Community Consul tat ion Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30,2004 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? ,4-----h ‘[ Yes ,!! XL-., NO /’ 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? /--\ Yes ;‘..7:.. - No ,) : A....----A’ 3. TC,-~~el~we by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be excluded from this study? ../=Y Yes pfJp-/ 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? ____________________------------------------ Age: Ethnic background: LTL Gender: OPTIONAL Male .y ______________________________ - _______-_--------- &d*c? - Female Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester, MX 55902 (507) 2557003 Polvheme.triat Mayo Clinic Clinical Trails Community Consultation Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30,2004 Please circlC your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? Yi? c NO 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? Yes 3. If a familv member of yours were severely injured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be excluded from this study? r Ia-2 L. 4. Do you hale any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? ,‘. 4 ,, y h- ;/, c&&.&2’-\, 3 Yes ____________________---------------- --------OPTIONAL ------_-----________----------------------------- Ethnic background: Gender: Male : ii,e~6 i I c ry-.~~~~~ Female $ Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester, MN 55902 (507) 255-7003 Polvheme.trial Mayo Clinic Chnical Trails \ Community Consultation Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30,2004 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? No 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? Yes Nd ’ I- / 3. If a family member of yours were severely injured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics,would you want him or her to be excluded from this study‘? Yes No; -*’ 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? OPTIONAL __-_________________------------------------ Ethnic background: C’k- r&- Age: 67 Gender: -_________c_________----------------------------- Male Female J Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester, MN 55902 (507) 2557003 Polvheme.trial Mayo Clinic Clinical Trails Community Consultation Kiwanis CIub of Rochester March 30,2004 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? CT No Yes 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedicsin your community, would you wish to be excluded? -arm-r nf yours were severely injured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be excluded from this study? Yes / 0 No/ 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? Age: Gender: Ethnic background: 67A Male LcJ~;J-p Female -8 Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester, MN 55902 (507) 255-7003 Polvheme.trialO Mayo Clinic Clinjcal Trails Community Consultation Kiwanis CIub of Rochester March 30,2004 Please circle yozrr answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specificaIIy, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? , ‘i,NO Yes 1;’ c 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? Yes 3. If a family member of yours were severely injured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics, w-ould you want him or her to be excluded trom thusstudy.! Yes 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? ______-____~_______------------------------- Ethnic background: PJ7VW Age: 67 Gender: OPTIONAL ----_-_-__-_-*______---------------------~------- Male /’ Female Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester,MN 55902 (507) 255-7003 [email protected] Mayo Clinic Clinical Trails Community Consultation Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30,2004 Please tide your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients wouId be enrolled without giving their informed consent? No Yes c7 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? 0 No Yes 3. If a familv member of vours were severelyin-@redand bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be excluded from this study? -I Yes c No / 4, Do you have any comments or concernsyou wish to share with the investigators? ________________________________________---OPTIONAL-- Ethnic background: Age: 6.7.3 Gender: Male ----------_-_---____--------------------------- -LAro~&) I ;XX Female Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester,MN 55902 (507) 255-7003 Polvheme.trial Mayo Clinic Clinical Trails Community Consultation Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30,2004 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specificahy, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? No 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? Yes L~rfrely . . qured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be excluded from this study? Yes dNO 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? OPTIONAL __-----_________---------------------------- __________________ - ____________________---------- Ethnic background: Age: 67 :’ Gender: Male /’ Female Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester,MN 55902 (507) 255-7003 [email protected] Mayo Clinic Clinical Trails Community Consultation Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30,2004 Please circle your alzswers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? .!G d No 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? 0No Yes d were to be treated by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be excluded from this study? 2 J. Yes 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? ---___--____^--_____------------------------ ____________________ _ ________________________ Ethnic background: Age: 6 2k Gender: OPTIONAL---- Male * Female Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester, MN 55902 (507) 255-7003 [email protected] Mayo Clinic Clinical Trails Community Consultation Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30, 2004 Please circle your amwers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? 0 Yes NO 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? Yes . . nd bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be excluded from this study? 3 Tfa I flmjjq Yes wp.~e spwlureda cia 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? ________________________________________---OPTIONAL Ethnic background: KU-L&T- Age: 6 ]3 Gender: ________________________________________--------- Male J Female Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester, MN 55902 (507) 2557003 [email protected] Mayo Ciinic Clinkal Trails Community Consultation Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30,2004 Please circle your answers I. WouId you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? Yes No 0 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? Yes .. ‘3. ) Tlf e-w-rprrprpl\re tobetreated by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be excluded from this study? ‘Nb 0 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? Yes ___-________________------------------------ OPTJONAL ____________________----------------------------. Ethnic background: Age: bfz Gender: Male 4- FemaIe)( Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester, MN 55902 (507) 255-7003 [email protected] Mayo Clinic Clinical Trails Community Consultation Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30,2004 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? Yes 0 ? No 2. If you were severeIy injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? Yes ble&ingand were to be treated by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be excluded from this study? No 0 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? Yes __--________________------------------------ ____________________----------------------------- Ethnic background: Age: b5 Gender: OPTIONAL Male Female Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester, MN 55902 (507) 2.557003 Pol [email protected] Mayo Clinic Clinical Trails Community Consultation Kiwanis Club of Rocheste March 30,2004 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described a: this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? Y&s CT NO 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were treated by the paramedics in munity, would you wish to be excluded? ’ No 0 3. If a family member of yours were severely injured and bleeding and were to be treated paramedics, would you want him or her to be excluded from this study? 4, Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to hare with the investigators? Gender: Male 1% Female Community Consultation Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30,2004 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? (7 No Yes 2. If you were severely injured and bleedin,(3and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? QNo Yes 5. ifa by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be excluded from this study? Yes __---__________---__------------------------ OPTIONAL / Age: kk Ethnic bat kground: Gender: Female Male ____________________----------------------------- Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester, MN 55902 (507) 255-7003 [email protected] Mayo Clinic Clinica TraiIs ted Community Consultation Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30,2004 Please circle your answers I. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? Yes ’ NO .o . 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? Yes ? Tf qer of vours were severelv iniured and bleedinp and were to be treated , by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be excluded from this study? Yes 0 No ’ 4. Do you have any comments or concernsyou wish to share with the investigators? OPTIONAL ____-______--------------------------------- Ethnic background: Age: ‘??LT1 Gender: Male ,x, ________________________________________--------- & &--&ud Female Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D: Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester,MN 55902 (507) 255-7003 [email protected] Mayo Clinic Clinical Trails Community Consultation Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30,2004 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? .. Yes ““,. No L 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? I’ 3. If a familv member of yours were severely injured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be excluded from this study? :‘No ‘:! L.2 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? Yes -_--____-____~_____------------------------- Ethnic background: ,:,cLL$-&&~ Age: qc Gender: OPTIONAL------ ----_---________-___----------------------- Male Female & Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester, MN 55902 (507) 255-7003 [email protected] Mayo Clinic Clinical Trails Community Consultation Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30,2004 PZease circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patjents would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? / ---\ 0 Yes No 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? Yes ured and bleedinp and were to be treated by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be excluded from this study? 2 Tf Yes ____________________------------------------ Ethnic background: Age: -I 3 Gender: OPTIONAL Male __________-__--_-_--_____-____------------------- c/$-l/ c../J-fj /s/t/ I&% Female - Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Chnic 200 First St SW Rochester, MN 55902 (507) X5-7003 [email protected] Mayo Clinic Clinical Trails Community Consultation Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30,2004 Please circle your answers 1_ Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? No 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? Yes <No 3 were to be treated by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be excluded from this study? 2 Tfo Yes cl No 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? ____--__---_____-___------------------------ Age: Ethnic background: 72 Gender: OPTIONAL----- -____-___-_________------------------------- Male t&4/ohLd Female s Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester, MN 55902 (507) 2557003 Polvheme.trial Mayo Clinic Clinical Trails Community Consultation Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30,2004 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? es 0 NO 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? Yes p:to be&eated by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be excluded from this study? 9 TC Yes 1 of a No 4. Do you have any comments or concernsyou wish to share with the investigators? ________________________________________---OPTIONAL ____________________----------------------------- Ethnic background: Age: 71 Gender: Male t/ w+&. Female Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester,MN 55902 (507) 255-7003 [email protected] Mayo Clinic Clinical Trails Community Consultation Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30,2004 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedicsin your community, wouId you wish to be excluded? were to be treated 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? _______________ ______________-______________ OPTIONAL Gender: MaIe L’ _______-___--___---_----------------------------- Female Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester, MN 55902 (507) 255-7003 [email protected] Mayo Clinic Clinical Traiis Community Consultation Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30,2004 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? No 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? ?Tfer of yours were severely injured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be excluded from this study? No 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? ____________________------------------------ ____________- ____________________---------------- Ethnic background: GF;4A Age: zc Gender: OPTIONAL Male y @+d Female Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester,MN 55902 (507) 2557003 Polvheme.trial Mayo Clinic Clinical Trails Community Consultation Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30,2004 Please cirde your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? /-I-\ 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? Yes and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be excluded from this study? f -- ‘.., No // Yes L 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? l?lV --___-__________--__-----------------------L7 Age: Ethnic background: ,/ 4 - Gender: OPTIONAL Male v i ____________________----------------------------- /: i Lk/Ycc.-!Q I.& -Ij?,L Female Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester,MN 55902 (507) 255-7003 [email protected] Mayo Clinic Clinical Trails Community Consultation Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30,2004 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? NO Yes 0 - I--: 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? Yes ?Tf..a nf pm were severely injured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be excluded from this study? Yes 4. Do you h&e any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? ____________________------------------------ OPTIONAL Ethnic background: Gender: Male ____e----- -_-----__----_-__--_------------------- I Female Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester,MN 55902 (507) 255-7003 Polyheme.triaf Mayo Clinic Cljnical Trails Community Consultation Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30,2004 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specificahy, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? 0 Yes No 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? Yes 0 0 3. If a familv member of vours were severely iniured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be excluded from this study? No 0 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? Yes -__-_________~_____---------------- ____________________________t___________--------- Ethnic background: Gwfli/ Age: *??z Gender: _________ OPTIONAL Male c// Female Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester, MN 55902 (507) 25.57003 Polyheme.triai Mayo Clinic Clinical Trails Community Consultation Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30,2004 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? cl No Y&G 2. If you were severely injured and bleedin,* and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? Yes 3. If a family member of yours were severely injured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be excluded from this study? Yes 4. you wish to share with the investigators? Do you have any comments fit tii rnncerns - -w----v -w-s_-..- ----_____-_----_------------- OPTIONAL __________________________ _ ______________________ Ethnic background: t/UK Gender: Male %. Female __I Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester, MN 55902 (507) 2557003 Polvheme.rrial Mayo Clinic Clinical Trails http://mayoresearch.mayo.edulmayo/researchltrials/index.cfm Community Consultation Kiwanjs Club of Rochester March 30,2004 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? 0 Yes No 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? Yes 3. If a famiIy member of yours were severely injured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be excluded from this study? Yes 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? _________________ ____________________________________ OPTIONAL ________ Ethnic background: Gender: Female Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester, MN 55902 (507) 255-7003 Polvheme.trial Mayo Clinic Clinical Trails Community Consultation Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30,2004 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support q study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severeIy injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? es NO D 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedicsin your community, would you wish to be excluded? Yes 0 NO 3. If a family member of yours were severely injured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be excluded trom this study’! Yes NO 0 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? _____________-.__________________________---- Age: 7d’ Gender: OPTIONAL ________________________________________--------- Ethnic background: wa2 Male %. ’ Female Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester,MN 55902 (507) 25.57003 [email protected] Mayo Clinic Clinical Trails Community Consultation Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30,2004 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? c7i Yes No 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? 3. If a family member of yours were severely injured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics,would you want him or her to be excluded from this study? No 4. Do you have any comments or concernsyou wish to share with the investigators? ________________________________________---- Age: Gender: 7: OPTIONAL Ethnic background: Male v ________________________________________--------- tr/d Female Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester,MN 55902 (507) 2.557003 [email protected] Mayo Clinic Cfinical Trails Community Consultation Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30,2004 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? No GJ 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? Yes 0N 3. If a family member of yours were severely injured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be excluded from this study? Yes 0N 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? _______-_____-----___________________ Age: *‘g’ Gender: _ _____- OPTIONAL ________________________________________--------- Ethnic background: Male i/ Female Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Maye, Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester, MN 55902 (587) 255-7003 Polvheme.trial Mayo Clinic Clinical Trails Community ConsuItation Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30,2004 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? No 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? Yes 3. If a family member of yours were severely injured and bleeding and were to be treated oy the pal v or herto%e exdyy . , Yes No 0 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? ______________________________ - Age: Ethnic background: 72 Gender: Male ____________ OPTIONAL _____________________L_________ - _________________ Female )(: Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic DO First St SW Rochester,MN 55902 (507) 255-7003 [email protected] Mayo Clinic Clinical Trails z 0 ti Community ConsuItation Kiwanis Club of Rochester March 30,2004 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enroIled without giving their informed consent? 0 No es 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you wish to be excluded? Yes 3. If a family member of yours were severely injured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics,WOUld you want hiIII or her t0 be excluded IrOiII thlS StUdy’! Yes / l----T uNo 4. Do ,- you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? / / z d /, nkl4 iiQ77e. QUm/‘h.f f rrPcf P _____________-__________________________----OPTIONAL Ethnic background: f fi ti c Q Si’a H Age: 2!!L Gender: ________________________________________--------- ‘Male Female x Thank you for your participation today. Questions? Andy Boggust, M.D. Department of Emergency Medicine Mayo Clinic 200 First St SW Rochester, MN 55902 (507) 255-7003 [email protected] Mayo Clinic Clinical Trails