One Newark Center, Newark, New ... Main No. (973) 642-8800 Fax Nos. (973) 642-8194/8546
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One Newark Center, Newark, New ... Main No. (973) 642-8800 Fax Nos. (973) 642-8194/8546
One Newark Center, Newark, New Jersey 07102-&O Main No. (973) 642-8800 Fax Nos. (973) 642-8194/8546 Internet: Http://www.shu.eduflaw/ Mar. 14,200O Christine J. Lewis, Ph.D. Acting Director Office of Nutritional Products, Labeling and Dietary Supplements Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition ’ Food and Drug Administration Washington, D.C. 20204 Dear Acting Director Lewis; I received your Mar. 3 fax about a public meeting on April 4 relating to the implementation of Pearsonv. Shalalaand another issueon health claims. I have classon April 4 and will not be able to attend. I made comments about the implementation of Pearsonin my March 25, 1999 Testimony to the House GovernmentReform Committee. I have encloseda copy in caseyou can include it in the record of input for the meeting. I also have expandedmy views in a section in an article on Constitutionalizing Food and Drug Law which is to be published shortly in 74 Tulane Law Review SlS(2000). I hope this is of assistance. Sincerely yours, Margaret ‘Gilhoo[ey i Professor of Law“‘, ’ The Catholic University in New Jersey - founded in 1856 6L SCHOOL OF LAW FACULlY One Newark Center, Newark, New Jersey 07102-&O Main No. (973) 642-8800 Fax Nos. (97’3)642-8194/ 8546 Internet: Http// TESTIMONY OF PROF. MARGARETGILHOOLEY OF SETON HALL LAW SCHOOL HEARING OF THE HOUSECOMMITTEEON GOVERNMENT REFORM ON DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS,MARCH25, 1999 I am Margaret Gilhooley. I teach at Seton Hall Law School and was a member of the Commission on Dietary appreciate the opportunity carrying out its claims. claims to Identify and function Under FDA's proposed general maintain references references tentatively regards cardiovascular and "helps maintain I believe to bodily conditions, to rules to body functions function, a healthy that claims I FDA is dietary but not disease diseases, or ** "inhibits but disease not more functions. a claim that cholesterol can still and especially members specific as appropriate DSHEApermits (63 Fed. Reg. 23624), systems FDA's criteria organs and functions Commission on DSHEA and whether Disease Claims. to make structure include Labels. intent. 1. Criteria supplements to testify Supplement Thus, FDA a supplement '*helps platelet aggregation," level." are too narrow. General imply to prevent disease refer bodily usefulness so when the normally receive disagreed about claims medical appropriate 1 The Catholic University in New Jersey - founded in 1856 references to attention. claims The for . . . .^.” .. . . . .- . supplements, and some of us found ,__ I VroublingVV _ ,_ I .‘<,- j and ItProblematic" claims: llostensibly actually relating state m liver, with (emphasis added). my view, function major or systems (e.g. implies relates be misled increases. I think supplement conditions disease the FDA proposal claims that and functions and beyond the ability 2. Need to Identify The FDA proposal function** product llimproves for one supplement for in the of own experience, the potential ‘ ~.~,.'~.~.".rgi.~."~ " .I.,, to to role the associated a dietary of any meaningful to restrict maintenance of bodily with the occurrence "Dietary" as an appropriate not be viewed as an appropriate not to which would be a disease. an Understandable affect cardiovascular beyond the ability absentmindedness." There are no foods that 36-37 of of the consumer to evaluate. recognizes statement P. needs to be revised relate closely circulatory) normal" to a matter the consumer to assess from their organs (e.g. a need to use the product an abnormality when a claim that abnormal conditions. to \'lmaintain claims) an abnormality, Moreover, functions' mentioning clinical a claim (or similar prevent statements and prostate) associated In bodily imply the need to remedy an underlying or unhealthy heart, to 'normal claim supplement sense. 2 '@structure a claim In my view this for that and the claim should a lVdietarvV1 ingredient, absentmindedness, a dietary Relationship. and this claim ingredient or That should claim is a dietary not be .._, v,. ,__ ._- permissible for the same reason supplement to be an "oral the is claim simply that contraceptivel* not one for a claim on a dietary would not be permissible-the effects of a "dietary" ingredient. The FDA rule supplements should preclude unless the claim relationship. Products but go beyond that when they claim, the statement ingredient the effects that the supplement produced claim should that a calming it 3. Health in achieving energy, like the process be the dietary for "the health approach, concept claims supplements. are has found constitutionall Under unconstitutional the oldietarylf supplements, and function of like the dietary those associated dietary claim would be effects For example, like those a supplement might has a wak&up effect like for Supplements. approval of fairness" the coffee or of health foods already difficulties decision, to allow 3 should foods, and the for adopted by the D.C. Circuit 164 F.3d 650 (D.C. Cir. in failing claims and under which the requirements FDA had and legal court The Commission and conventional same for While decision Pearson v. Shalala, role source for supplements P. 34-35. a recent effects and Dietary recommended that supported the for tea. Claims same for to An appropriate in the diet. effect as dietary to make a structure is a substitute provides claims had an understandable relate of foods. by foods and function can be sold simply in the diet with structure Court dietary this of Appeals with FDA's actions. 1999). FDA supplements regulations are to make a health ._ claim .. . -._ ,.. .I^ e. I . . ., even when there support the claim, about the so long determining or decision on the label that agreementof to the support that evaluating a claim, inform supports consumers. supplements possible better not comment upon but will make on not be adequate agreement." point out remand in In my view, claims. consideration is "no significant claim. scientific The level is in needs to be given important of to disclaimers scientific scientists to inform in supplements. concluded but also that a cancer risk. Doesn't consumers is decision not only there that the was tra hint See ffStudies Forestall to end a The study was Cancer New York Times, p. A 16, Jan. 16, 1996. of Find Beta or Heart Disclaimers may to convey the information. of Appeals articulation supporting to particular investigators were not helpful The Court to to adequately of beta carotene Used by Millions, Disease," ,.,‘. a disclaimer the I will Cancer Institute's harm" in increasing Carotene, simply when of to _. agreement bears limits ;I, _ an adequate disclaimer a claim by the National, early scientific have there of using of the effects ended _^ and should be disclosed in order to adequately .,.,a.‘s+,x .I_ The difficulties illustrated ^_, ..-. of the decision, disclaimers, to stating agreement .. --~-. other FDA will what constitutes to the other .._,.,.. of FDA approval. consumers with respect addition )-..-_ as the supplement law aspects important study .-,.. ^ is no significant and the lack the constitutional inform _ inconclusiveness evidence, the . of was also the concerned meaning The Commission report of that "significant has a discussion 4 FDA provide a scientific that may be of . .._.. ,. ._.. . __ .- .L.l - 4.) . . ., . some assistance. The report can be improved, including workshops. P. 34-35. scientific literature scientific evidence judgment. to support claims The report that claims, difficult found The decision and well-documented support inadequate. 4. Safety a body of they of are not, doing nature of experimentation make the of existence in determining of whether explanations lacking in the importance for explanation each claim, if the supplements however, are safe--as subject food ingredients. that for scientific of FDA making a and providing agency finds Consumers use dietary or FDA approval a product indicates in make the evaluation claims of the evidence assume the recognition of other difficulty found in‘ade~ate‘*FDA8s Substantiation. The supplements report is and matters of direct important highlights a full show that the also particular examination safety there because of the chronic and agreement careful general that and support. agency because notes uncertainties recognized health The Court of Appeals support. conferences the ways of evaluating involves also scientific is sufficient why the also See p. 31. These, factors more significant there scientific and the inappropr$ateness many claims. the by holding the FDA process P.31. the conditions, for out ways that concerning The Commission research pointed safe supplements as foods. to the requirements provides assurance for of the FDA bears the burden of proof poses a significant the difficulties risk. and resource 5 the to The Commission burdens involved in _._ meeting this standard. Supplement manufacturers affirmative obligation supplements are manufacturer should the supplement not involve should safe. If they report that is otherwise. only finished drug the active decision emphasizes purpose to the basis purpose indicates that against ingredients the determining purpose marketing such as those to research supplements in Taxol: 6 exclusion applied a supplement new drug. cases, that The and law in place with drug intent. exclusion suggests A commentary on DSHEA covers flingredientsff of "an FDA, by rule, and prior the existing may have been broader. to protect in supplements unless of the definitional the exclusion prevent 1659 (D. Utah 1999). an approved language, as leaving and detail Congress' had a wider for textual to the the Committee is this and not of that dietary found that ingredient the Lexis of products, warning Court decision as a new drug" The court contains The length definition approved provides views Congress' the of measure. I understand 1999 U.S.Dist. the the safety recommended in this in views on the District from that by FDA. I FDA require testing, that Such a measure would but FDA has not acted on this DSHEA excludes respect on the label approval that Pharmanex v. Shalala, to do safety has not been substantiated. interested article needed to establish do not put a warning 5. Pharmanex v. Shalala. also have a legally-enforceable to do the testing pre-market Commission deception, P. 22. and that investment, containing Congress and to guard botanical , “Under this provision, ingredients drugs would not be dietary supplement purpose behind the provision drug ingredients natural the of time another bona fide new investment into use in new drugs.[Footnote] was that anti-neoplastic ingredients....The as research negotiations concern taxophen, for marketed as new was to protect as well ingredients first leading to the abortifacient agents derived enactment, ingredients from botanicals, might be marketedias dietary Bass & Young, DSHEA:A Legislative At and such as supplements.ff History See and Analysis 36 (1996). The provision marketing of these labeling supplements supplement drug sold review has the by and all a manufacturer's additional provides intent. and approval that active the can be considered Congress may have believed was needed in the unusual same of the a forum to consider the factors ingredient of the Supreme Court was to expand FDA's ability and the impact authority to regulate impact review case in which a found in a marketed new prescription. The impact Court FDA regulatory of the product in determining this for of the to regulate Pharmanex a supplement may need further cases cited decision products is as a drug. consideration in by the District to as drugs, narrow This difference determining FDA's in Congress' intent. 6. Determining whether FDA is DSHEA's intent. carrying out the 7 Finally, there intent of is debate about DSHEA. But the .., underlying DSHEA is .,,,.. _ an enigma. various agree that does not have this a * .“..a ,... r while . j .,.. in my view, limit : .- issue I believe authority to ., are ambiguous, safety, criteria . “.....S. that substantiate authority further ._ inappropriate authority, a full _“I against give FDA stronger provide _,.,,I.. guard FDA has that of the hearing. __I Thus, clear record sic ways. DSHEA and provide I ask that . . The provisions do more to will _ is hard to resolve ensure that manufacturers all ,,. ,._ ,., reason why it interpreted should, -“.,. and can be FDA can, I recognize under DSHEA. Congress should inappropriate copy of my testimony be included %.._S. ,,._. 8 and to that not If FDA revisit claims I would be glad to answer questions Thank you. and and of supplements. information. , is because claims, to ensure the safety .“. in the or to ._