.765 2.985 0.765 3.103 0.985 FVC at 2nd spirometry [L] 3.875 0.936 3.357 0.562 4.586 0.881 3.815 0.958 3.922 0.917 3.866 0.927 4.045 1.099 change of FEV1 [L] -0.034 0.027 -0.032 0.024 -0.036 0.031 -0.031 0.026 -0.036 0.028 -0.034 0.027 -0.025 0.028 change of FVC [L] -0.018 0.035 -0.018 0.030 -0.019 0.041 -0.016 0.032 -0.020 0.037 -0.019 0.035 -0.006 0.036 nd NA, indicates not applicable. 19 Supplemental Table S4 The spatial variance of the applied ESCAPE LUR models by study center. Center/Area R2 in R2 cross RMSEa Number cohorts validation cross of sites (LOOCV validation R2) (µg/m3) NOx Umea, Region Sweden London/Oxford, UK Moran’s I (p-value) Measured concentration (µg/m3) -0.13 (0.12) -0.009 (0.78) -0.16 (0.06) -0.03 (0.95) -0.02 (0.95) -0.06 (0.77) -0.07 (0.76) -0.08 (0.88) -0.04 (0.65) -0.04 (0.71) 0.003 (0.23) -0.05 (0.28) -0.05 (0.36) -0.08 (0.46) -0.02 (0.91) 0.02 (0.26) 0.02 (0.46 18.9 [2.3-95.9] 87% 82% 7.9 40 91% 88% 16.2 40 Netherlands/Belgium 87% region Ruhr area, Germany 88% 82% 11.2 80 81% 13.6 40 Erfurt, Germany 87% 84% 4.3 39 Paris, France 75% 67% 31.6 40 Grenoble, France 82% 74% 11.2 40 Lyon, France 75% 65% 22.5 40 Marseilles, France 53% 39% 31.6 40 Basel, Switzerland 61% 52% 12.0 40 Geneva, Switzerland 81% 73% 9.1 40 Lugano, Switzerland 87% 82% 7.4 42 Turin, Italy 78% 72% 17.0 40 Pavia, Italy 88% 80% 9.6 20 Verona, Italy 64% 54% 32.3 40 Barcelona, Spain 73% 65% 27.7 40 Mid-East Spain: AlbaceteValencia, Spain Huelva, Spain 88% 84% 11.0 38 56% 31% 11.5 24 -0.15 (0.08) 33.8 [13.3-71.3] -0.08 (0.43) -0.009 (0.71) -0.143 (0.09) -0.18 (0.08) 9.3 [1.5-35.8] 69.3 [18.8257.4] 51.8 [17.5130.8] 60.0 [26.9135.7] 28.8 [15.6-61.8] 80.3 [12.7248.3] 48.2 [6.5-116.2] 61.7 [6.5-199.2] 70.1 [11.9266.1] 53.1 [21.6-95.7] 55.9 [22.1108.6] 47.8 [21.2116.4] 101.2 [22.8101.2] 50.9 [29.5117.9] 91.8 [33.1284.4] 101.3 [21.0236.4] 42.7 [0.6-148.6] NO2 Umea, Region Sweden London/Oxford, UK 87% 83% 2.8 40 89% 87% 6.6 40 Netherlands/Belgium 86% region Ruhr area, Germany 89% 81% 5.1 80 84% 4.3 40 20 37.9 [7.3-102.7] 30.9 [12.8-61.5] 33.2 [20.2-58.4] Erfurt, Germany 89% 87% 2.1 39 0.01 (0.16) -0.05 (0.71) -0.08 (0.82) -0.06 (0.08) -0.06 (0.87) -0.05 (0.45) 0.002 (0.25) -0.04 (0.51) -0.08 (0.10) -0.05 (0.99) -0.05 (0.33) -0.03 (0.98) 0.03 (0.37) 18.6 [11.0-33.4] Paris, France 77% 67% 11.6 40 Grenoble, France 83% 78% 4.8 40 Lyon, France 90% 72% 8.7 40 Marseilles, France 59% 46% 10.7 40 Basel, Switzerland 67% 58% 4.8 40 Geneva, Switzerland 87% 81% 3.7 40 Lugano, Switzerland 87% 82% 3.5 42 Turin, Italy 78% 70% 7.7 40 Pavia, Italy 92% 87% 3.3 20 Verona, Italy 64% 55% 10.8 40 Barcelona, Spain 75% 68% 11.6 40 Mid-East Spain: AlbaceteValencia, Spain Huelva, Spain 90% 87% 5.2 38 55% 31% 7.0 24 -0.14 (0.10) 21.9 [8.4-43.4] -0.13 (0.42) 0.16 (0.28) -0.05 (0.99) -0.13 (0.91) -0.13 (0.10) -0.07 (0.70) -0.07 (0.88) 18.6[12.1-31.2] -0.19 (0.20) 0.02 (0.77) -0.02 (0.64) -0.11 (0.83) 11.2 [7.0-21.1] 39.8 [6.9-96.8] 27.2 [5.5-53.2] 35.0 [7.3-88.0] 36.1 [10.0-92.8] 31.0 [16.0-47.8] 29.3 [16.1-51.3] 28.6 [12.2-59.1] 53.3 [15.6-83.7] 25.9 [15.7-53.4] 41.6 [16.3100.1] 57.7 [13.8109.0] 26.1 [1.9-75.5] PM10 London/Oxford, UK 90% 88% 1.5 20 Netherlands/Belgium 68% region Ruhr area, Germany 69% 60% 2.3 40 63% 2.0 20 Paris, France 87% 77% 3.5 20 Lugano, Switzerland 87% 80% 1.6 18 Turin, Italy 78% 69% 3.9 20 Barcelona, Spain 87% 82% 3.1 20 82% 77% PM2.5 1.4 20 Netherlands/Belgium 67% region Ruhr area, Germany 88% 61% 1.2 40 79% 0.9 20 Paris, France 73% 1.8 20 London/Oxford, UK 89% 21 27.1 [21.9-37.0] 27.9 [22.5-33.6] 25.6 [16.6-52.4] 23.9 [18.5-32.4] 43.1 [31.5-57.8] 37.4 [17.8-48.5] 17.1 [12.7-21.5] 18.5 [15.5-21.6] 16.0 [11.9-30.6] Lugano, Switzerland 83% 77% 1.1 19 Turin, Italy 71% 59% 2.0 20 Barcelona, Spain 83% 71% 2.1 20 London/Oxford, UK PM2.5absorbance 0.2 96% 92% Netherlands/Belgium 92% region Ruhr area, Germany 97% 89% 0.2 40 95% 0.1 20 Paris, France 91% 81% 0.4 20 Lugano, Switzerland 79% 71% 0.3 19 Turin, Italy 88% 81% 0.3 20 Barcelona, Spain 86% 80% 0.4 20 68% 57% PMcoarse 1.3 20 Netherlands/Belgium 51% region Ruhr area, Germany 66% 38% 1.7 40 57% 1.2 20 Paris, France 81% 73% 4.6 20 Lugano, Switzerland 77% 65% 1.1 18 Turin, Italy 65% 58% 2.4 20 Barcelona, Spain 75% 70% 2.3 20 London/Oxford, UK a RMSE indicates Root-mean squared error 22 20 -0.12 (0.10) -0.09 (0.45) 0.01 (0.46) 17.2 [13.7-22.5] -0.21 (0.16) -0.16 (0.42) -0.02 (0.65) -0.16 (0.97) -0.13 (0.09) -0.06 (0.82) -0.01 (0.64) 1.6 [0.9-4.7] -0.17 (0.29) -0.08 (0.75) -0.02 (0.73) -0.08 (0.82) -0.12 (0.18) -0.10 (0.30) -0.09 (0.61) 7.4 [4.4-10.3] 29.3 [22.7-36.3] 16.3 [8.4-24.4] 1.7 [0.9-3.0] 1.6 [1.0-2.6] 2.0 [0.8-5.1] 2.0 [1.2-3.0] 3.0 [1.6-4.2] 2.7 [0.9-4.9] 9.3 [6.4-15.0] 9.4 [7.1-12.8] 9.6 [3.9-21.8] 6.8 [3.8-9.9] 13.8 [7.5-21.5] 21.0 [9.4-26.0] Supplemental Table S5 Distribution of all cohort-specific exposure estimates (annual averages of ambient air pollutants and traffic variables), at participants address in each cohort. ECRHS Exposures N Mean SD Min P25 P50 P75 Max IQR 3 PM2.5 [µg/m ] 1830 15.9 5.6 8.2 10.7 16.1 17.7 34.4 7.0 -5 -1 PM2.5absorbance [10 m ] 1540 2.0 0.9 0.8 1.2 1.8 2.7 5.2 1.6 3 PM10 [µg/m ] 1830 25.8 9.1 11.9 18.6 24.6 28.3 55.2 9.7 3 PM (coarse) [µg/m ] 1830 10.3 4.4 3.9 6.8 9.2 11.5 25.4 4.7 3 NO2 [µg/m ] 3859 28.9 15.4 0.0 18.8 26.5 37.5 115.5 18.7 3 NOx [µg/m ] 3859 50.5 30.4 0.0 31.5 43.0 65.9 223.1 34.5 Traffic intensity on nearest road [cars/day] 2492 4807 10878 0 500 500 6009 143156 5509 a Traffic load on nearest major road [cars-km/day; in thousand] 2687 1.45 3.22 0 0 0 1.67 56.5 1.67 st NO2 (backextrapolated to BL) [µg/m3] No complete exposure backextrapolation to 1 spirometry available 3 PM10 (backextrapolated to BL) [µg/m ] No complete exposure backextrapolation to 1st spirometry available 3 NO2 (backextrapolated to FU) [µg/m ] 3859 34.2 18.1 0.0 21.8 31.4 44.8 120.7 23.0 3 PM10 (backextrapolated to FU) [µg/m ] 1388 27.1 5.7 16.3 22.3 27.2 30.7 47.1 8.4 EGEA Exposures N Mean SD Min P25 P50 P75 Max IQR 3 PM2.5 [µg/m ] 342 15.3 1.9 10.0 14.2 15.1 16.2 22.3 2.0 -5 -1 PM2.5absorbance [10 m ] 148 2.1 0.9 0.9 1.4 1.9 2.7 4.7 1.3 3 PM10 [µg/m ] 342 25.1 3.5 18.6 22.7 24.6 26.6 36.2 4.0 3 PM (coarse) [µg/m ] 342 9.4 2.4 3.9 7.5 9.5 10.8 17.1 3.3 3 NO2 [µg/m ] 568 27.4 11.8 9.3 18.5 25.2 33.1 98.5 14.7 3 NOx [µg/m ] 568 46.7 26.8 5.6 29.2 41.4 57.1 245.3 27.9 Traffic intensity on nearest road [cars/day] 568 6633 11560 0 1187 3706 7853 116863 6667 a Traffic load on nearest major road [cars-km/day; in thousand] 568 1.37 3.56 0 0 0 1.58 41.6 1.58 3 st NO2 (backextrapolated to BL) [µg/m ] No complete exposure backextrapolation to 1 spirometry available 3 PM10 (backextrapolated to BL) [µg/m ] No complete exposure backextrapolation to 1st spirometry available NO2 (backextrapolated to FU) [µg/m3] 568 32.1 13.2 11.4 22.0 29.9 39.5 101.5 17.5 23 PM10 (backextrapolated to FU) [µg/m3] Exposures PM2.5 [µg/m3] PM2.5absorbance [10-5m-1] PM10 [µg/m3] PM (coarse) [µg/m3] NO2 [µg/m3] NOx [µg/m3] Traffic intensity on nearest road [cars/day] Traffic load on nearest major road [cars-km/day; in thousand] a NO2 (backextrapolated to BL) [µg/m3] PM10 (backextrapolated to BL) [µg/m3] NO2 (backextrapolated to FU) [µg/m3] PM10 (backextrapolated to FU) [µg/m3] Exposures PM2.5 [µg/m3] PM2.5absorbance [10-5m-1] PM10 [µg/m3] PM (coarse) [µg/m3] NO2 [µg/m3] NOx [µg/m3] Traffic intensity on nearest road [cars/day] Traffic load on nearest major road [cars-km/day; in thousand] a NO2 (backextrapolated to BL) [µg/m3] PM10 (backextrapolated to BL) [µg/m3] NO2 (backextrapolated to FU) [µg/m3] PM10 (backextrapolated to FU) [µg/m3] 148 27.0 4.3 19.7 23.7 26.7 29.0 37.3 5.3 NSHD N Mean SD Min P25 P50 P75 Max IQR 751 9.5 1.0 8.2 8.7 9.5 10.2 13.5 1.5 751 1.0 0.2 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 3.2 0.3 751 15.7 2.1 11.8 14.7 15.7 16.5 26.2 1.9 751 6.4 0.9 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.6 9.7 0.8 844 22.4 7.1 12.9 16.6 21.8 26.7 62.0 10.0 844 37.5 14.2 19.7 27.2 36.1 44.3 145.4 17.1 844 1239 4091 500 500 500 500 76224 0 844 0.27 0.91 0 0 0 0 10.0 0 841 26.3 8.3 14.6 20.1 25.6 31.4 70.2 11.2 748 22.0 2.8 16.4 20.7 22.0 23.3 36.4 2.6 ESCAPE exposure measurements were conducted at time of second spirometry ESCAPE exposure measurements were conducted at time of second spirometry SALIA N Mean SD Min P25 P50 P75 Max IQR 580 17.8 1.3 15.9 16.9 17.3 18.6 21.9 1.7 580 1.4 0.4 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.6 3.4 0.4 580 26.7 2.1 23.9 25.4 26.2 27.5 33.5 2.1 580 9.4 1.6 2.8 8.5 8.8 10.1 14.8 1.6 580 27.6 7.5 19.7 22.7 24.2 30.7 70.3 8.1 580 44.2 19.0 23.9 31.9 35.4 52.6 124.3 20.7 580 1642 3637 500 500 500 500 27798 0 580 0.72 2.01 0 0 0 0.32 15.8 0.32 580 36.0 11.5 20.3 27.6 33.3 41.6 84.1 14.0 580 47.7 8.0 32.2 39.2 49.8 52.8 65.1 13.6 ESCAPE exposure measurements were conducted at time of second spirometry ESCAPE exposure measurements were conducted at time of second spirometry 24 Exposures PM2.5 [µg/m3] PM2.5absorbance [10-5m-1] PM10 [µg/m3] PM (coarse) [µg/m3] NO2 [µg/m3] NOx [µg/m3] Traffic intensity on nearest road [cars/day] Traffic load on nearest major road [cars-km/day; in thousand] a NO2 (backextrapolated to BL) [µg/m3] PM10 (backextrapolated to BL) [µg/m3] NO2 (backextrapolated to FU) [µg/m3] PM10 (backextrapolated to FU) [µg/m3] SAPALDIA N Mean 729 16.8 729 1.9 729 23.2 729 6.5 1764 27.0 1764 44.8 1697 3207 1671 0.94 1762 47.7 726 46.2 1764 31.0 729 37.8 SD 1.6 0.4 2.6 1.2 6.8 14.4 5242 1.83 10.5 4.5 8.0 4.3 Min 12.4 0.9 17.6 4.3 6.9 4.0 0 0 11.5 33.8 8.2 26.9 P25 16.2 1.7 22.3 5.5 23.3 37.6 81 0 41.3 44.4 26.9 35.7 P50 16.8 2.0 23.3 6.5 27.7 45.6 779 0 48.3 45.5 31.2 38.3 P75 17.4 2.2 24.6 7.4 31.0 52.8 3957 1.42 53.6 48.4 34.8 40.0 Max 23.5 3.2 31.7 10.4 56.3 112.2 46400 18.7 96.4 61.9 64.0 53.2 IQR 1.1 0.5 2.3 1.9 7.7 15.2 3876 1.42 12.3 4.0 8.0 4.3 BL, indicates Baseline; FU, Follow-up. PM2.5: particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or less; PM2.5abs: absorbance of particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers; PM10: particulate matter with a diameter of 10 micrometers or less; PMcoarse: coarse fraction of PM2.5 to PM10; NO2: nitrogen dioxide; NOx: nitrogen oxides. a Traffic load on nearest major road in a 100m buffer presented in thousand. 25 Supplemental Table S6. Cohort-specific spearman correlation matrix for all individually assigned markers of home outdoor exposures, by cohort. ECRHS PM2.5 PM2.5 absorbance PM10 PM coarse NO2 NOx Traffic intensity Traffic load NO2 (back to BL) PM10 (back to BL) NO2 (back to FU) PM10 (back to FU) N rho rho rho Rho rho rho rho rho rho rho rho rho 1830 1.00 0.80 0.86 0.70 0.80 0.63 0.56 0.52 NA NA 0.79 0.81 1540 0.80 1.00 0.78 0.85 0.87 0.77 0.57 0.64 NA NA 0.91 0.62 1830 0.86 0.78 1.00 0.87 0.79 0.69 0.46 0.45 NA NA 0.77 0.96 1830 0.70 0.85 0.87 1.00 0.76 0.71 0.40 0.49 NA NA 0.77 0.81 3859 0.80 0.87 0.79 0.76 1.00 0.91 0.53 0.53 NA NA 0.95 0.77 3859 0.63 0.77 0.69 0.71 0.91 1.00 0.41 0.57 NA NA 0.86 0.56 2492 0.56 0.57 0.46 0.40 0.53 0.41 1.00 0.50 NA NA 0.51 0.50 2687 0.52 0.64 0.45 0.49 0.53 0.57 0.50 1.00 NA NA 0.59 0.35 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3859 0.79 0.91 0.77 0.77 0.95 0.86 0.51 0.59 NA NA 1.00 0.69 1388 0.81 0.62 0.96 0.81 0.77 0.56 0.50 0.35 NA NA 0.69 1.00 Exposures 3 PM2.5 [µg/m ] PM2.5absorbance [10-5m-1] PM10 [µg/m3] PM (coarse) [µg/m3] NO2 [µg/m3] NOx [µg/m3] Traffic intensity on nearest road [cars/day] Traffic load on nearest major road in a 100m buffer [cars-km/day] NO2 (backextrapolated to BL) [µg/m3] PM10 (backextrapolated to BL) [µg/m3] NO2 (backextrapolated to FU) [µg/m3] PM10 (backextrapolated to FU) [µg/m3] EGEA PM2.5 PM2.5 absorbance PM10 PM coarse NO2 NOx Traffic intensity Traffic load NO2 (back to BL) PM10 (back to BL) NO2 (back to FU) PM10 (back to FU) N rho rho rho Rho rho rho rho rho rho rho rho rho 342 1.00 0.57 0.70 0.47 0.64 0.64 0.37 0.49 NA NA 0.62 0.75 148 0.57 1.00 0.18 0.75 0.81 0.68 0.36 0.82 NA NA 0.81 0.18 342 0.70 0.18 1.00 0.54 0.62 0.63 0.38 0.36 NA NA 0.61 1.00 342 0.47 0.75 0.54 1.00 0.71 0.56 0.05 0.47 NA NA 0.76 0.50 568 0.64 0.81 0.62 0.71 1.00 0.94 0.36 0.54 NA NA 0.99 0.43 568 0.64 0.68 0.63 0.56 0.94 1.00 0.42 0.52 NA NA 0.92 0.48 Exposures 3 PM2.5 [µg/m ] PM2.5absorbance [10-5m-1] PM10 [µg/m3] PM (coarse) [µg/m3] NO2 [µg/m3] NOx [µg/m3] 26 Traffic intensity on nearest road [cars/day] Traffic load on nearest major road in a 100m buffer [cars-km/day] NO2 (backextrapolated to BL) [µg/m3] PM10 (backextrapolated to BL) [µg/m3] NO2 (backextrapolated to FU) [µg/m3] PM10 (backextrapolated to FU) [µg/m3] 568 0.37 0.36 0.38 0.05 0.36 0.42 1.00 0.47 NA NA 0.33 0.35 568 0.49 0.82 0.36 0.47 0.54 0.52 0.47 1.00 NA NA 0.55 0.10 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 568 0.62 0.81 0.61 0.76 0.99 0.92 0.33 0.55 NA NA 1.00 0.43 148 0.75 0.18 1.00 0.50 0.43 0.48 0.35 0.10 NA NA 0.43 1.00 NSHD PM2.5 PM2.5 absorbance PM10 PM coarse NO2 NOx Traffic intensity Traffic load NO2 (back to BL) PM10 (back to BL) NO2 (back to FU) PM10 (back to FU) N rho rho rho Rho rho rho rho rho rho rho rho rho 751 1.00 0.64 0.64 0.20 0.89 0.89 0.10 0.25 0.67 0.48 0.89 0.64 751 0.64 1.00 0.57 0.31 0.83 0.74 0.17 0.31 0.67 0.42 0.83 0.57 751 0.64 0.57 1.00 0.66 0.60 0.60 0.18 0.27 0.45 0.74 0.60 1.00 751 0.20 0.31 0.66 1.00 0.17 0.19 0.21 0.32 0.14 0.52 0.17 0.66 844 0.89 0.83 0.60 0.17 1.00 0.92 0.07 0.22 0.80 0.45 1.00 0.60 844 0.89 0.74 0.60 0.19 0.92 1.00 0.13 0.28 0.73 0.44 0.92 0.60 844 0.10 0.17 0.18 0.21 0.07 0.13 1.00 0.54 0.04 0.09 0.07 0.18 844 0.25 0.31 0.27 0.32 0.22 0.28 0.54 1.00 0.15 0.19 0.22 0.27 841 0.67 0.67 0.45 0.14 0.80 0.73 0.04 0.15 1.00 0.56 0.80 0.45 748 0.48 0.42 0.74 0.52 0.45 0.44 0.09 0.19 0.56 1.00 0.45 0.74 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Exposures 3 PM2.5 [µg/m ] PM2.5absorbance [10-5m-1] PM10 [µg/m3] PM (coarse) [µg/m3] NO2 [µg/m3] NOx [µg/m3] Traffic intensity on nearest road [cars/day] Traffic load on nearest major road in a 100m buffer [cars-km/day] NO2 (backextrapolated to BL) [µg/m3] PM10 (backextrapolated to BL) [µg/m3] NO2 (backextrapolated to FU) [µg/m3] PM10 (backextrapolated to FU) [µg/m3] SALIA PM2.5 PM2.5 absorbance PM10 PM coarse NO2 NOx Traffic intensity Traffic load NO2 (back to BL) PM10 (back to BL) NO2 (back to FU) PM10 (back to FU) N rho rho rho Rho rho rho rho rho rho rho rho rho 580 1.00 0.90 0.91 0.79 0.80 0.80 0.13 0.25 0.71 0.69 0 0 Exposures 3 PM2.5 [µg/m ] 27 PM2.5absorbance [10-5m-1] PM10 [µg/m3] PM (coarse) [µg/m3] NO2 [µg/m3] NOx [µg/m3] Traffic intensity on nearest road [cars/day] Traffic load on nearest major road in a 100m buffer [cars-km/day] NO2 (backextrapolated to BL) [µg/m3] PM10 (backextrapolated to BL) [µg/m3] NO2 (backextrapolated to FU) [µg/m3] PM10 (backextrapolated to FU) [µg/m3] 580 0.90 1.00 0.93 0.83 0.88 0.83 0.23 0.48 0.81 0.76 0 0 580 0.91 0.93 1.00 0.82 0.78 0.77 0.12 0.29 0.73 0.77 0 0 580 0.79 0.83 0.82 1.00 0.74 0.73 0.12 0.27 0.70 0.68 0 0 580 0.80 0.88 0.78 0.74 1.00 0.98 0.22 0.44 0.86 0.66 0 0 580 0.80 0.83 0.77 0.73 0.98 1.00 0.23 0.32 0.85 0.64 0 0 580 0.13 0.23 0.12 0.12 0.22 0.23 1.00 0.40 0.16 0.11 0 0 580 0.25 0.48 0.29 0.27 0.44 0.32 0.40 1.00 0.35 0.26 0 0 580 0.71 0.81 0.73 0.70 0.86 0.85 0.16 0.35 1.00 0.83 0 0 580 0.69 0.76 0.77 0.68 0.66 0.64 0.11 0.26 0.83 1.00 0 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA SAPALDIA PM2.5 PM2.5 absorbance PM10 PM coarse NO2 NOx Traffic intensity Traffic load NO2 (back to BL) PM10 (back to BL) NO2 (back to FU) PM10 (back to FU) N rho rho rho rho rho rho rho rho rho rho rho rho 729 1.00 0.71 0.70 0.62 0.72 0.68 0.15 0.29 0.35 0.34 0.71 0.66 729 0.71 1.00 0.67 0.79 0.74 0.74 0.09 0.15 0.43 0.35 0.75 0.64 729 0.70 0.67 1.00 0.80 0.82 0.74 0.29 0.28 0.39 0.47 0.82 0.91 729 0.62 0.79 0.80 1.00 0.84 0.77 0.25 0.12 0.46 0.40 0.85 0.75 1764 0.72 0.74 0.82 0.84 1.00 0.90 0.20 0.24 0.56 0.43 0.94 0.77 1764 0.68 0.74 0.74 0.77 0.90 1.00 0.23 0.23 0.54 0.39 0.85 0.69 1697 0.15 0.09 0.29 0.25 0.20 0.23 1.00 0.05 0.07 0.10 0.22 0.25 1671 0.29 0.15 0.28 0.12 0.24 0.23 0.05 1.00 0.13 0.16 0.26 0.25 1762 0.35 0.43 0.39 0.46 0.56 0.54 0.07 0.13 1.00 0.80 0.46 0.35 726 0.34 0.35 0.47 0.40 0.43 0.39 0.10 0.16 0.80 1.00 0.44 0.44 1764 0.71 0.75 0.82 0.85 0.94 0.85 0.22 0.26 0.46 0.44 1.00 0.78 729 0.66 0.64 0.91 0.75 0.77 0.69 0.25 0.25 0.35 0.44 0.78 1.00 Exposures 3 PM2.5 [µg/m ] PM2.5absorbance [10-5m-1] PM10 [µg/m3] PM (coarse) [µg/m3] NO2 [µg/m3] NOx [µg/m3] Traffic intensity on nearest road [cars/day] Traffic load on nearest major road in a 100m buffer [cars-km/day] NO2 (backextrapolated to BL) [µg/m3] PM10 (backextrapolated to BL) [µg/m3] NO2 (backextrapolated to FU) [µg/m3] PM10 (backextrapolated to FU) [µg/m3] 28 NA, indicates not applicable; BL, Baseline; FU, Follow-up.. 29 Supplemental Table S7. Results from meta-analyses for the cross-sectional association between the level of lung function and NO2 exposure (standard contrast of 10 µg/m³) backextrapolated to the time point of the 2nd spirometry. Level of lung functiona FEV1 (in mL) Study population nd NO2 (backextrapolated to 2 spirometry) nd PM10 (backextrapolated to 2 spirometry) FVC (in mL) 2 Betab 95%CI -12.84 -22.83 to -2.85 -42.84 -89.36 to 3.68 I p-valuehet 0.0% p=0.745 0.0% p=0.623 a Betab 95%CI -13.45 -25.00 to -1.90 -71.91 -127.04 to -16.78 I2 p-valuehet 0.0% p=0.990 0.0% p=0.697 Level of lung function derived from 2nd spirometry. b The betas for the association between level of lung function and exposure, are derived from the main model, adjusting for age, age squared, height, sex, BMI, highest educational level, and smoking status at 2nd spirometry; a negative sign indicates lower lung function with increasing exposure. d I2 and Cochran’s test for heterogeneity of effect estimates between cohorts. 30 Supplemental Table S8. Results from meta-analyses for the cross-sectional association between the level of lung function and NO2 exposure (standard contrast of 10 µg/m³), stratified by gender, obesity, asthma status, and smoking status. Level of lung functiona FEV1 (in mL) Study population Betab 95%CI Females -15.78 -28.34 to -3.23 Males -8.16 -28.32 to 12.00 Not obese persons -8.18 -21.01 to 4.66 Obese persons -32.74 -58.84 to -6.65 Not Asthmatics -11.25 -23.51 to 1.00 Asthmatics -13.90 -37.36 to 9.56 Non smokers -12.03 -28.13 to 4.06 Smokers -15.01 FVC (in mL) 2d -30.82 to 0.79 I p-valuehet 0.0% p=0.859 0.0% p=0.399 12.7% p=0.333 0.0% p=0.907 0.0% p=0.805 0.0% p=0.469 0.0% p=0.658 0.0% p=0.920 p-valueintc Betab 95%CI -21.81 -36.78 to -6.85 -3.01 -26.14 to 20.13 -7.27 -22.27 to 7.73 -44.93 -74.59 to -15.27 -10.92 -25.95 to 4.11 -19.12 -47.98 to 9.73 -17.31 -36.68 to 2.06 -13.12 -31.53 to 5.29 p=0.529 p=0.098 p=0.844 p=0.796 a I2 d p-valuehet 0.0% p=0.682 4.9% p=0.368 0.0% p=0.800 0.0% p=0.753 0.0% p=0.963 0.0% p=0.866 0.0% p=0.990 0.0% p=0.847 p-valueintc p=0.181 p=0.026 p=0.621 p=0.759 Level of lung function derived from 2nd spirometry. b The betas for the association between level of lung function and exposure, are derived from the main model, adjusting for age, age squared, height, sex, BMI, highest educational level, and smoking status at 2nd spirometry; a negative sign indicates lower lung function with increasing exposure. c p-values of effect modification across subgroups. d I2 and Cochran’s test for heterogeneity of effect estimates between cohorts. 31 Supplemental Table S9. Results from meta-analyses for the cross-sectional association between the level of lung function and NO2 exposure (standard contrast of 10 µg/m³), stratified by gender and obesity. Level of lung functiona FEV1 (in mL) Study population Betab 95%CI Not obese females -10.44 -24.06 to 3.18 Obese females -32.37 -60.39 to -4.36 Not obese males -2.45 -24.18 to 19.29 Obese males -30.30 -76.57 to 15.97 FVC (in mL) I2 d p-valuehet 0.0% p=0.850 0.0% p=0.891 32.2% p=0.219 0.0% p=0.997 p-valueintc Betab 95%CI -17.19 -33.49 to -0.90 -45.75 -77.73 to -13.77 6.05 -19.06 to 31.16 -41.42 -91.18 to 8.35 p=0.168 p=0.286 a I2 d p-valuehet 0.0% p=0.794 0.0% p=0.825 37.7% p=0.186 0.0% p=0.828 p-valueintc p=0.119 p=0.095 Level of lung function derived from 2nd spirometry. b The betas for the association between level of lung function and exposure, are derived from the main model, adjusting for age, age squared, height, sex, BMI, highest educational level, and smoking status at 2nd spirometry; a negative sign indicates lower lung function with increasing exposure. d I2 and Cochran’s test for heterogeneity of effect estimates between cohorts. 32 Supplemental Table S10. Results from meta-analyses for the cross-sectional association between the level of lung function and NO2 exposure (standard contrast of 10 µg/m³), by the restricted groups included in the sensitivity analysis. Level of lung functiona FEV1 (in mL) FVC (in mL) 2d Study population N Betab 95%CI Persons not moving between 1st and 2nd spirometry 4482 -9.14 -24.34 to 6.06 Participants aged 30+ (age at 1st spirometry) 3841 -10.81 -29.00 to 7.39 a I p-valuehet 0.0%, p=0.684 0.0%, p=0.505 Betab 95%CI -10.71 -28.64 to 7.22 -5.89 -26.95 to 15.17 I2 d p-valuehet 37.2%, p=0.173 0.0%, p=0.475 Level of lung function derived from 2nd spirometry. b The betas for the association between level of lung function and exposure, are derived from the main model, adjusting for age, age squared, height, sex, BMI, highest educational level, and smoking status at 2nd spirometry; a negative sign indicates lower lung function with increasing exposure. d I2 and Cochran’s test for heterogeneity of effect estimates between cohorts. 33 Supplemental Figures S1a-e: Flowcharts describing the study specific ESCAPE sampling process a)ECRHS, b) EGEA, c) NSHD, d)SALIA and e)SAPALDIA Figure S1a ECRHS Original study population BL - (POPULATION A) Total original study population with at least baseline data (participants >=20) N=17349 Number of death or lost at follow-up: N=6987 Original study population BL & FU - (POPULATION B) Total study population participating at baseline and follow-up N=10362 (59.7% of A) After area restriction: N=4778 Total ESCAPE study population BL & FU - (POPULATION C) (Participants data from baseline and at follow-up living at ESCAPE sites at both surveys) N=5584 (32.2% of A) No complete lung function records: N=1410 ESCAPE study population with spirometry BL & FU - (POPULATION D) ESCAPE Participants BL & FU with valid spirometry (FEV1 and FVC) N=4174 (24.1% of A) No complete case information: N=59 ESCAPE study population with spirometry and covariates BL & FU - (POPULATION E) Population D with age, gender, height, smoking status, education and BMI at both surveys N=4115 (23.7% of A) Final study population (POPULATION F1) Final study population (POPULATION F2) Population E with valid NO2 measurements and Population E with valid PM10 measurements and complete case information complete case information N=3859 (22.2%) N=1831 (10.6%) 34 Figure S1b. EGEA Original study population BL - (POPULATION A) Total original study population with at least baseline data (participants >=20) N=1321 Number of death or lost at follow-up: N=131 Original study population BL & FU - (POPULATION B) Total study population participating at baseline and follow-up N=1190 (90.1% of A) After area restriction: N=470 Total ESCAPE study population BL & FU - (POPULATION C) (Participants data from baseline and at follow-up living at ESCAPE sites at both surveys) N=720 (54.5% of A) No complete lung function records: N=138 ESCAPE study population with spirometry BL & FU - (POPULATION D) ESCAPE Participants BL & FU with valid spirometry (FEV1 and FVC) N=582 (44.1% of A) No complete case information: N=5 ESCAPE study population with spirometry and covariates BL & FU - (POPULATION E) Population D with age, gender, height, smoking status, education and BMI at both surveys N=577 (43.7% of A) Final study population (POPULATION F1) Final study population (POPULATION F2) Population E with valid NO2 measurements and Population E with valid PM10 measurements and complete case information complete case information N=568 (43.0%) N=342 (25.9%) 35 Figure S1c NSHD Original study population BL - (POPULATION A) Total original study population with at least baseline data (participants >=20) N=2988 Number of death or lost at follow-up: N=879 Original study population BL & FU - (POPULATION B) Total study population participating at baseline and follow-up N=2109 (70.6% of A) After area restriction: N=0 Total ESCAPE study population BL & FU - (POPULATION C) (Participants data from baseline and at follow-up living at ESCAPE sites at both surveys) N=2109 (70.6% of A) No complete lung function records: N=1088 ESCAPE study population with spirometry BL & FU - (POPULATION D) ESCAPE Participants BL & FU with valid spirometry (FEV1 and FVC) N=1021 (34.2% of A) No complete case information: N=146 ESCAPE study population with spirometry and covariates BL & FU - (POPULATION E) Population D with age, gender, height, smoking status, education and BMI at both surveys N=875 (29.3% of A) Final study population (POPULATION F1) Final study population (POPULATION F2) Population E with valid NO2 measurements and Population E with valid PM10 measurements and complete case information complete case information N=844 (28.2%) N=751 (25.1%) 36 Figure S1d SALIA Original study population BL - (POPULATION A) Total original study population with at least baseline data (participants >=20) N=4756 Number of death or lost at follow-up: N=2558 Original study population BL & FU - (POPULATION B) Total study population participating at baseline and follow-up N=2198 (46.2% of A) After area restriction: N=0 Total ESCAPE study population BL & FU - (POPULATION C) (Participants data from baseline and at follow-up living at ESCAPE sites at both surveys) N=2198 (46.2% of A) No complete lung function records: N=871 ESCAPE study population with spirometry BL & FU - (POPULATION D) ESCAPE Participants BL & FU with valid spirometry (FEV1 and FVC) N=585 (12.3% of A) No complete case information: N=4 ESCAPE study population with spirometry and covariates BL & FU - (POPULATION E) Population D with age, gender, height, smoking status, education and BMI at both surveys N=581 (12.2% of A) Final study population (POPULATION F1) Final study population (POPULATION F2) Population E with valid NO2 measurements and Population E with valid PM10 measurements and complete case information complete case information N=580 (12.2%) N=580 (12.2%) 37 Figure S1e SAPALDIA Original study population BL - (POPULATION A) Total original study population with at least baseline data (participants >=20) N= 9,246 Number of death or lost at follow-up: N=1510 Original study population BL & FU - (POPULATION B) Total study population participating at baseline and follow-up N= 7,736 (83.67% OF A) After area restriction: N=4804 Total ESCAPE study population BL & FU - (POPULATION C) (Participants data from baseline and at follow-up living at ESCAPE sites at both surveys) N=2,648 (28.64% of A) No complete lung function records: N=871 ESCAPE study population with spirometry BL & FU - (POPULATION D) ESCAPE Participants BL & FU with valid spirometry (FEV1 and FVC) N=1,777 (19.22% of A) No complete case information: N=11 ESCAPE study population with spirometry and covariates BL & FU - (POPULATION E) Population D with age, gender, height, smoking status, education and BMI at both surveys N=1,766 (19.10% of A) Final study population (POPULATION F1) Final study population (POPULATION F2) Population E with valid NO2 measurements and Population E with valid PM10 measurements and complete case information complete case information N=1,764 (19.08%) N=729 (7.89%) Legend Supplemental Figures S1a-e: 38 1. Population A: Original Baseline population (Survey 1; timepoint of 1st spirometry): Total original study population considered as baseline participants, irrespective of availability of lung function and of ESCAPE-relevant geography. 2. Population B: Population participating at original baseline (Survey 1) AND at last Follow-up (Survey 2; ; timepoint of 2nd spirometry), irrespective of availability of lung function and of ESCAPE-relevant geography. This is a subgroup of A 3. Population C: ESCAPE population Survey 1 & Survey 2: Baseline and Follow up participants, irrespective of availability of lung function. This is Population B but restricted to those living in ESCAPE sites at both surveys. (= Subgroup of B) 4. Population D: ESCAPE Population with valid spirometry: This is Population C with the additional requirement of having valid Specific Aim outcome data, i.e. valid spirometry data for all two lung function metrics (FEV1 and FVC) from baseline and follow-up examination. ( = Subgroup of C) 5. Population E: like D, but in addition requirement of ‘complete case’ information on main co-variables from baseline and follow-up as defined in modeling chapter: age, sex, height, smoking status, highest educational level and BMI. ( = Subgroup of D) 6. Population F1 & F2: like E, but in addition with a valid estimate of home outdoor NO2 (NF1) and PM10 (NF2) exposure, respectively, successfully assigned to the subjects’ records. Please not that in looking at traffic exposure we will be looking at a subset of F1 and F2 populations only (no traffic indicator subset will be created). We will need to be careful, therefore, in making direct comparisons between exposure associations for NOx, PM metric derived exposures and traffic exposures 39 Supplemental Figure S2 and Figure S3 Forest plot displaying the study-specific mixed linear regression model estimatesa,b of the association of NO2 with FVC (in mL) stratified by obesity statusc. % FVC (not obese) by NO2 Study ID % Weight FVC (obese) by NO2 Study ES (95% CI) (I-V) N SAPALDIA 3.58 (-37.62, 44.78) 13.25 1512 ECRHS -12.99 (-31.80, 5.83) 63.53 3279 NSHD 9.26 (-46.34, 64.86) 7.28 587 SALIA -20.45 (-82.86, 41.96) 5.78 EGEA 9.99 (-37.05, 57.02) 10.17 I-V Subtotal (I-squared = 0.0%, p = 0.800) -7.27 (-22.27, 7.73) 100.00 D+L Subtotal -7.27 (-22.27, 7.73) ID Weight ES (95% CI) (I-V) N SAPALDIA -122.29 (-247.50, 2.92) 5.61 252 ECRHS -42.05 (-79.23, -4.87) 63.64 580 NSHD -46.93 (-125.79, 31.93) 14.15 255 409 SALIA -20.17 (-100.42, 60.08) 13.66 171 495 EGEA -64.87 (-237.83, 108.09) 2.94 73 I-V Subtotal (I-squared = 0.0%, p = 0.753) -44.93 (-74.59, -15.27) 100.00 D+L Subtotal -44.93 (-74.59, -15.27) NO2_1 NO2_1 -82.9 0 increased risk 82.9 -247 decreased risk 0 increased risk coefficient 247 decreased risk coefficient NO2_1 indicates NO2 measured at time of ESCAPE. a Associations with lung function measures are presented as increments in NO2 per 10µg/m3. I-square: variation in estimated effects attributable to heterogeneity. D+L (Der Simonian and Laird method): pooled estimate of all studies. b The mixed linear regression models were adjusted for: age, age squared, height, sex, BMI, highest educational level, and smoking status at 2nd spirometry; negative estimates indicated lower lung function with increasing exposure. c Obesity has been stratified as not obese “BMI<30 kg/m2” and obese “BMI>=30 kg/m2”. P-value for heterogeneity obese vs. non-obese: 0.026 for FVC. 40 Supplemental Figure S4 and Figure S5 Forest plot displaying the study-specific mixed linear regression model estimatesa,b of the association of NO2 with FEV1 and FVC (in mL) in females. % FEV1 (females) by NO2 Study ID % Weight FVC (females) by NO2 Study ES (95% CI) (I-V) N SAPALDIA -4.78 (-40.78, 31.23) 12.15 980 ECRHS -14.01 (-29.98, 1.95) 61.83 1981 NSHD -35.01 (-77.59, 7.56) 8.69 SALIA -22.97 (-63.06, 17.12) 9.80 EGEA -16.53 (-62.30, 29.25) 7.52 I-V Subtotal (I-squared = 0.0%, p = 0.859) -15.78 (-28.34, -3.23) 100.00 D+L Subtotal -15.78 (-28.34, -3.23) ID Weight ES (95% CI) (I-V) N SAPALDIA -38.49 (-82.03, 5.06) 11.80 980 ECRHS -14.43 (-33.66, 4.80) 60.53 1981 470 NSHD -24.04 (-71.01, 22.92) 10.15 470 580 SALIA -20.79 (-70.20, 28.63) 9.17 580 303 EGEA -50.18 (-101.95, 1.60) 8.35 303 I-V Subtotal (I-squared = 0.0%, p = 0.682) -21.81 (-36.78, -6.85) 100.00 D+L Subtotal -21.81 (-36.78, -6.85) NO2_1 NO2_1 -77.6 0 increased risk 77.6 -102 decreased risk 0 increased risk 102 decreased risk coefficient coefficient NO2_1 indicates NO2 measured at time of ESCAPE. a Associations with lung function measures are presented as increments in NO2 per 10µg/m3. 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